youweremyridehome · 2 years
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So I dropped to my knees here, right... I scooped dirt into my mouth... ate until I vomited. I gathered up the bloody earth... I realised you were too much for me. /../ I ripped half my ribs from my body and made you from the dirt, my blood, my vomit, my bone. /.../ I wanted to make you the most beautiful body I could think of.
"What have you done to me? I am a hideousness."
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for SunnySepulchre
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Now we feast!!
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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When she finished, you did not look upon your reflection with revolted shock, merely with a dull and uncomfortable distaste.
As an act of meaningless rebellion, you applied the sacramental skull of Priestess Crushed beneath the New-Laid Rock, the least beautiful skull in the canon.
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for Leksaa
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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mercy has just completed the eightfold word, wow, congrats !!!!
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for chemicalpixie
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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birthday girl is playing dead (again)
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for celaenos
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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Alecto, Harrow, and Gideon as a life(-and-death)-cycle
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for winged
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Salutations to the House of the Tombmates, and blessings upon its transformative works. Your celestial mods, the troublesome two, beg the House to honor your favorite book series, and humbly ask for the fruits of your creative labor.
For in need now is The Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange, the most blessed and beloved of the AO3 exchanges, the faithful and the everlasting! Your mods call now for postulants for the position of Participants, creators of the fanworks that serve your fannish kin for going on four years; ever since the release of that beloved book Gideon the Ninth. For though its fan creations are many, we still desire more. More! M O A R ! ! !
To this end, we beg the creators: the fanfiction writers, the podficcers, the fanartists—to come forth and sign up for The Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange.
Many we hope will meditate and ascend to the honored position of giftee in the temple of the Archive of Our Own, many creators joined to their recipients in the most honored of all fannish traditions.
There is no dutiful gift so perfect, nor so lovely in our eyes.
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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no John what r u drawin of ur friends!!
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for winged
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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it's fucken wimdy
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for Prince_kun
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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dusk and dawn
TLT Holiday Exchange gift assignment for crowsword
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Hey, I feel really stupid asking this, but I keep looking and looking and I caNNOT figure out how to submit a nomination :( could you point me in the right direction?
No worries! We're here to help!
First things first, here is a link to the tagset. You can also find it on our Dreamwidth Community in the link marked "TAGSET"
It will take you to a page similar to the first screenshot where you can see what was already approved. Expand the boxes to see more and to get an idea of how you're supposed to format your nominations.
To submit your own, locate the button towards the top right corner (or top on mobile) that says NOMINATE. I highlighted it in the screenshot below. You will have less buttons next to it than I do.
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From there, you'll arrive here. The first bullet says to use the canonical tag. Please do not do this. Add "Group:" or "Solo:" in front of your relationship noms. This makes it easier to associate each tag with the appropriate fandom on the back end. Your noms will also be approved faster if you do.
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The tagset is finnicky in that it won't accept nominations like this on mobile. The trick is to just leave the boxes like so and then hit submit at the bottom when you're done.
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I realized much too late that we said we would welcome Crossovers but did not leave space for people to nominate crossovers if they also wanted to nominate other things.
If you want to nominate a crossover, send us a DM and we'll add it in manually. We apologize for the inconvenience!
For additional tags, please use the canonical tags there! Nominate with tags that would be tagged on the final product. Do not submit full prompts as additional tags.
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Once you submit, you can check your nominations with the same button from the Tagset main page. There, you'll be able to see whether your noms were approved or not.
So far, if your relationship tags were not approved, it is either new or a duplicate. Check the tagset to see which is true. If you submitted a duplicate, you can edit it.
If your additional tags were not approved, we're either confused or deciding which canonical tags it would fit under. Help us out by editing those tags!
Phew, that's a lot! Hope all this helps!
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
tlt gift exchange fic recs
getting my fic rec list in before the reveals! so far ive only managed to read about 2-3 pages worth of the fics from @tlt-holiday-exchange but i already have some favs! here's a little list of the ones that i found impactful:
turn our golden faces into the sun, rated T After Canaan House and Cytherea's death, Harrow wakes up on the Erebos as a newly-made Lyctor. She meets God. Then she meets God's daughter. AU - nav raised by john
Sugar in the Tank, Sugar in the Bank, rated E Rich bitch Ianthe Tridentarius's Bugatti has broken down, and the only mechanic open at 2AM is manned by Gideon Nav, a hopelessly sentimental butch.
stitches on my body, closets full of bones, rated T “What I would like to have understood is that I never intended to be cruel.” a compelling John Gaius character study with a very good John voice
the weaving road that'll lead me home, rated T “After six years away, Gideon returns to their hometown of Drearburh and is forced to reconcile the past and everything that they thought they'd left behind.” modern au with interesting premise, wonderful character dynamics, and many feels to be had. (dear author, i already said as much to you but i want to once again state that i will be drawing art for this - many of the emotional scenes immediately made my imagination go brrrrr)
You Are My Sunshine, rated E “I never had been able to stop myself falling in love. It would have been easier if I had.” pyrrha surfaces to share brief stolen moments with wake
Dog 'Training', rated G “Nona is the bestest dog trainer on New Rho. Seriously.” 331 words and its brilliant
my girl's a switchblade, rated T D&D au with team 69 with a perfect balance of fun/whimsy and pining
i don't need a parachute (if i've got you), rated T “cam&pal commit crimes” good pacing, fun/interesting premise, witty writing, good banter. <3
un-ballad where words better said are left behind., rated E Ianthe’s voice crackles. The leather seats are soaked with the smell of her. “You next?” Harrow says, “Let’s stop fucking in the parking lot.” AN - “i think this is probably the most 'literary' smut i've ever written.” t r u l y. harrow making ill-advised Choices for the wrong reasons and in its straightforwardness its all somehow very poetic
Withal so faire and sensitive, rated G “Nona spends a day at the renfaire. She loves the faire, and the faire loves her.” a wonderful exploration of the nona-cam-pal-pyrrha family dynamic in a somewhat less (or just differently) cruel world.
‘Cause What We’ve Got Going Is Good, rated T modern AU. harrow and gideon had a tumultuous relationship growing up but havent seen one another for 10 years. a visit to a local coffee shop rekindles a flame neither had any idea was even there. lovely dynamics and banter. gideons family makes me want to cry happy tears.
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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Sometimes being soul-merged is not the worst thing in the world
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for zoicite
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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John is actually cybersmith, send tweet.
(we still dont know why he said was ~irradiated~ so like !!! 👀👀👀 )
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for somarysueme
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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Anastasia and Alecto pledge devotion to one another in spite of John. TLT Holiday Exchange gift assignment for cycloptic
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
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Nona is at the beach. it's her birthday. The composition looks suspiciously reminiscent on da Vinci's The Last Supper. Varun is there.
TLT Holiday Exchange gift for cycloptic
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