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I actually drew this, and my next drawing, before any of the other ref sheets I just posted, quite soon after the announcements surrounding the upcoming Mufasa prequel movie. For reasons that will soon become clear, the announcements about the movie made me super motivated to draw some lions from the era of Mohatu and Ahadi's reigns. ^^
Background again belongs to Disney, and was edited for use over here. You can see them without the background here.
The three lions we see here are the Selfish Lion from the TLK book "The Brightest Star", the Strange Lion from the TV show The Lion Guard, and an OC of my own creation who appeared in my old fanfiction Quiet Before the Storm. They are Prince Hifadhi, younger brother to King Mohatu, leader of the Lion Guard, and strict traditionalist to a fault; King Jadi, son of Hifadhi, raised to believe he is the true heir to the throne, succeeded in claiming part of the Pride Lands for his own, only to meet his end while trying to manipulate the young Prince Taka; and Nyonda, younger sister to Jadi, raised to lead his Lion Guard, but saw her father and brother for what they truly were and turned to Mohatu and Ahadi's side instead, eventually becoming leader of the true Lion Guard of the Pride Lands. That may all seem confusing, and bear in mind, my headcanons for the TLK verse have changed quite a bit from when I wrote my fanfic over a decade ago, so much of that has changed as well. For a proper explanation of who these characters all are, keep reading below. But first, a look at the art itself. Hifadhi draws all of his colors, and most of his build, from his appearance in The Brightest Star, but since his design there is just a recolored Scar, I took the liberty to make a few tweaks - mostly just exaggerating or underplaying features that were already there, rather than adding or removing anything entirely. I mostly made him more angular and overall more like his granddaughter Zira in appearance. The hair is also meant to look a bit military-ish to fit with his role and personality. Since we only saw his left side in TBS, I took the liberty of adding scars to his right side, since leading the Lion Guard is a tough job and bound to result in some scarring. For Jadi, I mostly just tweaked his TLG design a bit to make the proportions better and drew him in the art style of the first movie. He took forever to finish and to get looking right, but I'm very happy with the end result. I feel like you can see a fair bit of Nuka in him, especially in the nose and chin. For Nyonda, I kept many of the components of her original design (the shape of the head, eyes, and nose), while adding a few things to make her look more like her brother and father, and also more like her great-granddaughters Tiifu and Zuri. I gave her freckles, cheek tufts, a swept-back hair tuft, as well as tweaking the colors a bit to better match her future granddaughters, while overall still greatly resembling her old design. She's also now skinner like her dad, but she's a strong as ever. You can find her old design here. And now, for the story. ^^ Sorry, it's pretty long. There's a second half to this image which will show Mohatu, Ahadi, and Uru's side of the story, but I just typed over 3K words (the same length as the chapters I usually write in fanfics), and it's late and I'm tired, so the rest might have to come tomorrow (or Tuesday), sorry. ~-~-~ Prince Hifadhi, rather than just being a selfish and violent rogue as The Brightest Star implies, was instead a fiercely dedicated and dutiful leader of the Lion Guard during his brother's reign as king. There was no jealousy over his brother's role, no squabbling to be king - indeed, Hifadhi would have considered such a thing to be treason of the highest degree. His first and greatest loyalty was to the traditions and laws of the Pride Lands. He was the second son, and thus he was to lead the Lion Guard. That was how things were, how things should be, and he took to his task with a steadfast determination to serve and play his part in the Circle of Life. He was dedicated to laws and rule-following to an almost obsesive degree, leaving no room for nuance or consideration of things outside of his experience. His scuffle with the lions by the watering hole in The Brightest Star was not out of seflishness to keep the water for himself, but because he believed the animals were not strictly adhering to the water-sharing rules his brother had put in place, and he would not hear excuses on the matter, unlike his more merciful brother. He and Mohatu did not always see eye to eye, but no one could doubt Hifadhi's dedication to serving the Pride Lands. He had known from cubhood how every step of his life would be laid out before him. He would protect the Pride Lands as long as his brother was king, and he would teach his niece or nephew to take his place, and would only retire once his part in the Circle of Life had been completed and the next leader of the Lion Guard was ready to take up his mantle. He never expected anything to change the life that the Pride Lands required of him. And then, out of nowhere, his fool of a brother made an outrageous announcement that shattered Hifadhi's world. Not only had Mohatu announced his intention to never marry - to never take a queen and produce royal-blooded heirs, one of the most sacred and crucial duties expected of him as king - but that he had chosen for his heir the orphan rogue cub that he had recently taken in, a scruffy little thing called Ahadi. Hifadhi felt a rage unlike anything he had ever known before. To not only spit upon the laws and traditions that governed their kingdom and kept them all safe, kept them from falling to the vile depths of rogues and outsiders, by refusing to marry and father cubs - but to then choose a filthy rogue as the next king? Hifadhi couldn't believe his brother had done something so selfish, so absurd, so... so treasonous. He and Mohatu had a massive fight over the matter, greater than any of the petty arguments they'd had before, but by the end of it, Mohatu's mind was unmoved. He would not be swayed - Ahadi would be his heir. From then on, Hifadhi knew that his brother was not the sort of king to deserve his loyalty, and that it was his duty to protect the Pride Lands from his foolish decision, and make sure that scruffy little brat would never sit on the throne. He had an infant son with his mate, as yet unnamed, but upon returning home, Hifadhi made a choice that would change the fate of the kingdom. He named the boy Jadi, meaning tradition. He would raise this boy in the traditions of the kingdom, teaching him about his birthright by blood, and one day, somehow, he would make his son the true royal king of the Pride Lands. Jadi grew up constantly being told how much better he was than Ahadi because of his royal blood, how much wiser and stronger and more noble, and how much more he deserved the throne than such an undeserving rogue brat. Hifadhi sought to teach the boy the discipline and adherence to law that a king would need, but he failed to realize how much his own bigotry and constant praise of the cub were turning his son into a greedy, arrogant young lion. By the time Mohatu announced that he would be stepping down and handing his throne onto Ahadi and his mate Uru, Jadi had become a cruel, sly, self-serving bully of a lion. His younger sister Nyonda was raised from the start to be the leader of Jadi's Lion Guard. But unlike her brother, this shrewd young lioness never fell for her father's self-righteous claims of being on the right side of law and tradition. She could see her father for the narrow-minded fool that he was, and Jadi for the cruel bully that he was. In her cubhood, Nyonda went behind her father's back and began meeting with Ahadi and Uru, forming a firm friendship with the pair, along with the bird Zuzu and Uru's adoptive sister, the hyena Banagi. She worked hard to learn the skills her father had to teach as leader of the Lion Guard, but resolved only to learn physical skill and strategy from him, as the rest could not be trusted. Unlike her father, she knew that one day, Jadi would force the issue of his right to be king, and when that day came, Ahadi would need fighters on his side, so that is what she would be. On the day Ahadi was to be crowned king, Jadi and Hifadhi went to confront him. Hifadhi, ever a stickler for the rules, intended to contest the legality of Ahadi's ascension, threatening to turn to allied prides and the well-respected mjuzis of the Grass Walls, even the sacred pride tasked with guarding the Tree of Life, to pressure Mohatu to change his mind the right, legal way. But that would all take far too long, and Jadi knew better than his father than to trust in the right way of doing things to work. Instead, he used his father's droning on about laws and proper procedures as a distraction. When the moment was right, and all of his secret supporters among the pride another assembled animals were in position, he gave the signal to attack. Hifadhi was stunned by the sudden outburst of violence. He had never expected his son to commit such an act of mutiny, even after the many years of drilling Jadi's right to be king into his head. He tried to pull Jadi away from Ahadi, but was no longer the young leader of the Lion Guard he'd once been, and was easily pushed aside. Jadi was easily able to overpower the disabled Ahadi, but support from Mohatu, Uru, and Nyonda kept him from being able to kill him. Ahadi was enraged by this treasonous challenge. While his mate held Jadi down, Ahadi struck a very deliberate blow to Jadi's face, resulting in the scar around his eye. In my headcanon, the scar isn't a magical snake venom-induced Mark of Evil, but instead, a Mark of Exile. Lions and other animals exiled from the Pride Lands for particularly egregious crimes are marked with a clean scar above and below the eye, to signal to other kingdoms that these animals are outcasts and not to be trusted. By scarring Jadi in this way, Ahadi signaled to all the kingdom that he was as deplorable as any exile, and was not the true king. It was a big symbolic blow that would harm Jadi's image in the Pride Lands and result in much bitterness on Jadi's part, but in the end, his supporters were too fierce and too many, and Mohatu and his followers were forced to retreat. Jadi crowned himself King and laid claim to Pride Rock and the Pride Lands, while Mohatu and his pridemates who had remained loyal to him were driven off in disgrace. But King Jadi's victory was not as complete as he had hoped. Many animals were disgusted with the violent and treacherous way that Jadi had seized power, and refused to bow to his rule. Mohatu was able to keep hold over a good chunk of the Pride Lands and keep himself and his pridemates within the borders of the kingdom. He held a new, uninterrupted coronation where Ahadi was finally crowned king, and then he set to work traveling his kingdom, campaigning on Ahadi's behalf, doing everything in his power to weaken Jadi's influence over the Pride Lands and win more allies to his adopted son's side. Hifadhi, still dazed by his son's violent actions and his own role in encouraging them, joined Ahadi's side, helping train the new Lion Guard and keeping Jadi's supporters out of Ahadi's part of the Pride Lands - but no one really forgave or trusted him for the monster he had created and how much destruction had been wrought on their home because of his choices. With the new king came a new Lion Guard. Another lion called Nyeusi, a distant cousin of the king and a friend of Ahadi's growing up, had been trained to be the next leader of the Lion Guard, but to Nyonda's surprise, he offered the position to her instead. He was loyal to Ahadi and would always defend his friend, but he knew in his heart that he didn't have the initiative, cleverness, and determination to lead that Nyonda did. The lioness humbly accepted, taking to her new role with all of the determination of her father before her, but with a calmer, more introspective mind, willing to listen to those around her and accept that law and tradition could not account for all that was right and good. Her outwardly stoic and stern manner made some wary that she would turn out like her treacherous father, but she soon proved that she was a loyal, steadfast lioness and truly worthy of her place in Ahadi's kingdom. She eventually became mates with Banagi, and the pair raised a daughter called Daha that had been born with the help of a willing rogue male. Daha later had two daughters of her own - one daughter would later be Tiifu's mother, while the other was Zuri's mother. The conflict between Jadi and Ahadi continued for years. For a time, Jadi tried to take over Ahadi's part of the kingdom by force, but every time he was repelled, and soon, he stopped trying altogether. Instead, he decided to wait, and think, and find a more clever way to win his prize. Several years after the beginning of the conflict, he found what he was looking for. His spies within Ahadi's part of the kingdom told him of the frustrations of the young Prince Taka. How Ahadi and Uru didn't have as much time to spend time with their young son as they'd like because of their constant efforts to hold onto their part of the Pride Lands. How Taka loved his big brother Mufasa, but was becoming increasingly jealous of how Mufasa spent more time with their parents, and that his future role as king seemed much more important than Taka's scant lessons with the also-incredibly-busy Lion Guard. It was the perfect opportunity. One day while Taka was wandering the borders alone, frustrated after being blown off for training by the Lion Guard because of an urgent situation they'd had to take care of, King Jadi approached him. He told Taka a very different version of that mutinous day, one that cast him in a much more favorable light, and which made himself seem similar to the constantly-rebuffed young prince, constantly denied what was rightfully his. He told Taka that he saw true potential in him, far more than in Mufasa, and that he wanted Taka's help to restore peace and unity to the kingdom. He proposed a plan - lure Mufasa into a situation where he would come out looking foolish and unworthy of being king, and then Taka would be chosen as the new heir for sure. Once Taka was the heir, Jadi would betroth his daughter Zira to Taka, and through their marriage, the two halves of the kingdom would be reunited once more. Taka would be the one who had finally ended the years-long conflict and brought peace. He would be adored and adulated as a hero. It was too much temptation to resist. Taka did just as Jadi had suggested. He lured Mufasa into a conflict with the water buffalo Boma, manipulating the situation so that it appeared Mufasa had acted brashly and foolishly, causing Boma and the other water buffalo to attack the young prince. But while Taka was leaving the scene behind to go and fetch his parents, so they could witness Mufasa's foolishness for themselves, Jadi appeared from nowhere and attacked the young prince. He sneered at the young lion for being so gullible and trusting. He had never intended to wed Taka to his daughter or make Taka king. It had all been a trap to lure both of the young princes into a dangerous situation and ensure both of their deaths. With both their beloved sons gone, Ahadi and Uru would be too heartbroken to go on, and would be easy to oust from power once and for all. Jadi would finally have the entire kingdom under his thrall. Victory was within his grasp. But he spoke too soon. As Taka listened with growing fear, and rage, to Jadi's crowing, he became desperate to escape. He kicked at Jadi's belly and threw the older lion off of him. They were at the edge of the ledge overlooking the watering hole - as they grabbled, Jadi fell, desperately clinging to the edge with his front paws. Taka went to try and pull him up, but Jadi grasped at him with his paws, fury and vengeance powering him. With a burst of rage, he thrust out with his paw, slicing Taka across the face, marking him with the Mark of Exile. Cruel glee filled him at the thought of Taka being forever marked as a traitor for the treacherous plotting he had done to dethrone his brother. But this petty action cost him - as Taka desperately shook him off, Jadi lost his grip, and fell back into the watering hole below, quickly becoming trampled by the furious water buffalo. With the death of the treacherous King Jadi, the Pride Lands were finally made whole again, united under the rule of King Ahadi and Queen Uru. Most of Jadi's kingdom returned willingly to the fold, having grown disillusioned with Jadi after years of poor leadership, but some chose exile over bowing to Ahadi. In particular, Jadi's mate and young daughter Zira, and some of the rest of the pride, chose to settle in the nearby Outlands and plot their revenge for the overthrow of their rightful king. Taka boiled with bitterness over the betrayal of Jadi, the trauma of his near-death, and the adulation Mufasa had received for helping calm the situation with the water buffalo and for his (admittedly small) part in ending the civil war. Something changed inside of him after that day. He knew now that he could trust no one but himself, and that lions were willing to do whatever it took to seize power, so why shouldn't he? With a new sense of purpose, he claimed the name Scar, ready to start down the path of doing whatever it took to become king. As well as allying with the hyenas, he reached out to Jadi's old followers. He told them of Jadi's wishes for Scar to wed his daughter Zira and unite the kingdom under their combined banner, conveniently leaving out the part where Jadi had been lying through his teeth. Jadi hadn't told the pride of his plans, and Scar was so clever and convincing, that they soon believed him. He made sure to bring Zira under his sway, earning himself a loyal follower and queen for his future rule. He would not risk open rebellion as Jadi had, not if it would mean losing half of his kingdom's support because of the open violence. No, he would be smarter about things. He would wait, and he would plan, and he would bring about Mufasa's fall in such a way that no one could lay the blame on him or deny him his rightful ascension to the throne. One day, no matter what it took, he would be king. ~-~-~ Soooo yeah, Selfish Lion is a loyal (but bigoted) guard leader, Jadi is a mutinous king rather than a scheming rogue, and Nyonda is now Zira's aunt rather than a former rogue and Uru's adopted sister. And yeah, I know TLG says that no females have been on the guard before, but shhh, Nyonda as I wrote her ages ago was always a fighter and guard-material, so I just decided to ignore that little factoid. I had a lot of fun mixing and matching elements from Lion Guard and the semi-canon books to create this story, particularly the bit about how Taka got his scar. I loved being able to combine the water buffalo incident with Jadi's trap for the prince. I also loved playing with the idea of of the scar marking being significant to the Pride Landers, without it being anything magic or supernatural as the show implied. Instead, it's more of a political/symbolic thing, used to mark traitors and criminals, so other kingdoms would know not to take them in after their exile.
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cherrychonk · 6 months
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Gaang 2.0
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babyblue711 · 1 year
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Hi friends and welcome!
I am taking a writing break while the new season of HOTD airs, although I’m sure inspiration will strike again soon.
In the meantime, for the new followers, I write mainly for Ewan Mitchell’s characters although I’ve dabbled a bit with Aegon recently too 😏
Don’t be shy! Please feel free to leave me a comment or drop into my asks! I’m still around on Tumblr, just writing is on pause for now. I’d love to discuss any of the fics below!
I hope you enjoy 💋
Aemond Targaryen (HOTD) x Alys Rivers - Completed
Part 1
Part 2
Little Dragonseed - Sister Story to Loyalty - Part 1 - (Aemond x Handmaid) - Part 2 - Part 3
Aegon II Targaryen (Modern AU) - Completed
Part 1 - (Aegon x Reader)
Part 2 - (Aegon x Reader x Aemond)
Part 3 - (Aegon x Reader x Aemond)
Osferth (The Last Kingdom) - Completed
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Ettore (High Life) - Completed
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Will (Salad Days) - Completed
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Last updated: 6/19/2024
Divider by @cafekitsune
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nouveauvague · 1 year
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disneytva · 9 months
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"Mufasa: The Lion King" Extended Synopsis Confirms "Kiara" Becoming First Disney Television Animation Character To Be Part Of Disney's ""Live Action Remakes"
In a surprising and weird present from Walt Disney Studios & Pastel Productions for Disney Television Animation's 40th anniversary, Mufasa: The Lion King a upcoming photorealistic computer-generated imagery prequel to The Lion King (2019) will incorporate aspects of The Lion King franchise created by Disney Television Animation.
The prequel film unveiled it's extended synopsis a few days ago on Walt Disney Studios website where it reads
The prequel about the rise of one of the greatest kings of the Pride Lands, goes back to the African savanna where Rafiki tells Kiara—daughter of Simba and Nala—the story of her grandfather while Timon and Pumbaa add color commentary.
This will mark the first time a Disney Television Animation character will be make it's way to the infamous Walt Disney Studios Live Action adaptations. coincidentally the movie opens on theaters on Disney TVA's anniversary month (December 20, 2024), additionaly Seth Rogen EP of the upcoming Disney TVA "Darkwing Duck" and "TaleSpin" reboots for Disney+ voices Pumbaa in The Lion King adaptations.
If you have missed The Lion King II: Simba's Pride was done at Disney Television Animation within its now defunct Sydney, Australia units. The Ghost And Molly McGee creators Bill Motz and Bob Roth did additional writting for the VHS sequel.
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lord-aldhelm · 4 months
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Lord Aldhelm and King Ceolwulf II | The Last Kingdom 2.03
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mask-of-prime · 11 months
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TLK: Sweet-Tooth
(Don't worry guys it's just raspberry filling :p)
Kinda forgot how we got there but a chat I had with a friend had gotten to a point where we just started comparing TLK characters to types of pies, and they happened upon this image of a raspberry pie and thought it looked just like Zira, what with its colors and pointy shapes.
I then pointed out that I was able to find Zira's entire color scheme with it and ended up coming up with an art challenge: Choosing a random image of food that reminds you of a character and using colors from said image to make a simple art of said character.
To really turn this into an art exercise, I experimented with the Live Image Trace feature on Adobe Illustrator to give this a sharp, clean look. Just felt like doing something different.
If anyone wants to try this Food Palette Challenge, you totally can tag me if you want. I wanna see! You can even try this challenge for non-TLK art, or even non-fandom art, like your OCs and whatnot.
Happy Halloween and Happy 25th Anniversary to The Lion King II: Simba's Pride!
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
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[ Right, so I really, really wasn't planning on joining kinktober all for the fact that writing everyday is just not viable for me... but then I got massive fomo and I realised, when else can I launch my monsterfucking agenda? I'm very loud about it in my main account, but haven't properly launched it here. . . so. Yes. I'll be writing a piece once a week, all varying in length. Here's to finger crossing, monsterfucking, and serious moral ambiguity. Delicious. ]
︶꒦꒷♡ This gets progressively darker, please check warnings per piece. ♡꒷꒦︶
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WEEK 01—
Oh, Jeepers!
Aegon Targaryen II, Exes, Intoxication
As lovers, you and Aegon were the best. As exes, you and him might be the actual worst. But he can't help himself, and you're powerless to your own desires. A Halloween Party, hard liquor, and glances that attempts to stifle stares of want— everything comes to a catalyst.
WEEK 02—
Ghost Bride
Osferth, Cock Worship, Orgasm Denial
An abandoned church made most of broken wood and whimpering winds becomes a momentary resting sanctuary for Uhtred and his men— Osferth finds himself with a crooked root in the shape of a hand, a gold ring, and a full, blue moon.
WEEK 03—
Her Favourite
Rhaenyra Targaryen, Mind Manipulation, Blood Play
As the Princess of the Realm's most favoured maid, there are certain liberties you are privy to demand. Jealousy of the people surrounding your lady is not one of them. Amused, Rhaenyra wishes to show her jealous, little darling that there is nothing to worry about.
WEEK 04 (10/29)— Cregan Stark, Werewolf, Mating
You had been told, time and again, that you were bred to be the wife to the Lord Stark. The kindness of your lord husband had shadowed you of your duty. . . until the night of the full moon comes. It is time to follow through with what you were actually made for.
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beatriz-lioness · 5 months
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Oop, this one has been sitting in my WIPs for a while now... I wanted to redraw all of (actually, one generation) my old and first TLK OCs, which I used to write about. Unfortunately, the story got deleted from my blog :( it was very cringe but I enjoyed it nonetheless
More about the characters below the cut:
*Names are up to change, I made this real quick. The OG names aren't fitting
Amanika (Dark black lioness): Oldest of the bunch and one of the protagonists. She was the daughter of an older friend of the king, who got banned with his mate and cub after he tried against the queen's life, who was pregnant with her first litter at the time. Months go by, she and her brother meet the king's sons hanging in the outlands. More time pass after that, they meet again in the current age of the image. The rest's story.
Safari II* (Yellow lion with green eyes and red feathers): Second oldest and the other protagonist. He's the first born of the king and have a crush on Amanika due to a prophecy. He had been attacked as a small cub so he have lots of scars all around his body. Lions close to him call him "Junior" for short.
Liyongo (Lion with blue eyes with his tongue sticking out): Middle child and younger brother of Amanika. He's very annoying and overprotective. Has born after the exile. Younger than Safari by a few weeks or so.
Huzuni (Cub with green eyes and dark ears): Second born of the king and the queen. Unfortunately, the queen passed away soon after his birth. Safari's his role model, and he can be very attached to the older brother. He was very little when he met Amanika and Liyongo.
Jasmini (Cub with dark brown fur): Youngest sister of Amanika and Liyongo. She used to spend a lot of time with their mom, so she barely made any appearance in the story. Younger than Huzuni and older than the king's twins.
Midra and Tayari (Fat cub with green eyes and grey cub): Twins, litter of the king and his second marriage after the first queen's death. Tayari was born weaker due to a genetic disease. They're the youngest cubs of the pride.
Mrembo (Lion in the background): Older between all of them, it's a rogue who use his appearance to get what he wants from silly lionesses he finds in the way. Tried to seduce Amanika once.
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fledermoved-too · 9 months
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couldn't get the idea out of my head so I did a screencap redraw with my design interpretations
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original under the cut:
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Absolutely no-one asked for this, but me and @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ have very strong feelings on what different EM characters would have as their fish and chips orders. 
pov: me writing this fr
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this is a full stupid ass shit post, it’s not serious guys, and unless I post something about it it won’t leave my brain
So without further ado, EM FISH AND CHIPS
First in the ring, the man who STARTED IT ALL, THIS LITTLE SHIT
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Salad Days - Will What’s-His-Face
It’s canon that Will gets chips and a fanta, that’s it. 0 nutritional value. Also 10/10 on choice of chippy, it’s actually a really good chippy
pov: aemond avoiding the grease
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Aemond is not particular to a chippy dinner, insisting he doesn’t want anything bc it’s ‘too greasy’ (pussy). Aegon absolutely tears him apart for it. Just buys a San Pellegrino cos he thinks it’s fancy - absolutely fuming  cos Aegon shakes it up on the way home and it fizzes everywhere when he opens it
If Aegon hasn’t been drinking, bog standard boring ass fish and chips with half of a bottle of ketchup slathered over his chips so nobody else nicks them. Won’t go near mushy peas, thinks they’re gross af. If he’s drunk, a doner kebab, but the local chippy doesn’t sell them so he gets Alicent to drive 15mins up the road to the one that does. A diva through and through.
Helaena doesn’t eat fish, so opts for just chips and is the only patron who actually buys the picked onions. Has mushy peas and curry sauce and mixes it together with her chips, mostly does it to annoy Aegon tho.
Daeron is waiting at home, but everyone forgot to get him something so ends up with the crap, lukewarm chips left behind.
Alicent is a scampi girlie all the way, with a diet coke
Otto is put off by the food hygiene rating at the local chippy, so takes his own fish to get battered like a weirdo. Decimates his chips with a litre of vinegar.
Daemon never gets to eat a chippy dinner, so he gets a pie as a side dish, despite Rhaenyra claiming it’s not a side dish. But Daemon stands by that it most definitely is. It’s a gash steak and kidney pie and refuses to use any cutlery for any of it.
Rhaenyra is also a scampi girlie, but unlike Alicent, has G&T out of a can.
World on Fire - Tom Bennett
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Strong feelings but, Tom is a Northerner yeah. So he is a full gravy bitch. Loves that shit. Would bathe in it if he could. Has dry ass fish, unseasoned chips cos he’s boring af.
TLK - Osferth
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*sigh* Osferth. Angel. Baby boy.
Osferth orders a battered sausage, but gets given a battered Mars Bar by mistake. He doesn’t like confrontation so he pretends like that’s what he ordered anyway, but he’s secretly devastated and tries not to gag when he eats it.
Uhtred can have the kebab that gives him food poisoning, shitting for days, idec, if face annoys me
High Life - Ettore
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Ok this guy is weird. SO he’s gotta have a weird choice.
Ettore has the saveloy because he enjoys the innuendo. Stares at it on his plate for an uncomfortably long time, making sinister eye contract with everyone while he eats it.
Trigger Point - Billy Washington
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Ooft. THIS sad boy.
Billy gets a chicken and mushroom pie. Yes from a FISH AND CHIPS SHOP. But the Food Safety rating of his local is like a 3, so the pie has been sat under the heatlamps for HOURS, so it’s all grey, sad and soggy. But he eats it anyway.
To tie it off, I imagine Ewan Mitchell as 100% a battered sausage guy. He has gravy (cos midlands boi, we love). Won’t touch mushy peas with a barge pole and perhaps partial to a chip cob. Carbs on carbs, we stan.
Thanks for reading this absolute trash.
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jayietheriverwarrior · 2 months
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First: Here
Next: LINK
Background again belongs to Disney, and was edited for use over here.
Annnnnnyway, y'all might remember the story I wrote back in dinosaur times about Zira's life growing up, "Fall to Hatred", where she grew up as a princess of the Pride Lands and was absolute best friends with Nala's mother Sarafina. I've majorly reworked my TLK headcanons and story since writing that, and while I don't have it in me to write a whole multi-chapter fanfic about it anymore, Zira and Sarafina's friendship, and Sarafina's personality and story, were definitely something I thought about a lot and I figured I could draw a few pieces about their lives and briefly explain the story for each one. So here we go!
First though, you might wanna read this piece about Zira's father, it'll explain a lot of the context.
Princess Ziara is the second born cub of the mutinous King Jadi, behind her older sister Princess Dunia. Sarafina is born and raised in King Jadi's pride alongside Zira and the two become inseparably close (yes they’re totally crushing hopelessly on each other.
Since Ziara is the second cub of the King, she becomes the leader of the Lion Guard (no magic roar in my headcanon, and the guard marks are brushed/stenciled on instead of magically appearing), with Sarafina as her Bravest. 'Fina is devoted to her best friend and will charge into any danger to protect her. She is a very stern, reserved, no-nonsense kind of lioness, hardened by the hardships of life in the Outlands (we'll get to that in a moment), determined to protect those she cares about.
When Sarafina and Ziara are young/middle teenagers, King Jadi dies in his attempt to take over the Pride Lands through tricking Taka, and King Ahadi finally takes full control of the Pride Lands and casts those still loyal to Jadi into the Outlands. Jadi’s furious widow, Queen Sharifu, vows revenge. She changes her name to Queen Shari (anger) to match the anger she feels in her heart and begins putting her pride through harsh training to become stronger to eventually take the Pridelands back.
Later on Shari arranges marriages among the young adult lions of the pride to create plenty of cubs to train to take over the Pridelands. Sarafina is betrothed to a fellow Guard member, a skinny but swift little male called Kimbia who serves as the Swiftest on Ziara's guard. They’re not in love, but they are friends, and neither blames the other for the less-than-ideal situation. Princess Dunia is also betrothed to one of the guard, the Keenest of Sight, a male called Tumbili, but she seems oddly reluctant to announce an engagement for Ziara.
Sarafina still loves her best friend, but over the years she becomes increasingly concerned about their queen’s violence and how Ziara seems to be swayed by her mother’s harsh training and desire for revenge. The scene in this drawing is one of probably many conversations they had with Sarafina trying to get her friend to see that her mother’s obsession with revenge and her harsh and often violent treatment of the pride was wrong, and a nervous Ziara who loves and respects her friend’s advice but won’t be convinced away from her mother’s teachings insisting that it’s fine ‘Fina, yeah mom can be harsh but she just wants everyone at their best, Ahadi and his heir have to be taken down, everything will be better when they get their home back. Sarafina, however, isn't fooled, and as time passes and more conversations like this happen and become more tense and fraught, her concern only grows...
So yeah, this time Zira leads her own Lion Guard of the Outlands, and Sarafina is her bravest!
I'm super super happy with how the drawing part of this turned out. Admittedly I did trace part of Sarafina's head from a screenshot of the movie to get it to look right. Oh well, I never trace, and it's from a movie not another independent artist, so... yeah. Sarafina's got a scar on the underside of her jaw (about the only place I could justify fitting one that wouldn't have been seen in the movie based on her angles we see her head at). She got it protecting Zira from something.
How did Sarafina end up in the Pridelands instead? How did Ziara end up becoming Zira? I'll get into all of that in the next drawing. ;)
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valentinbelleyh505 · 1 month
Can you do Fuli x Vitani for the ship bingo?
here ya go
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bingo ship game
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kaythefloppa · 10 months
I fucks with the headcanon that Vitani is Scar’s daughter - For a lot of reasons (similar reasons as to why I see Zira as Scar’s mate, and Nuka as their son, even though I’m aware that there is on-screen evidence against that idea) but the one I love the most is that Simba’s parents —Mufasa and Sarabi— would be Vitani’s uncle and aunt and frankly, that’s a dynamic I rarely ever see in most fan works that portray her as Scar’s daughter.
Like, could you imagine Sarabi being a mental counselor to her adult niece, giving her life lessons, or maybe telling her truths about Scar himself that she and her brothers were sheltered from for years on end? I know a lot of people see Nala filling in for the mother figure after Zira is killed but Sarabi would also fits that spot (hate hate hate how the writers of Simba’s Pride excluded her from the script on the basis of “she had nothing to do” bitch be so fucken fr)
Or let’s say Mufasa, since if we acknowledge The Lion Guard’s canon, Vitani has the Roar of the Elders (which would ironically be a position that her father had which she’d be gaining, again, why I’m very attached to the idea), she could talk to the Lions of the Past, including Mufasa, and once again, she could learn truths about Scar that Zira had kept from him. It’s never even established whether or not the Outsiders even know that Scar offed his brother, which opens up another can of worms, like, what was he like before the tragedy, how much of Zira’s story of Scar was actually true? What was the truth behind him losing the Roar? Also, Uncle Mufasa; just saying that phrase is a serotonin boost. But if he could offer wisdom to his grieving son, his maturing grandson, and help manufacture a loving relationship between his granddaughter and his brother’s hand-picked successor, I see no reason why he wouldn’t be there for his estranged niece’s re-integration into her family.
This is all headcanon material/speculation, but in a scenario where Vitani is related to Scar, I would see a good element of her post-TLK/TLG story being a positive inverse of Simba’s — Simba’s uncle being the cause of his trauma, and Vitani’s uncle and aunt helping her overcome it.
chef’s kiss.
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imperialpatriot66 · 11 months
TLK Headcanon(s): Sarabi lives! 
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TLK Headcanon(s): Sarabi lives! 
Um so yeah, thought this blog(or whatever this is called) would first be about my obsession with Star Wars and the fics I made for that. However I have been on a Lion King high at the moment and read a lot of Lion King fanfiction and I thought I would give it a go as well. For that there comes headcanons and mine is that Sarabi lives! 
In my headcanon Sarabi lives on but gets hurt by Scar when he hits her(in the scene where Simba returns to the Pridelands) she also suffered a lot during Scar’s reign due to the drought and famine and has problems moving later in life. It’s why she is not present at the presentation of either Kiara or Kion(if he got a presentation? But he probably did). However, she was not that old to not be present at some events like the Ukumbusho Tradition when Kion’s guard played.
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(The Front Lioness in The Upper Left Corner has been theorised and it’s my headcanon to be Sarabi.)
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(Chart over size and age of lion cubs)
However, I needed to know how long the characters were for my story which is set roughly 4 years after the end of TLK2. If we go back to the first Lion King according to this chart(above) and a Buzzfeed article Simba is around 2-months old when we first see him. Then a couple of days later his father dies fully grown and looking at pictures of adult male lions I’d say he is around maybe 6 years old which is what I’ll have Sarabi as well(since they were probably betrothed to each other from birth). Simba’s time in the jungle takes place till he becomes a grown adult, maybe 5 years old. So Scar’s reign lasts five years and by that time Sarabi is 11 years old. Which is old but the average lioness lives to be around 17 so not super. The entirety of TLK2 we see Kiara grow up to be a sub-adult(real term) so she is around maybe 3 years old. This makes Sarabi 14 years old. My story then takes place 2 years later which makes Sarabi 16 years old which is still a realistic age as she is taken care of despite her injuries. In my fic, she can barely stand anymore and spends her time in her own private den which is a part of the main den. She also has some trouble with her memory but still can recall her son, granddaughter and great-grandson(Oh! OC mention!).
For the other characters I imagine Simba being 10, Kiara 5, Kovu 6(but still quite close in age but Kovu is older since he was borned during Scar’s reign and Kiara was born around 120 days after Simba came to power), Zazu 15(since an adult Red-horned hornbill is over 3 years old I assume he could be around 5 years old at the start of TLK).
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lord-aldhelm · 4 months
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Lord Aldhelm and King Ceolwulf II | The Last Kingdom 2.03
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