#THATS ALL U GET cause im embarrased
kerstivia · 1 year
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im so tired
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vynlqwv · 1 year
Saw your requests were open! Sorry if this is like, cringy? But maybe a denji x reader (ft Nayuta) where denji realizes that he likes reader, and not in a lustful way, like he feels safe around her and all that cute shit he deserves? Thank u!
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"𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘴, 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵."
a/n : hello!! this is oficially my first ever csm fanfic i've written or you could say firsg ever fanfic that i've made. Please give feedback on what you think about this fic!! Thank you so much for ur request! <3
(WARNING : MANGA SPOILERS!! , insecure denji )
denji x fem! reader
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For all these years, denji felt he was destined to be lonely. All denji wanted is to have a normal life, yet his life even became more ruined after he met makima.
His luck with love is shit, why does every woman that he ever met only wanted his chainsaw heart but not him? what was he lacking that other guys have and he dosen't? is he not good enough? those thoughts run over his head while suddenly, he heard an familliar voice.
"𝙃𝙚𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙞, 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙠𝙖𝙮?"
he looked at the direction where the voice came from, it was you. he spoke up and said "oh i'm fine, how is nayuta doing?" he said with a soft voice "she's sleeping soundly with the dogs beside her." y/n said while lowering her head to rest against the glass lining of the balcony.
God, she look so mesmerizing right now. He looked at her and observed her features. "you're really pretty." he musters out, barely audible. "Did you say something, denji?" she lifted her head up from the glass lining to face denji. "N-no! im okay!" he sputters out, embarrased. "Oh crap! i'm gonna get going now denji, it's really getting late and i still have some stuff to do, see you tomorrow! i promise to come over here again! Goodnight denji."
He watches her leave the apartment, was she always this pretty? considering it, she was always there for me even through the rough times that he's been through. Am i inlove? for real this time? i get so shy around her and my heart feels like its about to get out of my chest! god, can a guy ever get a break?
The next day comes by quickly, denji tiredly went to the couch and immidiately rested his head against y/n's shoulder while nayuta is in her lap watching tv together. "Oh hey denji! how was your day at work?" she beamed, eyes lighting up with join seeing him. that has gotta mean somethinf right? does she enjoy talking to me? "it was alright, i tried to do work quickly as possible but those damn devils kept on wasting my time." he sighs as he burries his head in your neck.
"Hey y/n, what do you think of me?" he randomnly says. "What do i think of you? I think of you as a person thats really important to me, i will always tey ti help you no matter what situation in you're in. cause i love you." she says truthfully but she mumbled the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear it.
"You love me?!" he bolts out in surprise, startling a sleeping nayuta.
"i feel the same way y/n, i love you too"
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first fanfic in tumblr ☹️☹️💪💪💯💯
i do not own any of the characters in chainsawman.
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
Bro i just talked about that topic with a friend and i find it so interesting as well cause in my male queer ships that arent from bl most of the fandom seems to be queer women.
Its very interesting to think about why bl is mostly women. A part may be that we are attracted to one or both characters but that tends to be the case with straight ships too i believe, hust now youre attracted to both.
I think it all comes to what female representation in media is like and who fenale characters are written by. I find it incredibly frustrating to keep watching tv shows that are led by the male gaze and only get frustrated when female characters are just an asset to make the male lead better or just are the romantic interest or the bad guy or sometimes in shows teenage characters with whom i could mostly never relate. I think bls are written or made by mostly women or queer people so its kind of refreshing to not only dont have to see a straight relationship and feel forced to relate to the girl/woman but also with seeing men being written in a way that is more appealing. Bl i think is kind of targetted to women and there is a side where some people may fetishize it or just be creepy about it but mostly its just a gay relationship in a tv show, its not that odd.
Also as a queer women i can tell you we are always looking for representation and bl is a big industry where you can find a lot of people who really try hard to show a good message and end the tabu around queer couples (and some who dont which we know but well). I would like that there were more gl things but i guess this shit works in a certain way, maybe in the future we will be able to improve more since in the last few years the bl industry has improved dramatically in its ways.
I really have been thinking about it and men just are so restricted in all aspects or life, that its so refreshing to see different kinds of ways men express themselves without them exploiting the idea of a woman that men create. Its refreshing to see the actors be more comfortable and create a safe space where they dont have to feel obligated to be always limiting and controlling their actions. I think its jut a good female space where women dont have to feel uncomfortable relating all the time to weird female characters and also seeing men in a different light (this last thing doesnt only happen in bl, if u see the kind of characters women love, at least in my case, are jake peralta or nick from new girl, not the male alpha sex symbol). Idk, theres a lot to say about this, i saw an article and took a few screenshots so ill try to leave them down here.
Also at the end of the day everyone watches what they watch. People shouldnt feel ashamed and i, for example, am a bisexual women so if it were that im attracted to both men and thats the only reason why i watch bl or gay ships then i should feel the same with straight couples...right?
Also watching gay or any queer couple isnt fetishizing or weird or embarrasing. Stop stigmatizing queer people and making it as if it were sooo different from watching straight people in tv shows. There are many issues in the bl industry but it also isnt a bad place. Actors are always embraced in the induatry and fans support them so much (idk too deep about some ships or fandoms, a lot is fanservice which is ok too, but for example offgun and their fandom which is amazing). Everything in the world has faults and bad spots but also...stop u guys lol
Ill drop the screenshot (which i just realized is in spanish so sorry if yall dont speak spanish but if u do here u go!!) and ill leave hahah sorry for the long ass text but i was just thinking about it.
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hello there!
thank you very much for sharing your thoughts!
I don't want to make this too long; not because I don't want to answer but because you already made very good points. I don't think I need to add much 🙈
Also I don't know spanish so I can't read the screenshot but I very much agree with the last chapter of your text. The fetishization issue is still very relevant because sadly it still exists in big parts of the fandom but you're absolutely right about the stigmatizaton part!!
so thank you again!! ✌🏻
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sortavibing · 3 years
hi!! i'd like to request a haikyuu matchup? if thats okay lol so i go by rain and tbh im unsure about my pronouns but i go by she/they i think. i have shoulderlength brown hair but im dying it soon, i wear glasses and have my lip pierced,im 5'5" and uhh im biromantic and again v v unsure abt the whole ₛₑₓ stuff lmao my ennegram type if group 9 though idk what that means and im infp and a ravenclaw,, i rollerskate! (badly) and knit, crochet, sew etc and i love to read!!!! my starsign is leo and i love the arcade, cities (im from a v v rural area so i find it exciting), swimming, music and tbh my dream job is working in a book shop or a library and i know SO much useless information n i tend to just sah random facts that pop into my head sometimes,, i kin yamaguchi and kinda asahi? uhh im a really picky eater which is kinda embarrasing😳 my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation,, the only things i really look for in a partner is if they're okay with taking it slow? is that a thing? trust is big for me bcus im insecure about like everything lmao but i dont tell many ppl and have a hard time opening up but im working on it i only tell ppl stuff if i rlly trust them,, i think im more of a listener than a talker but occasionally i'll just go OFF talking abt a random youtube video i watched or smth,, uh and like every single year i start a bullet journal or any sort of journal and i set it up so it looks rlly nice then i never use it again???? idk why its annoying asf
i'd like a romantic relationship pls bcus valentines day is coming up n im feeling lonely😌🤚
tysm dear!!!! also apologies bcus i feel like i overshared a bit too much im so sorry i either say nothing or too much lmao but i hope you have a good day/night!!!! also remember to eat/drink/take ur meds if u have them
ack hello! thank you for requesting! i’ve been swamped with requests recently so sorry that i wasn’t able to get it to you sooner! you seem so sweet omg- also i aspire to learn how to rollerskate, but like i know imma just fucking die because i don’t know how to stop🤠 also, there is no need to be sorry, all the information really helped me make it more personal :) anyways, here’s your matchup!
generating matchup...
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matchup: complete
i match you up with akaashi!
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one of the first dates you went on with him was pretty chill, and you guys just explored tokyo, finding small pastry shops, looking at the cute things in stores, and just enjoying each others company while being able to walk around the city. he offered to pay for everything (like the gentleman he is), and in the end, he bought you a little keychain to remind you of the date.
he loves to listen to you talk about the most random shit ever, and he always knows when to put in his opinion to keep the conversation going. akaashi thinks whatever you say is fascinating, and he is really happy that you are comfortable enough to open up to him about the most random shit, or a real problem that is bothering you. 
he is also more comfortable with taking it slow, since he believes trust and understanding is the most important parts of a relationship, so he will never force you to anything that you are uncomfortable with, no matter how small the action is. he will always remind you that he is there for you, and to never worry about disappointing him, because he is just happy to be dating you.
akaashi once took you on a date to a roller skating rink, and he was actually really good (of course he is), and he tried his best not to laugh at when you fell, but he failed🤠 after that, he was sure to help you, and after the end of the date you actually got pretty good at roller-skating, and akaashi just pretended that he didn’t laugh the first time he saw you fall.
he will buy you romantic books that remind him of you, and will write cute little notes in the margins, saying things like “this scene reminds me of us”, or “you are way prettier than they are”. and he really likes when you talk about the book you recommended with him, and he will get especially happy if you mention the notes.
since you like physical affection, akaashi will always be holding your hand or at least locking pinkies while you guys are together. he loves to know that you are there, and he will always have a slight blush on his face when you take his hand first. if he’s feeling extra romantic, he will kiss you on the top of the head, and just watch you get a little flustered.
akaashi knows that you are a picky eater, so he will memorize everything you don’t like to eat, and if you guys are ever going anywhere to eat, he will make sure that you actually are enjoying your food, and will always order something that fits your taste for himself, just in case you don’t like what you ordered.
he will do a bullet journal with you as well, and would match the aesthetic of yours, so you guys can have cute matching journals. akaashi would definitely write about you, and if you ever ask to see what he wrote, he will get a little bit flustered, because he doesn’t want you seeing him being too sappy, but if you ever convince him to let you read it, it’s literally the sweetest thing ever, and you want to keep it forever.
if you guys are apart for a long time, you guys will trade songs that you think remind you of the other person, and you and akaashi will put the songs into a playlist, so you can listen to it if you guys are ever missing each other. akaashi listens to the playlist a lot, though he will never tell you just how many times.
overall, you guys are so cute together, and akaashi will always be there to listen to you ramble, boost your confidence, and just look out for you whenever he can. he just wants to see you happy, and he is really happy that he can be the person to cause you to smile most of the time. 
i hope you enjoyed!
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hanazou · 3 years
thats ok!! im not even interested in being in a relationship i just,,, like u softly u kno thas all,,, but i had to go n make a fool of myself wITH PEOPLE WATCJING,,, i am being insecure right now no one talk me #&/&:2:/#/#ahaha bye ❤️🌷
@slashingsaplins u saying u r proud of me was the ice on top n now im crying bc too much embarrasment but also thanks for not making fun of me i love u thank u 😭❤️🌷
OK OK I fear I mightve said something I didn't mean to that caused you to feel embarrassed or insecure so let me rephrase what I meant❣
You are more than welcomed to DM me or to stay as an anon because ultimately, I want you to feel comfortable with yourself most first before getting to know me because you're your own person 💗 And I'm too indecisive and easily flustered, hence why I "warned" you
At the end of the day, I'm very very grateful for your confession and feel blessed to know you. Whatever step you want to take next is always yours to choose and I have no right to make you feel ashamed. Owkay? 😋💘
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shimmerystyles · 6 years
hi i'd like to stop in to request a VAL AND SHAWN blurb/story/WHATEVER WE DECIDED ON (ps ily)
YES CHRIS!!!! heheheheh val we’re ready to make gO CRAZYYYY
this is dedicated to my val @calumaf frm the cakenetwork hehe
Shawn x Val 
word count: 920.
Summary: Val has always loved going to concerts, dancing with friends, getting tipsy off overpriced alcohol, but this time she meets somebody new and exciting who makes any concert she’s been to in the past, nothing compared to this
warnings: swearing, alcohol (i think that’s it??)Going to concerts were a usual for Val, she has always been the one to buy presale tickets to ENSURE that she would be there. She loved all music, all genres, and most importantly, loved the rush that concerts gave her. This one in particular was in LA, meaning LOADS and LOADS of celebrities were going to be there, and that meant she wanted to look her best. She frantically searched her hotel room for the outfit that she planned and found it quickly.
She threw on a simple tube top, skinny jeans to make her ass POP, and sneakers because, comfort comes first ladies. She grabbed her id and the tickets and off she was with her friends to party her night away. 
State Champs were playing at the Rogers Stadium, and needless to say, Val was BEYOND excited. She pulled out her phone and started to snapchat her tickets and walking into the venue. As she was posting one, she bumped into someone, causing her to drop her ticket. 
“Honey, i’m so sorry!” The man exclaimed. As val looked up, she saw someone she never thought she’d see. Shawn fucking Mendes
“I-It’s okay” She stutters out as he smiles handing her the ticket. “I’m Shawn” He flashes his smile and she squeals internally to no end. “I’m Valerie, but my friends call me Val.” She blushed and he chuckled softly. “Well, Val. Enjoy the show. Maybe I’ll see you later?” He let go of her ticket and she smiled. “Definitely” She said not realizing that it escaped her lips unexpectedly. He shoots her a wink and walks towards his friends, leaving Val in complete shock.
“VAL HURRY UP, WE’RE GOING INSIDE” her friends exclaim as they reach the front of the line. She runs over to them and heads to their designated area.
She immediately goes to the bar area and gets 2 ciders for her and her friend, and as she’s about to pay, an arm extends in front of her and taps their card on the card machine. She looks up, and it’s Shawn smiling at her. “I-I’m sorry, that was very forward, but I had to buy you a drink. You just- I don’t know there’s something about you, Val. You’re alluring.” She feels her cheeks get warm as she smiles. “Thanks, you’re not too bad looking yourself” She winks and turns away from him and feels like the coolest girl in the venue. It was cheesy but it definitely had Shawn feeling like he had to get to know her MORE.
Once they got to their section, she immediately gushes to her friends about her encounter with the Canadian boy.
“He paid for my ciders, and he looked like a walking angel you guys, he was so beautiful. I can’t even believe how someone like him could even look at someone like me” she sighs sipping her cider. 
“Well, believe it babe” 
She turns her head and sees him take a seat next to her. “What are the odds that we’re next to eachother?” He chuckles. Val feels her face HEAT UP out of excitement and embarrasment. “That just means we’ll have to party together, all night.” He says raising his beer up and sipping it. Leaving you to smile and sip your cider as well. 
While they waited for the band to go on, they talked about interests, music tastes, and what Val quickly found out was that all the while, she wasn’t thinking about “Shawn Mendes: the famous singer” she was thinking about Shawn, the cute boy who paid for her cider and was interested in getting to know her. It warmed her heart that he was so open to talking to her and being so forward. Most guys suck, but this one, was everything she wanted him to be and more.
They continued to dance and party together the entire concert, and not once did their phones come out. Once the show ended, Shawn grabbed Val’s hand and looked at her. “Wanna get out of here?” He smiled. Butterflies grew in Val’s stomach QUICKLY. “Definitely.” They get out of the crowd and into an uber to wherever the night was going to take them.
They went to a 24 hour diner, and drank Oreo milkshakes. Sharing life experiences, Val gushing about concerts, him smiling as she got excited. It was clear a connection was forming and they both wanted something to happen.
As they felt the night come to a close, they both pulled up to the hotel they were staying at and got to the elevator. Feeling the dread of having to leave was breaking Val’s heart, what she didn’t know, was that Shawn felt the same way.
“You have my snap? My insta? My number?” He frantically asked, making sure you both followed eachother on everything. “And your twitter, dork” Val smirks and he smiles. “Tonight was incredible, I haven’t felt like this in a long time Val.” He says grabbing your hand. “I had a great time, Shawn” She squeezes his and he lets out a soft laugh. Their gazes met and Shawn took the leap and kissed her softly. She smiled and pulled away. “I’ll text you in the morning, Val.” He says letting you go into the elevator. “You better.” She winks and he winks back, causing them both to laugh and wave goodbye for the night.
Once Val was by herself, she started to happy dance and squeal in the elevator.
(if you’re still here Val and not dead, hi babe, i love u soooo much and I hope you love it!! if u dont, im sorry hheheheheheh)
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Dream cappp lmao
So last night b4 bed i said im gonna shuffle for what hes dreaming about/what to look for as a sign if i join him. To see if its him, tap into telepathic comm.
I got ride by lana, and godless. So i went to bed with the intention and was on the lookout
Uhh what was interesting is that, we were together and i was with him like the whole time. I cant remember anything about the signs necessarily but for the past few nights he's just been "there" or in our group.
But tonight we were like soft dating and it was v cute. I just liked being attached at the hip and walking with him everywhere. We were in and out of the truck going places together and i love thatt. Lol so maybe ride was mentioned and i missed it
So we were in this classroom setting. Lately ive been having setups from that old reoccuring dream where im trying to catch my bus before it leaves in pvi. So we were in a math classroom, most of the squad, and then one day i pulled up with Liam. And everyone was already there and i thought it was cool to be walking in there with him as like his date, cause i saw some of our friends were jealous.
And we immediately sat down and started laughing and joking and being cute but also apart of the group as a pair. And so weird, we're sitting there and a commercial plays thats an ad for this new show. Like sitcom or something right. And the tv show is called "The Sad Tylers" and it was in big block blue letters. The show was about basically your typical sitcom family but everyone is sad and not positive and grumpy and mean??
And apparently in the dream that was an idea that Liam had come up with soooo long ago. And we both were so shook like holy shit you literally said this? hahaha so stupid. But we were so excited and trying to tell everyone like "omg omg liam literally said this.....god we had just met, so it had to be? September right?" just being so obnoxiously and couply haha.
So then another section, we were in this theater, i dont know if ive said this often but lately im like alwayssssss in an opera style theater with traditional red curtains and dome seating at least once every dream. Sometimes im trying to get my seats and i came late, sometimes im sitting in the back with friends during a movie? play? sometimes im on stage learning a play, and sometimes im on stage at night when its empty talking shit with my friends.
No idea what that means.
But we were in the theater and i was with liam and friends/fam. BUt i had to go to the bathroom. Yep u guessed it. It wsa that scary bathroom. I go and i close the stall and right after me comes in elijah and some other people and he was crying and ranting and they went into the stall next to me but didnt know i was there.
I however, noticed i was on my period and bled through my jeans. It was covered by my cardigan so no one saw it and i could hide it temporarily but i needed to change.
So i was thinking what could i do? i dont wanna go home cause i dragged liam here and it would be weird to leave without him. Then i remembered liam and i had full packed luggages in his trunk, duh! lol no srsly where were we going. But yea, so i just needed to get his keys and grab a change of clothes. No biggie.
So i go out to the theatre again, covering my embarrasing blood. And i dont see liam, so i start asking people. Like did you see where Liam went? And i asked my dad and he said "oh Liam hes getting into some trouble" and i was like huh? wym. But then he said like, why u need his car, i could help you? And i was like noo why is my dad making this a moment right now, its not about that i need my clothes.
SO i went outside looking for the truck and for him, and i kept seeing his car but then i would get close and it was like a dark green instead of black or wrong license plate like they were all almost him but not him. Adn i think i found it. Also outside of the "theater" was just a elongated chipperfield driveway.
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trcnquils-archive · 6 years
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hihi everyone !! lily here with my favourite son , raffy !!! but like .. if you call him that he’ll definitely get booty tickled :/ anymeme , i’m just gonna warn you guys now that this intro’s gonna be pure garbage . like i know people joke but srsly ... anyways i have a stats page for raf here and a wc tag here but no bio bc i ... don’t have the emotional energy for that SO here’s the run down !
* raul esparza , forty five , cismale — hey , have you seen rafael romero anywhere ? i’m hearing beyond the sea by bobby darin so he must be around here somewhere . hm , maybe they’re at home in commercial drive or at work . they’re a high school teacher , y’know . people also call them the academic ‘cause they can be pretty reserved & stubborn . but others say they’re also benevolent & empathetic , so i guess it balances out .
okay not to be dramatic but .. raf had a pretty rough childhood idk why but ... all of my muses did .. maybe i’m projecting or maybe i like 2 suffer but uk.. its wtvr ig :/ 
death tw / cancer tw
— born in dawson creek , british columbia , raf’s family had to move to the small city of grande prairie when he was around eight years old . his dad was laid off from his job at the oil patch and they moved to alberta for the supposedly better jop opportunities but with only a high school diploma and his lack of ambition , there really wasn’t much there for him . 
— with 5 kids in the family and an unemployed dad , raf always kinda knew the #struggle . and when he thought things couldn’t get any harder ! raf’s mom was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer his freshman year of high school , it kinda ran in her side of the family . then by the time sophomore year rolled around , raf was helping his dad plan her funeral .
— after that , things really started going downhill fast . his dad still couldn’t find a job and started pretty much flaking on them , disappearing multiple nights in a row , drinking heavily . raf’s dad was a good man , respectful , and care about his kids but just not enough . it came to a point when raf reached his eighteenth birthday that he just left them , with nothing more than a note apologizing , saying they’d do better without him . 
— throughout high school and up until his college years you better believe that raf was on that work grind™ . his mom left him and his siblings the house plus a decent amount of money but he wanted to save that money for their schooling so he was working multiple jobs at a time , some full time , just to support himself and his siblings . raf missed so much school one year that he almost failed his junior year of high school . but grande prairie was a small place and all of his teachers pretty much knew what was going on so they cut him some slack .
— really , they pitied the kid . they tried really hard to help him in whatever way they could his senior year since they knew raf actually had potential . they got him to focus more on his education and work just that much harder and it all paid off ! because raf got a full-ride scholarship to the university of british columbia . things really started looking up after this .
— since he refused to leave his siblings behind , raf sold their house in grande prairie and used the money from that with the money their mom left them to move himself and his siblings to the tiniest , cheapest apartment he could find in vancouver . while still working , in ubc he completed his bachelor’s in english and afterwards he got accepted into their law school .
— after law school , raf flitted around the city between different jobs at smaller firms for a couple of years until landing a decent one at one of the city’s top corporate law firms . there , he worked his way up and up through the years , earning a name for himself in the city until he reached the title of senior partner . throughout this , he supported his siblings , helping put them through college , etc .
— it was some time around this point in his life that raf fell in love , got married , and had a kid of his own . but he was so focused on work , not wanting his family to go through the same financial struggles he did , that he completely forgot about spending time with his wife and son . this was the main reason his wife divorced him and moved out of their condo and this kinda .. what led raf to ~reinvent~ himself and have a reverse mid-life crisis jfdijfing
— so he dropped his HIGH-PAYING JOB AT A TOP NOTCH CORPORATE LAW FIRM smh ,,, and picked up a teaching job at his sons high school :/ can u say .. embarrasing .. but he a smort binch and worked smth out money wise so that they’re not broke .... like a savings ? im a dum binch so idk but like ... yeah ....
— so like right now , raf just wants to spend time with his son , inspire kids , help them the way his old teachers helped them in high school . even tho ... he kinda fucked emotionally , doesn’t think his feelings are valid ... #relatable #toxic masculinity ,, but like hes TRYING ok 
— coworkers !! pls ! maybe they get along , maybe raf hates them , maybe they hate raf , gimme all of it !
— friends ! casual or more the ride or die , “i won’t let you go through this alone” type , whatever works !!
— former students . again , maybe they hated each other , or maybe ! raf changed someone’s life , a gal can only dream right ...
— neighbours . if ur muse lives in commercial drive in a maybe nicer condo , cause y’know , he spoils his son , then ! maybe they cld be neighbours !!
— uhhh people who are friends w his son ? idk that’s kinda weird but he’s like 17/18 sooo uk , go off
— someone that knew him from his #lawyerdays would be cool too ! so if your muse is in tht typa scene .. they cld meet him now n be like ... wow u rlly downgraded :/
— idk being a dad is natural to him , he’s been a dad since he was like 15 so if ur muse needs guidance ... the light ... a father figure ... big brother .... let a heaux know cause i think raf lowkey thrives off of being needed ....
— anything else ! if you have any other ideas or maybe we shld just surprise ourselves and completely do it chem based , that’s cool too ! i’m literally down for anything !!
there’s a bunch of personality stuff on  his stats page i don’t wanna make this any longer than it already is SO THATS IT IM DONE IM GOING TO STOP TYPING NOW BUT PLS !! give my sad boi some life
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milkymoos · 7 years
50-99 hav fun :)
i hate u but im gonna do it.
left or right handed?
righty tighty !!
are you scared of spiders?
sure diddly am 
favourite food?
avocados or potatoes and green beans 
favourite foreign food?
sushi i suppose 
are you a clean or messy person?
clean i think but my room and bathroom are both realllllllllllllly messy rn
most used phrased?
what the hap is fuckening or henlo lads or hello! im a lesbian hfjaklsjhfhsj
most used word?
fuck or gay
how long does it take for you to get ready?
if its in the mornings before school like fifteen minutes bc fuck school but if im doing my make up and going out with friends like 2 hours sorry
do you have much of an ego?
do you suck or bite lollipops?
give em a good succ
do you talk to yourself?
no, never. yeah ofc i fucking do what kind of question is this? everyone talks to themselves
do you sing to yourself?
yeah lmao
are you a good singer?
i already answered this but for ur sake; no. leah says sometimes i am but really i am not i just sound like a goose being stabbed, but i mean u can be the judge.
biggest fear?
abandonment, but thats too deep so like the dark
are you a gossip?
i love some gossip every now and then
best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
dunkirk, that was pretty dramatic
do you like long or short hair?
long hair but like does it really matter? no
can you name all 50 states of America?
yeah but im not gonna prove myself because thats so much typing and i have to spell every state right wtf
favourite school subject?
photography and english
extrovert or Introvert?
somewhere in the middle
have you ever been scuba diving?
no, but my brother has
what makes you nervous?
lol a lot of things?????????????????????????????
are you scared of the dark?
literally did i not just say that i was
do you correct people when they make mistakes?
yeah cause i love the drama of it all…lmao no it depends on what it is
are you ticklish?
this is sensitive information
have you ever started a rumour?
i dont think so
have you ever been in a position of authority?
i mean like i babysit kids and if they piss me off i yell so yes? is that what the question us asking? im a bottom??????
have you ever drank underage?
im a child of jesus h christ
have you ever done drugs?
i take four different prescription pills everyday so yeah! 
who was your first real crush?
what larrie made this
how many piercings do you have?
zero, but i would like some
can you roll your Rs?
no, doesn’t mean im not good with my tongue tho ;))))))) dahklfhjsdfafo
how fast can you type?
it depends if its something normal like an essay maybe like two words a minute but like if harry does something gay like 4821794087567234856 words a second ya know
how fast can you run?
am i being chased by a bear?
what colour is your hair?
brown, it used to be blonde and i think next year im gonna go back to blonde spoiler alert!
what colour are your eyes?
brown rip
what are you allergic to?
bees and pollen
do you keep a journal?
sorta, i have one that i barely write in
what do your parents do?
my dad is a software engineer and my mom steals money from my dad lol she’s wonderful!
do you like your age?
no im too old jfhalkjfhaog;a
what makes you angry?
my mother and donald trump, but other than that not much
do you like your own name?
 i mean not really but u win some u lose some u know
have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
yell heah i used to have like a whole list of names on my phone cause when i’d write i needed name references, but then i got a new phone and my life got screwed over anYWAY thats not that point uhhhhhh i like u know what its embarrasing NEVERMIND  
do you want a boy a girl for a child?
i want whatever my child want how bout that u stinky birb of a question 
what are you strengths?
uhm well excuse me while i talk myself up a bit but im caring and funny and im a good listener and im freaking adorable thanks for ur time lol idk i have no strengths i h8 myself bye
what are your weaknesses?
i get too attached to people and i give people too many chances and im too nice ok but uhm thats also too deep so cute animals and people that are named after flowers thanks for ur time haHa
how did you get your name?
i just asked my dad and he laughed and said “what do you mean” and then went “we just picked it” and apparently my name was supposed to be nicole ashley then ashley nicole and now its allison nicole. i have no significance to the world apparently. my chinese name is siaw rui
were your ancestors royalty?
my last name means king/emperor in chinese so careful ur talking to a princess 
do you have any scars?
yeah mostly from petting cats that didn’t want to be pet and then them attacking me sajdfkahf but all the other ones are like on the inside sjkdffasjdkfhsdfsdfkl hsdfk;sadjfhsklfsjfs IM LAUFHIGN
colour of your bedspread?
i have three ones like yellow, turquoise, and has branches on it, then the other one is just turquoise, and then i have a brown one  
colour of your room?
i also already answered this one and you know, but it’s white
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 4]
I’m on a roll.
There’s more rape in this one; it’s not really described in detail, though. There are also references to what occurred in the last chapter, and an instance of mostly consensual sexual activity (although it stops short of actual sex).
Recap: Last chapter, Tiaa’s foster parents Dave and Marie left on a trip, leaving her in the care of “Uncle Larry” (Dave’s brother), who promptly began beating and raping Tiaa. After one such incident, she ran off into the woods and encountered a strange man who claimed to be her father before blacking out.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
AN = No flames pls, theres no point!if u dnt like my story dnt read it, its as simple as that!
I never got the whole “don’t like, don’t read” thing. How can you know if you like it if you haven’t read it?
btw atlantiana is NOT marisue be cause look she is NOT perfect and not everyone in the stiry likes her! she has problems and she has flaws and shes UNHAPPY would u like her life?i no i wouldnt, its totally tragic and horible.u flamers arent even makin sense1
Having bad things happen to your character doesn’t make her less of a Mary Sue. Loads of Sues have tragic backstories. Look at Batman.
Chapter 4 - la push
I sat quitely on the la push beech apart form the party that was going on beside me. Mike Nooton was following me round like a pulpy and he was so borin! None of the things he had to say were interesting but I was nice to him because he wasnt a bad guy.
That’s actually pretty in-character for the guy, if I remember the Twilight Saga correctly. He’s nice, but not very interesting. I think Bella even made the puppy comparison at one point.
My thoughts were elsewhere - i could'nt stop thinking about the events of last night, when uncle larry had raped me and I had had my scary vision in the forest and a tall p[ale guy in my mind had cale me his daughter. I didnt understand any of I felt so so awful that I had been rapped by that hideous pervy SICKO when I had bin saving myself for the right guy and for marriage and my virginity was torn from my grasp by that twisted guy, it was so crule and unfair, it made me want to cry
So uh… what happened after she blacked out in the woods? Was her dad gone when she woke up? Did Uncle Larry do anything else to her after she returned home? Did she return home?
"omg MIKE watt are you doing talkin to HER?" I turned round and saw four nasty faces learing at us. It was the chearleaders I had seen in the cafetearia, and one of them was the girl dateing Ewdard Cullen, the brown hare girl who was standing at the back looking moody but not saying anything
You know her name! You’ve called her by name before!
"Stop being mean Jessica" mike said angerly "tiaas' awesome and if you can't see that its just you bein blind and shallow and stupid like your all ways are"
Think this is the author calling out her flamers or what?
"yah I mean look at her clothes, she looks like a stupid goth biaach with her slutty top and short skirt and fithnet tights is she a RAT HOOKER or what?" Jessica screamed.
Man, I love this fic. “RAT HOOKER” is a great insult.
She was realy ugly when she shouted even though she was technology a hot chick and was dressed in skimpy pink clothes.
I don’t remember Jessica that well from the books, but I think she was described as short and a chatterbox. I don't think she was a cheerleader or had a particular fondness for pink. Also she was dating Mike at one point after Bella set them up with each other.
"you no what Jess, you and YOur frends are SO shallow and YOU are the real slut! you and bella and angela and laruen may were short skirts and low cut tops an stuff but that doesnt maek u beautiful! Its watt underneath that counts!" mike shouted
Wait, so are they sluts because they wear revealing clothes or because of their behavior? Because right here it seems like Mike is criticizing them based on how they dress, which is a bit weird when we remember Tiaa also wears revealing clothing (“fishnet top” ring a bell?).
"yah, speakin of witch" said a sly blond girl in the gang who was called lauren, pointing at me "watts with her breasts, they are huge, I bet they are fake!- she laughed and her friends all laughed too even bella and angela who had been quiet until then.
I don’t remember a damn thing about Lauren or Angela but I remember they both existed. One of them was definitely shy but I don’t remember which.
I got up and pushed past them and ran away into the darkness. I cold hear them all laughing at me and i felt so embarrased I was relay sensitive about the waste I looked I hated the fact that it made all girls hate me and all guys stare at me, I would have given anything to be ugly or just inviable. I wasnt stuck up and didnt think I was beta than anyone else because of how I looked I just wanted people to treat me like a normal person! I could'nt help being slim and blond with relay big boobs it wasnt my fault I hadnt done anything wrong!
Remember in chapter 1 when Tiaa talked about how she used to be self-conscious about her appearance but got over it and now doesn’t care what people say about her?
-are u ok?" said someone from beside me
If you don’t have that MCR song playing in your head right now I don’t know what’s wrong with you.
"who arr you?" i asked. 3 realy pretty goth girls were standing there smilin at me and I smiled back
Oh, of course, the Sue’s backup choir.
-we are tyffani, abigaille and rochelle" they said smiling "you seem cool, do you want to be our freinds?"
I like the idea that Tiaa could be multiple friends.
Judging from the names, these three are children of that white mom whose baby name photo went viral on the internet. The one who named her kid Lakynn or something.
"ya of course, i'm just a bit meloncolly cause those horrible chearleaders were bein mean jerks and saying my boobs were fake" i said
"omg, u mean jessica and bellas gang? They hate us too because we dont care what they think" said tyfanni "they are just jealous cause youre the prettiest girl in the school now and theyre all plain next to you but we dont care about stuff like that, we only care about peoples personalities “
“That’s why we made sure to talk about how pretty we think you are.”
"cool" I said, and we talked for hours
I talked to tyfanni, rochelle and abigail for hours and they were so cool.
How long was that again?
I'd never had proper freinds before who didnt care watt i looked like or where I came from they just liked me for me, and I liked them cause they were uber cool and we had loads of stuff in common! But after a while they all went home and I stayed on the beech.
Glad we skipped the scene where Tiaa has fun with her friends so that we can get back to the part where Uncle Larry assaults her again. Nice to see the author prioritizing.
It was getting late but I didnt want to go home to uncle larry in case he raped me on his car again.
Phrasing seems to imply that if he raped her in a different location it would be alright.
Soddenly I heard a voice from behind me.
I hope “soddenly” is an intentional double entendre.
"well tiaa, thou seem to be causing quite a stir at school" his voice was smooth and sexoy and from another time.
Who could this be?
Never would have guessed!
"what do you mean!" I demanded
"basically every gay at school wants to have sex with thee, and every girl wants to eat thee alive for it, hows that for causing a stir my lady?" he smiled and kissed my neck.
Wait, every gay at school? Including the gay boys? This girl is powerful.
"shut up jerk! Btw I met youre girlfriend before, bella I think her name is! I dont like her or anything, but how the hell can u cheat on her like that and kiss me how u did? Its sick ur a cheatin bastard and i should tell everyone. Tyfanni told me you and bella are like the schools golden couple or something, watt would happen if I told ppl how you had acted in that corridoor with me?"
Uh… the fic would go in a direction I don’t expect it to and it might be redeemed somewhat by at least being less predictable?
"OMG SWEET LADY! THY MUST NOT TELL ANYONE! " he screamed "it was a moment of madness thats all! Im so so sorry for watt happened,i hope thine can forgive me, but ive promised myself to bella and thats just how it is, no matter how much thou intrests me"
Use of OMG may seem anachronistic, but that abbreviation has actually been in use since the early 1900s, so it’s totally reasonable that Edward might use it. Although probably not out loud.
"fine, then stay away from me " I shouted as I left to go home but he followed me and grabbed me and pushed me down on the grind.
I think he’s sending mixed signals.
I was burning with anger and fury but I wanted him so deafly i didnt even try to resist him.
So deafly?
He new how much i wanted him and it drove me mad. He put his hands inside my panties and i gasped. I was soddenly desperate to sex with him and i tore my clothes off and i was in my underwear.
Again, I hope that’s innuendo, but in this fic it’s actually possible the author thinks “suddenly” is spelled like that.
I took off my bra and showed him my naked heaving beasts.
Nothing turns a guy on like naked heaving beasts!
"have sex with me now edward " I whispered
" i cant " he said, although his body was on top of mine and his fingers touched my nipples
"please, i'm begging you" I said, hating myself for being such a dirty hore but unable to control my burning desire
No one in this fic has any self-control whatsoever, huh?
-NOOOO!" he shouted and ran away crying.
I put my clothes back on slowly feeling so ashamed and embarased i could hardly move. I could'nt beleive i had begged him to do sex on me and even worse he had said no!
Okay, I guess Edward has a tiny bit of self-control. Which is good, as he is a vampire and would probably be eating people left and right if he was totally unable to control himself.
I went home and uncle larry made me cook his dinner and suck his cock while he ate his food and then he raped me and hit me with a shoe all night and i didnt even complain cos i felt like i deserved it for being such a horrible slut even though it made me want to die inside.
Bread, eggs, milk, squick. Uncle Larry seems more interested in hitting Tiaa than raping her, incidentally.
Uncle larry finally left me alone and I thought about killing myself as i cryed and cryed as i fell slowly into a dreamless sleep.
Next chapter
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why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
"why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How long will it take to get a auto insurance check?
I was in a car accident june 3rd, I filed the claim the same day.. talked to the guy doing my claim the next day he said state farm would accept 100% fault so I had to send state farm the police report and some other things they needed and they are suppose to send me check. I faxed all the paper work last Tuesday so how long do you think it will take for them to send me a check? I'm just impatient because I have had no car and had to take all this time off work since I can not get a ride to work and a ride to take my childern to daycare and now my work says if I'm not back by next weekend they will fire me. I called the guy doing my claim just to see how long it normally takes but he never called me back. Any ideas? Thanks!""
How to see a doctor without health insurance?
im a student living in southern california. i havent seen a doctor in years because i cant afford health insurance, but recently ive noticed that i may have an issue that should be checked out by a doctor. how do i go about seeing one? what do i do? where should i go? any advice or tips would be very helpful. at this point i dont care how much debt i have to incur to do it, i just need to do it. thanks.""
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida (West Palm Beach)?
I just started college (18yr old), & also this is my first time owning a car. I've never had insurance prior. Bottom line is that I cannot afford to pay $300-$500 a month just for car insurance.""
Looking for car insurance in Michigan?
im 19 years old and me and my girlfriend are looking for an apartment together and we need car insurance. i looked around and cheapest i could find is about $200 for plpd. where should i look? is there any chance i can get it around 100?
Do we need land lord insurance?
A close family friend is living in a property that have been left to my brothers, sister and myself by our mum but not paying rent do we need to get landlord insurance.""
Insurance help please?
When buying car insurance, I'm looking at fully comprehensive what is volentary and compulary excess? Hwta do these amounts mean. Also, my car got broken into twice this year and my partner was in an accident so we have a LOT of claims... Any tips for keeping my insurance down? Im trying all of the search engines, but this is busting my brain!!""
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
Is there an affordable health insurance plan?
Hey, I'm 17 years old and I have a baby. We both have MOLINA insurance. But my boyfriend who's 19 doesnt have any health insurance. He works full time and is about to be going to college part time. Well his wisdom teeth are coming in crooked and he cant get them fixed because it costs so much. Is there any health insurance plan that wont cost us an arm and a leg? And doesnt have a catch?""
I need afforable health insurance.?
I don't even know how to look for insurance but I need to find an affordable individual insurance policy in Nevada. I am a 22/female. However I am asthmatic (only mildly) and I take birth control for medical reasons (I am not sexually active). However I have never smoked, done drugs, and if I drink it will only be like one glass 1-3x a year, so hardly at all.""
Need help with insurance!! getting ready to buy a car?
need some help with estimated insurance costs for a 16 year old with a 2002 pontiac firebird. i'll have farmers insurance and i will have the discounts for having a 3.0 gpa and another discount for taking their test. Please help estimations help
Which cars are the cheapest insurance wise? (england)?
I wanna get a car as soon as i'm 18, so i obviously want something which will have cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind.""
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
I want a new car please help Car Insurance Help.?
Hey please help me i really want to get a car as soon as i can. I'm 20 years old i live in NYC. I am planning to buy a car as soon as i know the answer to this question. I want to know how much will i have to pay for my car insurance? I was thinking on putting it under my fathers name. He's 63 years old but he does not have a license but i heard he can buy a car and insurance it with his permit. How much would u think i have to pay if i put it under his name and mine? Please Help.
Where do i find affordable health insurance for my dog?
I need health care insurance for my American Bull Dog
Is there a program or something for people who work as temps to get insurance?
I have not had medical insurance and would love to have coverage, but working as a temp none is offered and it can be very exspensive, anyone know what I can do to get affordable insurance!!!""
Can anyone recommend a good Classic/Collector Car insurance company?
I'm looking for reasonable terms/conditions and rates to insure a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have any experience or recommendations for insurance companies specializing in classic cars? Thanks!
What is the cheapest insurance for a teen?
what insurance company will be more affordable for a teen
Where can I find good life insurance leads?
I got my life insurance license several months ago and have yet to sell a single policy because I can't find any decent leads. I'm looking for exclusive leads. I don't want to share them with other agents.
Auto Insurance question...?
If my teen neighbor (with a licence)borrowed my car and he/she wrecked it, would my insurance cover it? If so, why do teens that are driving, have a licence, have to be covered on parents insurance if they are driving their parents car? Isn't the car already covered by insurance? Why do I have to pay insurance on my teen and not my neighbor?""
Does one speeding ticket make your insurance go up?
i'm 16 and never had a ticket...i think it's state farm insurance.....i'm in california
What car insurance do you recommend?
There's probably 100's of car insurance companies. What do you have? Are you happy with it? How do the rates compare? How do you get treated after a claim? Ever dealt with those advertised on TV? Who have you had bad experiences with?
Does my insurance go up after I get a ticket in someone else car? Or the owner of the car insurance goes up?
I got pulled over for speeding and the officer never asked for the insurance card. Since he didn't ask for the insurance card, does that mean my pay rate will be the same? Or can the insurance company find out by the tag number? Please inform me because this is my first time. Thanks! Also remember I was in someone else car.""
""I am looking to get an 80' s mustang, v8, and possibly with a superchager on it. What would the insurance cost
be? what would be the difference between with a super and without one? I am 17 and it would be with my parents insurance. Thanks!
Was car insurance affordable before it was mandated by law ?
Why or why not ?
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
Individual: How much more expensive/cheaper is Obamacare compared to other medical insurance plans?
Also does Obamacare give you more or less benefits.
Can I finance or lease a car without auto insurance?
( I know I need the insurance to drive the car) I am getting ready to purchase my first vehicle, I can afford a hefty down payment, but would like to lease or finance so I can build up my credit. The problem is that I currently do not have any auto insurance whatsoever. How would I go about financing or leasing a car. Am I able to get non-owners insurance and transfer that to the new car, or show it as proof of insurance, or maybe sign the papers, get the insurance on the car.. and then show them the proof of insurance???""
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
If I get car insurance will my parents' rates go up?
If I get my own car insurance with my own policy from a completely different insurance company than my parents', but use the same address, would that cause my parents' rates to go up?""
Why do lots of people have no car insurance?
of course it must be cheaper to have no insurance than pay over 1000 and if you get caught you only pay a small fine (thats if you get caught)
Health insurance question?
Can someone tell me what in network and out of network means? I applied for my health benefits today and the lady had me soooo confused. I understand that an in network doctor will save me money. Does an in network doctor mean they accept my insurance and out of network they don't accept it? LOL this is my first time having private insurance so i'm not quite sure what all of this means!
Why Health Insurance?
Health insurance companies can't cure anyone, prevent any disease, develop new treatments or create better medicines. Yet they take a cut of your health care dollar, create endless paper, interfere with doctors and enrich shareholders. They can all be replaced by software. BESIDES, hospital care and physician services are not random risks, they are a certainty for everyone at some point of their life. They are also preventable or can be protected against. It doesnt make sense to insure against a non-risk. You may as well have PhD insurance just in case your kid decides to get a PhD! Tell me why heath care is an insurable risk. Tell me why it's not an essential social service like K-12 education.""
How much could motorcycle insurance be for a teen in California?
My mom has geico, how much could it possibly cost for insurance? and I'm also a good student, so can't I get the good student discount? and my mom also has a great driving record.""
Has anyone ever heard of Titan auto insurance?
Has anyone ever heard of Titan auto insurance?
""Car accident person at fault has no insurance, what now?""
had a car accident a week ago, minor injury to wrist havent gone to doctor, other persons fault, person B failed to yield while turning left and drove right in front of me. I have full coverage on my part, however fault being hers i made a claim to insurance she provided to police report. the thing is that the owner of vehicles insurance policy does not have person b listed on that policy but person b has same home address as policy holder so technically theyre insurance will not cover me. they have restricted non standard policy, and i do not have uninsured motorist coverage on my policy nor car rental coverage. their insurance is investigating this in he meanwhile so they say. i am not sure whether i should get my insurance to handle this, if i do i would have expect higher premium, pay deductible, rental car and medical fees out of pocket. I am wondering if i should have patience or start looking for a lawyer and forget my own insurance.""
""I'm 17, is there any way I can get my own car insurance?""
I live in Sacramento, California. The reason i'm asking if i can get my own car insurance is because my mom is afraid if she puts me on her insurance & I get into an accident, she can lose her house. So her putting me on her insurance is out of the question.. Someone please help me find a car insurance company that will cover me?? Thank you""
Car Insurance for Salvaged Vehicle?
Does anyone know if I can buy full coverage insurance for a salvaged vehicle?
What type of insurance protects your car against theft?
I know there's Liability which is mandotory. Collision covers damage to your own vehicle, but does it actually cover a stolen vehicle with let's say a deductible of $1000?""
Car Insurance Help..?
I just turned 16 and got my license about 2 months ago. My dad and I are now car shopping for me and I found a car that I really liked, but don't know if it would be expensive insurance or not. If you could help and give me an idea of about how much it will be a month? 2001 Acura TL $5200 (Private Owner) 6 cylinder 3.2 liter vetec 4 door sedan automatic has a salvaged title passed state inspection 77,000 miles I also live in Ohio and my dad has state farm.""
Delaware Auto Insurance (Uninsured / Under-insured) What does this Mean?
4) An insured who executes a release of a single tortfeasor owner or operator of an underinsured motor vehicle in exchange for payment of the entire limits of liability insurance afforded by the tortfeasor's liability insurer shall continue to be legally entitled to recover against that tortfeasor for the purposes of recovery against the insured's underinsurance carrier. An insured who executes a release of 1 of multiple tortfeasors shall have rights against that tortfeasor and the insured's underinsurance carrier determined in accordance with the Uniform Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors Act and paragraph (3) of this subsection.
What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?
Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?""
""Friend hit my car, wont give his insurance information, what to do?""
Two years ago, I was sitting in a parking space waiting for my friend. He pulled in on the left side, and his right front fender crashed into my rear left quarter panel, causing some ugly damage. Long story short, I didn't get his insurance information. He said he would give it to me later. It has been two years, and the past few weeks I've really gotten on his case to get the information or for him to fix the damage. It has been excuse after excuse, and he now wont answer phone calls. I can get his license number, name and address, so I'm wondering if I need to call my insurance company or the police to get this fixed. I don't need friends like this but I'm wondering if the statute of limitations in california has run out, or if I won't have any luck calling the police. I just want the car fixed, and the damage is estimated at 500 dollars. Any ideas?""
Health Insurance question?
So I just turned 18 and I will no longer be covered through Amerigroup so was looking at some Health insurances to buy. I know the deductible is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before the insurance will start paying, but how will the insurance know when you have payed the deductible?""
Car insurance for teen?
ok so i am going to get my drivers license tommorrow, and my mom brought up the whole insurance thing. my question is, i dont have a car of my own yet so i would have to drive my mom's in her words (IF i let you drive at all)--how stupid is that?!? anyways. would she have to change anything about her insirance if im driving her car and have been since ive had my permit, or can she leave everything as it already is???""
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
Can i get some help in writing my job application to an Insurance Comapny?
Recently I have developed a special interest in banking and if I am given the opportunity I am prepared to work diligently to serve the nation . ...this is what im writing in my application but i want a word to replace banking , since its an insurance company what should i put instead of banking ?""
Insurance company have sold My car without my consent / pay out? what can i do?
My car has been written off by the insurance company back in January and i have not still been paid out due to me not agreeing with the offer. They have submitted me evidence justifying their offer but this was current market value and not prior. I have referred this matter to the finanical services ombudsman who are still investigating (long wait as they go by order of complaints received). I have just found out the insurance company have sold my car off to a salvage company who have sold it to another individual. What can i do? what is my legal standing point? can i claim against the insurance company? can i claim my car back? I am still in receipt of the V5, keys, service booklet and receipts for the car. I have not signed over ownership or given the insurance company concent to sell the car. I have assumed to date that the car is in storage at the repair garage. I have still to recieve full agreed final settlement for the car from the insurance company. HELP!!!!""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:""
I need help choosing insurance for my car?
im 16 and i just got my license. I live in southern california and need help choosing a car insurance company that is reliable and easy to afford. i have a 3.5 gpa but dont know what company will give me a discount. Please help
Does the colour of a car affect insurance rates?
I mean we all know that the obvious differences between certain cars like the engine size and performance, make of car, year of manufacture etc all affects the insurance cost but does the colour make a difference too? Someone said to me that darker coloured cars like black cost more to insure on that basis than lighter coloured ones like white or silver is this true?""
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
Non Owners Auto Insurance?
Hello, I'm 18 and I just got my license and I am buying my first car soon. I wanted to know if it's possible if my grandmother could register my car and have the car in her own name, and I buy Non Owners Auto Insurance to cover me while driving? Is this a bad idea, because it seems as though it would be much cheaper for me? Please let me know thanks!""
How much would it cost on insurance average for a 17 year old owning a street bike?
im looking at 2012 ninja 250r kawasaki street bike and wondering the average insurance monthly and im 17 years old
How much is equine medical insurance?
I know equine medical insurance differs form breed, age, and value of the horse but what would you think a 9 year old $13,000 TB's life insurance would be?""
Is insurance cheaper if you have had experience on the road?
I am 16 driving a moped I'm looking to get a car when I'm 17, will insurance be cheaper for me because I drive a moped?""
How to get cheap car auto insurance?
How to get cheap car auto insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Dodge Charger Insurance?
I am 16 years old and I am about to get my license and I was wondering how much the cheapest insurance for a dodge charger would be a month! Please no comments saying that I shouldnt start of with the charger, but its just my aunt said she would give me hers that way my parents wouldnt have to buy me a car (shes giving it to me for free) We would just have to be responsible for insurance and any problems the car would have in the future. Im in the L.A area""
I need cheap car insurance?
I am a 18 year old female and i have some violations against me such as speeding, driving with a suspended license and failure to yield ticket. My parents won't put me on there insurance so i need to find my own but they are all wayyy to expensive so far, anyone got any ideas? please""
Whats health insurance?? :O?
i need an MRI but we dont have health insurance so its going to be a while before we can get all the money. whats health insurance do? how much is it?
Do car insurance and registration have to be under the same name?
let's say Sally buys a car and it's under her name but gets car insurance under her sister's name. is that okay? or both have to be under Sally's name?
Excluded driver totaled my new car. Does his property damage liability insurance pay for my car? Any advice?
Someone who was exluded from my car insurance drove my car yesterday and had an accident that was at his fault. He had only liability insurance with bodily damage, property damage and underinsured motorist protection. My insurance is not going to cover anything since he is an excluded driver. We live in TX, USA. Can my new wrecked car be considered as a property damage involved in that accident? The other vehicle and driver are OK, only small dent on the rear bumper, but my new car was totally destroyed, not driveable, my insurance refused even go to look and inspect. Schould I seek any legal help if his liability insurance refuses to pay? Is it possible to get any legal help in this situation? What to do and where to go? What to do with the car? It is still on the nearest to the accident parking lot. The property damage limit on his insurance is 25,000. I just bought my car few months ago for 20,000. Thank you for your time, I appreciate your help.""
What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?
My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.
""First time driver, why is a Smart Fortwo 2002 reg third party fire and theft so expensive on insurance?!?""
I recently did an insurance quote for a Smart Fortwo, the value of it 2400, and the insurance came up third party fire and theft at 2900!!! :O why for such a small and low engine car would it be so gob smackingly expensive?! I hope someone can put my mind at rest because i really would love to know! Thanks :D""
Really dumb questions about car insurance?
This is my first time buying a car, and I have a question that may be kind of dumb. I live in Illinois, so it is illegal to drive a car that's uninsured. I don't have a car now, so I don't have a way of transferring insurance or whatever. - What do I do when I find a car and buy it and need to take it off the lot? I don't know what kind of car I'm getting, so I can't really get the insurance ahead of time. - If I did get pulled over for whatever reason, would the police be understanding if I just bought the car? - How quickly do insurance companies usually get you covered over the phone (particularly, Progressive)? - Do you have to pay a deposit? When? - When would my first actual payment be if I pay once every 6 months? I know these are dumb and basic, but please understand that I have never ever bought a car or gotten car insurance.""
Are there any insurance companies who offer REALLY cheap new driver insurance?
I have my driving test (practical) booked for the 7th March 2012. I have been searching for cheap car insurance and the lowest I can find is about 7000 which I just cannot afford. Im only looking for insurance for a few months, less than a year for a few hundred pounds. Please, any suggestions greatly accepted. Thanks :-D""
Is there a big defference between the quote and final price of car insurance?
If I get a quote fro geico $300 a month, how much will I be paying for my actual monthly bill? Will there be a difference at all?""
Insurance on a car that you do not own yourself?
Im 17 years old. My grandma will buy me a car. But she doesn't want me on her insurance, so she said i had to wait til i was 18 til she would buy it. I was wondering if it's possible for my mom to put insurance on the car for me, if she's not that one that own's it. She can't on it for medicaid reasons. Thanks.""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What's the difference between California state income tax and state disability insurance tax?
I just started working in CA and noticed a deduction for state income tax AND state disability insurance on my first paycheck. My state income tax deduction was about .25% and the SDI deduction was 1%. I looked online at various tax calculators and none of them mentioned an additional 1% tax on top of the state income tax rates. Please let me know what the state income taxes are here. Thanks.
Insurance Part II: Is it better to purchase insurance or to insure myself???
Witnessing the treatment clients in the Gulf Cost are getting from the insurance companies  I was wondering if Insuring myself <Paying myself premiums into my own controlled account> would be safer than to continue to buy insurance through a company. Then I wouldn't have to argue about the fine print in the policy should I ever need it!!! What do you think? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXHGfR0V4Wu_wR4yFSL9Xvsy6IX?qid=1006042106706 <I have no mortgate; so no banking requirements to make me buy insurance: I am dicipled to pay to my own account>
How much for cheap car insurance?
I am a young 17 year old female. I am looking for insurance so i can get my 1993 Lincoln Towncar on the road but I dont know a thing about insurance how much do you think it will cost and which company should I go for.
How much would car insurance cost for two 16 year old boys?
My son and my stepson just got their license. My son wants my car; 2006 Porsche Cayenne which means I have to get a new car & My stepson wants a 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me and my husband are on Nationwide currently. How much would insurance cost a month for 2 sports cars with teen drivers?
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
""When starting new car insurance, can insurers decline no claims bonus due to 2 motorway speeding convictions?""
Hello, I am trying to arrange vehicle insurance. I have contacted A&L with regards to their car insurance. Basically I have just changed jobs, where I had company cars for the last 6 years with no claims. I asked A&L if they would accept this as no claims, and they said they would if I could provide a letter from my previous employers stating dates, that I was sole user, that I no longer have policy and that it expires within last 3 months etc. I have provided them with the letter which covers all areas requested. They have now replied back to me saying that they can't accept the no claims, as I have 2 SP30 (Motorway speeding) convictions within the last 5 years, which means they will not accept the no claims. Is this acceptable? I though no claims were only relinquished if a claim in made against a policy, not because I have a couple of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. Thanks in advance, James""
Car insurance question ONTARIO?
I am 18, live in Toronto, Ontario and dreaming of having a car, but I can't afford to pay $400 a month or more, so, could I get my dad to buy the car with my money, register it as if it his, get cheap insurance for it as if it was his, and then just drive it all the time having the proper car documents on me. How much of a legal issue would that be if a cop pulled me over and I showed him that the car is family owned and insured and I just happen to be driving it today. My family already has a truck and a Toyota, I don't know if that is relevant or not, but Im just throwing it out there. And just to make sure, what would happen if (god forbid) I was to get in an accident and wasn't at fault? how about if it was my fault(talk about sticky situations).""
How much is car insurance for a 23 year old male in Ontario?
How much is car insurance for a 23 year old male in Ontario? Hi I am thinking about buying a car in the $3000-$6000 used car range. Can someone give me a rough estimate or range as to how much it would cost me for insurance? I have never had an accident and have no recent demerit points on my record. So I have a clean driving record. And I am only interested in the required by law insurance.
How much does auto insurance cost per month?
For a couple under 25 yrs of age With a Ford350 and a Mazda cx9
Do you think teen drivers are the only ones with trouble getting cheap car insurance?
There was mature man who was very successful in business. I think he was 35 or 40. He finally got his new drivers license and decided to buy a $90,000 car. He bought it for cash, to save on interest on the loan. When he tried to get insurance it was $10,000 a year for liability and collision insurance. He asked if he could return the car, but since it was no longer 'brand new' he would loose $10,000. If he kept it the insurance would be $30,000 for the first 3 years! He kept it.... too bad he didn't know anything about insurance before he bought it! He should have had a cheap car in his name with just liability insurance, for 3 years before he went out and bought his dream car. This would have created insurance history . That together with his over 25 years old status would have cut insurance expenses way way, down.""
""Solo accident, going to file sr-1, repair estimate $2200. should i tell insurance? (2nd accident in 5 months)?""
first of all, yes, i am a bad driver and i'm really going to drive slow from now on. this is my 2nd car accident in 5 months. the first one was deemed 70% my fault(my car and another one involved, we went through insurance). in this most recent one, it was just my car and a wall initial repair estimate is about $2200. i'm going to file an sr-1. so it looks like i have several options: option1) file the SR1, don't even call the insurance company, pay out of pocket option2) file the SR1, tell insurance, get them to pay for some of the repairs, and i pay for the rest option3) file the SR1, tell insurance, have them pay for all of the repairs how would my future insurance premiums be affected in each situation? how would it affect my DMV record and points against my driving record? i'm guessing the insurance company will find out even if i don't call them directly because of the SR-1 i'm going to file. but if i don't make the insurance company pay, will they not hike up my premiums as much? any suggestions or knowledge about sr-1 and insurance? thanks!!""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good/inexpensive insurance company that will insure motorcycles in Grand Prairie, Texas.? I am 18 years old and I can't even imagine what the cost of insurance would be for me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
Will my insurance be notified for a texting ticket?
I have been driving for 3 years, and got my first citation yesterday for textng and driving. It's only $70, so I'll pay it off myself & not tell my parents (I'm 19, they pay for my car insurance since I'm in college and can't make enough money to pay for it myself). The officer said that the ticket will not give me any points or make my insurance rate go up. I was wondering if my insurance (Progressive) will be notified at all & the information be visible to my parents. This is in Maryland by the way. PS. I know texting & driving is dumb... I try not to do it, but since I'm fairly good at it, I have done it a lot. But after yesterday, I'm done.""
California speeding and no proof of insurance ticket?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and for no insurance and not no proof of insurance. He cited both as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading isaccurate. How can Ichallenge this?
Individual health insurance?
Can you buy two individual health insurance plans? Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?""
What is the average cost of teenage car insurance in illinois?
I am a 16 year old girl. I am getting a car for christmas. We are looking for a Honda Civic or Honda Accord, probably around a year 2000 or so. I get good grades, mostly A's. I am a girl. I need to know pretty fast how much this is going to cost a month. Thanks.""
Classic car insurance for 17 year old?
i really wanna drive, and i dont really have a taste for most modern motors. so ive been looking at an 80's mk2 fiesta. i think its a sweet motor, a 1.1 is a good size engine for cost cutting and the XR2 models look like a great starter/driver car. though a look alike would be fine! problem is i cant find classic insurance that will insure a young driver on a classic insurer policy. any help, names i should call? all help appreciated!!!""
Insurance question??
Could i have a vehicle put in my name (because i make the payments).And the insurance in my girlfriends name (because its cheaper) in the state of ky?
How much is New driver insurance for an 1988 chevy sprint?
How much is New driver insurance for an 1988 chevy sprint?
""Can I get a refund of life insurance premiums I paid? I set up a $100,000.00 life insurance policy?
August 2009. Monthly premiums were deducted automatically from my checking account. recently I had to change my checking account number because someone got access to my banking info. and made unauthorized deductions. This in turn caused my monthly insurance premiums from getting paid. The insurance Co. requested a substantial fee to reinstate my policy I cannot afford this fee can I get a refund of premiums paid and cancell the policy?
Teenager boy Car insurance?
i am 17 years old and I just got my license. I try to get some quotes under my moms name and it came out to be around 3000 to 5000, in other words, 2 to 4 grand every six month just for me. How much is normal teenager boy insurance rate it NY State? One of my friends(they are twins) and they pay 20 total under their parents insurance. They own really creppy car costs like 1700 but still I thought guys under 30 pay the most expensive rate in car insurance. What exactly is the average rate for teenager boy? I DO NOT Want any recommendation to go get a quote in insurace companies or wutever.""
Luxury cars with low insurance rates?
I was wondering what types of luxury cars would have the lowest insurance rates? I would prefer either a sedan or coupe. So in the category of luxury sedan/coupe, what would be the lowest insurance rate? I don't care about the price of the car itself, I just want one that doesn't have me paying a bunch every month, non-stop. My definition of low is around the neighborhood of $60, preferably lower obviously. If there is no such thing, then please tell me the closest to it. Thank you in advance.""
How much will a used SlugBug Convertible cost me in the state of Ohio?
I turn 16 in January 2011 and I want the car by August 2011 so in about a year and a couple months from now! How much with the car cost me to pay all up front or how much will it cost me monthly if that sounds better! How much will insurance be per month? How about Gas? All answers are appreciated and Im willing to buy 2003 to 2010 but the price range for the actual car has to be no more then 5 to 6k ? I also want to know if you think Im going to have to get a loan. . . thanks everyone!
What is a fair mileage adjustment auto insurance Valuation?
The insurance company has gave me a list of 30 cars like mine within a 500 mile radius. They chose two cars out of the 30 to compare my car too. The problem is, there is a huge mileage difference: My car had 130k miles The comparables they used have 45k and 50k miles That's like an 80k difference. They took $2,265 off my ACV just for the difference. Is that fair? I don't get why they didn't just find a car with similar mileage to mine when there were plenty available. Why did they choose the two cars with the lowest mileage and then deduct 2 grand? When they could have easily picked two similar cars with at least 100k miles , and deducted a lot less for the difference.""
CAR insurance...i dont have a 3.0?
on estimate how much wil the cost of insurance be more? i will have a 90' 4runner if that helps
Classic Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I recently got my license and am looking at getting a Datsun 240Z to be my first car. My parents are completely supportive of this choice so please don't answer saying that it's a terrible choice. I am willing and eager to learn how to work on cars. Since insurance is so expensive, I'm looking at getting classic car insurance for it. I know they aren't supposed to be used for a daily driver, but doing some math, I calculated that I won't be driving for more than 3,000 miles annually, even if I commute daily. My problem is finding a company that can insure me. Most, understandably, don't seem to want to insure anyone under 25. I was wondering if anyone knew a company that could cover me. I currently have a 3.8 GPA and am in multiple AP courses. I've heard that there are good student discounts, so that may help. Also, I need to be able to get coverage without having a second car to be my daily driver. This is probably impossible, but if anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Baby insurance?
Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?
How much can I expect my car insurance to go up?
I was in a car accident last week, I rear ended the car in front of me and pushed him into the car in front of him. It was my fault, and my car was totaled in the accident, it was an '09 civic. Im 22 and this was my first accident, how much can I expect my car insurance to go up from this?""
Who will give car insurance with a drivers permit?
My DL was suspended and I restored them today due to parking ticket but I have to start all over so I have a permit so who will give me car insurance with a permit need A.S.A.P
Insurance for my baby?
I am on my dad's insurance. When my baby is born will it also be included on my dad's insurance?
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
why has the affordable care act helped health insurance
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, Alabama’s Iron Bowl loss reveals that the Playoff itself is just a conspiracy to stop the Tide
Your weekly sojourn through the most upset in college football internet runs through Tuscaloosa.
(It should be noted that the weekend’s actual most upset fans were at Tennessee, but this post is about games only.)
Alabama got dominated in the Iron Bowl, falling from No. 1 in the rankings, losing the SEC West to Auburn, and putting its College Football Playoff fate in jeopardy. It was the Tide’s first loss of the season and 20th in more than a decade of Nick Saban.
Let’s tour Bama Fan Internet and see how it responded.
The most ironclad conspiracy theories
Is the very existence of the Playoff part of a plot to ruin Alabama’s title hopes?
This thread at the Tide’s 247Sports message board answers the hard questions.
We need to Remember why the playoff was created.
It was created to stop Alabama. (Sec post 2011) The rest of the teams wanted Alabama to have to win two big games to win the championship. They also didn't want hot teams at the end of the season to miss a chance to neutralize Alabama with the awesome play late. It has worked two of the first three years of the playoff. It will not work this year if they let Alabama in. We will win both games. Mark it down.
It may well go even deeper than that. College football’s powers have been trying to stem the Tide ever since the Associated Press awarded them the national title before they lost the 1964 season’s Orange Bowl to Texas.
Is something deeper at play preventing Damien Harris from getting more carries?
One poster’s freshman daughter is friends with the Tide’s starting running back’s girlfriend, allegedly. And it seems like we’re headed for a break in the case.
im getting to the bottom of it hopefully
My daughter is a freshman at bama, she's become good friends with Damien Harris's gf, she sees him a couple of times a week at the sorority house and talks to him while he's there. Shes gonna ask him why he's been getting so few carries lately. Maybe he'll give an honest answer cause it makes no sense why he wasn't fed the ball against auburn and several other times throughout the year... stay tuned
Stay tuned.
Is Ohio State going to lose the Big Ten championship game on purpose to guarantee Wisconsin a Playoff spot in the name of conference solidarity, potentially changing Bama’s outlook for the No. 4 seed?
How important is it to the Big 10
To get a team into the playoffs? Would Ohio St. throw the game against Wisconsin to guarantee that spot in the playoffs? A lot of people still believe that Wisconsin laid down and allowed Ohio St. to steam roll them to get Ohio St. in. I know it sounds like quite the conspiracy, but...
I mean, who’s to say they’re not.
The most obvious suggestions to get better
Phase 1: Fire first-year offensive coordinator Brian Daboll, a five-time Super Bowl champion with the Patriots who leads the nation’s No. 12 scoring offense.
Brian Dabol needs to be fired .
This offense has gotten worse under him.
Phase 2:
Mac from Florida needs a job, bring him back!
Saban’s old offensive coordinator from Florida needs a job, bring him back....
The real problem is Alabama’s recruiting, which might drop off from No. 1 in the country this year to somewhere lower in the top 10.
With our recruiting lagging,
things don't look so well right now. I do believe that they need to re-evaluate this whole deal.
(The actual reason for Bama’s slower 2018 class is scholarship limits, fwiw.)
Actually, maybe the problem’s the QB, who was one play from a national championship as a true freshman the year prior before being outdueled by the NFL’s best rookie quarterback.
Bama will NEVER win a national championship with Jalen Hurts
Saban should have given Tua a shot in the 4th quarter to spark the offense. Another lost season for Bama. Disappointing.
Here’s a totally unrelated photograph I found:
Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images
The most comprehensive piece of advice
@AlabamaFTBL you have one game to win in any season and this was a massive loss. Guess @CoachDaboll needs replaced. @JalenHurts needs to sit. We need a QB, not a runningback. @NickSabanUofA may be out of magic. Seems we might need to make some changes.
— I R Foof (@I_R_Foof) November 26, 2017
The most passionate tweets sent to Bama’s offensive coordinator during the game, in case he’d been checking Twitter.
@CoachDaboll you’re gonna get fired
— josh c (@josh_c1995) November 25, 2017
@CoachDaboll Fuck You!
— Garret Cook (@gibbousquan98) November 25, 2017
@CoachDaboll why?why why why do you have a running back as big Scarborough and you run him sideways?!? Shit! How many damn years of watching this same shit do bama fans have to endure?
— Nicholas Daniel (@nicdaniel4UA) November 25, 2017
@CoachDaboll you suck
— josh c (@josh_c1995) November 25, 2017
@CoachDaboll DIAL IT UP
— Pats(7-2) (@KFCGodfather) November 25, 2017
Later, an addendum:
— Pats(7-2) (@KFCGodfather) November 25, 2017
Damn @CoachDaboll what about some damn slants
— Ken Morris (@bikecop24) November 25, 2017
Get. Your. Head. Out. Of. Your. Ass. @CoachDaboll
— Colby Murray (@Colbylm) November 25, 2017
Calls for Bama to just run the damn ball:
The Tide’s last national championship offensive coordinator weighed in by just happening to cite his own team’s rushing stats.
Hmmm. Who isn't on here??? Come to #thefaU http://pic.twitter.com/SmVcNF9bRN
— Lane Kiffin (@Lane_Kiffin) November 26, 2017
If u want to win rivalry games. Run the BALL!!! Come to #thefaU #5forheisman https://t.co/MMpPr3S9ip
— Lane Kiffin (@Lane_Kiffin) November 27, 2017
Is there now a surely ironic Twitter account dedicated to sharing all calls for Saban to be fired?
There is:
Breaking news Nick Saban arrested by Alabama State Police for first degree murder of the Tide football program. http://pic.twitter.com/MBxFBztPAJ
— Fire Nick Saban (@FireSaban) November 26, 2017
And other postgame analysis
A bit earlier, from the game thread at SB Nation’s Roll Bama Roll, some comments:
Welp thats game
Fuck this team. Coach im counting on you to give this sack of shit of a coaching staff all hell tonight tomorrow fuck it give it to them until next year. This is fucking embarrasing and if anyine doesnt feel that way and is wearing crimson and white on that bench send them packing. I dont care if its a five star freshman or a coach. Send a gad dam message.
And this nice exchange between friends:
One of the cool things about any time Bama loses a game is that legions of Tide fans record YouTube instant reaction videos. And, hoo boy, have we some treats.
This guy claims he punched out his wall.
“The Eagles come in and ruin my perfect season,” our man says. “Now I was all happy and everything because Bama was winning. Now Bama is not winning. They got an L, a loss. And now, now it’s gonna change things. Are they gonna make the national champions? Are they gonna get into the SECs? I just don’t know.”
Expect an invoice for the damages to arrive in Tuscaloosa soon.
“When I gotta pay to get the new wall done, I’m gonna send the bill to Alabama.”
Here’s another Bama fan eating “one of the hardest damn crows I’ve ever had to eat”
The points made here are pretty regular and reasonable, but stop by for the excellent glasses:
In the end, Alabama was the real winner here, because the Tide experienced no joy whatsoever.
From the 247 board, in response to Auburn fans having fun after winning the SEC West:
The last time Alabama fans rushed the field? Probably the early 1990's at Legion field (Might have been the 1990 win over the booger-eaters), and it was NOT a mass event, but only about 20-30 drunk students, many of whom felt the sting of Birmingham's finest who were on the field waiting for them. Lots and lots of upset Mommies and Daddies after their drunk darlings got bllly-clubbed and/or arrested!! LOL!!!
It probably HAS happened at some point in Alabama history, but I cannot recall an "en masse" rushing of the field by Alabama fans at any time in my life.
There's a reason the SEC (and EVERY OTHER MAJOR CONFERENCE) bans it - and not just because its Classless and "Bush League" - but because its Very DANGEROUS, both for the trashy fans running out on the field, as well as for the players and staff of the losing team. People are invariably injured in these "mob scenes" - often seriously, but you don't hear about it because the schools ALWAYS keep it on the "down low"
Now, a quick whip around some other fan bases whose teams lost.
Lost to Ohio State for the sixth time in a row.
A basic summary of how that went:
Comments are off at MGoBlog. They'll be back when I feel like it.
— mgoblog (@mgoblog) November 26, 2017
Notre Dame
Lost 38-20 at Stanford, the result of a swift, epic collapse.
Would Bob Stoops come out of retirement, less than a year after leaving a good job at Oklahoma, to take over the Irish? The evidence that he would is mounting, folks.
I sort of wondered because he bought 2 expensive houses next door to each other in Chicago recently.
Why would you buy houses there? I sort of wondered if he took this year off to watch his boys play HS football as seniors. I wondered if maybe he was waiting in the wings to take the ND job, and maybe already had contact with ND for when Kelly was let go.. I have mixed emotions. He wins a lot. He loses the really big game most of the time (NC). He had tons of criminal type players at ou, I am not sure if it could work out or not. He is Catholic. I also wonder if he is ok healthwise. It is interesting to think about.
Food for thought, indeed.
Mississippi State
Lost the Egg Bowl to Ole Miss, then had its former AD who now works for Florida hire away maybe the best coach in program history.
Scott Stricklin The Traitor
Scott Stricklin is now the biggest traitor to our university of all time.
Some folks are our enemies and big pieces of shit like Ole Miss folks. These people actively try to hurt us and they hate us. However, all of these folks we knew hated us and we never expected them to like us.
However, to have one of your own intentionally hurt your program this bad for his own personal gain, you are far worse than any of the others.
From your enemy you can protect yourself. You can fight them, you know who they are and you can build your defenses.A traitor is someone you have trusted like a brother, and you know he is a traitor only after being betrayed.... The enemy is in the open, the traitor is moving in the dark.
Stricklin should never be allowed to step foot on campus as a friend again. Hugh Freeze is now more respected by me than Stricklin is. Hippocrates suck but there is no one worse than a traitor.
It’s not clear what this person thought Stricklin’s job would be once he left Mississippi State. But I’m sure the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates would disapprove.
South Carolina
Lost 34-10 to Clemson. This post is about Clemson, I’m pretty sure:
Tater Tots have The Answer!
Recruit with attorneys! Turnupseed from ALA? Daba Dabe do knew what he was doing I think is the answer. Bringing the e-factor's dad (whom was in jail in Florence to a Jail in Greenville) just as he is visiting taterville and BOOM he is a tater with a Caddy and a bag full of money. By the way, Turnipseed came from Ala about 4 years ago
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