ranger-kellyn · 2 years
was working on a fic outline, having a ton of fun, thinking it was going to be fun to write and just make me reALLY happy. right up until i realized one thing.
one simple thing.
if i wrote this fic this way, it would mean siebold and diantha aren't besties and like. the wAY THAT WRECKED ME...........
so needless to say i will be rewriting this whole fic JUST so they can be besties
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nanasarea · 4 years
🍓 heheheh i swear im going to sleep now LOVE U LOVE JISUNG LOVE JAEMIN
LEYNA SWEETHEART, my bby, my literal child, my love, my platonic soulmate. You might be my child but you’re also my twin, we’re so alike that i am 101% sure we’re platonic soulmates. It’s honestly kind of shocking, how much we actually have in common haha, except you’re way cuter! Like cuter than cute! If you search up “perfection”, you’ll probably just see leyna because she is the cutest angel ever. I’m convinced you’re not real, you’re like above human, there’s no way a human be as amazing as you! Also you’re probably seeing this when you wake up, so good morning, my love! I hope you slept well and I love you!!
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toaoti-a · 7 years
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ofphcenixes · 5 years
howdy y’all !! it is currently new years eve here in australia, and what have i decided to do instead of Being Social and Party Like It’s 1999 ? come off hiatus dkjfgdf. because of a horridly busy and Emo™ time that had me out of action for like, two whole weeks kfjgdfg i’ve decided i’m gonna do a quick recap intro with some wanted connections for both BLUE & NATE so if we haven’t plotted yet, hopefully it’ll be a bit easier !! 
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if we’ve plotted before or you dislike me on account of my colour alias or my preference in cheese, please feel free to ignore this !! but i look forward to plotting with all of you properly now that i can be around, so please like this post if you wanna plot. <3 also i owe so many people discord responses dfkjgdf. and pls know i’ve been meaning to reply to those, but i’ve felt so Anxious about leaving some people on read and replying to others that I wanted to do them all at the same time. a foolish choice ? you decide ! ( however i am working on discord messages tonight also ). but read below for Quik Fax on my bois !
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link to original intro HERE.
blue’s bio, stats and hcs are HERE.
blue’s connections HERE.
despite what my intro says ( which i v much recommend you read just for a lil more breadth of blue as a muse ) he is,,, a memey boi
don’t mistake his dislike of daisey as an overall representation of him as a person - he’s usually v kind, probably a bit of an enabler lmao and will do anything to see people smile. gotta get that validation.
he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed ( me: has allstar flashbacks ) BUT his slow uptake is counterbalanced by his usually well enlightened humour and genuine concern for others
he’s that bish that plays football and hosts the parties tbh !! 
definitely the class clown. does not have nearly as much game in the Dating World as he thinks, if he could spend two seconds without showing memes. but if memes are your kink, well, blue may be your soulmate lbr
has a bit of a Troubled Past
honestly ?? is trying to move on from the past. he only wants good moments, good friends, good memories in his life. he’s got no time for the negative. ( until daisey had to go and fUCKING DIE )
still owns a tamogotchi
wanted plots.
SPLASH || it’s the middle of winter, and you find yourself at the local pool. the indoor heated pool is probably great this time of year, and blue happens to be the lifeguard at the time. could do a funny thread, a cute thread, a dramatic/emo thread, or really anything !! i’d just love to be able to have the backdrop be blue at his Place of Employment.
STAY THE NIGHT || a common occurrence at st ettiene university is for blue and his roommates to open up their house in the student villa for some fun. especially with the curfew in place, these parties would be more rare and blue never shies away from a challenge. a fun thread perhaps where your muse is drunk. maybe blue takes care of them, maybe tries to take them home safely. maybe they just have a serendipitous Bond over beer and the roar of music. maybe they decide to try and bake and everything goes wrong gkdjfgdkf
INVINCIBLE || it may be clear to you now that blue is basically,,, one big kid. and as st etienne is known for their sprawling forests, it’s a popular place for jogging, picnics, cute rendezvous and well, now a murder lmfao, it’s a scary place to be. do you know what would make it less scary tho ??? a pet. more specifically, a dog. your muse catches blue with the pupper and. an unlikely friendship ( perhaps joint custody ?? ) of a dog omg. we stan rebels in this house.
CHILDLIKE || this one is super lame BUT blue never had much of a childhood in the traditional sense so i’d absolutely LOVE for a cute thread with someone where they do cute childish things ?? play hide and seek, build a tree fort, play with a playstation, eat really old snacks. anything. 
wanted connections.
HISTORY||blue was mixed up in a lot of things as a teenager - petty crime, substance, you name it. this person would have been in this 'group’ with blue also (anywhere from ages 13-19). maybe that person is still very much in that crowd and resents blue for leaving, or maybe they’ve left it behind too.  
TUTOR || oh my GOD blue is destined to fail here. he has a very short attention span, which makes him super frustrated bc he loves what he’s doing. he is going to be a teacher, and it’s only the maths/science that is tripping him up. any person who would help him would earn his eternal gratitude.
FORMER BULLY||this muse grew up in ashmont also, and bullied blue as a child. maybe they’ve reverted their ways and want to be forgiven, or maybe they’ve doubled down on the hate and now see blue for the fake he is.
SIN || blue has cleaned up his act. as a teen he was living a very dangerous lifestyle, and has for the most part, turned it all around. but maybe... maybe there’s someone out there who’s slowly luring blue back to this darkness he misses. their friendship is a secret, they meet in the cloak of darkness ( so blue’s friends are none the wiser he’s headed this way again ), and they simply drink and smoke and other things... >:)
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link to original intro HERE
because i applied for nate then literally skedaddled for ages, he hasn’t had time to develop on the dash. however,,,, he is not a Good Bean. in fact i actually kinda hate him in a fun way.
pretentious, wealthy, slightly germophobic, wickedly intelligent, wicked in general, and incredibly conceited
although he is Handsome, he cares more about his image as a modicum of academia as opposed to looking hot. he probably would be considered more attractive if he didn’t have such an extensive collection of suit squares kjgfhdkjfd
was super close with daisey. their parents had sort of pined for the pair to get married actually, for monetary reasons. but nate ?? v much team daisey. he doesn’t show emotions and he won’t admit it to ANYONE, but ,,, he’s super emo about her having been found. 
is both chidi and trevor from the good place
but ye he is gonna yell at you and wanna fite ( but not physically cos slenderman here has noodle arms )
wanted plots.
DINNER PARTY || given that there are a lot of rich socialite families here, i figure that nate’s family is bound to know a few of the other wealthy families !! a fun lil thread we could possibly do is have the pair run into each other at one of these galas. maybe it’s a run-of-the-mill affair, maybe it’s something run by the rutherfords that these two happen to both be attending, maybe it’s run through the university. maybe it’s a charity gala. maybe it’s a new years’ eve event. either way, nate is dressed up in his nicest tux and his most expensive watch, your muse is also dressed up nicely, and we can plot depending on the chemistry/connection/relation between our muses what happens ! they could be friendly somewhat, maybe they hate each other, maybe they’re childhood friends. let’s discuss. >:)
GRIEVE || nate doesn’t do ‘emotion’. he doesn’t do sympathy, empathy, or anything reminiscent to being human. but one day he finds himself at daisey’s grave and is absolutely lost for words - a rarity. and it just so happens your muse is also there too. they could have been there to visit daisey, or maybe someone else. but this could be a v interesting thread and you’ll see a side of nate that... no one should ever see kdfjgdf. 
STARS ABOVE || as a major of astrophysics and heading towards his phd, nate loves the stars. it’s probably the only positive emotion he has kjgfdkjgdf. so i dont know HOW this would work, but perhaps nate and someone else look for the stars together. nate has a whole professional set up and is like,,, a total nerd so he’s not fooled by the mysticism or, admittedly, the romance of it. maybe your character is high and happens upon him at night, maybe your muse thinks that nate is the killer ( lmao ) and wants to investigate, maybe your muse is a fellow chess/debate/environmental conversation member and wants to get to know this billy goat gruff. 
wanted connections. 
FOR BETTER OR WORSE || nate is a perfect person to fulfill everyone’s favourite trope of ‘the good person wanting their love to transform the bad person into a good person’. maybe it’s platonic, maybe it’s romantic, but someone wants  to make nate a better man. what i say to them - good luck lmfao. however i’d love to plot this out as it could go literally anyway !!
ENEMIES || fuck, i need nate to have all the enemy connections. i figure most people will dislike him on principle anyway bc he’s human rubbish kgjkdf BUT maybe they are academic rivals ? maybe they grew up together and have always been competing ? maybe they used to be friends and they fell out ? maybe nate said something horrible to them and they were never forgiven ? maybe their true enemy was daisey and since nate was essentially her best friend for a bit, they are enemies by consequence ? 
HATESHIP || i can’t decide what i want more kdjfgdkf but basically ??? this friendship is of two people who don’t like each other, but they hate literally everyone else so they join together in their mutual hatred. maybe they actually bond more over time, maybe their somewhat petty rant sessions about everyone else never change. either way, it would be super fun to have nate be in a 70 year old woman dynamic with someone dkfjgd. 
these ideas are certainly not definitive, but can be a fun jumping point or perhaps just a source for discussion !! if we haven’t plotted before now is the best time to do so. so if literally any of this you think will work with your muse, or you have an idea inspired by something mentioned here, i promise you, i’m up for pretty much anything ( SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO MY BEST FRIEND ANGST ). pls like this post if you wanna plot, and i look forward to spamming you all and be lucky enough to interact with all your muses. <3
also sorry i deadass disappeared for a fortnight lmfao
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k-sseulegi · 7 years
JJP fic rec~
I decided to make a list about my personal favorite jjp fics, in honor of their comeback. I do appreciate if you share your favorites with me as well~
Also don’t forget to stream Tomorrow, Today!!  ❀ 
Okay here we go:
Citation - (college au/smut/slow burn/side markson) savage and tsundere jinyoung, only-soft-for-jinyoung jaebum… bad first impressions, and denial of feelings everywhere. sounds quite realistic huh?
Renewal - (a sequel to Citation, where jy is 25 and jb is, well much older) as good as the first one but hella more angsty (yeah i love angst) (and i literally fall in love the characterization of jinyoungie in this one)
Compass Calling (pirate au/prince!jy/pirate!jb/very well-written smut (get ready to squeeze yo ass cheeks)/angst/violence etc...) this fic is e v e r y t h i n g for me… The sexual tension between jinyoung and jaebum is so pleasurable that i cant even. you sink into the atmosphere so easily, the writer is really gifted about portraiting the scenes. it also has a very deep and sad side markson, so get your kokoro ready for this… i can talk about this fic like 9 hours but it’s not necessary bc READ IT OKAY
Better Late Than Never (college au/rich boyz/rivals/fights and angst) ENEMIES TO LOVERS IS MY KINK OKAY i will fite you. ehm let’s get back to the fic, it’s quite dynamic, i mean every second sth happens, so you don’t get bored or lose your concentration. jealous!jaebum stans will love it ( ¬‿¬) 
It has a sequel too and it’s pure angst believe me —> Pace is the Trick
 On the Road to Happiness (coffee shop au/amnesia/fluff/smut/angst/dont be surprised if you see some markjin/ plus side yugbam) Another beautiful fic… Mark is jinyoungie’s first love for a thousand years,platonically ofc, however he’s getting married with another woman and jinyoungie is his best man. and after background information takes place, shit got really real… However the real charm point of the fic is CHIC AND SEXY AND POSSESSIVE AND JEALOUS AND JY’S PEACH STAN JB. i assure that you’ll also see lots of the chin thing dsdkdkf 
I’ll End Up Like Icarus (college au/fluff/romantic comedy)  You should read it, i dont know what else to say. This fic has the most iconic lines i swear you’ll understand what i mean after you read and i like coffee; coffee is the key for everything.
Do What We Do (one shot/smut/cross dressing) get ready to quality smut to the accompaniment of jinyoung wearing a red miniskirt and lowkey but strong jjp feels, that’s all i say.
Breathless (college au/coffee shops/fluff/romantic comedy/mark and jackson are dicks) CUTEST FIC I’VE EVER READ i want to write this fic’s url on my forehead so everyone can reach this beautiful fic and we can make the world a better place i’m serious. Savage, devilish but still cute as hell jinyoung and confused-one-night-stand-boi jaebum strike again!! ((In this point i want to note that the characterization is very important for me in fanfics. I can’t read neither passive and soft jinyoung, or serious and henpecked jb fics. They’re seem so unrealistic (you know what i mean) and boring to me so i don’t enjoy reading them)) Fluffy scenes in this fic make my phone’s screen crack bc of me throwing it to the meaningless spots in my room with a stupid giggle and blush; just a friendly warning before u read…
Glass Fingertips (soulmates/marks/high school au/fluff/angst/some illnesses/dont worry noone’s gonna die) jinyoungie who has just moved in seoul is from jeju island, the place he misses the most and jaebum is his classmate, a froward boy who usually gets into fights and is not liked by much people in their school. Jinyoung has a mark on his forearm which means he has a soulmate somewhere he doesn’t know yet. He’s afraid of the power of the fate and he doesn’t want to believe that a ridiculous mark suddenly has appeared on his arm can erase all his rights to control and direct his life. 
In other words; tough guy jaebum gets soft only for our dazed and confused jinyoung.
Work Sucks (smut/comedy/non au/jjp are officially boyfriends/jb’s about to explode lol) Basicially JB and Jinyoung haven’t have sex for weeks bc of their busy schedule, finally they have a day off but fuck their luck, they’re cockblocked by the world non-stop.
Stupid Lies: Let It All Burn Down (unrequited love/childhood friends/HEAVY ANGST/love triangles) I guess you should first read the previous parts of the Bleeding Love Saga series, but this part is my favorite so i only added this one. Even though it’s not finished yet, i have high expectations about this fic. Jaebum is a softie blindly in love and Jinyoung is an asshole that i don’t understand what he’s trying to do yet, i swore him about 6 minutes per chapter i admit it. *plays kokobop* It goes down down baby~
The Tiger & The Duke (sugar daddy jb/smut/angst/jealous!jb) Fav one of my faves… I personally am not a fan of sugar daddy fics, because everything happens so fast usually; i mean the daddy is the owner of everything, one day he sees our regular boy and falls in love with him immediately, is ready to give him the world etc… But in this fic everything develops slowly for both of them. I love this. And ofc it has savage and unattached jy and jealous, short-tempered and possesive jaebum; seriously what did you expect??
Bed Sheets (prostitute!jy/sugar daddy!jb/angst/smut) rich boy JB wanted our prostitute jy to be his fake boyfriend for one week and things started to get complicated. The characters and the plot are actually similar to The Tiger and The Duke actually but i love it whatsoever.
A Certain Romance (single dad!jb/baby yugyeom/escort!jy/fluff/smut/awkward situations) I’ll just copy paste the summary because that’s it: By day, he’s a top-rated babysitter. By weekends he’s an x-rated escort. These things are generally kept separate, until the day his weekend regular gets his phone number by recommendation and calls for an emergency babysitter. The problem is that Jaebum doesn’t know that Junior the escort is also Jinyoung the babysitter.In which Jaebum and Jinyoung know each other in the biblical sense but maybe want to get to know each other, too.
Also baby yugyeom is too precious for this world.
Walls of Glass (ABO dynamics/tattoos/omega!jb/alpha!jy/enemies to you’ll see/smut) This one is probably my favorite A/B/O universe fic. Jaebum’s family which is the number one enemy of jinyoung’s family (which is a new-house), is an old-house one and has been pure blood alpha for hundreds of years and everyone was sure jaebum is an alpha too, until suddenly the omega tattoo appeared on his neck in the middle of his alpha class. (I’m a simple person; if there’s tsundere jinyoung, sign me in)
The Buckwheat Flower (historical/war/one shot) It’s sad. It’s really sad. It leaves you purposeless. If you’re already sad don’t read it because tears won’t stop. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that very scene.
Hypersystem (sci-fi/unrequitted love) Another fic that broke my heart so bad. You’ll enjoy it if you’re interested in math and stuff tho. Jaebum is in love with Jinyoung for years, but Jinyoung is with Mark. Any other detail i give would be spoiler so i’ll shut up.
Falsettos, Stains, and Drama (high school au/drama club/fluffromeo!jb/juliet!jy/aaaand some jealous!bambam lol /everyone is so cute and shy omg) I’ll end this rec post with a fluffy one. Where the year’s play is Romeo and Juliet and everyone becomes wholly absorbed in their role. 
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all-da-fandoms · 7 years
1 3 5 7 9
1. Have you met your soul mate?
I think so, do platonic soulmates count?
3. Do you wear eye-shadow? What color?
I wear eyeshadow ocassionally, usually a dark/vibrant color like black
5. In your opinion, is love at first sight real?
hells yes
7. First kiss details? (If you haven’t been kissed, reply how and if you would like to be.)
not that exciting, except for my first technically gay kiss since I still identified as female at the time, and it was with my best friend, she sat in the back of the gym with me as we watched behtoveen and she was like “I dare you to kiss me” and my not as gay yet mind was like “Okay haha!” and fucking, when we kissed I felt like I was floating and we were in space and there were butterflies in my stomach. but here’s the thing, any other time I kissed my technically opposite gender, I hadn’t felt that before.
9. What’s your aesthetic?
My athstetic is friendship......fite me I’m a hufflepuff
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