were--ralph · 4 months
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Sent by anonymous
‘The Unexpected Heiress is underrated and deserves more love’
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ayayapap · 6 months
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Beautiful mc
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yanny-77 · 4 months
New Chapter: The Underpants Heist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Word Count: 13,933/67,897
Summary: Ridoc puts his land nav skills to the test when his squad gets pulled for RSC. As they try to find their way to the extraction point, Ridoc has to navigate his jealousy and growing feelings for Bodhi
Note: Some of the dialogue and action might very familiar because Violet was with Ridoc for this section of the book. However, the inner monologue is all new and all Ridoc. Plus, I added in a few scenes to fill in the gaps for the things that matter most to Ridoc.
The air filled with the sound of wingbeats and the ground trembled as the riders’ dragons landed behind them, one by one. I see you, Ridoc.  I see you too. He wanted to run to Aotrom and throw his arms around the dragon. How many times have I told you no hugs?
Read now on AO3:
Taglist: @nireduh @seasonallyapril @toberealnow @biggestqiblifan @poisonivy206 @iftheshoef1tz @hunt-athie-athalar @korrinamoe @strawberbie @preally19 @ramzesfics @acourtofladydeath @shipmistress9 @sarahydeart @alexandia03 @vanthh
Let me know if you want on or off the tag train!
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hockeyspiral23 · 1 hour
Window of Opportunity
For @yanny-77
I’m here.
Thank the gods. Ridoc is still very unsure about where Violet is and why he and the rest of his squadmates had been locked into one of the interrogation classrooms, dosed with that fucking poison taking him away from his dragon. But Bodhi had come, rescuing him and his friends, giving him his dragon back.
Listen to me. The moment is here.
What moment?
The heist. I have talked with Cuir and she will tell her rider. His heart speeds up in his chest. After all this time …
“Bodhi!” he hisses, grabbing his arm. “What is Aotrom talking about?”
“Xaden … may have caused a distraction to drag leadership to the border. They’re on their way now.” His eyes bore into Ridoc’s, pleading him to understand. “The odds are good that we’ll all be leaving Basgiath for good soon.”
It takes a second for the puzzle pieces to slot into place in Ridoc’s brain, but when they do, a slow smile spreads over his face. “Let’s do it.”
Twenty minutes later, Ridoc is sliding into formation. Dain is yelling about something, but he’s paying it no mind, doing his best to hide a smile instead.
We did it, Aotrom. We fucking did it.
I always had faith that you would.
Tucked in the bottom of Ridoc’s rucksack is a pair of black silk underpants, embroidered with the monogram of one Myron Panchek.
(I have this as an AO3 draft but won’t post unless you want me to! 🙂)
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rosethrorn · 10 months
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Anyway I started making songs based on MCR song and then also The Unholyverse
I’m working on another TUH piece rn
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ramp-it-up · 3 days
Reading some Bucky Wakanda fics and it’s hilarious when the writer says “he thought of them as sisters,” or it takes a non Wakandan woman to stir his libido.
I mean. Have you SEEN black women?
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itlovesinthewoods · 8 months
Coming out as a John Somerset stan and will always be bitter how underrated TUH is.
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mansorus · 1 year
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Not at all
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nudystar · 6 months
when I told God to remove people from my life, He was not playin
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Sent by anonymous
‘john somerset's really got me twirling my hair, and the indian john sprite is gorgeous im literally obsessed’
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deviousdayz · 6 months
I don’t care that I’m “dickriding” NK Jemisin. Who cares if I’m “glazing” She deserves the craziest oddest dickriding of all time for these crazy scifantasy books do you hear me??
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yanny-77 · 2 months
TUH Chapter 8 Posted!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Word Count: 12,156/90,253
When Bodhi barged into Ridoc's room, Ridoc's drunk, mostly naked, and in the middle of a hookup and he can't help but wonder if maybe he needs to set some boundaries. Meanwhile, a history essay gives Ridoc some doubts about Navarre's border policies and a missive regarding poromish refugees rocks the quadrant. Ridoc finds himself frustrated - in more ways than one - and just needs to find release, even if it means taking matters into his own hands.
He felt naked and on display and yet he wanted this so badly that he couldn’t push Bodhi away. Self-preservation be damned. He knew it would hurt and he didn’t care. Not tonight. Ridoc breathed in deeply, holding the scent deep in his lungs, as Bodhi’s head drooped to his shoulder.  This feeling right here, he wanted to hold onto it. To commit it to his memory. Everything in him was warm and soft and satisfied. He couldn’t imagine there would ever be anything more, anything better than this. “Ridoc?” “Yeah, Bodhi?” Ridoc brushed the hair back from Bodhi’s forehead. “Thank you for being my friend.”
Read now on AO3
In addition to this chapter, I have some exciting news to share. We are hosting a fandom-wide fic exchange in partnership with the Rider's Quadrant Discord Server and r/FourthWing. This event is open to established writers and newbies alike and you don't have to be associated with the discord or the subreddit to participate. Everyone is welcome. If you're new to writing and are feeling nervous about participating, feel free to reach out to me. I'll happily provide you with feedback and encouragement. The goal is to have fun, make new friends, and diversify the fics for the Empyrean fandom!
Sign up by May 31st!
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Taglist: @nireduh @seasonallyapril @biggestqiblifan @poisonivy206 @iftheshoef1tz @hunt-athie-athalar @korrinamoe @strawberbie @preally19 @freckledfern @ramzesfics @acourtofladydeath @chunkypossum @secret-third-thing @sarahydeart @alexandia03 @greeneyedwildthing @vanthh @evaja @feetreadyheartbeatsteady @chasing-a-dreamer @skyfallscotland
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snekdood · 6 months
it feels like the reason ppl hate ashkenazi ppl is bc we blur the lines between white and non white and they'd prefer if those lines be neat and distinct, leftist or not.
it's... almost like....... white people......... were never *just* white forever to begin with................
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yourqueenb · 1 year
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Yeah…. look at him 😐😷
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Something that has always bothered me about the beginning of TUH: why on earth would MC's father and Delia let their young, unmarried daughter travel across the Atlantic unchaperoned? Especially if she needed that good reputation more than ever, given that she was on her way to get married to an aristocrat in already somewhat difficult circumstances? I used to think that the random passenger she expositions her feelings to could have easily been written as someone paid to accompany her, but then it hit me last night while writing fanfic.
Aunt Maude.
I'd assume Aunt Maude travelled to New York to attend Amelia's funeral, possibly even on the same vessel that brought over her body. Watsonically speaking, it would have made all the sense in the world for her to stick around for the next few weeks to spend time with her grieving niece and nephews and then accompany MC over to England. Problem solved.
From a Doylist point of view I am of course aware that they introduced Aunt Maude when she was relevant to the story because that is how storytelling works. And that I am thinking about this way harder than the writers did. But still, point is, she really should have been chaperoned, and at least Random Passenger Lady would have been ideal for that.
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