#just had the funniest round of my life none of them could do anything against me. also Akechi keeps losing and he sounds so pissed sjxhjsb
ajdrawshq · 2 years
holy fuck?
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Summary: The BAU decide to head out for a picnic one summer afternoon, but they’re soon rudely interrupted by a bee sting and anaphylactic shock. Seeing Spencer carted off in an ambulance is not exactly how they expected the day to go.
Tags: whump, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, hurt spencer, friendship, medical conditions, severe allergic reactions
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid 
Word Count: 2.3k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
Spencer had initially been wary of Penelope’s invitation to picnic in Meridian Hill Park one beautiful summer afternoon — he burned way too easily and didn’t like exposing himself to insects more than absolutely necessary — but as soon as she’d mentioned Derek was going, he’d given in. He wasn’t about to turn down an afternoon spent in the sun with his best friends and boyfriend. It was a rare day off for the team: one not even spent hanging by their phone expecting to be called in any minute, so they were all insistent on making the most of it. 
He’s the last one to arrive, spotting the others sat in the shade of an oak tree, already laughing as they get stuck into their first drinks of the afternoon. Despite his initial hesitations, as soon as he feels the sun on his face and sees his friends he’s immediately glad he turned up and he hurries over to join the rest of the team, his own contributions to the picnic in hand. 
“Pretty boy!” Derek shouts, grinning widely as he jumps up from his lazy position on the blanket to wrap Spencer in a hug, before pulling back slightly to kiss him. He can already tell he’s a little tipsy, and although Spencer doesn’t drink he has nothing against everyone else letting their hair down and having fun; God knows they deserve it. 
His relationship with Derek is only a few months old, and he still relishes every moment he gets to spend wrapped up in his arms.
“Hey guys.” His words are muffled slightly by Derek’s shoulder as his boyfriend is reluctant to let him go, but as soon as he’s released, he turns to match everyone’s wide grins. 
“Did you bring the strawberries?” Emily asks, levelling him with a faux-stern look that she can’t maintain for long, melting back into her relaxed smile soon enough.
“Of course.” He takes a seat on the picnic blanket only to be immediately wrapped into a side hug by Penelope. He hugs back before beginning to unpack his bag.
“What about the icing sugar?” she asks, and her stern glare isn’t fake at all: Spencer knows how seriously Penelope takes a) organisation, and b) sweet treats.
“Who do you take me for?” he laughs, retrieving the fruit and sugar from his bag and taking a swig of the cool lemonade he’d packed in his thermos. 
Sometimes he wishes he could go back in time and show lonely, teenage Spencer pictures of days like these. One day, he’ll be twenty six, working at his dream job, and spending his days off in the warmth of the East Coast sun one Sunday afternoon surrounded by his best friends, kissed by his boyfriend at every opportunity. They’ve never asked him to be anything other than exactly who he is, inviting them into their group and doting on him relentlessly, loving him just as much as he loves them. 
It’s a luxury you only appreciate when you’ve known the loneliness of summer: when the hum of the AC is the only sound in your stuffy, humid dorm room, and you’re researching the effects of methane on winter weather patterns as you long for cold weather again, because then at least then you don’t have to listen to the excited shouts of friends outside anymore, then it’s acceptable to isolate yourself inside with only yourself and books for company.
He shakes himself out of his miserable recollections and reminds himself to be in the present. Emily has her head in Penelope’s lap as they discuss which incarnation of Doctor Who is the best while JJ and Derek discuss the new jogging park opening up across the border in Virginia. He knows which conversation is more suited to his interests and immediately goes up to bat for the Seventh Doctor, which manages to engage him in a spirited debate with both women. 
Soon, though, they find themselves all discussing their workplace embarrassments and recalling the funniest moments from over the last few years, and Spencer loses himself in the heat of the afternoon and the warmth of his friendships. He’s gorged himself on all the strawberries and sandwiches he could stomach, and as the afternoon stretches longer and evening approaches he lies down on the blanket and rests his head in Derek’s lap, mirroring Penelope and Emily. His eyes flutter closed as his full belly and heat of the sun tire him out, and Derek’s fingers thread themselves through Spencer’s long hair, a light and welcome touch. 
The haze of his friends still chatting around him as he dozes comfortably is interrupted, however, when he feels a sharp pinch on his wrist and seconds later, he’s fighting for breath. He launches upright, wheezing as he claws at his chest, trying desperately to fill his lungs with enough air. 
“Spencer? Oh my God, Spencer, what’s wrong?” Penelope cries, immediately by his side as she looks him over frantically, not knowing what’s happening. 
“Derek, call an ambulance,” JJ directs, taking charge as she rushes to Spencer’s side as well. “He’s in anaphylactic shock. Spencer, listen to me, do you have your epi-pen with you?”
Her words manage to get through the panicked haze and light-headedness as he can’t get enough oxygen. He can feel his face swelling and his heart racing, but he’s still coherent enough to point to his bag. 
“He didn’t eat anything, though,” Emily says, panicked and confused as she watches her friend have a medical crisis while she’s powerless to help. 
“He’s allergic to bees,” JJ says, keeping calm as she prepares the epi-pen and administers it to Spencer’s thigh. “One must have stung him for some reason.”
“There!” Penelope points to the bee sting on Spencer’s wrist and JJ lunges for her bag, rummaging until she finds her credit card which she uses to carefully slide under the stinger and remove it, preventing any more venom from flowing into Spencer’s system.
It’s clear after a few minutes that the epi-pen hasn’t worked: Spencer still feels like he can’t catch his breath and the world is fading slowly as his heart beats out of control and his organs can’t get enough oxygen. 
He feels himself be moved gently by various hands as JJ directs the others until he’s leaning up as comfortably as possible against Derek’s chest as Penelope elevates his legs to keep blood flowing to his vital organs. 
“It’s okay, Spencer,” JJ says loudly, right in front of his face. It’s blurry and out of focus and he can feel himself losing consciousness fast. “The ambulance is on its way.” 
It’s the last thing he hears before he collapses completely as he passes out. 
It’s dark outside when Spencer finally wakes up. His bed is warm and comfortable and he lets himself listen to the somewhat comfortable steady beeps of the heart monitor and movement of staff and patients around the ward before finally opening his eyes to scan his room. 
Derek’s sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair right next to his bed, sketching what Spencer can only guess are plans for the property he’s just taken on, an empty jello cup balancing on the armrest of his chair. 
“Sandwiches and strawberries not fill you up?” he asks, voice croaky as he cracks an eye open. He can’t help but smile, too. He has the best boyfriend and the best friends anyone could ever hope for.
Derek’s head snaps up as he hears Spencer’s voice, setting his notebook and jello aside to grab for Spencer’s hand. “You are something else,” he chuckles. “Your first thought when coming round from a medical disaster is an observation of my eating patterns.” He shakes his head fondly. “ But you know I can’t pass up a tub of jello.”
“That’s true. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you say no when it’s offered.”
“You’re one to talk, pretty boy.” 
They lapse into short silence, accompanied only by the quiet beeps of the machines. “Sorry I scared you,” he whispers eventually, feeling guilt wrap itself around his stomach. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not your fault.” Derek looks sincere as he holds Spencer’s hand tighter, careful of the IV in his wrist. “The doctors… they said it was a severe attack, which is probably why the first epi-pen didn’t work. They’re monitoring you overnight to make sure there was no damage to your kidneys, I think. I’ll go find a doctor to tell them you’re awake.”
He moves to get out of his seat, but Spencer pulls him back down, as well as he can when he’s still feeling weak. “No, just… don’t leave,” he asks, his voice coming out a little too pleading for his liking. “Stay.”
The idea of being alone right now twists his stomach; the idea of being without Derek so desperately scary. 
“Okay, okay, baby,” Derek relents, sitting back down and running a soothing hand through his tangled hair, Spencer’s eyes fluttering closed at the contact. “I won’t go anywhere if you don’t want me to.” Instead, he presses the button for the nurse. 
“Where are the others?” Spencer dares to ask after a few seconds of quiet. 
“The nurses weren’t too happy with four people in here,” Derek chuckles. “I’ve been updating them by text; I’ll tell them you’re awake in a minute. JJ saved your life, you know. None of us had any clue what was happening but she was the only one who kept calm and the only one who got us through those awful minutes waiting for the ambulance to show up.”
“I know,” he whispers. “I told her I was allergic to bee stings years ago. It was just an off-hand comment, it never feels like that big a deal… this is only the third time this has ever happened. I guess I don’t feel the need to bring it up.”
“Well that off-hand comment saved your life, pretty boy.” Derek squeezes his eyes closed for a second, and when he opens them the emotion written on his face is heart-wrenching. “God, I can’t believe I could’ve lost you. There were a good few minutes there when I didn’t think you were gonna make it and after… Tobias… I was just so scared.”
Spencer’s stomach clenches at that, imagining the roles reversed is terrifying just as a hypothetical. He can’t even begin to imagine how Derek felt. He reaches a hand out to touch Derek’s face gently, squeezing his hand with the other. “But you didn’t lose me,” he murmurs. “I’m here, I’m  okay.” 
“Yeah.” His voice is barely a whisper as his eyes close again. “Is it bad that I kind of want bees to go extinct now?” he asks with a wet chuckle a few moments later.
“Derek!” Spencer laughs weakly, acting scandalised. “Bees are fundamental to the global ecosystem. Civilisation would effectively collapse if bees went extinct, it’s definitely not worth eradicating bees for the sake of me avoiding the rarity of anaphylactic shock, not according to the laws of proportionality. It’s actually frightening how fast the bee population is depleting though… did you know that there are only about 2.5 million honey-producing hives left in the US? That’s down from 4.5 million in 1980 and the loss has largely been attributed to colony collapse disorder—”
“Ah, Doctor Reid, you’re awake.” A smiling nurse bustles through the door and comes to check his vitals, fiddling with one of his IVs before taking a step back. “How’s your breathing? Is the nasal cannula okay or would you prefer a full mask?”
“The cannula’s good,” he says, smiling politely. Really, he just wants to get back to telling Derek all the bee facts he can recall. He has some really good ones itching to be let out. “I’m breathing fine, just feel a little weak still.”
“Good. Your vitals all look stable, so a doctor will be round in the morning to talk you through your treatment and medication. Is that okay?” 
“That’s fine, thank you,” Spencer nods, and she gives them one last smile before leaving the room and sliding the door shut quietly behind her.
“I should bring her back in,” Derek chuckles as the nurse leaves the room. “She missed out on your bee lecture. Fascinating stuff.”
“Shut up,” Spencer huffs, sinking back against the pillows. “You don’t deserve to hear my bee facts.”
“No,” Derek protests, grinning widely. “I’m joking, baby, carry on. You were telling me about colony collapse disorder.”
Spencer knows that, of course — he does have an eidetic memory after all — but it makes him smile that Derek remembers exactly where he was in his spiel. Maybe Penelope’s onto something when she says that Derek is “whipped” for him. (It had taken at least fifteen minutes for Spencer to fully understand what she meant by that, mostly because he kept asking about the etymology, history, and statistical usage of the word and she kept rolling her eyes, which he would then insist was not an answer.)
“Colony collapse disorder is depressing,” Spencer sighs, feeling quite tired all of a sudden. “I don’t feel like explaining it.”
“It doesn’t sound great.” Derek goes back to threading his fingers through Spencer’s hair. “Why don’t you tell me your favourite three bee facts, and then you can go back to sleep”
Spencer hums, giving it a bit of thought before replying. “Scientists trained bees to score goals in bee soccer in return for a sugary treat, which is especially interesting because they have brains the size of a poppy seed. They communicate with one another by wiggling their butts. It’s like their own language, they tell their nestmates where to go to get the best food. Bees also live in loads of different places, not just in the countryside. My favourite place they live is in marshes and wetlands, because I love insects that live in watery areas.”
“I’d pay to watch bees play soccer,” Derek laughs quietly. “You’re so smart, baby, I’m so proud of you.”
Spencer sighs happily. “Love you,” he murmurs, eyes closing against the exhaustion. 
“I love you more.”
Spencer isn’t awake long enough to argue with him.
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @strippersenseii @hotchgans @suburban--gothic @takeyourleap-of-faith 
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halsteadshailey · 4 years
A little too much fun
Upstead, Mancel and Stellaride at Molly’s oneshot
Set sometime after last week’s eps (all of them are pre-established)
*slight language*
can also be read on ao3 and wattpad
“Are you coming?” Hailey called up the stairs to Jay who was taking an abnormally long time to grab his shoes.
The couple had moved in together just over a month into dating, anyone on the outside may think that they were moving too fast, but to them, they’d waited long enough. So over the past few weeks Jay had slowly been moving his things into Hailey’s apartment and now that they had finally sold his place, it was official.
“Yeah I’m ready, sorry” Jay replied as he came down the stairs.
“What took you so long?” his partner questioned.
“I couldn’t find my shoes” he said honestly “I guess I’m still getting used to living here”
“We’ll get used to it, I don’t plan on letting you leave anytime soon” Hailey responded with a light chuckle and placed a soft kiss on Jay’s lips.
“Oh, don’t worry, wouldn’t have it any other way” Jay said as he reached for Hailey’s hips to pull her closer and kissed her again.
After a moment they broke apart and Hailey checked her phone for the time.
“Come on, we gotta go, the others are probably already there” she stated as she laced her fingers between Jay’s and pulled them both through the door, locking it behind her.
Stella was just waking up from a nap when she got a message from Hailey.
‘Sorry we might be a little late, but we’re on our way, see you in a bit’
“Shit” the firefighter whispered under her breath as she nudged her sleeping boyfriend awake. “Kelly, we gotta get up, we said we’d meet Hailey and the others at Molly’s”
The pair had been on shift the previous day and got home from one of the longest nights of their life that morning. Call after call they couldn’t seem to catch a break so, naturally, when they got home they slept.
Luckily they had both already showered so all they needed to do was get changed and go, they also happened to live a lot closer to the bar than Jay and Hailey did so time was on their side.
Once they were both changed and Stella had put a little bit of make up on they were out the door and on their way, due to the location of their apartment, they would actually be on time.
Natalie and Crockett made it to Molly’s first out of the three couples but they weren’t there long before Stella and Kelly showed up, closely followed by Hailey and Jay.
Nat had told Crockett about Hailey’s invitation to meet her and the other first responders at Molly’s last week and at first he was hesitant, simply because he still felt like the new guy but he quickly accepted when Nat talked some sense into him saying something along the lines of ‘Well the best way to change that is to get out and spend time with your friends, otherwise everyone will see you as the new guy forever’. He knows that he’s not technically new anymore anyway, but because of the pandemic it had been hard to be social. This meant he had made few friends outside of the hospital and despite being there a whole year before the pandemic hit, back then he was actually the new guy meaning he was just trying to get settled and wasn’t too focussed on making friends.
The group of six however had grown fairly close after spending a few long nights at Molly’s together. Stella and Hailey had become friends very quickly after Hailey helped the firefighter out when she got a bad feeling on a call and together they found the abducted kids.
This naturally lead Kelly and Jay to spend some time with each other once the detectives’ relationship was out in the open. Natalie and Crockett seemed to fit perfectly into the group, Nat being good friends with the girls already and as for Crockett, he fell into conversation easily with Jay and Kelly, all three guys having a similar sense of humour and a shared love of sports.
This was the first night that they had actually planned that all six of them would spend together and it was an idea that Hailey and Nat had when the police officer brought a victim into Med.
“Hey guys, sorry we’re late” Hailey said as her and Jay made their way to the table where their friends were sitting.
“It’s all good, nice to see you guys” Crockett replied.
Jay smiled and offered to buy the first round.
The six of them sat together at the table for the better part of an hour, sharing stories, laughing, talking about anything but work. It was like a breath of fresh air that none of them knew they needed.
Eventually the guys split off from their partners as the game started and made their way to the bar to watch it on the TV.
The girls remained at the table, looking over at their boyfriends occasionally and not being able to help but smile.
“So how are you and Jay doing?” Stella asked Hailey “ya know, with living together and being out in the open and all”.
Jay and Hailey has revealed their relationship to their colleagues just a few weeks before they started to move Jay’s stuff in. They figured it was time to tell everyone (if they didn’t already know) and they knew there was no way they’d be able to hide it once they lived together anyway.
They went to Voight first, he told them he’d known for a while but as long as it wasn’t affecting how they worked, which it wasn’t, he didn’t plan on saying anything until they did. They signed all the HR forms that they needed to and Voight told them he was glad to see them both happy and that they deserved it after everything. The partners were very relieved and grateful towards their boss and how he reacted to this new level of their relationship.
Like Voight, the rest of the unit were very congratulatory towards the partners when they were told the news, and they all payed up when Kevin reminded them that he had guessed the closest therefore won the bet. The team had had a bet on when the detectives would get together since Jay got kidnapped and shot trying to help Angela, they knew it was only a matter of time until the detectives admitted their feelings that everyone else could see were there but seemingly they had no idea about.
“It’s going great” Hailey responded “living together has been really fun and our relationship has never been a problem at work” she finished with a smile and a quick glance at her boyfriend who was now on the edge of his seat which she assumed had everything to do with the game they were watching.
“How about you? How are you guys doing?” Hailey added referring to the slight mishap that Stella and Kelly had made it through.
“Yeah is that all over now?” the doctor at the table questioned.
“Yeah yeah, we’re doing fine. You know, Kelly’s Kelly and I wouldn’t change him for anyone, but sometimes he can be a real piece of work” Stella said.
“I hear that” Natalie responded receiving a laugh from her friends.
“And what about you Nat? How’s your hot surgeon boyfriend?” Stella asked in a teasing tone with a chuckle.
“Ahh he’s good” she replied with a smile “funniest guy i know” she added receiving an ‘aww’ from both Hailey and Stella.
The three girls carried on chatting, often gazing over at their boyfriends when they celebrated something in the game or when one of them said something causing the other two to laugh loud. All three were beyond happy right where they were in that moment.
About half an hour later the game was over and the guys made their way back over to the table.
“Hey guys, how was the game?” Nat asked no one in particular as her boyfriend took a seat next to her and she leant against his side.
“Great! We won” Kelly said as he placed his hand on Stella’s neck and sat down beside her.
“We could tell” she replied, referring to the loud cheers that came from the bar when the game finished.
Jay took a seat next to Hailey and put his arm over her shoulders with his hand hanging down by her side, the perfect place for her to play with his fingers. This was something she did very often when they were eating or drinking together, whether it was across the table or leant against his side it still sent a spark through his arm to his heart.
As it got later and later the bar started to empty and eventually the group decided to call it a night. They all grabbed their jackets off the back of their chairs and made their way outside once they’d thanked Herrman who had been serving them all night.
Once they were outside they all parted ways. Kelly had his arm around Stella as she was attempting to keep him steady since he’d maybe had one too many to drink. Seeing as she still felt pretty beat from their last shift she, on the other hand, hadn’t had much to drink so was still able to drive.
Differently, neither Natalie or Crockett had held back on the drinking since they were both coming off a week being on call and not being able to drink at all so after Nat and Hailey hugged goodbye, Crockett grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and helped her into the cab he’d called.
Hailey and Jay were also probably ok to drive but decided against it based on the fact that they didn’t actually live that far away and it would definitely be safer to walk.
It was a cold evening so Hailey was hugged closely into Jay’s side as they started walking, one of her hands in her pocket and one around his back, his in a similar way but due to their height difference his non-pocketed hand was over her shoulders not around her back.
‘Tonight was really fun, thanks for inviting us all Hailey’ Nat sent to the group chat with Hailey and Stella that they had made one evening for a reason they can’t remember as her and Crockett made it back into her apartment.
“Hey, thanks for making me go tonight, I really do love spending time with the guys” Crockett expressed to his girlfriend as he took his shoes off and hung up their jackets.
“Is it only the guys you wanted to spend time with?” Nat responded in a flirty tone.
Crockett smiled and decided to play along “Yeah, well, there is this one girl that I wanted to see”
“Oh yeah, who would that be?” Nat said as she looped her arms around his shoulders.
“She’s a doctor at Med actually” he continued the joke “brunette, really pretty, funny too” the surgeon continued as he placed his hands on Natalie’s hips.
“Hmm, she sounds great”
“Oh, she is”
And with that, the couple connected lips and he lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their kiss deepening as they made their way into the bedroom.
Stella and Kelly’s arrival to their apartment was a different story. Stella parked her truck outside and they steadily made it up the stairs to their door. Keeping Kelly close to her side, she unlocked it and made her way straight towards their bedroom where she lay her already half-asleep boyfriend down.
She attempted to keep him awake long enough to get him changed but she very quickly gave in to just removing his shoes and his jacket then laying down next to him after getting herself changed and falling asleep too.
“Hails?” Jay called from their bed as he heard the shower turn off.
“What’s up?” his girlfriend responded as she walked out of the bathroom towel drying her hair.
“Your phone’s been going off, Nat and Stella saying thanks” he explained, handing her her phone.
“You reading my messages huh?” Hailey prodded playfully as she folded the towel up and put it down, climbing in to bed next to Jay and taking her phone from him.
He couldn’t think of anything witty to say in response so instead he gave her a quick kiss on the lips and pulled her close to him.
On their walk home they had both admitted that they weirdly weren’t that tired so Jay decided to find something for them to watch on TV while she checked her phone as they lay side by side, his arm behind her head and their legs tangled together under the bed sheets.
Hailey let out a quiet laugh as she opened the group chat and saw a picture of Kelly passed out in bed that Stella had sent followed by a message saying, ‘some of us maybe had too much fun’.
Her laugh caused Jay to turn to look at her phone too, the picture making him chuckle. “I’m honestly not sure how Kelly had so much more to drink than me or Crockett” he said, causing Hailey to laugh.
She put down her phone and hugged closer into Jay’s side, placing her head on his chest. He placed a kiss in her hair and they both turned their attention to the TV and fell asleep pretty quickly, clearly a little more tired than they had originally thought.
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Title: Territorial {One Shot} ***
Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Heavy Angst, NSFW, SMUT
Words: 7.2k
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Note: Oh boy, I got carried away with this one. Please excuse the 7k words. I didn’t know I did it until it was too late. Hope you guys like this. Thank you for reading!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
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 What do you do when you are a single lady who is also a super busy actress who has too much going on to be bogged down by dating as a celeb? Or what do you do when you have needs that you need tending, but you don’t want the headache of complications? You get yourself a friend with benefits. So that’s what you did.
 Okay, you didn’t go out seeking a friend with benefits situation. It just happened. Thanks to a friend of a friend who was friends with what they called “a sweet guy who was also gorgeous and good in bed,” happened to be at a party you were at and introduced you to none other than Chris Evans. You know of him, everyone in the whole Hollywood fame circle did. You also knew of his reputation. He was a playboy who liked to have a good time. You didn’t knock it.
 That night after you were introduced and he passed the twenty-minute test, you allowed your friends to wander off, leaving the two of you to talk. That talk ended up being a good two hours. He wasn’t boring or arrogant, and he was quite funny. As you spoke, you were mentally going over your checklist.
Not Boring, check. Not arrogant, check. Funny, check. Smart, check. Handsome, check, and check. Tall, check. Nice lips, check. Sexy, all the fucking checks. He was hitting all the checks on your checklist. After another two hours, the two of you still hadn’t managed to wander off to speak to anyone else. Your friends texted several times, giving you your outs, but you didn’t take any of them. Chris, of course, laughed it off because he knew just what was happening.
 By the end of the night, you’d exchanged numbers and made plans to hang out sometime in the coming week or two. Three days passed before he called you. You pretended not to notice, but you noticed. When he called, he joked that he had to play it cool. That night you had dinner, which lasted another four hours. Things were going great, so great that you saw each other six times before the week was done. Each time you found more and more you liked about him. You had good chemistry, and things just felt natural with him.
 One night on the beach after a lowkey picnic dinner, he made his move with a star shooting kiss. It was that good. It quickly became more and more passionate, but the two of you pulled away at the same time. He whispered that he liked you a lot, you whispered it back, and the kissing continued. Then again, the two of you pulled back you said you had a lot going on and couldn’t afford distractions, he shared the same sentiments said his workload was about to pick up. That didn’t stop the kissing, though. On the third pull back, both of you said the words at the same time; “nothing serious.” Both of you laughed about it and nodded your agreement before hurrying back to his car to race back to your place because it was closer for one of the best sexual experiences you’d ever had.
 Nothing serious turned to whenever we’re in the same town. That turned to whenever we have an itch, and finally, it turned into just whenever. Normal fuck buddy arrangements operated with meeting, having sex, and leaving soon after. That never happened between you and Chris. You’d often go out, grab dinner, see a movie, go to a play, a game, whatever. You’d talk about everything, laugh like he was the funniest comedian, flirt your asses off to go back to each other’s houses, and have sensual, teasing, passionate toe-curling, back-arching hair ruining sex. Afterward, you’d cuddle for a little, watch some tv, talk, do it again and again, or however many times it needed to be done, you’d both fall asleep and depending on whose house it was one would leave the next morning after breakfast in bed together.
 Eleven months in and nothing had changed.
“Shit, yes. Right there.” You were so close. Chris continued to pound into you at just the right angle. You could feel the goosebumps prickling your skin, the telltale sign of your impending orgasm--the more goosebumps, the more intense. Chris knew it too.
 “You don’t gotta tell me where. I know what I’m doin’.” He brutally snapped his hips forward, delivering such a powerful stroke you splayed across the bed face down.
 With your face smushed in the down comforters, you moaned and cursed all at the same time.
 “What was that?” Chris slapped your ass and moaned no doubt getting lost in the way it jiggled. Turning your head to the side, you bit your bottom lip.
 “I said fuck that shit hurt,” you repeated. He smiled and grabbed your hips to pull you back up onto your knees. Slowly he slid back inside your warmth. Both of you moaned together. He allowed you to adjust for a few moments as he kissed along your spine up to your neck. Once there, he bit down onto your skin making you gasp.
 “You love that, huh?” You nodded as he held onto your shoulders and began plowing inside of you again. You grabbed the sheets and quickly got lost in the pleasure he was giving you. He sped up his thrusts but never missed his mark. Your moans got louder and louder; you could feel your orgasm creeping back up. Suddenly Chris slowed and hovered over your back to kiss your jaw.
 “I missed you,” his voice was deep, and it sent shivers down your spine.
 “I can tell.” Chris ground his hips into you, sending his dick to press against every wall you had. When he reached around to circle your clit, you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
 “I mean it,” he added. You smiled and peeped at him over your shoulder.
“I missed you.” As if those were the words he needed he snapped his hips forward so hard your head jerked forward then back, Chris held on to your shoulders and used it as leverage to have you see stars.
 “Oh, fuck, yes. Uh-huh. Yes, Chris!”
 In a matter of seconds, the two of you came together and rode the waves of pleasure that was so familiar between the two of you. When the two of you crashed to the bed, Chris remained nestled deep inside of you as he tossed the throw blanket over the two of you before he hugged you to his chest. You moaned.
 “That was nice.”
 “Nice? Watch your mouth.” You giggled and pushed your ass back onto him some more, which elicited a deep moan from him. Chris dropped another kiss onto your shoulder.
 “So, you know that party tomorrow night?”
 “What party?”
 “The It party, the one that’s after the It luncheon,” Chris explained.
 “Oh, right. Yeah. What about it?”
 “Are you staying in town for it?”
 “Yeah, I’m here for a week or two, I think. I actually have to go to that stupid luncheon.” You groaned. You hated the horse and pony shows. Hated having to mingle and shake hands and smile and be pretty. It was tiring.
 “I know how much you hate them. Since I have to make an appearance at both, let’s just go together. I’ll distract you from the hoopla and even find some excuse to whisk you away when things get weird.” You snorted and laughed.
 “How in the world do you plan on distracting me? Dragging me into a bathroom part of the plan?”
 “It could be.” Again, he kissed your skin.
 “Listen, if you keep kissing me like that, we’ll be too tired to go anywhere tomorrow.” Chris rolled onto you and kneed your thighs apart.
 “Sounds fine by me. That way, I won’t have to peel a fancy dress off of you to get you naked and here like this.” He thrust forward joining your bodies again. You moaned and wrapped your legs around him.
 “But the fun is peeling off the dress.” Chris smiled and kissed you, beginning another round of mind-numbing sex.
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“So, the two of you are dating now.” You rolled your eyes at your best friend, Alicia’s sly statement.
 “Dating? What? No. We’re not dating. We’re going to the luncheon and party afterward. Where did you hear date?”
 Your friends all looked at you as if you were slow. The four of you were sitting and getting hair and makeup done.
 “Is he picking you up?”
 “In the chauffeured car, yes,” you responded to Valentina’s question.
 “Are you guys planning on matching?”
 “Coordinating and matching are very different,” you defended while looking at Bianca.
 “Y/N! Oh my god, how are you blind to this. You’re dating your fuck buddy,” Alicia hammered home.
 “What! No, I am not. We are not doing anything out of the ordinary. We have dinners, hang out, get it in, and then leave. None of that says dating,” you defended.
 “Uh, yes, it does. Fuck buddies bypass all of that nonsense. You fuck in the car, then get dropped off, go hard at the house, and then leave. There are no calls, texts, dinners, hanging out. All of that you mentioned is called dating. Hence you’ve been dating your fuck buddy,” Alicia finished.
 You sat there thinking about her words. You’d never stopped and thought about this. It was all as easy and as simple as breathing. Chris fell into your life and meshed with it. There was no adjusting or rearranging. The two of you just worked. You enjoyed being around each other.
 “Aren’t you supposed to like being around your fuck buddy?”
 “Not past fucking.”
 You had a mental and I oop moment that you knew you could let out. You liked being around Chris.
 “Listen man; y’all are not going to have me in my head for the next eighteen hours. Nothing is happening between us. We’re being each other’s wing person for these events. End of discussion.”
 For the next hour or so, you got beautified and tried to push what they’d said out of your mind. As far as you were concerned, it was not true. When you got home, you got into your outfit and prepared yourself for the next few hours. When the doorbell rang, it was almost one. He knew you hated arriving anywhere on time. As you approached the door, you could see Chris’s back turned. His navy checkered slacks and brown jacket. You opened the door, and he spun around, holding white orchids.
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 “I know, I look just as good in clothes as I do out of them, right.”
 He smiled and shook his head as he leaned in and kissed you. What was to be a quick peck turned into another and another before you had a mini make-out session in your doorway.
 “Ready to go?”
 “Yes, let me put these down,” you answered before you hurried inside to place the orchids on a shelf. When you came back, you had your clutch, and it was time to go.
 The drive wasn’t long; it went by pretty quick thanks to your constant banter—banter that had been there from day one. You found yourself looking over him and admitting how he looked in his outfit. He looked good. He always looked good even when his team chose questionable pieces. At those times, you didn’t bite your tongue in shooting him a message telling him how bad the outfit was.
 “Is this outfit up to standards?”
 You snorted and shook your head as you bounced him with your shoulder. Instead of moving back to your side, you remained leaning on him. “If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have gone anywhere with you.”
 “Oh. So, it’s like that. Wow. Here I thought we were friends,” Chris feigned hurt.
 “You didn’t let me finish. Friends don’t let friends go out looking a hot mess, so I wouldn’t have gone anywhere with you until you matched my drip,” you teased. Chris laughed loudly, slapping his hand across his chest. You smiled. It was a laugh you loved, his genuine laugh.
 “Laugh if you want to. You know I have style, Evans.” He nodded and kissed your temple. It was an action that gave you goosebumps—goosebumps that were usually achieved during sex with him. Sensing your stiff demeanor, Chris looked at your face.
 “You okay?” You nodded more enthusiastically than you should have and hoped it didn’t come off weird.
 Thankfully, you arrived at your location just in time. With your hand draped inside of Chris’s arm, the two of you walked into the entrance of the venue, a sprawling home in the hills. You warmly smiled at the passing faces of those you knew and didn’t know.
 “Perfect little fake smile you have there,” Chris teased.
 Through your perfect little fake smile, you responded, “Not everyone can be charismatic Chris Evans. Some of us have to fake it till we make it.” Chris snorted beside you as the two of you kept walking through the venue. Within minutes you were surrounded by people all complimenting your outfit and expressing how happy they were to see you.
 You and Chris quickly got busy with mingling and small talk. You talked about everything from previous roles to impending ones and everything in between. The entire time you kept your smile up and even added other pleasantries—a hand touch here, a tossed back head laugh there, and infinite cheek kisses. It was exhausting. Halfway through mingling, you realized you and Chris had been torn apart. He was entertaining a group of women off to the side. The smiles on the faces of all the women told you his charm was in full effect, and he had each and every one of them under his blue-eyed spell.
 One of the women touched his bicep while she laughed a very fake laugh. Yeah, he was funny, but he wasn’t that funny. She was trying to inflate his ego. You rolled your eyes but continued to watch. Chris flashed one of his lopsided grins at the woman in the bright yellow body con dress. You knew her as Brandy Hannover, an up and coming actress. He usually didn’t have a type, but from his history, he liked blonds and brunettes, he could go either way. You were the only odd choice in his dating history. You had to mentally slap yourself when you registered “dating.” Then you had to remind yourself; you’re not dating.
 Brandy looked him over as she licked her lips. When hers and Chris’s eyes met, you felt a pang of something unfamiliar in the pit of your stomach. Their glance lasted seconds, but seconds was all it took for you to want to vomit. Chris looked from her and immediately found your eyes. You flashed him your fake smile and turned back to those in your group to join back into the conversation, ignoring the new uneasiness you felt.
 An hour passed, then two, and three. By the time five rolled around, you’d had way too much Bellini’s and mimosas and were ready to leave. As you thought it, Chris found you and expressed the same sentiments. Relieved, you wasted no time making your exit and getting back into the car. The drive back was quieter than the trip going. Chris tried to make small talk, but your short responses shut him down. You couldn’t keep your head in the present. You kept thinking back to watching him talk to Brandy. You didn’t know why it rubbed you the wrong way, and that was what bothered you. Before you knew it, the car was outside your door.
 “You okay?”
 “Hm? Yeah, I’m fine. Too much champagne, you know it makes me loopy.”
 He nodded but didn’t speak again for a few moments.
 “Have you decided on the color for tonight?”
 You were supposed to tell him the color of your dress so he wouldn’t clash with you. you hadn’t narrowed it down yet, so you shrugged. “Wear whatever. It doesn’t really matter. It’s not nearly that serious.”
 Chris looked confused, but you didn’t want to explain. Gathering your things, you went to open the door, but the driver did it for you.
 “Y/N, you sure you’re okay?”
 “Yeah. So—eight?” He looked like he had more to say, but he was contemplating if he should. With a defeated sigh, he nodded and repeated the time you’d agreed to pick you up. You nodded and walked to your front door without a glance back.
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That night the doorbell rang a little after eight. You were in a better mood now and actually couldn’t wait for the chance to drink some wine. Your friends were going to be there, and you knew they’d make you have fun. You smiled when you saw his crisp blue suit with black lapels, your jaw dropped. God, he was gorgeous. You almost said it too.
 “I had a feeling you’d pick the rose gold dress,” Chris informed. Your smile said it all. He knew you well.
 By the time you got to the party, the paparazzi were out and snapping pics of everyone in their path. When you and Chris walked by arm in arm, they shouted numerous questions.
 “Y/N, Y/N, Chris over here. Are you guys dating now? There have been tons of rumors. Is this your official outing as a couple?”
 You looked at Chris, who was rolling his eyes and giving you a silly face.
 “Uh, no. Chris and I are just friends as always.” You looked at him again, but the silly face was gone. He looked a lot more serious. His eyebrows were knitted and jaw tight. You wondered if you’d said something to warrant the change.
 Inside the venue, it was all opulence and luxury. It was filled with who was who of Hollywood. It was loud; the sounds of Normani’s Motivation was playing. There were a few places for dancing and quite a few tables for socializing. Everyone looked to be having a good time. Chris led you through the space on his arm. Occasionally the two of you would stop and greet a few people you knew before you continued on.
 After a few minutes, your friends found you, and it was then Chris made his clean break for the bar.
 “You look incredible,” Valentina elated. You smiled and did a spin so she could see the whole outfit.
 “Damn, boobs are out on display.” The four of you laughed as you looked around at your surroundings.
 “They had a good turn out.”
 “Yeah. No one needs an excuse to come out and drink on someone else’s dime, especially if it means it’ll possibly add to the notches on their bedpost,” Bianca said. It was true. You were only here because you half had to. In Hollywood, you had to make sure your face wasn’t forgotten.
 The song changed to an oldie, and the four of you jumped up and busted out your moves. The four of you made your way to one of the dance floors and got your party on. You parted the high split at your thigh and dropped a little low and winded your hips. Your friends followed your lead and showcased their skills. The four of you sang along to the song.
 “I’m on the floor, floor, I love to dance. Now give me more, more. Till I can’t stand. Get on the floor, floor like it’s your last chance. If you want more, more, then here I am.”
 That was when you got into it even more. When the hook popped, you lost it.
 “We’re higher than a motherfucker!” The four of you jumped like you were in a mosh pit and didn’t care who was watching. Soon a few others joined in with the four of you, and then the floor around you was filled.
 From the corner of your eye, you saw Chris leaning against the bar watching with a soft smile on his lips. He raised his drink and shook his head. Your shrug said it all. He knew how you were. The party didn’t start until you walk in. You nudged him over, but he shook his head. Before you continued to dance, you stuck your tongue out at him.
 You spent the next hour on that dance floor with your girls dancing your ass off with plenty of drink filled pit stops. You had no idea who was in charge of the music, but they were killing it. Usually, the music at these things was so bland, but tonight they must have had a good DJ. By the time Chris came over more than an hour had passed. He handed you a refilled glass of your Bacardi on ice. That was when the music changed to something new from the Jonas Brothers. You couldn’t lie; it was a good one.
 You pulled Chris into a dance before he could back off. Though he tried to make his getaway, you quickly stopped him by sliding before him, blocking him with your hip. He snorted and shook his head. You crooked your finger to him, telling him to come to you. When he walked to you, he looked like he didn’t want to. You crossed your arms and pouted, and that was when he took your hands and began moving to the beat. In no time, the two of you were doing some mixed up jive dances around the dancefloor. When the hook came on, you imitated Danny Zuko and Sandy’s dancing at the fair. Chris wasted no time joining in though the two of you laughed your ass off the entire time.
 This is what you loved. You had a good time with him no matter what. Towards the end of the song, you and Chris were close together with his arms around your waist.
 “I can’t believe you have me dancing in front of all these people, showing my white boy moves.” You laughed loudly, throwing your head back. This one was genuine.
 “And you give me the fake enthusiastic laugh,” he teased.
 “Oh, stop it. You know that one was real. I don’t fake anything with you.” Your eyes locked and you wiggled your eyebrows at him. Chris bit his bottom lip and sank his fingers into your back, holding you firmer.
 “Good to know.” You noticed how dark his eyes got, and you knew just what it meant. Thankfully this was not the place.
 “How do you feel about finding a balcony or closet with me?” you dropped your jaw in faux shock.
 “Really, Christopher? Here?”
 You were not surprised. This man was the energizer fucking bunny. He was always down to get his tip wet. In the last eleven months, you’d had sex in the most unimaginable places. He may be white, but he was anything but vanilla.
 “Oh, come on. you’re not down?” All of this isn’t working for you?” Again, you laughed loudly.
“Your Gemini cocky is showing.” He smiled and brought his lips to your ear and pressed them to your skin.
 “My Gemini cocky wants to show right here, right now, if you catch my drift.” He finished with a small bite to your earlobe.
 That was all it took, and he knew it.
 “I can feel your nipples through your dress. Follow me in four minutes.”
 You watched him walk off and tried to conceal your excitement. There was nothing like public sex. The possibility of being caught was just too intoxicating and exhilarating. He’d given you some of your best orgasms in an open space. Before he disappeared, he peeped back at you and licked his lips before giving you his signature molten smolder. Jesus the man was going to be the death of you. You looked around looking to see if anyone had seen anything. When you were satisfied, you made it to the bar. You needed a stiff drink.
 “What’s your poison?” Looking to your right, you saw a tall drink of milk. His hair was blonde and hung loose and was the perfect frame for his strong jawline. He was gorgeous. He sort of reminded you of Chris, but his vibe and aura were completely different, but still sexy.
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Realizing you were gawking, you cleared your throat and looked to the bartender. “Um—uh--,” you stuttered. This was different, you thought.
 “Speechless or unsure?” you looked back to him and saw his perfect smile. Lord have mercy, you thought.
 “I’m Charlie; maybe I can help.” You nodded and watched as he spoke to the bartender. His mouth was beautiful. You instantly began to wonder just what that mouth did. As if he could hear your thoughts, Charlie looked at you with dark eyes.
 “I can help with that too.”
 You were too horny for this, and it was all Chris’s fault. You remembered Chris and slyly checked your phone to see what time you had.
 “Am I boring or--,” Charlie trailed off.
 “I’m Y/N, and no, no, you’re not I just—was supposed to find a friend.”
 “Oh, so it has nothing to do with you not being interested?”
 He had you there. Were you interested? He was beautiful and sexy, and you were sure he could be a good guy.
 “It’s just—I’m not really doing the dating thing right now.”
“We can be friends—every good relationship starts with friendship.”
 “Definitely, this chemistry can’t go anywhere else but up.”
 You were impressed. He was direct but not pushy. You liked it. Charlie then took your phone and held it up to you showing your lock pad. He didn’t say one word; all he did was stare in your eyes. You found yourself tapping in your lock code, giving him access to your phone. You watched his hands as they tapped away and admired the clean groom of his nails, you then looked up to his face and continued to admire the beard and mustache combo. He was fine.
 Charlie held your phone back to you with a smile. “Call me.” You smiled and nodded. From the corner of your eye, you saw Chris watching. He didn’t look happy.
 “Uh, I gotta—go. It was nice meeting you.” You tried to calmly walk over to Chris, but the sea of people on the dancefloor made it tricky. As you got close, you saw him walk away, but then you lost him. You were left spinning around on the dance floor, looking for which direction he went. That was when you shot him a message.
 MSG: Where’d you go?
 “You know, I think what you’re doing needs a partner.”
 You spun around and saw an incredibly tall buff dark-haired man with a sweet smile on his face.
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“I’m sorry?”
 “Dancing, you’re all alone,” he filled in. You smiled and nervously laughed. Your mind had totally taken that somewhere else.
 “What’d you think I meant?” His sly grin said he suspected just what you thought he meant. You pinched your lips and shrugged, which made him laugh.
 “Pablo.” He held his hand out for you to shake, which you did.
 “Y/N.” The moment your hands touched, there was an electric shock. Both of you pulled back with smiles.
 “That was a first,” Pablo informed. You smiled and nodded.
 “I have to admit; I’ve been watching you all night. Not in a crazy, creepy stalker way but a mesmerized way.”
 “Is that any less creepy or stalker like?”
 Again, he laughed, then nodded. “You have a point.”
 His smile was great, open, and free.
 “I wasn’t trying to be creepy. I just—haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you.”
 “It’s the dress, the color just—draws you in,” you explained. His eyes slowly roamed over your body, and every inch he looked, he looked as if he were in pain but also blown away.
 “While the dress is—infuckingcredible, like really wow, it’s not the dress. I’m sure it’s the woman wearing the dress.”
 He was smooth, you thought. The way he slid that in there was seamless.
 “I just had to come over and tell you all of this before I lost my chance,” Pablo admitted.
 “Lost your chance?”
 “It’s clear you have the attention of every man in here. I had to what do they say—shoot my shot.” You laughed loudly while pressing your hand to your cleavage.
 “Wow. Good one.”
 “Gotta stay up with the times. So, what do you say, do I have a shot?”
 You studied him and looked him over and admitted he was gorgeous. You didn’t get a bad vibe from him, either. You couldn’t believe this. You now had two equally beautiful men vying for your attention while you had Chris. You saw him them hanging to the back, watching you. Instantly you felt guilty as if you shouldn’t be talking to any other man but him. He sure as hell looked like he was thinking it.
 “Tell you what, take my number and give me a call if you think I have a shot.”
 Pablo’s voice brought your attention back to his face. You unlocked your phone and took his number. Once it was locked in, you said your goodbyes then looked back to the spot you saw Chris. Again, he was gone.
 An hour later, you’d had enough of the party. You’d sent Chris numerous messages, and he hadn’t responded to any of them. You were pissed at this point—pissed and horny. You found your friends and told them you were ready to go. They wanted to stay, so you left alone. On the drive back to your house, you looked between Charlie’s number and Pablo’s. It never ceased to amaze you the universe’s sense of humor. Usually, when you weren’t looking, you found situations to get yourself into as opposed to when you’re looking. When you were close, you looked at your text exchange between Chris and contemplated sending yet another one. You were so annoyed with him you decided against it.
 Once inside, you took a shower and sat in your bed with a bottle of wine ready to channel surf. After about thirty or so minutes of relaxation, your doorbell rang. It was damn near three in the morning, and you didn’t know who it could be. You checked your Ring app and saw Chris at your door. His suit jacket was missing leaving him in his crisp white shirt. In one hand he held a bottle, and the other was braced on the frame. His tie was loosened around his neck with a few buttons on his white shirt undone. Rolling your eyes, you got up and made your way to it as he continued to ring over and over.
 When you flung open the door, you were ready to push him away. “You have some nerve showing up here after what you did,” you slid out.
 “Me? After what I did? You have some nerve showing up here after what you did!”
 You sighed and rolled your eyes. “I live here, dumbass!”
 “Yeah, so!”
 He was drunk. It made no sense doing this now. “Go home, Chris, sleep it off.”
 “Now I have to go home? Why got someone inside?”
 You looked at him incredulously. “Excuse me? Who would I have--,”
 “You tell me. I saw you tonight with not one but two douchbags.” He held up three fingers instead of two. You rubbed your temples; he was going to give you a headache.
 “And you know they’re douchbags how?”
 “Oh come on, Y/N, you can see it. If you weren’t blinded, you’d have seen it too.”
 “Blinded? By what? Chris, you’re drunk and making no sense. Go home.”
 “No! I’m gonna say this. You had me waiting and waiting so you could flirt with dickhead one and dickhead two. That was cold, Y/N.”
 “I didn’t expect them to corner me. You didn’t answer my calls or texts. You left me there, Chris. We went together, and you left me.”
 “Oh, I thought you’d get a ride from one of them. You sure looked like you wanted it.”
 Your jaw dropped as you stared at him.
 “What is your problem right now, Chris? I don’t get all twisted when you flirt with every Brenda, Brandy, and Bernice. I just let you do your thing. What the hell?!”
 “Oh please, when was the last time I flirted with anyone but you? Months! Fuck, it’s been almost a year Y/N.”
 “You flirted today! I saw you give her the look. Don’t fuck with me, Chris.”
 You walked away inside your house then. He was really pissing you off. You heard your door slam and knew he showed himself in.
 “You want them to fuck with you, right. That’s what you want, Y/N?”
 “So what if I do? So what? Why does it matter? We’re friends. We’re—this was your idea.”
 “Don’t pull that, it was as much yours as mine,” Chris countered.
 “Exactly. What’s changed? We were good last night. What the fuck is the matter with you?”
 “I’m fucking tired of doing this. We do everything a couple does. Do you see that? We go on dates, fly out to each other, hang with each other’s friends. You’ve met my family; we have sex, we sleepover, cuddle. We do it all. What the fuck did you expect?”
 You were stumped. What exactly was he saying? Was he saying what it sounded like he was saying? The look on his face was an exasperated one. He looked genuinely at his wit’s end and completely flushed.
 “Do you need me to spell it out for you?”
 He scoffed and tossed the bottle he held into a nearby chair and approached you. Once close enough, he crashed his lips to yours and lifted you in his arms. Your brain was still in shock, but your body needed no adjustment. You wrapped your legs around him and kissed him back with just as much passion as he was dishing out. Your moans competed in the hallway before he made his way up the stairs toward your bedroom.
 Once there, he dropped you on the bed and pressed his body onto yours. He felt so fucking good. Quickly Chris undid the rest of his clothes. In a matter of seconds, he was naked pulling your tee shirt over your hips to push your panties to the side. When he thrust into you, it was a quick and rough movement that stole your breath. Chris loudly groaned in your ear as his body shook on top of yours. The pace he set was a fast one, one that said he had something to prove, one that was laced with aggression. You felt his meaning behind every deep, and bruising thrust.
 “Fuck, Chris!” He arched onto his forearms and looked down at you as he sped the way his hips rolled. You arched your head back and wrapped your legs more tightly around him, digging your heels into the flesh of his tight ass.
 “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” He bit down on your neck, and you saw stars. This was the quickest orgasm you’d had in months. He didn’t slow down while you clenched around him. He kept his pace but increased the loudness of his moans.
 “Fuck Y/N. You feel so fucking good.”
 This was the first time he’d ever gone raw. You both were meticulous about protection. The feel of him inside of you this way was pushing you so much closer to the edge.
 “Mmmm, fuck this pussy, Chris!”
 “Whose pussy is it? Huh? Is it mine?” He’d asked this before, plenty of times, and you always said his without hesitation, but this time, you felt he meant it differently. The realization of that made you lose your shit and come again.
 “Oh, gooooooood!” Chris grunted and slammed into you with slow, precise strokes that only prolonged your release.
 “I can’t hear you, Y/N. Is this pussy mine?”
 You nodded, unable to find an ounce of control. “Yes. Mmm, yes. Fuck this pussy, Chris. Fuck your pussy.”
 “With pleasure!” He looked devious as if he had nothing good planned for your pussy.
 Chris arced your ass up, changing the angle on you, and that was it. You screamed, feeling every single inch pound into you. He’d never been like this before. It was new, and you loved it a little bit too much.
 “Mine!” He didn’t even sound sane anymore. He sounded crazed. Who knew you liked crazed? He slammed his hips into you so fast you had to hold onto the sheets for some kind of leverage. He was impossibly deep, so deep, you found yourself trying to pull back. The look he gave you was warning enough.
 “Take all this dick, Y/N. It’s yours.” Chris threw his head back and groaned loudly before his thrusts became sloppy. You could feel his body shake, and you knew he was close. You held onto his hand and began rocking on him rolling your body like a wave. Chris dropped his head to look back at you. His eyes were wide. He was asking you the question. Your whines became louder, but you didn’t loosen your grip. You were giving him your answer. His eyes remained trained on yours from there, and it made the moment that much more intense. Your pants blended together as did the sweaty slap your bodies made together.
 Chris grunted then whimpered before he slammed into you once, twice and a third time as he made the most primal sound you’d ever heard. Upon hearing it, you came with such a force all you saw was blinding light behind your eyes.
 “Ahhhh!” The two of you screamed together as you rode the waves of your pleasure. You felt like you were going to rip apart and couldn’t handle it, as you began to move, you came again, and that was when you felt the geyser-like gush come from you. Again, you screamed and dug your nails into his hand.
 An eternity seemed to pass before either of you were coherent or even able to put speech together. The feel of Chris’ fingertips across your hip was what brought you back to reality. You had no idea how you’d gotten on top of him, but one thing was certain, he was still buried deep within you. You lazily moaned against his chest.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Mmm.” That was literally the only thing you could respond with. You doubted you had a voice anymore; you weren’t even sure you had legs. You lazily opened your eyes, instantly regretting it. The sun was peeking in through your sheer curtains. You didn’t even realize the two of you fell asleep.
 “Are you sure you’re okay?” Chris brought his fingers up and down your spine, lulling you back to sleep.
 “It’s morning,” he said again when you didn’t respond for several moments. Again, you moaned, this time you shifted but only slightly. Chris moaned, the vibration had you opening your eyes.
 “I’m sorry if I was too rough. Shit, I’m sorry for everything I said. I was drunk.”
 “Oh so.” Chris snorted then groaned again.
 “I’m sorry. That’s not a side I ever wanted to show you.”
 “Your drunk, jealous, petty, and dom side?” His voice was doing things to you. You were so wide open for this man it was crazy and the final nail in the coffin.”
 “I was not petty.”
 “Oh, you were petty. I think you would beat several women at it.” Chris laughed, but slowly the silence returned.
You moaned your response again. He didn’t speak right away, though; he waited for nearly a minute before he quietly spoke.
 “I need the words. I need--the titles, the ex--exclusivity.”
 The words hung in the air between you. Your eyes were wide open now, but you didn’t speak. You didn’t know what to say. After a few minutes, he gently lifted your head and turned it to him. Resting your chin on his chest, the two of you gazed at each other.
 “I need you. I need us the way we’ve always been, but so much more.”
 It was then you understood what you felt yesterday at the luncheon and what you’ve been gradually feeling over the last few months.
 “I love you, Y/N.” Your heart was racing as fast as his. It was cute. You raised up on him, changing the angle of his half-hardened cock. Both of you moaned. When you sat there looking at his lazy drooped eyes, you almost laughed. Of course, this is where the two of you ended up.
 “If you don’t feel the same, just say it. I’m a big boy. I can handle it.”
 “I love you too, Chris.”
 “Really?” You nodded and smiled. He was adorable when he was insecure.
 “What about those two idiots from--,” Chris began before you groaned and got off of him. Chris sucked in a breath and released a groan. When you came back, you had your phone in hand holding it out to him.
 “Take it. The code is 081119.” Chris cautiously took your phone and tapped in the code as you sat on his thighs. “Go to contacts. Find Charlie and Pablo. Do whatever you want with them.” You watched Chris as he searched through and found what you told him to. He looked at you as if he were thinking about something. You didn’t waver, only gave him a disinterested look.
 “Whatever I want?”
 “Whatever you want.” He smiled and tapped away.
 “Your services won’t be needed. I’m in love with someone else, and he has the biggest, thickest--.” You lurched for your phone as he pulled it back to flip you onto your back. His laugh was loud.
 “Don’t be a dick about it, Chris. I may still have to work with them one day,” you whined. Chris showed you the blank screen. He hadn’t typed anything.
 “I can be a real dick; just remember that.” You smiled, seeing more of his possessive, territorial side.
 “You know, this possessiveness and territorial alpha thing is really hot.”
 “Yeah? It turns you on?”
 “Little bit.” You smiled and allowed him to spread your legs with his free hand. When you felt the heaviness of his member pressing against your slit, you moaned.
 “Are you watching?” you looked at your screen and watched him tap the delete contact button. He did the same for both of them then tossed your phone aside.
 “Mine!” You smiled and bit your bottom lip.
 “Mine,” you repeated. Chris smiled and kissed you softly before he pulled back and slid into you, connecting your bodies with a smooth stroke.
 “You have me as daddy in your phone.” His smile was so full you were sure it was his cocky side coming out.
 “I’ll show you, daddy.”
 Chris pulled a moan from you, and you knew it was just the beginning. There was nothing like we’re officially together sex, especially territorial we’re officially together sex.
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newobsessionweekly · 4 years
Quarantine games🌿
a/n: someone asked for this, I hope I didn’t let you down. I honestly don’t know where that came from. I have a strange mind and even stranger imagination. So, enjoy! 🌿
warning: maybe language and some explicit stuff. word count: 2.305
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Arón Piper x reader 🌿
There are so many things going on in the world right now that you can’t even keep the step up with them. First, Italy confronts with this virus-thing and then you heard numbers too big for you to understand. More than nine hundred of deaths in one day in Italy, those news gave you goosebumps. Then you heard the news about Spain having a bad situation as well. You’ve been carefully every time, but this couldn’t keep you inside for more than four days, otherwise you’d go nuts. So when your best friend, Miguel, called and said that he and some friends wanted a gathering to watch together the new season of Élite, you accepted immediately. Inside Jorge’s apartament in Madrid were nine people and a cat, and the place was almost overcrowded. Two episodes and thirteen songs later, the news about a total lockdown and Spain being closed, gathered you in front of the TV. You are not allowed to leave the house , except for emergencies so even if you tried, you couldn’t reached your apartament, is like in the opposite side of Madrid.
“It’s not a big deal, right? We can get over this together.” Jorge told you and it was an subtle invitation to stay over. And you did stayed. The truth is, you were afraid of this situation and you didn’t want to get through this alone. You weren’t the only one thinking like that so you decided to manage this situation together. Danna was supposed to fly back in Mexic to be with her family, but the flight was cancelled. 
 Though you knew this people before, staying so many days together, you got to know them even better, for example how are they in their private space. A few days later, you finished the last season of Élite and all the food in the apartament. Day five of quarantine bring a bore bigger than the Empire State Building. You slept almost all day and ate, ghosting here and there. Danna let you borrow some clothes from her luggage but today you only could find dresses and fancy clothes. 
“Can somebody borrow me a t-shirt or something?” Ester just washed the laundry and now you need to wait them to dry. You weren’t the only one who wasn’t prepared for so many days away from home, you packed, just in case, for three days. Miguel, Omar and Álvaro weren’t prepared as well, but gladely they could count on Jorge and Arón. The latter was supposed to go visit his father’s family in Germany, but his flight was cancelled as well so he got stuck with you.
“I think I still have some clean ones in my baggage. You can look and take anything you like.” Arón responded from the window frame. He smokes too much when he is bored. And drinks. It’s already the third beer and the night just started. But you don’t want to say anything because it’s none of your business. You must addmit he is the one that caught your attention since the day one. You stalked him on Instagram a few days ago, trying to find something about him, maybe some pictures with a girlfriend or anything, but it´s nothing much. He keeps his life privately and that’s a thing you admire most at him. 
Surprisingly, he has an ordonate luggage and you find rapidly a t-shirt. He had many from expensive brands. You loved one shirt from Monclair, and said “why not?”, he said you could take anything you like. You screamed “Gracias, Arón!” and went for a shower.          
After a warm shower, the anxiety started to spread from your body. When you dressed Arón’s t-shirt, a strage feeling attacked you and made you stare at the image in the mirror. You are wearing a shirt that isn’t yours, is a hot boy’s shirt, which fits you strangely perfect. And this smell... the smell of his cologne haunted you these days, but now is closer than ever and you can enjoy it without raising question marks from anyone. However you wished you could smell it from Arón while he is hugging you. “Nonsense, I am getting nuts!” you thought. But this handsome man would help your fantasies only growing day by day. You shooked your head and walked out of the bathroom, just to found everyone sitting round the coffee table.   
“Finally, we thought you died inside and we were just tossing a coin to see who had to rescue you.”  Miguel laughed and made some space for you to sit next to him.
“Good choice, that one is my favourite!” Arón winked at you and took a sip from a cocktail. 
“Ah, lo siento, I didn’t knew! I can change it if you want.” you said quickly, panicked. He smiled at you and waved his hand as in “keep it”.
“So, the rules are simple. Truth or dare. You don’t make any of them, you receive a punishment, alright?” they decided to play this game to animate a little this flat. All day you almost ignored each other and it wasn’t a wise movement. The depression started to fill in and Jorge, because it was his idea to keep all of you there, was feeling responsable for you bad mood. You played Poker three nights in a row, then “Uno” and even “Activity”. You won at Poker and made Arón kinda mad, but unfortunately lost at the other ones. You and Miguel are not a good pair for games. Jorge spinned the empty beer bottle which pointed Álvaro.
“Aye, amigo, truth or dare?” Jorge smiled wickedly.
“Truth.” Álvaro’s response came and everyone mumbled “chicken” at him. He rolled his eyes and waited for a question.
“What scene did you like filming the most?”
“That sex scene in the pool with you and Georgina.” the answer came and the laughs didn’t waited to burst. Then Álvaro had to dare Mina. “Drink that beer from one sip.” And Mina didn’t think twice before she grabbed the bottle.
“Easy with the beers, alright? There are not many left!” Arón attentioned all of you.
“Sure, we ran out of food and you are worried about the beers.” you like very much to provoke him. Arón looked at you menacing. When Mina spinned, Omar picked the truth.
“What is the funniest memory you have from the set?”
“From season 3?” he asked and Mina approved. “Maybe the one when I was supposed to mime a blowjob and he couldn’t stop laughing. I was bouncing my head up and down for a damn take until I’ve literally got dizzy.” he pointed at Arón and laughed while accepted the middle finger. You tought for a minute, that middle finger is like a signature for him, is one of the many specific things for him. 
“You blame me for laughing but you made some funny sucking noises!” Arón defended himself and you laughed even louder. Despite the noises, Omar could hear Miguel when he chose dare and it wasn’t a great idea.
“Mime a sex scene with anyone in this room.” Omar spoken out the final verdict. Miguel picked you up, despite the fact that you refused to do that with him. You wear some kind of short jeans, but they looked more like underwear, so when Miguel made you bend on one of the countertops, you looked like you were naked. He put his hands on your waist and mimed the “in and out” move behind your back.
“Come on, (y/n), you have to moan to make it credible!” Miguel pinched your arm and that made you sceam. “Well, that wasn’t really a moan, but it was better than nothing!” you could hear everyone laughing behind your back. When the torture finally ended, you faced Miguel with anger.
“I hate you for this!” you said, but he just laughed and passed you so he can also spin the bottle. Arón had a strange look on his face. You didn’t know if it was embarrassment or anger or any other feeling, but something bothered him. The bottle stopped in front of Arón and he choses truth. “What are your top three turn-ons?” Miguel looked at you after he spoke and winked. “Puta mierda!” you thought. Now everyone would know something is going on with you. The truth is you have a crush on Arón and Miguel kinda figured it out. The way he smiles, the way he moves, the way he smokes, everything is so perfect at him. Beside the amazing look, he have a good heart too, he’s a funny one and you find yourself some things in common with him.
“Wearing matching lingerie, playing with my hair and maybe the smell of food cooking.” he answered and it heard some of them whistling while and you almost turned red like a tomato. You are a shy one and dirty stuff made you turn red like a tomato every time.
When the bottle pointed you, almost frozed. Someone out there hates you for some reason, you thought. Arón is the last person you would have wanted to ask you. He smiled wickedly at you, licked his lips and made you pick truth or dare. You choose truth, obviously. “Who here would you most like to make out with?” he asked. ¡Joder!, he’s good at it.
“Pure curiosity or you have something in mind?” you challenged him, smiling like a devil.
“Are you gonna answer that or you want to let me find the answer by myself?” he’s not yielding either.
“I’ll wait to see how long would it take you to find out.”
“Fine, dare. Let two people give you a wet willy at the same time.” you crossed the nose.
“¡Joder!, that is gross! No, absolutely not!” you shooked your head.
“Then you need a punishment, (y/n).” someone finally interrupted the stare contest you and Arón unknowingly held. You found out it was Jorge.
“A punishment given by whom?” you hoped from the bottom of your heart not to hear Arón’s name. Not this time.
“Arón. And you are not allowed to reject this one.” ¡Joder!, it was like the game was against you.
“Siete minutos en el cielo con mi.” the others watched you and Arón as you were a fascinating movie, no one came between you. You had to take some time to understand what he said. Seven minutes in heaven. Seriously? You are not sixteen anymore and you are not trying to have your first kiss. You rolled your eyes. You were convinced that he doesn’t stand you a bit, and now he’s asking you to lockup with him seven minutes to what? Maybe he wanted to tell you to go home. You haven’t really talked to him much and you didn’t know him, but you can say, watching him from distance, he is a great man. And that “bad ass” face and attitude he always shows up, it’s just a mask. You thought he is the sweetest person inside there, because he let you somehow see a little of that side. But you had so many question marks. For something you were sure, you had his attention like he got yours. You couldn’t get him off of your head and that drives you crazy.
“Fine, seven minutes in hell. Ah, perdona me, I wanted to say heaven.” you played pretend because you didn’t had any clue what the hell he have in that beautiful head and just at the thought about staying seven minutes only with him, in a small place, made your stomach hurt in a way it never did before. You followed him into the bathroom and then he locked the door behind you. You wasn’t expecting the bathroom to be this small, but him with his big worked out body, occupies a lot of space. Your mouth was dry and you literally couldn’t help but stare at his lips. If you were uncertain about the answer to that question he asked you, now you are a hundred percent sure he’s the one that turns you on.
“You know, I think I found the answer to that question.” maybe he figured out on his own, because maybe you didn’t know how to play pretend, or maybe around him you can’t control yourself.
“Oh yeah, what’s the answer then?” you looked him bravely in his beautiful brown eyes.
“I am the answer.” he approached and you could smell his cologne, or maybe it was just the t-shirt you’re wearing. “And if I’m right, and I’m pretty sure I’m right.” he leans towards you and whisperes in your ear: “Then maybe you wanna know the real answer to Miguel’s question”
“Why would I?”
“Because it’s you. For months you are the first one on my top three turn-ons list. And I think I’m not the only one here who feels this way.” as an answer to his unspoken question, you closed the distance between you with a kiss full of desire. He doesn’t waste any time and responded with as many passion as you put in that kiss. He grabbed you waist and pulled as close as possible. It was a slow one, like nothing outside didn’t matter anymore. Just the two of you, creating a new world. You pulled away from that kiss when you heard a knock on the door and Jorge’s voice.
“You know, I can even offer you my room if you want to, but don’t take away the bathroom, please!” you heard laughing coming from behind that door and felt your cheeks turning red. You looked at the man in front of you and tried to memorise all his beautiful features. He really admitted somehow he likes you, and you couldn’t stop that stupid smile spreading on your face.
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triptychexe · 4 years
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TITLE: Cheater Cheater Best Friend Stealer
SUMMARY: Asa’s having a guys day with Changkyun at the Triptych boys dorms. Yen invites herself over to flirt with the Monsta X rapper. 
GENRE: Comedy, slight romance, very slight angst PAIRING: Platonic!Asa + Yen, Yen x Changkyun (Monsta X) WORD COUNT: 1.1k WARNINGS: None.
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It was refreshing talking to someone who wasn’t a member of Triptych for once. Asahiko loved his members, but spending all day and all night with the same 9 people really messes with your brain. When Changkyun accepted Asahiko’s invite to come over to the Triptych dorms, the happy chemicals in the Japanese man’s brain fizzled and popped. He was going to make this hang out the most relaxing, most well-deserved hang out ever.He ordered chicken for the two of them, hooked up his Wii, and made sure that the other boys would be busy while he spent some personal with Changkyun. 
 Apparently, Asahiko forgot one more thing to make sure of: that Yen didn’t find out that Changkyun was coming over at all. 
Halfway through their Mario Kart round, the front door of their apartment unlocked. Materializing in the doorway of the living room, with a bag of takeout in her hand and a smile on her face, was Yen.
Asa almost dropped his Wii controller. Changkyun did a double take. Yen smiled at the rapper, tucking a strand of her hair behind her shoulder and narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. Asa frowned. He knew that look. It was Yen’s smolder. A look she reserved for photoshoots and cute boys only. 
“Hey,” She held up the takeout bag. “Brought you guys some food.”  “We have some already.” Asa responded shortly, focusing his attention back on the game. Asa noticed that on the bottom half of the television screen, Changkyun’s cart wasn’t moving. He looked to his friend and realized that he was still googling at Yen. Unbelievable. 
Asa paused the game and heaved himself up off the couch. Changkyun started to get up too, but Asahiko motioned for him to sit down. “I’ll get you a plate, bro. No worries.” Asahiko gave a strained smile before exiting the living room, dragging Yen with him by her shoulders. 
“Hey!” Yen whisper-yelled, wiggling herself free once the pair were concealed by the kitchen wall. “Why are you trying to kick me out?” “Why are you trying to steal my friend?!” Asahiko responded, crossing his arms. “Can’t I just have one thing to myself?” “You’re being selfish, Koko.” Yen frowned. “You know how much I like I.M... Can I please stay for like, ten minutes?” “How did you even know he was here?” Asa interrogated. Yen licked her lower lip hesitantly.  “Eli said something, didn’t he?” “He might have let something slip, yes.” Yen affirmed.  Asahiko felt like screaming. Yen was his best friend, but he just wanted to have a life separate from his group mates. Was that too much to ask for? Clearly. He grabbed a plate from the cupboard and started shoveling takeout noodles onto the plate silently, taking his annoyance out on the lo mien. 
Yen clicked her tongue, puncturing the silence. “So, can I stay or...”  “Fine! Fine, you can stay!” Asahiko threw his head back in exasperation, letting his chopsticks fall against the plate. “But only ten minutes, okay?”  “Promise. You’re the best, Koko.” Yen grinned, hugging her friend tightly.  “Yeah, yeah." Asahiko fought off the blush that threatened to bubble to the surface of his skin as the two exited the kitchen carrying plates of food. 
He should have known that ten minutes in Asa time was completely different than ten minutes Yen time. They were nearing the forty five minute mark and Yen was still sitting on the couch in between the two boys, chatting up Changkyun. 
“Hey, you want a try?” Changkyun asked, holding out the controller for Yen.  “She doesn’t really play-” Asahiko started. “I’d love to!” Yen accepted the remote, giving Asa a deadly glare. “I’m just not very good...”  “No worries, I’ll help you if you need it.” Changkyun offered, a small grin on his face. Yen giggled. Asa gagged. 
Yen was trying to select her character, but her hand was shaky. Asa knew she was doing this on purpose to look cute or whatever. He was tempted to grab the remote out of her hands and select the player for her, but Changkyun beat him to it. His hand came out to cover hers, guiding her hand to the character she wanted.  Asahiko felt his stomach twist painfully, and it wasn’t from the greasy food. He knew this feeling. It’s only applied to Yen once, when she suggested that Cal be her first kiss instead of him. 
The feeling didn’t go away. Changkyun’s hand remained on Yen’s controller, his fingers just ghosting over her own, helping her control the cart throughout the whole round. 
He hated how they whispered to each other before throwing some sort of projectile at his kart, then laughed together like they were best friends. He hated how they would occasionally say the same thing at the same time and react like it was the funniest thing ever, like they were best friends.  He hated how Yen had no problem shoving Changkyun or physically interacting with him, and how Changkyun would retaliate. Like they were best friends. 
When it was time for Changkyun to head out, Asahiko eagerly lead him to the front door. The sooner he got Changkyun away from Yen, the better.  “You know, I should go too.” Yen stood up from the couch, following the two to the front door. “I’ll walk you out.” She offered to Changkyun. “Oh, thanks. That’s sweet of you.” Changkyun smiled, opening the door for her. He turned to Asahiko and patted his shoulder. “I’ll see you later, man. We gotta hang out more often.” “Yeah, I agree.” Asahiko smiled thinly. He raised a hand in farewell as the two headed down the hallway together towards the elevator. He closed the door as quickly as possible, as if the wooden door could block out the intrusive thoughts he was having. 
He was about to slip down the mental rabbit hole of what might happen if those two get in an elevator together when a bedroom door opened down the hall. Van and Teo poked their heads out of Van’s room curiously.  “How much did you hear?” Asa asked. “We could hear your fake smile through the door.” Teo stated bluntly, but his words seemed empathetic.  “You know how Yen gets, Asa,” Van said reassuringly. “Once Changkyun loses his excitement, Micha will dial it back. She wouldn’t do anything to jepordize your friendship.”  Asa gave a small smile, appreciating his friend’s comforting words. Unfortunately, no one knows Yen as well as he does. Yen wont stop until she gets what she wants, and she’s already halfway there. 
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samsterham · 5 years
The Fuckening, Entry # 1
Despite the novel covid-19 being around for a pretty hot minute now, I have only been self-quarantined about 6 days. There have been several confirmed cases in my county, and today the county had it’s first death.
If it’s not apparent by the title, I’ve decided to officially from here on out refer to this entire debacle as The Fuckening. I will swear. A lot. 
I figure it might be somehow lucrative to record my experiences throughout the pandemic, at least as it is pertinent to my country & area. Aside from broader, more public events, it might be interesting to someday look back on my day to day & how we dealt & felt & what we did. I should have been keeping a diary of my life anyway & had intended to despite never making it a priority. Now is as good a time as any.
Anyhow, I anticipate this being a rather disjointed project, variable in moods, topics, formats, etc. & rife with grammatical errors. I haven’t decided how revealing of my identity & location I would like to be, I suppose that’s something I’ll decide as I go. All I’ll reveal for the moment is I live in the U.S. in Pennsylvania.
Recapping what I can right now:
I’m in about day 6 of self-quarantine. All schools have cancelled regular classes and have gone exclusively online, as has happened pretty much everywhere else. My community college also followed suit along with probably every college & university at this point. I’ve had a little over a week off for faculty & staff to prepare for the shift. Class resumes this upcoming wednesday online for the rest of the semester. Curious to how they’re going to structure & grade our biology lab credits. 
Bars & restaurants have been state-mandated to shut down except for take-out. Now the liquor stores have shut down as well. Somehow the beer distributor down the street is still open however...
Me & K (boyfriend) haven’t gone nuts with preparations, but we did have 1 significant shopping trip before the state officially began recommending social distancing. We got enough non-perishables for several weeks. We’ve made a couple mini trips for things like milk & fresh veggies. 
I also have a few immunocompromised friends who I’ve gone shopping for. I expect to continue doing so as needed. One such friend has a bitch of a rare disease which is frankly on the verge of killing her if she sneezes or coughs too hard. There is so, so much more to it than that, than I dare go into here for privacy reasons but I have spent the last month as one of her actual medical advocates. She is partly the reason I would like to focus my education and eventual clinical research on rare diseases such as hers. Anyhow, despite it being flat out unsafe, she was discharged from the hospital yesterday as my city prepares to get slammed with covid-19 cases.
Both my cats got a stomach bug just 2 days into self-quarantine. It began with Crowley puking, then what looked like bloody emesis & trip to the emergency vet. Sent home with stomach meds & instructions for supportive care before jumping into more than basic testing. He was fine within 36 hours, just in time for Aziraphale to become a little vom-bomb. This lasted for 3 days, with many debates as to when we should finally get her poor little fuzz butt medical attention. She thankfully healed on her own, just as I was about to break down & take her to the vet.
Not to make light of the fact that they were sick, but Zira’s throw-up noise is THE FUNNIEST sound I’ve ever heard in my life. It begins with that usual choppy but also deep guttural *hork hork hork* followed by a very abrupt & very loud  scream “rrRAAHH!” as things made their way up & out. I couldn’t help but kinda lose my shit as I pet her & cleaned up the mess. I’m probably going to hell for this.
Me & K have enjoyed spending more time together during quarantine. We have only had 3 friends over since, all being of our regular weekly crew of Sarah, Greg, & Amanda, & all of who are otherwise self-quarantined. Sarah & Amanda came over last Saturday, Sarah made “Quarantinis,” a goddamn delicious cocktail of vodka, lemon, honey, & crystalized ginger. Us girls & K got quaran-trashed, ate dinner together, played Cards Against Humanity, & watched Waking Ned Devine.
We have been making the FUCK outta some food. This is easily the healthiest we’ve eaten in a long time. Thank God we both can cook.
The weather has been fairly forgiving & the two of us have made efforts to get outside as much as possible while it’s nice. K works from home with some good flexibility & I was fired about a month before corona shit hit the fan. We’re enjoying the local parklette & the humongous cemetery in walking distance from us. 
Yesterday was mostly blustery & rainy, save for a 2 hour break in the weather where it was sunny and around 70 degrees. We trekked through said cemetery. As we were on our way out, we rounded the bend of one of the long paths, along the side of a large grassy hill. From that initial perspective of the hill, there was a large pile of indiscernible objects about halfway up the hill. As we came around, we noticed the pile was next to a grave very freshly covered in dirt. Upon closer inspection it became apparent that the “pile” was actually a man wrapped in blankets, with one arm stretched over the dirt of the grave. On the road at the bottom of the hill was what I assumed to be his car. I don’t know who he was, I don’t know who he lost, but they’re burned into my memory forever. It was one of those sights that breaks your entire heart. I cried a little & held K’s hand a little tighter as we made our way toward the gate. K kissed the top of my head & gave me a loving squeeze.
 I didn’t get fired over anything serious; my chronic migraines plus a personal failure to obtain intermittent FMLA in a timely manner resulted in termination. My bosses didn’t want to let me go, but you can only fight HR of a corporate health system so much. Oh well. I wasn’t happy there anymore anyway. After 3 years I was bored, having trained up as much as possible without my degree. Some toxic personalities made their way onto our floor staff in the last year which made some shifts absolute hell despite my efforts to avoid them & remain utterly professional. Aside from running out of money, I’ve been incredibly relaxed since being let go. I’ve even lost 4 pounds in the last month. My hair is currently a weird ginger-pink, the result of a failed self bleach job, but it’s not entirely embarrassing so I’m going to let it recover before I try it again & go teal.
I never got around to watching Breaking Bad when it was popular, but last night I finally saw the first episode. K has seen it before, it’s one of his favorite tv shows & he’s ecstatic to watch it together. One episode legit got me hooked already. I know the premise of the show & I can’t wait to see how it pans out.
The political fuckery around this has been.... ugh. I wanted to say “staggeringly defunct” but what else is there to be expected from this current administration? I have designed most of my tumblr to be apolitical but that will change with these specific entries. I’m politically outspoken on Facebook & Twitter & I wanted one or two platforms that could just be fun and neutral. My current politics are very leftist, a head-spinning 180 degree turn from my upbringing & early voting habits. The last four years have sent me purposefully, intentionally & determinedly headlong into the progressive movement, feminism, and hunger for democratic socialism. The only conservative thing left about me is my stubborn remaining infatuation with firearms & gratitude for the 2A. Counterintuitively I’m very pro-sensible gun control, but having the discussion with either side of the issue mostly leaves me wanting to knock heads together. 
I digress, the administration’s response to the pandemic has been unsurprisingly subpar, yet somehow not as awful as I expected. Trump went from “not a big deal” & “liberal media hoax” to “oh shit, I actually better get my shit together for this” real quick. I don’t know if it’s because it’s an election year or if there’s actually a shred of competency that’s been hiding under the comb-over but I’ll take what we can get from him, including that $1000 check. Getting unemployment has been a bitch. None of this however, changes the fact that Republicans have known about the crisis since December & instead of preparing the public, decided insider trading was a better idea. This doesn’t change the fact that the DOJ is trying to invoke indefinite detention as a “crisis response” and the only thing standing in the way are House Democrats. And it doesn’t change the fact that our hospital system is overloaded & underfunded, and the Republican controlled government would still rather bail out large corporations as we plunge into an inevitable recession. 
I’ve spent too much energy fighting ignorant shit sticks on the internet over all this, including people I know in real life. I gotta keep remembering that all I can do is my best, that you can’t change the world but you can make a dent. On that note, I finally introduced K to Danny DeVito’s cinematic masterpiece Death To Smoochy.
Today I finished reading Darker Than Amber by John D. MacDonald. Quick, fun read, definitely a product of it's time.
That’s all I have in me for today. My neck hurts. Sleep sweet and WASH YOUR FILTHY PAWS. 
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raendown · 5 years
Soooo this started as just a simple commission and then rapidly got out of control, as seems to keep happening to me lately. xD For you @copyninken for inspiring me with such an excellent commission prompt!
Chapter: 1/9 Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 4660 Rated: M Summary: Walking patrol around a university for mages probably sounded like a wild time but Tobirama has never found it all that exciting. He's not even technically supposed to be here. When responding to a tripped alarm becomes a desperate attempt to stay alive, however, excitement is the last thing on his mind. All he's ever wanted is a quiet life alone with his books until he finds himself bound to Uchiha Madara in the most impossible way and finally learns to think about more than just himself - in a way.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
He wasn’t even a professor. Tobirama scowled to himself and pulled the edges of his cloak tighter in search of whatever pocket he had dropped his warming stone in to. Such a simple rune and yet it was no help to him if he couldn’t find it. Of course, he wouldn’t need it if his brother hadn’t turned those puppy eyes on him and begged with his bottom lip wobbling pathetically, so disgustingly sad that Tobirama had agreed to do as he asked just to make that face go away. He wasn’t even a professor! He should not be out here in the evening chill performing a professor’s duties.
A huff of frustration escaped him and he dropped his handful of cloak, shoving it back so he could pat himself down for other pockets. His habit of misplacing things was the whole reason he’d started sewing extra pockets in to his clothing whenever he remembered to but the problem was that now he had too many pockets to look through and his things still ended up lost.
Fingers closing around something cool and smooth, he fought back the excess material to pull his hand out with a cry of triumph, expecting to see the warming stone he was certain he’d picked up that morning. Then he snorted in disgust when he found half a broken pestle instead. No one was around to watch him stomp one foot in irritation. No warming stone and now he was probably going to spend the rest of the evening wondering which mortar was missing its pestle. Had he taken someone else’s? Had he broken his own?
How was he supposed to properly grind faerie wings – willingly gifted, of course – if he hadn’t the right tools?
Contrary to his predictions, any thoughts of preparing ingredients for his various experiments came to an abrupt halt when he rounded the corner and saw the other person he was meant to be paired with for that evening’s patrol. Madara looked as dramatic as ever, clad in fiery red from head to toe as though his natural element wasn’t obvious in the way sparks clung to his hair and smoke rose out of his fingertips in fits and starts. Standing along one of the outer passages, positioned next to an opening in the wall, his hair rose and fell as the wind howled outside. The idiot would have frozen in minutes dressed down as he was if he wielded any other element.
After a few moments of standing in one place and scowling as hard as he could Tobirama accepted that the other man hadn’t noticed him there. White skin and sharp footsteps should have made him rather obvious in the dark but Madara had always been a little too wrapped up in himself to pay much attention to others.
Tobirama threw the broken pestle at him.
“What the fuck!?” Madara screeched in surprise when stone sparked against stone right next to his face, leaping away and spinning in a full circle until finally his eyes landed on where Tobirama had now crossed his arms with an expectant expressed. “Are you kidding me? I was supposed to walk patrols with your brother tonight; what the hell are you doing here?”
“Nothing pleasant, I assure you. Brother decided that planning a date with Mito on the same night he was scheduled to walk the halls with you was an excellent idea. One would think the security of his own university would be more important than gargling someone else’s tonsils but I have never claimed to understand how his mind works. And so here I am.” He smirked a little when Madara wrinkled his nose with disgust.
“Must you refer to it like that?”
“Have you seen them kiss? That is essentially what he is doing.” Tobirama slid his hands in whatever pockets were closest to ward off the winter chill. “Whatever you want to call it, he asked me to cover his duties while he is otherwise occupied.”
Visibly put off, Madara waved both hands aimlessly in protest. “You’re not even a professor!”
“I know!” It wasn’t often the two of them agreed on much but in this they were of the same mind.
Of course, Tobirama was more than old enough to be a professor here at the school should he have wished to be. He certainly had more than enough knowledge to teach any of several different subjects. Unfortunately for the masses he had very little interest in taking so much time away from his research, preferring to stick with his technical status as student and continue on in the life of a scholar. Nothing appealed to him more than the rush of discovering some ancient scrap of knowledge written by some unnamed mage and finding a use for it.
He did not appreciate errands like this one taking up precious time he could have been using to look more in to the effects of those crystals Touka had given him for his birthday a century or so ago. If his estimations were correct then they might have been formed from a naturally occurring phenomenon that only happened during a massive outburst of dragon magic. Such things had never been recorded!
“You’re off in your own head again already. Great. Well this is going to be just tons of fun, isn’t it? Babysitting you while looking out for students getting up to shenanigans. You know how they get when they catch the first hints of graduation! I’ve had three try to break in to my office in the past week and there’s still a month left of classes!”
“Looking for exam notes?”
“Obviously.” Madara snorted as though he hadn’t done the exact same thing when he was a student, sneaking a peak at his teacher’s notes so he knew exactly which spells he should study up on for the exam.
Tobirama snickered without bothering to hide it. Served the asshole right for being so uptight all the time. He hoped some of those students had got what they came for before Madara caught them. Later he would have to figure out who they were and provide them with the answers himself, having taken the class on a whim a decade or so back. The poor idiot probably didn’t have enough imagination to change his exam from year to year.
“Ugh, let’s just get this over with. We usually start with the western courtyard to make sure no one is trying to perform any summonings under the moonlight.” Spinning on his heel, hair and cloak flaring out with a wholly unnecessary amount of drama, Madara stalked away down the hall without waiting to see if he was being followed.
“I remember my first summoning.” Tobirama sighed wistfully. Ahead of him, Madara twitched.
Before he could get too far in to his reminiscing about the time he summoned a nether beast that took a liking to Madara’s hair – poor taste but it had probably been the funniest thing the university had seen in several decades – their patrol was interrupted before it could even truly begin.
As soon as the alarm went off Madara, long used to having it tripped by miscreant students, pressed one palm against the closest wall and murmured something in a low voice. The wards rippled under his touch and Tobirama could hear them deep down in the parts of himself that had been connected with the world’s magic since his very first breath. He knew as well as anyone else who had been here at the school long enough that the wards were alive in a way he couldn’t explain, although being a student he also knew that they wouldn’t listen to him as they did to Madara. More poor taste. That man had nothing to say that would be even half as interesting as the things Tobirama had floating around in his head.
“What have they to report?” he asked when his companion set off without saying anything, scurrying to keep up.
“The alert came from the northern edge of the property. What anyone is doing all the way out there is beyond me. If we’re lucky maybe they’ll fall in to the river before we get there.” Every word Madara spoke was dripping with offense as though whoever was out there causing trouble had done him a personal injustice by choosing to do so on the night it was his duty to watch over the massive castle housing their university.
Drifting along behind him, not half as worried, Tobirama snickered again at the image of someone falling in to the river. Long ago when the first mages had created this place of learning they had been just a wee bit suspicious of outsiders. History was a little vague on exactly which one of them did it but Tobirama’s theory was that it had actually taken all of them to convince the earth herself to raise up high and set the university grounds far above the rest of the surrounding countryside, sheer cliffs at every boundary line and only one set of stairs carved in to the eastern wall. Just imagining someone stupid enough to topple off the cliff and down in to the northern river left Tobirama smiling. People were idiots. If somehow a non-magic person had found their way to this hidden place and trekked all the way up a staircase that would be invisible to them he sort of hoped they fell back down the cliff just for being so insufferably nosey.
Neither of them spotted anyone on their way to where the wards had been disturbed, not another soul awake or at least none of them stupid enough to be up and about on a cold winter night such as this. Which was strange, actually, unless somehow the disturbance had come from outside the boundaries because if it had come from inside then they should have passed someone on the way to the scene. After exiting the front doors of the castle there was really nowhere for anyone to hide on the wide open grounds surrounding it.
As they drew closer, merely a few dozen feet away, Tobirama began to twitch.
“I don’t like this,” he grumbled.
“What?” Despite the fact that there was no love lost between them, he appreciated that Madara had the good sense to stop and listen to him. He did have his smart moments.
“The snow,” Tobirama pointed out. “It’s undisturbed. And there are no whispers.”
Cutting one hand through the air impatiently, he snapped, “Yes, whispers, the water in the snow. I can speak to my own element just as you can. No one has gone through here in the past few hours. If they had then the snow would remember.”
Madara eyed him contemplatively for a moment and then nodded. With absolutely no connection to water himself, he would have to rely entirely on Tobirama’s word for that. Unfortunately the fire in his veins did nothing to make him a cautious man, preferring to bull his way in to a situation while yelling his questions, and that tendency showed itself now. With a decisive slant of his brow he strode forward and stretched one hand out, probably intending to speak with the wards again and ask what they remembered about when the alarm had been tripped.
He cried out with surprise and stumbled back in to Tobirama, sending both of them crashing down in the very center of the glyph lighting up underneath their feet. Completely hidden by snow, diameter large enough that Tobirama could have stretched out completely and not been able to touch both sides, it glowed with a pale yellow light the moment Madara tried to pass beyond the far side and cast him back, trapping them both within.
“I told you I didn’t like this,” Tobirama murmured, already reaching out with raw magic to feel around the edges of the glyph.
“Shut up. What’s happening?”
“Oh, I really don’t like this.” That was all the answer Tobirama managed to give before the light doubled in intensity and the world around them began to warp. Madara screeched in his ear and Tobirama couldn’t help but agree – with the panic, not with the level of decibels he managed to achieve. This was definitely cause for panic.
They had barely a handful of seconds to process what was happening. One minute they lay in a heap together in the virgin snow outside of their beloved university and the next they were transported to what would have looked like an underground cavern of some sort if not for the wind blowing in from one end. Someone had forcibly relocated them to a cave. Someone was looking forward to an early grave when they found their way back home.
“If you even think the words ‘I told you so’ I will rearrange your face.” Madara sat upright just to snarl at Tobirama, covering his discomfort with the usual bluster.
“Now seems as good a time as any to tell you that my dearest wish is for you to someday learn to use your brain for thinking first before the yelling starts.”
“Fuck. You.”
“We may have to resort to that for entertainment, as abhorrent as the idea is. I’m sure you haven’t spent the brainpower to notice but we appear to be sealed in here.” Tobirama lifted one of his eyebrows and gestured towards where the cave twisted out of sight. No visible barrier could be found but he could already feel the muffling effect of some kind of dampening spell.
Not only had they been sent away but they had been trapped here. Wonderful. Tobirama wondered what he had done recently to piss the spirits off so much that he ended up trapped in a cave with only Uchiha Madara for company. Literally anyone else in the world would have been better – except for maybe Uchiha Izuna. Madara’s younger brother was probably the only person more annoying than him. Even worse, he somehow had less social tact than the world’s biggest buffoon.
Both men pushed themselves to their feet and moved towards the far side of the cave where a bend in the path would have led towards the outside world. A few meters before they would have reached it they were stopped, something unseen sizzling in warning. Neither of them were really all that interested in using themselves as a test subject to find out what they were being warned away from. At least, not without knowing who laid the barrier, what their element was, how willing they were to separate limbs from bodies, that sort of thing.
Edging backwards until the sizzling stopped, Madara dropped his face in to what was possibly the sourest expression he had ever managed, arms crossing and shoulders tensing until they were hiked up around his ears.
“This is bullshit,” he declared.
“I hate to say you’re right about anything but in this case I am compelled to agree.” Tobirama looked around for somewhere to sit, disappointed to realize there was nowhere that wasn’t covered in ice or snow. He ignored the offended the mess of huffs and snorts behind him as Madara tried to figure out if he was offended or smug.
After a while the man settled with, “Between the two of us we can find a way through it, why are you sitting down?”
“Because between the two of us I am not volunteering to get close enough to that barrier to make a physical inspection. If you would shut up for a few moments I could gather my concentration to look at it in other ways.” Scraping a small area clean with the side of one boot, he added, “Unless you also happen to have studied for as long as I have and understand how to connect yourself to another person’s magic? No? I didn’t think so.”
“Could you be any more of an asshole?” Madara snarled.
“Probably but they say imitation is the highest form of flattery and I have no intention of flattering you.”
While his companion took a few seconds to work through that Tobirama sat down on the cold stone floor, as free of snow as it was going to get, and turned himself inwards to the power flowing through him. Madara’s inevitable screech of anger went in one ear and out the other as Tobirama let his consciousness gather and then flow outwards, stretching himself until he could feel every inch of his surroundings. The bright sensation of fire-passion-fearless took concentration to think past, as Madara often did, but Tobirama forced himself to push farther towards the warm-forbidding-apology that awaited him at the mouth of their impromptu dungeon. Strange, he thought. Those weren’t the feelings he had expected to get from this little exploration. Whoever set up that barrier felt guilty while doing so.
Carefully brushing along the edges, Tobirama was able to feel for points where the spell was weakest and slip underneath them, filling the proverbial cracks with his own magic and leaving pieces of himself behind like those hidden landmines non-magical folk had been so fond of during their first couple of wars.
Retreating back in to his own body and opening his eyes felt like a loss. It was always a bit of a jarring experience feeling the world in such an intimate way and then opening his eyes to find himself nothing more than human once again. Existing as conscious magic made him feel free and unconstrained while coming back to his body left him overly aware of how cold his ass had become from sitting on frozen rock. Popping his eyes open, he grimaced and clenched both butt cheeks in an effort to encourage some blood flow.
“Well?” Madara demanded. “Did the oh-so-smart scholar find anything useful?”
“I’ve weakened the barrier but it’ll take time to fall apart completely. Until then there’s really nothing for us to do but wait.” Not the best news he’d ever had to deliver, although the irritation in Madara’s expression was at least a small lift to his mood.
“Seriously? We just sit here? And do nothing?”
“I have done something. That something will take time. If you have anything you would like to add to my efforts then be my guest.” Tobirama waited and when his companion gave no response he hummed in satisfaction. Being right was a pleasure all on its own but being right when Madara was wrong? That was always best.
Since it was already quite late his hope was that he could somehow fall asleep or at least doze off to pass the hours more quickly. Madara stomped around trying to find a place of his own to settle down while Tobirama closed his eyes again and told himself very firmly to ignore the cold seeping deeper and deeper in to his limbs with every passing moment. If he lost part of his ass cheeks to frostbite someone was going to pay very deeply for such a transgression.
More than an hour passed in complete silence after the other idiot with him finally settled down and yet still Tobirama couldn’t bring himself even close to dozing off. Water was his element of course but he certainly didn’t enjoy sitting around in the frozen form of it for ages on end. Around the time he realized he had all but stopped shivering he also realized that perhaps losing an extremity or two was the least of his problems, though it still ranked fairly high in his mind. His limbs were fairly important to his ability to perform certain spells.
Curious in a sluggish sort of way, he lifted one hand and tried to wiggle his fingers.
“Ah,” he murmured, voice slurring. “That’s not good at all.”
“What’s not good?” Madara’s voice demanded. Up until he spoke the man had appeared to be sleeping, hunched down with the snow around him melting, body heat raised to keep warm.
Tobirama forced his head to turn and meet his companion’s eyes. It took a few moments to process the sudden cursing, the way Madara scrambled across the cave to kneel in front of him. When large hands enclosed his own he felt nothing.
“Your fucking lips are blue! Actually blue!” Madara blew on his hands. Logically Tobirama could guess that he was heating the air but it appeared his fingers had gone entirely numb. At some point while he sat there and waited for sleep hypothermia had found him instead. Irritating. More so because he found thinking straight incredibly difficult once he actually tried to think about anything.
“Definitely not good,” he said.
“Why the hell didn’t you say anything?” Madara demanded.
“As if you would have cared.” Difficult as it was to concentrate on anything, the antagonistic relationship between them was as natural as his own heartbeat and required even less thought.
Predictably, Madara snorted, almost dropping his hands in retaliation. “Fine way to speak to the only one around who can keep you alive,” he snarled.
Contrary to his attitude he did continue to breathe warm air over the frozen digits between them. If they’d had a little warning before getting summarily evacuated from university grounds then maybe one of them might have brought along gloves or a scarf. Well, Madara wouldn’t have because he didn’t need either but Tobirama certainly would have bundled up a little more. Either their captor hadn’t thought of these particular consequences or they didn’t really care and he would only find out which if he lived through the cold night.
For the most part Tobirama sat still through Madara’s attempts to bring feeling back in to his hands, even if that was largely in part due to the fact that he was worried any movements would send him toppling over sideways. Only the fact that he had settle in place seemed to be keeping him upright. After a while Madara gave a frustrated growl and Tobirama blinked up at him wordlessly in question.
“This is taking too long. I can’t breathe the rest of you warm again – also that would be creepy and I hate the images in my head now. I need to warm all of you up at once.”
“So do that,” Tobirama mumbled.
“Well it’s not as easy as ‘just do it’! I could build a flame easy enough but it would burn you before it did much good. There’s…another option. But you’re not going to like it. Hell, I don’t like it.” At Tobirama’s grunt he took a deep breath and absently rubbed the hands between his own. “Open your pathways to me. Your core magic. I’ll merge it with mine and lend you my fire; that should keep us both warm.”
Staring at him in complete shock, Tobirama managed to ask, “Have you gone completely mad?”
It was, by all accounts, a perfectly understandable question. There were few things more intimate that one mage could do for another than allow them to touch their core magic. Not even most married couples would be comfortable bearing their souls in such a manner. To do so for someone he didn’t even like, let alone trust, the very idea was laughable.
Yet Madara was far from laughing.
“There has to be another way to get warm,” he insisted. Madara sighed.
“No. Your body temperature is so low, there’s no other way to warm all of you at once without killing you. I could wrap around you and raise my own heat but it wouldn’t work fast enough and you would burn.” Shaking his head, he frowned. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I thought something else would work, believe me.”
Tobirama closed his eyes for a moment to think and realized a few moments later that there was no longer any time to do so. When he tried to open his eyes again it was a fight, a harrowing effort, and he recognized that Madara was right; he was too far gone.
“Fine,” he whispered.
Without asking he couldn’t be sure if Madara was doing this because he would never hurt Hashirama by letting his brother go out like this or simply because he was a man with enough morals not to let another human die right in front of him. Tobirama considered it but decided against asking. He probably wouldn’t like the answer and it didn’t truly matter. In the end he was still being offered a free ticket to survival, a one-time offer going fast.
At the very least Madara was merciful enough not to be smug about it. He nodded once before shuffling around behind where Tobirama sat and wriggling in between his frozen bulk and the wall to press their bodies together, chest to back.
“The closer we are the better this will work,” he said. “Don’t worry, I hate it just as much as you. One little cuddle and then we never speak of this again.”
“I’ll clam up if you do,” Tobirama assured him.
His companion grunted. With his body now slumped backwards against another form Tobirama found his head lolling forward to stare down at the hands interlocking with his own again to create two points of connection, making a circle of their pathways for their magic to flow along. Clever, he had to admit. Positioning them like this would leave them in a constant state of feedback with each other.
Despite already agreeing to do this, opening himself to Madara proved to be one of the hardest things he’d ever done in his life. Every instinct in his body cried out against the first touch of another’s magic where he should feel only his own and yet with sheer stubbornness he managed to keep himself from shoving the other man out. He expected the feeling of being invaded, the most sacred part of him violated when it should have remained pure only until the unlikely day he intentionally invited another in.
What he did not expect was the harmony. Madara’s core and his own merged together as easily as stirring the ingredients for one of his elixirs. Warmth suffused him as promised but it wasn’t quite the warmth he expected, less body heat and more a sort of inner peace the likes of which he’d never achieved in his life.
In the darkness his inner eye was blinded by a light, fire rushing along the rivers of his core magic, cool blue turned to burning gold and dancing in such a way he couldn’t distinguish fire or water.
And he wasn’t alone. Tobirama stared unseeing at the cavern around them and knew only the second presence inside his mind, the hesitant brush of a thought that wasn’t his own. Ever too curious for his own good, he pushed towards it and gasped as he encountered Madara’s mind, faint but there, the edges of that twisted and baffling mind just beyond an ephemeral and very much proverbial wall. He shouldn’t. Tobirama knew he shouldn’t. But his curiosity had gotten him in to trouble many times in his life and this would certainly not be the last.
He pushed. Just a quick gentle nudge, inching a little closer for a better look. What better way to understand a man’s actions and personality than to take a look inside his mind and the feelings therein? For a moment he could feel the edges of Madara’s curiosity echoing back at him and, incredibly, he got the impression that he didn’t so much break in rather than the door being willingly cracked open. It was a thrill until the unthinkable happened. He slipped. He fell in to Madara in a way that would have been impossible to describe to anyone who had not experienced the same thing before but if he hadn’t just given himself entirely over to another he would have had only one thing to say.
They were one.
30 notes · View notes
jincherie · 7 years
poseur | drabble
pairing: none/all genre: drabble, angst words: 1.9k+ rating: sfw warnings: uh angst, sorry, character death? up to your interpretation notes: I was deep in my feels and I apologise in advance
in the future, pain didn’t exist
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In the future, pain didn’t exist.
When you were younger, you might have marvelled at what the future would hold. Technology was advancing at such a rapid pace, new tools and creations invented with each rise of the sun over the horizon, that you’d always allowed your imagination to run wild. Incredible things could happen in just a few years, who knew what could happen in ten, twenty, fifty? What would change the world in your lifetime?
Hovercrafts, renewable energy, holographic technology— your younger self spent many hours pondering what you’d live to see grace the world. What would the future hold? Of everything, you’d only considered the material— and what would exist. Not once did you ever consider what wouldn’t.
It was the future, and pain didn’t exist.
Pain stemmed from the present, and its roots were buried in the past. Regrets, shame, humiliation— you’d known a time when these were a staple in everyday life. They weren’t questioned, they just were. Rash decisions made in the heat of the moment spilt regret down the back of your throat like bile, memories of past shames and frustrations fed the fire that made its home in your abdomen in the present. How ironic, that it was in memories solace was eventually found.
MemTech. It had been revolutionary, ground-breaking technology. Human beings weren’t always the strongest of species— flight would almost always take precedence over fight, when the situation stemmed from actions of their own doing. Problems, were difficult—pain, was difficult, and pain was scary. Pain elicited a fight or flight response.
When faced with the option of dealing with the pain of the present or fleeing to the solace of the past, it wasn’t a very difficult decision for most. MemTech offered peace, relief. Humans of the future escaped the pain of the present by living in the pleasures of the past.
Memories were a drug. Why would anyone ever return to the present, ever choose pain, when they could spend their days reliving the best times of their past? MemTech offered that. You could relive your best memories, the ones you remembered most, and the ones you’d almost forgotten. In the future, pain was a choice— and so pain didn’t exist.
If you had to think of your favourite memory, it wouldn’t take you long at all to choose.
A car trip, months in the making and planned meticulously— and yet, you were still running behind schedule and Yoongi’s foot was heavy on the pedal as you blazed along the highway. The summer air was beginning to bleed into autumn crisp, and it was on the coattails of summer that you had scheduled your camping trip.
“y/n put the window down, it’s too hot in here!”
If youth were to take physical form, you didn’t doubt that youth would be Jungkook. His voice graced your ears with the freshness of spring and the fluidity of a river flush from the monsoons. Jungkook was one of the people most precious to you, but that didn’t stop you from turning and poking your tongue out at him in retaliation.
“I’m not putting the window down, the wind will mess up my hair!”
Jungkook had adopted an expression of pure disbelief, but the two squished into the backseat beside him had howled with laughter. Taehyung, a true testament to the phrase ‘life imitates art’, leant against a cackling Jimin for support as he wheezed. Jungkook’s expression hadn’t been the funniest thing you’d all been witness to, but in the excitement, the pure, unadulterated elation buzzing in the air, anything and everything was hilarious to them. Laughter fuelled the light in the air, the joy in your hearts. You’d spent the previous months hard at work and now it was time to reward yourselves by truly letting go, feeling the joy and the happiness that came hand-in-hand with being free, if even just for a moment.
Jungkook launched into a heavy protest at your refusal to bow to his puppy eyes, the backseat a lively mess of laughter and whines against the loud rush of wind from the windows. Yoongi, the barest traces of a smile curling his kitten lips, wordlessly wound his window down completely and at once Jungkook’s complaints cut off as a satisfied sigh escaped his lungs and cool air blasted against his face.
As if he protests hadn’t been enough, the image of the youngest sporting a face of bliss as his hair was whipped violently around him was enough to send the other two filling the backseat into another fit of laughter. The warmth was contagious, the freedom that came from allowing laughter to build in your chest and tumble from your lips unchecked too tempting to resist as your own giggles joined the ridiculous cacophony. The car was filled with a symphony of your joy, the sound of your youth welling from within and compelling even Yoongi to join your antics. This moment, you had decided right then and there, would be your happiest memory.
And it was.
Filled with the excitement of the weekend to come, the experiences to be had and the memories to be made with your best friends, and surrounded by mirth and joy that accompanied the freedom carried on fresh summer air, there was no room for pain. There was no room for worries, for sadness, for hurt. It was the purest moment, your happiest memory.
In the future, the pain that had been entwined so deeply in the life of the present, didn’t exist. People didn’t choose pain, they abandoned it, and in the process, they abandoned life.
How was it truly living when you spent each moment running from the present? Fleeing to the past as an escape, but not the past you’d lived— a different past, a selective remake of only your happiest memories and highest times. MemTech offered that escape, and only a fool refused. To live meant to be in the present, and in the future, no one was truly alive.
But you had tasted life before the time of MemTech. You’d tasted pain, sampled agony and savoured happiness. You knew what it felt like to live in the present, to feel alive. And living in a rose-coloured revision of the past, you’d never felt so dead.
You had remembered your happiest memory, had watched it pass once more before your very eyes, and you knew that you’d reached the point where your happiest memory had ended. You knew you should press the large button on your device, should return to the world of the living before your knees grew damp and soiled from the dewy grass beneath, but you couldn’t urge your finger to shift, your thumb to press. There was no pain in the future, pain was a choice. You should be choosing to turn off your MemTech device.
But you couldn’t, and life began to breathe back into your lungs as the memory continued to play. You should have stopped it, should have withdrawn while you still could.
Your camping trip was to be spent in the forest, on a camping ground nestled within a set of mountains. The road was known to grow winding at times, but the early-morning light should have been enough, should have offered perfect visibility as you rounded jagged mountain faces and climbed higher and higher up the side of the landmark.
It should have.
There were many things, however, that shouldn’t have been.
You’d departed behind schedule, but it was still outrageously early in the morning. Heat was barely beginning to set in, and as the suns rays began to beat against the bitumen the moisture of the night just passed began to rise as mist. It wasn’t a clear day, and as you began to climb the mountain, you soon discovered the low clouds that remained hidden from view.
When the fog that shouldn’t have been there began to appear, you shouldn’t have ignored it. When it began to thicken and visibility was reduced to a mere metre or so in front of you, you should have reminded Yoongi gently to be careful. You shouldn’t have told him, “Yah, slow down, you’re going too fast”, because maybe then he wouldn’t have grown frustrated at your comment, “y/n, don’t backseat drive, I know what I’m doing”. He was a skilled driver, and he didn’t need reminding, but as he shifted gears to accommodate for the circumstances that shouldn’t have been, the car was thrust into a moment of vulnerability.
And now, of course, you knew how potent a moment could be.
Tears stung your eyes— was it now, or then? Were the tears slipping over your cheeks a phantom of the past, or a remnant of the present?— and you wanted so badly to close them, but when you’d come seeking a memory to escape the present, you were unable to escape the past.
All the lights in the world wouldn’t have let you see the large water truck careening down the winding road of the mountain, and if you’d managed to glimpse it a mere second before you had, what could you have done? Grey flashed before your eyes and there was a loud sound, a screaming sound that ripped your heart in two and tore your soul asunder as your entire being was swallowed whole in the unforgiving, icy abyss of fear. The summer air that had caressed you so gently before now whipped you about like a broken doll, metal tearing and groaning and the railing alongside the road giving way beneath the weight of two vehicles. Tumbling, crashing, screaming— tears spilt down your cheeks without restraint and you knew now that they were rooted in the present. There had been no room for pain in that moment, after all.
You didn’t know when it stopped, this was where your memory grew vague. MemTech could not patch holes with memories that didn’t exist. When your eyes reopened and your lungs were freed from the suffocating weight of an ocean of fear, it was still. There was no fog where you were, and the sun beat down against your face a moment too late. Your joy, your elation, your freedom— it all made way for red.
And now, it made way for pain.
You tore the device from your head, finding that your face wasn’t just wet from hot, scalding tears, but from rain that had begun to fall while you were too distracted to notice. Your knees were wet, pants soiled from the earth that was now more damp than it had been when you arrived. It wasn’t emptiness you felt as your eyes fell upon the headstones before you, laid neatly in a row, it wasn’t death that filled your lungs. It was pain, hot and agonising and excruciating that burned you from the inside out. The death you’d grown accustomed to feeling was no longer within you, but around you. Even with the MemTech device removed from you head, you were surrounded by your past, and even in the future as you were, you were filled with the pain of the present. You choked, gasped, lungs filling to the brim with a sensation you’d fled from for so long, a sensation you’d deprived yourself from feeling. In the future, pain didn’t exist. Pain was a choice.
And now as it trembled along your limbs, throbbed within your head and tore into your heart, it was something you chose to feel alive. In the future, pain didn’t exist. But this was your present, and faced with the memories of your past—
Pain was inescapable.
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ihavetoomanyocs · 7 years
Drunk- Albert Dasilva
Or that modern AU when they drunkenly make out and one of them doesn’t remember it.
Warnings: cussing, sex reference
  Living next to her five best friends was both a blessing and a curse, Elise thought. Three of them lived directly next door. None related but all adopted by the wonderful Medda Larkson, Spot Conlon, named for the cigarette burns that dotted his shoulders, Crutchie Morris, named for the crutches he had to use due to a botched surgery on his leg, and Jack Kelly had been brothers for as long as they’d known each other.
 Those three boys had found each other in the same orphanage, and stuck together. When Medda went to adopt Jack, he made it abundantly clear that he wouldn’t leave without the other two. Medda had been hesitant at first, but after she met the other two boys, fell just as in love with them as she had with Jack, and took all three home. They moved in next to Elise, where she lived with her grandfather, and so started the friendships.
Anthony ‘Racetrack’ Higgins moved in across the street about a year later. His nickname came from his ability to run faster than any of them, always beating them at footraces. Albert moved in next to Race just a few months later. None of them really knew why so many houses were all on sale at the same time, but they were, and when they were older, they would all be grateful.
 As soon as Albert met Elise, his eyes were drawn to hers. They were so blue, that the color rivaled the sky. He started calling her Sky-Eyes, which eventually was shortened to Skye, and the six of them were hardly ever separated. The six usually had different classes from each other, but they always saw each other at recess and lunch. Middle school was much the same way, and was where Specs, JoJo, Kid Blink, and Mush became a part of the group.  Katherine, Sarah, and Davey all joined in high school. And so the group became full, a large group now of 13 friends who all sat at the same lunch table, sat next to each other in classes, and eventually started falling in love with each other.
 Race and Spot were the first to get together. Everyone had seen it coming. Next was Katherine and Jack, and then Kid Blink and Mush. All of them were adorable couples. Race and Spot were that couple that was the funniest. Spot was angry at nearly everything, and Race was this happy-go-lucky guy. The two of them together were like Andy and April from Parks and Recreation. It just worked.
 The smallest shock was when it started becoming painfully obvious that Albert and Skye had huge crushes on each other. Race actually started a betting pool on when they would get together, and was constantly telling the red-head to ask her out… Only to end up comforting a crying ravenette when he inevitably chickened out. Spot and Jack both offered to beat Albert up the first time they saw her crying because of him… Only to be told after words that Race had told Albert to ask her out, and he just kept chickening out.
 Almost everyone started to give up on the two of them by the time they got to college. Most of them decided to just go to New York State. It was easy, it was close, and they could all get their desired degrees. Only a few outlanders stood; Katherine and Davey both got into Harvard, easily, and Sarah went all the way to California. Everyone else stayed, although Race was just getting his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics before moving to another college to get his doctorate.
 Most of them got to room together, as well. Kid Blink and Mush, obviously, as well as Race and Spot. Jack roomed with Crutchie, and JoJo with Albert.  Specs roomed with a kid named Romeo, and rightfully so; the kid flirted with everybody. Skye roomed with JoJo’s girlfriend, a nice girl named Mary in the same building. That was the nice thing about co-ed dorms. All of them requested the same building, and it made living away from home a lot easier.
 It was half way through their junior year that most of them went to a party. Jack, Mush, and Race were staying sober as DD’s, but the rest were free to drink their pains away. This resulted in Blink being all over Mush, who didn’t really try to stop his boyfriend’s ministrations, and Spot being all over Race, who did actually try to push Spot off him, but he was laughing the entire time. It was when he caught sight of Albert and Skye making out in a corner that he paused.
 “Spot,” he said, hitting his boyfriend on the arm repeatedly. Very, very buzzed, Spot looked up at his slightly taller boyfriend in confusion.
 “What?” he asked, leaning in to try to kiss Race’s neck again.
 “Albert and Skye!” that got Spot’s attention. He was one of the only ones still in the betting pool on when they would get together, and he had the entire month down.
 Race bodily turned him around, and Spot easily spotted the two drunk juniors. Albert had her pinned to a wall, and was attacking her neck with his mouth. She didn’t seem to mind, and had her hands tangled in his hair. Both debated if the two would even remember in the morning.
 This seemed to sober Spot up, who had a very protective streak for the girl he considered his sister. The two watched, wide-eyed, as Albert eventually pulled away from her. Only to grab her hand and lead her upstairs. Skye followed after him happily.
 “Uh.. Should we stop them?” Spot asked, watching his two friends stumble up the steps.
 Race thought for a moment, and then nodded, “Yeah, probably. Get Jack and round up the others, we should be getting out of here. I’ll grab them,” he gave his boyfriend a quick kiss, and then left to find his two friends.
 Albert and Skye were in a similar position as earlier, with Skye pinned against the wall right next to an open door to an empty bedroom, and Albert sucking a hickey onto her jaw. Her legs were wrapped around his waist.
 “Okay, lovebirds, break it up!” Race exclaimed. Albert dropped Skye to her feet, but kept his hands on her waist as he turned to Race.
 “Awe, come on, Race!” Albert complained. “We weren’t doing anything!”
 “Right, and my name isn’t Anthony,” Race replied, putting his hand on Albert’s shoulder. “Come on, we’re headed back,” Race turned, ready to bodily carry his friends out the door if he had to, but Albert and Skye followed him without a word. Upon glancing back at them, he would find them holding hands and giggling at each other drunkenly.
 Race managed to get the two into his car, along with Spot, and only had to yell at them for making out in the back seat once.
 “Hey! Stop that!” he had yelled upon seeing them furiously making out in his rear-view mirror. When they didn’t pull away from each other, Spot intervened.
 “Oye! Albert! That’s my sister you’re making out with! Stop it!” the two broke apart at that, still giggling. Race only rolled his eyes and pulled into the parking lot for their dorm. With Spot’s help, he was able to get the two drunks into their own rooms, so that they wouldn’t do something stupid. Which brings us to today.
 Skye woke up with a groan. Her head was pounding, her stomach queasy, and her mouth was dry. In all of her 20 years of life, Skye had never been so hungover. As she lay in bed, regretting her decision to ever start drinking, memories from the night before flooded her mind.  
 Oh, no.
 She had kissed Albert. Not only that, but she had almost slept with him. Skye silently thanked Race for stopping it; she knew that her friendship with Albert was probably already ruined, but having sex with him would bring it to a point of no return. With a groan, she rolled over; 8:30. She had missed her 8AM, but had an hour to get ready for her 9:30AM.
 Stumbling out of bed, Skye held a hand up to her forehead and groaned, going to her mirror. Mary had an 8AM and was already gone, leaving Skye alone to figure out what to do. What she saw in the mirror made her want to pass out and never wake up.
 Hickies dotted her neck, and there was one right on her jaw. Albert had really gone to town on her neck, and Skye suddenly wished that she owned more makeup than just eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. There would be no hiding these.
 With a sigh, Skye took a shower and dressed for the day, suddenly glad that it was fall. A scarf would beautifully hide the marks on her neck, but no so much the one on her jaw. Damn Albert and damn his lips. She was happy to suddenly remember that she’d left a rather impressive hickey on Albert’s neck, however. She’d see the fruit of that labor in class.
 Knocking back an aspirin, Skye headed out for class, hoping her headache would leave sooner rather than later. She stopped to get coffee on the way to class, and was clutching the warm to-go cup between her hands when she stepped into the classroom.
 Spot, Albert, and Skye had all decided that they wanted to be teachers. Spot and Skye had both always bonded for their love for history, while Albert was going for English. However, this meant that the three of them had multiple classes together, this one being one of them. While Spot and Skye were taking the majority of the history classes, Albert still had to take a few, and so the three of them shared this class.
 Spot was already there, so Skye dropped down in her seat next to him heavily.
 “Good morning, sunshine,” Spot grinned.
 “Shut up,” Skye responded, placing her coffee on his desk before sprawling out across her own.
 Spot frowned at this, and took stock of her; she had bags under her eyes, no doubt a huge headache, and he could clearly see the hickey that Albert had left on her jaw. The ones on her neck were hidden by a scarf.
 “Hey, are you okay?” the dark haired boy asked, putting his hand on her back as he leaned in a little closer.
 Skye groaned and then lifted her head, “I kissed Albert, Seán,” she whispered.
 “Yeah, I know,” he said. When Skye looked at him, blue eyes wide, he clarified, “I’m pretty sure everyone saw the two of you making out last night.”
 Skye flushed bright red and ducked her head again.
 “Oh, my God,” she groaned, “I’m gonna have to drop out of college, change my name, and move to Alaska.”
 “Why Alaska?” Skye turned back to Spot, only to see him raising a dark brow at her.
 “Albert told me once that he’d never go to Alaska; too cold,” she explained, “It’s perfect, he’ll never find me there, and I can live out the rest of my life with the eskimos!”
 Spot leaned forward and pulled Skye towards him a little, hands on her shoulders. “Skye, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to drop out of college, change your name, or move to Alaska; take last night as a good sign! We’ve been telling you for years now that Albert likes you, and we’ve been trying for years to get Albert to ask you out! Finally, you two will be together, and I’ll win that damn betting pool!”
 “Betting pool?”
 Spot stared at her for a moment, “Not important. My point is, is that you and Albert can use this chance to finally admit your feelings for one another and you’ll be together and you’ll finally be happy!”
 Skye opened her mouth to respond, only to pause when she saw Albert walk into the room. He noticed his two friends and headed over, sitting down in his normal spot on Skye’s other side.
 “Morning,” he said.
 Instead of replying, Skye instead took a long drink of her coffee. Spot rolled his eyes at her.
 “Morning, Al,” Spot said.
 Skye avoided Albert’s gaze, unwilling to meet his brown eyes. He stared at her in confusion, but their professor walked in right before he could ask, and started the lecture. Skye took dutiful notes next to him.
 When class ended, Skye nearly bolted out of the room. Albert stared after her, jaw dropped open, notebook in his hand.
 “What’d I do?” he asked.
 Spot glanced over at him, still putting his own stuff away.
 “You know what you did,” Spot said.
 Albert stared at him. “No, I really don’t.”
 “Last night? At the party?” Spot tried.
 Albert shook his head. “JoJo and I pregamed,” he said. “I don’t even know how I got back to my dorm,” he confessed.
 Spot’s eyes widened as he stared at his friend. “Oh, my God, you really don’t know.”
 “No, I do not,” Albert confirmed, “Why is Skye so upset with me?”
 Spot took a deep breath, “The two of you kissed. Made out, is actually more the proper term. Didn’t you wonder where that hickey on your neck came from? It came from Skye. And you left quite a few on her; that bruise on her jaw? A hickey from you,” the tan boy explained. Albert just stared at him, jaw dropped, and cheeks as red as his hair. “Race had to stop you two from having sex.”
 “Yeah, we saw the two of you start to go up to a room, so Race went and stopped you guys and we all left. I can’t believe you don’t remember, you didn’t seem out of it, at all,” Spot said, finally slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
 “I… I don’t,” Albert said, confusion in his voice. His eyes suddenly widened. “That’s why Skye wouldn’t even look at me?” He sounded so hurt, and Spot’s heart went out to the guy.
 Spot clapped a hand on Albert’s shoulder, “Man, just go and talk to her. We all know that the two of you like each other, just man up and finally ask her out!”
 “I don’t like just like her, Spot,” Albert said, avoiding his friend’s eyes as his cheeks flushed red again. “I’m in love with her. Have been since we were 18.”
 “Then go! Get your girl!” Spot exclaimed, giving the redhead a shove down the hall. They had since left the classroom and were walking towards the doors to the building. Spot had an 8AM, this class, and then one more three hours from then. He usually used those hours to get a little more sleep.
 “I… I will! Thanks, Spot!” Albert called, running back down the hall towards the little study nook that Skye and him had found back in Freshman year.
 Spot grinned, and that grin stayed on his face until he got to his dorm. Race was still there, laying in their shared bed (which was really just the two dorm beds pushed together) with his laptop propped against his legs, writing an essay.
 “Hey,” Race said, glancing over to his boyfriend for just a moment before turning back to his essay.
 “Hi,” Spot replied. He dropped his backpack and kicked off his shoes before climbing onto the bed next to Race. “Albert doesn’t remember kissing Skye.”
 “He doesn’t?” Race was surprised.
 “Yeah, apparently he and JoJo pregamed; doesn’t even know how he got back to his dorm. I had to tell him after Skye refused to even look at him,” Spot explained.
 “Oh, man, poor Skye,” Race said. “What’d he do?”
 “I told him to talk to her, and he took off down the hall. Said he was in love with her, so I assume he’s finally going to ask her out,” Spot said. He wrapped his arms around Race, happily cuddling into the blonde’s side.
 “Good,” Race said, threading his fingers through Spot’s dark hair. “It’s about time those two finally got together.”
 “And I’ll win that betting pool; I had this entire month down, and then I was out,” Spot added as an after-thought.
 “What’s the total of that, now?” Race asked.
 Spot shrugged and grabbed his phone. He unlocked it and went to his notes app, scrolling through it for a moment. “Well, when it started, there was $120 in the pot. But that was four years ago. Now, there’s $500 in it,” he said.
 Race whistled, long and low. “Who’s in charge of holding all of that?” the blonde asked. He had gone back to his essay.
 “Davey,” Spot answered, “He wanted no part of the betting, and offered to take the money. I have no idea where he has it; could have it at Harvard for all I know.”
 “Only a four-hour drive,” Race said. Jack had made the drive multiple times to visit Katherine.
 “Totally worth it.”
 Race laughed and bent over to kiss Spot’s forehead, allowing the shorter boy to sleep while he finished his essay.
 Meanwhile, Albert practically ran through the building. He and Skye had found a little study nook in their freshman year, and they both went there if they had a large enough gap between classes. Skye had three hours until her next class; once she and Spot realized that they were doing the same major, and would be taking all the same classes, anyway, they decided to just take them together. That way if one of them happened to miss, the other would have the notes. It also meant they could study together, and had spent many late nights together, studying for tests and writing essays.
 When he got to their little nook, he found Skye curled up in one of the surprisingly comfy chairs, laptop on her legs and earbuds in her ears. She hadn’t noticed him, and was typing away on her laptop.
 Albert walked towards her, and the movement caught her attention. She glanced up, saw Albert, and immediately flushed red.
 “Hey,” Albert said. Skye took out a single earbud. “Can we talk?”
 Skye sighed, but took out the other earbud and closed her laptop, placing the items on the little table that her backpack was leaning on.
 “What about?” she asked, nervousness obvious in her voice.
 “I think you know, what,” Albert said gently. He sat down in the other chair, sitting right on the edge.
 “Albert, about that kiss-“
 Albert swiftly cut her off, “I don’t even remember it.”
 “You… You don’t remember it.”
 Albert nodded. “JoJo and I pregamed, and I don’t really remember anything from last night. I remember getting to the party, taking a few vodka shots, and that’s it.”
 “Then how do you know about…?” Skye gestured with her hand between the two of them.
 “Spot told me. When you rushed out of class, I was really confused, and once Spot realized that I had no idea that we had kissed, he told me,” Albert almost didn’t want to meet her gaze. But he did.
 “Albert, I should probably tell you… We did more than just kiss,” Skye said, almost undecidedly, like she was unsure on if she should say it. “It was more like… Making out? And we almost… We almost slept together,” she eventually said.
 “Yeah, Spot told me about that, too. And something about a bunch of hickies?” he eyed the scarf around her neck, and Skye sighed before tugging her off.
 Purple blotches were all over one side of her neck, and there was even one on her collarbone.  Albert whistled. “I did that?”
 “And this one,” Skye pointed to the one on her jaw, and Albert winced slightly.
 “Sorry,” he said.
 “I gave you, one, too,” Skye said quietly.  
 “This one, I assume,” Albert’s fingers went up and prodded at the purple bruise on his own neck. Skye nodded.
 “So I assume you just want to… Forget that this even happened?” Skye suggested. It hurt her to say it, but if that was what Albert wanted to do, then she would do it. Well, she would try to do it.
 “Skye, no,” Albert said, eyes wide. “I don’t… God, I wish I remembered it.”
 “I… What?”
 “Yes!” Albert exclaimed. “God, Skye! I’ve been in love with you since we were 18! Maybe even longer, I don’t remember any more! Everyone’s been telling me to ask you out for years, and I’ve tried! Lord knows I’ve tried to ask you out so many god damned times! And I chickened out every single time! And now I learn that we kissed, almost slept together, and I can’t even remember it?! What kind of bullshit is that!”
 The red-head was pacing, hands in his hair as he tugged at the strands. His hat, a snapback that Skye herself had given him, had been knocked to the floor the second he had started his rant.
 “And Skye, I have no idea if you ever had these kinds of feelings for me, but I can hardly remember NOT having them for you! So here I am, finally laying all my cards on the table, because I don’t know what to fucking do, anymore.” He sounded so defeated, and he collapsed heavily in the second chair. His head went into his hands.
 “I love you, too.”
 Skye’s voice was quiet, and Albert wasn’t completely sure he heard her correctly at first.
 “I love you, too.” Her voice was louder this time, and she looked at him, bright blue eyes meeting brown.
 “You… You love me?”
 “I love you.”
 The confirmation in Skye’s voice was all Albert needed. Surging forward, and pressed his lips to hers. It was a messy kiss; their lips slid over each other’s awkwardly, and their teeth clacked together because they were both smiling. But it was perfect to them. When they pulled away, Albert held Skye close, unwilling to let her go.
 “God, I love you, Elise Kloppman,” Albert said.
 “I love you, too, Albert DaSilva,” Skye responded.
 Albert smiled a wide, made-his-jaw-hurt-a-little smile, and threw his arms around her in a hug. “Will you be my girlfriend, Skye?” he asked.
 “Yes.” It was a breathy yes, but Albert heard it, and, if possible, his smile widened and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. They sat like that for a while, wrapped up in each other’s arms and just talking, occasionally pressing kisses to each other’s lips.
 When Skye’s alarm eventually went off, signaling that she needed to get to class, she reluctantly pulled away from his warm embrace. “Well, I gotta get to class,” she said.
 Albert stood as well, “Yeah, I do, too,” he replied. He stretched his arms out behind him for a moment until he felt a pop, and then stooped down to grab his backpack and his forgotten snapback. He placed it on his head backwards, as usual, and slung his bag over his shoulder, before grabbing Skye’s hand.
 Their hands fit together like two puzzle pieces. His was bigger, and wrapped around hers like it was the easiest thing ever, fingers slotting together easily. They walked to Skye’s next class in a comfortable silence, and saw Spot waiting at the door, scrolling through his phone.
 “I’ll see you later?” Skye asked, looking up at him when they stopped.
 “Of course,” Albert said. He leaned down and brushed his lips softly over hers before letting go of her hand. “love you.”
 “Love you, too.” Albert smiled down at her, kissed her one more time, and turned to walk to his own class. Skye smiled and turned to the door, only to find Spot standing there, watching her.  “Hey, Spot.”
 Spot blinked at her, and then walked past her.
 “Where are you going?” Skye called after him.
 Skye just chuckled and walked into the class. She loved her boys, but she would never understand them.
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mx-requests-forum · 7 years
[Fulfilled] Winning Him Back
Prompt: Changkyun/everyone + Changkyun spends a lot of time with his idol friends and the other MX members start getting jealous, begging for his attention and showering him with love
Requested by yuunsun (on Twitter~)!
Fulfilled by Moderator ReeLee~
Words: 2101
AO3 Link
Kihyun watches with pursed lips as their maknae leaves the dorm yet again for a 'meet-up with a friend', as the boy had put it. Just what friend? Who is this suddenly taking up all of Changkyun's time? Why can't they meet up here, at the dorm?
All these extremely valid questions are ones still filling the main vocalists mind as he plops down on the sectional with a sight, his arms crossed defiantly over his chest. Hyungwon sighs loudly beside him, stretching his body out like a spoiled house cat and consequently resting his head in the older man's lap.  
"I swear," he grumbles, earning Kihyun's attention suddenly. "You and Minhyuk-hyung are so bad about getting jealous over the simplest of things. It's just a friend, Kihyunnie. Just let the maknae be. It isn't as if you don't have friends outside of the group, or anything."
"That's not what's bothering me," Kihyun defends, huffing out a breath. "He can have as many friends as he wants... I just don't like that these friends of his are monopolizing so much of his time." He smirks then, quirking up a teasing brow. "I don't know why you're trying to talk, Wonnie~ I saw you hanging on him last night like your life depended on it, and then you whined like a five-year-old when he said he had to go to the bathroom. You've noticed the change, too." Hyungwon 'hmmphs' at this, not wanting to admit how right Kihyun is.
Minhyuk shuffles into the room, seeming incredibly downtrodden as he sighs out a heavy breath. He throws himself onto the sectional next to Kihyun, snuggling up to his same-age friend with a pout set on his handsome face.
"Aiiiish," Kihyun jokingly complains, an arm wrapping around the other. "What's the matter, Minhyuk-ah?"
"Kkungie's gonna leave us..." he mumbles, earning a slight chuckle from Hyungwon. Kihyun groans loudly, rolling his eyes.
"No, he isn't," Kihyun assures him. He squirms about until the two move and allow him up, standing before them with his hands set defiantly on his shoulders. "Call everyone home, we need to come up with a game plan."
"To what?" Hyungwon asks, though Kihyun is already stomping his way over to the kitchen.
"To win back our maknae!" he shouts over his shoulder. Minhyuk and Hyungwon share a bemused glance, not even hesitating to pull out their phones and do as they were told.  
Changkyun lets loose a tired groan as he returns to the dorm that night, utterly exhausted—and a little tipsy—from his night out with some of his other rapper-idol friends. He swears, Jessi could practically drink him under the table... She would have, too, if Changkyun hadn't had the foresight to practice some self-restraint.
Needless to say, he's more than happy when he gets home to some delicious smells wafting throughout the space. His mouth waters as he recognizes them all as aromas as his favorite foods, and he quickly removes his shoes to stumble over to the kitchen.  
His hyungs are already sitting around the table they use for dining, but none of the food seems to be touched. They all look to be waiting for something in particular, which makes Changkyun very confused indeed.
"Ah, Kkungie~!" Kihyun greets upon noticing the maknae standing in the doorway. "Welcome home~ Are you hungry?" Changkyun's rumbling stomach is all the reply Kihyun needs, and he can't help but chuckle a little as Changkyun teeters over to sit in between Hoseok and Hyunwoo. Hoseok moves over immediately to cuddle with the younger, kissing him on his cheek as Hyunwoo places a loud kiss on the top of his head. Changkyun giggles at the attention, his chubby cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
“What’s the occasion?” Changkyun can’t help but ask curiously. The others give him a collective look of confusion, and he waves at the food before him. “These are like… all my favorite things. Y’all haven’t gotten together to finally kill me, and this is my last meal to lull me into a state of complacency, is it?” He’d meant it as a light joke, but Hyungwon apparently thinks it’s the funniest damn thing he’s ever heard. The lanky dancer slaps his hand against the floor, his adorable laughter ringing through the dorm clearly. Changkyun chuckles himself, amused more by Hyungwon’s own amusement than his joke.  
“You’re so funny, Kyunnie!” Hyungwon sighs out, wiping a tear from his eye. Changkyun raises a brow, wondering if Hyungwon had somehow had more beers than him while he was out…  
“We just wanted to treat our adorable, perfect maknae,” Kihyun chuckles out, cocking his head to the side as he stares fondly at his dongsaeng from across the table. “What���s so wrong about that~?”
Despite the older’s sweet words, Changkyun can’t help but still feel a bit cautious. He shrugs, though, deciding to play along. Kihyun hums, obviously satisfied, and announced that they should all dig in. The members all do so, with the gusto of grown-men who haven’t eaten all day.  
The food is delicious, as to be expected, and Changkyun gets up at the end of the meal with a full stomach to begin helping Kihyun clear the table as he always does. However, the vocalist shoos him off, reminding him instead of a movie he’s been wanting to watch recently.  
“But, it’s a horror movie,” Changkyun shrugs, not feeling totally at a loss and genuinely wanted to help clean to thank his hyung for such a delicious meal. “Jooheonney-hyung doesn’t like those.”
“I don’t mind!” Jooheon pipes in, already pulling Changkyun towards the living room. “If it’s the one I’m thinking of, Minhyuk-hyung said he wanted to watch it, too!”
“But…” Changkyun says, at a loss as to why Jooheon’s so willing to watch his least favorite genre, “Minhyuk-hyung hates gorey movies…” What’s gotten into everyone? They’re only this nice to him on his birthday, and even then it’s kind of iffy…  
“I’ve really gotten into stuff like this recently~” Minhyuk defends, already sitting on the sectional with a pile of blankets surrounding him. “C’mon, Kkungie, come cuddle with me~!” He reaches up and makes grabby hands at the maknae, leaving him no other choice but to comply… not that he particularly minds.  
The boys all gather up on the couch, Jooheon and Minhyuk cuddling into each of Changkyun’s sides as Hyungwon lies across Jooheon’s powerful thighs to rest his head in the maknae’s lap. Changkyun absentmindedly plays with the older man’s hair as Hoseok pulls up the movie in question, smiling to himself.  
He doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve all the attention, but man does he hope he keeps doing it.  
“How was your day?” Hyunwoo asks, his deep, gentle tones causing Changkyun’s smile to grow.  
“It was fine. I got a few drinks with Jessi-noona, watches a few music videos at her place.” He pauses to chuckle before adding, “She can really put some beer back. It’s like a superpower.” The others laugh at this, their fond sounds of mirth warming Changkyun’s heart. Minhyuk suddenly gets up, leaving a very cold space next to the maknae. He mutters a low ‘I’ll be right back’ before Changkyun can ask for an explanation, leaving the younger frowning in confusion.  
He hesitates only a moment before mumbling something about wanting popcorn and following, something about Minhyuk’s tone worrying him. He pauses at the doorway, hovering there at seeing his hyungs huddled beside each other by the sink.  
“… worse than we thought, Kihyunnie! This won’t work!”
“What? What do you mean?”
Kihyun sounds so panicked Changkyun almost bursts into the conversation to demand what’s wrong, but then he hears what Minhyuk says next.  
“Not only is Kkungie trying to leave us, he’s trying to leave us for a woman!!! He’s turning straight!!!! What the hell have we done wrong???!!!”
Kihyun drops the plate he’s holding, it landing with a thud in the soapy dish water. He looks over to Minhyuk, seeming absolutely appalled. His look of utter horror and heartbreak looks so incredibly genuine, as if such a thing were even possible, that it's all Changkyun has in him to keep from bursting out in laughter. He presses his lips together, his cheeks puffed out in an amused breath. His chest begins to rise and fall rapidly in silent chuckles, and his entire torso begins to shake with the force of it.  
"Kyunnie?" Hoseok calls from the couch, his voice carrying all too well in the air. "You okay over there?"  
Minhyuk and Kihyun suddenly whip their heads about, their eyes growing to the sizes of small discs on their faces in shock at seeing their dongsaeng there, staring at them with watering eyes and shaking violently. Minhyuk's mouth flops open and closed, as if trying to come up with some excuse, and it's that look—similar to a child whose hand has just been caught in the cookie jar—that makes Changkyun finally lose it.
"PffffFFFFF BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" he bursts out, wheezing in air in between laughs as he doubles over. He finds it hard to stand, the laughter taking the strength clean out of him, and he finds himself leaning against the wall for support. He can't see through the tears in his eyes, his high-pitched cries of mirth carrying just as well as Hoseok's call from before. He remains like this for quite some time, the ridiculousness of the situation being all too good.
At first, it's cute to see the maknae laugh so wholeheartedly, but as the seconds tick by and turn into a full minute, Kihyun grows tired of it... only partly due to his own embarrassment at being found out.
"Yah!" he protests, crossing his arms defiantly. "It's rude to laugh at your hyungs, dongsaeng."
"Oh my... Oh my God...!" he cries out, hugging himself round the middle as his ribs begin to ache. "God, hyung, is that what all this was about??" He releases a long, satisfied sigh, wiping at his tears. Lord, it's been forever since he's been able to laugh like that.  
"Of course!" Minhyuk replies defensively, pouting as he stomps a foot. Changkyun quirks up a brow at this, chuckling under his breath at the infantile action. Honestly, he thought he was supposed to be the maknae here... "Kkungie, we love you, and, dammit, I don't care if you do think you're turning straight! I won't allow it!!!"
"Hyung, that's not how it works," Changkyun giggles, finding the accusation absolutely preposterous. "Just because I go hang out with Jessi-noona doesn't automatically mean I'm dumping y'all for her. She's really cool, and a nice friend to have. But, that's all she is. A friend."
"And what about all your other friends, Changkyun-ah?" Kihyun finds himself demanding, frowning. "Are they all just friends, too? Because you've been spending a hell of a lot of time with them lately, and not a whole lot of time with us..." Changkyun's brow creases together at this, leaning his head to the side thoughtfully.
"Oh," he says, "I hadn't realized... I'm sorry, hyung. But, you could've just said something, and saved yourself all this trouble."  
"It's not trouble showing our affection for you, maknae," Minhyuk corrects him, beginning to tap his foot impatiently. Changkyun gets the feeling, though, that Minhyuk isn't mad at him, but at himself. The maknae can't help but sigh, shaking his head at his hyungs' over-active imagination.  
Honestly, what ever is he going to do with these men?
"Come on," he says finally, nodding towards the living room, "let's get to the movie. I'm sure Jooheonney-hyung is gonna scream like... at least fifty times!"
"I heard that!" Jooheon calls from the couch, his pout evident in his voice. Changkyun chuckles at this, winking conspiratorially at his hyungs in the kitchen. He then turns on his heel to head back, unable to keep from smiling.  
He retakes his seat by Jooheon, only for Kihyun to shove Minhyuk behind him to get the only other seat next to Changkyun. The maknae laughs at this, leaning his head against Kihyun's shoulder as Minhyuk begrudgingly has to reach around the main vocalist to pet his hair.
"I love y'all~" Changkyun sighs, his eyes shining as he's surrounded by their love.
"We love you, too," Hyungwon replies, smiling up at him from his lap.  
Changkyun feels his own smile grow, though he begins to feel a bit drowsy. Not even Jooheon's screams keep him awake as he drifts off before they're even halfway done with the movie, dreams of his most precious hyungs filling his mind.
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Man’s Soon To Be Best Friend
Dean x Reader, Sam 
Request By Anon: Hiiiiiii👏🏼 can you do a dean x reader where the reader has is a badass hunter and her companion is a dog. During a hunt she runs into dean and they click 😍 reader could be a female version of dean. Eventually he meets her dog and your know funny fluff (since dean hates dogs) but then the dog grows on dean. And he allows her dog in the impala and sam flips since he doesn't know about her or the dog.
Warnings: Some language, Dean arguing with a dog haha, unedited so probably some grammar/spelling issues I didn’t catch- sorry 
Word Count: 1371
Y/D/N = Your dog’s name. 
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“Come on Y/D/N, let’s go. Time to kills some evil sons of bitches.” You opened the car door, letting your furry companion jump in, and then got in the car yourself, headed down south to track down the thing that’s slain six people so far. Life as a hunter doesn’t offer too many chances for friendships, let alone relationships; it was just a fact. Luckily you had your dog. A faithful companion to keep you company, and provided endless love without a single condition attatched. The drive between jobs is exactly what you’d expect from a dog: half the time head out the window, the other half curled up with your lap being a pillow. It was the best of both worlds. You had someone to keep you company, but you didn’t have to constantly listen to some yammering on and on about the dumbest stuff. Best of all, he never complained about your choice of music being classic rock. No, he just jammed along with you; tail wagging to the beat, occasionally letting out an excited howl when a favorite of his came through the speaker. 
Upon arrival in this little podunk town, two things became very clear: something was definitely going on here, and you weren’t the only hunter working the job. From there it was a constant game of catch up. Whoever this hunter was, they were always one step ahead of you. Every office you went into, and every witness you talked to, all said the same thing: they just spoke with some one from the FBI earlier that day. Dammit.
Finally you caught him. A new body was found, and you both showed up to the scene. “yeah your partner is over there.” A local badge pointed towards a tall man with his back to you. Strange. Doesn’t look like anyone I’ve ever met, you thought to yourself. 
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“So your a hunter too I take it.” You said as you approached the man. 
“Bout time you caught up.” He said jokingly, with a cocky smirk. “I’m Dean.” He extended his hand. 
“Y/N. So whatcha got.” You nodded towards the body. 
The rest was history. You guys countered the others quick remarks like you had been friends for years. Something just clicked. You were almost sad when you finally ganked the thing. He was the first hunter you’d met that you actually cared to be around. You had exchanged numbers with him, and the two of you texted all the time, and occasionally called to consult one another for various cases, but the real fun began when you ran into him again on a random hunt you had stumbled upon. 
The fun began just the same as it had the previous time. After having talked to him over the phone for so long, and now running into him again, you felt it was okay for him to meet your dog. You could tell he wasn’t exactly the dog type, but if any dog could win him over, it was your Y/D/N. 
When you guys had arrived back to your motel, Y/D/N was curled up on the crappy couch in the corner of the room, ears perking up when you entered the room. Dean caused a bit of suspicion, after all you didn’t ever have any visitors. He was just as startled though, you hadn’t told him you had a dog.
“Y/D/N, come.” In a moment, you had a dog sitting at your feet waiting for your next command. “Sit. This is Dean. He’s a friend. Be nice and say hi.” Your dog looked up at him, and softly nudged his hand. You could tell Dean was still wasn’t too excited about it, so you made sure Y/D/N knew to leave him alone, which was easier said than done. For as much as Dean wasn’t sure he liked your dog, Y/D/N loved Dean. Everywhere he went in the room, he had a dog shaped shadow right on his heels. 
The funniest part about that night, and probably your favorite memory to this day, was walking in on Dean arguing with your dog. You had went to get a drink from the vending machine outside, only to return and find Y/D/N on the couch, Dean standing in front of the couch, saying ‘he was sitting there first’. You know your dog well enough. Dean hadn’t lost his seat, he just gained a fuzzy cuddle buddy. The two of them went round and round. “No. You move. I was there first.” He kept shouting, which only made Y/D/N bark in return. The man couldn’t just suck it up, and share the couch. 
Dean had stayed the night in your room, each of you in your own bed, and Y/D/N on the couch. Well, that’s how you started out at least. Around 4am you stirred in your sleep, and looked over to see Dean asleep, Y/D/N snuggled up close in the little nook between his chest and arm. Your heart couldn’t help but sweet up looking at them all cozy, especially when Dean had been so against it earlier. You knew he would come around, and now there was no way you were going to let him live this down. 
The next week was the best one of your life. You and Dean ran around goofing off like little kids, getting into all kinds of trouble, and just getting the most out of life. Y/D/N really enjoyed having Dean around, and was constantly right in the middle of al of the excitement. You didn’t know how you had been so blessed to find this man who you loved to be around, and who your dog had taken a liking to. 
The two of you decided it was about time that this thing became more permanent, and Dean asked you to move into the bunker with him and his brother Sam. However he didn’t tell his brother about any of this. From what you could gather, his brother didn’t even know anything about you. 
A few days later, you pulled up outside big building somewhere in Lebanon, Kansas, ready to start your new life with the man you had grown to love, and your dog by your side. You hadn’t even got the bags out of the car before an even taller man with long hair appeared. “Sam, this is Y/N. and this-” he said petting your dog with that goofy grin of his, “-is Y/D/N.” 
Sam was clearly annoyed “I’m sensing some tension. I’m gonna give you guys a minute.” You said excusing yourself, and Dean showed you where the door was, so you could put your stuff down. 
No sooner than the door closed behind you, Sam set in. “So that’s where you ran off to for a week. You couldn’t be bothered to pick up a phone and call. How long have you even known her?”
“Dammit Sam! Yes that’s where I was. You ever think maybe I didn’t call because I was having the time of my life, or maybe just maybe becuase I knew you’d be all over my case about it. And for your information, i’ve known her for months now.”
“Oh so just now all the sudden you make the call that she is gonna move in with us. And another thing, since when do you let a dog ride in the Impala.” 
“Yes. Okay. Yes. I made that call because I like her, and her dog okay. Move on.” He huffed as he made his way into the bunker.
After a few hours of being there, Sam could see how happy you and your dog make Dean, and that overcame his annoyance. He grew to love the two of you just as his brother had.  Thus began your journey living with two overgrown man childeren and a dog. You were the most dysfunctional family unit out there, but none of you cared. Life was too short to pretend to be normal anyway. 
If you would like to be added to one of my tag lists, just ask :)  I have 3 main tag lists: The Anything and Everything, The Sammy Boy, and The Deano. 
The Anything and Everything: @tillielynn16 @fandomaskedstuff @hillface89 @saltysamgirls @unusualcorn @naruko88558855
The Deano: @straitsupernaturalmalefan @angelofchaos @kayladools @pandazombie69
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tweenw · 7 years
Legit- (Dylan O‘Brien)
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Characters: OC’s, Dylan O’Brien and (Y/N)
Word Count: 1219
Warnings: none
Pairing: idk man I got bored I guess some Dylan x Reader
Summary: an interview with your fellow cast mate Dylan goes totally aloof 
(Y/C/N)- your character name
“Run!” (Y/C/N) yells into the darkness of the hospital. Lights flash, the elevator opens. A shadowed figure starts laughing. Stiles grabs (Y/C/N)’s hand and starts dragging her down the hospital corridors, the running is slow motion. The lights shut off. Silence. 
The hospital scene fades away on the large screen behind me and the audience begin to clap and cheer. Dylan and I grin at each other, already knowing what happens after that scene. 
It’s always a thrill to do interviews with a live audience, whether it’s at comic con or just anywhere else really. The vibe of the audience is incredible, and the support we get is even more extraordinary. It’s near enough breath taking how many fans hearts Teen Wolf has managed to capture in just a few years of airing on TV, and how close we have all become. It’s a shame that most of the time we all get split up doing different interviews, but at least I’m with Dylan on this one.
“Well, that was quite a teaser! Who’s excited for this new season of Teen Wolf?” Allie, the red-head interviewer asks the audience, who erupt in screams and cheers. They’re joined by Dylan who starts cheering too. A massive smile appears on my face as I see how excited everyone is, and how much Dylan is enjoying himself.
“So, last season a new character and love interest for Stiles has been introduced to the show, (Y/C/N). We have seen some rivalry between Malia and Stiles’s new love. Will there be more bad blood next season, or will the hatchet be buried once and for all?” Allie reads off her notepad before looking over at me for the answer with an excited smile. The audience is quiet as they await for my response.
“Well, I can’t say much of course. But I think the way the situation plays out is definitely unexpected. A lot of the fans will be knocked on their asses. Hell, when I read the script I had to take a few minutes to process what’s going on. But Stiles is silly, so he’ll attempt to approach it with a hint of humour.” I chuckle as I remember the moment that happened. I literally had to sit down to take in the new plot twist. 
Dylan and I look at each other knowingly with small smirks. He was the one that came to my trailer and started freaking out over the whole plot twist of my character getting pregnant and Malia moving away because she can’t really cope with it.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see it. I bet it’ll be worth the wait. Now, it’s time for our round of ‘Who Would You…’. Tweet your questions at #teenwolffanasks.” Allie announces to the audience as she opens up twitter on the tablet next to her to check the questions. Surprisingly, there’s a lot popping up already. I don’t think I realised how big this fandom is just yet, and I’m not sure how long it’s going to take before I do. 
“Okay, this one’s for Dylan. Who would you bring back to Beacon Hills that’s no longer on the show?” Allie prompts Dylan to talk. She’s got this way around her which makes you feel excited and giddy. It’s really contagious, and good because nobody wants to be in an interview where the interviewer looks bored to death. 
“Hmm, Gage’s character Erica. She had a short run on the show but when she was around it was easily the funniest of times both on and off screen.” Dylan answers, and I couldn’t agree more. Gage was a banger on set, she’d always pull pranks and make everyone laugh even when we had to film a heavily packed action scene at 2am.
“Couldn’t agree more. Next question is for (Y/N). Who would you want to be roommates with?”
The fans start shouting out various names of my costars, like Holland or Tyler Posey and even Arden, since there’s been videos recorded each time I share a room with either of them. The room sharing is mainly due to the way our agency books hotel rooms, which I don’t really mind. Because with Holland, we do each others makeup and with Posey and Arden we all play Uno. It’s always fun, no matter who I’m sharing the room with.
I laugh at how eager the fans are. Honestly I would be down to chill with every single person if I could. The tight schedule sometimes doesn’t allow that though so we all enjoy interviews as much as we possibly can.
“Well, I think Dylan because he doesn’t snore and always lets me shower first. He’s also really bad at Just Dance so it boosts my self-esteem.” I laugh at the memories of us two dancing to ‘Daddy’ by PSY and him knocking over several things in the process. Music is his strong suit, just not when it comes to dancing to it.
The audience goes crazy and Dylan wraps his arms around me in a hug, which will no doubt spawn some edits on Tumblr. 
I hug him back and watch all the camera flashes and fans jumping all over the place. A surge of happiness fills me out of nowhere. 
“Aw, you two are just the cutest! We’ll take some questions from the audience now.” Allie announces as Dylan and I let go of each other and watch in anticipation as a guy walks down to the microphone. He’s wearing a blue shirt with the Teen Wolf logo and looks kind of cute. 
“I’m Troy, I’ve got a question for both of you, um, do you date in real life too as well as on screen?” The boy asks with a shy smile. He bites his lip ring in a nervous way. 
I blush a little and look at Dylan to answer this one. It’s not like we’re dating, but I also can’t ignore drunk kisses and cuddling at night, each of which we haven’t spoken about at all but we should. 
Dylan chuckles and smirks a little before grabbing a hold of my hand and raising it up in the air. “Near enough, yeah.”
My heart skip a beat and I look over at Dylan with wide eyes, not believing that he actually said that. The fans are all eerily silent as they watch in anticipation at what happens next.
Dylan intertwines our fingers and places a kiss on my knuckles before turning back to Troy with a grin.
Troy looks how I feel, starstruck. The guy slowly walks away with his mouth wide open and is replaced by a tall girl with blue hair.
“Samantha here, are you guys legit or just fucking with us?” She asks, eyes wide as if she’s just seen a ghost. I’m pretty sure I’m mirroring her expression right now.
Dylan grins at the girl before his hand caresses my cheek and places a gentle kiss on my lips. 
The kiss feels like it lasts for ever, during which my stomach collapses in on itself and a massive smile breaks the kiss apart. 
The audience screams and yells so loud I feel like my ear drums are going to burst, but I can’t focus on anything else but Dylan’s smile.
“Legit?” He whispers as he leans his forehead against mine. 
I bite my lip a little and grin.
“Legit.” I whisper.
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dateagirlwhosweird · 7 years
The Lantern
So, a couple of months ago, I (Mod Morgan) wrote this as part of my English class portfolio. We were told to try writing something outwith our standard comfort zone, and it was suggested I try writing romance. This was around the point where I started getting super into this blog, so, the following was meant to be a love story with just a dash of my own personal flair for the weird. Hope you enjoy it!
- Mod Morgan
My girlfriend has a television for a head.
Maybe that sounds weird. Truth be told, it is pretty weird. When we hear things we don’t expect, we call them weird. She called me weird when I said that I liked the second Hoosiers album, and I called her weird when she had her head surgically replaced with a CRT monitor. Weirdness is all a matter of perspective. From any normal person’s perspective, it’s weird to still listen to 2007-era quirk-rock, and even weirder to pay for extreme biomechanical augmentation.
Zoë was always a big fan of body-modding. It had started with just piercing her ears - don’t tell her I told you, but she cried like a baby when she got them. It felt like she was going to tear my arm off, that girl has no pain tolerance. But for months afterwards, she couldn’t stop talking about how great it felt to get it done. I was obviously kind of concerned in case it was some sort of weird sex thing, but she assured me that it wasn’t. In the months following, she got a stud in her nose, then a ring beside it. Two in the arch of her left ear, three on the right. Her lip, her lip again. Her lip a third time, her tongue. Then she moved on to tattoos, too many for me to keep track of, her body becoming a collage of intertwining rose stems and snaking tendrils. I didn’t know where they were coming from, how she could be getting so many, with more turning up seemingly every week.
The TV was the next step, what she called the final one. Just like the third lip piercing had been the final one. She said it so casually, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Hey, so, um, I was thinking of, like, getting a TV for a head? What do you think?”.
I thought it was a joke, but she insisted that she really meant it.
“A what?”
“A TV! Y’know…”, she said, gesturing in a big rectangle around her face
“You want… a TV for a head?”
“Yeah! C’mon, it’ll be awesome!”
I called her weird. When we hear things we don’t expect, we call them weird. I tried to talk her out of it, on more than one occasion, but who am I to tell her how to live her life? Love is all about making little sacrifices, and maybe it wouldn’t even be so bad? That was what I told myself, what I had to keep telling myself. She kept telling me it was something she wanted to do, but she couldn’t tell me why. ‘It’s just for fun!’, she said. ‘It’s not like I’m trying to make a big statement about society, maaaan or anything! I just like the way it looks!”
And then I would laugh because the whole situation was ridiculous, because I knew that she would never actually go through with it.
dramatic irony (noun)
a situation, or the irony arising from a situation, in which the audience has a fuller knowledge of what is happening in a drama than a character does
I remember the last time I saw her face. I remember tracing my right thumb along her soft, slightly squishy cheek, asking her if she was sure she wanted to go through with this. She didn’t answer. She didn’t have to. I could see the conviction in her round, dark eyes, eyes I reminded myself that I would never, ever see again.
Zoë liked to wear a lot of eye makeup. She always had tired, tired eyes, no matter how much she slept. Eyes with dark circles denoting the sockets. She covered them up with thick black eyeliner, and I always said that she looked like a footballer with all that stuff under her eyes. I mean a stereotypical American footballer, that is, with the black rectangular lines? Obviously, the only thing our footballers, proper footballers, have under their eyes are their delicate, injury-faking mouths, or so I’ve been told.
I miss her eyes. Maybe it makes me sound like a serial killer for saying it, but, I miss them. You don’t appreciate the little things until they’re gone, like eye contact with someone you love, or a TV series that got cancelled too soon.
When she came back out of surgery, I didn’t recognise her. Even if I knew it was her, with the television for a head, I didn’t recognise her. They wheeled her out in a hospital nightgown, her new head held low, her chest slowly rising and falling. I remember that it was showing those coloured boxes, you know the ones that American TV channels go to when they stop broadcasting? Her face was those coloured bars, and I thought it was the funniest thing. My girlfriend had had her head replaced with a TV, and I was cracking up over it in a hospital waiting room.
When we see things we don’t understand, we can either laugh or we cry. Zoë and I both preferred the former, and there was so much in the world that we both did not understand.
The first thing she did when the anaesthetic wore off was reach out and touch my face. I did the same. I held her new head in my hand, stroked my thumb across the right-hand dial. Her new cheek was cold and hard, but moved with little resistance. My thumb detuned her face. My thumb detuned my girlfriend’s face, and that was when I knew nothing was going to be the same again.
permanence (noun)
the state or quality of lasting or remaining unchanged indefinitely
a lie
The first few weeks were the hardest, I think. It was hard enough to see a future with her even before - she was all about elaborate outfits and dark makeup and bands that used enough amps to be heard from space, and I was a barely-functioning marshmallow-person made of constant dread and sugared pastries. Not exactly a match made in heaven, but we made it work despite our differences. She was everything I wanted to be, and I made her laugh. Not always on purpose, but I thought she was pretty when she laughed, so I didn’t mind that much.
A relationship built on idealism and laughter isn’t one built to last. Neither of us were huge fans of commitment. She, a rolling stone. Me, someone barely equipped to look after myself let alone a family. I was always worried about when - or, rather, how - things would end. I often wondered if she felt the same way.
With the new head, everything got so much harder. She seemed colder. Distant. Difficult to read. That wasn’t something I was good at before, and the TV hadn’t exactly made it easier. She tried her best to give me hints, I think, but she hadn’t worked out all the channel numbers yet. She’s gotten a lot better now. I told her a joke the other day, and she switched to an old Only Fools and Horses for a perfectly-timed laugh track.
Audience cues are the easiest ones for her to do, but she’s started stitching words together to form sentences. The first time she did it, switched through channels to say “Hello! How was your day?”, I told her it the happiest day of my entire life. And I was being totally sincere.
sincerity (noun)
the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy                                                                                                                                       ex. “With the utmost sincerity, I, your GP, would recommend against surgically replacing your head with a television, Miss Palencia. Seriously, what’s wrong with you?”
I remember sitting with her on the beach, watching the stars. Not the real stars - most nights in this city, you can’t see them - but the twinkling lights on the other side of the river. Man-made constellations, telling new fables, of new heroes and new monsters. It’s hard to tell which is which from so far away. The stars told stories of how we had built great things to overcome our obstacles. The stars told stories of how we had built great obstacles to be overcome. Perhaps, one of us thought, the lights were great hydroponic tanks, each a bubble sustaining a life, each life a stem that could grow into something wonderful. Perhaps, the other thought, the lights were the glistening eyes of a terrible mechanical beast, crawling across the landscape, spewing poison from the spires on its back to blot out the stars above, chewing up the peons below to lubricate its grinding mechanisms, perpetuate its reign. Perhaps it’s best if I let you imagine which of us thought which.
The tide lapped at our bare feet. I asked her whether it was safe for her to get her head wet, and we both laughed at how weird that sounded. She never answered, and I don’t think I would have liked it if she did.
She put her head on my shoulder, like she did every time we went to the beach. Unlike last time, it felt cold, heavy, angular. It buzzed with electricity.
She put her hand on my hand, like she did every time we went to the beach. It felt exactly the same as it always had. We buzzed together with electricity.
electricity (noun)
a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current
a word that pretentious writers use instead of “love”
the lifeblood of a television
Maybe I just got too caught up in trying to understand. I wanted to know, so desperately, what anything meant, to find some deep truth where there was none. Sometimes, things just happen - the TV isn’t a metaphor, or a test, or a big statement about “society, maaaan”. It was never about me, and that’s okay. To think that she had ever done it for me - to impress me, to spite me, just to see how I’d react - was just selfish wishful thinking. Zoë did it for Zoë, and it was her decision alone to make. And nothing - no amount of distance, nor extreme body modifications, nor disagreement on whether The Illusion of Safety was better than The Trick To Life, is going to change how I feel about her.
Illusion of Safety was objectively the best Hoosiers album, though.
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xwing-baby · 8 years
SAM X READER WORD COUNT: 2315 SUMMARY: After some time away, Sam and Dean turn up out of the blue and ask for your assistance. However, things don’t go to plan and you become more involved than originally planned.  WARNINGS: Angst, violence, injury
Being the youngest of three was hard. Sure they weren’t my actual brothers, but we’d lived together since I was born. I was five years younger than Sam and nine years younger than Dean. They were good to me, helping me with school work and Dean was very handy to have around when boys in class got too much. Sure I could handle myself but it was fun watching the pure horror in their eyes when ten years old me brought Dean to the park to ‘have a word’.
Time past, John (Sam and Dean’s dad and the man who raised me) died and I had a year out of college, obviously. But now September was rolling round and I had to make my mind up if I was going back. I argued that it was pointless now, becoming an engineer did not seem useful or interesting in my life anymore! I hunted! Nowhere in hunting did I need an engineering degree. I was neck deep in ghouls and vampires and ghosts for Christ’s sake!
But no, the boys had different ideas. They insisted that I went back to college, lead a normal life and be happy. This argument spanned weeks, usually one of the boys bringing it up at the end of a hunt and especially when I got hurt. I fought my side, even trying to bribe Dean into changing his mind but a Winchester is nothing if stubborn. Eventually, I gave in.
So here I am. Five months into the year with mountains of work to do, deadlines to meet and I didn’t want to do any of it. I was bored. Something that hadn’t happened in a while. I was home sick. I wanted nothing more than to ditch this place and run off, find and work a case with Sam and Dean like before. I tried to find cases on my own but somehow I’d managed to choose to go to college in a state that was practically dead on the supernatural side of life. Anything that did pop up ending up being nothing.
Days went by slowly, classes dragging on for hours and hours. I only had one free period a week because of the amount of catch-up I had to do. Today was one of them. Sat staring out the window in the study hall, trying to do anything I could to ignore the work I had on my desk. My music played softly in my ears and I just stared aimlessly out the window looking at the people passing down on the street below.
I was pulled out my trance by one of my teachers: Mrs Sanders tapped me on the shoulder. She was a kind old woman, one of the best lecturers I had and always gave the funniest classes. She wore fairly standard old lady clothes but had bright coloured glasses always perched on the end of her nose.
“Y/n?” She whispered, not wanting to disturb people around me, “Two very handsome men are here for you,” She smirked and let out a little giggle, “Say they’re from the FBI,”
“Oh? Okay,” I turned my music off and pushed my headphones off my ears, then stuffed my books into my bag. Mrs Sanders smiled and left me to it. I walked out the room and there, leant against the wall of the hallway was Sam and Dean.
Both were dressed in their FBI suits, both looking as handsome as ever. Sam’s hair had got much longer and both looked more stressed than over. None the less big smiles came on their faces when they saw me.
“Really guys? You insist I got college and lead a normal life, you can’t pop up now!” I said in fake annoyance, but I couldn’t keep the happy grin off my face. I pulled them both into a big hug and laughed happy that they were here.
“We can leave if you want?” Dean teased. I shook my head and laughed.
“Please don’t,” I smiled, “So what do you knuckleheads want? Nobody’s died have they?”
“A group of girls from your campus have gone missing,” Sam said. My face fell.
“Oh shit,”
“Yeah, we just wanted to ask you some questions and seeing as you know you’re way around, maybe you could help us find some of the missing girls’ friends.”
“Oh, um yeah sure,” I said still trying to sound enthusiastic. They weren’t here to take me out, to take me hunting with them. They just want info. It was disappointing, to say the least.
I followed Dean out to the car, which was still as beautiful as ever, and slid into my usual place in the middle of the backseat. It felt nice to be back but I was sad it wouldn’t be permanent.
Dean drove us out to a nice diner they’d found on the edge of town and we all had dinner while they questioned me. Turns out I knew nothing that they didn’t know already. By the time we’d finished it was nearly dark.
“I hope you don’t mind coming with us,” Dean said as he pulled out of the diner car park. “It’s just this is the only time we’d be able to do this,”
“Are you even sure it’s a Wendigo? Those are mega rare,” I commented as I flipped through John’s journal. “Especially around here, if there was something like that surely I could have picked up on it when I was-“I stopped. I knew if I told the boys I’d been trying to hunt on my own they’d pick a fight about it.
“When you were what?” Sam asked, a concerned look on his face as he turned to face me.
“Nothing, just it would have shown up in on the paper or something,”
“Yeah, well I don’t know what else it could be,” Dean said clearly working out that I had been hunting or attempting to hunt. He was annoyed but said nothing.
Silence fell over the car as Dean drove us to the edge of the woods. I knew these woods quite well, my friends and I came here to parties thrown by the frat houses. However that was in a more populated area now there were no flood lights to light up nicely tarmacked paths, no log cabins and no public restrooms. We were in the pure wilderness here, the trees were so dark that I couldn’t see further than the first row.
“You’re going to have to stay here,” Sam said as Dean parked.
“What! No way!” I protested.
“Yes, way. We know what we’re doing, Y/n. If we’re not back in a few hours call 991. Don’t come find us, you don’t know what’s out there,” Dean said sternly. “Besides, you said you have an essay due tomorrow,”
I scowled but gave in, they had a good point. “Fine, I’ll stay here,”
“There’s a gun under the seat and a knife under the dash,” Sam clarified. I nodded and turned my attention to the stuff I had in my bag.
“If you need us, call,” Dean said.
“I know, I’ll be fine!” I laughed. “Now go!”
I shooed them out the car and watched them walk away until the light of their torches got engulfed into the darkness of the forest. I pulled my work out of my bag and settled down, deciding against putting in headphones. Just in case.
A few hours past, the essay was done and I was dozing off in the backseat listening to the car radio ramble on about the local news stories. Suddenly there was a bang on the back window. I froze. Slowly, I looked up to the back window and saw nothing. Just black. Maybe it was just a pinecone…
I tried to convince myself it was nothing back something was telling me it wasn’t. Carefully I climbed over the front seat and into the driver’s seat. I found the knife and pulled the gun onto the passenger seat beside me. Again, I looked out the windows and saw nothing.
Maybe I was just paranoid, maybe I was hearing things, and maybe it was just Sam and Dean being total jerks. But something was telling me that it wasn’t. I sat completely still for a few minutes, just listening. Nothing happened. So I decided to get back to my work, glancing occasionally up at the window to see if I could see anything.
Another hour past and another bang, this time from the front of the car. I quickly turned on the headlights and the shadow of something flew past making me jump. I went to grab the gun but before I could my door was flung open and something grabbed me, pulled me out the car by my arm. I tried to struggle against the hand that hadn’t grabbed me, tried to dig my heels in but I tripped and the thing was now dragging me along as I struggled to stand back up. I screamed and kicked trying with all my might to get whatever it was to release me. We entered the forest and I tried to use my free hand to grab a tree or a branch to stop me but before I could, something hit my head and I was out cold.
I woke up to the feeling of being carried. I opened my eyes and when they came into focus I was met with a very worried looking Sam Winchester. I tried to speak but my head span and I became very aware of the burning pain in my chest. I looked down and saw a large blood stain on my shirt. I winced at the sight and coughed, spitting up blood. I began to cry.
I looked around as much as I could and I had no idea where we were. There were just trees on all sides. I tried to relax and take my mind off the unbearable pain in my chest, surely Sam knew where he was taking me so I’d be fine but everything was too much.
“Sam,” I whined, my voice almost a whisper.
“It’s not far now Y/n we need to get you to a hospital, okay?”
“What happened?”
Sam didn’t answer. He didn’t even look at me. He just kept walking.
It took a while for Sam to reach a road, or at least it felt like it anyway. Within seconds of us reaching the road, Dean pulled up in the Impala. Neither brother said a word as Sam gently placed me in the backseat, letting me lie down properly. I whimpered a little but it was much more comfortable being laid down properly. Sam hopped into the passenger seat and Dean sped away.
I could hear Sam talking to me but I couldn’t concentrate on his words. I just mumbled before everything became numb and my eyes closed. Things got louder as Dean joined in Sam’s attempt to keep me awake but passing out seemed a lot easier.
My back itched and everything ached.
I was awake after what seemed like days. I was laying on a couch in somewhere I didn’t recognise. The blanket lay over me remained my of the ratty fleece blanket I’d found when I was at Bobby’s when I was a kid. I still had it there ten years later. It was a red tartan-type pattern with little tassels on it which had either fallen out or were hanging on by a thread. It was my favourite, even if Dean did say it looked like a dog’s bed.
My chest ached. Not like before where I felt like I couldn’t breathe but like I was breathing for the first time in forever. I carefully sat myself up, conscious of any possible injuries. Looking around the room a bit more I came to the conclusion I was in a motel room somewhere, there were two twin beds both with stuff thrown across them like whoever was staying here left in a rush. A laptop was perched on the coffee table just behind my head, I tried to reach for it but as soon as I turned around just an inch my chest began to throb with pain. Confused, I lifted up my shirt to reveal a large bandage wrapped tightly around my torso with two safety pins holding the cloth together. I then noticed I had another bandage on my leg too. What happened?
The last thing I could remember was being at college when Sam and Dean came to pick me up? Did I go with them on a hunt? Why weren’t they here now? Were they dead? Was I dead? If I was this was a pretty shit heaven, and it smelled way too much like Dean’s cheap whisky.
That’s when I remembered. The hunt. The car. The creature. Everything came rushing back. There was no way I could be alive, this had to be heaven. I was dead.
“Y/n?” A voice broke through my panicked mind, I looked up and saw Sam.
“Sam?” I asked, my voice scratchy and pained, sounding more like a squeak than a name. Before I could say anything else Sam dropped the bag in his hand and rushed forward frantically pulling me into a tight hug and kissing me. He pulled away for a moment, kissing my cheek then my forehead and everywhere that was accessible to him. Before he returned to my lips, which I gladly accepted and kissed back.
I was shocked! Sam Winchester was kissing me! Sam Winchester!
“I thought you were going to die,” He whispered once he’d pulled away.
“I don’t die that easily, Winchester,” I tried to laugh but it turned into a harsh cough. “Besides, you’d be lost without me,”
Sam looked at me, his eyes nothing but serious.
“I would,”  
@bethanystan, @lindsaylove1226 @mybittersweetbullshituniverse 
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anonomeis-blog · 8 years
Almost Only Counts In Horseshoes And Hand Grenades
Junkrat notices that Mei doesn't smile when he's around. He attempts to rectify this. Attempts being the key word here. On AO3
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