abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Excuse me i’ll just be thinking about Barnaby being dropped in a it’s a wonderful (terrible) life timeline where Kotetsu never met Mr Legend. Never had anyone show him that his powers could be used for good. That they were anything but a curse that made him destructive and terrifying.
Barnaby stumbling around confused after the time skip and being Deeply unsettled by the fact Half the hero’s are different. Sure Fire Emblem, Sky High and Dragon kid are there along with the new kids but Blue Rose retired last year, Origami got cut, no one’s even Heard of Rock Bison much less Wild Tiger. There is no buddy system. Fire emblem asks him if he’s okay. His leg aches, muscle deep and their brow furrows in concern. “You wrecked it during that fight with Jake.”
They offer to call Maverick for him. “Under No circumstance-” Work calls.
It’s all about the points. Getting the right angle. Shot. “It’s a hero’s job to save people!” “I think that’s all the proof we need for a head injury, right guys?” “Shut up Ryan and stop sabotaging Cat!” “Make me!”
It’s awful. A nightmare that won’t end. He stumbles to Kotetsu’s apartment after only to be met with strangers. Has to put in a massive order with Liquors Kabugari to met him at all. Kotetsu grumbles about rich assholes doing whatever they want- couldn’t he order from someone in Sternbild? Is greeted by a giant empty apartment. “What hoping to pay your friends in alcohol to help you move in Mr Hero?” Catches the Oh wait you probably don’t have those muttered under his breath.
“You really don’t remember Kotetsu?” “Remember...? Bunny’s got a few screws loose i guess.”
Has him pinned to the wall a second later. “You called me bunny. You have to Remember Kotetsu!”
“What- Jezz Look i only called you that cause you’ve got those pink ears and are always hopping about on the TV! Let me go!”
“Make me. Use your power to make me. I know it’s the exact same as mine!”
He manages to drag Kotetsu to the training center. Everyone’s pretty sure he’s lost it, insisting this beer belly old guy is a Veteran hero. Are rushing to stop him when he tells Kotetsu he’s going to use one Hundred Power on him- better use yours unless you want to be severely injured.
Kotetsu launches him through the wall into the simulation room. Laughs about how they should file a complaint cause that was some cheap plaster huh?
He gets dragged on the next mission in a mask Barnaby clearly made out of paper and one of his old suits- that they literally only had time to turn from pink lights to green. He’s death gripping Barnaby as they fly through traffic. It’s the first time, Kotetsu admits - you asked why i never got married - he hasn’t held anyone in years. “The last person i held was my mom. I broke her ribs because of this stupid power. Glad it worked out for you but all it did for me was make me hurt people!”
“Your power lets you save people. That’s what were going to do, right now.”
It doesn’t... go great. But he saves one little girl. Lowers her slow to the ground and she thanks him before running to her mom - in sudden tears.
“See? Told you. It went great.” “... You call that great? I think i pulled my shoulder.” “Stop complaining old man and turn to the camera.” “Camer-Huh?”
“Introducing my new partner- Wild Tiger!”
(Is he allowed to do that? Definitely not. But THINK of the ratings! Air it Now. Legal can sort it out later!)
“... can i get out of this suit now? I can barely see out of it.”
“After the interviews.”
*disgruntled tiger noises*
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sunelia · 9 months
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pairings: gojo satoru x gn!reader
cw: does not follow the jjk plot - gender neutral reader - established relationship - fluff - characters are both college students - might be suggestive at the end
synopsis: moments and habits you share with your lover.
word count: 1.9k
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Gojo and you have a bit of a cat-and-dog dynamic. You like making fun of one another, sharing inside jokes, and even being childish together. You two are very strong-willed and have very intense personalities. You got to know him through a few mutual friends during high school. You didn't seem to enjoy each other's company at the time, or so you thought. Your conversations were solely based on teasing and challenging yourselves with dumb, imaginary quests. You didn't realized how much you liked being teased by this tall, beautiful, silver-haired man until graduation came to burst your bubble. When you did graduate and entered your university campus, you couldn't believe who was behind you, requiring you to hurry up while picking up your dorm keys. You both lost it as your eyes crossed his, lamenting to the universe why on earth you had to run into him again when you were just starting to stop thinking about him. As time passed, after bumping into him several times, you eventually grew closer over shared classes, study sessions, lunches, parties, and common interests. Laughter replaced bad jokes, silly pats on the back were exchanged for cuddles, and these glares were replaced by a tender and soft gaze. Since then, you two developed a close and sincere bond where communication and affection went hand in hand.
Movie night
You decided to meet up later after class to watch a movie to get the weekend off to a good start. After washing up, you packed a bag with extra clothes and headed to Gojo's dorm. You texted him, "I'm on my way, salt or sweet popcorn?"
He replied, "mmmh… sweet like you!" you chuckled. Man could graduate with a bachelor's degree in pick-up lines if he wanted to. 
You arrive in front of his dorm at around 8pm and knock on his door. He opens and stands in front of it, greeting you with a large smile, his arm leading you inside.
“Welcome my dear, if you'd like to make yourself at home".
You scoffed. "What a gentleman!"
You place your bag in a corner as Gojo wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head in the crook of your neck.
He kisses your cheek — “I missed you, how was your day?"
"It was actually fun, we did some prototyping during my web design class. I'm glad the day's over though." You turn around and wrap your arms around him. You lay a gentle kiss on his nose and pat his torso.
"Are you hungry?" you ask
"I've already ordered some takeout, your favorite. I wanted to surprise you.“ He's such a caring man.
"Argh, i love you so much for that you know?"
"I know you can't get enough of me!" he laughs.
His phone rings "Oh, it's our food, make yourself comfortable, get changed, you know the drill.” he says, putting on his slippers in a hurry.
You take this opportunity to change into your pajamas and make some space on the little table in front of his bed. You hear the doorbell ring and see a proud Gojo handing you your meal. You settle down on the floor after he puts the food on the table. You began to eat in a cozy environment and decide together which film you'd like to see.
"Are you down for a comedy, an animated movie, sci-fi?" Gojo asks you while he turns on the TV.
"You know how indecisive i am, Gojo, it can take me an hour to choose. But i'd say i'm leaning more for an animated movie."
He searches the animation category and comes across a few results.
You decide to get up and clean the table while heating the popcorn in the microwave.
Gojo was sitting down, focused with his messy hair covering the tiny frown on his face while his arm was resting on his raised knee.
He turns his head in your direction "Is Big Hero 6 good for you?"
You nod and grab the hot and caramelized treat
"I love this movie, great idea!" you sit back down all excited on the cushions and move closer to him.
He started the movie while you hand him the bowl. The film goes well, you laugh, cry and enjoy the moment. In the meantime, Gojo has been able to cup you in his arms while you lie half stretched out between his legs. He takes the opportunity to stroke your hair, which relaxes you even more. Before he knew it, you were already asleep. He began to hear your tiny snores and couldn't help but giggle, "My dummy..."
He turns off the TV, pushes aside anything he might trip over, and gently wakes you up.
He hates to disturb your sleep, but he can't let you lay uncomfortably on the floor. Gojo undoes the bed to buy a little time, then tries to wake you.
“y/n, wake up so i can get us on the bed".
You were deep in your sleep, almost half-unconscious. The only answer you could give him was a compilation of half chewed words and grunts. You eventually got up thanks to him supporting you. He carried you carefully onto the bed and covered you before settling down. You unconsciously pulled him towards you so that his head rests on your chest. He blushes and hugs you tenderly as he falls asleep.
When he’s not feeling well
Everything was going smoothely. You had just finished your last class of the day and was heading out to the library to study with Gojo and some of your friends. You were soon joined by them, but couldn't see your boyfriend.
One of them asks, "Is Gojo coming?"
You replied, picking up your phone, "I'll text him, let's go in anyways." All you had to do was wait and sit inside with the others after the message was sent.
You concluded, "I'm sure his teacher held up his class for a few more minutes."
There was still no sign of Gojo after twenty minutes. You apologized to the group and decided to quickly leave the library to call him. It wasn't typical of him to not at least text you. You tried to call him, still no response. You sensed something was off, and you knew in your heart that you needed to make sure he was okay. You returned to the library, gathered your things, and apologized once again to the group, telling them you had an emergency. You speed walk towards the building where Gojo had his last class. When you got there, you saw one of his classmates standing outside and you asked her if she had seen him.
"He unfortunately missed today's class". she says You thanked her as you were already walking away. You knew his two “get away” spots when he felt the need to take a break were his dorm or the small park close to the local coffee shop he liked.
You chose to head to the coffee shop first since it wasn't that far. You slid between the students, holding the totebag that was menacing to fall of your shoulders. You arrived in front of the park and looked the surroundings carefully. No signs of his presence. His room was the only location that remained. Before leaving, you bought him his favorite strawberry frappé.
You reach his dorm after what felt like a marathon. You catch a break and knock on his door.
He was indeed inside, lying numb on his bed, his phone on the table. He heard you and is aware that you are standing outside. After a while, he opens his door in pajamas, his eyes swollen and red. You could tell that he really wasn't feeling well.
"Hey!" You softly cupped his face "Tell me what's wrong."
"I feel like I'm messing up everything. I've failed an important test, i've got into an argument with my best friend, and i feel like a total failure." he whines
"Take this," you say as you hand him the strawberry frappé, "a little sugar boost will do you some good." He took a few sips, and kisses your forehead.
"Secondly," you take him to bed and lay him down with you.
"Despite the weight of your worries, you must solve them one by one. You've failed your test, it sucks and you feel like you did all of that for nothing. It will take a little time for you to cool off, but you can always make up for it by asking your teacher extra graded work or to retake the test."
He looks at the ceiling, sighs loudly, and grips your hands tightly.
You proceed — "Now for Geto's case, you know that you'll be able to make it up to him, you just have to talk to him frankly. Honesty comes first, especially with him."
He gives you a weak laugh, "Especially with him yes, you're right."
You both lay there hands interwined until you turn around to face his side profile.
"It's normal not to feel good, you're human. It's okay to fail, to be sad, angry and even disappointed. Never say you're not enough again because you're worth it. Come talk to me or someone you trust if you ever feel like you are carrying too much weight. You must let it all out."
He gave you a hug as he suddenly lifted you onto his chest.
"That feels good, thank you so much, can you please stay with me?"
After care
Gojo had made the decision to invite you to his hometown so that you two could spend some romantic time together as the last three days of spring break approached. Even though you could occasionally cross paths at university, it was essential that you two stay together for a longer period. You had planned a lovely evening with a dinner date and a late night walk. You spent the rest of your evening at Gojo's house, and it's safe to say that you two needed to reconnect.
A warm atmosphere started to surround you both as the gentle touches on your thigh or on his broad shoulders grew more and more insistent. Finally, a languid kiss confirmed how you both felt. So you spent a delightful late night sharing that moment of intimacy you'd missed so much. Sweet and tender words exchanged in whispers and even delicate praises. The night's soft light cast a comforting glow over you as the moment came to an end. While silently panting, you embrace one another. Gojo loved looking after you after such a significant moment. He loved touching your belly, your waist or your face, and you enjoyed snuggling up to him, playing with his hair or lying on his chest.
Following that, Gojo felt it was essential to help you clean yourself, hence why he grabbed the first shirt he saw to give it to you, guided you into the bathroom while the water began to run. He took great care of you, assisting you in washing your hair by giving it a massage. He was aware that despite how frequently you shared such intimate moments, you preferred for him to turn around while you washed your entire body. He then cleaned himself after that and was the first to exit the shower. You blushed at the sight of your partner with that towel wrapped around his waist.
Once you were clean and dry, you changed into some comfortable clothes and went back to bed to finish the rest of the night by either sleeping in the classic big and small spoon formation or talking.
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line divider Sea pink by benkeibear
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odue-sp · 1 year
Aizawa x Male Reader 2
Inspo: dios - runaway
The sound of waves. That's what M/n would love to hear as he was dying, his s/c hands dropped as his eyes dull.
He heard his name being repeated but he focused on a particular voice. Shouta Aizawa...
"Yahoo," he cheeky smile appeared on the teens face who flicked the gloomy teen's face. "Gaijin?" The confused and annoyed japanese teen grumbled before noticing a wallet in his hands. "Shu-ta! Aye-za-waa—?" He stumbled over the kanji, his eyes glanced over to information on the student card before it was snatched away. "Hey," the h/c male smirked speaking perfect English. "You're actually pretty cute."
M/n L/n, an exchange student who seems to be the embodiment of what you'd think an American would be. Loud, happy, and very touchy. Shouta had the displeasure of getting that American's attention after seeing this fighting style. The scarf movement. Even the quick planning of attacks. It was like love at first sight for him.
He followed him, always speaking in English in public but when they were alone he would be Japanese, it was confusing for Shouta. Why was he acting in such a way? He was loud and obnoxious in public, but that wasn't him.
M/n was still happy, emotional, but not loud. Maybe a bit obnoxious, but it always seemed like a watered down stereotype at first but then Shouta saw M/n. Kind, loving, and just a whole set of amazing traits that he didn't think someone could have.
"Argh!" His breath was heavy as he pressed his shaking hand on the open wound. "I... I didn't know!" A student shouted in shock, seeing the consequences of their quirk harm another. Everyone stared in shock. Shouta reached out for the other but were stopped. A teacher stood, looming over the bleeding and faint student. "Why didn't you use your quirk?"
He only smirked, sticking out his bloodied tongue before flipping him off.
"I have no quirk fuckers." He spoke perfectly again.
After that, M/n was treated differently, but he never let it bring him down, even after being physically assaulted and bullied. He never backed down and graduated.
After what happened to Shouta's best friend, Oboto, they drifted apart. Of course, Hizashi stayed in contact. The highschool crush stayed a crush.
"Yo! M/n!" Hizashi shouted waving as the s/c male walked out of the airport. His flung his arms up. "Hizashi!" The two ran at each other hugging while hopping in circles before taking a tour around. Of course, a villain attacked and the two couldn't keep still. Hizashi never underestimated M/n, he saw the news of H/n.
E/c eyes twinkled.
"Eraser Head!" Hizashi shouted as the two fought alongside each other. M/n was stuck in awe. 'He's alive... He's... Alive? He's alive!' he stopped running and just watched. "Hey! Shouta, come here," his arms hung around his shoulder. "Remember," his sentence was cut off. "M/n."
The two stared in shocked.
"I was scared you died! Hizashi said you weren't in a good place so... I... I thought maybe you," Shouta reached over and pulled the other into a clumsy hug, Hizashi joining in as well. "I'm sorry."
"Stay alive!" His hands trembled trying to stop the blood, but there were too many bullets. He should've kept watch more, he was quirkless, he should've... He wouldn't have like that. "Move, Shouta!" Hizashi pulled him away as medics rushed to try and save the hero.
"Hey, pretty boy," M/n spoke up once they reached UA. "M/n, I'm nearly in my forties." A soft snicker. "Pretty man," he rolled his eyes. "I think... I would've killed myself if I lived in Japan." The hero's eyes widened staring at the usual positive hero. He kept his eyes closed as he felt the breeze of the roof. He stared at a particular space.
"I nearly did."
Shouta grabbed his arm pulling him away before he let out a soft laugh. "Shh," he held his face with a gentle smile. "Not today. I'm better now." He whispered. Their lips barely touched. Shouta shoved him away in shock. "Charmed? How cute." He teased as he took his hand.
Soft hums. They danced not caring for the students that saw their teacher smiling ever so slightly. They quickly left the two.
"Shouta," m/n frowned reached for him but he was slapped away. He glared at the foreigner. "S... Shou?" His voice trembled, feeling hurt as he stepped forward but he was only punched. He held his cheek. "You think this is funny?! My class nearly died,.M/n!" His body shook in anger.
M/n had made an insensitive joke. He realized this and tried to apologize for it but he understood why he was angry.
His hands gripped his shirt. "Shota, I didn't mean it like that," he was thrown over his shoulder and slammed into the floor. "They're worth more than you! At least they have a quirk! Oboro would've been disappointed!"
They stared in shock. He covered his mouth as he saw the tears welt up. "Go to hell." M/n spat out and stormed out of the room. "M/n!"
The two didn't speak for months, the air was icy around them. The students were curious... He gave a sharp glare to them all. His anger was misplaced. He was an adult and should've handled it better.
"I'm worthless," everyone stared in shock as he gave a mocking laugh. "After all, who wants a quirkless hero? Maybe I should turn in my hero's license, right, Eraser Head." Everyone stared in shock.
"quirkless?" Murmurs before he stood up and left. The door slammed.
"There are things I still need to apologize for, M/n!"
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beevean · 2 months
This image! God this image! Mrs. Kojima really cooked here. I love and adore prelude to revenge so much! This scene and what happens subsequently there after could have no dialogue and it would still be perfectly understood with how well the emotions are conveyed in her illustrations.
Also Isaac looks phenomenal. Have I mentioned that I love prelude to revenge? What are some of your favorites?
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you come to me and you give me the chance to gush about Prelude to Revenge, the best thing that came out of the Castlevania franchise?????
(i'm going to get assassinated for that lol)
i, ugh. i. i love how Kojima here handled the Hector/Isaac fight! It's from Isaac's POV, not Hector's - we're seeing the events from the POV of the antagonist. We already root for Hector and his will to run away from Dracula's insanity by this point. We are made to at least try to sympathize with the other guy, who so far proudly declared to be a weapon for destruction.
Hector uses a underhanded tactic to win: he slashes Isaac's thighs. He also breaks part of his armor, symbolically being the reason of Isaac's sanity slipping. He's about to deliver the coup de grâce...
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"I still… can’t follow you? Have I lost…?"
(Hector's eye! Icy cold! Beautiful!)
... but instead, he humiliates his former friend further: he breaks his sword, and he forces him to live, while he himself crawls away to die far away. Hector refuses to share that moment of weakness with Isaac.
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"Is this the arrogance... of the winner?!"
(actually, 優れる means "to surpass, to outstrip, to excel". Hector didn't just win: he's the one who always excels over Isaac. the resentment here <3)
And what's Isaac to do? He, too, limps back home, knowing full well what is going to await him: a disappointed Lord. A Lord who always favored Hector, because he's better than Isaac. And he proved him right. And it eats at him inside.
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"You don’t answer even if I call... Ha... Did he even cut off my power?
Take a look at this pathetic sight, my Lord, my broken sword used as a cane My body is the proof of Your expectations for him Please ridicule me, scold me Next time I will do whatever it takes."
PtR doesn't go into detail about Isaac's inferiority complex, unlike the MF manga - but the way it conveys it it's just. argh. this man.
And then he reaches the castle... or what is left of it.
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This is a masterpiece of a page. You can almost hear the howling wind. If this was an anime, it would have no music at all. Isaac is drawn at his most detailed and his most handsome as his face is washed in horror. You don't need anything to get hit with the realization that Isaac didn't just lost a fight, he lost his entire life: he has no home that would allow him to live, no Lord to serve, no friend to fight with, and even his magic has been cut out. He has nothing left, through no direct fault of his own.
Isaac wasn't there to protect his Lord. Because of Hector.
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"I won't let you say that your rebellion has nothing to do with this! Had you cut off my head as well, I would not have seen this... Hector...!"
And as the real heroes of the story stand in the dawn to admire their hard-earned victory against evil, a broken man vows revenge for being forced to live on.
And man, will he take his revenge.
this is fucking peak man i can't stop eating my own hands it's so good it's so GOOD
I feel bad for Isaac! This simping asshole who will go then to kill an innocent woman and torment his former friend with! This piece of shit who wanted to happily exterminate mankind is genuinely pitiable in these circumstances! But the story doesn't hold your hand to make you feel sorry for him - it respects your intelligence enough to understand the facts and draw your own conclusions
Kojima is not only an artist out of this world, but an excellent writer.
urgh but it would take me too long to talk about my favorite scenes from this short manga! I made a lot of posts about it! It's so packed with scenes, beautiful quotes, poignant character moments, symbolism...
Ah, it sure deserved to be adapted :')
(also yes Isaac can be very good-looking when he wants to. He has honestly one of my favorite designs in the series precisely because his face has unique features. highly underrated <3)
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doctorweebmd · 3 months
I never knew what to say about zsg because, well, there are a lot of aspects about it that don't align with my usual taste, despite its objective high quality. I mean, I'm a sfw fan 😂 That said, I'm always in awe that with your busy job, you continue to feed us so well. I'm busy too and only going yo get busier, so it's an inspiration, as longfics are what I prefer to write as well (though it doesn't come nearly as naturally, lol). And, you're right, zsg deserves to hear the love and admiration I have for it, so here goes.
To start with, the fic definitely has residence in my head, despite reading it nearly a year ago. There are scenes I still think about. I was talking about then with a friend just a week ago. Since I don't have time to read fic these days (cries), the most I can do is go back to old fics and reread my favorite scenes, and I do that with zsg, because there are such high quality, top tier moments. The "you're looking at me" "I never stopped" ??? That might be the pinnacle bkdk. I can't believe I've never seen that before in a bkdk fic? Or if it was there, it didn't hit as hard.
I know you're not so into the falling action part of a fic, but I loved the last bits with bkdk. When Baku realizes Deku's staying? Those moments they have of figuring things out are so good. And the provisional exam being inspired by Kamino was great. Really clever and a nice homage. And, of course, very nice that Deku could be a hero again.
Also, the Shinsou content is perf. I always love a side character having a big part in a ship fic and that shinbaku relationship is exactly why. (Similarly, I loved All Might and Aizawa helping Baku out.) That flashback scene where Deku calls Baku Kacchan? So good. And so smart as a flashback, because it would have been too much in the actual timeline, but where you fit it in the plot was really really clever. I also generally love a flashback--unpopular opinion, but I do.
Those were some of my biggest highlights! I hope my little disclaimer at the top isn't totally assholish 💀 I think you're just great and really admire your openness and the things you try to tackle in fics and your incredible output. I hope you're doing well <3
ahhh Anjum thank you so much for sending this!!! AHHH i'm sorry i complain on here so often i was so embarrassed i deleted the post lmao
gosh yeah especially when you read sfw stuff in general! i have this habit of writing REALLY detailed and explicit sex scenes 😳 what made you read it, in that case? (obviously you dont have to answer!)
god. every time i think about their devotion to one another i want to combust into flames. think for much LESS we had to work with when we were writing a few years ago?! the way horikoshi has developed katsuki into this passionate, level-headed, absolutely hopelessly committed to Izuku - literally never saw it coming. these two deserve peace in the end. they deserve to live a life on their own terms. they just DESERVE TO BE HAPPYYYY
urgh its Izuku's DREAM and of course horikoshi is setting him up to lose one for all, i think thats been his intention from the beginning, but his life is only starting!!! he's only 15!!! you're telling me he's going to risk his life and lose the only thing he's ever wanted?! i wonder if horikoshi used all might in his big-old mecha suit as a hint that deku would still be a hero, just using assist devices. at least i hope. this kid deserves a chance. (i dont know if you're caught up on the manga?? i'm kind of ranting lol)
adjfakldjflk;asjdlfjasdfj ANYWAY WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MADE MY DAYYYYYY adsjfaldjfkl argh you just made me so happy especially because its been a long time and i forget parts about it but TO HEAR THAT EVEN THE PARTS THAT FELT LIKE A STRUGGLE WERE STILL ENJOYABLE?! urgh i appreciate you so much thank you for taking time out of your day to reassure a complainy weirdo like me
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
Part 3
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*It was about 2 am and Reaper was sitting in the bed waiting for you to knock on his door completely impatient*
Reaper- *growls and gets up going to the door* Where are you, girl...?! Argh! *Growls in anger and sits again*
*Waiting for the last minutes, you don't show up. He gets up again living the room immediately going to your door and knocking*
Reaper- Y/n...! Open the door! *Tries not to speak to loud in anger*
You- *open the door* What?!
Reaper- The plan!
You- I'm getting ready, calm down!
Reaper- Is 2 am! You said midnight!
You- Moira and Sigma was at the lab! They went to sleep at 1 something am! Not my fault! *Both discuss in whispers* You came up with this idea! If something goes wrong is your fault!
Reaper- Watch your tongue, girl...! *enters the room and see a backpack*... this is not a vacation.
You- I have important things to take. *close the door* Is only this backpack, I promise.
Reaper- That'll be a problem.
You- Is just a backpack, Rey!
Reaper- We're going to pass trought guards with a backpack?!
You- .... you got a god damn point. Let just pick up something important *go to find*
Reaper- *sigh impatiently and literally grab you from behind put him on his shoulder*
You- *Gasp* Gabe! Hey! Knock it off!
Reaper- Quiet! *Goes out the room* Don't speak anything at all! *Whispering discuss on*
You- You boots are very loud!
Reaper- I can't take it off!
You- Walk quietly!
Reaper- They're heavy! Want me to fly?!
You- Became a fucking ghost!
Reaper- Is not durable...!
- Reaper, y/n... *the boss voice came from behind* What In the hell you guys are doing?
You- *You look at Doomfist while in Reaper's shoulder* Hey, Doom... is just... a...game?
Doom- I don't think that Reaper play "games", right?
You- Can't you turn around? *You whispers to Reaper that was frozed* Gabe!
Doom- I don't trust you with this lady, Reaper. Put her down. *He puts you down without turning around, you stay confused* I've being watching since that day you bring her to Talon and I don't recognize you anymore.
You- Look, Doom, we may having some conver-
Doom- I want him to answer me. *cross his arms* Can't you look at me, Reyes? And how she knows your name? Where you both were going?
Reaper- *slowly turns around* You don't recognize me, boss?
Doom- No, I don't.
Reaper- Why? Because I stop being so fucking angry all the time? Maybe...a psychopath?
Doom- No, not only that, you've being acting weird lately. Last mission? You didn't want to participate...like if was a choice.
Reaper- I was tired, that's all.
Doom- I'm not a idiot, Reaper! I'm not a doctor, but I know everything about you and you do not get tired just like that! Since you saved that girl, you've being distant from Talon! Amelia got you both on the kitchen fixing the broken window? What the hell?! Are you trying to run away, Reaper? After all we did? After all you gain?!
Reaper- I only lost! I've lost everything!
Doom- Big deal, Reyes...
Reaper- "Big deal, Reyes"?! Do you want to become a fucking ghost?! You want to feel all that pain and agony that I feel every fucking second?!
Doom- Dont put the blame on Moira...
Reaper- Since I saved her, I realized!
Doom- *smirk* Is that so? So we put a bullet in her head and you deal with that realization *widow appears from the shadow aiming to your head* I'm warning you, Reaper. Give me that girl.
You- What? No no no! This is a mistake! *laughs nervously* No one Is trying to do nothing, boss! We're just getting along, that's all!
Doom- You shut the hell up... Sombra has discovered who you truly are... one step closer, she's allowed to shoot.
Reaper- *Stands in front of you*
Doom- *chuckle* See? Reaper would do that? No, he wouldn't protect someone like that.
Reaper- Gabriel Reyes would...!
Doom- So I'm talking to Gabriel? *laughs* You look like a pathetic hero with those effect lines! Oh, Reaper... you dont know what you're doing.
Reaper- I've never being more sure of what I'm doing...
Widow- She tell you what? *chuckle* Talon is bad? Why you're here? You deserve more? Oh please... How could she open the eyes that is already opened?
Doom- Reaper... *stand his hand* Give me the girl.
Reaper- And do what? Kill her?
Doom- Maybe, if she answer my questions nicely.
*Reaper looked at you over his shoulder and growls*
Reaper- What are you hiding from me?
You- Something that wouldn't disappoint you...
Sombra- She works in a unit of Overwatch. She's a spy...*chuckle appearing behind you and pulling you out of Reaper's back* Or she tries to be one!
Reaper- Spy...? A Overwatch spy?
You- Big deal...*sighs*
Widow- You were being manipulated, Reyes...
Doom- In name of what? Love? *chuckle*
Widow- *chuckle* Pathetic...
*In Overwatch base*
Cassidy- *Drinking coffee while sitting on the chair all relaxed with a headphone and watching novel on the computer* All right, my dude...kiss her already!
System- Audio mode, activated from: y/n.
Cassidy- Holy...! Shit! *Sit right pausing the novel and hearing the conversation*... Aw shit...! *Immediately takes the headphone off and pick his cellphone calling Jack that immediately answered*
Jack- What?
Cassidy- They got her, commander! We need to move!
Jack- Shit...! Fine! Set the alarm! Prepare for a rescue mission!
Cassidy- Right! *Turn off and immediately press the alarm running to the corridor knocking all the lock doors of every room and one by one they step our their rooms* Move! Move!
Ana- What happened...?! *sleepy*
Cassidy- They got y/n, we need to move, now! Everybody on your feet! Now! 5 minutes!
Angela- A mission? At 2 am?
Rein- Ooh that doesn't look good.
Ana- Talon got y/n...*sighs* I wonder why she went their...
*Back to Talon*
*They move you to a room, a little bit of a torture room, Moira's lab. You were stuck on a chair, everybody quite and Reaper also confused in the corner, not knowing what to do...maybe, incapable of saving you this time*
You- Nice lab...! *nervous and watch Moira on the balcony with a glass of weird...purple...liquid* What is this...?!
Moira- A experiment... if that kills you, would be wonderful *chuckle* Meaning that worked. *She put the liquid in a syring* It can make you talk too...you may feel a little of anguishing and pain.
Doom- Now you pay attention to me, spy... *Walking around the chair* Why you here?!
You- I swear! I did not plan anything!
Doom- Not you, put Overwatch... funny how easily you manipulated Reaper.
You- I didn't!
Widow- What? You gonna say that he is in love? *everybody laughs*
Sombra- Heey, like I said, no girl would like this creepy guy *chuckle* It was too weird meeting you both at the door earlier.
Doom- What...is...your...plan? *Getting closer* Speak!
You- I don't have a fucking plan!
Moira- Don't worry, she will speak *shows the syring* Remember...only I can make the pain stop, so...speak. *Immediately injected and you groans in agony* You'll feel the burn soon...
You- Fuck! No! I swear! Please!
Reaper- *holding himself feeling the anger almost exploding inside of him*...!!
You- Overwatch doesn't have nothing with that! I came because...!
Moira- You wanted information, easy...
Doom- Five months inside of Talon...good for us that we didn't trust anything for you, spy. Overwatch *laughs* Never thought that they would be so clumsy. Really? Spy infiltration? Amateurs...
You- Right, do whatever you...!!!! *You starts to feel your veins burning* Argh! *Started to squirm on the chair*
Moira- *smirk*
Reaper- Is that really necessary?!
Doom- Do not interfere, Reaper.
Reaper- Does it worth?!
Doom- If she speak something or die, yes!
Reaper- She will agonize to death!!
Moira- That's the idea! Now if you're against this, you have to kill everyone on this room! You've being manipulated!
Reaper- I'm NOT!
Moira- Yes! You are!
Reaper- I saved her! I CARE! I'm still human!
Moira- Who the hell are you, Reaper?!
Reaper- I look unfamiliar?! Well, great! Cuz I'm fucking tired of being the villain! *facing Moira*
Moira- So you better go straight to hell!
Doom- Enough!
You- Pl...! Please! Moira! Stop! *crying of pain*
Moira- I'll stop when you speak up!
You- Gabe...! Please!
Reaper- *Feeling guilty and desperate* Stop...! Stop that! *tries to hold Moira, but Doomfist literally grab him easily throwing in a balcony* ...!! *groans* Fuck...!
Doom- I won't kill you, Reaper...I like you. But I like you when you're the monster you always have been.
Reaper- I'm not...a monster! *Gets up*
Doom- Yes, you're...*Go back to you* Now tell me, spy...what do you want?
You- I...! *crying and feeling more of the pain spreading through you body* I want Gabe...!
Doom- *chuckle* You want Gabe? Well, he's dead!
*Loud noises in the background*
Sombra- ...!!! What?! What is this?
Doom-...sounds like trouble...! *Ripped off the things that were holding you and grab you by the neck lifting you up* Did you call them?! What did you do?! TALK!
Reaper- Akande...! Let her go! *pick his shotguns*
Doom- Right! Shoot me, Reaper! And you'll see in the hands of Talon! You and this woman!
Sombra- Aah boss! They are coming!
Doom- SPEAK! *Shake you by the neck* Or a break your neck!
Widow- Akande...! *Watching trought infra-sight* They found us!
Moira- Sigma! Where is this old man when we need?!
Sombra- He literally said that this situation is too much for him to handle!
Moira- Argh! Stupid scientist!
Doom- So, you won't speak?
Reaper- ...!! *holding to not shoot*
You- *Look at him agonizing* Don't shoot...Reyes.
Reaper- Let her go! Now!
Doom- *chuckle* fine...I'll do it. *Throws you through the lab* Prepare for fight! Now!
Reaper- AKANDE! *Starts to shoot him, but he blocked with the gauntlet*
Doom- Try it again...! *Punch him against the wall* We talk later, Reaper...If Overwatch don't kill you first.
*The mercenaries lives the lab and Reaper gets up in pain taking his hand to the stomach*
Reaper- Fuck...!
You- *coughs without air*
Reaper- I'm coming...argh! *Finds you on the ground agonizing, all hurt and bleeding because of the glass materials that were in the balcony* Y/n! Hey...! *kneel down and holds you in his lap* I'm here! Don't fucking die on me! You hear me?!
You- *out of breath because of the poison* Gab...! *Your eyes starts to be filled with blood*
Reaper- No...! No no no! *looks around* Where's the fucking antidote?! Please! Don't die on me, girl! *Hold you tight*
You- They...will kill you...!! Go...!
Reaper- No...I won't, even if you beg me, I won't run.
*You suddenly stops everything...*
Reaper-...!! Y/n...! Hey! *Tries to make you react somehow* No! No no no no...! Say something! Breath! Gasp! Anything! *take of his mask trying to put on you* It works on me! Please...! This got to work on you too...!
*Overwatch finds him*
Jack - Reyes! Hands up where I can see! *starts to walk slowly into the lab*
Reaper- Come on, girl...! *Takes his mask of you*...you can't be...!
Jack- Reyes! I said...! *Surprised seeing him holding you* What...? Is that...?
Ana- *Gasp* Y/n...! Oh no!
Tracer- No..! *Starts to cry immediately*
Jack- Let her go, Reaper! Now! *Points the gun* I won't say it again! What did you do with her?!
Reaper- She's dead...
Reaper- She died on me...! *Starts to cry* Why...?!
Baptiste- *appears from behind* Is he...crying?
Jack- *in shock* What...what the hell? *put his gun down*
Reaper- Is my fault...! I'm so sorry...! *Hugs you tight letting his mask fall from his hand* I'm sorry!
Tracer- *Also in shock while crying*
Ana- *gets more close*
Jack- Ana...! No!
Ana- *Turn to him telling to wait* I need to see y/n...
Phara- Mother, careful, please...!
Ana- He is not a wild animal. *starts to get close again* Gabe...hey, it's me, Ana Amari.
*She slowly kneels beside him and look at his deformed face, she gasp*
Ana- Oh my...! What they did with your handsome face...? *look at you and close her eyes* You silly girl...Gabe, let me check her...please.
Reaper- She's dead...!
Ana- *She puts two fingers on your neck feeling the heartbeat* She still alive...! Her heart is slowing down! Jack! We need to fall back immediately! *She gets a syringe on her pocket* That'll slow the poison to the heart! Gabriel, let's work together, like the old time, ok?
Reaper- Save her, Ana...please.
Ana- I'll do my best. *Grab your arm injecting the antidote* I need you to take her to the ship! Immediately!
*Without thinking twice, he turns to shadow and takes you out*
Jack- What?! Ana!
Ana- Hear me out before you say anything! *Approches Jack* Inside that black figure, at this moment, is Gabriel Reyes right there! Don't try to kill him! Understand?! I saw Gabriel Reyes there!
Jack- But, Ana...!
Ana- No fucking "but"! Get your ass on the ship!
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Art by: Muepin's on tumblr
Continue ...
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dennydraws · 4 months
Good Morning and happy Mon- wait it's Tuesday!
Argh, I got lost in time again! It's another week and back to the grind! Why weekends can't be longer...
Whew, youtubing is getting slightly easier! But now I struggle with the phone camera. I keep trying different settings and at the end the weird wiggle still persists. But for now I just want to get more comfy with the drawing process while recording cause that alone can be a little uncomfy hehe I guess it's the whole selfconcious that you are being recorded XD but with that said, I ran out of energy to record a voice over last weekend while fighting a terrible migraine on Sunday. I thought to leave it for the next weekend instead of pushing myself but if I get burst of energy earlier, I will post it through the week :D
Comic work! Thank you for following "The Snake, The Firebrand and The King of All" !! ... that title sure is a mouthful, huh xD; The next chapter will be a bit late, likely next monday? I did outline it, I had to start sketching the pages on Sunday but I felt so incredibly tired, I spent most of the day just sleeping. I think work fatigue piled on me once more. We have a lot of holidays in February and of course a lot of graphics for those. I've been coming home with nothing but brain fog, static noise and desire to sleep forever. u_u;; But at least chapter 11 is fully sketched and I quite liked the flow of it! It is a bit more complex but maybe I can line art it little by little through the week rather than all at once in the weekend. I'll see! I'm pass the mid point and into the fluff now! +o+ I didn't think I'd go this far for something I didn't incredibly prepared for!
I've been playing Fire Emblem Heroes on the side... while waiting for other games to come out this year - looking at Eiyuden 👀! I will likely drop off the earth till I finish it, when it comes out, hehe ! :D But yes! FE! I'm long time fan though I hadn't played anything after Awakening, so more of a fan of the old ones? I couldn't invest the time and energy to pick 3 Houses purely because there was no golden ending of everyone lives and is happy - I'm too old for that sad shite, okay? u_u;;; Fates... we don't talk about Fates and Engage felt like the vtuber nation attacked. I couldn't get pass the character designs so I never touched it. The mobile game is fun and I just mainly picked it so I could grab some faves and pamper them! Lucky for me my faves have like no alts and were easy to pick :D;;; ...so I guess my taste is that bad, huh 8D;; It's ok Gangrel, I still think you are the best Trash King!
But yes~ I'm swamped at work, my hands are giving in, I can't wait for the weather to get warmer and I can't wait for Eiyuden to come out! \o/ Until then, I try to survive xD;; but don't we all? Apologies for not posting much...or anything lately. Work has just been soul crushing crunch as usual when several big holidays come in 1 month.
In any case ~ Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have great rest of the week! \o/!!
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queen-rainy-love · 2 years
The Wrath of the Duskgloom Sea part 7
Let's go.
*The scene picks up with the ship finally back in the water. The crew was quickly making sure everything was working while having a very, very, VERY pissed off Captain Caviar glare at them. Standing behind the captain were our heroes who were sweating. All except for Squid Ink, who was just playing with a shiny bracelet.*
GingerBrave: *whispers* Do you think he'll yell at us again?
Knight: *whispers* Well-
Captain Caviar: *whirls around* I will deal with you six after we find my wife and daughter! *whirls back*
Wildberry:...Did that answer your question?
GingerBrave: Yup.
Sorbet Shark: Oooo?
Princess: To be fair...Elder Oyster didn't...really gave us a choice.
Captain Caviar: You couldn't have tried to stop them?
Clotted Cream: We could have but Aunt Oyster couldn't sit by while you were trapped here. She didn't want to lose you after being forced to keep her distance from you for years. And Bubble Pearl has always seen you as her father. Even with her dough father around. I don't think she could bear to lose you.
*Captain Caviar didn't say anything. All he did was stare ahead as the words sink in. A good couple of minutes pass before Captain Caviar opened his mouth. But before he could say anything, a chilling voice filled the air.*
???: Little one? Where are you? I have great news for you!
Captain Caviar: That beast is around.
GingerBrave: It sounds like she's looking for someone.
Wildberry: Sounds like she's looking for her child.
Squid Ink: *sniffles* Mama?
*Everyone turned around to look at Squid Ink.*
Clotted Cream: Did that Cookie...just said mama?
Black Pearl: Little one! Where are you?
Princess: What do we do? If she finds out about this, we might not be able to find Lady Oyster or Bubble Pearl!
Knight: But...we could be close to where she took Lady Oyster and Lady Bubble Pearl! We need to get caught by her!
Clotted Cream: You have been spending too much time with Red Velvet!
*Captain Caviar thought about it before turning toward Navigator.*
Captain Caviar: Navigator! Get this ship to her! *Navigator made a few clicks* Trust me! I have a plan!
*Navigator made a few clicks before guiding the ship around some of the islands. It wasn't long until the ship was caught. It was lifted up into the air again and was facing an angry Black Pearl.*
Black Pearl: *growls* So having my daughter as your mate wasn't enough for you?! You decided to kidnap my little one?!
Captain Caviar: First! I, and everyone on this ship, didn't know that this squishy Cookie is yer kid! Second! What are ya talking about!?
Black Pearl: *growls even harder* I think you know her as Oyster Cookie.
Clotted Cream: She's Aunt Oyster's mother?!
Wildberry: How...
GingerBrave: If you're her mom, shouldn't you be happy with her happiness?
Black Pearl: YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!!!!!
Captain Caviar: *mutters* This will be a very interesting conversation with my sea heart. *Looks back at Black Pearl* Where are my wife and daughter?
Black Pearl: You really think I will give them to you?! Just like that!? You really are a fool!!
Captain Caviar: Ya is a fool if ya think I will leave this sea without my family. And I'm sure you won't break this ship with yer baby on here.
*Black Pearl growled one more time. Without her noticing, Clotted Cream's cape ribbons got ready.*
Black Pearl: I will gladly drown this whole ship to keep you away from-*Clotted Cream threw a flash magic ball at Black Pearl's eyes.* ARGH!
*This caused Black Pearl to drop the ship, causing a large splash. Navigator quickly got the ship to the closest island and everyone got ready to fight.*
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The prank seems to have gone awesomely! I hope Donnie isn't THAT mad... Also, you should get some sleep as well amigo! You deserve it, being the heroic hero of New York and all. ( i will come up with more pranks for the future)
Oh dios mío - what IS that sound?
*sits up in my bed & rubs eyes*
I've slept in between my opened laptop, my portable gaming console and cellphone - all are still running with sounds: music from laptop, some random podcast from my phone & a game soundtrack from my old Nintendo DS.
Yeah, I'm not the best at getting rest.
I open a portal to the kitchen because of laziness and pour myself a nice cup of coffee and go back to my room.
Somehow there is a screeching sound and it doesn't come from any of my running devices...
Oh no. That's Don.
My door swings open with a loud bang and Donnie stands there - breathing heavily and his eyes are dangerously sparkling with a purple hue.
'Relax, Leonardo...' I tell myself as I put on a small smile to greet my dearest twin.
"Buenos dias, querido! With what do I earn the pleasure of seeing you at this -"
*looks at my clock: 9:05 am*
"- finest hour?"
"Why would you even think that, hermano?"
Donnie gestures with his hands as he tries to find words.
"Well- it's always you- and- I - Argh!"
I lean back and cross my arms.
"You got a full night's rest which is very uncommon for you?
He stops his movements and looks at me.
"Is that a bad thing?" I press further.
"You KNOW that I have work in my lab to do. Work that requires my undivided attention! There are blueprints to look over, quantum studies to do..." He continues to ramble and gesture, but I simply ignore it.
"But you need to sleep too."
"HAH! You admit your foul play!" Donnie points at me.
"Yes, I do. I put some crushed pills in our vanilla pudding. It was a small, but well-meant prank by me and a fellow fan. Don't you feel slightly more refreshed than other days?"
Don looks to the ground. "I think I do..."
I give him a smug smile.
Then we hear a crashing sound and stomping.
"Oh crap, I forgot about the other two."
"SCOFF! You're such an idiot...! You put it in everyones pudding, didn't you? Argh, I don't want any part of this!" Donnie storms off.
Meh. I'm used to being scolded. Let Raph come at me.
*sips coffee*
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✨️ I look forward to more pranks, jokes & funsies ✨️
Gracias for appreciating my hard heroic hero work.
Not everyone does.
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lovinkiri · 2 years
hello. I just finished everything you have here. I have loved everything. one of my favorites is "father figure" could you do the same with the missing bakuscuad? only if you want of course. (sorry if you don't understand. I use translator to help my english)
Father Figure (2)
Author's Thoughts: Thank you! I really appreciate hearing feedback so this made my day 💕
Warning: Cussing, etc.
Description: Meeting your father figure is pretty nerve-wracking. Especially when your father figure is Hawks.
Mina Ashido
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Well this was awkward.
Mina and Hawks sat across from each other at the dinner table. Mina moved her food around her plate nervously while Hawks stared her down like.. Well, like a hawk.
"... Okay, Hawks, that's enough. You're done." You crossed your arms, giving him a look.
He turned to meet your eyes and pouted. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll be a good bird."
She nodded and looked at Mina, giving her an apologetic smile. Mina smiled back, taking your hand and squeezing it reassuringly.
Hawks sighed, watching. "... I don't dislike you, kid. And Y/n really loves you. I just want to be clear that you won't hurt them. Because if you do, I'll have to come after you."
You groaned in embarrassment. "Hawks! What happened to be a good bird?" You scolded.
Mina giggled and shook her head. "It's fine, Y/n. Besides, Im going to treat you like you deserve the world, because you do. So I have nothing to worry about."
You couldn't help but lean your head against her shoulder. "I'll treat you right too, babe.."
Hawks smiled. "Awe. Isn't that romantic? You're welcome to come over any time, Mina."
"Thank you, Hawks." Mina grinned.
"... Just keep the door unlocked."
"Oh my goodness, Hawks!"
Denki Kaminari
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Denki was left alone in a restaurant with Hawks.
You had gone off to the bathroom, apologizing to Denki because you really had to go.
And so that left Denki being the target of Hawks' icy stare. Paired with the awkward silence, Denki could tell his get together was kinda rough.
Hawks broke the silence first. "So, you love them, right?" He asked, voice not giving away any feelings.
Denki quickly nodded. "Yeah, totally! I love them a lot. I'd do anything for them." He said earnestly.
Hawks looked him up and down. He could tell he wasn't lying, but he was still skeptical. "... Right. Well, Denki... If you hurt them, I'll turn you inside out."
"... You'll do what?" Denki had been threatened before, but that was a first.
"You heard me. You'd be surprised at what these feathers can do." Hawks smiled sweetly.
"R-Right.. Yes sir.. "
You returned and took your seat. "Sorry. Are you guys okay?"
Despite Hawks assuring her that things were fine, she could see it on Denki's face that something happened. And it didn't take her long to figure out what.
"Hawks, did you use the inside out line?!"
"I did for you, nugget."
"Argh, check please!"
Eijirou Kirishima
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Surprisingly, Eijirou had gone to see Hawks himself.
He really liked you, a lot. Hell, he loved you. And he was happy to take your relationship more seriously. But he wanted to get Hawks' blessing.
Whether or not Hawks gave him a chance, he'd still try with you. It's just however old fashioned it seemed, Eijirou thought it was pretty manly to at least try.
Hawks heard a lot about Eijirou from Fatgum. He'd heard that the boy was a sweetheart and a gentleman. That he never stopped gushing about you because you were his first love.
When Eijirou came to Hawks asking for his blessing, he smiled. He liked Eijirou so far.
"Of course you can, kid." Hawks said putting a hand on Eijirou'd shoulders.
Before the redhead could rejoice, Hawks continued. "But listen. If you make me regret this, I'll make you regret ever meeting me. I can promise you that. 'Kay?"
Eijirou tensed at how chilling his voice was. He didn't know a hero could sound so villainous. "Y-Yes sir, I understand. You won't regret this!"
"Good. Now go, I'm sure you're missing them by now. Shoo." Hawks grinned.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
A villain is always a villain.
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"I'm sorry sir. But even with your quirk, your wife would suffer immense pain over the procedure and die on the bed.... and... my sincerity apologizes... but she's got only one week."
He couldn't exactly describe what he felt when those words from the doctor left his mouth and arrived to his ears. He didn't had even know when he had overhauled his gloves and the chair he was in making him fall on the ground and come back to his senses...
Everything... was falling apart. If he was only fast enough to get the symptoms appearing... he could have prevented, it would have caused you an huge amount of pain but at least you would've have survived.
Why hadn't he noticed it?
Because he was living his dream.
Because you two married. Had beautiful moments together... and just about one year and a half ago had a son. A health kid.
He was happy. He even talked about it with Pops, and the old man suggested for him to leave the Hassaikai for a while to raise his kid on a peaceful environment, but he refused. Knowing Pops hadn't had any contact with that good for nothing daughter of his neither the possible granddaughter he had. So he could give the man some of his immensely gratitude towards him.
But suddenly... everything was falling apart.
First it was the frequent coughing, even your baby was worried but soon you waved them off saying it was just a cold. Chisaki fooled himself on believing on that.
After all he was so happy.
Then, your voice started to change to a more forced and rough one. He started to worry but no, no... his perfect wife, such a angel, couldn't be on any danger... it was just a flu. He would take care of her.
Despite having germophobia, his love for you was just as strong. He wore masks and gloves, sure, but he still was willing to spend time on the same room and give you the comfort you needed.
Then it happened... one day on his office... he heard the coughing fit and suddenly a loud crying from hsi son made him storm out of his office to find you on the ground, a paper close to your hand covered in blood.
He never drove so fast on his life to the hospital.
And now... there he was, staring at the ground as he clinched on his wife's weak hand on the bed with the machines attached to her. His son, as innocent as ever was playing with his mother fingers.
The chemotherapy wasn't enough. The quirks from teh doctors couldn't help her, he couldn't help her...
The nurses came in and told that visit time was over... he had to drag his sobbing and crying two years old out of the room.
His tears were falling as well, but he had to be strong. He had to be the oen who had to be a pillar for his own child.
Pops had to be the oen explaining to Kan the situation and why his father seemed so sad and distant. The kid entered his office at night, sniffling and looking at his father's eyes with his (E/c).
Kan cried himself to sleep on his father chest, and Kai didn't mind it the snot or tears on his messed up black dress shirt. The documents on his desk were soaked with his own tears anyway.
"You're making a big deal about this." Your weak voice interrupted his memories and he scowled at your weak serene expression and smile.
"Dont. Not with this." He murmured as he watched his son give his painting to his mom... he wiped your tears away as you hugged your Kan, kissing his dark brow hair as the little boy murmured his love for you.
At the next day at the evening you let out your last breath and he cried and screamed on the bed until his voice was gone.
"You have to sleep boss." He heard Chrono as he blinked, the bags under his eyes were huge as he sighed.
"I can't. I need to go after those debtors of the drugs and then take care of Kan. He hadn't been eating very well since..." he couldn't help but almost choke up at remembering.
"... how about this? I go after them? Spend time with my favorite nephew."
"... you have some of my gratitude Chronostasis. Dont let the old man know about this, he would never stop talking about it. We need the money and the respect we need."
"Got it."
"And dont call my son your nephew. Is disgusting." He spoke while exiting the office as Kurono snorted.
"I am his godfather though."
He sighed as he hot upstairs and found Kan with equal sad and depressed eyes as his starting at a frame he held with his tiny fingers.
"Kan." The kid gasped and put the frame back and bowed to his father with a sniffle "... come on. I guess, both of us could use some rest."
Kan simply nodded and followed his father but was surprised to see Kai picked him up and brought him to sleep by his side.
He felt something stiring on his side and saw his son leaving the bed.
"Bathroom." Kan muttered as Kai nodded and got up only to stop at hearing "No da. I go, you sleep."
This kid reminded him so much of you with this goddamn kindness.
He waited a few minutes until he got up and followed the kid, enough to not make a appearance and give his son some confidence but he still had only two years.
... or maybe he just didn't felt like leaving his son alone.
But just as he entered the hall he felt something hitting the back of his head hard enough to make him fall face plant on the ground.
"Restrains his hands! His quirk can kill you with one finger of his on your skin!" He heard a voice and immeditaly recognize one of the debtors, and also someone caging his hands on a manner he couldn't even move them.
Must be some sort of dicease.
"Now, mister sucessor." A man with a missed tooth crouched down to his level and grabbed his hair to lift his head to his eye level "We could use some of negotiating eh?"
He only glared at the man before he muffled his scream of pain when the guy slammed his face on the floor hard enough to make a bruise.
"Cooperate with us and then we will get out of here. You give the drugs and leave us with our money with a bit of yours, and no one gets hurt."
"Go.. to hell-ARGH-!" Something pierced his abdomen hard enough to blood to spill and land on the floor.
This had to happened when Chrono had to get all the guards to collect cash and Pops on a damn convention, of course.
"Wrong answer yakuza. I'm gonna make it simple for ya, where is the money you all have?"
"If you think I will give you information..." he hissed at the knife piercing more "Then you must be just as dumb as your parents on the thought of making you, you sick bastard."
His head was slammed on the ground and it was enough to break his nose... just as the guy was about to slam it again a sound of a door creaking open made his eyes snap wide open and look at the figurine with equal wide eyes and clutching the door at seeing his father layed on the ground.
"K-K..Kan...." he eyed his son in fear as sweat and hives started to appear on his skin.
"Daddy?" Kan muttered in fear and the man was smilling widely at the sign.
"Oh? He is your daddy?" Kai started to throw his body around and tried to move but only could scream at his son to run but it was to late since the guy grabbed the boy by his nape. "My, those eyes you have.. are they from your mother?"
Kan trembled as Kai shouted profanities at the man as his helper held him down.
"..Hm. I heard that your wife died man.. rough. Being a single dad and the future owner of this big hellhole you got here." The man made two of his finger fuse and form into a sharp kinda like knife and cut the cheek of the boy, making the boy flinch and whimper.
"Then let's make a deal?" He holded the kid down and aproached the object to the boy's throat. "The life of the son of the woman you loved is more worth than some couple of cash eh?" He chuckled darkly.
He was about to agree until Chrono opened the door with the eight precepts and saw the scene.
"KAN GET DOWN!" Kai manage to shout at his son the house was filled with shooting and the eight precepts attacking the subbordinates of the debtor who had held his son captive.
Chrono shot the guy who was holding him down and he quickly activated his quirk to kill the man and get up only to his eyes to widen at seeing his son being dragged down by the debtor and some other muscular guy as the kid screamed for him and kicked his legs to try to get away.
He ran out and was about to slam his hand his hand on the ground without any gloves until he heard the shout to stop and his eyes widen at seeing the man holding a grenade up and his son caged on his arm.
"One more movement and your kid gets turned into pieces along with us OVERHAUL!"
He panted in desperation and raised his hand up.
"G... Give my son back." The man laughed as his sunglasses, in the middle of the night using sunglasses what a idiot, fell down.
The sound of his laughter dissapeared when all four them heard sirens and sounds of heroes coming.
"Boss, I prefer to die than to go to jail." The muscular man mumbled as the debtor gave a little sick giggle before tilting his head at Chidaki, looking him dead in the eyes as he hugged Kan close to his chest and pulled the trigger of the grenade.
"See ya in hell, Overhaul."
"KAN-!" He shouted and ran but teh explosion made him his body slam back on the house, losing his conciousness and hearing only the buzz on his ears and the sound of.. Pops? Kurono? Calling his name as he blacked out.
He woke up with a groan and immeditaly put his hand on his face, feeling a nasty scar but then repairing it but soon widening his eyes.
"KAN!" He screamed and burst out of the room only to be found at the hospital he was starting to hyperventilate until he felt a old and familiar hand grab his shoulder.
"Kai you-"
"WHERE IS HE?!" He grabbed the man's shoulders as tears fell from hsi golden eyes "WHERE IS MY SON?!"
"Chisaki please-" the moment the elder went to speak Kai eyes dropped on a a gurney, small with a sick person dragging her to the morgue... with a tag wrapped around her wrist that looked like a child's... written his son's name on it.
"No... No. no no nO NO NO THAT IS MY SON YOU FUCKING IDIOT DONT!" he was about to kill the poor nurse until Pops grabbed onto him and made him calm down by force as the man howled like a terrible and horrendous beast.
"Kai... stop with this. We dont deal with drugs."
"Chisaki we have rules to follow. That's not how we work around here."
"Have you lost your humanity?"
... yes.
Yes he did lost it. The moment his wife and son were taken away from him...
He wasn't a human anymore.
He had one goal now, and he would make it real.
Even if it meant the yakusa, the heroes, Eri... everyone suffered just as much as he had.
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ericapooh · 3 years
Please Stay! Hawks x Fem!reader fanfic
Sorry for the long update....School work happened and writers block 😓
Anyway, thank you again for liking and reading my fanfic.
REBLOGS are very much encouraged and appreciated...😁😁😁😁
Part 23
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The room was silent for a few seconds until a sound came from someone you didn't expect.
It was almost a whisper but loud enough for you to identify who asked the question.
Wolfram was as surprised, as bewildered, and in disbelief as you are.
"What do you mean she's my daughter?"
He turned to Unubore Warui for an explanation but before he could speak one of his bodyguards tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something on his hear. After the information was relayed to him, he nodded and turned back to you totally ignoring Wolfram.
Unubore Warui:
"As much as I would love to stay here and tell you the story, but I'm afraid that we must leave."
As soon as Unubore Warui said this the double metal-door that you just came in from bursts open revealing the number 2 hero and his team along with your bestfriend.
Unubore Warui:
"How did you ...? Nevermind. Seize him and bring the girl!"
He ordered with gritted teeth and turned towards the door that was located at the back of the room followed by Richii, Wolfram and his men. One of his men automatically grabbed you by the arms, dragging you behind the Unubore's group, while the others blocked the door to prevent Keigo and his team from pursuing you.
Hearing Keigo's voice made you want to run to his side if it wasn't for the strong arms that were restraining you and you would've already used your quirk by now if it wasn't for the darn necklace.
"NO! Let me go! ..... argh!.... KEIGO! EIJIRO!"
You continued to struggle while being dragged behind the Unubore's as they made their escape. The back door opened to another dimly lit passage that you assumed served as tunnel towards the back of the estate.
No words were spoken as the men made haste in escaping. Only your continuous struggles would be heard above the foot steps that echoed from the tunnel.
It was amazing to you how, though it was only 1 man holding you, he never loosened his grip. In your mind you thought that this man might be the strongest out of them.
'If only I didn't have this stupid thing around my neck I would've knocked all of them out easy!'
"Aaargh! Let me go!..... Grrrrr!"
Unubore Warui was starting to get irritated by your whines and struggles and couldn't contain it anymore. He yelled behind his back, giving orders to the man that restrained you with his hands.
Unubore Warui:
"Just electrocute that girl if you can't keep her quiet!"
Without any hesitation the man pulled out a small black square contraption from his pocket that you surmised as the switch to electrocute you through the necklace.
Remembering the shock you felt through out your whole body when you first discovered the purpose of the necklace made you shiver and closing your eyes involuntarily, anticipating the wave of pain that is about to consume you with just a push of a button.
But instead of an electric shock you heard another man's voice as if protesting or rather giving a warning.
"Push that button and I'll finish all of you!"
His voice roared through the small passageway which froze the rest of the men where they stood.
The elder Unubore couldn't believe that this man dared to defy him. Who does he think he is? Did he forget who was the reason he wasn't locked up? The Audacity of this man!
Yet Wolfram didn't seem to care who he was talking to.
It was the younger Unubore who expressed his offense by Wolframs defiance.
"What did you say? You insolent fool. How dare you - "
But before he could finish his sentence his father put his arm out to stop him.
You kept your eyes closed in anticipation during this short exchange between the Unubore's and Wolfram.
Upon opening them you saw him glare at the elder Unubore's, who were obviously taken aback and equally frigthened by what he said and at the man who understood enough to put the contraption back inside his pocket.
Given the social status of the Unubore's and their control over their employees, you'd think that the words of a convict like him would actually threaten them. However, they knew enough not to get on Wolfram's bad side. Which is why Warui didn't respond to his threat and just kept quiet.
Their reaction confused you. Why do they seem afraid of this man, Wolfram?
The dread in Unubore Warui's eyes didn't escape you as you looked from this old man to the man holding you. It seems like these people know what would happen if they cross Wolfram.
'I thought this old fart was powerful? How could a convict like Wolfram scare him?'
You finally turned your eyes toward the man in the white coat and what you saw on his face shocked you. Judging by the reaction on the Unubore's and his men's faces, you did not expect to see the expression on Wolframs face when he turned to you.
Was it affection?
From where you stand, how he looked at you reminded you something.
But why?
Was he threatened?
No. He couldn't be. He was the one doing the threatening.
So, what is it?  Then, you were in disbelief when you recognize the look in his eyes.
It reminded you of an animal bearing its fangs, ready to put it's life on the line.
It was the same look any animal would have when protecting their young. Funnily enough, it reminded you of how Aizawa sensei looked when villains attacked USJ.
You remembered it vividly in your head. Aizawa sensei not caring whether he would lose a limb or his life just to protect you and your classmates.
'But why? Why would he - ?'
Unubore Waruis' words earlier rang through your head.
'No way. It can't be. I couldn't be his - '
'But how? I already have mom and dad and Keigo .... Their my family'
You wanted to shout but couldn't.
'It's impossible. This can't be happening. He can't be ... my real father?!'
Wow! This new chapter is long overdue....sorry about that 😓😓😓😓
But thank you very much for giving this story a read.
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 1
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Inside an apartment in the middle of NYC, a gigantic polar bear humanoid got inside a totally pink and feminine room, only to find it full of boxes, and with no one inside it.
"C-CAPTAIN! YOUR DAUGHTER VANISHED AGAIN!!!" Bepo, the gigantic humanoid polar bear, shouted running around the penthouse until he found Law on his office. "Captain!! Your daughter-!"
"I heard you the first time Bepo!" Law, a pro hero and a surgeon, shouted to him, his tattooed hand holding a cup of hot coffee "She didn't 'vanished again' I send her to get my last documents from the hospital" he drank his coffee in one go and went back to dismounting his computer.
"B-but! Do you really think that is a good idea to let her go alone!!? It's 3AM!!!" Bepo shouted while flailing his arms around.
"I- DO YOU THINK I AM SOME KIND OF IDIOT TO GO SEND MY OWN DAUGHTER AT 3AM ALONE IN NEW YORK!?" The Death Surgeon looked pissed at his best friend, but regret it when he saw Bepo making 'the face'. "STOP ACTING CUTE!"
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The doctor huffed and scratched his chin "I send her with Penguin and Shachi, don't need to worry, now go back to packing" he turned around and went back to dismounting.
"If you send Shachi and Penguin, why send her too? Dondon-chan was almost done packing her room" Bepo went to the bookshelf and started packing the books.
"Only me, and my family members can take my patient's information, it would be useless to send them, to do something that they won't be able too... besides... she needs to get some fresh air... Moving across the world and away from her friend is probably taking a tool on her."
"W-what!? But she is totally normal and smiling saying that she will be able to make a lot of friends there and how she can't wait to decor her new room and-!"
"BEPO!" the polar bear looked at his captain surprised by the aggressiveness of his voice. "She's trying to be positive... she doesn't want to leave, but she knows that it's useless to ask me to stay"
Even with his back turned Bepo knew that his captain was sad about having to move. "Can't we stay? Why do we have to go back, I still don't understand"
Law sighed "I know it was sudden, and I too would prefer to stay, but... we can't... that bitch-" he sighed again and rubbed his hand on his face "her mother wants this apartment, and she already got the judge to make me give her my house! And my CAR! AND MY SUMMER HOUSE! I JUST-!" The surgeon buried his face on his hands.
Bepo waited patiently for his boss to calm down.
"I don't have a choice, Bepo WE don't have a choice, her mother got everything she wanted from me, even a damn allowance for god's sake!" Law went back to dismounting the computer to have something to do with his hands.
"Rocinante-sama said that you agreed to all of that, so why are you upset?"
"I didn't have a choice Bepo! If I didn't agree to all of that she would get my damn daughter! And I would never see her again! That bitch of a woman would abuse Y/n-chan without a second thought to try and get back at me!" Law got up and started passing back and forth on the office "And before you ask about 'how do I know that' I know because that's the reason I'm getting a damn divorce! That- that woman assaulted my daughter for years without me knowing!! She knew that I would do anything for our child, and she took advantage of that" huffing he finally settles down on his office chair that still needs to be dismounted "she got more than half of my salary, my 3 houses, my boat, my investments, I gave her everything, and if she asked for more I would gladly give her more, if it meant to have my daughter with me, I would even stop being a hero"
Bepo smiled at him "But what will we do when we get to Japan? It's been so long..."
"We will go our separated ways, my daughter and I will live with my father for the time being, I will need to search for a new hospital to work, and a school for her, another hero agency, and- argh! OMG! so much to do" he scratches his head and notices his every day polka dotted hat wasn't with him "What-? Where?" He looks around and doesn't see it.
"DAD! WE ARE BACK" you run to the office while holding no boxes, and a familiar polka dotted white hat on your head.
Law huff and gives his daughter a small smile "Give me back my hat"
"Here" you kiss his forehead and put his hat on his head
"By the way... where are my boxes?" He looks at your empty hands.
"Shachi and Penguin put it on the living room"
Bepo gives you two a side glance and notices Law signaling for him to get out "I will go help them!"
You wave at him and Bepo closes the door behind him, leaving the two of you alone.
"Y/n... we need to talk" Your father got up, towering over you, but he sat down on the floor and patted the floor besides him.
You sit beside him "Is there anything left to talk about the divorce?"
He shook his head "it's about the changes that will happen on our life from now on"
You nod and lays your head on his lap, he pets your hair with care and keep talking "As I have told you before, our lifestyle will change drastically, since your mother has more than half of my salary and the money from my bank account, we will have to live with my dad for some time."
Your eyes shine at the mention of your grandfather "WE WILL LIVE WITH GRANDPA ROCI!!!?"
Law chuckles and nods "For about a year, so that I can get on my feet and be able to afford the living expenses, you will be homeschooled until the end of this year, and then we will see what we do about your school"
You look up at him and frown. "I'm scared"
He's grey eyes meet your eyes, Law is surprised, you hardly express yourself, or tell anyone what you are thinking. "And why's that Y/n-chan?"
"I saw on the news that the number of crimes committed are higher in Tokyo than it is in New York... I want to learn how to protect myself...please"
The surgeon nods agreeing "You will need to defend yourself, I will get in contact with Whitebeard and see if one of his sons can help you with training."
"I hope it's Sabo or Marco! They are the best teachers on the Whitebeard family!" You give your father a big smile.
He smiles back and looks at your arms and legs "Are you feeling any pain? I know you don't need the crutch anymore, but if you are in any pain I-"
You stop his rambling by patting his cheek softly "I know dad, I'm fine, really, after we got out of the hospital I'm better"
He sighs relieved "Okay, but know that-"
"If I need anything or feel any type of pain I can come to you straight away, I know dad."
He huffs and nods "Now go back to packing, don't forget to name the boxes, the delivery company will get our things in one hour, and our flight is in 5 hours, take a shower and make sure your favorite clothes are on your bags and not on the boxes, and-"
"DAD! If you keep going we won't have time to finish everything!" You get up and pouts at him
"Okay okay! Go do your things" you hear him chuckling as you walk away.
. . . . . . ...................... The end of the next chapter has the visuals of the characters
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