jackest-jack · 3 years
I would very much like to hear about your spooky scary Sirens, pretty please 🥺
AJKSJAKISJAJAJF Ok so I almost had a heart attack when I saw you were following me because YOU’RE SO COOL so thank you
I already wrote about my spooky scary sirens over here, and they have pictures and I would be willing to write a short thing with them later but for right now I’m gonna pick a different thing and blab about it.
The most fleshed out and cohesive thing I have is the vampire band nerd slasheresque story with a police chase followup as well as a separate zombie apocalypse thing, so ig I’ll go with that. More under cut and warning for like a lot of gore and death and angst. I’m also only doing the first part of that because this is taking a long ass time
I came up with this in junior high, and I was in band, and I noticed that each instrument section had different personalities sort of, so I made characters around that and put them in a horror plot where they all die horribly, because what else are you gonna do? This is gonna be a plot rundown and it might get real long. (It is no longer a rundown. Its just unedited word vomit.)
anyways a bunch of friends, who I’m just gonna call by their instrument names, go camping in the woods for a couple weeks. They all take one car and set up in the middle of fuckin nowhere.
Clarinets a vampire pretending to be a high schooler for kicks, because she was 15 when she turned 5 years ago and got dragged away to the magic underworld (basically a series of safehouses and towns for the supernatural) and she wants a letterman goddamnit.
She gets adopted into a friendgroup despite her best efforts, and gets dragged along on the camping trip in the small car and close quarters with a buddy system and she hasn’t eaten anything substantial in like two months and its proving to be a problem when she starts thinking of her friends as snacks instead of people.
one night, percussionist gets up to go on a 3 am lake walk. But, the buddy system. So he takes Clarinet, who never seems to sleep anyways, with him.
They’re on the edge of a lake littered with huge old chunks of driftwood, looking out over the water, when Percussionist steps on something sharp. It went straight through his sandal and he pulls it out without much trouble, but “that nail looks kind of rusty and I’m Pretty Sure I’m bleeding a little bit, oh I hope I don’t need a shot-“
she falls on him like a cat on a wounded songbird. She has enough of her mind left to cover his mouth and stop the screams as he slowly loses blood.
He tries to fight back. He does. he jams the nail deep into her throat and twists away, but she catches his wrist and slams him backward, a sharp stick going through his stomach, sticking him bloody at the base of an old driftwood branch still attached to its old tree.
She stops draining just before he dies. And she waits, and waits, and waits. Finally, hours later, the corpse takes a deep gasp and its eyes fly open. It begins the excruciating process of pulling itself off the tree.
his wound is closed less than a minute later.
he comes to and sees her sobbing on the ground, bloody streaks under her eyes from where she tried to wipe away her tears with hands soaked from putting pressure on his stomach in a feeble attempt to save him.
“Vampires, huh?” He says, half joking, half looking for an explanation.
they’re sitting around a small campfire, and Clarinet tells him that he’s a vampire, he needs blood, he cant go back to camp or he will eat his friends. She leaves to find him something substantial before he loses it.
back at the original camp, its around sunrise. Flute notices a small trail of smoke not far off, realizes that Percussionist is missing, and gets French Horn to help him look for their idiot friend (and maybe put out a small fire.)
They make it about 3/4th of the way to the smoke when flute trips on a tree root and scrapes his knee. About a mile away, Percussionists head perks up.
He distantly realizes that he just left the campfire that he’s supposed to stay at, but he can‘t seem to care. The hunger doesn’t gnaw at him or hollow him out. Its not like looking for a fix either. Its an itch in his whole body, a near unavoidable function of his being. The hunt is as natural as a cough, a spasm of muscles to take away the awful itch.
He moves faster than he ever could before, and just to see if he can, he jumps up and begins running across the branches of trees. Its slower, but sneakier; his prey won’t see him coming.
Finally, he reaches them. He jumps on the smaller one, sending it crashing to the ground. It’s blood is what brought him here. He sinks his hollow teeth into its neck and begins feeding.
There is a scream and a crash as the taller one runs away. Thats ok. He only needs one.
French horn, for her part, is freaking the fuck out. The sun had just peaked over the horizon and orange light was streaming through the trees when everything went to shit.
The pale thing had fallen on Flute, and the noise he made… she was almost certain he was dead now.
She kept running. If she could make it back to camp, then maybe she could get help, or maybe leave before the rest of them died too.
She charges through a thicket, sharp thorns scraping and tearing every inch of her as she shoves her way through. She shuts her eyes as she goes, to avoid the thorns poking them out.
When she comes out the other side, she feels her gut sink.
She doesn’t recognize the trees or bushes around her. She doesn’t see a path.
She’s lost.
She wants to break down, to scream and cry the injustice to the heavens, to kick and punch and fight the thing that killed her friend, to sit down and rest and have a moment to breathe, to be home-
She picks a direction and runs.
Percussionist stops draining Flute just before he‘s dead, following the instinct that drove him to where he is.
He wants to be horrified. He does, really. But he was so hungry, and the itch is still there, waiting beneath his skin to pounce on him again. But for now, its gone, and he can think clearly. He can move without the instinct tainting his every twitch.
He turns to look at the person he drained and sees-
He sees his friend. And it hits him all at once.
He killed a person, a person he knew, a person he cared for, and he had been powerless to stop it. He didn’t even know- he didn’t realize- he would never have done it if he-
but he knew he would have. Even if he knew. He would’ve killed Flute, and he hates himself for that.
So he sits by the body of his dead friend, maybe in solace, maybe because some instinctive tick tells him to. He doesn’t want to know. He refuses to.
When Flute sat up and gasped, Percussionist could‘ve sworn he had a heart attack (even without a functioning heart.)
To Flutes credit, he made it through Percussionists halting and confused explanation before letting himself ask about the smell.
”what smell?” Percussionist asked, and lifted his nose to the air.
He got his answer. The smell of blood, salty and sweet and with a coppery tinge to it drifted through the air, leaving a hunger and odd comfort sitting in his gut. It reminded him of smelling baking cookies from the kitchen as a kid.
A leaf crunched, and he snapped out of his trance. Flute had stood up and broken into a run, faster than any human could’ve gone. After the person that had been with him.
After his friend.
Percussionist sprinted after him.
He had the chance to notice how fast he was really going, now that he could think through the hunger. He practically flew through the forest, leaping over a fallen log half his size that blocked his way. He ducked and dodged branches that threatened to slash his face, and if he were running for something else he may have threw his head back and laughed.
As it was, he was following the occasional red flash of a windbreaker that he could barely keep up with without being hit by a tree.
He could heal now right? Did he really even need to be worried about being hit by trees?
He let one slap his face just to test, and he felt the stinging pain all across his face as a deep cut opened across his nose and eyes. He faltered as his vision went red with blood. A second later, it was gone, and he could see again. ….And he‘d lost flute. Great.
He sniffed the air, remembering how he’d been able to smell the blood, and tried to look for his friend.
He could smell the whole forest. Sap and pine and rotting leaves, rotten flesh and mushrooms and a skunk miles and miles off, the sweet sting of honey and dew and campfire smoke, and over it all, the most lovely smell-
Well, looks like he couldn’t find him that way. He thought for a moment, and groaned. He could just follow French Horn and get to her first!
He began running again.
Clarinet had just made it back to the campsite, a live deer kicking around over her shoulder. She would’ve killed it, but she couldn’t quite figure out how without losing any of its blood, and since she drained and seriously injured Percussionist he would need a lot of blood-
and the campfire had a suspicious lack of vampires around it. Great. She could only hope that no one had cut themselves-
She stopped as the scent of blood hit her nose. She cursed and took off running, dropping the deer as she did.
French Horn thought she was going to die when she heard a bush rustle and snap behind her. She had stopped for a rest, thinking she was safe (if very lost). She was braced for her death when Percussionist crashed through the bushes.
”Oh, good, you’re still alive. We need to go like right now.”
Before she could protest, he grabbed her wrist and began pulling her away. With his very cold, very pale hand.
”Wait. Was it you?” She said, planting her feet.
”Yes.” his voice was solemn, and his eyes downcast. “But unless you want Flute to get you, we need to go”
She tore her wrist out of his grasp.
“Flutes dead. Flute’s dead and you killed him!”
And Flute hit her from the side. He sank his teeth deep into her neck, but only for a moment. Then he pulled back, looking horrified and ran away.
French Horn stands up dazedly. “That was…”
she lifts a hand to her bleeding neck where the bite is still gushing blood.
A rustle of trees comes from the side, and Clarinet skids to a stop in front of them. She takes in the situation and drops to her knees, tearing loose a piece of her shirt and holding it to the holes in French Horn’s neck.
”Wheres the third?”
French horn points to the copse of trees he disappeared into.
”I think we might actually be jinxed.” A pause, then “That was supposed to be a joke. Go after him. He’s heading towards the camp, and chances are he won’t be able to stop himself a second time.”
Percussionist nods, and then stops. “How do I get there?”
”just run straight! GO!”
and he does.
Clarinet gently explains to French Horn that vampires are real, and that she is one. When asked why she isn’t bloodthirsty, Clarinet answers that she has a lot of blood left in her still, and that she’s not all the way changed, and that the change will, in her words, “Stink. Its kind of the worst thing you’ll have to go through, and it’ll take way longer since you have blood, and you may not notice at first.“
French Horn pursed her lips. “Theres no way to stop it?”
Clarinet shook her head.
”Okay. Okay, shouln’t we help Percussionist?”
Clarinet swore. “You won’t be much help in the state you’re in, but I can drop you off by the camp. Pack our things and be ready to go.”
Clarinet scooped French Horn up and took off into the woods.
Percussionist got there just as Tuba was ripping Flute off of his neck.
Despite Flute being the smallest out of all of them, and Tuba being the strongest, he was struggling to keep the scrabbling, biting Flute away.
So, Percussionist did the only logical thing and full body tackled Flute, trying to hold him down. It worked, sort of. Long enough for Tuba to start running. Long enough for Sax and Trombone to see what the ruckus was.
Flute burst out of Percussionists grip, grabbed Trombone and ran.
Sax sprinted after them, and percussionist was left in the dust, standing dumbstruck as they all dashed off. He snapped out of it when Trumpet pressed an axe to his shoulder and told him to not move.
Flute knows this: he is very hungry. He also knows that blood tastes very good.
His last two meals escaped. He thinks he let the first go, but he can’t seem to remember why. The second was ripped away from him by someone like him, which was rather rude.
But this one won’t get away. He is far to hungry to let that happen.
He feeds as he runs, draining the squirming thing dry, pinning its flailing limbs against his chest. It stops wailing eventually.
He slows as he becomes able to think clearly again. He holds the body in his arms and revels in the fact he is no longer hungry. Then, he looks at the thing he drained.
And it’s his friend. He feels his stomach drop, and a hollow pit grow in his chest. His friend is dead, and it’s his fault. He tells himself there’s nothing to do but run, so he does.
Really, though, he just doesn’t want to see what she’ll become.
“What did you do to them.” Said Trumpet, each word slow and dangerous. She lifted the axe off his shoulder, and he felt relief before he realized she was lining up to take off his head.
He may be able to heal, but he did not want to see how far that ability stretched. Not like this, at least.
He swallowed his fear and asked, ”What makes you think I did something?“
She barked out a harsh laugh. “You go missing in the middle of the night with Clarinet, who still isn’t back. Flute and French Horn go to look for you and have mysteriously disappeared. Tuba came running from this direction, bleeding like a stuck pig. And here I find you, in the center of it all.”
Ah. He was fucked. Time to implement the worst plan ever, considering how fast Trumpet was.
”that’s- that sure is some pretty overwhelming evidence that I did something. I swear I didn’t, though but I know you won’t believe me so I’m just gonna RUN!”
He ducked under the axe she swung at his head, and took off running into the trees. He glanced behind him to see her struggling to keep up, and grinned. He was actually getting away with his head, and beating Trumpet in a footrace for once-
He turned back around just in time to see the tree that crumpled his skull.
He wished he could say he didn’t feel every excruciating twitch of his skull righting itself as he laid there. As it was, it was painful enough he was functionally passed out.
Which is why he was surprised to see trumpet dragging him by his feet deep into the woods.
Not half as surprised as trumpet, who dropped his feet and swore when he sat up and gasped.
”What the hell? You were dead! that killed you!” She yelled.
Percussionist was still reeling from how much growing his skull back sucked, and latched on to the first thing he noticed.
”Did you steal my shoes?”
”what are you?” She asked in a tone that was decidedly horrified.
He fiddled with a piece of grass somewhere to his left. “A vampire, as of yesterday. Really though, why do you have my shoes?”
“Not important. What do you mean as of yesterday?”
”Last night, really. Me and Clarinet-“
”Clarinet and I.” She said.
”Whatever. We went on a walk and turns out she’s always been a vampire, and then she did the vampire thing, and now I’m a vampire, and things have just been spiraling from there-”
”That explains a lot, actually. Who else is a vampire?”
Percussionist, feeling slightly more alive, realized they weren’t by the camp anymore.
”Where are we? Why do you have my shoes, and why are you so calm about this?”
”oh.” She said. “I may have made an action plan for something like this. You know, in case of murderers, or if supernatural stuff was real.”
”thats cool. Why steal my shoes?“
”I was framing you for murder.”
an awkward silence settled over them.
”We should get back to camp. Stop more people from getting vampired and all.”
”Yeah. Lets do that.“
Sax skidded to a stop in front of Trombones body. She was limp, and pale, and by all accounts dead. He whipped out his phone to call anyone, anyone at all, and pitched it into a tree when it read no service.
He sat, and he cried by his best friend, who always made the shittiest puns, who was the worst at sports, who thought anything with soulmates was stupid but still read all the stuff he suggested her. Who was dead.
He was still crying when she sat up and latched onto his neck, draining him dry.
French Horn and Clarinet ran across Tuba, who was holding gauze to his neck where he had been bit. French Horn was starting to feel slightly feverish, but otherwise okay.
”Guys! Are you okay? The weirdest thing just happened.” He said.
”We need to leave.” Said Clarinet. “Now.”
”No argument here. Have you guys seen Flute? He was with you last time I saw him.“
French Horn and Clarinet shared a look.
“I’ll go find him. You two pack. we leave before dusk.”
They watched as she disappeared into the leaves.
”Whats going on?” Asked tuba, a hint of worry in his voice.
French Horn took a deep breath in before saying “Vampires are real.”
Tuba burst out laughing.
“Oh. You’re serious.” He said as he hefted a tent into the back of the van.
”you don’t believe me.”
“How could I? I haven’t seen any proof that they exist.”
She threw a bag of trash in the van with more force than nessecary.
“What attacked you then?”
At this he paused. “I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a vampire.”
Percussionist and Trumpet made it to where Trombone was crying over Sax, the late afternoon sun reflecting off of their now pale skin.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. He’ll be alright.”
Trombone looked up at him and snarled, all teeth and rage, and Percussionist jumped back.
”He’ll end up like me, won’t he.”
Percussionist nodded.
”I don’t know what world you’re living in, but this isn’t fucking alright!”
Trumpet walked over and knelt in front of Trombone. She held out her hand, and Trombone scrambled away.
”I don’t believe you would hurt me. Not right now. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”
”so what?” She scoffed. “I still did it. Should I just go on existing as whatever I am now? Just kill people so I can live?”
”Actually,“ Percussionist said, “we can live off of different types of blood.”
Trumpet looked back and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Shut up you twatwaffle, can’t you see this is a delicate moment?”
”just figured it would be some good information to have.“ he said.
“Are you seriously telling me my angst fest was for nothing?” She asked.
Percussionist leaned against a tree. “Oh, don‘t worry.” He said. “Theres still plenty of angst about the immortality.”
“Sax did always say he wanted to be sixteen forever.”
Trumpet rolled her eyes. “Lets go home.”
Trombone reached out to take Trumpets hand, and Sax shot up and clamped his jaws around her throat. Trombone grabbed Trumpets wrist and pulled her away as Percussionist peeled Sax away.
”Let him.“ choked out Trumpet. “I‘ll be one of you either way.”
”Absolutely not!” Said Percussionist. “Trombone, go find literally anything else with blood.” Sax kicked and snarled in his grip. “Hurry! I’m not sure how much longer I can hold him.”
“Flute!” Yelled Clarinet. She had been looking for him for an hour now, and still couldn’t find him.
She was walking along an old trail that went out of use years ago when she almost tripped over him. He was curled up in the shade of a tree, hiding away in a hollow.
“What do you want.”
”I want to take you home.” She said.
he laughed. “Something like me doesn’t deserve a home. I killed people, and I knew there was another way, but I did it anyway. Just leave me here to rot.”
She remembered when she’d been like this. She had forgotten to eat, had slipped up. Its not a hard thing to do. When you’re a vampire, you brain tricks you into feeling fine by your old standards until you‘re so hungry you can’t stop it.
She believed it was all her fault, though. The only way someone had gotten through to her was something they had called twisting the knife. She had always called it shitty.
She sighed. “I wanted to say sorry.”
He poked his head out a little, peering up at her. “You didn’t do anything.”
”But I did.” She said. “I drained percussionist dry last night, and then I left him to find you. I watched while you attacked your friends, and now, I’m giving you a chance to fix the harm we caused. What will you do with it?”
”You made me like this?” He asked.
he lunged at her face, fingers clawing for her eyes. She turned around and ran for the campsite, making sure he was behind her, and praying that he would forgive her for the stunt she just pulled.
The campsite was packed, and Percussionist and Trombone had made a game of who could catch the best songbird for Sax. Sax was less murderously inclined, though it was hard to tell if it was because the blood he had consumed or trumpets growing nonhumanness.
After the third or fourth time of watching Sax suck down a bird or squirrel like a juice box, Tuba was forced to admit that maybe vampires were a little real.
(He noticed his neck wound had already scabbed over and was halfway gone. He was afraid to ask if he was becoming one.)
The sun was slipping behind the tops of the trees when Clarinet charged out of the forest, leapt over the van, And yelled “Flutes trying to kill me!”
Flute burst into the clearing and lunged at Clarinet. Percussionist stepped in the way.
”What happened?“
”She did this in purpose! She said she dropped you in the woods to kill us!”
Percussionists blinked. “No she didn’t. She told me to stay where I was while she got something for me to eat.”
he stopped yelling. Now, he just looked confused. “But she turned you.”
”Yeah? It was an accident. She obviously regretted it.”
Percussionist backed off, and Flute looked at clarinet.
”why did you say all that then?”
“You were’t gonna come with me if I didn’t. Besides, you were spiraling and this was the easiest way to stop that.”
”Sounds like the shittiest way to stop it, too.” Scoffed Tuba.
She sighed. “Yeah. It was.”
”Hey,” asked sax. “Are any of us still human? I know me, Percussionist, and Trombone aren’t-“
”Percussionist, Trombone, and I.” Said Trumpet.
”-And I saw you two jump over my van, but whats up with the rest of you?”
”Basically,” said Clarinet, “anyone who was bit is or will become a vampire, depending on how much blood they had left in them after the bite. Was there anyone who wasn’t bit?”
everyone was silent as they all glanced at each other, looking for anyone who could say yes. It quickly became awkward, and was broken by Clarinet muttering “Fuck.” quietly under her breath.
”Who all, um, died today?”
Flute, Sax, and Trombone slowly raised their hands. Clarinet squinted at Percussionist, which prompted him to say “What? I died last night.”
French Horn yelled “past twenty four hours, dingus.”
He rolled his eyes and raised his hand.
”Alright. You three,” -she made a sweeping gesture towards the three with their hands down- “Are going to have the worst couple weeks of your life. Take a few days off of everything. Don’t go to the hospital. Stay isolated. Call me when the pain’s mostly over.”
Tuba’s lips pursed. “What, exactly, is going to happen to us?”
”The way it was explained to me was that your body slowly cannibalizes itself. It sucks.”
”hm.” He said. He looked very troubled.
They got in the van and drove through the night.
For now, they rest. A short break, before they have to figure out the rest of their lives.
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