whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
Imagine it not being Ilya X Alphi... It can't not be Ilya X Alphi. I can't even imagine it.
Send me what characters you ship my muse with! (accepting)
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I can scarce imagine it either. A world where Alphinaud isn’t head over heels for the hero that he’s spent so much time looking up to and trying to impress??? A world where Illya isn’t absolutely enamored by Alphinaud’s passion, determination and charmed by his wits??? A world where Alphinaud isn’t completely smitten by Illya’s gentleness and will to protect those she holds dear?? Blasphemy, I say! You’re so valid astra. 
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ancientechos · 4 years
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Shopping Trip!
For @whitherliliesbloom, based on their headcanons on an Illyanaud/Laurchefant double date!
Alphinaud/Illya + Haurchefant/Laurelis ♡ 2109 words ♡ some kinda modern au
This is supposed to be a so-called “double date”, but as far as Alphinaud is concerned, it is merely a regular one. Between Laurelis and Illya.
Haurchefant and Alphinaud simply happen to be there at the same time. Or at the very least in their general vicinity.
The taller elezen doesn’t appear especially bothered by this; he bears his burden of an already concerning amount of bags with unprecedented grace and decorum.
“They look like they’re having fun,” he says with an easy smile once he notices the white-haired elezen glancing toward him. Alphinaud clears his throat.
“I -- yes, I...suppose that is one of the words...that could describe them.”
Laurelis stands in the middle of one of the clothing stores, a veritable pile of dresses thrown over the nearest rack, clearly selected for the lalafellin girl fidgeting demurely in front of her. She holds her most recent pick -- a pale turquoise ruffled dress -- in both hands, holding it out near the shorter girl’s shoulders.
Whilst Illya looks only somewhat uncomfortable with her predicament, the miqo’te has a somewhat pinched, pensive expression as she stares at younger girl and garment with narrowed eyes. Then, abruptly and apparently satisfied, she gives a tiny nod and gently folds the dress before placing it on the ground beside her.
“Don’t I need to try that on first...?”
“Nope! I know you’ll look adorable without even putting it on!” Laurelis’ smile is bright and infectious; even Illya can’t help but let her lips upturn despite her misgivings. “But this...” The pink-haired woman’s voice trails off as she pulls yet another dress from the small pile she’s amassed. “I’m afraid you will have to try this one on.”
She holds it up to Illya briefly, before allowing the lalafell to take the dress from her. It’s a light, checkered thing; Alphinaud can’t make it out clearly from this distance, but it seems to have something frilly or lacy at the front.
After a mild “argument” (”Are you sure this isn’t too much?” “Nonsense! There’s never too many cute clothes!”), the lalafell retreats to the dressing room, defeated, dress in hand.
Perhaps it’s understandable that she should feel anxious. The vast majority of the bags Haurchefant holds contain clothes and shoes...for Illya, after all.
This scene had been repeated numerous times in other stores, with but one exception that had occurred exactly once and then never again, though the memory still causes the hair at the back of Alphinaud’s neck to spike in unease.
Illya had hesitantly peered out of the dressing room, violet eyes glimmering with discontent; she only finally pulled herself out with effusive and exuberant encouragement from her best friend. The sight that greeted the pale-haired elezen had nearly stolen his breath away: the dress Laurelis had chosen for her was the perfect colour and cut, brilliantly highlighting her features and, at the same time, making her look somehow even more lovely than she had mere minutes ago.
His silence had not gone unnoticed. Whilst Haurchefant had quickly offered his own praise, Alphinaud had merely been struck speechless and tongue-tied, as if somehow turned to stone. And the miqo’te had wheeled toward him, eyes narrowed, fluffy tail twitching only once.
“What do you think, Alphinaud? Doesn’t she look beautiful?”
Alphinaud had thought he could catch a hint of an uncharacteristic sharpness in her gaze -- a subtle glare that looked utterly unnerving on the miqo’te. He had cleared his throat, finding the words he needed to curtail his execution rapidly surfacing despite his initial floundering.
“O-of course. She looks beautiful -- absolutely stunning.” He most certainly did not stutter.
The pink-haired woman’s expression had transformed into a beam that could very well rival the sun. “Fantastic! I knew you’d like it.” Giving a tiny, gleeful clap, she had levied Illya with yet another dress, and the bone-chilling moment had passed as if nothing untoward had ever happened.
Alphinaud still occasionally feels somewhat cold, for no discernible reason.
As Laurelis fawns over the assortment of clothes she’s uncovered for Illya to wear and try on, Alphinaud finds his mind wandering. If this is a shopping trip -- and so it appears, as opposed to an actual date -- he may as well do some shopping on his own.
It appears Illya is well and covered in the clothing department, so he supposes there’s room for him to buy something else...
Like, he thinks, as his gaze roves over a nearby store, jewelry.
Illya, being quite modest, doesn’t often afford herself the luxury of pretty trinkets. Almost never, really, and certainly really nothing expensive.
Well, expensive for her. To him, and to apparently the pink-haired miqo’te, it may as well be a drop in the ocean.
The black, lacquered sign gleams at him under the skylights as he approaches. Genuine crystal bouquets. Perhaps not quite jewelry, as he’d initially assumed, but some sort of trinket nonetheless. And certainly nothing Illya would look even twice at.
She does love flowers, however. What ever would be better than an undying, beautifully cut, and vibrant bouquet? Far more than a simple collection of fake flowers...
Or so that’s what he thinks as he peers into the small shop. Behind locked cabinets and displays of glass are numerous attentively arranged crystalline flowers. Some are simply made of nondescript crystal; others, more ostentatiously priced, are labelled to be carved of gemstone.
He’s drawn almost immediately toward a composition of lilies, sparkling in the light. The price on the card beside them would undoubtedly make his girlfriend faint.
“Looking to buy, sir?” The elderly gentleman behind the counter hones in on him almost immediately, attracted by the crispness of his shirt and the stitching of his tailored coat. Evidently the man can smell the bottomless cards stowed away in his pockets. 
“Yes, I -- I was wondering, might I have a look at that lily bouquet up there?” Alphinaud gives a nod toward the glass shelves behind the counter. The shopkeep pulls out an assortment of keys from his pocket and begins fiddling with the locks.
“I feel like I shouldn’t even be here.” The light, airy comment nearly startles the long-haired young man out of his skin; he turns slightly to see his other companion, Haurchefant, joining him, bags in either hand. “Are you getting that for Illya?” He leans forward slightly as the older man brings the delicate bouquet down before them, allowing them both to look at it.
“Yes. I think it’s very beautiful. It suits her, don’t you think?” Alphinaud gently brushes a finger along one crystalline petal. It would look quite pretty on her nightstand -- perhaps away from any windows, lest anyone less savoury see it.
“It is very pretty -- ” Haurchefant breaks himself off as the shopkeep reminds his friend of the price. “But are you sure she’ll like it? It is rather expensive, after all...wouldn’t she be worried?”
Though Alphinaud does not think it to be that much of a money sink...he can attest that his love would probably be rather critical of the cost involved. Pursing his lips slightly, he looks away from the diamond lilies. “I suppose you are correct...”
He looks instead toward a series of delicately cut roses, pale and translucent. The price for these is substantially less.
“What about these ones...?”
When he walks out of the store a few minutes later, box neatly wrapped and tied and deposited into a white nondescript bag, he feels quite pleased with himself. Haurchefant had kept up his attempts to dissuade him, though to no avail; this bouquet was, after all, far less expensive than the other alternative. And roses are very romantic. Not to mention these particular flowers are eternal.
Illya might gripe about it, but she shouldn’t be displeased, he thinks.
The girls -- or Laurelis, rather -- have already finished making their new purchases by the time they return to the clothing store, the miqo’te excitedly chattering to her friend about the fine points of matching colours and accents.
The restaurant is filled with the sound of soft music and the laughter of children and the other patrons. Their shopping has been deposited in the trunk of Haurchefant’s car -- box of crystal roses included, which Illya miraculously did not notice.
Or perhaps chose not to bring up in front of their friends.
“What are you getting, Illya?” Laurelis asks with a mild quirk of her lips as she flips through her menu. Her expression is furrowed slightly in characteristic indecision, before it lightens. “I think I’m getting one of the burgers...”
“Um...” Illya trails off a moment as she finishes coming to her own decision. “The piping hot chicken wings, I think...”
“Ah -- I-I see...what about you, Haurchefant, Alphinaud?”
Alphinaud shuts his menu before he responds. “I’ll probably just get a coffee and a salad.” He’s typically not too hungry by lunchtime -- even with the walking they’d been doing earlier.
“I’ll likely be getting one of the burgers myself,” comes Haurchefant’s reply, closing his own menu.
It doesn’t take too long for their orders to finally arrive, or perhaps it only feels that way with the light, jovial chatter. Laurelis’ fashion classes are going well, as are Haurchefant’s English courses, and Illya’s shop is of course proceeding swimmingly. The conversation ceases for only a moment as the pink-haired woman fishes out her cellphone.
“I have to take pictures!” she announces. “If -- well, if that’s okay with everyone, at least.” Somehow, she always manages to make the food look even more appetising than it already is in her snapshots.
The wings on Illya’s plate are steaming, the scent of spice nearly overpowering the smell of Laurelis and Haurchefant’s burgers across the table. Alphinaud eyes the lalafell’s meal warily, keeping to his plain and boring salad.
“Oh, may I try one, Illya? They look quite good.” Haurchefant asks. Laurelis’ head nearly whips clean off her shoulders as she looks up to stare at him in what can only be described as abject pity, mouth agape.
“O-of course,” Illya murmurs, gently pushing her plate forward. The silver-haired man reaches to pluck one of the wings off her plate, lifting it to his mouth. He’s hardly even licked it when his eyebrows furrow slightly in consternation.
The brave man does, in fact, manage to take a bite -- and perhaps, it seems, even swallow it, though Alphinaud feels rather too terrified to actually get a good look at his facial expression.
“Well -- that was -- very good...I, ah -- excuse me...”
Laurelis politely slides out of the booth to allow the taller elezen to shift past her, and Alphinaud continues to wonder how he simply doesn’t sprint to the nearest washroom.
“I-is Haurchefant all right...?” Illya asks with wide, violet eyes. Her best friend gives a faint laugh, waving a hand gently.
“Oh, he’ll be fine! I-I think I felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, he m-must have gotten a call or something!”
“I hope it wasn’t anything serious...”
Their final group member returns a few minutes later, though he does not ask to partake in Illya’s dish again, and assures them that everything had gone well with his call.
Alphinaud feels a little bad for Haurchefant driving him home, but the older elezen had insisted.
“There’s nothing wrong with friends dropping friends off, is there? You don’t need to take your fancy driver everywhere.”
And Laurelis doesn’t even use a driver despite it well being within her means to. For some ungodly reason, she prefers to walk.
“I can take you home, Illya, if you don’t mind,” Alphinaud says before he steps out of the car. “I have something I’d like to talk to you about, too.”
The lalafellin girl looks a little confused as she blinks up at him. “Talk...?”
“Yes! So -- we can take your shopping to my apartment, right?”
“Oh, sure!” Laurelis wheedles her way into the conversation. “I can help you carry everything up!  There’s...a lot, ahah...”
“I’ll help, too.” Haurchefant’s smile is easy and light. “I think you’ll need it.”
Alphinaud staunchly pretends he has not an inkling of what the older man could possibly be talking about, the crystal bouquet weighing heavier than any mountain of shoes possibly could. He only hopes she’ll like them.
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inviouswriting · 4 years
Short drabble.
mentions of
@maiden-born-in-snow ‘s otpoly, @whitherliliesbloom illyanaud, @meepsthemiqo ‘s family. and @candideangel’s Angelique.
On an envy to Gridania to go over some plans for assisting with All Saint’s wake, Aymeric has the opportunity to work with G’raha Tia. He had been looking for a way to approach the miqo in regards to a situation. 
“Thank you for your help Ser Aymeric! I wouldn’t have been able to hang alot of those decorations myself. And with a month to go for the celebrations.” All that had to be done now was wait for Kan-E-Senna’s approval for the new decorations mixed with old.
“Well, I’m blessed with a certain stature that is noticed well.” He referred to his height. Not a problem for an elezen. 
“G’raha, I’ve been meaning to speak with you about something.” Aymeric’s tone is straightforward. Even G’raha was taken aback by the change in demeanor.
“Nothing too much to worry, it is in regards to my wife Kiya, and before she was summoned to The First.” G’raha understood where it was going. Just as he had gotten a verbal lashing once before by Kiya, he expected another one from her husband now.
“About that..” He fidgets with his hands, and lowers his head as they approach a ramp.
“I didn’t mean to cause her trouble.”
“It isn’t about the causing her trouble it is where. When you managed to call her. She was in the middle of a battle with Zenos. And your timing.. was how to say.. poor. If it weren’t for my trusted friend Estinien, she probably would have died.” G’raha’s ears flatten a bit to his head. He misses the mischief in Aymeric’s eyes.
Quickly G’raha’s chin is cupped by fingers and another one flicks his nose in a similar manner of Alisaie flicking his forehead. Only Aymeric’s hurt a little more. G’raha scoffs at this, but the mini assault doesn’t stop without ears being grabbed and petted. G’raha wonders just what did he do, then he remembers.
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 This is punishment for almost killing his wife.
“That should suffice. Next time, would you make sure my beloved is out of danger before you summon her again?” Aymeric stands straight, satisfied with the flustered face and pout on the miqo. Similar to when he does the same to Kiya.
“I am sorry.. You know the reasons and the stakes. I truly wish there was a better way to have done it.” A twitch of his tail he straightens himself up and swats the hands off his ears. 
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“You have your wife’s ears to do that with!” 
“Forgive me, wondered if they were soft like hers.”
“Are they?”
“Hers are softer.” G’raha almost scoffs at being told his aren’t soft. Angelique tells him they are. 
“Why the flick on my nose then?”
“That was for my wife.” Aymeric counters as he looks around them, spying their girls in the distance. 
“And the pets?” G’raha waves to Angelique, as both her and Kiya run up towards them.
“You looked sad.” Aymeric winds his arms around Kiya as soon as she was within grasp. Resting his head on top of her head with a satisfied smile of having her in them.
“Did you two finish early?” Angelique enquires as she stands next to G’raha taking a hand shy in her own.
“Yeah we did. What about you two? Did Senna like the designs?” G’raha asks taking Angelique’s hand to hold.
“She did. You two want to join me and Angelique for some food? Miounne made a fresh pie.” Kiya feels tugs on her ears and twitches her ears out of Aymeric’s hands. 
“We’d love to.” Aymeric says, giving G’raha a brief smile then focuses on his wife.
“What were you two talking about before we came up here?” Kiya asks.
“I just had some things to discuss with G’raha is all. Nothing to worry about. Mostly over the next decoration spots.”
“Ah.” They headed towards the Canopy, to find the rest of their friends. Meeps and Fae’a cutting bats out of fabric to hang later Asahi using the scissors to cut where he is instructed and to make spiders next. Shuri and Estinien focused on carving some gourds, with Kivera teasing Estinien about how he is messing up on the grin Ardbert trying his best too.
Illya and Alphinaud organizing some baked goods with Miounne’s guidance. Illya’s rolanberry tarts coming out nice, while Alphinaud’s looks like it can use some work.
Kiya goes to the counter to pick up their food, and Aymeric tags with her. 
“So did you talk to him?” Kiya looks up at him.
“I did. I feel a little better.”
“What did you do?”
“Flicked his nose.” This ears a snicker from Kiya. Miounne hands a tray of soups and plates. Aymeric takes it for the table Angelique and G’raha get. 
“Kiya.” Kiya turns to look at Aymeric, and brief he places a kiss on her cheek.
“What was that for?” She presses her hand to her cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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whitherliliesbloom · 5 years
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A Valentine’s Gift for G’raha Tia - @journeybetweenworlds Valentine’s Day Chocolate to / from NPCs requests closed
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
❤ sakura and alisaie / sakura and annu... (@the-divine-duchess!)
Send a ♡ and a ship in my ask for headcanons regarding your ship going on a double date with Illyanaud [Closed]
I don’t know much about your WOL, so I’m sorry if certain things seem ooc. I think it’s hard to think of a date both twins would be interested at the same time.. so just in general, perhaps a resort date?
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Alisaie and Sakura would probably spend more time doing physical activities such as swimming, snorkeling and trying out the available sporty recreation provided at the resort. 
Alisaie insists that her brother and Illya come along, and he compromises by asking that she and Sakura come alone when he and Illya go for the more relaxing and quiet activities like visiting the spa.
Alphinaud refuses to get into the pool or sea without his floaties, and even then he’s hesitant and slightly embarrassed that he has to swim with aids in the first place.
Illya goes snorkeling with Sakura and Alisaie while Alphinaud stands near the shore and collects sea shells and flowers for Illya when she gets back.
There’s a mini golf course that all four of them enjoy together, though the twins start to get competitive - Alisaie in particular. 
It’s definitely a huge bonding opportunity for the twins and I can see them spending a lot of time together, but they definitely wouldn’t neglect their respective partners either. It’s supposed to be a date, after all.
Sakura and Alisaie also challenge each other when it comes to sports, asking either Illya or Alphinaud to act as a mediator between them.
Alisaie protests it at first but she actually does enjoy her time immensely at the spa. She never knew she had so much tension in her muscles that she needed to work out. She’ll help massage Sakura in the future too, after realizing just how helpful it can be to relieve stress.
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
lights, camera, duty commenced!
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #14 - commend ]
[ illya, g’raha & emet ] ★ [ 2,263 words ]  ★ [ actors au ]  passing mention of some friend’s ocs and illyanaud
commend: praise formally or officially
behind the scenes of the critically acclaimed long running tv show, final fantasy fourteen, g’raha tia is (almost) inconsolable after he reads the final act’s script
The not-so everlasting light shining down feels radiant and warm, but not scorching. In the distance, one can hear the push and pull of the tides from the nearby lake, as well as the rustling of the purple hued leaves that hung and swayed ever so gently upon the trees. A light baby blue canvas with dusty cotton candy clouds crowns lakeland, painting the perfect, serene vista for an uneventful day of shooting.
Though, Illya has to remind herself, as she looks up at the peaceful sky, and sighs in contentment that she was in the completely wrong headspace. Even though the sky above was bright and undoubtedly beautiful on this fine afternoon, she knows that all it takes is for a little bit of compuer-generated television effects magic to turn the tranquil landscape into a scene of naught but utter devastation and war.
Think termination. Think termination. You’re in the middle of a large-scale battle between Elidibus and the people of Norvrandt. The tone’s supposed to be somber and tense. You’re the warrior of darkness. You got this!
“Oh.... How could this be...?”
Her train of thought is rudely interrupted by the sorrowful moping of her co-actor, and she has to resist the urge to chide him for dragging his early morning sulking all the way into the afternoon. 
“G’raha, please...” the lalafellin sighs, though cannot help but to let a sliver of sympathy slip into her tone. “The next scene’s starting soon.”
“I know, I know... But...” the man heaves a heavy sigh, hanging his head low and letting his arms drop onto his lap so dramatically she’d almost thought that his flesh really was made of crystal and wasn’t just a product of the hard work of extremely talented make-up artists. “I can’t help it. I can’t believe that my poor crystal exarch is-”
Illya can say she at least empathizes - though perhaps not to the same extent. She’s been casted into roles of characters who would meet an unfortunate demise later, but to be fair, they weren’t often major characters within the narrative of the show or film she was playing a role in. 
The crystal exarch on the other hand, has played a key role as one of the many recurring supporting casts in the show. He’d lingered in the background as early as the first season, and was, to G’raha’s jubilation, finally given a main role in the fourth season they were filming. 
Only to be killed off in the final act - succumbing to the crystallization of his entire body, from head to toe, in the throne room of the crystal tower after the warrior of darkness’ battle with the ascian Elidibus. His death scene was to be an emotionally poignant one... and Illya herself has spent the last few days getting into the headspace of the protagonist - who would understandably be utterly devastated by the loss of a dear friend. 
It didn’t help that the crystal exarch was a considerably popular character within the international community of fans - and his significant increase in screen time was due in part to fan demands... though that perhaps made his long foreshadowed death even more of a cruel irony. 
And there was nobody in the world who was a bigger fan of the crystal exarch than the actor who played him himself. It wasn’t narcissistic either, in their line of work, it’s easy to get attached to the roles they play... even more so when they’ve hovered within the headspace of their character for as long as 6 years - she would know, Liliya Liya is as big a part of her as the crystal exarch is for G’raha now.
Thus, though she felt the urgent need to get G’raha back up on his feet in preparation for the remaining scenes on their schedule to film... she could not bring herself to so callously talk down his very real and personal attachment of a character he was meant to portray well anyways. 
“Oh come now... you should’ve seen this coming.” with a swagger in his step and lazy grin plastered over his expression, Emet Selch strolls over to the pair.... far too comfortable within his own role that he was speaking with Hades’ signature slur in his speech even while out of character. The man has always noted just how similar he was to the god of the underworld, and Illya wouldn’t be surprised if he’d claimed to not even be acting in his scenes at all.
“I...” G’raha pouts, looking up at Emet as his ears flatten atop his head. “I guess I was in denial of it. I thought they would maybe subvert expectations... but-”
“But that wouldn’t be a very compelling story to tell, now would it?” The older man shrugs, and Illya regrets to think that she’s inclined to agree. 
“I guess not..” 
The robed miqo’te man sighs, and she notes with an amused raise of an eyebrow as his tail that had once been tucked tightly to his side was now swiveling from side to side and puffed up in annoyance.
“Still! They could at least let him go out with more of a bang! Maybe... after he has a solo action scene... or give him a kiss scene to make things more dramatic!”
“Is defeating the big bad and saving the heroine not dramatic enough for you, already?” Emet’s voice is in part mocking as it is exasperated, his arms thrown up to his shoulders in a shrug. “Also I hope you didn’t mean a kiss scene with Liliya.”
“W-what-?? I-” Illya’s mouth hangs agape. 
“No! I wasn’t thinking anyone in particular, honest. Besides, she’s already caught in that love triangle subplot with the twins, isn’t she?” 
At the mention of the topic, the lalafellin woman’s smile fades.
“D-don’t remind me of that. I’m really not looking forward to acting those scenes out.” 
She’s already read the script for the fourth season in it’s entirety... and though she has incredible respect for the masterful writing and the wonderful character dynamics that has only gotten better with each passing season... she has never been... entirely comfortable with the romantic aspects of the scenes involving the elven twins. Scenes of the pair vying for her attention, scenes where she held hands and even got unsettingly close to kissing them... 
Though, she will admit... her own uncertainty over her competence in filming those scenes are a result of her own, very personal emotions... something of which Emet Selch seemed to be more than aware of.
“Is it not because you harbor actual feelings for one of them? Would having scenes of you being close to him not be a blessing for you, then?”
The miffed glare Illya’s shoots up at Emet rivals moments of shadow possession Liliya experiences throughout the show, and he can only shrug with a cocky grin as her star-spangled swirl with indignation. Anger aside, heat is spreading across her cheeks in the form of a burning red hue that reaches the tips of her short, pointed ears.
Please stop. 
Her expression spells out. She’s as annoyed as she her frightened about something.
Oh dear. 
“Relax. Workplace romance here is nothing new.” His words only serve to worsen the already infuriated gleam in her blazing, shimmering eyes. “Mint certainly isn’t shy when it comes to showing she’s in a relationship with Estinien. Nor your friend Laurelis for that matter. She’s still keeping in touch with Haurchefant, no?”
Illya doesn’t say anything, but her silence and the paling of her complexion speaks louder than any words she can spill from her lips. 
It’s precisely because he doesn’t know. So please, please shut your mouth.
He still cannot understand why on earth she would stay so adamant about keeping her feelings a secret anyway. For all he knows, the entire cast of actors... and the whole final fantasy crew for that matter, was fully aware of their pining - and Illya’s feelings towards her close co-worker and friend wasn’t unrequited either. 
Just like in the show, the pair are completely oblivious to their attraction to one another... something he’ll just have to fix with his bare hands then... 
But the matter is neither here nor there, and there was something of greater urgency to rectify now. 
Emet Selch turns his gaze back down to G’raha, who has gone uncharacteristically quiet... and sensing his seriousness, Illya too diverts her attention back to the sulking redhead. 
“You know... you’re a very talented actor. It’s so very rare to find someone who can capture the emotions and nuances of a character as well as you do.” Emet is the faster of them to speak, and Illya can barely believe the words she’s hearing leave his lips. 
Compliments and praise, genuine ones at that, coming from one of the cast’s eldest, most experienced actor who is not only known to be critical when it comes to the art of acting - but is a certified acting coach himself? The monumental honor is not lost to G’raha, as his ears perk up and he whips his head up with widened ruby eyes to look at Emet.
“Death is difficult to portray - dare I say, almost impossible. After all, how can we, who have never experienced death... truly capture the sorrow and despair in it?”
Emet Selch pauses, drawing in a breath before he lifts his hand up to gesture at the pair before him.
“Which is why this is your biggest opportunity to showcase your talents, to move the audience with not just the story, but your very acting! The only thing we can do, as men and women of this field, is to act as vehicles and carry the emotions of the story into the hearts of the fans.”
The man finally sighs, shoulders falling and arms flopping lazily to his side, the sentimentality of the words he just spoke tasting bitter on his tongue.
“Besides, even in death there is a beauty. The crystal exarch lived his life fulfilled and having realized his wish at the end. I expect you to remember that when you eventually see him off.”
There’s a silence that hangs and festers in the air for a moment, before the fur on G’raha’s tail stands and his chest puffs up in a show of renewed determination.
“Y-you’re right, Emet! The crystal exarch dedicated his life to finding a way to save others... There is no better way to end his legacy than to see the world he’s protected for so long finally saved!” 
Standing onto his feet, the miqo’te clenches his hands into fists and nods before casting a glance down at Illya.
“Illya! I will act my heart out to the best I can! I’ll act so hard that I’ll make you cry on set for sure!”
The corners of her lip tugs upwards into a wide smile, glowing as the afternoon sun basks down and reflects upon her snowy white hair and the blossoms of her amethyst eyes. Even with the black of the garments she wore and the eastern patterned ribbon that held the braid around her head in place, she was luminous and blinding in her radiant presence... not unlike the heroine of their story.
“Of course! And I’m sure the rest of the crystal exarch fan club will too when they watch that episode.” 
“Illya, G’raha!” A pink haired lalafellin calls out to them from a distance away, her olive green eyes wide and excited as she waves her hands high above her head. A raven haired man stands just behind her, his dark blue eyes narrowed as he reviews the script in his hands intently. “We’re starting soon! Get over here!”
“Coming! Just give us a second!” G’raha waves back with a grin before turning back to look at Emet Selch with an apologetic, yet grateful bow, his relaxed tail swaying gently from side to side behind his back. 
“Thank you, Emet. I won’t soon forget your encouragements. I’ll do my best and make sure to not let everyone down.”
“Yes, yes. Spare me the nauseating mush. I was just making sure you didn’t drag your co-actor down with your sulking.” 
The elder man now glances at the starry eyed girl with amusement flashing through his expression, and Illya can already feel her earlier lighthearted elation fade as quickly as it came. 
“By the way... I’m sure if you asked Yoshida properly.. he’d be willing to consider writing in a kiss scene with Liliya and-”
“If I were the warrior of darkness, I’d take my crescent moon cane and stab you with the end of it......”
Meanwhile, a little distance away from the trio, Kaye lets out a low hum as he reads and re-reads the words upon the small stacks of paper he held, expression doubtful and confused.
“You sure this is the script to Endwalker?”
“Yeah, I am! Alphinaud gave this copy and said that he got from miss Ishikawa directly! Apparently he’s playing another major role in the next season, which is why he got the script early as a heads up.”
“But... it says here that the crystal exarch gets reincarnated? Assuming that’s not gonna be changed... that means G’raha’s gonna be...”
Kaye’s head lifts and turns, eyes wide and brows furrowing in bemusement only to see an impish smile glimmer upon Lily’s face.
“Should we tell him?”
“Hm...? Nah... He’s gonna film the exarch’s death scene soon, right? I’m sure he’ll appreciate the little surprise later, anyways.”
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
towards a tomorrow
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #28 - bow ]
[ illya & kirishimi ] ★ [ 2,062 words ]  ★ [ period drama au ]
for matchi’s period drama au. briefly mentions illyanaud, laurelis and kaye. 
bow-  to bend your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect or expressing thanks 
kirishimi didn’t care for frilly dresses or etiquette unless it was to make a statement - so she gets lessons from the most ladylike friend she knows
“Gods, shite! How do people breath in this stupid thing?!” 
Amongst the light breeze of the midafternoon wind, the melodic chirping of the songbirds and the sound of water splashing freely from the white marble fountain, Kirishimi’s less than ladylike words pierce through the air as she puffs her chest in with a low grumble and is followed by the soft and gentle bell-like chimes of a younger girl’s giggles a few feet next to her.
“I’m sorry. I don’t think the corset can be loosened any further, I made it as loose as I could for you already.”
“Can I just take it off then?” Kirishimi asks, hopeful even as the shorter lalafellin girl shakes her head calmly with am apologetic frown, her vibrant violent eyes swirling with sympathy.
“I wish you could but... Laurelis designed the dress with your corset in mind.. It just wouldn’t fit if you didn’t-”
Yet another swear tumbles carelessly out of Kirishimi’s lips, and Illya lets out a soft, barely audible sigh before flashing her taller friend yet another gentle smile.
“How about a short break then? I think you’ll feel a little better if you take a breather.”
“Yes please!”
Without even a seconds’ hesitation, Kirishimi grabs the frame of the hoop skirt beneath her bright orange dress with her hands and marches to the gazebo before slumping down onto the white garden chair and kicking her matching pair of high heels off. She leans down to massage the soles of her feet with a grimace, feeling light indents where the rim of the heels had dug into her feet and wondering if there was going to be blisters forming under her hosiery by the end of the day.
In contrast to the almost unruly way she’d retreated under the shade of the white and purple gazebo, Illya in comparison was the very picture of elegance. With only the tips of her thumb and index finger, the young lady lifts the hem of her frilly lavender dress before climbing the steps up to the gazebo. Despite wearing lacey embroidered heels that seemed like they were even more of a pain to wear than her own, Illya’s balance was perfect, each footstep graceful and deliberate so much that Kirishimi could barely even hear the little tap of her heels against the floor. 
Even the way she sat upon the chair, taking her time to tuck her dress beneath her thighs before sitting herself down and folding her hands neatly upon her lap - it wouldn’t have made Kirishimi felt self-conscious any other time before today. But it was exactly because she was here now, for the exact same reason she’d even agreed to commission an over the top ball gown from Laurelis that she swear to never wear outside of it’s intended use, that she quickly decided to correct her posture. 
The taller woman feels out of place - as she typically does, but especially next to her considerably more demure, ladylike friend. Surrounded by the jewel toned walls of the Skawi mansion, the flawless marble tile paths that circled the garden and practically shined in the sunlight and the bed of delicate spring flowers that filled the air with a light floral fragrance, it would be hard for her not to feel even a tiny bit like a fish out of water.
“Thanks again, Illya. For agreeing to teach me.” Kirishimi opts to speak, breaking the long hanging silence as if in sheepish apology. She knows she isn’t the best student, and so the least she could do was be cooperative and nice to the girl who is graciously lending her her time and efforts. 
“You’re very welcome, Kiri.” With a radiant smile, Illya nods her head, her innocent expression bright and at home with her subtle movements of grace. The birds that sat upon the mansard roofs sing in tandem with the sweetness of Illya’s voice. “I’m honored that you would come to me for lessons about etiquette. Even if it is to...um... break the social construct.”
Mismatched eyes widen in a panic, and the older woman leans forward over the table and raises her voice a tad.
“Hey, I hope you don’t misunderstand me! There’s nothin’ wrong with being prim and proper! I’m not tryin’ to do anythin’ to disrespect you! I just-”
“I know.” Illya speaks, her brilliantly pure white hair fluttering gently in the breeze like a wavy silken veil over her head. “You’re just trying to be you. You have the courage and strength to stand up to people who would try to tell you do otherwise. I like that about you.” With yet another euphonious, soft giggle, Illya raises a hand up to press against her chest. “Besides, you wouldn’t have come to me for a favor if you truly did have malicious intent, would you? The fact that you called Laurelis and I for help means that you trust us.” 
A soft blush rises up to Kiri’s face where speckles of white snow glowed lightly from the heat from her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Her gloved hand moves up to rub the side of her neck sheepishly, and she cannot help the toothy grin that adorns her face.
“I guess you’re right.” the woman murmurs. “I also... admire you a lot, you know? You’re so sweet, and nice... a bit too nice, honestly. You don’t even get angry when idiots spout lies about you...”
Kirishimi would be lying if she said she didn’t feel an immense amount of admiration for Illya’s ability to stay as calm and collected as she does - even above the seemingly effortless way she’d conduct herself like the society’s perfect definition of a ‘lady’. 
But there wasn’t envy... it wouldn’t be warranted, especially since Kirishimi knew that behind the perfectly immaculate way Illya would hold herself as the young mistress and future heiress of her family name, came a set of troubles and insecurities that she too was struggling with. 
It’s evident by the flicker of melancholy in Illya’s eyes, like a field of delphiniums and hydrangeas that were drooping in the midst of a drizzle of rain and grey storm clouds, even with a forced, stepford smile gracing her delicate and fair features. They were lovely, beautiful even in their imperfect sadness.. but Kiri could not bring herself to feel anything but sorry at the sight of them.
“And I wish I were even half as strong as you. You’re able to stand up for what you want, for who you are... If I had a fraction of the courage that you possessed then perhaps... I could have...” The girl looks down, the silver band that she’d refused to wear hidden deep in the depths of her dress pocket weighing far more heavily than it ever did before. “I could have stopped my uncle from calling for the engagement...”
The Skawi family had well deserved respect from the capital, and with it came a reputation and image they had to uphold. And with their fame, came the inevitable greed from the current head of the family - the man Illya could barely even bring herself to think of as family, the younger brother of the long deceased patriarch, Lachlan Skawi. 
Selling himself and the name of the Skawis wouldn’t be enough for the man - and so he’d sold the dignity of his niece as well by calling for an arranged marriage.. something that Kirishimi knew would not be solved with a few simple social statements and protests. It involved the name of the Skawi family, and worse still, it involved the capital. 
Internally, Kirishimi wonders what Young Master Alphinaud intends to do. Word about mistress Skawi’s engagement to one of the members of the royal bloodlines has spread far and wide by now, and he would undoubtedly be working tirelessly for a way to stop the marriage. 
But if the combined efforts of Laurelis’ family, the Leveilleur household, Hien’s influence as a well respected foreign emissary wasn’t enough to convince Illya’s uncle to call off the engagement, what else could they hope to do?
“You’re stronger than you think you are, Illya.” Kiri reassures, her tone gentler than is usual for her, as is the light, reassuring smile upon her face. “You took the first steps to realize your own dreams, didn’t ya?” 
Kiri gestures to the carnation earring she wore that dangled lightly with gleaming white pearls, and Illya raises a hand up to brush against her ear lightly. The earring was a gift from Master Alphinaud, the man she owes much to... Her mentor, her dearest friend and...
A dust of red rises up to Illya’s cheeks and spreads to the tips of her pointed ears as she nods.
“It’s... It’s thanks to everyone... and especially Master Alphinaud that.. that I finally started to learn medicine. If it weren’t for everyone’s support, I wouldn’t have-...”
Illya holds her tongue, pressing her lips into her fine line as Kiri allows the silence to fester, until she grins at the look of renewed determination upon the young maiden’s face.
No, Kirishimi is right. She certainly may owe much to her friends and loved ones, and she wouldn’t have taken that first steps towards realizing her dream to become a doctor had she not met Alphinaud... but it took great strides of her own too, a strength and new found courage to stand up to the ones who doubted her - one that she felt determined in full to carry on for as long as she needed until her dreams are fulfilled and she can be free from her own social constructs that are weighing her down.
“Once all this is over.. could you teach me how to fence, Kiri?” Illya asks, eliciting a surprised hum from her taller friend. 
“You wanna learn how to fence?” The woman asks... not in dissuation, of course... but in mild disbelief that a girl as sweet and gentle as Illya would be interested in the sport. She’d say yes, of course, regardless of Illya’s reasons. She’d teach Illya whatever she wanted to learn especially since the girl had been kind enough to be teaching her etiquette. But she still cannot help but to be a bit curious.
“I admit I’m not the strongest or physically well built... I’ll probably be a really bad student but-”
With a wave of her hand, Kiri dismisses Illya’s words with a hearty, loud laugh that echoes throughout the garden, warm and bright in the midafternoon sun.
“You’ll be great, I guarantee it. You’re quick on your feet and I think you’re a lot more fit than you give yourself credit for.” If Illya’s ability to function without fault all way in tight corsets and high heels are anything to go by, at least. 
With a bright smile of gratitude, Illya thanks her friend warmly with a bow of her head before standing herself up from the chair, circling around the table and gesturing to the haphazardly abandoned orange heels that laid on their sides next to Kirishimi.
“Let’s continue, Kiri. We still have much to practice for the day!” Illya shrugs her shoulders when Kiri groans, slipping her feet back into her heels before reluctantly standing herself back up. “You remember what I said about the proper way to curtsy is, right?”
To demonstrate, Illya holds the sides of her dress, barely pulling the hem up from the ground and crossing her legs before dipping herself down gracefully like a ballerina... and Kiri could only let out a lazy grumble in protest.
“Can’t we rest for a little while longer? I hate this curtsying shite.”
“The faster we get this part of the lesson done, the faster we can move on to table manners.” Illya’s innocent smile is bright and radiant, belying the little hint of mischief laced under the tone of her knowing voice. “I’ve already asked for the pastries and sweet tea to be prepared, you know? Kaye should be arriving with them any second now.”
“Curtsy? Got it. Left foot behind right???” Mismatched blue and red eyes fly open, and the woman does a full curtsy that elicits yet another light and airy giggle from Illya. 
“It’s the right foot behind your left. Not too quickly, now. Let’s try that again.” 
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
river flows in you
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #20 - petrichor ]
[ kaye & eulalie ] ★ [ 1,412 words ]  ★ [ post-canon ]
takes place in one of the many alternate canon verses where illya is the warrior of light alongside 5 other ocs, all of whom belong to either me or ancientechos... and kaye is a scion. mentions e’lija and brief hints of illyanaud.
petrichor- a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather
mama wasn’t lying when she said that thanalan was often full of unexpected surprises. heavy downpour upon a place named drybone, and an unplanned run in with one of her parents’ long standing allies being two of them.
“It’s a good thing I found you when I did, kid.” 
Kaye hates how uncharacteristically gentle he sounds, even more so his not so subtle attempt at acting nonchalant as he feels the young girl sticking herself up against his side even tighter, her hands keeping an unflinchingly tight grip upon his shirt. 
Despite the half of an elezen’s blood that flowed through her veins, she was still tiny in comparison to his own stature. He has no doubt one day the girl would grow to exceed even him in height - kids these days always age so uncomfortably quickly. But that only made her small, helpless and trembling form seem all the more fragile by his side - and reminded him of the fact that a mere child shouldn’t be left soaking in the rain, let alone without a single adult supervision in sight.
He can feel the girl shaking like a leaf, her wispy moonlit hair stuck to the sides of her face and pigtails dripping with steady trickles of rainwater. Her comfy one-size-too-big coat is damp, and Kaye ignores the slowly but steady spreading of dampness against the sides of his shirt and trousers. 
“I-I... I didn’t think it would rain so heavily...” Eulalie’s voice is soft, embarrassed, but the cold from the rain has left her complexion too pale to be warmed even by a slight blush of red. “Mama says it rarely ever rains in Thanalan.”
Well, she isn’t wrong. A storm this heavy is rare in the dry, desolate dirt fields of Thanalan, where cacti the height of two grown hyuran men stand tall and proud - though not completely unheard of... and certainly not something that should catch anyone who has visited the area frequently enough off guard. The girl was either unfamiliar with the geography of the area, or she had an utterly incompetent and unprepared adult as a guardian. Kaye suspects both, but negligent and uncaring of the whereabouts of her own child isn’t something he associates with his long time younger sister figure - and especially not of eorzea’s savior. 
“Your mom... did she leave you here?” The man already knows the girl’s mother isn’t at fault, but it’d perhaps be a tad less jarring or scary than if he had asked directly who the asshole who left her to flee from a Myotragus horde in the rain was. 
The girl snaps her head upward so quickly it almost startles him enough to stop in his tracks. 
“N-no! Mama... mama would never! It’s...” With a pause, he watches as cerulean blue eyes narrow, self-doubt swirling evidently in its ocean hue. Even at such a tender young age, the girl’s already learned the virtue of humility - she’s wondering if she should snitch whoever had left her alone here out. It’s admirable - praiseworthy even... But he even he has little patience towards people who would place children in any sort of danger, intentionally or not.
“Papa said he had an emergency and had to leave home for a few days, so he called uncle E’lija to take care of us. G-ge ge said he w-wanted to come to Thanalan... so uncle E’lija took us both and-”
Had both of Kaye’s hands not been occupied, with one gripping the handle of the umbrella he held over the both of their heads, and the other hovering protectively behind her back - he’d have slammed his palms at mach five speed into his face. 
Idiots. The both of them. He has trouble deciding who was the bigger imbecile - Alphinaud for trusting a man like E’lija to take care of his own children... or the red haired miqo’te himself - who, though not malicious or intentionally irresponsible in any way... is most certainly careless enough to lose one. 
The man must be freaking in his boots now, if he has in fact already realized that the young child he had been entrusted with the safety of has gone missing - which Kaye has no doubt he has already. If the twelve so favored him as much as they did his fellow lalafellin warrior of light and mother of Eulalie, then perhaps he’d even be granted a vision of the girl with her arms wrapped around her jittery, soaked form for an added pinch of guilt. 
Kaye felt no obligation to quell the worries of the man, but he did feel a self-inflicted sense of responsibility towards Eulalie. Even if she wasn’t a close friend’s daughter, she was still just a kid - and no kid deserved to be left neglected and alone, he would know from experience. 
“And so, you got left behind?” the man takes a quick guess, though quickly shakes his head to retract his statement. “Or rather, knowing whose blood you inherited... You probably wandered off and then got lost didn’t you?”
If he were being completely honest, he was shocked that of the two twins who would find herself tempted by her own curiosity so much that she’d stray from her guardian, it’d be the calmer, quieter, more clearly intellectually gifted sibling. 
In hindsight, that perhaps was the reason why E’lija might have lost sight of the girl. Ipheion’s tendencies for blazing, passionate bursts of energy and unbridled enthusiasm has earned him the reputation of being the more difficult of the twins to get a reign on. Not many outside of Illya and Alphinaud themselves would know in fact that Eulalie was just as capable, if not more so than her older brother, of letting her own insatiable curiosity get the better of her own rationality.
Shame weighs heavy on the girl’s shoulders that causes her to shrink into herself, the tiny fingers he’d felt grabbing tightly onto the crinkles of his shirt loosening in their grip a tad. 
“W-we don’t get to come here very often! Ge ge and me...” The girl’s squeaks out defensively, though by the way she averts her eyes, it is clear she understands her own fault in the matter - a maturity that not many children her age would possess. “Mama and papa often told us stories about Thanalan.” There’s guilt and melancholy in her tone of voice, though both pale in comparison to the awe and reverence - to the way little bursts of starlight bubbled and swirled in her eyes as they brightened in their radiance, not unlike the celestial violet auroras of her mother’s own. “Papa said that the scions of the seventh dawn used to have a super secret hideout here and... this was where mama first fought a really powerful primal!”
Kaye allows the girl to recount stories he’s long left behind - tales of an adventure of the warrior of lights and their most loyal of allies, a tale he himself had been a part of himself. 
He doesn’t like to boast - far from it. The story is not his to tell, anyhow.. and there was something endearing about hearing a child talk about her parents as if they were the greatest heroes the realm has ever seen - which they were, of course... in every sense of the word. But he knows his form of respect for the warrior of light is different from Eulalie’s... knows that that respect and admiration she held for her mother was stronger fueled by an unconditional love and family bond.
And when Eulalie admits in a stutter how she wished to become a great adventurer as her mother had been, watched in contemplative silence the way her veil of hair gleamed with the added moisture and reflection of the rays of the moon and stars - that she was alike her mother than she’d probably ever give herself credit for.
That in itself was something they both had in common as well, Kaye muses in irony. It is as the famous saying goes - the river of blood flows deep. 
By the time he’s led her far enough to reach the front of the Gates of Nald, the rains have finally ceased.. and the stormclouds part to reveal an unobscured crescent moon that the young girl gazes up longingly towards, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in.
“It smells so nice. It smells... like the earth... like home.”
Kaye hums, folding the umbrella up and shaking it free of droplets from the rain, before lifting his left hand up to rest against her head. 
“I guess it does.” 
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
Okay now that I’m officially done with MSQ I shall summarize my feelings under the cut
Okay so highlights for me:
WOL being confirmed as the 14th member of the convocation. I seem to be the only one who cares about this but UNF I JUST!! Love amauorotine lore okay? And to be validated on my headcanon about Illya’s unsundered form being the 14th, and also being the type who enjoyed traveling and seeing the world???? And that the 14th member preferred solving problems with her band of friends??? LIKE ILLYA??? That’s like.. a burst of validation right there. I also like the title ‘Azem’ so I’ll be keeping that yes and thank you
As much as this is a closure for ShB I also feel like this is.. kind of a closure for all of the other expansions before it.. From the gauntlet Elidibus put WOL through to the trial where he literally uses OUR powers, OUR limit breaks against us. God it was all so good. We need to talk more about clever writing like this. As for how it ties into Illya I feel like a lot of what she’s gone through was never given proper closure.. until she literally parts from Fray in the DRK story line and now, I think it’s fitting for me to say that she’s finally able to begin to accept that yes, she deserves to be happy and to get closure for all the trauma she went through. That said, we still have more story to go.. and I’m a little scared of how they’re gonna handle things from here. Drawing Illya’s self deprecation out is... fine by me if the story is written well sakfnsilfn
THAT LAST TRIAL’S MUSIC??? THAT PHASE TRANSITION??? WHERE EMET LITERALLY COMES TO HELP US??? I swear that singular scene made me like Emet for the sole fact that... it pretty much shows us that he’s seen WOL as worthy of entrusting a new life too and that’s the kind of development I live for.
I don’t need to talk about the goodbye scenes do I.. they just speak for themselves. As always, Seto made me cry.
Expect to see lots of headcanons about the Chais and their relationship with Illyanaud
Zenos is back.... I guess.....y-yippie... Not to be a downer and no offense to Zenos fans but he was one of my least favorite parts about SB like god I hope the next expansion is good...
So we have two g’raha minions now and still no new alphinaud minion? Okay.. Though that conversation of Alisaie complaining about not getting new outfits and Alphinaud saying ‘our time will come’ is like.. SO META. SE ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING???
I love Illya’s glamour but her panties keep showing
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
I followed you because I saw your screenshots as the most creative and innovative things, but I never knew how. So I kept following, continuously gathering inspiration, until you noticed me too ^-^. We've been friends ever since. Not to mention Illyanaud is so cute and your writing hits everything in the feels.
[anonymously tell me why you followed me - accepting!]
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I don’t really know exactly who you are BUT if I followed you back it must mean your content is top tier too!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FINDING MY CONTENT CREATIVE AND ILLYANAUD CUTE THOUGH AAAAAAAAAAA????? And also my writing sob... I’m always so insecure about my writing.. I’m so glad you find them feelsy ;w; That’s typically what I go for!!!!
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
Good, you turned on anons. Now I can say, how DARE you find Alphinaud cute! How DARE you imagine cute romantic scenes between you and a completely fictional character that has no consequence on the real world!
DOJSoidfajdfioafja while I get where you’re coming from, anon.. my first customer of the day.. I should clarify that Illya is not my self-insert. I don’t imagine romantic scenes between me and Alphinaud, because I don’t exactly like him in that way. But I am a sucker for teen romance so I’m that soccer mom who sticks her head through a door while they’re holding hands and I go “let me know if you kids need anything okay?????”
Not saying that self-shipping is bad or that I’ve never self-shipped before. nervouslyglancesatkiryufromyakuza but Illya isn’t a self-insert and therefore illyanaud isn’t a self-ship ;w; 
And I guess to answer in advance if anyone is curious, the closest thing to a character I have a ‘crush’ on is Aymeric.. but it’s more like occasional side glances at a celebrity 👀 ‘looking good sir’. 
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
what is your absolute favorite ship? what’s your favorite headcanon of illyanaud :3c ?
[Ship asks - accepting!]
what is your absolute favorite ship?
I already used up my ‘just post a gif of illyanaud’ joke to answer for my favorite ship so I’ll force myself to talk about ships from other fandoms here ;w;
2B9S (Nier Automata), ShouyaShouko (Koe no Katachi), MajiMako (Yakuza), KadocAnastasia (FGO), MisaKoko (Bandori)
What’s your favorite headcanon of illyanaud :3c ?
*dives through my entire blog full of disjointed mentions of illyanaud headcanons*
*raises hand*
I don’t know i’m sorry i can’t choose ;w; I’ll just close my eyes and type out the first one I think of- 
Alphinaud is always trying to impress Illya even with the most trivial things. His eagerness to collect firewood in HW was mainly just.. out of a plain wish to contribute to the group and prove that he’s useful but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t also want to try and impress Illya a little after he’s done nothing but given her bad impressions. Obviously collecting firewood is absolutely nothing to Illya and she even had to kill mobs to prevent him from being harmed but.. Don’t tell that to Alphinaud, she’ll pretend that she was very impressed for as long as she has to.
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
♡ Niri/Thancred
Send a ♡ and a ship in my ask for headcanons regarding your ship going on a double date with Illyanaud [Accepting!]
No specific setting in mind.. Because I can imagine these four going on a tour / road trip!! Probably more applicable for a modern au but =3
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Thancred borrows one of Alphinaud’s many cars and is the driver for the most part.
Illya and Alphinaud are a couple I associate very strongly with loving to see new sights and experience new things and I imagine Niri and Thancred would be too! So a road trip would be perfect for them!
They turn the radio on and take turns to sing, Illya and Alphinaud only does at the prodding and encouragement from Niri and Thancred, and they eventually become comfortable enough to actually get really into it.
Alphinaud is more uptight and worried when they aren’t on schedule or if their car breaks down unexpectedly, but Niri and Thancred would assure him that it’s part of the experience. lllya is happy enough with whatever happens because she has fun with her friends no matter what they’re doing.
 When they arrive to a new town and stop for the night, they walk through the town and explore and definitely buy souvenirs 
Thancred gets into a fight with a thug while they stop by a petrol station to get gas and Alphinaud and Illya are about to intervene when Niri elbows his side and promptly breaks up the argument with a simple threatening smile.
Illya is definitely someone who overprepares for trips though, so like when Niri gets a tiny rash on her thigh, Illya pulls out a huge bag full of medical supplies and lotion and Niri is very impressed. She asks Illya if she can have some extra dental floss which she tosses at Thancred =3c
At night, they sometimes stop the car by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, lay a blanket down on the hood of the car and just star gaze while eating donuts =3
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
22, 31, 36, 42 for both ships 👀
Domesticity Questions Meme (Accepting!) 
Illya/Alphinaud answered first! Illya/Fray answers under the cut!
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22. Who answers the phone?
Assuming this is modern au! Alphinaud, mostly! He’s the more eloquent of the two, and he’s the one who handles most of the administrative / business related details of their relationship, such as scheduling appointments. If it’s a call specifically for Illya, he’d pass the phone over to her of course, but otherwise he does most of the talking out of them.
31.  What do they do when they’re away from each other?
They’re very often separated due to the nature of their jobs, really. So it’s business as usual. He does what he does best as a diplomat and she works to protect the realm as usual. On the rare occasion that they have spare time, both of them read. Illya would do some gardening, do chores, go grocery shopping or go for walks while Alphinaud just... does more paperwork.. and only stops to practice one of his many lacking skills if he has nothing left to do.. like swimming or cooking. 
36. Typical date night? out or at home?
It can be either or for them! Alphinaud definitely loves taking Illya out for date nights to some fancy restaurant, or in the case of modern au, a museum, theater shows or even just to go stargazing together.. but they’re also perfectly content staying at home reading together too. Alphinaud tends to not like the idea of candlelit dinner at home.. because that would mean Illya would be the one cooking seeing how helpless he is in the kitchen.. but she’s definitely done it, and they definitely end the night by cuddling on the couch with a good book.
42. what are little gestures they do for each other?
Alphinaud throws money at Illya in any way he can. Buying her gifts like flowers, dresses, books and anything else really that he knows she likes.. much to her chagrin. He’s also often the one who plans little surprises for her. Illya prefers more ‘practical’ gestures such as leaving little notes for him, making him coffee if he’s staying up late, offering to give him a massage, brewing all sorts of potions for his vitality and health. Illya is extremely good at pampering him without having to break her bank. 
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All these answers are assuming that 1. Fray is not possessing Illya’s body and 2. He’s alive and in his own body
22. Who answers the phone?
Depends who is closest to it, but mostly Fray. It’s generally for the same reasons as for Illyanaud, difference being that Fray is a lot less amiable and patient with scam callers / insurance dealers etc. He also has...not a lot of friends. So most of the time, friendly calls turn out to be for Illya.
31.  What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Fray trains, mostly. He doesn’t have a ton of hobbies outside of just swinging his sword, maybe hanging out with Sidurgu and Rielle, not counting his tendency to take justice into his own hands. If he can help it, he’d rather stay close to or at least near proximity to where Illya is so he can help her if anything goes wrong during her work. For Illya, she mostly does the same thing as she does in Illyanaud’s answer. 
36. Typical date night? out or at home?
Fray dislikes fancy shmancy restaurants, and the idea of having to show up in some pompous suit irritates him somewhat. Most of their date nights would consist of very modest activities as a result. Eating at local bars, taking a night stroll.. or stay at home by a fireplace. As much as Fray is a man of action, he’s content with just sitting in silence watching Illya knit or read. 
42. what are little gestures they do for each other?
Fray’s gestures of kindness consists of just him asking her questions.. like how her day is, or if she needs anything from him. He’s not great with thinking up ways to show that he cares, and as much as he understands Illya’s headspace and emotions well, he still has a long way to go in fully learning how to actually properly deal with them in a way that’s.. not hurtful or slightly traumatic? So he just asks, because that’s the most direct way he can get answers for what she’d like from him. Illya is mostly the same as with illyanaud, except that instead of preparing coffee, she polishes his armor. 
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
favorite picture of them (Illyanaud) / favorite thing about them (ardbert)
[send me a character - accepting]
Favorite Illyanaud picture
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This set in general? Especially the fireworks gif uwu BUT WOW DOES EVERY ILLYANAUD PICTURE FILL ME WITH SEROTONIN
Favorite thing about Ardbert
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Bless his heart... he’s such a good character. I love how they turned this default derplander design into a character with so much depth and development. He’s at once an avatar for all warriors of light and also the best friend of our warrior of light, a tragic character who was punished for just doing what he thought was right. I miss him a ton but I feel like Shadowbringers really closed off his character arc perfectly. 
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
what’s your favorite canon moment of Illyanaud? Rate Crystalangel (if you feel like indulging me) from 1-10 and explain why?
[Ship asks - accepting!]
what’s your favorite canon moment of Illyanaud?
Canon verse hmm.. Their reunion at the start of ShB is definitely up there among one of my favorite moments. That whole scene where they avoided showing Alphinaud’s face for a long while, then finally panning to his smile as he greets Illya afoadjfajfk. He was probably really nervous about what he’d say, having been separated from her for a whole year. He probably rehearsed what he’d wanted to say to her many times over and yet when he sees her, he just forgets his words entirely. I wrote a whole fic about this here ;w; 
Honorable mentions go to... a lot of moments during HW where he pretty much pulled Illya aside and they became so such close allies and bonded a lot ;w; And shoutout to the dozen or so times they’d just look at each other and nod knowingly - because they know each other so well to make words unnecessary for understanding each other’s intent.
About crystalangel
So... I’m not very comfortable with ‘rating’ other people’s ships involving their OCs? I can totally tell you my thoughts about them but it puts a lot of stress on me having to worry about hurting people’s feelings by putting an arbitrary number on their ships/ocs. I love G’raha/Angelique! I really do! I just have a lot of mutuals and friends on tumblr who ship many different things and  I don’t think it’s right for me to ‘rate’ them as if I were some kind of critic or have any authority to tell people what is or isn’t a perfect ship. Sorry ;w;
I’d be happy to talk about why I like a ship and their dynamic but yeah.. please don’t ask me to rate something that involves other people’s ocs.. ;w; 
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