sureshs2hrmaa · 6 months
किसान तेजी से अच्छी पैदावार हासिल कर सकते हैं, इसके लिए टमाटर की खेती में इन 10 उन्नत किस्मों का उपयोग करें
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कोई भी खाना ऐसा नहीं है जिसमें टमाटर का उपयोग नहीं होता। टमाटर एक फसल है जिसकी मांग साल भर रहती है। इस लिहाज से, देश के कई राज्यों में टमाटर की खेती व्यापक रूप से की जाती है। राजस्थान, कर्नाटक, बिहार, उड़ीसा, उत्तर प्रदेश, महाराष्ट्र, मध्य प्रदेश, पश्चिम बंगाल, और आंध्र प्रदेश में विशेष रूप से टमाटर की खेती होती है। टमाटर की फसल औसतन 150 दिनों में पूरी हो जाती है। बाजार में इसकी कीमतों में उतार-चढ़ाव होता है, लेकिन मांग हमेशा बनी रहती है। टमाटर की खेती से किसानों की आमदनी बढ़ाने के लिए कई प्रकार की वैज्ञानिक तकनीकें विकसित की गई हैं। प्रत्येक प्रकार की अपनी विशेषताएं होती हैं। इस लेख में, हम आपको टमाटर की खेती के लिए उन्नत और अधिक उपजाऊ प्रजातियों के बारे में बताएंगे।
अर्का विशेष (Arka Vishesh)
इस प्रकार के टमाटर का उपयोग प्यूरी, पेस्ट, केचअप, सॉस, आदि तैयार करने के लिए किया जाता है। इस किस्म से किसान 750 से 800 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर की उत्पादन कर सकते हैं। इसके एक फल का वजन 70 से 75 ग्राम होता है।
अर्का अपेक्षा (Arka Apeksha)
इस प्रकार की उपज क्षमता 800 से 900 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर होती है। टमाटर की यह किस्म भी प्यूरी, पेस्ट, केचअप, और सॉस तैयार करने के काम में उपयोग की जाती है। इस किस्म के फल का वजन 75 से 80 ग्राम होता है।
अर्का अभेद (Arka Abhed)
यह टमाटर की एक हाइब्रिड विविधता है। इसके पौधे गहरे हरे पत्तों के साथ अर्ध-निर्धारित होते हैं। यह किस्म 140 से 150 दिनों में पूरी होती है। इसका एक फल 90-100 ग्राम का वजन होता है। टमाटर की इस किस्म की खेती से किसान प्रति हेक्टेयर 70 से 75 टन की उत्पादन ले सकते हैं। इस किस्म की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी उत्तम है।
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merikheti · 9 months
टमाटर की खेती कब और कैसे करें | Tomato Kheti Kaise Kare | Tamatar Ki Kheti ki Full Information
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frummpets · 1 year
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outfit by @poorly-drawn-mdzs from this poll
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crippled-peeper · 1 month
*tumbles in like a ragdoll* Howdy, Morg! I love and appreciate you so much as my friend! I grew tomatoes that look like balls and wanted to show you ❤
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I love them so much hell yeah thank you for sharing them with me
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
I think if you say some shit like "uuurrmm isn't salsa just tomato, peppers, and lime?" You've probably only eaten salsa out of a jar or at a painfully white run texmex joint and never had genuinely good salsas in your fucking life and your input is highly unnecessary!!!!
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nonbinarycharmybee · 2 years
charmy liking flowers is such a cute and underappreciated canon detail...like he is that kid that always stops to blow on dandelions. the agency has a few potted plants that he takes caring for very seriously. charmy and cream probably make flower crowns together.
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dg-grow-light · 1 year
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gibbyslounge · 1 year
finished crash landing on you like it like it i like it !!! 10/10
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pixelmesh-studio · 1 year
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Unsere ersten Tomaten wachsen.
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restlessreveries · 2 years
Can it PLEASE stop snowing already, I want to go outside and plant things.
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khetkisantv · 2 years
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frummpets · 1 year
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🍋: look jiujiu, froggy!!! 🍇: 🥹🥹🥹📸
idea from a post from @purplenies!!!
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very important close-ups of the blob
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crippled-peeper · 8 months
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Gonna have a lot of tomatoes this year I can tell!!! I’m so excited … go little sprouts go 🌱!!!
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hiveswap · 5 days
Everyone say thank you american indigenous people for cultivating corn, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, cacao, pumpkin, squash, and anything i missed. Makes life more meaningful globally
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thumphorticulture · 2 years
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bullet-prooflove · 23 days
The Farm: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @wabi-sabi1090 @lostinwonderland314 @turtle-cant-communicate @fallout-girl219
Companion Piece to:
Pears - It starts when Carmy makes an order he doesn't remember.
Mornings - Carmy sleeps better with you around.
Bubble - You have no idea that you saved Carmy's life.
Crazy, Stupid, Fucked Up World (NSFW) - Carmy tells you he lvoes you for the first time.
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Carmy loves spending days at the farm, he loves walking through the fields, his fingertips skating over the fresh produce that you’ve been cultivating. He loves the vibrance in the colours. The depths of the green, the brilliance of the red, the pops of yellow. He loves all of it, each and every fucking thing.
More than anything he adores the flavours. The rich burst of texture on his tongue as he bites into a blueberry he’s picked fresh from the bushel, the crispness of a ripe tomato he’s plucked from the vine, the crunch of lettuce between his teeth as the taste floods his senses.
Being here inspires him, it has from the moment he’d stumbled onto the eight acre property in search of somewhere to get fresh produce at a decent rate. You’d found him, sitting cross legged in the middle of one of your fields, sketching out a new idea when you sat down next to him, thinking he was a member of the homeless community.
“I can make you a bag up if you want.” You’d said softly. “I know how hard it can be to get fresh stuff when you’re sleeping rough.”
He turned his head towards you then, his brows furrowing into a frown.
“I’m not homeless…” He’d said looking down at himself  in a ratty white t-shirt and sneakers that have seen much better days. “Fuck, do I look homeless?”
“You kinda do.” You agree before you take his hand in yours and drop a couple of blueberries onto his palm. He pops one into his mouth and he swears he’s never tasted anything as good as that single piece of fruit. “It’s all organic, free from GMOs…”
“You can taste it.” He says, eating other blueberry and then another.
You give him some of the overstock to take home with him that night. Some strawberries and raspberries, along with the leafy greens you’ve been growing. He stares at the colours, using the small artist’s set Luca gave him before he left New York to capture their essence as he designs dishes around their flavour palette.
The next time you see him, he’s tossed out the white t-shirt and the sneakers. He’s wearing a soft grey sweater and a pair of jeans Mikey left him instead. His hair is freshly washed and he’s used a little of that moisturiser that Sugar’s been trying to shove down his throat for the past couple of months. He feels better than he has in years and he thinks it’s because of the fruit. He’s been stagnant since coming to Chicago, focusing on keeping his head above water. There hasn’t been time to relax, to take joy in the things around him.
“That’s really sad.” You tell him as you sit beside him once again in what becomes his favourite field. “That you lost your joy.”
“I don’t think that I ever had any to begin with.” He tells you as he stares out across the plush greenery. “I don’t think I feel things the way that other people do, everything feels muted, it has for a long time.”
“I’m sorry.” You say quietly.
And he shrugs his shoulders because at this point he doesn’t know any different. It started back in New York under the tuition of David Fields. The constant barrage of abuse he suffered, it fractured something deep inside of him. His self-esteem had  withered away with under every comment until there was nothing left but this trembling mess.
“Do you worry you’ll never get it back?” You ask him, studying the profile of his face.
“I did.” He tells you before he tilts his head to look at you. His vibrant blue eyes capture yours and you don’t think you’ve ever seen a colour as beautiful as that. “But then I came here and it’s like something inside me just woke up. I’m starting to feel things again, so yea that’s what’s happening right now.”
“I’m glad the farm could help you like that.” You say sincerely.
“I’m guessing the farm helps a lot of people like that.” He says, gesturing to some of the folks out harvesting in the field. “I looked you up, read about some of the mental health programs you run. You’ve got a good rep.”
“Do what you can, for who you can, where you can, am I right?” You say and he thinks that’s one hell of a philosophy to live by in your day to day.
He considers that now as he watches you in the field. You’re wearing yellow wellies over black leggings because it’s potato season and you always get a little muddy. You have his baseball cap turned backwards on your head, your hair spilling out underneath.
It’s in that moment he realises just how truly happy he is, how happy he’s been over the past year and he knows that’s because of this place, because of you.
You’re surprised a couple of minutes later when his arms wrap around your waist. He buries his face into the crook of your neck inhaling the scent of earth that clings to your skin as he draws you back into the shelter of his firm chest.
“What’s up Bear?” You ask as he snuggles in close, his lips ghosting over skin.
“Nothing.” He whispers. “I just fucking love you.”
“That’s good baby…” You smile as you tilt your head towards him. “Because I fucking love you too.”
Love Carmy? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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