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BEHOLD! A Muppet Lost Boys AU inspired and thought of by the lovely @gothamslostboy !!! Gotta say the idea immediately put me into a doodle frenzy that I just had to sketch these out really quick! Also have a little rambling if it was an actual movie.
Now, I know what the poll was probably asking was which actual Muppet character would be who- I.E David as Kermit, Rizzo as Marko, or something, but I wanted to explore a more rare idea I’ve seen the Muppets do.
The original cast is very much still around and in the movie, but not the full attention as Michael and the Lost Boys would be. Kermit could maybe be some kind of narrator at the beginning or break the fourth wall here and there with the other Muppet cast following. I’ve seen something like this done in Emmet Otter’s Jug-band Christmas if you wanna get what I’m trynna say, the main plot and focus is with Michael at the puppet Lost Boys, but we aren’t about to go a whole Muppet movie with the Muppets!
I also thought it was a totally cool idea if maybe even Rizzo and Gonzo were like the Frog Brother’s or something- kinda like their dynamic in Treasure Island for those who have seen that one. Also think that Michael wouldn’t be the only human in this universe, I feel like it’d be a mix that’s again, in a lot of Muppet movies where there are people and Muppets, and I think the main folks who wouldn’t be Muppets would be the whole Emerson family, Laddie, and Max.
And we CAN’T forget the actor/super star cameos, those just have to be sprinkled in here and there… Also thought it’d be kinda funny if the Lost Boy Muppets weren’t played by their original live action counter parts, the real TLB cast could make some cameo and say something goofy or witty.
I’m thinking way too much into this anyway thank you for coming to my Ted Talk about MUPPETS.
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walmart-icarus · 6 months
Cat Dwayne au
what if- bear with me- Star accidentally turned Dwayne into a cat
and get this- he liked it??? hcs
hangs around Star a lot
she's gentle
he gets into so many fights with Marko's pigeons oh my god
David actually can pick him up now
and yes,
David abuses the power to no end
his earring is now his little collar
he's able to go into the sun! he enjoys the beach
plays with Laddie a lot
he takes a lot of naps on Paul's laps
cuz those things be thicc
he also likes to sleep on Marko's jacket
he now has privileges to go anywhere he wants in the cave
very nice very cool
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n3kk1tty · 6 months
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Beast's of Santa Carla
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
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If people thought the vampires were bad in the murder capitol of Californian then they would be in for a huge surprise for all the other creatures from the other side roaming around. From the succubus burlesque club to the witch shops selling god knows what. This town was riddled full of things people thought only existed in fantasy. It wasn't hard for this place to swallow people whole or pull them into this underworld.
Santa Carla was in fact a natural crossroads for the super natural and had long been established as a Pardoned territory for demonic kinds to hunt live and thrive. A underground society built under another a thin mocking of humanity's own social constructs held together by a mutual understanding , respect, and rules.
Rules set in stone such as not hunting in others territories. The board walk was strictly for Max and his pack of feral vampires and that's where they were supposed to stay. Everyone knew that a lot of what Max did was taboo in Vampiric society but with everyone too busy governing their own groups no one stuck there nose where it shouldn't be.
That was until Max's unwillingness to properly teach and watch over his boys led to whispers around town that there was a group of human boys planning to make a move trying to kill off the vampires. Anyone who knew of Santa Carla's underworld knew that you don't break the balance by killing off people especially not whole groups belonging to the underbelly. This was a pardoned city after all, humans were fair game but the supernatural were most definitely not.
Like in nature prey needed predators to keep the population in check, to keep the balance. To kill off a chunk of predators in a town overflowing with visitors and wash ups all drawn to its pull all the time would completely throw everything into chaos. Disrupt the whole ecosystem. The first place secrets go to die in Santa Carla was the burlesque house. With so much alcohol, drugs, and succubi pheromones swirling in the air you'd be lucky to leave with the clothes on your back let alone all your secrets.
Intoxicated people talk and they spread rumors quickly. So when you have a drunk warlock saying he heard kids in the comic shop researching how to kill vampires you don't take it lightly. You might as well have walked in and said you were lighting all of Santa Carla on fire. This whole ecosystem worked because humans didn't know or didn't care that the supernatural were in this place. The succubi knew the vampires wouldn't treat this seriously even if they told them. I mean human kids making a threat sure didn't sound like anything to be worried about.
They were creatures of the night, strong talented hunters. Max barely even made sure those boys were properly washing their own asses let alone their safety. A warning would be useless but it only takes just one person saying someone pissed in the pool for everyone to think someone did or is going to. It couldn't hurt to offer protection so nothing would occur. The boys were strong and usually kept mischief to themselves but if even one of them got injured or let alone killed then that's all it would take for all hell to break loose.
Living in a cave left too much opportunity for someone to sneak in during the day. They needed someone to stand guard out there while the boys slept just to make sure. If it turned out just to be a rumor then all that happened was some poor demon got stuck on babysitting duty but if it wasn't then this could be what makes or breaks the balance of Santa Carla in the time span of a day. The council quickly held a meeting selecting the best person for guard duty. Knowing the vampires wouldn't be too keen on having a baby sitter this all had to be kept on the secretive side even from Max.
The danger very well could be coming from inside the group itself. It didn't take a telepath to know the vampires were having trouble converting their last few members. Having fledgling vampires running around angry about being turned along with whispers of how to kill vampires was sure pointing to something bad. So the council decided to choose a demon who barely needed rest and was talented enough at providing all protection and care that could be needed without getting caught.
If anything the council wanted the demon to always be close enough to the boys for safety while others behind the scenes worked on taking out the boys who just painted the world's biggest target on their backs. This little rumor was either gonna end with three dead kids or five dead vampires and dead vampires was an outcome no one wanted. This is how a hybrid got stuck on baby sitting duty.
To be continued... ( Chapter 1 )
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( this is just a little Au I had cooking in my noggin. I hope at least this can fuel a few others craving for lost boys content or imagination for new ideas.)
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
Lost Boys - TransFem AU
Part 3: Santa Carla and The Lost Boys
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Truly a babe if ever there was one 💕
Mikayla Emerson
Once Mikayla gets to Santa Carla, she starts turning heads of some very special boys~
part 1 HERE, part 2 HERE
The events of the movie are pretty identical to what happens to Mikayla. She moves to Santa Carla after her parents' divorce and Lucy says it's a good change.
A difference in events is how things go with Grandpa. He's still his goofy self, but is a bit surprised to see how Mikayla looks. The last time he saw her, it was before she began HRT. However, Lucy had a long talk over the phone with him prior to their move, and he was very welcoming to his granddaughter.
As a welcome home present, Grandpa gives her a locket that belonged to her grandmother. Sam still gets taxidermy. Safe to say, Mikayla likes her gift a lot more.
Finding work has its challenges for Mikayla. She's able to use her looks to get a few job applications in to some shops, but the downside is that...80s sexism is very much a thing. It's a pain, but she's determined to help her mother in any way she can.
Mikayla and Sam still go to the concert, and she still spots Star. She's a lot more shy, as she's worried about how Star would feel about a girl having a crush on her. While Sam is at the comic book store, Mikayla decides to suck it up, and talk to Star.
She compliments her beautiful appearance, and to her delight, Star compliments her gorgeous hair and makeup. They have a bonding moment together, developing a friendship with a budding attraction to one another as well. She hopes to see Star again soon.
Little does she know she's going to meet someone else as well.
David and the boys didn't get a chance to see Mikayla the night she spoke to Star. They are, however, still instructed by Max to go after the children. Max is a very old fashioned man with outdated ideas about gender expectations. So he believes Lucy has two sons, not understanding that's not the case.
Because of this, the Lost Boys are on the lookout for a BOY. So when David spots a beautiful girl walking side by side with Star, he gets so captivated by her that he nearly crashed his bike into a lamp post.
The girls catch what happened, and Mikayla is the one to run over to David. Obviously he's not hurt, but she's still worried. Her big, blue eyes widening and her glossy lips pouting as she asks "hey, are you okay?"
David immediately turns on the charm.
"Well I must have gotten into an accident and died since I'm looking at an angel right now~"
Mikayla is FLUSTERED. He thinks her flushed cheeks are extra cute.
When the other boys get a look at her they are in full "babe alert" mode. They circle around her, not crowding her but making it clear they all think she's very beautiful. Star is annoyed that they're trying to cut in on girl time, but still introduces her new friend.
They are all so incredibly smitten, eager to get to know her better. They decide to put Max's plan on the back burner for the time being, not realizing they're inviting their very target to spend some time with them.
The first night in the cave is wildly different this time around. The boys have turned up the charm to 11, and want to make her comfortable, not play mind games with rice and noodles.
Dwayne breaks out his trusty skateboard to show off some tricks and see what she can do too. Paul pulls her onto his lap and gets his lips so close to hers that they're practically kissing before blowing smoke into her mouth (he offers it as a fun alternative to smoking the weed he has). When Marko returns with their food, he shows off his Italian skills to her, even calling her "Bella" and "Principessa".
Mikayla isn't used to such affection from such handsome boys. She enjoys their hospitality, but still holds her underlying fear of being rejected (or God forbid, attacked) if they learned more about her identity. The boys mistake her caution for shyness, and find it extra cute.
Star notices it too, and she begins to worry that Mikayla doesn't like them coming on so strong. She still tells the boys to leave her alone, just in a different context this time.
They enjoy her company all throughout the night. All of them like her, and see a great deal of potential in her as another member of their coven. Towards end of their time, David has some one-on-one time with her, and finds out she has a little brother named Sam. The gears start turning in his head and between that, her recent move from Phoenix and learning her mother works at the video store, he realizes that Mikayla is the one he's supposed to pursue.
He thinks Max is a total idiot for misgendering Mikayla.
David asks her to have some fun with them another night before toasting to her new addition into their club (with the blood, of course). She's still cautious and uncertain as to David's motives, but can't deny she's quite infatuated with him. They drink, and David helps her get home safe by following her on his own bike. He sends her on her way with a kiss on the back of her hand.
yadda yadda yadda train stuff still happens and Mikayla almost attacks Sam as the blood takes over her body.
In an interesting turn of events, David makes sure Star isn't at the cave the night Mikayla comes looking for answers. Mikayla is still very frightened by what's happening to her, but unlike Star saying she can't help, David calms her down, and explains everything.
He's open and honest and patient when she starts to pick a fight, not happy about what's happened to her. David promises her that she is safe, and that all of the boys and Star like her. He's still his manipulative self, twisting her mind to see that they can take care of her. She won't be alone. They want to be with her. The sweet nothings get to Mikayla, as she admits she doesn't want to be alone.
David kisses her, and to Mikayla's relief, he very much accepting of her being trans. This time around, David is the one to have sex with her in the cave~
Sam is worried about his sister and the Frogs are itching to hunt, but Mikayla has fallen in love, and it's about to let her fellow vampires get hurt. She hopes to patch things up with her brother and keep everyone safe. She knows that Max is dangerous, and will do whatever possible to get her happy ending.
Each member of the coven has a special nickname for her
David - My girl/darling
Dwayne - Beautiful
Marko - Principessa
Paul - Mama/Babe
Star - Mickey (It's what the girls on Mikayla's cheer squad called her. It's based off the Toni Basil song "Hey, Mickey")
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mjtheartist04 · 1 year
@hypocriticaltypwriter me fr🙌😭
(Referring to this post)
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yunisketch · 2 years
Alright so I have a TMNT AU of mine that I can't get out of my mind and its stayed like that for almost half a year now. So in my AU, it's a mix of other continuities, but for the sake of simplicity lets say it takes place post S4 of TMNT 2012. Though in a universe where, well, none of the events of S5 took place so there's no resurrecting shredder. Karai and her Foot clan have also moved to Japan in order to weed out the remaining factions still loyal to Shredder. Ever since the death of their father, the brothers' relationships with each other have become strained. More so due to the sudden appearance/sightings of Foot Ninjas in New York, and notably without any sign or form of contact from Karai. They suspect Tigerclaw has something to do with it but Leo wants to refrain from taking any sort of action (YET) as a precaution. Pure surveillance. Raphael on the other hand, is convinced that they need to look and take down the ninja before something awful happens. Of course they both have a huge argument and OF COURSE Raphael goes it anyway alongside with Casey. (Casey knew Raph and confronted him ab it and ended up joining alongside him as backup) They do actually find the ninja at the last place they'd been spotted. Only for it to turn out to be a trap. One that, unfortunately Raphael nor Casey return from alive.
Did I mention that Raph is the protagonist of this AU and still is? Nope? Well, let me elaborate.
Raph bonafide DIED. There was no being held captive. He was captured and swiftly killed. They knew the threat Raphael posed though in their eyes they had no use for him. Casey Jones being caught in the trap was an added bonus.
But Raph wakes up. This was no dream however. Nor does he wake up in a body that was his own. He awakens in the body of a 15 year old boy. A human boy.
If you've read TMNT IDW then this is pretty much their origin but in reverse. First life was as a mutant -> Killed -> reincarnated as a human many years later.
Which is precisely what happens to Raph. He wakes up in a hospital, in the broken body of a young boy. Previous memories intact. Skipping forward a bit, even though Raph is aware that between the time he was killed and the time he'd woken up, around 25 years have passed. His brothers have to be alive. They have to be. So he makes it his mission to find his brothers. Buuuut finds zilch. Nada. Nothing. The entrance to the lair is sealed away. As if it never existed in the first place. April doesn't live in her old apartment anymore (he checked, Casey's too bc he's still in denial that Casey was killed alongside him) and there's just... no trace of anyone. Kami, he feels like he wants to give up. Until he comes across a small kid dressed in orange looking scared as all hell being cornered by some thugs. Mikey. His brain had supplied.
Raph beats the shit out of the PD and a VERY scared Mikey runs away because of course a big buy AND stranger like Raph is scary as all hell when covered in blood. Raph does manage to loose him but that's essentially the plot of this fic. Raphael is aware of his brother's existences and that his other brothers may also be humans like he is. Whether this is an alternate universe or truly in the future (spoiler it's very much in the future in his original universe), Raphael doesn't care. He also figures that if Mikey is human, that means he died as well. But who killed them? Which is basicaly the whole main goal. To find his brothers and the one responsible for their deaths.
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spidercookie18 · 10 months
Thinking of gender bending Y/N in an upcoming TLB YCRYCH chapter
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master-of-metal66 · 1 year
Western au sketches from my sketchbook
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starlahuskyz · 4 months
"Death by Stereo"
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Original Screencap:
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chloessscanvasss · 14 days
i think we should normalise putting the most randomest characters in our schools, like change their age and everything and just place them in our schools
like yes, i want to see paul always sitting in ie for never shutting up during lesson, i wanna see marko getting sent to reset for lobbing pens at dwayne across the classroom during science, i wanna see david getting stopped at the gate every morning for always coming in with trainers, no tie, his blazer in his bag and his shirt untucked
i want to see year 11 lost boys bullying year 7-8 frog brothers and sam before they all get booted out the school one by one because the frog brothers and sam kept telling the teachers about it
or like year 11 star picking year 3 laddie up from primary school with micheal, who had to bring sam, who had to bring the frog brothers
i could literally make 10 different posts about current school aus and never get bored
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(Tap for better quality~)
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Kats first flying lessons with daddy!❤️❤️
(And according to Chrysta, her last for the next few years...)
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After @misslavenderlady pointed this out I had to make this meme I can't help myself 💀
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n3kk1tty · 2 months
Hi ! I've seen your tlbxsoul eater au and, being a fan of both, I got to say I really love it ! Micheal, being his one-man army looks badass, and I love imagining Star and Mura dancing across the battlefield and gracefully killing baddies. Love it ! 😀
Inspired by this, I've wondered if you got any AU-related hc about Sam and the Frog brothers? Assuming the brothers are both weapons, what kind do you think they would be ? Did they rope Sam into being their meister, a bit how they gave him the comic books in canon? Would be funny 😁
Also, why do I feel like these three would be liable to go find *shudder* Excalibur?
Edgar and Allen of course roped Sam into being their meister. Set to be first years in the academy soon they were desperately begging people to take the role. But who really wants to partner with two comic nerds with a passion for army stuff. One day while Sam is practically hounding Michael about how he became a two star Meister so quickly after his old partner dumped him. *ouch* The frogs are quickly intrigued by the conversation as they snoop at a table next to the brothers pretending to read newspapers.
" Hey it's not like it's uncommon for weapons and meisters to not work out. And for your information dweeb Mura didn't dump me we both decided we weren't good for eachother. Look she's doing way better now she hit two stars before me so why don't you go bug her and buzz off. " Michael slumps in his chair chugging his drink at the cafe as his brother stares at him. " She's a weapon not a meister! When I asked Star about it she said something like soul wavelengths were like a dance and you needed a partner who could hear the music you were playing so they could dance with you. Obviously that doesn't help me! Michael you can synchronize with four different weapons and use them all at the same time! How can you not know what pointers to give me to matching wavelengths with a weapon. "
Michael grumbles at the mention of his four idiots who were probably off picking fights with Mura or getting into trouble. Wiping his brow and adjusting his shades he stares Sam down. " Why don't you ask Mom or grandpa. Both of them were excellent Meisters. I can't really give you pointers on matching wavelengths if you can't even find a weapon who will even try partnering with you. " Sam throws his hands into his hair frustrated. Why couldn't it be easy to just find weapons! He lived in death City now for peat sake was their no one in this town who wasn't already partnered up for the academy already! Sam was running out of time and he was getting desperate. It would be so embarrassing to show up on the first day with no partner.
As Michael takes a sip from his drink like a fifth sense tingling he looks over the cafe's balcony edge to see Marco and Paul chasing after Mura again as she's running away from the pair groceries in tow. Were those two perverts serious could they not chase skirts for one afternoon! " HEY JACKOFFS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?!" Michael quickly slams money on the table from his pocket telling Sam he will be back as his brother jumps off the balcony to chase down his two dumbasses before they got fucked up before there next mission. It was only a matter of time before Mura would put them in the hospital again.
Sam sighs taking a sip of his drink watching the brawl ensue below before a set of hands slams on the table before him. " We're the frog brothers we hear your a Meister?"
That's exactly how the three's first meeting goes.
It's weird how the Emerson brothers always seem to get the best partners when they're bullied into something.
Edgar's weapon form is a Rambo style knife.
He's able to do close range combat and can extend the blade using condensed soul wavelengths.
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Allen's weapon form is a Vietnam War style machine gun.
Sam can shoot shots with one hand if he needs to but it does the most damage when he has some distance between opponents and can line up accurate shots.
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With the frog brothers by his side Sam is really keeping the family tradition of being a one man army alive.
Sam may be more of an assassin style fighter but don't try and pull one over on him he can handle himself in close combat just fine as Allen can help point out vital spots for him to hit while using Edgar.
They achieve this by using there shared consciousness through soul resonance to share the images so no communication can be used against them while fighting the enemy.
Sam is quick as well. Wether that be from fleeing an area after his shot. Or erasing his and the frog brothers presence to sneak up on kieshen souls.
While not on missions they are goofing off reading comics together. If it wasn't for Allen there collective grades would be terrible.
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Speaking of Comics and Excalibur. They were reading this comic book about the holy sword and they thought it would be a wonderful idea if they could join it to their party. How they would blast past Star and Micheal in their greatness as a group.
Taking the long track to find the holy sword the three all but made it there alive surprisingly mostly by having Edgar scale the cliff with Allen in weapon form and Sam on his back.
After Edgar and Allen stood nervously by Sam's side ready to add a fourth to their group as soon as Sam pulled it from the stone they all three wished they never had eardrums.
It took everything in Sam's body not to stab his ear drums out while Allen was busy trying to prevent Edgar from water boarding the weird small talkative creature.
Faces turned in cringe as soon as Excalibur stopped talking and turned into a sword Sam jammed it so far in the stone he hoped it never escaped.
The three Scooby Doo ran away all the way back to Death city.
When they got back the big monument of flowers Excalibur sent them had them dieing of embarrassment in the classroom and as Mura couldn't help laughing before filling the three in on a secret.
Sam wasn't the first Emerson to try using Excalibur as a weapon. Before Mura Michael had shit luck with finding anyone to work with him thanks to his attitude and rugged nature. So he attempted to use the holy sword and he was stalked by the thing for months even after he paired with Mura.
Sam and the frog brothers were of course then curious of how he landed with the lost boys and the girl gladly told them the story of how David stalked him outside classes and public each day till Michael finally caved. It took a whole month of harassment from each boy for Michael to cave and by that point everyone assumed they were dating.
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
Lost Boys - TransFem Au
Part 2: Growing up in Phoenix
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Ladies and gentlemen, her 💕
Mikayla Emerson
Here's a bit of backstory for our lovely lady~
part 1 HERE , part 3 HERE
Back in Phoenix:
Growing up, Mikayla always felt awkward being around the boys in her class. They were so rude and gross in her eyes, and found herself glancing over to the girls groups. She worked up some courage to join them, enjoying their company far more. It just felt right, and it was the starting point of her journey.
As a child, she loved to watch her mom do her hair and makeup every morning. It was a great bonding time, as Lucy provided life advice and stories for her. Mikayla truly looked up to her mom and wanted to be like her one day.
When Sam came into the picture, Mikayla used him as a stand-in for her desires to be "pretty". She would put clips in his hair, dress him up in costume jewelry and use some tools from Lucy's makeup bag. She was too nervous about trying it all for herself, but cute little baby Sam would go along with it.
Now, her father was not having this. He was a workaholic who expected his wife to set his sons straight and stop all the "girlie shit" when he wasn't there. Lucy would not do such a thing, opting to help her children be happy. Whenever Lance was home he would say very hurtful and homophobic things to Mikayla. Tell her she better start acting like a "man" or he'd make her sorry. It scared her beyond belief.
We all know Lucy, aka best mom ever, was apart of the hippie movement back in the day. When her eldest child confided in her one day about being a girl, Lucy had all the love and support in the world. She never wanted her daughter to feel like she had to be anyone other than herself.
Mikayla's transition began in middle school. She begged her mother to help her be who she wanted to be. It wasn't easy, especially given the decade. Back in that day, Mikayla's identity was referred to as "transsexual". Lucy went searching through dozens of doctors office, trying to find one that would be willing to help. When she did, both of them were incredibly relieved.
Lucy enrolled Mikayla into a new school, doing all she could to help her daughter get the fresh start she wanted. Mikayla was so grateful to have girl friends and be herself. She still had to be careful, opting to go into the bathrooms to change for gym class and taking self-defense classes after school in case any bullies tried to hurt her (Lucy lied to Lance and said it was boxing).
When Mikayla got to high school, she joined the cheerleading team. She was incredibly athletic, and enjoyed having such sweet teammates to call her friends. Though the other cheerleaders were all bubbly and outgoing, Mikayla was still a little shy and reserved. She didn't like drawing too much attention to herself.
This went on for a few years until all hell broke loose at home. Lance had been in another fight with Lucy over Mikayla's identity, and had announced he was going to send her to military school to "force the sissy out". Lucy had finally had enough. She filed for divorce, packed up everything, and moved her children all the way to California. Before she left, she told Lance "I hope every day you're away from your little girl you feel every single bit of shame you deserve." That was the last time Mikayla and Sam saw their father. He wouldn't be missed.
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mjtheartist04 · 1 month
Finally FINALLY! Drew White Wedding Au Chrysta for my wifey pookie princess @hypocriticaltypwriter 🥀♥️
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Also a just because gift!👁️👁️💕
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yunisketch · 2 years
FUN FACT: After being introduced to a research document on how Amnesia and memory works by a really good friend of mine, I DOVE into studies revolving around the subject. It's also what inspired my TLB AU because how Amnesia works revolves around loosing your explicit memories versus your implicit ones.
Aka things like muscle memory and gen knowledge are actually kept, but things that were personal to you are lost. I.e birthdays you had, your family, your NAME, etc. (This is a broad simplification though and I may need to brush up on it again!)
I find it funny because this means that although you may not recognize your father, you'll still know who/what Batman is LMAO
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