#Takayoshi itoh
hauntingofhouses · 3 months
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i think if they had a group chat this would be their dynamic
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hastyprovocateur · 7 months
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evaglass · 5 months
"Love triangle this, love triangle that.." What about Takayoshi?!
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Look at them. Have never seen such amazing potential of becoming a great girlboss and malewife couple like those two have.
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mahlersgirl · 8 months
thinking about mizu being raised as a princess of the itoh family from birth @roninzuzu
mizu was kept in an isolated palace because she was still proof of shame for the family. they spread rumors that she was sickly so she wouldn't go out in public and very few knew it was really because she was the daughter of a white man
she would visit edo just a couple of times a year or the itoh sibs would be sent to her palace to keep her company during winter
most of the time they would send just takayoshi and this made them especially close
her tutors slacked off with her education at times which included allowing her to train with the sword
when they were very young taka admitted he was mocked by the other noble kids because of his stuttering
they were both outcasts of the family due to being different
very tiny mizu grabbling her wooden sword with intent and saying "I'll protect you"
taka helped her with her studies in exchange, she thinks it's painfully boring but it allows him to train his speech so she accepts it
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abijahfowler · 6 months
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part vi.
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bes-frames · 3 months
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fuukonomiko · 7 months
More Actor/Hollywood BES AU
Thank you for the reception to the first set, I and my fellow conspirators BES nutjobs fans have more for you!
Ringo's 'hands' are actually prosthesis, unbeknownst to his fans. This is what they see when he is actually playing a concert. He takes them off when shooting for the series. His portrayal is true to his disability. (courtesy of @kaladinkholins ) It's a shocker when they discover he has no hands. Mikio is one of those amazing singer actors. Like he would be hella famous and getting roles in musicals/movies with songs. (Which is like every movie-) Then like a news publisher like tmz releases the fact Mizu and him was married and they released the divorce papers somehow to hurt Mizu’s career (from @doughnutshi )
Mizu's actress had been a child actor/Disney sitcom type and this is her first like adult role (by @apatheticallyromantic ) Mizu was one of those who started as a ten year old in a sitcom. She disappeared for a few years to 'find herself' and returned as an ass-kicking hero. The pegging scene with Fowler was one of the longest repetitive takes they did because Ise's actress kept laughing while ducked behind the counter. She had a hard time seeing through the mask and would accidentally poke Fowler's actor where she wasn't supposed to (he was wearing shorts the whole time and was such a good sport about it). Takayoshi's star used to be the lead singer in the hottest boyband in town. He turned to acting after they disbanded. When he shaved his hair for the role, his army of fans just about died.
Sword Father Eiji is legally blind and this helps with his portrayal. He usually orients himself prior to any shoot. He brings to set his guide dog, a black labrador named Boba. (@lillyblogsmizu)
The actress playing Kinuyo is the lead singer of a punk band. She is almost unrecognizable without her signature smeared mascara, powder white face and black lipstick. She has amazing, screeching, four octave vocals.
On downtime, the actors would hang out and jam. Takayoshi and Kinuyo would take turns singing or have duets, with Ringo providing guitar. Mizu sometimes joins in with her drums. 
Heiji Shindo’s actor is a known method actor and absolute prankster. He likes leaving gag gifts for the actors. His favorite target of shenanigans is Madam Kaji and Daichi Tokonobu as they all used to star in the same sitcom.
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xviistrings · 6 months
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taiyoshi. taigayoshi? takataigen...? whatever
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Thinking abt ages of blue eye samurai characters.
Mizu is like. Im pretty sure canonically 19/20. Im leaning towards 20, cuz im choosing to believe fowler meant 20 years literally n the white men came to japan also during the spring. Its just a very literal n simple read of the scene but yh im choosing that. Mizu is a spring bby :'))
Ringo, as carefree and unburdened as he may act, he is not a child or even a man-child, hes an adult man who's just very very sweet n cute. Imo? He's like. 23. Hes just infantilized a lot by his father n others that he seems way younger
Taigen is only a few months older than Mizu imo. They seemed basically the same age as children, but i think taigen is justtt a wee bit older, n yes he does use that against mizu when he finds out. Im votingggg a november bby. Between autumn n winter
Akemi i can only see as being 21/22 for some reason. Idk if its even logical i just see that. I need to research more into what edo period japan thought was normal for when a woman should beat children, but i think it was young, like maybe around the 18 years of age. It also depends on how old do those men think a woman needs to be before shes barren or smth. I do think akemi is 22, more because its obvious she is still young, but not a teenager.
For funsies i think takayoshi is like. Between 25-27. Im still undecided. But he is a few years older than akemi. I dont think hes older solely cuz hes the younger brother, n im just going off of what i see in their mother, but if she had the eldest son at 18, and i hc her as being around 45-50, then i think he has to be (the older brother) around 27-32. She probably had the two sons n they went "thats good enough, anyways", n left it at that.
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caitlyn-kirammans · 10 months
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BLUE EYE SAMURAI: 1x07 - "Nothing Broken" ↳ "There's something I need to tell you. You'll never see Akemi again. She's in Edo, marrying Takayoshi Itoh."
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rithalie-art · 8 months
I was inspired by the “BES with wings” au, so I went a lil bit wild with my hcs for it. So, here’s my take on what kind of wings the rest of the cast would have!
Ringo- Little Ringed Plover
Madam Kaji- Japanese crested Ibis
Daichi Tokunobu- Gray Wagtail
Kinuyo- Water Rail
Ise- Horned Lark
Takayoshi Itoh- Pryer’s Woodpecker
Heiji Shindo- Black Drongo
Bloodsoaked Chiaki- Northern Shrike
Seki- Goshawk
Abijah Fowler- House Sparrow
Ooooh! I have to check these out! I already love the choices for Madam Kaiji and Ise, since I somehow recognize these birds!
It would fit that our poor Ise has the wings of the same species as Akemi, since she had to act „the princess” often. And now I’m torn with how big Madam Kaiji’s wings should be. On one hand, they should not throw off her elegance with being too big but the ability to hug her girls and literally swipe them under her wings would work sooo well.
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hastyprovocateur · 8 months
A saga
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hastyprovocateur · 7 months
Blue Eye Samurai: Season 2 wishful thinking
Akemi with a gun
Because not all women can dedicate half their life to mastering the sword
But they should be able to do a driveby on motherfuckers
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hastyprovocateur · 8 months
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Highly concerned about all the stray nut being caught
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evaglass · 7 months
Speculation about Mizu's parents pt. 5
I know. I'm sorry this is long, but I promise to get through it soon.
So Mizu's father. I think he was the Japanese, and not only that, but he was probably someone important. Remember, the bounty on Mizu was implied to be so high that little can resist it, and the way that Fowler refers to Mizu as "Little Miss" if you turn on the subtitles on Netflix both first letters of the term are capitalized, like it's an important title.
I want to talk about episode 3 now, specifically when we see Mizu as a baby
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Remember the two men who were tasked to kill Mizu as a baby, but one of them stopped the other from doing so. Well, if you look for the IMDb page for this episode, it lists the two voice actors for the two men:
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You know who else they voice?
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The Shogun's sons
Now, I don't think the two men in the beginning are actually the Shogun's sons, but they could be the late Shogun's relatives, maybe even his brothers trying to get of evidence that the Shogun broke his own rules, because I do think the late Shogun was Mizu's father.
Also, keep in mind that there's most likely going to be more historical events referenced in the show in the future. Considering the show takes place in 1657, and Fowler stated that they arrived 20 years prior to that date, and Mizu is canonically 19 years old, meaning she was born around 1637-1638 around the same time the Shimabara Rebellion was going against the Shogunate. Needless to say, it was probably a pretty stressful time for the Shogun as he most likely sent forces to subdue the rebellion and had to hide the fact that he had a mixed-raced child.
I assume the four white men, along with the two men shown in the beginning of episode 3, were sent to kill Mizu as a baby, hence why the fire broke out, connecting to what Fowler said "don't you want to know which one tried to burn you as a baby?"
The four white men could have also been sent to prove their loyalty as historically it is speculated that the Shimabara Rebellion was fueled by Portuguese traders due to the affiliation with catholism. After the rebellion was defeated, the Portugal, one of the two European countries legally allowed to trade with Japan during the isolation period, was barred from trading. The only other European country that was also legally allowed to trade with Japan was the Netherlands, which was the allowed to still trade from then and there because they helped the Shogunate subdue the rebellion, and agreed to the trading conditions.
I also want to point out that in episode 8, when Fowler meets with the Shogun's sons, he states that he helped the Shogun become the second richest man in the world, which is quite the statement. This means that the Shogun and even his family would have enough money to set out a very high bounty if they wanted to, especially to hide their shame.
Who more than anyone would want to hide the Shogun's shame?
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Now, it could be possible that Mizu's mother could have had an affair with the Shogun, but I'll present a more interesting idea that may be a bit more far-fetched, but maybe not too far-fetched. I think that maybe the Shogun, Lady Itoh, and Mizu's mother may have all possibly been in a relationship together, which wouldn't be too out of the ordinary for the time, and would point to the potential love triangle that's be hinted at by the people behind the show, but take this part with a grain of salt.
Maybe Mizu's mother was involved in a relationship with the Shogun and Lady Itoh, and it only became a problem because her mother accidentally got pregnant with her and probably refused to give her up.
Mizu's mother probably had to make a choice like the Bride from Kill Bill did
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And she most likely chose Mizu, and as stated before, Mizu could be seen as evidence that the Shogun broke his own rules, his shame, and that would not do.
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6
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evaglass · 7 months
I love the irony of Takayoshi being labeled as a 'tyrant to women', but he was the only one aiding his brother's wife while escaping the fire
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He's a keeper
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