cursed-princess-club · 9 months
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Lilyth looked so pretty here. Especially in the first pic.
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rexon02 · 5 months
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Allot of art i have made over the past year showing off the world of Forlor, the fantasy world in my books "Welcome To Forlor" starring a little goblin named Jaou. It's based on the early modern period and im currently working on a simplified world bible for people who just wanna know some lore, and if you want to read the stories so far you can find them on my site here : https://rexonkamikazekorp.neocities.org/
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magick-knives · 11 months
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Forlor / White Death: Split.
7” on Black Vinyl.
400 Copies.
Darker Than Black.
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Fuck It/Inspo Saturday
Thank you to @tizniz @exhuastedpigeon @bidisasterbuckdiaz and @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove for tagging me in either Friday or Saturday!
I'm actually not going to say what fic this is from... It's a surprise.
Hen clocks him immediately. 
“There’s something off about you,” she observes in the locker room. 
“I feel weird today,” Buck admits. “But I’m not sure why.”
“Hmm,” Hen frowns. “Maybe a weather pattern?”
Buck shrugs. “Does air pressure cause a persistent sense of, uh, forlorness?” 
Hen blinks, wincing slightly. “Not usually. Do you want to talk about it?”
“Thanks,” Buck says. “But I don’t know what I’d say. I just woke up feeling like this.”
Hen squeezes his shoulder. “Well, you know where to find me.”
Tagging @pantsaretherealheroes @goforkinard @aroeddiediaz @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples
@fionaswhvre @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @daughterofscotland @athenagranted
@evanbegins @wildlife4life @buckleybabyblues @adarkermiserablecrow @epicbuddieficrecs
@fortheloveofbuddie @your-catfish-friend @watchyourbuck @buddieswhvre
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slasherfxcmax · 9 months
Macabre Forlorness
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
I come from a long journey with a need to lose my name. It changed me in ways I never foresaw. Never again shall I wander as I once did for the forlorness that was there before has simultaneously increased and disappeared. It did not go without pain, but there was some joy as well. I shall no longer be contained by the chains that weighed me down.
I offer you the sins of those who have wronged me along with a loaf of fresh bread and a jaded knife.
Are you here for a name...? You haven’t asked, exactly, but you can have Thirteen if you want it.
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 5 months
It was Mother's Day once again. Qingni had already stopped by the Sky-Faring Commission on her break to give her mother a gift: a beautiful bracelet with a charm in the shape of a paper kite. Yukong's expression brightened at the gift, grateful for her daughter's thoughtfulness. Unbeknownst to Qingni, however, there was someone else that her mother was thinking of on this day. Someone that also deserved to be recognized even if she had long since passed.
Gazing up at the sunny artificial sky, the Luofu's Helm Master softly spoke into the air. Although her voice contained a thin layer of forlorness, a small smile still appeared on her lips.
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"Happy Mother's Day, Caiyi..." Yukong murmured softly.
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calder · 1 year
It is no longer possible to find Devin or the letter he carries as of the Fallout: New Vegas patch, where the injured troopers between Nelson and Camp Forlorn Hope were removed.
wait they really cut a dead gay character out of new vegas post-launch for console performance reasons...?
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fan-art-ic · 6 months
Sometimes I'll start thinking I'm not into romance despite how much I like it in fiction which is something I could accept and enjoy being aromantic but then I'll see somebody's engagement photos and get so wistful it's like I dissolved into a mist of forlorness. I even went through this in high school where I told my class BFF that I was thinking about if I was aro and then we ended up dating and I still think about them semi-often after I beefed it 😭
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maelkevejen · 6 months
Jeg har lyttet til 13 lydbøger de seneste to ugers tid i stedet for ar skrive mit speciale
I stedet har jeg brugt tiden på at arbejde på ligegyldige illustrationer, der IKKE har høj prioritet, og lave skovkort, der giver overblik over informationer jeg ikke tror i virkeligheden er relevante for opgaven. Og så det der fucking UNA-indeks. Jeg var mega hyped over det til at starte med, inden jeg gik igang med opgaven, men nu er jeg uvenner med den og jeg kan ikke se, hvad jeg skal have ud af alt det arbejde, det kræver. Jeg er frustreret og vred på mig selv. Min vejleder siger, han regner med at det vil tage 1,5-2 timer at udfylde spørgsmålene for de første par afdelinger i skoven (pr. Afdeling altså) og herefter burde det gå lidt hurtigere og kun tage en halv time pr. Afdeling for resten. Jeg tror ham - hvis man har en stærkere rygrad og selvdisciplin end jeg har. Det var meningen, jeg skulle have brugt seks timer derude i torsdags, men det var træls og koldt og jeg kunne ikke holde alle papirerne på en gang, og tage billeder og det var svært at vurdere hvornår jeg bevægede mig ind i en ny afdeling, for der er ingen indikationer i selve skoven på dem, og jeg blev SINDSSYGT demotiveret af spørgsmål som “er der mindst 1 træ pr. Hektar med en diameter i brysthøjde på mindst 25 cm der har hullet og skader” bitch det ville kræve at jeg tjekkede hvert eneste træ i hele afdelingen og på en eller anden måde kunne regne ud, hvor stor en hektar er i felten. Fuck nej. Og de spørgsmål var der en milliard af! For når man så havde tjekket for træer i den størrelse, får man det samme spørgsmål for træer med en diameter på mindst 50, mindst 75, mindst 100. WHO in GLOBS name have the time for that?! NOT me..! Jeg endte med at tage hjem klokken 13.30 allerede, efter kun at have kigget forlorent på halvdelen af én afdeling og halvhjertet på en anden og så bare… skimmet en tredje. Og der er 15 afdelinger. Jeg nåede ikke engang ned i den anden ende af skoven. Jeg fik ikke udfyldt alle spørgsmålene for nogen af afdelingerne, og jeg GAD ikke… jeg er flov over at indrømme det. Jeg gad bare ikke. Det er for meget arbejde, også selvom det overrasker mig, fordi det burde være en metode, jeg trivedes rigtig godt med. Men det tager simpelthen for lang tid! Og det ligger så langt væk og min racercykel er blevet stjålet, så jeg er afhængig af, at nogen kører mig derop fordi jeg ikke selv har kørekort og det er slet ikke… det er besværligt og jeg… jeg gider ikke. Det er ikke ligesom da jeg skrev bachelorprojekt på Samsø, og der ikke var andet end mig og projektet på mit lille kammer. Der var ikke distraktioner på samme måde. Alt forstyrrer her og jeg er distraheret af lejligheden og Mathias og jeg skal tage ud på studiet for at skrive og… Jeg ved, jeg ikke kan klare det dumme indeks det på den tidsramme, min vejleder har foreslået mig (og han mener o øvrigt allerede, jeg er for sent på den) Og jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre med informationerne bagefter. Og jeg hader at jeg, da jeg kiggede på tidspunkterne for billederne jeg tog bagefter, fandt ud af, at jeg gav op allerede 2,5 timer…! Inklusiv frokostpause! Ej det er simpelthen for dårligt. Og jeg har glemt hvad min problemformulering er. Og jeg har lyst til at græde. Jeg hader at jeg hyperfikserer på den her fastfood-aftige fantasyserie, fordi jeg ved, den ikke er vigtig ift mit speciale og jeg får ikke lavet noget på specialet, fordi jeg hellere vil løbe fra den og lytte til lydbog o stedet. Jeg føler mig som en kæmpe fiasko og jeg er næsten panisk ved tanken om at jeg allerede er halvvejs og jeg er ikke nået nogen vegne og jeg glemte at tilmelde mig midtvejsseminar og jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre og det bliver slet ikke en succes, det her, det går så dårligt og jeg klarer mig ikke godt og jeg har sådan lyst til at straffe mig selv. Jeg kan ikke engang finde ud af at gå i seng til nogenlunde tid. Klokken er FUCKING kvart over to! Helt ÆRLIGT!!! Jeg er så frustreret og ked af det. Jeg ved, jeg ville kunne lave et smaddergodt projekt hvis bare alting flaskede sig, men det gør det bare ikke.
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
Safety in the Darkness
Shireen, after what had happened to her so recently at dawn, now found a great deal of comfort in the depths of the night. Melisandre had, it seemed, been afraid of the dark, so the princess found little place more welcoming, more safe for her, than the late evening and earliest morning hours. The red woman loved the light, and so the girl welcomed the protection the darkness offered her from the terrible priestess...
Even if she ran into a wight in the empty corridors she traversed, it would be far better than coming across her. At least they were honest in their evil intent to cause harm.
Sweet lies and glittery tricks were the priestess’ specialty, Shireen’s mother herself had told her so. A malicious truth was better than a saccharine falsehood.
The girl sighed to herself, cradling her charred stag figurine to her side as she walked, lost in such terrible thoughts that she knew would lead to nightmares were she to attempt to lay down her head... Thankfully, an unexpected distraction drew her from them somewhat.
Attempting a welcoming smile, not wanting the stranger to think her forlorness was their doing, the princess paused in stride to give a half-curtsy. “Hello, My Lady, I don’t believe we’ve met. I am Shireen Baratheon, daughter of Selyse Baratheon-” she didn’t speak her father’s name often, even in introduction, now- “please may I ask your name?”
The girl hoped the woman was all right, to be wandering at this late hour...
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rexon02 · 5 months
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some images showcasing that photography is in its extremely early stages in Forlor, far earlier in their world than in our real history.
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magick-knives · 11 months
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Forlor: Forces Of Hate.
7” on Black Vinyl.
250 Copies.
Darker Than Black.
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brbgensokyo · 1 year
they always chose really nice artist for every new official piece of tamamo art but nothing quite hits like the forlorness takeuchi always draws her with
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Heideggers Angst
There are two questions that existential psychology states have no answers beyond what we invent ourselves. They are:
Why am I here?
What should I be doing?
Our difficulty with answering these two questions leads to unpleasant feelings about whether we are living the way we should be.
'What is a person to do, I asked, when their obligations to their family conflict with other obligations—to friends, to society, to themselves?'
- Taras internal struggles with pleasing her families desires and her own (page 391)
Heidegger calls these feelings Angst, otherwise known as existential anxiety. This is something that Tara struggles with throughout her story, as her growing desire to have an education conflicts with her learned loyalty to her family. She questions why she’s still sticking with them instead of pursuing her dreams.
"Everything I had worked for, all my years of study, had been to purchase for myself this one privilege: to see and experience more truths than those given to me by my father, and to use those truths to construct my own mind...If I yielded now, I would lose more than an argument. I would lose custody of my own mind. This was the price I was being asked to pay, I understood that now. What my father wanted to cast from me wasn’t a demon: it was me."
- Taras turning point, refusal to submit to her father (page 376)
This excerpt is important due to how central it is in Taras character transition. Where Tara has grown up knowing only submission and obediance, she finally comes to terms here with the fact that she has sacrificed too much to be able to pursue the education she has desired all along. It's far too late for her to yield now, as she would lose "more than an argument". When she says she could lose "custody of [her] own mind" she is referring to her long-lasting intellectual pursuits and quests for knowledge, all of which would be compromised if she goes back now.
To take this further, there are three types of Angst categories: anguish, forlorness, and despair. In response to Taras conflicts she struggles with feeling all three of these categories of angst. Her decision to pursue a formal education isn’t perfect - it leads to bad outcomes in other ways, such as the lack of acceptance by her family members towards her decision. This leads her to feel anguish, the feeling an individual feels knowing that no decision they make will be perfect. Tara is also aware that her decision to attend university is made by her alone, not some god or other authority figure. Her presence alone in her choice defines her to be forlorn with it. She knows that it's "too late" for her to take back her actions, and that the future is what matters now.
"I wanted to believe him, to take his words and remake myself, but I’d never had that kind of faith. No matter how deeply I interred the memories, how tightly I shut my eyes against them, when I thought of my self the images that came to mind were of that girl, in the bathroom, in the parking lot."
- Taras interpretation of Professor Steinbergs claim that who she makes herself to be is who she always was (page 302)
Lastly, Tara is aware of the fact that many experiences she has gone through are out of her control, such as the trauma she feels from her upbringing. This leads to her feelings of despair, where an individual is aware of their inability to change crucial parts of their life. Sometimes she wasn't even aware of such feelings.
"The thing about having a mental breakdown is that no matter how obvious it is that you’re having one, it is somehow not obvious to you."
- Tara acknowledging her inability to recognise her mental breakdowns (page 378)
However, it also increases her sense of accountability in trying to change her future for the better, even if her troubled past can't be changed the same way. Heidegger’s concepts of angst accurately predict the mental obstacles Tara must cope with, following her decision to choose education over her family.
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itznymph · 1 year
In the body is the mouth for taste the eye, ‘Twixen sweet and bitter well can it descry. Look on every thing then with the eye therefor, That thou mayest see, nor fall afar forlore. One must look upon the soul with soul for eyes.
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