#THREADS -> darehearts
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@darehearts // and this one is getting the insta reply (x)
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It's well fought victory, and it's why he's mulling over leaving. He didn't want to take away from that; didn't want to be the moon casting shadow over the room; let everyone frolic in the sunlight if Clint's keeping track of this metaphor properly.
He bumps his shoulder against Kirk's when he teases him for the melancholy that was hanging over his own shoulders. He can't help the laugh as it was pointed out this wasn't a funeral home. A finger taps at the rim of the glass he's holding. Ordered out of habit, which after Nero he had to get serious about the rest of whatever life was going to be.
❝ I don't know looks like a funeral home to me. ❞ Clint muses with a laugh, taps the glass full of liquid, decides that he'll share a little. How wouldn't a bar be a funeral home. ❝ You know how when you want to join Starfleet, you gotta do an interview? ❞
Kirk's eagerness to cheer him up is appreciated, if he doesn't feel that he's truly earned such the privilege of throwing his authority around to talk to someone. The only person to talk to was himself and the newly named Captain has earned from Clint however his story and honesty. That and something about how talking about it will help him.
❝ I downed two glasses of gin before it because if I fucked it up; well, I could have the rest of the bottle and wouldn’t care. I thought it made answering questions easier; I am a better liar under liquid influence. ❞ That's probably a load of bullshit, but that was the lies he told himself to make sense of himself.
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He holds up the glass in his hand, ❝ What is a bar to an ex-drinker? A graveyard. ❞ He looks to the all the glasses with liquor in them around the room, on the other side of the bar.
❝ This is better for me, but I still ordered the glass. Promise I'm celebrating, but getting use to this. ❞ This being watching others drink and get drunk, ans not joining them. They did it in fun and it's one night, or maybe one week, but he was different. That's harder to own, harder to look in the mirror and see his father looking back or Barney's words thrown in his face all over again.
Clint smiles though, it's hard but it's not bad. A little sad, but he'll get better at this sober thing. ❝ I imagine Captain is going to take a moment to get use to; or do you already feel it? ❞
He offers the glass of amber liquid towards Kirk, it shouldn't go to waste. He picked a good bottle for it to be poured from. Someone should appreciate the burn. ❝ A toast to whatever comes next and I promise that'll taste good. ❞
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noblehcart · 4 months
@darehearts ( kirk & bones )
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" Don't give me that BS- ya can't skip your physical, Jim. Sets a bad example for the crew. " If word that is got out that the captain was avoiding his regular check up for service clearance. He was just as bad as Chekov- well, maybe not as bad. At least he didn't break into hives like Chekov did.
(Note to self- check for Chekov's RAST test again )
"Don't be an infant about it. As far as I know you're fit as fiddle so it won't take long."
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entriprises · 2 months
@darehearts sent “come get me out."
the sigh from jen’s end of the phone is a long one. her other hand plucks her glasses right off to be able then drag her palm down it. “okay.” after, the silence persists as she slides the stack of paperwork off her lap and onto the empty side of the bed. “i’m on my way.” does jim’s call beat the case she’s been losing sleep on? probably, no matter how stupid it ends up being, but the fact is that she was settled, cozy, warm… “please don’t do anything else. just wait, quietly, patiently, don’t do anything carol wouldn’t do.” 
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lvebug · 5 months
continued from HERE!
one thing andie tends not to be, is a liar. she spends her days in the magical, stunningly, overwhelmingly beautiful vastness of space and she will never take such an experience for granted by being serious.  joy, wonder, excitement  those are the emotions that rule her on the enterprise—however... unconventional. but her purpose in starfleet is in more than one way at odds with what it should be.  guns, phasers, weapons  are all a part of the machinery and tactics used by the federation.
but not by andie.
"i don't believe in violence, captain."   she takes a breath, quick and sharp, to give herself a second to navigate such a complicated topic. this is a personal choice and not one that extents to others—there's no ill will towards jim or anyone else, and in fact she admires greatly the burden of choice he carries every single day. it's not an easy one. but the big, tangled knot of feelings in andie's chest doesn't easily un-pull into a coherent thought.   "it's just not my way and never has been. starfleet may put a phaser in my hand, but that doesn't mean i have to fire it." | @darehearts
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arachnidiots · 6 months
⎯⎯⎯⎯ @darehearts sent : ❛ the only thing i do know is we have to be kind. be kind. especially, when we don't know what's going on. ❜
“you sound like a friend of mine.” she swears those words have fallen out of andie’s mouth on one occasion or another. their own philosophy is not so different. to help, to bring relief— what greater responsibility and honor is there? again and again, liam claws at love and hope for survival because everything will turn out alright. she’ll make sure of it, and she’ll do it till she can’t, and then maybe some more after that too she thinks. it’s optimism through gritted teeth. “she’s pretty big on that stuff, spreading kindness and… the feel-good stuff.” at one point or another, liam was too.
“i’m hoping i only have to ask this once, i mean i’ll keep asking if you say no until i wear you down, but you kinda seem like someone i don’t have to ask this a whole bunch so… think you can lend a hand with the uh,” their head tilts, “killer robot aliens?”
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conflictaverse · 1 year
@darehearts "Did my existence ever matter to you?"
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What he wants to say--what he's wanted to say for a long time--is of course you matter to me, Jimmy. Everything I did was for you.
But he doesn't really have a right to say that, does he? Because he ran away when he was a stupid kid and had gotten it into his mind that, if he were gone, everything would be fine. That Sam had been the reason their stepfather got so angry. It was because he still had memories of his real father that he had latched onto so hard that he wouldn't let their stepfather feel like he belonged in their house.
That's what Mom had said, anyway. It didn't turn out to be true. Instead, Sam had just abandoned his little brother and left him with a monster. Who knows where he'd be if it weren't for Christopher Pike.
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"You're my brother," he says, and it sounds stupid in his own ears. Not enough. "I know I messed up. I want to fix it. Please let me fix it.."
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
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Up Next: @thefleetsfinest On Deck: @danversiism or @darehearts
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The Enterprise was going to be stationed over the Starbase 515 for a few weeks, upon which for Linda had meant taking shore leave off the ship. This was her home after all, born and raised on the Starbase, a young girl whose family afforded her many comforts and as a young medical student notoriety as well.
There were plenty of reasons to an assortment of emotions, namely the range between eager to nervous. She would be seeing her family for the first time in a few years, and she had someone to introduce to them. Her brother, Tag, she was explicitly eager for him to meet Leonard.
On top of that, she may, more or less, have promised the Captain the chance to meet her father and possibly play poker with him and his room of associates who settled on the starbase for one reason to the next; for research, to work, to teach (which really was retirement in her father's opinion).
Today bordered on nerves because as talk about what she would be doing on the Starbase, so came talks about dates, double dates, namely today; she knew a place that had always supplied the best wine and dancing to be had . The nerves came more from the accompaniment of the other couple joining them. Linda's never done a double date before.
❝ You're gonna be hearing me say this a lot, but there is at least a thousand persons between my mother and my father that know the Carters. ❞ She warns to the group of them, though she doubts that'll run probably tonight unless the bartender was one and same from when she was a student, sipping whine and complaining along with her fellows about one thing to the next. Subsequentially, that meant they would know Linda.
❝ I'll see about getting you in on the melting of great minds, or whatever old Dad calls poker nights, Cap- JIM. ❞ She need not be so formal here, but it's definitely something that's adding to the nerves. Carol, Jim, and Leonard know her as Doctor Carter, while here she would be Doctor Carter's daughter, daughter of her mother one of the upper class socialites living on the base, and than all of Linda's achievements came after. ❝ First thing's first my family needs to meet Leonard, but that's another day's worries. ❞ Hand tightens its grip on Leonard's, and it's the first indicator that she's flustered more than she could say right now. Partners over ship captains when it came to meeting the family, but she was sure that Jim would get a seat at poker.
❝ Well, this is the place ⸻ Top shelf wine and the place to bitch about Nurse Barkers for fresh-faced medical professionals. ❞
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respondedinkind · 8 months
~ Character Info Sheet (MAIN VERSE)
name: Khan Noonien Singh
name meaning: Khan, which is more popular as a surname, is a Turkish boy's name meaning "prince". Khan is a shorter form of Khagan, and was originally a historic title given to military chiefs and rulers. Noonien is of Chinese origin and means "gifted one", though it's unclear whether this is accurate or not. Singh is derived from the Sanskrit word सिंह (IAST: siṃha) meaning "lion", and is used in the sense "hero" or "eminent person".
alias/es: John Harrison, created and given to him by Admiral Marcus as a smokescreen to hide his true identity.
ethnicity: Confidential information
one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone:
During his time under Marcus' command, Khan was not only forced to create powerful weapons and design an entire warship fitting to Marcus' demands, but he was also forced to go through mental as well as physical abuse. Marcus used his crew to control him, threatened Khan to take their lives if he were to disobey; Two of his people died this way, leaving Khan devastated and broken.
Khan is, in fact, not human - this information is confidental, however, and the few papers existing from the time he was risen are locked up somewhere in the archives. Marcus knows, however, with him being of high rank - which is precisely why he wanted to keep and use Khan for his purposes.
During his time as a ruler in between 1992 and 1996, Khan maintained a close relationship to a selected few of his following (mostly males, with a few rare exceptions) - the mentioned relationship included connections of sexual kind, but didn't really turn into romantic love-interests. They all enjoyed each other's company together, as a group, on more than just one occasion.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Reading. He enjoys a lot of different genres, prefers the feel of real paper between his fingers, but will also use whatever electronic device is offered to him to entertain himself.
Stargazing. It reminds him of his childhood, back when he'd been risen in the twentieth century; The stars have always fascinated him, perhaps it has to do with his origins.
Cooking. He rarely gets the chance to do so, but Khan enjoys the logical but also creative approach of creating dishes - he's a big fan of the asian as well as indian cuisine.
eight people your character likes / loves: His crew, obviously. Seventy-two people, still within their cryotubes; He would do anything for them, as he knows they would do anything for him in return. He considers them his family, his friends, people he holds most dear.
Besides them, he doesn't keep any close connections at the current time. While residing under Marcus' command, he didn't really care about anyone else, only had the occasional chat with others working at Section 31, but nothing of significant nature.
The rest is entirely thread-dependent; Khan is about to connect to @darehearts, he also feels very close to @sxbaist (in every single Verse) and, besides that, is starting to connect tentatively to a few other muses. (Also very verse-dependent; In his MCU verses he's getting relatively close to @bloodstainedstar and is already deeply in love with @mehrere-musen - in one alien verse he is friends with @noblehcart and in another alien verse he is also deeply in love with @ssolessurvivor)
two things your character regrets:
Having put his people into the torpedoes he'd designed. Back when he'd done it, there hadn't been any other way available for him to try and smuggle them into safety - yet, with how the events unfolded in the end, part of him regrets that he's executed his own plan and, sadly, got discovered in the process, forcing him to leave them behind while escaping alone.
Having put himself as well as his crew into cryotubes to begin with. Back when all of them had been forced into exile, he'd planned for them to sleep a few years while their ship drifted through space, far away from earth, so as to allow them all to resume their lives at another point. That his own cryotube malfunctioned, didn't wake him up within the estimated timespan, he obviously didn't account for; Ten of his friends lost their lives because of that, and, in the end, Marcus found them over two hundred years after the Eugenic Wars had happened, resulting in the whole desaster that followed.
Phobias fears your character has:
The fear of losing someone he loves, either plantonic or romantic. Because of what he's gone through while being held hostage by Marcus, made to witness the death of two of his people caused by the Admiral's hands, Khan ever since experiences the overwhelming fear of being unable to keep someone safe and, therefore, lose them forever. Whoever gets close to him, he intents to protect, and he might become a bit overly protective because of his mentioned fear.
A mild 'fear' of doctors / scientists. It manifests less in actual fear but more in varying stages of discomfort; Because of what he went through as a child as well as under Marcus' command, he's not too fond of being handled by either of them.
tagged by: no one tagging: @bloodstainedstar because I don't think you did this yet. :)
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entriprises · 2 months
@darehearts — "ever since that day, everything has changed." 
“you can say that again,” he raises his hand before there’s even a chance, “don’t say that again.” mark thinks there’s some humor to the statement, because of course he does. “you wouldn’t believe how many times i’ve heard that, and all about different days. every day changes us. some more than others, obviously.” even he’s said it about a dozen different days— his logs are proof of it, but it’s hard for him to say now that change can be so precisely started and stopped. it’s part of his first day lecture every single year to tell the new group of students he gets that change should be expected, as should the unexpected. space is about problem solving. it’s a constant evolving set of problems and changes. 
“every day on that piece of fucking rock changed me. one day i was mark, researcher number six, and the next i was mark, the only resident. the day after that i was mark the doctor and mark the engineer and so on, but yeah, ever since that storm, life sure got a whole fucking lot different. they even changed the uniforms while i was gone.” 
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arachnidiots · 7 months
⎯⎯⎯⎯ @darehearts sent : " we are talking about infinity. if you can imagine it, somewhere out there, it exists. " to liam
their eyes aren’t sure where to focus. seeing space like this… so endless, it’s breathtaking and unsteadying all at once. they lean on the side of the viewport. the lack of horizon, some line in the distance to denote distance— something familiar, is unnerving to look out at. rolling their shoulders back, they’re able to break what feels like a siren call to stare at the darkness. they face captain kirk. "i don't know that i want to imagine it- infinity..." from the corner of their eye space starts to pull them again. she resists drifting her gaze towards it. "to infinity and beyond!" their arms raise to waive, as if meant to be inspiring. liam laughs and shakes their head at themself, and the small attempt to bring optimism to a moment that feels heavy on their chest and shoulders. "that's uh, that's a movie quote from home." hands running through their hair, brushing it back, "and home's about the only thing i want to imagine. i've seen the rest, it's not for me."
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lvebug · 5 months
continued from HERE!
hopping on one foot, eyes still glued to the tv, andie pulls on her boot. on screen meg ryan and tom hanks stand across from each other, separated by a busy street. they don't say a word and andie holds her breath, waiting. then —— A CAR?! she gasps, but the car on screen swerves to avoid meg ryan's character. 
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andie's foot, now booted, drops to the floor and she throws her hands up in frustration as the scene changes.  "she didn't even talk to him!"  her eyes are still transfixed to the screen, but she dutifully backs up to where jim is standing. her mask hasn't been put on yet. it'll block her view.  "you go first."  she means the window. does he leave via windows too? he doesn't fly, but also she didn't open the front door for him. whatever. she's leaving through the window because it has a direct line of sight to the tv. | @darehearts
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entriprises · 1 month
@darehearts sent "don’t try to make a stronger wind, you’ll wear yourself out. build a better sail."
trip nods, humming, and lips curving up with the sweetness of the memory. "my, uh, my grandfather used to say that t'me. i think he was tryna toe the line between takin' my mom's side and my dad's. my mom wanted me to be an architect, and my dad wanted me to be an engineer." he taps a wrench against the side of shuttle pod, repeating, "build a better sail." his eyes light up with an idea, grin wide as he suddenly pats the other man's arm. "build a better sail!" he repeats it again as if that offers anymore clarity to what's going on inside his head. "oh, oh you're a genius!"
he turns quick, heading inside before his head peeks out. "you, uh, ya mind lendin' a hand? i think i can build us an engine to get outta here."
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arachnidiots · 3 months
@darehearts , CONTINUED FROM HERE !
“tailing you?” peter blinks at the other. new york city, the audacity of anyone and everyone is unmatched here. “no offense man, but,” the other man seems familiar in the face, at the very least. “i am just here for coffee, so,” as peter’s name is called out, he steps into the other’s space just briefly to grab his own cup of coffee off of the counter. it’s hot, warmth radiating into his hands as he switches between them as he holds the cup. “maybe you’re tailing me, maybe i should be asking you questions.” he puts the coffee down, popping the lid off with a narrowed look. picking up the sugar, he wonders if maybe now he’s staring too long, but the face before him is coming back to him in half memories of a fight fought years ago, and amongst so many heroes it was almost impossible to keep track of them all. it crosses his mind to say something, to verbalize the recognition, but he’s just peter here, and peter’s not someone who occupies most people’s memories these days.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 7 months
sometime i get on and just read the threads between @danversiism, @darehearts, and @prcspcr and just that's it, that's my joy for the day; i love tania, lucy, and peter so much and eavesreading on what they've been up to in the writing/creative/plot worlds
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respondedinkind · 11 months
Character Sheet (Alien Verse)
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full name. Khan Noonien Singh (Ka'anh formerly) nicknames / aliases. None age. Unknown, probably somewhere between 35 and 40 in human years zodiac. Unknown spoken languages. His native alien language, English
physical characteristics.
hair colour. Raven; Black, but with a bit of a brown tint in direct (sun)light eye colour. Blue (shifting in between steel blue and blue-green depending on the surrounding light) skin tone. Fair body type. Fit, muscular but agile at the same time, with a slender mid-section dominant hand. He prefers his right hand, but is actually ambidextrous posture. Good; He usually sits with his back straight and stands tall and proud scars. His body heals too efficiently, scars usually do not appear, yet he does have a very small one on his bottom lip tattoos. None birthmarks. A small, dark brown spot right above his left buttcheek, where his spine curves in, about 1 inch in size. Besides that, he's got a few small moles and birthmarks scattered all over his body most noticeable features. His face; Especially his eyes (+ intense gaze), jaw-line, shape of his lips
place of birth. His home planet siblings. None parents. Unknown
adult life.
occupation. None (Thread-dependent; He either is still on earth and used as an experiment / chased after once broken free, or he manages to gain the Enterprise crew's trust and is allowed to work as a makeshift-technician and researcher (blue shirt)) residence(s). None (Thread-dependent; He either is a prisoner still at Section 31 or he's fleeing from Marcus. Or - if allowed - the Enterprise becomes his (temporary) home) close friends. None (Thread-dependent; he feels very close to @sxbaist (romantic interest) and sees @noblehcart's Liesel as a friendly person to hang out with, more people are hopefully to come :D (I think he could get along well with @darehearts Kirk :) ) relationship status. Single (Thread-dependend, because there's definitely something going on in threads with @sxbaist *wink* ) financial status. There is none driver’s license. No criminal record. Yes, including murder (blew up Starfleet's Section 31, which, as a result, caused high-ranked Starfleet personnel to be called into an emergency meeting, which he attacked as well in an attempt to kill Admiral Marcus) vices. Loves sweet foods - and, despite unable to get drunk, enjoys the occasional glass of good Bourbon if possible
sex & romance.
sexual orientation. Pansexual (leaning heavily toward men) preferred sexual role. Whatever works best / switch libido. Quite high turn-ons. Having his ears touched / kissed(!), kissing in general, teasing & flirting, eye contact, emotional closeness, when his partner smells nice, having someone talk dirty to him, a bit of rough play when the mood fits, but also soft touches and cuddling turn-offs. Blood & Gore, when he's expected to 'do all the work', certain kinds of degradation (not fitting the moment / too mean / too personal), when someone smells bad, disrespecting him love language. Nicknames (sometimes), being a bit cheeky & teasing his partner (playfully so), touching his partner, being (overly) protective, making sure his loved one is safe (at all costs), would give his life for someone he loves (always), sex (his libido is very active when he's in love with someone), kissing, hugging & cuddling relationship tendencies. Khan is actually a softie and very affectionate
hobbies to pass time. Watching people and his surroundings, listening to music & sounds, learning about earth & human culture, learning about other planets & foreign cultures in general, researching, fiddling around with technical stuff mental illnesses. Unknown self-confidence level. High to very high
Stolen from: My old blog Tagging: @sxbaist @darehearts @ensnchekov @vulku @fasciinating @deficd (whichever muse you like), @noblehcart (whichever muse you like) and whoever reads this and wants to do it, take it! ♥
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