ajdrawshq · 2 years
holy fuck?
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nyxeze · 5 years
about the bad ending...
ok so i know i have like. 2 followers on here and neither of them care abt persona but i wanted to talk abt it bc tumblr is basically the only place that people are discussing spoilers.
i apologize if this isn’t very coherent, i’m kind of just rambling about this at midnight, but i can’t stop thinking about the bad ending.
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as you can see in the end card, akechi and ren are off on their own, away from the rest of the group. i’ve seen many people interpret their placement as “those who know the truth vs those who don’t” but i would argue that it’s less so that and more so “akira with his wish”. if it was the former, wouldn’t it make sense to have sumi with them, since she was aware of maruki’s palace as well? in fact, i would argue that no one in this world knows the truth...but i’m just going to focus on akechi specifically. in this “paradise”, akechi doesn’t know about the dream world at all and maruki used his cognitive powers to force him to “forget”.
all translations are from lokiarsene btw!
throughout the conversation with maruki, akechi is VERY much against the idea of the dream world. he’s uh, never exactly subtle about it. but it’s especially highlighted in this one particular response to akira telling akechi he’s considering staying in it.
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akechi despises people feeling sorry for him a lot. this is seen in the engine room, where he’s often shouting things like “don’t you dare pity me!” while fighting him. that’s why he claims that akira is “betraying” him by even considering it. akira is supposed to be his friend, the one person who understands him -- NOT another person to look down on him via false sympathy. in his eyes, maruki’s world isn’t a happy ending. it’s just the manifestation of akira’s pity.
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when akira commits to his decision of giving up on fighting maruki, akechi is pissed. he tells him the “i have nothing more to say to you” and then proceeds to storms off. his sprite shows his pure rage pretty well. and yet, in the bad ending, he acts as if everything is fine. yes, you could argue that a lot of time has passed and he’s cooled down but we know akechi isn’t one to just forgive and move on. akechi held a grudge against shido since he was a CHILD, there’s no way he’s going to be like “oh yeah you threw away our one chance to face reality but that’s all in the past haha :)!”
if akechi retained his memories in the dream world, he’d be doing everything he can to tear it down, despite what akira wants. he wouldn’t accept it lying down. he wouldn’t be playing chess and partying with a smile on his face. and he most certainly wouldn’t have the man behind the dream world in the first place take a picture of the group without at least some jab or showing of anger (but i’ll expand more on that in a second).
there’s one more piece of dialogue i wanna analyze in the 2/2 conversation.
when akira tells him that he’s going to fight back against this “paradise” akechi responds like this:
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this highlights two things: 
1) another reason why akechi wouldn’t want the dream world. it reminds him too much of shido and his manipulation of children to get what he wants.
2) “i’m sick of being controlled” he knows he won’t have free will in this world.
and it’s the second part i want to expand upon. we’ve SEEN maruki alter personalities and thoughts at will. he made madarame and okumura Not total jerks and made sumi think that she was actually her sister. now that maruki knows that akechi realized the truth, it’s not far off to say that he would change akechi so he won’t rebel, too. he’d do anything to keep his paradise in tact, and since akechi has been openly hostile throughout the entire conversation to the idea of maruki’s paradise, having akechi remember everything is a threat. akechi’s smart; he must’ve realized this too.
but what’s arguably most damning is not in the 2/2 conversation, but in the bad ending. when maruki walks away, akira is the only one left in his direciton and not towards the group.
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it’s meant to represent how akira realizes that something is quite Not Right with the man who took their photo. what’s most important about this, however, is that akira is the ONLY one who has this reaction. not kasumi, not any of the other pt, and especially not akechi. and as said before, if akechi remembered about reality, there’s no way that he wouldn’t recall what maruki looked like. he would probably make some biting remark too; post engine room akechi has withdrawn any “masks” he had. he would have no reason not to show some anger towards someone he so openly hates.
anyway! i feel like i got my point across. akechi in the bad ending most likely does not know this isn’t reality, so to characterize him as acting complacent for akira’s sake is probably wrong. 
i think i would like to make another one of these posts, but discussing the theme of maruki’s character and how he uses “rewards” and “dreams” to suppress rebellion (as opposed to the rest of the adults use of “fear”) but that’s for when the localization comes out and my monolingual ass can actually understand it all without relying on lokiarsene lmao. also on a better computer hopefully...i blame any misspellings in this on it.
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vivnein · 5 years
💗 and Akechi? :0
omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg ty!!!!!!! i don’t talk abt akechi much but i love him sm
Who fell for the other first?
i definitely did! akechi is too repressed feelings-wise to actually acknowledge anything other than anger
Who said “I love you” first?
that was actually akechi. i fall for people really easily, but i don’t fall ‘in love’ super quick, you know? so telling people i love them when i’m in a romantic relationship is actually hard for me!
Who is more affectionate in public/private?
in public? neither of us. my s/i is known as a total loner before he met the crew and got into stealing hearts, so he’s emotionally constipated and way too nervous to make moves. in private? akechi! he acts on impulse a lot (no matter how hard he tries to plan things out) so he finds it easy to initiate contact.
Who initiates cuddle sessions?
even tho i literally just said akechi is more affectionate, i’m clingy to all hell and will cuddle my mans if i feel like it. that’s all i’m really good at initiating tho!
How do we cheer each other up?
i cheer up akechi by doing things to take his mind off of He Who Shall Be Killed (shido), i.e. picking out a new show to watch, going to akiba to look at merch (akechi likes anime and you can fight me on this. you will lose), or going out and finding somewhere new to eat! he cheers me up by sending me wholesome memes or just holding my hand. he knows i’m sensitive to touch (so is he) so he understands that a little goes a long way.
Who is more likely to plan a surprise date for the other?
him! he likes planning things out in advance but i probably totally ruin them by getting sidetracked!
Who suggests the more creative date ideas?
neither of us are very good at it, actually! we’re not super extroverted (no matter what the media says) so we find comfort in familiar territory. that being said, we do like finding new places to eat! we just tend to stick to the same type of restaurants!
Who steals the other’s clothes?
i do. oh my god. i’m a total shirt and hoodie hog, he won’t see certain clothing items for, like, decades to come.
Who is more likely to leave cute little sticky notes for the other to find?
we both are! i sometimes write small, encouraging notes around his apartment for him to find, and akechi likes to give me tips for studying when he borrows books to look at or small reminders that he’s thinking of me when he’s around my house!
What our favourite thing to do during the summer is?
we like staying inside on hot days, only venturing out in the heat to get convenience store snacks and drinks. neither of us can really handle the heat, and we can usually agree on a show to watch while we’re hanging out! (usually in my room bc his apartment is shit and doesn’t have an aircon)
What our favourite thing to do during the winter?
one word: kotatsu.
i uhhhhhhhhhhh really took this and ran with it omg i’m sorry! tysm for asking!!!!!!!! 💞💕❣💓💗💖💕❣💞💓💗💖
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incarnateirony · 6 years
One more P5 post
I wanna know how much time the creators spent arguing with people on twitter, considering the comments on the Phan-Site polls. Will put behind a cut.
I mean, they hit all sides from auto-believers, internet trolls, people who are like ITS STILL ILLEGAL!!! and THIS IS THE POLICE JOB pics or it didn't happen, whatever. But my favorites are "IF UR SO JUST, SHOW UR FACE", "I bet they're crying LOL", "Shibuya's fucked", "Hang in there you guys ;w;", "WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE", "world-famous fail looool", "kill this stupid website" or whatever else. Or the timeless “so wait, who do we hate?”
QUESTION: Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves? This poll is adopted on 4/15.
"'of hearts?' What tryhards"
"I've been waiting for this!" 
"Isn't it just a prank?"
"Never even heard of them"
"Who made this site? Ridic"
"even kids aren't that dumb"
"gtfo with that shit LOL"
"is this a cult?"
"my friend says they're real!"
"sauce plz"
"viral marketing...?"
"It's just a coincidence..."
"Petty criminals? Pointless"
"This is getting good!"
"Too elaborate for a prank"
"Vigilante justice is wrong."
"What about the pupils?"
"What's gonna happen now?"
"What's he gonna be hit w/?"
"i just can't"
"pics or it didn't happen"
"ppl really believe this? lmao"
"ppl who buy this... -_-"
"they can't catch EVERYONE"
"they're just making threats"
"thieves are the bad ones"
"was it rly a phantom thief?"
"what a joke"
QUESTION: Are the Phantom Thieves just? This poll is adopted on 6/11.
"Akechi-kun is right!"
"Isn't it a crime?"
"It's called the law..."
"NO! justice ain't that simple"
"NO. They piss me off."
"Steal dem corrupt hearts!"
"They seem full of it, so NO"
"They're still thieves..."
"They've always been fishy..."
"This is the police's job."
"better be arrested soon"
"don't even bother with this"
"get off your high horse"
"hmm seems interesting"
"i hate Akechi, so YES???"
"if ur so just, show ur face"
"they're allies of justice."
"they're up to something"
"this has to be fake, lol"
"this is so immature."
"Isn't it a crime?"
"Probably at least somewhat"
"They seem full of it, so NO"
"They're cool, so HECKYEAH!"
"They're still thieves..."
"get off your high horse"
"i dont buy into that stuff."
"of course not. done"
"that "justice" stuff is ehh"
"this is so immature."
"both are crossing the line"
"fukkin hypocrites"
"get rekt, scumbags lmao"
"Hang in there you guys! ;w;"
"I bet they're crying LOL"
"Neither are just"
"Shibuya's fucked"
"they're both shit."
"What cheapass justice, lol"
"Such annoying marketing"
"Their word is final."
"better than the cops"
"i bet it's worldwide news"
"justice was w/ the thieves."
"what a time to be alive"
"Calling card! YAAAAAAS!"
"Exterminate his family too!"
"Here comes the apology rofl"
"I've been waiting for this"
"Leave everything to them~"
"Make him beg!"
"No apology yet? :["
"Ooh, a calling card! kekeke"
"Take him out. It's an order"
"The world needs to see this!"
"They better not screw it up"
"Yeah, get that greedy CEO!"
"an apology isn't enough."
"become prime minister plz!!"
"dat okumura stock drop lol"
"destroy all evil!"
"let's hear from the workers!"
"no more big bang burg, lmao"
"stop fucking around"
"we're with you, p.thieves!"
"❤❤❤ Phantom Thieves ❤❤❤"
On 10/12, the support rate drops from the 90s to the 70s due to the death of Kunikazu Okumura.
"Is he really dead...?"
"Now, who's next? ;)"
"Well that was disturbing..."
"die capitalist pigs!!!"
"whoa wtf"
On 10/13, the support rate drops a bit again to the 60s.
"Awww, what a waste"
"Evil has perished."
"Gotta break a few eggs"
"So, whodunnit?"
"Were we deceived?"
"do we know how they do it?"
"eh, good riddance"
"killing ppl's a no-no"
"omg, the comments hahaha"
"omg, they went overboard lol"
"they got carried away..."
"what about his daughter?"
Over the next week, the support rates drops to the 50s, 30s, and then 20s.
""justice" sounds hollow now"
"Are the calling cards fake?"
"Blame the politicians too."
"Bloodthirsty killers!!!"
"Enough is enough!!!"
"Even Akechi's lost it"
"False charges happen, but..."
"Hurry and arrest them"
"Hurry up and execute them!"
"I dare to support them."
"I kiiinda sympathize..."
"I reported this website."
"I told you so..."
"I'm scared to go outside..."
"Is the admin an accomplice?"
"No hate-slinging, please!" (a message from the admin, Mishima)
"Officer, look!"
"Oh how far they've fallen"
"Pls don't kill me ;_;"
"Police were negligent too."
"Shut this site down!!!"
"That was traumatizing..."
"They must be punished."
"They need to be executed"
"They were screwing with us."
"They're assassins."
"Ugh. We were fooled."
"We can't leave them be"
"What about the politicians?"
"awful, they betrayed us"
"bring on the breakdowns~!"
"cant say w/o evidence"
"cmon, just kill everyone!"
"didnt expect much anyway"
"got anything better to do?"
"he had it coming, amirite?"
"id bet money on the rest"
"its just coincidence, yep"
"just turn yourselves in pls"
"lel, regret backin em yet?"
"lol dont be fooled so easy"
"lol, ppl still like them?"
"low expectations, ho!"
"media's garbage as expected"
"overhyped imo"
"p quick to switch sides lol"
"support went to shit lmao"
"tbh i just wanna troll, lol"
"their fans are guilty too"
"they even steal LIVES???"
"they're just suspects..."
"throw em in the slammer!"
"trash talking feels risky..."
"typical bandwagon, gg"
"uhh, yea they're evil"
"waste of tax money imo"
"wat do they want, anyway?"
"world-famous fail loool"
QUESTION: Are the Phantom Thieves innocent? This poll is adopted on 10/29.
Around 20%
"30 million yen OMG XD"
"Akechi-kun, save us!"
"Enough is enough!!!"
"False charges happen, but..."
"Is the admin an accomplice?"
"Oh how far they've fallen"
"Record-breaking evil"
"They gotta be arrested now"
"can't know w/o a trial"
"id bet money on the arrest"
"if ur innocent, show yourself"
"lol this place went to shit"
"ppl still stand by them?"
"that freaked me out omg"
"they're def guilty"
"they're freaking out hahaha"
"they're running loose rn..."
"this site pisses me off"
"waste of tax money imo"
"what if they are LOL"
"who cares either way?"
After the protagonist fakes his death, and approval drops to 0.3%.
"Akechi got the last laugh!"
"A worthy end for a villain"
"c'mon, leak his name!"
"Evil is destined to perish."
"he went down easy"
"hope things are safer now"
"Justice with Akechi!"
"Just like Akechi-kun said!"
"kid had it coming, lol"
"So did he do it or not!?"
"so he HAS to be guilty"
"The truth's lost to the void"
"We'll finally have peace"
"we do need a new authority..."
QUESTION: Do you support the Phantom Thieves? This poll is adopted on 12/7.
Around 0.8%
"a lil too late tho"
"dat comeback looool"
"I'd never support them"
"I'm getting confused..."
"I can't believe anybody..."
"i don't really care"
"Is Shido gonna apologize?"
"It's happening again..."
"just typical slander imo"
"lol no way i'd support them"
"may just be election shit"
"moar like phantom GRIEF"
"Must be tough for Shido-san"
"My scandal sense's tingling!"
"no one wants you thieves"
"phantom thieves WIN PLX!!!"
"political attack, REALLY???"
"ppl still defend them? lmao"
"Shido, just take the win"
"Shouldn't Shido explain?"
"Show yourself, Akechi!"
"smear campaigns are gross"
"So he didn't die..."
"srsly, a tv hijack?"
"Stay strong, Shido-san!"
"stop makin such a big deal"
"talk about election drama"
"they're still criminals"
"they can't take a hint"
"this country is effed up"
"this is a murder warning..."
"This isn't debunked yet?"
"this site's still up? :o"
"TV hijacking is terrorism!"
"was it the others? :o"
"was that statement a lie?"
"what about the election?"
"what a comeback..."
"Why isn't this on the news?"
"wow, ppl are desperate..."
QUESTION: Do the Phantom Thieves really exist? This poll is adopted on 12/19.
Around 19%
"And then, there were none"
"can't someone just fix it?"
"cmon thieves, say something"
"Enjoy prison, Mr. Shido~"
"even shido... FAIL"
"everyone, just disappear"
"Everyone was shameless"
"go ahead & celebrate, idiots"
"I feel like an empty husk"
"im just like... so what"
"In the end, who's to blame?"
"i shoulda known better..."
"ive lost my will to live..."
"just destroy this country"
"kill this stupid website"
"my support was a waste"
"Next person please!"
"nobody asked for this"
"no thanks to those thieves"
"nothing changed. boringggg"
"Someone do something!"
"soooo is shido alive?"
"so wait, who do we hate?"
"so what WERE they??"
"The election was a farce."
"the future's screwed LOL"
"they're harshin my mellow"
"They better settle things"
"thinking hurts my brain"
"this country's done for"
"This is a stain on history"
"this is fucked up..."
"this is going nowhere"
"useless scum"
"we need answers"
"What's with this question?"
"who cares abt the election?"
"why'd we even bother"
"why this. even now???"
Then the dramatic final cut where everybody believes in them and it’s like # OF FANS ---> FAN POWER LEVELS ---> FIGHT Q( ‘-’Q )
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