your headcanon abt peppino performing while he cooks reminded me of that scene in kiki’s delivery service where the chef guy does a cool spin with baking pans solely to impress kiki’s cat
peppino’s in the kitchen with brick and he’s like check THIS out. does a sick pizza flip or smth. brick’s like :O!!!
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hes so talented !
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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beatcroc · 1 year
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the real joke here is that i'm pretty sure fake pep is like totally average person height, it's just that the rest of this cast are fuckin pipsqueaks
hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise] [noisette]<-u are here [peppino] [gustavo] [gerome] [noisette again]
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skizabaa · 1 year
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"You had no idea where you'd come from or what direction you were going. You couldn't remember a turn even a moment after Moon had made one. The turn did not exist, because this whole place did not exist. Your map was resolute on that front."
Recently read @eyndr-stories fic I think I smell a rat! Such a wonderful read and super cute fic 💕
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
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A lil doodle of the boys as rats from @thebad-lydrawn-sanses
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sysig · 12 days
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I really like @theratpy​‘s Dr. Zo :D I like him for normal reasons don’t even worry about it don’t read into it at all haha (Patreon)
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Bonus Ratticus
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honeycombhank · 8 months
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Tater Tornader
Was working on some artwork and holding this little dude
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stardestroyer81 · 5 months
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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in all ways except physical I am a six inch tall fuzzy little creature living in a mossy stump (which I've filled with a bunch of random shiny bullshit)
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giftboxxworld · 2 months
Peppino needed a nap, and Brick seems to be the only comfortable napping place available (there were plenty of spaces he just chose Brick because she is a friend <33)
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I saw the 'where are you all coming from' tag and my ass went 'I came for the fact your brick is very adorable and makes me smile to stay because your Peppino is kissable'
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hes also quite snuggable according to brick
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elitehoe · 7 months
Baby. Babygirl.
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gracewolf43 · 1 month
idk bout yall but i wanna see a more growely protective type laudna
i just think itd be real cute and laud def be able to fck up or at least traumatize bc of her creative mind and overall spookiness.
bonus for pate bc i love that silly little guy so much he makes my day even though he’s quite crass for the bitty fella. i want more imodna and pate fics tbh.
if ir wondering what brought this up i was reading somg of the damned and laud growled when someone got too close to an injured imogen and im all for it
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overchromatic · 1 year
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Ichiya is such a creature to me
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
This is for my baba gorl, Garvil <3
Cutest lil goo/rat man to ever exist ^^
Some of the dialogue will follow/directly be from the actual game, but some of it may be edited or not added at all. Game, art, and the BUBO series belongs to @partuulla
Gender-neutral reader
❤️🖤Meeting Gavril🖤❤️
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Waking up in the middle of the night is a common occurrence for you, it has been for several years now. Mainly for the undeniable munchies or dying of horrendous thrist or sometimes because you're body just feels like it, which is very annoying whenever you don't feel like doing anything. Especially early in the morning too.
But tonight, it was due to the constant pawing at your stomach by your cat of 1 month, Grimace, Grimmy for short. He's a fairly small cat, no more than 3 months old or as you like to say, no bigger than 4 McDonald sauce packets. He's a orange cat, and oddly calm for his kind, but he has his moments sometimes. You found him in a bush in your front yard one day, head stuck in a Grimace milkshake cup, which is how he got his name. It was a pain trying to get his head out of the hole of the lid without hurting him, his mews were literally breaking your heart already.
And ever since then you've been taking care of him, eventually adopting him due to your extreme loneliness. You're parents were quite happy that you won't be alone when you sent them pictures of Grimace, but it doesn't quite fill the void in your heart, doesn't come close to human contact. You wish to visit your parents badly, but they live out of state and your job won't even give you a damn week off cause of your stuck up boss. You don't have any friends, other than the old lady that lives next door and regularly brings you food, and even inviting you to dinner whenever her grandchildren visits or whenever she makes too much food for her and her husband. She's the only thing that can even come close to filling the void, she treats you like one of her own children, always asking if you're okay and how you need to take care of yourself.
You've tried to, really, and it's helping little by little. Even if you feel like it isn't, which is a lot of times. Too many times. But the lady next door always assures you by saying you're improving, both physically and mentally.
As your eyes adjust to the darkness of your room, you notice you're quite thirsty, throat parched begging for water. With a sigh, you slowly sit up, picking up Grimmy off your stomach from his scuff so he doesn't topple over and off the bed, wouldn't want him to get hurt. He probably woke you up because he was hungry, or maybe he wanted to spend some time with you, it's an either-or with the cat.
Stretching your limbs until a satisfying pop was heard, you slowly trudge to the door (after grabbing your phone), feet dragging against the floor as Grimace follows close behind, letting out a soft meow to let you know.
You were confident in yourself to be able to navigate your house in the dark, turning down the hall that lead to the staircase, but something felt...off. It was colder in the house despite it being summer, and it felt like someone was watching your every move as you climbed down the stairs, slowly this time to try and hear anything else other than your own breathing and rapid heartbeat beating against your ribcage harshly. Goosebumps began to appear on your skin when Grimace starts to hiss, his body language appearing tense as he stares at whatever is at the bottom of the stairs.
Not paying attention to where you're going, your foot stepped in something cold and,..gooey? Quickly recoiling your foot in disgust, a noise leaving your mouth at the unexpected texture, only it doesn't budge. Whatever the substance was, kept your foot stuck. Turning on your flashlight to see what it was your foot was stuck in, you see it's a black puddle of goo, and it was slowly covering it. You followed where it the goo was coming from with your light. And if landed on hooded figure, who was standing in your living room, arm covering their eyes due to the sudden bright light. A whole ass man in your living room.
Fear coursed through your veins, and without thinking (since the figure was literally in an arm's reach) threw a punch to the side of his head out of pure panic and instinct, whilst dropping your phone. Surprisingly, that was able to knock the guy out, as he laid face down on the ground, unmoving.
And that also lead to the gooey substance to retract from your foot.
"Holy shit did I kill him??" Rushing towards the body, you put two fingers to the pulse on his neck to see if it's still there. Sure this may have been some robber or killer coming/breaking into your house, but it's better if you don't get charged with manslaughter and land a lifetime in prison for it. Thankfully he was still alive, but you've might've given him a concussion..
"Ah he'll live..hopefully." Grimace meows in disappointment, sniffing the stranger in curiosity, eventually becoming a loaf on his back. "What do I even do with the guy? I mean, obviously I should call the police, right?" Staring at the man, you decided you wanted to interrogate him. Why? Well because you have nothing better to do that's why, also you're still thirsty.
So here you are, sitting at your table after downing several glasses of water to quench your thirst. And at the other end of the table, was the knocked out man, his hands zipped tied behind the chair so he wouldn't try anything. "This is the stupidest thing I've ever done." Grimace, who finished eating some wet food, bonked his head against your arm, meowing in response, his version of comfort. Sometimes you wish he can talk, so you can have a full blown conversation with him, and not have it be one-sided. Though he isn't supposed to be on the table, you told him that many times before. So grabbing the scruff of his neck, you place him on your lap, where he decided to become a loaf once again.
A groan is what snaps your neck in the direction of the hooded man, his eyes blinking open. He doesn't seem to know what happened, as he is literally waking up with a concussion. Also maybe due to the bright light of the dining room..should you turn it down a little? No, you want answers, even if it kinda means possibly risking your life here.
"So...I'm alive." His voice sends shivers up your spine, goosebumps appearing on your skin. It has a mysterious deep tone to it, something you would hear when listening to a horror audio-book, and one that you absolutely adore. He seems to take in the situation he was in before meeting your eyes. A smirk creeps onto his face, God even his smirk looks-NO NO, FOCUS AT THE TASK AT HAND.
"You actually want to talk to me? My, you really must be lonely~" It's hard to concentrate on your thoughts when his voice is literally making your insides flutter. Keep in mind this is the same guy that broke into your house, get it together. Oh right, he asked a question or something, "What gave that away?" Sarcasm dripping from the question, an attempt to get yourself together and keep a level head.
"Ah, well I'm here to keep you company." He tilts his head, you can't really see anything with his hood on, as it shadowed the top half of his face. Only one strand of long curly black hair, and one of his eye's were visible to your line of sight. Now on the focus of his face, he has some rather sharp features, with a rather pointy goatee now that you noticed it, it's not too long, rather short. That smirk of his seems to widen as he watches you.
He continues on when you haven't said anything in a minute, "If you untie me, I'll be sure to reward your honesty!" What? You raise an eyebrow at the words that leave his mouth. Untie him? This guy literally broke into your house less than an hour ago, why should you untie him.
...But now you're curious, "..What kind of reward?"
"There's only one way to find out." This guy really sucks, why haven't you called the cops yet? Your phone is literally on your lap, and you have enough practice to dial any number without looking. So what's stopping you from doing so?
"I'm surprised you haven't called the cops already. You really are lonely!" He laughs in a mocking way, head thrown back a bit. This guy probably has a screw loose, or maybe it's you with the screw loose because you thought it'd be a good idea to interrogate him instead of calling the police.
Yes, you're just full of bright ideas.
Glancing at your phone, you run through the limited choices you have. You're quite close to just calling the police on this guy, he keeps talking. And he's quite cocky too. But then you wouldn't get the answers to the questions you have. Out of all of the houses on the block, why did he choose yours? It's literally the smallest house compared to all of the bigger houses, and the most bland out of them all. Maybe because you didn't have a security system? Most of your neighbors have them, hell some of them even have guard dogs too.
So, in probably what was the stupidest idea that has ever crossed your mind, you powered off your phone, throwing it on a counter nearby. "Wise decision, my friend!" He praised, though his expression goes blank after he said those words, "Hm..I guess I can't call you my friend yet if I don't know your name!"
Now he's asking for names? Man, this is some weird ass night. Before you could respond, a sharp pain was felt in your thigh, causing you to let out a small pained, "¡Pinche de puta madre!", as you winced at the pain. The stranger seemed a little shocked at your sudden reaction, raising an eyebrow as he continues to watch in curiosity. Looking to see the source of such pain, it turned out to be Grimace stretching his limbs out after being in such a position for so long. You nearly forgot he was in your lap, and how sharp his claws can be at times. You're not able to feel them due to your clothes preventing them from scratching your skin. But now that you're just in some shorts and an oversized shirt, you can quite clearly feel each and every claw of his digging into your skin.
Picking him up by the scruff, you decided you should just hold him in your arms, as if he were a baby. Well, he technically is a baby, he's your baby after all. And he's still learning, little baby don't even know what 2+2 is. You don't really trust putting him on the ground yet, as you don't know whether this man has any ill intentions, also because he's very curious about new people. "It's Y/N." You responded to his previous question, pretending as if nothing ever happened in the first place. The stranger stares at the cat in your arms for a few seconds longer, before meeting your gaze, a grin returning to his face.
"Well Y/N, I'm Gavril!" Gavril, what an, oddly suitable name for him? "I'd love to shake your hand right now..but..Well.." He's referring to the zip tie, a small chuckle leaving his lips. You slightly grimace at his words, "No thank you, don't really wanna touch you after seeing all that nasty goop around you, or..from you?" A shudder rocks through your body at the idea of the stuff coming from inside him, what is it anyway?
"Oh, don't mind all that!" He shrugs to the best of his ability, his head tilting to the side a bit, turning away from you a little, "It's hard to explain what it is, really. But you don't have to worry about it for as long as I am satisfied!" He faces you again, "Promise." Something in your stomach dropped, satisfied? What way does he mean that word? It could mean anything! Well, he probably most likely means food, or money, I mean, it wouldn't hurt just feeding him right? God now he sounds like some kind of pet. But feeding him would mean cutting the zip tie, cause you're not handfeeding him the food, that would be awkward and he'd be a smug little bitch about it too.
Grimace starts to meow in what you could assume is boredom, stretching his paw until it was tapping the bottom of your chin repeatedly. This was a daily occurrence for you and him, you don't know why he does it yet. Gavril seemed to find it quite funny, as he pursed his lips a bit, a small sound resembling a giggle was heard. You decided to ignore it for the time-being.
"Are..are you satisfied right now?" Something in your gut tells you that you probably already know the answer to this, a warning from your instincts. "It would be more satisfying if you were to untie me." Okay you were not expecting that answer. Gavril keeps going, "This position is very uncomfortable.." To be fair, you never meant for it to be comfortable. But the sudden thought of actually cutting the tie crossed your mind. The decision went back and forth for quite a bit before you sighed, standing up and going towards a drawer in your kitchen containing all kinds of junk, and with the only pairs of scissors you have. You had to put Grimace down for a brief moment on the counter to use your hands, and he as an orange cat in his nature, kept trying to leap off the counter to go investigate the new person. Each time he failed due to you quickly grabbing him before he got far.
With the scissors in hand, and Grimace in your hold, you cut the zip tie holding his hands, the snap of the tie seeming to echo in the nearly silent room. Your heart is beating in your ears, a sudden feeling of regret and anxiety rushes over you, as you try your best to walk back to your chair without falling over from how shakey your legs are. Chewing the inside of your cheek, you wait to see what he does. He immediately stretches his arms above his head, finally able to move his stiff arms from such an uncomfortable position for so long. He takes off his hood, finally being able to see his face without the shadows in the way. You were right, he has some sharp features now that the hood is out of the way. He's quite...handsome, and strangely beautiful in his own way, a warmth spreading through your cheeks. He seems to be in his late 30's, maybe his 40's even, his eyes have very prominent eye bags underneath them, and a beautifully carved face.
"Ahh, that's much better!" He gives you smile, crossing his arms as he leans on them a small bit, "Thank you, Y/N. If it's chat you want, it's a chat you'll get!" Finally, answers to the questions that have been floating in your mind. "Yeah, cool. I mainly just want to know.." You paused for a minute, picking out a question to ask from the piles apon piles of them stacking up in your brain.
"Why did you break into my house? It's quite literally the smallest on the block compared to the others." Your thumb brushes against Grimace's fur, an attempt to relax your nerves as you look anywhere else other than his intense gaze. "Oh, a friend led me here. We're both pretty hungry, so he might have smelled something good!" Fuck, is there more of him going around the block?? "He ran off a while ago, so I don't know where he is..hope he's alright." So there's a possibility that his friend is also breaking into the other houses.
"So there's more of you going around?"
"He and I are nothing alike. For one, he's a rat." A rat. He's friends with a rat. You have a feeling he hasn't had human interaction in quite some time. Though you can't really judge, you talk to your cat everyday as if he were a normal person. Then an image flashed in your mind, when Gavril was in your living room before you knocked him out, he had what seemed to be a tail made of the same substance as the goo. A tail, just like a rat's. "Is that why you have a tail? You part rat or something?" He seemed to perk up at the first question, he seemed confused. "What are you talking about?" He takes a few moments longer before he finally realized what you meant.
He blushes a small bit, averting his eyes to the side, fiddling with the sleeves of his coat. "Oh you mean my.." He pauses, before making eye contact with you again. "That's not a tail, it's more like a third arm!" He gives a small smile as he continues, "Not that there's anything wrong with having tails or anything!" Something in the back of your mind is telling you he won't bring any harm as of now, he doesn't seem dangerous right now. Though it would be pretty stupid to let your guard down completely. You don't know why you're acting this friendly to a home invader. Maybe due to the fact you're basically lonely 24/7 and only have three people to talk too, or there was something in that goo of his that was probably affecting your brain. Either way, it was nice having some human interaction. A small chuckle fills the room, as you return the smile, though it was quite small. "It...oddly suits you in a good way." The comment seemed to fluster him a small bit, though he gives you a grin, "Thank you, it does make stealing food easier."
Contemplating your next decision, you sighed, hoping that this wouldn't backfire on you in any way. "Look, you don't have to steal anything," You say as you stand up, heading towards the kitchen, letting Grimace down on the ground so he could walk around. You trust Gavril enough to not harm him. Gavril seemed a little shocked at the sudden kindness shown to him, though it seems to fade away and he smiles. "Maybe some for your friend too, wherever he may be." Opening the fridge, you look at what you could give the man to eat. Maybe something that has a good amount of nutrients mixed in it. He does look a little bit on the skinny side, though you can't really tell with his coat on. "You are too kind, Y/N!" He says from the table, leaning his head on the palm of his hand, peering at the doorway leading into the kitchen.
He felt something furry brushing against his legs, as he peers underneath the table in curiosity. The cat, he doesn't know the name of yet, laying down on his back as he plays with the fabric of his coat, letting out a mew every so often. Gavril smiles a bit, reaching a hand down to gently pet the top of it's head.
Coming out of the kitchen, you give him a sandwich with some string cheese to go with it, setting down the plate in front of him. He immediately lunges for the cheese first, it being gone as soon as it came. Maybe he's more rat than human, actually now that brings up another question, is he even human? The question is thrown out of mind when you realized Gavril was talking to you. "Sorry, can you repeat that?" Said man was picking up the sandwich, opening his mouth. You didn't really expect a long black appendage come out of his mouth, wrapping itself around the sandwich, covering the whole thing in it's gooey substance. Before you know it, there were only crumbs left, the only existing thing that was left of the sandwich. His tongue withdraws itself back into his mouth. That definitely checks out.
"Oh God."
"Um, what the fuck was that."
"Oh, it is just so hard to chew certain things. It's very handy at times." Gavril waves his hand a bit in a somewhat dismissive manner, wiping off the excess crumbs that got into his goatee. "So you, use the slime to eat things?" What a strange thing to do, can he even taste things like that? The sandwich seemed to have dissolved when the goo covered it. He only smiled back at you, finding amusement in your confusion. That seemed to have answered your question. You remember how you were stepping in that not to long ago, you could've ended up just like that sandwich. A sudden realization came over you that you could've died.
"How does it, work exactly? Is it acidic? Can you control what it can melt or not? Can you taste anything when you eat food like that?"
"I.. don't think it melts things exactly! But it somewhat works like that. I can still taste things yes, it doesn't effect the taste in anyway." Gavril answered, scratching the bottom of his chin. He doesn't go into much detail, maybe he doesn't know much of how it works either. "I am no scientist in any way, it is...difficult to explain how it works."
"But I have a cousin who is one! He would for sure know, he is very smart." He has family? Well obviously he would have family. Though why hasn't he gone to them for help? Maybe it's a touchy subject for him. "I'm assuming your family doesn't, know about this?" You decided to test the waters. "Family..is a strong word." He averted his eyes, his shoulders tensing as he goes to pet Grimace, who was once again, on the table without a single care in the world. Family is a touchy subject then. You decided to leave it alone, it's none of your business anyway.
"So that slime, can you control it in any way?" Changing the subject seemed to be a good idea in this situation, and seeming to work as his shoulders went back to a relax position when you moved on from the subject. "Yes! It has been very useful to me, though it's hard to say if it is a tool or a friend at times.." Christ, his perception of friendship was so, distorted. The thought of becoming friends with him seemed to enter your mind, it doesn't sound too bad. Throughout the time you two have been talking, it seemed that you both had some things in common, and you actually liked his company. "By the sounds of it, you just might be the lonely one here." A light jab at him, as you give him a joking smile. He sighed, though he returned the smile, "..Maybe I am." His smile flattered a little, fiddling with the sleeves of his coat.
"As much as I love my rat friends, it does feel nicer to talk to someone who hasn't run away yet! Like you.." Okay that was a little sad. You felt pity for him, you don't know how long has he gone without human interaction, but you're willing to be the one person to change that, make his life a little less lonely. "I feel as if I can call you my friend now!"
"Because I offered cheese?" You say in a joking manner. "Yes, that too." He laughs a small bit, before continuing. "Maybe it was fate that led me here to you?" Okay now the atmosphere just got a little weird, what is happening?? This is the same guy that you tied to a chair not too long ago, but..his words do show some truth to them. "Maybe you're right, it has been quite nice talking to you, despite you breaking into my house." You both share a chuckle at the coincidence such a situation turned out to be. You continue to talk, "Despite how scary it was in the beginning, we're both pretty lonely I guess.." Grimace starts walking towards you, gently rubbing his face against your cheek as he let's out a purr. It brings a smile to your face.
"We don't have to be lonely anymore, Y/N.." Gavril said in a soft voice, a new emotion being seen in those dark eyes of his. You can't tell what he's feeling now, but you have a good idea you might know in a bit. "And I could eat cheese everyday." He continues in a somewhat joking/serious manner, a grin making itself known. Sounds like he just wants you for the free cheese. "Are you saying you want to stay here? Gavril I'm sorry to break it to you, but I don't want a roommate.." It would be an absolute pain trying to pay for another person considering how much your job pays, especially for someone who is basically a felon. Imagine the bail you would have to pay for if he ever got caught.
He seemed to blush as he said the next words, eyes averting and lifting his hand to cover the bottom half of his face, "What about, more than roommates? As in..not roommates." His voice came out slightly muffled, but you still heard it loud and clear. Is..is he asking you what you think he's asking for? He seemed to become a little shy as he gets more red in the face, his hand still over his mouth. "You..you said you liked my tail...So I thought.." Okay wow, he is asking what you think he's asking for. You don't know how to feel about this, your mind went blank, and you're quite literally speechless. You've never been in any kind of romantic relationship before, despite several attempts to have one, but they never worked out for you in the end. But, there's that little voice in the back of your mind, that little voice of encouragement. Mulling over the idea, you finally spoke up. "Just, don't break into my house anymore, alright?" You're not sure how this will turn out, but you hope it turns out well for you both.
Gavril seems to smile at your response, seeming to be giddy. "Ah, I don't think I would be able to anyway!" That seemed to confuse you, before he continues, "I have so much traveling to do. But, you are fine with long distance, right?" He pulls out a slip of paper and a pen out of his pocket, scribbling something down before he slides it over to you.
"Here's my number. You should call or text me or send pictures anytime you like! I'm always available, I promise!" He starts to get up from the chair, adjusting his coat as he throws the hood back over his head. He..was as lonely as a man could get. But, that didn't seem to bother you, though you wish you got to know more about him during the time he was in your house. You'll get your chance in the morning. "I am so happy, Y/N." He turns to look at you, beaming in pure joy. "I know I have to go soon, but I am so glad to have met you! Even if it meant tying me to a chair!"
He walks over to the front door, the atmosphere feeling a lot lighter than how it originally was in the beginning. Before he left, he turns to one last time, waving as he says, "So long, darling~" He walks into the night, his figure slowly disappearing the further he walked on as he blends in with the shadows around him. And just like that, the house was quiet, as if nothing ever happened in the first place. You were left sitting at the table, staring at the slip of paper Gavril gave to you, reading each number and burning it into your memory. You're not sure what life may be of now, or what it will throw at you, but you know for sure it's going to be a big change.
Standing from the table, you made sure that everything was locked (and putting a chair underneath the door knob to ensure nobody else breaks in) before heading upstairs, Grimace following behind. All the exhaustion that was in you seemed to have disappeared when you got back to bed. It seemed that the events that took place earlier still have you shaken up, despite it turning out better in the end. With a sigh, you turn onto your side, gently caressing the sheets with your fingers. Sleep didn't come to you for quite some time, until the early hours of the morning. You know your boss is going to be a stuck up bitch about it, even if you told him that someone broke in last night. He wouldn't care.
But that doesn't matter to you now, a specific man staying in your thoughts as you drift off.
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honeycombhank · 7 months
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From an earlier photo shoot with Emmitt.
What a beautiful mouth you have Emmitt Wild
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