#Taichung seafood
July 13th, 2024 星期六 - 西門地 + 東三水街市場_新富市場 + Taipei Botanical Gardens
We met around 9:30 am and headed on the green line to the blue transfer station where we rode the MRT to the Longshan stop. As soon as we got out of the station, the Longshan Daoist/Buddhist temple was in view. It was very beautiful and colorful. First, we headed to the wet market. By the name, I assumed “wet market” meant mainly fish/seafood but it was just an outdoor market selling fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and other goods. Our tour guide said that when he was a kid, he would go with his grandmother. It heavily reminded me of how I would go to very similar markets with my grandmother in Jamaica. As we entered through the dragon side, the wide variety of fresh produce could be seen everywhere you look. I noted that it was mostly older people buying and selling at the market. Our tour guide noted that there are increasingly less and less wet markets in Taiwan, as many opt to go to grocery stores instead.
After making our way through the market, we headed towards Longshan temple. A place of worship mixed with the Daoist and Buddhist beliefs, it was extremely colorful and adorned with porcelain, gold, and jade. As we walked through the temple, we got to see and try out using the moon stones to answer our questions. In the Daoist part of the temple, there were several shrines for different gods such as the gods of love, war, and health/wellness. There was also an area where one can buy talismans/good luck charms. I definitely want to return tomorrow to buy good luck charms for my friends and family.
After the temple, we rode the MRT again and ended up at the Taipei Botanical Gardens which we walked through before ending up at a museum for a famous Taiwanese Architect. After exploring the museum, we took the MRT once more and ended back in Ximendi, where class was dismissed. Afterwards, I went along with some of my classmates to eat hot pot. After lunch, the girls all went shopping around Ximendi for some cut clothes. We also colored the Red House and surrounding flea market shops before returning home on the MRT green line. Before entering the hotel, we stopped at a Family Mart so I could buy a special Kyoho grape redbull—something we definitely don’t have back home.
Academic Reflection
I was very interested in the wet markets we visited today. I ended up doing some research on wet markets in Taiwan, especially the differences between those in Taiwan and those in Mainland China. I found that apparently that has been a large increase in regulation of the wet markets in recent years. Live-killing of animals and the selling of live animals have been cracked down on, but you can still buy snakes, turtles, and live fish sometimes. I also found online how the Jianguo Wet Market in Taichung was torn down and re-made into a building that even includes industrial refrigerators and breastfeeding rooms.
Our tour guide also told us about a jade market that happens on the weekends a wet market like the one we visited today. Turns out it is the a similar area to the Jianguo market previously mentioned. This immediately sparked my interest because one of the things I really wanted to buy in Taiwan is jade jewelry. At this market, one can also buy an array of gorgeous flowers and plants. Located in Da’an and open from 9am to 6pm, there are about 700 stalls selling many goods from and flowers, to ceramics and furniture. I most definitely plan on going tomorrow to buy jade jewelry.
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skaddy111 · 1 month
Discover Exquisite Japanese Cuisine at 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》
Welcome to 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》, where we bring you the finest Japanese Cuisine in Taichung. As a premier destination for fresh sashimi, popular sushi, and delectable Japanese dishes, we are dedicated to offering an exceptional dining experience that showcases the best of Japanese Cuisine. From our must-try sushi and business lunch specials to our expertly crafted Japanese rice bowls and signature nigiri, we invite you to explore a world of flavors that celebrate the artistry of traditional Japanese cooking.
At 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》, we pride ourselves on delivering an authentic and memorable dining experience that captures the essence of Japanese Cuisine. Our commitment to quality and freshness is evident in every dish we serve. Whether you're a local resident or visiting Taichung, our restaurant offers a warm and inviting atmosphere where you can savor the finest Japanese Cuisine.
A Taste of Tradition and Innovation
Our menu at 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》 is a tribute to the rich traditions of Japanese Cuisine while also incorporating modern twists that delight the palate. We start with the freshest ingredients, including fresh sashimi that highlights the delicate flavors of premium seafood. Each slice of sashimi is meticulously prepared to ensure that you experience the true essence of the ocean's bounty.
When it comes to sushi, our offerings are second to none. We feature an array of popular sushi options, from classic rolls to innovative creations that push the boundaries of traditional sushi. Our sushi chefs are skilled artisans who craft each piece with precision and care, resulting in a dining experience that is both satisfying and memorable. The signature nigiri is a standout on our menu, showcasing the perfect balance of seasoned rice and expertly selected fish.
For those seeking a fulfilling meal during the workday, our business lunch specials are designed to provide a satisfying and efficient dining experience. These specials offer a selection of delicious dishes that are perfect for a quick lunch break or a leisurely midday meal. From flavorful rice bowls to savory sushi platters, our business lunch specials cater to various tastes and preferences.
Indulge in Must-Try Japanese Delights
At 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》, we believe that every meal should be an adventure in flavor. Our menu features a diverse range of dishes that highlight the best of Japanese Cuisine. Our Japanese rice bowls are a testament to the simplicity and elegance of Japanese cooking. Each bowl is crafted with care, combining perfectly cooked rice with a variety of toppings, including succulent meats, fresh vegetables, and rich sauces. These rice bowls offer a comforting and satisfying meal that showcases the harmony of flavors in Japanese Cuisine.
In addition to our rice bowls, our popular sushi selections include a range of rolls and nigiri that cater to every taste. Whether you prefer traditional options like tuna and salmon or more adventurous choices featuring unique ingredients, our sushi menu has something for everyone. We also offer a selection of must-try sushi rolls that are crafted with fresh ingredients and innovative flavor combinations.
Our commitment to excellence extends to our signature nigiri, which is made with the highest quality fish and prepared with precision. Each piece of nigiri is a work of art, showcasing the skill and expertise of our sushi chefs. The combination of perfectly seasoned rice and tender fish creates a harmonious flavor experience that is truly exceptional.
For those who appreciate the art of Japanese dining, our Japanese rice bowls and signature nigiri are a must-try. These dishes embody the essence of Japanese Cuisine and provide a glimpse into the culinary traditions of Japan. Each bite offers a taste of authenticity and quality that is unmatched.
An Inviting Atmosphere for Every Occasion
At 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》, we believe that dining is not just about the food—it’s about the experience. Our restaurant is designed to create a warm and welcoming environment where you can enjoy your meal in comfort and style. Whether you’re joining us for a casual lunch, a special celebration, or a business meeting, our inviting atmosphere is perfect for any occasion.
Our attentive and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that your dining experience is nothing short of perfect. From the moment you step through our doors, you will be greeted with a smile and treated to a level of hospitality that reflects our commitment to excellence.
Experience the Best of Japanese Cuisine
When it comes to experiencing the best of Japanese Cuisine, 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》 is the destination of choice. Our dedication to quality, freshness, and authenticity is evident in every dish we serve. Whether you're craving fresh sashimi, popular sushi, or a satisfying business lunch, our menu offers a diverse selection of dishes that cater to every taste.
Join us at 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》 and embark on a culinary journey through the world of Japanese Cuisine. Our team of skilled chefs and friendly staff are here to ensure that your dining experience is enjoyable and memorable. Discover why we are a beloved destination for Japanese Cuisine in Taichung and indulge in the finest flavors of Japan.
Book Your Table Today
Ready to experience the best of Japanese Cuisine? Visit 鮨壽司[南區店]《巷弄美食》 and discover a world of flavors that will delight your senses. Our restaurant is open and ready to welcome you for an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you’re a sushi enthusiast or simply looking to enjoy a delicious meal, we have something for everyone.
Book your table today and enjoy the finest Japanese Cuisine Taichung has to offer. We look forward to serving you and sharing our passion for exceptional food and hospitality.
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leonafunlife · 7 years
【台中 西屯】特製辣味噌熱沙拉開胃可口、小牛菲力&伊比利豬美味驚艷。竹間精緻鍋物-日橡鐵板燒
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  在新市政府附近除了豪宅外, 就是許多美食名店的戰場, 這一次我們來到在文心路-順天經貿大樓這邊, 一樓都是美食店家, 真的會讓人眼花繚亂啊!!!
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今天的目標是這一間~竹間精緻鍋物-日橡鐵板燒! 之前有跟大家分享過這間美味度不容小覷的日橡居酒屋, 鐵板料理真的讓人回味再三, 這回來到係出同門而且更加高檔的竹間精緻鍋物-日橡鐵板燒, 看起很簡約的日式外觀, 真的是讓人非常的期待啊!
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一進門直覺不會是鐵板燒的店家, 看起來像高檔的西餐廳, 但每人面前都一鍋熱騰騰的鍋物, 火鍋的味道光聞就肚子餓了。 不過鐵板哩?鐵板哩?
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原來鐵板燒在櫃臺旁邊有一個專屬的包廂, 所以火鍋餐點和鐵板燒的用餐空間是分開的。 燈光美、氣氛佳, 搭配相當有質感的大理石桌面, 慶祝、約會或是請客都會讓人覺得很有面子滴。
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也有另外一間比較隱密式的包廂, 要整個『包』下來也是可以的, 低消的部分是$10,000。 蠻適合開會兼吃飯, 或是小公司包場的感覺。
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包廂以外的地方是鍋物的用餐區塊, 可以看到吧台後方穿戴整齊的工作人員在處理食材, 帽子、手套、口罩缺一不可。
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  客人點餐後就會拿出大塊的原塊牛肉, 再用切肉機切下要料理或上桌的肉片, 吃的不是組合肉, 看起來就讓人很放心。
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 用餐區旁的水族箱裡還有活體海鮮, 不管是鐵板燒用餐或是鍋物餐點都可以搭配點選。
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 龍蝦很常看到, 但活生生的比目魚哩?! 真的很少見啊! 如果對於海鮮或食材上���特殊要求也可以提供, 這兒也是可以客製化無菜單料理的喔!
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菜單的部分很精緻, 餐點的部分是以個人套餐的方式呈現, 最基本的套餐是$1080的, 依據不同價位的套餐主食等級也有所不同, 而沙拉、湯品、飯類、飲品都可以自己選擇。 不過我們用餐的時候服務人員提到目前正在進行菜色調整, 所以起司飯團沒了改成櫻花蝦炒飯, 甜點的部分統一提供水果奶酪。
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 今天服務我們這個包廂的主廚姓朱, 在餐飲界已經有多年的經驗, 挑戰過不同類型的料理。 很健談, 也很樂於分享食材小故事, 每道料理的調味搭配等。 他說就是喜歡跟客人這樣的互動, 才會想要走出廚房, 以鐵板燒的方式讓大家品嚐他的手藝。
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 食材的部分不會一次全部都準備好, 因為客人用餐速度不一, 主廚會依據客人用餐進度做餐, 而工作人員會慢慢的將主廚所需要的材料分批備過來, 這樣好保持食材的新鮮度。
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我點選的是日橡經典套餐($1080), 套餐的內容有:主廚特製前菜、松露洋蔥湯、手工麵包、辣味增鮮菇彩色蔬沙拉、日本生干貝、酒香海大蝦、香蒜小牛菲力、特.牛滷肉飯、季節時蔬、水果奶酪、醋栗氣泡飲, 真的是超豐富的啦!
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點完餐首先上桌的是不在菜單裡的招待餐點, 和風洋蔥絲和南瓜黃金泡菜, 這是可以無限續加的。 和風醬汁是比較甘甜的, 搭配微辛的洋蔥很清爽; 但更讓我驚艷的是南瓜黃金泡菜, 開胃的小辣, 吃起來非常脆口的泡菜, 外層帶著香與濃的南瓜泥又多了溫潤的感覺, 包覆著一般泡菜會有的酸度與辣度, 這個我喜歡! 話說這是一個三格的小菜盤, 但只放了兩格, 最後一格的內容物要晚一點才會出現喔!
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接著就是這一季的主廚特製前菜, 言下之意就是每一季餐點上都會有點變化, 這樣才會讓人客們有新意啊!
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番茄莎莎塔~ 顧名思義就是上頭有著特製的莎莎醬, 底下的塔殼也不簡單, 一般塔殼大多帶著奶香、蛋香, 和味道較為強烈的莎莎醬會成比較明顯的對比。 而這塔殼加入了番茄、紅椒和蒜頭, 讓上下的味覺一致, 吃起來也更加的美味。
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烏魚子握壽司 一開始烏魚子鹹度慢慢從舌尖化開, 吃完之後烏魚子的鮮味會回迴盪在口腔裡。
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鮭魚鬆餅 餅的部分是炸過的餛飩皮, 佐上鮭魚鬆、青醬和魚卵。 味道上比較偏鹹的鮭魚鬆, 搭配上味道濃郁的青醬畫龍點睛, 酥脆的餛飩皮增加了整體的口感, 看似簡單卻很有層次的一道點心。 不過因為餛飩皮的脆度分明, 反而感受不到魚卵顆粒的口感, 就當他是個可愛的點綴吧! 另外青醬真的頗香的, 在口中的餘韻很綿長喔~
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為了清新口中的味覺, 所以送上一杯百香果冰沙~ 果香和冰涼的感覺把味覺重整一遍, 就可以開始迎接後續的美食啦!
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松露洋蔥湯 一道蠻濃郁渾厚的湯品, 一邊品嚐洋蔥的香甜感, 一邊讓松露的香氣在其中悠遊。
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由口腔緩緩升上鼻腔, 是一種會被香氣包覆的感覺。
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手工麵包 有些餐廳提供的麵包是頗一般的餐包, 但這兒提供的手工麵包真的頗不同的。 外皮酥香, 內層是越咀嚼香味越細膩。 主廚說烘焙的部分是委託其他烘焙坊製作, 但是材料配方他可是自己親手調配的喔!
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辣味噌鮮菇彩色蔬沙拉 雖然說是辣味噌, 但是是以韓式辣椒醬為基底(哈哈,我有吃出來喔!), 再搭配糖、味醂、薑末、蔥和白味噌。 一問主廚他就滔滔不絕的分享, 真的是不藏私、很大方。 但說真的像我這種料理門外漢, 獨家醬料的成分就算知道了, 也沒辦法調配出比例~(掩面哭泣)
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  肥美大朵的菇菇們已經入味, 但保持多汁的狀態; 底下的彩椒、小黃瓜則是微脆的口感, 主廚將不同的食材分開處理, 就是為了堆疊出不同的口感。
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  第一次吃到熱的沙拉, 蔬菜多多, 但在冷冷的天氣來說, 真的會比較舒服。 辣味噌醬的部分一吃下去鹹味比較明顯, 但辣的味覺馬上就會追上來, 再纏上些許的麻勁。 雖說是小辣, 吃起來還是蠻過癮的。
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日本生干貝&酒香海大蝦 兩尾肥美的草蝦, 酒香不會太Over, 淡雅襯托出蝦肉的本質。
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一旁兩面微焦, 但吃起來棉軟帶Q的干貝, 也很讓人滿意!
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 主食上桌後才會提供神秘的第三格醬料-特製的黑胡椒醬, 有黑胡椒的香氣, 很提牛肉的味道, 但不會一下子就辣麻了舌根。
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香蒜小牛菲力 肉源是來自於紐西蘭, 小牛排又稱犢牛排, 肉質的部分較為軟嫩、細緻。
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油脂量相較於大牛是比較少的, 享受到美味, 身體負擔又比較少。 外圍煎出漂亮的色澤, 讓人食指大動。
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個人非常建議一定要先吃原味, 感受一下細膩的肉質和味道, 再來可以搭配一旁的海鹽, 或是這又薄又酥的蒜片, 喜歡口味重一點不妨試試特製黑胡椒醬。
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 搭配的蔬菜也不馬虎, 你以為是小黃瓜嗎? 錯!是櫛瓜喔~ 而且黃色、綠色的口感還不一樣, 在配菜上真的頗具巧思。
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 特.牛滷肉飯 因為這兒的肉我們剛剛有看到都是原塊牛肉去切的, 多少都會有些邊邊角角的肉塊留下, 為了不浪費這些肉, 所以特製成滷肉飯。 本來是員工餐的餐點, 但有一回老闆品嚐完後覺得驚為天人, 就分享給人客們享用啦! 一般滷肉飯大家可能都常吃, 牛肉做的我倒是第一回嚐到。 而且使用到的肉塊包含了像我剛吃到的小牛菲力, 甚至高檔的黑毛和牛都有! 香氣很迷人, 而且真的細細品嚐會發現有些肉的口感、味道真的不同, 這麼高檔的滷肉飯, 真的非常推薦要點阿!!!
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季節時蔬 飲食均衡, 大魚大肉後當然要來份蔬菜均衡一下囉~ 今天的時蔬是高麗菜以及青江菜。
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 水果奶酪 甜點的部分看起來頗微精緻的, 當季的紅通通大草莓, 盤飾上的番茄和小熊軟糖搭配起來很可愛的~ 奶酪上頭有大塊的消化餅, 還搭配了一樣驚喜~ 口感上非常活潑的跳跳糖。 加上底部奶香濃, 甜度不會過高的奶酪, 整體感很不錯。
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 醋栗氣泡飲 漸層的氣泡飲料搭配上醋栗, 整體來說不會酸, 還是以汽水甜度為主軸, 搭配果香很清新的感覺。
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Sean的套餐是精選海陸套餐($1580) 餐點品項有:主廚特製前菜、干貝海鮮湯、手工麵包、香橙優格鮮果野蔬沙拉、時令鮮魚、日本生干貝、鳳尾明蝦、西班牙特選伊比利豬、櫻花蝦炒飯、季節時蔬、水果奶酪、風味花果茶, 主食的部分高檔了不少, 比我的套餐多了時令鮮魚, 在蝦子的部分也變成肥美的大明蝦。  
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  干貝海鮮湯 以魚骨熬出的海鮮湯非常鮮甜, 海鮮的鮮味很渾厚, 搭配上蛤蠣、蝦子、花枝等豐富配料, 再以薑的氣味增加一分清新的感覺, 真的很好喝。
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 香橙優格鮮果野蔬沙拉 優格醬不會很酸, 橙香搭配優格的甜味整體很清爽。
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時令鮮魚-正圓鱈 數量已經鮮少的美味魚類, 吃起來肉質肥美卻細嫩, 外層的酥香感讓味道更加迷人。 油脂量豐沛, 在鐵板的過程中自己會釋放油脂, 也因為這樣主廚特別搭配果香微酸的醬汁。
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  吃的時候一定要先吃一下原味, 因為直接吃就可以感覺到魚肉本身的美味。 看起來不油膩, 但油脂會在咀嚼中慢慢在口腔擴散, 再搭配醬汁又是另一種享受~
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 日本生干貝&鳳尾明蝦 看到這明蝦真的是一隻等於我兩隻草蝦說~ 肉很大塊啊! 明蝦是基隆直送的野生明蝦, 肉質本身彈力很好, 吃起來紮實又飽滿的, 蝦頭中的精髓千萬不要錯過喔!
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西班牙特選伊比利豬 這一份伊比利豬的擺盤方式看起來像不像臺灣的樣子阿~ 有別於我們一般對豬的養殖印象, 他是吃橡果長大的豬, 所以肉的香氣與一般豬肉大大的不同, 而且品質佳者不用全熟也可以食用, 真的沒有聽過人家豬排還可以五分熟的, 只有肉質、新鮮度佳的才能以這樣的方式呈現出美味。
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我們這一塊伊比利豬有的部分油脂多一些, 有的部分又剛剛好, 吃起來微Q的口感, 咀嚼中慢慢散發肉裡的香氣, 而油花多的部分又是不同的口感, 多了一種入口化開的綿密感, 但又不會覺得油膩喔!
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 吃法一樣可以原味、海鹽和黑胡椒醬, 不過我真心認為這樣好的豬肉原味最棒啊!
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  順帶一提就是一旁的配菜兒~ 那個看似馬鈴薯的他叫做美國紅薯, 可不是煎熟就好囉! 以義大利香料搭配奶油、黑胡椒調味, 再用鐵板加熱, 讓原本只在表皮的味道慢慢被吸收, 連配菜都如此特別, 真的讓我全部都吃光光啊! 
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 櫻花蝦炒飯 雖然菜色蠻新穎的, 但鐵板燒上少了他就好像少了一味的櫻花蝦炒飯還是不能少啊! 炒飯粒粒分明, 櫻花蝦的香氣和肉體均勻的散佈其中。
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 風味花果茶 飯後熱呼呼的來一杯, 不管是胃還是身體都會暖呼呼的, 而且這是沒有咖啡因的飲品喔!
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  不僅是燈光美、氣氛佳, 整體份量來說真的讓人蠻飽足的, 美味度也很不錯, 而在菜色上的搭配也很用心, 熱沙拉這一道真的很新奇, 也讓喜歡吃蔬菜的女孩兒不一定都要冷冷吃了。 偷拍一下隔壁情侶的鴨胸, 七分熟的熟度, 不僅美味, 份量上也讓他們大呼超值。
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  剛提到的美味伊比利豬肉, 鍋物的部分也吃得到喔! 鐵��的伊比利豬很美味, 就讓人好奇在火鍋中的滋味啦~ 鍋物價格高貴不貴外, 還有明治冰淇淋和雀巢奶茶可以喝, 下回再來嚐嚐看吧。 《竹間精緻鍋物-日橡鐵板燒》 營業時間:鍋物11:00-04:00;鐵板燒11:00-14:30(最晚點餐時間13:00)、17:00-22:00(最晚點餐時間是20:30) 電話 : 04-22595111  地址 : 台中市西屯區文心路二段215號    官方網站 : 竹間精緻鍋物-日橡鐵板燒
 ============================================== 【台中 西屯】碳烤牛排香氣迷人,肉質鮮嫩、肉汁飽滿,吃完會回味無窮的好味道。炫牛碳燒牛排館 【台中 西屯】和可愛的查理布朗、史努比一起度過悠閒的用餐時光,甜點、咖啡、主食通通有喔!。Charlie Brown Cafe' Taiwan(台中店) 【台中 西屯】鮮蔬高湯蒸煮出米飯的鮮甜滋味,日本風味釜燒飯搭配美味照燒雞腿,美味滿分。兩千金釜燒飯(開獎) 【台中 西屯】椰香咖哩豬排厚實又美味,玫瑰冰磚浪漫漂浮果香中。Half Day浮生半日 【台中 西屯】首爾必吃美食,不用出國,就能吃到原汁原味韓式年糕鍋。三清洞摩西年糕鍋(逢甲商圈旁) ============================================== 
我們家的貓老大們有粉絲團啦~ 歡迎貓友們加入喔~~^^ 另外,小妹我也有粉絲團了,請各位有空讚一下吧!XD
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chihsuanblog · 4 years
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最愛還是炙燒🍣🍣🍣 炙燒松阪豬好食😋 #Taiwan #taichung #taichungfood #food #foods #seafood #japannesefood #delicious #deliciousfood #美食 #台中美食 #日本料理 #桀壽司 #水産 #壽司 #握壽司 #炙燒 #sushi #nigirisushi #握り寿司(在 桀壽司 - 新光店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFzg6_wn0Ly/?igshid=13unvv4exug2j
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myjiating · 4 years
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(Day 5 cont). Ending this special day at a local stirfry seafood restaurant in #Taichung, and of course with a dark chocolate cake for my one and only. My same 3 wishes for you, to be healthy, safe, and happy. Happy birthday- we love you, 爸爸! Stay young at heart forever, as you’re the life and light within our family. #longlifenoodles #summerholiday #adventuresintaiwan #birthdays2020
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kikaykim · 6 years
Taiwan Trip 2018
I’ve always been curious about what the heart of Asia can offer and by taking advantage of its government’s initiative for Free Visa to attract more tourists, it’s time to get to know this neighboring country.
I turned to AirAsia for cheap flights and got a good deal for Taiwan from Dec. 17-21. The dates are the best as they’re literally 1 week before the holiday break kicks off so I don’t need to worry about the “back to reality” dillemma that we get right after spending a holiday away from home then going back straight to work.
I did a lot of research by reading blogs and watching vlogs on Youtube. The information I got from the two mediums really helped me out in planning my 4 days trip. AirAsia flights to Taiwan from Clark are always at night so I only have 4 days instead of 5.
The next thing I did after securing my flight tickets, I looked for discounted hotels/hostels. I always turn to Agoda because they have the cheapest accommodation deals. Been booking hotels with them since 2016. I never had an issue and their customer service, although the queue is too long, you’ll spend a tantamount of time waiting on the line for a rep to attend to your concerns, is superb. Agoda also have the options for “pay nothing until” or “pay at the property”. I also considered looking through Airbnb but in the end, I found myself booking two accommodations via Agoda. Mind you, always read the reviews of people for that hotel you want to book. It will definitely help you decide if it’s the right one for you.
I also thought of booking activities, buy tickets and rentals online (aside from flight tickets) when planning my trip. I turned to two travel applications: Klook and KKday.
-Rental of 4G Wifi Mobile Broadband I got on Sale. My usage is 5 days. The pickup location is right at the Arrival Area of Taoyuan Airport T1. It was an easy transaction, instructions on the Klook voucher is accurate. I presented the QR code on the voucher on my phone, my passport and Debit card (credit card can be used too). The card is required so when you loose or damage the device, they’ll charge you. Signed the receipt and that’s it! The device was low on power charge though, so I got to use it the next day but boy, it’s so fast! No lagging anywhere I go in Taiwan. The price shown below is for 1 day use only. So the price will multiply depending on how many days you’re going to use it.
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-Taichung World Flora Expo Ticket. This ticket is for the entrance fee of the three world flora expo sites. I’ll go into detail of the itinerary later on.
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-booked a Day Tour Package for three tourist spots: Yehliu Geopark, Shifen and Jiufen.
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What you need to know for first time travelers in Taiwan like me:
1. If your arrival time and immigration process allows it, catch the airport MRT going to Taipei or any other places in Taiwan. Otherwise, take a bus or Uber or Taxi. I was lucky to catch the MRT. MRT Airport Operating hours: 6am - 12am only.
2. Purchase the Easycard. It’s going to be your bestfriend in going around the city and neighboring states/provinces. It costs NTD$500 - there is a NTD$100 fee so your balance on the card will be NTD$400. The Easycard can be used both in MRT and Bus. This is available to purchase at any Information booth in MRT stations. Taiwan has a very systematic and easy to understand transportation system so I’m really happy about it. It’s so easy going up and down stations to your destinations.
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3. It’s December, it’s Winter. Do you need to wear a jacket? I would suggest to search for the weather forecast from the duration of your stay. In my case, it never rained. It was sunny. The lowest temperature I experienced was just 17degrees Celcius -at night. Temperatures tend to get low at sun down. During the day, while wearing a fleece jacket, puffer jacket and a sweater, met with humidity and highest temp of 28degress Celcius, I got too sweaty!! So on my last day in Taiwan, I was wearing a sando and shorts. No sweat, no cold feeling though I attracted attention for wearing differently. I can’t help it, I’m a tropical island girl so 17, 20, or 28 degress are not cold enough for me except when I’m about to have my period, my body temps get low, I’m shivering at 20 degress at the office aircon. Lol. But you will notice the Taiwanese people are still wearing layered jackets I think it’s because they just got used to wearing those clothing during Winter months. And anyway, most of the year, it’s raining in Taiwan and the rain adds to the cold temperature so yeah, maybe that’s the reason. I was just lucky I guess that the duration of my visit was sunny, no rains at all.
4. Taiwanese are very friendly, accommodating and helpful that in spite of language barrier, they will proactively help you out when they see you confused or trying to figure out which way to go. That alone made my journey very easy and I really felt safe there.
5. Speaking of language barrier, taxi drivers speak little to no English and they’re having a hard time understanding what you’re trying to say. So I suggest that you prepare an address of your destination that’s written in Chinese. When I was going to the hostel from Taipei Main Station, the taxi driver was clever enough to call the hostel to get the address in Mandarin.
6. There’s plenty of climbing and walking from stations to stations and hiking trails. So you must wear comfortable shoes, and you should be an active person to prevent yourself from suffering painful legs and knees.
7. Get a copy of the Taipei Metro Guide pamphlet. It will help you navigate which train line to take to get to your destinations. You can get it from the Information booth or train officers around the stations. You can also get a soft copy online at english.metro.taipei -just type it as it is on your web browser.
Here’s my detailed itinerary..
Day 1. A DIY trip I planned:
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial
Elephant Mountain
Mala YuanYang Hotpot
Chun Shui Tang Milk Tea
Maokong Gondola
Longshan Temple
Taipei 101
Shilin Night Market
What I actually able to fulfill: all of the above except the ones written on RED. Yes. I ran out of time, I wasn’t able to squeeze them to the schedule.
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial - this is just a walking distance from the hostel I stayed in. No entrance fee as it is a public place. I was in awe at how huge those traditional structures are and how spacious the whole park is. It’s magnificent! Also, the Exit 5 of the Chiang Kai-Shek MRT station is right in the compound.
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Elephant Mountain - it’s a hiking trail where you can get a great view of Taipei 101 and the city from afar. It is a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike. This is where my knees got in real trouble, I could use a wheelchair! The steps are too steep going up, I was not able to finish the trail and get to the boulders because my legs, specially my knees were giving up. This is the price to pay for not being an active person. Though, there is a spot, a balcony where you can already take a photo and see the city from there without going up to the boulders. That’s where I stopped and got the below 2nd photo.
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How to get here: from any MRT station in my case, Chiang Kai-Shek Exit 4 station, take the RED line to Xiangshan station and go to Exit 2. From Exit 2, go straight to the park then turn left at the end of the park, go straight then turn right. Continue walking straight until you see the sign on the above photo on the left side of the street. When in doubt, just Google then look for the result from “Guide to Taipei”. Tried pasting the link here but this silly tumblr can’t save it, the app crashes.
Mala YuanYang Hotpot at Ximending - took a lunch at this unlimited hotpot that is popular to tourists. This place gets really crowded mostly by Korean tourists. The lunch costs NTD$545 and dinner is NTD$635. You can have unlimited premium meats, seafood and other hotpot essentials, unlimited drinks with plenty of varieties and this is the most exciting part: unlimited Häagen-Dazs and Movenpick ice cream!!! Aside from other desserts like fruits, puddings and egg tart. The only limited though, is time. Your lunch and dinner is limited to only 2 hours. It is located in Ximending which is also happens to be Taipei’s shopping district. So in this stop, I was able to hit two places in one go. And I think Ximending is livelier at night. So if you want to get dinner instead of lunch at Mala Hotpot, then I think that’s a better idea.
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How to get here: Ximen station is your drop point station. It is in the Blue and Green lines as it also serves as the transfer station for Green line. Blue line has transfer stations from Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center station and Zhongxiao Fuxing station from the Brown line, Taipei Main Station from the Red line, Zhongxiao Xinsheng from the Orange line, and Ximen station from the Green line. From where I was at Xiongshan station of the Red line, I dropped off the Chiang Kai-Shek station then transferred to the Green line and stopped at Ximen station.
Taipie 101 - the most famous landmark of Taiwan. It’s astonishing! Since it’s sunny on the day I went up the Taipei 101 Observatory, I was able to see the whole city, crystal clear! What I forgot to do though is to get to the 91st floor observatory. The main observatory is at the 89th floor and it took us 37seconds to get there from the 5th floor where the ticket for the observatory is being sold at NTD$600 per person. It is indeed the fastest lift!
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How to get here: Take the RED line going to Taipei 101/World Trade Center station.
Maokong Gondola - it’s a gondola ride with three mountain stops. The last stop is the Maokong village where there are a bunch of tea shops. It is better to get there before sunset to see the city sunset while enjoying a tea. Unfortunately in my case, I got to ride the gondola past 5pm. Night time comes early at 5pm. But I get to see the city at night while riding the gondola and enjoying the cold breeze.
How to get here: from Taipei 101 station which is in the RED line, take the same line to Daan Park station which is the transfer station for the Brown line. Take the Brown line going to Taipei Zoo station. From Taipei Zoo staition, just follow the signs that leads to the Maokong Gondola. It will cost you a total of NTD$200 for a round trip from the gondola.
Chun Sui Tang Cultural Tea House - based on Google search, it is the one that started the Milk Tea craze! They also have the Taiwanese Beef Noodle soup which is also a famous Taiwanese dish. Hitting two birds with one stone. This is where I had my dinner. The milk tea tastes bittersweet which I really like. The beef noodle soup tastes good too! The servings are huge!
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How to get here: Take the Red line going to Chiang Kai-shek station. Go to Exit 5. The restaurant is located just under the stairs of the Chaing Kai-Shek Concert Hall.
And that’s a wrap for my first day in Taiwan. My next posts will detail my journey for the rest of my 4 days in the country.
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chihsuanblog · 4 years
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最愛還是握壽司🍣🍣🍣 鮮魚味增湯😋👍 #taiwan #taichung #taichungfood #food #foods #seafood #japannesefood #delicious #deliciousfood #美食 #日本美食 #台中美食 #日本料理 #日本壽司 #壽司 #壽司店 #握壽司 #スシロー #sushi #握り寿司 #和壽司 #和壽司壽司專賣店 #和壽司生魚片(在 和壽司壽司專賣店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBI7I2MpBGL/?igshid=ldye9792bn6y
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chihsuanblog · 4 years
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最愛還是握壽司🍣🍣🍣 鮮魚味增湯😋👍 #taiwan #taichung #taichungfood #food #foods #seafood #japannesefood #delicious #deliciousfood #美食 #日本美食 #台中美食 #日本料理 #日本壽司 #壽司 #壽司店 #握壽司 #スシロー #sushi #握り寿司 #和壽司 #和壽司壽司專賣店 #和壽司生魚片 (在 和壽司壽司專賣店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBI6pZfJYPp/?igshid=z1y743m3ejbd
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chihsuanblog · 5 years
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輕井澤系列🍣🍣🍣 好吃CP值高🤤 #taiwan #taichung #taichungfood #food #foods #seafood #japannesefood #delicious #deliciousfood #yummy #restaurant #美食 #輕井澤系列 #台中美食 #公益路美食 #日本料理 #一笈壽司 #一笈壽司🍣 #壽司 #握壽司 #生魚片握壽司 #スシロー #炙燒 #sushi #yijisushi #握り寿司(在 一笈壽司) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Ca8OSpeL7/?igshid=m6q5c5wfyfa7
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