baekuras ยท 1 year
I have been buying a few bio-products lately mostly because the cheap ones are too large/have too many...idk like potatoes for me to actually use and not end up throwing some away and
i swear to god
if one more thing tastes worse than the cheaper option i will never buy them again itโ€™s getting really annoying
the ONE expensive thing so far that tastes better than the cheap one is the bratwurst my great grandpa brings from his local farmer once in a while (itโ€™s really good and nice and soft even when you reheat it but with a nice crispy kinda skin, nothing that drags, nothing that hardens out, just the right texture in all the right places and good taste and everything <3)
but other than that so far my experiences have been subpar so i guess my taste goes
more expensive bio/organic foods<cheapest options<expensive local farm options but iโ€™d have to actually be able to drive out someplace to get any so basically impossible to get lol
#txts#we do have market day tomorrow again#i dont think i can go buy anything bc i work right through their open times#but maybe next time i could buy some eggs and try those?#bc then i have tried every option for them#sadly cant buy meat from them though bc i got no space to store it for multiple hours afterwards because...work#we have the tiniest fridge ever at work...it's not made for my shopping style#i also tried like fresh cut chicken breasts but god....can you...make them big?#and not the tiniest pieces which also have the most gum-like textures around#so i need to cut them even MORE#really annoying#i just wanna eat nice food and have more than 1 option#and also not feel like dying when visiting my vegan friends#FUCK VEGAN MAYO BTW i have strong feelings about that#unsure if they all taste the same but WHICH FUCKER DECIDED TO SWEETEN IT#THIS ISNT SALAD DRESSING FUCK YOU SPECIFICALLY WHOEVER MADE THIS SINGLE MAYO I TRIED AND LEFT ALONE RIGHT AFTERWARD#the nuggest were...fine#bit eh in texture-too flat and paper mache vibes but it was food i was willing to chew on#which is more than i can say for most#this side rant made me hungry now#its 11pm...i am rly not in the mood to cook#and i have no leftovers atm#i wanted to go wait till tomorrow and cook some food them#i lied-i DO have some quick food but i didnt read the full package and it has mushrooms in it#and i am also not in the mood to pick out every.single.mushroom#i need rice to bury it#and my gag reflex to chill out more bc its coming up just thinking about it....gid
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