#Holiday Exchanges
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Salutations to the House of the Tombmates, and blessings upon its transformative works. Your celestial mods, the troublesome two, beg the House to honor your favorite book series, and humbly ask for the fruits of your creative labor.
For in need now is The Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange, the most blessed and beloved of the AO3 exchanges, the faithful and the everlasting! Your mods call now for postulants for the position of Participants, creators of the fanworks that serve your fannish kin for going on four years; ever since the release of that beloved book Gideon the Ninth. For though its fan creations are many, we still desire more. More! M O A R ! ! !
To this end, we beg the creators: the fanfiction writers, the podficcers, the fanartists—to come forth and sign up for The Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange.
Many we hope will meditate and ascend to the honored position of giftee in the temple of the Archive of Our Own, many creators joined to their recipients in the most honored of all fannish traditions.
There is no dutiful gift so perfect, nor so lovely in our eyes.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
father’s day is funny in my family because my dad is so angry this holiday exists that it’s the one day of the year i am NOT allowed to call him. we are officially estranged for 24 hours a year. wishing him a happy father’s day is a declaration of hostilities.
and like he is a good dad with a good dad, there’s no traumatic backstory to this, he just hates The Man telling him what to do so much that it’s a personal affront that someone decided that anyone is supposed to feel a thing on a specific day or, god forbid, spend their hard earned dollars because shaving commercials tell them to. if a dad did his job right (be a good father who unconditionally loves his kids), his kids should love him 364 days a year but FUCK the 365th day to spite hallmark and gillette specifically and you know what. i respect it.
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kiaraalazulu · 8 months
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Pyrrha Dve Appreciation <3
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oh right, technically i sell t-shirts
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i forgot about that
#holidays are coming up and it would make a terrible gift#that's the main selling point#anyways these exist and can be exchanged for legal tender#the cost is the listed price + the emotional expense of knowing that i am judging u#bc i am. i am judging u#why would u want this. why would u exchange currency for this#there are so many other things you could exchnage currency for instead#a grocery store shrimp platter for instance#with the nauseatingly red cocktail sauce that is SO much better than a t shirt any time#hmm chicken picatta at a local Italian Eatery perchance? i am. a big fan of anything picatta#oh oh i know! 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH OKRA#FOR THE COST OF THIS FRIVOLOUS T SHIRT U COULD INSTEAD PURCHASE 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH DELICIOUS OKRA#and then --hold on i have a recipe--and then what u do is#so it is basically sacrilege to suggest this but what u do is u skip the cornmeal entirely#my southern ancestors are shaking a wooden spoon at me right now but LISTEN. u skip. the gotdang. cornmeal#instead: wash chop and soak (for 10 min) the okra in a mixture of 1 egg to tblsp water#then coat in flour#THATS IT JUST FLOUR#No cornmeal. i am betraying my heritage rn but I'm RIGHT#coat in flour sprinkle liberally in S&P and FRY that suck in veg oil high heat#until crispy & brown & u hear your arteries clenching in apprehension#so. so yeah#that's what u should do instead of buying this shirt go fry the shit out of some okra#(but buy local and young & tender if u can bc the grocery store is full of old-and-therefore-super-stiff specimens#pro tip (aka grandma tip): if u can't chop okra smoothly with your normal cutting knife then it's too old and tough.#...i mean u probably CAN still fry the shit out of it I've certainly done that before it's just much less delicious#ANYWAY. anyway ANYWAY. shirt. okra. farmers market. that reminds me of a post i made back when we first started selling these dang shorts#shirts. shorts shorts. oh shit i should make a crop top option.#i. i don't Know How to make a crop top option#HUH . . . i need to lie down now and contemplate the constant and irreconcilable limitations of the human experience good night
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remitro · 9 months
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@blue-gears happy holidays!! :D i was absolutely thrilled to work with applestruda's boatem knights au, i hope you enjoy it!
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lttlewing · 9 months
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daemyra holiday gift exchange 2023 for @black-dread!
surprise! may this bring a touch of happiness to your day. happy holidays!
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paleyonder · 9 months
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CONCEPTUALISATION - If real darkness wears love for a face, then what does the sunrise wear? In a life spent surrounded by death, what funeral shroud could light possibly call its cloak?
yippeee @palestaticexchange gift for @thegrimreaperisanerd ! fanart of their fic “Imprinting,” very good highly recommend
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quilldesignz · 9 months
Don't forget to shift / when ur near a rift
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a gift for @its-olympus as part of the 2023 @mcytblrholidayexchange
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dmsr-art · 9 months
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my tlt holiday exchange art for @catoeirienind SAFE FOR TUMBLR EDITION
lets see.... well pyrrha and wake are just spending some quality time with their good friend mercymorn... making sure she eats her veggies, helping her clean up her mess and most importantly making her STRETCH!!!
full, raw uncut pussy cock n strap version on ao3, twt, or cohost :3
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kdramamilfs · 7 months
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for @barbarawar as part of the @b-and-w-holiday-gift-exchange <3
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Read on AO3
Written for @slavicviking for the @steddieholidayexchange !
When Steve Harrington had graduated, Eddie thought he’d be pretty much done with him. Not that they had a lot of face time before. He just thought, in the true fashion of guys that peak in high school, he’d fade into the town, get married young, show his face at the 20 year reunion. Maybe he’d catch glimpses of him around Hawkins, but not for very long. Eddie was planning on hightailing it out of here the moment the diploma was in his hands. So what if it would take another year?
The positive was supposed to be that he was NOT going to see Steve’s face in the hallways. It was a great misfortune to see him walking up from the football field with some kid. Eddie had just finished a deal by the picnic tables. Why Harrington was hanging with what looked like a freshie, he didn’t know.
Eddie would’ve known if he had a brother. So who was the kid? Curiosity got the better of him and he trailed a good distance behind them. He was a little surprised when Steve took him through the cafeteria’s kitchen doors, which had a broken lock. It was the school’s worst kept secret, but he never imagined The Hair sneaking into school during summer vacation. 
So what could he do but follow? 
What he saw as he crept behind them was Steve Harrington giving what must be a future freshman a tour of the school.
“Here’s the cafeteria. Honestly the food’s not bad. Their creamed spinach isn’t the best, but really who’s is?”
Steve led the kid with the curly hair out of the cafeteria and into the greater part of the school. “Here’s all the lockers. No you don’t get to choose one, but once you get assigned you can always switch with someone who’s got better real estate.”
“Does the location of my locker really matter?”, the kid asked, nose scrunching up.
“Do you want one right next to the bathroom?”
“....Boy or girls?”
Steve smiled. “Good. You’re learning.”
Eddie shadowed them for the whole tour, which ended up being about twenty minutes. Harrington was really showing this kid everything. And yet was giving him the most skewed tunnel vision of high school. Great, just what he needed his third time around as a senior. A mini-Steve. Steve was telling him which teachers would let him get away with coming in late, the best spot to sit in the classroom, what teams it was worth going for.
“Steve, it’s like you don’t even know me. Have you ever seen me dribble a ball?”
“I’m just saying that it’s a fresh start. You could be someone new”, Steve reasoned.
“Did you become someone new in high school?”
Eddie thought back to the proto-Harrington he knew in middle school. The answer was clearly no. He’d been on the baseball team back then and was pretty much just as self absorbed as he would’ve been in high school. Steve gave a non-answer about how everyone had different experiences and pushed the kid on. Eddie decided he’d heard enough. Enough to know this kid was under Steve’s wing, but clearly they had different interests.
So come the first day of school, Eddie wore his Hellfire Club shirt loud and proud. The air was still warm, which meant he did so without his jacket. That just allowed the emblem to show even more. He’d told the other members to also wear theirs. Normally Eddie waited about a week, scoping out the freshies before figuring out who he’d approach to join. But he’d already had his sights set on at least one boy.
Imagine his delight and surprise when said boy had two others hanging around. Eddie was hanging outside the school, his cronies surrounding him as they caught up from what happened over summer. The trio was loud. Very obnoxiously arguing over something. Freshmen tended to be more self-conscious, wanting to keep their heads down at first. Eddie noted the Weird Al shirt one of them had. These boys were the opposite of timid. Perfect Hellfire material.
Eddie waited until lunch to make his move though. Give them a bit of time to get acclimated and at least half a day to see where everyone stood. But when Eddie did get to them, he was glad to see both excitement and relief in their eyes. They were looking for somewhere to belong. And he could give it to them.
Screw any influence Steve Harrington had on them. Which was why Eddie made careful measures not to even mention his name. The guy had graduated. His reign was over. Actually, it had kind of ended back in 84 but who was keeping record? Dustin, Mike, and Lucas were great additions to the club. They had a passion for the game and a never-back-down attitude. Honestly, it was so great, that Eddie almost forgot that these kids knew Steve.
That is until sports tryouts started.
“You can’t honestly be thinking out trying for a team”, Mike said, practically slamming his lunch tray onto the table as he sat down.
“I’m not just thinking. I’m already training”, Lucas replied.
“Ugh”, Mike retched. “Don’t get me started on that. You spend more time with your dad than us now.”
“His dad’s not the one teaching him”, Dustin said. “Steve keeps bailing on driving me places because he’s coaching Lucas.”
Mike had a look of utter betrayal and was definitely about to say something in response when Jeff cut him off.
“You’ve got Steve teaching you? As in Steve Harrington?”
“Yeah”, Lucas answered, much to the jeers of the rest of the table.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen”, Eddie said, holding his hands up in a calming gesture. “We must not bar Lucas from his own choices. And as for Steve, well, let’s just be glad young Sinclair didn’t go to him for academic assistance.”
The others laughed at that and the subject was quickly changed to something else. The rest of them didn’t really want to talk about any of the sports teams, lest that get Eddie really going and off on one of his rants. Sometimes it was nice to have just a stress free lunch.
“He said that?!”, Steve shouted indignantly as he dribbled the ball around on the court. He and Lucas were at a public court. Lucas was getting some practice in with his dad, but whenever he was busy, Steve stepped in.
“He’s not your biggest fan”, Lucas said with a shrug.
“Yeah, well he’s no prize either. Don’t let him get in your head. There’s nothing wrong with the sports programs.”
“But they’re right about there being cliques. If I get on the team, can I even be friends with Dustin and Mike anymore if they’re gonna be in Hellfire?”
“You should go for whatever you want. High school only happens once.” Steve dribbled the ball a few times before giving a bounce pass over to Lucas. “Alright, show me your handling.”
Lucas followed Steve’s advice. He officially joined up with Eddie’s club. He loved DnD and he enjoyed playing with his friends. But walking around with a Hellfire shirt didn’t do good things for their reputations at school. The others took it in stride, but Lucas was tired of being called names and girls looking at him weird.
So as soon as the sign-ups for try outs was out, Lucas put his name down. He didn’t really announce it but he didn’t hide it either the first time the guys wanted to do something and he was busy. The reception was not so good.
“You actually wanna be on the basketball team?”, Mike was incredulous.
Eddie was leaning against the lockers, arms crossed. “I get the feeling someone put this idea in your head. Was it Harrington?”
“He didn’t put any idea in my head he just..encouraged me”, Lucas confessed. “He said I should go for what I want. You only get one life.”
“One life indeed”, Eddie nodded.
“And you wanna use it shooting hoops with Jason and his cronies?”, Jeff asked.
“They’re probably not all that bad. Steve wasn’t”, Lucas defended.
The opinions were mixed on that. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike knew what Steve had done that they couldn’t tell others. He had stood between them and certain death more than once. But they couldn’t tell Hellfire that.
“You guys don’t know what Harrington was like”, Eddie said.
“Are you saying Steve bullied you?”, Mike asked with a raised brow.
“Bullied? Pfft, no. Harrington and I barely crossed paths. I just know his type. I know what he’s about. And he and I couldn’t be anymore different.”
At first it was just a conflicting of ideals. Whatever Steve told them about high school, Eddie told them the opposite. And there was no telling one what the other said.
“Harrington’s an idiot.”
“Munson’s a loser.”
It made talking to either of them hard. Most of their days involved hanging with Eddie and when they saw Steve it was all they wanted to talk about. Sort of difficult to talk about Eddie without talking about Eddie, but they managed for now. 
Well, at least they did until the party got super deep into Hellfire. The campaigns were really involved, to the point of needing rides home from Steve when they ran too late. It resulted in quite a bit of petty glaring across the parking lot. Mike and Lucas had resigned themselves to the status quo remaining, but Dustin wasn’t satisfied with that.
It took quite a bit of doing, but what else brought people together more than a missing child? Dustin didn’t actually go missing. He simply concocted a plan with his friends to make it seem like he did and only to Eddie and Steve. He wasn’t crazy enough to get the whole town looking for him. Steve wasn’t crazy about Eddie tagging along for the search but the priority was finding Dustin.
“Why do you need that to find Dustin?”, Eddie asked, reaching a hand out to touch the nails in the bat, just to see it they were real.
“Don’t ask”, Steve bit out as they entered the woods.
Dustin thought getting them to work together would ease the tension, and it did. But only after bickering like children for a little while longer. Steve didn’t like how Eddie was undermining everything he’d been saying about high school. Eddie didn’t like how Steve had been trying to lead his sheep in the wrong direction.
“Yeah well before they were your sheep they were my-”
“....They were your…”, Eddie urged him to continue.
“You and Nancy must’ve been pretty tight when you dated to get so close to her brother and his friends.”
“Me and those guys bonded outside of Nancy.”
“Is there a story there?”, Eddie asked.
“Yeah-” Steve froze when he thought he heard a sound before continuing. The sun was still high in the sky, so they didn’t have much to fear just yet. It didn’t hurt to be cautious though. “I just…I guess I just know how high school can be for kids like that. I wanted to make it easy for them.”
Eddie shook his head. “Doesn’t matter what kind of cheat codes you give ‘em. There’s always gonna be someone who makes it harder than it needs to be.”
Steve thought about thanking Eddie for giving them a place right away, but didn’t. Eddie thought of saying how Steve seemed to have changed, but didn’t. When they finally found Dustin, they laid into him hard, especially because he wouldn’t stop smiling despite his lie being revealed. All Dustin cared about was the fact they weren’t arguing with each other.
Mission accomplished.
Mission accomplished a little too well.
Now instead of having two friends who hated each other’s guts, Dustin had two friends who reveled in being shitty older brothers to him. Any time Steve picked them up from Hellfire (which he did with a suspicious amount of willingness now) he and Eddie traded notes on whatever it was that Dustin did that week. It was like a Henderson Briefing and the main objective was to either embarrass him or annoy him, sometimes both.
“I regret ever forging this friendship”, Dustin said.
“I think it’s the best thing you’ve ever done”, Lucas beamed.
Mike was grinning too. “It’s definitely the funniest.”
It got to the point where sometimes Steve and Eddie would hang out on their own. And wasn’t that just bizarre? What did they even do together?? The answer was mostly smoking, drinking, and shootin’ the shit. Even though Steve wasn’t able to tell Eddie any of the grimier details of the past couple of years, he was still able to tell plenty. And Eddie had no NDAs to speak of. 
They were sitting out by Steve’s pool one day in March, the weather just starting to warm up to be able to relax there without freezing. Spring would officially come soon and with it, maybe a day or two where they could actually take a dip.
“I’m telling you, the lunch ladies changed the formula. Something’s different about the meatloaf”, Eddie said, fully reclined in a pool chair.
”You’re implying that they actually cook that stuff in the school.”
“I’ve seen the vats of mystery meat stew, Steve. But some of the food is made on-site. And the meatloaf is one of them.”
Steve smiled up at the clear sky. They talked like this, high or not. Just the most inane things that he never wanted to end. What did he care about the food at a school he no longer attended? He cared when Eddie was the one talking about it.
“So you’re done with the loaf then?”
“I don’t even think it’s the same meat anymore”, Eddie said. “Or maybe they changed the seasoning…?”
Steve continued gazing up at the sky as Eddie mused on that. Suddenly a drop of water hit his head. Then another, then a third. He wiped his face and looked to Eddie, who was also blinking through drops. Wordlessly, they got up from their seats and went under the porch awning as the rain began falling in earnest.
“How is it raining? The sun is still out”, Steve said, reaching a hand out just to be sure it was still rain.
Eddie snorted. “Never seen a sunshower, Harrington?”
“No”, he answered honestly.
“Don’t sweat it. I’ve still gotta knock ball lightning off my strange weather checklist.”
“It’s just weird seeing it rain with no clouds”, Steve said.
Eddie watched the droplets fall in the sunlight. It was like liquid gold falling from the sky. He watched Steve’s face, no hard lines or sarcasm, just awe at seeing something new and wonderful.
“You know, some folks back where I’m from have a name for this.”
“You mean something other than ‘sunshower’?”, Steve tore his eyes from the rain to look at him.
“They say the devil’s kissing his wife”, Eddie stuck his tongue out. “Give you any ideas?”
He had been a hundred percent teasing. Eddie had just been talking. Flapping his gums. Doing his usual friendly flirtation style. He had no plan in place for when Steve actually kissed him. But when it happened, there was only one choice: to kiss him back. The rain provided some pretty romantic ambience in his opinion.
“So are you the devil in question?”, Steve asked when he pulled back.
“Only if that makes you my sweet, lovely little wife”, Eddie teased and then made kissing noises.
“Fuck off, Munson”, Steve laughed.
Feeling like they were on the edge of something, Eddie took the plunge and kissed him again instead of cracking wise. Steve softened so beautifully that Eddie wished he could go to the past and kick himself in the pants. He probably could’ve been doing this months ago.
“You know we absolutely can’t tell Dustin about this?”, Steve said against his lips.
“It’s none of his business anyway.” Eddie didn’t feel the need to mention that no one could know. He just put his hands on Steve’s hips and for once was thankful for the privacy the backyard gave them.
Weeks later, during the spring break from his darkest nightmares and the stroll through actual hell, Eddie would have an epiphany.
“That’s why you have that bat!”
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ghostbo-yuh · 2 years
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For @/paints_and_markers secret Santa on instagram. The room of 1000 fountains probably has a room full of red and green fireflies and you can’t convince me otherwise. Happy holidays everyone!
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koroart · 9 months
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Someday I’ll beeeeee, part of your wooorrrllddd ✨
Heh heh, this is the piece I made for the Mini Holiday DmCl Exchange for hannahbbug3 👌🏼✨
The prompt was mermaid au so !! I did what I could and even took this as a good opportunity to test out a new brush!
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lady-adventuress · 7 months
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Happy Bering and Wells Day! This year, @apparitionism gave me a wild set of prompts to play with, so here's what I ended up with.
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superdecibels · 9 months
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For @mcytblrholidayexchange , I got @silly-disease
Happy Holidays and have a pleasant New Year!
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avalonlights · 8 months
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My @harringroveholidayexchange 2023 piece for @boltedfruit! 🌅
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