#Also more screaming about autism will come
tammyhybrid21 · 2 years
Respect, Recognition and Contribution
It has been... a hot while since I posted in general let alone any of my long ramble analyses... but Yeah. So I saw Tadeo Jones 3 in the cinema. Two times actually, would have gone more but well health and time and just-- it didn’t happen. And I have quite some thoughts about it, but most of these will be under a cut just for those who’re still somewhat attempting to avoid spoilers.
Although before all that, I can at least do a “bonus round”-- I feel kind of sorry for Sara. Because wow, she is honestly the main if only person in the main cast who is secure in her place and position in the world... and also the only character who feels completely Neurotypical... Which is a whole other breakdown I’ll save for later... if I remember.
Soooo, first up. I’ll say this. The whole movie has a kind of, “Could have avoided this plot” feeling to it. I mean, there’s a number of aspects to this but the main thing is the Trio.
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These three dweebs. They’re not so normal either, but-- They’re pretty effectively what set the plot off. Also they’re disrespectful as anything, the game has a take on them as well. But I’m not really sure how much of that can be actually applied to the movie. But these three, they’re what sets the whole plot in motion with two overall decisions. There’s the most obvious one at the start of the movie, throwing Tadeo off the team and then further not giving him even a passing mention.
It wouldn’t have been perfect. They do have points that are 100% valid about Tad and his issues. But they definitely could have avoided some of the plot’s pitfalls just by a mention and been less horrible. On that matter, the way they mock Victoria is the second “could have avoided this plot” moment. Because here’s the key about the tablet, and even some hints throughout the whole movie. Repeated a few times is how the tablet wants to be found. Notably mentioning alongside that it will use whatever it can to achieve that...
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Victoria’s had a piece of the tablet the WHOLE movie. And the tablet in the climax is mentioned to specifically show you what you want. It takes advantage of those who’re vulnerable. Now our friend Victoria went through two phases of seeking acknowledgement and recognition. While her stated goal doesn’t change I would like to claim that wasn’t the only part-- but this is more about the second part. Because those three, Ryu, Bryan and Ann mocked her, opening her up to be even more vulnerable to the tablet’s influence.
Which is more about respect, not just recognition.
These three disrespect people. Even Sara on some level how they grumble and demand that she follow along. MOSTLY Ryu. And the game even expands that by claiming that they cheated their way into their accomplishments. I don’t know how much I put stock into that, but it’s something to note down anyway, and might explain why they act like that, but at the same time they take things seriously despite that. It’s just the treatment of those around them that they view as lesser that’s an issue.
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Contrast with Sara who even if she’s not 100% back to been entirely happy with Victoria she’s involving her in what’s effectively Victoria’s expedition. Sara still stands up and defends her, even if it’s not perfect and lined with doubts. She’s at least hearing Victoria out and there’s input both ways... which leads me to my second thoughts. BEFORE this whole expedition and the trio been... the trio. Victoria felt early on less like she actually wanted to prove the existence of the tablet as much as she wanted to work with and be friends with Sara again.
--And of course, moving on, there’s direct parallels/contrast with Tad’s own reaction. I don’t really want to be mean to him, but-- Tad’s first impression ALSO isn’t the greatest when it came to Victoria. It’s not completely terrible, but Victoria even noted it in how she told him not to worry, she already knows she has a poor reputation. But beyond that there’s how Victoria tells him to tell Sara, not to go off and do-- what he done.
Which wasn’t entirely Tad’s fault, that whole situation was a mess of lack of clear communication on a few sides. But the respect part comes in more when you think about it. All Tad had to really do was wait the night. More or less, it wouldn’t have been perfect considering the sarcophagus unveiling itself, but he could have had a proper chance to talk about the issue with Sara, although yeah. He’s very validly frustrated, because the trio made him so... but that doesn’t excuse any of what follows because that’s all from him basically transferring down that disrespect.
Soooo let’s go back a bit. While I didn’t mention him in the Respect section, Hermes definitely was biting because the Pharoah didn’t give him any respect as the tablet’s creator. More explicitly though the legend says he was tired from the lack of acknowledging his merits. Which is more a recognition thing. Hermes made the tablet, he was the reason that everything was so good, he wanted to be acknowledged and that’s incredibly valid.
We all want to be recognized for our contributions, whether this is something great or something that’s just small. Hell even our pets enjoy been recognized, dogs, cats, birds and yes even rats.
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Sometimes I wonder if it’s not especially rats, but that’s an aside. Recognition comes in so, so many different forms. From just the recognition between friends, to been famous or infamous. In the end, Hermes did get his recognition, for better or worse, I don’t know if he would have been happy with it. But he’s there to help set up and echo the theme that carries for the rest of the movie.
But specifically here, I want to contrast him and his story with the other Egyptian character we got this movie.
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Ra-amon-ah, Ramona. She’s very clear with her stated wish and goal. She wants to be made famous, acknowledged for her three day long rule. Which I am torn personally between losing it laughing at the length of time, and wincing because yeah. Yeah, that. At the same time, she’s not putting in her own effort to do so. Which is both fair and not, she’s not the most socially adept person at the point we meet her in the movie and also in the game... Which btw, love her whole section in the game so, so much. But that’s its own thing.
Ramona is interesting. She has her stated goal, but more notably, she has the opportunity to get it. While the distraction that whole experience was meant to be failed because of course... It’s still a really interesting insight to everyone involved. First off, Mummy actually, her whole speech from her introduction and all-- he even mimicked how she corrected them, although not perfectly. Which I have way, way too many thoughts to easily translate them down. But the big thing is, even after that she had the opportunity to stay-- she even was going to stay and go to the Cairo Museum...
Meanwhile the game, which we can halfway take as the missing scenes and side for Ramona’s adventure...
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Also just, I love the whole arc of this section, but it really can only be taken with a grain of salt because there’s a good portion of events that are skipped over to go from the Boat Chase to this. But in the game she no longer wants to go be famous and known. Which does happen by the end of the movie as well, but I think it’s telling of when/how that happened. In that neither piece of media really explains it, but we do get her saying she wants to explore and see the world by the end of the movie which-- huh...
Seems familiar.
But also this all seems to have been triggered, or meant to be triggered by the more personal acknowledgement. The idea that Tadeo, Mummy and Sara all knew and saw her. Even Victoria on some level by the end, who needs to be world famous when you have close friends who see you?
As an aside, loneliness acknowledged.
So, first off, this movie is not a masterpiece regarding this. It’s not a masterpiece regarding any of these themes that carry through. But this is the missing piece of the puzzle and what serves to tie everything together.
Hermes, Victoria, Tadeo.
All three of them had some major contribution that people either stole the spotlight from them on, refused to acknowledge/dismissed or just wasn’t understood at the time. I won’t go through them all because I’ve already said quite a bit about it all. But even off that there’s some other sides I’ve been somewhat skipping/glossing over.
So, Sara huh? Okay, this is more small, but there’s something a bit... funky about how Sara calls Victoria weird at the start of the movie. Mostly because we’ve had-- two previous movies, where she basically saw confirmation on the supernatural before this. Sara also personally knows Mummy. But I guess that doesn’t matter quite as much in the grand scheme, but it definitely needs to be stated because it does contribute to the issues. Maybe much more subtly but Sara isn’t completely clean, at the same time, she was the first to offer an attempt to bridge.
On all ends. But even with more action in the movie she was playing backup/home base support ultimately.
On the other side, I want to talk about Pickles and Ramirez. Mostly because that dynamic was... 100% not what I thought it would be, but at the same time everything I thought it would be. Don’t ask please, I probably won’t make sense. But even there, the issue of contribution comes up, mostly with Pickles contributing basically nothing but taking all the credit he could and man, it was satisfying he basically got sent home to lick his wounds and presumably mope. While Ramirez actually contributed to the plot by listening at the key time... also the one time the trio were actually useful in this movie and not actively making things worse with disrespect.
But none of that really ultimately matters. Because while on that side the spotlight was shared. Sara with Victoria, both of them actually getting to talk, first with Sara listening in the car(btw, major ND vibes from Victoria with how she kind of just expected their friendship to fall back into place like it was never broken)-- and then further at the Louve itself. Following to their own side uncovering the key’s keyhole--
While the police officers both got the opportunity to shine, Ramirez been the absolute best on screen as the straight man to Pickles absolutely insane assumptions and leaps of logic...
There’s the issues on Tad’s side of the “party”.
And this is where the theme runs into a case of pulling up short.
Closing the Loop
So, the theme is etched into every piece of this movie. It’s so much tighter than both the first movie and leagues above the second that juggled too much and dropped at least half of what it held. So what’s the issue?
We can see all the parallels as they relate to Tad easily. He wants to be taken seriously and acknowledged just like Victoria. He wants the respect and fame he feels owed that the trio have kept from him in this movie-- and he just wants to know he’s done a good job. He wants to be in the limelight like Ramona does when we first meet her.
At the same time, he fails to see that he’s doing the same with Mummy. Here’s the thing, the plot also wouldn’t have happened if not for Mummy been there. While Tad did open the sarcophagus the biggest breakdown of communication was with Mummy there, also why didn’t he get to use his “dead tongues” joke and knowledge like from movie 2? But here’s the thing-- when Mummy unlocks the padlocks in that scene he specifically says he gets it.
Which can be interpreted in a few ways, either it means the credits from Movie 2 happened in some form, or you know-- Tad leaving him in the apartment for 2 months alone really felt like chains holding him there. Also Mummy repeats a couple times he just wants to have adventures with Tad. Their relationship as its set up in the movie is supposed to mirror Victoria and Sara’s...
So why doesn’t this feel like it hits quite the same beats?
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So, here’s the thing, this moment is supposed to be the turning point for Tad’s own priorities starting to shift. This moment here, where he swaps from been primarily self-interested to at least partially including Mummy... And I know it’s supposed to be the turning point, because after this is the big fallout and there’s even more focus on the way he feels like he’s failed and just put everyone in danger BUT-- IT doesn’t land. Doesn’t work for one main reason.
The character focus in this movie on Tad’s side is just... too much on Tad. I can see what they’re going for, I can see and reach out, touch and hear this theme so strongly. But-- it doesn’t quite stick the landing for a lack of expansion. Victoria got the chance to long to reconnect with Sara, to have moments to shine independent and make decisions that showed she was just as capable if specialising in a completely different area.
Tad and Mummy though... Those moments were either skipped over, or given to Tadeo outside when Mummy got to put his acting and theatre nerd on display. Which I love, but even I can acknowledge it’s not really enough, especially when he’s still not given all that much time to shine when paired with Sara and Tad uncovering the true map to the tablet... But I can see where it was meant to reflect. And yes, Tad really owes a proper apology.
“I don’t want to be a BURDEN on ANYONE!”
As an ND person myself ouuuuuch. That hits so hard, but at the same time, not hard enough just because of the surroundings. It’s not lingered on, it’s a scene that is important and yet, not enough. And maybe that’s just me, maybe it’s because I’m a writer myself and I make stories, maybe it’s because I’m Autistic and I love Mummy because I see my autism in him-- But, this doesn’t linger because all around it, before and after, Mummy’s role in the movie has been a lot less than I hoped.
Hecc even the Ammut curse wasn’t as in depth as I hoped, but that was more my mistake hoping that some of the judgement stuff would show up ahahah. But here’s the thing. Before this, there’s a scene that on rewatching more it’s like; Why did they need to show this when it’s something we could infer just as easily-- and we could have had a much more interesting scene if they gave us a discussion and interaction between Mummy and Ramona? The other mirroring characters. Explicitly mirroring characters. Who didn’t get much interaction together in the end at all...
The scene I mean, Tad finding the key. Literally that could have been replaced with Mummy and Ramona talking, the whole Mummy “honor system” of staying where they were told as well. Locked away and secret... and even between that. Between these moments, when Mummy became their flying Taxi, it would change nothing, everything if he got to suggest it as a plan before Tad lost it on him, the dialogue Tad says wouldn’t even necessarily have to change so much...
The meaning, the emotions would still be there, whether prompted to it or not. But it would give everyone involved some much needed agency. And thus tie more heavily into the theming of the movie as a whole. Because while I see it, it’s still pulled short. It’s not incomplete, it’s just not as much as it should be...
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On the other hand kudos for this whole sequence and the following. Because when those screenshots initially leaked I thought that it would be your traditional ideal daydream and much earlier. But then it showed up and man... yeah, they really did have the attempt there. But it still has missing pieces.
Whether those pieces are Mummy been allowed more agency later on in the movie, having a quiet moment outside of just following Tad around or you know, Tad giving a proper apology. It’s complicated.
The Tablet
Here’s an interesting digressing sidenote. But the tablet itself and the way it’s handled in the movie seems to heavily imply that it has its own sentience and its own ideas on what the world should be. It is stated throughout that it wants to be found, it lures people in with their dreams and their “heart’s desire” only failing with Tad because his priorities had shifted just ever so slightly-- and it’s also always there.
If you’re paying attention at times Tadeo’s eyes get slightly greener tinged when events are playing out. And Victoria’s are even more obvious about it. As well, Mummy whenever he transforms, he’ll usually have his eyes turned green under the tablet’s power until it fails and he returns to normal.
It’s even noted in the backstory flashback by them making Hermes’ eyes that bright neon glow green.
Makes you wonder really.
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ok. masking. let’s go.
[plain text: ok. masking. let’s go]
(specifically masking in autism - there probably other disabilities this can apply to but no guarantees. so only write what know, aka autism)
to simply it a bit, personally see two part to masking:
1. ability to mask
2. whatever struggle/thing, can be masked
1. ability to mask
it a skill that depends on many other skills
think most people will able see it as ability to suppress behavior & instead do something else (to appear more “socially appropriate”). like stop body from stim & instead sit very still. stop self from say something that may be rude or blunt n instead say it in more indirect way or say compliment instead. n it true, that is ability to mask
but ability to mask also depend on many other more basic skills, n because it basic, sometimes people forget they actually skill & others struggle with it, n instead see it as given, as nature, almost take for granted. before can do the thing in previous paragraph, other skills need have:
awareness of self - that you exist, awareness of what you doing
(n if able aware, also the ability control what you doing & impulse)
awareness of others - that they exist, that they have thoughts you not see
awareness of surroundings - that, you not just in own world
n, if have all of that, understand “need” or feel need or pressure for masking. at least some conscious or subconscious idea or feeling about what supposed to do & what not supposed to do. n ability to remember it. ability act on it. (all related but separate skills.) some autistic not able explicitly name it or tell you, but have internal sense of “this feels wrong even though don’t know why,” & that still allow them to mask
n many others am forgetting at moment
2. whatever struggle/thing, can be masked
think people forget about this part often: that even if assume have expert ability to mask (#1), there some things that. just can’t be masked (at all, or cannot mask all of it). because they (for not have better word) so extreme, or simply cannot control
for example. there no way really mask fact am nonverbal (as in, cannot mouth talk at all. all the time). no matter what do, cannot just. mask n suddenly say mouth word (then wouldn’t be nonverbal).
n say this simplify because. real world much more muddy more nuanced than can be say in clear linear bullet points n equations. some times, is mixture of both. not that clear divide.
many level 3 / severe / whatever language they use for self / etc people, move their body all the time, make sounds all the time, grunts screams etc. not really able control it, because very significant sensory needs that come with their level 3 autism. n not able to control it, not know to control it. sometimes both.
or, like awareness of other people - if not able to, then can’t mask it (#2). but it also prerequisite skill to masking to appear more “socially appropriate”, so cannot mask if don’t have skill (#1).
so, get annoyed when level 1 (& sometimes 2) high masking autistics say difference between them n someone like me (cannot mask & level 2/3 nonverbal), just masking. that if they unmask,
masking often really negatively affect mental health. make you stressed, on edge, confused about who you are (it actually me or just my mask?). n sometimes it become so a part of you you cannot drop it. yes. and same time true:
B1. masking is protective. is coping mechanism. is for safety. or else wouldn’t start do it first place. you mask n spend that energy n put up with its cost because feel like on some level, would not be treat as well or with as much dignity & autonomy, will be bullied n hurt even more than already is. n for some (especially BIPOC), masking literal one of reason they alive, not wrongly convicted or suspected of crime because suspicious behavior, etc. something can be both protective & harm. it up to you decide if it worth it.
B2. high masking not always mean other people not able tell. high masking not mean you treated well all time or not get treated badly at all or not go through anything said in above paragraph. it just mean that. you would probably be treated even worse if not masking.
B3. ability choose to unmask (yes, even if hard), not same as not able mask at all (involuntary not a choice) in first place. able switch between mask n unmask, even more so. you at advantage some of us not have.
B4. like in B1, not everyone can afford unmask. n for every person like that, imagine there someone in similar situation, except they cannot mask (reason #1 or #2 or both). what will happen to them? what happens to them? what happened to them?
no, you wouldn’t be like us (who unable mask in first place because level 2/3 autism, high support needs, severe autism, whatever language we use) if you unmasked.
there also difference between unmasking & finding your authentic self & how you naturally act. n pretend to be like us, copying us, someone you not, by choosing to do stereotypically visibly autistic things because it make you feel more validated. that no different than mocking n faking. we not your cosplay. (yes this actually happens.)
n no, don’t mean anytime you hand flap you’re copying mocking visibly autistic people, or you picking up AAC device “even if you can speak” (but you struggle) is copying nonverbal people. understand this is process, that sometimes when mask so long not know what feel natural anymore who you are or aren’t anymore, so you pick up n experiment different things.
fundamentally, is it helping you? that should stay. is it make you become another person you aren’t, going in opposite extreme direction? that shouldn’t.
a lot time you see people who not able mask, we level 2/3 / moderate & severe autism / higher support needs (etc language we choose for self), which make us not able do both #1 & 2 (both not have ability to mask, n have struggles that cannot be masked fully or at all). struggling with more “basic” stuff needed for masking like awareness of self others n surrounding, often happen together with other symptoms n struggles that too big or significant or severe to mask.
this why you rarely if ever see anyone like listed above who also appear high masking — even if we can mask, our struggles often too significant to be fully masked over. n many of us can’t mask, we not have prerequisite skills to mask
but, not all people who not able mask are higher level higher support needs higher severity.
sometimes some people may have some masking abilities (have some #1), but have struggles that cannot be fully masked (#2).
sometimes, they have struggles that many other high masking autistics can mask (have #2), but they have low or no masking abilities themselves (don’t have #1).
not able mask =/= not always mean higher level higher support needs higher severity autism
lower support needs level 1 autistics =/= not always equal high masking
there lower support needs autistics level 1 autistics who low or no masking!
masking ability not always correlate with levels & support needs & severity!
wow that long winded. glad we got back to where started.
[do not debate severe autism & autism levels etc language we choosing for ourselves - if you don’t like it for yourself cool then am not talking about you]
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Hi, can I just say I love your character studies/essays on the Super Mario characters, especially from the movie. I don't know if you accept requests, but I was wondering if you could do an essay about Luigi being autistic. Luigi is my most favorite character of all the Super Mario characters (my second fav is Peach) and I hc him as autistic because I'm autistic, so imagine my surprise when I first saw the movie and his attitude and mannerism just screams autism. Don't know if it was intentional, but either way I'm happy they made him autistic.
Thank you! This took longer than expected, but I've broken down the essay into two main arguments for Luigi having ASD:
Part 1: Difficulties Socializing
The first and most obvious thing that people point to when suggesting Luigi (Movie Luigi in particular) is on the spectrum is his social interactions. As sincere and kind as his words usually are he shows a repeated inability to read tones, register figures of speech, or understand social nuances.
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And while it's not stated explicitly, it's also hinted that Luigi struggles with controlling the volume of his voice. In the movie he gets inappropriately loud when emotional or excited, and in the Luigi's Mansion games he gets quiet and mumbly to the point that he can't get a word in. In either case, it's another sign that he struggles to understand and adapt to social communication in ways that come naturally to neurotypical people.
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So, while Mario is inclined toward team sports and games that involve large groups, Luigi favors solitary activities. In a flashback in the movie he's shown keeping to himself, preferring to play with building blocks on the playground alone. Details in his bedroom imply an active photography hobby, and in the games he's shown to be an avid reader and skilled mechanic; two other hobbies in which one has plenty of alone time and full control over the pace of the activity.
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Part 2: Sensory Issues & Motor Function
Speaking of pacing, it's very common for people with Autism to need to work at their own speed, which is often quite slow as autistic individuals demonstrate a bias for slower deliberative processing over rapid intuitive processing. This might be part of the reason why Luigi so often drags his feet when he's in a new location, and is teased by E. Gadd in the Luigi's Mansion games for being "sluggish."
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And while his clumsiness can easily be waved off as just silly comic relief, it must be noted that most people on the autism spectrum have altered motor coordination, and studies show motor skills are substantially lower in autistic children when compared to their non-autistic siblings. Furthermore, one of Luigi's most defining characteristics is how fearful and anxious he is, and 40% of autistic people experience significant anxiety throughout their lives (Luigi's fear of lightning and loud noises may imply some level of auditory sensitivity as well.)
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Then there's the way he moves. In the movie Luigi repeatedly stands with his arms tucked to his chest and his hands balled into his fists; a posture colloquially referred to as "T-rex arms" in the autism community, and is commonly believed by experts to be a form of stimming.
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His stimming is far more blatant in the games, especially in the Mario & Luigi RPGs and Luigi's Mansion 2, where Luigi is repeatedly shown swinging his arms, rocking on his heels, and twiddling his thumbs.
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So while Luigi definitely has a love for exploration and a strong sense of empathy that defies a lot of the stereotypes of autism, there is a really good argument to be made that he is on the spectrum.
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Moooore descendants 4 incorrect quotes with Glassheart/CharmingHeart (they back)
(and other ships)
Red: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I’m actually bi.
(Girl. Same)
Maddox: Man, I’m gonna get fat if you keep feeding me all these chips and junk!
Red: I’M NOT! I was eating them and you took them.
Maddox: You said I should try some!
Red: I said they were good.
Maddox: That’s not how I heard it.
Red: Tomorrow’s the Cooking Contest. Maddox always tells me one thing every year. They say, “You might win if you’d stop eating your entry!” But how would I know whether it’s an award-winning dish without tasting it first? This may be a problem humanity will have to grapple with for eternity.
(AU. Red is a good cook)
Chloe: So how’s the food Red made?
Cinderella: It's great! Compliments to them.
Chloe: *goes to the kitchen*
Chloe: You're adorable.
Red: *blushes*
(again. Red is a good cook. She invites the Charmings for dinner and then asks them for their blessing when Chloe leaves)
Chad: we could make a boys club!
Maddox: Im non-binary.
Chad: Anti-girls club.
(Slay. Also can't decide if Maddox should be green or purple. Maybe even orange but I chose green for now. Will change later if I'm in the mood)
Red: Can you PLEASE peer pressure me into doing my project?
Chloe: Do it or you're straight.
Red: I said peer pressure, NOT THREATEN!
(That's too far, Chloe! Are you mad?!)
Chloe: Operation no more distractions is a go!
*not even 10 seconds later*
Chloe: Oh, look! A butterfly!
(She's either laser focused or cannot concentrate at all)
Red: *clicks pen*
Maddox: *clicks pen in response*
Queen of Hearts: Stop that.
Red: Stop what?
Queen of Hearts: You’re talking about me in Morse code!
Red: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out!
Red, to Chloe: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
(I'm surprised you kept your Head. And they absolutely did learn that because they had nothing else they could do)
Chloe: Come on, Chad. Nobody actually believes that Red is in love with me.
Chad, to The Squad: Raise your hand if you think that Red is helplessly in love with Chloe.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Chloe: Red, put your hand down.
(*raises hand* what more evidence do you need??)
Chloe: The salary of a clown is 51,000 dollars.
Chloe, gesturing to Chad and Red fighting: And yet these idiots do it daily, and for free!
Red: When I first got my autism diagnosis, my first thought was “woah… it’s canon” and I think that maybe thoughts like that is why Chloe made me get tested.
(It is canon now. Headcanon)
Chloe: Anything else?
Red: Yeah. Stay away from me!
Chloe: Alright. See you in the room we share
(Literally them. Canon. can also be switched)
Queen of Hearts: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
(rather that and not off with my head)
Queen of Hearts: We are gathered here today because someone- *glares at Red’s coffin* -couldn’t stay alive!
(Oop-. Damn. She would care more tho. I think..)
Queen of Hearts: So you're looking for information on this thing, huh? Well, I feel like it must be from far away.
Mal: What makes you say that?
Queen of Hearts: If it's something even I don't know about, then I'm sure nobody else must have a clue. So it's gotta be from some faraway place. Impeccable reasoning, isn't it?
Mal: Your Majesty.. You don't have a clue about this thing, do you?
Queen of Hearts: *screams in anger*
(Just a meeting between two Queens ✨. Canon
Queen of Hearts: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Maddox: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
(ssSSHHhhH. Not so loud. Don't want you to lose your head. Canon tho)
Red: I’m terrible at expressing myself.
Uma: Don’t worry, actions speak louder than words.
Red: Yes, but my actions are also bad.
(Girl same. Getting advice from the principal ✨ she probably did something 👀)
Queen of Hearts: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
(She for real does make it everyone's problem)
Hope you liked it!
Wanted to add more but then it would have been too long.
So the next one has more of the OGs
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fumifooms · 8 months
Laios Touden and autism; admiring the non-human
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Do you think people exaggerate when they scream about Laios being autistic? Do you feel like it’s weird that so many people including autistics are so set on Laios, the problematic (but incredible and kind) king TM, being the most autistic that has ever autisticed? Why do we cheer on autistic people wanting to be monsters?? Isn’t that weird?
Well, of course it depends on the way it’s done, it can be done quite offensively, but long story short Kui blew it out of the park. The thing is, autistic people really do like monsters and animals and robots. Nonhuman does not mean subhuman, it just means Other. Feeling a connection with them has been shown to be an extremely common autistic experience for that very reason.
Because some people don’t understand why we autistic Tumblr Laios stans cheer “autism! Autism!” whenever he talks about monsters and feeling alienated to humans so! Here’s a post about how yes even research papers are analyzing the special connection we form with animals. I’m not even joking but Laios Touden & the mass cries of relatability with autistic people he gets and all the love for him could be used as study material and evidence for future papers because the link is that strong. Oh also I think it’s notable that being autistic and undiagnosed vs diagnosed makes a huge difference. In my experience as someone who was undiagnosed up until 18, it’s even more alienating to not know that there’s a reason why you’re different, being gaslit that you’re ‘normal’ and you just need to try harder and get with the program, etc. Personally when getting diagnosed I went through the 5 stages of grief because the thought of having been fundamentally different all your life (a difference which you will never be able to change) and mistreated for it when you weren’t “wrong” all along makes you unload all the anger and sadness and loneliness and sheer trauma you’ve built up over time. Like it’s world shattering.
So! Back to seeing dogs as family. Also I implore you to value experiential evidence when it comes to autism and other neurodivergences because brains are complicated and neurotypicals not being able to understand us well even with scientific research is like, a whole thing even though we’re right there speaking about how we feel and being right every time because the topic is literally us and how we experience the world. 
Disclaimer for this whole post that, of course, no group is a monolith and everyone has different experiences or can diverge from the norm of the group, and that doesn’t diminish the validity of either side! Like, I know autistic people who have trauma with dogs and hate them. But, trends do happen, and in this case... Autism is very “My experiences with humans make me feel dehumanized in a bad and lonely way so instead I’ll dehumanize myself in a good and inspiring way”.
“I was treated like a failed human my entire life and you’re surprised that my response was to become a dog.” -Patricia Taxxon
It’s literally well recorded that autistic people relate to animals more than humans globally. With this post, besides spreading autistic Laios truthism and explaining why the portrayal hits so deep for so many,  I want to show in what way this is a very specific experience and not looking at his character through an autistic lense really misses a lot of why he’s everything that he is. (Tacking allegedly onto here for legal reasons, different interpretations are valid etc etc /gen). This honestly isn’t super long though.
To define an important term, anthropomorphism in the studies and in this post means to attribute human traits to the nonhuman, which not only includes anthro furry designs but also animals irl, inanimate objects, and animated media as opposed to live action, to humanize them and empathize with them.
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Paper: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/aut.2019.0027 
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“Dogs taught me how to hunt and socialize and work in groups”, Laios having internalized body language... So real so real. I, too, make a great dog impression. And I want to emphase the part that it helps greatly develop a sense of emotions and relationships! For Laios, he didn’t get along with kids his age, it was him, Falin and the dogs against the world. Since it’s a group of dogs too, it taught him group dynamics and social hierarchies (like with Falin being considered as being below the dogs in authority according to the dogs rip), and the importance of group coordination when hunting.
For me, I cannot like, concisely explain just how much animals were important to me developmentally. I also grew up with dogs, but like I vividly remember encounters with like hamsters as well just radically shaping my understanding of boundaries, the importance of giving something space and the way you interact with them and respect their side of it. Unlike humans they don’t really mask how they feel, it’s direct cause-effect reaction and data gathering. There are no words involved, so the focus on having a perfect phrasing and tone is gone, leaving just pure interactions. 
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There’s also no reason to mask how you feel either, and you don’t have to feel silly over wanting to form a connection and it showing, what, is the dog gonna laugh at you because you obviously want to make friends with it? Toshiro or Kabru might, but dogs and cats will just tell you to fuck off and leave it there worst case scenario. I often say that I think one reason Marcille is special to Laios and he feels comfortable around her is because she emotes INTENSELY, she gestures, she puts her whole body into it, her facial expressions are pretty exaggerated and her ears even emote too- like with a dog’s ears!
I think there’s def also things to be said about how he gravitated towards Izutsumi at first, all excited, was eager to sleep in the same bed as her, but in the Izutsumi sleep rating chart we see they really just casual and chill so it’s not a Laios talking to Shuro deep into the night situation just a “I like sleeping besides animals” situation and that is enough to hype him up. I love how he pet her in the extra about why Chil let her sleep with him too. He’s just so transparently eager to befriend her, even if in the end they weren’t all that compatible and he accepted that.
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There are honestly so many examples I could give for this. Like Grandin the famous cow lady.
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More about autism & empathy:
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https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/double-empathy-explained/ (Also mentions a study in which groups of autistic, allistic then a mixed group played a game of telephone and both singular groups had similar levels of information retention, but the mixed group was significantly worse. As an autistic person yeah duh, obviously autistic people are different from one another and can have plenty of interpersonal issues, but communicating with other neurodivergent people feels pretty intuitive and straightforward and comfortable. One of the reasons why neurodivergent people tend to naturally gravitate towards each other I suppose.) 
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^ Paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932358/  For good, extensive summary of why we relate to animals so much you can go to the “anthromorphizing and asd” section of the paper. This paper extends to our widespread liking of cartoons and robots as well. Ok so this is a whole thing I won’t get into here but this is a big reason why a lot of autistic people are agender leaning as well. Genders and queerness in general is a lot about social constructs, and being queer is being marginal to these, not fitting into boxes or challenging those social norms and conventions. Queerplatonic relationships are a great example of this, where the framework of the relationship is platonic but the intangible nature of what it is exactly is the point, not familial not anything but everything at once too, just adoration, I like to say having pets is a bit like it as well, bc obvi it’s not romantic and often not fully familial, very platonic but also sooo much cuddling and adoration and kissing and whatnot that you wouldn’t typically do with a friend or family member. I’ll talk about qpr and labels another day though.
I got carried away but queerness in Dunmeshi is something I 100% want to make a big post on one day. Experiencing the world with different guidelines and not registering things to have the same boxes, sigh. Personally I also relate to Laios on a gender level, “cis by default because I don’t care all that much but if I were to dig deeper I’m probably otherkin and I want to be socially associated with traits of monsters and animalistic rather than man/woman” sighh hard to be a cryptid in this day and age. I wish we had a term like furry but for monsters, I want to be in the fantasy or folk tale genre ty, like changelings. Goshh changelings... You know, the irl myth where people said their neurodivergent kids were fairies’ children instead of human. Diminished physical sense of self means I see myself as some unknowable black  void aesthetic wise, but like in a way that simultaneously makes me feel seen. Like becoming a monster, losing your sense of self but also somehow just being simplified and seen for what you are, it’s weird to try and explain. This post is more about relating to the nonhuman than about seeing yourself as such, but like connect the dots right, that IS an important point of Laios’ character. It’s because our brains literally work different than allistics which makes us feel as other, but also because of social ostracization and functioning in a different way than society at large, living in the margin of society, being weird and non-conforming.
Meanwhile, animals and social norms... Like ok, showing your neck and rolling on the ground to show that you’re friendly and harmless and play biting might not be proper. But have you considered that it’s also fun and feels very intuitive. Play with a dog in the dog’s way I promise it is so nice and freeing. Play tug of war and growl back when they growl. Hiss at your cat to tell them they do something wrong, engage with them on their level.
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Autism made social life hard, but it made animals easy. Do you have anyyy idea how good it feels to mask all day every day and feel constantly misunderstood or like you’re doing a performance but then you can just, drop all of that in the company of animals and they understand you. They understand you. You form an understanding and rapport so easily.
And this whole thing with Laios is so explicit too, with the Winged Lion saying “You’re sick and tired of the human world”. Notice the choice of words. Sick and tired of the human world. Exhausted from the constraints, sick of the mind games. It really isn’t as much about loving monsters as it is about loving the nonhuman. Relating to them because you feel that you can actually understand how they work and think, and feeling like they could understand you back as well. Animals are safe.
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Like I could go on about how Laios admiring even just demi-humans like orcs is because they’re socially seen as non-humans more than any true physical thing, that they’re not bound by human society and its rules and live with their own lifestyle. But it would deal myself 1000 points of psychic damage and I am not ready to cry today. It’s idealization 100%, and like, Laios DOES want to be treated as human, to be valued, but it feels like an unreachable thing meanwhile becoming a monster is instant gratification and freedom and a sense that now no one will be able to hurt you in a way that reaches you, never again shall you be defenseless, and then if people dehumanize you then that only strengthens your sense of identity as a monster and UGHH ugh ugh.
And like. This post is a mess at this point but if you want to kinda delve into the more “why” then I recommend this Patricia Taxxon video essay. It starts out on a very different topic, but it’s all about autism and finding comfort in the inhuman. Long story short is othering made us like this also animals are just simpler to intuitively get along with.
So when I post this
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I mean it. I really mean it when I say he’s me. I have never felt so seen. So many conflicting emotions all wrapped so concisely yet so intangibly woven into the whole storyline so subtly. 
Not being depicted as a monster of an human being for feeling/having felt that way?? The manga understands you. The world can understand you. Other humans can understand you. You can bond with them. You can. And I think that’s a big part of Dungeon Meshi too- Laios opening up to others about how he really is and his interests, and all the bumps on the way but how it was the only way to truly get to know each other and bond. With the climax being Laios confronting head on his complex with monsters and humans, and his monster-loving side and animalistic side being exactly what saves the whole world, what saves humanity. Because Laios does value his friends, does think humanity has beautiful sides to it, he wants to help it thrive and eat and become more accepting, carving out a kingdom for misfits and demi-humans. At the end of it, transforming into a monster and being free is a daydream fantasy, and the reality of it is that Laios does belong in the world as he is, and does receive and give out love.
If you enjoyed this you’ll probably like some of my other Laios analysis!  Here’s an analysis of his succubus and what it says about his relationships with other humans. And here’s an analysis about his relationship with Shuro from his perspective.
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greywritesthings · 6 months
Spencer Reid x Autistic!Reader
Warnings: description of overwhelm? sensory overload if there's any more let me know!
A/N: not sure what the inspo what behind this but here it is, i am working on another longer fic so this is a filler for the mean time, likes, reblogs and comments appreciated! Im autistic so i have a bunch of stuff I'd like to put in for a second (possible series?). For specific senarios ect ect please feel free to send them to my ask box!!
Requests are open for Spencer Reid! Disabled & multilingual characters encouraged
Read on AO3 instead!
Part 2
The buzz of the air con unit, the incessant hum if the fluorescent lights, the constant chatter of the co workers you were unfamiliar with all came together to create an almost physically painful environment. You adored working in the BAU but these days where it was lengthy paperwork done on painfully bright computers with the general hubbub of the office made you want to scream. It often ended with Hotch sending you home with paper files to do with spencer but he was off today and you were still intimidated by Rossi so couldn't ask him. Spencer would normally ask for the both of you but he was out with Hotch, they were doing a local death row interview together. You were exhausted and it wasn't even eleven am. You decided to stop by Penelope's office who had made it as sensory friendly as possible once she found out about your autism, something you had appreciated immensely, especially for days like today. “Hey pen? Can i stay in here for a bit?” You ask, walking into the dim room. “Sure thing sugar, you can stay in here for the rest of the day, Rossi told me to come get you for a thing anyway so come over here my fine furry friend.” she beacons you over to the seat next to her. 
You couldn't have gotten out of the office faster. Penelope had helped as much as possible but the sensory overload was too much from nine am and you haven't been able to do anything about it aside from chew on some ice every so often. 
The idea of taking the subway home made your skin crawl, but you hadn't brought your car to the office this morning, driving was also being far too overwhelming. You would have called Spencer but you had no idea when he would be home given death row inmates either got really chatty or liked to drag on the interview. You decide to just sit on the curb for a while allowing the cooler night air to calm you down enough so you can try and get on the metro without crying. 
You weren't sure how long you were sitting there, legs curled tightly against you, head resting against your knees and back pressed against the wall but you flinched when someone walked up and tapped you on the shoulder and scrambled to stand up. “How long have you been out here?” the stranger asks in the darkness. As your eyes adjust you realise its Hotch, meaning Spencer is probably here too. You just shake your head with a pleading look hoping he wouldn't ask you any more questions tonight. “Spencer is in the SUV, I've told him to take that home to save you both taking the metro tonight. Go home, tomorrow's paperwork will be dropped off at your house.He didn't let you get a word in edgewise so you just nod, thank him and wish him and Jack a goodnight, setting off towards the remaining SUV with the lights on. 
“Hi honey, you okay?” Spencer asks as you hop into the car, throwing off your blazer before settling in and pulling on your belt. “Bad day?” he asks again trying to gauge how your day went without getting you to talk. You just nod as you reach across to put a hand on his thigh to try and signal that you were okay, just exhausted in every sense of the word. You tap his thigh three times then five, three to say I love you then five to encourage him to talk about his day and not worry about rambling even if you didn’t respond. 
Once you get home you drop your things and make a beeline for the couch, flopping face down and screaming into the pillows. “Bath, shower or later sweetheart?” He knew you wouldn’t go to bed without showering but also knew you were too overwhelmed to do anything that required mental effort right now given the whine you let out into the cushions at his question. “I'm going to order some Thai, then do you want to get changed and we can watch a movie? He suggests. “Nada en inglés, por favor” is all you mumble back. He was used to your disdain of English, despite it being your first language. You knew bits and pieces of French, Spanish and German prior to meeting Spencer but since meeting him you had come to learn some Korean and Russian. “Okay dear, i'll go order, you get changed.” he says as he leaves the room going to the phone. You drag yourself off the sofa across the apartment to the bedroom. Grabbing Spencer's caltech sweatshirt and joggers from the bed that you had left there this morning and throwing your suit in the hamper to be washed tomorrow.
You spent the rest of the night curled up under the weighted throw Penelope had knitted you for Christmas on your first anniversary at the BAU and watching old Russian movies. Spencer played with your hair until you fell asleep contemplating how he was going to get you to bed without waking you up.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 6
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Kiriwo -
"Seems innocent at first and he's just a guy with a special interest in magic items, but watch out."
Arjuna -
"MASKING KING!!!!!! ok joke aside one of his biggest things is that he's super scared that if anyone gets too close to him they'll notice he's not perfect/has a 'secret darkness' (that's literally just a guy) and overall a lot of his storyline is a strong parallel for being neurodivergent and becoming more comfortable with accepting it. he's also super strict and hard on himself for any sort of failure that isn't in line with what's socially appropriate but at the same time he doesn't always have a good grasp on what that is which is how you get stuff like him blowing up a forest to try and impress someone. it also runs in his family bc his brother is autistic as hell too."
Sherlock -
"God, where do I start? I mean what Holmes adaptation, even if he's not the main character, would this be if he were not autistic coded? And our combo of autism and ADHD is absolute perfection, all tied up with a pretty, excitable face. Hit him with the crime hyperfixation and do not make him wear socks."
Apollo -
"Not canonically autistic but he has ZERO volume control plus he scripts/repeats stuff (“I’M FINE!!!”), sometimes mimics other people’s speech patterns (like replying “ja” to Klavier), sensitive to loud noises (stayed backstage at a concert cuz it was too loud) and bright lights (complained about the stage lights being too bright at the same concert + screamed when opening the hatch to the bright stage at magic show), and has been really into space since he was a kid, which could definitely be a hyperfixation (not to mention how he read every single one of Phoenix’s old case files back when he admired him). Plus he’s a little TOO normal, to the point where it circles back around to making him the odd one out, which is absolutely what masking feels like for me. Even when he tries to be fun and weird he gets strange looks/made fun of for not being weird in the right way. The list of autism symptoms is just a checklist for him at this point."
Heiji -
"90% of the cast in detective conan is autistic but heiji is the most autistic of them all."
Urara -
"Another alien who is so excited to dance with everyone that he does not understand that his intended purpose of inviting people to dance via water communication is brainwashing them into dancing and is causing extreme chaos. He nearly causes an apocalypse by being so excited about dancing but he apologizes and tries to make friends with Yuki at the end of the story. He is extremely soft spoken and try, finding it difficult to begin conversations and fidgeting."
Shu -
"speaking specifically about the first season but he was the "explains everything so the audience knows whats happening" guy. he was pretty antisocial (not sure if thats just how he was or if he lived alone [which was fucked up cause he was 11]) . im trying to think of more but my brain goes hghghhhggggh im just a big fan of him."
Vash -
"ain’t no way i’m the only one who’s submitted him. go look at the gif of him crawling in the dirt like a bug while he dodges bullets and get back to me."
Hyakkimaru -
"Due to a terrible curse he has lived his whole life without several body parts including his eyes and ears. Because of this he is often overstimulated and awkward in new situations (when he doesn't do what he does best, killing monsters and samurai with his sword arms) He can't say or express much, and often comes off as strange and creepy, but he is actually a cutie patootie full of emotions, has a big heart, a keen brain, endless inner strength and loves the people close to him! This adorable, cursed, demon slaying boy deserves everything!"
Kei -
"He has the tbh face. Also he canonically has sensory issues and gets sensory overload. He constantly wears earbuds. He has an extremely rigid sense of morality and considers himself a savior figure. He has a hard time relating to other people and is a bit awkward in his interactions."
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rat-rambles · 1 month
I'm gona explain to yall why I think Stanley is the one that's ace aro in cannon and not Ford or Bill. (Yes all head cannons are vaild blah blah I love acearo people I am one don't kill me)
So basically it comes down to if stan wanted some he could. Young stan seems to be considered relatively conventional attractive (not like ugly men don't mange to hook up but still) and even as a "ugly" old man he is the hottest old person in town befor Ford shows up and. Once he gets over his social awkwardness he is actually able to date he just isn't about that life. "What about Stanley's ex wife's" I hear you scream at your screens well thanks to Bill I have notes.
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Thank you bill now could be lieing yes but frankly I don't think his god Alex would let that happen for something like this. Especially becuse it's way funnier if it's all cannon. Now I think 2 of them can be considered legitimate and there not exactly romantic are they. Stanley is well known to care more about money than any romantic relationship witch dosnt sound like some one who's not aro to me. I'll give that there are a couple jokes pokeing wholes in my theroy however personaly any atemps at straightness by stan just feel very performative to me. Like there's something a whole easy to about how stans masculinity is just a reaction to incurity but all I'll say for now is stan is despite to prove he's not a failure and part of growing up in the 80s and not being a failure is geting bitches. And yet he can't comit to a relationship for more than a few days and it's not for commitment isues bitch comited to a fucking portal for 30 years AFTER NEARLY FAILING HIGHSCHOOL. As I said if he wanted to he would.
Now I'm going to go on a long rant about Bill and Ford so if you don't want that stop now
Ok for the record staring off bill and ford are both unreliable narrators.
Ford (my first victim)
We've seen him get rejected twice in the show when he trying to flirt with girls the more famous one being when he gets punch thrown on him. Ford is a very scentive guy he can't handle rejection obvouly he's gona wax poetic about how it's not that he can't get any he's just you know so very busy. Funny how he's not busy when Bill comes into his life or fiddleford for that matter it's almost like that's not the problem
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Now I can see how you can read this qa acearo core but all I hear is the autism talking. There is something intently funny to me about the idea that he stright up was dating a male sided demon and is like but am I gay. It's very conservative up bring of him very relatable. But seriously if he was ace aro he'd just lean into being superior not what ever this is.
Bill ( he wouldn't escape me)
Same thing yeah he wax poetic about chemicals witch yeah is something ace aros do but also like incels.
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He literally is just asking dear not to ask him out a real problem when every freak reading this book wants to make out with him sorry Bill your hot shit.
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The book is shaking you by the shoulders begging you to tell that he's lieing for clout. Bill is also begging you to take him seriously and he can't be serious if he can't even get any becuse he's a unlikeable losser.
Like I'm sorry guys the text just dosnt suport these 2 being acearo this is not the show for ace aro rep I'm sorry. This show is actually really really really obsessed with romantic relationships it's a well Alex keeps going back to witch is why I'm so sure about stanly becuse he's like the one character who actively rejects dating instead of just saying he's into into it. ITS GRAVITY FALLS EVERYONES A FUCKING LIAR.
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sundrop-writes · 7 months
hiya! Might be a bit broad of a request but could I get headcanons with jj x autistic female reader ?
Broad in the sense if I could get hcs of her reacting to reader with autism, how she helps reader with overstimulation and struggling with social cues and noise. If you wanna throw in smut hcs (jj being the dom) i’m also fine with that!
Basically anything with jj and autistic female reader, thanks!
I love this request so much!!! If you want smut/smutty hcs with JJ and autistic reader, definitely feel free to send in a separate request - I will come back for that in another post. For now, I hope you enjoy this!!
Requests are currently - OPEN.
Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Autistic!Reader (Headcanons)
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(Warnings: typical CM themes, the reader is described as touch avoidant (with some exceptions); mentions of molestation and murder (related to a case, mentioned in passing); mentions of blood, mentions of someone being shot in the reader's presence. Idk, I don't think there's anything else. Not proofread.)
JJ was raised around everything (neuro)typical, so when she meets you, she doesn't quite get you. Not at first.
You are one of the smartest people on the team - that is why you're there. Your ability to pick up on patterns and bits of detail that others don't see is incredible, and your brain holds mass amounts of obscure information that she could never even dream of knowing.
But you are quirky. More than quirky.
You have difficulty making eye contact, you freak out if someone even motions toward touching you unexpectedly, you have very odd, specific little rituals with your snacks and meals (which JJ does come to find endearing over time) - you go from talking at incredibly fast speeds, blabbering out information to being silent and stoic for long periods of time.
When she finds out that you have autism, she is a bit surprised. She is one of those people who thinks that autism is a disorder related to school aged boys - but you explain to her how it affects your life. How it makes it difficult for you to relate to people, form close friendships, how it's difficult for you to focus on larger 'important' things when smaller details are bothering you.
(It's one of the reasons you're so good at your job - but it also makes it hard to focus on people's words if their shirt is wrinkled and it's distracting you.)
You act cold toward most people on the team, and it's one random day that JJ finally starts to figure you out. A day that you finally warm up to her.
You were helping Morgan escort a suspect out of the police station, to a squad car where he would be driven to jail to be processed. He had confessed to molesting and killing eight boys after being caught with a ninth, and when the father of one of the boys heard the BAU had arrested someone, he came to the police station with a gun.
When the suspect was shot, you were covered in his blood, and in horrible shock from hearing such a loud bang right beside your ear - from feeling the sudden dead weight drop in your arms.
You ran back into the station screaming, and JJ followed her instinct - followed you into the women's washroom, wanting to see if you had been hurt. She was surprised to see you pacing back and forth in front of the sinks, muttering something under your breath.
"L/N." She called out your name, trying to get your attention. "Y/N? Y/N? Hey? Are you hurt?"
You didn't look up, not for a second. But your muttering became louder. And it became more clear what you were saying.
"My pen, my pen, I dropped my pen..."
JJ had no clue why you were so concerned about a pen when you were covered in someone else's blood, your ears likely still ringing from the gunshot - but she knew that you had a pen-clicking habit. It was something that often annoyed Reid and Morgan - but from what she had observed, you did your best work when your thumb was twiddling, clicking the end of your pen insistently. It meant your brain was whirring hard, putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
JJ reached into the breast pocket of her blazer, and took out a pen that clicked on the end.
"Here." She offered it out to you. "You - you can borrow my pen." She said shyly, hoping it would help you calm down.
You extended out a shaking hand, and took the pen, and then began to click it harshly with your thumb. You gripped it so furiously, the skin around your knuckles so tight - but after a moment, you let out a tight breath. And then, for the first time since she had known you - you looked JJ in the eye.
"Thank you." You murmured, your voice ripe with tears.
"Keep the pen." JJ told you, feeling like it was a small consolation if it helped you calm down this much.
You reached up, petting a shaking hand over your face, and pulled back in disgust when you felt the sticky blood.
"Let me help you clean up." JJ said, grabbing some paper towels out of the dispenser and wetting them in the sink.
It was the first time you had ever let her touch you - you clicked the pen the whole time, and from then on, that sound became less of an annoyance and more of a comfort to her.
That was the day she realised one incredibly important thing:
To you, small things matter on such a big scale.
Coffee in your favourite mug instead of a random one she found in the back of the cupboard - that gets a smile out of you. Scones with blueberries instead of raisins - raisins get a shrug at best, blueberries get a giggle and a big 'thank you!'. Organising your files in alphabetical order instead of by date.
You and JJ became close after that day.
She wasn't a profiler, not in training, but she learned to read you like a book.
She knew that you bouncing your knee aggressively meant that you were becoming overstimulated - things in the room too loud, the florescents too bright, the day too overwhelming.
When this happened, she would take you outside for a break - often siting that she herself needed some air and she simply wanted your company. She knew you didn't like to be outwardly babied (who does?), but she also knew that you had a hard time self regulating. You had a hard time deciding when to take yourself out for a break, and if you didn't have one, then you would become irritable, have a hard time focusing, and hardly get any work done.
She also picked up on the fact that you just plain didn't get sarcasm.
Before, she thought you were being cool, or aloof. When someone said something sarcastic and you didn't understand, she thought that you were pretending not to get it in order to snub them or make a joke out of the whole thing.
But during one of your many conversations, you told her that you absolutely didn't understand sarcasm - you didn't get when someone was using a sarcastic tone, and you often took everything people said in its most literal interpretation.
So you and JJ developed a wonderful, silent system - if someone said something and you didn't understand if it was sarcasm right off the bat, you looked to her, and she would nod at you if they were being sarcastic, or shake her head if they were being literal. It was something people on the team picked up on, but nobody said anything about it - they just enjoyed the way you bonded with her, and how your quirky habits were spreading like a delightful little plague.
JJ knew that your life wasn't easy, living with autism, but she always tried to make it a bit easier. Because you were worth it.
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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bonniepop · 7 months
character: akaashi keiji words: 700+ warnings: parenthood & special children. drama & comfort. notes: when i did a quick recap of all the fics i wanted to repost, this came at me out of nowhere, mostly because i forgot i wrote it, but also holy hell i wrote this? (i also rewrote it.)
your eyes are wet and swollen, your back pressed against the side of the bathtub as you sit on the floor. once upon a time, you looked at this place with dreamy eyes and excitement—this bathroom is so beautiful, this house is gorgeous, it’s perfect for us—but lately, you’ve been seeing the inside of it through a teary, pained gaze. it’s ruined for you.
i guess all this really was too good to be true, you tell yourself miserably, heat pricking the back of your eyes once again. you curl further into yourself and press your forehead over your knees, tears dripping down your thighs and soaking your shorts.
you don't know how long you sit there, but eventually, the bathroom door opens, and your husband steps in. “hi,” you hear akaashi say softly, “she’s asleep now.”
you don't move. the door shuts and you feel his warmth settle next to you.
you're both quiet for a time.
“you’re so good with her,” you say, voice wet and sticky, heavy in your mouth. “you're so... i’m so fucking terrible compared to you.”
akaashi doesn’t say anything.
“maybe…” you gasp against your knees, “maybe if i carried her to term—”
“hey, no,” he says softly, lifting one of his hands to tug at your elbow. “don’t say things like that.”
you press your lips shut and turn your head to meet his eyes, and you find him looking at you with so much compassion, so much patience, that you feel your heart fall to your stomach.
"say things like what?" you ask him sadly, voice cracking. “that i'm a bad mother? that i can't do it? that i can’t even carry a normal baby?”
the moment the words leave your mouth, you regret them. your eyes widen and your lip trembles. “keiji, i—i'm sorry, i didn’t mean—”
“it’s not your fault,” he says, voice louder, a little rougher, but never angry. he tugs a little more firmly on your elbow, and you let him take it. “it’s not your fault. we—we’re doing what we can, we’re not—you’re not a bad mother, and she’s not a bad child. she’s just… different.”
she’s just different, the phrase repeats in your head, hollowly bouncing around as keiji pulls you into his arms. you’ve heard it many times before. it’s not her fault she screams the way she does; it’s not her fault she can’t stand anything that has the color blue; it’s not her fault she needs to eat at exactly 4:30pm when she comes home from school everyday. it’s the way she is. she can’t help it.
“what if i’m not good enough to handle different?” you tell him, heart breaking, head leaning on his chest. you start to hiccup through your tears. “i love her, i love her so much, but… keiji, what if i… what if i’m not a bad mom, but i’m a bad mom to her?”
he shakes his head, gently stroking your hair. “you’re not, because you’re thinking about how to be a good one,” he tells you softly, other arm coming around your shoulders.
after a long moment of silence, you speak again. it's a little laborous, pulling your lips apart to speak because you've been crying so much. “you’re so good with her. how… you have so much patience, and i…” you cut yourself off with a sniffle. "i don't know how you do it."
akaashi sighs. “it's... i don't know. i wish i had an answer."
you pull away and meet his gaze. the hand in your hair drifts to your other hand and he takes it in a gentle squeeze.
“i’m not perfect, either,” he murmurs gently, letting go of your hand to tuck your hair behind your ear.. “no one’s perfect at this. there’s no manual to handling a child with autism, love. we just have to be patient, and love them, and remember what they like and don’t like.” he kisses your forehead. “you love her, don’t you?”
“of course,” you answer truthfully, and sniffle. he takes your hand again, his thumb brushing your skin so delicately, so lovingly. “i love her so, so much, but i’m so… i’m so scared i’m doing her a disservice.”
“you’re not. you’re not, my love. please believe me.” he presses the back of your hand to his mouth. “what matters is that we try.”
you let go of his hand and wrap your arms around his waist, the side of your thigh falling on top of his legs. “i love you, keiji,” you tell him earnestly, desperately. “i’m sorry i’m being so difficult.”
“you aren’t,” he answers, but you know it’s automatic, because your husband is the kindest of souls and you are the most selfish of people.
you press yourself closer to him. “still, i was acting like a child. we're supposed to be partners, but instead i made things harder on you. i'm sorry.”
he presses a kiss to your forehead, and the hand that was on your shoulder now strokes your hair. “i forgive you,” he says against your skin. “i love our little family, imperfect as it is. i’d hate to see it fall apart.”
your eyes water and your mouth trembles and your heart squeezes with love. if there’s anything you’d go to the ends of the earth for, it’s keiji’s happiness.
fortunately, you don’t have to go that far. you can start in your daughter’s room.
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I've always said that kubota did orihime soooooooo dirty >:( she literally has god powers and they get diminished so harshly... I've always viewed her power as her having the ability to Reject phenomena. In canon she rejects the fact that people are injured. What would happen if she rejected the fact that someone was alive? That someone was in her way? Reject the injustices that led to her and her friends' world being turned upside down. Anyway I love that your hime has the spine she deserves and I'm so excited to be completely normal about aeiwam
Some Important facts about Orihime from canon:
Orihime is the #3 student in her entire (fairly large) high school. Girl Ain't Stupid- if anything, the fact that she's wildly unorthodox in her projects and STILL pulls those kinds of grades and test scores suggests that her teachers are grading her like that because her weird-ass approaches to assignments demonstrate a thorough understanding of the material, so she may actually be smarter than Uryuu, the #1 student who gives me very strong "I'm very good at taking tests and telling teachers what they want to hear, so I can pull good grades even if I have no clue what the subject is" Vibes.
Orihime cooks weird damn food, and enjoys it. She also has strange ideas about what's cute, exceptionally brightly colored clothes relative to everyone else, and does things like get lost following dragonflies for hours on end. Screams sensory processing Weirdness to me. Maybe I'm projecting a bit here, but Sensory processing disorders come with sensory euphoria too- I get to enjoy a huge variety of strange foods and the sound of rain gives me physical joy.
Orihime's best friends* are: -The School's Self-affected "weird boy who might be a delinquent or possibly just insane" guy -A Butch Jock With Anger Issues -The Crafts Club president who has So Much Gender Happening, and also sort-of grew up in a cult -The Giant, scary-looking guy who keeps smuggling small animals into school. -A Genuine sociopath whose family probably has Yakuza Connections -An extremely powerful supernatural being who is like five times her age -Keigo. This is not the friend group of a "Normal"
Taken together, these points form a constellation of THIS GIRL GOT AUTISM. LIKE SO MUCH. LEVEL 999 AUTISM MAGE. She's full of strange joy and magnificently weird and experiencing reality four steps to the left of everyone else AND SHE IS SO, SO SMART.
So in the fic, when she sees Ichigo freaking out because Rukia has been Kidnapped back to Soul Society on Bullshit criminal charges, Orihime does what every autistic person I know does, and immediately begins drafting a Solution.
Namely She begins drafting an extraction plan. She gets slightly in over her head with details about what data they need, how much and what kind of resistance they'd be facing etc. etc. until she realizes she needs some concrete answers and, without regard to social conventions like "time" and "Personal space", more or less kicks in the door to Urahara's shop at 2AM, marches directly into his bedroom and starts interrogating him about the civil services in soul society, yes it's weird you sleep naked with your cat sir but I'm not here to pass judgment I'm here to get answers you can put pants on later.
After the resounding success of their operation in Soul Society, the hardest part when Ulquiorra comes to kidnap her and gives her the completely insane circumstances of "you will be invisible and go through walls for 12 hours, prepare yourself." is not vibrating with the absolute mania of the chance to go to Los Noches and FUCK. SHIT. UP.
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jotarobutcat · 11 months
I'll just be honest and say that I hate it when people use neurodivergency as an excuse to be immature. And by that I don't mean things like liking shows with a younger target audience or getting overwhelmed by tasks. These have nothing to do with being emotionally mature.
I mean refusing to cooperate or make compromises, throwing tantrums in public and overall disregarding other people's needs and boundaries in order to make yourself comfortable.
The world doesn't revolve around you. We live in communities, and in order for the community to prosper, you need to take into account other people's needs and comfort as well, not just yours. If you have special needs, you're obviously allowed to ask that these needs are met as well as possible, but neurodivergency isn't a "do whatever you want without consequences" card.
You're allowed to have emotions, you're allowed to feel overwhelmed and you're allowed to have your own wants and needs, but you need to learn to communicate these in a mature way and to take other people into consideration as well. It's a part of growing up and maturing.
And before you come at me with the "we shouldn't have to abide by neurotypicals' rules", many of these rules also benefit many neurodivergent people. For example, I am extremely oversensitive to noise and have trauma from overbearing parents, if an adult man suddenly started screaming while I was bying new clothes I would likely have a panic attack. When somebody chews with their mouth open I feel like someone is trying to put a living spider in my ear. It's not just neurotypical people who the "don't be an obnoxious little shit" rule benefits.
EDIT: Since this is getting way more attention than I thought it would, and some misunderstandings have arisen, I'll just add here what I explained in the comments as well. Before anything, this edit is merely to prevent further misunderstandings, not to put anyone on a pedestal of shame for misunderstanding what I meant. The original post leaves many things vague, and it is understandable that it might come off the wrong way.
This post is about using neurodivergency as an excuse for bad behaviour, not as an explanation for problems that actually come with neurodivergency. It is specifically aimed at people with autism and/or ADHD who use their neurodivergency as an excuse for behaviour that is usually *not even caused by their neurodivergency*, but rather bad parenting or other external factors.
The word "tantrum" is NOT used to describe meltdowns here. Tantrums and meltdowns are very different in nature, the former being usually caused by bad parenting and a lack of set boundaries in childhood, and the latter being caused by emotional or physical overwhelm. During tantrums a person is in control of their emotions, but chooses to release them as an angry outburst towards other people. During meltdowns a person is NOT in control of their emotions, and cannot choose how they present their overwhelm. If you need an example of what I mean by tantrums, you can look at your nearest neighbourhood "Karen" for that, and you will probably see that the kind of behaviour I mean is very different from an autistic meltdown.
EDIT2: Edited some wording. Also, I'd just like to clarify here too, like I did in the comments at one point, that people who don't have the capability to learn things like emotional regulation are obviously excluded here. This is specifically for those who are able to, but don't. Also, this is an old post so please keep that in mind.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
ngl as an abuse survivor the whole “micro trauma” thing makes me roll my eyes back into my head like that’s life babe sometimes we have a negative experience it’s not trauma 💀💀💀 i really feel like so many folks live soft lives that any negative feeling becomes “traumatic” and something to avoid. i don’t think it’s good to conflate times your ego was tested or times that didn’t go exactly your way with genuine trauma. you’re more resilient than that. (obviously this isn’t about day to day trauma living as a bipoc in a racist white society etc but i don’t think you were talking about that either)
Welp, there's a lot to unpack here.
First of all, I'm an abuse survivor with my own share of trauma. I was raised in a form of conservative apocalyptic Christianity where beatings were considered an acceptable form of punishment. Because my parents believed that parental authority was never wrong, and anything a child did or even felt that seemed to challenge that authority (whether intentional or not), I was constantly told that I was wrong for having my own feelings, punished for having my own feelings if I dared to to express them. In addition to this, my family thought I needed to be very aware that the Mark of the Beast was coming and I needed to emotionally prepare myself for beheading once the Antichrist took over and started killing anyone who refused the Mark of the Beast.
In addition to this, I was subject to all of the day-to-day trauma that comes from growing up with ADHD and autism in an ableist society, as well as the trauma that comes from growing up with ADHD and autism in an environment where people think children must be obedient at all times. (My parents believed spanking and slapping was fine, by the way. So, that happened often enough. And when it wasn't spanking or slapping, it was my mother screaming and yelling.)
Now with all of this context established, I'm going to tell you: You don't get to decide who does and doesn't get to have trauma. Trauma doesn't work according to some abstract notion of what should and shouldn't constitute "trauma." People can, in fact, be genuinely traumatized over things that seem totally ridiculous to you.
Also? You don't know what other people are living through. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors. You don't know how people are being traumatized by economic circumstances, by bullshit at the workplace, by knowing that Christofascists want to subjugate them or kill them. You don't know how many people are being slowly traumatized by partners who invalidate and mock them in countless tiny ways every day. You don't know how many people are being traumatized by thinking they should be able to meet certain expectations that they don't realize are based in ableist standards or impossible capitalist ideals.
You've also evidently never had a conversation with someone who can't figure out how they're such a mess because they "don't have a reason to be traumatized," but the more you talk to them the more it comes out that they lived a profoundly messed up life, and were profoundly mistreated in a thousand ways that they didn't even recognize as mistreatment at the time. (No, it's not normal for your mother to call you ableist slurs if you can't tend to her every whim in five seconds.)
You also say "obviously this isn’t about day to day trauma living as a bipoc in a racist white society etc but i don’t think you were talking about that either." And you know what? You wanna know what? I absolutely was, because my post was meant to be inclusive of all forms of microtrauma.
Anyway, I hope you can recognize that suffering and trauma aren't a contest, and trying to decide who does and doesn't "deserve" to have trauma based on your own personal abstract ideals and limited comprehension of their lives doesn't help anyone.
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correctproseka · 4 months
An essay on autistic Mafuyu
Coming from a very autistic person.
Mafuyu has a bunch of autism symptoms, but a lot of them can also be explained by other reasons, such as her upbring and trauma, but not all of them, so I'm going to start speaking about the explainable by other things traits and move up to "boy you're tism". (Notw that the trauma explanation can also have a pre-disposition to happen due to tism)
In the biggest "can be explained by her trauma" category, we actually have the biggest reason people headcanon her as autistic. Her Alexithymia. Which is just a fancy word for "can't recognize her own feelings". No i did not have to copy paste that name to not write it wrong. Yes, many autistic people are bad at recognizing their own feelings, me included. But we also have to note that Mafuyu absolutely hid away those feelings for a mask and because they were needs not being met, a "good girl" like her doesnt get sad or angry right? Thats what made her push down those feelings so much she just ended up.. numb. Its extremely common in depression as well as autism which made me personally not realize i was depressed until someone made me put it into words, it was similar to my normal.
Theres also her.. exquisite vocabulary, Mafuyu uses lots of fancy terms sometimes, which is very stereotypical white boy autism. But also, she was pushed books down her throat by her mom since she was a child, she was expected to be this "fancy" and "smart-sounding". So she is.
Observant. Mafuyu doesn't talk a lot, she observes. She can recognize things on others sometimes, but mostly about the environment, which can be an autism noticing a bird singing 5 blocks away or a trauma "i need to notice this or i get fucked" reaction.
Mafuyu as mentioned, tends to listen more than speak, I am personally not this kind of autism, but it exists, Mafuyu is quiet, listening and only speaking when she feels her input is needed. This can be simply a mixture of autism and trauma. She doesn't feel the need to speak, so she doesn't, why would she waste her energy like that? Smh.. but also her good girl mask is supposed to be a good listener, not much of a yapper.
Now we are starting to move onto the things she does that are less explained by trauma and more explained by tism. Which is my favorite part to analyze.
Parallel play: Mafuyu seeks comfort with being with niigo and working alongside them, she doesn't even need to be talking, as seen by the kitty event where she kept just listening to them on earphones, she just wants to be near her people and gets calmed down by being with them.
Bluntness. As an autistic person i am extremely blunt in wrong situations, and can easily not recognize its the wrong situation. Per example Mafuyu's "why dont you imagine you're gonna get killed if you dont do it in half an hour" or all the times she points something out to Ena and gets a scream back because it was the wrong time? Mafuyu says what she thinks and when out of the mask she really. Really. Lacks a filter, because she doesn't know when or what she's supposed to speak or not
She.. kind of needs people to say the obvious? Sometimes she doesnt realize whats going on, why she's reacting in a way, so and so. One of the reasons Mizuki had to tell her it's ok to run away. Mafuyu never considered it. It wasn't obvious for her like it would be for a lot of people, she's kind of very oblivious in emotional matters like that, and needs someone (coughs usually Mizuki) to explain something to her
There's probably more but im doing this in like 15 minutes.
Plus, all in all, she makes autistic people like me really relate to her, even if they can be mostly explained by trauma doesnt mean she doesn't show those signs or that they're only because of that, even the mask she uses is a known neurodivergent thing.
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vncannyvalleygrrl · 3 months
My Masterlist :D
request/question status: closed, questions still open tho
check me out on my ao3
Smiling Friends:
Pim Headcanons (general, dating, nsfw)
Charlie Headcanons (general, dating, nsfw)
Glep Headcanons (general)
Allan Headcanons (general, dating, nsfw)
Allan x Shy Reader Hcs (dating, small nsfw)
Allan x Demon Reader Hcs (general, dating, nsfw)
Allan x Reader w/ an Anxiety disorder (general, dating)
Pim/Charlie x Shy Janitor Reader (separate hcs, general and dating)
Allan x Considerate Reader (general, dating, nsfw)
Charlie x Bratty Male Reader (general, nsfw)
Clingy Allan/Clingy Charlie x Reader (dating only)
Pim x Tall/Bubbly Reader (general, dating)
Allan x Reader w/ vision problems (coming soon!)
Allan x Reader w/ a degradation kink (coming soon!)
Birchum x Karponzi (mdni)
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fandoms i write for and rules for requests below the cut!
Fandoms I will write for:
Smiling friends
YOLO Crystal Fantasy/Silver Destiny
Team Fortress 2
Gravity Falls
Read Dead Redemption 2 (will only write for micah if someone's beating the shit out of him)
Spider-Man ITSV/ATSP
Some Marvel Francises (Deadpool, Venom, etc)
Elder Scrolls 3-5 (still playing through morrowind)
I have no mouth and I must scream (IHNMAIMS)
Will add more once I remember to :p
Request Rules:
No asking me for money??? I got a request asking for $300+ and like... I write fan fiction on Tumblr. What makes you think I have money.
SFW and NSFW are allowed!
I will happily write platonic stuff I go crazy over that
Headcanons and one shots allowed (need a topic/scenario to go off of)
I can write for readers who have certain conditions like autism or schizophrenia but I'm sorry if I get any details about it wrong, all I ask is that you specify what you personally experience with the condition you would like me to mention. I'll be more accurate if it's something I actually have.
I can write for cis, trans, non-binary, and intersex readers!
I can also write for any flavor of sexuality!
For NSFW, I won't touch topics about fetishes. I don't want to kink shame but I am shaming this time. BDSM, public, etc don't count, I'm talking stuff like scat.
I can touch on sensitive topics like self harm, eating disorders, addictions, etc, but only if it's about someone trying to RECOVER from them. I do not support someone hurting themselves in any way.
For the love of GOD no illegal requests. I will not write about someone under 18 or an animal if it includes dating and/or NSFW. I would rather shit in my hands and clap than write something that degenerate.
No yandere/dere stuff. I'm sorry but it is so corny to me.
Just use common sense pls 🙏
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oneshlut · 11 months
Hey!! I absolutely ADORE your writing, it makes me so happy!!! I happen to be a sucker for our favorite nerd, and you write super good for him! May i ask for general datting headcanons? Like what its like to date him???? Thank you!!!<3
A/N: ohhh, i was WAITING for this one!! i loveee dating hcs. i'm assuming you mean dr. flug, in which i am always happy to write for him! thank you so much for the request! im so happy you enjoy my works!! c: (also flug may be just a teensy bit autism-coded...)
The Doctor Is Out (Dr. Flug x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Dr. Flug dating headcanons/What is dating Dr. Flug like?
You thought he was a nervous wreck before? You've never seen him on a date. Before a date, for that matter.
After asking you out to a museum that recently opened outside the Hat Island, he dragged himself to his room and.. screamed into his pillow. Leaving 5.0.5. decently concerned.
He paced around his lab, wracked with anxiety. Oh god, oh god--what is he going to do?! Did he still look alright?? He paused his anxious strides to look at himself in his full-body mirror that he practically pulled out of nowhere. I guess he looked alright-? Or did he need to change his shirt again? Oh--crap he should probably take off his gloves.. or should he? He's always had normally sweaty hands, not including his nerves getting the best of him.. Yeah, the gloves are staying on.
Not to mention how Demencia is teasing him every minute she gets while Flug is writing out a plan. Yeah, you heard me right, this faceless man has an entire 24-step written plan for this date. He can't go without a plan, right? He doesn't want to mess up in front of you, either..
Some ridiculous, unreasonable, irrational part of him thinks maybe you won't show up. Obviously, he doesn't know any better to know how much you love him. Then again, if he knew, I don't think he'd last.
The museum went way better than he expected! There just happened to be a jet plane exhibit, and suddenly his 24-step plan has made its way to a nearby trash can. Don't get me wrong, his nerves were definitely still there, and not going anywhere anytime soon. He was just glad that he didn't draw you away with his possibly unending rambling about different types of aircraft.
The two of you stayed in the museum until it closed at 4 p.m. The time seemed to fly by, and at some point during the date you had held his hand. Poor Flug was too distracted, that he only noticed your interlocked hands when the both of you were leaving the building. He's blushing like a maniac now. As if the red tint on his face couldn't get any worse, before you left, you kissed him on his cheek. You kissed him on his cheek. His bones turned to ice, frozen in place. Later that night, he couldn't get his mind off of you. He's not washing his bag for a while. Not like he washed it in the first place.
So, you two are dating! In a relationship! Dr. Flug refuses to believe it, but every morning kinda forces him to. Though, sometimes he gets a bit overwhelmed with the attention, so when this happens, you give him the day to compose himself again.
He's happy with the attention, though! More than happy, he's honestly never received such affection before and.. he enjoys it.
Some days, you'll just have hang-out dates! For example, Dr. Flug is undergoing a heavy project and asks you to come over for comfort. He'll even ask you for help with his experiments from time to time! Don't worry, he wouldn't involve you in anything too dangerous, he's not cruel. Well, not to you..
If we're talking about Dr. Flug here, at least one date has to go wrong. Thankfully, it's almost never his fault. He's, unfortunately, slightly popular with heroes. Not that he, himself, as a villain is popular, but rather him being known under the Blackhat name has drawn in some unwanted attention from heroes.
What does this mean for the two of you? Well, worst case scenario, a hero has such a huge grudge against Flug that they are determined to ruin your date. According to Dr. Flug, there's only a 1.117% chance of this happening, so you shouldn't have to worry too much.
Afterwards, he feels horrible that your date went to crap. He apologizes profusely, even if you forgive him in the first place, he'll continue to feel bad. All he wants is for you to be happy, and it feels like he's failed you. But the fact that you're still here with him is more than enough proof that you're far from giving up on him, if ever.
On days where you would stay inside with him, whether it be a stormy night or just a long day for you, sometimes he'd turn around from whatever he was working on when you don't respond to him, and he'll find you resting peacefully next to 5.0.5. The sight warms his heart, as he moves to grab a blanket for you, and dims the lights in his lab slightly.
With you asleep, and now with him and nothing to work on, he now has time to think. And for some reason, no thoughts come to him. Surprising to his usually busy brain.
One thought came to him, eventually. Watching you rest soundly in the now dim-lighted room, your chest lifting up and down with your soft breaths, made him realize how lucky he truly is.
Then, he came up with an idea. He didn't want your dreaming to be disturbed, did he? He grabbed a piece of notepaper, tape, and a marker. Opening his door slightly, he taped up the scratch-made sign titled:
"The Doctor is Out"
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