caitlynskitten · 3 months
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eldritchqueerture · 6 months
aro4aro jarthur. no i do not take any criticism
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gumballrightfoots · 1 year
how i feel some of my mutuals would act in a haunted house because im bored and have nothing eslee to do
@capitalisticveins something started to chase you and you simply gsve up and accepted death
@eldritchchinchilla you cussed out someone and summoned a goat on them
@deviantaj youre attached to the ceiling and no one knows why
@sweetlemongrove youre flirting with the monster/j
@4letteraroace you came in to make sure no one injured/killed anyone on accident you failled
@cupid-moon you screamed at everything and my arm is fucking bruised
@maemarse you got lost.
@annahhopee you heard and scream st the entrance and decided to wait outside you were then chased by geese
@ilikerocksalot you were killed.
@carte-blanco you would never step in a 10 mile radius of a haunted house
@darlin-collins you showed up in a bear costume
@communisticbones how did you even get here
@itsyourstarboy you throw everything you could at most of the monster you even threw angel
@emeraldfangs you were told to go first and you ended up getting kidnapped
@angel-shaw how did you end up with dynamite in your bag
@itsrubesshawty you simply did not show up CAUSE YOURE BRITISH but in the rare case you did you had a gun no one knows where you were hiding it you had no bag or pockets
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reimulin · 1 year
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Headcanoning random horror movie characters that are basically nothing characters only there to die as queer is something that can be so important actually
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a-simple-shrimp · 9 months
Shrimp of the Day #42
Artemia Salina
also known as brine shrimp
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valleynix · 1 year
okay anyways
Cass/Reader vs. Dani/Reader
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th30ra3k3n · 1 year
here’s some of my favorite bisexuals for no other reason than i love them
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i have a lot more but these are the ones that popped into my head first
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do you have a favorite fankid of yours? or one that you just always love to work on no matter what?
This might not come as a surprise but out of all of my children, Tatia is my favorite, there is just something about her that is so… special.
But, I would like to also say that all of my kids start out as blank canvas, Isabella was my very first official profile because for some reason, she just kept nagging at me, she kept trying to talk to me and eventually I would start dreaming about her and her struggles.. and at the time of her profile creation, she was my favorite. And then Anna began talking, and then Sterling, Summer, Jet, everyone wants to talk now. Some are harder to get through, like Spinner’s, his is painful and he still wasn’t comfortable talking with me. I started Lianthe last year when she was still named Roxie and SHE still isn’t ready to talk about Summer or Rory.
They’re all fun to work on, they’re all sad to work on, and to be honest??? I do love them pretty equally. I’ve never been able to say in 100% seriousness that I “hate” a kid. They’re all my children and they’re all very dear to me!! Juliet started talking to me yesterday, hopefully she tells me enough to start designing her.
But yeah, I particularly enjoy working on my girls, because their outfits are cuter and they all have this same air of innocence about them. Not in a creepy way but in a, “why is this happening to me, I’m not a bad guy.” Kinda way. Idk how to describe it!!! Boys are harder to design but they’re so emotional (or emotionally stunted) and it’s great to be able to sit down with a character like Jeremy, who’s life is waayyy harder than it needs to be, and be like, “Yes. I see you. I understand you. I understand why you act the way you do. And it’s okay. You will be okay.” Because I don’t think he’s ever actually heard that.
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kisari-vibes · 2 years
Bugs Bunny and Elmer J. Fudd are gay for each other and you have to convince me otherwise.
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faithdeans · 2 years
idek if leith ross themself is ace but i am not looking that up
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flintism · 2 years
rewatching iconic mash music videos like they’re actual episodes of the show 
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
Me: You know how when you were a kid and you’d wish that you’d get sick or injured in a way that would justify why you didn’t live up to your potential?
Everybody, apparently: No?
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metaphoricallyrose · 3 months
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Support group
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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ploppymeep · 3 months
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