skinmite · 11 months
frenchie and wee john: blowing stuff up together <3 and they were roommates. the most domestic designing their house together. oh room people smiling n having fun. automatically going “that grants me roommate status” interesting. speak on that. being a cat and witch together. cheers me dears. did 100%
frenchie and roach: extremely extremely fun. i cant get enough has me smiling rn. having an excellent chaotic time. one loves to cook one loves to eat :) frenchies always comforting himself with food. roach comforts others with food. cute sweet weirdos love hanging out and talking abt magic. “the moment you left frenchie got hideous sores all over his beautiful body! D:” love that. interesting. all over you say. did 100%
frenchie and oluwande: oh i love you party episode. $cammin’. i love their sense of humor and how they get along so easily . theyre in perfect sync easily and smoothly pulling off their fuckery. but smoothly kicked him out of the special “roommate bonding time” :/ tragic. sadly maybe didnt realistically w/ olu focused on jim at the time but also frenchie called him babe….. can i hope….. should.
frenchie and ed: ed seemed to always like him. frenchies natural charisma. invited him to the party. keeping him on the crew to sew even though All of them know how to sew by now lbr. making him first mate. things are fucked atm though 😔 really loved seeing him on that table. hes half terrified half into it
frenchie and izzy: fascinating. trauma bonded is an understatement. love how frenchie and fang both got closer to izzy now. actually lets them touch him. frenchies holding his hand and resting his head on izzys thigh woo. casual. sweet n comforting. frenchie & fang are both so calm….. that much peace in a room can heal the angriest little fecker. did between seasons. will.
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automatayaoi · 1 year
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*throws a dozen dress up clowns at your head* Character design!!! murder puppet apologism!!! chemicals turning frogs gay!!! its kero kero time!!!! i dont know how to type up a real bio so im just throwing tidbits fullspeed at your window and also partially me spitballing speghetti against the wall
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✨ their name is kero pierrot ofc, and they are a funny little frog clown married to arlequino hehe. keeping with the theme of commedia dell'arte their name is based off the character of the pierrot (and it's also a pun on keroppi since theyre my favorite sanrio character waha)
✨ the Pierrot was a tragic and lovesick figure, portrayed as naïve but endearing, often hiding their true feelings behind their jokes, and was a popular choice for romantic artists
✨ kero is a widdle bit fucked up in the brain zone but its FIIINE just slap a coat of face paint on there and ur good 8) Do not perceive the crushing mental illness behind the curtain
✨ grew up in america ofc, came to japan for reasons that turned out to be highly fallible (they maybe trust people a little too easily), refuses 2 talk abt this, they are however lacking in places to stay and money to spend so start of everything theyre Struggling A Little
✨ at this point they arent even kero really just Person...pathetic sopping wet frog you find under a rock. they had a special interest in clownery but always sort of put those kinds of thoughts to the side as more of a silly daydream than a goal they could achieve
✨ a clown without its nose have you ever seen anything so sad
✨ they first see masaru and the rest of the nakamichi circus when they saw them perform their street show (starting here), they just happened to be in the park at the time, and it's honestly the first time kero has felt happy since they Arrived in japan
✨ magic of the circus
✨ they spend the next few weeks going to the park and sorta following the nakamichi circus around to see more of their street shows, they don't really have much else to do anyway, they might as well spend some time having fun watching a circus act
✨ they attend so many that they actually start getting recognized by some of the circus members, especially masaru and shirogane since theyre very Perceptive. not a lot of details on those thoughts currently but masaru probably does his Main Protag/Therapist thing and gets to know kero
✨ BUT the way they actually join the nakamichi circus is during the performers meetup (starting here), kero goes to see their show again, but then things start Going Very Wrong and masaru's left by himself with no one to perform with. Little guy problems
✨ they've seen how much masaru and the others have been working and struggling in the past weeks, improving their street show, their cooperation with each other, and even if masaru hadn't talked to them they couldn't stand seeing something that made them so happy go down in flames like this
✨ SO! they hop in with vilma naota and mitsuushi to save the act! they don't have circus training like them so they can't do any fancy acts, but kero knows how to improv and roll with the punches, so they play off of the others as second zanni to liven up the show
✨ after that, i think they'd try to slip away quietly (kind of cant believe they did that) but masaru goes after them and asks them to join the circus!
✨ he knows that they wanted to be a clown, and even without formal training, he thinks having a western style clown will help the nakamichi circus stand out from the crowd! (also a call back to this moment in the manga when they went to see the straw circus)
✨ this is when they actually introduce themselves as Kero Pierrot to the others. there is no other name only Clown
✨ this has been a lot of masaru talk so far sorry he's my little buddy inflicted with main character disease. also i dont get a chance to meet my husband until like chapter 380 so i gotta be doin smth in the mean time
✨ from here on, kero sticks with the nakamichi circus as their new home :) they already knew a lot about clowning, but they really throw themselves into studying it as best they can (usually by spending hours at a library computer since most don't really have a textbook on clowns) and also training with the other members to sorta expand their repertoire. they get a lot better at the classic clown skills, your juggling, your balloon animals, what have you, BUT they also start to learn the cyr wheel!
✨ kero and masaru bond over doing circus training together. i give him a little noogie.
✨ they become pretty close with ryouko and lise too !! i jus love all my circus family i get them to play board games with me
✨ Peaceful Life (Until Its Not)
✨ this post as already gotten so long (and also i wanna reread some parts of the manga to refresh my mindself) so at some point i will expand on kero's feelings irt masaru running away and narumi joining nakamichi circus, but theres a couple other important points i want to make :V
✨ kero sorta takes a back seat with the rest of the nakamichi gang until they show up at kuroga village
✨ Specifically they join lise heima and ryouko in going to mont-saint-michel to follow masaru (they are NOT!!! letting these children go off on their own to fight!!!!)
💕 this is when they meet arlequino hehe 💕
✨ they stay by ryouko's side while they fucking Book It form the shirogane-o, and that's when they run into arle
💕 sorry ryouko but I'M the one who smiles at him 💕
✨ i should make a separate post of the manga panels i'm def in. and/or rewrite the scene as a fic which i might do at some point but just wait
💕 anyway this post is long enough so all you have to know is we get married and now hes my malewife Arlequino Pierrot 💕
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💕 tagging my karakuri buddies @dissonantyote @lameassboyfriend (i hope dats oke)
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fishtails-nat1 · 1 year
grading double life ships, shipnames, if any, added in brackets.
Ma'el/Pall'or (cultduo, sometimes maellor) the classic, they had chemistry day one. honestly not much more to say other than the fact that the players are on their hands and knees to stop the slowburn and let them fuck. bonus points for the intersting backstory weaving. 10/10
Eiwn/Miym very well done friendship to tragic love. the chemistry these two have is off the walls, like why are pep and cerin so good at doing these friends to lovers ships. the tragic family aspect and cool gods backstory stuff provides a really interesting dynamic. 10/10 i like the poem
RD/Alastrelle (no common tagname, but adding in one ive seen; "winnerduo" cause its funny as fuck) I didn't used to see it cause they had a slight roughness to their alliance but when alastrelle started getting darker vibes? ok yeah this is some cool corruption shit. RD has nothing to hold them back anymore either. i hope they win and kiss about it. 10/10
Luck/Lilly (tigerlilly, luckian) I think this one is actually just canon aside from pairing stuff? or its luck pining a lot, whatever. it's... it's hard to actually judge this one because pep can't actually play out them talking to one another, but y'know what yeah i like the vibes. me and my girlwife who hates people. me and my malewife who trips over roots. 8/10
RD/Pall'or why is their friends with benefits energy off the CHARTS holy shit. RD has plans to kill him but the enemies to lovers energy could be fucking insane??? they have multiple plans to fuck?? the fact that pall'or knows every inch of their body?? 10/10 keeps that inappropriate workplace relationship going
RD/Eiwn they work really well as the weirdgirl/jockboy so I think it's pretty funny. yeah we gay keep scrolling! not a lot of substance anymore and tbh i've seen a lot of angst breakup fics following the latest events so.... yeah.... 6/10
Alastrelle/Luck from what I've seen, all the fics are entirely about the single conversation they've had. There's some further chemistry to be explored, but for now, I don't really see it. 4/10
Pall'or/Alastrelle the starboys... the lovers under the moon... I think they can be so wonderful or horrible for each other. i dont know why im saying this but hannigrm kind of. 7/10
Pall'or/Lilly HOOOOO boy theres a lot to be said when most of the fics under this are hurt no comfort and one-sided relationship. cool job speculating what the fuck happened between these guys. 9/10 because pallor would actually do that yeah
RD/Luck ok yeah again with the pathetic malewife who trips over roots and the cool strong one. I think the fact that RD does actually like luck feeds into this, it's pretty strong actually. 9/10
Pall'or/Luck ok half these noncanon ships involve them so its abt time! i don't have anything to add i just agree. 9/10 because they have yet to flirt in an insane way
Luciano/Cle'av i've seen some age discourse around this so no hate please im just doing rankings. we all love a consentual workplace relationship, especially on the dating death game show. 7/10
Ma'el/Luck once again dont mention the discourse pleaseeee luck said "oh i guess we're not then" in the same sentance after bringing up being related. yeah i think a dog and a cat can be lovers, if they try hard enough. more than anything i like the fact that theyre streetsmart vs booksmart vibe that pall and mael have too. 9/10
RD/Eiwn/Alastrelle polycule is always a win. i have small hope they'll meetup again to do more stuff like the bear bit, buttttt things arent going good. i miss these three 10/10
Ma'el/Pall'or/Luck ive said all that ive needed to say. 10/10
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song-tam · 1 year
i made several notes during this time, enjoy:
[when neil goes into the bathroom pukes about signing onto the team and apologizes to his dead mom] "oh. fuck me i am emotionally attached now ig"
[on description of neil's last moments w his mom] "OH. OKAY" (pikachu face at the angst)
[kevin freaks out & andrew talks him down the first time] "INCH RESTING" (what the fuck what the fuck what the fu)
[the??????? taking out contacts scene??????] "ah i am sensing a hint of romantic tension"
"me when some dude who is in his fifties calls me a fucking idiot and tells me to call people next time and stop trying to do everything alone even though it is a knee jerk instinct. also what the fuck (in tears)"
[upon neil speaking in german to andrew for the first time] "LMAO" [upon The Conversation and the "Whatever this look was, it was dark and intense enough to swallow Neil whole."] "LMAO WHAT THE FUCK"
no notes but highlighted these two lines wordlessly: "Are you stupid?" Seth asked. / "Yeah," Neil said.
[on random moment where aaron and nicky are fighting or something and then they all go dude shut the fuck up and then seth just, CALLS NICKY A FAGGOT AND LEAVES?] "i am fucjing crying"
[THE FUCKING?????????????? CLOCKING BETSY AS OCD HCJWHCJFHFJDHKFNDNDJFLSHCMWNFKBXMAJDKAJFBSKJDKSJFJ??????????????] i dont have any commentary this is what i did though i laughed so hard i knocked my yarn off my bed
"ok what the hell kind of a loser team is this why are they not playing on CRAPPY TARMAC why the fuck do they have a HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR COURT"
my guy slighting renee like ten times "oooh the cross necklace and smiles ooh she must be innocent and not know what gang violence is or have any otherwise tragic backstory whatsoever because she is christian and has a positive disposition" staring directly at my entire family
im gonna go through and repsond to these in order hold on
OKAY YEAH emotional attachment to neil josten is unavoidable. theres just something about him. like you cant not be obsessed w this man its impossible
REAL AND TRUE oh god theyre sooooooo complicated i love
kevin and andrew. have real tension going on ill be real. like whats happening there??? insane
romantic tension. does it ever go past that. well youll see wont you
OH MY GOD THAT SCENE!!!!!!!!! wymack is SUCH a dad and i am sososoososo obsessed with him hes their coach hes their father figure he gives a shit abt them im soo not normal
god yeah no theyre so. like whats happening there miss nora. what were you thinking. why is he a wattpad bad boy
seth and neil. theyre. interesting
BETSY !!!!!!!!!! but yeah the whole neil & betsy dynamic is an intersting one i wish i could say it gets better and it. slightly does but only slightly
did i mention i love tfc. anyway
NO LEGIT like renee is so terrifying shes like a silent killer i would not trust her at all in a game of mafia also i think the foxes should play mafia together that would be fun
ANYWAY!!!! glad youre enjoying the next two are even more of a doozy so thatll be fun <3
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dyketubbo · 2 years
/rp for all of this . i think c!sapnap and c!tubbo shouldve had a chance to be friends again. like c!eret is always attributed as the one who took tubbos first life but sapnap was the one to Actually do it and they still have like. tension with each other like sapnap kept messing with michael and insulted tubbo during the tour with tina when looking over lmanburg meanwhile tubbo seems to be like. unaware of sapnaps distaste towards him? and i think tubbo probably still misses when he was just fucking around with sapnap but then they grew apart especially throughout tubbos presidency
and its so tragic because a good chunk of why sapnap went against dream is because of how he treated tommy so idk itd be sweet if he offered that same protection to tubbo but at the same time theres something really interesting in how sapnap and tubbo used to be good friends but tubbo just kept being on opposing sides even though he certainly does appreciate? sapnap in some wayand i think sapnap internalized that in some sort of way because while tommy always felt the need to apologize tubbo didnt because like. he didnt have any reason to. either he was being hurt by sapnap or his harmful actions werent directed to sapnap so he doesnt think sapnap would have any true ill will towards him especially after the disc finale
and yet imo i think theyre the two characters that make the most sense to kill dream? tommy is out because i think him separating himself from dream is like.. Important. this post isnt abt that ill talk about that another time. characters like eret and wilbur are out bc i think its important to their stories for them to Not take someones final life even as a moment of redemption. george could be a contender but i think dream being dead breaking him out of his dissociative stupor would have to be like. through him Not doing it because he already dreamed about doing so? and i think sam and quackity need to like. heal. and killing dream would boost their beliefs that theyre in the right too much. techno phil and niki are out bc i dont want techno to have a Big Cool moment of taking out the Big Bad, phil doesnt care enough about dream, and niki for similar reasons as sam and quackity. and i cant think of anyone else who it would be like. a reasonable story beat. except maybe jack or punz i think if jack did it itd be funny BUT STILL
sooo much of tubbo and sapnaps relationships with dream is like. him just not taking them seriously. tubbos a pawn to him sapnap is practically nothing more than a dog by his side and either of them killing him is like.. a final fuck you. breaking the game. and itd be really interesting if they teamed up to do it but their relationship isnt really like that in canon. missed opportunity imo like sapnap was a factor into the dominos that led to michael getting kidnapped he stole the nightmare set (to get it away from dream, but still) i think hes genuinely one of the few who may actually believe a part of lmanburg falling was because of tubbos presidency he was on dreams side for a good while he was the first person to take a life and it was tubbos. sapnap wishes he were apart of lmanburg to the point of counting himself as a citizen despite everything. tubbo believed his purpose in life was lmanburg. but sapnap sort of just keeps slighting tubbo and tubbo barely even notices and i think they just deserve a chance to talk. i think theyd have a lot to talk about
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nr1roagfan · 2 years
possible kriseis (choose your fighter)
how i see different krisei - can be seen as romantic too, idc - dynamics (in conditions of kris not managing to control, ralsei knowing more than we think and sending us to see susie not to prove some point, related to her, but to talk to kris)
type 1 - googley moogley its all gone to shit
ralsei is very loyal to prophecy, considers player a godlike being and doesnt see any reason to complain of being possessed, so he doesnt like kris going off-track in general. kris views him as a lost cause but doesnt say anything
but then player goes for the weird route or decides to make roaring happen aaaand all ralsei's morals and beliefs get crushed. kris isnt surprised, ofc. the point is ralsei starting to validate others and himself as well as the "higher beings" or whatever. and so on kris tries their best to forgive him and give 'im a chance to be a better person. like to think this happens during the end of the world so its pretty tragic cuz theyd be awesome together if they had more time. but the only thing that forms between them in that short amount of time is some kind of special bond and mutual understanding. trauma buddies, if you will. love it for the angst potential, the cute boi not being perfect and kris showing their own desire to give chances
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next oneeeeeee
type 2 - "inspiration for living"type romance(?)
kris doesnt like ralsei quote unquote cant stand his fake ass. ralsei pretty much convinces player there's nothin to worry abt and waits for his turn to talk to the actual kris patiently. he understands that an unpleased god is a threat and plays along but still thinks that kris deserves better and encourages them in showing their own way of doing things. he reassures them everyone sees their personality glowing through and that theyre capable of leadership in it all. kris appreciates it cuz yk. hits right in the middle and the thought of it brings them comfort. ralsei is happy to watch kris grow and overcome their fears/problems, make new friends, figure out their relationships and just become their own person in general. also im sure kris isnt pleased with ralsei only thinking of others so they try their best to make him feel worthy. it takes time, but eventually he believes it. then something bad happens probably. idk idc up to you but i have a feeling healthy relationships never last long if youre a trans magical goat boy and a blue hair and pronouns teenage jokester
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type three - do mi ti why not me
yeah, you guessed it. angst potential
very short. ralsei's genuinely in love and admiration with player and kris gets used to it with time. theyre annoyed at first but theyve never seen such attachment shown towards them (not them actually but you get it) and when they realise it, theyre rlly sad. there isnt any ending to it, thats just how things are. maybe when the main fountain will be sealed theyll miss him. i dont know
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kris is suspicious and curious of ralsei, asks him what's his deal, but ralsei doesnt fucking know himself. he pretty much does what he's told because of lack of alternatives. he's weird in spamtype situations because he's lacking social experience and doesnt know how to deal with trauma. kris recalls the feeling of not being the one in control and relates to ralsei being tired of everyone's shit too so they like. ptsd solidarity (not actually, ptsd is very different but i dont wanna repeat trauma buddies i mean)
i find not-giving a shit ralsei funny for some reason and the concept is interesting in general
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well that's it for now, dear folovers and krisei fans. ill probably post the illustrations separately too. sharing appreciated! have a nice one.
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thoughts on the bcs 6B premiere!! spoilers under the cut. like major spoilers its not hiding anything
so holy shit .
this post is rlly just for me! idc if someone else reads it this is so i can discuss somewhere public without spoiling someone
so first off the music was genuinely perfect for every. single. scene. kim driving to gus' house was so good, every scene with lalo had music that suited him so well which is something the show has always been good at, the song when they bury howards body was... such a perfect piece to encapsulate the feelings his death evokes. its beautiful but it also has that touch of somberness to really show just how tragic it is we lost him. plus they buried him with his fuckign MURDERER.. THE WAY they were laying together was so interesting..idk if it was intentional but i loved how they looked
lalo was so intimidating and showed his smarts in this episode like always but fuck. he made possibly his first ever mistake in his ENTIRE run on the show which is incredible! lalo has been so calculated up until his final scene and thats so fitting for him. one smalllllll mistake lead to his demise
speaking of his demise. i loved his death scene. also super fitting
i feel kinda fucked up considering hes responsible for like all my fav characters deaths (even nachos to an extent) but im so sad to see lalo go. im one of those ppl who always hoped he would survive in the end lol. i really really loved his death. i saw someone call it boring but tbh i think there wasnt a better way to send him off. in silence, in the dark, choking on his own blood and with a shit eating grin on his face. he was smug even as he was bested by someone for the smallest mistake on his part. i think some part of him was proud of gus. he recognizes hes won this. THE WINNER TAKES IT ALLLLL
oh and the spotlight on his shoes. for all the girlies who love his dumb fucking shoes YOU GOT FAN SERVICE
love how the episode took place all in one night! also everyone on this GOD DAMN CAST AND CREW better get their well deserved emmys.
i feel like i have more to say but idk.
lalos vlog channel is fucking amazing
i liked how when jimmy knocks the chair over him and howard are in a yin and yang position. theres both good and evil in the both of them, its just that each leans more towards another.
love how lyle was singing a los pollos hermanos version of la cucaracha after lalos death scene! amazing way to both call back to LALO calling jimmy a cockroach and to remind us that jimmy survives every single thing that comes his way, somehow. love mike using his "thats all i know" lie for the first time. love that kim and jimmys twisted fucking lie abt howard currently using cocaine is now going to haunt them for life. they have to paint his final moments as an unhinged addict who killed himself shortly after harrassing them for Totally Doing Nothing Officer!!!! /s they are fucked up and they can never and SHOULD never forgive themselves.
not fully sure who will take that villain role now! first it was the kettlemans, then nacho in a WAY (but we always had sympathy imo) then hector, then lalo and now... who next? maybe its that new character theyve talked abt but its gonna be hard to fill lalos turquoise shoes.
starting to think the south wall was a red herring! maybe it isnt but thats my thoughts because lalo put so much emphasis on it and now hes gone. dead without the one question he couldnt answer lingering in his mind. he saw the lab and still didnt know what the south wall was for. maybe it really is for nothing.
itll be so fucked to watch brba now and know theyre walking over the rotted corpses of lalo and howard, people who will be lost to time and soon forgotten by the masses. i think the final plotline will be watching hhm collapse without its h and m
okay i think thats all my thoughts. have a wonderful night friends!
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thejugheadparadox · 4 years
ok i talked abt rossetti + elizabeth siddal’s self portrait as part of my art history final 2 years ago and i am dying to know about christina. please
CHRISTINA ROSSETTI!!! i honestly barely knew anything about the portrait before seeing that post i would love to know more. i am so fascinated by christina georgina rossetti born 1830 died 1894, so she’s like ridiculously quintessentially victorian, she basically never knew another monarch. when she was a child she was angry and had a lot of tantrums, her and her brother the painter one dante gabriel were know as the two storms whilst their others siblings maria and william were known as the two calms (suuch classic irritating twee victorian fake middle class art family shit but i find it faintly endearing). she dropped out of school at the age of 14 due to a religious breakdown, and never went back. during and after that she was really fixated on christianity especially anglo-catholicism and its very specific doctrines. she was REALLY into it in a way the rest of her family werent (except her sister who became a nun i guess). she’d been writing poetry since she was very young, cus she’s from this eccentric art dynasty they played writing games as kids and shit - her maternal uncle was john william polidori who wrote the first published vampire story and was lord byrons doctor if that rings any bells? that relation specifically is sooo interesting to me bc its about legacy and who you are remembered as and whether youre noticed and also maybe youre gay? yk. i love it. 
ANYWAYS. she was so into religion that it stopped her getting married twice. she was engaged to the prb painter james collinson for a bit but broke it off bc he reverted to roman catholicism and she couldnt be doing w that shit. she later got engaged to charles cayley and also broke that off for religious reasons! Or At Least Thats What They Say. she also turned down a possible proposal (ppl dont know if he proposed and the whole affair is a guess) from john brett, which she wrote a fun mean poem about called no thank you john. anyway she never married and she pursued lots of Things but none of them really went anywhere, she wanted to be a nurse w florence nightingale in the crimean war but got rejected, she worked with “fallen women” in her 30s and 40s. shes not one of those tragic figures who never knew fame while they were alive tho, she was pretty successful and released multiple collections. she was publicly antifeminist and declined to sign petitions in support of womens suffrage but wrote this one unpublished poem called from the antique that explicitly expresses her dissatisfaction with her limited life as a woman. 
she got ill lots, as is classic for old timey lady poets, like emily dickinson style. she got depressed lots and after her dad died her family didnt have much money. she wrote a lot about inadequacy, as a woman and as a person and most often as a servant of god (every fucking poem ends up about jesus i swear to god it gets annoying). her brother was more successful and her sister was more devout and she never seemed to get the things she wanted and she never really had any friends, especially female ones. almost every time she was published, it was by her brother, william michael, who also published her works en masse after she died, and we have explicit sources showing both her brothers would tell her not to publish poetry they deemed out of character or unwomanly. i dont mean to entirely demonise them as the Bad Guys of the story but i find it very.... interesting that when u look at her poetry that is available but not officially published there are both feminist poems and a couple of pieces that coiuld be interpreted as love poems towards women. there are (admittedly pretty unfounded as far as i can tell) theories that even more of them existed and were destroyed, but i should say we DO know that there are missing poems and destroyed scraps that pique ones interest i will say!
ive read her collected family letters and what stood out to me is HOW ridiculously fucking boring they are. i think theyre hiding something.. i am fascinated by all of it. she interests me. i have some kind of parasocial relationship with her and i feel like her work is SO easy to translate to modern day and what ppl our age are writing about like she wrote what is essentially lonely notes app poetry about religious guilt and sexual repression and hating herself like. god i sound like those ppl who say dantes inferno is fanfic but i think about it a lot and i think about her a lot and i would recommend a lot of her poetry... if anyone wants specific recs do ask. to me its a story about hiding and repression and wanting to be good. jesus christ okay u did not ask for this but youre getting it. you made me start thinking about her again this is on you. 
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
FELIX BI ANON HERE AND I AM ABSOLUTELY ROLLING your reaction made me laugh way too hard omg. ok if you'd been a stay for a while it's an ongoing gag that every australian knows a guy who knows a guy who knows felix. we dont know if Half the shit is true or not (i have some... Very Interesting claims i've heard, but never directly from the people who knew him themselves... i do believe them tho, knowing him and his predebut pics lmAOOo) but like just abt every aussie stay knows someone at this point, so yeah it Is just your average tuesday here LMAO
abt me meeting him, it was when they came here to australia! i went to their concert and got vip tickets so we got to do the high-touch at the end, but it all happened so fast its kinda blurry. its like my brain just Cant Comprehend the beauty of those fine ass men up close so its just. a muddled blur. but it was hands down one of the best nights of my life, i managed to make our lixie laugh at the Dumbest joke known to man (dont ask im embarrassed) but its been two years and my soul hasnt returned to my body yet. that man's laugh? i want it tattooed inside my eardrums, please and thanks.
I DO NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME REMEMBER HOW THEY SMELLED IM SORRY my nose is Very Bad i cannot smell things unless theyre like 2cm away from my nose and the whole arena kinda just smelled like sweat bc they set up the hi touch where the mosh pit was beforehand. i will give the insider stay knowledge tho that chris's cologne i believe is called eros or some shit? idr but ik its like $80 and according to the ppl whove sampled it, smells like "liquid heterosexuality." ill have to dig if u want me to find the exact cologne. ON THE OTHER HAND MINHO USES STRAIGHT UP FUCKING FEBREEZE which honestly just says plenty abt those two.
god i talk a lot i dont apologise tho bc theres more where that came from. anyway ur mum calling skz "our boys" is so precious and its hilarious that she roasts you like that LOL but pls. there are no bootleg felixs or chans to be found here. they were one of a kind, aussie blokes are... something else, in the most neutral sense of the word. either they're off the shits completely but its funny and theyre always down for a drink and a chat, or they WILL make you want to commit homicide but i suppose thats just men in general. they dont make men like chanlix no more and im upset abt it!! i aint living no fantasy i just went to [1] concert and my dumb ass bitch ass pea brain ass crusty motherfucker ass of a mind can barely remember. its tragic. im just waiting for them to come back for a take 2.
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FIRST OF ALL BESTIE IF YOU DONT SPILL THOSE QUESTIONABLE LOCAL FELIX RUMORS...... like I need to know if any of my personal crackhead thoughts and impressions regarding The Felix™ are represented. Esp because I feel like every aussie bitch ever I ever encountered is the funniest bitch I ever met without even trying, like funny in a way I can't even put into words, yall just talk and I LIVE for it, I don't even need to know half of what the fuck yall talkin bout or get any of the references, I'm living from start to finish
Also I literally CRY thinking of Chan wearing Eros because I s2g at my last job I used to go downstairs to the men's cologne counter just to waste time and stare at the Resident Hot Lesbian and BRUHHHH...... All Versace scents are questionable cause they all smell like the morning after a Hot Girl Summer type excursion, that one night stand walk of shame didn't even make him wear a rubber type beat, you know? 😂 And Eros is very much That™ so like thinking of Chan wearing it is just like HOLD ON... WHEN DID THIS BECOME A WHORE HOUSE jduehajshdjajshdjsjsge 🤣 NO SHADE NO SHADE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The REAL shade of it all is that my motha even daring to make that comment is just... So pointed, because she KNOWS that even with the most busted, crusted, dusted, bootleg dreamworks DVD in a cracked jewel case type of knockoff counterfeit "if you squint real hard there's a resemblance I swear" type Bang Chan impersonator, the closest I could EVA get is thrown his discombobulated ass in the trunk of my car after giving him a throat-chop to discombobulate him, she KNOWS this, so it was RUUUUUUDE 😭😭😭
And but like I deadass live solely for the rare lil glimpse of the boys un-whitewashed..... It is my brains whole ass source of both dopamine and seratonin.......... they are obvi gorgeous literally any way but when you get to see their real skintones irl, melanin checked in and present, ugh it's just like (incomprehensible screeching) you know? They're literally perfect as is. I know it's a way more complicated issue than I could even begin to try to understand and I won't even attempt to speak on it, but sometimes I'm sad at how whitewashed they are in a lot of photos cause it's just like, you can't improve perfection, in my eyes at least, you know? Like the Cleo promos I just wanted to hurl a bottle of Lancome waterproof makeup remover like it was a molotov cocktail 😭 and the way they CLEARLY tried to contour Chan's nose to make it thinner n shit, oh bitch I was HEATED, I was like LEAVE HIS NOSE TF ALONE???? ITS LITERALLY PERFECT???? He doesn't need to have a thin crispy lil eurocentric button nose to be beautiful, god fuckin damn, leave that man be. They do look hellllllaaaaaaaaa pretty in every makeup look tho 😳 Ive been saying since my scene kid days, if men learned how to do makeup and have fun w it and respect it as an art form maybe they'd get more of the attention they want from women 🙊 OH and I absolutely fucking died when Felix was saying he wants to learn how to do makeup 🥺 my lil former makeup artist heart was JUMPIN, I was like BRUH I AM RIGHT HERE?????? I AM RIGHT HERE. RETURN MY CALLS SIR AND I WILL GIVE YOU WHOLE ASS TUTORIALS, DONT PLAY 😩 UGH I literally fantasize about doing some really avante garde makeup on Felix, his face is just so visually stunning but also dynamic, he has a perfect face for artistic, eccentric makeup looks, I would die to put him in some crazy early 2000's Galliano for Dior makeup looks. Or just anything where I could paint all his lil freckles like stars with the eye look reminiscent of clouds and the sky............ Since he did say "is anyone gonna have the whole universe in their eyes?" and then didn't wait for an answer 😪
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
bro..... im sooo tired of ppl being whiny freaks about ppl liking fictional shit ‘~too much~’. like bitches are literally fully convinced if you prefer acting out certain ideas in fiction but not irl, thats not your normal preferential boundaries but rather your brain is a mental illness BOMB and you need to be fucking hospitalized for being imaginative and having autonomy. like yall if its not taboo or smth shut uuuuhp man you’re not ‘concerned for their health’ or w/e you’re fully just tryna get away with being a nihilistic asshole who lacks sympathetic reasoning skills. listen to me. fiction is valuable. the thoughts we have on it are important. the personal lack of value you happen to put on a media is next to worthless. its not a fuckin waste of time dude, creators are people, who live in the real world, they experience it and have ideas through it and about it, they form and tweak their ideas while still definitely existing in the real world, and then put that back into the world with a new angle and new perspective, to share with other people definitely encountering it in , you guessed it , the real world. thats not disconnected. its not nothing. these things do not magically appear from fairytale land, they are created. stories mean smth, people tell them for a reason, its ok to feel smth for any story, why would we even tell them if not with the intention to impact others emotionally somehow i mean??? fiction does not Just affect reality, it is valuable to real life society, it is a functioning thriving part OF reality. 
humans have told stories since the dawn of our existence. it is literally all but an inherent species trait for us to imagine things, its tied to each and every one of us, and to reject ‘fantasy’ as smth worthless to human life is frankly just fuckin wrong and weird of you. bitch we are Supposed to get outside the box, the fandom ppl you cringe your pants over arent thinking abt fake shit too much, you guys very often just arent exercising abstract thought and imagination enough, which actually hurts your ability to engage with it critically in all the ways its meant to be. if you dont see the value in fiction its because you put in no effort to form the analysis skills. in other words, you idiots dont get the hype bc you’re too stupid to get how you're supposed to compare a book to the real world it came from. ‘uu but cmon not everythings valuable what about [tumblr designated cringe media]-’ 1. ok! somehow you havent come to this conclusion yourself yet but thats not real, whatever ppl get to enjoy is not all abt you, your bias means less than dirt to others outside of hivemind social medias, you can keep it to yourself, ppl shouldnt care about it bc it means nothing outside of ur own space, its literally funny to me that you’re so elitist you want me to cater my interests to you, Your Standard Of Quality Isnt Universal, 2. ranking the values of fiction is the waste of time here, if you compare mlp to pride and prejudice ill dissect your teeth, different emotional impacts from tragic to funny to Just A Vibe are all able to be assessed as ‘valuable to somebody else so leave well enough alone’ if you dont have 2010+ funnyman brainrot disease that makes you incapable of reflecting on anything you can find a way to joke abt first.
i mean seriously like. whenever randos start engaging with medias you ppl dont like or in ways you dont get, the strawmans yall make up to get to be cringe culture vultures abt such benign shit, and almost Always at the expense of neurodivergent people with a deeply rooted undertone of extreme ableism might i add..... its just so selfish. u have a brain ok, you’re manipulative but we both know you dont Actually think ppl automatically default to being a waifu obsessed incel rotting away at their basement computer, stagnating their social skills and straying further and further from reality with each passing day, a poor disturbed wretch that you just HAVE to save from themselves, all bc they say they. prefer fictional porn or w/e to having sex irl. buddy thats not a big deal, theyre normal, just different from you. theyre fine, you’re just uncomfortable. as a functioning adult you’re gonna have to try and recognize that sometimes that feelings gonna be 100% on you, and you cant always just lie abt the validity of it to make ppl feel obligated into agreeing with you. this is gonna be one fragment of their personhood and your self obsessed brain imploding over how unrelatable that is doesnt fucking matter, grow up bitch like. how detached do you have to be to think thats so unstable or morally wrong.... its just a completely inconsequential preferential decision that only affects them and isnt a wrong choice at all cuz nobody has to get their dick wet if they dont wanna for any reason ever and thats gotta be that tbh.... and it kills me cuz they still inherently experience the real world and are capable of thinking abt it critically,,, even tho they... masturbate to drawings or w/e the fuck ppl think is unhealthy ???? like? imagination is just fun we dont need to moderate it anymore than we moderate other fun activities i mean lol ksdjfsd this is the DEFINITION of ‘just vibing’ no one FUCKING cares and it deosnt fucking matter the way you desperately try to make ppl think it does just so u get to be loud abt ur shortcomings as a decent understanding person. 
‘uuuuuu im sorry but thats unhealthy :///’ you sound like a goddamn maniac dude stories are not unhealthy having feelings abt them is not unhealthy thinking some anime bitch that was DRAWN TO BE HOT , IS HOT, is not UNHEALTHY and you clowns arent convincing anybody you ‘care’ abt that concept anyways !! im losign my mind here skdlsdfsd medias are literally DESIGNED TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE... WE’RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL THINGS FOR IT.... IT IS WHAT MAKES THE ART WE’VE TAKEN PART IN FOR CENTURIES, “ART”.... ITS JUST... HAVING IDEAS AND EXPERIENCING IMAGINATION..... whats wildly unhealthy actually is yalls toxic obsession with ‘harsh truth’ and validating your stupid ass cwinge feewings to the point where everything that gives your underdeveloped selfish ass hives has to be a matter of health and morals and whats ‘best’ for everyone. u dont know that shit!!!! ur a petty brat and im not ur mommy ok i wont baby you so u dont feel like the shitty whiny person you are, you need to grow and do better and think outside urself already, dont put the responsibility of making u feel right for judging somebodies benign hobbies on me. i wont bc its wrong and unnecessary. you’re not a savior no ones falling for that lmao you’re just a bitch girl xoxo get over it shit truly does not matter. let them write nsfw self insert fics instead of banging !! 
to make it real do yall really not Get that basic consent kinda doesnt just mean ‘no when im not in the mood at the time’ but it means ‘no if i just dont fuckin feel like having sex ever for literally any reason at all bc i choose what i do’ and pressuring them, even with what your warped brain translates as the best of intentions, is inherently disgusting? especially with the ‘i know how to help you’ attitude like......... ohhh die soonly ew lmao! lay off this nasty shit already please it doesnt matter! stop trying to make it matter!! its not hurting you or them you stupid tumblr phd ass!! and like again yeah some media shits just truly gross but tbr now its like even That kind of shit, the Real social issues caused by Actually problematic media that ppl should discuss Genuinely without ulterior motives, is being used more and more rampantly as just a stepping stone to get to the needless mockery of other harmless things in the media they want an excuse to bag on.......... like a bitch cant just be grown and talk about problems at face value without getting a bully jab in. smhhhhh you all fuckin suck please just stop talking already. so anyways yeah being attracted to fictional characters instead of real people or w/e IS funny, funny how many boyfriends they have when u have none xoxo theyre having fun and you can die sad abt it they get to die 5 times in an angsty fantasy fic and be brought back with mouth to mouth by fuckin kakashi every time and then they go get lunch irl while ur updating tinder bitch ... different fucking strokes ig !
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homestucky · 5 years
ok ok this is like not anything new but still since i havent been on here i havent fully ranted about this yet. big long rant incoming
re the epilogue (spoilers etc)
ok. i have onl y read meat. but fucking? dirk? dirk? ok? dirk??
i am aware of what happens in candy. i know he dies.
i also know in the version i read, in meat, he becomes his ultimate self, all versions of dirk. as many people have said, this includes AR, this includes bro, this includes even to some degree, LE. its an interesting idea ill give you that. but its also.... shitty and not backed enough by well, anything?
so heres my personal rant about the shitty things in Meat.
when i first finished it i couldnt help but think. was the dirk narrative even necessary? on the one hand it was meant to be the MAIN PLOT and it defined the narration etc, but.... it honestly didnt seem to have any importance. i know it was likely  a set up to imply future stuff like making the next sburb or whatever but like
who CARES? why on earth would that be interesting or important? maybe im crazy but like, the ‘b plot’ which was mostly about character relationships and jobs in earth c, was compelling and enjoyable. the narrative with john ‘not important and not the main character anymore’ egbert had details and conclusions ACTUALLY RELATING TO HOMESTUCK, THE COMIC I LIKE AND WANTED TO READ AN EPILOGUE FOR. it was tragic and frankly very upsetting! im not saying i liked it!! but the tragedy felt compelling and significant. 
i appreciate that dirk as narrator IS BIASED so him saying that these narratives are less important is inherently like. not to be trusted but. just. i cant help but feel like you could have cut the whole ‘main dirk reality affecting’ narrative OUT 
and that seems to me maybe like... not good? if such a central part of your narrative has almost no bearing on homestuck or anything anyone cares about?
but im sure there are other people who found it compelling and necessary. thats fair. cant relate but you do you. there are other issues. 
me saying that the dirk narrative felt weirdly isolated and insignificant sounds pretty weird given that it put jade into a coma, manipulated kanayas mind, effectively killed rose and destroyed rosemary right? WELL that brings me on to the next thing. people have noted that meat barely passes the bechdel test. and hey, sometimes things like that can just be a coincidence or unlucky. but the repeated erasure of the female characters minds, motives, identities and autonomy was????  a little too consistent to dismiss. like ok terezi was still her dope self in a lot of ways. jane kinda did some stuff (under dirks direction, and only shitty stuff but . whatever). 
(sidebar: ofc it doesnt make sense to talk about calliope and roxy in the context of the female characters in Meat but either way they were very in the background. like cool an all, and i always love roxy. and i respect they were mostly just minding their own businesses??? which is fair)
 i just. urgh. homestuck has such a genuinely good track record of giving female characters genuine motivations and powerful abilities etc. the fact that almost ALL the female characters involved were working for or manipulated by DIRK. DIRK of all people. is like... is this even based off the real comic? idgi????
roses loss of autonomy.... rose is such an important character. and she goes along with everything dirk says because dirk is suddenly all OP and ‘theyre basically the same person anyway’ like i get that there was some magic bullshit going on or whatever but at the end of the day rose was still written as weak and passive. dirk as strong and skilled and decisive. i get the undertones.. hes a prince of heart. a destroyer of souls, and identities. he messed with kanayas identity , destroyed roses, repeatedly ignored roxys and calliopes, and god i wont even get started on jake yet. but that doesnt make it satisfying to read. or even really feasible.
so theres a possibility im missing something. but im confused about WHY dirk is allowed this power. in the narrative its waved off as a kind of ‘i guess because im like a prince of heart or whatever and im just super good at managing identities and being a strong boy’ like ok if theres some implication somewhere that that is MEANT to be a bogus explanation id be interested to know because it sounds pretty goddamn bogus. why would this happen to dirk? why? literally? one reason? one that makes sense? because there arent any i can think of. why, in the new universe, would dirk, a prince of heart, manifest into a narrative controlling supergod. and fucking WHEN has dirk showed any actual capabilities in this area before?? he KINDA sucked at it in the game. dirks an idiot! hes smart and capable in like, some ways but. its like
why is dirk so powerful suddenly -> its because hes become super ultimate dirk -> ... ok why -> uh because like. hes just so naturally inclined towards being a great manipulator yknow..... canonically.... uhhhh
it just. canon dirk to epilogue dirk is the most ridiculous leap character wise, skill wise, arc wise, personality wise, with minimal reasonable explanation. 
which brings me on to the next thing. so i roasted dirk and said he wasnt strong enough to be able to manipulate things this well. well, obviously through some other means dirk HAS been afforded this power. but what about his personality? its obviously gonna be warped with self importance and knowing how things ‘have to be’. but hes heartless, cruel and hateful. in some ways it seems like canon dirk levels of ruthlessness, especially when it shows that he is actually doing something dumb and petty like his treatment of jake. that shows that he STILL has emotional connection to people as dirk. he also seems to care about some people, like dave and roxy, and cracks jokes and wants to have ‘fun’. this makes the ways in which hes so warped and cruel seem even worse. maybe on the one hand im giving dirk too much credit, everyone knows he has the potential to be a real bastard. but i dont think that was the trajectory he was on when we last saw him. and if this is truly due to him just.. becoming other versions of himself too including LE and bro and stuff..like. i dont see how it could have gotten that bad without say, roxy or dave noticing. 
‘oh they didnt notice because hes just so good at hiding’ why on earth would i believe that!! dave especially this is kinda insulting for. dave is shown to have an almost supernatural ability to detect danger. partially this might be timeline stuff, knight stuff, but also notably im sure his upbringing is involved too. he was trained to be hypervigilant. who was he trained to be hypervigilant for? bro. bros manipulation and traps. near the end of the epilogue we show that dave IS capable of detecting the mindfuckery thats happening. how would that not set off 1 million alarm bells? theres literally apparently a twisted dirk-bro mutant INSIDE HIS HEAD telling him what to do. i just. know that scene was played for comedy and romance but at the very least thats gotta like???? mess with u if ur traumatised? and thats like , why i think dave should have had an inkling abt what was going on!! this is exactly the thing he hates and fears and was traumatised by! and it just going under his nose n him not even knowing , and still pretty recently being all buddy buddy with dirk seems just stupid and infeasible to me. maybe this is me being naive or kind of a stretch but i just feel like daves danger instincts would have been kicking up a whole assed ruckus that whole time. 
also kind of unrelated but i associate sunglasses with strider style toxic masculinity and hiding things so like. ok transitioning or changing gender presentation is one thing but roxy apparently permanently wearing sunglasses makes me NERVOUS
and ill probably wrap up this mighty rant soon but i wanna also say jake was done so fucking dirty. i know he was like, meant to be, because for some reason god dirk just hated him? like ok petty much. but. urgh jake is such an interesting character with a lot of potential and while i appreciate that him being manipulated by someone who may reasonably have a problem with him may make him do stupid and embarrassing stuff, all the narrative seems to have taken a backward step in how hes represented. jake isnt stupid, dirk clearly knew this in canon and he maybe was the only one even including jake. and there was some acknowledgement of this near the beginning of the epilogue. but then for some reason it goes back on itself. everyone still thinks jake is just completely stupid, including the embittered superdirk. so yeah i guess hes upset with jake or whatever but. its still dissatisfying to be like oh yeah jake isnt stupid he actually has a complex set of motivations and potential etc BUT over the X number of yrs on earth c no one else has realised this yet?? hmm. then his narrative is just gonna end up with him being a total joke and essentially becomes as stupid and incompetent as his worst critics say he is. feasible given the mind control ? yeah. enjoyable to read or having any kind of satisfying bearing on anything? nope!
so anyway. i feel like any criticism i have could be argued back with ‘but oh it has to be this way’ or ‘mind control!!’ or ‘not everything has to be nice and happy !!’ but like. dude. there are flaws. many of them. and seeing characters just get shat on is never gonna be good writing. 
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oh shit i forgot, another weird part of No Friends Life! another thing that makes it more “oh can i get an F then gamers” is my no-dating-history + no-Wanting-To-Date-Anyone lifestyle...i mean inherently that’s supposed to be shorthand for what a loser and its like ive already got the loser thing for better reasons though!! but also it’s tricky b/c it’s like okay so you want secure relationships where u know there’s someone who cares abt you as much as you care about them and you can always count on them for conversation and support? okay first off, there’s family coz theyre stuck with you from the start pretty much. except i don’t have family! my siblings are alright but we’re all in separate locations and don’t talk much (havent talked to my sister in several years whups lol) and are more like Friendly Acquaintances than ~family~ and i never got close to my cool sophisticated gay great uncles, tragically. so that’s a washout. and then you have Longtime/Childhood Friends, who are also basically stuck with you at that point. but i don’t have those and am at the “good luck making friends at all” not-in-college stage of things. but then last and supposedly least Least you get the capital R relationship, capital P partner thing with The Significant One or what have you. but i’ve botched that coz i’m not even interested!!
it’s also messed up b/c the way that Big R relationship is “supposed” to work has so many wild messages surrounding it which are like whoa!! thats crap for everyone!! like, you’re supposed to define the Big R by all your other relationships being worse and more expendable? that is a terrible approach!! never isolate yourself and you shouldn’t have to deplete or demean your other relationships to build up another!! or the wild shit ppl will say about how you have to be incomplete or unhappy if single, or hell maybe your life can ultimately be pointless if you arent Big W with someone, like, that is a terrible sentiment whether you’re single and lovin it, single and want to eventually not be single, or in a Big R relationship!! tf!! ugh. just gross ugh. i think genuinely good approaches to Big R is a fantastic thing, like, real love and support? who doesnt like that!! not many ppl, is who.
but anyways the point is its like, uh oh, Big R is supposed to unlock the top tier of Mattering To People, so if i dont want that im in some inherently Lesser zone, and thats kinda fucked!! plus just usually every single person you interact with Does want to be Big W someone or already is, so that’s like, oh that’s weird i guess. just me then. hm. and then yknow life’s all like, the one way to be Not Lonely and feel Genuine Connection and Relationship Security as an adult is to find The O n e . . . and its like damn no i just want friends!! the ol “just” only mere friends!! just wanna hang out at weird places at night and be like oh lol awesome. Just want Just that thanks. im here for Just friends. the Big J if you will. but its tricky and i havent got that yet
also its a tough weird time Being Gay when i don’t want to date anyone. i’m an imposter. but not actually. lol. my fellow Single Slice Cheeses Sixever bring it in!!!!! weird huh!!!!! high five me
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archived--hell · 6 years
1, 2, 17, honestly all of them if you’re up to it
1 - already answered 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
L O R D T jupiter fuck man got damn id die for jupiter 
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
i have adopted characters before, but ive never done anything with them, and i have received characters Back from people but besides that nah
4. A character you rarely talk about?
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
fuck uh.. honestly if its only semi popular would i do this bc being Well Known would be nice, yeah, but.. it scares me? idk but uh probably leo or aero, theyre two boys i hold close to my heart
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
:) eldur and leo kinda? idk i try not to make any of them look alike rip
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
YES! theyre actually all part of one universe called cooking with demons! i have a whole game planned out for the man cast kinda? but all in all its all set within one universe, with multiple different stories occurring within it jhfdksg
8 - already answered
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
unless specfifically made for them upon request, no. ive already tried that once and it lead to me losing any and all control i had over my characters. At this moment, i only “share” a few ocs with my boyfriend @coffee-burglar and even then, its taken almost a year to even be able to do that
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
uh, all of them are kinda complicated for me, but as of right now, that would go to leos full form. (if u want a ref hmu and ill post it, but it wont be my art)
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
like a ray of sunshine? yeah! angel and stitch would fit perfectly for that!
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
@coffee-burglar their oc chrome n koh,  or derek but thats bc im a hoe
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
aero, jhor, innis, leo are all trouble makers to some degree, leo being the most trouble some
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
uhhhh fuck what counts as tragic?
i guess id have to say leo or jupiter mostly, but eldur fits too
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
if youd let me i would yell about these fucks for hours on end, ive done it
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
the best but wouldnt enjoy it: Jupiterthe best and would absolutely enjoy it: colby
17. Any OC OTPs?
stitch/lavaaero/kohcolby/derek/inniswill/happiness aeyr/Eberictderek/Xhaztolleo/eldur
18. Any OC crackships?
jhfkdfsjghdfkjhgdkfjsgl i never talk abt it but will/aero is fucking A+
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
ah,, leo. i originally made him to project the worst in myself onto, and because of that ive made his life a living shit hole. but,, recently ive been hell bent on giving him a good ending, one where he heals, and lives his life ok, where he finally, finally has a chance to be happy and get help. its,, kind of been a tiny growing point for me? he just, means a lot to me because of that haha
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
uhhh all of their voice claims are songs n such but only a few of them actually sing in canon! heres the voice claims of the ones who do sing:
Aero - thats his voice, but hed probably more likely to sing Something Like ThisAngelStitch - this is her voice! but shed be much more likely to sing something a lot more upbeat, kind of like thisColby (its jeremy from bmc jghfdkg)
and one i dont have a voice claim for yet that does sing canonically is Sycamore! 
21. Your most artistic OC
!!!! oh thatd easily be will! hes nothing professional at all, but he does enjoy drawing and making diy type projects :0c hazels also artistic but with food :0c but what would you expect from a kitchen witch
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Hi My Names Skinny Penis And No One Has Ever Even Looked At My Ocs For More Than Two Seconds
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
lordt all of them would fit that, but the one thats changed the most? lordy thatd probably be will! he used to be a persona that was mostly only interested in dying and getting fucked, but now hes? evolved into a fully fledged character, and has even changed from being human lmao
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
jupiter, simply because he is The Biggest Comfort i have. hes,,, really important to me and i love him a lot
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
:) its bold of you to assume they dont all resemble me in some way. the most though? damian. lazy motherfucker with 200 emotional issues and no motivation to fix any of them
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Nope, most tend to be born from ideas spawned by me n my bf concepting about my ocs, and what would happen if this thing happened? yknow?
28. Your most dangerous OC?
He has yet to be revealed >:)c his names icarus
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
secret: damiannot so secret: colby
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
damian would probably have a very shitty coded blog theme (or default) and would genuinely only reblog shitty, abstract memes, and nice food recipes for hazel to make him
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
protagonist? if youre going for the scared baby, colby. if ur going for the stoic “thats weird but ok” one, innis or aero.antagonist tho???? Leo and angelica :)
33. Your shyest OC?
uh, a oc thats genuinely shy and not just anxiety filled? angel :0c shes had a very limited interaction pool with anything thats not other angels so she tends to shy away from others bc she really, really doesnt want to get into awkward situations
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Jupiter and leo!
35. Any sibling characters?
Jupiter, leo, angelica, damian, eldur
jupiter, leo, damian, and angelica are all related via their dad, while eldur is related to damian via their mom
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
uhh if im understanding this question right yeah i do! derek, koh, n a lot of others belong to @coffee-burglar ! ive just roped them into my universe dkjfhkdjgh
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Op All Of My Characters Are Inhuman
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
surprisingly? aero! hes got really good rhythm and can actually dance really well, its kinda scary
39. Introduce any character you want
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ill let yall have a choice, pick one
1.) Lust2.) Greed
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
fond?? uh,, not really. but damian does have a very important memory attached to him.
tw for suicide ment hjgkdfs
with damian, i created him after i tried to kill myself and was stuck in a mental hospital. i had just finished reaing the first shadowhunters book, and decided to try and draw the first demon(???? was that what he was?? im a dumbass and its been over 2 years) you met, which had bright blue hair and if i remember correctly, electric green eyes? but yeah. i made him to cope with all the mental stress i had while being forced to be in that hospital, and hes become very close to my heart because of that
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
!!!!!!!!! yeah!!! my boyfriends drawn damian and most of my characters bgjkfdhgkfdsgl but one i do hold close to my heart (bc at the time, i barely knew them) was when @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone drew aeyr! it made me really happy tbh. i still have it saved to my phone actually!!!
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
uhhhh,,, provided that they found a way to get anything involving earth and their beliefs itd probably be either angel or colby. angel enjoys learning anything and everything she can, while colby enjoys hearing about the Tea™ that comes with greek shit
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
lordt ok
i really just? enjoy making demons really, or anything that doesnt quite fit “conveniently attractive” in at least one form they have. (i also favor making guys bc im Gay)
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
how well theyre coming together, for so long, their stories have been little fractures and pieces that never fit together. Fragments. but now, theyre almost fully put together and its… wonderful to see
45. A character you no longer use?
a hi have.. one. their name was angel aura, a steven universe oc. i got rid of them because of too many.. bad things.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
not directly, but yes. it.. actually helped me give a lot of them a ok life, or at least a good ending
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
@coffee-burglar eldur, colby, will n a few others lmao
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
ghjkfgkfdhgklfjhglkjdfhgslfjdgh give me a actual thing to talk about bc im dying op
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matazz · 3 years
My Feelings on Roy Endoza
sooo i wrote this basically after a big thing happened in our campaign. it was basically a way to vent to myself and i never ended up sending it until now. anyway, here’s a couple of ramblings.
It’s Carter and it’s finally getting to the end of Campaign 2. It’s been over a year since Roy Endoza has existed as my character and he’s so different to how I originally imagined him. Anyway, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings so I’ll divide it up into categories. I’m writing this as how I’m feeling so it makes sense its whatever comes to mind first and makes sense chronologically but you can read it how you want but this is gonna be definitely from the most impactful things to the least.
Basically my Thoughts on how I wrote Roy
For starters, he was this unempathetic doctor who stole corpses from hospitals to practice necromancy for fun, and lies about being dead because its hilarious. I eventually evolved him into this gentle guy who adores the people he loves because I decided to give him a boyfriend; Milo Corazon (his name is cute because it means “My Heart”. Roy’s name means nothing symbolic). Milo was just meant to be there to make him have more depth as a character, and that’s exactly what I did. I got really attached to him though, and I came to the realization that I need to seperate Roy from Milo for the campaign to start.
And as tropey as it is, I decided to kill him. And I didnt just want him to die from illness or an accident or get “murdered by a syndicate”. Milo is soft, he’s innocent and gentle and sweetness and sunshines and thats exactly why Roy Endoza fell for him. So I made Roy kill him through the irony of his own necrotic practices.
Since even before the campaign started I’ve been threading it along that Roy is dead. He’s a corpse who was brought back from the gods mysteriously. I even faked being a cleric. It’s a fake backstory I made to counter the real one, and everybody believed it. It didnt counter anything, it made sense.
And even before that, I’ve known he was going to lie and I’ve known he was going to try to use necromancy to bring his boyfriend back and I’ve known he was going to continually lie to keep himself safe.
Basically my Thoughts on Royce
At the start of the campaign he got the letter. An opportunity. He met Fox only a while after his accident and he got attached.. to this lost confused boy who was just as lost as he was. And then we met all of you.
Shortly after, I told Ayce about my “lie” first... and then Ayce had the exact same thing going on and I took it as an opportunity. I saw the opportunities with Roy betraying Ayce and using him. And I thought about how fucking beautiful it would be if they were a romance and how much more impactful it would be if they were. Not only did it make sense with Roy’s motives of finding a way to bring back Milo, but it made sense for Roy and Ayce to “empathise” with eachother after going through “the same thing”. And holy fuck I took that opportunity and RAN with the wind and I’ve not regretted it.
I absolutely fucking adore Royce even for those messed up reasons. It just works. Ayce is absolutely the type of boy that’s Roy’s type. Kind of small and good for hugging, has fluffy hair and a nice smile, a bit cheeky and dumb but still clever and really charismatic.. and the relationship between the necrotic boys and bonding over that was a bonus. It probably would have worked in a universe where Ayce’s life wasnt fucked and Roy chose not to do necromancy. It was sweet and cute and perfect without the angst but it was heartbreaking and tragic and awful WITH the angst. I loved the potential for the love and cute bits and even more so I loved the potential for all the heartbreak and the angst.
Endoza loves Milo Corazon with every ounce of his heart and he was interested in Ayce because it was Ayce that made him know it was possible. Truly, and really possible, to bring back someone from the dead.
I know that’s evil for me as a player to continue this plotline but it made sense in character. Roy was interested. And it was mistaken for romantic interest.
And Roy... didn’t mind. He genuinely loves Ayce. More than he expected to for just a person he was going to use as a stepping stool for his goal (it sounds awful, I’ve KNOWN this). And I as the player loved it.. I loved Royce because not only did I get to attach my character to something else but it just worked so well narratively. It was unexpected and it was beautiful and it was tragic and I’ve known that the honeymoon phase of Royce was only going to last for a few months before it collapsed into this deep well of never turning back and yet I kept pushing and chugging for this relationship to happen bc I really wanted the drama that I knew would come along with it (also it just WORKS narratively)
Basically my Thoughts on The Gods / Being a Champion
To be honest I’m unsure how none of you ever found my story to be bullshit when Roy himself never had faith in the gods. He has absolutely no relationship with his god and he only used them as a stepping stone for his lie and it worked, even though I messed up so many times and admitted I never trusted them.
Which.. why would Roy trust a God who doesnt know him at all? Or even more so, if the God supposedly knows “everything about Roy” yet didn’t attempt to stop Roy on his endeavour of necromancy despite being heavily against necrotic magic. Or why the Gods who are so against necromancy would choose a boy who was bought back to life and a necromancer himself. It was silly and Roy thinks the gods were stupid in their choosings.
In his mind Roy believes that the gods have no power. They’re weak and that’s why they make people to their gritty work, because they can’t do it themselves. In his mind, Roy doesn’t quite believe everything their saying. Roy Endoza doesn’t care about about being a champion, but he’s curious...
Beshaba was obviously wanting the keys because of their immense power, so he thought that maybe he can use it for himself. Unlock a power that nobody else has or could, use it not for anyone but himself and Milo. He wasn’t on anyone’s side. Neither the gods or Beshaba. He only wants to save his loved ones and himself even if it meant committing blasphemy.
The first time I ever talked to Lathandar he was already so far down the rabbit hole. Roy already had no respect for the gods and was going through with his plans anyway, so his god trying to talk him out to it just felt like a massive joke to him. Why do you care now when you never cared before?
But yet I asked him questions anyway. To use him, to find out more. I asked him about the magic readings and I asked him about the keys and I asked him about the world beyond Sanctuary and I asked him about Beshaba.
All to find out that the gods are.. basically inefficient and that they were evil once. That beyond sanctuary they were corrupt and then they suddenly “grew a conscious” (Roy finds it hard to believe that people, even Gods, can just “stop being corrupt”) and when they got embarrassed of their actions, closed off the rest of the world. They do nothing except sit and let their champions do things and are scared of Beshaba; one God vs the four of them. But why are they scared when they have collective power and the keys? They could banish Beshaba themselves with their power alone. This is why Roy doesn’t (and has never) believed in what the gods stand for. He is only using them, and the only reason he stayed was because of Ayce and Fox.
As I’m writing this, it’s just after the Gala episode. I’ve put my heart and soul and emotions into Roy so a part of my kind of has a distaste for them too (I’m so fking sorry Keiran but theyre just so lazy I cant 😭)
Anyway, it's weird. I've been playing this entire campaign knowing that everybody puts their entire faith and trust into the gods but I just never have.. (or at least Roy doesn't so it's hard for me too). I'm really only following them to benefit myself, and that's exactly what happened but I can't help but feel like Beshaba might actually be trying to save us from this prison of the world they've made (or something poetic like that). I guess I also just think it's because it might be cool that the main villain was the good guys all along and we were the bad guys. Maybe it turns out that I'll be wrong, and I won't even be mad for it. But maybe I'll be right and I'll be the smuggest bitch in the world. Who knows what will happen.
I guess some insight on how I feel abt Roy and the PCs
I guess it doesn't really matter bc at this point in the campaign I've already made my actions and set myself as a villain. Whether or not you guys see me as one is a mystery and I'm both dreading and excited what your pinions on Roy will be as he's made his downfall into a villain.
It's funny, to be honest. With the way I wrote him, I always was going to make him progressively more hatable. He starts off as a trustworthy guy but you eventually find out that he was lying about his past to cover up for himself. He breaks the trust of the players and he uses them for his own progressive goal. But when I wrote him, I thought playing a character like this would be hilarious. I've played him exactly how I imagined, even better than I imagined, but I didn't think I'd feel so attached and heartbroken breaking your trust.
I think for the entire campaign I've believed that it was possible to save him.. maybe just talking to him and getting him to open up a bit more. It might have made all the difference. I'm not blaming my actions as Roy on the players not helping him, bc it definitely was Roy's fault, but I like to think of the alternate universe where I felt less lonely bc despite having friends and a boyfriend there was so many points where Roy just feels so alone and I just felt this deep pit in my chest from that lonliness. It's so dumb and stupid how much love I've put into Roy that I can feel what he feels.
And so all that fighting after Solardome when our friends got kidnapped, all the arguing and the stress and disagreements and then eventually Fox leaving and Ayce not interacting.. it was all just little pieces of sadness and loneliness trickling down and then by that point it was just too late to save him.. I like to think that maybe if it was a bit earlier then he could have got over it. Changed his mind, maybe.
Despite that all and desite feeling stressed and lonely and mad and everything that Roy ever felt, I've absolutely loved writing and playing this genuinely good person and seeing him turn rotten and become a villain on his own without realizing it. I never thought I would ever write a character go from the top and fall to bedrock, or even that I'd do it
, but he's so much. I think right now I love it. I love the drama I love the suspense and I love seeing what you'll all think of when you discover the Fall Of Roy.
Basically my Thoughts on Miss Winters
So the campaign moves on and I meet Miss Winters pretty shortly and we make a deal to "Discover How To Bring The Dead To Life". It was shortly after I met Ayce so I was aware it was possible. Roy absolutely had nothing to lose at this point, and he would do anything so he said yes. So for the duration of the campaign we helped each other trade information and most importantly look for a spirit stone.
At Solardome, the President Medeanne asked us to eradicate the witch and her skeletons and provide proof. And Roy wrecklessly put himself at the forefront without thinking. At that point I thought maybe she had lost her mind or something.
And then we unmasked her and she was dead. A rotted corpse.
And after making you all leave; I killed her.
Roy Endoza’s never had difficulty putting down the undead and so one more wasn’t a huge deal, but at the time it felt like such a loss because it was his only connection to information. In the end, it hadn’t of mattered because we retrieved a spirit stone anyway.
It was really only about a session or two later when I realized that I never actually killed Miss Winters. I only killed the corpse she was controlling and that real Miss Winters ran off with two spirit stones.
And so it took a LONG time (or at least in real time lmao) before we ended up going back to Origin, which was the only place I knew where to contact her and she was.. gone.
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darlingsin · 7 years
How do you feel about the latest chapter? With the Tou//Ken marriage, Tsuki//yama's reaction, a possible death flag raised for Tou//ka, and plenty of other things? I've really tried to be hopeful about everything that has been going on in the recent chapters. I've really tried to be hopeful and tell myself that Ishi//da is going to work everything out and that something WILL go down... Because it IS a tragedy manga, after all... Right? Regardless, everything is going completely downhill.
i feel you anon,, i want to be hopeful and believe that this is just the calm before a massive storm but i honestly dont want to delude myself only to end up disappointed, so i'll just keep reading and hope we can go back to our regular dose of suffering (remember when we were so caught up in tragedy that nobody had the energy for ship wars? i miss that)now onto the wedding; well it was obviously rushed (they talked properly for the first time like ~10 chapters ago, had sex about 5 chapters ago, and suddenly theyre getting married) like ive seen MANY rushed relationships in animanga but tou//ken takes the cake honestly. it makes me wonder if ishida died and was replaced or some shit because this is definitely not the tokyo ghoul i know (like even the poor attempts at foreshadowing... ishida was better than that???). ngl i thought their outfits looked kinda cool but like, not really suitable for a wedding?? ghouls arent some tribe that has never been in contact w/ humanity after all, and tsukiyama of all ppl (who was responsible for wedding shit, sigh) would know what a proper wedding dress looks like. or maybe he didnt want to see kaneki and touka in those and went for bdsm costumes instead lmao as for tsukiyamas reaction,, like honestly, i didnt expect him to be super angry or cry on the spot or whatever, knowing him he would smile through it all but i didnt want him to be the wedding planner, although it doesnt seem TOO out of place. tsukiyama changed tremendously and started valuing other people over himself to the point where he would give up certain things for them (perhaps to make up for his selfishness before) and like. its good and all but GOD I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM.... i want him to be a lil more selfish!! like son please think of your own wellbeing more,,,, its difficult to tell what hes thinking too bc throughout the manga we've always gotten tsukiyamas thoughts along with his actions, but recently we don't know what he's thinking so i guess that also contributes to him seeming kind of ooc... like for all we know he could be BOILING inside and playing it off yknow. i dont wanna be hopeful and say ishida is preparing us for a plot twist involving him but idk... it'd be nice to have him be relevant again and about other things happening.. some plot points do interest me (the dragon thing which seems like a Shirazu Comeback™) but some are like. so random? for example that underground city with the one-eyed ghoul like where tf did that come from? and why was that plot suddenly pushed aside like everything else for some tou////ken shit? i feel like ishida could use the space he wasted on toeken interactions to shed light on more important matters, like perhaps have kaneki fucking TALK to all the other characters he has unresolved business with instead of dedicating an entire chapter to bad sex (god im still salty about that). that reminds me!!!! i really hate what ishidas doing with kanekis characterization where he tosses literally everyone he ever cared about aside (didnt even bother talking to mutsuki when he showed up at :re like biiiih yall spent the last 3 years together have some common decency, or where he called toeka his best friend, like whats with hide????? i dont even like hide that much but ishida doin him dirty) to highlight tou///kas presence in his life? and you just KNOW that this'll obviously end in her or the baby's death. its tragic how ppl are so ready to see their fave be reduced to a petty love interest for breeding a baby and later on dying for his Man Pain™ just cause their ship became canon,,, makes me think that they dont care abt tou/ka as a character but only as an accessory to kaneki lmao.. im sorry this got a lil long but i hope i could explain myself well OTL
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hoenursey · 8 years
Hi, can I ask the I guess story of Othello real quick even just a summary if you don't want to go in depth because I was excited about hearing about it, but then I was also really thrown off seeing Othello being a slave and all and now I'm just kinda confused?? Because Nursey in silk with a choking kink DOES sound amazing but I guess I'm just confused af now
lmao, okay, so. originally i was writing just an au of nursey and dex playing desdemona and othello, respectively. however, othello’ character background is that he was a former slave and a moorsman, or a person from the moor, and moorsmen are black people.
the beginning of othello starts with roderigo and iago outside of the house of brabantion, desdemona’s father. roderigo is jealous of othello because he’s in love with desdemona and she pretty much turned everyone down and she’s like dainty and pretty and hot as fuck, like the most beautiful fair girl ever and shit, but she’s falling in love with othello. also i’m pretty sure roderigo saw her and othello chilling or w/e. so basically, in the middle of the fuckening night, roderigo and iago start yelling to brabantion to come outside and talk to them. brabantion is generally a pretty cool dad and he’s like “bitch she doesn’t like u stop getting drunk and coming to my house my daughter turned ur ass down already”, rod and iago proceed to say a bunch of racist shit and say “check her bed she’s out being a slut with a black dude lol” to which dadbra says “she would never she’s so sweet and she’s also turned down literally everyone who’s ever wanted to date her” but desi, my girl, is actually gone from her bed, so dadbra is like “you’re right!!! i can’t believe my daughter is fucking around before marriage in the middle of the night!!! i trusted her!!! time to go chase after othello, who i welcomed into my house, with a bunch of pitchforks” which they do. they show up to othello’s crib like “what’s up here’s our accusations time to throw you in jail for fucking my daughter because if she turned down all the hot dudes in the entire city she’s definitely not gonna fuck a black dude out of wedlock unless there was some type of witchcraft involved” to and othello is like “uhh okay cool i’m dealing with the house of senators rn so like. can this wait a second my dudes” and they’re like “perfect! we’re gonna show them what a terrible black dude you are!”
they go in front of the senators and they’re like “what’s the sitch why is this angry mob here my dude” dadbra is like “uh he fucked my daughter, i’m sending him to jail for witchcraft or kidnapping bc there’s literally no other way she’d fuck a black dude when she doesn’t even like these hot white dudes”
othello’s like “uh actually i married her”
everyone: “what”
and he kind of explains like “buddy yeah i’m not super good with words so i’m not gonna bs you. i married your daughter. no kidnapping, drugging, or witchcraft. she fell in love with me and so now we’re married. she’s at the inn down the street also so like i’m def not fucking her since we’re at my house and she’s at a hotel”
everyone except dadbra is like “oh okay that sounds reasonable” but dadbra is like “you’re telling me that my good white upper class daughter fell in love with a black dude who she’d be afraid to look at? i’m calling bullshit it’s clearly witchcraft”
the duke p much is like “uh… but where’s the receipts tho i don’t see any witchcraft” and the senators are like “go get desdemona so we can confirm this also othello bro keep talking”
othello’s like “yeah i was a warrior and i travelled a lot and dadbra used to like me a lot so he invited me over to hear my stories about the wars and how i fought and battles and being on ships. i told him my entire life story from when i was a kid all the way until now, how i was captured and sold as a slave, how i bought my own freedom and just all types of cool shit and then when she did her chores around the house for dadbra she would come around as soon as she finished and ask me more and ask me to tell her more stories” essentially desi thinks he’s hot and a tragic hero and she’s like “everything that happened to you sucks but you’ve also got some sick ass stories so maybe that makes it a little better? idk sorry all this bad shit happened to you but you’re rly interesting to talk to. if any friends had any stories like yours i’d probably fall in love with them”
othello’s like “yeah uh i’m not that smart and i’m more of a military dude than an intellectual but i know a fucking hint when i see one”
he says the sweetest thing too like “she loved me for the horrors i had been through and that i had the strength to come out on top, and i loved her for feeling so strongly about me and having passion. here comes my wife now and she’ll tell you the exact same story”
desi comes in and is like “yeah dad sorry i shouldn’t have like run out in the middle of the night to get married but i really do love him promise no messing around”
and this is part of the reason i think brabantion is kinda cool bc he’s not actually a racist he just said some shit without rly thinking and let the things that he’s used to hearing influence him and he’s like “oh, well, you’re in love. that’s fine then sorry i didn’t realize. i’m super glad you’re my only daughter because after this whole disaster, if you’d had any younger sisters i know i would have overreacted and acted like a prison warden to them and women don’t deserve that. i’m still a little upset abt u sneaking out in the middle of the night but like blessings on your marriage i guess.
so that’s like…. act one
later on some fuckery happens, iago decides to be a dick, because they’re all together for some reason that i don’t feel like saying idk something abt the turks and also because he’s a miserable worm
cassio is one of their friends who’s also there and he’s, like, some type of foreign i think (probably spanish or italian) and has respect for women and his wife (who’s not there) but bc he’s spanish or italian (probably italian as verona is mentioned and shakespeare REALLY has a thing abt italy??? idk he’s a pasta fucker) or whatever he does the thing where he kisses people on the cheek and because it’s the elizabethan era, he kisses women’s hands, and earlier he had like politely greeted desdemona and iago’s wife and called them beautiful and smart and shit and called iago out on being a misogynistic piece of shit. iago like actively hates his wife and also literally anyone else’s happiness so he’s like i’m gonna fuck up cassio’s life and i’m gonna fuck up othello and desi’s and also he’s a jealous racist misogynistic asshole wants to fuck up othello and desdemona’s (healthy, loving, trusting, equal) relationship so he’s like
"hey othello. ur wife’s a slut. she’s fucking cassio behind ur back lol”
and othello, who thinks his wife is the shit, is like *daveed diggs voice* “whaaaaat”
iago: “yeah totes she’s a massive hoe”
and othello is like “nah not my wife. maybe someone else’s wife, but not mine”
and iago is like “no bro im serious. we’re sleeping in the same bed (i don’t know why i mean his fucking wife is there isn’t she) he’s been having like wet dreams about her and saying ‘damn i wish u weren’t with that black dude’ and he’s been rolling over in his sleep and dry humping me whilst moaning ur wife’s name” (honestly iago the reason you don’t like women is because you’re gay and jealous calm down)
(literally that was so extra i can’t believe how overwhelmingly bisexual shakespeare was that he needed to slide that gay ass shit in there)
anyways othello’s like “okay so that’s a little weird but that doesn’t mean she did anything. maybe cassio just wants to bang my wife. that’s understandable, as id also like to bang my wife” (they’re super into PDA they’re so in love)
iago: fair. also iago: i mean there’s no way to prove it but like… maybe your wife gave him something. like, idk, does she have a hand embroidered handkerchief maybe? just a thought just a thought lolothello: ya i gave that to her as like a courtship gift she never goes anywhere without it bc she loves me so muchiago: yeah well uh i cassio wiping his beard with it so they’re definitely fuckingothello, my dumb son: NO!!! THAT DEFINITELY MEANS THEYRE FUCKING IF MY WIFE GAVE AN ITEM OF GREAT SENTIMENTAL AND PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE TO HIM!!! MY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY FAITHFUL AND COMPLETELY INNOCENT UP UNTIL THIS POINT WIFE!!!!
so he’s like “uh i have to kill her i guess now :(((((((”
problem is he’s still fucking in love with her like he literally loves her so much and can’t even bear to stab her like a normal person would do if they’re trying to kill their wife, so what does he do? he fucking kisses her awake to explain what he’s doing and why he’s doing it and then gently smothers her to death
so gently, in fact, that she doesn’t actually die, just passes out
a servant walks in and is like “boi what the FUCK”
othello: uh
it’s desi’s handmaiden lmao and he’s like “i had to she’s fucking other men” to which she says “no she’s not you idiot” and then desdemona wakes up to say something dramatic and then properly dies
except no she doesn’t bc othello literally is just really really fucking in love with his wife so he’s an incredibly ineffective murderer despite literally having been in the military for almost all of his life but that’s all i’m explaining bc my hands are tired and i answered this all on mobile plus that’s all you need to know for my story
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