thelooniemoonie · 2 years
Homies I just caught up with the lore of pokemon ScVi and gurl.....
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shiningstardan · 3 months
Bridgerton S3 is kinda the best one (imo)...
But is still not good
So, after binging S3 like there was no tomorrow and having to remove my rose tinted glasses put on by the beauty and acting skills of Nicola, I must say, as always, Bridgerton shines at being mid when it comes to writing and camera work.
I LOOOVEE friends to lovers, it's my favorite trope. and I'll defend it any day especially in the face of Enemies to Lovers. Bridgerton season 3 gave me crumbs of what I wanted to see, and as always it is a pretty wasteful show. This show loves to waste time but I don't want to be negative from the beginning, so, let me start with the things I loved.
Characters I love
Francesca Bridgerton: In the words of Queen Charlotte "Brava" she doesn't have a lot of screen time but every scene moves her story forward, makes sense, is almost unforgettable, and the new actress is so pretty, the casting director deserves a raise just for this. One of the few times when the writers seem to know how to do their jobs.
Cressida Cowper: GURRRL, she is a HERO, of her own story. Gurl is trying to fight against the life her father is trying to build upon. I loved how her whistledown was good. Yes, characters in story dismissed it but no, hear me out. IT WAS GOOD. I loved how she was presented in her complexity, her misogyny comes from her mother instilling in her that she is against the world. She lives in survival mode 24/7 trying to see how to set her own future and she has a sad ending in this season. I didn't love her in past seasons, I thought she was pretty forgettable before but this season? Amazing.
The Featheringtons
Characters I hate
This season? Surprisingly none. Eloise starts growing as a character, Anthony is happily married so I don't have to put up with his annoying ass and Simon and Daphne are out of the picture.
The story?
Wasteful... why? WHY?
Story lines I likes but were WAY too long.
Diving the season into two? Wasteful (that's the theme of this review) The story feels unnatural, almost like the first part doesn't matter for the main couple... But let me build up to it.
The Mondricks: I love these characters, but we don't need these many scenes to show that they are getting into society, fast pass it. They are not the main couple, I don't need to see how they move up every steps of the way, If you want to give me so, give them 1 special episode outside of the story. I love them, but simply speaking... no.
Lady Danbury's storyline: STUPID. It takes waaaay too much time and the reasoning is, in my opinion, illogical... A woman as intelligent as her is angry for something her 10 year-old little brother did. NOP. Wasteful. I want none of this conflict, just show me Lord [his name] courting violet and that's it in as few scenes as possible, show the parallel they presented in Queen Charlotte come to a full circle and move on.
What do I need from Lady Danbury in season 3? Violet said that she molds society, she did it in season 1, and season 2. Why doesn't she do it in season 3? Why doesn't she introduce Lord Debling or give us the information about him or Lord Killmartin? Why doesn't she take Penny Pen under her wing? Especially now that Eloise is not her friend anymore... Lard, give me strength, I can't do this *pinches her nose*
Queen Charlotte: I have already mentioned this before but I don't like the story-line where she is supposed to investigate who Lady Whistledown is, but this season it was less insufferable since the pieces move actively on screen and not like the previous two seasons where everything was done on snippets and and not giving any excitement to the audience (I still think that they should have hired someone with experience when it comes to mystery to give this story line better development.
Lord Debling: Talking about wasted opportunities, Lord Debling had no opportunity within the narrative, what a wasted opportunity. I thought he was going to have a bigger presence within the story. He is supposed to be Colin (Who I seem to have been calling Collin xD) main counterpart and love rival. And it was barely a struggle. He didn't propose because Colin had feelings for Penny? In regency era? He would have not backed down his proposal for something so trivial. So it felt more because the story needed to back down but not because he should have.
Like, show me the consequences, like, show the next day people talking about how Colin interrupted their dance, and have his standing or something be questioned on making such a match or make that event have a bigger impact on Penny and THEN he can back down the proposal.
I still won't forgive how he simply rejected her, it felt unwarranted.
Eloise Bridgerton: I like how her flaws were exposed this season, she quick on judgement and gets confronted about it. She is a bad gossip and that has real consequences for her friend and brother. And she is shown having conflicted emotions about Pen. I loved that they were not friends but still cared about each other, this is the best version of Eloise we have been presented and I appreciate it. Season 4 will say if I stop being anti Eloise. Maybe she will stop being a misogynist. BTW embroidery can be interesting, so you can show her having that conversation in a way that is not reductive to others but... that's asking too much for this show.
The Balloon Scene: Wasteful, the worst shot scene. Am I supposed to believe that Penny was in danger? *sigh* this is where the camera work is the sloppiest. Not enoguh Deblin, not enough Colin. Too little Pen...
Benedict Bridgerton: Ok, he has too much screen time wasting my time. I love his story line his season but why do you need so much time to get to the point? I can't ask even ask about the foreshadowing because this series knows none of it. It was refreshing albeit cliché.
Colin Bridgerton: Imma be honest, I don't like Colin, and this season didn't help his case in my eyes... First... what the hell happened to his wardrobe? It's horrible, he looks so out of place! Anthony didn't look like that on his season nor did Simon (And I don't like either of them). His montage scene? CRINGY AF, he does too much. I would have preferred seen the ladies have conversations about how he is perceived now.
Violet telling us that Colin is a sensitive person. Bitch, WHERE? Season 1 Colin? Maybe... Season 3? He is a copy paste amalgamation of Simon and Anthony, he having threesomes? Not that I would expect him to be celibate but I want more of what was shown in his diary and less of what was happening with his fuckboy era.
The sex scene... *sigh* I needed this scene to be longer, when Penny told him "tell me" I expected him to actually tell her. To use his rhetoric similar to that of his diary to walk her through the encounter. This was his opportunity to have his "I burn for you moment", which I feel we were robbed of. So yes we got goddess Penny in all her glory but her scene was not giving me what I wanted and this would not be a problem if I had what this season lacked the most: Romance!!
Where are the flowers, the looks, the words? They are BOTH writers, can't they have this weaved into their story? I saw friendly in previous seasons and I saw Lovers this season. But I didn't see the process where is the FRIENDS TO LOVERS??? I need to see the process of how he starts falling for her. The lessons were a wasted opportunity and didn't have a satisfactory pay-off. He didn't fall for her during them, and she didn't get another person to fall for her thanks to his instructions. she applied none of what she practiced with Debling either, like I have been saying... wasteful...
He being envious of her being a published and recognized writer was not as vital to the conflict as I thought it would be, I feel it should have been a more prominent conflict in the story if you ask me...
Finally, why didn't they have clonflicted sex? I feel that would have been soo good (lol) when he sees her in her blue silk nightgown and have a post coital talk about how he feels and being vulnerable to each other.
Penelope "Penny" Featherington: Ok, so I knew from the first trailer that I would watch it. Not only do I love Nicola (and find her very attractive) but as a wallflower myself I resonate with her. So I knew I was going to love her and watch it either way.
My gurl is going though the ringer, poor baby giirl. No friends? Really? You could have given her Lady Danbury, at least, or Genevieve going from business partner to true friend.
By the way, where are Colin's letters? Did she trash them out? Burn them? Kept them? We see that Colin kept her letters, where are his? What did he tell her? What did he do on his trip? Could she sense his changing personality of them? Was he still the sweet man she had known? O did his letters start showing the new mask he said he was putting on? Wasted opportunity.
Where are the flashbacks? We need to see how they met years ago! We need to see how Voilet and the Bridgertons are close to her. I would have loved to see a flashback with Penny and Violet, for example. Not only having Hyacinth showing she already considers her family.
I liked how she was conflicted on stepping aside from being Lady Whistledown and recognizing the pain she had caused to others. But these events I think, should have happened earlier in the story.
Polin: We spend so much screen time exploring things about other characters or the individuality of the main couple I feel we were robbed of Polin, they should have more scenes together, more backstory, more development, more romantic conflict.
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comradesummers · 5 years
3, 17, 27?
Hi, thank you for asking!
Top 5 underrated TV shows
Idk what really qualifies as underrated, but I’ll try my best.
1. Legends of Tomorrow
Like, outside of the cult following, people don’t give it credit for being one of the most creative and batshit crazy shows on TV. I think what really gets missed in the conversation about Legends, even when the show is brought up, is that it’s not just a weird, kooky show. I genuinely believe LoT is doing something that no other show on TV is doing rn. Like it may be silly, and not take itself too seriously, but it’s actually super creative, it tries new things, it takes risks that shows that take themselves more seriously don’t have the luxury of taking. It’s out there doing something genuinely different from the regular serialized drama format that’s overtaking television, and that’s unique and important and we should appreciate it more.  
2. Every show for or about women that’s ever been referred to as a “guilty pleasure” by men, including but not limited to: BtVS, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Jane the Virgin, Sex and the City (I haven’t even seen it, but I know that it changed television as we know it, and men still dismiss it as meaningless fluff), Gilmore Girls, and too many other shows to list here. All of them are underrated by assholes who think they’re too good for girl things.
3. Blackadder
Y’know, the concept of something being underrated is super weird, because like the question becomes: underrated by who? I mean, if you’re in the know about British comedies or whatever, then of course you know that Blackadder is one of the funniest and most innovative shows ever. But with everyone else I’ve talked to in real life, I’ve had to explain that Mr. Bean and Dr. House dress up in period costumes, and hang out with different important historical figures in British history, and it’s really funny and great (except for maybe the first season).  
4. Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23
And then on the other hand, I’m pretty sure a lot of people on Tumblr know what this show is, and know it’s hilarious, but I would still probably consider it underrated and pretty unknown outside of certain circles.
5. Sense8
Again, I’m not sure it’s underrated on Tumblr but more people need to see it, so I’m counting it. I like Sense8 for the same reason I like Legends: it took risks, and did things other shows weren’t doing, albeit on a much larger and more unruly budget, which is probably why it got cancelled. But it really was a great, if short lived show, and I wish it had gone on for longer.
Top 5 “deserved better” characters
1. Kendra Young
Yeah, so I think there are two reasons that Kendra’s death makes me so angry. The first being just how much potential was wasted with her death. Yeah, they made her do a goofy accent, but she was still a really interesting character. Her worldview was completely entrenched in that of the Council. She was raised by them, and had never rebelled like Giles had. She would have made an amazing contrast to Buffy and the gang, but I also think there’s a really great story there about her coming to terms with just how exploited by those assholes she had been. Also, her dynamic with Buffy was already fascinating, and I think they had really good chemistry (I ship it).
The other reason her death makes me so angry is that she is the most obvious example of the horrendous treatment of people of color on BtVS. It really is unacceptable how white that show is, and once the writers finally did create an interesting and powerful (if admittedly pretty stereotypical) woman of color, they killed her off after three episodes. Kendra deserved better just like every other non-white character on BtVS deserved better.
2. Meg Manning and Paker Lee
(Yeah, I’m cheating, it’s a tie.) So one of the main issues that I have with Veronica Mars is that there just aren’t that many women on the show. With the exception of Veronica herself, most of the main characters are men, and most of Veronica’s important relationships, be they romantic, familial, or platonic, are with men.
The female characters we do have either have very little screentime, in spite of their considerable awesomeness (Mac and Jackie). Or, in the case of Meg and Parker, are used and disposed of according to the needs of the plot, often to create drama in Veronica’s love life. Meg surviving the bus crash, only to be killed off once she’d given birth, basically because she was no longer relevant to the Duncan/Veronica story is super icky and gross. And Parker getting dismissed as nothing more than road bump in LoVe’s story by both the show and the fandom drives me a little crazy, especially considering how she was introduced to the show.
Also, while we’re at it, every single ‘feminist’ character in season 3 deserved better from Rob Thomas.
3. Tara Maclay
She deserved to live, and we the viewers deserved better than Bury Your Gays.
4. Martha Jones
I mean, Martha Jones deserved better from the fandom more than anything else. And I’m adding her to the list because I’m one of the many people who owes Martha and Freema Agyeman an apology. I was like 12 when I watched Doctor Who for the first time, and I totally bought into the racist sexist bullshit (she’s boring, why is she in love with the Doctor, etc.). To be fair, I also bought into a lot of sexist bullshit when it came to Rose, so I hated her too, but obviously Martha got the shorter end of the stick, because of racism, and she deserved so, so much better.
5. Donna Noble
Fuck the amnesia bullshit and erasing her character development. Why did they have to do this to her? What possible purpose did it serve? Why not just give her a reason to leave and go home like every other companion? Wtf was the point? Was it just so that the doctor would have manpain about it?
Nevermind, I think I just answered my own question.
Top 5 brotps
Ok, not including any relationships I view as purely familial (Dawn and Buffy, Giles and Buffy, Tara and Dawn, Holt and anybody, etc.). Friendships only.
1. Buffy and Willow
Buffy and Willow love each other so much, and they hurt each other a lot too. This relationship isn’t simple and sweet, it starts out that way, but it becomes difficult, and they both do things to one another that I don’t think either one of them ever fully forgives the other for. But even still, at their worst, they love each other so deeply and so completely. This relationship is at the core of the show, I think. It’s arguably the first relationship the show establishes, and the one it spends most time on. The ups and downs are painful, but they feel real (even when they involve things like bringing someone back from the dead without their consent or whatever). And through it all, they never stop loving each other. As flawed as it may be, I think it’s also one of the most complex, interesting, and important relationships between two women ever on television. And that’s worth celebrating.
2. Jane and Petra
So I’ve been on a bit of a Jane the Virgin kick lately, and I’ll be honest, I can’t decide if this is a brotp or an otp. But I love Petramos too, so let’s go with brotp.
In any case, these two were pretty much my endgame for the show. I really didn’t care who Jane ended up with (unless it was Petra, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen), and I got sick of her love triangle real quick (to be fair, I just really can’t stand love triangles, which is why I didn’t give the show a shot for a long time). As for Petra, I just really wanted her to have a healthy relationship with someone, and Jane seemed to be the only person who seemed interested in having a healthy relationship with her.
Plus their dynamic is just amazing and hilarious. My favorite scenes in the show are always when they’re on screen together. The way they grudgingly grow to care about and love each other is genuinely sweet and well developed. And I love how even when they do become friends, their basic moral divide never changes. They still disagree very strongly about certain things, but they love each other regardless. And btw, the scene where they say “I love you” to each other for the first time might be my favorite “I love you” scene ever, platonic or otherwise.
I just love them so much.
3. Gurl Group (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
This is another show about romance where I’m far more invested in the female friendship than I am in any of the romances, but to be fair, I think CxG kind of wants you to do that anyway.
Regardless, I love everyone in this Gurl Group, individually and together. And their individual relationships are already fascinating. Like, Rebecca and Valencia’s frienship is pure enemies to lovers friends bliss and I love it. Rebecca and Paula’s relationship is the heart of the show, and like Buffy and Willow, this relationship is often difficult and complicated, but the love is always there. And we never had enough scenes of Heather and Valencia interacting. Every scene where they were together was pure comedic gold. And the group together as a whole was just so powerful and amazing to behold.
4. Amy and Rosa
They do not have enough scenes together. This relationship deserves the same amount of care and development as Jake and Charles get. Melissa and Stephanie have great chemistry. And like, their characters are so different, so the contrast is always so funny. But they also love each other, and support each other, and it’s so much fun to watch. I need 10000% more Amy/Rosa content.
5. Buffy and Veronica
This one’s probably also cheating because it’s a crossover and all, but I’m just kind of obsessed with the idea of them meeting, sparks flying, enemies to lovers friends, the works. They would just have such a fantastic dynamic. Like, think of all the verbal sparring that we would be blessed with. Think of all the drama and angst of them coming to understand and respect each other. If there is one crossover that I would will into existence if I could, it would definitely be this one.
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imaginexwwe · 7 years
One Sided Love 2|4 (SETH ROLLINS)
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(ANON) 2|2 as requested. Seth realizes he made a big mistake and actually loves Y/N (ANGST)
Warnings: NONE
Here I am, back home.
Back where I belong.
And honestly should’ve stayed.
“Dad…” I said in a complaining tone, after having my short lived stay with Seth being brought up, yet again. “I’ve already said what happened, me repeating it isn’t going to change anything.” I finished with a slight glare directed towards him.
I wasn’t the child to give their parents evil looks but from time to time, I felt that they deserved one or two.
Especially in this moment when it’s like a game of good cop, bad cop is being played out in my kitchen.
My dad being the bad cop.
Mom being the good cop, only because she’s barely said more than three words since hearing about the break up.
And me of course being the suspect that’s being interrogated.
Only thing missing was the bright light they shine in your eyes to make you squirm.
“I know sweetheart. I just don’t get it. One day you’re happy in love, basically packing up your entire life to be with him, now you show up home heartbroken over some break up…” My dad paused to give me a taste of my own medicine, well sorta, with a questionable look instead of a glare. “It just doesn’t add up.”
Well that’s what happened, I mentally shouted to him.
My lie may not sound realistic enough for him.
But that’s all he’s getting.
Because its the best i could come up with, while I was away crying my eyes out in a lonely hotel room.
“Break ups aren’t meant to make since. Hell sometimes I feel like life’s not even supposed to make since, cause mines sure doesn’t right now. But like I said a million times.” I obviously exaggerated. “I just realized traveling everyday wasn’t for me. I’m a homebody, and when I brought that up to Seth, it started a argument we couldn’t come back from. We were just both confused over a lot of things.”
Thankfully I’m not anymore, I concluded to myself while I fought back the painful realization from Seth.
My dad nodded for the first time since he’s stepped foot in my house.
Before that it was nothing but him shaking his head, and running his hands over his face while listening to my lie.
“Alright, Y/N.” He said doing it again. The head shaking thing, that is. “I’m just happy you’re back home. You don’t need to be chasing any guy unless that’s the guy who’s willing to give you his name.”
“Your dad’s right…” My mom’s soft voice was heard as the number of times she’d spoken rose to a shocking four.
I forced a smile before standing up.
“I know that now.” I mumbled.
“Looks like it’s just you and me.” I sighed while my eyes focused on my reflection in my mirror.
My shirt held up, admiring my still unnoticeable pregnant belly.
Yes, pregnant.
This baby was still my biggest secret, and the real reason behind me running off to be with Seth.
And nope my parents don’t know.
I had just found out I was almost two months pregnant and the thought of being a family clouded my more realistic thoughts causing me to flying out literally the next day.
Cause see, I’m not 100% that girl that does something that most would see as irrational, but I am the girl that would do the most irrational things if that meant I had a chance of bringing a baby into a loving family.
With a loving dad.
All things considered when I look back on my childhood.
Being raised in two separate houses.
With step parents, that I honestly didn’t care too much about, especially my step dad.
Which lead me to being permanently moved to my dad’s, after my mom chose the side of her new husbands over mines after the fighting got to be too much.
Then I had to deal with my step mom, who wasn’t that bad compared to what I was dealing with but I still didn’t like her.
And to top all of that, neither, my mom or dad’s new marriage worked.
They both still ended up alone.
So yeah, I wanted this baby to have more.
To have happiness.
Or the happiness that I didn’t have as a child.
Doesn’t look like that would happen considering I couldn’t even keep Seth in my arms a good five minutes to tell him the news.
“But we will be okay…” I said with a real smile this time, as my hands rested on my belly. “Mommy promise.”
I had made a promise I intended to keep.
After all, if after all I had gone through with my parents, and was still able to have things work out and forge a solid loving relationship with my mom, I can make sure my baby has happiness.
Without having a dad.
“Seth. What are you doing here…?” Y/N’s asked the man his daughter once loved, and who he, to be honest, never liked.
The older man watched as Seth smiled, and tried his best to get a good glimpse into the house.
A huge bouquet of Y/N’s favorite roses in his hands.
Even as the question came from his mouth, Y/N’s dad knew what the answer was.
He’s been on the other side of this situation one too many times.
He’s back for my daughter.
“I uh…” Seth cleared his throat, his chest rising and falling as he took in a deep breath. “I came to talk to Y/N…” He brought the flowers up holding them up between the older man, and himself. “I came to get her back. I was stupid and I said somethings but I love her and–”
Y/N’s dad shook his head.
Not because of Seth showing up here unexpectedly, or cause of him standing her confessing some love for his daughter but because she wasn’t here.
“Y/N doesn’t live here anymore, Seth.” He said with no emotion towards the younger man, even after he watched the roses slowly come down from between them and the smile fade from his face. “She moved almost four months ago.”
Seth nodded, glancing down at the ground for a few seconds before lifting his head back up.
“Well, can I get her address or something? I just really need to see her.”
Again Y/N’s dad shook his head, almost starting to feel bad for the younger man in front of him.
“Seth, my daughter’s not in New York at all so–”
“I understand that and I don’t care if she’s not in New York, I just–”
“You don’t understand…” The older man spoke sounding more stern. “Whatever break up you and my daughter had, left her heartbroken and she’s finally getting over that, so you suddenly showing up on my doorstep wouldn’t help the situation, just like me giving you her address so you can fly to her won’t help. The only thing that will help is you giving up on whatever made you come here. She’s happy again. Without you so let her go.”
Seth frowned taking in what he was just told.
“It’s not your call…” He shouted after being told to give up on the love of his life.
He did that once and it was a big mistake that he wished he realized the second she walked out of his hotel room.
“When it involves my daughter and my gran–” Y/N’s dad caught himself, quickly covering up his almost slip up. “When it involves my family, it involves me.” He corrected himself.
Both men threw silent glares at one another before one finally gave in.
Or gave up.
“Fine. Can you at least give these to her?” Seth asked, almost shoving the roses to Y/N’s dad. “I’m sure you’ll see her before I do.” He said making it clear in his own way that he felt he was being lied to about Y/N leaving the city.
Y/N’s dad nodded before taking the roses from Seth, soon closing the door and leaving him outside.
Babe I know the way we left off was uncalled for, much like my behavior towards you. But you scared me when you told me you had packed up your life to fully share it with me. I just wasn’t ready to do the same. At least that’s what I thought in that moment but seeing you walk out that door, I knew I had messed up. I just couldn’t force myself to follow you. But I’m so sorry and I’m ready to make this right starting off with making you my wife…
Y/N’s dad finished reading the card that was stuffed into the roses.
That must’ve been the part when he got down on one knee. He thought to himself while getting up from his seat in the living room.
The card was a sweet gesture but for Y/N’s dad it only made him question what really went on between them.
He had already known that what his daughter was telling, wasn’t or couldn’t be the truth.
She’d stayed gone on the road with Seth for sometimes weeks at a time, so why would a few days make a difference?
That was just a truth he would probably never know.
“Just like my daughter would never know of Seth’s visit, the roses, or this card.” He concluded out loud to himself while dropping the bouquet and the card that Seth poured his heart into, into the trash, and letting the lid slam down.
Part of him knew he shouldn’t have made that decision, that a phone call to Y/N would be better, that way she could make her own decision.
But he’s a dad.
A dad that doesn’t want to see his daughter hurting all over again.
Over the same guy.
So he walked away from the trashcan feeling a new found confidence about his actions.
Dads sometimes gave to make difficult decisions and this was his.
Tag List: @panic-angel3314 @princesstoniii @pookiepookie8 @monochrome-decadance @cam0flug3 @finnbalorsbabygirl @blondekel77 @calwitch @eshia16 @moonchildcorbin @littleprincess1621 @gurl-writer @jadalecki-jackles
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nachos-and-movies · 3 years
You (season 1 on Netflix)
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I had nothing else to put on the background while I played minecraft and I forgot the synopsis for this one so… yeah.
I’d heard about this show before, though, in an AmandaTheJedi video on youtube. I think her conclusion was largely “stop making this stalker guy look sympathetic” so once I realised which show I was watching, I was almost afraid of how much this show was gonna enable shitty behaviour, like After or Twilight. Turns out, it’s uh… a little more complicated than that?
The show never fully speaks out about whether the protagonist, Joe’s behaviour is shitty or not. It’s just… behaviour, and you as the audience make your own conclusions. For most adults with a healthy understanding of right vs wrong, you’ll conclude that this dude has issues and needs jail time, obviously. Anybody else…. I’m sorry, I don’t talk enough with people to possibly imagine what ELSE you could think but I’ve seen weirder comments on the internet for fictional stalkers and murderers :/ As it is though, to me this show is kinda like how a (good) Disney film would play out if the bad guy was the main character. Like, imagine, if you will, following the movie from Jafar’s perspective where you hear his thoughts, all evil, all sarcastic and all with excuses why he thinks he’s in the right doing his shitty deeds. You’ll end up not condoning his behaviour but you do want to see what happens if he wins.
And that is what it’s like watching You.
I love how you cannot physically say you’re watching this show without sounding like a stalker yourself. I don’t know if they did that on purpose or not but it’s a stroke of genius that deserves a raise.
What I’m also not sure about is whether Beck is unlikable on purpose or not. I’m also not sure if it’s because of personal preference or not but I did noooooot like Beck. Well, no- okay- It’s complicated. Maybe it’s because I recognise too much of myself in her, yanno, tortured artist who’s constantly insecure about herself and her work, can’t hold on to a job because of emotional stress. But also things that I definitely don’t see in myself like having sex with every penis that breathes and getting emotionally attached to those that don’t respect her. I dunno, it’s hard to feel sympathy for someone who didn’t do her homework because she was too busy doing the do with a guy she said she was never gonna talk with again. I don’t get that, I’m not heterosexual enough to get that. And then when she cheats on the guy she said was 100% right for her? Gurl.
It IS interesting how point of view does everything in storytelling. So the guy stalks girls and murders people but the girl he stalks cheats on him and THAT’S where I draw the line of sympathy? Damn.
And it’s not like I completely hate Beck, she’s not an awful character, she’s just a character I imagine myself never getting along with, but she’s a good character. But most of that is also because of our main protagonist, the stalker! The way he sees her, talks about her, how much he genuinely cares about her makes me care about her too, I WANT to see them happy together, I WANT her to become a successful writer and find her footing in her life!
Which is when he ends up killing her, it’s all the more heartbreaking. In a way, you see it coming. Joe now and then mentions his ex and the way he talks about her makes you think she’s dead and it’s because of him. So you anticipate the same will eventually happen with Beck. But then their relationship goes well, she loves him, he loves her and you think ‘how can this possibly go wrong’ and then it does, and when she dies… you almost don’t believe it? How. How can this beautiful lively girl we got to know so intimately just be dead now? How can Joe have done this when we know how much he loves her?
And that’s kinda the point, isn‘t it. The sickness that Joe has and the reality of how people die and what they leave behind. Beck dying is supposed to show us that anyone can die at any point, no matter how well we know them, no matter how young and full of life they are. Joe is a reality that has killed many people and will continue to kill. How much he believes in what he thinks is right and how well he excuses it all, how he had us, the audience, think that he’s the good guy. Joe killing Beck needs to tell us that no matter how well he explains himself, what he does is wrong and dangerous. It’s a depressing thought but this is a depressing series, wrapped in a lot of beautiful, heartfelt moments.
And for those reasons alone, I think this is a good series, all in all. But I think it only really works if you watch until the end of season 1. That final realisation needs to happen, or else the point of the series is kinda null. I’m working on season 2 right now and so far it’s not as good as season 2 but I’m hanging on. Maybe the end of season 2 will convince me as well.
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poipoi1912 · 8 years
Stabler-centric thoughts on Ep 18x13
Transformation complete. From Nu Munch to Nu Stabler, in just 13 episodes!
Seriously though, surprisingly long post ahead: (I would cut it down, but I don’t have the time or the patience)
Carisi-centric thoughts on Ep 18x13 
First things first: what the fuck happened to Barba's chocolates? Biggest disappointment of the night. The official SVU account is not to be trusted.
Overall thoughts
Decent episode. It had some issues*, but it was reasonably, well, not terrible. Probably a little above average for Season 18’s standards. 
*starting with the issues, to get them out of the way: too much rapist(s), not enough victim. We got to see if the rapist (the first rapist) was “okay” with a plea for rape 2, and he “admirably” said he deserved that punishment, but we never got to see if the victim was okay with that. We never got to see the victim again, period. We don’t know if and how she is coping. She was a total afterthought. We did see the other victims, during the trial, but that was just to poke holes in their stories. It seems that’s the only reason we ever see a victim, in S18. Not to see how they can overcome their rape as survivors, but to make them appear unreliable for the sake of plot twists.
Barba thoughts
I joke about Sonny going from Munch to Stabler, but I’m not joking when I say that Barba is going from Cabot to Novak. Seriously, Barba went from fierce and flawless Ice Queen Alexandra Cabot, who won every case and didn’t give a shit, to earnest but messy Casey Novak, a half-decent lawyer who loses every other case but it's okay because we love her. and i do love her :’)
Barba doesn’t really lose cases, but he never wins them on his own merits (with the sole exception of Making a Rapist, when he got the mother’s testimony on the stand, about 7 years ago, when that episode aired). It’s always Liv, saving the day. Even in episodes which are spent mostly in the courtroom, there are no legal victories. No big moment in which Barba argues the fuck out of a case. He just utters a few snarky tidbits like “Bunny,” so we can all admire Raul’s sass, and then he loses (like he lost the motion about confidentiality) or he wins because of something Liv did.
Has Barba gone soft, not to mention less competent, on purpose, or is this poor characterization? that’s a rhetorical question btw
The Legal Side of SVU
Why does this season waste all these semi-interesting cases? Why did we spend the entire rape trial debunking the victim statements, instead of watching Barba argue the law? I was expecting the “rape gene” theory to figure more heavily into the trial, but it never did. Why not? Why waste that opportunity?
The earlier scene with the minister on the stand, that was way more fun to watch (mostly because it didn’t involve victim-blaming). Why do all these cases, which could be considered vague (and therefore exciting) from a legal standpoint, get reduced to arguing the boring facts, like a suspect’s height? Same thing happened with Imposter, an episode which could have been a million times more interesting, if only it had focused on the law.
For instance, Sonny suggested another case offscreen, and Barba dismissed it offscreen, and we never got to find out what it was. Why bother introducing legally murky cases if you're not going to bother presenting the arguments? Rick Eid is a lawyer, but I can barely tell from watching. He only scrapes the surface. I'm a much younger lawyer, and totally inexperienced when it comes to criminal law, and I still routinely come up with, like, three more things Barba could have done or said in each episode.
But, in fairness, I do have to say the minister/confidentiality theory, as well as the AA comparison, that was actually smart. It was the only unique touch in terms of plot, and they even set it up well, with the prayer, or whatever that was, as Rollins and Carisi were surveilling the group on that earlier scene. That raised my expectations, as did Barba’s argument that the guy was a only being a minister as a hobby (now that’s a fun argument to make!), so the return to mundane victim blaming later on disappointed me even more.
On to Sonny:
Sonny’s Temper
I've said it before (and used the SpongeBob gifs to illustrate it), but there is nothing in Sonny's characterization this season that could be viewed as an organic progression of the Sonny from Seasons 16 and 17. Nor has there been anything plot- or character-related which would justify such a stark change (please no one mention Dodds unless you want to make me laugh).
When is the last time Sonny cracked a smile that wasn’t sarcastic? Remember when Amaro was the angry stereotype, and he'd argue with Barba or Amanda, and Sonny would try to defuse the situation with a joke? Now Sonny has picked up the mantle of Angry Cop. Which, I mean... Sonny, gurl, if Amanda freakin’ Rollins has to scold you about being insubordinate to your superiors, that means you’ve taken it about eighteen steps too far (wait, do the writers remember how she used to talk back to Liv and Dodds? Probably not.)
Sonny and Empathy
Where? 👀 Shouldn’t Sonny have talked to that Will kid more gently? Instead of saying “I’m not a priest or a shrink, just gimme the information, goddammit”? Sonny usually cozies up to perps. This kid wasn’t even a criminal, and Sonny was treating him aggressively, when it was obvious he was fragile and would probably respond better to a milder approach. Which brings me to:
Sonny and Continuity
Sonny told Will (still in a very pointed way, when I was expecting a more casual, if not cordial approach) that the “next” rape “will be on him,” if he didn’t testify. Might that be a callback to Sonny’s own guilt, since he believes the fact his bully murdered someone is “on him”? Even though that’s wrong? And it was extra wrong to lay that kind of a guilt trip on this Will kid? Or did the writers forget about Sonny’s past already?
The Barisi Corner
Barba gave Sonny a sassy look! Because Sonny over-explained a legal matter to show off! And then he sarcastically thanked Sonny! Classic S16 material. We are blessed!
“I don’t care about Barba”
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Seriously though, Sonny said "I don't care about Barba", meaning he cares about the case more, or about the victim, even if that means making a colleague mad. And that’s fair, especially in the heat of the moment. But this is coming a week after Barba's secret is (almost?) revealed, at least according to the original production order. What can we deduce from that?
I'd like to think (the old) Sonny would be more considerate when talking to a colleague who had recently been compromised, or gone through some type of emotional hardship. So, maybe Barba's secret never actually comes out? Maybe we learn it, as the audience, but it doesn't go public, so Barba ends up worrying over nothing?
Barba obviously doesn't lose his job, so maybe no one finds out (other than Liv, of course, because from that promo we know she tells Barba about the hacker). What if Sonny doesn't find out at all, and he doesn't even get to learn Barba has a secret to begin with? Could Barba's storyline run in parallel to the "main" case, with no other characters (other than Liv, of course) involved? That would be both disappointing (because the writers would be wasting yet another opportunity to integrate Barba and show he is a valued member of the team) and unsurprising (because, S18).
Of course there’s another option; maybe continuity is a non-factor and the writers just never bothered to write anything to further the “Barba’s secret” storyline past that one episode :D
Sonny’s Temper, Vol. 2
As Amanda noted, Sonny totally overreacted during that argument. Why would that be? Does he really think he knows better than Barba, on whether or not jurisprudence from another state is applicable or relevant? Like, that’s not an “opinion,” Sonny. And, even if it were, it’s Barba’s opinion which defines the prosecution’s strategy. If Sonny wants to make these decisions, he should quit the force and start prosecuting perps himself.
Which brings me to:
Sonny and the Law 
Dare I hope that’s what the argument was about? Is Sonny getting increasingly frustrated with the fact his job ends when he arrests a perp? That would be a great way to bring back his dilemma about becoming a prosecutor. This type of long-running professional frustration would perfectly explain why he snapped like that. It wasn’t about him knowing better than Barba, it was about him wishing he could be doing Barba’s job. Or even thinking he should be doing it.
Apparently, Sonny researched the case, and he came up with an idea which he presented to Barba offscreen, thinking it could save the day. That’s going above and beyond, from a cop’s perspective. And then Barba rejected his idea without a single word, also offscreen, and that pissed him off. Maybe Sonny felt underappreciated, in terms of his legal skills. He is a licensed attorney, but he is not treated as such. Problem is, he is not a prosecutor, he is a cop, and that’s how he should be treated.
So, what if Sonny’s constant sour mood is because he’s unhappy where he is? Because he wants to do more, from a different position? Maybe that’s the reason for his changed demeanor, and it will be explicitly dealt with near the end of the season. lol yes I’m reaching for the stars, Sonny’s law aspirations will probably never be mentioned again
Stray Thoughts
Greg Germann was awesome! So evil and hot. Strauss gave Buchanan a run for his money. By the way, remember when he was an ADA? lol neither do the SVU writers. Why didn’t Barba at least tease him, for switching sides? Like he did to Calhoon (except for her it was the other way around, when she advocated for that victim in that one episode). It would have taken three seconds, and it would have added context.
What's that? Barba also had an abusive father? lol no one cares or remembers :D
Okay but, when Liv just popped up on that roof, out of fuckin’ nowhere, to deliver some angst and sell her backstory, totally overshadowing that kid? Classic Liv! (srsly tho she was great in this episode :D)
Speaking of, why didn’t we get a close-up of Sonny on that roof, after he found out about Liv’s history? He was right there! And that, too, would have taken three seconds. I was craning my neck to see his reaction, even though it was off-camera, lol. What a wasted opportunity to show how much he cares about Liv. Oh, and Amanda apparently found out offscreen (as if Liv would ever tell her, lol). This season does not give a single fuck about the squad dynamics.
Peter needs to do that botox thing people do between their eyebrows for their “11” lines, he’ll get wrinkles if he keeps frowning like that in every single one of his close-ups.
Amanda’s coats keep slaying me.
What a waste of Bill Irwin.
That first defense attorney is my fave! I wish he’d been in more scenes!
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
It's Amnesty 2019! In which our writers choose singles from the year that we didn't get to. And what better way to get the ball rolling than with a song that's got something to say about pop music...
Joshua Lu: In the final episode of season five of Black Mirror, Miley Cyrus plays pop star Ashley O, whose desire to escape her contract leads her aunt to put her under a coma, which leads to two of her fans saving her, which leads to her performing "Head Like a Hole" at a night club, happy now that she's freed from the literal and metaphorical restraints that came with being a pop star. Undergirding the episode is "On a Roll," a remake of that same Nine Inch Nails song but made so overtly benign and bubbly that it becomes as unnerving as the original. Most of these unnerving aspects are probably intentional: the ambiguity behind lines like "'Cause I'm going down in history" or "I'm gonna get what I deserve," the distorted moans and cries buried in the instrumental, or the way the bass drops off at the start of the chorus, leaving Ashley O screaming motivational platitudes over an unfeeling beat. But there are so many parts that are equally unsettling yet don't come across as intentional -- were they really expecting us to hear "hey yeah whoa-oh" and not "hey I'm a hole," or is this mixup supposed to act as commentary on, say, perverse undertones in popular music? (The fact that the original song has "hole" in the same spot makes this mondegreen all the more suspect.) Are the dozen or so seconds of dead air at the end of the song just a consequence of a lazy audio engineer, or was this silence deliberately included to let the song's termination settle uncomfortably into nothingness? It's these parts of "On a Roll" that make it so fascinating -- not the rockist message of its origin, and especially not the corny, ham-fisted cracking screen in the music video -- so much so that even after streaming it for months, I can't tell how much of this song I'm supposed to enjoy, and how much I'm supposed to fear. [8]
Vikram Joseph: Like "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too", the Black Mirror episode which birthed it, "On A Roll" serves as both escapist fun and a pointed facsimile of meticulously-constructed big-studio pop. Brooker and Reznor's four-part construction is unexpectedly good -- a cheerleader-chant of a chorus (surely intentionally written to, in turn, be wilfully misheard as "hey, I'm a hoe!" by gay twitter) sandwiched between big, melodic, reverberating synths in the pre- and post-chorus sections. Squeezing "achieving my goals!" into a pop chorus is worth an extra point, and also works as a sly joke about influencer culture's obsession with productivity. [7]
Alfred Soto: Imagine shouting "achieving my goals!" with less enthusiasm than an assistant vice president of human resources at a two-day retreat. At least "California Gurls" put the self-help gumption behind solid beats. [1]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: "On a Roll" was designed to be a hollow shell of a prototypical pop song grounding a Black Mirror episode satirising toxic music stan culture. And yet, contrary to the episode's whole point, the Gays™ have still found a way to make it the object of stan culture anyways! Frankly, I can see why: it's low-key a bop, the kind that burrows under your skin and slowly takes over your body until you're singing it all the time. I can't help but like it even though I know I'm not supposed to. Do we really have free will? [6]
Kayla Beardslee: Yas queen, I'm literally gagging. We love a thinly produced bop! New main pop girl Ashley O has done it again, constantly raising the bar for all of us who want to make basic pop that serves looks? eh vocals? I guess its story without ever impressing outside of its narrative context. We stan. Keep her in that coma so she can churn out more average, serviceable music for AO2! [5]
Natasha Genet Avery: Ashley O's Gaga impression had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie. But Gaga would never waste a verse and bridge this good on that laughably staid three-note chorus. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: A fizzing, swaddled bass synth lopes around the black hole of drums that sucks down every other musical instrument, burying a thinning synth key patch pushing up and sinking while Miley scrapes it off the bottom of the ice cream pail. [3]
Tobi Tella: In the same vein as A Star Is Born, turns out executives trying to make empty, vapid pop music actually ends up slapping. It's a perfect pop parody, with a million meaningless hooks; the drawn out "oh honeyyy," the pre-chorus that has nothing to do with anything, and, of course, the chorus, which hits the cheesy pop vibe perfectly. Not to mention the fact that it's an interpolation of a hard metal song, everything about this is nonsensical yet amazing, and it's honestly probably better than anything Miley Cyrus has put out this year. [7]
Jackie Powell: Ashley O might have just performed my "I can beat burnout" theme song. While this track was released in mid-June, it's exactly what is needed to deal with the darker days of December. It's almost as if I'm visualizing that Rachel Bloom on a stage somewhere singing about burnout, but I'm not actually hearing a musical theater melody. It's one hundred percent pop. It's also sexier while still cheering me on. How's that for an anti-burnout fight song? It's also ironic that "Head Like a Hole" is lyrically so dystopian while "On a Roll" sonically and visually -- with its simple synths responsible for the track's chord progression and a purple wig and white bodysuit -- projects more of a utopian vibe. But as a song featured in Black Mirror, the choice to pay tribute to "Head Like A Hole" was more deliberate than not. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: As long as Nine Inch Nails have existed and yarled, people have observed, often intending to blow your minds, that they might Actually Be Pop. There were the band's early appearances on questionable proto-TRLs. There was that Sound on Sound interview about how Dave Ogilvie mixed "Call Me Maybe" like a NIN song, resulting in this (featuring, in the comments, one "DigitalPimp" marveling at how it sounded like something out of a Black Mirror episode, four years before "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too"). There was the weird spate of offhand references in media about and/or marketed to young, non-generally-industrial-listening girls, from Clarissa from Clarissa Explains It All to Cassie from Animorphs to the babies in A Visit From the Goon Squad who are sold future!NIN's hit "Ga Ga." There are the many real-life "Ga Ga"s, like this, this, or this by Devo, or this seasonally appropriate medley. And there is, of course, this deeply strange year 2019, in which Trent Reznor earned his first No. 1 hit with one "Old Town Road," and in which there was this. I'm not a Trent purist -- I'm too much of a Tori Amos fan for that -- but "On a Roll" misunderstands the medium. The track, at least, is done by actual pop producers, The Invisible Men, and thus sounds plausible, though it can't decide whether it wants to be "California Gurls" or Weeknd-produced-by-Max-Martin smooveness or whatever the hell that half-time prechorus or Can't Take Me Home faux-soul backing vocal are. But the lyrics are by Charlie Brooker, and though he nails the inane in-universe promotional bullshit, he doesn't understand songwriting. "Bow down before the one you serve" is a more plausible pop lyric than "I'm stoked on ambition and verve." One shamelessly plunders greed and S&M and melodrama and does so the way actual people talk. One is a thesis statement rather than a lyric, doesn't scan, and is finished by rhymezone.com-ing vocabulary that for the life of me, I cannot remember if any pop lyrics have used. It's not even a timely thesis; in cynical 2019, post-Madonna, post-Gaga, post-Eilish, hell, post-"7 Rings," a pop star is less likely to put out "Everything Is Awesome" jingle music than just cover "Head like a Hole." And indeed, "On a Roll" exists so Black Mirror can get a cathartic moment out of Ashley O singing the actual "Head Like a Hole," which sounds great, because by comparison what wouldn't? Trent says he's OK with it, but then we know his stance on what he'd do for money. [2]
Iain Mew: I was at the lower context end of the scale for my initial listens to "On a Roll." I haven't watched the Black Mirror episode; I was vaguely aware of a Nine Inch Nails link but not its form; I don't know "Head Like a Hole." In that context "On a Roll" sounded like an intermittently functioning pop song with some unusually scanning lyrics that ranged from awkward to witty to both. Listening to the Nine Inch Nails song afterwards brought it together in a different way, but "On a Roll" stood up without that at least as well as most of the high concept early-'00s mashups that it's the conceptual successor to. [6]
Katie Gill: Does this work more if you're canon-familiar? Because I get the joke: ha ha, we're going to turn Nine Inch Nails into a pop song as some sort of commentary for Charlie Brooker's Ham-Fisted Social Commentary Hour! But I've only watched one or two Black Mirror episodes, so I can't help but feel that I'm missing something here. Because if the joke is that this complete antithesis of a pop song is now turned into a pop song, I don't think it works. The lyrics are sheer beautiful banality, a 2010s take on the same joke Music and Lyrics made over ten years ago. But the pop instrumentation & reworking doesn't hide the fact that "Head Like a Hole" is not fundamentally built like a pop song. It's like going into a guest bedroom that was obviously once a storage attic with low ceilings and poor insulation: put on a new coat of paint and the bones still show through. Maybe I have to watch the episode in order to fully appreciate the joke. But then again, great examples of musical parody & homage stand wonderfully on their own without context. Why doesn't this? [5]
Alex Clifton: As a parody of manufactured pop, this is pretty good; unsurprisingly, I'm reminded of Hannah Montana's "Nobody's Perfect" with its aggressive positivity ("riding so high! achieving my goals!"). But I'm seen people refer to this as an "accidental banger" and that's overrating the song. It's serviceable, it's catchy enough to be in the background at a party, but if you're going to go for manufactured pop, go hard or go home. This just doesn't commit itself enough to the genre to meet my expectations. [4]
Will Adams: I've spent the better part of the decade railing against PC Music's uncanny valley pop and its purported inability to make satisfying commentary on pop music. Allow "On a Roll" to serve as my mea culpa. Clickable premise of Miley Cyrus covering Nine Inch Nails for a Black Mirror episode aside, "On a Roll" feels pointless. Especially when a pop version of "Head Like a Hole" already exists, deliberately cynical pop by mainstream artists already exists, and your chorus hinges on a line as fatally clunky as "I'm stoked on ambition and verve." [3]
David Moore: A few months ago I was doing my weekly Spotify trawl and came across what sounded like a long-delayed aftershock of self-titled-era Taylor Swift. I was amused to see that this artist was Taylor Acorn, suggesting an elaborate algorithm designed to generate successive Taylor Swift clones named according to a variation on the NATO alphabet: Taylor Acorn, Taylor Bravo, Taylor Charlie. And this in turn gave me an idea for a television pilot with this exact premise, which I wrote ten to twenty minutes worth of before it fell flat. The problem, as it usually is with these sorts of things, is that the music needs to be good, and it can't just conjure its goodness from the perspicacity of its commentary. And of course most bizzer behind-the-curtain shows fail even at this basic commentary level -- the easiest part! -- and are doomed to be not only bad both in show and in soundtrack, but a little insulting, too. So it's a pleasure, if a mild one, to hear those exhausting try-hards over at Black Mirror let a decent pop song just kind of sit there. I didn't see the episode, but from what I can tell Miley Cyrus is supposed to be a bit of a cipher, which of course she isn't at all -- and funnily enough it makes this song do almost the opposite of what it's supposed to; it acts instead as a kind of metacommentary on how hard it is to make Miley Cyrus sound cool and competent. What, Taylor Acorn wasn't available? [6]
Michael Hong: It's nice to see Hannah Montana aim for something that fits directly into the image of the pop machine. "On the Roll" lodges itself firmly in your head while attempting to stimulate your pleasure receptors, rather than forcing all its energy to generate the cycle's "new authentic me," which ends up barely being a reinvention but more of an embarrassing reminder that Miley Cyrus is once again, back at it. Next time maybe she can aim for something good. [2]
Kylo Nocom: As satire? Boring, but not unexpectedly so! A good rule of thumb is that blanket parodies of pop music are never smart and rarely funny. Just last year A Star Is Born and Vox Lux soundtracked rockist paranoia with gratingly obvious piss-takes: "Why Did You Do That?" had a title that doubled as a lament for Ally's career; "Hologram (Smoke and Mirrors)" drove accusations of artifice that seemed directed equally at an imagined lover and Celeste herself. "On a Roll" suffers the same issues through less obvious signaling, being the commodification of an anti-establishment song, yet even here the writers can't resist an ironic nod. An uncomfortably extended silence following the last "I'm gonna get what I deserve" leaves room for interpretation: is this about Ashley exiting the pop machine as a break into authentic living, or about her suffering as retribution for being part of the pop machine? Who knows! The song is otherwise fantastic, and it being fantastic fucking sucks. Interpolating Nine Inch Nails wholesale puts Miley in her most enjoyable mode: anthemic rock-adjacent joy, some of the best she's done since her Hollywood Records era. Even if Black Mirror's idea of future pop is suspiciously like 2017, with tropical percussion breaks from "New Rules" and the pulses from "Sorry Not Sorry," the arrangement of "On a Roll" suggests actual, realized verve. The charm of the song concerns; in the context of the show itself it's the result of exploitation, and outside its context it's packaged with tacky viral marketing bullshit. But I can't resist. [9]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I was prepared to give this some begrudgingly high score based on the weird, feverish week in the early summer where I listened to this on loop. But on the return visit, the appeal of "On a Roll" fades away with its novelty. All that remains is the general structure of "Head Like A Hole," which ties that undeniable melody to a much more compelling creep of a beat, and a slightly-above-average vocal performance from Miley. With every year of this nostalgia-focused decade I have grown wearier and wearier of this sort of reincarnation pop, yesterday's pleasures repackaged winkingly for an audience that sees the artlessness, the lack of aura, as the point. There's no way to listen to this sincerely, and I'm no longer amused by irony's mirror. [3]
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