#Tadeo jones mummy
araminakilla · 6 months
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You know what? Now that I think about it, it's a really good thing we didn't see Mummy getting really really really pissed off, not just because of the hidden powers he could have as an undead monster, but because it is very well know that when a peruvian gets really angry, HELL WILL FOLLOW CLOSE
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tadeojonesmemes · 3 months
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He's so...very supportive 🥺
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kimjimagery · 2 months
Please note I did not write this fic.
I found it on a fanfiction site archiveofourown.org but then something happened to the site last year in almost half of the fic stories on that site where erased but fortunately I managed to save this story on my files and it would be a shame for it to just disappear into nothingness cuz this was a really good story concept, and Tad needs more fanfics
And you guys know me I always give credit to the sources.
The fic was made by Ellxvs
You can find the author works here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ellxvs/pseuds/ellxvs
I tried to find a way to message author but can't find any way of doing that so I hope they don’t mind me posting this.
@tadeojonesmemes @shields-and-depthgauges-oh-my @araminakilla
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paulinawoodpecker · 7 months
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Mummy gets captured by Max, Jack, Pickles and Tiffany Mordon
Perfect people by Becky hill playing in the background
Tad: *his phone rings*
Tad: *checks and a stranger calls him*
Tad: *answers*
Mummy: tad?
Tad: mummy!!
Ramirez: mummy!
Mummy: I need your help to rescue me.
Tad: no.no.no. Not you too!
Mummy: they’re sending me back to paititi.
Ramírez: but you can’t go!
Mummy: *forms tears* it was fun having adventures with you Tad.
Mummy: I…I…I love you so much.
Tad: *hangs up the phone and remembers his relationship with mummy from the first film and the third film*
Ramírez: tad?
*memories played of tad and mummy’s relationship throughout the first film to now*
~making love in a house that’s burning down. But I feel so torn. It feels so warm. I don’t mean what I say when I scream and shout~
~you’re still mine and I’m always yours~
Tad: *realizes mummy is going to be in danger*
Tad: *continues crying*
Tad: *sniffs* I gave you a promise mummy!
Ramirez: where are you going?
Tad: I’m going to save him myself…
Ramirez: tad wait! what if I come with you?
Tad: okay!
Jack: Jesus Christ. Keep moving!
Tad: *gasps*
Tad: mummy! It’s me!
Pickles: come back here!
Ramirez: wait! stop!
Tad: mummy!
Mummy: tad?
Tad: mummy wait!
~cause we’re not perfect. We’re not claiming to be. We’re still learning. It’s never easy you and me. But we deserve this. Not afraid to tell the truth. We’re not perfect people. But I’m perfect with you~
Tad and mummy: *runs and hugs each other*
Mummy: I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine tad. Don’t be sad. I’m here…I’m here.
Tad: I can’t lose you again!
Max: Sam! Separate them!
Father: father! He’s named after a vegetable.
Max: sorry about that.
Max: pickle! Separate them!
Pickles: 😓
Tiffany: that’s much better.
Pickles: stones! You can’t be here at this moment!
Max: tiff! Don’t just stand there! Help me!
Tiffany: you’re the boss father.
Mummy and tad: *tries to hold hands but they both let go*
Tad: *fell down*
Ramirez and Tad: 😧
Mummy: TAD! HELP ME!
~I’m perfect with you…~
The villains take away mummy and left
Tad: 🥺*curls up*😭😭😭😭
Ramirez: 😔
~perfect with you~
Rain starts pouring down
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gaillol-13 · 19 hours
Screenshots from those Portaventura world tadeo jones things (u can find them here, the vids are not recorded by me) that i think about. I totally don't have any fav moments, nope, not any.
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Bonus three images that make it look like Mummy just discovered m/f couples exist.
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raffinha · 4 months
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for @sastiorn and friend
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tammyhybrid21 · 2 years
Respect, Recognition and Contribution
It has been... a hot while since I posted in general let alone any of my long ramble analyses... but Yeah. So I saw Tadeo Jones 3 in the cinema. Two times actually, would have gone more but well health and time and just-- it didn’t happen. And I have quite some thoughts about it, but most of these will be under a cut just for those who’re still somewhat attempting to avoid spoilers.
Although before all that, I can at least do a “bonus round”-- I feel kind of sorry for Sara. Because wow, she is honestly the main if only person in the main cast who is secure in her place and position in the world... and also the only character who feels completely Neurotypical... Which is a whole other breakdown I’ll save for later... if I remember.
Soooo, first up. I’ll say this. The whole movie has a kind of, “Could have avoided this plot” feeling to it. I mean, there’s a number of aspects to this but the main thing is the Trio.
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These three dweebs. They’re not so normal either, but-- They’re pretty effectively what set the plot off. Also they’re disrespectful as anything, the game has a take on them as well. But I’m not really sure how much of that can be actually applied to the movie. But these three, they’re what sets the whole plot in motion with two overall decisions. There’s the most obvious one at the start of the movie, throwing Tadeo off the team and then further not giving him even a passing mention.
It wouldn’t have been perfect. They do have points that are 100% valid about Tad and his issues. But they definitely could have avoided some of the plot’s pitfalls just by a mention and been less horrible. On that matter, the way they mock Victoria is the second “could have avoided this plot” moment. Because here’s the key about the tablet, and even some hints throughout the whole movie. Repeated a few times is how the tablet wants to be found. Notably mentioning alongside that it will use whatever it can to achieve that...
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Victoria’s had a piece of the tablet the WHOLE movie. And the tablet in the climax is mentioned to specifically show you what you want. It takes advantage of those who’re vulnerable. Now our friend Victoria went through two phases of seeking acknowledgement and recognition. While her stated goal doesn’t change I would like to claim that wasn’t the only part-- but this is more about the second part. Because those three, Ryu, Bryan and Ann mocked her, opening her up to be even more vulnerable to the tablet’s influence.
Which is more about respect, not just recognition.
These three disrespect people. Even Sara on some level how they grumble and demand that she follow along. MOSTLY Ryu. And the game even expands that by claiming that they cheated their way into their accomplishments. I don’t know how much I put stock into that, but it’s something to note down anyway, and might explain why they act like that, but at the same time they take things seriously despite that. It’s just the treatment of those around them that they view as lesser that’s an issue.
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Contrast with Sara who even if she’s not 100% back to been entirely happy with Victoria she’s involving her in what’s effectively Victoria’s expedition. Sara still stands up and defends her, even if it’s not perfect and lined with doubts. She’s at least hearing Victoria out and there’s input both ways... which leads me to my second thoughts. BEFORE this whole expedition and the trio been... the trio. Victoria felt early on less like she actually wanted to prove the existence of the tablet as much as she wanted to work with and be friends with Sara again.
--And of course, moving on, there’s direct parallels/contrast with Tad’s own reaction. I don’t really want to be mean to him, but-- Tad’s first impression ALSO isn’t the greatest when it came to Victoria. It’s not completely terrible, but Victoria even noted it in how she told him not to worry, she already knows she has a poor reputation. But beyond that there’s how Victoria tells him to tell Sara, not to go off and do-- what he done.
Which wasn’t entirely Tad’s fault, that whole situation was a mess of lack of clear communication on a few sides. But the respect part comes in more when you think about it. All Tad had to really do was wait the night. More or less, it wouldn’t have been perfect considering the sarcophagus unveiling itself, but he could have had a proper chance to talk about the issue with Sara, although yeah. He’s very validly frustrated, because the trio made him so... but that doesn’t excuse any of what follows because that’s all from him basically transferring down that disrespect.
Soooo let’s go back a bit. While I didn’t mention him in the Respect section, Hermes definitely was biting because the Pharoah didn’t give him any respect as the tablet’s creator. More explicitly though the legend says he was tired from the lack of acknowledging his merits. Which is more a recognition thing. Hermes made the tablet, he was the reason that everything was so good, he wanted to be acknowledged and that’s incredibly valid.
We all want to be recognized for our contributions, whether this is something great or something that’s just small. Hell even our pets enjoy been recognized, dogs, cats, birds and yes even rats.
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Sometimes I wonder if it’s not especially rats, but that’s an aside. Recognition comes in so, so many different forms. From just the recognition between friends, to been famous or infamous. In the end, Hermes did get his recognition, for better or worse, I don’t know if he would have been happy with it. But he’s there to help set up and echo the theme that carries for the rest of the movie.
But specifically here, I want to contrast him and his story with the other Egyptian character we got this movie.
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Ra-amon-ah, Ramona. She’s very clear with her stated wish and goal. She wants to be made famous, acknowledged for her three day long rule. Which I am torn personally between losing it laughing at the length of time, and wincing because yeah. Yeah, that. At the same time, she’s not putting in her own effort to do so. Which is both fair and not, she’s not the most socially adept person at the point we meet her in the movie and also in the game... Which btw, love her whole section in the game so, so much. But that’s its own thing.
Ramona is interesting. She has her stated goal, but more notably, she has the opportunity to get it. While the distraction that whole experience was meant to be failed because of course... It’s still a really interesting insight to everyone involved. First off, Mummy actually, her whole speech from her introduction and all-- he even mimicked how she corrected them, although not perfectly. Which I have way, way too many thoughts to easily translate them down. But the big thing is, even after that she had the opportunity to stay-- she even was going to stay and go to the Cairo Museum...
Meanwhile the game, which we can halfway take as the missing scenes and side for Ramona’s adventure...
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Also just, I love the whole arc of this section, but it really can only be taken with a grain of salt because there’s a good portion of events that are skipped over to go from the Boat Chase to this. But in the game she no longer wants to go be famous and known. Which does happen by the end of the movie as well, but I think it’s telling of when/how that happened. In that neither piece of media really explains it, but we do get her saying she wants to explore and see the world by the end of the movie which-- huh...
Seems familiar.
But also this all seems to have been triggered, or meant to be triggered by the more personal acknowledgement. The idea that Tadeo, Mummy and Sara all knew and saw her. Even Victoria on some level by the end, who needs to be world famous when you have close friends who see you?
As an aside, loneliness acknowledged.
So, first off, this movie is not a masterpiece regarding this. It’s not a masterpiece regarding any of these themes that carry through. But this is the missing piece of the puzzle and what serves to tie everything together.
Hermes, Victoria, Tadeo.
All three of them had some major contribution that people either stole the spotlight from them on, refused to acknowledge/dismissed or just wasn’t understood at the time. I won’t go through them all because I’ve already said quite a bit about it all. But even off that there’s some other sides I’ve been somewhat skipping/glossing over.
So, Sara huh? Okay, this is more small, but there’s something a bit... funky about how Sara calls Victoria weird at the start of the movie. Mostly because we’ve had-- two previous movies, where she basically saw confirmation on the supernatural before this. Sara also personally knows Mummy. But I guess that doesn’t matter quite as much in the grand scheme, but it definitely needs to be stated because it does contribute to the issues. Maybe much more subtly but Sara isn’t completely clean, at the same time, she was the first to offer an attempt to bridge.
On all ends. But even with more action in the movie she was playing backup/home base support ultimately.
On the other side, I want to talk about Pickles and Ramirez. Mostly because that dynamic was... 100% not what I thought it would be, but at the same time everything I thought it would be. Don’t ask please, I probably won’t make sense. But even there, the issue of contribution comes up, mostly with Pickles contributing basically nothing but taking all the credit he could and man, it was satisfying he basically got sent home to lick his wounds and presumably mope. While Ramirez actually contributed to the plot by listening at the key time... also the one time the trio were actually useful in this movie and not actively making things worse with disrespect.
But none of that really ultimately matters. Because while on that side the spotlight was shared. Sara with Victoria, both of them actually getting to talk, first with Sara listening in the car(btw, major ND vibes from Victoria with how she kind of just expected their friendship to fall back into place like it was never broken)-- and then further at the Louve itself. Following to their own side uncovering the key’s keyhole--
While the police officers both got the opportunity to shine, Ramirez been the absolute best on screen as the straight man to Pickles absolutely insane assumptions and leaps of logic...
There’s the issues on Tad’s side of the “party”.
And this is where the theme runs into a case of pulling up short.
Closing the Loop
So, the theme is etched into every piece of this movie. It’s so much tighter than both the first movie and leagues above the second that juggled too much and dropped at least half of what it held. So what’s the issue?
We can see all the parallels as they relate to Tad easily. He wants to be taken seriously and acknowledged just like Victoria. He wants the respect and fame he feels owed that the trio have kept from him in this movie-- and he just wants to know he’s done a good job. He wants to be in the limelight like Ramona does when we first meet her.
At the same time, he fails to see that he’s doing the same with Mummy. Here’s the thing, the plot also wouldn’t have happened if not for Mummy been there. While Tad did open the sarcophagus the biggest breakdown of communication was with Mummy there, also why didn’t he get to use his “dead tongues” joke and knowledge like from movie 2? But here’s the thing-- when Mummy unlocks the padlocks in that scene he specifically says he gets it.
Which can be interpreted in a few ways, either it means the credits from Movie 2 happened in some form, or you know-- Tad leaving him in the apartment for 2 months alone really felt like chains holding him there. Also Mummy repeats a couple times he just wants to have adventures with Tad. Their relationship as its set up in the movie is supposed to mirror Victoria and Sara’s...
So why doesn’t this feel like it hits quite the same beats?
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So, here’s the thing, this moment is supposed to be the turning point for Tad’s own priorities starting to shift. This moment here, where he swaps from been primarily self-interested to at least partially including Mummy... And I know it’s supposed to be the turning point, because after this is the big fallout and there’s even more focus on the way he feels like he’s failed and just put everyone in danger BUT-- IT doesn’t land. Doesn’t work for one main reason.
The character focus in this movie on Tad’s side is just... too much on Tad. I can see what they’re going for, I can see and reach out, touch and hear this theme so strongly. But-- it doesn’t quite stick the landing for a lack of expansion. Victoria got the chance to long to reconnect with Sara, to have moments to shine independent and make decisions that showed she was just as capable if specialising in a completely different area.
Tad and Mummy though... Those moments were either skipped over, or given to Tadeo outside when Mummy got to put his acting and theatre nerd on display. Which I love, but even I can acknowledge it’s not really enough, especially when he’s still not given all that much time to shine when paired with Sara and Tad uncovering the true map to the tablet... But I can see where it was meant to reflect. And yes, Tad really owes a proper apology.
“I don’t want to be a BURDEN on ANYONE!”
As an ND person myself ouuuuuch. That hits so hard, but at the same time, not hard enough just because of the surroundings. It’s not lingered on, it’s a scene that is important and yet, not enough. And maybe that’s just me, maybe it’s because I’m a writer myself and I make stories, maybe it’s because I’m Autistic and I love Mummy because I see my autism in him-- But, this doesn’t linger because all around it, before and after, Mummy’s role in the movie has been a lot less than I hoped.
Hecc even the Ammut curse wasn’t as in depth as I hoped, but that was more my mistake hoping that some of the judgement stuff would show up ahahah. But here’s the thing. Before this, there’s a scene that on rewatching more it’s like; Why did they need to show this when it’s something we could infer just as easily-- and we could have had a much more interesting scene if they gave us a discussion and interaction between Mummy and Ramona? The other mirroring characters. Explicitly mirroring characters. Who didn’t get much interaction together in the end at all...
The scene I mean, Tad finding the key. Literally that could have been replaced with Mummy and Ramona talking, the whole Mummy “honor system” of staying where they were told as well. Locked away and secret... and even between that. Between these moments, when Mummy became their flying Taxi, it would change nothing, everything if he got to suggest it as a plan before Tad lost it on him, the dialogue Tad says wouldn’t even necessarily have to change so much...
The meaning, the emotions would still be there, whether prompted to it or not. But it would give everyone involved some much needed agency. And thus tie more heavily into the theming of the movie as a whole. Because while I see it, it’s still pulled short. It’s not incomplete, it’s just not as much as it should be...
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On the other hand kudos for this whole sequence and the following. Because when those screenshots initially leaked I thought that it would be your traditional ideal daydream and much earlier. But then it showed up and man... yeah, they really did have the attempt there. But it still has missing pieces.
Whether those pieces are Mummy been allowed more agency later on in the movie, having a quiet moment outside of just following Tad around or you know, Tad giving a proper apology. It’s complicated.
The Tablet
Here’s an interesting digressing sidenote. But the tablet itself and the way it’s handled in the movie seems to heavily imply that it has its own sentience and its own ideas on what the world should be. It is stated throughout that it wants to be found, it lures people in with their dreams and their “heart’s desire” only failing with Tad because his priorities had shifted just ever so slightly-- and it’s also always there.
If you’re paying attention at times Tadeo’s eyes get slightly greener tinged when events are playing out. And Victoria’s are even more obvious about it. As well, Mummy whenever he transforms, he’ll usually have his eyes turned green under the tablet’s power until it fails and he returns to normal.
It’s even noted in the backstory flashback by them making Hermes’ eyes that bright neon glow green.
Makes you wonder really.
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skittlescandy32 · 2 years
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Watched all three tad movies recently, My grandma likes to rent movies she thinks me and my siblings would like and she rented Tad 3 she don't know there were two movies before it, but we watched it and went back and watched the first and second movie's. Got to say this movie franchise is really good I love the second movie a lot, so I drew a picture from it, I might draw more of these movie's in the future.
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fox-from-malta · 1 year
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Tadeo as cats Au Sketch from late last year haha.
The characters are:
Sara and Tad (fullbodies), two on the right are Mummy and Ramona, and the bottom four are; Freddy, Tiffany, Victoria and Sara's Father.
I might do proper coloured doodles of these someday xD but enjoy the sketch/concept haha
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davessnowglobe · 2 years
Tadeo jones 3 explained with bluey
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1st and 2nd act
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3rd act…
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araminakilla · 6 months
Tad 4 theory: The main theme of the movie
My brain: Seriously, already??? The movie comes out in-
Shhhhh, it's never too early to cook.
It's not that deep but I'm just wondering what is the main theme of Tadeo Jones 4. We know the group will travel to the past and make it to their present before it's too late.
Maybe the theme will be something about "letting your past go and focusing on what you have in the present" and I could be wrong, but this is a lesson that it will most likely affect not Tad, but MUMMY the most.
Yes, Tad may have some other issues to resolve that we don't know about. Maybe he's going to marry Sara and he's sad his parents (and probably his granny) aren't with him while Sara has her father still present.
Maybe Ramona has also something to say regarding her tragic past and how it was unfair her reign only lasted 3 days or maybe even Sara has some problems regarding her past, be with her father or Victoria or who-knows-who.
But it is Mummy the one who is going to make the wish...
Why? As seeing this is going to be the funniest movie of the franchise, I think I can't have some sad undertones. It could be he isn't making the wish for him, but for his friends.
Maybe he want Tad to encounter his parents or for Sara, her mother.
Maybe he want to take Ramona to her era when Egypt was great so she can see her subjects again (she mentioned at the end of the third movie that she misses them)
Or maybe he just wants to randomly travel through time so he and his friends could see past events that were only recorded in books. It would be interesting if the "travel between time" is decided on whoever holds the lamp or maybe they get a travel machine or a clock or something.
Would be interesting if Mummy didn't even say where/when he wants to travel and the magic of the lamp just transports him to the time he was alive because... lore and stuff, but I think this won't happen.
Also Mummy will finally had to confront his mistakes for once because he was partially responsible for the curse of the third movie. He unleashed Hermes from his chains, made more easy to the police to follow his friends and destroyed the Mona Lisa, but never said "I'm sorry"
He was probably sorry, but the movie didn't show that. And now that his wish is going to reshape the world as they (and we) know it, he is finally going to realize that "yes, I messed up big time and it's my fault"
We still don't know if someone (coughTad) motivated him to make the wish, but he still did it, and the reasons behind that peculiar wish could be more deep than the others realize.
Back with the theme of letting your past go, maybe if they DO have a villain in that movie they could be motivated by the fact that they can't and WON'T let their past go. Probably if there's a genie inside the lamo, it could be their case as part of their backstory.
Or maybe some of the funny characters they meet in the past have their own reasons as to why they cling to the past, and some will let it go, while others (the villains/antagonists) don't.
The possibilities are endless. But I'm pretty sure the lesson would be something related to the past and not let that define you (kind of like Kung Fu Panda 2, but less serious and more funny)
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tadeojonesmemes · 9 months
Every time I watch Tadeo Jones 2 and see these two scenes...
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kimjimagery · 1 month
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Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet (Spanish: Tadeo Jones 3. La tabla esmeralda)
Released August 24, 2022 (France) and August 26, 2022 (Spain)
It was then release world wide on the later months I didn't see it tile it came to the US on November 4, 2022
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paulinawoodpecker · 9 months
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Poor Tad’s upset stomach is hurting him so much and he ask mummy to help.
Drawn by @raffinha
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gaillol-13 · 2 years
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