nyaagolor · 1 year
Your SV headcanons are a pure delight to read through. May I ask two questions?
Which ScaVio character do you think or would consider a 'horse girl'? I personally HC Rika as one (she deserves to ride a Mudsdale alongside Geeta and her Gogoat Esmeraldo).
What do you think Arven's Mabosstiff's relationship would be with Nemona & Penny and vice versa? Arven had one-sided beef with Nemona and probably didn't get along with Penny at first, but I wonder how Mabosstiff would feel about those two? At least I do think their interactions would lean towards the positive for the most part. What you do think?
You can ask as many questions as you want i loveeeeee asks. Also WAUGH thank u for the kind words ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ
I thought this would be short enough that it didn't have to go under a readmore but lmfao. Lol even! It got long
Ok so to start I want to clarify that there's like a horse girl classification system. Type 1, to me, is just People Who Ride Horses. Rika is a horse girl in the sense that she has a horse and likes horse-riding, but I think she's normal about it. She's capable of being a functioning member of society without bringing up horses, but definitely goes to and participates in horse shows and races and stuff. To me she just seems like the type to ride around for the fun of it all and finds it relaxing. Type 2 is the horse girl that they make the TV shows and books about and stuff. The one who finds the stallion in the fields and is the only one who can tame its tortured soul. They dream of being the special girl who can see into the heart of this beautiful animal and ride together into the sunset. Nemona is trying to pull this off with Koraidon so badly. She wants it to eat sandwiches out of her open palm and to motorbike across the plains of Los Platos. She can see it in her dreams. Type 3 is the horse girl that all the schoolteachers are like vaguely concerned about because they know far too much about horses and have the social skills of one too. Horse girls that are complete fucking freaks. Weirdos. Losers. This was Geeta in middle school. She doesn't like to talk about it but still loves the horse movies
This ask made me realize that while I've talked a lot about the pre-story, during-story, and immediately post-story interactions between the characters, I haven't talked about afterwards. I think that immediately post-game they're all recovering and learning about real friendship for the first time and so they just don't get along well. Healing is hard and they lash out a bit, especially Penny and Arven, and it's only through the protagonist that they stay in touch. As the months go on and they heal, however, they become closer and closer, eventually becoming inseparable friends who all care so deeply for each other. I'll make a post about it later because Oh Boy do I have ideas about it. ANYWAY. Whether or not Arven likes Nemona, Mabosstiff does. That doggy loves to battle by Arven's own admission, and who gives a better battle than Nemona? I think Mabosstiff, knowing Nemona from Arven's childhood, adores her and is super friendly to her. She always gives Mabosstiff the battles he wants and treats and pets so Arven ends up having to interact with her because Mabosstiff will bound up to her every time he sees her. It drives Arven insane that Mabosstiff and Nemona are practically besties. It's the meetcute that begins the "enemies to friends" part of their childhood friends to enemies to friends again relationship cycle. As for Penny: I think Mabosstiff is just friendly and likes everyone, but Penny is a little bit scared of him. She's covered in eevee fur and smells like old pizza, so when she met Mabosstiff for the first time he chased her and jumped on her and tried to lick her face and she definitely thought that dog wanted to eat her. She's still apprehensive, but Mabosstiff is very affectionate and doesn't do much more than beg for pats and give sloppy kisses. Eventually though, she realizes that Mabosstiff is cute and big and harmless, so when they have picnics and Mabosttiff gets tuckered out he runs over to her (since she's usually sitting away from the group) to nap and get pets. She's still a lil nervous around such big pokemon, but gets along with him just fine. Mabosstiff likes her a lot because she's always down to give him some good scritches and has a nearly endless supply of treats. Also she's quiet and sometimes that's good for an older doggy like him
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mikiruma · 4 years
🏳‍🌈📌💎🎥💕 for homestar runner!!!
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
GAY STRONG BAD... and while a lot of it is projection & kinny its not just that... i think it's hilarious how in an effort to make strong bad into this. whatever he is. bragging about how many ladies are on their knees just to date him? he always has these ridiculously beautiful girlfriends who love him so much, but you'll never meet them because they live in far off lands? or on the moon? (sbemail #67: autobiography) the though of trying to hit on the ONE girl to further his "womanizer" image disgusts him??? imagining a male character to be female so it would be "acceptable" to date him?? (sbemail #99: different town) imagining a male character falling in love with him but only expressing distaste outside the imagination sequence? (sbemail #130: do over) receiving a love letter in an email from a dude but only saying so much as "it just wouldnt work out" when he remembered people are watching him??? (sbemail #8: brianrietta) TEXTBOOK!!!! hes gay man!!!! yeah theres internalized stuff which is. kinda what im hinging on but like. he's gotten better over the years w his general personality shift. im just disappointed that this probably wasnt how he was meant to be written at ALL but like. if i had free reigns over the show i'd want him to find acceptance and realize yeah, you can be gay and still commit arson.
(other than that homestar/homeschool/champeen/strong mad are autistic. also coach z is trans & him and bubs are married. i also rly like trans strong bad)
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
my uncle actually introduced it to my sibling & i way back when!! and we hadnt actually talked about it SINCE he told us abt it... until last time he was in town!! and i didnt even know he remembered it until he saw the trogdor board game which came in the mail the day before & we got to go crazy go nuts over that again!!! (i dont rly remember much of the introduction other than. we were at my grandparents house for christmas or something & i had to go home to visit the site... and i was like 9 or 10) anyway cool uncle rights
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
the brothers chaps have regularly used the fan-owned homestar runner wiki as a resource... useful when u put out as much content as they do! the wiki is credited in all five episodes of strong bad's cool game for attractive people in the "special thanks" section, the brothers have mentioned the wiki itself by name in interviews & at least one toon (that i've seen), just over the past few days on strong bad's twitter page they linked to one of the pages! it is an incredible resource if you wanna know everything about everything in the series, but i think it's really something knowing the creators use it as well. oh yeah and they donate when they can to help keep the servers afloat when the site runs donation drives so. that's pretty cool.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
"favorite scene" or "favorite toon".... im gonna drop some of my favorite toons (or the ones i quote the most) bc most are 3-5 minutes long
fall float parade
sbemail #129: garage sale
pumpkin carve-nival
doomy tales of the macabre (cw: body horror)
halloween potion-ma-jig
i killed pom pom! (cw: alcohol)
sbemail #206: videography
sbemail #110: for kids
play date
donut unto others
where my hat is at? (cw: alcohol)
the homestar runner goes for the gold
the homestar runner enters the spooky woods (cw: emetophobia, (one) dead animal is part of homestar's final fear)
sbemail #207: too cool
a decemberween mackerel (cw: unsanitary in an easter egg)
added some content warnings just in case, also the links in red go to the official site while the black links go to youtube!
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
i will lay down my life for strong sad no questions asked. he deserves several hugs. i would like to be his friend. i like to think if everyones aware theyre in a cartoon and does their own thing outside what we see on the site, then like... hopefully theyre nicer to him.... i know its fun to rag on him bc he is kind of an easy target but listen. goth king. similar music taste. we totally would have hung out in middle school. also thinkin abt how him and strong bad used to get along.... bro.... i would like to see more of that....
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