#TWD s1
hiro--aoki · 5 months
Watching TWD with my stepsis
It's her first time and she's obsessed, her favourite is Glenn.... I ain't gonna tell her.
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clinicsharmartia · 5 months
This is a DELAYED character review. I know what’s going to happen to them in s2. I’m saying this as to say that I’m fully aware of the dramatic irony of some of these character reviews 😭 also this is a transcript from an audio I sent to my friends when I actually finished S1 so I’m sorry if some bits don’t make sense. I’ve edited a bit but not entirely.
Rick Grimes: 10/10. He is an amazing person, he’s an even more amazing father. He's selfless, kind, gentle, understanding, caring, protective, loving, brave and so much more. The relationship that he has with people around him is so nice to watch. Him owning up to things immediately without knowing how people react is such a nice characteristic about him that I really hope he doesn't lose. He’s just— ugh I love him. I can’t wait to see how his character progresses and how his relationships change.
Lori Grimes: 9/10. She's an amazing mother. She's an amazing wife. She is a good person who is trying her best. So many people hate on Lori Grimes because she ‘cheated’ with Shane. He was a rebound. If I was in her situation I would do the same. You get told that your husband is dead during the apocalypse, which means he’s DEAD, never coming back, and you’re forced to live in the woods with your only son who only looking up to you in this moment. It is such a devastating situation to be in. You’re mourning and grieving while trying to keep your only son safe in this horrible horrible world and the next best thing to your husband, the closest thing your him, walks up to you to give you comfort, protection and security. Of course she would turn to him. Of course she would sleep with him. I would do the same thing. And the guilt on her face, you know she regrets it so much. She's so kind and sweet and protective. I know it's not gonna be for very long unfortunately but from what we have with Lori Grimes I cannot wait to see her progression in the show a character, as a mother, and as a wife.
Carl Grimes: 10/10. I'm pretty sure I teared up a bit when I first saw him on screen because he's just so little he's just a baby it's just a little baby boy he is so small. My maternal instincts kicked in fucking immediately when I saw him on screen. He's just a little kid and this is what I love about Carl Grimes. He is accurate representation of what happens of what would happen if you put a child in the apocalypse and then them having to go through puberty during the apocalypse. I am so fucking excited to see his character progression. I cannot wait for him to be sassy. I love him mwah.
Shane Walsh: -10/10. I know we need characters like him in these types of media, and I know that he was an important part of the plot, and I KNOW that he is a well written character, but I hate him so much. The only time I want him on screen is when he’s dying. The only time I want to see him open is mouth is when he’s screaming in agony. I hate him. Disgusting filth.
Daryl Dixon: 8/10. He's a very very funny character with a lot of baggage but he’s so loving and caring, just in his own ways. You can really tell that he wants to protect everyone there and that his act is just an act because he can’t admit to loving anyone. He’s a complex character and I like it a lot. Also, the way that people treat him in this season is so horrible. You come back after hunting for the group of people that you have decided you were going to look after and you see this guy rock up and he says “yeah your brother? yeah I left him for dead after I locked him up to a metal pipe on the top of a roof in the sweltering heat surrounded by zombies LOL. I'm Rick Grimes by the way” and people get upset with him getting angry at that? Then, people are saying you shouldn’t go and find him because no one likes him. And then you go after him anyways BECAUSE HES YOUR BROTHER and you find his SEVERED HAND instead. And then you come back and your camp gets attacked by walkers and one of your camp mates get bit, and when you say you should kill him to prevent any pain or suffering, people call you crazy and weird. WTF! Wtaf. Daryl is getting so much hate from them like what. Anyways I love Daryl, I can’t wait to see how his character develops and how his relationships change, and how he adapts to the new environments and people (because we all know what he’s like).
Glenn Rhee: 9/10. Glenn is an amazing guy. He's funny, a bit stupid and has some great lines as well. He's very smart, very valuable and his humanity and compassion is what really makes me love him. He saw a random stranger surrounded by zombies and instead of doing what he was supposed to do he took time out of his mission time out of that situation to save him. What could've very much gotten him killed to help the stranger. And then the stranger comes back and makes him do something that he really doesn't want to do (covering yourself in blood and guts and gore and walking through a street of zombies which could very much kill you in a second is not something he wants to do) but he does it anyways because he does it for the people that he cares about. Then he comes back to camp and the whole ambush happens and they're about to burn one of the camp members bodies and he yells at them and he says “we don't burn our people we bury them”. That line made me so so emotional and it means so much to me that they added that in because it is such an emotional and beautiful line for me. It honestly really highlights him as a character and the humanity and compassion he carries even after everything. I really loved him again. I can't wait to see his character progression, I can't wait to see how his relationships progress as well and how his skills are able to be used in the long run.
Dale: 8/10. I really love him. He’s a great guy doing his very best to try and teach and help the group. He is the word of wisdom, he is the one you look to for guidance. I absolutely adore him. Although, dragging Andrea out of suicide was not great, didn’t like that. Can’t wait to see how he’ll help the group in the future.
Andrea: 6/10. She is a little bit annoying, but she seems quite smart. I don't like how she treats certain people though. Like, I can't explain it but the way she goes about some things just urk me really bad. I think she has a lot of room for improvement, but right now she's okay. I want to see what she can bring to the table though.
Carol: 9/10. BAD ASS BITCH. She is amazing and funny and trying her best. I cannot wait to see her healing process and how her relationships change and how her skills develop. I love her.
T-DOG: 7/10. He's cool, I like him a lot. You can tell that he's trying his best and he has a nice voice. I think he can do a lot of good for the group in the later seasons as we can see that he's already helped quite a bit. Also, his loving and caring nature is really nice to see. Merle called him a racial slur and threatened to hurt him and still he went back to chain the door shut so he could have a chance to survive. He's super cool.
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topazy · 2 years
Tomorrow’s promise
Pairing: Shane Walsh x reader, Rick Grimes x sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, sexual content, mentions of injury and character death
Chapter: 1.03
Your breath caught in your throat as you stared at the bright light that comes out of the CDC. Everyone stood frozen for a moment until Rick and Shane took the lead and went inside while Daryl covered you from behind, making sure no walkers got in.
You step inside the lobby that looks completely empty and say, “Hello?”
Hearing the sound of someone cocking a gun, you turn the other way to see a man pointing a rifle in your group's direction. He looks nervous and asks, “Anybody infected?”
“One of our groups was. He didn’t make it,” Rick answers.
“Why are you here? What do you want?”
“A chance.”
The man gulps down, “That’s asking an awful lot these days.” He looked around the room, still seeming unsure of what to do next. “You all submit to a blood test. That’s the price of admission.”
“We can do that,” you nod. You step forward and reach your hand out to shake his hand. “Lily Grimes.”
He lowers his weapon and shakes your hand. “Dr. Edwin Jenner You've got stuff to bring in; do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed.”
Shane placed his hand on your back as you started to quickly follow Jenner, and you flinched when the metal shutters slammed down, covering all the windows and doorways in the lobby. Seconds later, the sounds of walkers trying to get in echoed through the room.
As everyone entered the elevator, Jace started to make a gurgling noise. Shane bent down and kissed him on the head before brushing Jace’s cheek with his finger and saying, “Hey little man, it’s all going to be okay.”
The sight warms your heart, but the feeling of loving warmth disappears when your eyes land on your sister-in-law, who is watching as Shane interacts with his son with an emotionless expression on her face.
When the elevator doors open, Jenn steps out first and says, “VI, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here.”
He leads you down a hallway. “Are we underground?” Carol asks from behind you.
Jenner looks back at her and asks, “Are you claustrophobic?”
“A little.”
“Try not to think about it,” he answers casually. Jenner opens the door to a room that’s in complete darkness and says, “VI, bring up the lights in the big room.”
A hum of fire cuts through the air before the lights come on, and you stare in awe at what looks like a sci-fi lab you’d see in movies.
“Welcome to Zone 5.”
“Where is everybody? The other doctors, the staff?” Rick asks, trying his best to keep the concern out of his voice.
“I’m it. It's just me here.”
Lori looks at him confused. “What about the person you were speaking with? VI?”
“VI, say hello to our guests. Tell them… Welcome.”
A computerized voice starts talking, “Hello, guests. Welcome.”
“I’m all that’s left. I’m sorry.”
“Shane,” you whisper while nudging his arm with your elbow. “Cut it out.”
Shane gives you an annoyed look before returning his attention back to Jace, whom he was holding protectively. When Jenner said he’d need to test everyone’s blood, that included your baby. Although you weren’t happy with it, you didn’t see another choice. Shane disagreed but reluctantly agreed to let Jenner take blood from your son, which now led to him shooting death glances at the man.
When Andrea stands after having her blood taken, she stumbles forward but is caught by Jacqui before she hits the ground. She shakes the blonde's shoulder and asks, “Are you okay?”
“She hasn’t eaten in days,” Jacqui explains to Jenner. “None of us have.”
Everyone is seated at a large round table, eating pasta, laughing, and drinking wine. Minus yourself. Having a normal meal with family wasn’t something you thought you’d ever get to do again, which is why the moment felt so precious to you. You watch amused as Dale hands your nephew a glass with a small amount of wine in it for him to taste. Carl pulled a look of disgust after tasting the alcohol, causing everyone to laugh.
Lori stroked the back of his head before pouring the wine from his glass into hers. “That’s my boy. That’s my boy. Good boy.”
“That’s disgusting!”
Shane chuckles, “Well, just stick to soda pop there, bud.”
Daryl lets out a laugh. “Not you, Glenn.”
“What?” Glenn’s face flushes slightly.
“Keep drinking, little man. I want to see how red your face can get.”
You feel Shane tense beside you while others laugh. He didn’t look happy. You place your hand on his and ask, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just thinking,” is all he says before kissing the side of your head.
The look on Shane’s face makes you feel uneasy, but you don’t push for further information and return to devouring the meal in front of you.
While everyone else was laughing and talking among themselves, Lori leaned back in her chair to get your attention. There was a slight gap between your chairs, but nobody else was sitting between the two of you. She points towards the untouched glass of wine sitting in front of you and asks, “You going to drink that?”
Since you were breastfeeding, you wouldn’t be able to drink it, and it would be a shame for it to go to waste. You handed the glass to her, and the smile on her face pissed you off. “What’s mine is yours,” you say low enough that only she can hear you. “At least you asked this time, right?”
The smile on her face falls. Your attention is drawn to Rick when he stands and taps his fork against his glass. “It seems to me we haven’t thanked our host properly.”
“He is more than just our host,” T-Dog points out.
Dale raises his glass, “Hear hear!”
Everyone cheers to Jenner, thanking him for letting you in when Shane cuts in. “So when are you going to tell us what the hell happened here, Doc? Where are all the other doctors who were supposed to be figuring out what happened?”
The atmosphere changes immediately, and the lightness of evening and the heaviness of how the world was dammed were all real again.
Your brother shoots him a look. “We’re celebrating, Shane. You don’t need to do this now.”
“Whoa, wait a second. This is why we’re here, right? This was your move—you were supposed to find all the answers. Instead we—” Shane, let’s put in a sarcastic chuckle. “We found him. I found one man, why?”
A look of sadness falls over Jenner’s features. “Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just left and went off to be with their families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted.”
“What happened?” You ask, feeling sorry for him.
“Many couldn’t face walking out the door. They opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time.”
“You didn’t leave. Why?” Andrea asks.
“I just kept working, hoping to do some good.”
Glenn turns to Shane and sighs, “Dude, you are such a buzzkill, man.”
After finishing the rest of your meal in an awkward silence, Jenner begins to show you more of the building, including where you’d be sleeping.
“Most of the facility is powered down, including housing, so you’ll have to make do here. The couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you like. I think there’s also a crib in one of the rooms that your little one could use,” he says, smiling at you. “There’s a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy. Just don’t plug in the video games, okay? or anything that draws power. The same applies—if you shower, go easy on the hot water.”
“You have showers here?”
“With hot water?” Glenn asks excitedly.
Jenner nods.
T-Dog claps his hands together and laughs, “That’s what the man said.”
“You know, I didn’t like what you said earlier.” Shane’s voice reaches you through the sound of running water.
You look over your shoulder at him and ask, “What?”
He joins you in the shower and kisses the back of your shoulder. “When you introduced yourself to Jenner, you said your name was Lily Grimes. I didn’t like that; it should be Lily Walsh.”
Lily Walsh. You liked the sound of that. From the first time Shane told you he loved you, you knew you wanted to marry him and be his forever, but that was before the world went to shit. In another life, you’d be planning your over-the-top wedding and spending your days daydreaming about saying ‘I do.’ But instead you were washing off a couple of weeks' worth of dirt, blood, and sweat. As you looked down at the dirty ring at the bottom of the shower, it made you regret ever taking such a luxury for granted before.
“Hey, are you still with me?” Shane’s voice brings you back to reality.
He looks at you with concern as you turn around to face him. “Yeah, just lost in my thoughts. Jace?”
“He’s sound asleep. I asked Carol to watch over him for ten minutes.”
He goes to say something else, but you cut him off with a kiss. You pull back and pour some shampoo into your hands before rubbing it into his hair. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of you massaging his scalp before you pulled him further under the spray of the shower with you.
He wipes the soap that’s dripped down his face with his hand, giving you a playful grin. Suddenly, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in close as he starts to leave trails of kisses over your neck and face. “That felt good,” he says with a grin. “Now, I think I should return the favor.”
“I’ve already washed my hair.”
“There’s more than one way to make you feel good,” he says in between kissing your jawline. You are hesitant at first, but when Shane drops to his knees in front of you, you let out a soft moan as he kisses your stomach. He puts one of your legs over your shoulder and starts kissing up your thigh, “I can stop; just tell me and I’ll stop.”
You tangle your fingers in his hair, “whatever you do, don’t stop.”
He smirks before putting his mouth where you want it. One of your hands slammed against the wall while the other pulled on his hair as he devoured and worshiped you with his skilled tongue.
You walk into the rec room and smile at Carol, who’s gently rocking the crib Jace is in, and quietly say, “Thank you so much for watching him.”
“He’s slept like an angel,” she smiles before saying good night to you; her young daughter Sophia does the same.
At the same time, they leave. Lori and Carl come into the room. You smile at the young boy, “Hey munchkin, you hungover?”
He lets out a giggle before noticing a couple of board games that are in the room. “Aunt Lily, can you play a game with me?”
You glance down at Jace, who is still sound asleep, then back at Carl, who is staring at you with pleading eyes. “Of course, but only if you let me win at least one game.”
“You're such a sore loser,” he says before setting up a game of chess.
Lori places her hand on your shoulder and says, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
A part of you wanted to rip her hand off and yell at her squints; she didn’t need to appreciate it because Carl is your family and you’d do anything for him, even something as small as play a board game with him to make him smile because that’s what families do. or are supposed to do. But instead, you bite down on the rage you have towards her and give her a nod before sitting down across from Carl.
As you put away the chess board, Lori says to Carl, “Baby, go say your prayers. I’m gonna browse a bit.”
“Night, Aunt Lily,” he says before looking down at Jace. “Night little cuz.”
So sweet. Seeing the sweet interaction made you want to wrap your son and Carl in bubble wrap. Silently, you pick Jace up and go to leave, but Lori calls after you.
“Lily… Do you—are you—how are you holding up?”
“Holding up?”
You see an uneasy look pass over Lori’s face. “Being a mom is difficult. God, I remember spending so many nights crying because I just didn’t know what to do with this tiny human who depended on me. And no matter how hard your partner tries to help, the loneliness of it gets to you. I couldn’t imagine going through all that again when the world is like this.” She swirled the tiny amount of wine left in her glass before sitting the glass down. “Being a new mom in a new world must be really stressful.”
“It would be a lot less stressful if my sister-in-law didn’t bang my fiancé.”
She stares at you in shock and struggles to form a reply. You turn your back on her and walk out of the room and back down the hallway to the room you’d be sleeping in for the night.
You try not to laugh at Glenn as he groans into his arms as everyone sits around the same table as the night before for breakfast. The smell and look of the powdered eggs were enough to turn your stomach, but you imagined being hungover would have made it much worse.
“Protein helps the hangover,” T-Dog says, putting a plate down in front of Glenn.
“Hey, Aunt Lily, how come you eat eggs now?”
You let out a quiet laugh, watching him shove a forkful of food into his mouth. You sometimes forget how observant Carl is for such a young boy. You didn’t want to bring him down and tell him the truth—that the choice to be vegan was no longer an option—so you just lied.
You shrug, “because I heard you were being taught how to cook, and you can’t learn to cook without an official taste tester.”
You and Rick exchange a look. He smiles at you before returning to his meal. You glance at Lori and notice she still hasn’t lifted her head. From the moment she'd sat down, she’d avoided eye contact with you, Shane, and Rick.
“Morning,” Jenner says, entering the room.
Shane continues to lightly bounce Jace in his arms and looks over at him. “Hey, Doc.”
Everyone at the table greets Jenner. You watch disapprovingly at the way Dale stares at your host while he pours himself a cup of coffee. You understood that everyone’s mind was spinning with questions, but the least you could do is let the man have his breakfast.
Dale didn’t share your line of thinking and says, “I don’t mean to slam you with questions first thing—”
Jenner sighs, “But you will anyway.”
“We didn’t come here for the eggs,” Andrea adds.
You stood in awe, staring at a big screen inside the lab, watching as it zoomed in on a skull, detailing the threads as they became closer and pulsed with different colors. “What are those lights?”
“It's a person’s life—experiences, memories,” Jenner explains. “It’s everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you—the thing that makes you unique and human.”
You try to soak up as much information as you can, but Jace starts fussing. You walk over to the other side of the room and begin to feed Jace while your eyes scan different things in the room.
The atmosphere in the room became heavy as Jenner explained what happened to a human body after it died, how it shut down, and how long it took before it resurrected. Andrea became upset thinking of her sister Amy, who had only died due to being bitten by a walker a few days prior.
After death, if you were bitten or scratched by a walker, you’d be alive enough to get up and move, but that was it. All your memories and consciousness were gone. Nobody knew what had caused the apocalypse to happen. Jenner also shared that all communication with other labs had gone silent months ago.
“Man, I’m going to get shitfaced drunk again,” Daryl says, shaking his head.
You look over his shoulder at the large countdown on the wall behind him. “Dr. Jenner, I don’t want to harass you with any more questions, but what’s that countdown for? What happens when it reaches zero?”
“The basement generators—they run out of fuel,” he deadpans.
“What happens then?”
Jenner ignores your question and walks out of the room. Rick gives you a confused look before looking up at the ceiling and asking, “VI, what happens when the power runs out?”
“When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur.”
Oh shit.
With the countdown getting closer to zero, the energy from the generator was being prioritized, so all the lights in the hallways and bedrooms have been turned off.
You studied Jenner as he finished off the bottle of whisky he’d taken from Daryl. The building was shutting down with all of you still inside it. “No power grid. It ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuels. I mean, how stupid is that?” Jenner says casually.
“Let me tell you—” Shane tries to follow him, but you grab onto his arm, holding him back.
“To hell with it, Shane.” Rick says, turning to address the group, “Lori, grab our things. Everybody, get your stuff. We're getting out of here now!”
Before anyone can leave, an alarm starts blaring, and Vi confirms the decontamination will start in half an hour. Jenner ignores everyone’s questions about what's happening and scans his badge and enters a code into a security pad. Security doors slam shut, locking everyone in the room.
Daryl runs at Jenner, attempting to hit him on the head with a glass bottle, but Shane and Rick hold him back.
“Hey, Jenner, open that door now,” your brother says firmly. But Jenner seems unfazed.
“Rick,” you stand beside your brother, close enough that only he can hear you. “He let us in here so we can die with him. This place-”
“There’s no point,” Jenner cuts you off. “Everything topside is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed.”
“Well, open the damn things?”
Jenner looks up at you from his desk. “That’s not something I control. The computers do. I told you once that the front door would not open again. You heard me say that. It’s better this way.”
“What is? "What happens in 28 minutes?” Rick asks, and when Jenner ignores him, he asks again. “What happens in 28 minutes?!”
Jenner jumps out of his chair and shouts. “You know what this place is! We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don’t want getting out! Ever!” He sighs and sits back down, regaining his calm composure. “In the event of a catastrophic power failure—in a terrorist attack, for example—HITs are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out.”
Jenner rolls his eyes and says, “VI, define.”
“H.I.T.s—high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives—consist of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen at between 5,000 and 6,000 degrees and is useful when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired.”
Everything starts to feel like it’s moving in slow motion when people start to cry out of grief and fear, while Shane and Daryl try to break down the door with axes.
“An end to sorrow, grief, and regret. Everything,” Jenner says sadly. The Doc remains unfazed when Daryl tries to get to him with the ax. Jenner looks directly at Rick and says, “You do want this. Last night, you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead.”
You watch Lori’s face fall along with your own at hearing those words. Shane glared at your brother and said, “What? You really said that? After all your big talk?”
“I had to keep hope alive, didn’t I?”
“There is no hope. There never was,” Jenner says blankly.
Shane stares at Jace for a moment before picking up his shotgun and storming towards Jenner. Your brother tried to stop him, but Shane aimed the gun at Jenner’s head. “Out of the way, Rick! Stay out of my way! Open that door, or I’m going to blow your head off. Do you hear me?”
“Brother, brother, this is not the way you do this. We will never get out of here,” Rick says, trying to calm him down. “If he dies, we all die.”
Frustrated Shane yells before shooting at the computers on the other side of the room. Rick knocks him to the ground and takes the gun away from him.
You kneel in front of Jenner and place your hand on his, an action that visibly pisses your fiancé off. “You and Rick are both wrong, you know? There is hope, and if you didn’t believe there was a chance of a better life, you wouldn’t have kept this place going for so long.”
“I didn’t do what I wanted to. I did it because I promised my wife. She begged me to keep going as long as I could. How could I say no?” He blinks away tears as he points to a picture of a woman who was used as a test subject to see how long it took the dead to turn. “She was dying. It should’ve been me at that table. I wouldn’t have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world. Hell, she ran this place. I just worked here. In our field, she was an Einstein. Me? I’m just Edwin Jenner. She could’ve done something about this. Not me.”
“Your wife didn’t have a choice in how or when she died, but you do. And if you want to die like this, then it’s on you... but please, please give us the choice as well; give us a chance to survive.” You look down at Jace, and fear strikes as the reality of your son's death hits you. “Give me a chance to save him.”
Jenner turns away from you, types a code into the security pad, and unlocks the door. You squeezed Jenner's hand and said, “Thank you.”
Hearing Shane call your name, you walk towards him, where he’s waiting by the doorway for you. You glance back at your brother, who’s still talking to Jenner, and say, “Rick, come on!”
Your attention is drawn to T-Dog arguing with Jacqui, who has decided she wants to stay behind and die with Jenner. T-Dog looks completely heartbroken and doesn’t move until Shane takes him by the arm and leads him up the ramp into the hallway. “Dog, come on, man. Come on! Let’s go! Let’s go!”
“Fuck!” You hear me reaching the door in the lobby. “The doors are locked! We are still trapped!”
Daryl and Shane try to break the glass with the axes while T-Dog tries to unlock the door with the pad by the door, but none of it works.
“Try the gun!”
Shame aims his shotgun at the glass and fires, but the bullet barely makes a tent.
“Rick, I have something that might help,” Carol says, reaching into her bag. “Your first morning at camp, when I washed your uniform, I found this in your pocket.”
Carol hands your brother a grenade, and you immediately run to the other side of the lobby to take cover from the blast. Rick looks terrified as he pulls the pin on the grenade and leaves it on the window sill. He quickly jumps down, making it far enough away that blast just misses him.
One of the windows shatters, and you all run towards it. You jump down from the ledge onto the ground outside and cuss, “Ah fuck!”
You stand long enough to feel a sharp pain in the back of your thigh, but Glenn wraps his arm around you and helps you as you try not to stumble forward.
Rick and Shane cleared a path for everyone by shooting the walkers that were attracted by the noise of the explosion.
When you reach the vehicles, Shane looks back, notices you struggling to run, and practically carries you to the car while everyone else gets into the RV.
He jumps in the car beside you and asks, “What happened?”
You look down to see what's causing you such pain and see a shard of glass sticking into the back of your leg. “Fuck, that's what I must have done it when I jumped.”
Mentally, you made a note to make sure Shane kept his promise to take Jace to safety if you ever got hurt, slowing them down again in a life-or-death situation. But now wasn’t the time.
You look up when Rick starts to honk his horn, and you see Dale and Andrea running out of the building. You duck down, doing your best to cover Jace without hurting him. Shane covers your body with his own to protect you from the blast.
The CD explodes into a huge fireball, and you feel the heat from the blast, but luckily the fire doesn’t reach you. The sky starts to fill with thick black smoke that will no doubt attract all the walkers in the area.
When Andra and Dale get into the RV, Rick starts to drive away. Shane looks shaken as he stares at the distraction that’s left behind. “Hey,” you lightly grip his chin so he faces you. “We’re okay, we got out.” You felt guilty saying those words knowing not everyone made it, but you needed Shane to snap out of his shock before any walkers reached the car. “Baby, I know this is hard, but we’ve got to go.”
Shane offers you a small smile and follows behind Rick, with T-Dog and Daryl behind you.
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gyroshrike · 1 year
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*sobs* omg the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
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aurum-ass · 3 months
I have just finished the first game of twd, I feel the art block decreasing. What should I draw 😋
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robobee · 1 year
watching the walking dead s1 bc I've been craving some good old grisley zombies.. and MAN that opening... THAT is how you create a zombie fad that lasts a decade people
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(s11 is nobody's favourite)
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aeaeaexxzd · 1 year
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Rick grimes is like a mother to me
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thorium-231 · 2 years
MY TWD PLAYLIST!!! feel free 2 reblog or add on >:]]
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incertaepersonae · 2 months
S1 walkers walked so S11 walkers (and future variants) could run.
Change my fucking mind, I'll wait
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hannahstarshade · 7 months
I never watched The Walking Dead. I'm familiar with and love a lot of zombie apocalypse media: Resident Evil, The Last of Us, I Am Legend, Dead Island, Zombieland. I even watched the three Telltale Walking Dead playthroughs by Two Best Friends. Here I am over a decade later and I'm finally giving the series a try. Surprisingly, a lot of it was new to me. I only knew a little bit about The Walking Dead just from cultural osmosis:
Zombies are called walkers. They need a shot to the head to go down for good. Doesn't matter if you die or get bitten, you'll come back as a walker either way.
The main character Rick wakes up in a coma after the zombie outbreak is well into effect. He meets up with his wife Lori and his son Carl. Lori hooked up with Rick's best friend Shane after she was sure Rick had died a long time ago. Drama ensues.
Daryl is the guy with the crossbow. Michonne is the woman with the katana and walkers on leashes. Aside from Rick, these are the two most featured on posters and promotional material. This must mean they are the most popular and capable badass characters.
This past weekend I finished the first two seasons. My honest opinion is that they were pretty solid, each serving a purpose for the narrative at large. Season 1 focused on the novelty of walkers and how society has had to quickly adapt. Seeing governing bodies and fail-safes crumble under the pressure is uncanny, given the most recent pandemic we were/are witness to. Season 2 is more character driven. Not to say Season 1 wasn't, but the second season is filled moral dilemmas that span multiple episodes. Is it worth bringing children into this scary world, and will they put other people at risk? Is suicide an individual's right to choose, or are others obligated to dissuade them? Do you sacrifice the life of someone you barely know at the risk of the group of people you care about most?
I am really attached to this group of characters. Everyone is so dramatic, and are constantly being pushed to their limits. I can believe that the woman who lost her sister and gained a new lease on life would want nothing more than a weapon in her hand to prevent disaster from striking the group again. I can believe that the man who hooked up with his best friend's wife has diluted himself into thinking it can continue because it's the only semblance of the past reality he has left. I get where everyone is coming, even if I don't personally agree with them or if they are delulu. Of all the character deaths in those first two seasons, it was Dale's that really got to me. He was one of the only people in the group that desperately clung to any sense of humanity and goodwill. He latched onto the idea of "we don't kill the living" and made that point at every opportunity. RIP rv roof guy, you will be missed.
All this to say that yes this show is not perfect by any means. I was taken aback by the amount of racism, sexism, and homophobia right out the gate. There is also a level of humor and levity that feels out of place at times especially in the first season with pop-punk or rock-n-roll music cues after a dire situation. I can sort of understand, given this was a decade ago and airing on public television. I did notice while it's still present, those moments and phobias have been scaled back a bit. That doesn't make it less cringy when someone calls Glenn "Short Round" or when Lori gets mad at Andrea for patrolling instead of doing "women's work" like cooking and cleaning.
With that said, the plot so far and the characters we have left have me hooked to see what happens next. Plus we get Michonne in the next season!
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 3 months
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h3llraz0rr · 2 months
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I saw this meme and immediately knew I had to redraw it as them 😫
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thewitcherdaily · 2 years
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#are they even your bestie if you don’t greet them with insults?
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plut00nline · 15 days
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Twd baby never leave me
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astervoidtheartist · 20 days
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some louis expressions 😘
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aaaand kenny :)
i miss kenny :( siiigh
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