hedgehogslover · 4 years
Omg omg omg Still 2gether ep 2!!!! It was so funny, as much as I love to see DimGreen being the cutest couple, their bickering made me laugh to tears. ManType are such a cute couple aaaah, I'm so sad Type is leaving (T~T) but Man making him a surprise and telling him he was okay with it just killed me, I love them so much. And now, I'll repeat it over and over but I WANT THOSE SARAWATINE DOLLS!!!! They're just so cute I can't. Seriously there's so many things I want to say about this episode, but again it's 2gether, there's always millions of details to discuss about and I'm here for it. Anywaysss cannot wait for next episode (with a bit of angst seems like), see y'all !
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sentimentalsag · 4 years
Did you see the dolls in the Still2gether trailer and immediately want one or are you normal ...
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earthfluuke · 4 years
SarawatTine, "I'm wearing the smile you gave me."
SarawaTine + “I’m wearing the smile you gave me.”
Tine should be happy for his boyfriend. Getting to compete in a nationwide music competition is a big deal and can open so many doors for him in the future. It’s a big accomplishment, and to say Tine is anything less than proud is a complete lie. But feeling happiness is much more difficult than pride when loneliness overwhelms most of his senses.
Being apart has never gotten easier for him. During the days, he can better ignore it. He has studying to do, cheerleaders to train. But coming home to an empty apartment, the smell of Sarawat diminishing the longer he’s gone, makes him feel as though he’s been sharply slapped across the face, all of the sadness he’d left at the door earlier that morning rippling back into him.
He cuddles his miniature Sarawat doll, burrowing into his pillow in the hope that he can soak up a bit of the man he loves the most, but it’s futile. After experiencing the real thing, small traces of Sarawat just aren’t enough for him.
Hearing his phone ring, he rolls over to unplug it from his charger and check the contact name. He guesses that it’s his brother checking in on him or Ohm attempting to lift his spirits with the promise of bottomless alcohol. But to his surprise, the picture of the person he’s so badly missing lights up across his screen, and he scrambles to hit the answer button.
“Hello?” he says as he brings the phone to his ear. “I thought you were supposed to be competing tonight?”
Sarawat’s voice rushes into his ear, and he sinks into that feeling, letting it wrap around him like the tight hug that he so desperately craves. “We are, but we’re pretty far down in the lineup for the first round. We’ve got some time before our set.”
“I’m sorry I can’t be there.” He has yet to miss one of his performances, as his boyfriend at least, and it doesn’t feel right that the first one he has to is such an important one. He should be there, front and center, cheering him and the rest of the band on. “But I know you’ll do great.”
“There’s a lot of good groups here,” Sarawat says. It’s subtle, but just beyond the surface of his words, Tine can hear the slightest of nerves in his voice. It’s difficult to pick up on, but for over a year, he’s become an expert in all things Sarawat Guntithanon.
Commenting on it will only lead Sarawat into a spiral of fierce denial, pushing him further over the edge. Distraction will take his mind away from his anxiety, and Tine is more than willing to oblige.
“You know the reason why Scrubb is my favorite band, right? Their songs make me feel more than I feel without them.” A faint hum drifts through the phone, urging him to continue. “No other musician has ever made me feel the way that Scrubb makes me feel. Until I heard you perform. Even when you’re on stage in front of a whole crowd, the way you sing makes me feel like you’re playing just for me. Like you know every one of my feelings and put them into your songs.”
There’s silence on the other end of the line before a breathy laugh falls through the speaker. “I’m always playing for you, no matter who else is around to hear me.” It’s the typical, cheesy line he’s used to hearing from Sarawat. It’s enough for him to know he’s feeling better, and for that, he’s relieved. “Even tonight, I’ll be playing for you.”
“And I’ll still feel it,” Tine assures, wide smile spreading across his cheeks as he brings the Sarawat doll to his mouth to speak into its felt hair. “That’s how good of a musician you are.”
“Careful, you’re starting to sound like me,” he teases.
“Oh, please. No one could ever be as obnoxious as you.”
They both laugh – because they know it’s true – and Sarawat says, “We’ve got to warm up, but I’ll call after the performance.”
“Good. I want to hear all about it,” he says, before adding, “Good luck. You’ll be amazing as always.”
“Thank you, little buffalo. I love you.”
His heart squeezes a bit too hard, nearly knocking the air out of him. After missing him all day, hearing those three little words are simple but effective. They make him yearn for him even more, but he doesn’t tell him so. He instead returns the sentiment with, “I love you too,” before they hang up and part once more.
Back to the silence of the bedroom, he flops onto his back with a sigh, staring up at the ceiling. A few more days, and Sarawat will be back where he belongs. It feels soon and far away at the same time.
Somewhere between crawling under the covers and skimming over his unread emails, an Instagram notification pops up at the top of his screen. Opening it, he’s surprised to find a selfie of Sarawat staring back at him. He rarely takes photos of himself, even more rarely posts them to his public profile.
In this one, he’s smiling without his teeth, his hair styled for the stage. He’s as unfairly handsome as ever, and Tine wishes so badly to reach through the screen and kiss that smile until it grows wide enough to show his teeth. Beneath the photo, likes and comments are already accumulating. What catches his eye, however, is the caption Sarawat’s chosen: I’m wearing the smile you gave me.
How right they’d both been to think that no one would ever be able to be as stupidly romantic – mush, gush, and all of that – as Sarawat. He double taps the picture, and the heart turns the same shade of red as he’s sure his cheeks are. The next few days cannot pass fast enough, but when they finally do, he’ll be eager to see that smile in person.
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tehohaews · 4 years
 Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Thank you soooo much Nuria @taytawan for tagging me 🥺💖and ignore how late this is oops
Okay so 2020 is the year that I returned to “the internet” and I’m grateful cause otherwise I wouldn’t get to know all of you lovely people.Thank you for existing and making me feel like I belong somewhere 💖💖 So, along with my works I'm also gonna mention some of my favorite people and their works here and If you’ve ever made me smile you’re here and I love you <3
@snugglesweaters  Terryyyyyyy. My closest friend here 🥺 I’ve never told you this but if it wasn’t for you,I doubt I would’ve lasted this long here. It's nice knowing someone as clueless and a clown like me. I can talk to you about anything and I feel like we have similar views on stuffs.I love making random references to fics and knowing that you’ll get it cause we kind of read the same fics. I love this tine glitter fic of yours (yes tine glitter fic), obviously this cause (vampire) bright in a beanie AND the coffee shop au hc that only I know about hehe. I love your (almost) phd brain and hope you’re doing well in your dissertation. YOU CAN DO IT DW. And may you stay healthy,hydrated,safe and happy in the coming year 😊💖 I love you soooooooo muchhhhhhh 💖💖💖
@lesbian-earn Mayyyyy!!!. My co president of the short people supremacy club. You are so sweet and kind and thank you for reaching out to me that one day I was feeling a bit anxious.It’s always lovely to see you on my activity and on the dash. Like I once said, you remind me of sunshine and ilu 💖💖 Hope that the next year is kind to you and you’ll do well in your uni stuffs dw, I know you can.💖 Also I’ve said this before but i looooveeee this fic of yours and when I found out it was you dfjidfjidfidf
@taytawan Nuriaaaaaaa 💖💖 You say that I’m kind but it’s always because you are so sweet and talented that I can’t help screaming about your works everytime I see them. If I’m not mistaken, the name Nuria comes from the word Nur meaning light. You make the world brighter and a better place by your presence and I’ve said this before but really, it would’ve been very lonely without you in this 2g circus. I love these two sets of yours (I mean I did write an essay in the tags when I saw this) .Thank you for everything, I love you and I hope that you remain safe and happy in the coming year 💖💖 (Also join mine and May's short people club,Terry isn't invited ofc jdjsdjasjij)
@brightwinfilm NATH efhifhihis my (almost) birthday twin. LISTEN we’re gonna have so much fun in March, 1) Itsay part 2 AND your birthday 2)Sarawat’s birthday 3) My birthday and 4)since we’re here let’s just say Tine’s birthday is in March too hehehe. Thank you for all the lovely sarawatine and brightwin content you make, they never fail to make me smile.I love this set of yours and this also cause hehehe i WILL bring this back muhahhaa.You’re a wonderful person and you make the world a better place. Take care of yourself and I hope that you are always happy,healthy and safe 💖 i love youuu
@ryudian​ My go to person when I need any updates. You are SO HELPFUL and so NICE. I love going to your blog and seeing your st dolls and all the crazy stuffs you do because of bw. And I absolutely loved what you did with the oishi drinks here. May you be happy and safe in the coming year and stop spending so much money on merch I'm worried you'll go bankrupt
@komari-maxx​ I love seeing you on my activity and I love your st dolls and fics, specially this fruity4 one cause sdhididhid you included my hc of them arguing over the colour on lunch.This totally happened no one can change my mind. Hope you'll be happy (with your st dolls hehe) in the coming year
@teh-ohaew *tarn voice* Eyy TAY djidjijid hehe oops. Tay and Teh sound so similar specially in tarn's voice. Omg Teh Tay besties. TAYYYYY I love youuuu and I love reading your tags and seeing you on my dash except when you and Ayesha go crazy sdhusdh hehe jk. You are so nice and I love this sarawatine ig hc of yours. Hope you have a lovely year ahead and remain happy,healthy and safe. Don't forget to take care of yourself (by that I mean listen to the itsay original score on repeat)
@metawin JAYYYYY. I still remember the first time I came across your blog, it was when you were (probably) rewatching wyel and blogging about it crazily. I was laughing so hard at those and then you followed me back and I still to this day have no idea why. It's comforting seeing your posts in the tags and the dash and I absolutely love this itsay set of yours. You are so talented and lovely and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead. Lots of love <3333
@gremlinmetawin Ayesha bb 🥺🥺 You were the first person who interacted with me here and I love you for that. It's lovely seeing you in my dash and thank you for tagging me in tag games, I have fun doing them 💖💖 tbh I know like 3 Ayeshas irl but you are the loveliest and kindest of them all. Hope that the next year is kind to you,bring you happiness and you finally finish all those unwatched shows
@khaotungthanawat SAMMMMM Have I said that you are SO TALENTED this week? although tbh you deserve to hear that everyday. You always say that it's nothing but no, you ARE talented and kind. It's wonderful seeing your posts ( I feel like you're everywhere nowadays another proof that you work hard). You are a blessing to this world and I hope for you to be always happy and safe 💖💖.I love this st set, this itsay one and the tags of this post 😂😂 I will never not laugh at this.If this doesn't happen in the st special special askdkdsks 
@metawwin ALIIIIIIIII, queen of parallels djijidjias. I love going through your blog and seeing all your 2g stuffs.I absolutely adore this set of yours. You are so talented and you make the world a happier place <3 I love youuuuu and I hope you're staying hydrated,taking care of yourself and doing the things you love. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world 💖💖
@wirapong AISHIIIIII Hope you're doing well. I've screamed about this already BUT this club drama fic? lives in my head rent free. Also I love all your soft baby wat fics cause WAT IS A BABY. Glad we have Tine as the President of the Sarawat protection squad. I love your writing. you're so talented and I hope that the coming year will bring you happiness <33
@acequinz Hi Ace!! I love your incorrect quotes sideblog and I love your fics, specially this, this and this. You're a lovely person and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead.
@bisexualrep DORAAAA We haven't talked in a while but I smile whenever I see you in my activities. You are maybe the 4th person who followed me here and it still feels weird cause this and this? some of my fav wyel fics of all time. It's lovely reading your tags, they are so cheerful <3 Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. You deserve to be happy always 💖💖
Omg this is so long. If you're still here, here are some of the works that I'm proud of. 1)This itsay set. This was my first time doing big gifs and although this is loooong I like how this turned out, specially the colouring. 2) This cause do I do anything except 2g shitposting? No <3 I had this idea even before s2g aired but decided to wait so that I have more shots from s2g and I'm glad I did cause Earn basically got confirmed as a wlw so (Also special thanks to Terry cause the Man and Air hc were hers,her phd brain ikr) 3)This cause dcjsdjidi SARAWATINE SOULMATES. I love how the colouring turned out despite the fact that ps crashed halfway and I lost the gifs i spent 2 hours colouring. I tried to do this with scenes from the series only but couldn't cause wHen YoU aRe wItH yOuR cAmeRA SHOW US goddammit. If this was ao3 this would've been tagged as Tine teepakorn loves Sarawat guntithanon xD 4) Still2gether textposts obviously. I KNOW that 90% people follow me for my 2g shitposting and I got an ask once saying how were they so accurate and the reason for that is I spent HOURS on these. Atfirst it took a long time but after a while I got the hang of it. It was fun (though sometimes tiring) to make these after each ep aired. I'm proud of it and the fact that I managed to do 13 parts? gsjsdjsj 5) Still2gether subs that looks fake but aren't. shutup this was my first time giffing but it was funnnnn looking for the (canon) crack parts after every ep aired. 
Also,thank you to all the lovely people who likes and reblogs my posts, I do see you and I love you all <33 
Tagging: If you’re here then consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this or to anyone who sees this on the dash
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patandpran · 4 years
The Nuisance and the Handsome Prince - A Sarawatine Medieval AU - Chapter 14
Tine is an aspiring Squire who has been training his whole life to work alongside the Kingdom’s finest Knights. Sarawat is a Prince who, on the outside, seems fierce and unapproachable. He is disinterested in any of his royal duties, namely his Knight training. What happens when Tine is assigned to be the fierce and handsome prince’s Squire?
Find the Masterpost here Read on Archiveofourown here.
A week of training went by and every moment that Tine had to endure sharing space with the Prince was torture. Man had inquired further about Tine’s father’s fate and his location but the information was being kept under secure lock and key. Fong tried his hand at gathering gossip from his usual networks but he had not found much success either. As much as Tine wanted to focus on the impending Trials, he felt as if his mind was being pulled into too many conflicting directions.
One morning, after practice, Ohm pulled Tine aside. “Tine, you are not yourself.” Ohm challenged, his brow furrowed in concern. “What is distracting you?”
Tine spotted Lord Mil lingering in the background, obviously waiting for his Squire to follow him. Mil looked at Tine as if he was the cause of some plague and Tine had to tear his gaze away from Mil’s. Ohm looked at his friend sympathetically. Tine was almost sure that Mil knew something about who Tine was and his connection to the castle’s prisoner. He had felt like someone had been following him since Mil and his altercation with Phukong as their witness.
“You should ask your Knight.” Tine hissed defensively, which earned him a confused look from Ohm.
Ohm reached a hand out to rest on Tine’s shoulder. “My loyalty remains bound to my past.” Ohm assured his best friend and Tine felt as if he had been punched in the chest. Ohm continued, “Whatever it is. I’m here for you.”
“We can’t talk here…” Tine explained. “There’s both eyes and ears on us.”
“What if I told you I knew a way out of the castle?” Ohm whispered, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“I don’t have time to play games like when we were children, Ohm.” Tine warned, his tone thick with intensity. “If that’s the truth, I need to go beyond the wall to see my brother.”
“Be right there, my Lord!” Ohm looked back at Mil and tried his best to give the Knight a genuine smile.
As much as he and Mil got along, there was still a small part of Ohm that was slightly worried about what Mil might do to him if he ever stepped out of line. The consequences would likely not be a pretty sight.
“I will have Fong arrange it.” Ohm explained, quickly turning his focus back to Tine. “You should go tonight, though, before everything gets locked down for the Trials. Mil will also be announcing his opponent soon… I fear that your Prince might be the one the Lord chooses…. but I must be off!”
“He’s not my Prince…” Tine grumbled in what he knew was a useless objection as his friend hurried away to meet up with Lord Mil who was still shooting daggers at Tine with his eyes.
And, as if the universe truly wanted to punish him, Sarawat walked toward Mil with a somber look on his face. Mil smirked in Tine’s direction when he noticed that Tine saw Sarawat approaching and when Sarawat was near enough, Mil threw an arm around the Prince’s shoulders and pulled him into an embrace.
The sight made Tine’s blood chill but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. He had long since made his choice about refocusing on the path of his family, hoping that it would save Sarawat in the process but now a wave of regret shot through Tine like an arrow. He also knew he had no right to such feelings when he was the one who had put the distance between he and Sarawat. For now, Tine had to focus on the task at hand: getting beyond the castle walls.
Mil wished he could get Sarawat to listen to his warnings but the Prince wanted nothing to do with he wanted to share. Every day after practice for the last week, Mil had attempted to cut Sarawat off after practice to be able to speak with him but the Prince somehow managed to slip away. After a few days, Man and Boss got in the way as well, and Mil knew too well that Sarawat had put them up to the task. Even after leading Sarawat away from Tine and the field, as soon as they got to their dressing corners, the Prince had snuck away before Mil could go after him, likely hiding up in the East Tower as he did most days.
The worst part was that Mil couldn’t even find the other Prince. It was as if Phukong had disappeared from the castle entirely but Mil was sure that younger Prince was actively avoiding him after the confrontation that they had had the previous week. For years, Phukong had been following his every move and now Mil could not help but feel rather… lonely. He knew his actions were responsible for the distance that Phukong was putting between them but he was simply doing what he thought was best for the Kingdom.
“Ohm, shall we go on one our late night walks this evening?” Mil asked as his Squire helped him take off his armour.
Ohm got a worried look on his face and Mil felt something twist in his stomach - not even the person that had been hired to be at his side wanted to be near him. Mil had endured years of being repulsed by his own reflection but ever since had started his Knight Training, he felt like he was finding his confidence again. Unfortunately, it seemed like that was going to be tarnished at the eleventh hour.
“I am not available this evening.” Ohm muttered anxiously.
Mil relaxed slightly and raised an eyebrow, “Are you meeting up with that servant from the Kitchen?”
“His name is Fong.” Ohm spat out defensively but immediately shrunk back when he remembered who he was talking to. “I apologize, my Lord.”
“Ohm, please.” Mil urged, almost desperately. “I did not mean to belittle you. I was honestly just curios.”
“I…. yes, I am meeting with him.” Ohm murmured, his cheeks growing pink.
Mil smiled slightly as the tension diffused between them. He put a supportive hand down on Ohm’s shoulder. “I hope you have a lovely evening with… Fong. I guess I will need to find something to amuse myself with then…”
“Have you seen Prince Phukong lately?” Ohm wondered, feeling a bit bold. “It seems like he has been occupied with something. I have not seem in the castle corridors or the field.”
Mil swallowed slowly as he felt like a lump had appeared in his throat at the mention of Phukong. “I do not know… maybe I ought to look into his whereabouts…”
Ohm cocked his head to the side and gave Mil a sympathetic look. “Do I have permission to speak candidly, my Lord?”
“Even if I refuse, it won’t stop you from sharing your thoughts.” Mil responded, trying to appear more positive than he actually felt. “And please just call me ‘Mil’. We are far beyond formalities.”
Ohm nodded before continuing, “I wonder if sometimes you care so much that you scare those you care for away. Like a bear that you wear on your crest, you just want to protect those that you love but sometimes your attempts to protect come across as vicious attacks instead.”
Mil felt his jaw clench at the truth that was in Ohm’s words. He hated that his Squire could so easily see through him when he spent so many years building up the armour to mask how he felt. He didn’t want to appear weak but in trying so hard to remain strong, he had inevitably hurt those he cared for the most.
“Thank you, Ohm.” Mil practically whispered. “I think I know what I must do.”
The one exit that Tine had used the first time to sneak out of the castle had been quickly discovered after he first used it. Now, guards were stationed at that very spot but he did not have to conceal himself because Tine was leaving the castle walls as someone’s special guest.
“You know, Tine, when I first saw you, I wanted nothing more than to steal you away from the Prince and employ you as my Muse.” Green explained, his arm hooked securely onto Tine’s as the guards lowered the drawbridge out of the castle.
Tine blushed deeply at the compliment. He had not seem much of Green since the Ball and he was happy to be in the Tailor’s company again. They were also accompanied by Green’s assistant, Pear, who was an adorable young woman that looked like more of a doll than a real human being. It was quite refreshing to be surrounded by such positivity when Tine was usually so blanketed in worry and confusion.
When Green had showed up at the door of his Quarters, Tine had wondered what the hell was going on but then he quickly realized that Green was his ticket out of the castle. Green quickly explained the plan to use Tine as a ‘measurement reference’ for the Prince’s official garments for the Knight Trials festivities as it was too dangerous for Sarawat to venture beyond the castle walls so close to the Trials. The reality was that Tine would sneak away as soon as they got to the village to seek out his family while Pear and Green did their required shopping before meeting up again and returning to the castle.
“You know, when I first was employed by the Royal family, I did not see my family for a full year.” Green had explained. “I am happy to reunite you with yours in any way that I can.”
Once the bridge was down, Tine, Pear and Green made their way out on foot. As they made their departure, Tine noticed that one of the Castle wall’s main archers was giving him a suspicious look but he decided not to give it too energy as he was willing to take a risk to be able to connect with his family.
As soon as they reached the centre of the village, Green nodded to Tine discreetly and Tine peeled away from them, disappearing into the crowded square. He did not have much time to connect with his family - every moment that he had was precious.
There was a soft knock at the East Tower’s door. Sarawat instantly jumped to his feet, wondering who could possibly be disturbing him in his private Quarters. Man, Mil, Phukong, and Boss knew to never disturb the Prince when he was up there and the only other person he had ever invited up there was Tine.
The reality that Tine was potentially on the other side of the door made Sarawat’s heart jump into his throat. He smoothed out his hair, took a deep breath and threw the door open.
The Queen stood in front of Sarawat with a kind smile on her lips but a serious look in her eyes. “May I come in, son?”
Sarawat felt himself relax slightly as he gestured for his Mother to enter the East Tower. The Queen swept in and drank in the space. She had never been in her son’s private tower before but she quickly saw that every item in the space reflected his temperament perfectly.
“Is everything all right, Mother?” Sarawat wondered, a bit nervous about how she might respond.
The Queen gave him a gentle nod, “I just came to discuss the announcement that you are to make once you become Knighted.”
“I…” The thoughts fell from his mind. The month had passed too quickly and while Sarawat knew it was his duty to announce who he was planning to propose to, he dreaded the reality of his situation with every fibre of his being.
“I hope that you will be able to choose someone that you love.” The Queen explained. “But you should also choose one that will be good for the Kingdom.” His Mother’s sage words hung in the air as Sarawat’s mind raced. He had no idea what he was going to do and the person that he had imagined being by his side seemed to have other ideas about their future.
“I hope that you know that I just want you to be happy, my son.” The Queen expressed and approached Sarawat slowly, bringing her fingertips to gently touch her son’s face. “You know what is best but if you ever need any guidance, look to the night’s sky for answers.”
Sarawat felt the comfort of the contact immediately and leaned into his Mother’s touch. He closed his eyes and wished that he knew what to do and what was the right path. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the moon hanging in the air and his Mother had disappeared as if she were a phantom.
Once again, Sarawat was left alone with his thoughts.
As soon as he got to the door of his family home, Tine felt like he wanted to burst into tears but he also knew he needed to be strong if his Mother was beyond the door. He knocked on the door and Type slowly opened it, looking more exhausted that Tine had ever seen him.
Tine pulled his brother into an embrace on the threshold of the door. The relief that shot through him was palpable. Type was not the kind to enjoy these kinds of physical contact but Tine just couldn’t help himself.
“We should get inside.” Type murmured and Tine let him go.
Tine was swept inside by his brother and quickly asked, “Where is Mother?”
“She is in the town square, trying to see if she can catch any whispers about Father’s wellbeing.” Type explained and made his way to the table that stood in the centre of the room. He sat down slowly. “Do you have any news?”
“I am sure Man has shared with you all that he knows.” Tine answered and sat down across from his brother. At the mention of Man’s name, Type perked up momentarily before Tine continued, “But I am trying. Prince Phukong also shared with me that it is likely that the investigation will take a few weeks at least but I will exacted my revenge and saved Father by then.”
“… And how do you plan on doing that without signing your own death sentence?” Type responded dryly, concern apparent in his eyes.
“I am still working out the details.” Tine answered and felt nervous sweat sprout on his brow.
The reality was that he had no idea what he was doing and he was hoping that Type would offer some sort of answer but it seemed like his brother was too exhausted with worry and by being overworked to share any advice on the matter. “I have something for you.” Type rose slowly and exited the room before returning with something sheathed in a cloth.
Tine studied the item with confusion. It was not as long as a sword but resembled the same shape. Type approached Tine and passed the heavy item to his brother before explaining, “Father forged this before he was attacked. He wanted to give it to you after the Trials as a congratulatory gift but… I think you need it now.”
Tine slowly unwrapped the velvety cloth to reveal a dagger with the same handle design as his sword. The dagger was quite compact but the blade was lethally sharp and glinted in the candlelight. On the blade, four words were etched: REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
Tine felt his lower lip begin to tremble and felt Type put one supportive hand down on his shoulder and gathered strength from the contact.
Mil made his way to Phukong’s private quarters and while he was sure the Prince did not want to see him, he wanted to make amends for his previous actions. While he was not exactly regretful for what he had done, he knew that there was better ways to deal with such matters and making up with Phukong felt like a step in the right direction.
He knocked on the door lightly and waited patiently to see if the Prince was even in the room. Mil chewed on his lips anxiously before he heard a muffled “Come in” from through the door. There was no way that the Prince knew it was him but Mil let himself into the room anyway.
Phukong was turned to face the window where the moon hung high in the night. He seemed to be lost in his work as Mil slowly approached him. He was working on a portrait of the night sky and Mil could not help but feel as if his breath was swept away by the Prince’s undeniable talent.
“That is beautiful, Kong.” Mil muttered as he walked toward the Prince.
Phukong immediately stilled and dropped his paintbrush in surprise. He turned to face Mil with an anxious look on his face. Mil suddenly regretted entering Phukong’s space but Phukong shared, “Mil. I…have been meaning to come find you. How has training been going?”
The whole thing felt so formal. Mil loathed it but knew he was also responsible for the change in their relationship. It seemed that the younger Prince no longer admired him, but instead, he feared him, just as Ohm had predicted.
“I know you have been avoiding me, Kong.” Mil shared gently and kneeled down next to where Phukong was seated. “I wanted to come here and apologize.”
A shocked look danced across the Prince’s face and it melted Mil. Phukong murmured, “Really? I didn’t think that was really in your vocabulary.”
The joke dissipated any remaining tension that hung between them. Mil reached up and mussed   Phukong’s hair fondly and the Prince let out a nervous chuckle. Mil responded, “You know, I don’t think it is usually but I will make the exception for you.”
“I’m honoured.” Phukong shared warmly.
A cough caused the Prince and Mil to look up toward the door. Chat was lingering on the threshold of the Prince’s Quarters, a serious look on his face. Mil wondered momentarily how Chat had found him but also knew that he was one of the best trackers in the Kingdom so it did not surprise him either.
“I apologize for the interruption but I believe this is important.” Chat explained before turning his focus to Mil. “My friend, I think you should know that a certain enemy of yours ventured beyond the castle walls this evening…”
Phukong put one hand on Mil’s arm. “Mil. Think before you act.”
Mil jumped to his feet, shaking the contact of Phukong off easily. “I am sorry, My Prince, but I cannot ignore my Duty.”
“I thought you were different, Mil.” A dark look appeared in Phukong’s eyes. “But as it turns out, you really are just like your Father…”
Phukong shot from the room at such a speed that Mil could not even try to stop him. The Prince’s words rung in Mil’s ears and while Chat gave Mil a sympathetic look, Mil felt as if Phukong had stabbed him right in the heart.
You really are just like your Father…
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taeminie · 4 years
hi ali my love 👾💜 for your sleepover ask: Tell us your thoughts theories and favorite bits of still2gether ep 1!
KYLIE!!!!!!!!!! hi angel 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 
 ohhh my god okay i will try but i dont wanna make it too long and bore yall to death so here i go doing it under a read more because it will be long, sorry.
thoughts: I LOVED IT. it was beyond my expectations. i feel like part 1 was a whole fix-up for the criticism in eps 12/13 and how they addressed the whole pam/mil situation at the hospital. and learning that wat was at the hospital from his pov was so smart i cant stress this enough. also both tine and sarawat apologizing and agreeing to communicate more and healthily yes we love to see it!! when they made the pinky promise of having a heart-to-heart next time something’s bothering them. that was so so important. i also loved how they addressed fan service in the beginning and wat being like “we’re a real couple we don’t need to prove it to anyone” that whole scene was really nice. so definitely aof took notes and listened and im just on cloud 9 about episode 1 like it was SO GOOD.
theories: ok i suck at theorizing but i got a few...
- i definitely think that we’ll get an eventual time jump in the finale where we see them married with kids or with a pet (maybe charlotte??) but yeah i feel like they’ve hinted too much at a proposal.
- not really a theory but i feel like we will get to see a special date for sarawatine (either anniversary or a b-day) because you know in the trailer how wat’s making wishes and there’s a whole voiceover of him talking to tine and wishing him happiness... i think they’re gonna start the ldr thing and wat is gonna surprise tine at some point. also because in the trailer when they introduce win as tine you literally see tine turn around and smile at someone so my guess is sarawat surprised him and the dolls are a gift from him but who knows...
- definitely wat is gonna find out about mil and he won’t be happy about it at all but that’s kinda obvious
- might be wishful thinking but i feel like we will get more “kiss till you drop” scenes and third times a charm u know what i mean..... but yeah *sigh*
- ohmfong and earnpear are gonna out of nowhere show up as canon in the last episode or so i wish haha fuck
favorite bits: 
- “you’re safe tonight” i already talked about this but that whole scene was soo beautiful, the way wat reassured tine and how he protects him!!
- i really loved to see the guntithanon brothers talking and actually having scenes together. like wat really has a brother and they didn’t forget it felt so refreshing to see
- another bit i absolutely loved was the scene in bed with sarawatine at the end of part 1 just because of the way tine was looking at wat???? we see wat always looking at tine like he hung the stars but seeing tine SOO IN LOVE really made me feel things. and my boy delivered the absolute horniest line in the whole episode looking like the puppy eyes emoji all around.
- i loved the scene with ohm fong and tine (loved that they talked about puak and pluem wasn’t just written off and forgotten) and i also loved the teasing and the fact that wat actually talked to ohmfong and asked them to talk to tine. oh and when tine said “i care about sarawat”.... yeah going back to theories i have a theory that tine will say i love you first in the show but dont quote me.
-  i absolutely loved when tine was practicing with a tutorial of sarawat teaching him!! that was so endearing and such a small gesture thats actually not that small and sucha tine thing to do. which brings me to the point that sarawat was jealous of himself... gay little wat smh. but honestly 2gether ep 9 is my favorite ep so the fact that they included those scenes where sarawat is telling him to imagine himself as the protagonist and you can tell even in ep 9 part 4 tine used that as encouragement and now he’s using it again. tine remembers the small things he really does and he cherishes wat soo much.
- ok last but not least the scene after the time jump when they’re sitting on the couch at home... something about confident tine knowing he played well and being like “all those ppl loved me!!” i couldnt stop smiling like that’s my baby!!! and i can’t wait to see more of him like this.
overall it was such a good premiere episode. it tackled so many important topics like healthy communication in relationships but also the whole cyber bullying storyline with tine...and some of our beloved fong’s quotes “you can’t make everyone love you so just focus on the ppl around you”... im gonna be in this high for longer than i thought because that episode just gave us so much more than i imagined.
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heesulovebot · 4 years
Hi babes!! 😘 2. 10. 19. 23 LMAO. 36 - taysha minus the tay 😌💕💕
AYESHA💖!!! icb our ship name is so cute lol 🥺🥺🥺 anyways:
2. fave season 2 (Still 2gether) moment
ayesha this ask is pure evil how could you make me choose just oNE???? i’m going to cheat because honestly i love every single moment watine have together we’re being fed SO WELL but two moments really stuck out to me: s2g ep. 1, after tine performs and proves himself to the club, we have them back at their apartment and sarawat is bandaging up tine’s fingers. honestly this scene is SO cute because tine bb is SO PROUD and wat is so proud of his bb too 🥺🥺  and then wat’s cheesy ass did that whole proposal line and a bitch was dECEASED. and then the most recent scene in ep. 4 of them finally reuniting after that torturous 2 weeks (these dramatic ass gays i swear—) their entire exchange on the staircase was just so sweet and romantic and i may or may not have cried T^T sarawatine soulmates confirmed.
10. character that you think had the most overall growth
i mean yeah i’m biased af but tine???? and i think the fact that he and wat are going through growing up together helps like, sarawat learned from his past mistakes and is making sure tine doesn’t have to go through stuff alone but it felt so good to see them communicate in the first episode of s2g and tine actively admitting that he overreacted and apologizing and promising to not let those things go unsaid!!! 
19. a lyric from the show that you MIGHT get tattooed on your body
honestly i want the entirety of click engraved on my tombstone. that song romantic AF bro. 
23. the moment that made you laugh the most
hands down @manboss in the fire scene s2g. i literally had to pause because i was laughing so hard skjfnkjdnfd. also that lil’ scene in s2g of manboss talking to phukong and boss is like “i raised your brother when he was THIS big and now he’s THIS big” that shit was so funny and you KNOW gunsmile adlibbed that djkfnskdjnjkds
36. what product would you actually buy because it’s been shoved down our throat by GMMTV?
omg we were talking about this the other day but i am on the HUNT in my city for oishi chew chew beverages dsjfnkdsjnfjsdk I WANT AN OISHI APPLE HON-EEEE SO BAD. oh i also am constantly telling myself not to buy the little chibi watine dolls but thEYRE SO CUUUUTEEE T^T
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