respectthepetty · 8 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 12 The Black Parade Episode
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Y'all done told be EVERYTHING, so I know the entire plot now.
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I thought it wasn't just sweat last week but knowing he is actually crying as he thinks about their past did immediate damage to me, and now they are ALL standing there in the dark with Way and Pete highlighted by the blue, and, and, and . . . Kentana are you gonna die? You and Waymond are stressing me the fuck out!
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Now that I know they are both enigmas, I can't see them the same. Are they using their superpowers on each other right now? Are they reading each other's minds? Are they trying to figure out how to get Kentana back, so they can make this poly?
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Kentana, how many times are you going to have this man spit in your face before you realize that he ain't shit? Go to your room, turn on Billie Eilish's "Happier Than Ever" and really hear it. "Never told anyone anything bad cause that shit's embarrassing. You were my everything, and all that you did was make me fucking sad."
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The blue keys in front of the red product placement is all I need to be reminded that this show refuses to allow me peace.
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Shocking absolutely fucking nobody, Kentana did not listen to "Happier Than Ever"
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And now someone is gonna die because there are only so many ways for you and Waymundo to redeem yourselves, and if you have Jeffrey in all black, I'm worried it's gonna be your funeral we will be planning next, Kentana.
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There is one episode left and I am death gripping the one time Vegas' Hedgehog wore blue because I will never get it again. I hate them.
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Real question: Is Barbie pregnant? I know he is sad Charles is "dead" *eye roll* but he is taking pills, getting fruit thrown at him, and staring out into space. I would love to believe he is going through his Edward-left-Bella-so-she-was-super-duper-sad era, but now that I know pregnancy is on the table, that's all I can see.
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Oh, thank goodness! Someone actually has a tracker on his phone! But Kimberly has been kidnapped, caught up in human trafficking, and is now beating up children. Bro, what was your life before it all went to shit? Do you ever call your mom and tell her these are your friends now? Are you even still racing? Nevermind. Go catch those kids.
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The problem with black is the shades. Waymond's jacket looks green. Peter's pants look blue. And yet it still feels like we are preparing for a funeral. A real one this time. Not fake like someone else's *cough* Charles *cough*
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Kentana, are you betraying Jeffrey as Big Red watches? Or are you asking him how Peter's been? Has he been well, without you? Is he dating anyone? What is his status with Way? Well, Jeffrey wouldn't know, but Peter x Waymond could be poly if you get out of that fucking house and stop kidnapping people!
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Going from Kentana in that House of Horrors to Pete looking like this makes me understand why Kentana is out there kidnapping people. I'd feel some type of way too if my childhood crush looked like this and was getting chummy with a dude who looked like Way Way. Damn.
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What the hell is this?! The cover of a boy band album? A meeting to discuss poly? The Thai version of Barbie where Ken(tana) explains why he won't leave the Mojo Dojo Casa House? AND WHY ARE ALL OF YOU WEARING BLACK?! Someone is gonna die.
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Did Big Red know Kentana went to see Barbie and the other Kens?! Was he sent there by Big Red?! Kentana is really breaking my heart on his knees hugging this man like this. I want to slap Kentana all the time, but I also want to hug him and tuck him into bed with a moon nightlight calmly lighting up the room.
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Let's stick him in a video game, so he can learn to love himself.
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Push him down the stairs, Kentana! Do it. PLEASE! Shoulder check his ass at least.
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Oh Lord, NO! Waymond, do not take a fucking bullet for anyone. You canNOT die by Whiny Winifred's bullet. I refuse to let you go out like that. You finally used your powers for good, but this is not the time to die.
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This is Mission Kim Possible all over again! How do you not grab the damn bag?! Waymundo looks so damn good in his suit, so thank God he is still alive, but what the fuck guys?! One job! SECURE. THE. BAG.
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I hate how good everyone looks in black because I keep swinging through emotions. I'm terrified for everyone yet very attracted to everyone. All the guys connected to Big Red have been in black this episode regardless if it was their color or not, so I'm hoping that means the funeral will be Big Red's.
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A cult meeting, in this economy? Villains make the dumbest decisions.
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Waymond has some white on . . . over black. Please Mary, mother of God, do not let him do something stupid.
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Alan, did you just say "eff them kids"? No. Not my Alan. He'll be back for them. Right. Right?
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Peter is gonna Regina George his way into this Halloween party that he was not invited to just to cause some havoc. Mad respect.
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How the hell did Charles get there?! Did Barbie's dad tell him to go to the cult meeting? Dressed like that though? Did his spidey sense go off? So many questions, but all I know is Kentana better let them go, so he doesn't have to die.
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Whiny Winifred better not get better at aiming in the final episode because I still need both of these two to wear blue TOGETHER.
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WAYMOND, NO!!!!!!!!!!
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Good to know it only took being kidnapped twice and (possibly) someone dying for Jeffrey to finally commit to the blue.
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My nerves are wrecked. There was too much black this episode. Someone is going to die, and as much as I want it to be Big Red, I just don't feel good that Kentana is still on his bullshit, and Waymond keeps jumping in front of guns. Peter needs both of his boyfriends to live.
Also, Barbara, I already know you are immediately going to hug Charles next week, instead of having a moment to be pissed all the way off at him like you should be, so I'm going to start meditating on that right now. I've been mad at Charles the entire season, so I'll hold this grudge for both of us in the finale.
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crabonfire · 1 year
Stupid and dumb tf2 headcannons cause I somebody do these on tiktok and they rile me up
Pyro regularly goes to strip clubs and he would fucking clap at the strippers like "😊👏👏" because he's a weirdo and I love it, demoman and Soldier would go too, both wanting to have a good time but soldier would probably be more impressed at how flexible they can be instead of everything else
They have movie nights where they vote and scout chooses action every single time while most mercs would want something else, they accuse him of being scared because he never ever chooses horror and he's like "pfft, no! Horror is just...lame to me." And engie snorts and was like "Yeah okay buddy." So they watched horror that night to prove it to him and surprisingly he was composed during it, but he didn't sleep that night, or the coming nights until he finally convinced himself it was just a movie and nobody was living in his closets.
Spy is a little too into weapons. One time when they all got a crate of weapons they had all been wanting when it came to his crate bro was practically SAVORING the knives and guns he was holding, he was sputtering French compliments while he was CARESSING those weapons. Everybody was so weirded out Sniper had to tell him to cut it out. He simply said that he was "impressed" by the refined beauty of said weapons. (if he starts moaning over those guns don't be surprised)
They also have game nights, it was scouts idea. Usually only Pyro, Engineer, Demoman, Soldier would join, while others would be spectating. They always go the same way, the game starts out simple, Engineer starts arguing with Soldier because he's not playing right, they start fighting and it turns into a bet to see who will win this time. Pyro and demoman will continue the game with Scout because they are so used to this, while Medic will cheer and egg them on. Spy would be like, "Look at you two, fighting like a bunch of children." But he finds it sooo entertaining.
Barbecue nights with engie!
Sniper smells like ASS. Anytime he's at the base, somebody has to remind him to shower, and he gets so embarrassed he's like, "Shit. Sorry." And just speedwalks to the shower rooms. When he comes back, he uses an insane amount of shampoo and cologne, so he actually smells really good afterwards. He's used to his own bad smell so he never actually notices.
Spy has greasy fucking hair. Like seriously, does he even wash that baklava? I don't think so (that voice line from Ms pauling proves me right) he's a man thay takes care of his physical attributes yes, but he doesn't ever find a need for his hair because he never takes that damn thing off, only when he showers and sleeps, that's it.
If for example, your dating him and after a while you want to see him without it, he's handsome yeah omggg so cute but GOD FUCKING DAMNNN THAT FUCKING HAIR MASHAALLAHHH brother wtfffff you have to shower with him and clean out his hair from him. He's like "it's not that big of a deal seriously" but after you wash it and it becomes soft and conditioned he becomes embarrassed realising how bad it really was. (Also, he probably has mask lines if it's been hot and he's been wearing it for too long)
Engineer has a shameful addiction of sweets. Like, I feel like he stress eats especially when his inventions go wrong and I have a headcannon back in uni when he was studying, since he was already so smart the MOMENT something was not perfect he would freak the fuck out and start eating chocolate so aggressively like
"What's wrong with this damn thing om nom mommmfh fuckin- mmmomom"
After he graduated and became a merc, since he got better and perfected his craft (for the most part) this rarely occurred, when it does tho, just know he's stepping out of his workshop, going to a gas station and buying so much candy. (This only happens when it's REALLY bad though.)
Heavy actually really likes American food. He thought he'd hate it, but he doesn't find it that bad. He likes cheeseburgers and steaks, very yummy. Medic doesn't like it when he eats them because they can be a tad bit unhealthy, but he's happy that it makes him happy.
Medic got into birds when he was young, feel like he had a bird feeder as a kid outside his house and would like to observe them from his window, when it got cold he'd offer them a place inside and ended up having bonds with them. Archimedes and his doves reminds him of childhood, a simpler time.
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i-like-ratsssss · 4 months
“Where the fuckkkkkk is Johnny Cade?’ “ Dally asked, wasted out of his goddamn mind. “Dally I’m right here you drunk fuck.” Johnny says standing right infront of him.”where the fuck is Ponyboytoy??????” He asked, thay had Infact lost ponyboy. “Like I know where he went I’ve been here trying to make sure you don’t pass the fuck out Dallas.” “Oh tee-HEA I rember where he is!!?! I gave him a drink or like 6 and threw him at Cherry Valance. Tenahhshshdhdehhehdhd he’s drunk as shitttttttt” Dally giggles cutley “You what?!?!?!” Darry yells “relaxeeeee he’s like basically 21… what is he? 13. Ayeeee he’s a man” Soda stared in horror, Johnny was jaw dropped “YOU THREW MY BOYFRIEND AT CHERRY VALANCE!!” Johnny yells “hmm hmn” Dally smiled like a fucking 4 year old “Sowwy.” He giggled, Sodapop stared at Dally “bro you have a 14 year old alcohol 😭😨” Darry was still pisseddddd, “relax it was only 4 vodka bottles” Soda stared in awe “ONLY????” Two-bit was passed out on the floor, Ponyboy walked up behind dally “HAI :3” he giggled (gay ass am I right) Dally immediately kicked him in the balls and face. Ponyboy cried then passed out “OMG MY BOYFRIENDS DEAD!!” Johnny cried, Darry walked back from getting water and stared. “Why is my kid brother lying on the floor?” “Dally dared him to drink like idk a lot of alcohol or shit and then kicked him in the balls” Steve said calmly “Damn. Is he good?” Darry asked. he was answered by Ponyboy turning around and aggressively vomiting “hai Darry :3333 XD” “We’re going home come on y’all.” Darry says dragging Pony out by the arm, in the middle of the drive Dally opened the door and threw Ponyboy out, then closed it. Soda stared in horror “shit he dead” Two-bit said calmly, Darry was confused not seeing what happened “what happened? You all right pone?” Pony never responded. Steve who was sitting next to Soda said “oh ya dally killed him and threw him out the window” Darry Stopped the car and hit a lamppost killing them all. Dead Steve then said “Damn we all dead now”
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diazpatcher · 4 months
7x09 my thoughts
"my resignation" WHAT BOBBY WHAT. this man needs extensive therapy bc why does he think he doesn't deserve good things.😭
Athena being the supportive wife she is. "Walking away from the 118" THOSE ARE YOUR KIDS
Edmundo noches is at it, with his ex dead wife's doppelganger 💀 the date is waaaaaaaaaaay to romantic for 2 people who aren't an official item.
Eddie baby no, you're not only emotionally cheating you are full on cheating bro 😭💀 pls let her be part of his mental breakdown.
Athena fighting for bobby even when bobby doesn't want to anymore:( Athena is such a great wife I can't fucking handle it.
Finally they talk about Bobby's struggles, of balancing his past and his present and the guilt he has😭 as much as I want retirement for the Grant-Nashes I don't want Bobby to leave 😭
Bobby is straight up evil, he wants to retire and before he does so, he takes care of every single person in his team "they're not the only kids you're raising Mother Hen"😭
Buck and Eddie cooking together😭
Buck looking at Bobby the way a kid looks at their dad waiting for praise 😭 im not okay bro that whole sequence fucked me over. BOBBY😭 7 years😭 "here's to seven more" 😭 Their father son relationship makes me want to chew on glass 😭😭😭 "it's been my pleasure kid"
BUCK MEETS THE DOUBLE, OMG. THE WAY HIS FACE FELL😭 He is so fucking funny I can't 😭OH OH BUCK IS MAD. He used the Back door💀😭 The way he's trying to figure out if Marisol is still around lmao😭 "Eddie who's kim" HILARIOUS ACTUALLY. "Marisols my girlfriend, she just a friend" "a friend who's a dead wringer for your dead wife' OKAY BUCK😭 Buck has healed he is ready to confront and pull Eddie out of his ass. The way Eddie is trying to justify his actions, "does this poor woman know thay she is a carbon copy of your dead wife"
"Im worried about you" HUSBAND BEHAVIOUR 😭😭😭
The kids🥺🥺😭 Wilson-Han family is so special to me❤️ Chim knowing something is wrong with Bobby!!!
I knew that the Council woman was gonna be a bitch. I knew it.
I feel so bad for Kim. She got pulled into this mess it's insane. "But I'm not her" THIS POOR WOMAN. she knows Eddie just wants to replace Shannon with her 😭😭 heartbreaking. "which was not fair to you"
Hey anyways Eddie did that after buck talked to him even his break up with his ex wife's doppelganger is colored by the interactions with buck.
"I never meant to lead you on"
"but you did" 😭 "I guess she was the love of your life" STOPOP😭😭😭
Eddie should be talking about this with Frank 💀
"living happily in Florida with his husband" lmao💀 Okay either Amir is gonna help Bobby or he's gonna torch the place. oh he's gonna torch the place. right.
Mom and Dad are fighting 😭 oh god Athena is so desperate. She's trying so hard. "You're making your round to say goodbye" 😭 Athena still worrying about Bobby being suicidal. "And you're standing on the ledge of a building again, Bobby." 😭 I'm in shambles. somebody glue me back together.
Athena doesn't know about the Book...
"I threw it in the trash on the night of our first date." She gave him hope that he was worth something 😭.
Garica is a BITCH. idc what happened to her she's a bitch. Who is she to refuse Mara a home😭 just bc her idiot son refused treatment. They're ripping apart a family they don't give a shit. Fuck CPS. fuck those 2 especially. ripping Mara out of Karen's grasp what the fuck. Fuck this what the fuck.
WHAT. THE FUCK. IS KIM DOING. SHE GOT A HAIRCUT AND IS.WEARINF SHANNONS DR3SS???????? Eddie looks as horrified as I do. She's pretending to be Shannon IM GOING INSANE. Kim is so smart istg. "You have to let me go" 😭 She is doing the right thing but my god this is psychotic to watch 😭
Eddie finally FINALLy letting go of Shannon is so 😭 he deserves peace. Eddie breakdown era 2.0 let's go. he sounds like a little boy so scared and angry and hurt. CHRIS WALKING IN WITH MARISOL !!!
Bobby, Bobby??? bobby... oh. oh no. He is, he's drinking. Oh my god. he dreamed of his dad while HIS HOUSE IS ON FIRE. ATHENA!! he gets to save his family this time. BOBBY???? HE HAD A HEARTATTACK WHAT.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Like last week, I’ll write up bigger Double Savage thoughts after the airing of tomorrow’s episode, but some quick notes on episode 3:
(Actually, I don’t know if I can do quick notes, because this episode held a lot.)
It’s clear that, along the lines of 10 Years Ticket, the Midnight Series, The Eclipse, and others -- that this show is about Big Commentary on a number of cultural themes that deeply affect Thai/Asian society and families.
How Korn can remain so loyal to his mother and siblings might well be beyond the understanding of many -- especially from where they stood emotionally as Korn’s father kicked Korn out. How Korn can remain so empathic to his friends and family after what’s happened to him -- it’s a little mind-boggling.
When he sees Pea, Korn reveals his internalized imposter syndrome, learned from his father’s treatment towards him: “I don’t want to drag anyone down. I don’t want anyone associated with me. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.”
When Korn says to Li: “Our family doesn’t need a jinx like me.” He’s internalized the demeaning, destructive feedback that his father gave him. He wants to protect the family that he still loves by getting the fuck outta that house, and giving his father exactly what his father wants, because Korn thinks that that’s what will be good for his family. Good lord.
As I mentioned last week, when trying to understand why Korn shot the gun: it’s this internalized trauma that’s the key and real reason why Korn has ended up where he is. And how the chips continue to fall during that process -- how Li, of all people, ends up holding a gun. It’s a very predictable journey that a family will take, into poverty/crime/other negative socioeconomic impacts, that stem from an origin of family trauma. 
I’ve been reading that young Asians on TikTok, watching Double Savage, are posting about their own experiences being a middle child, a darker-skinned child, a cast-out, a black sheep. It’s REALLY MOVING TO ME (like, I feel my heart in pain) hearing about young Asians relating to this show, because I do, too. I basically lived out my internalized commentary about myself, believing EVERYTHING my family said about me, throughout my twenties, and spent my twenties recovering from that trauma. It wasn’t until a dear friend of mine, someone who I objectively trusted, stopped me mid-sentence in my explaining why my life was a mess, to tell me: dude, you’re doing fine. You can’t believe that shit.
I’d never heard that before, because in my case, my parents and siblings were all telling me that my life was out of control...when in fact, I was just paying rent and working, which they weren’t doing. I was living a normalized paradigm of society that they had actually rejected -- and gaslit me into believing that it WASN’T worth doing.
So this gaslighting that Korn’s father has done unto Korn -- it’s seriously relatable, completely emotionally unintelligible, and the endgame of where Korn has now ended up is totally believable, considering he BELIEVES WHAT HIS FATHER HAS SAID ABOUT HIM.
And yet. He makes his promises to Win that he won’t have feelings for Rung (BAD CHOICE, KORN AND WIN, THAT WILL END BADLY, no no no no nooooooooo, bros). He makes his promise to Li that he won’t do anything illegal. 
Korn, right now, still believes in the dualism of good vs. bad. He believes people are good or bad. He believes he’s a bad person. We see that Win will get into the police academy tomorrow. The police represent good... right?
Not from what Ah and Mek are telling Korn. We see now that that dualistic vision that Korn has in his youthful mind will get blown to pieces -- and he’ll begin to understand the how and why of how people are so complicated as he grows up. 
I see this show getting into Jojo-esque territory about how the people THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE FOR US VERY OFTEN FAIL US -- our parents, our public enforcement, our politicians, etc. Why do families, like Pea’s, need to go to the local mafia/Robin Hood to borrow money? Likely because social structures are failing families. 
Dang it. This show’s gonna get into the shit. Now that Bed Friend is over, I can likely handle it better. But this show’s gonna get into the shit, and I’m hoping will be good about it. I’m finding these episodes to be quite the opposite of a drag -- they’re VERY well done, and Ohm/Perth/Film are kicking ass together. Let’s see about tomorrow.
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officialnighttime · 12 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3
duuuuuuuuudddeee bestie AKAAA Official Official Nightime is like drunk off they ass srn but bro we hear so much about you in like the last couple hours and like dude ur fics is fuckin amazin like we were readin though em a while ago and like goddamn you write good shit an I know Angel loves 15 minutes but I tells you a secret and that is thay like both of the parts. Both thingies. Cause like they can pretend the dude is like them in they head and sort of gendernuetral
an like they feel bads changing the stori like tha but I mean it's harmless and they love it so ucking much y'know?? and like you are so fucking nice and I swear I didn't used to swear this much even for an aussie until Imet them they have done this this is not my fault.
Y'know we tell angel we call em that cause there user on discord is the name of an angel of daeth but like.. they so nice y'now? Like rn I have their phon cause they tucking other bestie into bed. THey drunk af but they look after us and they will drop anything for us I know this I've seen em do it and like now bestie came up and asked them to betucked in and like they sibered up like that and scooped em up to put em to beds and they do they carry thing like you'd do as a kid and pretend to be sleep to be carried and like they so sweet and just amazing they are a fucking angel they earned the name over and ever and I love them so much.
And you make em happy an stuff and it so cute when they do they happy wiggle when they reblog ur stuff like legit the cutest thing omfg
Their stims are so adorable too like bro thehy so cute. like they do this cat purr thing and it's just fuucking chefs kdiss and adn they do they happy wiggggle when they happy or the foot shuffles when they move like a few meters to the sideess and they adorable
they hot too ngl. Like babes has their make up done and they do this look we kinda dubbed Morticia Addams and it like silver and black smokey eye with a wing and like a good red lip and fuck they look amazing how they are suingle I will enver know cause babes is gorgeous and like yeah I gotta shut upp s
But u right, they beautiful. Bestest person I know.
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iguessitsjustme · 5 months
Deep Night Ep 4 Thoughts
I…took the day off of work for *cough cough* personal reasons. Don’t worry about it I’m only a little sick this time. I’ll be better tomorrow. I think. So since I am not working today, it’s time for Deep Night 4: Cuteness Galore
I mean it when I say this show is so unbelievably wholesome. I was told it was surprisingly communicative but the difference between believing and seeing it with my own eyes is insane. 
I wish I could read Thai. I do not know what is being said. 
Poor Khem just wants to spend time with his boyfriend but is being horrendously and adorably teased.
I love Pan. In case I haven’t said that a million times already.
I love how often these two kiss. They’re simply like “my boyfriend exists? I must kiss him” and sometimes its just a little peck on the cheek and sometimes its a full on make out but no matter what they want their lips on their man and I love it. 
Two people keeping snacks for you? Seiji is living the dream. 
My coworker just texted to say our friendship is over because she has to do one of my tasks. Someone remind me to buy her a little treat tomorrow she’s my favorite person
Oooooo love triangle. Nowwwwwww kiss they will love each other eventually why not start now with a little smoocharoo
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Who is this gorgeous woman with Freya? I have a rival? That’s okay. We all have two hands. 
Let them kiss damn it! YAY. I love when the show listens to my inner dialogue.
Actually plans cancelled. I cannot watch right now. There is a truck idling outside my apartment and its making the texture of the air WRONG. I feel like I need to peel my skin off.
Okay we’re back. Fucking trucks. 
Oooohhhh Khem throwing the club's rule at his mother. Then outing his own relationship? I did not see that coming. 
ENGLISH? And holy shit it’s soooo good????
I might be in love with Mr. DJ Man. What’s his name?
Oh jealousy is back. I actually love the jealousy in this show a whole lot. 
Pannnnn. He’s so cute. I adore him.
I love that everyone has just decided to ignore the club’s rules. They’re all dating. All of them.
Khem stop kissing him. Your boy is uncomfortable. Khem. Bro. I know you’re jealous but my man you gotta calm down. I hope he apologizes because he did go a bit overboard. 
IMMEDIATE self reflection. Good for you Khem. I love you. 
Someone give Seiji a hug. 
Honestly I’m not the biggest Ken fan. I’m waiting for him to grow on me. I’m sure he will like other characters. But I’m still waiting. 
Seiji having a Moment™
Oh I love Mr. DJ man. He is me. I am him. We are one.
Okay you two. Now talk it out. Use your words. 
Okay so I have some thoughts on that confrontation with guests. I know Khem is jealous but I don’t think that’s why he said Wela is unavailable. He has already reflected on himself and so far has not had an issue bringing guests to Wela. I think Khem actually has a very good gut instinct of guests that could be inappropriate or potentially dangerous. And he is very attuned to his instincts. So he listens to them. In terms of customer service, he still has some work to do on not escalating. However, he presented reasonable alternatives and I don’t think he was in the wrong here. Now let’s see if I got any of this right. 
Yeeeep. That guest has roving hands. Pan to the rescue. 
Lowkey I don’t think Khem is wrong but I also think Wela should punch him. 
Pan is so smart. I love him. Have I mentioned that in the past five minutes?
Why are the cops here again? Absolutely absurd.
I would be demanding the results of the investigation every single time they came and found nothing. 
Khem leave your mother alone. She needs support now not your misdirected anger.
Oh no are we about to end on sadboi hours? I guess I have no choice but to watch episode 5 now. 
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
hello! random question <3
would rat and the rest of the shelby family ever meet and interact? just curious!! i feel like tommy would be a dick if he ever met rat tbh but polly or ada would get along well with her? im not too sure, what do you think?
Hi sweetie, thank you for the lovely question. You made me smile like an idiot. What a good timing though, ‘cause I’m currently working on Rat’s and Arthur’s the next snippet. 😌
In truth, I planned to write something about Rat’s meeting with Modern!Shelby family but I did not think about it yet, then your wonderful question popped in my ask box and made my brain worked hard. So here we go!
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Thomas Shelby: I think you’re absolutely right about Tommy. In this Modern!AU, Tommy’s main job is politics even if he is still involved in illegal activities — but no spoil. With that in mind, he would consider Rat as a “walking bag of harmful troubles” for both his reputation and his brother’s. She’s loud, impolite, unpredictable and he absolutely despise these traits. Moreover, the reason behind him being a dick with her is directly linked with her link with Jack Nelson. His favorite sentence would be: “Listen brother, I know you’re feeling empathic but keeping this girl with you won’t do you good. I don’t think she has a positive impact on you. Dump her back on the streets and focus on getting back to your wife and your career. She isn’t worth it.”
John Shelby: While John is often represented as goofy and good-natured, I don’t think he’s that sympathetic with newcomers. His relationship with Heaven in Heaven in Your Eyes is quite unique, and it is not how he would behave with the other women his brothers bring. Surprisingly enough, he would not fancy Rat. Don’t get me wrong, he wouldn’t be a dick but he would be suspicious as fuck. Look, his big brother is having an existential crisis: he has lost his job, he has lost his wife, and he is addicted to drugs. The moment he tries to get better, a rude, unruly and problematic girl bursts out from nowhere and shakes his life. Isn’t it scary? So yeah, John is afraid of the possibility of Rat bringing problems to Arthur, as well as pulling him deeper in his addictions. John be like “Eh, she sounds like a bad idea, bro.” To that Arthur would just shrug and reply “My life’s made of bad ideas and stupid decisions”
Polly Gray: In this Modern!AU, Aunt Pol has a little esoteric shop and still has some supernatural gifts only a few believes in. From the moment she’d see Rat, her mother instincts would kick in. We should not forget that Rat is in her very early twenties, so Polly would feel she’s a lost little girl who tries to run away from something/someone. She would also understand that a lot of her rude behavior is just the way she’s found to protect herself — as well as being symptoms of deep traumas. That’s why she would often invite her for tea time and would prolly force-feed her sometimes. 😂 Also, I can perfectly picture Polly slapping Arthur’s head and scolding him like: “Don’t talk to her like that!” // “Do you even feed her? She looks so thin!” // “Can’t you be more gentle with her?!”
Also she would notice that her nephew has feelings for that chaotic blue-haired pixie. Which would lead her to grab Arthur and tell him: “Listen. That girl is more fragile than what she shows. So keep your dick in your fucking trousers and don’t make her suffer more than she already does.”
Ada Shelby: At first, Ada would look at her and raise a brow. She doesn’t understand why her brother decides to take care of her, but it’s none of her business. But one day she sees Rat punching the shit out of a grown-ass man who was catcalling a girl in the streets and she grows fascinated by her. I feel like they’d have a very sisterly bond, with Ada appreciating Rat’s toughness, ability to survive by herself and her Muay Thai skills. As for Rat, she would love Ada’s quick wit and strong boss girl vibes.
She would prolly say something like “You’re quite an endearing annoying little thing, girl.”
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Rat is Reader/You in the Peaky Blinders modern AU Loose Cannon. || Or how a chaotic punk girl wrecked a soldier’s life and stole his heart.
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
I fucking devoured Midnight Museum last night, binged all the episodes released so far - I had already watched the pilot - and I am obsessed. This shit is right up my ally, fuck ep02 I hate snakes and critters bro. I’m so sad this show hasn’t caught on internationally yet b/c it’s so good. 
Some thoughts: 
KhathaDome: They really are the Thai supernatural versions of Yohan and Gaon my god and yours like the restrained emotion Khatha has every single time he interacts with Dome is wild. “Looks like your younger brother” sir I have concerns, I have questions, I have comments. I want Yohan and Khatha to meet up and be like “you too huh?/yeah” and talk about their babydoll twinks with big lips 
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I have actual theories in my head of what Dome is/his relationship with Khatha but I’ma save that for a separate post.
Direction: Is actually really good, GMMTV clearly has a budget for this show in terms of set design, and costuming which they’ve chosen to invest in the most. The CGI is very sci-fi channel which is fine. What I like is the techniques the director uses to build tension since they have to be more creative to make up for the lack of special effects budget. The action is easy to follow, the lighting is always good, and there’s some genuinely interesting shots. 
Music: I really love the soundtrack for the show, there’s only been a couple awkward music ques, but for the most part everything has flowed really well together. The leitmotif for Khatha and Khatha/Dome gets me every time I love it. 
SFX: Okay so when I say “special effects” I’m including practical effects here as well. Of which, aren’t to bad. The spider eyes on that one dude in ep02 were pretty impressive actually. I love body horror, it’s the worst, and I was excited they played with that aspect of horror even if I hated watching it lol The cgi is mid, not surprising tbh (the moths looked ridiculous tbh) you can tell which scenes, so far, they’ve invested more CGI budget into - any of the galaxy-esque scenes - which is valid. I can tell the crew has thought thoroughly on where and how to use their budget and I appreciate that. Plus, the CGI dragon in Fairy/Devil also looked awful but the wigs were immaculate. I would rather have some mid sci-fi channel CGI than bad costumes tbh 
Overall: I really fucking dig this show, the plot is SO interesting. Legit right up my fantasy/mythology/horror/supernatural loving heart. I’m a huge SFF fan anyway and this is hitting some great notes. I think the mystery is really interesting, I’m digging the way they’re playing around with different myths, folklore, and religion. The costumes are great I love any show that features an ombre suit (Kinn’s impact) I need more ppl to watch!!!! 
Sidenote: I don’t follow GMMTV like that nor do I watch a lot of their shows cause, frankly, they bore me 98% of the time. So idk who most of these cameos are or why everyone is freaking out over this Tay dude appearing in ep07. Kudos to the idea tho cause it’s getting ppl hype lol
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neo-neos · 2 years
"I watched Safe House season 1 and I need to get my thoughts out" the megashitpost xoxo
Okay so, I am late to the party (as always) but I randomly decided to watch Safe House all the way from season 1... It's unsubbed on Youtube so I have literally 0 clues about what's going on. (My hidden motive for watching WAS Pond's voice, because his voice is something very special to me but THEN.... NEO HAPPENED. Lemme tell you, I go fucking feral for that dude... ) And I wanted to make a post about the things I loved/enjoyed/noticed. For my own sanity really, to get it off my chest. It's a long one, so I will put a read more. But to summarize so that you, reading this right now, can decide for yourself if you think this post might interest you:
A quick 1-ish sentence summary of how I viewed each actor
Random silly moments/things I loved
Some very very very random screenshots of moments
A quick summary at the end. (A TLDR I guess?)
Now as I said before, I have 0 language context. These opinions are purely based on visual clues and maybe 1 Thai word I recognize or my boy Luke saying something very random in English.
Here are my 1-ish sentence descriptions of the actors.
Pond is an ipad kid who would also really like to show you his tiktok and fortnite dances. Is the biggest "Bro"-dude. I love his voice with my entire being.
Neo ... I'm so normal about him. I am completely and utterly normal about him. HFWEUHFEUWIFHWEUIFH. He is the biggest little SHIT in the house. He is hyper as fuck, always up to something cheeky. BUT GOD DO I LOVE HIM FOR IT. Yeah I eh... I don't need help.
Luke Seems to just be vibing most of the time. BRO HAS THE BEST GIGGLE. Is the only one I understood during watching because he threw in some English here and there. He seems so kind too I'm crying.
Earth feels like a dad UNLESS he is with Neo, those 2 get into some shit together and I am so here for it. ALSO HOW IS HE THIS TOUCHY??? He really has to be touching someone at all times, I love it.
Gun serves an INSANE amount of CUNT, yea that's it really.
Mix just joined to cuddle everyone and I mean that's very valid. Has the best thighs I have ever seen. Also has the BEST BEST laugh oml the giggles. - What a hecking cutie omfg. - He likes to bite people
Khaotung feels like the softest most considerate kindhearted mom I love him.
Phuwin How are you this young? Does not act his age but in a good way I like seeing him just... exist.
Tay I love everything about him, he seems so caring, sweet, funny... I just want to be his friend bro I swearrrrrrrrrrr
And here I was thinking Neo + Earth was chaos... And then Tay joined and good lord those two are CHAOS and I am in love with every single unsubbed second of it.
Some random silly things I loved throughout:
The way Gun says "Phuwin" - It is the cutest FUCKING THING ON THIS PLANET
Luke being up first and doing all these random things?? King shit fr.
Neo in general... Yeah, I'm completely normal about him.
People feeding each other... So much of this and I am thriving.
The morning bits are my fav because they all (except for Luke) look like they are coming back from the dead and it's amazing
As we all know I am VERY NORMAL about Neo and Pond… Those two talking together is like an insane experience for the thing I have for voices. GOOD LORD both their voices have me by the throat.
Earth touching people any chance he gets, leg squeezes mostly. So cute to see I love him.
I loved watching Luke be very much ON in the last episode, he got up to some things and the fact that he tried to read Thai and then had Tay help him I- MY HEARTTTTTTTTTTTTT
And here are some unhinged screenshots I took that made me laugh
Good morning Earth lmfao
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You good mate?
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Gun tryna get rid of Luke
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Mix boo u good?
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Good morning Tay
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My man....
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My fav thing is the table set up... Introverts vs extroverts type vibes. One side talks A LOT the other listens. Tay, Neo, Mix, Earth just chatting away while Kaothung, Phuwin, Pond and Luke just listen and vibe. I loved it.
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Some final thoughts (aka a TLDR I guess?)
That's it, that's the tweet.
Nah but this was an experience. I knew the eps were long and unsubbed but it is honestly so nice to just have this on in the background and to just stare at it. It was almost comforting at times to have no idea what was being said. Brain turned off, just stare at a bunch of dudes doing the funniest shit, amazing. It made me fall in love with all of them but Neo has my heart. If this ever gets subbed, I'd rewatch it. But for now, I'm on to season 2!
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moonlightknightess · 2 years
I have horny prompt like : floch watching his boss (eren) fucking his wives (mikasha) in his office.
I'm sorry this is just so random 🤣 like why Floch? Why especifically him out of any of the rest of the characters? And why are they doing it in his office!? (Unless u meant Eren's office, if that's the case im sorry cuz I already wrote the whole thing lol) I'm really curious abt it
Not like I mind tbh, he never struck to me as a character so I don't really care giving him a hard time lol
I'm sorry in advance for anyone who genuinely likes him and read this by any chance, because I did him dirty 💀
Anyways, enjoy!
If anyone ever asked him why he hated Eren Yeager so much, he would go into an endlesss rambling so long that would make the poor soul that asked him that question regret all the decisions that lead them to be at that exact time and thay exact moment
For starters, he has known the fucker ever since college in the law program, for almost a decade especifically, and his experience dealing with him has to be one of the worst he has ever did dealing with any normal person, but it's not like he is a normal person afterall
The guy was basically a ticking bomb, always at the vergue to explode at the smallest provocations, which really became a problem the moment he started to pick on him just because he had the audicity to call his midget blond friend "four eyes" once, jumping into his defense like his fucking husband and giving him a hard time whenever they run into each other
Another thing he hated about him was his mountain sized ego, always acting like top notch shit at everything he participated at, getting the best grades despite spending more time at parties than working his ass on his career or getting rewarded for his performance at the football's competitions even though he hardly tries at all, the dumb nuts that always surround him feeding his narcisism with praises and by basically licking his boots, simply disgusting
But if there is something that he hated the most about him it's how lucky he was
It was already bad enough that he seemed to do good on his grade despite not trying at all, but the fact that he got lucky in the genetic lottery was simply so fucking unfair, giving him all the right traits that made girls fall to his feet and getting the best body genetic to presume to everybody else, the perfect example of annoying gym bro that can't shut up about himself
The fact that there was someone so fucked up in the head to willingly date him like that chick with the scar in the cheek was just amusing
So much wasted potential to be honest, he can only pity her
And yet, when he thought he wouldn't have to deal with his bullshit anymore now that he graduated but was meet with the fact that the very first job he landed he met him again, and even more upsetting, managed to become his boss, he almost wanted to jump off the window
There was simply no way life could favorite someone this much
That's why, when he went to his office to bring him the workpapers of the cases and saw him fucking the living shit out of an unknown woman right on his desk, he couldn't think about something else than ruining his life, taking out his phone and reconding the whole thing from start to end, making a note of asking Jean for that Ackerman girl once he is done
This time he wont get away with it
- ... Are you serious? - Said the female voice frim the other like, unsure
- Of course I am! - He said almost screaming, already fed up with her - I sent you the video! He was fucking a girl in his office! -
- I can hardly see anything in that video, it's too blurry - He really wanted to shout at her face how delusional she was, he knows she really was down bad for him if she was willing to marry that idiot but this was stupid
The video didn't look that bad!
Plus she didn't even sound that upset about the prospect of her husband cheating on her
- Can you describe her at least? - Said Mikasa
- She is a redhead! - he tried to explain, getting all the details he could from his memories - She ties her hair in a ponytail and got bangs on her forehead - He really doesn't want to remember all the details about that fucker fucking one of his whores stupid, but if he can ruin his marriage by doing it then so be it - She got tannish skin too -
The memories are still fresh in his mind, the overreacting and annoying moans of the bitch still ringing inside his head as he grunted like a sick dog in heat, watching every single snap of his hips on her thick thighs and the slight jump her breast did out of her unbuttoned shirt, the ripped pantyhose giving him the view of the pinkest slit he has ever seen, ruined by his horrible shaft, watching the whole thing just making him feel like throwing up and yet enduring it until they seemed to be done
Just making sure it was really Eren, nothing more
- Oh - She simply said as response, not quite the reaction he was expecting from her - I think I know who she is... thanks for telling me -
- You're welc- but before he could say something else she hung up
It's not like ti mattered anyways, once he goes bsck to work he will hopefully met the wondeful sight of the asshole dealing with a divorce, and if he was lucky, he would get to see him getting fired for having sex in work installations
For once, he will win against Eren Yeager
Unfortunely, instead of being met with the news of his boss being fired, he went to his office to meet the sight of him accompanied by two women, the very same girl from before now along with his wife, both of them lying on his office desk as the mess of papers and clothes on the ground grew larger, witnessing in first seat rows how he basically destroyed a week worth of work by ruining it with their disgusting sweat and the distinct white threads staining the document he spent so long working on
- What the fuck? - He meant to shout it, to scream it, but instead, it came out as a small whisper, so small it was swallowed by the sounds they were making
Swallowed by the sounds of the two bitches that might as well haven't be dicked down in a long time, the one he knows it's his wife getting drilled by him in a way that makes it look like a performance for a freacking porno, her body throwing and tossing in every direction, making the few left documents fall to the ground, the other woman on her side eliciting more curses out of her with every kiss delivered to her chest and the quick rub of her fingers on her clit, circle motioned movements making her whimper im the same way his fingers make her grith her teeth and bite on the snowy white skin of her companion
- Oh? - It was him who speaked this time, voice so codescending and uninterested and yet with so much edge that it brings back the memories he tried to bury inside his mind for so much time, body shaking just at hearing it - What's the matter? I thought you liked watching, snitching bitch -
His stomach dropped to the ground just hearing at those words and the meaning behind them, cursing at himself for watching him go for so long despite having already recorded enough evidence at the time
Cursing at himself for ever believing that bitch had the spine to confront him, instead of joining
He was just way too dumbfounded to react, to come up with something- anything to defend himself
Instead, he only could stood there, watching him have his way with his companions right in front of him, in the office he spents day and night working his ass off for a paycheck that barely helps him survive the month, fists tightening in hopes of using them for once but too afraid to do something about it
His only consolation prize coming in the form of enjoying the sight of the two women and their dreamlike bodies covered in mouth-watering lace underwear, to see them enjoying themselves by the actions of another man that was not him, by hearing them praise the very same fucker that made his time in college a living hell, whorshipping him in the only way a lover would, the intense glint of the silver white rings they all wear on their fingers making him understand why his plan failed
By watching the very same good for nothing fucker get favorited by life again and being given the life he deserved
- Now, don't get too comfortable, weirdo - It was hard to tell what he was saying, his words barely making out of the concert of moans he was focusing on creating, not even bothering to turn in his direction to make himself clear, his only priority being trying to make the two girls come undone by his hand, the Ackerman girl and the other woman by his side seemingly reaching their peak the more they struggled to breath and the more sweat formed on their bodies, hiz gaze lowering to the mess if papers he created for a second - You still need work to get done, unless you want to gwt fired... fuck -
He really wanted to beat the shit out of him right there, his feet slowly closing the gap in between them and his fists raising with the intention of eraising that shit eating smile he seemed to do just to provoke him, to get justice by himself for once, even if he had to go against the odds
And yet, when he flickered his gaze in his direction for flash of a second, he knew perfectly that there was no way he was doing that, that there was nl way in which he could fight him
Not when he knew for sure he could never win, nor when he knew the repercursions of even daring to do such a thing
He could only fall to his knees and gather the only dignity left in the ground in the form of the several papers he would surely have to rewrite, fingers trying to dry the whitey ooze of it in the hopes of recovering some of it
- Good job - Eren taunted, voice stil deafened by the voice of his girls, his non stoping hips coming to a stop the moment he heard one of them let out the loudest screams he has ever heard a woman made, his eyes locking themselves where she was dripping right to the floor
- Bring me some water too, will you? - He said, almost as if sensing him not doing what he was asked, hands hurriedly resuming gathering the seveeal papers on the floor, the voice of the redhead woman slowly growing to the point where she was the only thing he could hear, the nasty sounds of his figers stirring her insides - I won't be done here for a while -
His hold thightened in frustration, ruining the paper on his hand as he tried to think about all the wrong things he ever did to deserve all this shit...
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happypotato48 · 3 months
Wandeee Goodday EP 8 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
After a not so great ep we're now back again with the moronsexuals doctor and boxer. will they finally use their mouths to do the talking or will they keep using it for sexy funtimes? who know, but either way i'm down.
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Good, now aplogize more there are like shit load of stuff that you need to make more clear.
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Daddy issue in my bl, how original. hehe for real tho this is actually pretty interesting and i hope it will pay off soon.
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I was literally eating Somtam when i was watching this scene. what a coinkydink.
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Fuck me that looks so good. my Somtam was a leftover from this early morning so it was kinda meh. and those nam sausage looks nice ahhhhhh now i'm hungry again.
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God these gym bros are so gays no wonder Yak and Dee's relationship has not leaks to the public yet (or it just an oversight in the writing.)
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Branded trouple trio when gmmtv? WHEN!! cause if you going to keep doing this bullshit at least give us some polys.
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I saw that hand slided Cher i saw it!! good job!
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Oh hi papa Phadetseuk, i shall nickname you dad vader!
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i'm with eyebrows a fancy ball, i'd nope out too.
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Give this ace king a prince god damn it show! it what we want/need. i'm willing to sell my never going to exist first born for a chance to see this man be happy with a boyfriend who understand him.
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the audacity and nerve of this man. god i wish he could come and ruin my life.
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Ok nvm i stopped feeling sorry for her. she and dr. no is yes deserve each other.
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"we have every species in fairy tale" is what they said in thai. so fursuits?? what ya'll are thinking it too.
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these outfits made me want to waer modern traditional thai men wears cuase like some of them slap so hard. like this one:
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So radiants. god i hate pretty people 😫why are they has to be so pretty!!
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Ok so my delulu fanwank explanation for why Dee was so indecisive last ep is that he was too afraid to let the clock start with Yak cause with his trauma of losing both his parents he fear that if he let a new clock start by commiting to Yak someday that clock will ran out and stopped like his parents. anyways time and love and whatnot.
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I can't explain the emotions i felt with Yei proposing with an invisible ring. it felt so right, cause yes marriage equality bill is passed but it also technically not a tangible thing that i can do until what october, november. so having an ring that does not exist yet but will soon be. feels perfect for what we queer thais are at right now.
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this scene meant the world to me and from the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you to everyone that fighted for this. thank you for fighting for my future. someday i hope i could experience this too.
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Anyway where am i? oh right being unhinged. ew gross lactasoy i hated you since i was a tiny baby. your black sesame flavored one is alright though.
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god damn it, it's always the nice guy.
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Oh you prince not so charming you sucked so hard. i love you.
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Yes queen destroy that little bitch!
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Meh, i can work with this ต้มจืด i just need some white pepper and fish sauce.
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look i'm happy for him that he no longer care what other people thinks, but dude this move is 8 years too dang late.
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Time and Love.
this ep felt like a fairy tale and although i still have some gripe about how everything from last ep was resolved too easily. and Yak and Dee dynamics still not 100% perfect for me. i can't say that this ep didn't made me swooned. and THAT PROPOSAL SCENEl! oh my god, i'm burting with joy and hope, what a perfect timing of a scene.
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phrootsnacks · 5 months
jjba thursday: part 4 ep 37-39
woa the final jjba thursday....... what will I do now. it has been a busy day for me and im super stressed out about final projects but I got to eat thai food so it's alright
and now to see how part four ends!!!!
episode 37: Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 1
stop. bullying this eleven year old
hell yeah!!!!
fate changed! fucking finally
yeah. striving for peace and tranquility. by murdering people, obviously
punches you so hard your suit changes color
why did. you put meow meow in deadly queens abdomen. what
deliciously apropos
*josuke screams* jotaro: "hmm I thought I heard josuke, but it was just the rain" WHAT the fuck they are literally around the corner what do you MEAN
you know what they say about assuming things
death note but stupid
hell yeah hayato
oh god
w.. was that a football reference?!
josuyasu bros are ride or die hayato, what dont you get
episode 38: Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 2
sfx intro!!!!!! honestly I prefer this theme I didn't like the reversed one as much. altho it was really cool. and this one has sfx!!!!!!
billion bro.... no......... :(
wait... is yoshikage kira pirate coded?? I know this is out of the blue but ive been thinking abt it for a while
if anything hayato proves koichi is really pathetic
wow. thats really. I would not have predicted that. death note but smart??
are jotaro and co going to ignore that too
no!!!! don't hurt meow meow!!!!!!
oh my god
fucking finally jotaro and co walk around the corner
episode 39: Goodbye, Morioh - The Heart of Gold
why are EMTs here anyway
um?!?!?! (you know im watching the english dub right. why was that delivery like. That)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh!!! my!!! god!!!!!!!
hell yeah hell yeah hell!! yeah!!!!!!!!!! but. I dont want her to deal with him for all of eternity
lets fucking GO!!!! star platinum punches you into oblivion!!!!
oh shit is right holy fuck
"life can be bizarre" - jotaro kujo, jojo's bizarre adventure
wow. no peace or tranquility for yoshikage kira. how unfortunate
awww rohan :,)))
even the alien and okuyasu's gremlin dad showed up to say goodbye to the ghost!
how does hayato break the news......
did they. end up getting the arrow I forgor
again this show is like. really weirdly political
what. josuke you little shit lol
good job on your doctorate, jotaro kujo
and then they ate italian food :D
this show is just. full of so many freaks huh
man. what an ending. this part was really good. it was just so silly and fun all of the time except for the serial killer but even still the serial killer was also pretty fun you know. but I really enjoyed this part and I enjoyed having jojo's bizarre adventure thursdays :)
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blueempty · 7 months
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I cant see shit when I take pictures facing the sun, its a miracle theyre often in focus
Had another late rise today. I hope I find the strength to wake up at 11am again soon. Today was good because I was not at jury duty. Thats all I can really ask for
I'm gonna start trying to learn one kanji a day on top of practicing my kana and numbers, and first one I picked is probably more complicated than I should have chosen, but I have a history with chinese characters so the complexity of the particular kanji isnt really a concern for me
Today I went with 願 (ねが ne ga), because I was going through my lessons again and like the first thing they teach you is introduce yourself! Say "onegaishimasu" and then I look up to read the kana and it says お願いします, and I'm like come on bro. So I learned that one. Maybe thats how I'll choose, I'll just go by whatever pops up next in my lessons lol. Its 19 strokes but I sat there and did it over and over for like 10 minutes and I think i got it. I actually like learning stroke order and stuff. I always preferred writing chinese over speaking it
I really need to get back to streaming, which i say all the time, but speedrunning and goofy challenge runs would be good for streams. Im trying to beat Onimusha without upgrading weapons or using healing items right now. The trick with that is if you kill enemies with an issen strike they always drop health souls, but issen are very hard to pull off. It forces you to really learn every enemies attack animations well, which is something I love doing
A big point of contention with me and my friends rn is they dont get how I can just sit and play Monster Hunter for multiple hours at a time. My brother has admitted many times now thay he is never paying attention when we play, he just auto pilots fights because he doesnt find enjoyment in fighting them once hes basically seen everything they can do. But like thats the fun, is learning how kill things faster and more efficiently. I can play for hours on end because its fun to react to something a monster did and cause it to fall out of the air mid jump because you knew your weapons hitboxes well enough to hit it backwards while it was above you. And then he points out thats the fun of fighting games and asks why i dont wanna play those anymore, and I'm like because I fucking hate other humans and the way their minds work lol. I want to abuse a poor helpless CPU player that cant even stand on two legs. The lizard men in Onimusha raise their little cleaver and I go haha idiot, and I instant kill their ass. Thats what sparks joy for me. Thats also why I've been playing games alone for two months I guess hehe
Anyways, thats not really me complaining exactly, I'm trying to be aware of my negativity you see, thats all to say that I love the slop Capcom puts in my trough. It's good slop. I'm also so fucking excited for Splatoon 3 Side Order (i guess) but more importantly HYDLIDE 3 COMES OUT TODAY YAHOOOO
Heres my kanji for today cuz the night sky hasnt been very photogenic around here. With and without guides
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Live Long and Prosper
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zombies-aliens · 9 months
About to vent again yall and I'm so glad. So fucking glad no family is on here. Nobody I know in real life is on here. I'm feeling slightly drunk. This is a good intro for a personal song.
Man just had a weird time with two friends. First of all, they're good ppl. They don't give a fuck about what people think of them and I can admire that because I think I am the complete opposite. And it's landed me in situations where I didn't wanna be and it's all my fault. Kinda like how I got in this one situation right now.
I knew DDAMN WELL bro that this was gonna happen. And it happened lol. I'm fucking psychic or I'm just smart take your pic. I know I spelled pick wrong as pic ima just leave it. It's raw and real just like me when I vent.
So anyway that shit happened. I was uncomfortable I had to excuse myself when he asked me if I had to take a piss bc we were drinking in his truck with another friend of ours, sorta my friend, really his friend. You know how this shit goes. I'm being a third wheel. They have been friends way longer than me, "oh actually we've been friends not that long" idgas you missed the point, tbe point is thay you guys are way closer and hey good for yall. I'm just thinking about myself because it's just me. "I was trying to include you" bro cmon thanks I guess but it's really yall being together making jokes I don't get or understand, telling each secret thoughts I'm guessing over text like I'm there seeing yall I'm literally HEARING yall and seeing yall say this and I know if I wasn't there yall could talk like normally. And why am I saying this. It's cus I wanna know where THE FUCK do I fit in this scenario. Am I here as an audience? I know though that this is my fault. Only person I'm mad at is at myself.
I don't feel like talking no more. Goodnight or shit maybe I might start up another post. Who knows and who fucking cares.
I don't want the fake love when I turn ghost again.
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lilacofficial · 10 months
Season 2 epsiode 6
-I'm so excited to keep watching this show. I love it
-Oh yeah. The zenophobia. Yikes
-Aw. He sleeb.
-Ouch man!
-The fuck??
-Is that Macaulay Culkin?
-Oh it's him in that sad movie. I've only seen that one clip actually
-Oh he's having a little heartbreak ghosty hologram moment
-That's a lot of pizza boxes my guy
-Everyone else? You mean just you lol.
-What's with the water
-Oooo good thinking
-Man fuck that go talk to this bitch Wolf!
-Is this going to be someone we already know? Or well they knoow.
-"Not anymore"
-This dude has been through so much and yet here he is just like, "Yeah no. I was just sleeping on my friend's business' floor man. So like yeah." PFFFFFFFFFFFF
-Third hole?
-Where are the kid "strays"? Do they just kill them
-Do they get tetanus shots in this place? ugh.
-Oh it's what's his face
-PFFFF it's just dark m8
-In what way?? Ew
-A common enemy? (What "makes a community thrive?")
-There are rules here though. And they suck
-PFFFF social commentary
-You already said thay dude
-De bat?? Debate? De battle?
-His cluster is going to be so maddddd.
-And whoever loses??
-Aw Stu, buddy.
-"Who me?!" Bro's kicking his feet and twirling his hair right now
-Sand wizard?!
-Lol okay Tiger
-Tetanus! I was right!
-Poor Josh
-They're like damn our husband is so hot
-oOF. This is how he dies? Yikes
-That's a long time Tiger
-Bruhh you didn't even say it's like that mean
-Sus "therapist"
-OH good he's okay!
-Dude no!!
-I was right! It's totally a fight!
-"I love you guys" AWWW
-Wolf please.
-You really did King,
-This is bad. She looks relaxed.
-Oh yeah she has his toe
-Oh it's what's her face!
-The subtitles said , That's him. Yeah but I didn't even here them say anything.
-Ayyyy let's go smashers! Okay!
-Aw that's kind of sweet
-Oh no. Wolf.
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