#THE SLIGHT SIDE EYE AT ‘don’t do something he would do’ aaaaaaah
fishslappping · 2 years
aaaah the scenes with Louis and Claudia talking telepathically in front of Lestat are soooo manically and painfully delicious after seeing that interview mentioning how Lestat can hear them
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ahrorha · 3 years
Flame of Winter
Hello everyone,
It has been some time. I ended up having a personal encounter with Covid in December and afterwards I was diagnosed with a heart defect. In short, I was a little occupied with recovering and a lot of doctors and hospital appointments. But my health is slowly improving and the medication does do its work.
I have never forgotten the story but I had a hard time picking up my pen again so to speak.
It is with great pleasure and a little sadness that I can share the last chapters of Flame of Winter.
Enjoy XD
Chapter 32
Solas walked through the last of the Viddasala's forces. Why they still tried to attack was beyond him. It was a perfect example of the mindlessness of the Qun. Like they were trained to, the Qunari followed the orders shouted by the Viddasala without questioning. They kept coming even when they saw their brethren being turned into stone right before their eyes.
Not that he was in a hurry. He had led the Viddasala and the Inquisitor along a twisted path through the eluvians. Sabotaging and depleting the Viddasala's forces on the way. Now the Viddasala was defeated, although judging by her yelling, she hadn't realised it yet. Now all that was left was to wait until Ryan emerged from the last eluvian. Once he was separated from the others, he could deal with him and the Anchor.
Solas was anticipating his confrontation with Ryan more than he expected. He knew it was his pride speaking, but it would be satisfying to see Ryan's reaction once Solas would reveal his true identity. It would likely seriously damage Ryan's worldview and the history of his precious Chantry.
But as much as he looked forward to dealing with Ryan, what made him more nervous was being this close to Eirlana. Though he was always aware of her strongest emotions in the back of his mind, it was unnerving to feel her hope, desperation, and anxiety grow more intensely the closer she came. And he had to admit he was focussing more on her than he should. He missed her, with all his being. He missed her presence, her spirit, her mind, her touch. But he couldn't risk for them to meet; it would be too hurtful for them both to say goodbye once again.
Solas huffed a laugh, not knowing how he would react if Eirlana suddenly would stand before him.
His laugh angered one of the Qunari. “DIE! Bas hissra!” he yelled and swung his axe towards him.
Without even looking, Solas turned him into stone. He needed to focus and deal with Ryan and the Anchor first. With the last of the Qunari defeated, he could hear the Viddasala cursing and hurry after him.
She still hadn't learned her lesson. Calmly Solas turned towards her and waited. While he stood still, the ward guarding the eluvian activated. Ryan had finally gone through it. Immediately Solas took control of the eluvian and shut it down. He had no desire to deal with the rest of his former comrades.
“Ebasit kata. Itwa-ost.” Solas addressed the Viddasala.
“Maraas kata!” the Viddasala snarled back at him.
“Your forces have failed. Leave now, and tell the Qunari to trouble me no further.” he turned around, giving her a last chance to retreat, but she chose differently. He could hear how she readied her weapon. Being aware that Ryan was approaching, he petrified the Viddasala without looking back.
Pretending to not have noticed Ryan's presence Solas walked a few paces.
“Solas!” Ryan yelled. “You basta... Aaaaaaah.” he cried out in pain as the Anchor flared up.
Solas turned around and saw Ryan sink to his knees, holding his hand. Slowly he approached him. He hadn't seen the Inquisitor in two years, but he still couldn't stand the man. In contempt, he waited a few seconds before he deactivated the Anchor. There was no reason not to try and be civil with the man.
“That should give us more time.” he said as Ryan struggled back to his feet. “I suspect you have questions.”
Ryan gritted his teeth and snarled. “You! You bastard. You betrayed us.” he drew his sword in an attempt to attack him.
Solas immediately reactivated the Anchor. Forcing Ryan back to his knees. With a slight push of magic, Solas flung Ryan's sword and shield away.
“I did no such thing.” he said calmly, deactivating the Anchor again. “I promised help to close the Breach, and so I did.”
“You are a traitor!” Ryan spat at him.
“History would agree with you.”
This seemed to confuse Ryan. “What history?” he asked.
Seeing it was no use spending much time with the man, Solas answered him. “I will explain this to you briefly. Please, for once, pay attention. I am the Dread Wolf. I fought the false elven gods, created the Veil, and destroyed my people. I intend to restore them. Doing so will most likely destroy your world.”
“WHAT?” Ryan looked at him in shock. “You are planning to... You are delusional, a MONSTER!”
As soon as Ryan had walked through the eluvian, it went dormant. No matter how hard Eirlana pushed against the dark glass, the mirror remained unresponsive under her hands. The way towards Solas was locked.
“Maker!” Cassandra exclaimed. “The Inquisitor! We must find a way through.” She looked around, trying to find anything that could help them.
Vivienne looked also concerned. “We have to warn someone. The Inquisitor, we need to reach him. He could be anywhere with these eluvians.”
“Why would it suddenly go dark?” Cassandra asked. “None of the others did.”
“There has to be a way.” Varric said. “The Viddasala and the Inquisitor walked right through it.” he shook his head. “This whole thing is turning messier by the minute. I still can't believe Solas is involved in all of this.”
“Solas, an agent of Fen'Harel.” Vivienne said with contempt. “Well, it doesn't surprise me at all that he is involved in such a shady business.” she turned her gaze towards Eirlana. “I wonder though, if you truly didn't know anything of this.”
“He is no agent.” Eirlana answered her sharply.
“I don't know.” Varric shrugged. “He could be. Who knows what he has been up to these past years.”
Because he is Fen'Harel himself, Eirlana thought, and she knew Solas. He would be far too proud to serve under anyone. God or no god. His mind wouldn't allow him to follow anyone blindly. She pressed her hand again against the surface of the eluvian, but it didn't respond. The glass surface felt cold and hard against her fingertips. There was no way through.
She couldn't believe it, she was this close to Solas, but her path was blocked. Desperately she reached out to the strange wolf spirit for help. She could feel it was restless, as if it wanted to help but didn't know how. In her mind, she could hear it softly whine as it paced back and forth.
“Let's search the saarebas.” Cassandra suggested. “Surely, he had something to reach the Viddasala. Maybe he carries another keystone.” She and Vivienne hastened to the body, leaving Varric and Eirlana at the eluvian.
Ignoring Varric's sympathetic look, Eirlana closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the glass surface.
“Please.” she whispered in elven. “Please let me through.”
Suddenly she could feel something growing warm against her chest. Startled, she quickly pulled at the string holding Mythal's amulet; it softly glowed in her hand.
“Snowflake?” Varric asked, uncertain what she had in her hand. They both looked at the glowing amulet, then at each other.
“I am sorry.” Eirlana whispered to him, knowing there was no turning back from what she was about to do. “Farewell.” She said and pressed the amulet against the eluvian. Immediately it sprung back to life, and without looking back, Eirlana stepped through it.
“Snowflake, wait!” Varric called after her, but she was already gone.
Eirlana emerged on the other side. The eluvian went immediately dark again behind her back. She startled when she saw the many petrified Qunari that surrounded the mirror. All of them were frozen with their weapons held in midswing, likely because they had tried to attack Solas. Eirlana noticed she was still in the same ruin. Not too far away was the giant eluvian she saw at the beginning when they entered these ruins.
“WHAT? You are planning to... You are delusional, a MONSTER!” she heard Ryan yell in the distance.
“It is not the first time I have been called that.”
His voice, she would recognise it anywhere. Her chest tightened as she ran up the stairs.
Finally, she would see him again after two long lonely years. After she had searched endlessly for him in the Fade, calling out to him, leaving messages with spirits. After two years of longing and worry, she would finally get some answers. As fast as her feet could carry her, she ran towards his voice, her heart overflowing with a whirlwind of emotions.
Solas fell silent and looked in the direction of the eluvian. Someone had triggered the ward that was guarding it. He froze when he saw Eirlana running up the stairs.
How had she managed to come through the eluvian?
Eirlana halted her step when she reached the top of the stair. She couldn't believe it. It really was Solas, but he was far from the man she imagined meeting. Gone was the facade of the humble apostate. Before her stood Fen'Harel, clad in elven armor, and she could practically feel the power that radiated from him as easily as a breath.
She was vaguely aware that Ryan was yelling at her to stay where she was, but she ignored him.
Staring at each other, she and Solas stepped closer as if they both were in a trance-like state.
“Vhenan.” Solas whispered. His eyes were big, as if he couldn't believe it was really her.
Hearing him call her 'His heart' shattered something inside of her. Furious, she hastened her step and slapped him as hard as she could across his cheek. It was suddenly and with such a force that the sound echoed against the giant eluvian next to them.
Everything went quiet, and even Ryan stared at her, shocked.
Stunned by her action, Solas held his cheek, which stung under his fingertips. In disbelief, he looked at her eyes, glaring furiously at him and glistening with unshed tears. But before he could utter another word, she grabbed his face and crushed her lips against his.
For a moment, he was too shocked to do anything, but then he flung his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. Their lips moved feverishly, both trying to get the upper hand in their desperation to finally be together again.
Solas shivered when her hands moved. One arm slid around his neck. While her other gloved hand lightly scratched over the back of his head. It sent a pleasant tingle down his spine. His own hand moved up her back, grabbing her head. He cursed the bulky armor and metal gloves he wore, wanting nothing more than run his fingers through her hair and feel her body against his. Though it didn't stop him from pulling her more firmly against him, desperate to get closer together.
“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Ryan yelled. With his arm still in pain, he struggled to get on his feet. “He is DANGEROUS, a MONSTER!”
Sensing the threat Ryan could present with the unstable Anchor, Solas immediately let go of Eirlana and pulled her behind his back. His action was so natural and immediate that he had done it before he even realised it. He had shielded and protected her without hesitation.
Ryan's eyes went big, seeing Solas acting this way, and Solas knew he had made a big mistake. By being protective, he had sealed Eirlana's faith. Now she could never return to the Inquisition or any land their spies could reach.
Angry at his own mistake, Solas activated the Anchor, forcing Ryan back to his knees.
Eirlana stepped next to Solas, looking with contempt at Ryan being in pain. For once, she didn't feel obliged to do anything to lessen his suffering. He had kept her under constant guard for the past two years. He had interrogated and threatened her; she was nothing more than a mere tool to him, that needed to be watched and couldn't be trusted.
Ryan panted as the Anchor calmed down again. Holding his hand, he glared at her.
“He is delusional. You don't know who he claims to be.”
“No.” she told him calmly. “I know.”
Solas closed his eyes, hearing her say those three words. Now her fate was truly sealed. There was no way she could return to the Inquisition or any of the people she had befriended over the years.
“You knew?” Ryan looked baffled for a moment before his eyes filled with fury. “YOU KNEW?!”
“I have known for over two years that he is Fen'Harel.”
“YOU... you...” Ryan seemed lost for words by her revelation.
“It appears your list of allies grows smaller with each passing day Inquisitor.” Solas cut in, throwing salt on his wounded ego. “Tell me, how is Warden Blackwall, or Thom Rainier as his real name is? And I don't see your friend, the Iron Bull. Tell me, where is he?”
Ryan snarled furiously at him.
Not being intimidated in the slightest, Solas stepped calmly closer to him. “Do you know how I discovered the Qunari plot?” He looked down upon Ryan, who hadn't the strength any longer to get up from his knees. “The plot I disrupted by leading them to your doorstep? The Qunari spies within the Inquisition tripped over my spies. You haven't made a single decision without everyone in Thedas knowing about it. Or did you really think the Chantry, Orlais, Ferelden, Tevinter and the Free Marches would simply let you be? It is truly a wonder there are even people left who haven't an alternative motive within your organisation.”
Lost for words, Ryan groaned as the Anchor flared up; sweat was pearling on his forehead from the pain.
Feeling nothing but contempt for Ryan, Solas continued. “What remains is your mark. Ultimately, none but I could have borne the mark and lived. Your death would cause more senseless chaos, more bloodshed. It is unnecessary.”
He roughly grabbed Ryan's hand, creating a powerful seal just above his elbow. It would prevent the spread of the magic the Anchor had accumulated. Then he took what he could from the Anchor. Though it was damaged and sealed within Ryan, some parts of it could still be salvaged.
“Though I doubt you will thank me.” Solas said and let go of Ryan's hand, which was still glowing brightly from the accumulated energy. Soon the magic would consume his arm; already blackened parts fell to the ground turning into ash. “Live well, while time remains.”
He turned back to Eirlana. Looking at her, his heart grew heavy, knowing he had to say goodbye again.
“Come, vhenan.” he lay his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the huge eluvian. He could feel her hesitation; she knew by following him, she would step into another life. A life without the friends she treasured. Before he guided her through it, he activated the other eluvian, so the others could reach Ryan.
“Inquisitor!” they heard Cassandra yell in the distance.
Eirlana turned her head, hearing Varric call for her. Solas waited a few seconds; that felt like an eternity, but he knew it had to be her decision. To his relief, she soon looked forward and stepped through the eluvian. Without glancing back at the Inquisitor, he followed her.
Eirlana emerged back at the crossroads on a vast square filled with several eluvians and Elvhen statues. Some of the eluvians were active. The giant eluvian behind her back went dark, and Solas led her across the square towards one of the inactive eluvians. With a small gesture of his hand, it sprung to life.
Solas clenched his fist, knowing that this would hurt, but he needed to let her go once again. Avoiding her eyes, he pushed her towards the eluvian.
“Walk through here. You will be safe. A couple of my men are waiting for you. They will guide you to a place where you can live freely and in peace.”
“What?” Alarmed, Eirlana stared at him. She couldn't believe what he was saying.
“Farewell. I will never forget you.” Without looking at her, he turned and walked away.
“Solas, wait! Stop!”
But he kept on walking. Horrified, she realised he was planning to leave her. Without even a word of explanation, he would abandon her again. A wave of intense anger ignited in her. She wouldn't let this happen. Not again.
“SOLAS! Don't you dare!”
A strong barrier suddenly appeared in front of him. He could practically hear it humming with magic. With a sigh, he wanted to step through it, but to his surprise, he couldn't. Shocked, he touched the barrier and his fingertips stung by the force trapped within the field. Perplexed, he turned around, but there he was met with another one. Eirlana had created a dome, trapping him. He looked at her, and she was staring at him furiously.
“Don't you DARE walk away from me! Not again!”
“Vhenan. Please there...”
“Don't vhenan me!” she snapped at him. Tears stung in her eyes. She was furious. How dare he try to leave her again. “You left me. You disappeared without a word.” Her heart stung. After such a long time, to see him again, only for him to try to leave her once again.
“You just left.” Tears escaped Eirlana's eyes. It hurt to say it out loud. To give word to the pain, she had carried for two years. Now that they were finally reunited, why was he acting this way? Why was he making her pain worse?
Solas swallowed. Seeing the hurt he had caused with his own eyes was silencing him. He didn't know what to say; she had every right to be furious. He deserved her anger. “Vhe...”
The look she gave him, made him stop. He couldn't say it. It hurt. She had denied him what he wanted to call her with all his heart with a single glance. It cut deeper than anything he had felt for a long time. And she was correct; by leaving her, he had lost every right to call her his vhenan.
“Eirlana.” It felt strange to call her by her name. It felt distant. “Please listen to me. There is no time.”
“I don't care! You owe me an explanation.”
“Now is not the time.”
“Two years.” she said, glaring even more at him. “You had over two years of time.”
“I can't. The more you know, the more you will be in danger. If you follow me, there is no turning back. I can't do that to you. I can't keep you safe.”
Eirlana huffed a laugh in disbelief. “Keep me safe? From what?”
“You will be in danger. You will be hunted and hated like me. You know already too much.”
She huffed again. “And leaving me and running away like a coward. You think that will keep me safe. You think being apart will solve things.”
“I wish there was another way, vhenan.”
“Don't call me that! You left me like I was nothing. You didn't even answer my calls in the Fade. And don't pretend you didn't hear me.”
Solas looked at his feet, which made Eirlana only angrier. “Tell me! Tell me I was a fling to pass the time! That I am a mistake, you want to get rid of.”
“No!” In shock, Solas stared at her. He had left her because he loved her. He couldn't bear to corrupt her with his schemes, with what he needed to do. How could she think that what they had was a fling?
“No? What else am I suppose to think?” she snapped at him. “You won't even give me the curtsy of an explanation now.”
A bolt of energy suddenly burst against Eirlana's barrier that she had created in a reflex. At the same time, Shivera called. “Lord Fen'Harel!”
Solas turned around and saw Shivera with a squad of his men spread out to surround Eirlana. They were clearly alarmed by seeing him trapped.
“NO STOP!” he yelled in elven and tried to Fade Step through the barrier. To his surprise, the barrier intensified, extending even into the Fade, and he was vaguely aware of teeth snarling back at him. In disbelief, he stared back at Eirlana, who had her hand outstretched to control the barrier. The amount of energy needed to keep him trapped didn't seem to affect her at all. But there was no time to marvel at her feat because his men were readying their weapons. Though they hesitated because of his order. He needed to reason with her.
“I am not your vhenan.” she glared at him and at Shivera, who was interrupting her chance to finally get answers.
“Eirlana. Let me out. Please.”
“Lord Fen'Harel.” Shivera called him again.
Solas could see that Eirlana wouldn't give up. And in part, she was right; he had avoided this confrontation far too long. Not taking his eyes off her, he said. “Leave us.”
“But..? My Lord?” Shivera was surprised by Solas' order.
“I said leave us. Proceed with the plan. Sent orders to retreat all of our assets. They know of our existence; now, we need to bring them all to safety. Also, retrieve the goods from Skyhold and the Winter Palace.”
Solas turned abruptly towards Shivera. “NOW!”
Shivera stiffened and saluted. Glancing back a few times, he and his men swiftly left and disappeared through an eluvian.
Relieved that his men didn't attack Eirlana, Solas turned his focus back on her. He was a little shocked that she was able to hold him. How powerful had she become in his absence?
“Eirlana. Never doubt that what has happened between us was real.”
Eirlana swallowed, hearing him speak in the past tense. He was going to push her away again. Her heart broke, realising he would leave her. Quickly she looked away, blinking her eyes fast. She didn't want to break down.
“Why bother at all?” she asked, her voice heavy with emotion. “Why start something you clearly don't want?”
His eyes turned to the ground for a while before he looked back at her. “I have never intended to fall in love with you, but I did. I love you, even when I am not worthy of receiving yours. There are too many things you don't know about me.”
Hearing him say that he loved her pierced through her. 'Bastard!' she thought; it would be so much easier to just be angry with him. But her heart soared hearing him say, 'I love you.' The tears that were already gathering spilt from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
“But why? Why didn't you tell me the truth? Didn't you trust me?”
“I... I couldn't.” Solas lowered his eyes again, avoiding looking at her.
Eirlana saw he was struggling. The secrets between them were too big. She stepped to the edge of the barrier that trapped him. “Then tell me now. Please.”
He looked at her, and it was clear he was in turmoil. He couldn't let her enter the twisted web of conflict he was standing in. “I can't...” he slowly shook his head and averted his eyes again. “I can't do this... not to you.”
“Do you remember what you said to me the first time I followed you?”
Puzzled, he looked at her; it seemed like a lifetime ago when she struggled to follow him through the Planasene Forest. He almost couldn't believe that the Eirlana in front of him was the same fearful, starving and beaten woman he had freed. Back then, she was nothing more than a shivering bundle in the grass he had taken pity on. She had transformed since then. And seeing her now, he noticed a difference between the woman he had left behind and the woman now standing before him. She looked more mature and confident, but mostly her eyes had changed. They had hardened and lost the wonder and trust she always carried when looking at him, and he knew he was to blame. His heart ached, knowing he had caused some of her change and that he wasn't at her side to see her grow into the woman she had become.
But he couldn't remember what he had said to her.
“No.” he answered.
“You are free to walk your own path.”
He knew what she was hinting at and shook his head. “You shouldn't walk my path.” He averted his eyes again. “It isn't safe.”
“Solas, I haven't been safe since the day I was born. I chose to follow you. I chose to help at Haven, to work with the Inquisition. I chose to fight, to follow my feelings, to do what I think is right. I chose to stay with the Inquisition after you disappeared, and I chose to go look for you after this summit.”
Eirlana saw that Solas kept averting his eyes. She could also see the burden of the consequences of his actions. The sorrow and guilt lay like a heavy blanket over him. She could only imagine how deep and raw the wounds were he carried. For she didn't doubt, he blamed himself for what happened to the elven people after he created the Veil. He was convinced that whatever path he planned to walk would only lead to darkness. A path he had decided she couldn't follow.
Lowering the barrier, she stepped closer to him, so close they were almost touching.
Tentative, she smiled at him. “Though I have to admit I didn't think I would find you this quickly.”
Slowly she lay her hand on his cheek and lifted his face until their eyes met. “You don't have to be alone. Please tell me the truth.”
Something shifted in Solas eyes before he closed them. He pressed his hand against hers holding his face, and let out a deep sigh. When he opened his eyes again, she could see the determination on his face.
“Alright, but not here.”
Grabbing Eirlana's hand, Solas stepped to the eluvian he had activated for her and pulled her through it. They stepped into a dense forest that looked like it was somewhere in the Arbor Wilds. A broken road led deeper into the woods, and a group of elven warriors were waiting for them. Their halla mounts were grazing between the trees.
“Lord Fen'Harel?” one of the warriors asked as if he was surprised to see Solas in person.
“Leave us.” Solas said. “Ride for half an hour towards the settlement and wait there. Leave one of the mounts behind, and when she doesn't join you in two hours have, you can reclaim the mount and return home.”
The men and women obeyed and packed their things. Soon they rode away, leaving one of the halla behind.
Still holding her hand, Solas then walked into the forest. There were several remnants of an elven building that once stood here. They navigated through them until they were stopped by the edge of a cliff. Below them, the forest continued as far as the eye could see. Several birds flew over the forest, and a slight breeze rustled the leaves of the trees.
Letting go of her, Solas stepped closer to the edge. Clasping his hands behind his back, he stared into the distance. For a moment, neither of them spoke, and it wasn't the comfortable silence they shared in the past. This one was heavy and tense with unspoken words.
Just as Eirlana wanted to speak up, he began. “As you already know, I am Fen'Harel. I sought to set my people free from slavery to would-be gods. I broke...”
“STOP!” she interrupted him.
Confused, he turned towards her.
“I want you to tell me. Not something you have rehearsed. I want to know what happened. I want to know what happened to you.”
Solas looked back towards the distance before he turned around towards her with a sigh. He stepped towards her and pressed his forehead against hers. Closing his eyes, he let himself get lost for a short moment. He took in the love he felt for her, the closeness he had craved for over two years. For a moment, he allowed himself to take in her scent that was mulled by the smoke of the gaatlok explosions, sweat, dirt and blood. But he could detect the whiffs of healing herbs, the feel of her gentle magical aura that felt so much stronger than he remembered. He could drown in the warmth he felt being so close to her, and Solas knew what he was about to do, he had not often done before.
Eirlana's breath hitched when he suddenly pressed their heads together. It was something so small but intimate they often did in the past. It made her heart throb and ache; she had missed him so much. She could feel his magic pulse against hers; though his aura was stronger, it was still him. It was a comfort to feel the real Solas, which made her realise that there was hope. That not all he had shown her of himself was something he pretended to be.
“I am sorry I left you without an explanation.” Solas pressed a kiss against her forehead before stepping away and looking over the forest again. “I often contemplated telling you who I was.”
“Why didn't you.”
He huffed a laugh. “I didn't dare. I was afraid of both losing you and dragging you into my past. I was a coward. I told myself a thousand excuses, that you wouldn't understand, that you would reject me. I was afraid of revealing who I was, what I had done.” he looked at her. “To admit in person the failure that I created.”
Seeing he had her full attention, he gave her a small smile. He felt relieved that he finally was honest with her and could tell her all that he had hidden from her.
“You know that the Elvhen people once ruled these lands. We were spread all over Thedas, but sadly just like the humans nowadays, we were a divided race. But being immortal, we hadn't the luxury of the forgiveness of next generations. Feuds between different groups would last centuries. As a result, we warred among ourselves over pity reasons of pride and power.”
“It was a time of turmoil, though it didn't affect me much, for I was not of the Elvhen people back then.”
Eirlana looked confused. “If you weren't Elvhen, what were you?”
“Back then, the Fade and this world was one; there were many beings that existed in both. I was a concept of Wisdom, searching the world for lost knowledge and history. One of my closest friends was Mythal. We often talked and had long discussions. She was one of the more powerful Elvhen and was gathering more and more people who sought her out for protection against the many wars that tore the land apart.”
“Wanting a better future for all Elvhen, she and her partner Elgar'nan gathered other powerful Elvhen who thought like them. They wanted to band together and unite all the People to better the lives of everyone. To bring peace and prosperity to the lands. But to reach that goal, they had to join the wars.”
“Mythal needed trusted generals, and knowing of my expertise on the subject, she granted me a body. It was never a common practice even back then, but becoming Elvhen granted me the ability to join their cause, their fight.”
“So you are a spirit?” Eirlana asked.
“No, I am and always be Elvhen. Though it is nothing I have wished for but something I have become. I will never be able to return.”
“I am sorry it must be hard to be separated from the Fade. Is that why you are so comfortable there.”
“In part, it will always be my second home. But you don't have to be sorry. I am Elvhen now and have been for thousands of years. Even if I could go back, I wouldn't. I have enjoyed many things since I have an Elvhen body, both mentally and physically. It allowed me to experience things I have never known before. I am content with what I am today.”
“Having been granted a body, I joined Mythal's forces.” Solas continued. “I had a knack to succeed in complex plans and won many battles. I became one of Mythal's main protectors and quickly became one of her most trusted generals. I fought at her side, together with those that are now known as the elven gods.”
“Through my skills and cunning, I earned the nickname the Wolf, and I began to use it as my symbol. It was a time of chaos and bloodshed, but we were proud to fight on the side we saw as righteous. We marked ourselves, wearing proudly the vallaslin of those we followed. I once bore the mark of Mythal, leading her warriors into countless battles.”
“At the end, we were victorious, and that victory started the base of the legends. We were heroes. The People looked to us for guidance. We became respected elders, then kings, and finally gods. The Evanuris. We laid the foundations for the glorious empire Elvhenan, an empire that dominated everything.”
“Finally, there was peace, and with renewed freedoms, the empire prospered. With the help of magic that flowed freely throughout the world, we created countless marvels. Manipulating the energies of the Fade, it was as easy as breathing to us. We created wonders, new worlds, a land where every elf could live happily and safe.”
Solas expression grew more bitter as he continued. “And we the Evanuris were at the top of the Empire, ruling over all Elvhen. Godlike beings with immense magical power. At first, all went well. There was peace, and we used our power for the good and protected the Elvhen people. We thought it our right to rule; it was our privilege, but over time, that privilege got twisted and corrupted. Driven by their own selfish needs, the Evanuris turned into tyrants, ruling mercilessly over the elves. Soon the Empire was carried on the backs of the unwilling, countless elves were forced into slavery, slaves that lived in fear of the Evanuris' wrath.”
Eirlana knew there had been suppression and slavery in the old Elvhen Empire. Still, she never knew that it was born out of a group banding together to end the warring factions within the Elvhen population. It was also a surprise to hear Solas was once a being of the Fade. Even more surprising was knowing he once wore a vallaslin; she thought him always too proud to bow to anyone.
“What did you do during the time the Evanuris rose to godlike beings?” she asked.
Solas was quiet for a moment; he looked briefly at her before he stared back into the distance. “As I said, at first, I acted as a general, the main protector of Mythal. I fought in countless battles, I faced whole armies led by Elvhen warlords. I fought against dragons, powerful beings of the Fade, Elvhen, who banded together to resist our ruling, the creatures of the deep. I was the mastermind of twisted plans and trickery.”
“I was a fool, arrogant, prideful and cocky.” he huffed a laugh. “Pride, a name I wear only too well. In an act of defiance, I burned Mythal's mark of my face. I was a hero; my plans and advice had granted Mythal great success. I wanted to be free, no longer bowing to anyone. Mythal regarded my act as something amusing, a rebellious act she tolerated. Nevertheless, we kept working together. In the end, I was regarded as one of Evanuris, worthy of ruling the masses.”
He sighed. “Sadly, I was blind to what was happening. Like most Elvhen of my stature, I took my power and rank for granted. I thought it was my right to own, to take what I wanted and when. I had my own lands and temples; I had countless slaves, women and men jumping at my every wish and desire. And at first, I loved it, or so I thought. It was my right, my destiny to be great, to be worshipped.”
“You owned slaves?” Eirlana looked horrified at him.
Solas looked sorrowful at her. “I did.” His voice trembled, and his hands were balled into fists as he admitted his shame. “Though I didn't see them as such. They were just people serving me, my reward for my accomplishments. At that time, it didn't occur to me that some of them were serving me unwilling. That they were afraid of me. That they served because they hadn't another choice.”
“I was blind to what was happening. And to my shame, I didn't care much about the people that served me. We had achieved victory, and there was finally peace, and I could dedicate my time again to explore. I was absorbed by learning, gathering power, gaining prestige. I spent years wandering the Fade, exploring its deepest secrets. And I enjoyed the intrigues of the court of Elvhenan and their heady blend of power, danger and sex. As in Orlais now, we played 'the Game', and I was involved in many plots. But as the centuries went by, I lost interest.”
“I grew bored, bored of the schemes of the other Evanuris, my own successes, my wealth. I started to wander like I had done before as a being of the Fade. I wanted to discover new places, to wander the Fade, to explore the boundaries of magic. I retreated from the other Evanuris, no longer interested in their piety feuds and their senseless need to be better than their next of kin.”
He shook his head. “I didn't see that things started to change, that the Evanuris changed. How our friendship turned sour and into rivalries. Simple disagreements between them started wars, fought out by their followers and the slaves they had gathered. In their bloody campaigns, they enslaved thousands and thousands more. All to satisfy their endless need for power.”
“They boasted to each other about their achievements and displayed their endless wealth and magical marvels for anyone to see. More and more temples arose, hallow sanctuaries and opulent structures built by the blood, sweat and tears of the unfortunate. The markings we once proudly wore were twisted and defiled. Now they were used to mark their slaves and followers. The symbols edged in blood demanded absolute obedience, and their victims were doomed to a life of eternal servitude. Not that all were forced to wear them. Many sought to enrich themselves, trying to please the Evanuris. They stepped on the backs of the weaker, trying to archive their own position of power.”
“It is ironic,” Solas sneered, “that the markings forced upon thousands are now so prideful worn by the Dalish. Another thing wrongly remembered through the ages.”
He took a deep breath. “Though who can fault them when I did nothing. For centuries I was blind to the fact that I helped to create a new hell for the Elvhen people.”
“As time went by, I turned into somewhat of a joke among the other Evanuris because I didn't expand my influence as they did. Though they quickly learned not to mess with me. I played many plots and tricks on them, teaching them not to underestimate me.”
Solas fell silent, lost in the memories of the past.
“I have seen the mosaics describing how you freed the slaves.” Eirlana said to spur him on. “What happened that made you change?”
He sighed. “There was a girl. A young woman, her name was Arinne. She opened my eyes, she showed me the truth. She was a former slave of Elgar'nan. There had been an incident, and she was badly injured by him. Mythal took pity on her and gifted her to me. At first, she was just another woman living in my Temple. It was on a whim I asked her how she was recovering.” He smiled and looked at Eirlana. “Turned out she hated me with all her might. With nothing to lose, she screamed at me that I killed her family and ruined her life. I had helped to conquer the small city she lived in, and she was scooped up by Elgar'nan.”
“At first, I was startled, and I didn't believe her, but she stirred something within me. I took an interest in her; she wasn't as obedient, quiet and docile as the others that lived at my Temple. In her defiance and hate, she was alive, courageous, intelligent, different. In talking to her, I began to realise what was happening around me. How good intentions had turned into tyranny. She opened my eyes to how wrong and unjust the lives were of the common Elvhen people. How they were exploited and lived in fear. I began to realise that in trying to create a better life for the Elvhen, I had created a nightmare instead.”
“What happened to her?” Eirlana asked.
“She was killed by Andruil in a fit of jealousy. In talking honestly with me, Arinne managed to earn my respect and trust. I realised too late that by allowing her close to me, I put her in mortal danger. Andruil had always displayed her interest in me, another toy for her to conquer and enjoy. The mighty wolf, submitting to the huntress. I was away from my Temple when it happened and could only return for her funeral.”
“I was outraged and wanted to take revenge, but Mythal stopped me, stating it was my own fault for neglecting Andruil advances. And that I shouldn't start a conflict over a mere slave.”
“Solas, that is terrible.” Eirlana gasped. “She killed her just like that.”
Solas huffed a laugh. “It was something normal. We Evanuris could demand and kill without consequences. We had godlike powers standing far above the common people.” He sighed again. “But with Arinne's death, things changed. I changed.”
“I retreated even further from the Evanuris. I stripped myself from my belongings and became a wandering hermit. I wanted to see with my own eyes the world I helped to create. During my travels, I saw injustices everywhere I looked. How the mighty ruled over the less fortunate. How the Elvhen people took their powers and riches for granted. We mined the deep, we exploited the powers of the Fade, we lived and took like a cancerous growth. I began to see the cracks, the flaws of our existence, the dangers of wanting evermore. We were gluttonous in our never-ending need for power.”
“I turned to the Evanuris, my former comrades and friends. I tried to reason with them, to persuade them to change their ways. But I was only met with laughter and ridicule. They declared me a man gone mad. They were too enraptured in their own schemes and blinded by their greed. With my pleads falling on deaf ears, I tried to lead by example. I freed my slaves and followers. I granted my lands to them to live on; I discarded my riches to help them build a new existence. It was a symbol for my dedication to the People, I was the lone wolf that had fought for their freedom and peace, and now I would be their guardian.”
“My palaces and Temples turned into places of refuge. I freed those who came to me from their slave markings, giving them an opportunity for a new life. For a while, it was successful; more and more people found refuge under my banner. But soon, things changed; the other Evanuris saw my actions as a threat, as an infringement of their power. Especially Falon'Din and Andruil soon took action. First, they used sweet words to convince me to halt my ways, but they soon turned violent when that didn't work. They captured those who I freed and forced them back into a life of servitude. They rebranded them, marking them as slaves.”
“I was furious and took revenge on them. I began to steal their slaves by organising raids on their lands; I began to train and arm my followers so they could resist and defend themselves. I taught them how all elves should be equal and that the Evanuris were powerful, but that didn't make them gods. At first, the conflicts were small and between me, Andruil and Falon'Din, but it didn't stay that way. My call for freedom and equality was heard by others. Several powerful elves in service of the other Evanuris slowly turned to my side, aiding me with magic, gold and men. Soon the other Evanuris realised they were losing their influence over the masses.”
“At first, they blamed me, of course. They saw me as a man gone mad; they called me a liar, a traitor. One by one, they also tried to reason with me; they even went to Mythal to ask her to interfere. She was once my master and should be able to temper my rebellious campaign. Not that it worked. I continued, and the other Evanuris turned to their people. They warned their own followers against me; they threatened and punished those who were tempted by my call.”
“Beware the forms of Fen'Harel. The Dread Wolf comes in humble guises. He will offer advice that seems fair, but turns slowly to poison. Remember the price of treason, and keep in your heart the mercy of your gods.”
Solas laughed. “The Dread Wolf, Fen'Harel. It was a new nickname they invented for me. It was intended as an insult, a sneer at my wolf symbol I used. I took it as a badge of pride. I used it to intensify my efforts, and soon my name was whispered amongst the elves. For some, in hopeful words, to others in words of fear.”
“I started to free more and more slaves and punish those who were greedy, abusive and sadistic to those they should have protected. I was becoming a symbol of hope and, to others, a symbol of hate. I was both a hero and a traitor. As my army grew, the small conflicts turned more bloody, destructive and dangerous. Mythal tried to interfere. She tried to reason with me and the others, but reason was far from our minds.”
“At that point, it wasn't a full-blown war yet. The others didn't dare to turn against me openly for fear of Mythal, but I knew they would turn on me soon. Knowing I needed more allies, I turned to my former comrades that weren't as successful as the other Evanuris. Ironically, they are now only remembered as the Forgotten Ones. Like the Evanuris, they were victors in the war that created Elvhenan, but they failed to get a foothold in the Game of power we played. They had only a minor gathering of followers or had chosen poor lands to live on. When I sought them out to join my endeavour to topple the Evanuris, they didn't hesitate. They envied and hated the success of the Evanuris and were only glad to get another chance at greatness.”
“I knew by allying with them, I took the risks of creating a new set of tyrants, but knowing the danger, I used their aid regardlessly.”
Solas could feel Eirlana staring at him while trying to wrap her mind around millennia of history. He was almost relieved he could tell her his past and with it the history of Elvhenan. Though he feared her reaction when he would finish. Determined to tell her everything, he continued.
“I have spilt more blood in my lifetime than you could ever imagine. And the loss of life was far from over. One does not lead a rebellion against immortal god-like beings without getting one's hands dirty. But we didn't give up; we went on countless raids and fought numerous smaller battles against the Evanuris. I had hoped we would succeed in the end, but I hadn't foreseen the dangers the Void and its corruption would bring.”
“Which corruption?” she asked.
He looked at her sorrowful. “The Blight.” he turned his head back to stare again in the distance. “You know of the legend how Andruil began to stalk the Forgotten Ones in the Void and went mad. It wasn't the Forgotten Ones she stalked but the power she could gain from the Void. The Void was more powerful than us, but we thought we could use it in our arrogance. Andruil was the first; she took the power of the Void and got corrupted. That corruption she brought back and spread it onto her people. It was like a plague that blighted everything it touched. Mythal was able to stop it with her vast knowledge and power. She even managed to seal Andruil's memory on how she could enter the Void. Mythal and I both thought it was another crisis averted, that was until we encountered the corrupted titan.”
Eirlana gasped. “A titan got corrupted.” She shook her head as the vision she had, fell into place. “I saw what the elves, what you and Mythal did to the titans. I have been in the old elven mine the Qunari were using. It was the remnants of a titan. There was also an eluvian leading to a small shrine commemorating Mythal's victory over the titans. How she managed to kill them and how the elves harvested their corpses, but then something changed. There was a deep fear and panic. Something happened that made the elves seal something away.”
Solas nodded. “Yes, we fought the titans. With our expansions and excessive use of magic came a need for vast amounts of lyrium. Like the mages of this time, we discovered it enhanced our abilities and made diving into the Fade easier. You know lyrium is the blood of the titans; it connects them to the earth and the Fade itself. With the Elvhen empire ever-extending on the land and into the Fade, we stirred the titans. They saw us as a threat, a threat to the balance of the world. Earthquakes shook our lands, and we fought back, not realising we were the very cause that turned them against us. We fought, and we defeated them, and through their bodies, we gained an even bigger source of power, a well of power beyond our imaginations.”
“What power?”
“The essence of the titans. The heart and centre of their being. It enabled us to create foci, orbs of power that amplified our magic beyond anything we had experienced before.”
Her heart chilled, knowing what power Solas' orb held. Just how many titans had the Evanuris killed?
“What became of the Sha-Brytol?” she asked and was almost scared to hear the answer.
“The Sha-Brytol are part of the titans. They drink the titan's blood, forging a deep connection between them. As the titans fell, their connection was severed. The majority perished. Those who managed to live became the ancestors of the dwarves as you know them today. We saw them as pitiful creatures, unable to perform magic or enter the Fade through dreams. We guided them into a new existence. They became the dwellers of the deep, working for us. They mined the blood of that what once led them and honed the crafts of their ancestors like stone-working and mining.”
“But the dwarves have never truly forgotten their connection with the titans. Until this day, they worship the stone from which they came, and some can even hear the titans song through the lyrium veins, though they no longer remember the source of that song.”
“As the titans' remains gave us newfound powers, it also fuelled our need for more. The Evanuris sought new ways to get the upper hand over one another, and with that greed for power, they sought to exploit the Void. Though Mythal had sealed Andruil's memory of how to reach the Void, it didn't stay that way. Soon others tried, thinking they were more clever and powerful than Andruil. In their arrogance, they thought they would succeed where she had failed.” Solas shook his head lightly. “How wrong they were, for what could ever go wrong when you combine two powerful forces.”
“I don't know how the titan got infected, if it was by accident or someone did it deliberately. It didn't matter for the result. You have seen and felt the disastrous effects red lyrium has, how it grows like cancer, destroying and corrupting everything it touches. Imagine a living entity made from it, reaching deep through the earth and into the Fade. It poisoned the earth and the Fade itself. It was a disaster beyond our capabilities. It was more destructive and deadly than anyone could ever imagine. We saw no alternative than to seal it away. With the aid of Mythal, we managed to imprison it deep underground, behind powerful wards and magic.”
Solas sighed. “But it didn't end there. The conflict with the titan only fuelled our dispute. Mythal, weakened by her efforts to seal the corrupted titan away, tried to reason with me and the other Evanuris. To the dismay of the others, she began to lean towards my side.”
“The other Evanuris saw this as a betrayal. They wouldn't part with their power and were blinded by their greed. They united, and in their lust for power, they killed Mythal.”
Eirlana saw how deeply her death had affected Solas; he still grieved for her.
“Without Mythal.” Solas continued. “The force and voice of reason and moderation was gone. The abuse, infighting and disregard of life, both Elvhen and spirit alike, spiralled out of control. The Evanuris were like vultures, feasting on the vacuum of power left behind by Mythal's death. Drunk on their success, friends and allies turned on each other, centuries of old alliances crumbled as everyone was eager to take Mythal's place. Everyone wanted to take her throne and lands. They betrayed each other, trying to get the upper hand and bathe in their own glory. The Forgotten Ones, once my allies broke away from me, trying to carve a piece of the festering world for themselves. War and magic raged over the land uncontrollably, crushing everything in their path. And nobody cared to do something to stop it, to end the chaos.”
Saddened, Solas looked at Eirlana.
“You tried to stop them.” she whispered.
“I saw no alternative. The Evanuris were tearing both the world and the Fade apart without a second thought. One monstrous act was followed by another, and it was ripping everything apart. There was also the issue of the corrupted titan. Though it was sealed away, I feared with Mythal's death, it wouldn't be long before someone would try to harvest its power again. The very foundations of this world and the Fade were falling apart, and no-one was trying to stop it. Everyone was blinded by their own senseless greed.”
He looked away again. “I stood alone. The sole purpose of why Mythal granted me my body was getting destroyed. I couldn't sit idly and let the Evanuris destroy everything Mythal and I once fought for. I had to do something, anything, to try and stop them, to punish them for their betrayal. But I couldn't forge a war alone against all of them. If I had pressed on in the conflict, it would only give them a cause to reunite against me. I couldn't let that happen.”
She watched him as he looked into the distance. He seemed so lonely. And he was hurt; not only had he lost people who he cared for deeply, but he was also betrayed and ridiculed. Eirlana felt the need to take him in her arms and hold him, but she didn't dare. Not now he was finally telling her his past.
I want to point out that this is my version of Solas' story. I have done a lot of reading and thinking about what is said and what happened in the game. Also a special thanks to Cole and his cryptic remarks. I am sure we haven't heard half of what has happened to Solas and why he has created the Veil. And I don't buy his rehearsed speech he told our inquisitor ;p
Also, I missed the romance option of slapping Solas for disappearing like that in the game XD
Ebasit kata. Itwa-ost – This is the end. You all fall.
Maraas kata – Nothing ends.
1 note · View note
paperbagpetrichor · 5 years
Aaaaaaah love your work! 💕 If you're still doing requests, could I ask for "10. No More Hurt: A merperson who is scarred and bruised from humans trying to capture them for years meets one who rescues them from a net trap-" from the recent Mermay prompts with merman!Jotaro? He just strikes me as a fishy that'd get hurt often and deserves better 😭
[ Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! c: ]
There were benefits to moving for college.  You could finally control the environment you lived in, for one, without having to worry about bedtimes or no-you-can’t-do-this or no-you-can’t-do-that enforced by your parents even though you were far above the age where any of that would’ve made any sort of remote sense for you to need reminders of, capable of spreading everything out and relaxing without a care.  Nobody was going to visit, there wasn’t really a point in keeping things tidy.  As far as you cared the more comfortable you were the better.  Your flat was small, but decently close to your school, perhaps a five-minute drive at most.  And in the other direction, perhaps a seven-minute drive, was the coast.  The saltwater waves would churn with the changing of the moon, and the breezes it often cast your way were more than enough to improve the slight humidity that would linger around after rainfall, and beach access was always granted.  You could finally be independent, truly and fully.  And the ocean was practically your backyard.  Of course, that pretty much guaranteed what your job was going to be.  You had to have one to maintain rent - one of the downsides of having your own place, but there was no way you were sharing a room with some random other person you’d never met before - and options to fresh-faced new adults like you were limited.  Most of the common places one would search for employment at were filled.  How was it that every fast food restaurant had an ‘excess of employees?’  Or that there wasn’t a gas station or retail shop that cared to give you a passing glance?  
This was the downside of it all: the fishing industry around your area was, needless to say, prosperous.  New hands on deck were just about always needed.  Thus, you had become perhaps the lowest class of a fishing crew: steward-in-training.  Yep, that’s right, not so much as a steward.  You didn’t have a fishing license, so that was off-limits until you either chose to gain one or found a different job entirely.  In other words, you were the garbage girl, occasionally working for cooks or filling in whenever a crew member was absent, but mainly, your days consisted of literal trash.  Whatever.  It was a living, at least.
Thankfully, this week, the steward above you was on break, and a few deck netters were out as well, meaning you wouldn’t be waist-deep into who-knew-what.  It would be your first time filling in as a netter.  Frankly, the giant machinery of it all startled you, like a giant metal monster, and the sheer dimensions of the net could probably trap you and just about all of your numerous coworkers with room to spare.  It was a behemoth.  With the help of the others, you reeled in, dumped one net into the freezing icebox, and ran to the next, a race against time to see how many nets you could handle.  Maybe if you did well enough, you could get some sort of promotion?  Apparently you were indeed doing well, as somewhere along the line you wound up dealing with the nets one-on-one, reeling in the massive hauls as best as you could by yourself.  It was nearly time to head home, everyone else busy with prepping the fish, and there was only one net remaining.  You began to pull.  About a third of the way up, the machinery shuddered to a stop, and no matter how hard you yanked, it refused to relent.  What the hell was happening?  All the equipment had been perfectly functional before you set off.  Did you break it?  No, everything still looked intact, so then…?  You remembered stories of how every once in a while a dolphin or shark or even seals being entangled and weighing the process down.  With a frown - if you were alone, and it was a shark, you certainly didn’t want to have to deal with that by yourself - you leaned over the side of the boat, scanning the water within the net for anything unusual.  Initially all you could see was blood.  That did not look promising; couldn’t sharks smell blood or something?  Maybe one was already devouring the fish inside.  Bubbles of red liquid rose to the surface and popped, leaving you to shudder as you peered in despite yourself, desperate to reach some sort of conclusion.  And it was then that you saw it.
Rather, you saw him.
At first he was nothing more than a flash of black hair, sunkissed skin flecked with cuts and bruises, turned so violently blue and green from abuse that he nearly masked in with the various fish struggling against the net, only contributed doubly to the confusion by…what appeared to be a fish tail?  You weren’t even aware of your jaw dropping as you nearly tripped off the boat.  A large gash, stretching from above his left eye all the way across his chest, finally showed through after a bout of thrashing around, eyes fighting to stay open and fingers clawing at the net in desperation.  What the hell had happened to him?  No, there wasn’t time for that - at this rate, with the amount of blood he was losing…if you didn’t do anything, he was going to die.  You cast a quick glance over your shoulder before hooking yourself to the side of the boat and diving over.
The saltwater stung at your eyes as you propelled yourself down, holding your breath as best as you could as you approached him and only saw more and more injuries dotting his body, all different sizes, different kinds, but frightfully painful at a glance, much less a focus.  As soon as he noticed you, he bristled up.  His pained face contorted into one of stoic expression, albeit one with a current of anger clearly lying beneath it, and he darted in the opposite direction, hitting the back of the net.  If you could’ve said something, you would’ve.  You would have said, I’m going to set you free, you’re going to be alright, hang in there, but you couldn’t.  With air quickly depleting you took to cutting the net apart and were greeted with a surge of fish shoving you backwards, only to recollect yourself and find the merman staring daggers at you.  There wasn’t much time now.  In a fell sweep, you rushed to him, taking him in your arms as he fought against your touch, pulling the tie back up as you began to lift out of the water, gasping for breath, hugging him to your chest, every ounce of your strength devoted to holding him, before reaching the deck and rushing with him to the below-deck quarters.  You had the equivalent of a janitor’s room, but it was something.  Something where nobody would find him.  The hand you’d kept against his mouth retreated as you shut the door, instantly piling towel after towel up against a corner of the room in as best of a makeshift bed you could manage.  All this time he had been silent.  There wasn’t a reason to presume he’d begin yelling, at least not now.  You turned back to help him onto the pile of faux blankets only for your face to blanch at the sight.  His tail was no longer there - instead, legs, battered and bruised beyond belief.  Once more he shrunk from your touch and heftily tried to shift away from you, only to wince with pain and fall still for a few moments, long enough for you to get him settled.  You grabbed the first aid kit from the shelf and knelt down beside him.
“Hey, don’t be scared,” you whispered, switching your gaze from the kit to his attempted neutral face that was betrayed by the way his features slightly scrunched up with pain, “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.  I’m going to try to help you, okay?  But I need you to be still.”  You moved towards him and he shrunk back, closing his eyes, only for you to hover above him nervously and continue, “I don’t know if you understand me, but…[y/n].  That’s my name.”
After a few moments his eyes fluttered open, a beautiful seafoam green.  He clenched his jaw but relaxed otherwise, albeit reluctantly, muttering, “Jotaro.”  Almost as though he was ready to relent to you, he tilted his head so you could get a better angle at the slash and begin stitching.
You gave a small him of approval, followed by a nod when you realized his uninjured eye was still fixed upon you.  “That’s a nice name,” you replied with as best a smile as you could manage under the circumstances at hand.  Relief flooded you as he let out a grunt in response - he could understand you.  That made things a little easier.  You weren’t exactly a medical expert, but without immediate help he would bleed to death.  The rest of his injuries you could tend to later.  “I’m sorry.  This isn’t the best of introductions.”  A nervous chuckle escaped you.  He remained quiet, so you figured at this point you were simply talking to yourself, to calm yourself more than him.  So far he hadn’t so much as flinched as you applied the antiseptic and finished the final stitches, plastering a bandage around him only to realize you were lacking the rest for his facial injuries.  
With one glance to the remaining section - consisting almost solely of band-aids - he immediately spoke.  “No.”
“Okay,” you agreed, not wanting to push him, setting the kit aside.  The boat had begun motion - good.  You would reach land in a few minutes, and could get him proper help.  That was, of course, if he’d even agree to so much as go anywhere with you.  So far he’d shrunk back from your touch and wriggled away if you’d approach if he could.  It was pretty clear, as the boat finally lurched to a halt, that he’d never had interactions with humans.  Or, at least, never had any interactions with good people, you supposed, waiting for the last of the footsteps to disappear.  You were always last aboard, cleaning up the remnants of the mess of the day.  Right now, of course, that wasn’t your priority, as you slowly opened the door and peeked out after a few minutes, making sure everything was clear, only to breathe a small sigh of relief as the last car - save for yours - pulled out of the parking light.  You returned to his side.  “Jotaro?  I want to get you somewhere safe.”
Still on his back, still with those piercing eyes jabbing at you in suspicion, he replied, “Leave.”
You were taken aback by his sudden refusal.  Surely he couldn’t believe he’d be alright, could he?  Not after getting those cuts and bruises, scars and nicks, a slash right across him and winding up tangled in a fishnet half-conscious, no way, right?  As if it had a mind of its own your mouth opened.  “If I leave you, you’re only going to get - ”
“ - Get hurt?” his deep voice rang, cutting, slicing off the edge of your sentence with something sharper.  With a twitch of his face that lasted only a moment, barely noticeable, he had narrowed his eyes, so close together that all you could truthfully make out were his lashes as he continued, “You’re wrong.  The only way I’ll get hurt is if you take me, or anyone like you.”  Everything was a low growl.  “I know what you do to my kind.”
And suddenly his injuries made sense.  Those specific indentations weren’t just odd markings from something he’d run into, they were from fish hooks.  His scrapes and scars were from where fishing reel had wound itself around his body, digging in tight.  The criss-cross of stripes, red and raised, crawling up his skin and flaking away to rawness in certain areas, weren’t from some ocean-bound attacker, they were from the nets that he’d pulled so hard against.  His bruises had to have been from escaping something, likely a man-made creation.  And as for the wound you’d just cleaned…a heavy-duty sinking bait must have caused it, from the way it ripped at his skin and dug deep.  Nothing - or at least very little - of the injuries that covered him like a cloak of painted pain were caused by something natural.  No.  This had been the work of ‘anyone like you’ - humans.  No wonder he didn’t trust you.  
You blinked slowly, options running through your head, none of them sounding or seeming right.  Finally, you settled upon, “I - I’m sorry,” you began quietly, with whatever courage you could find, “but you should know, everyone else will be back tomorrow.  And with you injured like that, I really don’t think it’s a good idea to head back to the waters yet.”  No, it still sounded all wrong, what were you doing?  Was that too forceful?  Arrogant?  “Of course, I mean, you don’t have to listen to me.  You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, okay?”  I just want to help you.  If you could let those words, the truth, your truth, out, you felt as though your heart would break.  The sight of someone so harmed, clearly not just physically but mentally, too, literally backed into a corner on a dim ship, just a little while after being found, possibly bleeding to death, trapped in that very same ship’s nets - sorrowful and guilt were too light of words to describe it all.  But you knew there wasn’t a chance you could say that, either.  He was already distrustful of you to begin with.  If you made such a lofty statement, he’d likely reject anything else you had to offer, retreating back into himself.  Of course he wouldn’t believe someone genuinely wanted to help him.
To your surprise, he closed his eyes, shaking his head with a grunt as though he himself couldn’t believe he was letting him do what he was - and he likely couldn’t, at that matter.  From beneath dark lashes he glanced back up at you.  “Where do I go?”
Oh.  Was it really…that simple?  He was still uncomfortable, disturbed, downcast, injured, but he seemed to have recognized the rationale behind your words, to some degree, at the very least.  A small sigh of relief escaped you, quiet enough for only you to hear.  “Wherever you’d like.  I would say you should visit the hospital.  I’m by no means a doctor, and I think someone else could help you more than I, but there would be a lot of - um, a lot of people there.”
“I’m not bleeding,” he replied quickly, as though that meant he wasn’t suffering from any sort of pain despite the brief look of agony on his face as he sat up, facing you directly.  It was clear just as many thoughts were speeding around in his head as were in yours.  As much as you wished he would accept the offer, deep down you were pretty certain he wouldn’t, and he confirmed this suspicion, continuing, “Is there somewhere without them?”
You didn’t need to ask what ‘them’ meant.  “We have hotels,” you postulated, “but there are still a couple people there.  You would get a room to yourself, though, and I could pay for it until we find you someplace better.”
“Don’t pay for me.  I’m not going there anyways.”
Everything felt like it was falling apart once more.  You were quickly running out of options and he was quickly running out of energy to deal with your thoughts.  There was only one thing you had left to offer, really.  And of all the things you had suggested, you knew, without a doubt, this one would never make it.  You would leave the ship tonight, alone, knowing that somewhere in the seas, by the next morning, was a deeply scarred merman, likely subject to just as much torture as before.  But you had to try.  You couldn’t leave it at this.  Not with your heart swollen inside of your chest, words raking their way up your throat.  “I live alone.”  You awaited his immediate rejection only to find none at all.  “If you want a place with no people…you’ll have to stay somewhere until we can figure something out.  It would just be me there.  I don’t have friends over, and I’d be gone for awhile every week for school, so I think - that’s the closest I can get to somewhere that my kind isn’t.  I would have to be there,” you repeated, letting everything flow, “but not for very long.  So if you want to, you could come back with me.”
He stared at you, blankly, silently, for a few moments in which the only sound you could perceive was the thumping of your heart.  “I’ll go with you.”  
You were absolutely positive you hadn’t heard him right.  He…would?  He wasn’t going to disappear back into the sea?  He wouldn’t continue to be harmed like that, never again, if you had so much as a single word’s say in it, safer than he had been in the ocean on land?  There wasn’t an absolute hatred.  No, hatred wasn’t right.  His stoic expression could surely make it appear that way, definitely, but hatred was a misnomer.  It was doubt.  It had been doubt, all along.  
“Take me there.”
Almost as though in a trance, you nodded, standing and extending an arm to help him up, which, surprisingly, he took, shifting to his feet and peering at the now slightly-ajar door.  Nobody was left around, and you reassured him of it.  You aided him into the passenger’s seat before heading around to the other side of your car and beginning to drive the familiar route from work back to home.  “Jotaro,” you began after awhile of nothing but the sound of the radio, “you don’t have to answer me, but - is this your first time talking?  To someone like me?”
His gaze fell at his feet.  “If you mean other humans…no.  I’ve been - caught, before.”  He shifted to look out at the scenery that passed him by as you drove, almost like swimming but in air, unfamiliar sights somehow both intriguing and frightening him.  
“I’m sorry.  But please know…I won’t let it happen again.”
With a small exhale, he rested his elbow against the window, resting his head in his open palm and continuing, “Yare yare daze.”
Although he couldn’t see it, you eyeballed him as you found yourself in a line of traffic at a red light, knitting your eyebrows together.  Where was he going with this?
“I’ve never spoken to someone like you, [y/n].  There hasn’t been anyone to show me…that humans can be like you.” 
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kairi-chan · 5 years
Hellooo... so uhhh... do you ship ot3 BoruSaraMitsu? If you do, do you have a small fic for this particular shipper's heart and desires? I'm just really curious tho sorry in advance. Thank you veryyy much for reading this humble ask :D
Title: Fairy Tales
Rating: K
Genre: Friendship / Humor
Beta read by: @sandpancakecat
A/N: Not shippy as you have expected, darling. Definitely not small also, at 3,574 words. But definitely fluffy and funny friendship shenanigans. 
Dedicated to the people who always screamat me for not sleeping, eating, and taking care of myself. Thank you for alwaysbeing there for me and coming to my aid. It’s been a bad week for us, but we always stay present for each other and I’m so thankful for that. I’ve been writing this fic for nearly 2 weeks, all for you @shikastemari @lazymilkshakecolor @double–u :) 
Genin babies!
He tookin a ragged breath and gripped on tighter to his sword. The knight’s blond hairstuck on to his forehead, as sweat ran down his temples. The sight before himseemed akin to a nightmare. The tall grey walls were in shambles, and brightorange flames licked at the torn crests and flags, bearing the sigil of hishouse. He could not believe his eyes. As a boy, he thought his home to beimpregnable, but now, it was all starting to crumble and break, much like hisheart and spirits.
Theknight swallowed, seeking relief from a thirst he hadn’t noticed, but his mouthwas dry, and he found no reprieve. Hesitantly, he took a step forward, hisboots crunching the gravel under his feet. He did not want to look down, as hefeared he may see someone he knew lifeless on the ground. There was one personon his mind who he wished to see–to save–and hoped with all his heart thatthey were okay.
“Myprincess…” he uttered.
Sarada leaned in closer, her nose nearlybrushing the page as she continued to read. She was finally getting to the good parts! The slight romance in the bookwas well written, but far too slow paced. And the dilemma the knight had justdidn’t seem strong enough to drive the kind of character development that heneeded. The dragon’s story was interesting enough, and she liked the hint ofmagic that was sprinkled around the plot.
Unconsciously, she pushed her glasses back upthe bridge of her nose and forced herself to zone out the rest of theworld–meaning her two teammates who were playing soccer outside in herbackyard. They had finished training with Konohamaru fairly early, and Mitsukiand Boruto wanted to wait for Sasuke and Sakura to come home for more training.As for Sarada, she had been training well before the sun was up and wanted to usethis time to relax. Due to their time spent together, Sarada learned how totolerate Boruto and Mitsuki’s loud roughhousing.
For a moment, she looked outside the windowand spotted the two boys having fun, kicking a ball back and forth. It seemedthey were really getting into it, as she could sense with every round, theywere pumping more and more chakra to their legs. She shook her head from sideto side disapprovingly, making a bet to herself that someone was bound to gethurt if they get too carried away.
“Boys…” she muttered and then shrugged. Sheshifted her position on the couch in such a way that she faced the open windowa little more, in order to catch the cool spring breeze coming through. Shesmiled to herself and appreciated how the odds seemed to have been in her favorto read today.
Theknight lifted his gaze to the tower, to see a light shining within. Hopesparked within his heart, sending a wave of bravery and adrenaline through hisbody. He lifted his sword and his shield, preparing himself for anything as hedared to open the tall wooden door. What lay behind could have been anything.Looters? Bandits? The evil mage who created the dragons, or it worse–it couldhave been the beast itself.
The doorcreaked and echoed as the knight pushed it open, cautious for anything thatmight come to attack. The hall was dark, but the smell of burnt flesh and smokefilled his nostrils, unsettling him with every step he took. All his senseswere in overdrive. Despite the dying flames at the corners of the room, he feltcold and heard the sound of dripping water.
Howstrange… the knight thought.
A lowrumble started to echo, and slowly got louder and louder to a roar until itshook the ground, his body, and his resolve. Out of the white smoke, a pair ofbright yellow eyes revealed itself, and a forked tongue came forward, followedby a hiss.
Was thisthe same beast? The blood-curdling roar earlier seemed like it came from anotherworldly creature, but what presented itself before him was a largeserpentine creature with yellow eyes and white scales. It looked majestic bututterly villainous.
For amoment, the knight felt his knees shake before the creature. He wanted to runand save himself. However, before he could, the images of his princess flashedbefore his memory. Her sweet smile, and melodious laugh. With one, raggedbreath, he stilled himself and made a decision. He was going to fight, not onlyfor her but for his whole clan. His father, mother, sister…
Theknight gritted his teeth. He would do this—go all out for them. He couldn’t letthem down! Wordlessly, he widened his stance, raised his shield to cover hisbody, and lifted his eyes as well as his sword towards the beast. With one bigbreath, he opened his mouth and yelled as he ran towards the beast.
“Huh?” The next thing she knew, the soccerball hit her right between the eyes and knocked her off the sofa.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Sarada’s head hurt, and there was a burningsensation on her forehead.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, yaknow?”
The noise was making her head hurt even more.Her brows knitted together and her mouth twisted as she tried to open her eyes.
A different voice floated towards her, calmer,this time. “Sarada, can you hear me?”
She grumbled out something incoherent as shetried to sit up and open her eyes. Her world was a blur, and it took her awhile to realize that she wasn’t wearing her glasses as she rubbed at her eyes.Before her, there were two blobs of color. One was blond, black and pink, theother blue and white. “Where are my glasses?”
No one responded for a few seconds andstarted to feel a little annoyed. “Do I really have to look for them myself?”
“Well… umm…” Boruto had a hard time speaking,for some reason.
Mitsuki lifted her palms up in the air andplaced down to plastic items on it. She didn’t need to have perfect vision toknow what was in her hands. Her glasses were snapped in half, the glass crackedand a chunk was missing. Her vision went from blurry blobs of color to nothingbut red.
She let out a shout of frustration. “I’m goingto kill you!”
“I said I was sorry!” Boruto jumped up to his feet, genuinely afraid for hislife. Sarada with perfect vision was one thing, but a blind one? She could go on crushing and making craters aimlesslyand still harm her target. “I didn’tmean it I swear!”
She sniffed, and Boruto stopped yelling. Helooked down at her and felt horrible. It looked like she was going to cry. Hehated it when she cried.
Her hands were up, hiding her face. “I wasjust getting to the good parts…”
Mitsuki looked around and found a discardedbook on the floor. He flipped it open and scanned the page. “Were you readingthis?”
She didn’t look his way but she nodded herhead.
“What part were you in?” Mitsuki asked.
“Just when the knight was about to attack thedragon.”
“A knight?”Boruto’s voice lifted and his eyes lit up.
“Dragon?” Mitsuki gave Boruto a look and asmile grew on his face.
The blond boy grinned cheekily and nodded.Without a word, the two boys hoisted Sarada up and sat her back down on thesofa. She protested, but her complaints fell on deaf ears.
“Just sit down, we’ll read the rest out toyou, okay?” Boruto grinned and sat down on the center table, facing her.
Mitsuki nodded and sat down next to Boruto. Heopened the page and found where Sarada had left off. “We’ll take turns.”
“I’ll read out the knight’s parts!” Heannounced valiantly.
“And I the dragon.”Mitsuki’s emphasis on the last word sent chills down Sarada’s back. It was toofitting.
“Okay, fine.” She pouted. “But don’t thinkthis will make me forget that you kicked a ball at my face!”
“Alright, alright.” Boruto grinned. “I’ll buyyou an iced caramel macchiato later, okay?”
Sarada grinned victoriously and hugged apillow to her chest, wishing the throbbing on her forehead would stop. It wasdifferent reading the book herself, but she thought having it read out loudwould be fun, too. Like listening to an audiobook.
Boruto cleared his throat and tried to alterhis voice to go deeper, giving it a more dramatic flair. “The knight ranforward, wielding his weapon at the dragon. The beast snarled and lungedforward, trying to crush the knight. But he dodged and took the opportunity tostrike the beast, but was far too quick!”
Mitsuki took the book and read, “Theserpent-like creature slithered farther, gauging the knight from a distance.Perhaps it had slain a lot of warriors, but never was he faced with such avaliant foe. His forked tongue came darting out, and a low hissssing sound started to fill the hall.”
He then handed the book over to Boruto whogrinned, “You’re pretty good at this, Mitsuki!”
The boy grinned, and was about to respond butwas hushed by Sarada who demanded they stop chatting and keep reading. Borutopouted, and held one side of the book, letting Mitsuki hold the other side.They scootched closer together, and Boruto resumed his reading.
“The knight shook, feeling the fear creep upto chest once again but he stood firm!”Boruto jumped up and held his fist up in the air, pretending to be holding asword. “He raised his sword and resolve filled his blue eyes. I will not lose!” He ran into thekitchen and a few pots and pans crashed together, as he spoke. “I will do thisfor my family!” More clattering happened in the kitchen and Sarada and Mitsukitried to take a look at what he was doing.
“What are you doing?” Sarada demanded, but shegot no response from Boruto. 
Boruto came running back into the living room,a pasta strainer on his head, one hand holding on to a ladle and his other handgripped a pot cover, using it as a shield.
Mitsuki grinned and approached him, taking thebook from his clumsy hold, as he tried to balance it out with the ladle. Hetook in Boruto’s appearance once more and read from the book aloud, “The dragonstood taller,” as he read, Mitsuki’s posture straightened, and slowly, hislimbs started to elongate and his voice got deeper, “Hissssssing its tongue out at the knight, yellow eyes glinted withmalice and challenge.”
The two boys stood facing each other for a fewseconds, pausing for dramatic flair. The top of Mitsuki’s head was nearlytouching the ceiling, and Boruto’s eyes shone with determination, fullyabsorbing the role of the knight. He held up the lid to cover his chest andlifted the ladle overhead, poised to strike.
“Do your worse, you foul beast!” Boruto wasadlibbing now, as Mitsuki had dropped the book to the ground. The boys werereally getting into their role play, completely forgetting that they weresupposed to be reading it out to Sarada.
“AAAAAAAAAH!” Boruto shouted and ran towardsMitsuki, swinging the ladle from side to side. Mitsuki evaded his strikes withfluid, serpentine motions. He struck back, extending his arm and a pair ofwhite snakes flew out of his sleeve.
Boruto rolled to the right to dodge, legshitting the side table, knocking over some of the frames. The lampshade shookand the glass tingled as the table wobbled.
“What are you doing?” Sarada shrieked. Perhapsthe boys forgot, she may have been blind without her glasses, but she certainlywasn’t deaf. The ruckus they were making inside her home was starting to makeher panic. Her Mama and Papa would be home any minute! What would they say ifthe place was a mess? She tried to stand from the couch but fell back on thethrow pillows as Mitsuki darted for Boruto, knocking her over.
“You’ll pay for all of this, Dragon!” Borutoshouted. He pumped chakra to hisfeet as he planned to launch himself at Mitsuki as the final blow.
Mitsuki coiled in on himself, looking atstriking Boruto head on, as well.
They stared each other down, and then, struck.    
Sasuke and Sakura approached their home,carrying bags full of grocery for dinner. Their conversation was cut when theyheard something crash and break inside.
“What was that?” Concern shone in her eyes.
He opened his mouth to share his inference ashe opened the door but was cut off yet again when a loud shout and anothercrash echoed. It sounded like…
“Oh my god.” Sakura dropped the bags on thefloor, hurriedly removed her shoes and rushed inside.
The scene before her was horrible. Her livingroom was in ruins. The picture frames were all over the floor, knocked off thetables. The rug was in disarray and some of the throw pillows had been cutopen, the white stuffing bursting through. The lampshade lay forgotten on thefloor, a crack on the shade and the bulb.
“What happened?” She demanded.
Mitsuki had his serpents wound around Boruto’smidsection, holding his left arm down while his right hand held the ladle up.It clunked on the ground as soon as he saw Sakura. Sarada, on the other hand,was on the floor, groping around for what Sakura guessed were her brokenglasses to her left.
“Mama?” Sarada looked her way and squinted.
“H-hey there… Auntie Sakura… Y-you’re lookingas pretty as always, ya know?” Boruto laughed nervously.
The vein in her forehead throbbed. If Borutothought that he was going to get away with this by flattering her, he waswrong. Sakura was usually very kind and patient to the genins, but ruining herliving room was seriously pushing it.
“Sakura.” Her husband stood beside her,looking her way first, before slowly scanning the living room. If Sasuke wasshocked, he showed no signs of it on his face. His dark gaze landed on hisstudent and Mitsuki, looking at them from head to toe, and then back up again.Sasuke quirked a brow up, wordlessly commanding the boys to explain themselves.
Mitsuki retracted his snakes, setting Borutoback on his feet, the pasta strainer fell from his head, clattering down on thefloor. The loud sound made Boruto ground his teeth, bracing himself as well forthe scolding he was going to receive. Sasuke beating him at training was badenough, but Auntie Sakura’s scolding was legendary.
Sakura placed her hands on her hips “Well?”
Mitsuki was usually blissfully unaware aboutthings like these, but the hard look in Sakura’s eyes was enough to make himrealize they were in trouble.
The living room was silent, but oddly enough,it wasn’t the boys with their explaining that cut through, it was Sarada’svoice.
“Mama, Papa…” her voice was small andapologetic. “Boruto and Mitsuki were helping me.”
“Helping you?” Sakura echoed. “With what?”
“Reading my book…” Sarada explained. “You see…umm…” she opened her palms and revealed to them her broken glasses. “I wasalready at the good parts, and I just wanted to know what happened next soBoruto and Mitsuki decided to read it to me.”
Sakura pursed her lips. She wasn’t exactlyconvinced, and there was also the topic of how her glasses broke in the firstplace. Her instinct was to scold the three of them, but the way her daughterlooked so apologetic and Boruto looked like a struck puppy, made her lose herresolve. She sighed. “What am I going to do with the three of you?” A smallsmile on her face.
Sasuke smirked. “The two boys will clean upthis mess, of course.”
Mitsuki and Boruto looked at him,disbelievingly. Was that it? This was their only punishment?
“And then do laps around the Uchiha groundsuntil they can no longer run,” Sasuke added.
Boruto groaned but was relieved that was allthe punishment they were going to receive.
“Perhaps you should take Sarada to get a newpair of glasses, darling.” Sakura turned to him. “I’ll stay here and watch theboys.”
Sasuke smirked. “Aa.”
Father and daughter set out to the clinic,with Sasuke holding on to Sarada’s hand, carefully guiding her so she won’ttrip. Sakura, Mitsuki, and Boruto stayed behind, trying to salvage what theycould.
Sakura stood and gave a sermon as the two boysswept and segregated the broken pieces of decor and furniture. Mitsuki seemedto have taken it better, not saying a word, but Boruto kept a stubbornexpression on his face, his lower lip jutting out.
“Do you have something to say, Boruto?” Sakuraasked. Her tone wasn’t harsh, or cold, not even the usual reprimanding tonemothers take on. It was light, but it was clear as day that she wasn’t messingaround, either.
He stopped sweeping but his head still hunglow. Slowly, he looked at her. That stubborn look on his face was slowlystarting to melt and his lower lip shook.
The poor boy really was sorry, she could seethat. But she also wanted to hear something else from him.
“I didn’t mean to, auntie Sakura.” The way hisvoice cracked made her see him in another light, and she felt like she waslooking at his younger self, back when he was a toddler and covered in mud,scolded at for coming into the kitchen and getting the floor dirty. Sakura’sface softened, she really didn’t have the heart to stay angry at him.
“I’m sorry, we got carried away…” he loweredhis gaze, too embarrassed to keep looking at her.
Mitsuki silently watched the exchange. Hecontemplated if he should apologize as well but decided to wait for Sakura’sresponse first.
“I know you didn’t mean it, Boruto.” Sakurasmiled. “And I’m not angry. I just wanted to hear you apologize.”
Boruto snapped his gaze at her, tears poolingat the corner of his eyes, a smile slowly forming on his face.
Sakura grinned at him and then smirked. “Butdon’t think Hinata isn’t going to hear about this.”
That smile on Boruto’s face melted and wasreplaced by a look of horror. Not even all the gods in the sky could save himfrom his mother’s wrath.
Sarada came back home with her father, wearinga pair of temporary glasses until Karin could send her a new pair. She wasworried the entire time that her Mama might have been too hard on herteammates. Sarada felt sorry for them, even if this was technically theirfault. They were only trying to help.
“Don’t worry, Sarada,” Sasuke comforted her.“Sakura’s scary but she has a kind heart.”
She giggled at that, although she knew deepdown it was true.
Once they reached home, she could smell foodand heard lively chatter. Mitsuki was setting the table, and Boruto wasbringing the dishes over to the table.
“Welcome home,” Mitsuki greeted them both.
“Just in time!” Sakura grinned. “Dinner isready.”
The five of them sat down and enjoyed theirmeal. Her papa was right, Sarada had nothing to worry about. Boruto alsowhispered to her that her mama was scary, but he was relieved that she let themoff the hook.
“I’m in for it when I get home, though.”Boruto groaned, making Sarada and Mitsuki laugh.
After they had finished dinner, the three ofthem went back to the living room, Boruto and Mitsuki promised they would readto her, and they did.
Althoughthe knight did not slay the dragon, he was able to take the princess andescape. For now, he would consider this as a success, as he did not lose sightof what was more important—the precious people in his life. He could slay thedragon another day, but he would not risk the life of his love for his prideand revenge.
“Sounds like he has his priorities right,”Mitsuki commented.
“He’s not dumb, unlike most main characters,”Sarada agreed.
“Are you kidding?” Boruto was so shocked histeammates would say that. “If he just went straight for the heart he could havedone both!”
“And risk knocking the tower over? Theprincess would have died!” Sarada argued.
The two of them bickered on a little more,with Mitsuki smiling, enjoying their banter, as per usual.
Sasuke and Sakura listened in the kitchen, asthey enjoyed a cup of tea. They looked at each other with soft gazes, genuinelyhappy that their daughter has made very good friends.
“Kind of reminds me us three, don’t youthink?” Sakura smiled.
Sasuke took a sip of his tea, hiding a smallsmile on his lips. “Aa.”
A/N: Thank you for reading! 
If you like what I write, please check out my #fanfiction tag, or check out my profile for links to my master post, FFnet, Ao3, Twitter, and Ko-Fi! 
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uruhabuns · 6 years
Sensuous (part 5 - Zuho)
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A/N: THIS ONE IS FOR ALL THE ZUHOES OUT THERE~ Just so y’all know, writing this chapter made me lose it a few times bc daddy zuho is one of my kinks so afjdksjslfk IT’S ALSO LONGER THAN I PLANNED IT TO BE ORZ anyway, please give it a like or reblog if you’ve read!! I find that the members after youngbin aren’t getting as much attention ;____; and as always, ENJOY >:))
Word count: 4472
Pairing: girl reader x zuho
Warnings: MAJOR DADDY!ZUHO, swearing, hair-pulling, scratching (yes pls)
Prologue / Part 1 (Youngbin) / Part 2 (Inseong) / Part 3 (Jaeyoon) / Part 4 (Dawon) / Part 5 (Zuho) / Part 6 (Rowoon) / Part 7 (Taeyang) / Part 8 (Hwiyoung) / Epilogue
[ jiyoon ] : omg this is so intriguing…
[ _____ ] : And I thought I was nasty smh
[ jiyoon ] : EXACTLY
[ jiyoon ] : You are nasty
[ jiyoon ] : You can guess what the boys’ kinks are
[ jiyoon ] : YOU LOVE ME~
[ jiyoon ] : Anyways…NEXT!!
[ _____ ] : Ugggghhh…
[ _____ ] : Okay so for Juho…his ones are pretty easy HAHA
[ jiyoon ] : I am intrigued
Juho swallowed a gulp. He always saw you as cute with a bright and sassy personality, so it surprised him to see you discussing such scandalous things with your friend. Even so, Juho knew that you were a young adult, so of course it would be normal for you to talk about these sorts of topics every now and then.
[ _____ ] : First thing’s first
[ _____ ] : Even though he’s really soft
[ jiyoon ] : AAAAAAAH
“Oh god, why?” the male in question whined, resulting in an eruption of laughter from the rest of the boys.
“SHE GOT HIM!!” Taeyang yelled upon seeing Juho’s inability to respond to their teasing. “He likes being called daddy!!”
Juho only jabbed his elbow to Taeyang’s arm. “Why are you such a creep? Wait ’til we get to your—“
“Daddy, please punish me~” Jaeyoon teased, imitating your voice. Juho’s cheeks flushed slightly red as he buried his face in his hands.
“It’s because you look at the fans like you wanna seduce them,” Hwiyoung said, rolling his eyes.
“And because of your voice,” Taeyang added and nudged Juho’s side, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Girls love guys with deep voices ‘cause apparently it brings them to their knees.”
Juho’s ears turned a light shade of red at the younger boy’s inference. “W-wait a second, I don’t think she’ll—“
“You seem to know a lot about these kinds of things, Tae,” Rowoon said with a raised eyebrow.
Taeyang only rolled his eyes. “It’s common sense, isn't it? Everyone knows that.”
While the boys were discussing why you would see Juho in such a way, he was having a hard time processing the teasing.
“KEEP READING!!” Dawon exclaimed, “She’ll be finished in ten minutes, maybe!”
[ _____ ] : Not only that, HE’S PROBABLY FREAKY AF
[ _____ ] : I can see him being really into scratching, hair pulling, a bit of choking, and the girl being loud and really submissive
[ jiyoon ] : Oh my goddddd he does sound freaky…I need that in my life
[ _____ ] : He’s too soft 80% of the time lol…
Juho immediately widened his eyes in shock. “H-hang on—“
“WAIT, WHAT?!” Dawon yelled upon reading the message. “I thought Inseong’s bondage and ice kink was kinky…”
“Juho, you are the freakiest out of all of us, don’t deny it,” Rowoon said with a hint of amusement in his tone.
“Hey, we gotta read everything before deciding anything,” Youngbin suggested, “But for now, though…Juho?”
The male in question only continued to rest his chin in his hands, unwilling to face the others.
“…are you really as freaky as she thinks you are?”
The sound of sirens coming from Dawon’s phone pierced through your ears. Your best friend stirred from behind you while you whined and pulled the blanket over your face in attempt to block out the noise. Dawon reached over you to turn off the alarm, before slumping back and pulling you close to him by your waist. He then buried his face in your hair, and sandwiched you between his legs. The movement caused a sharp pain between your legs, adding to the throbbing that was already prevalent, causing a yelp to escape your lips.
What a night. You’ve just slept with another member, and it was your best friend. What happened to have you sleeping with the one of boys every night all of a sudden? Something seemed off.
“Hyukie, you have to get up,” you mumbled sleepily.
“Ugh…I don’t want to.”
“You have schedules…you don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“I’ll only get out if you come with me.”
“To where?”
“The photoshoot, of course.”
You blinked. “What? You’ll be fine. Why would you need me to come?”
“It just makes the day easier,” Dawon answered lazily. “Pleeeeeease?”
You only let out an elongated groan. “But I wanna sleep!”
“You’re always sleeping! Fine. If you don’t wanna come, I won’t shout you lunch,” Dawon compromised as he sat up.
At that moment, you found yourself already missing his warmth and touch. You didn’t feel this way since the night before he officially left to become a trainee. But now you know he won’t leave you again, so it was quite strange for you to feel that way again. Was it because you two had sex for the first time after being so close for so long?
You grabbed Dawon’s shirt, giving in. “Fine, I’ll come. But you owe me for making me wake up this early on my summer break.”
“Thanks, babe.”
“Don’t call me that.”
After getting up, washing up, and changing, you realised you still had those hickeys on your neck left by Youngbin and Inseong as you were applying your makeup. You couldn’t go to an official schedule with them showing, otherwise the managers would get suspicious.
“Shit…” you hissed. You frantically rummaged through your makeup case in search for your concealer. When you found it, you applied it thoroughly on the purple marks before covering the areas with foundation.
“______, you ready?” you heard Dawon say outside his room’s door a few minutes later as you were applying your lip tint.
“Yep, coming!”
You quickly grabbed your bag, and rushed to the front door to see Dawon waiting.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late,” he said as you got out. The two of you then speed-walked to the elevator, and making your way outside the building to where two black vans were waiting. Dawon dragged you to the one with the open door, and practically shoved you inside.
“Woah, ______-noona is joining us today?” Hwiyoung asked in pleasant surprise as you sat on the seat in front of Juho.
“Yeah, ‘cause Hyuk wouldn’t stop whining,” you replied with a roll to your eyes as Dawon got inside and closed the door.
“I wasn’t whining!” Dawon argued.
“You had to bargain for me to get out of bed!”
“That sure sounds like him,” Taeyang snickered.
Dawon glared back at the younger boy. “At least I don’t flirt to get things my way.”
“At least I don’t lose money by flirting—“
“So what made you bring her here?” Juho asked before an argument could start.
Dawon shrugged. “Can’t I bring my best friend around? Besides, she’s probably bored to death being at home by herself.”
You blew on your fringe. “Yeah, it does get boring. But I don’t wanna distract you guys.”
“If anything, we’re the ones distracting you,” Taeyang replied with a small smirk.
You turned your head around to glare at him. “What do you mean?!”
“We are pretty noisy,” Hwiyoung answered, “And you can’t do your assignments with us around.”
“Mostly Hyuk, though.” Juho added with a slightly smug look on his face.
Dawon turned around to glare at the younger male. “Oi, you take that back!”
The rest of the car trip was filled with their usual bickering and roasting of each other, so you decided to keep yourself occupied with your phone. Little did you know that Juho took glimpses of your neck every now and then, observing the patches of concealer and foundation that seemed to be layered a bit more on your skin. He knew you tried to cover the hickeys left by the members, as he could also see hints of purple around the edges. He didn’t know why, but seeing you try to conceal love bites in order to go out in public turned him on.
When the vans arrived at the photo studio, Dawon stepped out first, holding his hand out to assist you.
“I’m fine, Hyukie,” you said as you were getting out. “I’m not a damsel in distress.”
“I know you’re not, but you can barely walk right now.”
You widened your eyes, glaring at him as if to say ‘don’t fucking say that in front of everyone, or I’ll kill you!!’
Your best friend had noticed, but he only smirked and placed his arm around your shoulder as he walked in with you.
As soon as everyone arrived in the studio, the boys were rushed into the dressing rooms to get their hair, makeup, and outfits done. You awkwardly sat outside in the reception so you wouldn’t distract the stylists or boys, and so you could avoid having hairspray filling your lungs.
While you were on your phone, you heard a pair of footsteps coming towards to you. You looked up to see Juho walking towards you as he was doing up the the middle button on his loose white dress shirt.
You couldn’t help but blink in slight shock. His hair was slicked back, showing his undercut, and allowing you to see his sharp cheekbones, while his ripped black skinny jeans, and loose white dress shirt that was tucked in only at the front emphasised his broad shoulders and toned body. He looked absolutely mouth-watering to the point where you felt your knees shaking even if you were seated. Sure, you had seen them styled like this before, but there was something with Juho today that gave him a dark, alluring aura. The man in question was not oblivious to your reaction, so he smirked quietly.
“J-Juho? What’s up?”
“The photographer needs help setting up the lights and stuff,” Juho replied nonchalantly, “Apparently the assistant is sick today, so I told him maybe you could help since you tagged along.”
“Oh, sure…”
You gulped, feeling your cheeks turn warm as you stood up. You rushed past Juho without looking at him to hide your blush, speed-walking past the change rooms, and onto the set. After greeting the photographer, you put your bag next to the table with the computer for editing. You then immediately got to work on setting up the lights, asking every now and then if the lights were in the correct position or whatnot.
After 20 more minutes of setting up, you finally got everything in position that the photographer was satisfied with.
“Great. Can you see if the group is ready?” he requested.
“Yes, sure.”
I really should get paid for this…you thought tiredly as you walked off the set and to the dressing room. When you reached it, you knocked on the door for it to be opened by Rowoon, fully styled and looking like a god.
“Oh, hey ______!”
You blinked in surprise as your cheeks turned slightly pink. “A-are you guys done? The photographer is waiting.”
Rowoon looked behind him before facing you again. “I think Juho is done, I’ll go and see.”
“Okay, thanks.”
Soon enough, the door opened to reveal Juho. You gulped once more as he walked out, and closed the door behind him.
“Alright, let’s go,” you said shyly before leading the way to the set.
Juho followed closely behind you such that you could smell the hairspray and cologne. You chewed on your lower lip from how seductive he smelt.
No, not now…you’re supposed to remain professional…you thought to yourself.
The two of you made it to the set room, where Juho greeted the photographer and went over and stood at the set, while you stood beside the desk with the computer for editing.
Throughout the whole shoot, you were completely stunned at how attractive Juho really was when he was in idol mode. His intense and sharp gazes at the camera were not like any other member. There was something that just made you want to scream ‘daddy’ out loud to him; something that made you want to drop to your knees and let him do whatever he wanted with you.
You couldn’t help but notice that he shot gazes at you every now and then. Every time, you felt like he undressed one item of clothing from you with his eyes. You chewed onto your lower lip, averting your vision at other places to avoid more eye contact with Juho. What was he trying to do to you?
“Kill me now,” you grumbled to yourself as you collapsed onto the couch.
Since the photoshoot had finished, the boys headed to the dance studio to practice while you went back to the apartment. You were basically the replacement for the photographer’s absent assistant, so you worked the whole time while they were shooting.
While you were lying down on the couch, you couldn’t get the images of Juho’s stares at you out of your mind. Sure, the rest of the members also looked handsome, but their expressions were more soft compared to Juho’s fierce, intense gazes. You remembered how weak your knees felt when he  looked at you as if you were his first proper meal after dieting.
“No…he couldn’t be,” you muttered. He doesn’t see you in that way, idiot! You’re just overthinking everything…you mentally yelled at yourself, shaking the thoughts away. You didn’t know if you were seeing things or if you were just horny because you slept with four members already.
After a few more minutes of resting on the couch, you got up to change and take off your makeup. You decided to leave the makeup on your neck to take it off before going to sleep so the hickeys wouldn’t be visible to the boys (as if they didn’t notice them before, anyway).
You had decided to make dinner tonight, since they always had takeout, so you headed out to the kitchen to salvage whatever they had left in the fridge and pantry to make kimchi stew. You also knew how much the boys loved your cooking, so you wanted to surprise them.
After an hour or so of painstakingly preparing all the ingredients, you began to throw them into the pot to cook them first before pouring the hot water in from the kettle. While you were waiting for the whole thing to boil before seasoning it, you suddenly felt a presence behind you. Before you could turn around, you felt a pair of toned arms slide around your waist, and pull you in so your back was to his chest.
You gasped at the sudden skinship, so you immediately assumed that it was your best friend. “Hyukie? Are you done with practice already?”
The man behind you chuckled softly, moving his lips to your ear. “He’s not done, but I am.”
You froze immediately.
That voice. That fucking voice. That fucking voice deeper than the Mariner’s Trench. If only it didn’t affect you so much so you wouldn’t want to succumb to whatever he wanted.
You felt his warm breath ghost from your ear, and trailing down to your neck. You found your knees growing weak as you felt his already-hard crotch pressed up against your behind. “J-Juho?”
“Why are you covering the hickeys? Even at home?” he questioned before planting soft kisses beginning from the corner of your jaw, and down to your neck.  
Your breath hitched as he found the sensitive spot just below your ear. “I-I didn’t think you would notice…”
“I can see them very clearly, baby girl…”
Your thighs clamped together, that spark of desire inside you igniting once more. It seemed like the guys knew how to turn you on like a light switch with just one word.
Juho continued to bite and suck on that area on your neck, eliciting a whiny moan to come from your lips.
“Juho…please…” you sighed, leaning into him. You then felt him grind his clothed hardened shaft against your ass, causing you to begin to feel a warm wetness coating your lower lips.
“Call me daddy, baby…” he said deeply, sending shivers down your body.
You gulped, sliding your hands across his arms around your waist. “Daddy…”
“That’s a good girl,” he praised softly in your ear.
You bit your lower lip; you never knew Juho treating you this way would turn you on so much. You reached to the stove to turn it off as one of Juho’s hands made its way underneath your shirt, and up your chest to cup one of your breasts. He squeezed his hand on it, massaging it a few times, making you let out a needy mewl. Juho then slid his other hand down your body to palm and massage your core, stimulating your nerves.
“D-daddy, please!” you moaned, grinding your core against his hand. You could feel yourself growing wetter as the tips of his fingers teased your entrance through the thin material of the shorts.
Juho smirked against the skin of your neck. “My little baby girl is so needy…and so wet…”
You whimpered at his degrading words, but you didn’t care. You just wanted him to make you cum regardless of method.
“Daddy, p-please,” you begged, grinding your hips more against his hand that was still teasing your entrance and clit.
“Nuh-uh,” he rejected, “You must wait first, then daddy will give you what you want. Can you be patient for me?”
You felt goosebumps form on your neck; it seemed like his voice could make you submit to every command. You only let out a mix of a whine and moan as he continued to torture you slowly. Juho then moved the hand that was groping your breast to slide up your chest and wrap around your neck. His fingers gently squeezed the sides to slightly reduce the airflow, but making sure you could still breathe.
You then felt one finger suddenly slip inside your slick cavern, causing a high-pitched mewl to escape your lips. “D-daddy!”
Juho curled his finger in a come-hither motion before dragging it out slowly. Your knees buckled in, making you almost lose balance, but Juho still managed to hold you up.
“Such a good girl,” he praised in your ear. He then slipped in another finger, and began thrusting them in and out of you to extract more of your wetness that was now dripping down his fingers and to your thighs.
“Please…please…!” you moaned, tightening your grip onto his arms. You could barely stand, but you did everything you could to not completely collapse to bring him down with you. “I c-can’t take it anymore—!”
Without warning, Juho began to massage your sensitive clit with his thumb, causing you to scream as a zap of electricity coursed through your arteries. You could barely breathe while he assaulted your core so skilfully, stimulating you to the maximum so you could feel nothing but raw pleasure. You then felt him give your clit one last hard pinch to finally push you over the edge. You felt your stomach clench as you unleashed throat-burning scream, releasing everything you had onto Juho’s hand like a waterfall. Juho left his hand in that position for another moment before removing it and letting you go. Your knees finally gave way as you collapsed on all fours onto the floor, heavily breathing.
Juho slid his tongue across his fingers to taste what you gave him. “My little girl tastes sweeter than I imagined,” you heard him say, “But I wonder what you actually feel like.”
Before you knew it, Juho lifted you up, causing you to let out a yelp, and pushed your body forward onto the counter with your cheek resting on the cold surface. He pulled out a condom packet from his pocket, ripped it open with his teeth, and threw the packet onto the counter. Your eyes widened when you saw the foil, so you assumed that he wanted to cum inside you.
After slipping the condom on, Juho pulled your shorts and underwear down, letting them fall down your legs, to which you kicked them off and to the side. You then felt him slide the tip of his length up and down your overly wet slit, eliciting a soft moan from your throat.
“Daddy…” you sighed as Juho took your wrists, and held them behind your back.
“Is my baby girl ready for me?” he asked, placing the tip at your slick, dripping entrance.
You nodded, closing your eyes. “Yes, daddy…please…”
At that moment, you felt Juho slide into you from behind, causing you to let out soft, elongated gasp at how well he stretched you out. He then began thrusting immediately without letting you adjust to his size, which you didn’t have to because you were already so wet and turned on. Your moans grew louder as he thrusted harder and faster into you.
“Fuck, baby girl, you feel so good wrapped around me,” Juho groaned. “So tight…so wet…”
You wished you could hold onto something for support, but Juho’s grip on your wrists was too strong for you to move them anywhere. You could only let out moans and whimpers as he continued to slam into you from behind, your slick walls pulsing and swallowing his hard length too easily. Your head began to feel cloudy and slightly dizzy as each thrust Juho gave you felt like a new shot of ecstasy through your veins. Soon enough, your stomach began to tighten as you felt your climax slowly building up.
“J-Juho…” you managed to whimper amongst the moaning.
He slammed into you once more before stopping suddenly. “What did I tell you to call me?”
Your eyes widened. Fuck! “D-daddy…I’m sorr—“
Juho grabbed a fistful of your hair, with one hand, and holding your wrists together with the other. He pulled your head back, eliciting a surprised scream from you. “I was wrong,” he said darkly, “You’re not obedient after all. Should I even let you cum at this point?”
“I’m so sorry, daddy,” you begged desperately, the stinging pain on your scalp making it hard for you to think to form proper sentences. “Please…please let me cum; I won’t do it again, I’m so sorry!”
A smirk curled on Juho’s lips. “I know you won’t do it again,” he said, leaning into your ear. “And I’ll make sure of that.”
Before you could respond, Juho leaned back up and began to thrust hard and fast into you again, making your hips hit the edge of the counter. You screamed the sudden pace he was tearing you up with. Moans, screams, pants, and grunts came from the both of you, while the lewd noises of skin hitting against skin, and sticky sounds of Juho’s cock ramming into you as your essence was leaking out of your hole, and dripping down your thighs filled the kitchen all at once.
In the midst of the thrusting and screaming, you felt your climax building up faster than before. Your stomach muscles began tightening, and your walls were clamping on Juho more regularly. Before you could even have a taste of becoming undone, Juho pulled out of you. Before you could cry out at the loss of pleasure, he flipped you around so you lay on your back. He then entered you once more, wrapping your legs around his waist so he could thrust deeper into you.
“God, you look so beautiful like this,” Juho groaned, loving how you wreathed and moaned beneath him, and how absolutely disheveled you looked. He then leaned down to your neck, and latched his lips onto the spot just behind your ear. You took the opportunity to hold onto Juho’s shoulder blades while he was biting, licking, and sucking at your skin to leave another dark red mark, all while thrusting deeply and quickly into you. Your moans filled his ears, driving him to thrust even harder. His powerful thrusts made you scream and dig your nails into his skin through his shirt, dragging them down his back. Even though his shirt was cushioning the impact of your nails, Juho also groaned as he could still feel the stinging sensation of your nails on his back combined with your walls clamping tightly onto his cock.
Soon enough, your climax began building up again, and you knew this was going to be your biggest one yet.
“D-daddy, I’m about to—“
“Hold on, baby girl, I’m almost there too,” Juho grunted. He then reached one hand down to your swollen, sensitive clit, giving it a hard massage with his thumb as he gave you one more hard thrust. You arched your back as you let out an earth-shattering scream, your climax hitting you like a wrecking ball. Black and white spots filled your vision as you exploded onto Juho’s cock. He held your hips to support himself as he stayed still inside you to spill his load. You felt a warm liquid coat the walls of the condom indicating that the both of you now had finally had your sweet release.
Juho softly collapsed on top of you as the both of you were heavily panting and sweating from what was probably the roughest sex you’ve ever had. You reached behind Juho’s head to lightly stroke his blue hair.
“Holy fuck…” you whispered, still in disbelief that Juho could fuck you so hard.
The man on top of you only laughed lightly. “So…daddy, huh?”
Returning back to your normal self, you flicked the back of his head, causing him to yelp. “Do not fucking speak of this to anyone, or I’ll kick you.”
Juho heaved himself off your body with a grunt before pulling himself out of you. You arched your back lightly as you pressed your lips together to fight back another moan.
“Trust me, I won’t say anything,” he responded in slight amusement as he slid off the condom to throw it in the bin next to the counter. “I’ll never hear the end of it either.”
As Juho was putting his pants back on, you painfully pushed up your torso with your elbows. He then quickly came over to support your back with his hand to help you.
“Easy now, baby,” he said, pulling your upper body slowly towards him so your torso pressed against his. Once you were on your feet, Juho held onto you as he looked at the area where he fucked you. “Hah…looks like we made a bit of a mess here…”
You wrinkled your nose, also looking at the drops of cum that was dripping down the counter. “Ugh…more things I have to clean...”
Juho squeezed your shoulder assuringly. “You go wash up, and I’ll clean this, okay?”
You sighed. “Alright, but you have to help me make dinner for fucking me so hard.”
“I’m cool with that.”
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spycethra · 6 years
Title: Sick (Part 1/2)
Pairing: Gavin Reed x RK-900
Relationship Level: Somewhat Close Coworkers / Gavin: In-Denial-of-Attraction / RK-900: Fully-Attracted (But-Lost-On-How-To-Court-Someone-As-Stubborn-As-Gavin) 
Rating: Fluff 
Summary: RK-900 is trying to maintenance his sick human. Gavin doesn’t take it well. (At first.) 
[Read Part 2]
“Will you cut it out?! It’ll just burn the inside of my mouth!”
Gavin, still red nosed and bleary eyed from that morning, leaned away in retreat right into the obstructing arm of his dark leather couch. It was bad enough that the android wouldn’t return to the office. But now he had Richard’s attempt at spoon feeding him to worry about.
RK-900 was an investigator unit. He was an obvious far cry from the AX-400 model, but Richard didn’t seem to mind this fact. Much less acknowledge it.
“I have already assessed the spoon’s temperature, and its fahrenheit levels are safe for oral consumption. Now, say aaaaaaah-”
RK-900 opened his own mouth (as if to demonstrate) while leaning on the couch with his knee, squeaking the leather as he did so. He loomed over Gavin with the spoonful of steaming soup like an oppressive force of motherly nature that beheld zero concept of the word ‘no.’
“Rrrgh…” Gavin’s eyes narrowed defiantly at the spoonful of chicken soup that might have actually been really tasty... if it wasn’t being force fed to him.
A family of crushed tissues leapt from his lap to the creme carpet floor as he wriggled his face away, the warm spoon now insistently poking his cheek.
RK-900’s stare hardened, pushing a little harder against his partner’s face.
“Wh-what do you think you’re doing?!” Gavin snapped through gritted teeth, refusing to allow the android an opening of any sort.
“I’m deliberating on whether or not to just force it through,” Richard mused aloud with a thoughtful look.  
The detective’s eyes widened as he searched for any evidence in the android’s face that could lead to him being serious.
“Or I could just tie you up and pour the entire thing through your nose.” At the pure look of horror Gavin was sporting, Richard merely shrugged. “It would still reach your stomach. I could just shove a larger one down your esophagus, but I would have to render you unconscious. ...Now if I could just find the right sized tubing...”
The way his ice blue eyes seemed to scan around for such an awful thing left the ‘patient’ more than a little unnerved.
It had to be the worst thing about RK-900.
He had absolutely no tells.  
The spoon cooled against his human’s squishy cheek, barely brushing the stubble there.Gavin felt it poke him yet again, only this time with a terrifying firmness that had the man immediately jolting up to sit upright. A family of crushed tissues leapt from his lap to the creme carpet floor from his sudden motion but were left forgotten thanks to the tension in the room.
“All right! ALL RIGHT! You win. Fuck…” He quickly put his hands up in surrender before placing his mouth over the spoon, trying hard to ignore the growing smugness in his partner’s eyes.
Gavin swallowed almost tearfully while still wondering if RK-900 would have- Nope. He didn’t want to even think about.
“How is it?” Richard asked with a slight tilt of his head, still wearing his iconic deadpan look.
If Gavin had been a brave idiot, he might have spit the soup out. But he really, really enjoyed living a full life without a traumatizing hole in his cheek or his nasal cavity being unnecessarily penetrated.
“Mmm...mm. Good stuff,” he answered feebly, despite not being able to taste shit.
But he wasn’t about to tell RK-900 that…
With a lofty ‘mm’ in return, Richard carried on spoon feeding his needlessly belligerent partner. Gavin grimaced as the RK-900 even went through the trouble of softly blowing on it while cupping just beneath to prevent any spill.
This might have gone much better if only the android didn’t insist that Gavin say ‘ahhh’ for every spoonful. It was humiliating and there was no doubt that Richard was relishing every second in tormenting the tormentor.
Eventually, they were barely halfway done with the bowl when the detective couldn’t take it any longer.
“No! No more! I’m not fucking doing it!” he protested while hugging his throw blanket closer to himself.  
Richard didn’t even bat an eye.
“Detective, were you aware that the tensile strength of the human cheek is the equivalent of-”
Without missing a beat, Gavin had already regretfully reopened his mouth.
But he only lasted two more spoonfuls before resisting yet again. RK-900 was growing impatient. It was almost like Gavin didn’t care to get better… or was too much a fool to recognize how to. More likely the latter.
The android heaved a breath.
“I said I don’t want iiiit!”
The large violet throw blanket (with the Detroit Lions logo splayed across it) was tightly wrapped around the detective’s shivering half naked form in hopes of shielding from the fussing android. Of course, Cyberlife giving the RK-900 the strength of a damn bull made the whole plan more than a little unrealistic.
Richard’s thin brow twitched as he tore the blanket down single handedly, uncovering the miserable face of his sick partner, while masterfully not dropping even a single drop from the spoon.  
“I said stoooop!” Gavin yelled as his neck was leaning to near cramp levels of fatigue as RK-900 continued to lean in even further to shove the steaming spoon of chicken soup into his mouth, “This is gay as hell! Can’t you see that?!”
Richard frowned deeply at his partner’s crass comment before seizing him underneath the knee to forcefully draw him back before tightly squeezing the disoriented man’s thigh without mercy.
“Yeow!! Leggo!” Gavin yelled, quickly grasping the wrist of RK-900’s insane pincer grip, “ Leggoooo-urmf!”
The spoon was unceremoniously shoved into his mouth, clacking against his teeth slightly as he nearly choked on the damn thing. Richard’s fingers loosened as he appeared nonchalantly satisfied with this conclusion.
This fucking… Gavin’s fury swirled violently in his head but only for a few seconds as he felt a wave of nausea rise with it as he rolled to his side, rebelliously spitting out the spoon. ...Though he was still mindful not to spit the food too. The RK-900 was watching him like a hawk and it seemed even the tiniest bit of spittle found on the floor would be grounds for civil war.
“Your diagnostics conclude that you were feeling worse than what you first informed me of, Reed,” Richard accused sharply.
Gavin tensed in hearing the danger in his android’s voice.
“This isn’t just a common cold. Your condition may be viral,” he pressed.  
It was then the human detective tried to make a pathetic leap off the couch but the android’s long arms were much faster as they seized his waist, embarrassingly pulling him into the other’s lap.
“If you would discontinue your impudent attempts at escape, then I can properly diagnose what is wrong,” Richard explained tersely as he struggled slightly to keep Gavin from getting away.
Eventually the short second wind the man had quickly dissipated as he was then left panting pathetically against his partner’s chest.
“Fuck you…” he gasped while trying to catch his breath.
Gavin’s body was working hard to fight the illness wracking his body, but even still the duo glared each other down, both entirely obstinate to the other’s demands. A short silence passed between them before Richard went straight to the point.
“I’m going to need a blood sample.”
“Aaaand I repeat myself. Fuck. You,” Gavin sneered while closing his eyes tight, “Fuck… Dick, why don’t you do something actually useful and turn off the lights, will ya?”
When the android made no attempt to let him go, the other man moaned in agony.  
“Just turn it off! I won’t run away, dammit. I can’t… Not like this, stupid,” he panted while becoming surprised as Richard’s grip around him finally loosened.
Oddly enough, the robot’s movements were much more careful this time around as he lifted Gavin just enough to remove himself from the couch before setting him back down. He even went so far as to grab the discarded blanket so as to tuck him back in.
“Diiiick… Priorities. The fucking light… Now.” Gavin felt the other stop movement all together and winced. “...please?”
“Right away, Reed.” A soft look filled the android’s eyes yet faded quickly as he moved to his task to dim the overhead lighting to nothing.
Only Gavin’s heavy panting filled the dark along with the soft blue luminescence that emanated from Richard’s jacket. Returning to the couch, he stood just behind it while utilizing night vision to observe his sick human. It was almost too unnerving for him to watch. Why were humans so horribly frail?
“...Thanks.” Came a weak voice of gratitude.
AN: I love these two. Mostly the fact that RK-900′s version of ‘insisting’ or ‘advising’ anything will almost always include some sort of corporal punishment.   
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Mael Archevauliere || Not even 26 bells had passed and already, Mael dragged himself out from his bed. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to see. He had to touch. He had to know. First. First, however... He waited until everything quieted down. In the middle of the night, he sneaked out. He carefully tiptoed around, just like a thief who had broken in a rich Ishgardian's manor. It was a silent as he could, he open the door; he had to wander around a bit first, getting lost. Yet, this time he was sure. He could feel Miahtoux. His presence. His aura. His... elan. Was he sleeping? He was hoping he was sleeping.
Miahtoux Daphenier || He wasn’t. In fact, Miah was currently sitting up in his bed. Reading. The infirmary was more just a long hall, with wooden dividers on each side of each bed, and a curtain over the front. The main lights were off certainly, but Miah had a lamp inside his alcove. Maybe if Mael was able to read, he would know where the infirmary was easier. Either way, being quite was the right choice. Since Papani had her rooms just off the infirmary. He wouldn’t be able to sense Mael coming though
Miahtoux Daphenier || For the first time in his life. Miah couldn’t feel any aether at all.
Mael Archevauliere || It was just when he was tracking. Gently shifting your weight so you don't put too much pressure on a certain point in your feet so the branches don't creak under you. In that case, however, it was a wooden floor. He moved along the beds until he found the right one. He squinted his eyes in the dim light. Aaaaaaah. He could feel his breath getting deeper, more anxious. He was there. He could see just his back as he was coming from behind. He crept closer, and closer and closer, now into the light. He extended an arm, quickly snatching the elezen, bringing him to his chest. One hand on his lips, the other across his throat. “Don't scream.” (Gentle whisper in his ear.) “Don't scream. Don't scream. I was hoping you were asleep. But you're not. Don't scream. I won't hurt you. I just want to talk.”
Miahtoux Daphenier was about to shout as the Mael pounced him. The book clattered of the side as he attempted to pull the hyur’s hands off him. It was a futile attempt. He wasn’t very strong as it was, and blood loss has never help with improving one’s strength. In fact, there were thick bandages round his arms. Wasn’t Papani a healer? No… these weren’t bandages. There was something else as well, something covering the usual red glow. He pulled again, struggling to breath.
Mael Archevauliere: “You won't scream if I let you go?” (He tightened up his grip.) “You promise?”
Miahtoux Daphenier didn’t give much of an indication on way or another. He just kept trying to push Mael off him.
Mael Archevauliere: “Promise. Promise.” (Begging.) “Do it? Please?”
Miahtoux Daphenier met his eyes finally. He still had a weak grip on Mael’s wrists, but eventually he gave a very slight nod.
Mael Archevauliere: “You better keep your word.” Slowly, he let him go. His eyes. They were burning so brightly tonight. Just like two stars. Two stars radiating with all the coldness and the nothingness of the Abyss. “Euamoix told me you tried to kill yourself.” (A moment. How icy his irises were, they changed, now aflame with an undying passion, a mad love knowing no bounds. He threw himself at him, forcing him into a hug.) “Don't leave me, don, t leave me, don't leave me! Please forgive me! Don't hate me! Miah! Miah! I need you! Love me! Love me like you always did! If you are to kill yourself, at least bring me with you. Don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this on your own. Let's die together.”
Miahtoux Daphenier returned the embrace, but weakly. There was no energy in that hug, and he wasn’t looking at Mael. “Is that what you came to tell me?” His voice was very quiet, and not a little hoarse. “That you want me to… love you… like I always did…?” He rested back against the headboard, even in the dim light, he was clearly even paler than ever before, faint bruises still visible around his neck. “He was telling the truth, I did try…” Mael Archevauliere: “Why.” (From soft and loving, he was now harsh and judgmental.) “Why? You said you will be forever for me! Don't you care?” (He shoved him around the bed. Brutal. Cruel.) “You wanted to leave me all alone!”
Miahtoux Daphenier slipped on the edge of the bed, ending up on the floor. Slowly he managed to pull himself up and sit against the divider. “You wanted to be alone… why else… would you…” He put a hand to his neck before turning and curling up against the wooden partition, his cheek resting on the oak. “What does my love… even mean to you Mael…? I don’t… I don’t understand… and now… I can’t feel anything… and I don’t know why…”
Mael Archevauliere: “I never wanted to be all alone!” He yelled. Oops. It wasn't a smart thing to do. He couldn't help it. He had to scream. “Your love... Your love!” (He crawled out from the bed, dragging himself on the floor.) “It's everything. It's the end. The beginning. You love me for what I am. You love me forever. This is what you said. You have to love me. You have to. I can't... If you don't love me, I don't want to do anything. I don't want to eat. I don't want to breathe. I don't want to live.You have to love me. I need it. Don't you see?” Miahtoux Daphenier tried to push himself further back into the corner. But his back hit the nightstand. “Please… don’t… you shouldn’t live just for one person… please…” Somewhere a light flicked on, there was movement somewhere else in the infirmary as well. People had obviously heard Mael shouting. “Please…” Miah was shaking, like he was trying to pull on something that wasn’t coming. “Please…” It sounded tearful, frustrated, scared…
Miahtoux Daphenier || There was the sound of a door opening somewhere, a light creeping closer. Miah had his knees drawn up now, still shaking. “Please… I… I do… I don’t know… I do… I’m so confused… I can’t… see. Can’t… breath… help…” A strange feeling in the air, like a spot were something should be but wasn’t, all around the Elezen. Still the light got closer, and the shuffling somewhere else continued.
Mael Archevauliere tensed up. He knew He didn't have much time. “I live for you and you live for me.” He sprang on Miah, pinning him on the ground. A furtive, quick kiss on his lips before he let him go. “It's happiness.” Just like a thief, he came, just like a thief he left. He quietly scuttled away, using shadows as cover to exit the infirmary.
Miahtoux Daphenier just kept shaking, When Mael released him he curled back up on his side. Just as Mael left, Papani pulled open the curtain, behind her, Vidal. He had one arm still in a sling, the rest of his chest covered in bandages. The lalafell knelt down on the floor. “Miah? Miah are you okay?” Vidal scanned the little cubical. “Someone’s been here… I reckon we both probably know who… is he okay?” Papani nodded, “Yes… at least I think so… this isn’t my field… really…”
Miahtoux Daphenier || Neither of them seemed to notice Mael’s quiet exit. But even as Miah was hoisted back up onto the bed, he was still shaking. “I do… I don’t know… why… my head… I can’t feel… I can… I don’t know…” He kept muttering the same things until he finally fell asleep this time.
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myheroscenarios · 7 years
Good luck with your blog, rlly liking it so far! Can I have a scenario of Todoroki making his crush (who's usually rlly calm, cool and expressionless) turn completely red-faced and flustered cuz of a random compliment he said? Hehe 💖
AAAAAAAH MY FIRST TODOROKI REQUEST! I’m so happy. I’m totally in love with Todoroki, it might be a slight problem. One that I won’t be fixing any time soon. Thank you for requesting this! I’ll have a lot of fun with it!
Also thank you! I’m glad you like my blog! (I hope you don’t mind, but I also took a couple of liberties with other parts of her personality)
He wasn’t sure just what drew him to her. Maybe it was the way she talked with everyone, or maybe how she wasn’t like most girls in their class. Or most girls in general. She wasn’t bubbly or overly peppy, she wasn’t over the top and “extra” as a lot of people would have put it. Instead she was calm, collected and nearly as expressionless as he was. 
Which suited him just fine. He found himself admiring her from time to time during class or during training. And when they had all moved into the 1A dorms for UA, he came to learn her quirks and habits and a lot of them were… cute.
She would mutter to herself, kind of like Midoriya, but only when she was cooking. She would pace around in circles when she was on the phone with someone. She was always willing to tutor someone who asked. 
Even though they lived in the same place now, along with everyone else in 1A, Todoroki couldn’t really bring himself to talk to her. Sure she was friends with Midoriya and Iida and Uraraka and they often hung around those three together, he never said anything directly to her, unsure of how exactly what to say. 
He hasn’t felt like this for anyone, so he wasn’t sure exactly what to do. But there was one person he knew he could ask for advice. One person who could talk to his crush without feeling awkward, or so it looked to him, anyway. 
“Hey, Midoriya,” Todoroki said, catching up with the green haired boy before they went into the cafeteria. 
He turned around and looked at the other boy. “Todoroki! What’s up?” 
Todoroki shifted from one foot to the other. “I… I need your advice on something.” 
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Well…” Todoroki let out a breath. “So you’re good at talking with your crush and everything, so I was wondering if you had any advice on how I could do… that too…” he started to lose steam as he progressed and looked to the side. 
Midoriya sputtered. “W-wait what? What do you mean, my crush?” 
“Uraraka,” he replied and tilted his head, looking back at Midoriya. “You like her, don’t you?” 
His face turned the color of Todoroki’s red hair. “Is it really that obvious?”
The other boy shrugged. “Maybe not to her, but to everyone else well…” he sighed. “Anyway do you have any ideas of what I could do?” 
“O-oh well um…” he was still red in the face as he looked down, trying to think, “you could always pay her compliments and get a conversation going that way.” 
Todoroki thought a moment before nodding at the suggestion. “I can do that. Thank you, Midoriya.”
“No problem,” he said and waved as Todoroki rushed off. 
That day, during training, they were split up into teams again, doing much the same drill as the one they had done during the first day of training. Todoroki was not on the same team as (y/n) so he watched her and her partner on the screen as they tried to capture the payload.
He was nearly mesmerized by the way she handled the objective and when she and her partner came out victorious, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. His team was up next so he was walking out just as she walked back in.
“Hey,” he said as he walked passed her.
She looked at him and raised an eyebrow, but her expression didn’t change much more then that. “What’s up, Todoroki?”
“You were pretty good out there,” he said.
He turned and started walking towards his starting point, so he couldn’t see her reaction to his compliment. But she stood there, staring after him. Her eyes were wider then they ever would have been and her face was bright red. She just stood there, her hands on her cheeks as she tried to figure out exactly what she was feeling.
When she finally walked back in with everyone else, Todoroki was already well into his “match” and Midoriya walked up to her. 
“You okay? You’re all red in the face,” he said.
She opened her mouth to try to speak, but closed it, having trouble finding the words. About the third time she tried, she finally managed to speak.
“T-Todoroki complimented me,” she said, feeling her face heat up even more.
Midoriya just smiled at her.
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princeforestfox · 8 years
Headcanon MC is a retired super model known in Europe and the Americas, and rfa's (+saerans If possible) reaction? 💗💗🌸
(AAAAaaah~ I had so much fun with this! I hope you like it~ Yoosung-He’s always joked that you should be a model you’re so beautiful-Of course it was always followed by a comment how he didn’t want anyone else to look at you the way he did-He was cleaning up the house when he found an old magazine and went to take a flip through it-He had to pause and blink a few times before his brain could process-Was that his MC on the cover???-He runs out to the living room, waving the cover over his head-”Why didn’t you tell me you used to model???”-You sigh, you knew he’d find out eventually-You wave him over to come talk about it-You explain it’s been a long time and assured him no one was seeing you partially nude but him now-He asks to see some of your old modelling work and tells you you’ve only gotten more beautiful-It makes you feel so warm since it feels like people only ever say the opposite after a model retires-Did he just hear that? How could anyone not think you were beautiful?-He frowns and tells you, that you may be gorgeous but your heart outshines your looks any day-How fucking sweet is he???-He never really brings it up again, but he’s even more delicate with complimenting you in the future-Of course, he’s so happy only he gets to see you now, but, him? dating a super model?? who would have thought???Zen-He’s been trying to place your face since the day you both met-It’s not until he finds an old pinup of his that he puts two and two together-You’d really changed your look and, it’s not like he expected it??-You both are really able to bond over the experience-Especially because Zen understands the hardships behind how different people will treat you-You both talk about how hard it is to try and find people who don’t just like you for your looks or your fame-It was nice having someone you knew wasn’t judging you for anything superficial -You both spent the next hour complimenting each other on things you both only knew about one another-You signed his pinup for him as well-He definitely put that somewhere special to bring out on your wedding day-You both end up doing a little photoshoot together-It’s actually the most adorable thing-Of course it was Zen’s idea to do a “couples” shoot together-You didn’t really take to the idea right away-But it ended up being so much fun since it was with him-You both hardly took eyes off one another-This became something you both did yearly for your anniversaryJaehee-You both were out for coffee one evening when someone approached you-It was absolutely embarrassed and it’d been years since anyone had recognized you-Jaehee watched in awe as she saw the fan come and go, she’d only even experienced this sort of thing when out with Zen-She tried her best to not pry but you knew you were caught red handed now-You explained everything to her and even pulled up a few pictures on your phone-The light shade of pink across her cheeks was adorable-Of course she asks if she could see more-You may just have gained a new leader of your online fan group-You joke about doing a private modelling session for her-But she ends up asking if you could teach her -She totally wants to take hot cute pictures for you too-You both spend an evening dressing up around the house and drinking wine-You may have even sent a few less then safe pictures in the chatroom of you two-You come home a few weeks later to a note and a special picture of Jaehee just for you~ Jumin-He always knew you were breathtaking from the moment he saw you-He loves dressing you up just for him, somedays he can’t stand the idea of anyone else setting eyes on you-He’s put you in one of his favourite outfits as you’re both headed to dinner with his father who’s yet to meet you-Of course he knows who you are-He’s an old man and we all know his tastes-Jumin almost grabs your wrist and drags you out of there top speed when he sees the way his dad is looking at you-He excuses himself from the table and asks to speak with you-You explain you used to model and you can almost see the anger in Jumin’s eyes that other men have laid eyes on you -Even though you reassure him it was quite awhile ago, it rubs him the wrong way-It doesn’t take him long to ask to see some of the pictures -He can’t help but think you look gorgeous-Oh no he recognizes the one that Zen has -Luckily he doesn’t put where he’s seen it before together -He tells you how much gorgeous you’ve gotten and how he’s glad no one ever has gotten to see you how you are now-He definitely left marks all over you that nightSeven-Of course he found the pictures during the background check-He honestly was waiting for the perfect moment to send an old picture of you in the chat -But after awhile liked being the only one who knew about them-You didn’t know he knew until you catch sight of a folder on his computer-”MC Model photos-do not open”-You frown and exclaim loudly about how he knew this whole time-And worse he had saved every picture he could find???-He just laughs and says it was research materiel-He can see you’re upset so he pulls you between his legs as he sits on his chair and pulls you into a big hug, nuzzling into your chest-”You’re much more beautiful now, and now, you’re miiiiiiine”-You can’t help but smile and roll your eyes -He chuckles and says how you wish you could pull off a maid outfit like him -You both definitely get dressed up and hound the chat about who’s prettier-Was there any question that they’d side with you?-Though…Zen seemed to have missed the memo again-Once again calling dear Saeyoung a hot maidSaeran-Saeyoung was definitely the one who first showed him the pictures of you-Teased him with “I have sexy pictures of MC you’ve never seen~”-You can imagine the confusion and slight annoyance mixed with some jealousy on his face-Little did he know, not just Saeyoung, but lots of other people had seen these pictures-When you get home he immediately asks why Saeyoung has these pictures-Now you’re confused as well lol-You blush and get incredibly embarrassed when you find out they’re your modelling photos-This poor boy is only more confused to why you’re so flustered-You explain it to him and you can still see the annoyance -”But I’m the only one who get to see you like that now, right? No one else?”-You reassure him and give him some lovely kisses-Casually will flip through magazines now and again to see if there are any old pictures of you slotted in anywhere-He totally blushes if there is one-Kinda wants to run around the stores and tell people thats his s/o right there-After a few days weeks he asks Saeyoung for the pictures-I’m sure you can imagine the smug grin on Saeyoung’s face-And the grumpy one on Saeran’s-You end up taking a few ~special~ new pictures just for Saeran-He feels so special to have them and keeps them close to him
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from colossi battles to commander meetings
Arthur: "An angel told me to. Now go back to sleep." -the next day- Arthur: *yawn, stretches* shinra: zzzzzzzz......... Arthur: (gets out of bed, grabs his towel...) -elsewhere- stocking: zzzzz......... Kid: "Hmmm..." (turns over, hugs Stocking) stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: (kisses her cheek) "Love you." stocking *purring in her sleep* Kid: "..." (smiles..."Kitten..." purrs back as he holds her close) stocking: *she leans into his chest listening to his heartbeat* Kid: (blushes a bit, his heart rate increasing slightly) stocking: *smiles and kisses his chest* Kid: -\\\\\- "Mmm..." stocking: *rubbing his hip* Kid: (groans slightly, feeling aroused) "Stocking..." (rests hand along her side) stocking: *her hand rubs closer to his groin* *smirk* Kid: (he is erect, but smirks back) "Oh, really?" (his hand slides from her side to her slit) stocking: mmmn~! *she looks up at him* h-hey no fair. *pout* Kid: (laughs) "What? I'm just giving back what I get..." (whispers in her ear) "I like what you're giving me..." stocking: *blush* i suppose....but~ *she crawls on top of him* i was hoping you'd let me lead...pretty pleeeease~? *pouty face* Kid: "...I like when you lead..." (lays his arms back by his head and smiles at her) stocking: ok...close your eyes for a moment, ok? Kid: "..." ("I trust her...") (shuts his eyes and smiles) -a few moments later, something hard can be felt at his bum- Kid: (slightly opening his eyes) "A-Ah~!" stocking: *she kisses him and slowly enters him a little more* Kid: "Aaaaaaah!" stocking: *she kisses his lips and spanks his rear* Kid: "Ah! Oh, Stocking..." (kisses back--biting a bit) stocking: *spanks him harder and spreads his buttcheeks, pulling out and slamming it in* ypu're such a naughty boy, arent you~? Kid: "Aaaaaah~!" (moans) "Yes, I am...I-I need to be punished..." stocking: why yes you do.... *unbuttoning his shirt and rubbing her hands on his chest* i have you completely at my mercy, dont i~? Kid: "Y-Yes, you do...What will you do now...Mistress?" stocking: *she lifts his legs to hook over her shoulders and tweaks his nipples* Kid: "A-a-ah! I-I like that...J-Just symmetrical, please, Love..." stocking: *she runs two fingers over his lips* Kid: (tries to kiss and lick at her fingers) stocking: *she smirks and sticks them into his mouth* Kid: (sucks on her fingers) "Mmm~" -after a while, she pulls her fingers out of his mouth and covers his eyes with the other hand- Kid: "St-Stocking?" stocking: *she bites and sucks on his neck and shoulders as the wet fingers stroke his length* Kid: (slight whimper of pleasure; his member twitches) "God, that's good..." -stocking was biting and sucking at him so hard it left a few love marks- Kid: (pout) "I'm close..." stocking: *grabs the shaft and strokes, squeezing* -as she does this she pounds into him like crazy* Kid: "Ah!" (he twitches) "Fuck!" (gasping from the pounds) "Ah-ah-ah!" (struggles to reach up to grab her breasts) stocking: *she pins his wrists to the bed and pounds harder* Kid: (whimpering) "D-Damn!" (panting, his member so hard) "I'm so c-close--Ah! Ah!" (twitching like mad) stocking: *one hard squeeze to the shaft* Kid: "AAAAAAAAH!" (he ejactulates) stocking: nnnngh~ *she pulls out and licks up some of his sperm, she also scoops up some of it with her finger and puts it in his mouth* feel good? Kid: "Mmmm~" (nods) -she removes the strap on and cleans it off- stocking: ah.... *blushing at her dripping wet slit* i got all dirty... Kid: (panting) "Y-You need someone to clean you up..." stocking: *she aims herself at his mouth* lick me clean... Kid: (lifts his head up towards her slit--with one long, slow, light lick) -later at school- Kid: (cringing in his chair) soul: you ok? Kid: (nervous smile) "Y-Yeah...I'm fine..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: o\\\\\\o -at lunch- stocking: since my dad's birthday is today, i'm going to have to be at his party this evening, but i'll be back by tonight, so dont worry kiddo. Kid: (smiles, nods) "Give my best to your father." ("I wonder why he didn't have a Plus 1 for guests...but I don't want to get in the way of family...") "How old is he now?" stocking:................... >->;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kid: (cringing) "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude! I know people don't like to reveal their ages..." stocking: kid, it's alright...will you be ok while i'm gone? Kid: (nods) "I will, I promise..." (picks the cherry off his cupcake) "Although..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I'll be waiting for you when you get home..." (licks the frosting off the cherry) stocking: ./////. *whispers* if it helps, i'll let you do whatever you want to me tonight when i get back...even the more.....kinkier things~ Kid: (whispers back) "That's sweet of you. But I would be just as happy with something...gentler." stocking: ok. -that night- stocking: *yawn* back home, finally.....hmm? *she notices some flower petals on the floor* *Faint music heard from the bedroom* stocking: *blush* kid you adorable dork... *The flower petals lead into the bedroom...and are along the bed...and cover Kid's bits as he lies naked on their bed...he is holding a rose in his hand, smelling it* stocking: ./////. >/////< kid you are such a dork and its so damn cute. Kid: (inhales the rose) "Stocking...This does not smell half as sweet as you..." (leans out of bed, stands before her without a stitch on, and walks towards her, offering the rose to her) stocking: *she accepts it-* ah! *she got pricked* Q.Q Kid: (smirks slightly, as he takes her hand and kisses the prick mark) stocking: *blush* Kid: (pulls back and takes the rose from her...and strokes its petals along her face, careful to avoid the thorns) stocking: ahhh..... *blushing* Kid: "Such soft petals...but they are like sandpaper compared to the softness of your skin..." (his other hand takes hers, rubbing lightly along hers) stocking: >//////< kid oh my god. Kid: (smiles, as he lowers the rose from her face and lightly passes her hand along his face) "May these lips return to yours, my Love?" stocking: why of course~ Kid: (smiles as he leans closer, closes his eyes, and brushes his lips along hers) stocking: *hug* mmmmmm~ Kid: (moves his hands along her hips, stroking them--then pinching lightly) stocking: ah! Kid: (chuckles lightly) "Too rough?" stocking: j-just surprised me, that's all.....shall we? Kid: (presses a finger along her lips) "Allow me..." (goes down to his knees, pulling up the bottom of her dress...) stocking: *blush* i-it unzips in the back- Kid: (smiles) "I know..." (kisses lightly through the underwear at her slit) stocking: aaaahh~! Kid: "Sweet music..." (kisses along her thighs lightly before standing again and wrapping his arms around her, pulling down on the zipper...) stocking: *pressing herself against him* Kid: (he feels her heart beating, her breasts against his bare chest...he feels aroused...he finishes pulling down the zipper before his hands reach to her shoulder and lower the dress) stocking: *the bra matches her panties, she also has black garters with black knee-high stockings* Kid: (lets the dress lower, stares at her) "And while the rose wilts...your beauty only increases." stocking: *blush* where do you want me now~? Kid: (bends and lifts her, bridal style...he leans closer to her lips) "Our bed..." (he kisses her before walking to their bed) stocking: mmmmm~ Kid: (lays her on the bed of rose petals and lays beside her, kissing between her breasts and her neck) stocking: *blushing and breathing steadily* Kid: (tugs down a bit on the bra to expose one breast) stocking: *bluuush* ah.... Kid: (smirks lightly, as his hand is inching down her stomach--with a light tickle--to her underwear, while his tongue licks along her nipple) stocking: ahhhhh~ U///////U Kid: (his one hand reaches behind, coaxing her to lift up a bit so he can get to her bra's clasp, while his other hand is now inside her panties) -after a few moments- stocking: *panting and shuddering, blushing* ahhhh....... Kid: "How is that?" stocking: f-felt great.... *she nuzzles into him* snuggles time? Kid: (nods, as he takes a fistful of petals to set near them, rubbing his cheek against hers) stocking: ^^~<3 Kid: "I hope this wasn't too corny..." stocking: it was and it was adorable. Kid: (blushes, smiles) "I want to do whatever I can to please you..." (slides his hand along her hip lightly) "I love you." stocking: *blush* i love you too kiddo.... Kid: (brings her closer to him with a kiss along her cheek) stocking: kiddoooooo can we snuggle under your cloak? Kid: (smiles, snaps his fingers--and the cloak is now above them) stocking: *she snuggles into him* mmmmm, nice and warm.... Kid: (snuggles back) "So are you..." (keeps his arms wrapped around her) "You feel warm..." stocking:..............zzzzzzzzz........ Kid: (smiles..."I love her...I am so happy she is here and...I want...") *yawns* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Medusa: (humming, rocking in chair holding her baby) neian: *asleep* milia: *peeeeeek* Medusa: (sensing Milia, frowns) "What?" milia: *walks away* nothin.....have you seen nalsie? Medusa: "He was preparing a practice duel..." (smirks likely at Milia) "You like him..." milia: hehehe~ *hearts flutter* he's soooo coooool! Medusa: "And far too old for you." milia: D:> Medusa: "Why are you rushing to get older? You should enjoy youth--it gives you more time to get wise to the world." milia: ?? i was hoping he'd like me like this... Medusa: "He won't. He sees through your artificial appearance. Being old? That's not bodily, child--it's mental and emotional. Act like an adult, and stick to someone in your own age group." (frowns) "And don't do _that_ until you are older!" milia: *pouts and exits* neian: *yawn* Medusa: (looks down at Neian with a smile) "Same for you, young one...Be wiser than...than I was." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Ah..." chie: *panting* u/////u Yohei: "This okay?" chie: y-yeah....*leans into him* Yohei: (kisses along her neck, his hand resting along her backside) -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "When do you start work at the zoo?" kim: it'll be mid july to mid september... Jacqueline: "Oh...So...you'll be out of the dorms quite often..." kim: awww you gonna get lonely? Jacqueline: "N-Not at all! Hmph!" kim: you _say_ that....but i can tell you're lyyyyiiiiiing~ ^^ Jacqueline: -\\\\\- "At least when you're not here, I'll have the room to myself for a bit." kim: ........ Jacqueline: "...Not like I'll miss you or anything..." (scratches her cheek, blushing) kim: sure jackie....*looks at the mirror* i think i might grow my hair out into a ponytail... Jacqueline: "O-Oh?" (looks at her looking at the mirror...imagines her hair...blushes harder) kim: nice....say jackie, do you want to do anything with your hair? i mean, having it down all the time might get kinda boring after a while, right? Jacqueline: "I...don't know. I like my hair how it is now...Wh-What would you suggest?" kim: hmmm.... braids? Jacqueline: "Oh? Um...Maybe..." -elsewhere- Wes: (playing the violin) liz: *listening* Wes: (completes the performance, is silent...) liz: *claps* -a few ghosts clap too- Wes: (smiles a bit sadly as he bows to Liz and the ghosts) "Thank you..." -in the other room, soul is sound asleep- ???: "Soul..." soul: hey maka. *he smiles* Maka: (she is sitting on a bench by a lake; her white dress is light for the summer...she pats a hand on the empty spot on the bench next to her) soul: *he sits down and breathes*.....i can hear wes playing in the other room.... Maka: "Is it waking you up?" soul: nah....i'm just thinking....... Maka: "What about?" soul:...the piano... Maka: "..." (reaches for his hand) soul:....should i? will i even be able to- Maka: (small squeeze with a smile) "You can, you have, you should...and I think you will." soul:.....*he smiles a bit* -when soul gets up, he goes into the music room without saying a word- Wes: (spots him) "Oh! Sorry, Soul. Didn't mean to--" soul: *he just sits at the piano, and begins to play* Wes: (stunned as he listens...his eyes shine as if he is about to cry) liz: *covers her mouth* soul:.......*soon, he finishes*.....*he looks over at them* hey. Wes: *sniff* (rubs his eyes) "Hey." soul: y-you ok wes? Wes: "Y-Yeah...That was beautiful." soul: *smile* i had a really good dream, and felt a lil inspired. Wes: (nods) "Thank you for that..." soul:....it's been a while, i know- Wes: "Do you think you could play again...some time soon?" soul: i guess. Wes: (smiles) "I'd like that. I always liked hearing you play, Soul." soul: i'll have to get back into the practice of it. liz: *CRIES AND HUGS THEM BOTH* Wes: "Hrk!" (choked by the hug) liz: THATS SO SWEET Q_Q soul: ow. Wes: o\\\\o "Um..." (laugh) "Yeah, it is..." (pats Liz's back, holds Soul in the hug) -elsewhere- NoFix: "Okay, I'm ready for your experiment, Doc." luka: *she's already drawn blood from him* now we just mix this with the clown blood..... NoFix: "Uh huh..." (looking at the concoction...looking Luka up and down) noriko: *staaaaaare* caretohearaboutourlordandsaviorkishinasura? NoFix: "Depends...Does he like it up the butt?" -in another room- Asura: -_-; mikan:....that nofix guy. i dont like him. Asura: "Nor do I...yet even his regenerative abilities seem to prevent absolutely killing him..." mikan: hopefully he dies off soon.....he's a bad influence. heibito: *yaaawn* Asura: "Agreed...If only there was a way to counter-act his regeneration..." (shudders) "Something like that power, in the hands of the Academy, would be dangerous." mikan: and that witch.....i dont like her either. Asura: "...Perhaps we should move forward with earlier intentions...a witch's soul would help us greatly." mikan: what do you think heibito? heibito: *baby talk* Asura: (smiles) "Sounds like a vote..." -late night/early morning- kinuta: zzzzz..... NoFix: (drooling on the pillow, not a stitch on) kinuta:.......??? *she heard something* NoFix: "Hmmm..." (talking in his sleep) "Doctor, you ready for the enema?" kinuta:.....*gives him a weird look* *she goes out into the hall* -the noise is a little ways down.....an infant?- -a feeling of eyes along the walls can be felt, as if watching her- kinuta:.......*she goes down a little ways......* hmm? heibito: *looks at her* kinuta: oh, it's just you....*she picks hm up* how the fuck did you get all the way up here? shit, your parents must be pretty damn careless to let you wander off like that, haha. Asura: (smirks, watching from the shadows..."Consume, my child...") -slice- Asura: "!!!" kinuta: !!! *doubles over in pain* *her side is gashed* mikan: wow. Asura: (chuckles) "Glorious..." kinuta: you little fucker! *she tries to kick him....but he has somehow teleported to the end of the hall* ?!?!? Asura: "I'm afraid you're too slow--" (sends scarves at her to trap her) kinuta: *grk-* *choaking* *trying to pull them off* Asura: (smirks, tightens the scarves) "My child hungers, you damn witch..." kinuta: grk-....nngh..... -light flash- Asura: "AAAH!" (covers his eyes with scarves) "My eyes! ...Oh no...Heibito!" -heibito is unharmed, but kinuta is gone- Asura: "Grrrr! I can't sense her soul!" (looks at and picks up Heibito) "I'm sorry..." heibito: ?? -further down, kinuta uses her magic to escape into the witch world, however she is in great pain and passes out when she arrives- ???: "We got injured here!" kinuta: nngh....*she can barely see who it is* ???: "Oh dear...the Judge will not be pleased about this--" *Something heavy strikes Kinuta's side* kinuta: AHHH!! *wince* Judge: (knocked Kinuta's side) "Pick up the trash. We're locking her away." guard: yes ma'am! *Guards lift Kinuta by the arms, dragging her along to the prison's medical ward* Guard #2: "Doctor, we have an injured criminal. The Judge...um, asked that you attend to her injuries, please." medic: oh is that so? i shall see what i can do for her. -morning arrives back in death city- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning kiddo.... Kid: (smiles) "Morning, Love." (kisses her forehead) "Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah, you? Kid: "Perfect..." (hugs her) stocking: it's the weekend. Kid: (smiles, rubs her back) "How's your schedule look?" stocking: looks free to me... Kid: (moans a bit as he stretches slightly) "Do you want to spend the day around the home, or head out for a few hours?" stocking: i could use some fresh air. *She smiles* Kid: "Shower and dress, maybe get breakfast at a local restaurant, then see what's happening around town?" stocking: sounds wonderful *she kisses his cheek* Kid: (smiles, as he picks up leftover rose petals) "May I lead you to the bathroom, Love?" stocking: why of course~ Kid: (gets out of bed--and lifts her bridal style) stocking: oh my~ hehe~ Kid: (kisses her on her lips before walking her carefully into the bathroom) -after getting dressed- Kid: "I know a great location for breakfast...if you like something sweet~" stocking:...i'm listening. Kid: "It's called 'Sweet Tooth.' I heard the tarts, waffles, and milkshakes are divine." stocking: *shiny eyes* Kid: (offers a hand) "Not too far a walk..." -and so- Kid: (pulls out the chair for Stocking to sit) stocking: *looking at the menu* Kid: (sits, looks at the menu) "Hmmm...Something I've wanted to know from a sweets expert like you: what do you think about bacon in desserts?" stocking: *she gives an odd look* Kid: "It's been trendy...mostly with hipsters." stocking: *shudders* Kid: (giggles) "I guess that answers that question." (opens the menu) "Hmmm...Waffles with whipped cream and blueberries..." stocking: *shiny eyes* Kid: (smiles) "Two orders of that?" stocking: yes please~ Kid: (gestures to the waiter and puts in the order) Waiter: "And to drink, ma'am?" stocking: something with strawberry in it. Waiter: "Our milkshakes are highly recommended, or maybe a sparkling strawberry soda?" stocking: ooh, i'll have some of that! Kid: (chuckles) "Please make it one order each, please. And I'll have an orange juice." *Waiter returns later with food* -after breakfast- stocking: so yummy~! Kid: (pats his lips with the napkin) "Quite. The waffles were fluffy, the fruit fresh...the company was even sweeter." (smiles at her) stocking: *she hugs him* where to next? Kid: "Hmm...There's a park nearby, and it's lake may look great under this blue sky..." (blushes) "And they have...swan rides..." stocking: hmmm...maybe the mall? Kid: "Oh...Sure!" -elsewhere- Wes: "Zzz..." -music is heard from another room- Wes: (turns, opens his eyes, yawns) "Hmmm..." (gets out of bed, puts on his robe, and exits the room) soul: *playing a short refrain on the piano* Wes: (listening...tries to stay out of view) soul: *he finishes* -at the 8th- shinra: ....????? say, anyone seen arthur? he wasnt in our room... Akitaru: (shakes his head) "He wasn't at breakfast..." Akitaru: "Anyone seen Arthur? Maybe he's still in the bathroom?" maki: no, havent seen him. Takehisa: "I searched the entire building: no sign of him. I did find this letter..." iris: ??? Takehisa: "It is from Tamaki..." maki: ooooooh! shinra: ??? Takehisa: "I will not divulge all details to protect Arthur and Tamaki's privacy, but it yields no clues as to his present location. Nevertheless, it may be a good idea to send someone to check on the girls' dormitory." Akitaru: "Good idea! We'll send Shinra--" Takehisa: (slap across the back of his head) Akitaru: "Ow! Um...We'll send Maki." maki: alright then. shinra: (thinking: i dont want to incite the wrath of the dorm lady....) *shudders* Akitaru: "Shinra and Iris, please look around town. Takehisa and I will contact other Brigades." shinra: right. Iris: (nods) "I hope Arthur is okay. I'd hate to see anything happen to him." shinra: knowing him, he probably broke into a sewer to fight nessy or something.... Iris: (small laugh) "That's mean..." shinra: i guess, but then again, this is _arthur_ we're talking about... Iris: "Um...You aren't suggesting we check the sewer, are you? I mean, maybe Arthur went somewhere else..." (scratches her cheek) "Maybe 'Nessy' is hidden at a fountain or a pool..." shinra: that would make more sense. Iris: (small sigh of relief..."Dark...scary...sewer. No thanks.") "Well, we better hurry! Every second we waste is another one Arthur can get further lost." shinra: right.....um...do you have a fear of heights at all? Iris: "Well, only a little. Why?" shinra: d-did you want me to fly us up to get a look? i-i mean, bird eye view, right? *nervous smile+slight blush* Iris: o\\\\o "It...would be pragmatic...I mean, it would increase our chances of finding Arthur..." (nervous but pleasant smile) "Y-Yes! Let's do it!" shinra: o-ok then... *he lifts her up and flies up* .///////. Iris: "Eep!" (clutches Shinra) shinra:....you ok? Iris: "Yes! Just don't drop me, okay?!" shinra: *holds on tight* *gulp* ./////. -on the roof- hooded figure: shall we? Hooded Figure #2: "Hmm...Make sure he cannot track the source. Otherwise, should he dodge, he can find our loation." hooded figure: *takes aim* shinra:....see anything yet? Iris: "Hmm...Nothing yet..." (spots something--) "Wait...Are those--?" Hooded Figure #2: "!!! We're spotted! Don't miss!" -an arrow shoots out and grazes shinra's back- shinra: AHHHHH!!!! -they crash into a factory, landing on some sandbags- shinra: s-shit....*wince* shinra: !!! iris! are you ok?? Iris: (face-first in sandbags) "Ow..." (pulls herself up) "That hurt...!!! Shinra! Your back!" shinra: i-i notic- AH! *wince* damn that stings.... w-what was that?? Iris: "Hooded men! W-We need to call for help..." (searches through her robes) "Where is it?" -the phone is off to the side a little bit- Iris: "It fell out...We'll call for back-up..." (reaches for phone) -something rumbles from a distance outside- shinra:.... an explosion? Iris: (picks up the phone, shaking, trying to dial) "Come on, come on..." maki: yeah?? -sounds like she's in the matchbox- Iris: "Maki! Hooded men fire at Shinra and me! He's injured! We're--Um...Hang on!" (looks out window and sees--) -they're inside of the Hitogiri Construction supplies storange warehouse- -another boom can be heard over the phone- Iris: "!!! Maki! Are you there?!" maki: yeah....dear god.....this is bad...t-this flame human its-... Iris: (sees outside the window...and shudders) "Y-Yeah...We got one of those here, too..." shinra: *he looks up* !!!!!!! Iris: "M-Maki? We're at Hitogiri Construction. How far away is that...other...colossus?" maki: it's at clarkson intersection, so just about a mile or so away... Iris: (looks at Shinra) "Are you...able to fight?" shinra: it hurts, but i'll manage Iris: "Okay..." (looks around) "I see a fire extinguisher..." (nervous laugh) "Doubt that will be much help..." shinra: ha....ha...hurts to laugh..... Iris: (picks up the fire extinguisher anyway) "Who knows--it's heavy so..." (looks out the window) "You fire at it, then I can perform the prayer to let it rest in peace..." shinra: *taking aim* Iris: "I'm ready..." (holds the fire extinguisher under an arm as she holds hands into prayer gesture) shinra: *fires a blast at the colossus* *The hit is absorbed by the Colossus* Iris: "Oh no...W-Was that your strongest hit?" shinra: in my defense, i'm sort of out of it from the pain....!!! IRIS LOOK OUT! *he pushes her out of the way* Iris: "!!!" (knocked into the floor) "Omph!" shinra: *he looks up at a beam about to pierce through him* !!!!!!! -TAIL WHIP!- -two fiery tails knock the beam into a wall- shinra: what? Iris: o___o "Holy..." -tamaki jumps down from the roof and makes a nice kitty landing- tamaki: hey shinra. shinra: I ALMOST DIED AND YOU JUST SAY 'HEY'?! WHAT THE FUCK KOTATSU?! tamaki: *gives him a judgmental look* Iris: (/^▽^)/ "Hallelujah, we're saved!" (glomps Tamaki) "Yay! You saved Shinra!" tamaki: o///o well, i dont want him getting himself killed. shinra: thanks i guess. tamaki: we should probably go with the others... Iris: "Let's get moving, then..." tamaki: i think i saw the 2nd brigade handeling this guy outside... shinra: *he nods, trying to walk a bit* Iris: "Easy, there...How are your legs?" shinra: alright, it's my back that hurts. i think it might be the shock... Iris: (nods) "Hang in there...just a bit further downstairs..." -a soldier with short brown hair with bangs covering their eyes spot them- soldier: commander! we got 3 persons coming out of Hitogiri! Iris: "We got injured!" takeru: !!! shinra! Honda: (salutes Iris, Shinra...and Tamaki) "Kotatsu. You're looking well." (gestures to Yasunoki) "Get Kusakabe and the Sister to medical." Yasunoki: *salutes* sir. *does so* -with the 8th, members of squad 0 and the 1st are assisting- Padma: *whips fireballs at its feet- Karim: "They keep coming..." (icy blast) "What is even inside this creature?" miwa: *trying to call in hibana* hibana, any updates from skyview? Hibana: "Assessing the situation right now...Hmm...Doctor? Those attacks should have immobilized the creature. And yet, it's still mobile." gabriella: *checking monitors* this doesnt look good.... Hibana: (looks over her shoulder...and cringes) "Don't tell me it's got..." gabriella: multiple cores....how is this even possible? Hibana: "We've...tried before. But we never actually caused multiple cores to form!" (slams her fist) "Damn it..." -with the 2nd- tamaki: cross-tail slash! Honda: (punches a flame at the Colossus before it swipes at Tamaki) "Watch your side! You've gotten lazy during your 'vacation,' Kokatsu." tamaki: tch- well sooooorry. Honda: "Let me show you how an old vet does it!" (slams fists on the street, blasting a flame along it up to the Colossus, engulfing it) spiky hair: woah! tamaki: *she notices a civilian and runs to get them out of the way* Civilian: "Eeek!" tamaki: *tail whips the fire away* you alright? Civilian: (nods) "Uh huh...Th-Thank you, cat person." tamaki: dont mention it. but i suggest you get out of here, it's really dangerous here. Civilian: "R-Right!" (runs, trying to stay upright) -with the 1st- -ruby and pearl are reciting the prayer- dia: cerberus strike! Burns: (eye burning--as he fires a blast from it at the Colossus) foien: any ideas, commander? Burns: "We have to burn up its flame until our priests and sisters can complete the prayer...It's going to be a long prayer...Foien, you and Fulham will need to heat it up and cool it down, exhausting it." foien: right. dia: and me? foien: if what hibana said is correct, then we'll have to strike all the cores at once... Karim: "If we freeze, that can immobilize it and let you burn out its cores simultaneously." dia: right. Karim: "I'll begin. Aim for the targets, as I don't know how long the ice will stay coated on them..." *prepares the Freeze* -some time later, after the colossi are defeated- tamaki: *walking to where the 8th and 1st are* ........ Burns: (eyepatch flicker) "Tamaki...So, you finally show--" Akitaru: "TAMAKI!" (bear hug) "How are you?!" tamaki: burns.... Akitaru: "..." (sets Tamaki down) "You two seem like you need to talk--" Burns: "Where have you been, child?" dia: *snarls and aims claws at her* you have some nerve showing your face back here kotatsu. Burns: (crosses his arms, does not interfere) tamaki: volkov, heard you got promoted, did sniffing burns' crotch like the little b*tch you are finally pay off? Burns: "!!!" dia: had any more of your cliche accidents while you were gone? Iris: -\\\\\- ("Most definitely...") miwa: hey now, lets try to settle down here. Akitaru: "..." (stands by Tamaki's side) Burns: "Tamaki, you are coming with us. Soldiers, take her into custody." tamaki: no. Burns: "That wasn't a request, soldier." (nods to Karim) Karim: "..." (crosses his arms) Burns: "?!" dia: ?! Karim: "Sorry, Commander. I didn't hear you. I think that battle with the Colossus compromised my hearing. Could you repeat that?" Burns: "I said--!" tamaki: i know that if i go with you, you're just going to lock me in my room again. tell me, am i a fire soldier? Burns: "...You are a scared child who needs to be taught how to act like an adult. A reckless deserter. And like any deserter, you have to face your punishment--" Takehisa: "Article 12, Section B, Paragraph 9..." tamaki: ....i'm not a child! i'm a damn fire soldier. if you're going to recruit me as a soldier, then at least treat me like one dammit!! ???: i'll accept her punishment. Burns: "???" nozomi: i dont know miss tamaki that well, but i'm willing to take the fall for her sake. even if the punishment is death. tamaki: !!!!! Akitaru: o_o; *whispers to Takehisa* "Is that really the punishment?" Takehisa: *whispers* "Maybe. I was trying to say that--" Burns: "What makes you think any Brigade rules would allow you to pay the penalty for Tamaki?" nozomi: .....*standing her ground* Burns: (charges a flame along his hand) nozomi: *bracing herself* Takehisa: "AS I WAS SAYING!!!" *Stunned silence* dia: ?? Takehisa: "Article 12, Section B, Paragraph 9: Punishment can include working off one's punishment, should another Brigade be willing to take in said deserter." tamaki: ?? Akitaru: "In other words, we'd be happy to take Tamaki and make her work off her debt to society!" tamaki: *teary eyed* c-commander oubi.... Akitaru: (pats Tamaki's head) "After all, we could use someone to clean toilets, scrub the floors, kick some ass out in the field..." nozomi: ....*weak smile* Akitaru: *spots Nozomi* "You're welcomed, too! How are you at butt-kicking?" nozomi: !!! um......*bluuuush* uuuuuhhhhhh.... *sweats* Burns: *glares at Takehisa* "I have never heard of this rule. How do I know you are lying?" Takehisa: "Well, for one thing, Leonardo Burns--" ruby: he's right you know. *she has a pocket copy of regulations* right here, see? Takehisa: (smiles, crosses his arms) Akitaru: "Yay! New member!" (claps) Burns: "..." (glares at Tamaki) "We leave this deserter to you, Oubi. I will be making sure you complete punishment for her." pearl: but what about miss harada? Burns: "Nozomi, see to it that Tamaki is punished. Do not come back until you do." nozomi: i understand sir. *she nods* ruby: so she's getting transfered then? Karim: "Yes..." -sunday morning- shinra: *yaaawn* ....still no arthur.......better wash up.... tamaki: *getting milk* mornin' shinra. shinra: good morning tamaki..........?!?!?!? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!?! Iris: (smiles widely) "Isn't this great, Shinra?" shinra: i-wha-but-.... WHY IS SHE HERE?! nozomi: i made pancakes for everyone ^^ shinra: NOZOMI?!?!? WHAT IS GOING OOOOOOONNNN?!?!?! Akitaru: "Pancakes is going on! Dig in!" Iris: "They have transferred! Well, Tamaki has..." Iris: "Nozomi is her jailer to make sure she is punished!" -after the situation is explained- Akitaru: (smiling widely) "Our expanding Brigade..." Takehisa: "More laborers to complete tasks around here." shinra: *looks at tamaki* sorry about what happened- tamaki: eh, it's fine. *sips the coffee....very hot coffee and spits into shinra's face* OW! HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT!!! shinra: AIEEEE!!!! -a few moments later- maki: ....you know....looking at those two....they kind of look like brother and sister, dont you think? Iris: "Hmm...Yes, I can see it." Akitaru: "Really? I thought they were a couple or something." tamaki+shinra: us siblings? NO WAY! maki: ^^; shinra: besides, she has a knight fetish. tamaki: OH LIKE YOU DONT HAVE A NUN KINK? shinra: sh-shut up! tamaki: you shut up! -1 minute later she has him in a choke hold- Akitaru: (pulls the two away from each other) "Enough! Time for your punishment! TAKEHISA! THE GET-ALONG SHIRT!" -and so- tamaki: this could be worse... shinra: *uncomfortable* -elsewhere- Patty: "Biiiiiiiiiig fire beast thingie..." liz: you were just there, werent you kid? Kid: (burnt) "Yep..." stocking: are you sure you're ok kid? *worried* Kid: *sniff* "Yes..." *hair re-ignites* "...I hate shinigami hair..." kirika: *pours water on his hair* Kid: T_T "Thanks..." -back at the 8th- tamaki: TOMORROW?! Iris: *squee* Akitaru: "Tomorrow." (picks up 18 books and drops them into Nozomi's arms) "And you have a lot of homework to catch up on." tamaki: *JAWDROP*......im dead. Iris: "We could do a quick study group. Right, Commander Hinawa can help." Takehisa: "SIT DOWN, MAGGOTS! YOU BEGIN STUDYING NOW!" Iris: o_O shinra: *nervous smile* nozomi: O.O;;;; tamaki: OwO;;;; Takehisa: (drops books in front of them) "We will begin with anatomy. Point to me in the diagram the best places for incapacitating an enemy!" -and so- tamaki: *notices something maki dropped* ah maki. you dropped this....*she picks it up* Iris: (looks over Tamaki's shoulder at the object) "Oh, what is--!!!" o____o tamaki: *she looks inside................and her face lights up like a christmas tree* ah....... O//////////////////////////////////O Iris: o______________________o "Holy...night." tamaki:.....hey maki...............can i borrow this? maki: *looks...........* thatta girl. Iris: "!!!!!!!!!!" shinra: *JAWDROP* nozomi: what's going on- shinra: *covers her eyes* NOTHING! Iris: "Nothing involving steamy...stuff!" shinra: *covers iris' eyes too* nozomi: ?!?!?!?!?! Iris: "!!!!!" ("Thank you, Lord Sol!") -elsewhere- Yohei: "The program is done. I sent it to the 8th." saki: that's great to know. chie: *she nods, looking a little sick* Yohei: (nods...then looks at Chie) "You okay? You look a little off." chie: hmm? yeah...just a little tired is all..... mana: you sure? you were in the bathroom all morning... Yohei: "!!!" o_____o chie: i-its nothing....i guess dinner disagreed with me? i dunno... Yohei: "...Yeah." ("Home pregnancy test, home pregnancy test--AH AH AH AH!!!") chie: yohei? you seem tense. Yohei: "YES, THANK YOU, THAT WOULD BE LOVELY!" chie: ..... o^o~? Yohei: "..." (clears throat, calms down) "Why don't you take a nap? I'll pick up some groceries." chie: .....that might be a good idea.... Yohei: (nods, smiles) "Anything to pick up? Chie? Saki?" -later- Yohei: (holds up the home pregnancy test) chie: o//////o Yohei: "So...Yeah. I thought--" chie: .....*she nods* it could just be sickness....but best to check, right? Yohei: "Yeah, I think that's a good idea...But before that happens...Chie? Whatever happens, I'll be happy, okay?" chie:.....*she nods* -after a few minutes- chie:............. Yohei: "..." chie: guess who's gonna be a dad. *she holds up the test* Yohei: "..." (lets out a small laugh, as he wipes his eyes) chie: *she hugs him* Yohei: (holds her, laughing) chie: yohei? Yohei: "Yeah?" chie: *chuckles* whats so funny? Yohei: "We're going to be parents...That's exciting. And I'm...happy." chie: i know....when i was young, i thought i'd be married by the time i had a child, but this is nice too.... Yohei: "O-Oh! Um..." ("Crap crap crap crap crap...") "Um...Could you just stay here for five seconds?" chie: ??? Yohei: (taps GET on the head, causing something to pop out of his head) chie:.....!!! *teary eyed* y-yohei..... Yohei: (gets on his knee) "Sorry this is abrupt. It's been on my mind for a long time now...I just didn't know when would work, and it's a pain trying to fabricate the right metals for a ring, plus getting the gems is--" (stops) "Sorry. Rambling." (holds up the ring) "I have loved you for so long. I can't imagine life without you. Will you marry me?" chie: *she hugs him* of course i will you adorable goof! Yohei: (giggles as he holds her) "Okay! But at least let me get the ring on you, first!" chie: *she smiles and holds her hand out* Yohei: (slides the ring onto her finger...just stays crouched, smiling at her) chie: it's beautiful... Yohei: "That's why it suits you." -later- mana: *SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!* Tuhl: (smiling) Shotaro: "Yay!" (lifts Yohei up in a bear hug) saki: about time you two got hitched~ chie: sis, jeez... saki: how're you going to break the news to mom and dad? chie: owo;; Yohei: o___o Tuhl: "Hmm...One wedding and one funeral. Neat." saki: tuhl! TnT -elsewhere- luka: *drinking lots of coffee* NoFix: (seething fury) "When I get through that fuck-nut scarf-wearing shithead motherfucker, I am going to rip out his--" (long graphic disgusting horrific description of what NoFix intends to do) "--until he can't even shit straight!" luka: wooooow, you're really gonna say that about him? and on his birthday no less? you have problems. NoFix: "Fuck his birthday! His daddy should've killed him at birth!" luka: ...... mikan: is....that....right? *tranquil rage* NoFix: (turns, faces her) "Who the fuck are you?" mikan: *grabs him by the neck* i'm his wife you shit stain. NoFix: (smirks) "Oh, good...'Cause I'm gonna do to you what your pussy of a bitch did to my old woman..." (spins his hand) -scalpel to the eye- mikan: nah. NoFix: "Gah! Want to play like that?!" (spins his hand into her chest) mikan: *slashing at him with her hair* stop that. -_-; NoFix: (chuckles) "I haven't had any action because of that bitch in scarves..." (slaps his other hand along her backside) -hair wraps around the arm and tears it off- NoFix: "Aaaaaah! Lefty! No! That's my hand for the stranger!" (headbutts her) mikan: ^^# asura honey, this bastard's giving me a hard time. mind helping me out~? Asura: "Unhand her..." NoFix: (smirks, holds up his severed arm) "I see what you did there...But you took away my woman, so I'm going to take away yours. Tell me, how does she like it, up the--" *CRUNCH SPLURT SLICE BOOM* *All that remains is a quivering pile of meat* Asura: (looks at Luka) "That will not kill him, will it?" luka: 3......2......1...... mikan: *looking behind him* *Cry of anguish and pain, as NoFix's body resumes a form--but is quivering* NoFix: "Wh-What the f-f-f-f-fuck, man?!" Asura: "..." (sneers, as he pushes NoFix aside and holds Mikan) NoFix: (shuddering) mikan: *hugs asura* thank you honey~ NoFix: "..." (growls, spits at Asura and Mikan) "You better keep an eye on that bitch, because when I'm through with her, she'll be screaming out only my name, you stupid f--" *SLICE* NoFix: (beheaded, collapses onto his knees and onto the floor) mikan: hahahaha no. Asura: (shaking in Mikan's arms) "I was so worried..." mikan: *she strokes his head* i'm ok, see? maybe we should go back downstairs now... Asura: "P-Please..." NoFix: "...Hey, Doctor Lady...at least turn my head up so I can see up someone's legs..." luka:....*picks up the head and drops it into the trashcan* NoFix: "...This is embarrassing..." luka: welcome to my life around you. NoFix: "Doc, you got me as just a head, and this is all you can think to do with me? I got better ideas...being like this means I can reach you in all sorts of places..." luka: *drops a match into the trash can* NoFix: "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" (his headless body is twitching wildly, as if the flames are affecting the nerves through its body, too) luka: *siiiigh* dad give me the strength...... *The flames stop, the body stops moving...and stays not moving for quite a while* luka: i dont get paid enough for this..... -later, elsewhere- lord death:..................... Yumi: (studies his face...holds his hand) lord death:....*hugs her* i really screwed up....didnt i? lord death: i should have been a better father to him.... Yumi: "You cannot change the past...You can only learn from it. I'm sorry." lord death: i know.....i was just so hurt after athena died.....and i took my bitterness out on him..... Yumi: (holds him, stroking his back) lord death:......*whimpering* i'm scared.....that you'll share the same fate.....athena....alice.....*crying* i killed them..... Yumi: (crying with him) "You didn't! There was nothing you could have done...Death, I am here with you as long as I can. Can't we just focus on the time we have now?" lord death:....you're right.........i'm sorry.....*he holds her* i love you so much...... Yumi: (holds him) "I love you. I love our family. And I know you do...Please, Death...They need you here...I need you..." lord death:.....ok..... -elsewhere- mikan: *stroking asura's head in her lap* Asura: (shivering) "It's so...He left me..." mikan: ......*holding his hand* Asura: "I tried...he pushed me away...Alone...Just a weapon to him...Just a warrior, not his..." mikan: he didnt understand your pain....i wont forgive him for that..... Asura: "Neither will I..." mikan: we were outcasts....paraiahs for the rest of the world.....but now we have each other, and our child.... Asura: "...I will make the family he could not...give them what he never did..." mikan: so will i...*she smiles* Asura: "..." (pulls himself up to face her...keeps his eyes focused on hers...gives a small smile) mikan: *small kiss* Asura: (closes his eyes, returning the kiss) -elsewhere- pandora: i feel like today is important somehow...not sure why though.... Mad!Kid: (flexing his repaired arms) "The collapse of something...?" pandora: nah...perhaps i'm imagining things....i'm not as young as i once was....physically yes, but then again i have been melted into black blood so....yeah. Mad!Kid: (stands, stretches more) "The black blood that has fixed my injuries, you should add...I think I need to return to practice..." pandora: indeed.... -elsewhere- Takehisa: "I would like to know how your return to classes went..." shinra: yeah, we'll tell you tomorrow, when school starts. Takehisa: (nods) "You as well, Tamaki, Nozomi." (deep voice of fear) "Do not disappoint me." tamaki: understood... nozomi: o-o; Iris: (practically has flowers of joy hovering around her..."So good to have more girls living here...") Takehisa: "Still no sign of Arthur..." shinra: i'm starting to get worried..... tamaki:....*frowns* Akitaru: "We're continuing to work with police and post signs around town..." maki: i'm sure he'll turn up soon, for all we know he got stuck in a hole. Takehisa: "Yes, but if so, without food or water, he would likely have died by now--" Akitaru: (glaring at Takehisa) tamaki:...... Iris: (pats Tamaki on the shoulder) -morning comes- Iris: (clutching books) shinra: izuku should be back today too... tamaki: *standing at the top* I'M BACK MOTHERFUCKERS!! Black Star: "?! Tsubaki! She's trying to outshine me!" shinra: *spots izuku* izuku hey! glad to see you're back! Izuku: (waves excitedly) "Thank you!" tamaki: *runs over to greet him and trips* (thinking: OH NO!) shinra: noooooooo!!!! *slo-mo shoves izuku out of the way and gets squished*.....ow. tamaki: ARE YOU SERIOUS ON THE FIRST DAY BACK THIS HAPPENS?! Izuku: o///////o Izuku: "Um...I didn't know you had a girlfriend..." shinra: she's not my girlfriend! tamaki: HA! as if! he's way too immature for a girlfriend. Izuku: "...Here, let me help you up, ma'am." shinra: *wince* Iris: (pouting at the 'too immature' remark) tamaki: um...thanks.... *notices mineta staring* what're you lookin at?? Mineta: "...You have very nice breasts." tamaki:........... Mineta: "..." -what happened next is far too violent to show...plus if we told you what happened, you wouldnt believe us- Iris: D: Izuku: D: shinra: O-O;;; tamaki holy fuck.... tamaki:....lets get to class, shall we~? Mineta: *screams of anguish muffled in the distance* Izuku: "..." (whispers to Shinra) "You sure you aren't dating? She's single?" shinra: yes i'm sure, but i think she likes arthur. Izuku: "I see..." shinra: yeah.... Izuku: "..." (taps his fingers) "Do you have a girlfriend?" shinra: o////o w-wha?? n-no...i mean...w-what about you, huh? Izuku: "N-No! I-I can barely talk to a girl without tripping over my words...Ha ha ha..." shinra: i know that feeling. maki: maybe try just being yourself. or practice with a mannequin? Izuku: "Wh-What?!" -in class- stocking: *writing notes* Kid: (tapping his pen, trying to figure out a sample problem) nozomi: *listening to steins lecture eagerly* Stein: "This chemical reaction is quite volatile. It's why their mixture can cause explosions. This is especially important for you weapons and flame beings that frequently use fire." shinra: ..... Stein: "Actually, I have known certain weapons who can produce the chemicals themselves. It's what gives the ability of causing flames in some lanterns." Jacqueline: "!!!" (looks down) -at lunch- tamaki: you sure got into the lesson nozomi... nozomi: i've always enjoyed working in labs...it brings back happier memories for me… Iris: (sipping tea) "Maybe Professor Stein is looking for a lab assistant!" nozomi: oh..i guess i could consider....but i do have orders to look after tamaki..... shinra: speaking of- Iris: "???" tamaki: ARTHUR! WHERE WERE YOU I WAS WORRIED YOU DUMMY! *huuuug* Aoyama: o\\\\\o "Um...mademoiselle, my name is not Arthur..." Mineta: (glaring, bruised all over) "That lucky S.O.B..." tamaki: owo......... -cue mineta getting kicked into the trash- Aoyama: "I mean, I _could_ be called 'Arthur,' if that is what you desire?" Mineta: X____x tamaki: um...who even are you? shinra: that's aoyama, one of the new students. tamaki: oh...nice to meet you, i guess.... Aoyama: (gets down on one knee, kisses Tamaki's hand) tamaki: O////////////////////////O ummm..... Aoyama: (smiles sweetly) "If I may be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to ask, mon chaton [my kitten]." tamaki: oh...ok.... shinra: *blink* wow. Iris: o_____o Izuku: (jaw drops) Mineta: x______x ("Why does no one love me...?") -after that, tamaki sits back at the table, beet red- shinra:.....i shi- tamaki: be quiet you..... stocking: ???.....!!!! tamaki hey! tamaki: stocking! it's good to see you again! Patty: "Cat Girl!" (glomp) -at the next class- tsugumi: for reals?! maki: for reals. tsugumi: what a scandal! Anya: "???" tsugumi: did you hear what happened to tamaki at lunch? *whisper whisper* ao: oh my. Anya: (pouting) "What? I want to hear!" ao: miss tamaki was being seduced by aoyama. mio: bruh. Anya: "?!!! But she's with--I mean, I thought she was--" mio: apparently boyle's M.I.A.... Anya: "!!!" tsugumi: what will happen when he comes back? oh goodness! tamaki's back one day and aleady she's in a love triangle! that must be exciting... ao:............. Anya: (frowning, pouting, blushing, shaking with anger) Meme: "...Kinda hot." mio: m-meme! o////o Meme: "..." (shrugs) ao: oh? miss hepburn, you're more concerned about the matter involving mr boyle? so i suppose you dont mind me being tsugumi-chan's partner then *hugs tsugumi* tsugumi: a-aochi! o///o Anya: "Get your hands...off...my...WEAPON!" tsugumi: a-anya! >////< mio:.....???? Anya: *hugs Tsugumi too, sticks her tongue out at Ao* Meme: "..." (opens her notebook, writes something while blushing) tsugumi: h-hey come on, we're a team, remember, we shouldnt be fighting! >-< mio: ????? Anya: "I will have you know that I can be concerned about both Arthur _and my weapon_, thank you! Now, why don't you go get a weapon of your own, Ao!" Meme: (hearing Anya, blushes harder, keeps writing...) tsugumi: TTwTT -at gym- Kid: *sniff* "Ugh, Patty! When was the last time you washed your gym clothes?!" Patty: " 'Wash'?" liz: PATTI! Sid: -_-; "Patty, go back to the girls' locker room. Naigus has replacement clothes...and you know what, shower _before_ you put on the new clothes." Patty: (pouts as she marches back to the locker room) Kid: (sighs) "What are we going to do with her?" kirika: looks like we got basic track today... Izuku: (trying to psych himself up) "I can do this..." ochako: you got this deku! tamaki: deku? i thought- shinra: long story... -first challenge is hurdles- Kid: (steadies his pace as he perfectly leaps over each hurdle) ochako: *gravities over the hurdles* release! Sid: "Well, I didn't say 'no abilities,' and it is creative use..." Patty: (stumbles over one hurdle) tamaki: *around the 4th hurdle, her foot catches on the hurdle and brings her faceplanting to the ground* oof! nygus: *wince* Izuku: (Tamaki is in his path) o___O "Crap!" *brings himself to a halt...just in time...* "Here, let me help you up..." tamaki: i'm gooooooood.... *dazed* Izuku: "You look injured...Maybe have Naigus check on you..." tamaki: i guess....*getting up and slips* woah! Aoyama: (slides across the track and catches her, then stands again holding her bridal style) tamaki: o//////o Izuku: o_o tsugumi: woah! Aoyama: (smiles) "Careful, 'chaton.'" -later after school- maki: TAKEHISAAAAA YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED AT SCHOOL TODAY!! Takehisa: "..." ("When she is excited she looks so--" blushes, shakes the thought out of his head) "What occurred?" maki: you know that new student aoyama? he and tamaki really hit it off and i think she's totally crushing! but then arthur, who tamaki is _also_ crushing on is missing in action, what will unfold when he gets back? who is she gonna choose?! it's like the plot of a steamy romance novel! Takehisa: "...Indeed. Now, take a deep breath..." maki: *pant pant pant* im good.... Takehisa: (nods) "Well, it gives me more fodder for--" (catches himself) "Er...nothing." maki: can i use the skype? i need to tell hibana this! Takehisa: "Y-Yes. It's all yours--" maki: thankies~ *she goes to do that* Hibana: "Hello? Maki?" maki: hibana get gabs in here! you. got. to hear this! Hibana: "O-Okay...Gabriella? Maki desires us to speak with her." -after maki explains the situation- Hibana: *shiny eyes* "Oooooooo!" gabriella: oh....my gosh!! *shiny eyes* maki: I KNOW! *SQUEEEEE* Hibana: *squee!* "So exciting! How red was Tamaki's face?" maki: we're talking christmas lights red! Hibana: "Ha! So cute!" maki: hey, wanna tell the girls at squad 0? Hibana: "Doing it!" (taps keyboard to Skype them in) miwa: this is squad 0 mi- oh, commander hibana, what do you need? Hibana: "Tamaki has a new boy-toy!" miwa: that kusakabe boy? maki: noooope. Hibana: "Some shining knight named Aoyama!" miwa: aoyama? never heard of him. -meanwhile- tamaki: *beating up a punching bag* >/////< Iris: "Um...Is this really the best way to deal with...whatever is troubling you?" tamaki: i just...i feel conflicted..... Iris: "Maybe it would help to talk?" tamaki: i dunno...i'm not used to talking about...y-you know...girl stuff... .////.; Iris: "Well, you have many girls here to talk to." (smiles) tamaki: t-thanks.... Iris: (small smile) "So, Aoyama made an impression on you, huh?" tamaki: o-oh hush! Iris: "It's okay! He is charming." shinra: *outside* (thinking: .........he's not _that_ impressive....) 7////7; Iris: "And attractive. And heroic--" tamaki: so's arthur! ..... o/////o;; shinra: *at the same time* so am i!..........o////o;;; Iris: (small smirk at Tamaki) "So...Have you told Arthur you like him?" tamaki: ........... .///////////////////////. shinra: *blushes and looks away* im...just gonna get something to drink...*scoot scoot* Iris: (spots Shinra) "Shinra?" (looks back at Tamaki, pats her hand) "You should tell Arthur when we get him back..." (runs after Shinra) shinra: ?? iris? whats- Iris: "A-Are you okay? You seemed...nervous. I mean, more than usual." shinra i-its nothing, just....i'm fine, see? Iris: "...I know what is bothering you. And I feel the same way." shinra: ........ .//////////////////////////////////////////. uhhhhhhh....... Iris: (hugs Shinra and is silent for two seconds, then...) "I miss Arthur, too." shinra: .................. -w-;; eh? Iris: (pulls back, smiles) "You two are so close, and I know you'll be overjoyed when he comes home." shinra:....yeah.... Iris: (smiles) "Have a little faith, Shinra..." (pats his head) shinra:...*he nods* -elsewhere- Kid: "Father?" lord death: yes? Kid: "I just wanted to say...Um..." (awkward hug) "Thank you." lord death: ......*he hugs back* you're welcome, kiddo... Kid: (smiles, pats his back) "You are a good parent." lord death:.....*huuuug* Kid: *hug* kirika:....*hug* 7.7;; lord death: you two are the best...and lil shiori too~ ^^ Kid: (smiles, even as he struggles to fit in the hug alongside Kirika) -elsewhere- Black Star: "The hell I'm going to let you win!" sayaka: oh is that so? Black Star: "Damn right, it's so! Bring out the tissues, 'cause you're going to be bawling at how badly I'm going to beat you!" sayaka: bring it on! Black Star: "Tsubaki! Turn on the machine!" tsubaki: *she turns on the game* Black Star: (select Captain Falcon) sayaka: *selects marth* Black Star: "Tch. You like the pretty boys, huh?" sayaka: well we're both blue and use swords so... why not? i could have picked lucina too, but i'm more used to maining as marth. *shrug* Black Star: "That makes sense...but a lot good it will do for you against one Falcon Punch!" -elsewhere- lin: how was the phone call? Shinoda: "Fine." (taps his fingers on the table) "Apple. Now." lin: *hands one to him* grunt: what's the next plan of action? Shinoda: (bites into the apple, talks while eating) "We have our list of Dokeshi candidates. Now we simply extend the offer to them. If they accept, we have a smoother transition. If they reject, take them in by force." grunt: what about the dwma? Shinoda: "With the Dokeshi brought in--and properly persuaded--we can begin simultaneous attacks on their various branches. Too distracted to respond, the DWMA will have its forces expended..." (removes a knife--and stabs it into the table through a photograph of Lord Death with Kid and Yumi) grunt: and the...infiltration....? Shinoda: (leans back in his chair) "Lin, I don't suppose you can transform into a weapon, can you?" lin: no....but who said i had to be a weapon~? Shinoda: (smiles) "Good. I take it you will be posing as a meister?" lin: *she nods* and my 'partner'? Shinoda: (hands her a folder) "Pick one of these candidates..." lin: *looking* hmm? what's this now~? Shinoda: "Found a good candidate?" lin: *she pulls out a photograph* Shinoda: "!!! That one?" lin: *nods* Shinoda: "Very well." (points to a Grunt) "Lead Lin to the weapon's room." -elsewhere- Patty: "How you doing, Stocking?" stocking: good Patty: "Want to do something? I'm kinda bored." stocking: sure, what did you have in mind? Patty: "I don't know...Maybe make a dessert?" stocking: sounds fun! Patty: "What would be a good summertime treat? Maybe something chilled, like a raspberry tart?" stocking: sure. Patty: (opens the recipe book) "Good thing the staff did produce shopping recently..." stocking: alrighty then~ Patty: (already washing raspberries) Patty: "Could you start mixing the dry ingredients?" -later- Patty: "Mmm~" stocking: delicious~ Kid: *sniffs* "What have you two been cooking?" stocking: we made tarts~ Kid: (smiles) "May I?" stocking: go right ahead~ Kid: (reaches for a tart and a little whipped cream...bites in...) "Mmmm! So good!" stocking: (thinking: ADORABLE!) Kid: (smiles at her...a little bit of raspberry is on his cheek) stocking: ......*licks it off* Kid: o\\\\\o "Th-Thanks..." stocking: no problem~ Patty: (giggles) "So, you two are getting along. When's the baby due?" stocking: O///////////////O Kid: "W-We're not expecting!" Patty: "But you two see like you're all getting along...And Stocking is glowing!" (holds up glow sticks behind her) "See?" stocking:................really? Patty: (nervous giggle) ^-^; Kid: -_-; -next morning, at school- Izuku: *shiny eyes* ochako: happy birthday deku! tsuyu: we all pulled our money together for the occasion. Izuku: "Th-This means a lot..." (bows a bit) "Thank you all!" Katsuki: (glaring) shinra: what did you want to do after school? Izuku: "I-I hadn't thought much...Um...Maybe stop by a bookstore, then an arcade, and pick up a snack?" shinra: maybe we could check out laser tag? Izuku: "Yeah, that would be great!" Katsuki: "Tch. Probably will trip over himself..." -elsewhere- Spirit: (whistling) Stein: "Hmm...Why's he so chipper?" marie: *shrug* Stein: "...SPIRIT!" Spirit: (leaps) "Aaaaaah!" (slips on the floor) marie: D : Spirit: "What the hell, Stein?!" Stein: "The universe cannot allow you to be happy. Just making sure we keep things consistent." marie: D : < Spirit: "Hmph! I will have you know I am happy a good morning because I--" (stops) "I have nothing to prove to you..." Stein: (notices Marie's annoyance with him, shrugs) marie:......coffee? Spirit: "I'd certainly like some...decaf, since Stein scared me half to death." marie:.....*small frown as they walk to the teacher's lounge* Spirit: "How is Christa doing?" marie: she's doing well. she's crawling around all over the place. Spirit: "That's great! Better keep an eye on her--she'll be standing soon." marie: i knooow! Spirit: "Sachiko's daughter has been doing great in school." marie: that's good to hear. Spirit: (smiles, nods) "I'll be volunteering at her school's pre-summer dance." marie: oooh! is she going with anyone? anyone tries mess with her you knock their lights out! Spirit: (fire in his eyes, shaking his clenched fist) "Oh, yes...I already know that if some perverted boy messes with her, I'm gonna kick his ass!" Stein: "What if her date is a girl?" Spirit: "IF ANYONE MESSES WITH HER, I'M GONNA KICK _THEIR_ ASS!" marie: ^^; Spirit: "...But I don't actually know whether she has a date." ^_^; -later- Izuku: "I need back up!" shinra: *looks at the goal* Katsuki: (sneering) "You ain't getting to the goal, Deku!" (fires more laser shots at Shinra, cackling) Iida: (also guarding the goal with Katsuki) o_o "You are getting too into this..." ochako: *on the other team* (thinking; look who's talking...) Aoyama: (sneaking up behind on Ochako, aiming at her...) mina: ochako! behind you! ochako: *shoots and tags aoyama* Aoyama: "Oh...merde!" Izuku: (looks around to see whether anyone else on his team is around to cover him and Shinra) tsuyu: *thumbs up* Izuku: (nods, as he goes over the cover and quickly fires at Katsuki) *BEE-OOP! BEE-OOP! BAKUGO IS ELIMINATED!* Katsuki: ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ "Goddamn...that...NEEEEEEERD!" Iida: "...It is his birthday..." *aims gun at himself, fires* *BEE-OOP! IIDA IS ELIMINATED!* Katsuki: "Are you fucking kidding me?!" ochako: IIDAAAAA! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! TT-TT Iida: "He deserved to win! It is the honorable thing to do!" Izuku: o__o "That...kind of eliminates the point of fair play..." tamaki: *gulp* *charges in* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! >_____< Izuki: "Eeep!" (aims at Tamaki, struggling to lock onto target) tamaki: *jumps up...and crashes into a wall*.......ow..... Izuku: o_o; "Um...Is this one of her 'unlucky accidents'?" ochako: i thought cats landed on their feet? Izuku: (nervous laugh) tamaki: *muffled* shuddup... *Shouto blasts at Ochako* ochako: EEK! *dodge* Shouto: (aims and fires at Izuku) Izuku: D: "Crap crap crap!" Izuku: (collapses, avoiding the shot) Shouto: (keeps marching forward in the open, calmly, Terminator-style) shinra: *leaps out and shoots all matrix style* Shouto: "!!!" *Heads: the shot lands* Shouto: -_-; "Darn." shinra: YES! tamaki: *sneaking away* crapcrapcrapcrapcrap... Izuku: "Get her!" (fires at Tamaki) -pwnd- tamaki: aw darnit! TTnTT Izuku: "Yay! Ochako! Get the goal!" ochako: *tags the goal* YES! Izuku: "Yay! Great work, everyone!" Iida: (clapping) T___T Katsuki: (/゚Д゚)/ "Rawr!" -later, heading home- shinra: see you guys in school tomorrow. Izuku: "Thanks for this birthday surprise everyone!" Iida: (bows) Katsuki: "..." (middle finger) Shouto: (smacks Katsuki upside the head) tamaki: well, here's our exit. Izuku: "Good game, Tamaki!" Aoyama: "Do you have to leave so soon?" tamaki: *blush* well...it is sunset so....*presses her pointer fingers together* mina: *rolls eyes* Aoyama: "Then memories of my time with you today will have to be enough. Sweet dreams, chaton." Iida: "..." (takes notes) Izuku: (also taking notes) tamaki: h-hey! >/////< Izuku: "Wh-What?!" Aoyama: (small smile) "Adieu..." -later- ochako: what was that about? Izuku: (whispers) "I think Aoyama and Tamaki are...attracted to each other?" ochako: for realsies? mina: to be honest, i thought he was into dudes, not that there's anything wrong with that, but maybe he likes guys _and_ girls? i dunno. *shrugs* tsuyu: perhaps. Iida: "Hmm...Aoyama's fascination with her is far more than that between most heroes and the people they rescue. I have not noticed him to be so invested in their personal lives as he is with Tamaki. Yet Tamaki's nervousness does not necessarily suggest an interest--she could just be shy. Then again, I do not know her very well, so it could be that this is her way of contending with complicated emotions until she realizes how she thinks of potential suitors. Furthermore--" Katsuki: "DO YOU EVER STOP TALKING?!" ochako: h-hey come on, lets try to get along now, ok? Katsuki: (stink eye at Ochako and Izuku) "So, you two dating or what?" Izuku: o\\\\\\\\o ochako: eh? owo~? Iida: "Superheroes do not tease, Bakugo!" Katsuki: "Tch." Izuku: "W-We're not d-d-d-d-d-dat-dat-dat-dat--!!" -elsewhere- Yohei: (looking at paperwork) "Um...How many do you want to invite?" chie: i do want to invite our parents...maybe just keep things simple? Yohei: (nods) "Did you want a church or another location?" chie: i dont think a church would work, since most of them dont accept dokeshi... Yohei: "Well, we can rent out a location...Indoor or outdoor?" chie: inside would work, in case of rain. Yohei: "This spot may work--we can reserve it in time. How many weeks do you think we'll need to get everything set up?" chie: we'll have to consider when our families get here and decorations....ahhh im so nervous! >///< Yohei: (nervous laugh) "Me, too...Can't think of a wedding that doesn't make the people getting married nervous, though. Wish we could just leave it to a robot to figure out..." (light bulb) "Wedding Tron 4000!" (awkward pause) "That's stupid, isn't it?" chie:...........*she cracks up laughing* you dork you are too adorable. Yohei: (blushes, hugs her) "We'll make this wedding happen. I promise." chie: *she kisses him softly* Yohei: (returns the kiss) "I love you." -elsewhere- Witch Judge: "Wake up!" kinuta: nngh? eh? so loud... whaddaya want? Witch Judge: "You still have not given a satisfactory answer as to why you have returned." kinuta: i got attacked by a kishin spawn and it's daddy, what of it? Judge: "Then you weren't running _back_ to your kind, to your family...You were running away, yet again, from the mess you leave behind you. Typical." kinuta: tch-...dont take it personally, foxy, it was my only other option... Judge: "As always, you can't think beyond the tip of your nose. But Maba still has use of you--that is the only reason you are not dead." kinuta: oh joooy. *rolls eyes* Judge: (nods to guards, who enter the cell and hold Kinuta down) kinuta: h-hey what the hell?! *Guards snap bracelets along her wrists and ankles, as well as a collar around her neck* Judge: "Insurance. Or a fashionable accessory. Pick whichever answer you prefer." kinuta: ....... Judge: "Maba has a field mission for you. And we need to make sure you are in line. Otherwise, these magic explosives will solve the problem that is you." kinuta: what?! you'd hire a rogue witch? Judge: "Maba is out of options. And you likely know the target...intimately." kinuta: .....are hey hot? Judge: "Not relevant." (tosses file to her through the cell door's bars) "Memorize the details. You depart in 24 hours." kinuta:...oh my~ *FILE: Rank--Sorcerer Supreme. Weaknesses--Charm Magic, Attractive Women, Money. Likes--Fine Dining, Stylish Clothes kinuta: this is like feeding poison candy to a baby; too stupid to know any better. kinuta:...not that i've done that! Judge: "..." (pulls out remote, taps it--sending a shock through Kinuta) kinuta: ah~! jeez, what the hell? Judge: "Focus on the task, not on torture. Contend the Sorcerer quickly and efficiently. No dawling, none of your tricks. Or you get another zap." kinuta: alright then, i'll do it. Judge: "Good...The guards will complete preparations for you, including tending to your injuries and--" *sniff* "Ugh...a bath." kinuta: (thinking: at least this guy is attractive. it could have been worse, he could be some short, fat, big lipped sludge pile.) Judge: (to Guard) "Keep an eye on her, including a team on surveillance while she is on the mission. I will report to Maba." guard: yes ma'am. Judge: (hands the remote to the Guard and departs) -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How was your buddy Deku's birthday get-together, Shinra?" shinra: it was fun. we even got pizza afterwards. Akitaru: "Happy you are making friends outside the 8th!" (pats his back) shinra: *he smiles* Iris: (smiles at Tamaki) tamaki: i've been making friends too. Iris: (knowing smile) Akitaru: "Like that laser boy?" tamaki: YOU SHUSH! >////< nozomi: miss tamaki, please be nice. Akitaru: "Was that something I wasn't supposed to share? Shinra said it would be okay to mention it." tamaki: HE WHAT?! shinra: I DID NOT! Iris: "Oh boy..." Akitaru: "Yeah, you did. You said some boy with a laser belly button who looked like Arthur was on Tamaki's mind a lot." -cue tamaki suplexing shinra- shinra: X-X;; Akitaru: o_o "Um...Iris, please bring Shinra some ice. Tamaki, please get some therapy on your anger issues--" tamaki: i dont have anger issues! >///< Akitaru: "Do I have to put the Get-Along Shirt onto you two again?!" -elsewhere- Kid: (reading in bed) stocking: *getting changed into her night clothes* Kid: (already in pajamas, closes his book and writes something into his journal) stocking: what'cha writing about? Kid: "I've been trying to keep a record of each day--how I was feeling, any moments of anxiety or depression, memories to hold onto. Right now, I'm just marking notes about this book. It's been quite interesting." stocking: ah, i see. Kid: (blushes a bit) "It's been helpful, trying to acknowledge what is good about life...and what I can do to try to make my own better." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "It also helps for doodling..." (shows one to her, a drawing from memory of Stocking) stocking: cute~ Kid: (smiles) "Yes, you are." stocking: *kiiiiss~* Kid: (kisses lightly back) "Thank you." -elsewhere- Hibana: *yawns* "I've been combing through these records, and nothing. This computer screen is making my eyes tired." gabriella: i'll handle it for you. you should really rest... Hibana: "N-No...I should finish...I could use some coffee, though." gabriella: any flavor in mind? Hibana: *yawn* "Caramel, please." gabriella: right away, princess. Hibana: *yawn* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- NoFix: "Let me out of this thing, you stupid cunt!" luka: cussing at me wont get you out of that containment unit anytime soon... NoFix: "Nothing else has gotten me out of here! What the hell did you build this fucking piece of shit out of?!" luka: antimagic infused titanium. NoFix: "Jeez, and I thought my only weakness was not getting laid all the time. Speaking of which: I HAVEN'T GOTTEN LAID IN HOURS!" luka: hear that? thats the sound of it not being my problem. NoFix: "When I get out of here, it'll be your problem!" (slams fists against the cell) -morning comes- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: (sits up a bit...and sneaks out of bed) stocking: zzzz..... Kid: (returns, whispers) "Stocking...?" stocking: mmmn....? Kid: (is holding a tray of breakfast) "Morning." stocking: awwww, kid. *she hugs him* Kid: (smiles) "I hope it's tasty. I did a quick job, so it's rather simple." -at school- Patty: "How's it feel being back in school, Tamaki?" tamaki: feels great not to be restricted to the dorms all day. *streeeetch* Patty: "Then you should have a party! Want us to organize one?" tamaki: eh? well, i guess it'd be fine- Patty: "Yaaaaaay! Kid, we're holding a party for Tamaki! Break out the fresh milk! And make sure Mocha is there!" (looks at Tamaki) "Mocha is Kirika's pet cat." tamaki: *SHINY EYES* for reals? kirika: for reals.... 7////7 Patty: "Hee hee hee... Kid: -_-; "Better call catering..." -in class- Stein: "There are those individuals whose soul far exceeds the confines of their body. One wrong resonance, the souls becomes unstable, ripping the body apart." madoka: *gulps and sweats* tsugumi: scary. Stein: "That is why meisters with particularly strong souls must have careful regulation of themselves." (taps his tablet, which projects an image of...) "Some souls are said to be as strong as 100 normal souls. Imagine the intense care and precision those persons must take to avoid killing themselves through over-exertion." Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: !! Stein: "Take this as a reminder that your training concerns not only weapons but also meisters. The lessons your weapon partners learn are valuable towards regulating yourselves." -elsewhere- Yohei: "GET, let's see the wedding invitations. You finish the layout yet?" GET: ^0^ *prints* Yohei: (smiles, pats GET's head) "Good." (looks it over) "Hmm..." (hands it to Chie) "What do you think? Too cutesy? Not cutesy enough?" chie: *she looks* it's nice. sweet, simple. Yohei: (smiles, pats GET's head again) "You did good, tinhead." GET: ^o^ Yohei: "WASHU is working on the seating chart. Still trying to figure out musical options..." mana: good news everyone! i found us a musician! Yohei: "???" mana: *pulls out a CD of wes evans'* he lives right here in death city, isnt that great? chie:...... *chuckles* Yohei: o_o; "What the f--?" *WASHU beeps loudly at the obscenity* mana: ??? *confused* chie: i didnt know you had a twin brother....but you're the hotter one, definitely. Yohei: "Th-Thanks...I actually know that guy's brother, so we can probably contact him and ask..." -later- soul: yo- Yohei: (waves) "Hey. How you been doing, Soul?" soul: good, you? Yohei: "Well, I'm getting married, so, ecstatic." soul: let me guess, chie? Yohei: (smiles) "Yep." soul: i figured... Yohei: "And that's why I kinda wanted to ask a favor...It may be kinda awkward since it involves your brother." soul: you need him as a musician? Yohei: "You think he'd be up for it? I imagine he charges a lot..." soul: i'll tell him 'a friend asked'. Yohei: "That's all I want. Thanks, man." soul: no problem. and congrats. Yohei: (smiles) "Thanks. Can I ask you something else?" soul: ya? Yohei: "You play piano, right?" soul: yeah. and? Yohei: "Don't suppose you'd be up for playing, too?" soul:...y'know what, sure. Yohei: (beaming) "Great! That's great!" -later that day- Wes: "What's up?" -at the death city airport- mono:......... Announcer: "Flight 108 is arriving at Gate B8." Announcer: "Please have your boarding pass ready." -as she exits, she gets a call from dokeshi hunt, and after a moment of hesitation, hangs up- Passenger #1: "So, young lady, where are you heading? Or are you picking up someone?" mono:....it's personal...i just have buisness in death city. that's all you need to know... mama nanami: our son is getting married, can you believe that? mono:...how nice for him. Papa Nanami: " 'Bout time, too! I thought he'd be in an old age home before that'd happen..." mama nanami: Hideyoshi, be nice. ^^; Papa: (laughs) "Okay, okay...Just happy Yohei found a girl." -later- mono: hotel...hotel...hotel..... *Phone Book: "Death City offers numerous hotels that suit a variety of needs! Whether you look for something inexpensive or regal, we got it!"* mono: *looks at her wallet*.......crap. ???: *whistles at Mono* mono: ?? *looks around and reaches for her knife* ???: "Like your fashion, girlie! That's one killer outfit." mono: i have a name, ass! ???: "You got a nice ass, Name!" ("I'm a genius at pickup lines!") mono: *pulls her knife out on them* ???: o_o (backs up) "Wow! You're kinda tripping the hottie/crazy scale to the crazy side, babe..." mono: god i hope your dokeshi, that'll make stabbing your sad sorry ass much easier for me. ???: "Wh-What? I ain't a Dokeshi! These looks are all natural...J-Just don't kill me!" (pulls his wallet, throws it at her) mono: i wasnt mugging you, but i'll accept the money. *takes out a few 20s* ???: "Whatever! I just don't want to die!" mono: *puts the knife away* i _was_ acting in self-defense... ???: "...I was just saying you're hot." mono: s-shut up, i have important things to focus on! idiot... who the hell do you even think you are, anyway? ???: "Casanova Jones, madam!" (His wallet shows his name is Lenny Pantz.) mono:...the hell kind of name is lenny pants? Lenny: "..." (blushes) "My parents hated me. I'll leave now." mono: *rolls eyes and walks off* (thinking: idiot. creepy pervs like him are the 3rd worst kind of person ever!) *Hotels are along the street* -later after she got her room- *she hears talking in the other room* mono: ?? ???: "Seems like a good room." mono:....*presses her head against the wall and listens* Ashi: "I'll help you out, buddy. We're going to be fine, okay?" mono: ??? zuno:..........*no response* Ashi: "...You'll get through this. I know. You got this far without all your memories--so maybe if you can't remember what happened, your body will just heal, right? ...Right?" mono:....... Ashi: *quiet sob* mono:..... Ashi: "I-I'm just glad they haven't found you. It's hard enough sneaking a half-dead Dokeshi body in here..." mono: !!!!! (thinking: d-dokeshi?!) *she gets up and knocks on the door* Ashi: "!!!" (puts blanket over Zuno's body on the bed) "Just a minute!" (goes to the door, looks through the peephole..."Who the heck is she? Housekeeping?") "Um...No housekeeping needed, thanks!" mono: i'm not housekeeping, asshat, i heard a noise in here. Ashi: "Um...I dropped...my toothbrush?" mono: .......and your buddy? Ashi: ("CRAP CRAP CRAP SHE HEARD ME TALKING!") "M-My buddy? H-Ha ha! H-He's asleep!" (covers his mouth, realizing how loud he's been) "Shh! He's sleeping! Please don't make a lot of noise." mono:....say, my tv isnt working, can i use yours? Ashi: "N-No! Sorry! Friend still asleep! Can't be disturbed!" mono: *pout* fine, i'll just get hotel management to fix my tv and complain about you being noisy... Ashi: "You wouldn't!" mono: oh dont tempt me. -she steps in place to emulate the sound of walking away- Ashi: "Wait! Don't go--" (abruptly opens the door) -whack- mono: ow! *pwnd be the door* oow... Ashi: "Huh...I thought the door opened inward, not outw--" (looks down) "Oh, crap! I'm sorry! I-I got a bucket full of ice here to make the swelling go down!" (grabs the bucket--and proceeds to let it slip out of his hands...) mono: COLD! DX Ashi: o\\\\\o (brings a towel and helps her stand) "I am _so_ sorry..." mono: *grabs the towel and tries to dry off* *mumbling* y-yeah whatever..... Ashi: "Um...The TV is over there. The remote is on the nightstand..." mono: *she goes back into her own room in annoyance* Ashi: "..." (small smile as he shuts the door) -later- Ashi: (reading through books he has gathered on resurrection and comas...) mono: *in her room, playing games on her phone* Ashi: "Hmm..." ("That girl was odd...Why would she want to watch what was on my TV in this room?") (looks at Zuno's body) "...No. Couldn't risk it...But still..." -elsewhere- Patty: "I got the decorations!" shiori: *playing with big plastic blocks* Kid: (in playpen as well, smiling at Shiori, as he tries to align his own set of blocks to be symmetrical) "When is the party?" stocking: in about a few days. Kid: (nods) "Best make sure caters bring enough food--" Patty: "And your costumes!" Kid: "...What?" Patty: (holds up cat ears) stocking:....... >//////////>;;;;; Kid: "...No." Patty: (pouts) "Sis, you'll be wearing cat ears for Tamaki's party, right?" liz: sure, why not. Patty: (big smile, shiny eyes at Kid and Stocking) stocking: i think it'll be fun. Kid: (frowning) "F-Fine..." stocking: you'll look cute, kiddo. *whispers* it looked cute before, right~? Kid: o\\\\\o (small whisper) "Not in front of Shiori..." stocking: hehe~ shiori: ~? Patty: "I'll get back to party prep! Let me know whether we need anything else. Oh, and prep the reception area for dancing and food!" kirika: *playing games on her 3ds* Patty: *sneaks up on Kirika and...* "CAT EARS!" *plops them onto her head* kirika: nyeh!! o///o Patty: "Awwwww, you even scream like a kitty!" kirika: ....... 7///7 s-shut up... Patty: "You and Tamakitten should get along well, then..." kirika: .....i guess..... Patty: "Well, back to work!" Kid: "She seems...hardworking." stocking: yeah.... Kid: "At least it keeps her busy." liz: *she nods* Kid: "Just make sure she keeps to a budget...I don't want a repeat of Patty's 'Giraffe-apalooza.'" liz: *covers his mouth* sssshhhhh! stocking: do i dare ask? Kid: *shudders* "The screams still haunt me...I can still see the face-prints of giraffes against the walls..." stocking: o-o;;;;; Kid: "So long as Patty just keeps it to cat themes, we'll be fine--" o_____o "AAAAAAH!" (points to the corner of the room) kirika: *griiiiiiiiiins* *In the corner is an asymmetrical statue of a clown* Kid: "Who brought that in here?!" kirika: *whistling* Kid: *GLARE* kirika: what? Kid: "What. Is that. Monstrosity. Doing here?" kirika: i dont know what you mean... Kid: (frowning) "I will order the maids to re-arrange your room into symmetrical perfection if you don't get that freakish statue out of this room!" kirika: alright fine....i'll sell it on fuckin craigslist or some sh*t. Kid: "The sooner the better..." (crosses arms in a huff) stocking: kid....want me to make you feel better? Kid: "..." (nods) -one puff-puff later- stocking: how was it? Kid: (smiles) "Just what I needed...Thank you. How can I repay you?" stocking: you dont need to repay me for anything. Kid: (trails a finger along her arm) "You sure~?" stocking: unless you can change my mind~ Kid: (small smirk) "I am rather persuasive..." (kisses lightly along her arm) stocking: well.....my muscles are a bit stiff.... Kid: "Lay down. I'll release the tension..." stocking: *she lays down on her back* Kid: (lets his fingers lightly massage along her shoulders) stocking: ahhh~ Kid: "Is that good?" (massages a bit more along her left shoulder, pressing just a bit deeper) stocking: yes, very much so.... Kid: (smiles) "Let me know if it hurts at all..." (he runs his hands along her upper left arm) stocking: *sighs* Kid: (moves to her right side and repeats, massaging along her shoulder before running his hands along her upper right arm) -elsewhere- Judge: "Is Kinuta ready?" guard: yeah, she's ready... kinuta: *in a short red dress for the occasion* Judge: "Hmm...The bracelets and neck shackle actually look fashionable with that attire." kinuta: i know, right? plus i can use my natural advantages as well~ -boing boing- Judge: -\\\\\- "Well, given the target's proclivities, your 'attributes' will be helpful. But focus on this mission: eliminate the target, contain his magic, let the Guards retrieve his materials and magic tools." kinuta: i hear ya i hear ya. Judge: (nods to Guards, who lead Kinuta to a portal to their destination. The Guards have changed into disguises to resemble typical identities: some dressed in similar attire to Kinuta, some as waitresses, some as bartenders, some as bystanders) -and so- Guard #1: (disguised as bystander, speaking through Incom with Kinuta) "Your target is approaching." kinuta: *she sees him* oh my~ *shiny eyes* Fortunato: (passes by flower stand--and causes all the flowers to appear brighter and to smell more fragrant, as he takes one, pays a generous sum to the owner, and offers the flower to a woman) guard: why thank you~ (thinking: eugh, show off.... XP )) kinuta: *walking past, shaking her rear a slight bit* (thinking: this is almost too easy, it's almost embarrasing~!) Fortunato: (spots Kinuta...licks slightly on his lip as he follows her) kinuta: *hair swish* Fortunato: (gazes at her, as he smirks slightly at her) "Well, hello." kinuta: hmm~ oh, i didnt see you there. *bluuush+smiles* Fortunato: "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Fortunato." (reaches to hold her hand) kinuta: charmed, i'm sure~ *wink* Fortunato: (smiles) "Enchanted..." (lightly kisses her hand) kinuta: hehe~<3 Fortunato: "May I buy you a drink?" kinuta: i'd be delighted~ Fortunato: (holds her hand gently as he guides her into a restaurant) "My usual table." (stares at the waitress) "Oh, is Claudette not working today?" waitress: she's a bit tied up today, sorry. Fortunato: (pulls out the chair for Kinuta) "Madam..." kinuta: why thank you~ Fortunato: (sits next to her rather than across from her, as he eyes her up and down) "I have not seen you in this city before." kinuta: i just arrived recently. *she glances downward* looking for some companionship~<3 Fortunato: "Aren't we all? It is so sad to not have company when arriving in a new city." kinuta: perhaps you could give me a, i dunno.....*runs a finger up his chest* 'private tour'~? Fortunato: (blushes slightly) "Of course...I am...very familiar with this city..." (whispers) "...and I'd like to be more familiar with you." kinuta: trust me, the feeling is quite mutual~ *staring at his....*ahem* 'area'* Waitress #2: "May I get you something to drink, ma'am?" kinuta: some of the finest wine you carry, please. Fortunato: (nods to the Waitress) "Marques de Riscal Gran Reserva, please." kinuta: *whistles* fancy~ Fortunato: "I believe that wealth is to be shared, and time is too short to give up the finer things in life." kinuta: ah, the best is the best after all. best clothes, best food....best sex. Fortunato: (coos) "Aren't we direct?" kinuta: oh goodness, did i say that out loud~? Fortunato: (small laugh) "And you haven't even drunk yet...What's your name, enchantress?" kinuta: why should i tell you my name when i'll be screaming yours later~? Fortunato: "Touché." *Waitress #2 returns with wine* Fortunato: (holds out glass for Kinuta...and it seems to glow for a moment in his hand) kinuta: mmmm~ *licks her lips* *Waitress #2 fill the wine glass, which Fortunato passes to Kinuta. But when he takes his wine glass to be filled, it does not glow* Fortunato: "A toast, my enchantress." kinuta: indeed~ Fortunato: "To the start of a beautiful relationship~" -elsewhere- Hibana: "..." (Excalibur face) "That doctor from the 3rd..." tamaki: ??? Hibana: *shudders* "That doctor is creepy...But enough of that. So, Tamaki, how is life at the 8th without me?" tamaki: quieter....mostly... Hibana: (ಠ ∩ಠ) "Gee, that's...not what I wanted to hear." (smiles) "I'm sure everyone there misses me, though." tamaki:....yeah.....still no sign of arthur..... Hibana: "..." (puts on brave face) "I'm sure he's safe. After all, you had to be on radio silence for so long but were safe..." tamaki: ........*sighs* Hibana: "..." (pats her shoulder) "Have a little faith." tamaki: *she smiles* so i heard there was going to be a meeting of the battalion commanders soon.... Hibana: "Yes, hence Doctor Creepy--I mean, Giovanni." tamaki: make sense that ryuuko would be in his brigade, given the whole 'bird' thing... Hibana: (nods) "It's odd the similarities the Brigade members have..." (smirks) "Now your Brigade has a cat, a gorilla, and whatever your new colleagues are...What do you think Takehisa is? Maybe an owl?" tamaki: *shrug* -elsewhere- scarlet:..................*watching the 3rd HQ* ...................................... ???: (on comm link to Scarlet) "How's it looking?" scarlet:........*she sees someone*.....too many witnesses..... ???: "How much longer?" scarlet: wait....there's some officials from the 1st here..... Karim: "..." foien:..... dia:........*sniff sniff*.....*on alert, but in a low-key way* Burns: (exits the building, shaking hands with the 3rd's Commander) mikami:..... scarlet: *bites her lip and pulls the trigger* foien: !!! COMMANDER! *pushes him down* Burns: "Omph!" Karim: "!!!" foien: ..!!!!! *screams out* Karim: "No! Foien! Dia, get medical, now!" mikami: !!!!!!!!! *SCREAMS AND HAIR-IGNITES* dia: *she goes to do that* Burns: (his eyepatch is flaming again as he looks for the assassin) ???: (in earpiece incom) "Please tell me you didn't screw up again." scarlet: *takes off* that one damn priest pushed him out of the way....to put it lightly, he could use a hand.... ???: "...LOL. Now get your ass out of there, and don't screw that up, too." Karim: "Oh God...Foien..." foien: *clutching the stump* ryuuko: mikami?! what's going on?! scarlet:.....mind getting me an exit? ???: *sighs* "I have to do everything myself..." *FIRE BLASTS AT THE 1ST OFFICERS TENDING TO FOIEN* dia: !!! *hellhound mode activate* Burns: "No! I will not let this happen again!" *tries to pass through the flames--but they burn him* "Aaaah! What the hell?!" Karim: "Dia! Leap over the flames!" scarlet: !!!! what the fuck are you doing?!?! dia: *nods and dashes forwards* ???: "Relax, my Inferno is only a quick attack, one that is largely harmless. Surprised it affected Burnsie so badly--usually the Inferno only hurts those with a lot of sin to work off...Oh, and you have a dog chasing you. Put her down." scarlet: *bang bang* dia: *scratched but still attacking* scarlet: fucking hell... dia: you will not get away this time...! ???: "Need help?" scarlet: n- -fire feathers shoot at her- scarlet: fuck. BACK ME UP! LIKE, PRONTO! ???: "Fine. Here we go!" *A fireball can be seen coming downward, like a comet* scarlet: you're fucking kidding me- ryuuko: !!!!! *The fireball flies past Scarlet and runs parallel to the street, towards Dia and Ryuuko* dia: !!!! -double dodge! scarlet: *nyoooom* fuck...fuck fucking fuck! ???: "What? One fireball wasn't enough?" -later- scarlet: *at the bar area* ............................... ???: "Two beers, bartender..." (slides one to Scarlet) scarlet:....thanks..... ???: "You need it. You look like hell." scarlet:....... ???: "What is it about those 1st people that you just can't kill them? Burns can't be that difficult." scarlet: they're real damn persistant..........(thinking: why did _she_ of all people have to be there?.......) ???: "Is that all? Or is it that you are holding back?" scarlet: *glares coldly* ???: "That's quite a cold-stare for a hot-blooded assassin. Now finish your drink, get your head back in the game, and don't screw up again." scarlet: ........... -elsewhere- mikami: h-how is he? Karim: (hands balled into fists) "He will live, the infections are being treated...but he lost part of his arm..." mikami:....*whimpering* ryuuko: *hugs her* Karim: "..." (wipes the back of his hand against his eyes) "Foien will depend on us, so we must be strong for him." mikami:....i'm sorry.....i wasnt able to do anything...... Karim: (pats her shoulder) "You are here now for him. Focus on the present and what aid you can provide now. Foien needs his friends." mikami:....*sniff* o-ok...i'll try my best.... ryuuko:...... Karim: "Would you like to see him?" -the next day at school- Iris: (wiping away some tears) shinra:.....*pats her back* Iris: (nods) "That could just as easily have been...any of us..." ("Including Tamaki...") shinra:.....*hugs her* all we can do right now is move forwards....right? Iris: (nods again) "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- kinuta: *yaaaawn* ahhh... Fortunato: "Mmmm..." (hugs her from behind) "Good morning." (kisses behind her ear) kinuta: morning handsome~ (thinking: god DAMN that was soom good dicking....a real shame i have to kill him...) Fortunato: (smiles) "How was your sleep?" *The bed is large, with red, silk sheets, and gold fixtures. The room is as large as an entire floor to his mansion, this room containing numerous fertility relics as well as some magical artifacts Kinuta can recognize* kinuta: pretty good, though nowhere near as good as the events preceding it~ Fortunato: "Why, thank you~ You certainly were enthusiastic...and flexible." kinuta: hehe~ Fortunato: (holds her chin gently, as he leans to her lips again...) kinuta: mmm~ Fortunato: (slides his hand behind her lower back, coaxing her up) kinuta: *she presses her chest into him* Fortunato: (continues to kiss, moving down to her cheek and neck, struggling to get past the collar she is still wearing) "I appreciate your sense of fashion...This collar..." (he fingers under it) "...it draws so much attention to your gorgeous breasts." kinuta: shocking, isnt it~? Fortunato: "Indeed~" (holds one of her breasts and begins to put his lips around her nipple) -outside- guard: O/////////_//////////O Guard #2: -_-; "I don't know why I expected anything differently...Of course she was going to milk this for as long as she could." guard:.....still kinda hot though Guard #2: *double-take* "R-Really?!" guard: *whistling* Guard #2: (blushes, looking up and down at Guard #1 and scratching her cheek) "...How much longer is it going to take her to kill him already?" -SHIV- guard: O-O;;;;;; Guard #2: "Well, looks like she's done. Guards, enter and secure all artifacts and magicks inside." kinuta: well, i suppose you could say....that sex was killer~ Guard #2: (frowns) "Get dressed and help us file and transfer these artifacts." (glances at fertility relics) "..." o\\\o kinuta:...what? Guard #2: "N-Nothing! I should have expected a pervert like Fortunato kept such...grotesque fertility relics...Jeez, look at the size of that thing." kinuta:...damn- wait.....WHAT?! Guard #2: "What?" kinuta:....if i get knocked up from this i am going to burn this place to the f*cking ground... Guard #2: "Relax. If he was overcompensating this much with so many relics, I doubt he could have. As well, these magics were for him to entice his partners." kinuta: whatever, can we just hurry up?..........if he still has a boner- guard: OH MY GOD! D : < Guard #2: "He's dead! Just ignore it and move on!" Guard #2: (tosses clothes at Kinuta) kinuta: alright! fine....prudes. *The Guards complete cataloguing and preparing all relics for transportation to Witch Realm* Guard #2: "At least you weren't an absolute failure. But you could have killed him for sooner, such as in his sleep." -elsewhere- Kid: (pats Stocking on the shoulder) stocking: hmm? Kid: (sad smile) "Just...may I sit with you?" stocking: of course. Kid: "Thank you..." (sits next to Stocking) "You heard about the 1st?" stocking: no, what happened? Kid: (shakes a bit) "Another assassination attempt...One of their members is injured." stocking: !!!........ Kid: "My contact only said the person attacked would recover, but it still does not sound good..." stocking:....*she hugs him* Kid: (holds her) "I'm sorry..." stocking: it's ok, you didnt do anything wrong.... Kid: "I still feel badly for them...and whoever this assassin is..." stocking:...... Kid: (pulls back a bit, still holding her) "This line of work is terrifying." stocking: i know...... Kid: "Sometimes...do you ever want to run away from all of this?" stocking:.............kid....... Kid: "I don't mean I want to. I just think of the alternative, of not fulfilling my obligations...and whether I could ever do such a thing." stocking:....*she holds his hands* Kid: (shakes his head) "I don't want to run away, even if I am afraid." -elsewhere- Shotaro: (looking through bridal magazine) mana: *shiny eyes* this dress is so pretty! Shotaro: "Yeah! I wonder how much it costs--HOLY! That's a lot of dollars..." mana: *JAWDROP* that's a lot of rewards...... Q-Q Shotaro: "Hmm...I guess that's my good deed for the day...or week...or month. Mana, is it still illegal to rob a bank?" mana: SHOWTARO NO! DO NOT DO THAT! THAT IS BAD! Shotaro: "Well, how do people make a lot of money in a short amount of time?" -elsewhere- Judge: "All relics catalogued and locked away?" guard: yes. sephy: yep. Judge: (nods) "Good work. We have made sure that warlock was put down and his collection is no longer at risk of falling into even more dangerous hands." kinuta: what about me? Judge: (narrows eyes) "You could have finished the mission far sooner than it took you." kinuta: i had to make sure his guard was down! Judge: "And his pants, evidently." kinuta: hey, it was some good dick! Judge: (frowns) "This is exactly what is wrong with you, Kinuta: your narrow focus on simply sex will be your undoing." kinuta: he....hehehehehe~ say foxy....you know i got some info from the DWMA by sexing up a death scythe, riiiight~? Judge: (one ear flicks a bit) "Oh? And what was that?" kinuta: i managed to sneak in and find out a few...interesting....tips of information~ Judge: "You're stalling." (snaps fingers) "Bring her into the interrogation room for debriefing." guard: yes ma'am! -In the Interrogation Room, Kinuta is handcuffed to the desk- Judge: (nods to stenographer) "Now, then, give us all the information you have from the DWMA." kinuta: rogues....students............ever heard of something called 'witch killer'? Judge: "!!! Rumors..." kinuta: can you be so certain? it may be forbidden tech, but it's still there... Judge: " 'There'? Where is 'there'?" kinuta: right in the DWMA's records room... Judge: "What condition was the...'Killer' in?" kinuta: it was a file i read....dont know much else... Judge: "What did the file say?" -kinuta explains what she saw- Judge: "How can we confirm your information is accurate?" kinuta: anyone here who can sense lies? -elsewhere- Patty: "Decorations are almost done!" kirika: you really went all out..... mocha: nyan. Patty: "Well, I wanted it to be purrfect!" liz: boooo. Patty: -_-; "Everyone's a critic. No need to be so...catty about it, Sis." liz: patti are you serious? Patty: "Hee hee!" (glomp hug) stocking: that joke was........paw-ful! Patty: "HA HA HA HA!" liz:.....stocking how could you? Patty: "No one wants to...pussyfoot around the issue, Sis!" liz: stop. please just stop. Patty: "Not like this will be a...cat-astrophe!" liz: AUGH! i'm going to wes' place. later! Patty: "..." (smirks) "So, Wes is going to get some--" -BOOT'D- Patty: "Ouchie! Kirika, fetch me ice!" -later- Wes: *small laugh* "Sounds like Patty is getting into festivities." liz: yep. Wes: "When's the party? This weekend?" liz: *she nods* Wes: (blushes lightly) "I don't suppose I'm invited, am I?" liz: maybe~......so, heard you got a gig coming up. Wes: "Yeah, a wedding!" liz: wow. *she smiles* Wes: "It's kind of a favor for one of Soul's friends..." liz: is that right? Wes: "Yeah, a couple named Yohei and Chie..." liz: i think i heard those names before..... Wes: "Evidently Soul was on a mission with them a while ago?" liz: i think i remember.. well congrats to them. Wes: "Yeah..." (small smile) "It's been a long time since I did a wedding...and for a low price, too. I mean, I'm happy to, especially for Soul! It's just...weddings make me think about..." liz: ?? Wes: "The future will be here before I know it..." liz:...wes.... *blush* Wes: (blushes) "I don't know about you..." (holds Liz's hand) "But I want to see where things go, you know?" liz:...y-yeah.... *bluuuush* Wes: (stares at her...leans in...) -smooch- Wes: (returns the kiss, smiles) -elsewhere- chie: *hugging her mom* it's so good to see you! mama kagehime: it's good to be here. Yohei: (nervous as heck) mama kagehime: ah yohei, good to see you in person for once... saki: *with io in her play area with mr kagehime* Yohei: "Hello, Mrs. Kagehime..." mama kagehime: well you'll be calling me 'mom' soon, wont you, haha. ^^ Yohei: (scratches the back of his neck) "Ha ha...Yeah..." mama nanami: yohei honey, why do you have one of the ninja turtles in your house? Tuhl: -_-; Yohei: "Not quite. His ninjutsu leaves a lot to be desired--" Tuhl: "Hey!" mama kagehime: O_O;; is that a kappa? Tuhl: (sighs) "Yeah, I'm a kappa." mama kagehime:...................ok then....so that's there. papa kagehime: i think my friend from grade school saw a kappa once... Tuhl: (through clenched teeth...er, clenched beak) "I'm not a 'that'..." Yohei: (slight smirk at Tuhl's annoyance) io: *looking at tuhl* tuu! tuu! Tool: (blushes as Io keeps calling him, smiles lightly) chie: *whispers to yohei* should we tell them about....'you know what'? Yohei: *whispers* "I'll follow your lead, whatever you want to do." chie:....*whispers* on second thought, maybe we should wait on telling them that... ^^; Yohei: (smiles, whispers) "Okay. Get through the wedding first..." *Shotaro, hanging from the ceiling, with bat ears out* Shotaro: (lowers) "What are you talking about, Chie and Yohei?!" chie: EEK! showtaro!! >-< mama nanami: is he one of those 'dosheekees?' mana: its 'dokeshi'. Shotaro: *waves, still upside-down* "Hi! I'm a shapeshifter named Shotaro, and I still need to do a good deed! Anything you need, Mr. and Mrs. Chie and Saki's parents?" mama nanami: *squints* Shotaro: (spots glasses on the table) "Are those your glasses?" mama nanami: hmm? oh, why thank you. *she smiles* -kyokotsu: good job showtaro.- Shotaro: "Hee hee...You're welcome!" mama nanami: you're little brother is a real good kid, chie. chie: erm- mama kagehime: oh, he's not ours, he's chie and yohei's friend. mama nanami: oh? but i thought you had a child who was a dokeshi? Shotaro: "??? I'm going to need a family tree to make sense of all of this..." -after chie sketches the family tree out- Shotaro: "And where does Tuhl fit in?" Tuhl: (slap up the side of the head) saki: *she draws him in as 'io's surrogate dad'* mama kagehime: *jawdrop* Tuhl: D: "Wh-What?!" io: ^^ chie:......saki is there something you arent telling us? saki: *whistling* Tuhl: o\\\\\\\o -elsewhere- NoFix: "If you get me a McDonald's milkshake, I'll be good..." luka: getting it as we speak.... mimeca:.....*browsing her phone*........!!!! *pokes at nofix's shoulder* NoFix: "???" (looks at the phone) -seems mama nanami made a post about the wedding- NoFix: "???!!! That two-timing heel!" luka: is it that witch? im not suprised. NoFix: "It is Yohei! Yohei Yohei Yoheiyoheiyoheiyoheiyohei--" *HEAD EXPLODES* luka: O-O;;;;;;;; dammit, someone get an intern to mop this up. NoFix: (banging fist against the floor as his tiny head regenerates, speaking in a high-pitched whine) "Yohei cheated on me! I'm going to kill that bitch!" luka: then what was the fling with the witch then, huh? NoFix: (head slowly growing to regular size, his voice changing) "Yohei was long before Kinuta! And I got into his mind! Real mind fuck on him! And that was awesome! He was the one I got back! And I'm gonna get him back again!" luka: riiight.....*sweatdrop* NoFix: "Who's up for crashing a wedding?!" luka: DO NOT! NoFix: "Doing it!" (smashes fist along the floor) luka:..... -_-; NoFix: "Damn it! I never get to go to weddings!" mimeca:....*pap pap* NoFix: "Ugh...Thanks, Mimeca. So, you bring a deck of cards to pass the time?" mimeca: *pulls out a deck* ^^ NoFix: "Awwww, you know me so well..." mimeca: *thumbs up* ........ ! *changes into yohei in a schoolgirl uniform* NoFix: (whistles) "If this was only strip poker..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Cookie Cat!" stocking: he left his family behind...how sad. Patty: "Cookie Caaaaat!!!" Kid: "...I prefer Lion Lickers." liz: ^^; Patty: (frowns, points at Kid) "BLASPHEMER!" -later on the day of the party- Patty: (in cat ears and a cat dress) "Howdy!" tamaki: woah! your house is huge! stocking: that it is. Kid: "It's bigger on the inside." (he has cat whiskers painted onto his face and is in a cat tuxedo) stocking: it's cute though~ Kid: (blushes, smiles) "Not as cute as you..." tamaki: *rolls her eyes* Patty: (pulls Tamaki inside) "Come on! We got dancing, charity games funding the animal shelter, food, a petting zoo with lions and tigers--" liz: what?! Patty: "...What? You don't like charity games?" *LOUD ROARS HEARD* -after that little incident, and kim delivered the punishment paps- kim: you're seriously gonna get me in trouble! Patty: T_T "What's the point of having a friend working at a zoo if you can't trick her and bring ferocious dangerous carnivores into your house?" kim: -_-; and _you_ shishido, i'm disappointed yet not surprised. Shishido: *GROWL* -the party resumes as normal- Kid: (dancing with Stocking) stocking: hehe~ tamaki: this is nice. kirika: i guess. *playing with mocha* Patty: (hands drinks out to Kirika and Tamaki) soul:....it's only a matter of time.... Patty: (drinks goes from Patty's hand to Tamaki's) tamaki: thanks. Patty: "No problem!" tamaki: *she takes a sip* mm. tasty. Patty: "Thanks! Fresh made punch! Real fruit, real sugar, no corn syrup." tamaki: at least i didnt set it on fire this time... Patty: "Oooooh...Better not let you near alcohol. Oh, and the fact that you're underage anyway." tamaki: *opens her mouth to say something, then stops.* Patty: "Want to play a game?" tamaki: sure. -later- Kid: (sitting) "Woo! My feet are sore." soul: seems mostly everyone went home now... Patty: (sweeping up some cat-decorated confetti) "I'd say it was a success!" blair: i'll attest to that, nya~! Patty: "Hee hee! How was it for you, Kirika?" kirika: pretty fun. mocha: meeeewww.... blair: you could say that again... Patty: "Can you translate what else Mocha says, Blair?" blair: she's pretty tired from how much fun she had. Patty: "Awwwww...Better let this sleepy kitten get some rest~" -later, after everyone else heads home- Patty: (asleep on couch) "Zzzz..." stocking: it was fun...you tired kiddo~? Kid: "Well, I'm definitely ready to go to bed..." -the next morning- Kid: "Hmmm~" stocking: *purrs* Kid: "You cute kitty cat..." (kisses her cheek) stocking: do we have school today? Kid: (shakes his head) "Nope." stocking: up for round 2~? Kid: "Yes..." stocking: come get me~ Kid: (small roar as he takes one of her hands and puts his other one behind her, drawing her in for a kiss on the lips) stocking: mmmn~ Kid: (passes his hands up her sides as his tongue slips past her lips, his hardness already felt along her thigh) -elsewhere- Shotaro: "So, does this mean Yohei and Chie are going to look like that when they get older?" (staring at Yohei and Chie's parents) mana: *shrugs* probably... Shotaro: "Hmmm..." (whispers to Mana) "They haven't told them about the you-know-what, right?" mana: *covers his mouth* let them handle it. Shotaro: (small annoyed grunt) >_< -elsewhere- Assi: (filling up ice cube machine at the hotel) mono: *in the reading area, listening to music* Assi: (tenses) "O-Oh! Um...Hi?" mono: *looks up and looks back down at her music player* Assi: "..." ("I TALKED TO A GIRL!") (fills up the ice bucket at the ice machine) mono: ...... *she goes outside* Assi: (finishes filling up the bucket, starts to go back to his room) -later- Assi: (reading through more books) "Man...I don't get it. There are cases of Dokeshi coming back to life, but nothing like this..." (looks at Zuno) "You're body isn't deteriorating, and I keep having to trim your nose hairs because they won't stop growing..." -elsewhere- mono: *hiding in the bushes* Tuhl: "How many freaking diapers does that tiny creature need?" mono: ?? *peeeeeak* mana: you'd be surprised.... Tuhl: (carries two bags of groceries) "Sigh...Gonna have to make room for the next one...I guess I'm finishing up another addition to the house." mana: yuuuuup. Tuhl: "Super...Maybe Yohei can stop being all lovey-dovey and start building a house-building robot already." mana: haha ^^ Tuhl: "Otherwise, we'd be stuck having to share rooms. And I'm not rooming with Shotaro ever again." mana:...do i want to know? Tuhl: "He kept me up all night asking a thousand questions, snored, left his boxers hanging everywhere..." mono: *in the bushes, cringing* mana: ugh, forget i asked. Tuhl: "If only I could forget that experience...Didn't you and Yohei camp with him once?" mana: yeah, there was an incident with an oni too... Tuhl: "For real?" mana: *nods* it was actually a day before we met you. Tuhl: "Jeez...What the heck were you guys doing before I came along to give you some much needed level-headedness?" mana: .......*excalibur face* those two......i'm going to murder them.... Tuhl: "??? Um...Maybe not kill Yohei until he gets married?" mana:..... Tuhl: "..." ("She has that look again...Better get her home...") *nervous laughter* "Well, better head home!" ("Maybe Chie and Saki can protect me...") mono:....*quietly follows* Tuhl: "So, Chie figure out her bridesmaids' outfits?" mana: she's going with a lavender theme....though that seems to fit saki rather well... Tuhl: "Yeah, I guess...So, they got outfits, music...Ring boy and flower girl?" mana: well..... .//////.;;;; take 3 guesses.... Tuhl: "...You and Shotaro?" mana: you could say that..... Tuhl: "Hmmm..." (puts hand along top of her head, angles it against him) "I know you're still shorter than me, but you're kinda too tall to be a 'flower girl.'" mana: _i'm_ not.... Tuhl: "??? So...who's the flower girl?" mana: you for the flower part right. Tuhl: "Oh...Did I do some offensive gender bias thing again?" -elsewhere- Kid: (curled up with Stocking on the couch, reading a book) stocking: *reading with him* Kid: "Ready for the next page?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: (flips, continues reading) -in another room- shiori: zzzzz.... Yumi: (smiles at their child) lord death: peek-a-boo! shiori: !!...hehe ^^ Yumi: "Awwww..." (laughs) "She's so happy." shiori: mama! papa! lord death:......*tiniest squee* Yumi: *small gasp of happiness* "So many words!" lord death: i knoooow! shiori: buck! Yumi: "...'Buck'?" lord death: *holds up a book* story time? Yumi: "Ah..." (pulls up Shiori and sits on the couch in the bedroom with Death) -elsewhere- Judge: "..." (reviewing reports about the Witch Killer) "The stories align almost perfectly...It looks like Kinuta's information was accurate." kinuta: toooold yoooou~ sephy: what do we do? Judge: (angry twitch at Kinuta) "You provided us information...Where is the Killer, exactly?" kinuta: that's the thing, i dont know...all i know is the DWMA has more information.... Judge: "..." (holds up the remote zapper) "You sure about that?" kinuta: yes. Judge: "..." (lowers the remote) "Very well." (nods to Sephy) "Get our contacts inside the DWMA to suss out where this Killer is hidden." sephy: right.... Judge: "And Kinuta deserves a small reward for the service she performed. Keep the restraints on her arms and neck, but move her to a different cell." guard: right. Judge: "..." (studies Kinuta before turning around to return to studies) sephy:......(thinking: eruka...wherever you are in the human world.....please be safe...) Judge: (reviewing notes and some other reports, including a piece of parchment that has old language) sephy: ......*squiiiint* what is that? Judge: "Not quite sure...We'll need our linguist to review it." -in the cells- *Small crack along the cell wall* kinuta:....*peeeeak* *Crack grows a bit more...* kinuta: ????? *Crack opens to reveal fingers* kinuta:......this better be a glory hole. ???: "It can be if you want it to, babe. But I think you'd rather get out of here." kinuta: wait a second....*she peaks inside* Alone: "Hello!" kinuta: oh hey pooch, long time no see. Alone: "Hee hee...Missed seeing you, toots." kinuta: so what's your little plan of escape? Alone: "...Um...I hadn't thought that far ahead..." kinuta:.....well there's still the glory hole option Alone: "..." (his face leaves the hole, and he is standing) kinuta: *positioning herself* Alone: (his zipper goes down...) kinuta: *licks lips* -ELSEWHERE- eruka:....*shuddering* Free: (puts down his game controller) "You alright?" eruka: yeah, just....had the most uncomfortable feeling.....it's probably nothing... Free: "...Need water?" eruka: yeah... Free: (gets up, goes to kitchen, fills up a glass) "Here you go." eruka: thanks...*drinks* Free: "..." (game still on pause) "Hey, can I ask you something?" eruka: hmm? what is it? Free: "Do you think about those questions that are really hard to answer?" eruka: what do you mean? Free: "I mean...I've been alive a long time, and I think about a lot of questions, and one keeps bothering me..." eruka: oh? Free: "What am I supposed to be doing?" eruka: what do you mean? Free: "I've been alive this long, and aside from stealing Maba's eye--which, is still totally rad and awesome--" eruka: free! Free: o_o; "Er, right...So, what do I do now? I can't remember my own name, so I don't see what the future has ahead of me." eruka: i cant really say....all i wanted was to make things better for witches by attacking humans....but now....i see humans every day....and most of them arent all too terrible....granted there are still some shitty ones, but still...... Free: "Yeah..." (loud sigh) "Man." eruka: i guess we can take things one day at a time... Free: "Yeah...Hey, can I ask something else?" eruka: hmm? Free: "When you shut the door to the fridge, what makes the light turn off?" eruka:.......... -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Eruka: "Like, is it elves? It's elves, right?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: (brewing tea) maki: anyone know what time it is? Akitaru: (checks his watch) "A little after 2." maki: ah. tamaki: *sitting in front of the fan* ahhhhhh...... Takehisa: (struggling to focus on reading) shinra: *he's outside helping with the garden* Iris: (reaches for another sprout to plant) "Thank you for your help!" shinra: have to keep busy somehow, right? Iris: "That's certainly one reason for gardening...and a few others." shinra: *blush* um...yeah....like food! saves money on groceries..hahahaha...haaa..haaaaa..... *nervous smile* Iris: "Yes! And...well, it made me feel closer to my sisters before...the accident." (smiles gently as she waters a sprout) shinra:...... Iris: "When I tend to the garden, it reminds me of the good times, and has me look forward to the future when these plants reach their potential." (smiles at Shinra) "That's what I hope for anyone!" -inside- maki: so when's that meeting supposed to be? Akitaru: "It'll be bright and early on Monday...Be in uniform." maki: *she nods* Iris: "Well, I already am, more or less, everyday..." Takehisa: (serious face) "Then be even more formally dressed in a uniform." Iris: o___o "Y-Yes, sir!" shinra:..... >////> (thinking:....sun dress.......) Takehisa: "Tamaki, your uniform?" tamaki: i just got it in the mail today. nozomi: i got one to match. Takehisa: (nods) Akitaru: "..." (hands Tamaki a belt) tamaki: hmm? whats this for? Akitaru: "Well, Shinra told me about your wardrobe malfunctions, so--" tamaki: *sarcastically* thank you for putting so much faith in me, commander... Akitaru: (smiles, happily ignorant, as he slaps her on the back) "No problem!" nozomi: ^^; Iris: "Well, until the meeting, we have the rest of today. Anyone want some snacks?" -elsewhere- Tuhl: "Okay, groceries put away, diaper changed, and--" Shotaro: (walking by with a mallet) Tuhl: (snatches it out of Shotaro's hand) "Stopped Shotaro from doing something stupid. My errands are done." saki: ^^; Shotaro: "I was just going to get to work on the new room for Chie and Yohei's new b--" mana: !!!! *smooch* Shotaro: o\\\\\\\\o mana: ....... .//////////////. Tuhl: "...What the H?" Shotaro: "..." (calmly walks to the window, opens it, and jumps out) mana: >///////< Tuhl: "...Saki? I think we're looking at another wedding coming up." Shotaro: (turns on garden hose, spraying his face) "..." mana: OH SHUSH YOU! Tuhl: (smirk) Tuhl: "You gonna need a pre-nup, buddy?" mana: *fuming* *RAPID FIRE SLAPS* Tuhl: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, worth it, ow, ouch, ouch, ouch..." saki: ^^; Shotaro: (still in the backyard with the hose) "I think I got most of the cooties off..." Yohei: (watching, as he was working on sprinkler system) Yohei: "...You know, the only way to get rid of cooties is to burn your clothes..." Shotaro: "I'M ON IT!" chie: yohei! *facepalms* -////- i'm marrying such a dork. a cute dork, but still a dork. Shotaro: (already down to his bone-covered boxers) "Yohei, can I borrow your lighter? And some pants?" -elsewhere- Kid: (finishing dinner) stocking: looks good. Kid: (smiles) "I hope so...The raspberry vinaigrette was a challenge." -elsewhere- NoFix: (down to his underwear) >_<; "I hate strip poker..." mimeca: ^^ *giggling motion* NoFix: "Hmph..." (puts down the cards) "This sucks. I'm cold now." mimeca: *scratches head and shrugs* NoFix: "...I miss my fuck buddy. Stupid stretchy ragman..." mimeca:....!!! *changes into kinuta* NoFix: "...I appreciate the gesture, but it's not the same, seeing as, you know, you're you." mimeca: *pouts* NoFix: "Don't look at me like that! You're, like, four years old or something!" mimeca: T-T NoFix: (grabs his clothes and gets dressed) "How long they going to keep me in this jail cell, anyway? I haven't gotten one milkshake..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Hmmm...Which one?" soul: i'd go with the black suit, since the groom will be wearing a white one. Wes: "Ah, okay! How about the tie? Black as well?" soul: ...if you want. Wes: "What? You think something more colorful?" (holds up a gaudy psychedelic tie) "Like the Jerry Garcia?" soul: *coughs* Wes: "...Too much?" soul: yyyuuuuup. Wes: "Darn...I'll try the dark purple, then." soul: good call. Wes: "How about you? What're you going to wear?" soul: something similar. Wes: "Heh, twins..." soul: yeah..... Wes: "Well, that's enough with music practice and outfit selection...Time for dinner?" -elsewhere- Yohei: (serves dinner to family...and Shotaro has new clothes on) mama nanami: it looks wonderful. Yohei: "Mana is a great chef, Mom. It also helps to have robots around here." mama nanami: hehe, our little genius *ruffles his hair* Yohei: -\\\\- (smiling) mama nanami: i hope your kids can be as smart as you one day.... ((or even soul)) mama kagehime: that wont be for a while though... chie:...yeah...hahaha...ha.... Yohei: "..." Shotaro: (opens his mouth to say something--sees Mana--then blushes and shuts up) mana: TnT mono: *in the bushes* Tuhl: *twitch* "Hmm?" mana: something wrong? Tuhl: "Just got a vibe from the things around here..." Yohei: "..." (looks at Security System Button) mono: *trying to stay out of view of the camera* (thinking: knowing him, he build a securiy system here...damn that yohei!) Yohei: (sees nothing on monitors...) mono:...... Yohei: (turns on infrared sensors, which if tripped will alert him) mono: O-O;;;;;; *sweats* Yohei: (narrows the grid of sensors so that the space between them lessens...) mono: *trembling* *Laser sensors keep getting narrow and narrower...* mono: o-o;;;;;; *tries to narrow herself....and fails miserably* *Sensors hit her, triggering an alarm--and multiple firearms pop out of the lawn, aimed at her* mono: !!!! *SCREAMS* Yohei: "?! Tuhl, Mana, Shotaro, to the front lawn! Everyone, get into the safe room!" mana: right! chie: on it. Shotaro: "NO KISSING! ... I mean, okay!" -after everyone is downstairs- Tuhl: "..." (eyeroll, storms into the front lawn and finds--) "Hey...Aren't you that girl who was following me and Mana earlier today?" mono: !!!!! n-no!! Tuhl: "Yeah, you are. The sidewalk kept screaming at me, 'Some asymmetrical girl is following you. Beware.'" Yohei: "...Aw, crap." mono: s-shut up! ...... *glares at yohei* YOU! Yohei: "...You're surrounded, kid. Stand down." mono: .........*holding her knife up, trembling* Yohei: (aims at Mono) "Don't make me do this, Kid." mono: i...i'm not a kid! i'm going to kill every last dokeshi! i-i have to! -even though she's acting tough, one could tell she's scared for her life- Yohei: (shakes his head) "No, you don't. You have another path, Mono." mono: why should i? after _he_ killed my parents?! i dont have anywhere else to go! Yohei: "And one monster is not enough to write off an entire group! You know better than that!" mono: how the hell could you know that?! they're getting into your head yohei! Yohei: "...When was the last time you felt really alive?" mono: ??? chie: whats going-....!!! mono:.!!!! you! Yohei: "!!! Chie, stand back!" mono: *grips the knife, but doesnt move* d-dont move you! i-i'll kill you...i-i-i mean it! Yohei: "..." (holsters his gun) Tuhl: "Yohei...!" Yohei: (approaches Mono) mono: !!!! *winces* Yohei: (gets closer) mono: s-stay away from me! chie:..........well? mono:...w-well what? chie:...if you want to kill me so badly, then do it already... Yohei: "??!!" mono: w-what?! chie: come on...i'm not going to stop you.... mono: ...........i-i cant! theres too many people around! chie:.....is that right? Yohei: "...Why would that stop you? Because you think we'll intervene?" mono: ...... chie: i want to ask you something miss....how many dokeshi have you killed on your own? mono:................*silent* stop it.... Yohei: "Mono..._You_ need to stop." mono: .......... chie:....you never did kill anyone, did you....is it because you're afraid? *she seems to show some concern for her* mono:........*she's trembling* Yohei: (looks to Chie to see what to do next) chie:....*smiles* i dont think you're that bad a person, mono....killing someone....that is pretty scary.... mono:....*whimpering* Yohei: "..." (looking to Chie with some sadness) mono: i dont...._want_ to kill dokeshi........i just....want to kill the one who took my parents from me.... Yohei: "Mono...You know what happens when you let that darkness take over your soul..." mono: ................*whimpering* mana:.........*she looks at showtaro* ..... Shotaro: (looks sadly at Mono) "Kep--" (stops himself) mono: ...w-what are _you_ looking at?! *tearing up* mana: *has confiscated mono's knife* Shotaro: "...I'm sorry..." mono: w-what are you- Shotaro: (shuddering) "I'm sorry that monster hurt you..." mono: ............... Yohei: "...Chie? Tuhl? Can you bring out some chairs and drinks?" chie:....*she nods* Yohei: "Mono...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- Kid: (whistling) stocking: *surprise hug from behind* ha! Kid: "!!!!" o\\\\o "Hi!" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (kisses her cheek) "How are you?" stocking: good. and you? Kid: "Was finishing laundry and folding. So, productive, I guess." stocking: ah. *she nods* Kid: (folding his shirt) "Any plans this evening? Perhaps take in a movie?" stocking: sounds great. Kid: "Could go out for one, or stay in for one..." stocking: looks like rain tonight so.... Kid: "Stay in then...Have some popcorn and treats in the den, with the big-screen TV?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: (smiles) "It's a date." (small kiss on her lips) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (finishes folding his laundry and smiles at her) -elsewhere- Akitaru: (doing pushups) shinra: *watching tv and flipping through channels* Iris: (writing notes) "Hmm...So, another rainy night approaching..." shinra: looks like it... Iris: "..." (shakes a bit) shinra: you ok? Iris: "Just worried...Rain can be harsh on the new plants." shinra: ...... nozomi: *bringing in some drinks for everyone* Akitaru: "Woo!" (finishes pushups, takes a drink) "Thanks!" tamaki: *playing games on her phone* Takehisa: (finishing paperwork...and adding paragraphs to his novel) Iris: (takes tea from Nozomi, smiles) "Thank you!" maki: so what do you guys want to do on sunday? Iris: "Hmm...Monday is the big meeting...We could visit the park..." maki: how about we check the zoo out? Iris: "Oh! That would be fun!" shinra: sounds awesome! Akitaru: "That would be great!" ("And no Hibana calling me a gorilla...") -elsewhere- Ponera: (smiling) neian: *playing with a stuffed toy* Ponera: ("So freaking cute!") *SQUEE* neian: muu? *she looks up at medusa* Medusa: "..." (smiles lightly) "Something you want, child?" neian: mumu! ^o^ Medusa: -\\\- (picks up Neian) "I'm here..." neian: ^^ Medusa: (hugs her, kisses her forehead) -elsewhere- Patty: (listening to Wes and Soul's practice) liz: *also listening* Wes: (really getting into the performance) soul: *putting his all into it* Wes: (sweating, quickening to match the music) -elsewhere- Kid: "Comfortable?" stocking: *purring and resting herself in his lap* mmhmmmm.... Kid: (smiles at her as he takes the remote and starts the film, then kisses her neck) stocking: ahh~ Kid: (leans his head against her neck) "This is nice..." stocking: it sure is..... ^////^ Kid: "Oh?" (holds her as the film begins) stocking:.....hey...could you spell 'you'? Kid: "??? Um...'Y' 'O' 'U'?" stocking: .... ?? you forgot the 'D'. Kid: "...But there's no 'D' in 'you'..." stocking: but there will be later~ *smirks at kid* Kid: "... !!!" o\\\\o "...I would like that..." stocking: after the movie? Kid: "...I'll have to manage, but I think so..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (small smirk, as he whispers) "We'll have to see whether you can focus on this film..." (kisses behind her ear) -elsewhere- chie:....how is she? Yohei: "Shaken. I think some sleep will help." mana: is keeping her here really a good idea? Yohei: "No. I don't know who else would keep an eye on her." chie: and sending her back to dokeshi hunt is out of the question... Yohei: "With the security protocols, it's likely she won't get out or hurt any of us. Just fixed up GET and WASHU for more programming." Tuhl: "...I can watch her door on the first shift." mana: i call second.. Shotaro: "..." chie: how do we explain this to our parents? mana: old collage buddy's relative? Yohei: "Seems best. Just have to make sure Mono agrees to it." mono:........... Shotaro: (staring at Mono's door) mana:....do you think she'll be alright? Yohei: "I don't know...It took me a long time to shake the Hunt off of me." mana: maybe we could help her? for her own mental health? she looks like she has a few issues... Yohei: (nods) "Know a therapist?" mana:....*shrug* mono:.........if you're gonna keep me hostage, can i at least get my stuff from the hotel? Yohei: "You're not a hostage. And we'll bring it over." mono:........... *she slips the address under the door* mana: say, isnt this the hotel the wedding's going to be at? Yohei: "...Yeah..." mono: well whoop-de-fucking-do for you... Tuhl: -_-; "I know someone who kind of takes on that role at the Academy. Maybe that will improve her attitude." mono: i didnt ask your opinion, greeny! Tuhl: (twitch) "Say that to my face, shrimp..." mono: i'm not that small! D : < Shotaro: "You're short. Like, Mana-short." mana: hey! i should be getting a bit taller, i've been drinking milk! chie: *chuckles* you dorks.... Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Tuhl: (smirks at Mana) "Maybe you should be drinking more." mana: oh hush you! >n< Yohei: (small smile) -elsewhere- Akitaru: (staring at his cell phone) shinra: ....... Akitaru: "Oh, Shinra! What's up?" shinra: you waiting for a call? Akitaru: "Not really...Just thinking about something from a few weeks ago..." shinra: and that is? Akitaru: "I had a good conversation with that Marie lady at the Academy." shinra: oh... Akitaru: "Yeah..." shinra:....*looking around* Akitaru: "Something on your mind?" shinra: n-nothing..... Akitaru: "...You're worried about something, aren't you?" shinra:.......this seems kind of weird to ask but...nevermind. Akitaru: "Nah, go ahead. What did you want to ask?" shinra:....do you think arthur is ok? Akitaru: "...I don't know. But given the kind of guy he has, I have to have faith that he is." shinra:...... Akitaru: "I keep looking through all missing person reports, all crime reports, all hospital reports. Nothing." shinra:...... tamaki: *listening*............... shinra: maybe bring it up during the meeting on monday? Akitaru: (pats Shinra on the shoulder) "Until we come up with a new lead, we have to wait and see." Akitaru: "And yes, we can bring it up at the meeting." shinra: ..... Akitaru: "Hang in there, Shinra...You too, Tamaki." tamaki: !!! excuse me! Akitaru: "???" -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~ Kid: (smiles) "Morning, Stocking." (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Sleep okay?" -elsewhere- mono: that should be everything.... Tuhl: "Okay. Mana, help me carry this." mana: *she nods* mono:..... ???: "Oh! Mana!" mana: eh? mono: ?? Assi: "Hi!" mono: oh great, its _you_.... Tuhl: "..." (whispers to Mana) "Do we know him?" mana: hey....ashy, right? Assi: "Um...'Assi.' How's it going?" mana: helping this girl move into our house...there's surprisingly plenty of room... mono: oh shush you! Assi: "Oh! I didn't realize you knew each other." (smiles at Mono) "I worked with Mana and Tuhl before..." mono: oh really now? Assi: "Yeah! Really stuck it to those Fear Factory jerks!" mono: fear factory? Tuhl: (imitating neck cutting to signal Assi to be quiet) Assi: "!!!" o\\\\o "Um...You know, when they had a bad recall on some toys that didn't work! Ha ha ha!" mono: riiiiiiight...... T_T; Tuhl: "Well, Aussie, maybe you can help us with moving the last of Shorty's stuff to the car." mono: Xp Assi: "S-Sure!" (tries to grab a box from Mono) mono: dont go peeking in there, perv! Assi: "I-I would never!" mono: >///n///< Tuhl: (brings down the boxes alongside the others) "Glad to be done with this already..." mono: what about you, glasses weirdo? Assi: "About me what?" mana: you stayin here? Assi: "Um...Well, yeah? Where else would I go?" mana:.....do you like mono at all? mono: WHAT?! Assi: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o mono: WHAT THE HELL BLONDIE?! mana: *innocent whistling* Assi: "Um, this conversation is making me feel uncomfortable, so maybe I should head back to my room..." -later- Yohei: "All set?" mana: yep. Tuhl: "Saw Assie over there." chie: who? mana: i kicked him out of a hospital window once i think? Yohei: "Ah, Assi." chie: ????? Tuhl: "Evidently he's dating Mono." mono: I AM NOT DATING THAT NERD! SHUT UP GREENY! Tuhl: "Evidence disproves her assertion. Ashy was totally checking her out." mono: O//////O i'm going to punch him! Tuhl: "Heh heh..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Is it just me, or are new comic books just not as good as old ones?" sayaka: i dunno...though it seems hero comics are picking back up in popularity these days. Black Star: "Now that everyone and their parent wears a cape and has a superhero name, I guess that makes sense...OH MY GOD I NEED A SUPERHERO NAME!" sayaka: hmmm..... KuroHoshi! *shiny eyes* tsubaki: ^-^;;; Black Star: "Awesome! It sounds just Japanese enough! And you shall be Captain Sailor Moon!" sayaka: hmmm...i was thinking something like 'The Cerulean Crusader!' soul: -_-; you guys are such nerds. kilik: ah, let them have their fun. Black Star: "No time for that, my young ward! It is time for us to fight evil, for we are KuroHoshi and his sidekick Sharkboy!" -elsewhere- Patty: "And that is why giraffes are not to be trusted, Julie." julie: o-o; Yumi: (small chop) "Do not scare her, Patty." julie: i dont want to be eaten! Yumi: (smiles at Julie--as she tugs on Patty's ear) "Don't worry--giraffes don't eat humans! And they are too far away from here to ever hurt you." riley: unless you cound the zoo- -chop- heather: riley! Yumi: (glares at Patty) Patty: "I'm simply telling the truth the rest of you are not prepared to hear!" roxanne: --; so, what now? Yumi: "Patty will be sitting in the corner. And perhaps Julie should actually see animals at the zoo to alleviate her fears." julie: r-really? heather: sounds good. besides julie, giraffes only eat plant-life, so i dont think eating you is an option. Patty: "Tch. Just make sure not to wear any clothing that makes you look like a plant---OW! YUMI, MY EAR!" -elsewhere- Shinoda: "Call Lin, now." grunt: right. *dialing her up* Shinoda: "Come in, Lin." grunt:....*hangs up* lin: yes? Shinoda: "Lin? Are you there?" lin: yes, i just arrived to our destination. Shinoda: "How is your 'partner' doing?" lin: antsy...to put it lightly. *looks at her fake ID* Shinoda: "Relax. You got this." lin: i know, i know. Akua: -_-; "Some relaxation. This is just a joke..." lin: dont complain, its just a simple transfer, that's all~ Akua: *Yawn* "I just want a nap..." lin: *pouts and pulls their hood down in front of them* Akua: "Hey!" Shinoda: "Fu fu fu..." lin: well, the taxi's coming up, got to go now, love you daddy. *hangs up* *gags* i never want to say that again...ever. Akua: "Zzzzz..." *still standing, snoring* -elsewhere- Akitaru: (staring at a gorilla) "...I don't look like that." shinra: *looking at the cheeta* so cool! Iris: (giggles) "Yeah! The cubs look adorable, too." shinra: yeah... ???: come on chrona, the best way to tackle your fears is to face them head on! Crona: "D-Does it have to be now?!" kim: it's as good a time as any! Crona: "O-Okay...What do I do?" kim: just say hi to him. Crona: "Wh-What do I call him?" kim: hmm, just all him 'mr director', i guess. Crona: "Um...H-Hi, Mr. Director?" Shiina: "...Why is your hair like that?" Crona: "Wh-What?" Shiina: "Hey, can I borrow that dress?" Crona: o__o; "HE'S SCARING ME, KIM!" Shiina: "KIM! THEY'RE SCARING _ME_!!!" kim: um....hana mind giving me a hand here? owo;;; Shiina: "Hana! Why are they so creepy?" Crona: (crying behind Kim) "Rabbit...Kill...No...Don't..." kim: easy chrona, just breathe... *back pats* Crona: (nods) "O-Okay...I'm sorry..." Shiina: "Maybe I need to kick their ass or something!" hana: mr director! D : < mami: ah! chrona! there you are! Crona: "MAMI! HELP ME!" Shiina: "Just let me at them, Hana! Defeat means friendship! I've read enough manga to know I just need to kick this lanky bastard's ass!" -after that fiasco- Shiina: (bandaged) "Jeez, Crona...You're girlfriend packs a punch..." Crona: o\\\\\\\o mami: *sigh* kim, i do appreciate the thought of helping chrona, but maybe this wasnt the way to do it. kim: 7.7;;; Crona: "Th-The rabbit person isn't too scary...just weird." Shiina: "Am not!" hana: h-hey come on, lets get along now, ok? Shiina: "Grrr...Fine. I'm sorry. There, happy?!" Crona: "I-I'm never really happy..." Shiina: (fire breath) "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Crona: "EEeeeek!" mami: *rifle at shiina's face* ^^ what did we just get done discussing~? Shiina: o_o; "Big guns you have, ma'am..." mami: chrona are you ok? Crona: (nods vigorously) "Just...a lot of regrets." mami:....do you want to go home now? Crona: "...I didn't get to see the monkeys..." mami: *smile* well lets go do that then. *smiles* Crona: (small smile) "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: (studying sculpture) "Hmm...Looks like fingerprints. Best clean it..." kirika: ................ Kid: "Did you touch this, Kirika?" kirika: hmm? ........ *she seems a bit off today* Kid: "??? Is something wrong?" kirika: .........just thinking... Kid: "What about?" kirika: ......past demons. stocking: well thats vague as sh*t. Kid: "...Oh...Um...What to discuss?" kirika: it's got nothing to do with you, so who gives a f*ck? Kid: (glares slightly at Stocking: "J-Just keep calm...") "Um...Kirika? You are family, so that is one reason why it concerns us." stocking:.......*frowns and looks away* kirika: it's fine, really.... \you've upset her........you worthless scum\ Kid: *sighs* "Are you sure, Kirika?" ("I'll have to talk with Stocking...") kirika:......*gets down from the window-sill and exits* stocking:........sorry........i just- Kid: "It's fine. I'm sorry. I guess everyone is a little on edge..." stocking:.......should i talk to her? Kid: "..." (nods) -elsewhere- Meme: (holds up swimsuit) "Ready for going to the pool next week?" mio: i guess..... .////. need some new swimwear though.... the one i have now is getting old.... Meme: "How about we go tomorrow? Tsugumi, you need a swimsuit?" tsugumi: i got one the other week. ao: so did i. *holds up a one piece with a star pattern* Anya: "Stars...Hmph. Of course..." mio: if it fits, it fits i guess. *shrug* Meme: "I can't wait for the pool. It wasn't too long ago Tsugumi, Anya, and I used to clean it up." ao: is that so? tsugumi: mmhmm, we cleaned it with kim and jackie. it feels like it was just yesterday. Anya: "Such commoners' labor was quite instructional!" -in the hall- ef: *she has her swimwear purchased* Kana: (thumbs up) *she is holding an inner tube and floaties* ef: maybe we could invite tamaki with us? Kana: "..." (smiles) "I would like that." -elsewhere- Harvar: "..." ox: *watching tv* soooooo.....you wanna do anything? Harvar: "I don't know...Prank calls?" ox: sure why not? Harvar: (hands phone to him) "You pick the number, I'll talk." ox: *hits the random dial* Harvar: (takes the phone from Ox) "..." kilik: yeah? Harvar: "Is Mister Wall there?" kilik: who? Harvar: "Or is Mrs. Wall there?" kilik:....there is a miss wall, his daughter. here. sayaka: *falsetto* m'yello? this is miss wall, mr walls daughter speaking, how may i help you? Harvar: "...Goddamn it, you ruined my joke." sayaka: actually, i'm looking for someone, my friend hugh, last name jass? Harvar: " 'Hugh Jass'?" sayaka+kilik: *laughing* Harvar: "...!!! Oh, screw you!" sayaka: OH SHIT YOU JUST GOT PRANK JACKED! -she and kilik high-five each other- Harvar: (angry face--as his hand zaps the phone) sayaka: KZRRRTHDSLVHBKJLCJN *KO'D*.......ow........ kilik: O_O.... HOW?! Harvar: (looks at the phone...which is now charred) "Um..." ox: harvar! D : > Harvar: "..." (hands back the phone) "I hope you backed up your phone first..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Hmmm..." (looking through book) kim: i'm hooooome! Jacqueline: "Welcome." (closes the book, stands) "I have dinner finished, just need to put it on the plate." kim: neat. work was same as usual. Jacqueline: "Hmm. Making friends?" -in an apartment- lin: there you go, mr ragey, you can sit riiiight here~ Akua: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" lin: what, like _you_ havent kept a dead body around.....you think he'd be more at home in your little shrine? Akua: "...What?" lin: in your room, you have that shrine looking thing with the 3 eye markings. it reminds me of emine. *siiiigh~* emine~ U/////U Akua: "...Family heirloom. *Yawn* Just something I keep for sentimental value..." lin:....suuure.....need anything? Akua: "Sleep...Wake me in an hour..." (lies on couch) -elsewhere- kirika: i'm hoooome! Patty: (waves happily) "How are you?" kirika: trained it out, so i'm good. oi kid, you make up with your girlfriend? Kid: "...Um..." stocking: if i see that little grape-headed bastard again, i'm going to bury him alive... Kid: "It's okay, Stocking. I have made sure to have someone give him a lesson he won't forget..." stocking: i hope so..... Patty: "Hey, Kirika? You ever want to spar, I'm here..." kirika:....thanks for the offer. Patty: "Hee hee!" Kid: (pats Stocking's hand) stocking:....*smiles* Kid: *smiles back* -in another house- Shotaro: *sniff* "Smell something?" mana: like what? Shotaro: "Like something really gross, like someone who was working all day and didn't shower?" mana:...*cringe* Yohei: (calling from downstairs) "Hang on, I'll find out what that smell--" (comes upstairs, spots Shotaro) "...Mana? Get him in the shower." mana: on it. mono:..... Shotaro: "Ooooooh...I was wondering what I forgot to do..." Yohei: (spots Mono) "...Hey." mono: got any christmas lights laying around? Yohei: "...Yeah, in the attic. Why?" mono: i'm decorating my room Yohei: "...Come with me, I'll show you where they are." -and so- Yohei: (hands her another string of lights) mono:......*she takes the lights* ......... hmph! >n< Yohei: "You're welcome." chie: she's really....something else.... ^^; Yohei: "Give her time..." chie: *she nods and hugs him* Yohei: (puts an arm around her, kisses her forehead) chie: hehe~ Yohei: (smiles, pats her back before pulling back and looking at her) "How are your parents doing with all of this?" chie: at least mom isnt brandishing the katana this time, haha. Yohei: o_o; "Yeah..." mama kagehime: *giving a judgmental stare to mono* Yohei: "..." Shotaro: (shouting) "I'm done in the shower!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Doesn't make sense..." gabriella: what doesn’t? Hibana: (taps the diagram of the Colossus) "All those cores. That was not something coming out of our lab. Even the work we did with Shaula never produced this much firepower." gabriella: maybe she was holding out on us? Hibana: "Perhaps...Yet she seemed far less...capable of something this intricate." gabriella: hmmm..... any updates on tomorrow meeting? Hibana: "Still scheduled, although I can't make sense of half these notes. It's like they're written in another language." gabriella: *peeeek* Hibana: (shows the papers as Gabriella reads over her shoulder) " 'Pursuant to the recommendations of the first party as relevant to the permutations of hierarchal structures within the Brigades, including but not limited to--' GAAAAH! It's like a lawyer vomited on the paper!" gabriella: hmmmm Hibana: "I really hate when the Brigades want to re-organize...This is probably punishment against me to take away power from our branch and give it to another one." gabriella: should i send a formal complaint? Hibana: "Not until after the meeting...I'll just have to stay calm before the meeting, but man, I am stressing hard about this. It's going to take a lot of patience on my part not to rip someone in two..." gabriella: perhaps yoga would help? it would alleviate some of the stress... (thinking: plus those yoga pants....) -////- Hibana: (stretches in seat) "Yeah, it's been awhile since I did that...Sure, that sounds good. Then maybe a bath." gabriella: excellent plan, princess. Hibana: "Lay out the mats, I'll get the music and outfits." -elsewhere- Takehisa: (tapping his finger while trying to figure out the next sentence to type) maki: whatcha doing? Takehisa: "Oh! Um...writing...work document...things." maki: riiiight. Takehisa: -\\\\\\- "...What are you doing?" maki: not much. -elsewhere- Kid: (lounging in bathtub) stocking: *washing his hair* Kid: "Your fingers are so good~" stocking: hehe~ Kid: "...You're so kind to me..." stocking: of course i am. *she smooches his cheek* i love you, you know? Kid: (nods) "I do...and I love you, too." stocking: *she hugs him from behind* Kid: (smiles, accepts the hug) "Any plans after this?" stocking: could i get a turn~? Kid: (smiles) "Of course." -later- stocking: ah~ that feels nice... Kid: (shampooing her hair) "Let me know if it feels comfortable..." stocking: it does.... *closing her eyes* Kid: (smiles...leans to her cheek and kisses lightly) stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Ready to rinse?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: (holds the shower head over her hair, gently but thoroughly rinsing the shampoo out, his fingers sliding through her hair) stocking: *sighs of contentment* Kid: (smiles) "All rinsed...Stocking..." -later- stocking: all freshened up~! Kid: (smiles) "You get more beautiful each day..." stocking: as do you... Kid: (smiles, his hand moving up her arm to her shoulder) stocking: *hug* hmmhmm~ Kid: (hugs her back, his hand resting on her back...whispers in her ear) "Thank you for helping me get clean." stocking: no problem, and thank you too. Kid: (wraps both arms around her, gently swaying with her) stocking:....if we have kids someday, i hope they're as cute as you... Kid: (smiles) "I hope they are as beautiful as you..." -elsewhere- lin: *snoozing* Akua: *rises up alongside her as she sleeps* lin: zzzzz..... Akua: *leans closer towards Lin's face...while holding her hand closer to her head* lin: zzzzz... Akua: *chanting quietly...* "He must be fed..." lin: *her eyes open slightly* mmngph? *No one is there* lin:.......(thinking: i could have sworn i heard something.....) Akua: (is underneath her bed) lin: *looks around* Akua: (under the bed, pricks her own finger, drawing blood) lin:.....zzzz....... Akua: *draws a symbol under Lin's bed...smirks* "Pleasant dreams..." lin: mmmn.....*trembling* Akua: (slides out from under the bed...and along the floor, out the door back to her room) -elsewhere- Iris: *yawn* nozomi: miss iris? how are you holding up? Iris: "Hmm? Oh, I'm fine, just tired. Thank you." *smiles* "How has your day been?" nozomi: alright for the most part. miss tamaki can be a bit agressive at times, but i'm sure she's really nice deep down. Iris: *nods* "She is making significant adjustments in her life..." nozomi: i see. i dont know much about her mishaps, but i dont think they've been happening as often...other than her snow cone catching fire today... Iris: "You know, I keep looking for plants that may be fireproof...The search has not been going well." nozomi: hmm, perhaps plants that have water or ice element? though ice might melt in this general climate Iris: (nods) "We only just added A/C to the building, whereas trying to create an ice house for plants would be more cumbersome..." nozomi: *she nods* my father would keep frost flowers in the fridge to keep things cold and to save on electricity. Iris: "That could be one option! Just have to find room in the freezer." -elsewhere- Anya: "Okay, bento boxes are finished..." tsugumi: these are going to be great tomorrow. Meme: "Yummy!" Anya: (proud, nods) "Indeed." -elsewhere- Kid: (curled up in bed, yawning) stocking: zzzzzzz........... Kid: (murmuring in his sleep) Kid: "N-No..." stocking: hmmn? Kid: (talking in his sleep) "S-Stop...I said no..." stocking: kid? Kid: "No!" (sits up, screaming) stocking: kid?! what's wrong?! Kid: (panting) "I remembered when...when she had her hands on me..." stocking:....*she hugs him* it's ok.....she's not here anymore....i am.. Kid: (crying a bit, but nodding) "I-I know...I'm sorry..." stocking:...*she rubs his back* i have nightmares too...........about him......... Kid: (nods) "I'm sorry...May I ask what you do when you have those nightmares? How do you...keep going?" stocking: i just remember the ones i love the most...*she holds his hand* Kid: "..." (light squeeze on her hand) "Thank you..." -morning- Kid: *breathing a bit more calmly, smiles at Stocking* stocking: *streeeetch* morning kiddo.... Kid: "Morning, Love..." (small kitten hug) -elsewhere- Akitaru: (checking voicemails and emails...) "Nothing..." *yawn* shinra: zzzzz..... Takehisa: (already making coffee, doing mental checklist for everyone's tasks today) -after the morning routine is finished.- Akitaru: (changed into his uniform) "This meeting...Shinra, Tamaki, you ready?" shinra: yeah, tamaki? tamaki: i'm not looking forward to this at all. nozomi: i'm ready too, commander. Akitaru: (salutes Nozomi) "Great to hear! Let's head out!" -and so- shinra: wow...that's a pretty big building. nozomi: the thermal generator, Amaterasu. shinra: isnt that the wolf from okami? Akitaru: "Nah, no wolves inside." Hibana: (approaches from behind, taps Shinra on the shoulder) shinra: yipe! oh, hey hibana. gabriella: we should head on in now. shinra: *whispers* are we going to get radiation from this thing? Karim: (nods to Shinra) shinra: *nods* fang-hua: *small wave* Burns: (staring intently at Shinra) tamaki: .................................. nozomi: ^^; Honda: "Kotatsu!" (hard pat on Tamaki's back) tamaki: *coughs a little blood* ow...too hard.... x-x. yasunoki: *sweatdrop* shinra: *looking around* shinra: hmm? isnt he that seiya guy? tamaki: yeah, he was at the auction. shinra: think he's with the 7th like fang-hua? tamaki: maybe? nozomi: (thinking: those two...they almost look like siblings like that...) Benimaru: "Why are you two staring at me like that? You got a problem with me?" shinra: *looks away* tamaki: hey! fang-hua: ^^; dont mind them, commander, i'm sure they're as antsy as the rest of us. Hibana: (ﺧ益ﺨ) shinra: ??? Giovanni: "Hibana, who is this specimen you brought with you?" (eyeing Gabriella) gabriella: *sweats* Gabriella Flintly, her secretary, or 'gal friday' as it were...HAHAHAHAHA....ha....haaaa.... shinra: ??? ryuuko: commander... -_-; shinra: hi ryuuko. ryuuko:......kusakabe. Giovanni: (eyes Tamaki) "You wouldn't be Kotatsu, would you?" tamaki: *full alert* hsss! nozomi: miss tamaki, please be nice. ^^; Giovanni: (startled by Tamaki) "Um...Well...I had heard much about you, but not..._that_." (turns to Nozomi) "You're Dr. Harada's daughter, yes?" nozomi:....yes, nozomi harada. *sad smile* Giovanni: (nods) "I knew him. He was a good man." nozomi: he truly was....... tamaki:.......*silent* Hibana: (holding up a cross at Giovanni) Giovanni: -_-; "Oh, _now_ you're a believer?" gabriella: (thinking: the princess _was_ a sister long ago....) Karim: (looking around) "Wonder when the meeting begins...?" dia: soon most likely.....*she looks up at the clock* Akitaru: "Give him time. He is older." -the clock chimes to the hour- *Chanting is heard, coming in from the hallway* dia: *already in the praying stance* Burns: *praying* Akitaru and Hibana: *praying* Giovanni: *delays* Benimaru: *crosses his arms* shinra: ??? Cardinal: "Rise for his eminence..." nozomi: *confused but does so* *The Priest and his coterie enter* shinra: *listening* Cardinal: "Blessed be our leader..." shinra: (thinking: so this is the 'sol emperor'?) *Everyone is standing and starts to bow--except Benimaru* dia: *glaring at benimaru* *AHEM* Benimaru: *hmph* *bows half-heartedly* shinra: (thinking: whats _his_ problem?) Sol Emperor: (seats himself) "It is good to see everyone here. Please, be seated, Commanders." Akitaru: (goes to sit) Benimaru: (kicks his feet up on the row of seats ahead of him) miwa: *she sits down* Sol Emperor: "Your work continues to serve the needs of the many. Yet I am discouraged by news I have received, regarding certain events within certain Brigades..." (stares at Burns, then at Shinra) Burns: "..." shinra: *gulps* Sol Emperor: "Someone from the shadows threatens our work, our soldiers, our people. Treat this preacher in white as a heretic--and eradicate them." (clears his throat) Benimaru: "Blah blah blah, sun god, blah blah blah, traitors, blah blah blah, let's all do what Big Boss Emperor tells us to do..." Sol Emperor: -_-; dia: *flame claws aimed at benimaru* you have a lot of nerve to insult his eminence like that! Benimaru: "Easy, Fido. Unlike some lapdogs here, my brigade won't just blindly follow whatever Old Man Emperor tells us to." Sol Emperor: -__-;; tamaki: *snickering* dia: why you insufferable little- Giovanni: *wheeze* "Perhaps we should remember that we are at our best when we are united, not divided." (stares at Hibana) "We can't afford to have more potential traitors in our midst." Hibana: "..." Sol Emperor: -___-;;; dia: ...... Giovanni: "Especially when we still do not know how a heretic could infiltrate one of our most honored Brigades." Burns: "..." Karim: (tense, shaking a bit) Sol Emperor: -____-;;;; -the meeting continues till....- Cardinal: "If there is no new business, we shall--" Akitaru: (stands) "Your eminence, we in the 8th still have one of our own missing since the attack by the Men in White." Emperor: "Eh?" dia: oh? Akitaru: "Arthur Boyle is his name. We have filed a missing person's report with local police and conducted searches with no leads as to his location." tamaki: *fist clench* Emperor: "He disappeared around the time of the Men in White. How do you know Boyle was not involved in this attack?" tamaki: .......... shinra: *looks at tamaki, worried* Akitaru: "I know my soldier, your eminence, and Arthur Boyle would not turn against the Brigades." Giovanni: *wheeze* "Was it not young Boyle and some of your other members, Commander Obi, who have been involved in certain attacks against other Brigades, such as against the 1st and the 5th?" Burns: (glares at Giovanni) Hibana: "Watch your tongue, Doctor, if you wish to still have it in your mouth." ryuuko: ..... Emperor: "I think until evidence appears to the contrary we must treat Arthur Boyle as a deserter and a potential traitor." Akitaru: "!!!" tamaki: you cant just do that!! arthur wouldnt do something like that! Emperor: (holds up a hand) "When new information arrives, we can consider it and revise our interpretation. Until then, I ask that all members of the Brigade consider Boyle a deserter and bring him in, alive and with as little force as necessary." tamaki: ......*trembling* nozomi: tamaki..... Cardinal: "If there is no new business, we can conclude this meeting." Akitaru: "..." -after that- tamaki:............ Hibana: "..." (holds out a cup of water to her) tamaki:....thanks..... fang-hua: hey guys. shinra: hey fang-hua. fang-hua: i wanted to apologize for commander shinmon's additude. he's very 'traditional' to put it best. Hibana: -_-; (" 'Traditional' is a funny way of saying 'assholeish'...") tamaki:.... Akitaru: "Fang-hua, I trust that, should you see Arthur, you will notify us, yes?" fang-hua: *she nods* i'll keep an eye out for him. Karim: "We will as well, Sir." ryuuko: as will i. Akitaru: "Thank you. We all appreciate that." 'kitsune mask': fang-hua, there you are, commander shinmon was looking for you. fang-hua: ok, i'll be there shortly, kabuki. shinra: she a part of the 7th too? fang-hua: yes, but.... shinra: what? fang-hua: kabuki's a man. shinra:.....oh. sorry. Hibana: (small smile at Shinra, then looks to Fang-Hua) "Keep us informed as well. We may be able to use that info to track Arthur." fang-hua: *she nods* *In the corner, Benimaru, Honda, and Burns are arguing, loudly* shinra:.........*peeeeeeeeks* Burns: "That deserter's removal to the 8th is nothing comparable to Boyle! That deserter should be brought to justice!" Honda: "We know nothing more! My soldiers have no evidence to show Arthur deserted, and your accusations are irresponsible!" Benimaru: "I could not care either way. This argument is pointless, and your shouting is tiresome." shinra: *listening* Honda: "You child! Show some respect to this institution!" Benimaru: "Show me someone worth respecting..." -steam blast- miwa: alright boys, lets settle down. Honda: o_o (fire on his head now extinguished) Burns: "..." Benimaru: "These clothes are steam-clean only, so, um, thanks?" miwa: did the three of you forget what giovanni said just a few minutes ago? 'we are at our best when we are united, not divided' Honda: (blushes, scratches back of his neck, holds out his hands to Burns and Benimaru) "Sorry, comrades." Burns: "..." (bone-crushing handshake) Benimaru: (crosses his arms, no handshake, walks away) shinra: (thinks: you'd think she has kids of her own..or at least was a teacher someplace....?) Akitaru: "...Jeez, this is bad..." fang-hua: ......... Akitaru: "...I think I'll stop by and visit some of Arthur's extended family..." shinra: his cousin's place?
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