#sorry ive had tomorrow hill in my head since yesterday
superbellsubways · 1 year
warioware 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️😭😭🥹🥹🥹😭🥺🥺🥹🥹ilove warioware!!!!!!!🥹🥹😁😁❤️❤️❤️😭😭
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squeeneyart · 4 years
Breathe in the Salt - Chapter 5
Beta reader was @thesnadger!
Some thoughts on where to go next.
Martin is as helpful as he can be.
Their business finished, Jon and Martin exchanged a friendly “See you tomorrow” and went their separate ways. Jon turned on his heel and took the first turn out of sight. Martin, still holding his groceries, pressed his head against a nearby building and said under his breath, “God, you’re predictable. Smiles at you once and you’re done for. Must be a record.”
It had been a nice smile, though. Maybe at some point he would get to see a non-nervous one, the kind where the person’s face seems to open up like- No, he was not going to fall into poetic daydreaming, not this soon. Good lord.
He stood up straight, fixing his hair and checking for any witnesses. With the coast clear, he started the long walk home. It was fine. Martin wasn’t a complete idiot. He would accept the good news that Jon didn’t despise him and would roll with it, trying his best not to muck it up with more stupid mistakes. Then, with either their time used up or the investigation completed, all three of them would be gone.
The thought struck him hard, and Martin almost stumbled from the emotional whiplash. It had been, what, a day and a half? Surely not long enough to miss them that much, especially the person who had only just started being nice to him ten minutes ago. But Martin knew himself better than that.
Jon had been nice, just as Tim and Sasha had been nice, and he was going to miss the company when they had to leave. It was natural to feel sad about it, he told himself, but eventually their leaving would be a relief. The one-sided affection would have no room for hoping or growing otherwise. At the same time, he might as well enjoy the company of interesting people. Interesting people who wanted to help him, even! Jon had said he’d wanted to work together to figure things out, so that’s what Martin would try to do.
As long as it didn’t get him fired. As long as nothing they did fucked over any chance of employment. As long as his place of work didn’t eat him out of a hunger for vengeance.
Pushing those sour thoughts deep into the back of his consciousness, Martin focused on the morning’s events the rest of the way home. Plans of action formed in his mind, most of them related to the task at hand, a few needing to be waved away as wishful thinking. There was work to be done.
It took quite a bit of digging through crumpled and disorganized paperwork he’d saved from many unsuccessful attempts at employment, but after lunch, Martin sat on his bed with his original work contract. At the bottom was the signature of Peter Lukas, and in the bottom left corner was the stamped Lukas family crest, which Martin had seen every day on a small plaque adorning the lighthouse interior, right over his desk.
It was a simple and rather generic image of a black and white shield, framed by an albatross and a laughably inaccurate seal that Martin couldn’t help but gawk at years after he’d first seen it. He wondered if the artist responsible had had to work with someone telling them what a seal looked like from memory or if the family just hadn’t cared too much for accuracy. Based on the strange ideas Peter would spout at times of how the ocean worked, Martin would bet on the latter. Maybe the whole family was just like that?
Either way, it was equal parts ridiculous and unnerving as it lurked over Martin’s shoulder during the work day but didn’t have much use to him otherwise. He was no expert on symbolism and there was nothing he could see that would relate the crest to the task at hand.
Martin leafed through the work contract, glazing over benefits and salary before stopping on the section labeled “Employee Assignments and Other Expected Duties”.
“Sec. III. The employee agrees to the following non-exhaustive list of duties:
-Be present at the premises between the hours of 6 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday, including lunch break. -Complete bookkeeping for the employer, Mr. Peter Lukas, using materials delivered to the premises on Monday morning. Delivery will always be completed by the employee's set arrival time at 6am. If nothing is delivered, contact the main house for further instruction to procure materials. -Clean the interior of the premises at regular intervals, including the main entrance, bathroom, kitchen, and upper floors. -Between the hours of 6 am and 4 pm, complete the maintenance list of the top floor (see Sec. IV). This must be completed once every day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday, between the hours of 6 am and 4 pm. There is a zero-tolerance policy for lack of completion. -Inform unexpected visitors of the proper procedure for scheduling a paid tour of the premises (See Sec. V) -Accept packages and sign for if necessary.
Martin looked over the list, biting his cheek. He’d grown lax on staying until 4pm, but with Peter’s general lack of awareness, it had never come up. Otherwise, the duties seemed in line with what he remembered. He looked down to Section IV.
“As referred to in Sec. III, the employee will complete the following tasks during the hours of 6 am and 4 pm every day, including Saturday and Sunday:”
Following this was the list he had long ago written down and taped to his desk. There were no details relating to the purpose of each task, just procedure. He’d kept to the instructions consistently, every switch flipped and seemingly-pointless button pressed, though he’d been very close to missing the 4pm mark on several occasions because of the dreaded walk to the top. This list, again, wasn’t much help. He went over the document a few times then set it aside and flopped onto his back, scattering some loose papers to the floor.
He’d need to find some other angle. Research was a non-starter for him without experience, and as far as his town knowledge was concerned, it wasn’t wrong to call him forgetful in that area as well. It was likely he’d have to accept his part as an amateur tour guide. It didn’t feel like enough, but starting Monday, he’d be back to working and have no time to help anyway, unless their work somehow kept them late into the night.
Jon had been nice with all the working-together talk, but Martin knew he wouldn’t be of much use at all. If he wanted to be helpful, he should begin prepping for dinner.
As evening turned to night, Martin and his mother sat at the dining room table in silence, interrupted only by the light clinking of plates and utensils as they finished the pan-fried chicken and vegetables in front of them. Weekends were always better meal days, always leaving Martin feeling more satisfied with his cooking with all the time he had to focus on it. His mother showed no greater signs of enjoyment than eating without complaint.
“Mum, can I ask you something?” Martin ran his thumb against the smooth metal of his fork. “It’s about work.”
Martin’s mother paused from eating another bite of her meal. “What is it?” she asked, frowning.
Swallowing hard, Martin said, “How much have you had to deal with the Lukas family? There’s this research project being completed and it’s involving a lot of history, so I thought since you’ve lived here so long-”
“Long enough, yes.” Martin could see her nostril twitch. “They came in long before I did and will most likely stay until the fish run out. Otherwise, I kept to my business and they kept to theirs. No reason to get involved with people who wouldn’t bother walking down the hills on foot.”
“Right, it’s just-”
“I don’t feel like talking, Martin,” she said, her voice cracking slightly at his name. “My throat is too sore.”
“Right. Okay, I’ll get you some more water.” He picked up her glass to refill and bit back any other questions. Next to the sink was his mother’s pill case with the current day’s compartment still full. “We’ll get your meds done now, then. Should help a bit.” His mother didn’t respond, having already returned to her dinner.
Afterwards, she requested to step outside. “The night air is good for my lungs,” she argued as a matter of fact, and with no way to dissuade her, Martin completed their little ritual of walking out the door and standing in the fog-filled night in silence, his own face covered in an old scarf. His eyes watered in the dry, salty gale, and he wondered how much time it had taken for his mother to withstand the sting without any tears.
By mid-morning the next day, Martin had finished his duties upstairs. Sitting at the table, he listened to the group’s progress from after he had left them the day before. Spread across the table were photocopies of what looked like legal documents, some of the bare spots between them filled with used mugs of varying sizes.
“We weren’t able to stay there for long before it closed, but we were able to look up some records at the library yesterday,” Sasha explained, sifting through the papers. “Not a terrible archive, all things considered. We’re going to head there again tomorrow morning for a more in-depth look. We didn’t even get to looking for details on the construction of this place.”
“But!” Tim waved one of the copies above his head. “We did get some info on the Lukases themselves. Current residents in town, major stakeholders, that kind of stuff. And-” He pressed the sheet close to Martin’s face. It was a copy (of a copy) of a newspaper article featuring the lighthouse, with some figures standing at the entrance, including one Peter Lukas. “Martin, d’you know anything about the person who worked here before you? He’s one of the younger ones in the family, standing on the left.”
Martin scratched the back of his neck, squinting at the photo. “A bit? Evan Lukas, he was really nice from what I’d heard.”
Tim frowned, lowering his arm. “‘Was’?”
“Yeah, he passed away before I started working here. Peter said it was some heart thing. Runs in the family.” Tim slumped. “Sorry! I’m surprised the records didn’t say so. It was a pretty big deal, really shook people. It made the front page, though I never read the details.”
“Did you ever meet him?” Jon asked, tapping on the rim of his empty mug.
“Sort of? We went to school around the same time and were only a few years apart, which was weird since you wouldn’t expect him to go to a state school with a family like that? Anyway, that was years ago, but even after that you’d hear about him. He was gone for a while, actually, but somehow he ended up in this old place a few years back and, well, y’know.” Martin rubbed his hands.
“Hmmm.” Tim leaned back in his chair, flipping a pencil between his fingers. “Okay, well, that’s one person we probably can’t talk to outside of spookier means. Is there anyone who knew him well?”
Pausing for a moment, Martin said, “I think… no, yeah, he was engaged, but his fiancée left town pretty soon after he died. Don’t know anything about her except she wasn’t a local.” Silence stretched over them as Tim sat in his disappointment
“Well, shit,” Tim let out in an overblown sigh. Sasha patted Tim’s shoulder in sympathy. He grinned at her. “That’s all I’ve got, then. Time to call it a day?” he asked, earning himself a pinch on the ear.
“We’ll just have to go over the items we have until tomorrow,” Jon said, his sigh brimming with exhaustion. “Who knows, we might’ve missed something the first time. Before that, Martin, who was the person we missed yesterday? Would they be worth talking to?”
Hesitating, Martin responded, “Maybe? But if you’ve already got a way to look up historical stuff, it might be better to skip this one.” Jon raised an eyebrow at him and his stomach dropped at the attention.
“It’s just, he’s an eccentric person, difficult to track down, and while he knows the Lukas family pretty well, it’s only because their families do business. His family, the Fairchilds, they’re not a huge family in this town, but this guy, Simon, he’s, well. He’s this small, old man, right?” Martin tapped his foot, looking for something to say to end his babbling. “And you know the cliff behind the lighthouse? It’s got at least 150 meters straight down to sea?” The three nodded, and Martin smiled, his brows furrowed.
“Years ago, he dove right off the damned thing.”
Tim gaped over the railing, his breath floating over the edge. Sasha and Jon gaped slightly less, and from a safer distance, though that didn’t seem to save Jon from the effects of the harsh, cold wind that sent him shivering through a nothing of a windbreaker. Far below the cliff’s edge, down past the wind-worn rock and smattering of trees, through a thin layer of fog that cradled the seaside, there waited an incredibly harsh landing of sea and stone.
“But there’s a fuckload of rocks down there?” Tim sputtered.
Martin kept his gaze straight forward. “Yeah.”
“And even if he just hit water, I mean-”
“Made it out just fine.”
“And you were thinking of just skipping this guy? I don’t care if he’s unhelpful, I want to see if he can fly or something.” Tim stepped from the safety rails, giving one a good pat.
Sasha crossed her arms, eyeing the drop. “Do you know where we can find him?”
Martin scratched his face. “Most of the time he comes here to see Peter for business. Peter absolutely hates it since it’s usually out of nowhere, and Simon always claims he does it because he likes surprises, but I think he just likes to be irritating. Otherwise…” Turning to look at the lighthouse, Martin said, “I do know where Simon lives, and while I can’t guarantee he’ll want to speak to you about anything specific, he definitely loves to talk.”
“Is there anything he’s said to you about the Lukas family? Or the building?” Jon looked at Martin intently, clearly doing his best to not shiver.. “Anything that might’ve seemed like nothing more than gossip or reminiscing?”
With Jon staring at him, Martin’s brain sputtered to a stop. “I-I don’t think so? Like I said, he’s eccentric, so it’s hard to pick apart anything he says as being sincere or as a joke. He told me he was once a firebreather, and I still don’t know if I believe him. Sorry, I know that’s not super helpful.” Martin rubbed the back of his neck.
Jon relaxed his gaze, his corner of his mouth quirking down just a little. “It’s all right. If we can get a hold of him, we’ll ask him some simple questions and hopefully sift through any confusion. Right now, we can all stop giving ourselves vertigo and get back inside. It’s freezing out here.” Jon made a show of shoving his hands under his arms and walked back to the lighthouse.
“Poor guy’s circulation is shot, honestly. Could get hypothermia walking into a basement,” Tim teased behind his hand, not bothering to lower his voice as he leaned toward Sasha and Martin.
“Ha. Very funny.” Jon sent a withering glare over his shoulder and slipped indoors. They followed him back inside, and while the other three sat to discuss possible interview questions, Martin got another round of tea going. He had to have some of those to-go paper coffee cups somewhere in these cupboards, but no amount of looking revealed them. Instead, he managed to find one lonely travel mug and contemplated his options.
Would it be too obvious? Would Jon consider it him joining in on the teasing? At the thought of Jon stubbornly standing outside in a too-thin jacket, Martin resigned himself to whatever reaction he would receive. Either way, he'd get something warm in Jon’s hands so the little pang in his chest would go away.
When Martin brought him the mug, Jon looked suspicious but didn’t complain.
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magnoliasinbloom · 5 years
The Midwife - II
AO3 :: Previously
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“I’d have to fracture the bones again,” I said softly. “’Twill have to stay like this. Likely your hand will always hurt when the weather turns cold.”
I marveled at the stretch of the phalanges, his skin covering them. The calluses reminiscent of the hard farm work he had been used to and that drove me wild when I felt them against my body. Jamie was beautifully made, the long, lean lines of his body drawn against me.
“You’re a brave, braw lass,” he said, kissing my temple. “But despite yer formidable skills, I’d rather not have my hand broken again, I thank ye.” He shifted, cradling me from behind. He snuffled into my hair and I laughed briefly, lifting the mass of curls away from my neck.
Neither of us slept, savoring these hours we had together. We spoke softly in the small hours of dawn. He would have to go back to his chambers soon. Rupert and Angus watched him too carefully, and we could not arouse suspicion. Reluctantly, I gave him the ring back; Mistress Beauchamp was not married. Jamie wouldn’t have it. He told me to keep it, safely hidden away.
“Sassenach… I ken well why you chose to change yer name.” Jamie traced patterns on the skin of my belly. “I meant what I said, before. Ye have my protection, in whatever way ye may need it.”
“I know, Jamie. We will just have to bide our time, and get away to Lallybroch as soon as we can.”
“With the Gathering, Dougal has sentries posted all around Leoch. Afterwards, perhaps we can make our way out when all the clans leave.”
The sky outside the window was tinged with grey, signaling the oncoming dawn. With a groan, Jamie rose from the small cot. In between dressing himself, he placed kisses on my body, anywhere he could reach. Finally, he put on his boots and with a parting embrace, left to sneak back into his rooms. I dressed myself, and found a hiding place for my ring. I slipped it inside a green glass-stoppered bottle, corked and stowed behind similar bottles full of tonics and remedies.
Until it was safe to declare ourselves to the world, I would hide it and my feelings for Jamie. Until then.
* * *
With help from the kitchen girls—Iona and Morag—the Beaton’s dispensary was ready in no time. Already, that day, I had tended to the blacksmith with a nasty burn along the forearm, and a milkmaid with cramps. I set about claiming part of the kitchen garden to plant herbs, with Mrs. Fitz’s blessing.
“Some of these grow wild, ye ken, dearie,” she said, fingering the mint. “But others require a helping hand.” She lowered her voice. “The wise-woman in the forest, Maisri, has some rare herbs, should ye have need. I heard she helps the married lassies conceive, and does love-potions and such. A helping hand.”
I smiled. “I do not think I have a need for any of that just yet, Mrs. Fitz. But thank you.” I wiped my hands on my already grubby apron. “Is there anything I can do for you, ma’am?”
“Actually, dearie, if ye wouldna mind… I send food every day to the lads who work the stables. Can ye take the basket to them?” I jumped at the chance. I knew Jamie took care of the horses and had not seen him since he’d left at dawn. Wielding the heavy basket on my hip, I crested the hill beyond which the stables were kept. I could glimpse the glare of Jamie’s hair from a distance. He wore a shirt and kilt, pitching hay onto a cart. He spoke to someone I couldn’t see, his back to me, but I heard the soft murmur of his voice. A higher-pitched female voice responded. As I approached, I caught sight of a young girl, blonde hair waving in the wind. It was the girl who had welcomed me yesterday, a simpering smile on her face, clearly flirtatious. Oh, this would not do.
“Mistress Beauchamp!” She greeted me once more, and Jamie whirled, apprehension on his face. I nodded briefly at them and raised the basket.
“Mrs. Fitzgibbons sent lunch for the stable hands. Where shall I set it?”
“Och, here is fine, lass. Let me help ye.” Jamie took the basket off my hands, shaking his head minutely. I did not understand the meaning of this, but I turned to the girl.
“I am sorry, but I do not think your grandmother introduced us yesterday,” I said. “You know my name, of course.”
“Aye, mistress, the laird is fair pleased to have a healer on the castle grounds once more. I am Laoghaire MacKenzie.” She bobbed her head in half a curtsy. “Do ye ken Mr. Fraser?”
Jamie had been bustling about, spreading the heavy hamper’s contents on a clean plaid blanket and calling down the stable boys. His eyes were wary when he heard Laoghaire’s words. “James Fraser. A pleasure, Mistress Beauchamp.”
“Jamie is my betrothed,” said Laoghaire.
My heart stopped. Jamie’s own countenance flushed dark red, and it seemed his whole head was on fire. My hands shook, and I hid them in the folds of my skirt. “Indeed. Congratulations.”
“Laoghaire… ye ken it’s no’ official yet. Dougal has not—”
“But my da has accepted, and so have I!” Laoghaire smiled smugly, crossing her arms stubbornly across her chest. I felt like slapping the grin off her face.
“Laoghaire, I’m afraid your grandmother wants you in the kitchens.” I gave her a smile of my own, and she nodded, scampering off; as she swept past Jamie, she caressed his shoulder in a proprietary way that was not lost on me. He shrugged off her touch, his pleading eyes on me. Two scrawny boys fell upon the food with alacrity, and Jamie gestured for me to follow him to the stables.
Once inside the fragrant coolness of the stables, Jamie took my arm gently and led me inside an unoccupied stall. “Alec is off in the pasture fields, we shouldna be disturbed for awhile yet.”
I yanked my arm out of his grasp, and he backed away, hands held up in the air. “So, when exactly did you plan on telling me about your betrothed, James Fraser? After you bedded me, your wife, or not until you stood before the priest and married Laoghaire?” I could not keep the venom from my voice.
“Sassenach, ye ken I—”
“Do not call me that!” I burst out, kicking hay out of my path and folding myself into a corner of the stall. I heard snorting and stamping from the adjacent stalls, the horses uneasy in the presence of a stranger such as myself.
“Claire. Ye must know, I would never play ye false. Yes, Dougal wishes me to marry Laoghaire. I told him when I first arrived that I was already marrit, to you! When I received the letter with news of your death, he pushed harder still for me to be wed. I have refused time and time again, Claire, ye have to believe me!” Jamie approached me slowly, like a skittish mare.
“I went through hell and back to get to you, Jamie. Perhaps I should not have bothered.” My voice was small and hopeless. I thought I could go back to l’hôpital, I thought Mother Hildegarde would receive me with open arms. And I could begin to forget. “I’ll leave tomorrow.”
“Sass—Claire, heed me. I thought I lost ye once, I dinna think I can do it again. Do ye not trust that I will do right by ye?” Jamie said desperately.
“I trust what I see—that all odds are against us, your own family wishes to see you wed to another, and that there is no place for me here.”
“Do ye have errands to run in the village?”
“What?” I was caught off guard by his non-sequitur.
“There is a man called Ned Gowan. He’s a solicitor, and an old friend of my father’s. I bid ye go to Cranesmuir tomorrow at noon to his offices. He will draw up a marriage contract. We will be wed in the eyes of the law as weel, and naught Dougal can do about it.”
I was rendered speechless. Jamie stood before me, arms crossed, regarding me warily. There was nothing I could say against his plan; it gave us what we wanted, a degree of protection that could prove indissoluble. I covered my face with my hands, and rubbed my eyes.
“How will you get away from your keepers?” I asked finally.
“Dinna fash about that, Sass—Claire.” He stepped closer, and put his hands on my arms carefully. I will make them drunk tonight on my uncle’s good whiskey and they will sleep it off come morning.”
“Of course I fash, Jamie, as you so charmingly word it.”
“Trust, Claire. I love ye. I will let nothing harm ye.” Jamie pulled me into his arms, his hands smoothing over the unruly curls and kissing my hair. “Now, dinna mind Laoghaire and her ideas. Like I told Dougal, a wedding’s no wedding if I dinna say aye.”
“I am willing to try anything. I will meet you in Cranesmuir tomorrow.” I gave him a brief kiss, as delighted shrieks came from outside. I assumed the lads had discovered the sugar buns Mrs. Fitz had so thoughtfully included in the basket. I walked out of the stable, pulling my hands away from Jamie’s, who did not want to let go, with a playful grin on his face.
“Alright, Mr. Fraser,” I called out loudly. “Come fetch coneflower salve later for the sore on the mare’s leg.”
“I will, mistress, I thank ye.” He attempted what can only be described as a wink, but he could not close the one eye; he blinked both and looked like a bright red owl.
For the first time in months, I laughed with all my heart.
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revengeworld · 6 years
The Flowergirl IV
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Soulmate AU
Kylo Ren x Reader
Words: +2.700
Warnings: Almost swearing ;D
[Kylos Thoughts]
/Y/Ns Thoughts/
Kylo was sitting against the big willow tree and was peacefully watching Y/N who was resting in front of him. He could feel her excitement and joy, now that she was right in front of him, it was much more intense and he realised that when they were apart he didn´t even feel half of it.
Picking flowers from her little basket, she seemed to braid them together, before she suddenly placed it on his head with a smile and he couldn´t even describe what that made him feel.
Everything about her fascinated him, how the last rays of sunshine reflected in her enticing eyes, how the wind was playing with her shining hair and just how beautiful she was,  even more then the stars he was always admiring.
He was just overwhelmed with everything right now, not noticing how she slowly came closer and closer until Kylo felt her fingertips brush over his long scar.
“Who did this to you?” she asked, quiet worried but he shook his head lightly, wrapping his fingers around her wrist he leaned into the touch of her palm and closed his eyes.
“That doesn´t matter any more. All that matters right now ...” he opened his eyes again and stared into hers, which made Y/Ns heart flutter.
Starting to smile again she lowered her gaze and looked up to the sun that was slowly vanishing behind the hill.
“Ah your cloak! Do you want to see it?” she asked when she saw the last golden lights.
“Of course.” he nodded.
Quickly standing up she rounded the tree to her swing, were the dark red fabric was still lying.
Coming back she unfolded it and held it as high as she could so that he could get an overall look at it.
“What do you think?” Y/N bit her lip, because she was nervous that he might not like it at all, seeing that he normally wore only black.
Letting his fingers run over the golden embroidery he couldn´t believe that she invested so much time in this and that just for him.
“Thank you, I don´t even know what to say at this point...” he chuckled almost nervous.
“It´s okay. I´m still a little overwhelmed myself.” sitting down in front of him again, she pushed a few strands of hair back behind her ear.
“That you really are right here in front of me... the most feared man in the galaxy with a pretty flowercrown on his head.” she chuckled and he only rolled his eyes with a smile while her hair fell back into her face.
“It would suit you much more.” stretching out his hand he wanted to brush them back, but remembered how uncomfortable she got when Nil tried to do such things.
Noticing his hand, she lightly nodded to give him permission and he gently placed her hair back behind her ear.
Carefully grabbing the ring of flowers on his head he placed it on hers.
“See, much better, then on me.” he grinned slightly.
Kylo tried to hold himself back, careful not to pressure her, but if he would´ve been honest, Kylo would have it the other way around. He wanted to hold her close, to stay with her until the end of time if it was possible and he hoped she felt the same.
Was this just their bond talking in him, or did he really felt like that. At the moment he would say it was a mix from both.
The only thing he knew for sure was that there wasn´t a conflict inside of him any more, now that he found her. No pull from the Light or the Dark. It was balanced.
“Y/N, Dinner is ready!” they suddenly heard her father call and she slightly flinched.
“I´m coming!” she called back and grabbed Kylos hand. “That´s right, I still need to introduce you. I was so excited that I totally forgot.”
Y/N wanted to pull him on his feet but he refused.
“We can´t, not just yet. I want to make sure it is safe.” Kylo explained and got slowly stood up.
“Does that mean, you are leaving already?” he immediately noticed the breaking in her voice and risked to step closer.
“Of course not.” letting his hand rest against her cheek she carefully leaned into it.
“We just need to be cautious. Understood?”
“Yes, I ...”
“Y/N! The dinner will be cold soon!” she heard her fathers voice again and sighed.
Taking the red cloak quickly, Y/N threw it over his shoulders.
“This will hide you better then your weird black clothing. I will try to get you some normal clothes tomorrow. We will see each other tomorrow, right?”
“I promise.” he nodded, slowly leaning closer before letting his lips rest onto her forehead for a moment.
“You were right.” Y/Ns Father huffed while pointing out of the window, his wife quickly walking to look what he was talking about.
Watching their daughter and the cloaked figure in red saying such intimate goodbyes, her Mother only smiled.
“It seems like we have our answer then. There will be no  marriage, at least not with Nil.” she said before quickly returning to serving the meal.
“Doesn´t that rather raise more questions? Like who is that? We never seen someone like him before. And how does she even know him?” Her Father, of course worried, starting to show his concern to his wife.
“She will tell us, just give her time, my Love.” his wife gave him a small kiss against his cheek and he sat down on the diner table.
“Sorry I took so long.” trying to hide her smile, she sat down onto her chair.
“Don´t worry sweetheart, we saw you were quiet occupied.” her Mother waved dismissive, but Y/N froze in place.
/They saw!/
[I heard.] taking a deep breath, he started to think. They would probably try to keep them apart if they were to find out who he was.
/They wouldn´t./ Y/N suddenly obliged and he rolled his eyes a little.
[Of course they would. They will think the same things from me like any body else.]
Sitting down in his shuttle, she leaned his face into his hands.
/I don´t think so ./
Kylo couldn´t stop the smile that was forming on his lips.
[No, you don´t. But you are not like anybody else anyway.] he said calm and she could almost feel his worrys fade away.
“Y/N? My Flower, is everything alright? You spaced out a little.” feeling a big hand against her forehead she looked at her father, who was checking if she had fever.
Laying down her cutlery, she calmly placed her hands in her lap.
“I´, fine, sorry. Just caught up in my thoughts.” Y/N wanted to respect Kylos wish to wait and so she didn´t tell them, at least not yet.
After a hot nice bath, she was swinging in her hammock, looking at the many stars outside the window.
/I feel bad not telling them.../
[I know. What do they know about the war?] stretching on his bed he looked up at the metal ceiling, feeling Y/Ns small touches while she played with the bracelet.
/Not much. One party against the other. My Father says it´s the same old thing, it never affect us here, because we are such a small planet with nothing to give./
He nodded to himself, her Father wasn´t wrong, this part of the galaxy was mostly untouched by the First Order because there was nothing of interest here.
But his worry wasn´t if the First Order found out, he worried that her parents would take her away from him.
Hearing his Holo Pad suddenly ring, he grunted annoyed.
“What is it General?” he asked after accepting the call.
/The Weasel!/ she suddenly thought excited and he almost started to laugh.
[I thought we are not using rude nicknames?]
/It´s the only name I know for him./ she defended herself, quietly.
Clearing his throat, he switched his attention back to Hux.
“It seems like the Tracker of your shuttle is not working correctly.” The General informed him and Kylo leaned back in his bed.
“Oh no, that is terrible, General.” he said sarcastic and Hux only snarled.
“And here I thought your man were capable to do such a simple task as to maintenance my shuttle.” of course he removed the tracker before he started his journey.
“So what is it that you want, General. I don´t have time for your bickering.” closing his eyes for a moment, he sighed.
“The girl and her traitor friend were spotted.”
“And?? Didn´t you want to find them?” Hux was visibly confused.
“Do I really have to tell you everything what you need to do?” Kylo hissed.
“Of course not!” Hux snapped.
“Then do your fuc...” hearing Y/n clear his throat he sighed. “Then do your job, if you don´t need my orders.”
Ending the call he let the Holo-Pad sink on the floor.
[At least let me swear.]
/Alright, sometimes, for special occasions./
Shaking his head with a smile he stared back at his ceiling again.
/Kylo?/ she heard her suddenly asked shyly.
[Mhmm?] he responded soft, the hairs in his neck standing up when he heard her call his nime for the first time.
/I can´t sleep.../
[Me neither.]
/Can you tell me more about the galaxy? I know so little about it.../
Hugging her pillow tightly, she listened to his relaxing voice while he told her about different planets.
When he heard her small snores, he rolled onto his side
and for the first time in forever he was too excited to even try to sleep.
The next morning she was quietly walking down the stairs. Kylo was loudly snoring in her head, which was something new for her since he normally was a quiet sleeper, but this time he seemed to be in a much more relaxed state.
“Father?” Y/N walked through the grass, to reach him at the stable.
“What is it Flower?” checking the horses hoofs, he was focused on his work.
“Can I borrow some clothes from you?” trying to sound as normal as possible, she stroke over Barnabas back to calm him.
“For your friend?” he heart the typical unhappy grunt from him.
“Would that be alright?” she knew she was asking a lot, especially since they didn´t knew Kylo and only saw him for a brief moment yesterday.
“Yes. But it would be nice if you would introduce us at some point.” he huffed and loosened Barnabas Rein so he could get onto the field.
“Thank you!” hugging him tightly she already wanted to run inside when he called after her.
“But don´t forget your chores, just because this man is around!”
“Of course not!”
Looking through the old clothes, she quickly picked a few that would probably fit Kylo, before they could buy different ones in town.
First she helped brush Barnabas before saddling barrels at his saddle, so she could water the flowers easily.
Letting the water evenly fall onto the flowers, she noticed the red cloak between the trees.
When her mother noticed that Y/N had stopped in her tracks she looked up, the watering can hanging loosely in her hand.
“Well go on then. We are almost done here anyway.” she smiled at her daughter who immediately pressed a quick kiss on her cheek before running towards the stranger.
This time Kylo was prepared and easily lifted her up with one arm around her waist. Resting her hands on his broad shoulders, Kylo pulled the hood that was hiding his face back and let his forehead rest against hers.
Surprised she looked into his honey brown eyes.
“Didn´t you want to be careful?”
“Making your parents suspicious of me wouldn´t help us, would it?” carefully letting her down.
“Besides it means a lot for you that I meet them.”
Having the widest grin on her sweet lips she tucked him along to the wide flower field.
“Mother! I want to introduce you to someone!” she called and her Mother stopped Barnabas who calmly let Kylo pat his head.
“This is Kylo.” Y/N explained and Kylo nodded his head shortly.
“Oh my, what a handsome fellow. No wonder you spend every second on this coat if it was meant for him.”
“Mother, please ...”embarrassed Y/N rolled her eyes at her Mother , while still holding on to Kylos hand.
“We wanted to go into town later, do you need anything?” she asked while they slowly made their way back to the house.
“Not in particular, but stay for lunch you two. Your Father probably would like to get to know your friend too.”
Y/Ns Mother suggested and Y/N looked up to Kylo.
“I would be delighted.” he accepted and now she really couldn´t contain her smile any more.
/She likes you.../
[Until we tell her who I really am.]
/You want to tell them?/ shocked she stopped in her tracks and Kylo turned around after feeling the tuck at his hand.
Sighing he came back to her and gently stroked over her cheek.
[I don´t want them to have any doubts that i´m the right person for you. Thats why I want to be open with them.]
Quietly nodding she pressed herself against his chest, while he stroked through her hair.
“Honey, would you come inside please? Y/N wants to introduce you to someone.”
They could immediately hear the heavy steps of her Father approaching.
When he entered the house, his eyes immediately fell on Kylo who he looked up and down before staring at the long scar.
“An accident?”
“A fight.” Kylo calmly answered his question and her father grunted. Exchanging a look with her mother she quietly nodded.
“Father, this… this is Kylo.” Y/N nervously introduced the black haired men and they eyes of her father landed on their connected hands.
“You don´t seem like someone who avoids hard work, how about you help me chop the wood for the fireplace?”
nodding to the backyard her Father already left the house again, before Kylo squeezed Y/Ns hand lightly, handed her the red cloak, so he wouldn´t dirty it and followed him.
“We will be preparing the dinner then. Come sweetheart.” pulling Y/N into the kitchen she helped her mother with the cooking.
“Do you think he likes him?”
Her Mother could tell that her daughter was nervous but reassuringly brushed over her hair.
“I would even say he prefers him to your other admirer.” she truthfully spoke before starting to cut the vegetables.
Sitting at the dinner table, Kylo was just explaining to her parents what his position was, his previous life and his training.
“So you are telling me, that you are the most powerful man in the galaxy?” her Father asked, still not really believing everything he had hear.
“The Leader of this … Order? Who is trying to rule over everything?”
With a deep sighed, Y/Ns Father slouched back in his chair.
“How did you even get to know him?” he redirected his attention to his daughter, who was quietly sitting next to this man he just got to know.
“We got bonded a few months back.” she shyly answered.
Her Mother gasped loudly. “You mean...?”
“Yes, suddenly we could hear each others voices. Kylo could even feel my emotions since he is force sensitive.”
Exchanging a look, her parents seemed to come to unsaid terms.
“Then who are we, to stand in the way of fate?” her Father suddenly mumbled and Y/N almost jumped from her chair.
“Really?!” when both of them nodded, she quickly rounded the table to close both of them in her arms.
Kylo however sat in his chair frozen in place, he had never expected that they would accept this situation so quickly or welcome him so warmly into their home.
“I would like for you to help a little bit on the farm then, if you like.” her Father asked Kylo who slowly nodded.
“Of course.” feeling Y/N take his hand under the table, he looked over to her, her beautiful smile calming him down quickly before he returned it.
Tags: @joebob24 @ayatimascd @el-eldritch @weirdothepuppet @suzumebailey @secretlygrantaire @germansarechill @bitchy-ginger-1 @dangerous-but-fun @renpublic @m4shtyx @wintersire @kayyyllluh @green-nightlight @attorneyl
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trinuil · 7 years
The King’s Favor: Part IV
“You’ll start work tomorrow then?”, you asked standing up to lead the new nanny to the door.
“Yes, of course”, she said stepping out, with a small smile you closed the door and sighed. Thank the heavens you managed to find a decent dwarrowdam for the task…and in time too, the King and Queen were due to arrive tomorrow evening and you intended to keep your promises.
Soft gurgling invaded your little reverie and you felt a slight smile creep to your lips. You strode over to the massive wooden cradle and peered over the at the smiling toddler. He immediately glanced up at you with his big, sky blue eyes and batted his dark lashes at you before reaching out to you with his chubby hands. You gently picked him up and kissed his curly brown locks, “Awake from our nap, my little one?”, sitting down in an armchair you placed the little prince on your lap and giggled as his grin widened and grew into an adorable laugh.
You handed him a toy soldier and gently bounced him on your lap as he hugged it to his pink cheek, “Are you hungry?”, you asked softly while playing with his tiny toes. You had begun to take quite a liking to the dwarfling, he was certainly a very mild tempered being which made you uncertain after whom he took up after. He inherited his father’s vivid blue eyes and dark hair and his mother’s smile. He was most likely the luckiest dwarfling in Erebor, surrounded by riches and the promise of the throne, but all you could think was how unfortunate that this innocent creature should be to be born into such an unhappy family.
“I bet you miss your Adad”, you said stroking his dimpled cheek, “and I bet he misses you too…very much”, you knew that Thorin adored his child very much, beyond all his treasures. A sigh left your lips at the thought of Thorin, not that he had left your thoughts at all these past few days. You had replayed the events that had unfolded in the study that night and you couldn’t see yourself giving him any other answer than the one you had given…eventhough you wanted to. A dwarf’s loyalty and devotion to his wife are sacred and trumps all things, you hated the thought of being the object that tested Thorin, you couldn’t happily make him break his vows no matter how you felt towards him. You had to stay away from him, no more friendly conversations in the middle of the night, you will not get any closer to the King Under the Mountain.
A light knock on the door was followed by Irida stepping in, “Bo wants to see you, Y/n. I can watch him, besides it’s time for a feeding”, she took Nain from your arms and you left after kissing his cheek.
Bo was waiting for you in the corridor with his arms folded over his breastplate, “Well, good evening”, you said with a smile as he turned his head to look at you, “what brings you here today? Stopped by to visit the prince?”.
“I’m afraid not, a rider arrived earlier today with a message for you from the Queen, she expects to return tonight and wants you to have everything ready for her”.
“Oh”, you said feeling a little dismayed, you had hoped to have one more day to yourself, “Thank you for letting me know”. Oh dear, this also meant that Thorin will be back too.
“Y/n?”, you looked up to see him looking at you with concern, “Are you alright?”.
You perked up and smiled, “I’m perfectly alright. Just thinking about her majesty’s things I need to straighten out”.
That seemed to put his mind at ease, he flashed you a smile and offered to walk you downstairs, “I expect you had a nice little vacation the past two days”, he grinned.
“It’s a shame it has to end so abruptly”, you said with a sigh.
“Y/n, I need to speak with you. Alone.”, Misadora shot Irida a look and she took her leave. You wondered what little triviality she was going to get up in arms about now - after all, she had just gotten back.
She sat at her mirror and looked at you through it, her emerald green eyes mocking you.
When she finally spoke the blood drained from your face: “I know what you did”.
She knew. She knew about you and Thorin and you could only imagine what she’s about to do to you, is she going to have you exiled? Thrown in the dungeons? The gallows? Or have you beheaded?
“My Queen?”, you tried to not sound petrified. You hadn’t done anything. Not really. She beckoned you to help her with her jewellery and you urged your legs to move.
Steadying your hands, you worked her braids loose and began removing the hair ornaments, “Do you know what the first thing I was told when I stepped out of my carriage earlier?”.
“No, My Queen”, you replied.
“There was gossip going around that you had been seen with the King…in private”, she paused for effect before asking, “Do you deny it?”.
Your stomach felt queasy and you had to muster all your will power to look at her in the mirror, “I do not my Queen, but let me explain..”, you were surprised when she didn’t interject.
“I wasn’t feeling well and his Majesty was kind enough to offer to let me sit in his study to gather myself”, there was no way anyone had any proof of your meetings after that day, “That is about the long and short of it. I am forever grateful to him and I am sorry to have been an inconvenience to him, I can assure you that it will not happen again”, that was the truth.
Her eyes bore into your very soul to the point where you were afraid that she could read your mind and see that you hadn’t told her the whole story.
“I could have you thrown out right now, I could finish your life in Erebor in seconds”, Misadora appeared to be eerily calm, it scared you more than her vicious outbursts, you dropped your gaze to your hands as they undid the last of her braids.
“I know what they think of me - what you think of me. The vain, ill-tempered Queen”.
You looked up at her again, “I have never spoken a word against you to anyone, my Queen. You have my loyalty and that is the truth”.
“I dare say, I believe you”.
You looked at her a little shocked.
She stood up, “You haven’t given me a reason to distrust you. And I can believe that Thorin would forget his place as to offer help to a lesser. I don’t believe you have the gall to betray me and still be standing stand here”.
She turned around to face you, “The most that might be transpiring here is that you have a little girly crush on The King”, her lips curled into a cruel smirk.
You shook your head and bowed your head, her eyes on you put you on edge and made your skin crawl.
“Good, because he won’t return the feeling. He has finer tastes, and sure as day wouldn’t waste a single thought on you. Don’t get any ideas, I would stay in my fucking place if I were you”, she managed to sound sincere and sweet but her words bit at your insecurities and unnerved you.
“Of course”, you bit out.
“And should I hear any more of your meetings with the King..”, she took a step closer, “You will find out how true the things people say about me are. I will slit your throat myself”. She cupped your cheek and gave it a squeeze hard enough to sting, “I should hate to lose my favourite handmaiden”. She sauntered over to the bathroom, “Don’t keep me waiting”.
You blinked fast to stop those bothersome tears from spilling, “Yes, My Queen”.
Thorin had chosen to stay back at the Iron Hills for to deal with a few things that had come up, or so you heard - not that you cared.
If life at the palace has taught you anything, it was to go on living like nothing was the matter, to completely detach your personal life from work. Since the line between the two has been blurring the past few days, you were discovering that it is not so easy anymore.
You didn’t know how things will be between you and Thorin when he gets back, it was a problem that weighed on your shoulders. You had begun to enjoy his company and maybe even care for him, but you didn’t see how any of this was rational.
The rain came down hard on the stone pathway that leads up to the little veranda you stood on with Bo. There was very little light from the moon on this particular night and the trees faded into the night as darkness shrouded the landscape.
A single lamp burned behind you, casting a light wash of gold around it, “Coming up from below is worth it to watch the rain”, you sighed.
“As long as you stay within the city walls, I can rest easy”, Bo responded calmly. You smiled and continued to listen to the drum of raindrops on leaves and earth, it did you good to relax after yesterday.
“Hm?”, you vocalized without shifting your gaze from the pale-lit night.
“I can tell something is wrong. I know something is wrong”.
You shrugged not wanting to talk much right now.
“Is it the King?”.
Lowering your eyebrows you turned your head to look at him.
He smiled, “You forget that I am with him most of the time you’re around and I notice things. That’s why I’m good at my job”.
“Nothing is happening. We talked, that’s it. I don’t understand why this is so scandalous, he is the King for Aule’s sake! He has the right to talk to anyone he wants”, you said shaking your head.
“I didn’t accuse you of anything”, he spoke gently, “but there are people who may not think it so innocent”.
“Don’t you think I know that?!”, you were stressed and this conversation wasn’t making things any better. An uncomfortable silence fell upon you two as you tried to regain your composure.
“The Queen confronted me about it, and it was the most humiliating thing I’ve ever experienced”, you said flatly which folding your hands over your chest.
“Did she indeed?”, Bo responded while shifting on his feet.
“I suppose the chambermaid told her”, you thought out loud, “I did promise her that she’d lose her job if she began spreading stories, I would have to keep it to prevent further damage”, these were just thoughts and you most likely didn’t intend to go through with them.
“No”, Bo sounded horrified and surprised at you, “I’m sure the poor girl didn’t talk to anyone”.
You raised an eyebrow at him, “How are you so certain?”.
Even in the soft light, you could see his cheeks lightly colour and he hesitated at first, “She didn’t tell the Queen”.
You gave him a look beckoning him to continue.
“I did”.
“For the love of Mahal!”, you cried out in exasperation and anger, “Why would you do that?”.
“I felt like I had to, you were going down a dangerous path and I couldn’t just watch”.
You dropped your face into your hands and took in a deep breath before slowly voicing your question, “Why didn’t you come to me first?”.
“Because I knew you wouldn’t listen, I knew it was too late. Maybe the Queen made a better argument than I would have”, he looked at you with his stormy grey eyes, pleading you to see reason.
“Yes”, you said anger burning your chest, “she threatened to murder me. I’d say that’s a good argument”, taking a step forward you glared at him, “You threw me to the dogs on an assumption that I was being immoral. I thought you had better regards for my character, but it is clear to me now that you don’t know a damn thing about me! Bo, I feel betrayed and I don’t think I want you here anymore”, you ended witheringly.
“I’m only looking out for you, Y/n”, he sounded heartbroken, “I know when you’re happy when you’re sad, and most importantly when you’ve got feelings for someone. He isn’t right for you…”, taking a step forward he tried to reach out to you, you simply turned away.
“You’re my best friend, and I don’t want this life for you!”, he was losing his patience because he couldn’t see why you didn’t understand his motives, “He doesn’t care for you, he doesn’t have a place for you in his life. You’re just a plaything to him, he is going to toss you aside when he’s done with you and I won’t be able to bear it to see you heartbroken”, he meant for his words to be illuminating but they stabbed you like knives.
“Then leave”, you uttered quietly.
“Y/n…you know I would never leave you”, he replied softly.
“I want you to. I don’t see how I can trust you again. I can watch out for myself”, you said firmly.
Bo opened his mouth to respond but thought better of it and instead slowly retreated back into the fort.
Once the heavy door shut behind you, a heavy sigh left you. You were less angry now and more miserable. You had made up your mind to stay away from Thorin earlier and you had no intention of changing your mind, but your stubbornness had made you speak out against Bo in spite.
You most likely lost your only friend and all you’ve heard from everyone is how Thorin is using you. You put up with Misadora’s nastiness every day because…well, why?
“What am I even doing here?”, you mumbled. Was any of this worth it? Getting involved in so much drama that could very well end your life. You didn’t care about how prestigious of a title it is to be the handmaiden to the Queen, you were still a servant to someone you didn’t respect. Irritation pricked at your skin again and a surge of adrenaline washed over you, a combination that most often lead to rash decisions.
You wore a look of determination on your face as you stepped out into the rain. The cold splattering of raindrops made you gasp but in delight. It added to your excitement and made you feel free…tilting your head back, you let the rain wash over your face. You could go anywhere…the possibilities were endless and you could do anything you wanted, the thought made you giggle. Running down the stone steps, you didn’t think twice about your belongings or goodbyes, you had no one to answer to, you didn’t care about your few possessions - you felt like you were invincible.
Soon you were on the road to Dale, of course, you had no real plans yet, but it seemed like the best place to go to right now since you had no means of transportation to a further destination save for your sopping wet slippers.
You had been walking for a while now, maybe close to an hour when you noticed that it was becoming harder to see the road as the rain got thicker and the clouds blocked out the last of the moonlight. But you could see lights in the little town of Dale off in the distance, so you weren’t far. Your heavy dress grew heavier as it absorbed water till it became a challenge to walk, your long hair fell out of their braids and clung to your skin and when the cold finally reached you through the blanket of optimism you had woven for yourself, you began to doubt your actions. Soon the rain is going to turn into a storm and the lights in the distance will fade, what if you get lost? Your eyes for the first time since beginning this little adventure turned to the unkempt, overgrown sides of the battered road in fear of the things that might be lurking in the dark.
“Mahal, why didn’t I wait until morning?!”, you cursed into the winds.
Wrapping your arms around you in a futile attempt to warm yourself, you stifled a sneeze. While still walking you pricked up your ears when you thought you heard a noise over the heavy rain. You began praying to Aule to not let some demonic creature murder you on the side of the road and at the same time you quickened your pace as best as you could.
It hadn’t been your imagination, the sound was real and it was becoming louder. The distinct sound of the thud of hooves on the ground, but you weren’t sure from which direction the rider was approaching, but before you could decide, the rider was rearing his pony as he tried to avoid hitting you. You screamed in fear as you toppled back and fell into a pool of mud.
You groaned in disgust and pain while wiping some mud off your brow, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?! Imbecile!”, you sputtered out. The rider was already off his pony and at your side helping you up, ‘Forgive me, but what exactly are you doing here?”. You finally looked up into Thorin’s striking cerulean eyes and swiftly retrieved your hand once on your feet. He looked just as drenched as you did and equally tired.
“I’m going to Dale.  Now if I may, my King”, you said with a clumsy bend of the knee before continuing your walk. You had no time to dally.
He was on his pony in a flash and cantering next to you, “Have you lost your senses completely? You cannot be out here on your own”, he called over the thunderous rain.
“I’m almost there”, you responded confidently.
“I’ll take you back. Y/n, listen to me!”, he was in no mood for your sass.
You didn’t respond, you were not going back there again. Your mind was made up and nothing was going to change that.
When you didn’t respond or even look at him, he leaned over the side of his pony and scooped you up with one arm. You shrieked in surprise, “Put me down!”.
He placed you in front him in the saddle and kicked the pony into a gallop towards Dale. Well at least you were going where you wanted to go, but him being here somewhat defeats the purpose of you leaving Erebor. Speaking was futile because any shouting was drowned out by the rain and the whipping winds. But at least you felt much less cold since your back was pressed up against Thorin’s chest and his arms while holding the reigns anchored you in place.
Soon, you were riding through the empty streets of Dale. Now that you were here, where exactly had you planned on going…
Thorin most likely picked up on that when he turned the pony down a narrow path and into a stable. You managed to uncling your dress from the saddle and hop off. Under a roof once more, it felt amazing to not be continuously pelted by raindrops.
Thorin was tying the pony to a post when you decided to say something, “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that”.
“Have you no regard for your life?”, he snapped turning to face you. In the warm light of the torches, you made out the anger in his eyes. He lowered the hood of his cloak and proceeded to glare at you, waiting for a reply.
You found your tongue, “I was fine, it’s just rain”, you tried to sound as if you hadn’t thought of all the ways you could have died tonight.
He scoffed in agitation, “Clearly you know nothing of the world we live in. You are not to leave Erebor. What if you had gotten hurt?”, he took a few steps towards you, searching your face for a sign of penance, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, “I don’t understand. What were you doing?”.
“Nothing. I just wanted to go..”, you said meekly.
“Don’t play games with me!”, he barked startling you even more.
“I…”, you shuddered and finally sighed, “The Queen found out about our meetings. She threatened me..”, you laughed bitterly, “And I lost my only friend”. Thorin’s face seemed to soften a little.
“My King, I don’t want to cause unnecessary complications for you”, you slowly slunk down onto a bale of hay, “I don’t wish to get between you and her. I want you to be happy. I see now that I don’t belong in Erebor”, your voice faltered and shook, “And I certainly don’t wish to be your plaything”.
“My… what?”, he sounded like his awoken from a daydream, “Why would you that? Have I done something that would suggest my affections for you are anything but real?”.
You hugged your knees to your chest and avoided his gaze, “I can’t go back”.
“What will you do? You can’t possibly survive on your own”, he said stubbornly as ever.
“Because I’m kind?”, you said rolling your eyes, “I beg you not to mistake my kindness for a weakness. You’d be surprised by what I’m capable of achieving”.
“Why me?”, you asked squeezing your eyes shut, “You could have any dwarrowdam or woman in the world. Many would throw themselves at you if you let them, many who are more beautiful and more worthy than I”.
“Stop this”, he commanded clearly agitated, “There is no equaling you. I won’t hear any more of it”. You didn’t say anything, he restlessly walked up to the pony and unhooked a satchel before walking back to you.
“I don’t want you to leave”, his deep voice which was usually calm and confident carried a note of desperation, “You give me purpose, when I’m talking with you or just being in your presence I feel content with life because I feel like I’m with an old friend”, you looked up and saw the sadness and sincerity in his eyes but said nothing. Not because you weren’t moved, but because you weren’t expecting this from him, this was the most emotion you’ve seen him express since you’ve laid eyes on him.
He quickly regained composure, “You’re cold. Let’s go inside”.
“Where?”, you asked. He beckoned to the two-story building to the left of the stable with a nod of his head.
He stepped out into the rain again and began heading to the side door.
You stood up and realized that this was the night for many risky endeavors, “Thorin”, you called out making him halt mid path.
It dawned on you that this was the first time you’ve called the King by his first name, he turned around and found himself in your embrace. Your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He didn’t protest for a second. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer, his lips hungrily fought to claim ever inch of your mouth. To you, he tasted like rainwater and happiness, the sensation of his beard rubbing softly against your skin made you happy. The feeling of reciprocating his longing was indescribable because you’ve never experienced something equal to this to compare it to, it felt right. His lips fit into the curve of your lips, his hands fit into the crook of your spine and over your hips…he fit into your being and you into his. His nose gently grazed your cheek as you slowly broke the kiss, blinking against the drops of water that were collecting at the ends of your eyelashes, you smiled, “Thank you for telling me”.
The feeling of amazement was probably wearing off on him when he murmured a small, “Mmh”, in response. He was more interested in the sparkle in your eyes and the flush on your skin at the ends of your shy smile. He didn’t think anything in this world could compete with your inner or outer beauty.
“Come on”, he said breaking away from you and leading you to the door.
You stepped into an inn. The lower floor appeared to a tavern and given its almost empty bar, you assumed it was past three in the morning.
“Go upstairs. I’ll be right there”, he said walking towards one of the humans.
You took the rickety wooden set of stairs concealed by drapery in the corner and ascended onto a stoop that was open on one side, looking over the small houses and shops of Dale and the other side housed a row of doors.
You waited patiently but it wasn’t long when you heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, “I was able to procure you some dry clothes and a place to spend the night”. He handed you a folded dress and unlocked one of the doors allowing you to step in.
“I’ll allow you some time to change”, he said closing the door.
Hurrying over to the small brazier that warmed the room you held your hands out and basked in the heat for a little bit before shedding your wet dress and then your underclothes. You grabbed one of the towels that were folded in a stack on the only side table in the room and dried your skin. You quickly stepped into the dry clothes, not wanting to leave Thorin out in the cold for longer than was necessary. Looking down at yourself, the blue dress was a loose fitting and felt like it was made of a thin fabric, you tied a sash at the hips to look more presentable. Outside, a clap pf thunder shook the inn making you jump in fright. You thanked the Valar and Thorin for getting you out of that storm just in time.
Satisfied with your dress, you opened the door to find Thorin leaning on the fencing of the stoop with a bottle of gin in his hand. Unbelievable. You left him alone for a fraction of a moment.
He stepped inside and you offered to return the courtesy of some privacy.
“Please, you don’t need to leave on my behalf”.
So instead you sat in one corner of the bed and began to undo what remained of your braids. Behind you, you heard the distinct sound of wet clothes hit the floor. Taking the towel, you dried your long hair in sections.
“Y/n?”, he spoke after a long silence.
“I hope you know there is no love between myself and Misadora. At least not anymore”.
The thought of Misadora sent you spiraling into a cloud of guilt and dread.
“We are husband and wife in name only. I have never felt about her the way I feel about you”.
“Thorin, you shouldn’t say such things”, you hushed him, “She is your wife nonetheless, you entered into an agreement to honor each other”.
You heard him chuckle, “Is that what she’s been doing? Honoring me? I was a fool to fall into her trap”, a deep sorrowful sigh followed.
“I lost interest in everything. I merely existed to run my kingdom and immerse myself in the work at the forge. It was a miracle that I even looked up that one wonderful day when I heard your voice. I dare say it was fate. I was taken by the mere sight of you. I only regret not noticing you sooner”.
You blushed turning to look at him, he was leaning against the wall shirtless, every single braid in his hair was undone, even his marriage braid, he took a swig from the bottle and smiled softly at you. More blood rushed to your face at the sight of him, his finely chiseled torso earning a second glance from you.
Daringly, you patted the spot next to you on the bed. He slowly walked over and sat down.
“I know our folk like their drink, but don’t you think sometimes you’re a little excessive?”, you tenderly stated.
“I think everything I just told you tonight warrants my drinking”.
You couldn’t really argue there.
“Because you occupied most of my time, when you’re with me and when you’re not - I barely thought of such vices. But now you tell me you want to leave me”, he took another swig out of the bottle before you could take it from him.
“I’m here now “, you placed the almost empty bottle on the ground and took one of his hands in yours.
“Indeed you are”, he squeezed your hand in affection.
Another loud crash of thunder elicited a squeak from you.
Thorin found it amusing, “Still think you could have lasted alone out there?”
You stuck your chin out, “Perhaps”.
He shook his head, “Stubborn lass”.
“I’m stubborn?”, you cried in disbelief, “My King, I believe all of Arda proclaims you as the champion of stubbornness”.
He offered you a smug smile.
You felt so much more at ease here in the comfort of the small room than in the confines of the vast palace.
As if he heard your thoughts, Thorin spoke, “She can’t hurt you, you know. As long as I am there she can’t do anything to you”, he circled an arm around you and brought you closer to him. Sighing, you rested your damp head on his strong shoulder.
“My King, I would like to forget everything tonight”, you pulled your legs up onto the bed and turned to face him. You placed your hand on either side of his bearded jaw, “I want to just be us tonight”, you kissed his cheek and flopped down on the bed.
He looked down at you, his gaze washed over your form like waves on a beach. He wasn’t sure what to do next - a rare event for Thorin to be uncertain. You smiled, reaching for his hand again, you coaxed him to come closer. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, he kicked his boots off and settled in next to you.
You rested a hand on his firm thigh and looked up at him, “So, how was your journey?”.
His eyebrows rose and fell with his sigh,  “Busy. One might suppose that the granted passage through Mirkwood would be the end to all our trade problems, but the three clans from Ered Luin are demanding a tax increase on anything Erebor buys from them since we “have the means to do so”. If it’s not one thing it’s the other”.
Well, he did have a lot of gold, it wasn’t a surprise that others will be after it. You began to trace patterns on his thigh, losing yourself in his stories, giggling at some of his metaphors and marveling at how beautiful he looked when he was being open and himself. Time stopped in this room, you had no cares, neither did he, it was just you and him with nothing in between. He was not the King and you weren’t a lowborn dwarrowdam, you were just two people who were completely enthralled by each other.
“You mentioned a falling out with a friend earlier today?”
You narrowed your eyes at the thought of the betrayal, “Bo? What about it?”.
“Bo? The captain?”, he sounded intrigued, “I always felt strangely about him”.
“He was the one who told the Queen about...”, you sighed.
“Of course. What more could you expect from a half-breed”.
You lightly smacked him on the side of his leg, “There’s no need to be nasty. He is a good person. Loyal to you and a hard worker. He only wished to protect me”, you knew he didn’t have any bad intentions.
You became aware of Thorin casting you a strange look.
“I suppose the reason I didn’t particularly take to him was because he always had your affections and I didn’t”, Thorin said thoughtfully, he chose to leave out the part where he nearly denied Bo the captaincy out of envy.
You laughed, “Bo and I are good friends. I could never feel about him the way I do about you”.
Hours slipped by as you learned many of the details of his numerous adventures and amidst these stories, he showed you parts of his soul that are concealed from the rest of the world. He made you laugh like no other, it was a little surprising to you because he didn’t strike you as a dwarf with a sense of humor. It wasn’t your average sense of humor, it was dry and awkward but also very much him. His deep, rumbling voice became your favourite sound and you wondered how you managed to ever be happy without it before. Somewhere between your conversations, he slid down onto a pillow and gave you access to his almost dry locks of hair to play with.
“And this one?”, you asked tracing a longer scar just under his left pectoral.
“Cave troll”, he seemed to be a little too pleased with your fascination in his collection of battle scars. It was a miracle that this man was still in one piece after all you’ve heard.
“What about this one?”, you lightly touched a raised scar that ran across his collar bone, “an orc?”, you guessed.
He looked down and chuckled lightly, “That was no orc. That’s a gift from my brother from when were dwarflings”.
A small giggle escaped you at the thought of Thorin as a rambunctious dwarfling but then you noticed that he was looking at you funny, “What?”, you asked nervously.
“Look at you…you’re so beautiful. Positively breathtaking. Any dwarf would be lucky to claim your heart or just be graced by your presence..he’d be the envy of the world”, he smiled lovingly at you.
You hid your blushing face in the palms of your hands, “You mustn’t tease me so”.
He reached out and took your hand in his and brought it to his lips to place a tender kiss on your knuckles, “I’m the happiest I’ve been in all my life”.
You lightly kissed his chin and before you could back away, he claimed your lips in a warm kiss, your eyelids fluttered shut as you lost yourself to him all over again. Your fingers trailed down the smattering of dark hair on his chest and back up over his tattooed arms, feeling every ripple in them as his hand slid down the curve of your spine. The taste of gin, the sensation of his touch and the comforting smell of him almost made it too difficult to resist the not so subtle request when his hand finally came to a stop on your bum.
You broke the kiss apologetically, “Thorin…I’m sorry I cannot in good conscience give you all that you desire from me”.
He didn’t get annoyed or frustrated he merely pulled you into his chest and kissed the top of your head, “I understand. I will more than gladly take whatever you offer me”.
You settled into his embrace and let him trace the seams on the back of your dress which made you feel fuzzy and comfortable. Laying there with his heartbeat drumming at your ear, you felt the exhaustion and excitement of the day catch up with you till you felt your eyelids grow heavy.
“Hm?”, you responded opening your eyes, it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes of sleep. 
“I have to be getting back now”.
“Oh”, you were more than a little disappointed.
“If you come with me, we can be back before most of the people at the palace are awake”.
That would mean it would be like you never ran away, you would pick up from where you left off and be back at Misadora’s side. You hadn’t really accomplished your goal of getting away from Thorin and you’re certain that you now knew more about him than anyone else. He made you happy and you certainly were the only thing that made him happy right now.
And now that you’ve had time to think things more clearly, you weren’t ready to leave your job- you’d worked too hard for it.
“I will come with you. But..”, you stipulated while sitting up, “only on the condition that you tell me more of your adventures”.
His face lit up as he reached out to kiss your forehead, “My dearest heart...I’ll tell you everything and more”.
The rain hadn’t let up and it still looked like night outside, this would mostlikely work to your advantage on your trip back .Preparing to leave, you noticed that the thought of going back caused the softness in him to slowly recede and war harden dwarf emerge, with this stoicism and curt replies. His heart was only for you.
“May I?”, he asked gazing down at your hair that you’ve been brushing.
“You needn’t ask”, you kissed his hand before letting it trail through your soft hair. Relaxing into his touch, you let yourself enjoy this intimate moment, soon you felt both of his hands work your hair.
“That’s the best I could do in such little time”.
Opening your eyes, you touched the mass of waves that cascaded over your shoulder to find a single braid that began just above your ear and spiraled its way down. Your fingers traced the emblem of Thorin’s clan that was etched in the bead that secured the bead; it was one of his.
“I hope you aren’t offended”.
“Not in the least”, you said in amazement.
Of course, you wouldn’t be able to wear it for the world to see, you would conceal it and wear it just for him.
“You are mine”
“I am”.
@dat-targaryen-tho enjoy!
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dont-sneeze · 8 years
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