#The Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange 2022
Now we feast!!
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liesmyth · 2 years
the locked tomb holiday exchange rec list (part 2)
Some favourites from a first partial skim of works posted for @tlt-holiday-exchange. Find the entire collection HERE. Find my first rec list HERE.
art fills
Do you know, Ninth, I've always wanted to challenge you? “aka a little sketch of a sweaty mid-practice moment:” Gorgeous, fierce Coronabeth.
hold their lives from a string. “God and his two dead kids.” John, Ulysses & Titania. Haunting and gorgeous.
John is actually cybersmith, send tweet. Or: memes. For the prompt: “ John trying to tell Gideon the specifics of a ten thousand year old internet drama that he thinks people on twitter had incorrect opinions on” :D
oh, to be proud of one's handiwork! Harrow/Ianthe, art of Ianthe’s makeover of Harrow in HtN.
The Birthday Supper. Nona is at the beach. it's her birthday. The composition looks suspiciously reminiscent on da Vinci's The Last Supper. Varun is there.
fic fills
Bar the Doors (Let the Games Begin). Corona/Ianthe, pre-canon, codependent incest ft. vaginal fisting.
bluebells. Modern AU, Mercy/Cytherea. “There is Cristabel, and then there isn't. Mercymorn is in therapy about it when she meets a woman named Cytherea who likes to garden.” Beautifully written, 10/10 will murder you.
Both halves sword and shield. Camilla/Palamedes role reversal; backstory fic up to GtN with necro!Camilla and cavalier Pal.
Can it really hurt you if you’re already dead? HtN canon compliant for the Canaan House river bubble. While Harrow is away, Magnus and the other ghosts have begun to realize what's happened to them. While Harrow is away, the silent specter of her true cavalier drifts through the halls.
composed of shadows, surrenders, offered love. Pre-NtN, Camilla and Palamedes navigate bodysharing and looking after an amnesiac body on a refugee planet. Cam/Pal (bodysharing masturbation ftw).
Elision. Immediately after NtN, Corona/Ianthe. Codependent incesty twins + smutty angst.
i will stay here when she goes. Anastasia/Alecto, set on the Ninth before it was the Ninth and before there was a tomb. Really beautifully written, this is going to stay with me for a while.
i’m almost me again (she’s almost you). The story behind Ianthe and Kiriona’s friendship bracelets. Ft. Gideon/Harrow feelings, pining, tentative friendship of convenience between two deeply messed up women, casual slut shaming of God. I absolutely adored this one!
Incident Report. Judith/Coronabeth, written as a mission report from Judith’s POV of that time Corona seduced her. This is HILARIOUS, in the best possible way.
John 69:420. Look at those numbers. Look at them. This fic is pure delicious crack and Tazmuir would be proud
lay all your love on me. Nona/Camilla, Nona/Palamedes, sort of Camilla/Palamedes. “Palamedes and Camilla exchange more kisses with Nona’s help. The kisses turn into something more.” Set pre NtN, absolutely lovely.
rest your head for just five minutes. Camilla and Palamedes through the years, three first nights spent in new lodgings together. Bittersweet and fluffy, canon compliant.
some assembly required. Paul/Dulcie, Paul and Dulcinea build IKEA furniture in the River. Smut, flesh magic, lots of feelings.
Technically a boner. Gideon/Harrow. “Camilla and Palamedes make an attempt to make Gideon and Harrow be less stupid about their feelings resulting in Harrow making a big dick skeleton to absolutely rail Gideon.” (YES it’s exactly what you’d expect from the summary :D)
ubi tu gaius. John/Alecto, or: a love story to end the universe. “You wrenched out my heart, put out every flame between our joined fingertips. With newly made eyes I raised my gaze to meet you, and I thought—here you are.” Gorgeous writing and wonderful Alecto POV.
you haven’t changed a bit. Jarpedon crack treated seriously, I haven’t laughed this hard at a fic in months. Also it was my gift for the exchange, give it love <3
your churning, wracking wheel. “ Lord Magus John Gaius has some with his entourage come to Rhamnous House because they have miracles, but need money, and the people at Rhamnous House have money, but need a miracle.” John and the Lyctors as a creepy Victorian cult, ft. inhuman Alecto. Temporary death, love as destruction, gorgeous, haunting prose
[recs part one] [exchange wrap post]
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abysscronica · 2 years
Snow [KidLaw flashfic.]
This is my holiday gift to @majoraop for the KidLaw holiday exchange 2022, organized by @kidlawevents. I had a lot of fun with this one, I hope you'll like it. ♥️
Title: Snow
Rating: SFW
Warnings/genre: sexual relationship implied, bittersweet, introspective, enemies to lovers
Characters & ships: Eustass Kid x Trafalgar Law, Wano setting (post Onigashima)
Chosen prompt: snow
Word count: 1.2K
Summary: Law struggles with his feelings for Kid, but at the dawn of the new era, the time to set things straight is running out.
Logo for the event is by the amazing artist @sorellaerba, go check out her full art.
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Law wasn’t one to chase people.
Especially not in the snow, merely days after he almost died against not one, but two Emperors of the Sea. And so his mood was quickly plummeting, his jaw clenching, or maybe it was just an excuse to shovel down his churning stomach, and that fastidious flutter in his chest that he should have checked before, possibly with an ECG.
 The snow was falling copious now. Thick, soft white crystals shining in the moonlight, padding the way to Ringo’s graveyard.
Endless tombs covered the white hills. Even the silence was light, just like the snow. That greyscale landscape was only interrupted by a solitary blood stain.
 When his eyes lay on the red figure, Law let out a breath that condensed in a cloud of vapor.
 I don’t chase people.
And here I am, looking at his back.
 Kid didn’t turn nor acknowledged his presence in any way, not even when Law stood just beside him.
 Nothing more than a grunt.
Law knew he had to do more. Crossing half of Wano on foot when his wounds weren’t fully healed wasn’t enough.
He kept telling himself he didn’t have to make it up to Kid. He had done nothing wrong. It was their usual game of dog and cat, cat and dog.
Officially enemies, rivals always, lovers in the silence of the night, only when they were drunk (brave?) enough.
Law liked to have control, and he could. Kid was younger, unable to efficiently conceal his emotions, easy to read. So it was the Surgeon of Death to dictate the nature of their encounters, at least most of the time. Seeing he could have a wild beast like Eustass Kid lust over him, lock onto his trail and hunt him down like a bloodhound, made his guts twitch like he was still alive. Or maybe it was just an excuse, a way to live with himself after crumbling under Kid’s touch.
“Care to explain why you walked to the other side of the country when you can hardly stand at all?”
 Kid scoffed, a sound that resembled more a growl.
“I wanted to see the swords,” he said, surprisingly, just before his painted lips curved into a frown “Not that I have to explain myself to you.”
 It was custom of the samurai of Ringo to plant the katana where its master lay. The warriors of Wano had used those blades in the raid against Kaido, and they returned them immediately after the battle.
 Of course, Law knew already. He knew where to find Kid. He didn’t have to ask anyone.
“What are you doing here anyway?” Kid gruffly asked, his fur shaking in annoyance like an irritated hound.
“I came to see the swords too.”
“Tch. Liar.”
 I am a liar.
“I’m a swordsman, Eustass-ya, it’s only natural.”
“Cut the crap, Trafalgar. You’ve been sticking to my ass since you found me here. What the fuck do you want?”
 That was… unfortunately true, although Law didn’t want to fully admit it to himself.
Since he read Kid’s name on the local newspaper, he felt his stomach sank and he knew he was in trouble. But Kid had turned down his silent offer for support when he had to get his crew back, and quite harshly at that. He didn’t seek his help during the raid until there was no choice, and Law had to insist. After the battle, he didn’t spare a word for him, he didn’t allow him to treat his wounds, he never knocked to his door at night.
Law tried to ignore it with all his self, but the truth was he was growing restless.
 He wanted Kid to go to him. It never had to be the other way around, at least not so blatantly.
Law sighed.
“You don’t know?”
 Finally, Kid looked at him.
His amber eyes flicked on him like flames, and Law felt the burn.
“Fuck off, Trafalgar.”
 He turned away, his hair and fur twirling in the snow like flames, then plunged through the whiteness to his way back.
“Care to tell me what happened?”
 Law didn’t turn, nor his voice betrayed any emotion. Kid stopped.
There was silence again.
“Why didn’t you come to me?”
 Law’s heart started to pound. He pretended to ignore it.
“You know when.”
 I do.
“It had nothing to do with you.”
“But it did with Strawhat?”
 Kid’s question broke with rage. He turned to him, the embers in his eyes in flames now, and Law faltered under that gaze.
“I used Strawhat-ya for my goals. It was a temporary alliance.”
 Look at him, trying to desperately justify himself like a longing partner.
 Kid’s eyes sharpened.
“So use him again.”
 He resumed his way back to the ships.
 Not good enough.
 This time he did not stop.
 Can I afford to invest more? Do I let him go?
“It was personal with Doflamingo. You didn’t need to see that.”
 His voice spoke before he could decide.
 Kid stopped but didn’t look at him.
“With Strawhat, I didn’t care.”
 The snow was slowing down. The white expanse was now crystalizing in the cold.
“I can’t chase you anymore, Trafalgar. I need to focus on my path.”
 Law waded across the snow and toward the red figure. A bittersweet feeling was now falling around his heart.
He knew this was a last time. He just had to decide for what.
His arm stretched until his hand could touch the soft fur covering Kid’s shoulders.
“Then let me chase you, this once.”
  Law could hardly believe his own words, but here they were, spoken, already loose in the transparent night after the snow.
Kid shuddered imperceptibly under his fur (under Law’s touch), or maybe the surgeon imagined it.
Quiet vapor clouds periodically left their lips.
“Is it done now?”
“With Doflamingo, your personal thing. Is it done?”
 Law’s hand glided down Kid’s soft fur.
 Kid finally faced him, moving a step closer so he could loom over him with his imposing frame. It was Law’s turn to shudder, inside, but he held his gaze, tilting his chin so he could look at him in the eyes.
Kid was younger, yes, but he was taller, bigger, with more brute strength. He had wilder instincts, wilder dreams, a coarse laugh, and quick rage.
Of all the people in the world, Law never thought this was the person he’d chase to the end of the New World.
 Kid’s rude fingers grabbed a hold of his chin, an attempt to grasp some control over the game that swallowed them both.
“From tomorrow, we’ll be enemies again.”
 The light of the dawn started to tint the sky – and the snow – pink.
“Tomorrow is here, Eustass-ya.”
 Kid smiled, that mad grin that had Law’s stomach drop.
He didn’t have much time to register what was happening before the painted lips hungrily bit his.
Law fought back, and the contact turned into a messy struggle for dominance, but one he was ready to lose. Just this once.
 When his oxygen ran out, Kid pulled back, the savage grin still plastered on his features, humid now.
Tomorrow is here, Eustass-ya.
“Chase me then.”
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talaricula · 2 years
Relationships: Lupe García/Jess McCready, Esti González & Jess McCready
Rating: Teen
Esti and Jess are summoned to Canaan House in their capacity as necromancer and cavalier of the Fourth House. There, they meet the Second House's cavalier, and Jess gets a crush. But as time goes on, they realize nothing here is as it seems – not Canaan House, not the Lyctoral Theorem, not their fellow necro-cav pairs, and maybe not even God.
À Jesslupe Locked Tomb AU, written for @marmaladerolle / @tarobumma for the Jess/Lupe Winter Gift Exchange 2022. Happy holidays!
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chocochipbiscuit · 2 years
I was fortunate enough to receive this utterly sumptuous fic!
Tell me everything I’m not, but please don’t tell me to stop is by ChillyWeirdoInACoffin and features incredibly hot and heart-achey Cytherea/Gideon in an AU where Gideon is raised by Jod, still pursued by a hot cougar, and both Cytherea and Gideon are still harboring FEELINGS for their dead cavalier and/or this horrible little bone nun who’s joined the Cohort! It’s incredibly hot smut with feelings and BOY it made me feel!!!!
I also wrote a fic!
Schroedinger’s Pussy is a Gideon/Harrow fic about misapplied physics, undead cats, and the fact that Harrow wouldn’t recognize a sex thing if it smacked her in the pussy! (Or: the only fic in this exchange that uses the tag ‘pussy spanking.’ :P )
I am still working my way through the collection and will post more later!
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camgoloud · 2 years
a couple days ago the lovely @nancywheeeler​ tagged me to do an ao3 wrapped here! i have had a Very busy weekend so i am only now getting to actually posting, but here are my belated responses:
Works published: 5 at the moment (with at least 2 more i’ll be putting up before the end of the year; possibly one or two more than that if i can get my act together and finish up the treat(s) i’ve been chipping away at in exchange to my main assignments in a couple holiday exchanges. busy end of the year for me!)
Words written: 41510 posted this year so far—more than i thought!
Hits: 3647 on my 2022 fics
Bookmarks: 118
Most popular by kudos: Do my friends think I’m dying? (or do I just need to go to sleep?), my singular to-date contribution to the ted lasso/colin hughes fandom and first foray into redditfic (which by the way was SUCH a blast to write that i think i’m going to have to do it again sometime soon. i ought to be more sorry about that than i am)
Most hits: look at the desperate man (omg rip to this fic... worked on it for a little bit this summer when i was feeling particularly angsty about Some Stuff i was dealing with. ran out of angst steam halfway through the final chapter because my life improved lol, got re-possessed by various locked tomb wips around nona release day, and now i kind of just don’t ever want to look at it anymore. maybe i’ll finish it someday?)
Longest: same as previous
Shortest: shovel talk (in f major) (most of which was hurriedly written in one day as a last-hurrah before nona came out to smash my entire life into bits!)
Most comments: inside problems which people have been VERY nice to me about agghhhh
Fic that made me cry: any discussion about the fics that did maximum emotional damage to me MUST mention syntheseas’ INCREDIBLY ambitious and well-written nothing but dark and sound, which i reread following its most recent update. if you’re a locked tomb fan and you’re not already keeping up with this fic... well you need to be. basically. shoutout also to @forjodssake​’s feeling good was easy when he sang the blues, which i just read this thursday and have STILL not recovered from—AMAZING character work!!!
Fic that made me smile: so many! but my favorite comfort read for the last year and change has been @nancywheeeler​‘s four weddings and no funeral. melts my heart every time! cannot recommend highly enough :)
Gifts: does this mean gifts given or gifts received? unclear. anyway in terms of gifts given—do my friends think i’m dying was my tribute to @nancywheeeler​‘s excellent good old-fashioned lover boy, and i’ve got exchange fics i’ll be posting for a few people shortly. for gifts received, there’s whatever comes out of those exchanges!
Collaborations: none this year—or ever before, actually! BUT i am very very interested in the prospect… 👀 friends/mutuals/likeminded individuals active in any of my fandoms, if you’ve ever got an Idea you want to bang on about together or are particularly interested in fleshing out any of the half-formed Concepts i toss out into the void, hit me up and maybe we can make something happen! (well, hit me up whenever my dms are working again, anyway… the shadowban glitch which i’ve been living under for going on a MONTH now is a curse upon this earth)
Events taken part in: yuletide 2022, and the 2022 locked tomb holiday exchange!
thanks again em for the tag! in turn i will tag @aberfaeth​, @rnanqo​, @palamedes-sextus​, and anyone else who’s interested! (and who actually sees this—unsure if any of you will get a notification when i post this, due to the aforementioned shadowban :/)
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Salutations to the House of the Tombmates, and blessings upon its transformative works. Your celestial mods, the troublesome two, beg the House to honor your favorite book series, and humbly ask for the fruits of your creative labor.
For in need now is The Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange, the most blessed and beloved of the AO3 exchanges, the faithful and the everlasting! Your mods call now for postulants for the position of Participants, creators of the fanworks that serve your fannish kin for going on four years; ever since the release of that beloved book Gideon the Ninth. For though its fan creations are many, we still desire more. More! M O A R ! ! !
To this end, we beg the creators: the fanfiction writers, the podficcers, the fanartists—to come forth and sign up for The Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange.
Many we hope will meditate and ascend to the honored position of giftee in the temple of the Archive of Our Own, many creators joined to their recipients in the most honored of all fannish traditions.
There is no dutiful gift so perfect, nor so lovely in our eyes.
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24 hours til author reveals!! 💀❄️
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💀🎅⚔️All assignments are IN! ⚔️🎅💀
The collection will reveal at 11:59pm PST today! We'll post a link when that's live. Get excited y'all!
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💀🎅⚔️ It's a Wrap! Collection Creators Revealed! ⚔️🎅💀
Thank you to everyone who participated. We couldn't have done it without you.
We'll be back next year. Keep an eye on this space for more info and other TLT fandom events!
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The deadline for the Locked Tomb Holiday Exchange 2022 is January 2, 2023 at 11:59pm PST. If you are unable to make the deadline, please default. If you can make the deadline but it would be really tight and stressful, reach out for an extension.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions!
(Nona loves you)
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Deadline passed; Post-deadline Pinch Hits are out!
The deadline is passed and post-deadline pinch hits are out! If you would like to claim a pinch hit, please visit this post for more information!
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Hey-o, thanks so much for running this! I had so much fun! I know that works we produced are still hush-hush, but is it OK to post about and hype up gifts we received?
Absolutely hype the gifts you receive! Hype gifts other people received that you find amazing too! If someone makes a rec list of their favorites for this year's collection, please @ us! These works exist to be SHARED!
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One week is seven days which is about how long Gideon spent in her cell after her 88th escape attempt. Which means that's plenty of time to finish your exchange assignment (if you haven't already)!
(Nona loves you)
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One week left to sign up!
💀 Dreamwidth ⚔️ AO3 Collection 🎅 Ask a Question 💀
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Is there any way to specify we’re not able to do certain things or will they just be auto excluded if we don’t put them in the tags we offer? (I’m asexual and so not a very good candidate for writing smut fics, lol)
Hi there! If you don't want to create smut (or another particular thing like an alternate universe or a sick fic or whatever), then you don't have to! You can't really put a DNW in an offer, but you can take steps to try to get an assignment you would want to write/be excited for!
1). Add the additional tags you want to write in your offer.
The way we're running matching, we'll be ensuring you match on at least one Character (medium), Relationship and Additional Tag within a single prompt. So if you add a lot of Additional Tags to your offer, you're more likely to match with someone who would want what you're willing to create.
2). Avoid using the "Any" feature.
If you say you can write Any additional tag, that means ANY additional tag in the tagset.
(BTW, we love people who do this because it makes matching so much easier)
3). Tailor one or more offers to a specific prompt you like.
You can view all the available requests at this elegant and finely-crafted link (the Collection). Or this other elegant and finely-crafted link (Auto AO3 App).
We can't guarantee that you'll match with the specific prompt you are copying/mimicking, especially if you do multiple prompts by different users, but you'll be more likely to match with someone you'll for-sure want to create!
4). Keep an open mind.
Your assignment isn't going to be perfectly tailored to you and your offers. But it WILL be exciting and fun and maybe invite you to step out of your creative comfort zone. That's not a bad thing!
You don't have to write to the prompt that you match with either. If you matched on, for example, a Gideon/Harrow Modern Setting AU but one of the other requests in your assignment catches your eye, then write the one that excites you the most!
5). Don't be afraid to Default when you get your Assignment.
Look, the system isn't perfect. We know this. At least one of the mods has experienced this first-hand. That's why the Default button exists. If you're really not feeling your assignment and you know for a fact that you won't be able to complete it by the deadline, then Default as early as you can! That way we can find another creator who can fulfill your assignment.
💀 Dreamwidth ⚔️ AO3 Collection 🎅 Ask 💀
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