#THING I SET UP LIKE A YEAR AGO huh. damn sonic actually got on a train. weird. whatever killing him timr
un-pearable · 1 year
i know he said infrastructure for future conquering but 100% eggman thought he was being ingenious planning out sentient trains lying in wait across the land to trap his nemesis. completely forgetting his nemesis is sonic The hedgehog (guy who can run literally anywhere he wants to go)
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nothing-fancy94 · 4 years
Excerpt: Let’s Go Home
This is an excerpt from my longer fiction called Let’s Go Home. The story itself is a Shadamy, but I just love this little Sonamy scene.
If you wanna read the story here’s the link:
Sonic sighed, and stood up. The sun was almost completely gone now, and he could see stars in the sky. He looked up at them, and suddenly he found himself smiling. He couldn't help but think to that night six months ago…
"What did Shadow want?"
"Come on, Sonic. Listen to me."
His emerald eyes rolled lazily to the direction of her exasperated voice. She was sitting on a rock that was halfway buried in the sand on the beach. Her short quills danced frantically in a soft breeze, and her eyes were narrowed in frustration.
"Sorry, Ames. Ask it again."
She rolled her eyes to above, her muzzle letting out a tired sigh. She was quiet for a moment, before she fell back onto the rock, and lay staring at the sky.
"Oh nevermind. It was probably something boring anyway, considering it was that gloom-day prince."
Sonic grinned at her nickname for Shadow, and he got up to join her on the rock. Her body stiffened right away from being in close vicinity to him, but after a few moments she relaxed again. The hero was still finding himself amazed at her maturity, even though it'd already been several years, since she'd stopped her obsession with him. If this was the old Amy, she would've jumped on him by now, screaming her love for him. However, she just laid beside him, peacefully, with a sweet smile, and a cute blush gracing her cheeks.
Sonic put his arms behind him and leaned backwards, he wanted to see what she was so intently staring at. Once his emerald eyes had lift to the heavens, he almost gasped aloud at the sight. He'd never seen so many stars from the ground before. Although - to be fair - he scarcelyever looked up. He seemed to look in only one direction, and that was forward. Even when they'd been in space, he'd hardly looked out into it, which he was now regretting.
"No matter where we go, or what horizons we see… this, right here on Mobius, is my favorite sky."
Her voice filled the early winter air, with a gentleness Sonic had never heard before. He wondered if she was looking at him - with those big eyes, that she always seemed to have when they were together. Curiosity getting the better of him, he looked over to his right.
She wasn't looking at him. She was gazing at the stars. Her peach muzzle was relaxed in a serenesmile, her hands neatly folded on her stomach, and her quills fanned out like the feathers of a paradise bird. But it was her eyes that made Sonic catch his breath, and his heart beat faster. Her jade eyes reflected the starlight like infinity pools. Her bright green irises were the frames for two tiny universes, that seemed to twinkle more brightly than the night sky above them.
He was entranced. Trapped. And normally he would try to run as far from there as possible, but that night was different. For some unknown reason, he found himself actually wanting to dive in her depths... Wanting to lose himself in those unknown, yet exotic, cosmos.
He wanted to stay, exactly where he was.
As panic tried to seize his heart, her head rolled over to look at him. She smiled up at him, and he felt calm. He gave her a smile back. A comfortable, almost intimate, silence fell between them, and Sonic gulped nervously as those endless pools blinked slowly at him. He didn't know how long they would've remained stuck in that trance if it weren't for an unexpected interruption. Suddenly, her face had screwed up, and she abruptly sat up. Sonic's eyes widened in surprise.
"What's wro -"
She held up her hand, her muzzle opening widely to reveal her fangs and molars. And the air was filled with a loud -
She sniffed, and wiped underneath her nose, letting in a gasp, as she tried to compose herself. Sonic stared at her - baffled - for a moment, before holding in a chuckle. Her face twisted into another sneeze, and he realized she was cold.
The jungle was still fairly warm during winter days, but the nights were almost freezing. Amy was wearing shorts and a tank top - since the early winter day had been a bit warmer than usual - but now the sun was gone, and she was regretting it.
Before a sneeze could escape another time, she felt something being pulled over her head. Sonic had taken off his white T-shirt, and stuck it over her. She struggled at first, but then calmed as he gently tugged downwards to allow her head freedom.
At first, all that could be seen was the top of her pink quills, until - with a cute 'spring,' - her pointed ears popped out from the neck opening. Then slowly her face started to appear, first her huge jade eyes - Sonic gulped at their appearance - than her adorable button nose, until finally, the large shirt was hanging very loosely off her shoulders. She kept her arms tucked inside the large clothing, and her face was lit up like a cherry.
"Um - Th-thanks, Sonic."
The blue hero looked away, now embarrassed with his kind act. He coughed and gave her a nervous smirk to hide his blush.
"Don't mention it, Ames."
She smiled at him, and snuggled into his shirt. They stared at each other for a while until Sonic gave another awkward cough.
"Well, I guess I better take you home before it gets even colder."
Amy nodded, a smile still lingering on her lips. He knew she wanted to stay longer, but he was already reaching his limit. His heart was beating wildly, and his leg couldn't stop shaking. But he refused to run this time, he wouldn't allow her to walk home alone at night.
He picked her up and within seconds, they were in front of her door. He lightly set her down, and stood while she fumbled in the pockets of her shorts for her house key.
"Damn, where are they?" She muttered, and Sonic smirked.
Finally, she managed to pull them free, and turn the lock in her door. She opened it slightly, but then turned back to Sonic. She glanced from side to side, obviously looking for an excuse not to say goodbye, but also not wanting to force him to stay.
"Why is this sky your favorite?"
There was a thick silence, as both hedgehogs were surprised at the question (an obvious way to lengthen the time together) and by who had asked it. Amy looked up at him, her gaze confused at first, but then she smiled like usual, that smile he would never admit that he craved to see.
"It's the sky that I was born under - the sky all of us were brought to life under. It's the sky of our home… and it's the sky my mother, and father live in now."
Her answer was honest, and soft, her voice trembling slightly at the end. Her figure standing before him, looked so sad for a moment, the hero almost hugged her. But she shook her head, and gave him a careful look, her eyes searching his.
"It's the sky that looks down on the ones I love."
His breath hitched in his throat for the second time that night. He knew she was saying, in a roundabout way, that she loved him. Sonic knew she had stopped saying she loved him all the time - in an attempt to give him space. This was her way to gently remind him of the words she always wanted to confess.
As they looked at each other in silence, Sonic felt he could almost stop. Maybe going slow wasn't such a bad thing. Maybe running didn't have to be the only thing worthwhile in his life. Amy smiled, and took off his shirt. She walked up to him, and put the clothing in his arms, her hands resting atop the mound. Her weight causing his heart to flutter and beat erratically.
"Thank you Sonic. Even though we never seem to hang out, without something happening - in this case a surprise visit, from an old hedgehog-hermit - I had fun looking at the stars with you."
She went on her tiptoes, and kissed him on the cheek, before quickly dashing into to her house.
He stood there for a moment, before stiffly turning around, and walking down the boardwalk. He continued all the way, refusing to glance back, until he was completely covered by jungle overgrowth. There he stood, staring at her hut, until all her lights were turned off. He told himself that he wanted to make sure she was safe - that no enemies would pop out to harm her - once they thought he was gone.
After several minutes of staring at her dark home, he ran back to his and Tails' hut. Wasting no time, he bolted inside, and into his room, where he flopped onto his bed, face first. His body remained stiff as a board, and he tried controlling his breathing in an attempt to bring down the pace of his racing heart.
It was the just the effect of the run… right?
On the intake of a large breath, he realized he could smell something sweet - something intoxicating... a scent he wanted to become addicted to. He lifted his head to see what he was lying on, only to find his crumpled shirt underneath his nose. He pondered it for a moment, but the clothing smelled amazing, and who cared what the reason was - it wasn't like it was poison. He smashed his muzzle back into it, inhaling deeply. A smile curled on his lips, and he sighed contentedly. Would it be so bad to fall into this scent's warm welcome?
He stayed like that for a while, simply immersing himself in that scent. It wasn't until a half an hour later, that he realized, his shirt smelled of Amy.
He stood, feeling the breeze ruffle his quills, and he tried to conjure her scent, that sweet strawberry-flowery perfume. But all he could smell was the salty air of the sea. He sighed and opened his emerald eyes to the darkening sky. He missed Amy, he missed his friends. He felt like he'd become distant from all of them. He wanted to go back to how it was before. Before he and Per -
Want more? Here’s the link to the full story:
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thatcrazysonicchick · 4 years
Come Back to Me, A FanFiction by That Crazy Sonic Chick
~ Act II ~
Amy, 19
Knuckles, 23
Rouge, 22
Tails, 16
One Year Later…
Amy pulled the pillow off of her head. She stretched, letting a squeak escape her lips. Looking out the window across the room, she sat up in her bed, rubbing her tired eyes. The pink hedgehog dropped her fist on the alarm sitting on her nightstand, silencing it. She flopped back down in bed, throwing her arm over her eyes.
"Ugh, why am I so tired?" She thought aloud. "I got a full night of sleep, and so did…" her eyes widened, and snapping up and out of bed, she threw her door open, throwing her head in the doorway of the nursery across the hall from her own room. "The baby!"
She scrambled down the stairs, nearly tripping over her own feet. She looked around frantically in each room, searching and listening for any sign of…
"C'mon, sweetie, open up. Your mother loves strawberries, I'm sure you would too." Amy whipped her head towards the voice coming from the kitchen.
"If she's anything like her father, she's gonna be difficult and make it a game." She peeked around the corner with a relieved sigh, and saw a nicely dressed Rouge holding a spoon full of red goop in a spoon in front of the fussy hoglet, turning her head away from the food. Behind her stood Knuckles, leaning against the fridge with his arms crossed.
"Yes, well, she certainly is stubborn." Amy spoke, revealing herself at the door. Both turned their heads to see an exhausted mother, with bags under her eyes and one heck of a bed head. Knuckles snorted as Rouge stood straight, walking up to her and presenting the jar of baby food and spoon.
"Amy, dear… Your baby is not being very cooperative with her Auntie Rouge this morning… and Chaos, you're looking rough." Amy rolled her eyes and gave a small smile.
"Thanks, Rouge. You always know what to say." She took the baby food and presented it to her daughter. She swatted her hand at the spoon, sending it flying to the floor and threw her head back, with a tiny scream in protest. Amy let out a heavy sigh. "Oh, Nikki…"
"This is why I stick to wardrobe duty." The bat sat, placing all her weight on one leg, resting a hand on her hip.
"And even that's questionable sometimes." Knuckles muttered, reminding others of his presence.  “Morning, Amy.”
Rouge scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Oh please, you put your socks on her on Tuesday."
"Her feet were cold, and I couldn't get her tiny socks on those tiny feet! It was like playing with Cream's dolls back when she was six!"
"Her birthday is coming up, y'know." Amy said, rinsing off the dirty spoon she'd picked up off the floor.
"I know. I can't believe it. Almost ten years old."
"She's turning fourteen, Knuckles." Rouge corrected dryly.
"What?! Fourteen?!" Amy, leaning over the high chair’s surface in front of her,  looked back at him over her shoulder, nodding, with a look that said "I know, I can't believe it either."
"At least she's out of her pretend-tea-party phase. Those got pretty awkward." Knuckles chuckled.
"You're not finished yet. Cream already promised me she'd take 'Tea Party Duty' with the little lady." Amy said, booping her little one on the nose with the now clean spoon. "Alright, take two."
"More like take seven." Rouge said.
"Take cover, everyone." Knuckles warned, hiding behind Rouge. He laughed at the dirty look he got from her as Nikki fought once more. Amy pulled the spoon back before it made another trip to the ground.
"I don't understand why she's being cranky. She slept all night, no problem. She's gotta be hungry." She lifted the container to her eye level, reading the label. She giggled, tossing it in the trash and reached in the pantry, pulling out a jar of strawberry baby food. She twisted the lid off, and scooped a small amount out, and with one "Here comes the airplane" later, no fuss, no muss. Nikki happily ate her breakfast.
"What the…?" Knuckles began.
"Airplane?" She's been spending some time with Tails the baby whisperer, huh?" Rouge joked. "That's all it took?" Amy wiped the remaining food off of the child's face and lifted her out of the high chair.
"Who grabbed the jar?" Amy asked, holding messy hedgehog on her hip. Rouge pointed to Knuckles, who had his hand raised. Amy laughed. "Those weren't strawberries. They were beets." Rouge slapped Knuckles up the back of his head. Amy smiled, shaking her head and bringing her to the changing table.
"Hey!" He said, rubbing the back of his head.
"It was in the back of the shelf for a reason!"
"Well how was I supposed to know?"
"She's going to hate me now, thinking that I tried to feed her beets." She pouted, crossing her arms. Amy came back, throwing a dirty diaper in the trash, landing next to the beets.
"You jumped at the opportunity to feed her, but didn't mind leaving diaper duty to me?"
"Sorry, hun. But I've got to draw the line somewhere, and that line is at getting poop stuck under my nails. And I just got a fresh manicure." She said, showing her rhinestone nails off for her to see. Nikki reached out to inspect them. Amy looked over to Knuckles.
"Nope. Not even sorry." He said with a smirk.
"It's probably for the best. She'd either lose her diaper in two minutes or lose circulation in her legs." The man growled as Rouge smirked, kissing him on the cheek.
"Don't worry, Knuckie. You'll get your turn with our children."
"Don't hold your breath." Knuckles said, failing at hiding the heat coming to his face.
"He's right, Rouge." Amy said, handing the baby to her. "I mean, he only proposed after three years of you two dating."
"Chaos knows how long until he actually starts helping me plan the wedding." The woman muttered. "But that's okay. Because the longer Uncle Knuckles waits, the more expensive our wedding is going to be. Isn't that right, my pink little topaz?" She said to Nikki. She only responded with a drip of drool. Amy quickly wiped it away before heading upstairs.
"I'm gonna go clean myself up real quick. Knuckles, what time are we supposed to be at Tails' shop?"
"Uhh…" Knuckles checked his phone. "Thirty two minutes ago."
"Crap." Amy replied in a mutter as she ran up the stairs, before a loud thump echoed down the stairway. "Damn it!" And the door to the bathroom closed.
The couple sat on the living room floor, playing with their God-Daughter. Knuckles let a low laugh escape his lips. Rouge turned her head to him, raising an eyebrow.
"What's so funny?"
"I was thinking maybe you could bedazzle a helmet for this one." He said, tickling the hoglet's feet.
"What?" She was completely lost.
"I'm just saying, if this kid's gonna have her mom's footing and her dad's speed…" Realization hit her in the face.
"...Maybe some matching knee and elbow pads. Just in case."
~    ~    ~
"Tails?" Amy called, peeking her head under the garage door. Knuckles grabbed the bottom of it 
and pulled it up enough for them to walk through.
"We're here, man. Where you at?"
"I'm over here!" His voice traveled through the shop, no telling where "over here" was. The two looked around, stepping over wires and around machines.
"Down here!"
"Where's 'here'?" Amy asked. A head popped out from under the Tornado. The fox removed his goggles and looked up at his friends.
"Hey, guys!" He pushed himself out and off of his swivel board, wiping his hands off on a rag, and dusting himself off.
"Why were you under the Tornado?" Knuckles asked.
"Where else would I be?" Tails laughed, patting the side of his plane. "You know she's my pride and joy."
"It's creepy that you refer to it as 'she'." Knuckles said, giving him a weirded out look.
"And it's weird that you refer to the Master Emerald as your friend. Moving on." He retorted, setting his goggles in bis tool box. He hopped up and sat on the edge of his work table. "So, how's Little Miss Nikki?"
"Oh, she's good. I'm finally getting full nights of sleep again."
"That's good to hear. Congratulations." He laughed, leaning back. "The reason I'm asking is because…" He reached back and pulled a nicely wrapped box out from behind him.
"You finally finished it, huh?" Knuckles teased.
"It only took me a couple of months." Tails said, rolling his eyes. "You have no room to talk, Mr. Takes-Too-Long-To-Pull-A-Ring-Out-Of-A-Box." Amy snorted, spitting her tea out and Knuckles balling up his fists.
"That is all I have heard about for the last six months! I did it, that's all that matters. Just drop it already!" Amy and Tails ceased their laughter and shifted their eyes back to the gift in Amy's lap.
"So… what is it?" Amy asked, inspecting the box, weighing it.
"You're gonna have to open it up and find out!" Tails said. "C'mon, hurry up!"
"Tear it up, Amy!" Knuckles encouraged. "Like Nikki and her strawberries." Amy laughed as she peeled the rest of the paper off, and lifted the lid off. She pulled the tissue paper off the top and found a blue surface, in the middle a string with a hook at the end. Lifting it by the hook, she removed the whole thing from the box, setting it on the floor as she inspected her surprise.
“Oh, Tails, it’s beautiful!” She said. It was a mobile. A royal blue surface with a circle of gold rings hung from it, and in the center, an accurate sized model of a green chaos emerald. “I love it!”
“We’re gonna need to tell Rouge that’s a fake.” Knuckles laughed.
“She actually saw it while we were working on it.” Tails said, admiring his work. “She knows it’s a fake.”
“She’s got an eye for anything sparkly. Probably won’t stop her.” Amy teased. Tails laughed.
“Yeah, that’s what Sonic said.” He slowed his laughing down, and all fell silent. Amy’s smile had faded away, and Knuckles set a hand on her shoulder. “...Amy, Sonic helped with this. He actually helped design it.” Tails’ eyes met with Amy’s wet, sparkling eyes. “He never got to see the finished project, but…” he took a deep breath, his own being a little shaky. “He’d be proud of the outcome. And you.” Amy blinked out a single tear, and nodded her head, forcing a smile.
“He’d be proud of all of us. I know it.”
“I can’t believe it’s about to be a year,” Knuckles spoke up. “It doesn’t feel like that long ago.”
“It really doesn’t.” Tails replied, before the room fell silent. The air felt heavy, and as much as they all didn’t like it, it was hard to not think about him throughout the day. For all of them, he was the first thing they thought about in the morning, and the last thing before they fell asleep.
“I miss him.” Amy said, fighting her emotions. Tails hopped down and kneeled at her side, and the two boys hugged her from both sides. Leaning her head on Knuckles and resting her hand on Tails. hand, they all stayed silent, mourning their friend, their brother, their husband. Tails took a deep breath and stepped away, coming back zipping up his coat.
“What are you doing?” Amy asked, wiping a tear away, watching the kitsune prepare to face the cold winter outside.
“I think it’s time we pay Sonic another visit. It’s been a while.” Tails said, placing his earmuffs on. 
“Let’s go get some lunch.”
Amy looked over at Knuckles. “I actually do need to go get Cream a birthday gift,” Amy said, setting the mobile back in the box, sliding it securely under his workspace. Knuckles nodded his head, with a smile.
“I don’t think Rouge would mind some extra time with Nikki.” Knuckles said. “Probably use the advantage to make up for feeding her beets.” Amy giggled.
“Rouge got Nikki to eat beets?” Tails said surprised, opening the door and letting the others out first. Both shook their head, laughing.
“I’ll explain on the way.” Amy said, as she tossed her scarf around her neck. Tails looked over his shop, and closed the door behind him.
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jenny-opm · 6 years
The Oven Fic Ch.2
Remember this picture
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Remember this fic I wrote exactly one (1) year and one (1) day ago
WELL this is Chapter 2! I don’t know if anyone else waited for this but I waited for this so it’s a good day!
(cut for length)
The sound rings from the kitchen, loud and sudden. Startled, Saitama drops his comic book. The book closes when it falls, making Saitama lose his place, but Saitama pays it no mind. Instead, he turns towards the kitchen with a frown.
"Was that you?" Saitama asks.
"Yes, Sensei. The cookies are done." Genos answers. He sounds pleased. Saitama continues to frown, suspicious.
"No, I mean, was that YOU. That was literally your voice, going 'ding'."
Genos doesn't even bother hiding the smile in his voice when he answers, "I don't know what you're talking about, Sensei."
"Genos." He's a dork, and Saitama has no qualms letting him know. "You're a dork."
"It's more efficient than adding an oven bell in me on top of everything else, Sensei." Genos says as Saitama walks into the kitchen. He has his chest plates open, taking the cookies out of his oven module. "And besides, you think it's funny."
Saitama can't help but smile. He wraps his arms around Genos from behind, watching him put the cookies on a plate. The kitchen is filled with a sugary smell, and Genos smells just as sweet.
"Let me try one."
"When it cools down, Sensei."
"C'mon. You can't tell me a cookie, of all things, is gonna burn me."
"I'm not taking any chances, Sensei."
At first, the only real challenge that came up with the oven was figuring out what they could actually do with an oven. Saitama's never owned an oven before, and Genos didn't have any experience with using one, either. For now they'd stuck to recipes with cheap ingredients. In case their first couple tries didn't go so well, they'd just lose some flour and sugar and such. A preferable outcome than losing comparably more expensive ingredients like meat and poultry.
In any case, they were having a good time. That is, until Genos got tired of staying still in the kitchen all day.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Saitama asks, a grocery bag in hand. He's just a step behind Genos, watching as Genos carefully steps over a bump in the sidewalk.
"It'll help me improve my proprioception and concentration," Genos replies. He's taking each step slowly, making sure he's not making rocky movements. He smells faintly of apple pie. It's to be expected, as he has one baking in his chest right now. Saitama wonders if anyone at the store noticed.
"How do you even turn an oven into a training thing," Saitama mumbles, but he's not really complaining. He'd feel bad making Genos stay home when he just wanted to tag along. Sure, they could've timed their baking plans better, but it's just a quick trip to the closest grocery store. It's not like they're out to fight a monster or anything.
A shuriken flies straight towards Saitama. He catches it.
Sonic, dressed in his usual purple and black attire, drops down from a nearby tree. "It's time I finally showed you your place."
Before Saitama can even open his mouth Genos steps in front of Saitama, an arm outstretched.
"You will not waste Sensei's time," Genos growls. Sonic only laughs.
"Good thing you won't be wasting mine."
Sonic moves towards Genos, his sword unsheathed. He's ready to strike, and Genos is already about to retaliate, still smelling of their apple pie--
"Genos, no!"
Sonic feels the impact that breaks his sword in half before he can comprehend what's happened. Instead of striking down the cyborg, his sword had met Saitama's arm. The broken piece drops to the ground with a clang. Sonic jumps back.
Sonic's had plenty of opportunity to go against the cyborg before – the tin can always stuck around his rival, and it was only natural they clashed. However, to this date Saitama's never tried to stop them from fighting entirely like this. Sure, the man sometimes interfered to save his so-called disciple, but this is definitely unprecedented.
Saitama has a hand on the cyborg, holding him back from lunging towards Sonic. Neither of them pay any attention to Sonic.
"Genos, what are you thinking?" Saitama shouts. Sonic tries to remember if he's ever heard Saitama shout. Saitama's voice is usually stuck in that bored, unimpressed tone that makes his blood boil. Even when he's tried to rouse him up, the man had almost always remained maddeningly calm.
"Sensei, please let me take care of him—“
"Did you forget about what you're carrying?"
Genos pales. Oh ho. Now that's not something you see everyday.
"Ah, I….” Genos immediately grows quiet. Sonic takes a step forward, straining to hear. "I think it moved, Sensei…."
"Is it okay?" Saitama has his back turned towards him, and it should be infuriating, but Sonic's never heard Saitama like this before, with his voice full of… concern? Like he's worried, or even scared?
But of what?
"I… I think so? It doesn't feel any different…."
And the way Genos is holding his torso is throwing Sonic off, too. The way he has his arms wrapped around his middle, like he has something there to protect ….
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Sonic snaps. Something about this whole situation is too strange for him. If this is a mind trick of theirs, it's doing a damn well job.
His voice seems to turn the two heroes' attention back to him. "Sensei—“ Genos starts to say, but Saitama steps forward.
"Let me, okay? I want us to go check up on it."
Before he can blink Saitama is standing right behind him, and before he can move he hears a dull thud. He sees the ground coming up to meet him.
As the ground comes up to meet him Sonic tries desperately to put together what he's seen from the two of them, but maybe it's the pain and maybe it's his world fading to black that's making it so hard for him to come up with anything halfway logical—
Sonic passes out.
Mumen Rider tends to run into more Demon-level threats than the average C-class heroes and even B-class heroes. Though he's sometimes chastised for running into trouble – sometimes literally – the simple reality is that Z-city is a dangerous place. There are too many threats, monsters or otherwise, and too few heroes in comparison. Consequently, Z-city residents are always exposed to more danger compared to those from other cities.
So Mumen isn't too surprised when he finds that "some guy with tight clothes sleeping on the sidewalk" turns out to be Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, a dangerous criminal estimated to be on par with S-class heroes. There hadn't been any alerts from the Hero Association, no indication of any danger in the immediate area. Mumen wouldn't have even known Sonic to be a criminal, had he not been present at the time of his initial arrest. 
Mumen can't really contain someone like him if he were to wake up, but he has the protocols down at least. Support shouldn't be far, especially since now there are two S-class heroes in the vicinity. Not to mention Saitama as well.
Mumen pulls out his phone. Then he blinks at his empty hand. He is suddenly very aware that the criminal is conscious now. Mumen slowly turns towards the man.
"The fucking cyborg is pregnant."
I still haven’t thought of a good title yet so we’re going with what we have lool
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I set up the DING for the later chapter and I am Very Happy c: I know it’s been literally over a year but I hope you are happy with this too @opmsmut
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smashbuddies · 7 years
Part Nine: Side Quest
Daniel groaned, and buried his face into his pillow, just barely awake. Maybe that was just his imagination. So he could just peacefully drift back to sleep and...
Ding-dong! Ding-ding-ding-ding!
“Oh my fucking god!”
It took all his effort, but he dragged himself out of bed, eyelids still heavy. The one day he wanted to sleep in, and some goddamn, piss-brained, piece of shit fuckhead had to abuse his poor doorbell and his ears. Well, he was going to give the fucker a piece of his mind.
He stomped down to the door, fists clenched at his side, and swung it open, ready to yell. But he instantly deflated as soon as he saw who it was.
They looked pretty miffed for a second, before staring at him like they didn’t even recognize who he was. After a short moment, they blinked, and intelligently said, “Uhhh, are you another weird clone?”
Daniel promptly slammed the door in their face.
He was such a fucking idiot. At the very least he should’ve gotten dressed, but no, he had to be a fucking hot-head and answer the door in his goddamn pajamas with his messed up hair. There was no way he could live this down. They’d seen him at something other than his best, and that was unacceptable.
Maybe he could pretend it never happened.
So he went back upstairs and made himself look half-presentable. At the very least, put on a nice suit and brushed out his hair. Then he made his way back to the door, and thankfully, Snail was still there.
Unfortunately, his rash decision to change just made the situation even worse.
“What the fuck was that?” they asked, glaring at him with their arms crossed. “I show up early for once and you slam the door on me?”
His face grew hot. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Uh-huh, so you’re trying to tell me that wasn’t you that answered the door looking like you just woke up?” Their outrage melted away into something much, much worse. They gave him that stupid Grin he hated and said, “You look pretty cute with bedhead.”
“That wasn’t me,” he immediately responded with, even though he knew it was a terrible lie. “It was Daniyal.”
“Really,” they said, as if asking if he was really going to stick with that. “Daniyal?”
Just then, Daniyal popped in from the kitchen. “Did someone say my name?”
Daniel turned and gave him a very pointed look. One that said you better say the right thing. “You answered the door a minute ago, didn’t you?”
Daniyal frowned. “No? Why?”
That son of a bitch.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Daniel suddenly asked, teeth clenched. God, he could throttle that bumfuck bastard. “Like with Andy?”
“Right, yes! I made some soup for them, I really hope they like it.” Daniyal ducked back into kitchen for a split-second before emerging with a sealed container. After squeezing his way out the door, he said, “I’ll be back later!”
As soon as he was gone, Snail gave Daniel a look. “So, you wanna go for a different lie, or do you wanna admit that you wear Mario pajamas to bed?”
“Alright, fine!” he snapped harshly, face as red as could be. “Look, I didn’t think you’d be coming over so early. Sue me.”
“Well, you always get pissed when I show up later than noon,” they said bluntly as they brushed past him. “I thought I’d be a good boyfriend for once and show up nice and early. Didn’t think you'd be taking a page from my book today.”
Daniel huffed and carelessly slammed the door shut. “I had a rough night.”
They gave him a cocky look from over their shoulder and teased, “Couldn’t stop thinking about me?”
“Uh-huh, sure,” he answered. Better to stroke their ego a bit than tell the truth. Then he noticed the backpack slung over their shoulder, and raised an eyebrow at them. “What’s that?”
They carefully set it on the couch and took a seat. “My laptop and tablet. I said I’d show you some of my art sometime, so…”
Right. He'd almost forgotten about that. Hell, that date happened, what? A couple weeks ago? Give or take a day or two? He remembered being excited about seeing their art. And that in turn kick-started the memory of him wanting to show them Sonic and Knuckles.
“Yeah, that sounds nice, actually,” he said with an earnest smile. “I have something to show you too, let me go get it real quick.”
He barely made it up three steps before he heard Snail call out, “You should change back into your pajamas while you’re up there.”
“What?” he bit out, backtracking just so he could glare at them. “Why the hell would I do that?”
They rolled their eyes. “Because you don’t need to be so formal inside your own damn house. Besides, I have to see you slip into something more comfortable eventually. So why not now?”
“You’re not wearing pajamas,” he pointed out, ignoring the ambiguously intentional innuendo. But really, if they had shown up in their sleepwear, he would’ve been pretty miffed, so his argument was weak.
“Well, that’s because I know how to dress like a normal person,” they readily countered, and oddly, their comment kind of hurt. “You don’t have to try and impress me. We’re dating, and we’ve already fucked a whole bunch. Just relax for once.”
Daniel stood there for a moment, on hand gripping the banister tightly. Normal, what would their punk ass know about normal? He’d show them.
A little while later, he came back down the stairs with his beloved Sega Genesis in hand. He heard Snail’s little hitch of breath, but pointedly ignored it in favor of getting everything set up. Plug in wires, make sure everything’s sitting steady and all. And maybe he bent over a bit, just to show off his ass a bit. It still looked nice, and he knew it
Dusting off his hands, he brought the controller with him as he plopped himself down on the couch and pretended like Snail’s bewildered stare didn't exist.
“Do you you wanna play first?”
“You actually own a t-shirt?” they asked, eyes not-so subtly raking him over. “And jeans?”
“Of course I do,” he muttered, playing up his bitterness just a bit with a side-glare. “I can dress normal.”
“You sure can,” they agreed. Then they leaned over and began to press quick, heated kisses to his neck. “You can also rile me up pretty good. Don't think I didn't notice what you were doing.”
A pleasant shiver ran through him, but he shoved the controller against them and said, “I was getting everything ready. So we can have a nice time playing a game together.”
They huffed and swiped the controller from him. “Not my fault you have a nice ass.”
After selecting Sonic, they stared at the TV for a solid few seconds, as if waiting for something to happen. Daniel huffed, and crossed his arms, already getting fed up with the wait.
“Well? Are you gonna play, or what?”
“Huh?” They blinked, and with a little testing, then realized that they sure as hell could move around. “Oh, I was kinda expecting a cutscene or something. You know, how games usually start so you don’t get lost.”
“It’s a Sonic game,” he argued, sitting back and watching them meander through the first zone. “Your only goal is to get rings, collect chaos emeralds, and go.”
“Well, I don't even know where I am!”
“Angel Island.”
“Okay, well, why am I collecting the fucking chaos emeralds again? You'd think Sonic would be able to hold onto the damn things.”
“Does it matter? Just shut up and play the damn game.”
Suddenly, the controller found itself in his hands as Snail huffed out, “You’re the video game expert here, you play it!”
Not surprisingly, they spent more time griping than actually getting through the level. But that was fine. Daniel thankfully knew it like the back of his hand, and quickly found his way to the first bonus stage. Not his favorite, but he got through it just fine. Especially since the really important part was coming up soon.
Get the blue spheres!
From there, pure instinct took over. Right, right, right, right, get the rings, go straight, jump, left, left, left, left. For a moment he was taken back to when he was just fifteen years old, playing this game for the first time after school.
He just barely registered Snail speaking.
“Holy shit, you’re really in the zone right now, huh?”
“Hm?” Snapping out of his daze a bit, he managed to answer, “Oh, yeah. I’ve played this game a lot. Not usually on it’s own like this, but…”
Snail shifted. “On it’s own? The hell does that mean?”
“There’s a way to combine the cartridge with the one for Sonic 3.” Despite being engrossed in what he was doing, he liked answering their question and educating them. “Some sort of lock-on thing. I think it also works with Sonic 2.”
“What’s the point in doing that?”
Things followed a pattern from there. Snail would ask questions about some aspect of the game, and Daniel would answer while half-zoned out. He couldn’t see their face, obviously, but he could hear as each word from their mouth became more enthusiastic and interested than the last. Time seemed meaningless, and it just kinda slipped away. The only thing even showing its passage was each stage that Daniel cleared.
It was really nice to just relax with Snail like this for once.
Soon, he was at the last stage, flying through space as Super Sonic while Snail cheered him on. Their encouragements fueled him, and his heart stopped every time he crashed into something. C’mon, he was so close, he couldn’t fail now! Not in front of Snail!
Time stopped. He’d done it. The Master Emerald was saved, and he could relax. While the final cinematic played, he let out a deep sigh and set the controller down. The biggest grin slipped onto his face as a wave of joy washed over him. There was almost nothing more satisfying than beating a game.
“That was something,” Snail said, tone unreadable. But there was a smile on their face, so that had to be good, right? “I can’t believe how fast you went through all that.”
He shrugged in an attempt to play humble, but it didn’t work out so well. “I mean, that’s what Sonic’s about right?” After a second, his smile turned a bit more sheepish. “Sorry you didn’t get to play though.”
They waved him off. “I liked watching you, don’t worry about it. Besides, you’re really cute when you’re all into it.”
That certainly made him blush. To distract himself, he offered the controller to them, “There’s still Knuckles’ route if you wanna play.”
“As nice as that sounds, I think I’m kinda, uh, gamed out,” they said right before pulling their laptop from the backpack. “I wanna show you my art now, if you don’t mind.”
Honestly, he’d never thought about how digital artists did their thing. So when Snail showed him all the pieces they’ve done for different clients- or even just for fun- he was kind of blown away. There were all sorts of things, and they were all pleasing to the eye. Really, it was almost hard to believe that Snail could do all this.
“So people just pay you to draw for them?” he asked while they scrolled through their folder. “How does that work?”
“Well, they tell me what they want me to do and I give them a price. It’s not, like, and hourly wage kinda thing,” they answered, a small frown on their face. “It kinda sucks, but you know. Not nearly as much as it did when I first started off.”
He only nodded, not knowing what to say.
After a moment, they huffed. “Want me to draw you something real quick?”
It took him a second to register what they had asked. “Uh, are you sure? You usually get paid for that.”
They snorted and opened up some program on their laptop. “Well, you just spent two hours talking nerd at me, which you usually get paid for. Besides, I just need to warm up a bit. Won't be some big thing.”
His eyes glanced over to that TV, where the credits were just ending. “Alright, well, mind drawing Sonic?”
The look they gave him was almost taunting. “You really are a nerd.”
“Shut up.”
Seeing them draw was definitely a new experience. The tablet was certainly something strange to behold. His brain couldn't quite handle the disconnect between their swooping hand motions and the curves appearing on the screen. Almost as if it was some kind of black magic. Or maybe he was just old.
As if.
It surprised him when part of the way through, they pulled a picture of Sonic up. “What’s that for?”
“Reference,” they answered, eyebrows furrowed together with focus. “Can't pull him outta my ass. Besides, I need to get the right colors.”
“Right, right.”
Like he knew. Hell, the last time he seriously drew anything was when he was eight years old doing Inky for all of his school art projects. Since then it’d just been doodles in the margins of notes, tests, and then scripts.
While they worked, he asked the occasional question. Why are they redrawing over their old lines? How do they get the right colors? Thankfully, they didn't find it annoying and readily answered him just as he did for them earlier.
Eventually, he found himself leaned against them, eyes half-drooped while they colored. For once, he didn't feel all that on edge. Like he could just breath and be without anything coming in and ruining that.
“And… Done!”
He blinked several times. Sure enough, there was a smirking Sonic giving him a thumbs up right before his eyes.
“Cute,” he mumbled, sitting up and stretching to wake himself a bit. “I like it.”
“Good, good,” they said as they set the laptop on the coffee table, their voice having a bit of a sly edge to it. Hooking their arm around his waist, they continued, “You know, I think I've changed my mind. I do need a little payment for that drawing.”
Since he wasn’t a dumbass, he quickly caught onto their little game. But he’d play coy anyway, just for the hell of it.
“Oh yeah?” he asked, glancing over at them with a neutral look. “Name your price.”
They leaned in close, cheeks just a tad pink, and said, “A kiss.”
Wow. To think, this was the same person that would easily pin him down and tell him how hard they were gonna fuck his brains out. Getting flustered over demanding a simple kiss. It was so contradictory, yet so them.
Letting out a deep sigh, as if this was the most demanding task they could ever ask of him, he said, “Well, I guess I could do that for you. Since you did a pretty okay job.”
For a second, they looked offended, but he shut them up before they could get a word out by planting a sweet kiss right on their lips. With a low hum they reciprocated it, pulling him close so the two of them were flush against each other. The warmth and closeness had him wishing that little moment could last forever. Sadly, like every other good thing, it had to come to an end.
“Guess that’ll cover it,” Snail teased, eyes alit with joy. “Next time, though, don’t be a dick before you pay me.”
“Duly noted.”
A long moment passed where they just sat there, almost entwined with each other. Daniel could feel the slow rhythm of their breathing. Despite the sun still being high in the sky, he felt cozy enough to fall asleep right then and there. But an urge to say something hit him. So he did.
“Thanks for coming over,” he half-whispered. His heart pounded the word vulnerable into his chest. And he sure as hell was. “I like just hanging out like this. It’s nice.”
“Please, I come over all the time, you don’t need to thank me,” they said, sounding half-asleep. “Just keep getting me snacks and it’s all good.”
Prick. Still, that wasn’t too big of a demand. If they could keep having moments like this, then he wouldn’t complain.
Three little words filled his mouth with sweetness. Instead of letting them fly free, he swallowed them down. Was it too soon? He didn’t know. But that wasn’t a risk he was willing to take.
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Mod Mew Reads! “Don’t Trust Anyone, Not Even Yourself” (PART ONE)
Hihi, guys, and welcome back to Mod Mew Reads! And it only took eight months! Today, we’re gonna be reading something special. It’s gonna be big, it’s gonna be huge, and it’s gonna be personal. Why? Because today, we’re looking at the first three chapters of a fanfiction. 
A fanfiction that I wrote.
That’s right! Today we’re looking at Chapters 1 and 2 of Forbidden Magnetism, my GakuKai fanfiction I wrote three years ago! Is it as bad as I’m making it out to be? Well, let’s not stall any longer. Let’s dive in HEAD FIRST!
Kaito and Gakupo both have new girlfriends, they both love them so much. However, when they meet each other in a practice studio, an attraction that shouldn't be forms between the two. How long can this magnetism last before they are caught? Rated M for later chapters containing smut. Yaoi, boy on boy, KaitoxGakupo. UPDATED FROM MY TUMBLR WITH CORRECT SPELLING.
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For a little context, I based this entire fanfic off of this video. The video is five years old and the creator has not updated in three years, but just watching it brings back memories. Hot tip for high school me; don’t make a name for yourself critiquing fanfic and then write a shitty one yourself. Anyways, enough stalling. 
Fate is a bitch.
I still think this is my best opening line of anything ever.
This is the conclusion Gakupo came to after the events that happened. First, he had finally asked Luka out, and, to his suprise, said yes.
Oi, past me, have you heard of this hot new tool called SpellCheck? “Surprise” still gives me trouble, but good lord.
However, he couldn't kiss her, not at the school. Luka had told him her best friend, Miku, also got a boyfriend not too long ago. He had decided to stay after in the school's expansive practice school, to write her a song.
Why was fate a bitch?
Because as soon as he stepped in, his eyes fell on a beautiful person.
He knew immediately who the person was. It was Kaito. He was part of the 'Big Five', the most popular kids at the high school. The most popular of them all was Kaito's new girlfriend, Hatsune Miku. If you were associated with them in any way, you were considered 'popular', or at the very least, 'known'.
The ‘Big Five’ in my mind were Miku, Luka, Rin, Len, and Gumi, if I’m remembering correctly.
Kaito was 16, but he looked around 20. He was tall, with dark blue hair. He always wore his scarf, no matter what.
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OH YEAH I FORGOT I MADE THE CHARACTERS TEENS. Spoilers, but they have sex in later chapters, so I wrote underage smut when I myself was underage. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
I know age of consent laws are very iffy, and the AoC in my state is 16 years old, but to me the AoC always will be 18.
He was beautiful.
And staring right at Gakupo.
The events that followed were a blur in his mind. He remembered walking towards Kaito, and the next thing they knew, they were kissing furiously, unable to stop.
Fun fact, the inspiration for this scene was a seen in Brokeback Mountain.
What had lead up to this? 
Well, first off a thirsty 15 year old girl who had an unfortunate habit of fetishizing gay men, but that’s a story for another day.
Gakupo remembered talking to him, remembered him being asked to practice a duet with Kaito that he was going to do with Miku. His memory fogs up, then clears up around the time he hit the wall while making out with Kaito. They didn't want to break the contact, not even to breath, as of they feared that if they did, they could never kiss each other again. Their tongues were fighting for dominance, but it was becoming painfully clear that Gakupo was the dominate one.
The tall one isn’t always the dominate one open up your eyes sheeple.
Finally, the need for air overpowered their want for each other. 
There’s this funny little thing called your nose, try breathing through that.
They broke apart, gasping for air. Gakupo could feel that just the kissing had made them both half hard. He wanted to continue, so badly. However, the sudden realizations that both of them had girlfriends hit him like a bullet train.
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He pushed himself off of Kaito, and, without another word, left the studio.
What school has a professional recording studio? All I had at my high school was a shitty photo room we used as a storage closet.
If the two boys had been smarter, that meeting would have been just a little fling, and nothing more. 
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However, nobody could even begin to guess how far out of control this situation would get. And it all started thanks to a magnetism that shouldn't have been felt.
Kabosoi hi ga kokoro no hashi ni tomoru Itsu no ma ni ka moehirogaru netsujou
... What? Once a weeb always a weeb.
(AN: So, yeah. That 's the first chapter. More to come! By the way, if this seems like déjà vu, it's because I've posted this on my tumblr [URL HAS SINCE CHANGED]. I've fixed the spelling errors in this version. Enjoy!)
Sure you did.
And that’s it for chapter one! Sadly, I’m a masochist who loves inflicting pain on myself and we still have chapter two to read through tonight, so let’s fuckin do that shit.
(AN: Alright, still going! On tumblr, I mentioned that I didn't want to write smut. Well, I will soon, I promise you. Enjoy chapter two!)
Here’s a tip for anyone writing smut; let your inhibitions go. otherwise, it’ll be so obvious that you’re uncomfortable.
It had been a couple of days since their 'meeting', and both boys had become a bit restless, unable to shake the memory of each other out of their minds. They couldn't really see each other during the day, and they felt as if they were slowly going insane. They hoped their girlfriends didn't notice.
They did.
Oh, they noticed that you two fucking CHEATED ON THEM huh?!
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Luka decided to keep silent about the situation, and not inquire Gakupo. After all, if the problem was truly bothering him, he would've told her by now. She chalked it up to nerves.
Kids, if you’re having relationship troubles, just talk it out with the person, it’ll be so much better in the long run.
Miku, on the other hand, was the talkative type. 
Speakin of which, if this goes up on time, happy 10th birthday, Miku!
She expressed her emotions through many words. Including her concern over Kaito.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Miku asked one day between classes. She needed to know. Otherwise, it would drive her nuts trying to figure it out for herself.
Kaito smiled sweetly at her. "It's nothing, Miku," he lied. He was a performer. He could fake any emotion at the drop of a hat. And no one could see he was faking.
No one, that is, except Miku.
I want to re-write this but like, not have the guys cheat on the girls??? Polyamory, it’s a thing.
"Don't lie to me, Kaito," Miku said sternly. "I won't be mad. I promise." Her puppy dog eyes seem to be staring right into Kaito's soul.
No, trust me, you’ll be pissed.
"I'm just nervous. You're my first real girlfriend. I don't want to mess this up."
I actually ship KaiMeiko more so LMAO @ past me.
Miku grinned. "Was that all? Well, that's a relief! I thought it was something seriously bad. I'll try not to make you nervous."
Kaito was relieved that she believed him. There were truth to his words; Miku was his first girlfriend, and he didn't want to screw up too badly. However, in his mind, making out with your girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend (try saying that three times) qualified as 'screwing up', and was in the subcategory of 'screwing up pretty damn badly'. 
The warning bell rang, and Miku gave him a quick kiss goodbye, before rushing to her classroom.
Kaito always felt a spark when he kissed Miku. He always felt like it was right, like she was the one.
But no matter how hard he tried to deny it, he had felt that same spark during that meeting with Gakupo.
See, this is something that I liked; Kaito having feelings for both Miku and Gakupo was super interesting to me, and I want to expand on it one day, but maybe in a format that’s... well, less shit.
Also, looking back, this might’ve been me working through the fact that I’m bisexual...
Because of their concern, the girl decided a double date would set everyone at ease. They planned it out, and didn't tell the boys about it until the day of. The boys didn't have any choice but to say yes.
For the girl, the date went just as planned. The park they chose was close enough so everyone could walk there and back, yet secluded enough for them to enjoy the day in peace. They had a nice day, and things felt right.
For the boys, it was a totally different story. Every time they saw the other's girlfriend kiss them, they wanted to say "No, he's mine." But they knew they couldn't. It was as if the girls were trying to make them envious. Envious of a love that they wanted to share with each other.
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After the date had ended, and both girl went home, the boys arrived at Gakupo's house. They decided to make a promise: whenever they could, they would meet up at one of their houses, and leave when dawn came around. No one would know except them. It was the perfect plan. As soon as they agreed, they began kissing.
Hey past me, if you actually took time to develop scenes instead of acting like you’re Sonic The Hedgehog and speeding through them, maybe your writing wouldn’t be as shit.
Of course, anyone with half of a brain could see this promise was idiotic and flawed in so many ways.
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No, really? I can’t see how cheating on your s/o with their best friend’s s/o is a bad idea, not at all!
(AN: The next chapter is just going to kind of be a filler. I'd still read it, but hey, it's just gonna be a filler. Don't kill me. Thanks!)
A lot of these chapters were filler, don’t lie to yourself.
Overall reaction:
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Me @ my past self CATCH THESE FISTS.
Oh god oh god that was so bad. Maybe if I snark all of it, we can all heal together. I could see where I was going, I really could, but GOD it’s so bad.
And to all the fucking obvious cheating going on?
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Well, thank y’all for reading, and I’ll see you next game!
~ Mod Mew 
*Who’s currently cringing oh god why the hell did I think that was okay at all*
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