mymp3 · 7 months
I kind of impulse went to katsucon. so If I haven't responded to any dms or anything recently, that's why
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
about the lesbian sex it's literally because the devs didn't bother to remove the aigis romance route for femc. they were too lazy to be homophobic. elizabeth is also romanceable btw.
honestly the funniest thing about all this is that i assumed that all romance was genderlocked and therefore decided to romance akihiko and i kept having to reload saves and google shit because he’s got like 6 different relatively innocuous dialog choices that will lock you out of romance forever. meanwhile i was coasting on vibes alone with aigis and she still ended her social link begging me to fuck her
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jjohhuii · 7 months
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doodles cuz im still figuring out how to draw this blue guy and that other dude because i care them i guess
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yuseirra · 6 months
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My copy of the persona magazine arrived today!! Oh my gosh the memorial cards are beautiful!!! So COOL!! I didn't expect it to look this good!!! I love it!!!
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p3ta · 1 year
Here's the thing with "I would still like you no matter if you were a guy or a girl" with Ryoji Mochizuki—yes, on the surface it seems like a blatant lie. Ryoji doesn't even have a Social Link with the male protagonist! It's a bit hypocritical, no?
This observation fails to note that P3P is a shoestring budget adaptation. As it didn't have the space for assets, instead the writing was expanded. FeMC in specific was the addition here, with everything involving her being made from scratch. In subsequent developer interviews she was referred to as a "gimmick" to get people invested. Thusly, her route is entirely additive. The intended play for Persona 3 (regardless of what you actually picked, the P3P menu even clarifies this) is first as the boy, then the girl. Hence the line carries more meaning. The original game still lies under the surface. It's not retroactive, wherein the previous experience was modeled entirely for Portable, because it's not a remake. Due to the male route being (mostly) a port and the female route is new, she's allowed new dialogue with implications for both protagonists. Hence, Ryoji's comment. The male protagonist recieves a similar line himself, but this was a Portable addition as well.
(This is a reductive addition but I feel it's worth saying that while the male protagonist already has a bond with Ryoji (Pharos, Death), the female one simply has two.)
And yes, he still loves them.
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[MHA x Persona]
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• Minato Arisato [Angel]
•2 Sisters [Minako & Naoto], currently separated from them.
Minato's sisters were adopted but he never was. Minato left the system and lives with fellow orphans in a small community. He takes care of himself, when unable to Shinjiro Aragaki and Akihiko Sanada are always there to have his back.
He has a dog named Koromaru.
Unfinished Ryoji Profile
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•Ryoji Mochizuki [Thanatos]
•Mother [Naomi Mochizuki [Nyx]] Father [ ????? [Erebus]]
•Only child
Ryoji lived in a run-down neighborhood near Minato's community with his mother. His Mother was once a Villain to be feared, now is a single mother that runs a bar. His father is still a very active villain and doesn't know about Ryoji's existence.
Ryoji was quick to become friends with Minato and even quicker to fall in love with him.
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ontosgold · 4 months
hi! first off i wanted to say that i love your art so much its so so pretty and secondly i was wondering, since youre like the ceo of ryomina, if you had any good ryomina fanfic recommendations ? :>
THANK YOU :D !! and hehe thank u for giving me the chance to ramble abt the two ryomina fics that have been consuming my brain lately (that are both written by my lovely fellow ryomina ceos <3)
first off !! the twilight wants him back by @chatlote
it's a canon divergent fix-it fic that takes place from november onwards featuring sees ryoji :> I think my favourite thing abt this fic is the way lina characterises both ryoji and makoto, like I genuinely adore how she writes them in this fic. both of their inner worlds feel so rich and detailed and i adore how the pov switches give us a look into makoto and ryoji's different outlooks !! seeing makoto and ryoji's different perspectives on the same events is so interesting and it adds so much depth of their interactions. it's been such a joy so far to watch those two slowly get to know each other while also exploring how makoto's dealing with everything he's experienced up until then (the way she shows how makoto's been dealing with loss is so. augh <3) and I'm so excited to see where this fic is headed ^_^ every update has me kicking my feet in excitement hehe
and then there's persephone's curse by @sweet-sirin
this fic took me on such an emotional rollercoaster that it hasn't stopped rolling around in my brain since I read it. it takes place post canon and if u know abt persephone than u can probably take a guess as to where this fic is going. I don't wanna say too much bcs I think this fic is best experienced knowing as little abt it as possible but its just a beautiful exploration of ryoji and makoto's characters and just how stubborn they can be in their own ways, especially ryoji. there's so many scenes in this fic that are just stuck in my brain. it felt like every single scene and every piece of dialogue has some sort of underlying/second meaning and it was a ride unpacking everything as I was reading. everything feels so purposeful and meaningful its just so. augh. it emotionally destroyed me and I don't think I'll ever recover <3 it'll live in a special corner of my brain forever
Also !! I haven't really gone down the ryomina fic rabbit hole myself yet so if you or anyone reading has some fic recs of their own please send them my way !! 🙏🙏
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nie7027 · 6 months
Related to the all persona au I have that I have briefly mentioned before...
I've been thinking about my headcanon of how persona users become stronger/more powerful the longer they have had their powers and how that coupled with my headcanon about how the P1 and P2 casts are leagues more powerful than the neo persona casts (a single person from P1 or P2 would be able to take the the whole SEES or the Investigation or the Phantom Thieves on their own) because unlike the neo persona casts they received their powers directly from Philemon while the neo casts received it from the remnants of Philemon's power that Igor has means the P1 cast HAS to be introduced before the P2 casts in my all persona au.
Because the P1 cast being the ones to receive their powers first (and from Philemon) are the most powerful of them but they are also the ones who have been able to grow up accustomed to that power, to learn to control it as it develops and be aware of the huge responsability of it whereas the P2 cast didnt have that chance.
They are time bombs.
They have a huge amount of power they don't know how to control, they never got to learn how. Due to their circumstances they aren't even aware of the great power they have. They have no memories of that.
And if the memories ever return they would cause such an emotional overload that it would leave the person completely unstable. If only for a few minutes.
A few minutes too much considering the great amount of power they are unaware they have.
Decades of power they never learned to control accumulated along with mental unstability... That's an extremely dangerous combination
They are time bombs only someone from the P1 cast would be able to manage, not someone from P3/P4/P5 (maybe Minato/Minako but they are... you know.... Dead....speaking of Ryoji would also definitely be able to take them on but yeah he's unavailable too)
Even someone like the Real Tatsuya who actually got to grew up using his power isn't free of that because yeah he has decades of experience using his power but he also was trapped in a post apocalyptic dimension filled with shadows.
He's traumatized.
He lived for decades in a permanent high stress environment with next to no support (or none at all if he lost Katsuya at some point which is most likely the way im going) and accustomed to using his power without any constraint (there's only shadows around him, there's no need to care if he goes over the top and destroys everything in his path).
Upon returning to this side Tatsuya will be unaccustomed to living in a society, to having to restrain his power. And he will be in another highly stressing environment except completely different from what's he's used to because all will come from his head. His trauma.
He will hear a dog bark(having no heard anything but shadows for years) and he will go completely nuke over it in mere seconds launching super powerful attacks before he can even realize what hes doing. Just pure instinct and reflex he had to forge to survive the way he lived but that it's no longer useful to him here, back in the normal world.
He will need a therapist.
And Maki will be perfect for the job.
Not only is she a psychologist and a persona user who received her power directly from Philemon even before Tatsuya(so actually more powerful than him, if not one of the most powerful even in her own group) but she's also someone close to Tatsuya. Someone he knew and considered a friend.
Maki would know this and probably prepared for years for this (never losing hope that she would someday help the kids she couldn't help when she was younger).
She would appoint herself as Tatsuyas therapist the moment he steps back into our world, already applying all the psychology techniques she knows to help Tatsuya start processing his trauma way before Tatsuya or anyone else even realizes what she's doing.
It also fits nicely in my au because she's already also Akechis therapist which gives me an excuse to give them something in common, something that would help them get to know each other and bond over.
I imagine either Akechi or Tatsuyas exiting Maki's temporal office in the Shadows ops headquarters just as the other is arriving for their respective session and making small talk while Maki gets ready to receive the other.
Or them talking/complaining about the exercises Maki has ordered them to do and how much they frustrate them.
Just. I love when the au builds on its own
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adachimoe · 7 months
P3R Collab Stuff in Japan
I was in Japan this past week and FUCK YEAH I did cringe P3R shit.
Gigo Taiyaki
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There were custard cream taiyaki being sold of Koromaru, Aigis, and the protag at the Gigo arcade. I got Koro and Aigis.
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The best item on the menu was definitely Aigis's mango tapioca. The protagonist burger was seriously just a baconator with a flag on it lol. Mitsuru's spaghetti kinda had a slightly spicy aftertaste? The fries were fun too - you shake the bag around to spread the seasoning.
Sea Paradise (S.E.E.S Paradise?)
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We bought the special Reload entry pass which gives you an all day pass plus a SEES Wristband and a stamp rally card. The stamp rally took you to multiple sections of the park where you would go through the exhibits then find stamps and they had a syllable there for the keyword you put together. For completing the stamp rally, you got a random sticker; I got Mitsuru and traded her away to friends and wound up with Aigis and Koromaru.
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One of the things for the collab was that Aigis made multiple announcements around Sea Paradise - some of them were outside, one was at the viewing tower, and she also narrated the sardine show. I laughed at the sardine one because she's like, "Omg look at the power of the bonds between the sardines!" Okay, Yu Narukami, chill.
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There were also large cardboard cutouts of the characters located around the park. E.g. Protag and Ryoji were across from one another in the dolphin exhibit and Liz was in the back (she is babysitting those gays, 100%). Also, some little kid was throwing hands with Fuuka in the aquarium.
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We also happened to be there at the same time as Mitsuru's JP VA, Rie Tanaka, who was as disappointed as we were when we realized they were sold out of the cute collab art merchandise lol.
Keio Train
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oopsalltes · 3 months
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some p3 designs + bit of spoilery rambling below (ryoji is down here)
so right now the basic idea for this au is that instead of persona existing separately from their users, they + the shadows that are born from them sort of merge together into a single form, which is what the transformations are. psychologically speaking the ideas are the same - shadows are the true selves, personas are the masks, etc - but they're more literal in the sense that they're all connected to a single person's psyche. there's a lot more interpersonal conflicts regarding the original stories since transformations can carry over in the real world, which means there's a stronger emphasis on friendship and bonds to carry people through their struggles (because otherwise people are turning into furries in broad daylight left and right lmao)
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in comes This Fucking Guy
im still not entirely sure what im doing with him, but im toying with the idea of ryoji's proper transformation process being a more gradual thing. the design above is the initial transformation spurred on by the moonlight bridge incident, but across each midnight hour from december 2 to new years it becomes more and more like the nyx avatar design i havent fully planned out yet
ive always been a bit saddened by how p3 doesn't really go in depth with ryoji's relationships with the other SEES members which i hope to rectify here, putting an emphasis on each of them because his memories become fuzzy as his humanity starts to fade away bit by bit all while he desperately keeps trying to remember them all. he stops going to school and disappears entirely after he explains the fall but SEES can find him wandering around during the midnight hour trying to cling to some semblance of rationality, which translates in his mind to begging someone to kill him before he fully turns into nyx's avatar
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tsururoach · 7 months
The thing about Ryomina (mlm or mlf) is that I hesitate to say I "ship" it because I don't really consider them solely in the 'romantic' side of things.
Like, to me their whole deal is more on the conceptual scale of things. They exist on many planes, they can be romantic, they can be platonic, they can be the same person, but there is still emotions there regardless of what you do.
Death delivers all, death is all encompassing, death lived inside of them until one day, it leaves. Something that was in them for 10 years leaves him. It should've felt empty, like something wrong. And yet that thing, that concept, that person was no longer stagnant. It saw the world from you, and it grows. It becomes a person, it becomes human. (You also, learn to become human)
It starts off someone who knew only that single point of view, to someone who was able to change. Change themself- and change you- no longer restricted by that tie to you. And yet, the bond you have was strong enough that he was still led back to you.
I think the 'love' that would hypothetically exist between the two of them would be the 'love' someone could have for a concept. An Abstraction and mixed with simple human affection. The love of the life that lived next to the protag. The protag to me would love Ryoji, the way one would love life.
Funny how that is: Loving death like life.
I consider Hamugis more generally romantic than Ryomina but thats also because they also have less fuckassery. But i still also do consider them in that nebulous relationship status area.
Don't get me wrong. I love love love hamugis. Actually let me add a sidetwt doodle here while I can.
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Okay heres the thing about my preferences in Persona 3 ships. I'm actually okay with most of them tbh. Like generally I usually don't get other people's interpretations of certain ships, but i still on some level kind of like. Get it.
The only one is like. Junpei and anyone who isn't Chidori; or at the very least with anyone who redacts chidori entirely. I like jundori okay. I like Junpei. Junpei's #1 defender.
But I do on a level instinctively prefer the mlm ver of ryomina over mlf, and the flf ver of hamugis over mlm. (I do actually overall prefer aigis x protag over ryomina in general in the normal terms of 'ship' but we already talked about that)
Now I'm well aware technically I could make the protaganist's character whatever but we've come far enough that a lot of "insert" protagonists already have a general kind of personality okay. I do sometimes err away from canon portrayals, yeah but hey.
Anyways I feel like... Hamuko and Aigis form a stronger bond together. It's not just the difficulty of the love itself that changes things. It's the approach. Hamuko is generally portrayed as more headstrong and more outwardly optimistic, which, yeah.
I feel like... While Aigis benefits from someone reaching out to her, inversely, Ryoji benefits from reaching out to someone?
And then when Aigis is forced to reach out...
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is I feel like the bond overall has more meaning. Like I did say Aigis' relationship with the protagonist is also still in that conceptual air, I'm kind of rehashing what I said before. Aigis is coming to terms with her own humanity .
I lost the plot of this psot.
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katsona-the-katsequel · 6 months
Assumptions and Headcanons - Pre-Canon Timeline
Consider this the intro before I finish the actual timeline. This section focuses on clarifications and ideas that enrich the Persona Timeline, specifically the Pre-Canon one.
Who created the Sea of Souls? Who lives there?
It's unknown who created the Sea. It either created on its own, or the Great Will had something to do. Every timeline is connected by the Sea, so this is your only chance to realistically crossover with FeMC. There might or not be a whale that lives there, depending on how canon you consider Trinity Soul to be. Its in the deepest part of the Sea where the Seal locking Nyx is located. The guy in charge (or closest thing in charge) is Chronos.
It isn't all that impressive when a higher being claims to come from the Sea. Every soul came from it and will return one day. They're probably taking advantage of the fact that humans don't know of the Sea to sound more important than they are.
This is why I consider PQ to be semi-canon, since otherwise Chronos wouldn't have been okay with the Velvet Assistants holding a dancing competition in the Sea of Souls.
That's right SMT fans, the Sea is the same as the River Styx.
Why couldn't Erebus reach Nyx' psyche before P3?
As mentioned in the timeline, Nyx' psyche was still scattered across the Collective Unconscious. Erebus could try all he wanted, but he would never find enough of her to call her physical body down to Earth. During P3, enough of Nyx' psyche was finally gathered into one single being: the Nyx Avatar (aka Ryoji). This caused Ryoji to be the literal embodiment of Death, since that's their entire purpose. I wonder what would happen if they met Chronos...
So, P3 happens and the Nyx Avatar is sealed by Minato/Minako before they can finish calling down Nyx' physical body. Erebus now knows where to find Nyx' psyche. There's a specific place now. However, the Seal prevents him from ever reaching it. Elizabeth thus comes annually to kick his ass and the Fall never comes.
I like to believe that a part of Ryoji is still fully aware in the Nyx Avatar after everything that happened, so Minato/Minako is not alone while being the Seal.
Neither may speak (one is being a Seal and the other one is being sealed away), but there is an understanding that they will never be truly alone. Just like when Ryoji was Pharos.
Did the rumors that became true during Eternal Punishment stay true after Nyarly's defeat?
I don't think so. The power to rewrite reality using word-of-mouth is really potent, but was only being powered by Nyarly. I believe the moment he was weakened, all rumors that came true dissolved into simple rumors once again. So, Kiyotada Sumaru stayed a fictional figure.
That was a low blow, Nyarly.
Where did the first Velvet Room attendants come from?
We know Igor was a doll, but if you ask me, Nameless, Belladonna, and the Demon Painter used to be human. Their exceptional and otherwordly talents in the arts made them stand out to Philemon to make them the "Muses" of the Velvet Room. Nameless was probably a German pianist (as a reference to a certain composer who also lost one of his senses), Belladonna was an Italian opera singer, and the Demon Painter was a painter from Sumaru City. It seems only Belladonna kept her human name. It also seems like you can leave your post whenever you want. It was confirmed that Nameless and Belladonna were still in the Velvet Room by P5, but no such reference was made for the Demon Painter.
Igor is almost impossible to pin down since his name is really old and dolls have existed everywhere since almost forever. Since he is sometimes referenced as powering the Velvet Room, I just placed the creation of velvet itself as a possible start for the timeframe of his creation. Can't have the Velvet Room without velvet being a thing.
Now, is the Velvet Room the same as the Black Lodge? Nah. But for fun we can imagine that Mark Frost and David Lynch have been to the Velvet Room.
If Tsumi to Batsu isn't canon, what happened to the Red and Black Books?
I believe the fun part lies in their unknown whereabouts, which serves as fuel for fanfics and other stories. For all we know they're in the hands of an unknown Persona User and/or another mysterious organization. Who knows? I mostly included them to fully connect Jung to Philemon and explain why he seems like such an important human to the latter. Igor may have begun to interact with humans under his master's orders and in part to look for the potential owners of the Books, but he ended up growing fond of his guests and attendants.
On a side note, can you imagine Philemon's heart attack when "The Red Book: Liber Novus" was published and mass produced in 2009? Before realizing, "Ah, this is just Jung's diary, not the magic book". Then again, the publisher was called Philemon Foundation, so we might have a case of ghost company in our hands.
Why did Stephen upload the Demon Summoning Program to a single high school instead of sending mass e-mails like in SMT?
I have a few theories: The first one is that there wasn't an urgency to gather Demon Summoners for an upcoming apocalypse. According to semi-canon sources, Thorman and Gotou existed at some point in the Persona Universe, but either due to Kandori's capitalist machinations or as a consequence between Phil and Nyarly's bet, they were never able to truly gain power. Adding this to my second theory, that Stephen used to attend Karukozaka high school, would explain why he tentatively only uploaded it to his old school's servers. Less desperation and more indirect experimentation, one might say. This would also explain why he became more of an offscreen mentor to Tamaki once she gained the program, since Stephen would have more time to continue developing and experimenting with it. One successful user was enough for now.
Personally, I believe he ended up working for the Nanjo Group after P1, who sponsored this and any future projects he had until his death. Considering he is apparently a trascendent entity, this cushy existence would have been a nice break from the other universes.
Wouldn't it be fun if Stephen was the original creator of beta Evokers but set aside the project due to the lack of a "supernatural power source"? And this project ended up in hands of the Kirijo Group after they split from the Nanjo Group? And then Kouetsu Kirijo only had to finish it by adding the Plumes of Dusk?
What was Nyx doing at St. Hermelin, anyway?
This is something I struggled with. In the end, I settled for someone finding a large Plume of Dusk, thinking it was a pretty rock, and getting the Snow Queen Mask made out of it. A Plume of Dusk this big ended up attracting a lot of Nyx' psyche, which made a mess when combined with Drama Club teenage girls as seen in the number of victims. In the end, it evolved into the Snow Queen Curse. For all we know, the Mask was trying to use the girls as puppets to help bring the Fall, but Nyx' psyche always got to them and they committed suicide soon after.
Personally, I would have stopped producing the Snow Queen at my school after the first two deaths, but to each their own.
Which war did Masataka Amano die in?
This is a huge supposition on my part since even the dates are approximates. I have four contenders: the Falklands War, the 1982 Lebanon War, the Second Sudanese Civil War, or the Sri Lankan Civil War. Pick your poison.
The game says that Gekkoukan was founded after the Kirijo Group laboratory exploded around 1999. The school logo says that Gekkoukan was founded in 1982. What is the truth?
The way I made this work was by making the original founding of Gekkoukan in 1982, like in the logo. Maybe it started as an actual learning insitution, where the graduates would have a possible career in the Kirijo Group. After the entire Death ordeal, they decided to hide the old labs by building a better state-of-the-art school building on top and relocating Gekkoukan there.
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yuseirra · 6 months
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**persona 3 spoilers**
ryoji on the nature of life
after having drawn my previous comic, the way rivers flow to the sea, and how the sea evaporates into rain to restart the cycle made me think of something.
The Avatamsaka Sutra seems to explore the idea that all beings are equal - that universe itself is no different from a single entity, and that it is the mind brings together the universe and the universe is you. That goes with what's happened in the final battle of P3 and how the protagonist brought forth the universe arcana. I'm no expert on it, so I'm not sure if this explanation of it is entirely accurate, but it seemed it could align with how things go in P3 and the persona universe
and I wanted to see ryoji say life's very precious and support it. That's what he'd say for sure!
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elle-p · 3 months
Makoto is confronted with the fate of destruction by an unexpected person. The decision he makes is... The 4 chapter blockbuster finally comes to an end! Looking at Makoto & Ryoji's circumstances in chapter 3, how will their relationship change in this chapter...? "Makoto and Ryoji's relationship can't be described by a single word. I think they're more than friends, but a little different from best friends, and also wouldn't call them brothers. Aigis also has an important position to Makoto, but she still can't get between the two. Their relationship changes, but no matter what situation they're in, I feel like they're still connected with a strong bond," says the last chapter's director, Tomohisa Taguchi. But as the time of destruction draws nearer, what will happen to Makoto and his friends' Velentine's Day!?
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thomasmartinnutt · 8 months
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Ryoji Ikeda. A Single Number That Has 10,000,086 Digits, 2021
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link1cp · 3 days
Thinking about November boyo 🌘💛 and March girly 🦋❤️
Maybe this is already a thing, but I just noticed that with the whole "I was born from you and I must show you something" thing, Metis is to Aigis as Ryoji is to Makoto, but with opposite goals. And different relationships. And though energetic and playful, Ryoji is more mature and resigns himself to what seems inevitable, whereas Metis is more childish in mindset and keeps a single-minded determination for what she wants, no matter the risks and likelihood of it being attainable.
Actually, it seems more like two sides of the same coin. Then again, it fits, because Makoto and Aigis are also similar opposites. Not sure how to explain, they just are.
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