#THE VOCAL SONGS ARE SO GOOD im killing everyone
superbellsubways · 1 year
warioware 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️😭😭🥹🥹🥹😭🥺🥺🥹🥹ilove warioware!!!!!!!🥹🥹😁😁❤️❤️❤️😭😭
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tenrose · 10 months
I still have my opinion about the song but the more I watch the choreography, the more like it. Also I think Dami, Siyeon and Gahyeon really own that swag vibe with their moves and attitudes.
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ventismacchiato · 2 months
O8 stuck with you — im on top (of you) !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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The day you had been dreading was finally upon you.
“Stop looking so sad,” Yoimiya sighs as she looks over to where you were slumped on the floor of the recording studio you guys were in.
“My beautiful voice…mixed in with his,” you shuddered at the mere thought of his vocals sullying the album.
“Quit being so dramatic,” Lumine chastised, reaching over to get you off the floor. 
You look over to where Scara was similarly slumped on the floor, staring into the wall as his group members conversed around him. Looks like he wasn’t too into the idea of recording with you either.
“You guys ready?” Albedo asks, walking in carrying a stack of papers as he walks past you guys to the soundbooth. The young blonde had been one of the company’s producers since you’d debuted. He reminded you a mix between Kazuha and Xiao, quiet but managed to get his artistic vision across.
“You two,” Albedo gestures to you and Scara, “I was instructed to get you both done quickly before working on the group song.”
“Jean really slotted all this time and took into consideration how much Scaramouche and Yn bicker,” Fischl muses.
“What are we singing?” Scaramouche asks, flipping through the page of lyrics Albedo handed you both.
“A love song,” Albedo answers, hooking a pair of headphones onto his head, “Let’s just try it out and see what needs to be added, go on then.”
He gently pushes you into the recording booth as you both tug on your own pair of headphones.
You eye the lyrics as you tug the microphone closer to you, wincing at the implications behind the words.
The first few attempts were disastrous to say the least. Scaramouche kept criticizing your timing and you kept pointing out how he was overpowering the track. Albedo’s patience, which was unbelievably high if he worked with the likes of you, was wearing thin as you both argued over every line.
After a take that finally sounded decent Albedo gestures for you two to come out of the booth.
“Are we finally done?” Scara asks.
“That sounded pretty good to me,” Childe pipes up.
“If you guys had collaborated earlier we would be drowning in so much money right now,” Venti sighs dejectedly. 
“Almost,” Albedo answers, fingers flying over his keyboard, "I just need you both to moan,” Albedo deadpanned.
“What?” Scara slowly says, like he’s on the verge of strangling Albedo by the neck.
“Before you say anything just listen to this clip.”
You couldn’t even process anything before Albedo was hitting play and your gentle voice mixed with Scara’s came out of the speakers, followed by some harmonies by Aether and then Xiao that he’d added in later. It all sounded good as they all harmonized together, but even you could feel that something was missing.
“So, you need us to do what ?”
“Moan, so I can use it as backup vocals,” Albedo hummed, twirling a pen with his fingers, seeming nonchalant about what he was asking of them.
“Fuck no,” Scara says, jutting a finger at you, “Why do I have to moan on the same song as them.”
“I don’t want to either,” you huff as your members erupt into a fit of laughter behind you. The traitors.
“It’s just my suggestion,” Albedo says, putting his hands up, “Just try it out.”
“I don’t get paid enough for this, how am I supposed to moan with Yn next to me?”
“I get dried up just looking at you.”
“The world gets dry from looking at you.”  
“You should have no trouble faking a moan, since it’s probably what everyone you’ve ever slept with has done.”
Albedo snaps his fingers in front of you both.
“I don’t care how you do it, just harmonize a moan or two for me,” Albedo says, pushing you both back into the booth, “I would like to go home early for once.”
“We won’t be able to see you,” Albedo adds, “So feel free to do whatever helps you get out the best moans.”
“Gross,” Scara called out as Albedo shut the door behind him.
“I’m going to kill myself,” you mumble as you tug the microphone towards you once again.
Scara glares at you as you both stand in the booth, the microphone between you two a symbol of your forced cooperation. You can feel the tension radiating off him, and it's not helping your own nerves. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
"Let's just get this over with," you mutter, avoiding Scara's eyes.
"Fine," he snaps, crossing his arms. "But don't think for a second that I'm happy about this."
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, well, neither am I."
There's a long, uncomfortable silence as you both stare at the microphone. Outside the booth, Albedo is watching, his expression expectant. You glance at Scara, trying to gauge his mood. He's scowling, but there's a flicker of something else in his eyes—something like hesitation.
"Look," you say, trying to sound reasonable in an attempt to get this over with. "Let's just do one take and see how it goes. If it sounds terrible, we can convince Albedo to scrap the idea."
Scara raises an eyebrow, but after a moment, he nods. "Fine. One take."
You both lean towards the microphone, your faces inches apart. You can feel Scara's breath on your skin, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You close your eyes, trying to block out the awkwardness, and focus on the task at hand.
Taking a deep breath, you let out a soft, hesitant moan. It feels strange and embarrassing, but you push through, hoping it will be over soon. Beside you, Scara does the same, his moan blending with yours. 
Scaramouche’s moans would usually sound like a sexually-transmitted disease: gross and something that you’d never touch with a fifteen-foot pole, but for a moment, it created an unexpected harmony.
Albedo's voice crackles through the intercom. "That was... actually not bad. Let's try it one more time, but with a bit more feeling. Scara, go a bit lower.”
You both go through the motions again, and you try to ignore how Scara’s moans sound so resonant through your headphones and the heat on your cheeks from making such an intimate sound beside him. 
Albedo’s voice comes through the intercom again. “Perfect. That’s exactly what we needed.”
You sigh with relief, tugging off the headphones as fast as you could and slipping out the booth.
As you and Scara step out of the booth, you're immediately met with the smirking faces of the other members. They're lounging on the studio couch, looking far too amused for your liking.
Childe is the first to speak, a stupid grin plastered across his face. "Well, well, look at you two. Didn't know you two were that freaky."
Lumine snickers, giving you both a mock round of applause. "That was hot. It felt like I was interrupting.”
“I hope you all die,” Scara says from beside you before turning to Albedo, “And you’re a freak for suggesting that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Albedo hums, already tuning them out as he has his headphones back on.
"Alright, alright," you say, trying to change the subject. "Can we please focus on something else now?"
Venti stands up, stretching. "Fine, fine. But you know we’re never going to let you live this down, right?"
“I’m personally going to buy several copies of this album,” Yoimiya giggles.
“I hope Albedo makes you guys do something embarrassing,” you huff.
"No wonder you're still a virgin if you sound like that when moaning,” Scaramouche says, smirking as he slips past you to sit on the couch. 
“Shut up,” you grumble.
“Can’t even defend yourself,” Scara taunts.
“Lot of talk for someone who also hasn’t gotten laid in a while,” Aether whistles.
“Whose side are you on, Aether?!”
Later that day
“Let’s just get this over with,” you sigh as you follow your members towards the studio.
“I’m excited,” Venti hums, skipping ahead of you.
“I’m surprised at how quickly they pulled this together,” Xiao comments, opening the door for you, “It’s like they’ve been waiting for you two to fuck up.”
“Which you have, several times,” Lumine unhelpfully pipes up from behind you.
“I’m so sick of you guys,” you grumble, accepting your fate.
As you walked into the studio, you could only stare in disbelief at the high ceiling, the windows that took the length of the walls letting in the evening light, poppy color mottled across the sky as the sun quietly set behind you. Wealth practically drips from the room as you look around. You never even used this space for your album photoshoots, since you guys never needed such a big space for just you six.
In one of the corners you spotted a large camera standing tall in front of a white backdrop, the ground adorned with roses and petals. The white-pink petals fluttered in the wind as the fans in the corner caused them to float throughout the studio. The reds and pinks jump out against the white. It was sickeningly romantic. You wanted to throw up at the implication.
You spotted Jean talking to Scaramouche, who looked like she was giving the other a pep talk before she spotted you and waved you over.
“Yn! We were just discussing the photoshoot, Lisa will instruct you two after she’s done talking to the crew. I need to go chat with them, you two stay here and get ready,” Jean rushed out, calling over some stylists to fix you guys up, already out of breath as she dashed over to Lisa. 
“You’re late,” Scara says as his greeting as a group of women start fussing over your guys’ hair and outfits.
“You’re early, tryhard.”
“Not your best comeback,” Yoimiya whistles from a few feet away.
“Alright you guys,” Lisa calls out, walking over to where your groups were gathered getting touched up, “We’re going to get the group shots over with, then some solo ones, and we’ll separate to do some pairing shots.”
They all stood together awkwardly as they waited for the staff to finish setting up the cameras, once they finally did they led the group and positioned them. For group pictures they had all the girls stand to one side and the guys on the other, so you guys were in a crescent moon shape. Right after you all separate, the girls in another set and the males in a different one. 
The cameraman moved and adjusted everyone for what felt like a hundred dozen times before he finally clapped and positioned you guys to take the picture. He had you hold a pose where you were sitting on a bench and leaning on your side for what felt like forever, you would surely gain some sort of back pain from this. 
The most awkward part was the solo photoshoots. Even after becoming an idol you still felt awfully awkward when doing them, but when it was just your members you could manage. But being in front of Scara made you feel extra self conscious. 
People like Aether and Childe had a blast, and all the girls seemed to be enjoying it. But you felt quite embarrassed as you were told to pose seductively and show more skin. You weren't alone in this predicament, since Xiao and Kazuha seemed to be having a tough time as well when they were forced to manspread on some seats. Scaramouche became complacent and let the cameraman adjust him accordingly, he even went along with the whorish poses Lisa was having too much fun making them all do.
“Doesn’t Scara look good manspreading half naked like that?” Venti whispers in your ear.
You jump, startled as you stare back at him in disdain.
“No,” you scoff, “Stop ogling him.”
You’re still still stuck on the fact that Scaramouche is shirtless and actually has a decent build. Yes, it's objectively hot—something that you’d admit under the pain of getting an arm hacked off—but it's also quite insane.
With the group photoshoot finished, they all bid farewell as they separated off into their own corners to do their paired shots. 
“Alright, Scara and Yn you guys are going to be in Set B,” Jean stated, gently pushing the two of them in that direction. You look and spot the dreaded set where it looked like cupid himself threw up.
You both trailed behind the cameramen over to it, trying your best to not step and wilt any of the flowers artistically placed on the ground. 
“Okay, I’m in charge of you guys!” Lisa grinned as you guys approached her, “I’m going to have so much fun with you two.”
“Not too much fun,” Scaramouche grumbles as you both go to stand before the camera.
“Scara, don’t be a prude and unbutton your shirt. Yn, I need you to lay down,” Lisa instructs, walking over and pushing you down until you’re laying down on the petals. You were still reluctant at the fact you would have to do a paired photoshoot with Scara, so your reaction time was still quite slow. Lisa eventually just adjusted your body as needed and bent down next to you, spreading out your hair and laid some petals on it, standing up to admire her work. 
“Scaramouche, you’re gonna hover over them and hold that position for a while, and when I say next you lean in as if you’re going to kiss them. Is that alright?” Lisa asked, already heading back to the camera and having the cameramen adjust it lower to capture them in the frame. 
“If I say no, does that do anything?” Scara asks.
“No! Now get to it!”
Scara mutters a curse under his breath as he begins to unbutton his button up. You catch a glimpse of his bare skin before he’s kneeling down to knees and crawling over you, placing both palms on either side of your head and leaning forward. Since he couldn’t just hold a plank over you forever, Scara placed one knee in between your legs and another one beside your left leg for stability. 
Your breath was hitched in your throat at the proximity, you could see every detail of Scara’s stupid face and makeup from underneath him. You couldn’t help but let your mind wander to how intimate you both were being right now, you’d never been underneath someone like this before. Unless you were being pinned down by Lumine during a fistfight of some sort when you accidentally ate her food. 
“Yn! Put your arms around his neck!”
You flinched at Lisa’s yell but did as you were told and wrapped your arms around Scara’s neck, bringing him closer as you did so. There wasn't anywhere to look but at Scara’s eyes, which felt awkward and weird in itself, so you opted for your eyes to wander. But they landed on his lips instead, which wasn’t any better.
Scara’s dark eyes bore into yours, his gaze not wavering as you looked everywhere but at him. That was before you realized this was a literal photoshoot and adjusted your eyes back to him. 
“Both of you, stop glaring!”
Scaramouche sighed above you, before forcing himself to soften his gaze towards you. It felt odd to be looked at like an equal by him.
You study Scaramouche closely, now that you’re forced to. He has these lips that are plush pink and they meet just barely like the slightest touch would coax them open. His eyelashes are long and there’s a beauty mark just shy of his eye coated over with concealer. His ears are small and there’s an assortment of earrings hanging off of them, ones he never wears during practice. He’s stupidly pretty. It makes you want to punch him.
“Alright, hold for ten then move to the next position.” 
Ten seconds? That felt like hours due to the way Scara was looking down at you, a fabricated gentle gaze in his eyes as he eyed you up and down. 
“The faster we comply the faster I can get out of this stupid position with you,” Scara huffs, his voice barely above a whisper before he leans forwards and hovers his lips right above your jaw. Your body instinctively moves its hands to run through his hair, as if you both were actually going to kiss. God forbid.
The lights dimmed and Scara immediately pushed himself off of you. You slowly sat up, dizzy from the stress of being that close to someone you disliked.
“I’m the one who had to hover over you and you’re tired? Pathetic,” Scara huffs, reaching down to roughly tug your arm so you’re standing and almost immediately letting go of you after.
“Don’t you think this is a little too much?” Scara asks, walking ahead of you towards where Lisa was looking through the photos
“We made everyone do paired shoots, see!” Lisa says, turning the screen to show you. 
You and Scara scroll through to see all your members in pairs like you both, but none of them are quite like yours. 
“So Venti and Aether got to pose in a car and we had to fake a kiss?” Scara scoffs, “Where’s the delete button–?"
Lisa yanks the camera from him before he has the chance and shoos them off.
“I’ve got enough from you guys, go get your makeup undone.”
“This is so dumb,” you grumble as you follow behind Scara. All of this work because you both couldn’t keep your mouth shut during an awards show and now you had to fake being in love with the idiot.
You pray to Buddha, God, and whatever other deity out there that was most certainly laughing at you, that you can manage to get along with Scaramouche before anyone does notice it’s all fake.
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stuck with you!
masterlist — prev | next
when i say moans i mean like the song Mmmh by KAI like do u see the vision
also the album cover can be you or one of the other members depending on what ur comf with 😇
pls ignore how is it fake is listed twice 😔 also the lyrics are from taylor i can see you
yk the drill comment on the masterlist if i can use ur user and make u a fan
synopsis — after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes sorry guys for the long wait i was lowk goin thru it but im back 🗣️
taglist closed — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @jangyung @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami @starringyau @androxphobic @kazuhasbabe
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cutseys0ulxx · 2 months
One piece men (Straw hats) with A woman who can SINNGGG
im alive guys i was just on break 🌝
gifs aren’t mine 😔
but anyways!!
Monkey D. Luffy
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Luffy has lots of talents. Like too many for his own good, but when he heard you singing to yourself.. Gosh you could kill someone with that voice if you wanted to. In fact you almost killed the rubber boy. After you knocked some sense back into him, he was all over you. “Woah Y/n! You sing beautifully,” He’s so sweet about it. Now that he knows you have a voice expect to sing him lullabies every chance he can cuddle with you. Or at-least when he’s not busy. The monkey is constantly on his feet, hearing your singing is so comforting him after a long day. (He won’t be getting tired of your voice anytime soon. You ever feel like singing go straight to him!!)
Roronoa Zoro
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He loves you so so much but your singing is definitely a bonus. Zoro doesn’t have too many weaknesses but your vocal cords could literally be one. He’s too speechless the first time he hears you, but eventually teased you playfully. “Never knew A brat like you had a voice.” Like I said he teases you, but he sure talks big. Everyone knows this boy is a damn rock when it comes to sleeping, your voice does him no good. One little hum from your throat while he comfortably lays his head on your thighs and he is OUUTT. It’s adorable though. (You will be taking advantage of this.. 🤗)
Sanji Vinsmoke
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My gosh. My gosh please don’t do this to the poor man because you’re either begging for him to hump your leg or you just don’t know any better. “Y/n-swaann, please keep singing! It’s just as beautiful as you are.” He’ll ask you to hum him a tune or two whiles he’s cooking. Your beauty had Sanji head over heels for you, and now you can sing? This man is so vulnerable it’s not even funny. Get used to your vocal cords being used, it’s often Sanji will ask. (Not that you care or mind whatsoever. You love the way he looks at you so lovingly every time A song of yours escapes your lips.)
it was short I KNOW but just take it 😒. Anyways im rewatching one piece cuz im so lost.. And yes im alive people so 🤗🤗🤗🤗!!!
luv u bookie
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Everything about the final of boys planet that made me feel (good or bad) :
In remembrance of Moonbin
Zhang Hao & S Han Bin looks at each other during the signal song
Most of the eliminated trainees being there
Zhang Hao in his inrtoduction/ recap of himself when he played the violin
Jongwoo explaining he had always been lonely
All of the fans in the audience with their banner, voting
Haruto :( Wumuti :( Kuan Jui :( Woongki :( Mingyu :( Hwan Hee :( Seung Hwan :(
The modified version of Here I am for the stars masters
The letters of the star masters for the trainees "Your smile make people happy"
ZeroBaseOne/ZB1. Its not pretty but not as ugly as a wifi password typpa name, could have been better, could have been WORSE
Kamderella #KamdenYouWillAlwaysBeFamous
"My jelly noona" Seok Matthew, 2023
All of the PR videos are just some guys with a camera, a budget, and their little guy minds
Bummed that Matthew didnt get the killing part but Hao slayed it so (also kinda figured it out when they were pushing that narrative lol)
Jelly Pop was genuiely so cute and felt so good
Hot Summer team only thinking about foods when doing shopping for their pr video (they just like me fr)
The disclaimer before the hot summer video ?? Staff did NOT want to be associated with what the trainees did
Bummed that Ji Woong didnt get the killing part but it was expected. He truly slayed every little bit he had.
JiWoong vocals. Thats it.
The screams whenever Ricky performed ? So true
Just Tae Rae existence is a blessing and I needed to talk about it.
Staffs giving us the videos of the snoring that took place in the dorms. Truly exposed them.
The performance of Not Alone. I cried. Cried even more when I saw that the trainees were crying.
Learning that Zhang Hao & Jiwoong only started to talk to each other during the Say My Name era
Jiwoong debut !!!
Jiwoong forgetting the name of his group
Yum Seo breaking down when the debut of Gyu Vin was announced. At this point I was sobbingwith him
Gyuvin sobbing while learning the new, giving his speech while sobbing. I cried X100 harder at this point
Gun Wook : "Jun Hyeon I made it. Thank you so much" SOBS
Gun Wook : "I'm happy with just becoming friends with you" I was at my second pack of tissues
Ricky : "I feel awesome " (Please I would have loved Zhang Hao reaction with him taking the joke that far)
Him giving us the meaning of his tatoo (which mnet always covered up) ???
Matthew debut !!! Ppusamz will live on <3
Matthew having a snot problem during his speech
Jiwoong and Matthew <3
Han Bin pat to Matthew and their hugs
Zhang Hao ranking first (I did NOT expect that) (Not complaining tho cuz imagine a violin solo on his solo ???? Take my money) he slayed
Kuan Jui breaking down on the floor on the news of Zhang Hao #1 god im gonna miss them together so much
S Han Bin & Zhang Hao bowing to everyone simultaneously which made it look it they just got married
JiWoong giving butt pat to litteraly everyone when they were getting up the stairs
The eliminated trainees hugging each other
When the show ended and we saw ZB1 going down the stairs to hug the trainees my heart broke definitely
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sucker4sixx · 6 months
Raising hell
PLOT: you and the crüe need to preform a set together and for nikki.. it doesnt go as planned..
WARNINGS: public embarrassment
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You spend the rest of your Sunday complaining about having to preform with the crüe, your managers call both bands to a rehearsal studio to practice what you will do, mick, the guitarist for mötley is very vocal about how short notice this is and how it wont end well, some of your band mates agree but mick just glares at them when they speak up, not wanting to deal with their “shit”. Nikki doesnt even steal glances of you or try to avoid you, as if nothing happened and it makes you feel incredibly awkward.
After practicing how you will enter the stage and the set list and running it through you all agree you know what your doing, not wanting to spend a second more with eachother. Your band head back and offer for you to go out but you just wanted to go back to the hotel and sulk in your hungover state.
Later that night, round about 11:27 you get a knock at your door, you get up and open it to a drunk nikki, hes breathing heavily and swaying alittle. “Nikki? What are you doing here?” He rolls his eyes “im good thanks.. here” he passes you your bottle opener you left in his hotel room the night before. “Sorry for making things awkward and uncomfortable but.. you get where i was coming from yeah?”
“Yeah.. lets just.. forget about it okay?” You both nod and fall silent. “Why dont you come in? We dont need to do anything-“ he cuts you off “no.. i better get back to my bed” you give a small smile “okay.. night night Nikki” he leans down to press a soft kiss to your cheek, “night night sweetheart” he makes his way back to his own hotel room and you close the door, your cheeks going red.
The next day your bands need to be in extra early, the set up on the stage was crazy, two drum kits, two basses, two guitars and two singers.. hectic. Your band would play your songs while the other band would walk around stage, having to act like they would punch you in a second and the same the other way around.
Nikkis in a shit mood, incredibly stressed and taking it out on everyone, you accidentally trip up over his foot during rehearsals and he growls “clumsy bitch!” He spits, you get up and try to square up even though he was almost a whole foot taller. “Hey! Its not my fault you have big clown feet!” He smirks “you know what they say about big feet right?” Your blood runs hot at his smugness “yeah.. must be why your a huge dick!”
Show time comes and you and nikki are 10 arguments in, the bands strut onto stage and the crowd is louder than youve ever heard, crüe start and you stalk around stage, nikki was your assigned target so you walk around him, narrowing your eyes as he leans into you, his faces inches away from yours as he glares at you with genuine hate. Back and fourth and back and fourth till the last song, its your band playing the last one and you decide to really humiliate nikki.
“So.. for this song i decided to give you all a treat and nikki a big surprise. Someone bring me out a chair!” Everyone looks around in confusion but nikki drops his bass and gets a chair just for himself, stalking towards you “sit.” You order him like a dog and he sits just behind you “good boy!” Once again, treating him like a dog. “Start the mother fucking song”
The song starts and its a sexy riff, you sing along and slowly lower yourself onto nikkis lap, his hands snake around to your hips as you sing, hes surprised but knows he needs to keep his cool. You give him a lap dance as you sing, the crowd (mainly the women) going crazy. Nikkis grip tightens painfully into your squishy hips as he feels himself getting hard. A solo starts and you turn off the mic, nikkis mouth moving to your ear. “Im going to fucking kill you” he growls “why? Because you have a boner? I can feel it.. right here” you grind right into his erection and he hides his face in your neck as he lets out a whimper.
When you start to sing again you turn around so your backs facing the audience but your facing nikki, his eyes staring into your soul as you belt out the last lyrics, standing up as the crowd scream, nikki not sure how to get around hiding his boner, he decides to be proud of it and stands up, its painfully obvious but its the last thing on his mind right now as he thinks of ways to sabotage and embarrass you.
When you all get off stage your manager nods and smiles, glad you done what you did for publicity reasons. You head for the bar but nikki grabs your wrist and slams you against the wall “you cunt! You completely embarrassed me!” He shouts “not my fault y-“
“No it is your fault! The whole crowd practically saw my dick!” he shouts in your face “then dont wear tight leather pants!” He lets go of you and steps back “you know, im tired of trying to get on your good books and seeing where it takes me, your so fucking difficult” you step forward “well you should’ve been such a dick this morning-“
“I was stressed! Of course im going to be a dick, i was so fucking stressed out!” He cuts you off once more “your fucking impossible, you know that? Theres not one good thing i can say about you right now” he shakes his head and leaves..
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Gojo headcanons bc ive got too much time on my hands
bro ate chalk as a kid and ive got proof
look at his kid self for a sec, he’s got a grown out buzzcut and the blue eyed stare. thats a chalk eater
you can’t convince me he’s a good swimmer
he’s lanky and tall, bro gets swept away the min he is near the ocean. he’s built to be shark food, sorry luv
the cloth he wears to cover his eyes is raggedy as hell
let me explain. he wears it constantly both in and out of battle, he wears it in any weather, and let’s be real he’s so odd that he probs sleeps in it sometimes
this leads me to believe that even tho he almost never gets hurt during a fight the blood and grime gets all up in the cloth
no amount of Tide or even acid could get rid of the STENCH that mask holds
it smells like ten cans of bounce that ass. one whiff could, quite literally, kill an old man
he’s a chronic podcast listener
tried to become one of those skater kids, failed miserably. geto never let him live it down
i think he’d make a great partner but if you listen to Hozier he will cause a scene
basically what im saying is he’s jealous of Hozier
Gojo knows that no matter how strong he is he will NEVER compare to that man’s vocals/lyrics and what they do to you
que Gojo trying to sing your fav Hozier song(s) but he can’t match the pitch which sends you into cardiac arrest
other than that he’s a pretty good singer, could probs serenade you to sleep
you know how everyone has an irrational fear? yuh his is birds
you ever see him interact with one in a normal way?
you see a bird, he sees a sack of organs with hollow bones that sore through the sky and sometimes they can talk
he pisses his pants when he sees a macaw
he’s a rich bitch and it’s a problem. not cuz he’s an ass abt it but bc he spoils the hell out of the teens
we know he would buy Megumi anything in the world but Yuuji and Nobara get the same treatment
he saw Yuuji’s orphaned ass and immediately transferred HUNDREDS to Yuuji’s bank acc
ain’t no student of his gonna be broke, that’s for sure
probs carries around pics of Megumi from when the teen was a kid
some are cute such as Megumi at the beach or having a fun at the zoo. others are of Megumi fighting for his life
i feel that when Yuuji entered the equation he also started taking pics of him during cute, fun, or important moments
very much sentimental older brother energy
whenever Gojo gets sick or injured he either becomes a massive baby or denies it until he’s dead
depends on the problem tbh. if he’s got a head cold he needs to be hospitalized but if he got his legs cut off he’d ignore it for weeks
you know how most men’s body wash or shampoo is named in, what’s considered, “masculine scents”
like redwood, campfire smoke, whiskey, fucking piss water
yuh he’s not a fan
i don’t think he’d really like those scents. in his mind, why does smelling like burnt coal or salt = masculine?
he probs just grabs whatever he likes, maybe orange scented stuff or even subtle vanilla
whatever cologne he wears tho is fucking delicious. you smell it and immediately your knees give out
i think if you gave him a huff of old spice tho he’d just disintegrate
im thinking of his general hygiene now, he has a solid routine
it’s not a million steps, probs just good quality face wash, serums, and moisturizer
that being said he suffered horrific back acne as a kid. dont ask how I know this, i will eat you alive
he looks and acts flawless but we know the truth. he sucks at card games
Yuuji’s biggest flex is he beat Gojo at go-fish 28 times in a row
he says calabunga and not a single person can stand it
that’s it for now, i’ll probs add more headcanons later
thanks for coming to my ted talk, i hope this post finds you before Sukuna does
(this is all mildly unedited, soz for mistakes)
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mintmatcha · 7 months
can u tell us what you didn't like about hazbin hot? I'm not a big musical person so I also tuned out when they started singing lol
Yes lol here's a long ass nonsense rant under the cut.
The creator of the show has done some really racist shit in the past and hides from criticism behind her queerness, but whenever that's brought up, it's immediately shot down and I'm told to separate the art from the artist.
that being said. here's my critique of the show itself.
but hazbin relies so much on material outside of the show. there's things you're supposed to know from twt and tumblr and other sources to make the show make sense. you can't say the show needs to exist in its bubble away from the creator and then make us dependent on the creator for information about the characters.
for me, it's less about "why is a show bad?" and it's more "what makes a show good?". Frankly, I don't think there's anything in this show to make it good.
First off- the show is ugly. The character designs aren't good and often repetitive (suits. same color palettes, same body shapes, etc) The animation itself isn't good either, unfortunately.
We have to stop pretending alastor isn't a crime to character design. He's so ugly. there's almost nothing redeemable about how he looks.
I thought the show itself had one of the weakest plots I've seen. it felt like the first draft of a 14 year old and tried to fit 5 seasons worth of ideas into 8 episodes, so the pacing was just awful. There's no semblance of time passing or real urgency in most episodes because vivziepop was trying to fit in all 50 of her OCs.
example: There was almost no reason for the V's to be in the show-- and the other overlords for that matter. None of them really do anything other than Valentino, who's just there to make Angel's story stronger in this season.
(not to mention Valentino and Vaggie, the series to latinx characters, fall into some fucked up stereotypes)
We are just told this collection of people is strong and scary, but we never really see WHY. It's a waste of time in a crammed show.
That being said, one of the main characters sir pentious had no real weight as a character and had less screen time than some of the nothing characters. Half of alastors time should have been used building him up, including, I dunno. all of episode three. There's no reason to introduce all of those characters other to give alastor the info that an angel has died, right? He's. The radio demon. he should just have some sort of news ability or connections to get him that info. (also that episode makes it really easy to know who killed the angel. there's no mystery to it.)
There are also so many things that simply don't make sense in the show? They are told almost immediately that their plan will not work, so they go to heaven to be told... the same thing.
Vaggie is amazed that angels can be hurt and killed when she is an angel who was hurt and almost killed. (Vaggie and Charlie have a super weak relationship btw. I think it's so poorly done. In a show about sucking dick and cock, it made me roll my eyes that the lesbians have such a pg relationship. how come everyone else gets to be horny other than the lesbians? Because its harder to fetishize? )
the ending was just. awful. Lucifer won the fight without that much of a struggle. It feels like he could have just done that. whenever.
Im going to get murdered for saying this but the songs aren't good, they just have a killer vocal cast. the backing music sucks every time.
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hello! what is your ranking of the rv title tracks, im curious to know, unless you've posted it before im sorry 😭
hi! 🌟 oh my goodness i spent quite a while on this because i am TERRIBLE at ranking things and i also had a lot to say... but here you go! disclaimer that i genuinely love red velvet’s discography to pieces and even the songs that are ranked lower on this list are among some of my favorites. i also decided not to include their japanese singles, solos, subunits, or sm station releases to make things a little easier for myself. you may notice that chill kill does not feature on the list & that’s because it hasn’t been out for long enough for me to ascertain my feelings towards it just yet! okay soooooo with all that out of the way . here are my thoughts 🦢
russian roulette - ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS OF ALL TIME. i got into red velvet immediately after hearing this back in 2016 & showed it to absolutely everyone i knew because i was so completely head-over-heels for it... i adore its playful synthiness and how bubbly and sweet their voices sound here, i LOVE its accompanying music video of course. when i think of kpop at its very best i think of russian roulette by red velvet!
automatic - i’m forever blown away by this song like it is literally perfect to me… smoldering, minimalist, effortlessly beautiful. i can’t believe they put this out so early in their careers, like genuinely what a feat. i love it so much
rookie - i feel like rookie is strangely underrated & i never understood why? it’s fun, it’s cute, it’s silly, it’s extremely loopable. really excellent instrumental imo and it shines even through their vocals… the strong bassline and brassy chorus in particular are highlights for me. also i think seulgi had a lot of fun this era in particular and it was so nice to see!
one of these nights - i absolutely love the creative direction of its music video & the song itself cemented rv as some of my favorite vocalists ever. easily one of their best title tracks, red or velvet. like it’s just perfect… melancholic and soulful and utterly magical
rbb (really bad boy) - i think this is one of their singles that best shows off their vocals… belting, shrieking, breathy whispering, chanting… the harmonization, the adlibs… so cunt, so interesting to listen to, so all over the place in the best way possible! no other group could have done it
umpah umpah - okay i personally feel that this is their best title track of the original festival trilogy in addition to their best summer single… never fails to lift my spirits, like it’s so joyful and unabashedly fun! i love that it sounds like it’s from a musical and i don’t mean that sarcastically at all
dumb dumb - literally one of the most unique kpop tracks like how many other songs can you think of that sound like this. still SO genuinely novel and exciting to listen to for its quirkiness and nonstop momentum that just builds and builds and builds
bad boy - very evocative of a particular moment in kpop but it aged like a fine wine! delicious to hear then & delicious to hear now… swaggering and silky and impeccably produced. i also think that the styling & sets for this music video were heavily imitated afterwards with songs of lesser quality from other groups. rv 🔛🔝
be natural - SO GOOD... sleek and sultry and understated. i also really love the way the music video is filmed and i think it belongs in the criterion collection. i’m ranking this a little lower than it deserves maybe by virtue of it being a cover rather than an original song and also because of taeyong’s rap
peek-a-boo - PEOPLE DIED. i feel like it’s almost impossible to listen to this without thinking of its music video—not at all a detriment because it’s a complete delight to watch. very catchy and clever and cool despite not being particularly upbeat. i feel like… again… it’s one of those songs where i can’t imagine a group other than red velvet putting out a comeback like this. it’s so them
feel my rhythm - love the structure of this song so much… brings together so many unexpected elements so elegantly. the noisiness caught me off guard a little bit when it came out but now i love the way they transition between the pots-and-pans quality of the verses and the orchestral ambience of the choruses. it really does feel like a frenetic, enchanting festival
power up - SO SILLYYYYY i’m a fan! i love songs with video game-inspired instrumentals & power up is one that’s fast and upbeat and summery and impossible not to dance along to. the japanese version in particular does something to my brain
birthday - i really did not like this when it first dropped but i enjoy it a LOT now… it feels like it’s building up to something it never really reaches but despite this i think it’s so catchy and bold & i love the sample the song is built around
ice cream cake - okay honestly very fun and i loved it back in the day but i don’t find myself listening to it a ton now... really enjoyed the collective blonde moment though & how ahead-of-the-curve they were with its noisy instrumentals!
queendom - i do think the lyrics can get a little corny and it’s not among their strongest title tracks, but it’s cute and easy listening vibes to me and there are some really wonderful vocal moments here and there!
psycho - good song but it was super overplayed a few years ago and it’s sonically not as interesting as their other singles. i know some people feel it’s their best but i don’t agree because i feel like i prefer songs with less muddied instrumentals. very quintessentially rv though, if that makes sense!
zimzalabim - was this a bad song… NO. do i like it that much… ALSO NO. the bridge is stunning though, one of their prettiest bridges ever, and i loved the satanism accusations that were flying around when it first dropped
red flavor - super popular, i know, and i do think it’s nice and nostalgic still, but i don’t feel it’s their best summer track and don’t actually listen to it all that much… oops. i love the twinkling sounds in the chorus but it has an empty and echoey quality to it at certain points that i find i’m not the biggest fan of
happiness - kind of a lackluster debut sorry... i do like the refrain and the pre-chorus though so the only time i ever seek out this song is when i wanna hear that bit... like yes joy! exactly joy!
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ochrearia · 1 month
Boyfriend for the character thing? :3
BEEFER slams him against a wall
Favorite thing about them: Ouh man. I know I write this idiot as actually speaking English in PoPr because I operate in the idea of GF acts like a TARDIS from Doctor Who and her magic auto-translates his beeping to understandable things for her, and Pico, Darnell, and Nene. But FUCK if I could speak in abstract musical beeping and shit I WOULD GIVE UP MY VOCAL CORDS FOR THAT IMMEDIATELY. Do you even know how much that would fix me if I could do that. If I could speak literal fucking music and people understand wtf Im saying anyways. IM JEALOUS OF THIS STUPID BLUE HAIRED FUCK GIVE THAT TO ME I WANT IT
Least favorite thing about them: Bro idk. I guess the idea that he's supposed to be 7 fucking feet tall. Man no the hell you aren't. You are like 5'5 at best. And you are STILL taller than me in that regard so shut up and stop complaining short bisexual kings gotta stick together
Favorite line: Looks directly into the camera like I'm on the Office
brOTP: BF and Darnell is so fucking funny to me. Darnell being smart but knowing he can get away with stupid shit with BF and BF just genuinely being dumb as rocks. Match made in heaven. And then Pico has to yell at Darnell for nearly killing his boyfriend because they wanted to see what happens if you put a metallic wrapper in the fucking microwave
OTP: Lol RGB is this even a question. Like I fuck with funkycule 5 too but I main RGB. To be completely honest. I feel like that's still a basic ass answer but I'm not really much of an OC x canon shipper personally. I'd kiss BF but like who wouldn't?
nOTP: Idk?? I guess?? I don't really have specifics in mind but like anything delving into incest or concerning age gaps is a given I feel like. Besides the obvious things I don't think I really have one.
Random Headcanon: THE AUTOTUNE MIC!!! I like believing that his singing voice in canon is completely created by the mic. His microphone has magic in it that sucks in his voice and autotunes it in real time to make it sound like that so he can fit into any situation without having to worry about his real voice being a shit fit for a rap. And he keeps his real voice hidden from almost everyone (almost... couldn't hide it forever from GF and Pico).
Unpopular Opinion: I. Do not know. I guess the idea that he's overly sweet and sappy to his lovers more often than being a horny asshole but that's just like. A personal choice for how I write PoPr. Don't get me wrong he's still a horndog like that is not something I can separate from him. I just like giving him depth... Maybe that can be my unpopular opinion?? Like I can understand flat characters are good too but also I do not care I'm unflatting him. And GF for good measure
Song I associate with them: something something synesthesia this is something you ALL should have seen coming from a mile away. nuuk winter. I'm not allowed to say anything else. I've already rambled about this on my previous synesthesia related posts that I'm too lazy to dig up right now but that one lol
Favorite picture of them:
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he's so fucking stupid bro I love him
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sillyengineerperson · 5 months
My very official notes on Found Heaven by Conan Gray (but with added context because it was initially written for my friend who understands most of the references i make)
My thoughts while listenting to found heaven at 12am bc what even is sleep?
(also i have to get up a 4 to go to France🙃)
Right here we go song uno
Found heaven:
whoa snazz
Michael Jackson much?
I don't think its going to be my favourite but still slayyhth- edit: its so much better than I initially thought
Song dos
Never ending song:
we already know I love this (Context: yes i was dancing around in my kitchen to this when i was suposed to be revising for GCSEs)
Yaaaasdd vibes
I feel like it's GCSES AGAIN🥲(Context: this song came out in the first week of GCSEs so i listened to it a lot when i was revising and also the bus back home after an exam)
NOSTALGIA BUT WEIRD AND WITH TUNA MELTS (thats what I had for lunch most days during exams) (Context: I have very oddly specific feelings and vibes acociated with that period of my life)
Slay cone
Song tres
Fainted love:
Je suis scared
Its either going to be a yas queen slay or break me
Me encanta
Play it on toouurrr I beg
This is sooooooo good
Yes king I love you
After listening to this about a billion times more this song is absolutely EVERYTHING AHHHHHHHHHH
Song cuatro
Lonely dancers:
we know this is not my cup of tea (Context: im so sorry to everyone but I just don't like it that much. its still vibes though :) )
But the vibes are still there
So mini silent dance party in my room
Song cinco
Alley rose:
du du du du du on the piano
i love
Song seis
The final fight:
I don't know
Hmmmmmm I'm worried
Oh silence
Is it supposed to be completely silent???
No its not something went wrong with my spotify 😂
I really sat there for a whole minute and a half waiting for something to happen
Right anyway
Oooooo drums
it's giving early 2000's movie montage scene where the main character has a huge revalation
He had his moment🙌
AHHH IT REMINDS ME OF THAT SONG FROM ZOMBIES 2 OR HSM 2 WHEN GABRIELLA LEAVES (Context: so in zombies the main characters have a song where its sort of a breakup song but also a thing where they're expressing how they don't feel like they fit in -which is a whole thing that I could rant about bc she literally thinks shes special for having white hair and obviously she's so oppressed because of that and then obviously the zombies have it so much easier even though there are literally laws that are in place to controll them even though they're completely safe and very human like now. I should not get this worked up over a disney channel movie- the song is called Gotta find where I belong. and then in HSM 2 I'm just refering to when Gabriella quits the country club and breaks up with troy)
Song siete
Miss you:
this better be absolutly heart wrenching
He's a king
his vocals are amazing
That was a straight vibe (edit from later: not straight like heterosexual. I mean it's jsut very vibey)
I'm still waiting for the saddest song of all time but he's killing it so far
Song ocho
there's a whole process to typing that
Music video when?
Kinda basic song structure (I have no idea what I meant by this) but it's soooooo good
play this on tour it's yes
Song nueve
Forever with me:
please be sad
please be sad
please be sad
don't ask why i want it to be sad
i don't know
Kinda evil cone?
And whats with the wind sound?
Song diez
Eye of the night:
if it's not witchy eye of the tigeri'm sueing
that's all ive been expecting since i saw the name
Bro am i wrong with my prediction though??!!😂
This is a vibe
It really is witchy eye of the tiger
literally 😏
Song once
Boys & girls:
bi anthem!??
Yeah cone you're wrong they dont
Very vibes
Yeah no same
The vibes are there
substance maybe less (I really don't know what I thought I was hearing but my opionion has changed)
Loved it though
Song doce
Killing me:
song trece
final slay
This song is everything (I'm only just realising how many times i've said that)
Laaaaaa laaa la la lalala laaaaa la
ahhhhhhh je suis deceased
Conan slay has slayed once again to slayingly produce another very very slay album
I think right now my favourite of the new songs is fainted love
but yes
i need sleep bc i'm getting up in 3 hours
it's 1:17
i need sleep
bye bye
so that was it
my opinions have probably changed slightly but ahhhhhh this album is so good and i definitly have some more things to say about the songs that I've noticed but thats enough for now because I have a maths test to revise for
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gyubby99 · 1 year
Mal x reader headcanons
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Would never stop bothering you
Pain in the ass but good pain
Likes joking around with you
Takes a candid photo of you and puts it as her screensaver
Shows you song recommendations
Snake memes
Fluffy likes you a lot
Laughs with you without a care in the world
Extremely sassy when teasing you
Updates you about the latest news ALL the time
Her love language is physical touch and she loves holding your hand
She loves resting her head on your thighs
She's ok with all body types so she definitely won't judge you
Will never let you talk bad about yourself
She loves making food for you
Food always has to be heart shaped. Doesnt care if it's mathematically impossible because IT NEEDS TO BE HEART SHAPED
Do not.. ask about the high stockings
Cuddles with you at every chance she can
Mal is the little spoon canon from me
Makes you try her Miso Soup
Kills people for you.
You would wake up with the heart of your arch nemesis in a jar on your nightstand and she'd be like "happy anniversary babe!"
Loves constant kisses
She cannot breathe for one second without holding you
Writes you poems
Grumpy firefly. Need head pat.
Will sing you "isabella's lullaby" to sleep
She bites randomly
Chaotic neutral
Always the one bringing snacks in indoors date night
Smooches you all over the face just because
Takes you out to theme park dates in Lu Lu World
Mal: *blows a kiss* this is for you baby~ *shoots the target and completely misses*
You have to deal with her dad jokes im sorry
Be ready for lots of PDA.
You have to like fluffy
She talks to u about the people she killed in the past
Cuddles with you as you both watch the final destination films- she always has something to say every ten seconds
You can naver have a peaceful horror movie night with her but it's fine because it's Mal
Will drop kick anyone who stares at you in a creepy manner
Will walk you home to ensure your safety.
Loves holding your hands from time to time and can never let go of it
Will look for you in crowds as she sings a song she secretly dedicates to you. She won't admit she'll dedicate a song to you you just have to find out.
Will caress your hair as she stares at your pretty eyes
If you have freckles congrats she counted all of them
Buys you clothes because she's that bitch
Sends u cat memes in the middle of the night and says "us ♡"
Fluffy steals her cuddles
Will not hesitate to commit crimes with you and for you
Takes home different test subjects to see if sinners can die twice and you just have to deal with that ig
Aponi tells you Mal shat her pants in 4th grade canon from me
"You're a dumbass but you're MY dumbass"
Like 69-ing
She pulls your face deeper inside her as you eat her out
She's VERY vocal
She likes knife play
Asks if you have any safe words
Likes a few drugs before sec
Mal is not opposed to 3somes actually.
She will make you c'm on each other and you both lick it off
For fem! Reader. She fingers you and puts it in your mouth
She loves Tying you down
Degrading kink
Wouldn't mind if you call her mommy OR daddy
Chokes you if you consent to it
If you tell her you don't have a safe word she comes up with one for you
Her safe word is "spark"
Pain kink
Choking kink
Mommy AND daddy kink
Knife play
Likes exploring things
Will leave hickeys and bite marks to places where everyone can see
For fem! Reader she likes eating you out while making eye contact. She has a rlly long tongue and she likes using that to her advantages when she can
Spank? No, whip.
Will call fem! Reader a good girl
She gets carried away sometimes that's why she comes up with a safe word for you
Will scream your name loudly she does not care
Wants you to spit in her mouth
Ice cube make out where you both pass ice cubes to each other's mouth without breaking the kiss are u up for it
Will seduce you on stage
Will eat fem! Reader out on period SHE DOES NOT CARE
Her aftercare is Voxflix and chill
She easily relapses- if she ever genuinely hurts you she apologizes. Even if you forgive her she's still going to think you hate her for what she did
Sh (tw) has become more of an addiction/hobby rather than a coping mechanism and it's starting to become a problem. The reason she strives for your touch is so that she can feel like you would still love her despite all the scars and pain. You're embracing her scars.
Her panic attacks include pushing people away physically because in life whenever she had a panic attack was when she was kind of defending herself from harm. So even if you dont mean any harm.. her brain was trained to feel that way.
She hates herself and there would be times where she just shuts everyone out during an episode.. and it included you.
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winterrhayle · 6 months
this album is literally . everything omg like i've literally been going crazy over this album and it's not even been a week yet and i apologise for the babbling but i need to get some things off my chest or i will actually lose it so !!!! gonna yap about every single track now !!!!!! (some coherent thoughts, and some not so coherent thoughts) : 
AMERIICAN REQUIREM - (im obsessed with all of the stylisation ii in the album titles bc its act ii) this song is basically a thesis statement for the whooooole album the main lyrical part is : 'used to say i spoke "too country" / and the rejection came, said / "i wasn't country enough" / said i wouldn't saddle up, but / if that ain't country, tell me what is? ' and obviously it goes without saying that the vocals on this track are PERFECT and angelic because, this is beyoncé she could never underdeliver. ive heard so many people say that the layering reminds them of bohemian rhapsody and I AGREEEE
after ameriican requirem, this section of the next fourish tracks reminded me of self titled (2014) in the sense that it explores the different aspects of beyoncé as a person (being a black woman, career, motherhood, self love etc) LOOKA DER LOOKA DER LALALALALALALALALALALAAAAAAAAA. THIS INTRO IS EVERYTHING TO ME ITS SO CINEMATIC AND BIG AND ★BEYONCÉ★
BLACKBIIRD - second song on here is a cover of blackbird by the beatles, featuring tanner adell, brittney spencer, tiera kennedy, and reyna roberts (all up and coming black country artists!!!!). i didn't know this until like, the day the album dropped and i was looking into it but blackbird was written by paul mccartney about black women in the 60s experiencing struggles with the american civil rights movement. and in england 'bird' is kinda slang for girl, so 'black bird' = 'black girl'. and that song was intended to bring hope, such a perfect track for this album , specially with the features beyoncé included 🤞🏽
16 CARRIAGES - my favourite out of the 2 pre release singles. its about her entering the music industry at 15 and the struggles due to that and growing up so fast, whenever this comes on i will NEVER EVER SKIP ITS TOOOOO GOOOD
PROTECTOR  - i love how this is featuring rumi🥹 whenever beyonce talks about motherhood, or writes a song for her kids (like here, blue, bigger, brown skin girl etc) it always gets me tearing up on first listen. first of all i LOVEEEE a voice memo intro, and this whole lullaby is just <333333
MY ROSE - ive seen a lot of people saying that they dont like how this album is so long, but me personally, i love that there are so many tracks, even short ones like this that add depth or a vibe. also i love any song that says lalalalalalalalaaaa so that got me
SMOKE HOUR ★ WILLIE NELSON - IM OBSESSED W THIS INTERLUUUDEEEEEE the feel of changing the channel on a radio is so cool and adds a really fun atmosphere and really works well for themes here
TEXAS HOLD ‘EM - everyone hates this song BUT I DONTTTTT its a real life boogie and a real life hoe down frfr
BODYGUARD - this ones so fun and lighthearted, aside from the parts where shes like ‘i dont like the way shes looking at you 😒😒😒 someone better hold me back’ and that line leads so well into the next tracks:
DOLLY P / JOLENE - HAAHAHAHAHAHA THE DOLLY P INTERLUDE TOOK ME OUTTT WITH THE BECKY WITH THE GOOD HAIR REFERENCE😭 and the lyric changes on jolene with her warning becky instead of begging,, iktr !!!!!!! and ‘you a bird go on and sing your song jolene’ 😩 i really like that beyonce brought in dolly because shes like. THE country star. and its kinda wild that people are still dissing beyoncé for releasing country music and saying she doesn’t belong when the literal dolly parton is advocating for her
DAUGHTER - one of my faves on here, it feels so cinematic and i will always appreciate an i killed my husband country song. the whole vibe of this song is really sinister im obsessed and the visuals are already there in my mind like,, ‘your body laid out on these filthy floors / your bloodstains on my custom coutures’, ‘so let's travel to white chapels and sing hymns /
hold rosaries, and sing in stained glass symphonies’ , ‘i sashayed my dress / did my best impression of a damsel in distress’ , etc etc etc. i would literally quote this entire song if i could i think its lyrically the best one. my favourite part is the refrain about her father and choir boys and the titanic its so real. AND VOCALLLSSS HELLOOOO????? SHE JUST . CASUALLY SINGS CARO MIO BEN??????? oh beyoncé the woman you are whoooo is doing it like you
SPAGHETTI - as soon as i saw this title i knew this song was gonna be fun like first of all, the intro talking about genres being restricting, and then the song going straight into that instrumental???????? AND SHES RAPPING ?????????????? THANOS ????????? CUNTY COUNTRY PETTY !!!!!!!!!! YALL BEEN PLAYED BY THE PLAGARISTIC WHEWWWW NO SAUCE NO SAUCE
ALLIGATOR TEARS - the jump from spaghetti to this was so violent 😩 i had to calm myself down so fast on first listen LMAOOOO. ok so from what i can tell i think this song is saying that she’ll do anything for x (idk who this is to, maybe jay z?) and x doesn’t need any fake tears to get her to do things for them bc she’ll do anything for them regardless. ‘you say change religion 🕺🏽
now i spend sundays with you’
SMOKE HOUR II / JUST FOR FUN- oh my god i so badly want KNTRY radio to be real😭 just for fun feels so nostalgic to me for some reason, and so does ii most wanted tbh but i’ll get to that. i think that willie jones’ voice works SO well with beyoncés, they both sing so softly on here and its like the type of ballad you’d sing around a campfire all happy and sleepy
II MOST WANTED - as someone who never watched hannah montana as a kid, i still really appreciate this song, i know a few songs from that song even though i never watched it so miley’s voice reminds me of my childhood soo much and this song omg🥹🥹🥹🥹 the harmonies and the lyrics and the friendship <333333 the electric guitar specifically stands out to me it reminds me of something but i can’t quite put my finger on it?
LEVII’S JEANS - I DIDNT KNOW THAT POST MALONE COULD SING LIKE THAT ?????? WHAT ? i literally live in england but whenever this song comes on suddenly im line dancing and i am wearing my metaphorical cowboy hat ,,.,,, denim 🕺🏽on 💃🏽denim🕺🏽on denim🕺🏽on 💃🏽denim  AND HE SAID YOURE MY RENESSAINCE !!!!!!!! RENEIGH IS BACK IN EMPLOYMENT
FLAMENCO - i NEED a longer version of this song desperately 😭 right about NOW😔 its another nostalgic sounding one
OH LOUSIANA - perfect sample!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO MY ‼️ DADDY ALABAMA ‼️ MOMMA !!!!!!!! LOUISIANA !!!!!!!!!!
DESERT EAGLE - when the eagle sound came on i was so happy i was waiting for that sound this whole album😩 RAAAHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 
II HANDS II HEAVEN  - icl when this is playing i still have riiverdance lyrics repeating in my head because the transition is so smooth and the tempo stays the same i LOVEEEEE IT. dont juddgeeee me baby you would never juuudege me baby !!!!!! stallion running no candle in the wind !!!!!!!!!!!!!! this whole post is gonna be so incoherent and im not rereading this sorry to anyone still reading 😭 im just listening and vibing tbh i’m on day 6 of looping this album and im losing my mind, also this song is so sleepy in a really good way and then im woken up byyyyyy TYRANT
TYRANT - I LOVE DOLLYS VOICE IN THE INTRO !!!! AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THE COUNTRY TRAP !!!!!!! THANK YOU COWBOY CARTER FOR GIVING ME THIS !!!!!!!!! and i always appreciate a becky with the good hair mention !!! TOP 5 ON THIS ALBUM FOR SUREEEE also is ‘on the run run’ a part ii on the run reference??? bc that’s so perfect considering theres so many ‘ii’ references on here ALSO i love the higher singing on the outro and on the one by one you hang them high line
SWEET ★ HONEY ★ BUCKIIN’ - ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ MY FAVOURITE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ON THIS ALBUM !!!!!!!! DARE I SAY… I LIKE THIS MORE THAN PURE / HONEY !!!!!!!! I LOVE A MULTIPLE PART SONG !!!!!!! THE SWEET SECTION IS SO FUN TO DANCE TO AND THE HONEY PART IS MY FAVOTUITE PART OF THIS ALBUM AND THE BUCKIIN PART IS 10000/10 BUCKIIN BUCKIIN BUCKIIIN WOAHHHHHHH also also doesn’t ‘pretty as hell, au naturel , dinin' on farce’ melodically remind you of ‘all my pretty girls to the floor’ from pure/ honey????
AMEN - feelin like im at church again, and it repeats parts of american requirem 😩 i love a tie in omg this album is already such a classic AOTY PLEASE
overall, i think that this is simply the greatest thing to ever grace my ears. i dont think ive ever seen an album with so much thought, care and research put into it, and beyoncé is truly an albums artist and i really really really admire the work she puts into this. since i was really young i really loved her and watching her music videos (watching the self titled music videos at 8 years old is such a core memory for me LOLLL) so every album release is so special to me, and i feel so well fed w this album and i am so intrigued about what’s coming for act iii!!!!!! sorry again for all this talking, this was the cut down version of my thoughts ☠️
overall faves as of right now : sweet honey buckiin, daughter, ya ya, tyrant
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Disney princess + prince ver. headcanons part 2
@seok02 this is for u 💜
Once again for everyone, this is very, very unserious and also I've lost count of how many tequila shots i've had so there's that [pls drink responsibly]
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-> Prince Rickveen + Guntiana (The Princess and the Frog)
Gunwook just be hustling
like boy just wants to debut but he be coming off a lil too scary
Meanwhile Ricky just swanning around
until one of the yuehuaz does voodoo on him
idk which one
they just do it bc the thought be like yk what would rlly be fucking funny
So now they have an angry ricky frog chasing after them
except frogs aren't really scary
They tell Ricky the voodoo will only reverse if he can help turn someone's image around
And he's like wtf but then Gunwook finds him
Somehow voodoo makes Gunwook a frog too
They have to work together to not be frogs and debut
it all works out in the end
This made no sense at all
I will rewrite it when i am more sober
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-> Mattpunzel + Gyuvin Rider (Tangled)
Matthew is taken to Canada when hes a baby bc of his magical hair
starring Mnet as mother gothel bc theyre the only real villain
Somehow 18 years later, he's wondering where he came from
Gyuvin finds him somehow, definitely gets hit w Matt's frying pan
He's on the run from an angry Hao and the other Yuehuaz for touching Yujin's face too much
Yes that's a crime now
They're both confused but Matt wants Gyuvin to take him back to Korea so he can find his roots
A lot of dumb and dumber antics
That one song at the Snugly Duckling except its Woongki and Seowon leading the rest of the girlypops in a full production of how they dream of doing an Idol Drag show
This is also making no sense at all im so sorry
We shall see it to the end
Mnet snatches Matt back
Gyuvin's like hell no
Gives Matt a haircut so Mnet can't use him no more
Nearly gets killed by Hao when he's found because you don't just give ppl haircuts w/o asking permission
Matt lives happily ever after, having found where he belongs with his bestie Gyuvin and his Jiwoon-hyung and Zhang Hao and the kids
Yes Shanbin is Pascal, someone cast Maximus
This is a mess thanks
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-> Prince Yujin + Sleeping Gyuvin (Sleeping Beauty)
Hopefully this will go a little better bc older gen disney movies are easier to mess with
Gyuvin getting cursed as a child to always sleep like a flying tuna if ever he happens to prick his finger
Somehow gets sent to live with fairy godmothers, Hao, Hoetaek and Hanbin
It's a mess but the vocals are on point, Gyuvin always packing snacks for them
They try their best but Gyuvin doesn't get out there much
Gets spotted by Yujin in the forest one day, boy tries to be subtle when he stares (he's not)
Gyuvin giving massive criminally offensive side eye to that other boy who's doing a very bad job of hiding
Realises Yujin is baby and brings him home to the godmothers
He proceeds to slay their hearts with a Hyung saranghaeyo
Oh and Gyuvin pricked his finger a long time ago
So he's been sleeping like a tuna ever since
Special mentions!
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-> Captain Gunwook Shang + Haolan (Mulan)
Gunwook needed a princess too so I casted Haolan, no this is not racially motivated, meanies pls go away
Bc Zhang Hao would a 1000% do anything for his Yuehuaz children
Maybe Gunwook's out there recruiting and one of the Yuehuaz gets recruited
Only they get injured and they're scared if they don't do it
Hao going in their place and pretending to give off maknae energy
Wook's not sus at all because it's Wook, if he's being pranked, you need to tell him to end the prank
Hao doing his absolute best and slaying the day bc it's Hao
Only they find out that Hao's pretending to be his kid
Gunwook a lil betrayed
But Hao's like so good?
They end up slaying the day together
This is a mess
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-> Hanelsa + Mattanna (Frozen)
Yes bc they cute and Hanbin needs his princess moment too yall
Like I said Hanbin not being confident about his powers and Matt trying his best to help
Hanbin accidentally pushes him away and they spend some time apart
Hanbin learning how to let it go
Matt learning abt the world
They reunite on Boys planet and take on the unknown together
Defeat every one of the spirits challenges along the way
Find their rightful places together~
And they lived happily ever after
The end
We should prolly not tag till we fix this bc im not in my right mind
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youareinlove · 1 year
i have thoughts about speak now (taylor's version)
this is not even all of them lmao but i can't think rn so here
mine: my perfect sweet angel beautiful perfect baby. nothing can ever compete sorry. i will fight for mine i will kill for mine i will die for mine and the re-recording did not disappoint
sparks fly: remember when i thought "lead me up the staircase" was the horniest thing 19 year old taylor wrote
back to december: the little twinkling instrumentals 🥹 i love the tiny little instrumental changes that come with the re-recordings. sometimes they miss but sometimes they hit and this HIT
speak now: "you wish it was me, dont you (HAHA)" was what sold me on this album re-recording ngl. it was just the moment i knew that this would be a good one
dear john: my jaw physically dropped when i heard her vocals. she just brought the energy with this one and it is very hurtful. but also i'm very proud of her
mean: and a LIAR 😏 and pathetic 👏 and alone in life 😤 and mean 😡 and mean 😡 and mean 😡 and mean😡 and-
the story of us: this was the first song on this album that i thought was BETTER than the original. like the others were just as good, but the story of us ate and left no crumbs
never grow up: we could unpack all of that OR- or, we could choose not to. and i think ik what im going to do :D (it was better than the original)
enchanted: i hope that wherever adam young is, the sun shines and it's a beautiful day
better than revenge: ok so the lyric change is what i know everyone's on about but like its a really good lyric. i'll miss the original but come on "he was a moth to the flame she was holding the matches" that's so funny. better than revenge already paints the guy as like, a trophy that gets passed around. now he's literally a hapless bug this is so unserious in the best way
haunted: once again better than the og. she just really delivered with the vocals and the emotional performance, and i almost feel like this moves haunted up in my ranking (almost)
last kiss: i hear the shaky breath idk what you guys are on about. maybe i'm the one who's wrong and i just hear it from force of habit but its really good anyway??? like it's probably her most emotionally delivered song in the original, so i was nervous about this one. but i really like it and i actually had to check while listening to it for the first time to make sure i wasn't streaming the stolen version.
long live: this song still makes me so emotional and its just like. we did point to the pictures. and we do tell them her name. and she's still here and shining! fate did not force us into a goodbye! ughhhhhhhh (also its heartbreaking with the added context of castles crumbling but that's for another day)
ours: i always loved ours so i hope you guys give it the love it deserves this time sry
superman: i also really liked superman and like haunted, this was a song she just EMOTED on like crazy. ate and left no crumbs AGAIN and it was a great finishing point for the non-vault songs
thoughts on vault tracks are in a seperate post bc i have too many
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iamthecomet · 1 year
comet comet cometttt
thank you for gifting me with the link of Respite live… i fucking ascended wtffff…. ok… permission to rant
Copia‘s singing was on pointttt!! And its cute that i think he kinda fumbled a bit with the lyrics in the middle? or maybe i just heard wrong
Dew‘s fucking guitar solo in the middle… i got goosebumps it was thattt good, and Copia backing up when its Dews time was too cute i love him
Mountain‘s drum solo in the middle… just completes the song, and made it a Ghost song
MY QUEEN CUMULUS SINGING THE GUITAR PART AT THE END… FUCKING KILLED ME, goosebumps, shivered, shed a tear, everything… im sorry Cirrus i love you but ig im team Cumulus now… THE WAY SHE ADLIBBED WHEN THE SPOTLIGHT WAS ON HER… WAS JUST… PERFECTION
and then the ghouls‘ poses when the spotlight was on them… too cute!! Rain and Dew‘s usual hand poses, Cirrus, everyone (that i could see)…
also, nice to meet you :) been following your blog for some time now and this is the first time i got the courage to ask not as anon :) love your works!
HIII Nice to meet you too! I'm glad you're heerrree! You're so welcome for the link. I have been hoping SO HARD for Respite live, and it's already everything I could have hoped for. I'm going to SOB when I see it live. Each ghoul/ette getting their little spot light moment just made me ahsjdfkha sfa hfd. Incredible. Truly. Everything I could ever want. The ghoulette vocals SENT me, and Cumulus' little adlib was EVERYTHIGN and afdjskhaf. I'm so excited for more.
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