#Tala can be so innocent at times:(
hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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A Modern James Delaney Story - master list
Chapter Eight
Tala walked quickly to her office and closed the door behind her. She bit her bottom lip and softly hit the back of her head against the door.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" she muttered. She then walked over to her desk and woke her computer. Typing in the password she tried to focus on her inbox.
Just a mere minute ago she had kissed James in the supply room.
She had innocently entered the supply room to fetch a notepad. James had entered not long after and was frantically shifting through a drawer.
"What are you looking for?" Tala said, holding her notepad as she came to stand next to him.
"I need a bloody battery for my keyboard. I have a fucking meeting in ten minutes and I need to update my presentation," he said, irritably.
"Okay, I saw a drawer back here labeled batteries," Tala said, walking back over to where she found her notepad. She opened it and asked, "What kind do you need?"
"Two double As," he said. She picked out two batteries and placed them in the palm of his hand. "Thanks," he said.
"You're welcome," she replied. She moved forward to leave, but then moved at the same time and they bumped into each other. Tala could feel the heat of his body warming the little space that was between him.
James did not hesitate and fully accepted her kiss. He slipped one arm around her waist and with his other hand he carefully brought it up to the side of her face. Tala parted her lips and James slipped in tongue into her mouth. Their tongues locking, Tala moan softly into him.
His scent smelt clean, with just a hint of cologne that made her pupils dilate. She gripped her notepad hard in both hands as her eyes met his. This was too much for her to control any longer.
A passionate ferocity that she could no longer deny bubbled up in her, and she dropped her notepad and kissed him.
Her hands gripped his shirt tightly at the waist, then she brought her them up to his muscular chest and smoothed them down to his abdomen. James growled with pleasure when she bit his bottom lip.
The sound of the supply room door opening caused Tala to push away. Rita, the receptionist, stuck her head in.
"So that's where you can find the batteries Mr. Delaney," Tala said, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear as she left as quickly as possible.
As she burned a path through the carpet back to her office she heard Rita telling James that some important caller was on the phone.
Not able to focus any longer on her inbox, Tala picked up the phone and called Helga.
"Oo la la, Ms. Swiftstorm, getting it on with her boss," Helga teased.
"Shut up, I can't believe I did that!" Tala said, freaking out a little.
"Boring. I want details, not drama," Helga said.
"Jesus, Helga. Fine, it was fucking fantastic, alright? His beard is so soft and his lips, god his lips are were so bouncy. And his tongue, the things he did with his tongue just inside my mouth was glorious. I want more," Tala said whining.
"Then get more. What's the problem?" Helga said.
"I don't know..." Tala said. She paused when she heard a soft knocking at her door. She glanced up when it opened and Rita popped her head in.
"Hello! Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were on a call," Rita said, cringing.
"No, it's fine. What's up?" Tala asked, pleading silently that Rita had not seen her and James kissing.
"Nothing important, just wanted to make sure you found that notepad you were looking for?"
Earlier Tala had asked Rita where she could find a notepad. That's when Tala realized she had left it on the floor of the supply room.
"Yeah, I did. I found it. Um, it's great. Very nice notepad. It's here, in my drawer, safe and sound," Tala said, lying her ass off.
Rita smiled and then closed the door.
"What's this about a notepad?" Helga asked.
"Nothing. Look, I have to go kill myself or maybe get back to work, I don't know which yet," Tala said.
"Fuck him, Tala. Fuuuuuuck, James," Helga said in a small little imp like voice.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Tala said, making a face.
"I'm acting like the devil on your shoulder," Helga said, as if Tala should have known that.
"You don't need to change your voice. You are the devil on my shoulder," Tala said. This made Helga laugh and they said their good-byes.
Close to five o'clock, Tala signed off her computer for the day. Her plan was to leave before James spotted her. As he shouldered her purse behind her desk, her office door open. James stood at the threshold.
"Shit," she muttered.
"Shit? That's interesting considering you're the one that started all this," he said, closing the door behind him.
"I just wanted a notepad," Tala whined and wiggled in frustration.
James furrowed his brow, a bit confused at her comment, but ignored it and walked over to face her.
"I don't get you. You're interested, you kissed me, but right now you're trying to run away?"
"I do like you, I did kiss you. And yes, I'm running away," she said, nodding in full agreement.
"And?" he said.
"And I don't know what I want, okay? You seem like a very complicated man. Albeit, a very sexy and mysterious man," Tala said, nibbling on her lip and forgetting her point for a moment. "But!" she said, pulling herself back into focus. "But, I want a committed man. Not just a fling."
"Do you think I just see you as some sort of object?" he asked.
"Yes? No? Maybe. You've been with a lot of women, James. I read plenty about you and just through the media alone I've counted sixteen different women on your arm through out the years."
"Fuck, didn't you hear anything I said about what the media wants to portray about me verses the actual truth?"
"Yes, but...fine, look me in the eye and tell me you didn't sleep with each of those women," Tala said, folding her arms and waiting.
James shifted uncomfortably in place. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "I slept with most of them."
"Ah-ha! See? You can't commit," she said.
"Fucking hell," James said, bringing a hand up and pinching the bridge of his nose. He released his face, his hand dropping his side. "Alright. Done. We'll just be friends. Happy?"
Tala was not happy. She didn't like this final conclusion he came to. "No," she said, scuffing her high heel against the floor. James sighed then closed the gap between them. He placed his hands on her arms and looked her square in the eyes. "Give me a chance, then. Hmmm?"
Tala gazed deep into his gorgeous blue eyes. They were blue at the moment, but depending on the light they were green, sometimes gray, other time slightly brown. They were lovely.
"Okay, you're right. I'm asking you to prove yourself, but I haven't given you a chance," she said.
"I respect you, Tala. I'm not playing games," he said, stroking one of her arms. She placed her hands on his chest and said, "Swear to me."
He brought a hand up to her chin, hooked a finger under it and said, "I swear it."
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unmyeoung · 6 months
@unmyeoung said: ❛ kiss me again. ❜ (shockbite) Assortment of Dialogue Prompts || Accepting
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"That's bold, do you think you deserve it?" Sabine isn't ever against giving her a kiss but to hear Tala ask for it aloud was new and something she hadn't anticipated. The question really has very little relevance and regardless of which way Tala leaned it's likely she'll act on it herself. The question is more or less … for her own amusement. Urging Tala to answer something pointless to see how she'll react when pressed with it and Sabine had a feeling Tala would revert to her awkward, timid demeanor that the chemist seemed to enjoy meddling with. Green eyes glance at the other, studying her as she invited the silence that stood between them. It's almost impossible to keep herself from sparing the slightest of smiles looking at Tala. Not when she was so taken by that sweet expression that often sat on the duelist's face, igniting something within Sabine she previously believed didn't exist. Or perhaps, lied dormant for years before she ever thought someone would bother kindling that flame again. That she would allow someone to warm her tenderly, gently, to the degree she is now. Inviting the other to see a side of herself she lay to waste for years in favor of something far more sinister. To think she was capable of giving focus to someone even after devoting herself to something as vile as revenge. It still twisted her stomach to think about the possibility of disappointing Tala and who could blame her? Hands soaked in innocent blood she lay in fear that this bout of tenderness she was entertaining would crumble the second her crimes came to light, making all of this for naught. It's … vulnerability that she offers the other, without Tala's knowledge. It's a question that Sabine isn't brave enough to bring to light, not yet. Maybe not ever. No, it's likely everything will surface eventually and when the time came … Would Tala think of her as a monster? "For a job well done? Is that what you want to be paid with?"
deserve it? did she deserve any of the affection she sought from the other? she thought about it frequently. perhaps, in fact, a little too frequently. who was she to think she deserved her attention or affection?
and yet.. it was so sweet. the taste of moonlight against her lips, the subtle smile that she could just about swear was only for her- it was too dreamlike to even fantasize about, and yet.. she'd experienced it. those lips had been against her own.
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she looks at her, eyes open, lips slightly parted, head tilted just a little. she shakes her head, voice soft. "it isn't that i think i deserve it.. i-i just like it.. when you kiss me? but.. i'm sorry for getting greedy.."
she looks at her, almost apologetic. "it's.. a little too much, right? for a reward.. uhm.. maybe.. we can have some tea together?"
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kinomiya · 2 years
"things you said ....When you thought I was dying" Tala/Takao Go as unhinged as you can lol
It’s not unhinged, I don’t even know that it is.
It’s ~ART~
Tala aimlessly roamed the fiery remains of what was once a city block, careful not to let the black flames lick his skin, an annoyed scowl on his face. Boris never hesitated in sending Kai into these once densely populated cities to wreak havoc on the poor souls that remained hidden within the derelict structures, and Kai, who held no fondness for this country or its people was all too happy to oblige, leaving the unrecognizable, charred remains of the families systematically oppressed by Biovolt.
But while Kai felt no predilection for the innocent Russian people caught up in the crossfire of his endless pursuit of one man, they were Tala’s compatriots and something deep inside him felt he had an obligation to at the very least attempt the rescue of survivors. 
Unfortunately Hiwatari was particularly thorough in his cruelty and all that Tala ever found were the scorched bodies of men, women and children, both friends and foes to Biovolt. It was a hopeless task, he knew as much, there were no saviors and no salvation for those who had remained ambivalent as Biovolt’s regime arose.
Tala was roused from his reverie at the sight of red patches staining the dirty ash covered snow, following the trail he was brought to the back of a small concrete building that had somehow escaped his teammates' flames.
He came to an abrupt stop at the sight of him, propped up against the cement, his head tilted to the side as blood flowed from his mouth down his chin and onto the grey snow, extensive burns covering his neck and arms. His eyes were glazed over and for a moment Tala thought him dead too until he caught the slightest movement, a shallow breath.
Tala exhaled sharply, knowing he should just turn away, and let him die for any other decision would have unfathomable consequences but his feet carried him forward towards the man anyway.  Perhaps he was just so tired of seeing so much death or perhaps it ate away at him but that he couldn’t ever save one single mother or child from the inhumanity he’d endured all his life, but in that moment he didn’t give a damn about the repercussions or how this one moment could change the entire course of history.
Gently he reached his hand out and shook the nearly lifeless man before him, causing him to slowly shift his gaze towards him, a hint of recognition, an acceptance of inevitable death in his eyes.
He closed his eyes for a moment, clenching his jaw and contemplated for a short time before finally reaching a decision. Carefully, he hooked his arms under his knees and back and lifted him up off the cold ground before speaking faintly:
“Kinomiya, you’re not going to die here.”
At some point in time, Tala would have considered himself loyal to Biovolt to the bitter end, sooner having a bullet put in his head before abandoning his comrades and the institution that had given him power, but as the endless bitter winter dragged on, and he watched more and more loyal innocent civilians be turned to ash, with only one single man standing in such bold, beautiful defiance of it all. 
He just couldn’t help but think Takao Kinomiya was the closest thing to a savior they had.
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teabiscs · 2 years
hello let me offer additional headcanons
tala is the only blitzkreig boy to not have any piercings. because he is scared of needles. lots of medical trauma from the abbey. I could see him way later on maybe in his 40s deciding enough is enough. He’s getting his ears pierced. He only gets one done and taps out, but they’re all so proud of him.
Bryan has a praise kink, I will not elaborate further. Also him wearing a hoodie that’s says I’m a good boy (kai bought it as a joke, bryan wears it unironically)
spencer is the most well read out of all of them. also he can speak french.
ivan is the most mechanically and technologically inclined of them. He may not be the strongest but when spencer or bryan is a shout away there’s nothing they can’t fix.
when spencer and Bryan go to the gym, spencer purposefully lifts lighter, because he knows how competitive bryan is. And that Bryan will hurt himself if he lifts as heavy as spencer can (and Bryan’s like idgi we lift the same how is he bigger than me!!! [he’s protecting you bby])
Spencer gets a tattoo over his heart for the boys. It’s super sappy and nice. And he makes a speech that it’s for them because they’ll always be first in his heart and he wants to keep them close to what matters. They all mock him (he knows they don’t mean it), but none of them will admit it made them cry. (No design but it incorporates all of them in someway. Probs with the bitbeasts and other keys elements of them)
Tala will only let Bryan or spencer cut his hair. He doesn’t trust anyone else with scissor that close to him (he doesn’t trust Ivan because the one time Tala let him do it, he messed up so bad tala’s hair ended up way shorter than it’s ever been)
Ivan is a catalyst to Bryan’s menace behavior. He’s very good at planting seeds of ideas into bryan and then acts innocent like idk why he did that.
Adult Ivan is tall and lanky. He was never a fan of the gym. And while he loves blading he’s the first to find a new hobby over it. He builds, he tinkers, he creates. He’s really good with his hands. He’s also really into astronomy. He builds a telescope out of junk parts. He gets into astrophotographer y
Tala is very quick to anger (redheads right? He’s working on it) but he’s also the leader that everyone dolefully follows. However when there’s a hiccup and an obvious impending problem, Tala takes the backseat and lets Spencer handle things. He’s calm and cool and collected. He’s also intimidating with his height and width. He’s the most level headed, but also the sweetest. He on the outside could easily be a leader but he lets people walk all over him. (Thanks Tala and Bryan for advocating for him.)
It takes all of them a long time adjusting from having nothing in the abbey to having every thing they could ask for. After BEGA and all that. They got a settlement from Russia for their time in the abbey. As well as money for their performance in the event. Sponsors. They’re very comfortable now. (It still gives them anxiety that this could all come crashing down but lots of therapy)
They’ve all 100% broken it off with a partner, if the partner dissed their found family. “It’s weird how close you all are” BYE. Spencer has broken up with someone who tried to get him to move out too quickly. He’s like “they can not survive without me. You can move in tho.” They take in to consideration the others opinion on their partners. (Except for the time that Bryan’s obsessed with astrology and tells spencer that he thinks the girl isn’t going to work out bc she’s a Scorpio. And spencer you’re a Sagittarius, a fire sign. She’s a water sign. She will extinguishs you. I don’t approve [they don’t work out anyway, but])
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toxichem · 6 months
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✧・゚ ——— ❛ @knifvd . ❪ shoulder touches . ❫    ۟. ♡               ៶       [ STEADY ]: the sender rests a hand on the shaken and panicked receiver's shoulder to steady and ground them.    [  from  sage  ]  !
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✧・゚ ——— ❛   her first instinct was to roll her shoulder ,  shake the intruding hand off  .  it didn't particularly matter who it belonged to ,  the warmth was jarring in her state ,  be it liam, sasha ,  tala  —  a deep breath to dismiss her new companion brought the scent of peaches to her senses ,  told the chemist who had found her, and she collapsed into herself  .  of all people  ...  wei had seen her at her worst before ,  what was yet another time  ?  her judgement was another drop in the ocean of every bad impression she'd left on the other  .  the healer had seen her raze cities ,  spill the blood of innocents ,  condemn herself with every flick of her fingers  —  so what if she saw her break under the weight of it all  ?  if anything ,  the other might feel vindicated in seeing her crushed under the guilt for her actions  .  the indomitable monster ,  tormented by her greatest asset ,  her own mind  .  how laughable  .  how  ...  poetic  .
if she were inclined to believe in cosmic forces ,  sabine would pick karma as the higher power  .  there could be no other explanation for how a woman who hated her very being had an unerring sixth sense for her weakest moments ,  and consistently caught her in them  .  the latest in a long line being her panicked rush from her room ,  amidst the clutches of a nightmare  .  for all she worked closely with acids ,  the images of what they did to human flesh could even unsettle her ,  and with the horrors she'd seen  —  and committed  —  her brain was quite adept at extrapolating when caught in deep sleep  .  she'd seen it once ,  during the venice incident ,  skin sloughing off bone as acid ate away at flesh  .  the screams that day were terrible ,  replayed in the gut wrenching shriek pulled from her throat when she dreamt of her own face melting  .  neon acid scored bleached white bone as skin and muscle deformed ,  setting nerves aflame before they ,  too ,  disintegrated  .  the fantasized pain threw her from her slumber ,  from her bed to stumble to the bathroom  .  the sting of bile in her throat was reminiscent of her dream ,  prompting another wave of nausea that sent her pale frame heaving once more  .
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it was the hand on her shoulder ,  the other pulling her hair from her face ,  that freed her from being locked into spiraling memories  .  the scent that made her drop her head forward ,  cool porcelain pressed against flushed ,  sweaty skin  .  of course  .  ❝  did i wake you  ?  don't answer that  .  of course i did  .  ❞  her voice was rough ,  a combination of sleep and bile making already smoky tones huskier  .  ❝  i'm fine ,  wei  .  you can leave me to clean up myself  .  ❞  tonight ,  she was too tired for their normal animosity  .  the subtle snipes ,  the back - and - forth  .  tonight ,  she didn't want to be seen ,  or have to put up walls to block shots that would hit too close  .  she was tired  .
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iheartgod175 · 7 months
ZP OC Profiles — Tala
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No, this is not Female! Multo…although I’ll probably do a design like that in the future since this one turned out cute!
This is Tala, one of my two fan-children for Multo/Zeeter that I kinda yelled about to @blazing-shadows a few times. Actually, she was a big help in helping me create her, and her older twin brother, Dakila, in both their appearances and how they use their powers (they both inherited their father’s psychic powers). Thanks, Bud!
Now, onto the profile!
Tala ("star"; also, the name of a Filipino goddess of stars)
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Species: Zulean
Birthday: November 8th
Blood Type: A-
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 221 lbs.
Appearance: Tala’s a big girl, both in bone structure and height, which makes her look older than she is. It was obvious that she’d inherit her father’s height, but she ends up surpassing his height when she reaches her teenage years, hence why she looks older than she actually is. She looks a lot like her father, except her skin is sea green, and has medium brown eyes. Unlike Multo, she wears glasses due to an early childhood illness that affected her eyes.
Personality: Jovially mischievous and abundantly curious, she’s often mistaken as the innocent one of the family (as is Sora), which she uses to her advantage to catch people off guard—she has her mom’s sense of humor. She’s both the delight of the family and their greatest worry, as when left alone for too long, she’ll find a way to get into something. Considering herself a bit of a crackpot scientist, she’s always in the garage working on projects to either improve her family life or make a discovery—more often than not, this results in an explosion at least once a week, hence why her parents had to get explosion insurance. When she teams up with her father, it’s usually the beginning of some great scientific breakthrough, or yet another explosion to avoid. She is terribly unaware of her surroundings, even worse than her dad, and occasionally has a lack of a filter, meaning that she’ll say what she honestly thinks whether it hurts people or not. However, when she notices that she’s offended or hurt someone, she’s quick to make amends.
Like her brother, Tala greatly admires her parents, hailing them and her great-great-grandparents (who were renowned in their respective fields) as her heroes. As such, she possesses a love of science as well as a love of the air, and her dream is to become either a physicist or a weapons engineer. Unlike her brother, she inherited Multo's notoriously long fuse, although, just like her dad, the few times where she’s gotten legitimately angry are sights to behold. Unlike her dad, her first instinct when finally furious is violence, ranging from punching a guy who insulted Elfilin, to locking a student in a headlock after she mocked Wizzy and Wigg’s family. So yeah. Don’t piss her off either.
Abilities: Like her brother, she inherited Multo's Third Sight ability and it manifested early on, unlike her father. Her Third Sight allows her to see people’s memories through touch—unlike her dad, who can only see fragments, she can see complete memories.
A few notes/trivia:
—She’s the youngest of the M/Z family.
—The uniform she’s wearing here is actually her school uniform. She’s not preppy normally—she prefers wearing more comfortable gear when working on projects, like her mom.
—Her skin color comes from her mom’s side of the family, where some of the women have this skin coloration.
—She’s a perfect blend of her parents’ personalities, although a lot of her eccentricities are clearly from Multo, lol. Her sense of humor and vengeful side, though, are all Zeeter.
—As stated above, she becomes the tallest member of the family by the time she turns fifteen, much to her father’s amusement and her mother’s bewilderment.
—Both she and her brother, Dakila, ended up having their powers manifesting at an early age, unlike their dad, whose powers appeared relatively late in life. Her ability allows her to see people’s whole memories through touch, and she was afraid of this ability due to seeing things that would break a normal person. With the support of her family, though, she’d gain control of her ability and gain confidence in using it.
—A childhood illness that Multo had that affected his eyesight was passed to her. Unlike him, however, she lost a lot of her eyesight, necessitating the use of glasses.
I hope you like this profile! ^^
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marialiwanag137 · 1 year
The Moon, The Sun, and the Star
“It’s sad that people from big cities do not get to see this much wonder,” sighed Maya as she shook her head in a disappointed manner. Tala tilted her head and looked at the eldest. “Why do they not see the stars like we do?” “They are too busy building things,” Hana grumbled. “The city lights are the only lights they see at night. That is all they see because cities pollute the sky. So much, that not a single speck of white can be seen up above.” “Do these city lights tell stories like the stars do?” Tala innocently asked. “No, they do not, ading,” Maya replied while shaking her head. “Those lights do not last forever. The stars do. They were all there before everything and everyone was born. As they watched us live, love, and learn, these stars changed and made shapes. Constellations are what they are called. Each one tells a story, a sign, anything really. And they will always be there, so that we will always remember.” “Even when we don’t see them in a big city?” “Even when we don’t see them in a big city,” repeated Hana in a reassuring voice. Tala looked at each of her older sisters and in a hushed voice, she asked, “And what do they remind us of?” Maya thought for a moment before responding with, “Many things, like honoring the past, or that love goes on and on.”
Tala grinned as she hooked her arms with Maya and Hana’s arms, pulling them closer to her. “Well then, my love for you two will definitely go on and on, even when we reach three hundred and thirty-three years old!” “Will I still be taller than both of you by then?” Hana asked with a deadpan face and tone. “Hana,” Maya spoke in a way like how a mother is trying not to scold her child. “When will you let that joke go? We are triplets! We were born at the same time, and we all have the same height!” “Not unless I eat more rice and drink more milk,” Hana countered with a smirk. “Speaking of milk,” Tala then stood up, tugging her sisters’ arms to do the same. “I want to hear Papa’s story time, and I don’t want my warm carabao milk to get cold before bed!” Upon seeing Tala sprinting off into the field, Maya worriedly exclaimed, “Tala, be careful or you might trip!” And just like that, the three sisters laughed merrily and raced back home as the moon and her fellow stars from above flickered with farewells and wishes of sweet dreams.
On the 10th of October, at exactly 10:10 PM, three daughters were born. Based on a story told by their father, each of them were named after a heavenly body.
The youngest was named after the brightest evening star.
The middle was named after the rising and waking sun.
And the eldest was named after the mystical yet comforting moon.
Yup, I forgot to mention that Maya has two younger sisters, Hana and Tala. I'm pretty sure you may be wondering: why had I not mentioned them before, or at least show them in my posts? They're triplets, right? So, why did I not put them together as a whole in my posts? Well, you'll just have to wait and see why. ;)
All I can say is that today marks the night that I have completely conceived the concept of the Masalanta sisters. Let's all wish them a happy birthday!
As always, keep up the good vibes, everyone! Goodnight, and I hope your dreams are filled with lights like the night sky! ^^
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cyclonesyndicate · 2 years
Despite his wishes, Sade drops to the ground, lifeless, unbreathing, merely a husk that will never awaken again. So the great Tala has fallen and the star shaped hole in their hearts begins to be carved out. He should've known that was going to happen from the moment they walked into the room. It was only right, they were already supposed to be dead. They just got a few extra moments to stare their killer in the eyes. Beowulf will mourn on his own time, once everything is over he will give himself time to to mourn. For now he offers a moment of silence for his now dead friend.
His gaze falls upon Fantasia as he explains himself...he shuts his eyes but keeps his ears at attention. Leaning back in his seat he lets his thoughts brew. 
"Was there really no other option than to kill Mamsell? We can't admonish her for her threats against you now...so I'm just gonna focus on the choices you made. You didn't have to go it alone when you confronted Mamsell. I'm sure others would've come with you, it didn't have to end in murder."
But oh how it did, or else Fantasia's secret would've been leaked to the world, and Fantasia would find himself at the end of a different knife anyway. No matter what...the cat had found himself at the bottom of a well. There was only one escape illuminated by the light of day. There was only one chance to get it right...yet the cat still fumbled and found himself back at the bottom with his only way to escape destroyed.
Beowulf wondered how dark the well must be when all you get is a single ray of light...he wonders what could've been missed. Were there other dents in the walls the cat could have climbed his way up with? Was there a spot where the wall was weak enough that cat could bust it down and find a secret passage? Was there a miracle at the bottom of the well that could have been found if there was some effort? Could the cat have meowed and screamed till someone offered a rope?
"There was nothing we could've done to help? How strong could N07 be? If you're secret got out..."
Beowulf was being stupidly hopeful...hopeful that there was a miracle that could've been reached if they put in the effort. He found everything involving this secrets motive to be stupid...if they just had trust in each other then it didn't matter. That was a naive thought...when the secrets go out, how much can they actually protect each other? Can they really always have each other's backs at any moment...Still he voices his hope.
"Was there really nothing we could've done to keep you alive!? You wouldn't have to have walked back out alone into the world! We could've come up with something! Some out of the box bullshit that would've saved you! It didn't have to end like this! You didn't have to die and neither did they!"
He shouts but he pulls himself back from getting too worked up, from letting his voice raise to more than a yell. Beowulf sits himself back down to breath...to let himself stay calm and collected. It was always unbecoming for him to lose his cool, it was disgraceful. His gaze stays on Fantasia, his eyes now wide open and taking in all of his last words. When he was sufficiently calm...he finally speaks again to the lost cat. 
"From one murderer to another, I'm sorry for jumping the gun and assuming that there was malice hidden behind all of your actions, Fantasia. But also from one murderer to another, I'm sorry but I can't forgive you for killing an innocent person like Tala."
Mamsell had threatened him. Could he forgive that? He doesn't elaborate on that point. He pulls out his phone to prepare to vote but he still speaks the whole time.
"I won't admonish you for it though. I believe everything you say, bro. That you're you...that you never lied...you were just a dude that wanted to survive. I'd be one hell of a hypocrite to judge you for that kind of motive...I just wish you could've trusted in us somehow finding some miracle or some shit. Or maybe that's just the hopes of a naive wolf."
He scrolls through each name on his phone. He finds the name he needs to press to bring this all to a close and he lets his thumb hover over the answer. Beowulf lifts his gaze from his phone...he offers a solemn smile to the cat at the bottom of the well. 
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"...I believe you, Fantasia..."
He cares about them too...
Beowulf presses Fantasia's name on his phone.
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alexjcrowley · 2 years
I was kind of worried for the episode when I saw Reva going after Luke. The point is, we knew Luke wouldn't have been harmed. We knew Owen and Beru wouldn't have been seriously harmed. What's the point. I mean, it made sense in the plot, but I thought it was going to be kind of boring to see, especially because her scenes were alternated with that epic battle between Vader and Kenobi. Reva's part of the episode just felt like low tension. I already did notice the parallels with Anakin, how she looked in that cape, but it still felt to me like "what's the point of this? Why am I supposed to feel tension?"
And then the alternating scenes with Anakin killing the younglings, and seeing her instead of Luke, and Reva bringing Luke back and Obi Wan giving her the speech he hoped he could have given Anakin, he hoped he could have said "it's okay, my young padawan, you still haven't fallen for the dark side, there's still light in you, compassion, kindness", he never could save Anakin but now he gets to to see Reva redeem herself, not anyone who falls for the dark side is lost forever (how this perfectly matches Vader's ending in Return of the Jedi). Not all is lost, even in the heart of those who seek revenge, there's still place for redemption.
And once again, Luke seems to be the mean for that redemption. He fought and killed and he was forged by the war, but still he makes up for the innocent Reva nor Anakin can get themselves to kill.
Reva is a mirror, is the the proof that there's still a chance for Anakin to save himself, that not all those who falls are doomed, she marks a line between he and Anakin, he could choose to save himself but he didn't, she did, in a world made of prophecies and mystical forces, choices still matters, the real doom is to believe there is nothing left to do, that destiny is set in stone.
Obi Wan could have said it was too late for him to help anybody, that he already failed the one who trusted him once, that there was nothing good to ever come out of him again.
Luke could have accepted that the only way to end a war is a fight until one drops dead.
Tala could have said to herself she already did all the things she should have been ashamed of, that she was not worthy to help those she once mercilessly slaughtered.
This is incoclusive and chaotic but I feel like I could go into so many directions, so many details.
I can't stop thinking "like poetry, it rhymes" for everything. Everything in this story. It's like music. I see faces over faces, I se the same moments, over and over, with different endings, different times, the same feelings, tha same sadness, obsessions, hope, fear, rage. I'm 20 but within Star Wars I have lived entire decades, I have seen history repeat himself, I have seen so many stories and so many people, I feel like an old god observing a distant universe. It rhymes, everything, in the big scale of things, there's a rhythm, I can feel it.
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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A Modern James Delaney Story - master list
Chapter Six
Tala hit the button for the 44th floor. As the elevator ascended, she waited awkwardly with two men in business suits who stood behind her. She was relived when the doors opened, because she was certain they had been staring at her ass the entire time.
There were two offices on this floor, so she briefly read a sign indicating that The Delaney Nootka Trading Company was on the left side of the 44th floor.
Opening one of the glass doors, Tala approach the reception desk. A hint of coffee and printer paper scented the air, and the faint sounds of phones ringing, keyboards, and people talking filled the back portion of the office.
"Good Morning, I'm Tala Swiftstorm. I'm Mr. Delaney's new personal assistant," Tala said.
A chubby, Latina woman looked up from her computer and smiled. "Yes, of course. He's expecting you. Just go down this hallway. And he'll be the last office on your left."
"Thank you," Tala said turning to proceed down the hallway. She saw that his office was open and she stepped in, knocking lightly on the door.
He was seated behind his desk, checking something on his mobile phone. She she knocked, he did not look up and maintained his focus on his phone.
"Tala, didn't I say eight a.m.?" he said, locking his phone then setting it down next to his laptop. He placed his arms on his desk and folded his hands, giving her a firm stare.
"You did? I'm sorry, I must have not heard you," she said, batting her eyes innocently. She was well aware that in this situation she had the upper hand. Her posing has his personal assistant for a few weeks was a favor after all. Also, she knew that he was very attracted to her.
He arched an eyebrow, but did not push the matter further. It was eight-thirty a.m., not the end of the world. She waited for him to say something else, but instead he simply looked her up and down. It was quite obvious he was undressing her with his eyes.
She was wearing a tight, black business skirt and a deep purple blouse. Which reminded her. She dug in her purse and extracted a receipt. She came up to his desk and placed it in front of him.
"I'd like to expense this," she said.
He picked it up and read the receipt. "Nine hundred and eighty-six dollars for clothes?"
"Yes, I didn't have any classy office clothing," she said, completely confident he'd pay the bill.
"Fine," he scoffed and folded the receipt. He got up from behind his desk and walked her across the hall to an office that was parallel to his own. It was a much smaller office, but it had a window. And on her desk was a vase of roses.
"This will be your space for the next few weeks," he said, standing off to the side and pocketing the receipt. Tala walked over and picked up the roses, she loved roses. She smelled them and said, "Okay, I could get used to this."
"Since I'm buying you clothing and flowers now, perhaps you'd reconsider that date?" he said, boldly.
That made Tala laugh and she shook her head as she walked behind the desk. "Nope. Clothing and flowers are lovely and all, but what really turns me on is a man who can accept who he really is."
"Right, and just how do I prove that to you?" James asked.
"You can't figure that out on your own?" she said, sitting down. "Now, really, Mr. Delaney, I'm trying to work here. If you don't leave me alone I'll cry sexual harassment," she said in a teasing manner.
"Very well, let's start the work day, shall we?" he said, and walked back into his office.
The remaining part of the day went by in a blur. Tala was impressed by how organized Lorna had been. James' schedule was very clear and well coordinated, which made it much easier for Tala to inform him of his upcoming week.
However, she soon found James was a rather demanded boss. He asked for her to get his coffee, order his lunch, send out important emails and update reports for a meeting he had coming up.
"And make sure you use Ariel font, not times. You did that in your emails and it looks appalling," he said, as she set his lunch in front of him.
She couldn't help but glare at him, but said nothing because after all he was paying her. She wouldn't tell him this, but she needed the money.
Towards the end of day, Tala walked into his office yet again. She had some documents that he needed to sign off on. Handing him a folder, James' took it and began signing. "How was your first day?" he asked.
"Do you want the truth or shall I sugar coat it for you?"
He smiled. She noticed that he never smiled completely. It was just a slight pull around his lips, something you'd have to look for closely in order to realize he was even smiling. "I want to hear the sugar coated version, then the truth."
"Oh, Mr. Delaney. Today was such a great experience, it's a real pleasure to be working for such a talented and handsome man," she said, making her voice sound as girly and flirty as possible.
He chucked and closed the folder and handed it back to her. "And the truthful version?" he said.
"You're kind of an asshole," she said, taking the folder.
"Yes, so I've been told," he said, sitting back.
"Lorna said she was in love with you, really? After working for you for five years? Did she have Stockholm syndrome or something?"
"Lorna was a formidable woman, I assure you. I was very fond of her. She took my demeanor in stride, and she'd often put me in place if needed," he said.
"Oh, so why didn't you just date her like she wanted. Sounds like you admire her."
"Admiration does not necessary equate to attraction, Tala," he said.
"I suppose not...poor Lorna," she said, feeling a little sad for Ms. Bow.
"She will be fine. And you...I want to know what you're doing tonight." he said, standing up from his desk and walking over to her.
"I'm doing nothing. And I intend on doing nothing," she said, folding her arms.
"I'd very much like it if you came over to my home, had dinner," he said.
"Oh my god, you are relentless aren't you? The answer is still no. Not until..."
"Not until I sort my shit out as you have eloquently put it. I know. But how am I going to do that without your help, exactly? Didn't you say you would be a friend to me and help?"
"But friends don't invite each other to their big mansion homes, wine and dine them and hope to have sex after," she said, poking him in the chest.
James made a faint expression of mock offense. "Sex? Tala, that is the furthest thing from my mind. That is, unless, you want to, of course."
Tala rolled her eyes and hit his arm with the folder. "I'll see you at seven, James, and no, I do not." Which was a blatant lie on her part.
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zeewritez · 2 years
What Our Fotune Holds - Part III
< Previous Part
Fandom: Star Wars 
Era: Kenobi Series
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Summary: When attempting to se
Warning: usual Star Wars Violence, not sure if this is this is a warning, but obviosuly an age gap relationship is unfolding between Kenobi and reader?
Note: Apologies, this is a tiny bit (very) late because I have no concept of time. But, thanks to everyone who’s been reading so far, I appreciate you so much. 
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It was hard to tell when exactly night fell while traveling through space. The vast dark emptiness of it threw off one’s sense of time. Nevertheless, a mixture of the after effects of an adrenaline rush, genuine fatigue from running all over creation, and the leftover alcohol that was still in my system left me tired enough to catch a few hours of sleep. Once I awoke, still in the middle of space and far away from Maputo, I was unable to fall back asleep. No matter how hard I tried, the nightmares didn’t allow me to return to my slumber. I circled the ship, checking in on the sleeping Leia every few minutes to keep myself busy. “What’s the matter?” Obi-Wan asked, stopping me in my umteenth round. He gestured for me to sit across from him. “I’m worried about Lu-Lu,” I told him in a half-truth. “My loth-cat.” “While I’m sure you’re worried about your dear pet, y/n, there’s something else bothering you,” he said. He looked at me not with judgment but with compassion as he spoke. Aside from Nari, he was probably the only person I’d met who’d understand what I was going through. I shook my head. “There’s always something on my mind,” I told him. “And what is one your mine at the moment?” he pressed. “I can sense regret and anguish in you. You’ve never mastered the art of hiding your emotions.” A soft smile fell onto his lips. I took a deep breath before I confessed something I never had: “I saw my master’s death before it happened.” I told him as a tear began to fall down my cheek. “I couldn’t save him, and it plagues me.” “That’s...” he strayed for a moment, looking at me with sadness before he went on. “..not your fault. How old were you when this happened?” “15.” He took my hands into his, rubbing them softly with his thumbs. It instantly settled my nerves, though the pain of that incident would never leave me. “You were a padawan,” he went on. “And even if you were a Jedi night, it wouldn’t have been your fault.” “I tried to contact him, I did,” I went on. “But master Yoda returned with the news that Palpatine had killed him. I knew then I would have to leave the temple.” “Your master was Mace Windu?” the former Jedi asked. “I didn’t know he had a padawan.” I nodded. “I was meant to be kept a secret. Master Yoda thought my gift was too special to risk having me injured or killed. He believed if word got out, I’d be hunted for my abilities.” I explained. He nodded slowly. "What's on your mind?" I asked. My hands were still in his and I felt a warmth I hadn't in many years. It thawed my heart. "Much the same as you," he replied. "I couldn't save my former padawan from slipping into the Darkseid. I should've seen the sign, the possessiveness, the anger... I didn't." I squeezed his hands gently. "That isn't your fault either," I assured. "There's no way to keep anyone from slipping to the Darkside. Only the choice that individual makes can save them, no one else." He looked up at me again, and despite his years of training, years of stoicism, I could see the pain, in his face. It was clear to me that we both had many demons to face. ... “Go,” Leia insisted. Tala and I looked at each other. “I’m sure you’re a better shot than me,” I told her. “You watch Obi-Wan’s back, I’ll go with Leia.” The woman looked at me with hesitancy but nodded. Leia took my hand and the two of us continued down the seemingly endless tunnel. We neared the end of the underpass, a black hole with flickers of light promising the end. We came to the exit and my heart immediately dropped. "Are you going to help us?" Leia asked innocently. The inquisitor wore a menacing smile on her face once she saw us. The body of a pilot lay just feet away from her. "Stay back Leia," I warned, taking a step forward to bring distance between her and Reva. "And who are you?" The inquisitor asked me, almost amused. "I'm not important," I said, grasping for my blaster under my cloak. "Is that so?" She mused, taking yet another step toward me. Speaking to the woman was torture, but I had to distract her while I thought of a plan. "Yes, you might as well forget about me." "I have Intel of a Jedi traveling alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi. That wouldn't happen to be you, would it." I held the blaster tight, waiting for the right moment to use it. "I'm no Jedi." "Strange, because my sources also say that said individual was wielding a purple lightsaber. A purple one," she continued. "There are only two Jedi in the past century who had them." Her eyes looked at me harshly, almost as though she were looking through me. I clenched my teeth, knowing an emotional reaction would only worsen my situation. "Master Mace Windu... and his secret apprentice," she said in nearly a whisper. In a swift movement, I pulled out my blaster and shot one of the lights above us. Sparks flew about. "Run, Leia!" I called out amidst the chaos of the flickering light above us. Just as I was about to follow the girl, Reva took my wrist into a firm grip. I yanked my arm to no avail. She twisted my arm so that the blaster fell to the floor. Suddenly, I remembered something I learned on Daiyu years ago: with my weight on my non-dominant leg, I spun around and hit the inquisitor in the knee with the toe of my boot. It gave me just enough to get away from her and wield my Saber. Around a dozen stormtroopers, exited the ship behind her, all aiming their weapons at me. Reva stood up again. "Go get the princess," she yelled, pointing towards the entrance of the cave. "I'll deal with her." She too ignited her saber, a bright red light contrasting with the dead of night that surrounded us. With a sprint, she lunged at me. Our sabers crashed in a Collison the color of a sunset. She pushed me back with the force and went for another swing, but I managed to gain my balance in time. I deflected the swing above my head and jolted forward. I took the moment to run towards the small ship that was meant to bring us to safety. With a little help from the force, I managed to jump on one of the wings. It was well known that higher ground was always ideal. "So, you picked up a few tricks along the years," Reva noted as she charged toward me. She swung her blade towards my feet, which I avoided with a quick jump. Taking advantage of where I stood, I swung down, aiming for her head. It wasn't a conventional move, and certainly, not one that would have made Master Windu proud, but alas my opponent wasn't conventional either. She pushed up with just enough strength to cause me to tumble. I rolled off the wing of the ship and landed back on the ground. Just as I was about to take another swing, a dozen pairs of boots marched through the cave, Leia in front of them in handcuffs. With a small wave, Reva had six of them circle us. "This was quite fun," she said, putting her light saber back on her hip. She walked away with a smug look on her face. I was pulled by several pairs of arms, one pair holding me still, the other cuffing me, one pair taking my light saber, the last one patting me down. - The cell I was put in was bleak and dark, I couldn't see my own hands infront of me. My surroundings faded into a pitch black nothingness. I let myself lie down, trying to control my breathing. Closing my eyes, I tried hard to remember my master's teachings. I tried picturing his face, but all I saw was him, falling to his death. I opened my eyes, searching the dark room again. Nothing. I spread out on the ground, letting the cool floor distract me. I let my muscles ease up, forgetting all that had happened the previous days. In front of me, I pictured the temple I'd spent my youth in. I pictured the library, the halls, the chambers. Then, I saw my master, alive and well, in front of me. He sat cross-legged on the ground, I sat up and mimicked his posture. Though I hadn't meditated in years, it was still in me like muscle memory. "Let go, let everything go," he would say. So, I did. Everything around me slipped away at my fingertips tips. I again became one with the force. "Thank you, master," I whispered into the darkness.
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kefalion · 2 years
Thoughts on Kenobi Episode 5
I adored episode 5 to tiny pieces. It started so strong. I paused to cry for 2 minutes at the sight of Anakin's nerf tail hair cut, like "WE'RE GETTING A FLASHBACK!!! AT LONG LAST!!! I'M SO HAPPY!"
Then I saw their faces and cringed ever so slightly, but got over myself because it doesn't matter that they didn’t use seating technology on Hayden and Ewan’s wig was questionable. It was them! Pre Attack of the clones! So innocent. And you betcha I watched that first flashback bit three times before proceeding to watch the rest. Did you notice how freaking beautiful the little room in the Temple that they sparred in was? The shiny stone with patterns in different colours and that incredible view of Coruscant? Whenever I watch the prequels I am always surprised by how incredibly beautiful it is inside the Jedi Temple. The halls are huge and richly decorated in contrast to the austere clothes the Jedi wear.
I loved how they balanced getting into the psychology of the characters with the action. They actually lingered on the characters, showing their thoughts and motivations before delving into the action. And the action scenes were sweet. The hallway battle was intense and scary and you felt the stakes. Tala's death scene was well done too. I felt Obi-Wan's despair over losing yet another good person he's begun to care about and how they set it up by her explaining her regrets and how she wished to atone. Yeah, it couldn’t have been handled much better.
And then Vader in action again. The amount of power he has is staggering. Watching him own Reva was an incredible treat. It was the comics brought to life. Like he went so long without a light saber while she did everything she could. It didn’t phase him in the least. It was studied cruelty, something I felt he revelled in since he was angry Obi-Wan got away. With the flashbacks to the temple during order 66 we see that he knows exactly where she started out, what drives her and how he can both use it for his own purposes and use it to destroy her. She hates being weak. He makes sure she sees how weak she is.
Also that Obi-Wan predicted he'd go for the first ship. JKJLJDLSKF. So good. This episode with the flashbacks showed so well how intimately Obi-Wan understands Vader, but Vader doesn't really understand Obi-Wan. Or rather, he always resented the patience that was Obi-Wan's strength. He knew Obi-Wan would put others before himself and thought it a weakness, thought it meant his victory was secure, but he underestimates what people working together can achieve. Nor does he understand that rushing ahead and relying on aggression blinds him. 13 years later and the lesson we saw Obi-Wan try to teach him hasn’t been learned.
Finally, I was so tense wondering who'd pick up the communicator with the message from Bail. Makes sense that it was Reva. The OT could never happen if Vader had found it. It would be game over for the Rebels and the Jedi.
I feel like they can manage to end the series well. Not sure how exactly. For the climax to be satisfying, Vader and Obi-Wan have to meet again, but it can't happen on Tatooine. That would mean game over too. Reva will need to go there and face her destiny, whether that will be her death or something else, and Vader and Obi-Wan need to meet elsewhere. Alderaan perhaps. Leia needs to go there. If Vader looses to Obi-Wan on Alderaan it would add a reason for him to be more okay with the planet’s distraction in A New Hope. He’d be petty like that.
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etherrealoblivion · 4 years
Drive Me Insane
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Spencer Reid is always getting on your nerves. Tensions rise and one day, he pulls you into the file room and snaps… just not in the way you think….
A/N: Early-Season-Twelve!Spencer. this is full-on HATE SEX fulfilling this request by @safertokiss and this request by @mggswhore. It’s rough and v sexy and angsty. Gif is mine! Enjoy! <3
tags: smut, penetrative sex, hate sex, enemies to lovers, angry sex.
Words: 4,363
You fucking hated him! You HATED him!
“REID!” storming out of the elevator, you headed straight for the desk of the asshole who had pulled the worst prank ever. “What the fuck is this?!” you screamed, slamming your coffee cup down on his desk, the beverage slightly spilling onto his work papers.
“Don’t you fucking ‘hey’ me!” you were trembling with anger, bouncing on the balls of your feet and trying to ignore the people staring around you. “Explain yourself!”
The little cockfuck put on the most innocent expression you’d ever seen him manage. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, more to the onlookers than you. “Is there a problem?”
“Did you put him up to this? Did you tell him to write that?”
“Write what?”
Huh. He actually looked genuinely confused. But you weren’t buying it. You knew how evil he could be, always teasing you, correcting you, moving your stuff around, pulling pranks. If it weren’t for his stupid, pouty face, you’d slap the look right off of it. Oh, and you were coworkers but that was honestly more of an afterthought.
When it came to Spencer Reid, there was nothing that could stop you from exacting your revenge. Except maybe Unit Chief Emily Prentiss. Who, conveniently, hadn’t arrived yet.
“Don’t bullshit me, Reid! You fucking told the barista downstairs to give me some phony number! What’s the joke? I call it and it’s a phone sex line? A suicide hotline? What?!”
But Spencer simply stared at the cup, mouth dropped open and staring at the ten neatly written digits gracing the side of your coffee cup, a little heart to the side of them.
Clearing his throat, he finally spoke, “I didn’t… I didn’t do this, Y/N.”
A refute to that was on the tip of your tongue but he suddenly looked at you and you noticed a slight tint to his cheeks that for some reason, had you believing him.
“Wait…. You mean…?”
“Yep.” He stood suddenly, chair flying out from behind him with the force with which he stood. “Looks like you’ve got an admirer. Excuse me,” he grunted, storming off down the hall, leaving you thoroughly perplexed.
“What…. What just happened?”
Tara approached you, placing a light hand on your shoulder.
“You got a dude’s number and thought it was a prank by Reid. Happens to the best of us.”
Well, yeah, that was rather obvious. You were more referring to the fact that he had stormed off once he came to the same realization.
But, as always, before you could think for too long, Garcia sent out a mass text alerting you to a new case. Your contemplation would have to wait for another time.
“Maybe he just didn’t want anyone to see him?”
The team was gathered around a roundtable in the dingy police office of Wamego, Kansas, discussing why the unsub was dumping the bodies so far on the outskirts of town.
“No, that doesn’t make sense,” Reid blurted, gesturing toward a map of the area. “There are more than enough areas to hide a body within the town’s limits. Plus, he dumped in the middle of the day so being seen isn’t his issue, he can hide easily in plain sight. The edge of town somehow connects to his comfort zo…. What?”
He trailed off once he noticed the grumpy look on your face. It wasn’t like you could help it! He was always refuting every little thing you said and constantly interrupting everyone.
“Well, Reid, if he’s so interested in the edge of town, why are all his victims abducted from the town square?”
Spencer stepped closer to you, eyes narrowing and lips turning downward.
“Maybe, Y/N,” he bit back, “he’s not picking these women at random, but targeting those he sees that look so obviously vulnerable. His end goal is to dominate them.”
“Seriously? Alexa Wells was a blue belt in karate and Tala Williams took a regular self-defense class. There was nothing vulnerable about these women at all!”
“If you weren’t so busy fretting over their physical capabilities maybe you would have noticed, they both possess a petite stature, making them more susceptible to attack.”
He was towering over you and staring at you with anger in his eyes. You, too, were having to fight back the urge to scream at him.
“So, what, you’re saying everyone with a small stature is asking to be dominated!”
“Nope, just you.”
He looked more shocked at his words than you did, taking a step back and glancing around the room for a moment before referring back to the map.
“I’m-I’m saying that the-the victims were all-all small—of-of small stature and that’s a-that’s a connection. Excuse me.”
And he bustled out of the room, leaving behind an audience of your coworkers whose gaze fell on you. Uncomfortable with the weight of their eyes on you, you excused yourself as politely as you could despite the anger and confusion rising in your throat. You didn’t return until you managed to compose yourself, and by then, the team had a new lead and Reid’s outburst was forgotten.
But not by you.
If the word ‘hate’ was a face, to you, it’d be Reid’s. To be fair, his face did possess a very… slappable quality. But, of course, you’d never act on that impulse. He never could quite push you to that edge. But, oh god, he got close sometimes.
Jesus. It was nearly 6:00 AM and you’d gotten a text about fifteen minutes ago from Garcia, summoning you in. Now, sitting in the briefing room, your thoughts had begun to wander into very vulnerable territory.
His voice grated your ears like sandpaper, the perfect tool to snap you out of your reverie. Why the hell did he have to arrive so goddamn early? 
“Yes, Reid?” you replied, putting on the most bored voice you could manage, not even bothering to spare him a glance as he sat down in the seat immediately next to you, shrugging off his shoulder bag.
“Why are you here so early?”
You looked at him, startled by the question. Who the hell was he to ask you that? He came in early all the time and you never bothered him about it.
“None of your business,” you snorted, glancing down at your phone, trying to get back to reading your article. But with Reid in the room, it was hopeless.
“Jeez. Okay. I was just asking a question. You know, when someone is so defensive it actually has a lot to do with their social life. Usually, they aren’t getting enough mental stimulation outside of work and in rare cases, it attributes directly to whether or not they’ve been receiving enough pleasurable intercourse.”
He nodded curtly as he finished, his own gaze dropping to a regular manilla folder, not even taking in your expression of pure shock. He must’ve found your silence startling enough because soon after, he looked up at you, crooking an eyebrow.
“What?” Quickly, his expression shifted to a mix of understanding and his cheeks went red so quickly. “Oh! I wasn’t saying that-that-that you weren’t… that you aren’t… I mean, not that you are… I just mean that….”
“What, you’re saying I’m not getting fucked properly?”
His mouth dropped open just as Rossi and Alvez entered, conversing loudly enough to miss your snarky comment. Clearly, though, they could detect the charged atmosphere in the room.
“Are we interrupting?” Rossi, the bastard, asked coolly, taking a seat as Luke did the same.
“Nope,” you smirked as more of the team entered. “Not at all.”
Although there was a pressing case to focus on, you couldn’t help but glance at Reid a little more often than usual.
“Alvez, Lewis, you two talk to the parents. Reid, Y/L/N, go to the BDSM shop and see what they can tell us about the whip.”
The urge to roll your eyes and groan was almost too great. Being in a car with Reid for too long gave you hives and as you typed the address into your phone, you glared at your phone for displaying the time to get there as a whole half hour. In a car. Alone. With Reid.
Strangely enough, it had been about a week or so since he’d made any snarky comments to you, seemingly preferring to keep his distance. You wondered what being stuck in a car together would be like. Hopefully quiet. Silent, ideally.
You really shouldn’t have raised your expectations.
“So, the whip is actually a pretty common item so if he paid with cash, it’s likely there won’t be much of a trail. If you wanna wait in the car, I understand, I can just run in and get the info.”
“Why would I wait in the car?” That might’ve been the first genuine question you’d ever asked him excluding when you’d first met and asked his name. Since then, it had been a whirlwind of sarcasm and rhetoric.
“Y/N, it’s a sex shop,” he said, a slight glance over to you as his fingers tightened on the steering wheel slightly.
“Well… I mean, you don’t wanna go in there.”
“Says who? Reid, it’s part of the job. I’m not scared of sex like you are.”
That got him stuttering, huffing and puffing, and trying to backtrack so fast he might as well have thrown the car in reverse. But you had arrived before you knew it, settling into an empty spot right in front of the store.
“I-I’m not s-scared of… of… I’m not scared of that!”
Unbuckling your seatbelt, a surge of confidence rushed through you as you exited the car, quickly quipping, “Oh, I can tell judging by how easy it is for you to talk about. It’s okay, Reid. Not everyone can handle dominating someone. Certainly not someone as submissive as yourself.”
As you entered the shop, you could feel his tension next to you the whole time you questioned the woman at the front desk. But there was something… off about it. It was like he wasn’t nervous being in the shop, he had no issue making eye-contact with the witness, speaking calmly and coolly, and not avoiding looking at the various sex toys scattered about. No, he was nervous about something else. Something you had said?
But it wasn’t like you didn’t tease him ruthlessly and regularly anyway. Had you struck a nerve? What was different?
Maybe he just didn’t like talking about sex stuff with you. It made sense, he hated your guts. Still…. There was something.
Something that didn’t get brought back up again until a week later, when the two of you were sitting at your desks during a lunch break with everyone gathered around, conversing quietly. Then Alvez had to go and stir the pot like the little pot-stirrer he was.
“Well, I’d have killed to see how Reid acts in a sex shop. Hey, Y/L/N, please tell me there were lots of dildos,” he joked, earning a laugh from the majority and a groan from Reid.
“Actually, he was much less freaked out than I expected. I assume it’s because he didn’t know what half the stuff in there was.”
Sparing a glance at Reid, you were startled to find he wasn’t looking away in embarrassment, but staring straight at you, glaring daggers.
The laughter bubbling up inside your throat at the teasing immediately subsided, replaced with a sudden rush of… fear? No, that can’t be right. You weren’t scared of Spencer Reid. The guy was harmless. Right?
“Can I talk to you privately, Y/N?” he hadn’t said it like a question you could say no to, rising from his seat and storming off to the file room.
Resistance was futile, and in this case, unnecessary, because whatever Reid had to say to you in that room, you could easily turn against him. Ricocheting his remarks came so naturally sometimes you didn’t even notice you were doing it.
You entered the filing room, fully expecting to see Reid shuffling papers and mumbling, working up the courage to yell at you.
Which is why you didn’t expect to be shoved up against the door as it slammed shut behind you, Reid pinning his hands on either side of your head, holding your faces inches apart. Your breath left and so did the words you’d been rehearsing on the short walk to the small room. You felt your mouth drop open and your gaze unintentionally fell to his lips. It took you a minute to realize he’d been talking. Desperately trying to play back what he’d said, you felt your earlier anger rise back up in your throat.
“What’s your problem with me? Huh?” he was unrelentingly forcing you to meet his eyes. “Why are you always coming after me for the stuff I say? Jesus, you’d think you’d show me a little compassion sometimes, but nooooo. Little miss princess just gets off so good making the team punching bag feel like a piece of shit.”
At his words, you finally found your voice.
“Me? You’re always the one fucking correcting me and bossing me around! You pick fights with me all the goddamn time!”
“Name one time.”
“Hmm, let me see, the time you told Garcia you needed her to hack my phone for a case! The time you fucking told me I was asking to be dominated. Just last week you assumed I didn’t wanna go into a sex shop because, what, I’m too innocent? Or maybe you just want to think of me that way and you hate that it’s not true. Hey, how about the time you pulled me into the file room and pinned me up against the door like a goddamn butterfly?”
You were getting to him, you could tell. His face had slackened but his gaze was much stronger, scrutinizing all of your features carefully.
“You know what else? You’re the only one on the team that calls me by my first name. And I have no idea why! Is it just to bother me or do you actually just not care about giving me any indicators that you respect me? I’ve been a profiler for ten years now and I still can’t read you for shit! You’re so fucking hot and cold you give me freezer burn! Christ, Reid. Sometimes I can’t tell whether you wanna fight me or fuck me!”
Three seconds. That was the time it took you to register that his lips were suddenly on yours, biting and nipping, tongue fighting to get into your mouth.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the FUCK!
Okay, listen… Normally, if someone you hated with all your heart pressed you up against a door and started to make out with you with the force of a thousand suns, you’d do what any sane person would do; shove them off of you and kick them in the junk. 
But Spencer Reid drove you fucking insane.
So, when you suddenly found your hands grabbing his face and pulling him in closer to you, opening your mouth enough to let him devour you whole, it wasn’t all that much of a rational decision. In fact, a whole series of irrational decisions happened in quick succession. 
He was pressing you against the door so harshly, it felt safe to let your feet leave the ground, legs coiling around his hips and gasping into his mouth as you felt his length brush your inner thigh. Fuck, he was hard. Oh god. The pressure must have caused your mind to really comprehend what in the fuck was happening here. 
Spencer Reid was kissing you up against a wall at work. But that wasn’t even the weird part. The weird part was... you actually liked it.
So, pushing down the thoughts of what a terrible idea this was, your hands gripped the lapel of his suit jacket, frantically pushing it off of his shoulders. As it hit the floor, he groaned, seemingly realizing where you wanted things to go.
He pulled back, tearing open the buttons of your blouse, words falling from his beautifully swollen lips.
“You’re such a goddamn tease. All the time. Wearing these tight little tops and expecting me to not rip it off of you?” he tsked, pulling open the top to reveal your bra, stopping in his tracks at the sight.
He was taking too long. Too fucking long.
Your hands reached for his belt, hurriedly sliding the leather from the strap, snapping it off of his pants and pushing them down.
“Don’t act like you didn’t want this to happen,” you snarked as he picked you up and plopped you down on the small metal table in the center of the room, brushing aside all the papers atop it. Your back hitting the cool metal made you hiss but you went on, “I bet you brought me in here because you knew if we were alone together for more than five seconds, you’d snap. You wanted to fuck me, Reid.”
You were trying to sound like you still had some wits about you, but the truth was, they’d all flown out the window the moment his lips met yours. Those fucking lips.
He didn’t bother denying your claims, opting to roughly pull down your skirt and underwear, one strong hand tightly holding your bare thigh the whole time. Those fucking hands.
“Maybe,” when he spoke again, his voice had dropped two octaves, a register you’d never heard before that sent a flicker of pure delight through your veins, “you’re projecting, Y/N. I think you’ve wanted me to hold you down and fuck you this whole time. You’ve wanted me to shut that pretty little princess mouth up in any and every way possible so you rattle off teases and insults to make up for the fact that you’re just a little whore who is begging to be fucked.”
You heard your moan echo around the room before you even noticed you’d opened your mouth. Quickly, but not quickly enough, his huge hand snapped over your lips, stopping any further sounds from escaping. His other hand dug into his pants pocket and you could hear the crinkle of tin as he rolled on a condom.
All you heard before the world disappeared was, “Shut the fuck up,” as he slid into you in one perfect thrust, his left hand roughly digging into your hip as he grunted with the effort of holding back. But that wasn’t what you wanted. That wasn’t the point of this. And you told him just that.
“Reid,” you groaned through his hand and he relinquished his hold, “fucking fuck me!”
Apparently, you didn’t need to tell him twice.
He didn’t even bother trying to ease you into it, roughly grabbing your hips and pulling you against him with each sharp thrust. It took all you had to keep from screaming as a wonderful mix of pain and pleasure pushed you closer to the edge. Jesus, you were close to coming already after barely a minute.
It was like you said, Spencer Reid drove you fucking insane. 
Still, you weren’t quite ready to submit to him completely. There was still quite a bit of fight left in you.
“I bet you’re loving this. Thinking you’re finally in charge of me. I got news for you, Reid,” grabbing his shoulders, you pulled him down so you could whisper in his ear, relishing in the hiss he emitted at the change in angle. “I’m more than you can handle.”
Saying he went wild would be an understatement. He somehow managed to lift you all the way up off of the table, spin you around, and reenter you sharply within the span of two seconds. This time, you couldn’t stop the pathetic mewl that left your throat at the feeling of him inside of you.
Actually, what probably got you was the horrible, dirty things he was whispering in your ear unrelentingly as he pounded into you, one hand on your hip and the other yanking your hair back roughly.
“You think I don’t know how to handle a spoiled little princess? Tell me, who’s the one moaning and writhing underneath me? Huh? Oh, can you not answer because I’ve got my cock buried in you?” He slipped the hand that was in your hair down to your cheeks, squeezing and forcing them into a pucker. “Answer me.”
You could feel how close you were but his thrusts were so slow and patient now. He wasn’t nearly as close as you were. If you were doing this, you were making him come first. You needed to keep some power. You did decide to relinquish a bit of control to him.
“P-Please, Reid….” you whispered, smiling to yourself as he responded exactly as you’d expected.
“Please, what?”
He was moving so slowly now, barely giving you any relief, slowly pushing in the tip only to pull out hastily, leaving you grinding back on his for more.
“Please… please tell me you don’t actually believe that,” you snarked, pleased with the way he suddenly froze, seemingly not expecting to hear that from you.
Your shock, however, didn’t last long. Because after a very pregnant pause, you heard the rush of air come from behind you. Because you felt a sharp, sudden, stinging pain on your left asscheek. Because Spencer Reid had just fucking spanked you.
“Ahh!” you yelped as the heat flared up your body as he sped up his thrusts, entering you deeper and deeper each time.
“I think someone needs to teach you a lesson about what happens when you mouth off to the wrong person. This,” he added with a particularly sharp thrust, “is your punishment, princess. You actually thought I couldn’t handle dominating a little brat like you? You’re the one begging to be filled up like a little whore.”
“Reid,” you let the name slip, feeling yourself slowly giving in more and more the further he pushed you.
“Say my fucking name, princess.”
“Ah! Spe– fuck! Reid!” you keened, happily letting your body give in to the feeling of being totally and utterly used by him, barely noticing almost calling him his first name.
“Tell me, princess, do you even know how tight your little cunt is bouncing back on my cock? I bet I feel so big inside you. I guess you finally got what you needed: to be fucked properly. You’re lucky that I’m the one to do it. I know just how to handle you.”
You groaned as he snaked a hand around you to circle your clit relentlessly, barely managing enough energy to squeak, “I hate you.”
There was anger behind the words, but not honesty. And Spencer knew. It was clear as he leaned in to whisper in your ear a final time, he also knew exactly how to push you over the edge.
“Prove it.”
And in an instant, your climax hit you, washing over you like a waterfall, feeling your walls clench and tighten around Reid’s cock. Drowning in the pleasure of your orgasm, you didn’t even notice the way he grunted as he spilled himself inside of you.
You definitely didn’t notice the way he planted soft kisses to your shoulder blades as he pulled out, whispering small strings of praise. Or the way he stroked your thigh as he carefully pulled your underwear back up. You definitely didn’t notice that.
You hadn’t quite regained your energy, but you knew you had to stand up. Every muscle in your body, however, begged you to collapse to the floor. Luckily, Spencer caught you, prompting you to look up at him, trying not to show the hope that was so obviously shimmering in your eyes.
Strangely, he seemed to be looking at you in a similar sense. Not exactly hopeful but… worried?
“You okay?”
You nodded weakly, breaking the eye-contact and pulling away from him, scurrying to put your clothes back on.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.”
You knew you sounded curt but you just couldn’t bring yourself to express emotion right now. It was stupid, you knew, but in the heat of the moment, you had felt… connected to him. In a purely animalistic way, surely. In a ‘fuck me so hard you impregnate me’ way.
Pushing the fact that that thought got you a little excited to the back of your mind, you turned back to Reid who had also fully redressed. He was shifting on his feet, avoiding looking at you fully. 
“Well, now we know what to do next time we butt heads,” you joked, smiling softly to diffuse the tension.
He laughed but you could tell it was superficial. There was something the two of you weren’t saying and you were both waiting for the other to say first.
“We should probably get back out there, huh?”
“Y-yeah,” he stuttered, coughing and doing a ‘ladies first’ motion towards the door.
“Thanks,” you muttered, opening the door slightly, then glancing back at Reid, seeing him looking at you with the words neither of you would say.
“Hey, Spencer?”
He tried not to let his shock show but he did a horrible job. You couldn’t blame him though, it was the first time you’d ever called him by his first name.
“I… I don’t hate you.”
It wasn’t much, but he smiled liked it was everything. Maybe, in your own special way, it was.
“I don’t hate you, too.”
Giving him a little nod of your head, there was no way you could suppress the joyous smile that lit up your face as you exited the file room. Your coworkers would surely be suspicious, but you didn’t want to think about that right now. Spencer was the only thing on your mind the whole rest of the day and you were sure he’d stay there well into the week.
After all, Spencer Reid drove you fucking insane. Now, you knew, in more ways than one.
(sorry if the tags aren’t working! i’ve been having some trouble)
@whollytaciturn @101donuts @thegingerfairchild @safertokiss     @cielo1984 @thupidalthea @darkacademiacherry @matthewreid@aloha-ashley-taylor@justchiara-02@spnobsessedmemes @sweet-darlin@dreamy-reid @brokenanxiety @thatsonezesty13 @psychedelic-phase @beautifulalmondstudentduck@awhollandx@baddreamsandbrokenhearts@simp-for-mgg @swagdaddycam@gejatume@url-under-construction@krymson182@addie5264  @pinkdiamond1016 @gublergirls @georgia4287 @thineeminnie @untainted-memories @cm-is-kinda-cool @le-vie-en-amour1 @happyiidiot @wechillingcoop @blankets-for-bees @stewie-castle @dolanfivsosxox
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In all the comparisons of Anakin and Reva as foils, I can never forget that Anakin's fall was as much his fault as it was Palpatine's.
I'm not gonna sit here and excuse Vader's actions or Anakin's atrocities. But to ignore the existence of Sidious' manipulation doesn't do Anakin's character/tragic fall justice either.
When she and Obi-Wan speak, Reva specifically says she fails to Obi-Wan for not following through, she believes it. And she needs the reassurance that she did, in fact, not fail. Reva isn't born a monster like the inquisitors seem to be, at least at the beginning, but she was twisted that way. And yes, it's Anakin's actions. His horrid decision that caused this hatred to fester inside her.
But that's just it, Reva's anger and hate can belong to anyone and that anyone -- the kindest, most compassionate people or innocent victims -- can become a monster like Vader, like an Inquisitor, that anyone can become blind to their hate and believe themselves to be right.
Which is why Reva believes that killing a child is the only way to exact revenge. She becomes the monster of her own making, even for an instant, to do what she thinks is right for misplaced absolution.
This show's pretty obvious about how important each character influences others. Obi-Wan is a broken down man with no faith left, but Leia and Tala's influence, their care, begin to help build him up again. Then, he sees the Path and the effort of these sentients to help and their existence, their influence, furthers his ability to move forward.
Reva doesn't have to think she failed, doesn't have to carry that when someone can reassure that what she did was mercy. She has Obi-Wan to help her. (She's not alone anymore 🥺😭).
By the time, Obi-Wan and Padmé get to Anakin. He's entirely succumbed to Palpatine's influence, after literal years of manipulation.
It's so interesting, bc the series never once shies away from making Anakin culpable for his actions, because he absolutely is. But the it also doesn't comprise the background complexities of his character or his fall. (Like fuck, yea, Sidious sliding in the end to curb Vader's obsession/feelings, bc how many confrontations until Obi-Wan can reach Anakin? We know it's possible in RoTJ. Also, Sidious had to separate them in RoTS).
It hurts to see Reva breakdown, to see the pain she's carried. But I see so much of Anakin in her and to see her receive the help and care Obi-Wan was so desperately trying to convey to Anakin, it destroyed me.
But really, Anakin had already done so much. He was so far gone, fallen and when he kneeled, it wasn't to someone to help him. It was someone who wanted to use him.
Pain, suffering, rage and hate are not fostered in a vacuum. (The Sith and the Inquisitors).
But neither is strength, resilience, joy, and love. (The Jedi and the Path).
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I’m a day late, but part 5 of live texting the Kenobi show
Spoilers and insanity below the cut:
Grand Inquisitor YES Get it girl
“We’ll do whatever we can to help” isn’t that just the whole jedi mantra like… love it
Hi, I’m sick of seeing innocents getting warped to do the empires bidding! Stop it
Oh my god look at all the Jedi stuff I y’know no I cannot
This is so so reminiscent of the original trilogy and I’m here for it
Oh I’m always a slut for forehead touches even if it’s by lizard peoples
Why is this literally the mandalorian right now
“I’m going to need a ladder” I LOVE HER YOUR HONOUR
Is Bail actually the best stars wars character like what a man
And “fighting to make it better” is what star wars is all about and the real world should please follow its example
Why is it when I see a purge trooper Im wondering if it’s Cody? Like I’ve seen the bad batch s2 trailer I know he’s probably not even alive in kenobi why am I wondering if he’s here
The night of order 66 is a SORE SPOT obi wan chill out
God seeing clones gets me right in the heart every goddamn time
God what a fucking actor I’m so in awe of Moses Ingram please give her nothing but love and respect thank you
Oh my god it’s the mandalorian AGAIN I love it
Have I mentioned I love droids? Bc I love droids
Fuck this
I love this dark kind of era of Star Wars but fuck this actually fuck it
I can’t be doing with these duelling flashbacks man
They know each so well even after all this time I’m ✨emotion✨
Ohoho that’s the Obi-Wan we know and love - the negotiator returns
I love this I love it I’m living for this team up please
God seeing Vader’s cape billowing like that is so good
Him instantly praising Leia he would’ve been SUCH a good uncle in another reality
Ahah decoy bitch
Seeing them smile at each other oh…
God why
He doesn’t even NEED a lightsaber christ he’s so op
God she really does look like that little girl again doesn’t she - thats brutal
Ew fucking egghead’s back
I am uncomfy
Just survive like you survived before
Uh oh
Oh wait no
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ssomestuff · 3 years
A Place to Call Home
So I decided to undust my writing skills! Buckle up cause you’re about to get your much needed dose of Tala and Bryan brotherly love.
(You can find the story in my old FFN page or in my brand new AO3 which I didn’t know existed up until recently.)
White, fluffy snowflakes peacefully fell from the slowly darkening sky.  
Breathing in deeply, Tala closed his eyes taking in the cold air around him.
Snow. It had always fascinated him. It turned everything it touched into a delicate white blanket.
At that exact moment, when Tala could feel the chilling cold of mid-January, snow washed every and any trace of unpleasant feelings he might be carrying after a long week.
Shoulders started to untense, lungs began to expand, and chills emerged from deep within his fluffy coat.
What a true wonder of nature.
A low grunt by his side brought him back from his blissful reverie as he turned his head to eye one of the very few people in his life he could call family.
“I hate snow.”
Bryan roughly rubbed his gloved hands together trying – and failing, by the looks of it, – to generate warmth. He brought them closer to his mouth and blew hot air into them, letting out a cloud of steam clashing with the cold air surrounding him.
“Bryan,” Tala snorted slightly shaking his head half amused, half skeptical. “Is there anything you don’t hate?”
They were both sitting down on an old metal bench in the middle of a park, shoulders almost touching and grocery bags patiently waiting by their feet. Many heavy grocery bags.
As captain, Tala had to come up with a set of detailed rules for their household once they all moved in together, seeing as four very hungry and very hormonal brand newly turned young adults would sweep most of the house food supplies in less than two days.  
Thus, each one of the Blitzkrieg boys was charged with getting the house supplies for at least one week. Which of course resulted on ridiculous amounts of food.
Naturally, some adjustments to the rule had to be made once they found out Ian’s arms where just too short to carry all the bags back home. Lucky shrimp could now officially pest anyone to come along with him when it was his turn to go grocery shopping.
Each time it was Tala’s turn to get the groceries, however, Bryan would without a fault one-sidedly decide to come along.
Even despite the fierce winter of Moscow and his self-proclaimed hate for snow, he would be by the door waiting for his captain, unyielding.  
Since the store wasn’t far away anyways, they usually opted to walk rather than drive. And as the park just happened to be the middle point between their house and the store, they found themselves taking a quick break in this old, dirty park bench.
And so, it had become a weird tradition of theirs.  
Bryan gave a last blow at his hands and shoved them into his pockets. “Well, I don’t hate you lot, now do I?”
“Fair enough.” Tala hummed.
Comfortable silence fell between them as they watched the snow fall.
“Remember that day we met?” The redhead slightly readjusted his position turning to his brother once again.
“Yeah... What about it?”
“Well, today reminded me of that day,” He shrugged when he saw his best friend raising a questioning eyebrow. “You know… it's cold.”
“It’s not cold, Red,” Bryan deadpanned snuggling further into his thick winter coat. “It's fucking freezing.”
A genuine chuckle left the redhead’s lips. “I’ve seen worse.” He rolled his eyes amused and let silence take over once again.
A cold winter day. As cold as the day they met each other all those years ago.
Only now, they weren’t as hungry or as beat up as they were then, all alone in the streets.
They had a roof over their heads now. Warm food, and warm beds too.
But most importantly, they weren’t alone anymore.
They had each other.
And of course, they also had two – occasionally three – other idiots waiting for them back home.
A found family in the weirdest sense of the word.
“I mean,” Bryan clicked his tongue, “you've always had some weird wolf senses, you know,”
Tala outright snorted.
“Honestly, it might be cold for you but it sure is freezing for any other normal human being.”
Unbelievable. “Right.”
Come to think about it, it really might as well be a bit too cold today, judging by how the snowfall had shifted to a heavier fall.
“…I wouldn’t have made it, you know?”
“Huh?” Tala turned around to look at his bother and found him quietly staring at the white layer of snow beneath them.
Bryan eyed him shortly only to drop his gaze to the ground once again, smiling softly. “That day. If you hadn't given me your jacket... I wouldn't be here today.”
A moment passed before Tala huffed and readjusted his position on the bench. “Bry, you're tougher than a little winter storm.”
“Weird wolf senses, remember? – Ouch!”
“You're the weird one, not me.”
“Keep telling yourself that Red,” Bryan answered amused rubbing the sore spot in his arm where his captain had punched him. “Besides, if it weren't for me, you too wouldn’t had lasted long on the streets.”
“Please, I would've been just fine.”
“Sure you would’ve.”
“It's true!” He snapped back.  
Bryan rolled his eyes and eyed him skeptically. “You were a shit thief, Tal, you would've starved sooner or later.”
“I did steal from time to time.” Tala retorted indignantly.
“Yeah, burnt bread. That doesn't count.”
“Well, booze didn't count either.”.
“Booze was keeping us warm,” He pointed out. “Anyways, you were too innocent to steal us a decent meal, I swear, you wouldn't have lasted a week without me- OUCH!”
Bryan gingerly rubbed the same spot Tala had punched him in again, this time harder, before playfully shoving him in return.
“…Three days, tops.” They both laughed lightheartedly.
“Whatever Borya.”
It was peacefully quiet, except for the sound of the snow falling from above.
Bryan slightly nudged him, eyeing him with a sincere smile.
“Thanks tho, captain.”
“What for?”
“You really did save me back then… And not just from the cold... So thanks.”
Tala slightly jerked him giving him a bright smile of his own. “Hey, no need for that Bry, we'll always have each other, right? Like we promised?”
“Like we promised.”
From the moment they met, there was no turning back. Anywhere one would go, the other would follow. That was the deal after all, even if it had slightly adjusted adding their three idiots to the equation.
They would always have each other.
A blast of ice-cold winter wind had Bryan shiver violently against his thick coat. “Alright, I really am fucking freezing right now, let's go home.”
He got up and slightly brushed the snow out of his shoulders and hair.  
“I’ll tell Spence to make some hot cocoa,” Tala followed, unbothered by the snow covering him and picked half of the heavy grocery bags up, waiting for his brother to do the same.
“I think Ian finished it, tho.”
“No wonder the little runt was insufferable yesterday afternoon.”
It was dark now, the only source of light coming from the streetlamps shinning dimly around them.
They both walked carrying half their weight on grocery bags under the cold, unrelenting snow, talking about everything and anything.
Back to their house. Back to the people they called home.
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