#Tale of the flower hashira
Tale of the Flower Hashira
Master list
This story will contain Kyojiro Rengoku x Reader, Tengen Uzui x reader and Douma x reader. All separately. (Tengen is still in a poly relationship with his wives.)
Y/n Shinaguzawa is 18 at the start of this story.
This fanfic will only follow the plotline of seasons 1&2.
WARNINGS: If you are uncomfortable with any of the following then DNI. (Extreme gore, Swearing, Manipulative behavior, disturbing content, Unhealthy relationships, disturbing relationship between child y/n and a demon.)
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Chapter 1. Feast for the Flower Hashira
“Flower breathing, fourth form. Dance of falling petals.” 
You spun through the delicate form. Once again you memorized each and every movement like you hadn’t already decapitated a hundred demons with the complex twirl. 
“Practicing again?” Said a calm voice behind you. 
You finished the form, landing the blade gently against the trunk of a tree so you would not harm it. Quickly, you turned and bowed to the dark haired man. 
“It’s alright to feel nervous, you know.” Kagaya Ubuyashiki told you with a soft smile. “Plenty of the others felt the same way when it was their time.” 
“I know but…” You almost felt too embarrassed to say it. 
“What is it my child?” 
He eased your anxieties somewhat. Despite not actually being his child, you felt the warmth of his words. 
“I just don’t think I’m ready.” You told him honestly. 
Ubuyashiki held his hand out to you. Knowing what he wanted you placed your hand over his and guided it to your cheek. His fingers memorized the lines of your face, lingering especially on the raised claw marks that disfigured the left side. His thumb trailed down from where the lines started, from your eyebrow, along the damaged eye, to your jaw.
“I miss seeing your face, y/n.” 
“It hasn’t changed much since you last saw it.” 
His hands finished tracing your features and left to rest on your shoulders. “You have grown so much, it seems you do not realize it. Nearly all of the others were younger than you when they became Hashira. Take young young Muichiro for example, he is only fourteen.”
“My age doesn’t mean I’m good enough.” 
“I would have made you the Flower Hashira years ago if not for your own self doubt.” 
You knew it was useless to argue with him. But still, you felt unworthy of the position. Something still ate at you though, silly though it sounded to you. 
“What is it my child?” It was impossible for you to hide anything from him. 
“I’m just afraid…” you sighed. “They won’t like me.” 
A clear note of laughter resounded through the forest. You looked up at him, startled. He wasn’t making fun of you, he would never have done that. 
“Oh my dear y/n, perhaps you should stop worrying about things that may not be true. Besides, your own brother will be there.” His smile was wide and made the corners of his clouded eyes crinkle. “Now come, sheath your sword and help me back to the house.” 
“Yes sir.” You did as he asked, sheathing your lilac colored blade and taking his hand. 
While in your rooms you prepared yourself to join the others. Over top of your uniform you pulled on your usual Smokey gray haori, the pattern faded from light gray tones to almost black at the bottom. It was noticeably too large for you, it hadn’t been made for you in the first place. The fabric was marked with numerous places where it had been mended over and over again, a testament to the many years you had owned it. You fastened your sheathed nichirin sword in your belt and looked in the polished silver mirror on your desk. 
The reflection that stared back at you made a bubble of revulsion grow in your stomach. The thick claw marks clearly visible on your face along with your one clouded eye. Quickly you tied a strip of deep purple fabric around your head in order to obscure it. Another, even stranger scar poked out of the neckline of your uniform. Harsh lines formed the tip of a noticeable design. The rest was thankfully obscured by the collar of your uniform. 
“You shouldn’t cover that.” Your brother snapped before walking into your room.
“It’s not like your scars, Sanemi.” You retorted. “I still have one good eye, so I can see how much it disturbs people.” 
“It’s not something to be ashamed of. Your scars are a sign of your courage. Afterall, you’ve gotten this far and survived.” 
“Still, I’d rather not let people see…”
“Do what you want.” He huffed. 
It was clear you had won the little argument. Sanemi walked over to you and straightened your haori. 
“Why do you insist on wearing this old rag.” He griped.
“I think it suits me.” 
“I’d buy a new one if you weren’t so stubborn. A hashira should look the part.” 
“You’re allergic to buttoning your damn shirt. Why can’t I wear something comfortable?”
He rolled his eyes. “You just look like a shitty, Obanai knockoff.” 
Your brother placed a hand on the top of your head. 
I’m proud of you
“Time to go, pipsqueak.” 
There was precious events to celebrate in the demon slayer corps, but the welcoming of a new Hashira was something to behold. You were the first flower Hashira after all. 
At the dining table you were seated between your brother Sanemi, the wind Hashira and Giyu Tomioka, the water Hashira. Giyu was someone you couldn’t call a friend but you had spent many grueling hours with him in the past. He had taught you the basics of water breathing and along with your knowledge of wind breathing, you adapted your own total concentration breathing style. 
The other Hashira were lined up around the table with Ubuyashiki and his wife at the head. The only empty seat was directly across from you. Wondering who was missing, you looked around the table. Shinobu, Tengen, empty space, Muchiro…
“I APOLOGIZE FOR MY LATENESS!” The flame Hashira announced. 
You were almost knocked back by the force of his voice. When he entered the room, bowing respectfully to the purple eyed leader, you wondered how you had missed his presence in the first place. His fiery red and yellow hair stuck out strikingly against the backdrop of pale purple wisteria. 
Kyojiro Rengoku sat down across from you and struck up a conversation with Tengen, the equally loud sound Hashira. You had seen Rengoku on many occasions, but you had never spoken to him. Choosing to ignore your curiosity you focused on the delectable meal in front of you. You kept quiet and enjoyed the food while the others talked. 
“Congratulations, y/n Shinazugawa, I’m glad you have joined our ranks!” Your eyes darted up and met the wide eyes of the flame hashira. His voice had lowered in volume but still held the same amount of enthusiasm. 
“… Thank you…” you said quietly. “I will do my best to fulfill my duties as a hashira.” 
“I haven’t seen you fight before. I’m looking forward to seeing what you can do!” Rengoku grinned. “Would you like to train with me?” 
Many of the others stopped in their tracks. Everyone, including you, knew how intense Rengoku could be while training. Mitsuri cringed as if recalling bad memories. There were tears in Gyomei’s eyes, but that was nothing new. Obanai sighed in exasperation, and you could almost hear the vein pop in your Sanemi’s forehead. Kyojiro Rengoku watched you with his wide, colorful eyes, daring you to respond. Daring you to say yes. 
“Sure.” You nodded and went back to your bowl of rice. 
“Excellent!” Rengoku said with his usual vigor. 
“Good luck, y/n.” Mitsuri squeaked out. 
 As the meal continued, you looked longingly at the tray of dumplings that sat far from you. They were constantly being picked away by Shinobu and Mitsuri. You felt someone watching you and you looked up to see the bright red eyes of Rengoku once again. He refused to look away and it started to make you feel uncomfortable. You tugged on the purple cloth around your eye to make sure it covered as much of the scar as possible and tried to focus on something else, anything else. 
“Mitsuri! Pass the dumplings!” Rengoku’s voice resounded over all the others. He held the large plate in one hand and snatched a few dumplings with his chopsticks. He kept saying. “TASTY!” Over and over again. 
Three dumplings sat in a neat stack upon your plate. You blinked in surprise and looked up at Rengoku who was smiling. 
“Would you like any more?” He smiled with his mouth full. 
“Yes, thank you.” 
He quickly stacked two more on your plate, making a little tower, before sending the platter back to Mitsuri. The dumplings were absolutely mouthwatering and you relished each bite. All the while you stole glances at the flame hashira, hoping he didn’t notice. 
Once the meal was finished, it was a brilliant starry night outside. Some of the hashira stayed and drank sake while others chose to leave and turn in for the night. After telling your brother that you were heading back home for the night, you left the gathering. You followed the seemingly dazed Muchiro out of the estate gates and made your way to your own home. 
“L/n, shall we train together tomorrow morning?” Rengoku’s voice sounded behind you. 
You turned to see him standing in the lamplight, arms crossed. The corners of his mouth were upturned in a seemingly permanent smile. His red and yellow hair danced in the breeze, unusual tufts almost like an owl’s feathers, stuck straight up. 
“Your hair is weird.” You blurted out, not realizing you said what you were just thinking. 
“Is that so!” 
“Uh… nevermind.” You fumbled. He seemed unfazed by the comment, his smile widening even more. “Why are you smiling?” 
“Why shouldn’t I be!”
You were sure of it now, he was one of the strangest people you had ever met. But even so, something stirred inside you when your eyes met. You stared at him blankly until he spoke again. 
“It seems you never answered my question!” 
“Oh, yes of course. Tomorrow.” 
“I’ll come find you at dawn then! I hope we get the chance to spar a few times before the day is out!” And with that he was off, strolling down the lamplit path to his own abode. 
Before the day is out? Did he plan on training the entire day? You hoped not. 
… but a day with him, that might be nice…
Chapter 2.
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blues824 · 1 year
Hashira with a s/o that worships them with love, but it's sadly not returned to the reader! And the reader gets Hanahaki Disease, dying or falling out of love with hashira and fell for someone else, or even having their feelings finally returned!
Major angst, Hashira falling out of love with fellow Hashira Reader. Reader is gender-neutral, and a family member of Kagaya Ubuyashiki. 
First time writing for Hanahaki AU!
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Gyomei Himejima
With his dedication to honoring and worshiping the gods, he simply had no time for you. Your love was the most expendable option to him. He knew that he would be dishonoring his master by doing this, but surely he would understand. So, he started becoming disinterested.
Then, one day, you were bedridden with fever and a cough. Your uncle had put you on house-arrest, making sure that you weren’t hurt. However, through your 5th coughing fit, bloodied petals had fallen from your throat and out of your mouth.
Kagaya looked at the napkin, and he realized that it might be the curse that was placed upon his family. You were his late sibling’s child and you still had the family name, so the curse was acting upon you. He had told one of his daughters to go get Gyomei, and he realized what had happened.
Upon hearing your wheezing, he felt horrible. He was the reason you were dying, and he couldn’t do anything about it. He had fallen out of love with you. All he could do was pray that you fall in love with someone else. 
But, your condition was continuously getting worse. Out of moral obligation, he sticks by your side. He feels like the shittiest piece of shit in all of Japan. So, as you lay there dying, he prays and prays for your healing. However, his feelings about you remained as they are, and you eventually passed away.
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Mitsuri Kanroji
As loving as she usually was, she only had eyes for Obanai. Hence, you were kind of left in the dust with your own feelings. She didn’t mean to, as she didn’t know you loved her in that way. Her obliviousness led to your demise… how fitting.
Mitsuri didn’t understand what was going on when she heard that you were coughing up petals, she had never heard of Hanahaki disease. She just thought that it might be the master’s family’s curse carrying out its job, and that made her sad.
Since you were a dear friend to her, she often accompanied Shinobu at your bedside. After all, she wants all of her friends to not be lonely when they’re dying, as she believes that is the saddest way to die. She tries her best to keep you comfortable, an early form of palliative care.
She didn’t think the bloodied flower petals were disgusting. It wasn’t like you could control it, after all. If only the Love Hashira knew that it was her fault. She didn’t love you back, and that’s why you were lying in bed and throwing up flowers.
Eventually, it got to a point where you were too weak, and you were constantly choking on the flowers that you were coughing up. She understood that you were going to die, so she stayed by you at every single moment she could. The tears she shed as you were fading away fell onto your hand because she was holding it so you wouldn’t feel alone as you passed on.
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Giyu Tomioka
He believed that if he learned not to get attached to anyone, he wouldn’t get hurt anymore. Thus, he shut off all of his emotions, including love. No surgery needed for this one, folks. You were fine with not having your feelings returned, but you were over-exerting yourself by always making sure that Giyu was alright.
When you had contracted the disease, the Water Hashira was by your bedside within moments of his master telling him. Even though he turned off his emotions, he still did care about you. He noticed all your efforts and appreciated them.
But, he saw the bloodied petals and knew immediately what it was. There were tales and legends of this disease, and he would kill the person who did this to you. However, you refused to give up any information, meaning you still held back your feelings from him. 
You were rapidly coughing up more and more petals while getting weaker and weaker. You could barely lift your finger without Giyu’s help. Mans had to refrain himself from snapping at Shinobu for touching you or causing you any sort of discomfort.
Unfortunately, you never got a kiss or even a confession, so your state deteriorated by a lot at a rapid pace until you were on your last breaths. Once your eyes started closing, Tomioka knew that it was over. What he didn’t expect was for his crying to end up in him coughing. He held his hand to his mouth, and saw that a petal had fallen.
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Tengen Uzui
His family tradition strictly called for three spouses, and those positions have already been taken. He makes sure to spend time with all three of his wives while also balancing training time, so there was little room to hang out with his friends, including you.
Once Ubuyashiki had learned about the Hanahaki disease you had unfortunately contracted from your unrequited love, he had informed the other Hashira that you were out for the count. Tengen was worried, but he thought that you would be alright eventually.
He visited once, and you were coughing up flowers left and right. That wasn’t normal at all. Maybe you wouldn’t be okay. From that point on, he and his wives visited you almost everyday. Whenever he was on a mission, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma were there to help Shinobu.
But, since your feelings for the Sound Hashira weren’t reciprocated, you just got worse and worse. Eventually, you couldn’t even sit up. It was evident that it would take a full-blown miracle for you to recover, but that was a long shot.
So, the four of them spent as much time as they could with you. This wasn’t a very flamboyant situation that you have found yourself in, huh? No matter, since he would make sure that you would be honored until the end of time.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
The last time he loved somebody, they were taken away from him. So, he saw no point in pursuing love again. It just causes distraction and can make you act irrationally whenever your loved one is in danger. However, that greatly affected you, since you loved Sanemi.
Then, one day, you were training with him when it suddenly got very difficult to maintain your breathing technique. The Wind Hashira thought you were being weak and dramatic until he saw you coughing up literal flower petals with splatters of blood here and there.
Out of pure worry, he picked you up into his arms and carried you to your uncle, who had you lay in bed for days on end. Sanemi would visit you as much as he could, feeling like shit for thinking you were fine and just faking it at the beginning.
As a week passes, your breaths become raspy. You were on the brink of death, and it was easy to see. Shinazugawa doesn’t know much about being soft and sappy and crap like that, but what he does know is that he does care about you. He doesn’t like it when you are coughing up and choking on petals.
But, as we all know, this fic does not have any happy endings. Sanemi is scared, but he doesn’t know what he has to do, and you don’t tell him. Being a Hashira with the Ubuyashiki name meant that the probability of you living past 30 was exceedingly low. So, either way you would have died soon. That meant there was no point in confessions. But, your fellow Hashira cried seeing life fade from your eyes.
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Shinobu Kocho
She has no time; trying to keep her anger within her as she is a Hashira as well as a doctor was a full-time job already. However, she thought you were such a great friend. You understood her struggle, and you would often accompany her on her missions.
During one of these missions, you had doubled over in pain and coughs. The Insect Hashira rushed to your side to pat your back to get the phlegm out, but all that came out were bloody petals. She let out an audible gasp, but she sent her crow to Kagaya to tell him what had happened.
Once you both returned, you were immediately taken in by your uncle and put to bed for days. Shinobu became your doctor, and she did so much research about the topic. She didn’t want to pry into your personal life, so she thought that the surgery to get it removed might be a good alternative.
However, you knew the cost of getting the surgery. Not only was it a risky procedure, but you would lose your ability to feel emotions. So, you refused. She was getting frustrated to the point of yelling at you for not going with the surgery, but you knew that she just didn’t want to lose you.
So, she resigned to your fate. You were going to die, and there was nothing she could do about it (or so you told her). She started a palliative care plan for you, trying to make you comfortable during your last moments. But, she was out of the room getting you some tea when you drew your final breath.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
He was just completely oblivious to your love. He saw you as a comrade and a co-worker, and nothing more. But, you told yourself that you were fine with where things were at. It wasn’t like it was causing you any physical ailments, after all.
Surprise! You contracted Hanahaki Disease, and you coughed up petals in the kitchen of the Ubuyashiki home. One of your cousins saw and escorted you to your room so that you could rest. Your uncle had informed the Hashiras that you were ill, and Kyojuro was worried.
The Flame Hashira ran to your bedside, where you were coughing up bloody flower petals. Mans went from worried to scared in 5 seconds, and it made him kind of nauseous.  This made you feel bad, thinking he was disgusted by you, and he had to assure you that it wasn’t you.
There was one time where you were in a coughing fit, and he was there to softly rub your back to offer you some sense of comfort, but it did little to help. He often tried to distract you from the painful sickness by telling you stories of his little brother, but again, it didn’t do much to help.
As much as he wished and prayed, nothing could be done if your feelings for him weren’t returned. Kyojuro didn’t want to lose his friend. But, you were getting weaker and weaker, and he was just glad to have been able to say his final goodbyes. He was the one who buried you.
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Obanai Iguro
He only had eyes for Mitsuri, so again you were left in the dust with your feelings. To be fair, you were his first friend when he joined the Hashiras, and you acted as a wingman whenever Obanai got worried about his chances with the Love Hashira.
Unfortunately for you, this obviously meant that he did not feel the same way about you. He loved you as a friend, and it broke your heart every single time he asked you for advice, but you sucked it up and dealt with it because that’s what friends do.
That was, until you were bedridden and coughing up petals. If you looked at the Snake Hashira, you wouldn’t know that he was worried. However, Kaburamaru was often laying upon your stomach trying to comfort you when it hurt the most (both physically and emotionally).
Obanai was by your bedside whenever he could be. You were his friend, as much as he was hesitant to admit it, and that meant he cared about you. He froze up whenever you started coughing and he grabbed the bucket to catch the petals.
Every time he had to wipe the blood from your lips, a nagging feeling of dread crawled through him. You were nearing your end. With your final breaths, you wished him well in him courting Mitsuri. What a fitting end, huh?
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Muichiro Tokito
He is oblivious to everything, so if you thought he would notice how you follow him everywhere and go cloud-gazing with him every time he asks, you are sorely mistaken. But you just chalked it up to it being a little quirk of his rather than a blatant disinterest in you.
Now, when you first started coughing up petals, you tried to hide it as a common cold. However, no common cold had you bedridden for days on end, and even Muichiro noticed that his companion was usually gone.
When his master had informed him that you had a deadly (but not contagious) disease, he immediately went to visit you in your room at the Ubuyashiki residence. He snapped back to reality in 2 seconds flat as he saw how serious this was.
The Mist Hashira spends most of his time by your side. He tries his hardest to not zone out as he wants to grasp every single word you utter. For all he knew, you could be dying the next day and he wanted to make sure that he could pass your stories on.
What he thought would eventually come true. It came to a point where you couldn’t even speak without coughing. In your last moments, Muichiro made sure that you were as comfortable as could be given the circumstances. The anger he already harbored increased as you let out your final breath.
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fruitanddarkness · 1 year
@fallesto Continued From: || x ||
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
With a simple breeze, the mortal woman was able to tell just how frigid it was beyond the immediate side of this creature... it was safe to assume that Doma's blood demon art had to do with ice and the cold. A twinge of sympathy tugged at Kanae's heart as she hoped the poor creatures and blossoms they passed this night would survive the freeze... poor things. Dragged into this strange and likely deadly encounter against their will. Hopefully, those who could move found shelter far away from this place.
As the odd pair continued to stroll, the thought passed by again; perhaps slaying this demon would be a greater kindness to him and to those around him? Truly, Lady Kocho was not a woman who drew her sword unless she absolutely felt the need to do so... but, there had to be a way. This demon could not continue to exist if human life was to go on without the threat of demons in the night. Alone, it was going to be difficult to fight this one and win. Stalling she could certainly do without her sword, but with so little Doma was able to create a dangerous environment. How easily could this demon kill if he put effort into it...? The thought alone was enough to
That ...was that logic? Or Emotions? Had this demon truly been hurt by the loss of a human he was fond of? Or was it something closer to a child crying over a broken toy...? Perhaps, in that moment, you feel vindicated and avenged by hurting those who have hurt you. But what about after? What pain does that truly heal after the moment has passed...?
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"I know. You're not the first person to say something like that to me."
The loss of parents by hungry demons was not an uncommon tale in this land... there was sadness, but it was no longer so grand that it overshadowed any hope for happiness or joy. That was a promise she made that day... to inspire warmth and light for the future alongside her sister. She had been fortunate enough to escape despair as it invaded her home and destroyed her once-normal life... and she certainly was not going to allow it into her home again.
"Doma... I refuse to allow my warmth to be extinguished by the nature of this world. Suffering, tragedy, and sadness are a normal part of life, but I do not allow it to haunt mine." Happiness takes time to build. Chasing such a creature only causes it to stray further and further away from desperate hands.. and those who promise it in exchange for something you have are not to be trusted.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
As Kanae took a moment to enjoy the winter blossoms, she was almost stunned to see the demon move to block her sight from gazing at it further. Her hazy pink eyes widened slightly as not only the realization of how deeply entrenched she was... but, at the further display of a blood demon art before her. The hollow crackling of quickly forming ice echoed shrilly in the air as vines and petals came together to form something quite eye-catching. As much as the Flower Hashira did not want to admit it, the lotus was stunning..!
"For me?" She questioned politely, almost in disbelief as she had to stop herself from reaching out to examine it further. It.. seemed safe enough. Against her better judgment, Kanae took the gift and gazed at it. A serene smile found itself painted on her face as she shifted it between her fingers. Part of her delighted at the fragments of light that had been refracted by the crystal. But again.. the temple was brought up...
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"It's beautiful... but I am more than happy with just one. Even if you make a hundred more, or have a thousand more where you reside, this one is far more precious in my eyes. "
Until she saw her crow in sight again, continue to stall. Drag this out as long as it can possibly go without a fight. In this case, return the gift.. find a way to make it special. An idea came rather quickly. With a single hand, Kanae plucked one of her hairpins from the side of her head and gently clipped it onto a lock of that light-colored hair of the other. Praying silently it would be received well.
"...And now you have something too~"
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ladyofthebluelight · 4 months
What are Taeko's options on all of the hasira?
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I got a bit too excited with this ask and ended up writing too much to put in the image so here are Taeko’s opinions on each Hashira(Pillar):
Flame Pillar: He seems like the type of person I would love to become friends with! His presence in my grandfather’s life was brief but impactful. While I don’t necessarily enjoy hearing the tale of his last battle and consequential death, it also inspired me to do my best in my training.
Water Pillar: I am very grateful for all he has done for my grandfather. It’s only because of the mercy and compassion he showed that fateful day that my grandfather was successful in his quest! Also, I read his contribution in the water breathing records so I feel like I have to thank him for his help in my training.
Mist Pillar: I was surprised when I learned how young he was when he became a hashira. It was an impressive feat but I couldn’t help but feel sad for him. Being a hashira was a huge responsibility and very dangerous so to think someone went through all that training and lost his life that young...
Sound Pillar: I heard Grandfather’s recount of his battle against upper moon six more times than I can count. It’s one of my favorite stories. He was an eccentric and fierce individual. My grandfather and his friends would have lost their lives in the entertainmentdistrict if it wasn’t for him.
Snake Pillar: I think he is the hashira I know about the least about. Grandfather trained with him but they never got to know each other in a deeper level so I don’t know much of him.
Love Pillar: While I am admittedly a bit envious her impressive physical strength, what I admire about her the most is her kindness. Grandmother told me her presence could light up the room. I suppose it was one more reason she was known as the love hashira.
Stone Pillar: From what grandparents told me he was a gentle giant. Someone strong and fierce in battle that was also sensitive to the suffering of others. He was also very tall. I’ve been around many tall people recently and it’s crazy to think he was taller than all of them.
Wind Pillar: With his aggressive behavior he didn’t leave the best first impression on my grandfather. But there ended up being more to him than meets the eye and he turned out to have a good heart behind his harshness… it actually reminds me of someone I know.
Insect Pillar: She is one of the hashira I know the most about. My grandmother spoke highly of her as both a hashira and an older sister. She didn’t let her limited physical strength stop her from becoming a hashira and her intelligence and knowledge of medicines was key during the final battle. I am proud to have someone like her as my grandaunt!
Flower Pillar: She is my other grandaunt. It was her compassion that took my grandmother from a terrible situation and gave her a family. It was painful to hear about her passing from my grandmother because I could smell her grief even all those years later.
This ask also made me think more about my plans for next chapter so thanks for the inspiration for me to continue writing the fic!
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princessmahle · 9 months
The dark frost hashira  black y/n reader x tengen x tengen’s wives part 13
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It was such a quiet night. Atleast where you were. You were asleep for awhile now. You did wake up a few times to nurse your child as they needed to be fed every few hours. But as soon as the child drifted off to sleep so did you. Your wives were there too but they also needed rest. And they never left your side. As you slept, you dreamed. And within that dream you saw all your fellow hashira. They smiled at you. They told you they had to leave you now. You tried convincing them all to stay but they had to leave to the light. They were moving farther and farther away from you. You yelled their names but they all faded through the light. They were gone. Your best friend mitsuuri. Your doctor shinobu. And all the other comrades. You saw tengen in your dream as well and it looked like he was also headed through the light you screamed his name. “Tengen! Tengen!” You cried. He said in a whispering voice “angel…” you tried running to him and he also seemed far away “tengen! Please!!!” When you awoke it was morning. You felt very sweaty and heavy. The girls were still asleep and so was your child. You got up and tried to leave outside your room. You ran through the halls and even passed by aoi who tried calling you back. But as soon as you ran outside the butterfly mansion. You saw a man with a bouquet of flowers.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. It was him. It was your husband. He was still alive and in good shape. Still with no hand and left eye covered with a patch. He made a startling expression.    “Y/n! Why are you out of bed!?!!” You ran and jumped into his arms. It was so impactful, that you both fell to the ground. You cried again because he was alive and well. He really didn’t fight muzan after all. He held you close and kissed your head so many times. You looked up at each other this time and he kissed you passionately. When you both let your lips separate for a moment. Hinatsuru came out with your child in her arms. Tengen smiled at them both. Hinatsuru gave you the child and then you handed the child to tengen. Tengen nuzzled his child’s nose to his. He spoke softly to them “welcome to the new world my son…a world with no demons, a world with peace. A world where you can play and grow. You will be happy. I promise you that. We will have happiness in the new era. Your generation will only hear these demons in stories and tall tales. And always know your mommy and daddy were strong heroic hashira.” You smiled at his remark to your child. But then realized “wait…son? Um…tengen…she’s a girl..” tengen now looked at you for a long minute “um…” he looked down under his child’s wrapped blanket and saw no penis. He looked back up and started laughing “hahaha! Oh my! Please forgive me malady. It seems daddy hasn’t fully grasp what gender you are…” you chuckled back “what convinced you that she was a boy?” You asked. “She had my eyes, which is pretty common with boys in my family.” You looked at hinatsuru and she nodded “it’s actually true…” you smiled in amusement “well there’s a first time for everything.”
As the morning went on, and you all headed back to your hospital room. Tengen explained what had happened as the kagaya’s young son was now the heir and witness the fight against muzan by the crows connections. It started to all make sense to you now on why you had those dreams. Tengen unfortunately gave you the bad news about your fellow comrades. You wanted to visit them in their graves when the time was right. But then you asked about nezuko and the other young slayers. Tengen said he wasn’t sure yet but that they would get more information soon. “For right now my dear angel, let’s just celebrate the birth of our new darling daughter!” Suma finally spoke up “what should we name her?” They all looked at each other concerned. “I didn’t want to name her till we were altogether. But now that we are in opened to ideas.”you replied. Suma thought of a bunch names even ones considering food, but to no prevail. Hina thought of names mixed in with each of you. For instance, makihinuma. But when your name was also add it. It didn’t have a whole lot of flash to it. Makio just thought to name the child after girlish tone to the the name. tengen but with a more female tune to it. Finally tengen spoke up “y/n is our first mother. She should name her. Besides if you all have children of your own, I want you all to the name them in your own way.” You smiled at the thought of his logic and finally a name came to you. “Amahle” you said. They were confused. It wasn’t a name they were familiar with. Suma spoke up “oh you mean amaru!” Tengen corrected her “no I’m pretty sure she said Amahle…but what does the name mean angel?” You smiled “it stands for beautiful one she has a beautiful mixture of our skin tone and beautiful eyes like you. And yet she haas my hair color. She really is beautiful.” Tengen smiled at the thought of his child being so beautiful. And with such a flamboyant name he was proud. Within hours, tanjiro and the others came to be nursed after the fight. They were just glad to live through it all even though they lost so many. Giyu and sanemi came to see you. You cried thinking they had died too. But they were ok. Very injured at most but nothing they haven’t been through before. It would be weeks before they recovered. But as you recovered within a week. You went home with wives to care for Amahle. After two months you decided to help out at the butterfly mansion to check up on the other slayers. They were your comrades after all. Even tanjiro gained strength holding you child. But the most good news of all was nezuko. She had fully turned back human. You saw her for a brief moment when the slayers had come to heal. But so much was going on you didn’t greet her properly. You too got to talk for a bit and she held your baby. But tears started to stream down her face when thought of her younger siblings. Most notably rokuta. You asked her if she was alright. She wiped her face and gave you a smile that she toughened. “I’ll be ok…I just miss them sometimes.” You smiled at her and gave her a warm hug.
But realizing what nezuko said made you think of Urokodaki. You had to go see him. Of course you told tengen if you could go see him. Of course tengen aloud it and told you to come back to him soon. You would take Amahle with you as urokodaki never had seen her up to this point. Suma complained not wanting Amahle to go due to separation anxiety. She was even worried about you anymore. She only doted on Amahle. Makio was worried too but focused on pulling suma off of you and the baby. And hina packed you extra things in case the baby got fussy. You left by carriage and waved goodbye for now. you arrived to Urokodaki’s home and he embraced you and Amahle. “ I’m home uncle” you cried. You both had dinner and he smiled at you nursing Amahle. You told him everything that happened since your retirement. He finally responded to you “y/n, isn’t it time you went home?” You hesitated by his question. “I thought about it. But honestly I’m happy here. I don’t need to go back because I found my happiness. And also, tengen and the others would get sad if I took Amahle too.” Urokodaki held your hand “that’s good, but if you do decide to stay here you need to think about what your about to leave behind. I know it’s been years. And you haven’t reached your aunt. But please just go for closure before you make any final decisions.” You looked up in concern. But you knew he was right. ”alright” you spent the night at his home and by morning you were on your way. You hugged him goodbye and went on your way back to tengen and the wives. They were happy to see you and suma ran to you for a hug. But soon after she snatched Amahle from you giving her so many kisses the child giggled. You spoke up “It’s time…” they all looked to you startled. Tengen spoke “time for what?” You smiled at all of them “to visit my home….we’re going to Lesotho”
Makio: alright! our first family trip!
part 13. Part 14
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Demon Slayer Fic Recs
❤️‍🔥Spicy ❤️‍🩹Hurt/Comfort 💔Angst 😈Smut 🥺Fluff 🍄Personal Favorites
Giyuu Tomioka
Dating headcannons🥺
Uzui Tengen (and his wives)
Fourth wife🥺
Turned Demon❤️‍🩹💔
The God of What🥺
Habits of the heart🥺❤️‍🩹💔
Gimme more😈
You’re mine😈
Switching up😈
Diety 😈
If threes a crowd😈
Kissing hands🥺
Tale of the flower hashira (series)
Fights and sweet touches part one // part two // part three // part four
Having bad friends❤️‍🩹
Insecurities and isolation❤️‍🩹
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crowborn666-writes · 1 year
OC: Fugisaki Shaku
OC Corner
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They’re kinda plain I know, but I really wanted to draw them in my style haha. I’ll def be redesigning Shaku’s haori.
Name meanings are linked at the bottom of the page!
I used this link as a base for creating this character!
Family Tree
Last name: Fugisaki (two unblooming flowers)
Natsumi (summer beauty)
Dead, passed from illness
Katashi (hard, firm)
Dead, passed from illness
Children from Oldest to Youngest
Shaku (burn, scorch)
Daiki (great brightness)
Hayami (rare beauty)
Kichi (lucky, fortunate)
6 (at death) (would be 10)
Born the eldest, Shaku grew up the caretaker of his siblings. Their parents grew very ill one day, and passed on, leaving the then 13 year old Shaku to care for his 8, 6, and 4 year old siblings. The village they grew up in watched over them, but ultimately Shaku did the work. When a demon attacks two years after the death of their parents, Shaku fails to save his youngest sibling, Kichi.
Shaku, having heard tales of demon slayers, takes his father’s old katana and tries to ambush the demon. Unknown to Shaku, the blade was not made of Nichirin, and if Rengoku hadn’t come in at the right moment, the demon would’ve had Shaku as it’s next meal. Seeing Shaku’s determination, (and listening to him practically beg), Rengoku takes him and his siblings with him to train Shaku and have Daiki and Hayami work as healers.
“I failed my siblings once, I won’t fail them again.”
Sees Rengoku, Shinobu, and Sanemi has older sibling figures, even though he’s always been the eldest
Is very respectful towards the Hashiras and other slayers he meets
He first found Tanjiro’s group a little odd, but he quickly bonded with them(especially Tanjiro)
Taught his younger siblings how to cook, clean, and any other skill needed to take care of oneself and others, he didn’t wish for them to be caught helpless if he ever got sick or wasn’t around
Learned to sew from his mother, and in turn also taught his siblings, despite the skill to be a more female dominated skill
Has nightmares about Kichi, and quietly fears for his other siblings
Favorite food is gyoza (fried dumplings)
Demon Slayer Rank: Kanoto (3/10)
Demon Slayer Mark: None
Nichirin Sword Color: Orange
Name links:
Last name
Shaku’s name
Daiki and Katashi’s names
Hayami, Kichi, and Natsumi’s names
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kimandreaaaa · 2 years
Stargazing with Kyojuro and Uzui!
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Description: what it would be like going stargazing with kyojuro Rengoku and Tengen Uzui! <3
Warnings: fluff/comfort, angst and awareness of overworking youreself.! Hope you enjoy reading this! <3 :)✨
Kyōjurō Rengoku
You and Kyojuro had been together for a while now. Being with him had made you realize that you were not alone in this world, and that you could confide with the people you’d put you’re trust in.
As of right now, you were being dragged by the arm to an unknown place by the flame hashira himself. He had been so drastically cheered up by something and wanted you to join in on whatever adventure he’d sought up.
You were genuinely scared but you trusted him with you’re life and soul. While traveling past the land, you were fascinated by the landscape as the moonlight was casting its spell on the outdoor objects. The trees were lit up and looked like they had came out of a fairy tale.
You didn’t notice that Kyojuro was looking at you’re face the whole entire time while he was still leading you to the place he wanted to show you. He thought you looked absolutely adorable while you were admiring the beauty of nature.
You soon noticed that Kyojuro had stopped and you quickly turned to face the place that he had wanted to bring you. You spectated the place and thought it looked absolutely stunning. It was a cliff side with a beautiful view of the ocean, you could see the moon shining over the sea’s horizon while flowers of all kind covered the field on the left side.
Kyojuro took you’re hand in his and lead you under a tree. he motioned you too lay down beside him and when you looked back up, you could see the sky filled with glittering stars. You had rested you’re head on Kyojuro’s arm while he held you tightly close to him.
Tengen Uzui
As of weeks now, you had been training for drear life, scared of what could happen to the people you loved. You had been informed that the flame pillar had fallen under the fight with the upper three and you were devastated. You had always been attached to Kyojuro Rengoku and now that he was gone, you were scared that the demons would take another important person from you.
Tengen was beginning to worry a lot about you. You and him had been together for quite some time now. He loves you very much and wasn’t a fan of you overworking yourself.
So, he came up with a plan that might help you relax a little. He had planned everything himself and was rather proud of his work.
So when everything was set, the one thing that remained was convincing you too join him.
You were currently working on you’re breathing technique with Kocho. And as you were ready to strike, someone gently picked you up by the waist. You instantly knew who it was and as you turned you’re head you were revealed with a smirking Uzui.
“What do you want Uzui? I’m not done with my training for today” you said. He merely smiled at you .“ come with me, I want to show you something!” He sang.
You were a bit confused and when you were about to turn down the offer, he had already picked you up on his back and started to run off. You didn’t question him because this was his normal behavior that you were used to. But, you couldn’t help but wonder what he had planned.
As he made his way to the location, he was starting to get very excited to see you’re reaction. He loved you so much and wanted to show you that you didn’t need to overwork youreself all the time.
you were put down and while Uzui stood infront of you, he said “ close you’re eyes “ while smiling suspiciously at you. You’re eyes was now closed and when he lead you to whatever scenario this was you could feel the smell of wildflowers covering you’re senses.
Uzui motioned for you to open you’re eyes and when you had them fully opened, you were in complete shock. In front of you was a beautiful flower bouquet and a whole picnic set up with the most beautiful view of a waterfall that was going down on a small mountain.
The river next to you looked like it was blue and purple, and with the moon shining on it you could see the highlights of the water shining right back at you.
As you gave Uzui a big hug you couldn’t help but get a bit emotional. It had been so long since you had relaxed that you had forgotten how it felt. And you were even more happier with Uzui standing besides you while you two inspected the stars together the whole night!
Authors note: Hello! I hope you enjoyed reading this! Have a nice day forward! <3
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neo-crimson-palace · 3 years
So tanjiro any Interesting experiences with Shinobu worth mentioning?
Tanjiro would answer you. . . were it not the fact that he was currently plowing the Insect Hashira in the mattress in Shinobu’s personal office. 
How this whole situation even came about was due to the series of drugs that Shinobu had been testing out on Tanjiro. Her claim being that it would assist in speeding up recovery for all Demon Slayers. And Tanjiro, being the kind-hearted helping saint that he wanted to be, was more than willing to subject himself to her test. Trusting the Hashira in that she wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, and while that was true, what he didn’t know was that the drug was anything but what she claimed to be. 
In actuality, it had been a special type of aphrodisiac that had been made of Wisteria Flowers, all for the purpose of helping herself to the infamous Kamado cock she had her stories about. 
Ever since she learned about Tanjiro’s sexual prowess, hearing tales about how he would fuck each and every girl that would get with him, unconscious. The lovely Hashira had been determined of having a taste for herself. The thought of actually having a man that could give her the fucking she craved was something she could not pass up. But at the same time, Shinobu also wanted to have some reassurance. While she didn’t doubt Tanjiro’s skill, Kanao was not the one to lie to her, she wanted to make sure it could last for as long as she wanted. 
And to put it long story short, she had not been disappointed. 
It’s been ten hours since they’ve began and Tanjiro had shown no signs of letting up or slowing down on the poor woman. His face was flushed, sweaty all over as he drooled and teared up uncontrollably, driving his swollen massive cock into Shinobu’s tight pussy. Her fat plump ass rippling from the impact of Tanjiro’s hip crashing against them in a series of thrusts, the boy letting out grunts that would be befitting of an animal. A touch fitting as the normally respected woman was treated little more than a complete whore, whose purpose was to be a cocksleeve and nothing more to relieve the magnificent stud of his seed. Shinobu couldn’t even begin to count just how many times she had cum in the last five hours, yet Tanjiro has yet to climax even ONCE. What stamina!
“D-Don’t you dare stop!” She cried, her voice hoarse, yet she did not care, wanting to make sure this mindless fuck beast would hear her. Along with anyone else, “I want you to keep fucking my until you empty those God forsaken balls, do you hear me Kamado! FUCK ME LIKE A WORTHLESS DEMON!” 
Suffice to say. Her aphrodisiac was a rousing success. 
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wynsnerdyrambles · 3 years
I loved reading your Kanae headcanon post (and I also hope they expand more on her time as a Hashira in the show!), so I had a question! Do you think, had she not encountered Douma and lived to the final battle, she would've developed a mark? Likewise, how do you think she would have fared up against Muzan compared to Mitsuri, who unfortunately struggled :'(, as another female Pillar?
Thank you for the ask Anon, but, you've inadvertently spawned a fix-t AU in my mind, so this post might get pretty long. Let's start, first things off, how things change in the timeline of the main story.
The New Timeline
Things go relatively the same, until Kanae is sent on a mission to investigate some mysterious disappearances in the area where the Eternal Paradise Cult happens to be operating out of. After some investigating, she realizes the head of the cult is an upper rank Kizuki, she attempts to do him in, but, upon realizing his Blood Demon Art could compromise her ability to use Total Concentration Breathing, she makes use of Doma's desire to toy with her, alongside the evasive capabilities of Flower Breathing to escape, albeit just barely.
In the escape, Kanae is forced to make use of Equinoctial Vermillion Eye, somewhat reducing her visual capacity. Meanwhile, during Kanae's disctraction of Doma, Shinobu has been informing the townspeople of the area the truth of the Eternal Paradise Cult. Using the evidence Kanae has gathered, the townspeople turn against the cult, and many of its members flee, forcing Doma to go underground until he can reform the cult.
Upon returning to Oyakata-Sama to report the outcome of the mission, Kanae confides in him that she feels she may no longer be fit for service, given her reduced visual capabilities. Kagaya comforts her, informing her of the recent invention of 'spectacles' that may be able to restore some of her lost vision. Making use of the Ubayashiki clan's wealth and connections, Kagaya is able to procure some spectacles for Kanae. While her vision is never quite what it once was, it opens the path for Kanae to continue her work in the Corps. Taking some initiative, she begins training under Himejima to learn how best to fight with a visual disability.
Because Kanae never dies, Shinobu never replaces her as a Hashira, and neither has her desire for revenge against demons begun to fester. Thanks to Kanae's continued guidance, Insect Breathing becomes even more refined, and just before the Mount Natagumo incident, Kanae goes once more to Oyakata-Sama.
During this meeting, Kanae requests that Shinobu be granted the rank of Hashira, and that they serve together as co-pillars. Oyakata-Sama reluctantly agrees to this, and, along with Tomioka, Kanae, Kanao and Shinobu are dispatched to investigate the recent string of Corps members who have disappeared at Mount Natagumo. From there, the events of the Mount Natagumo arc play out much as normal. After encountering Tanjiro and Nezuko, Kanae is touched. Here, standing in front of her, is proof that her dream can be fulfilled. Speaking with Tomioka and Tanjiro, she learns about Nezuko's circumstances, and convinces them to return to Oyakata-Sama willingly.
From there, things begin to play out somewhat differently than they do in story. Because of Kanae's reputation among the Hashira, she is able to call them off from their intentions to try and execute Tanjiro. This, alongside Oyakata's desire to see Nezuko unharmed, leaves the Hashira much more willing to accept her out of sheer respect for Kanae and Oyakata-Sama, after all, Kanae is the only Hashira for generations to encounter an Upper Moon and live to tell the tale.
Kanae helps oversee the rehabilitation training of the Kamaboko squad, and while she's impressed by Tanjiro's potential as a swordsman, she takes greater notice of the emotional effect he's having on Kanao. While Kanae muses about potential routes to help Kanao find herself again, the Kamaboko squad departs for the Mugen Train mission, as recommended by Shinobu.
From there, the only thing relevant to mention is that Tanjiro begins manifesting his mark, providing the necessary catalyst for it to begin appearing upon those with the skill to attain it.
When Mitsuri and Muichiro manifest the Mark during the attack on the Swordsmiths' Village, they still report their experiences to the other Hashira, same as in established canon. Knowing that because of Nezuko's newfound capabilities, the long war between the Demons and the Corps may soon come to a climactic end, Kanae throws herself wholeheartedly into the Hashira training to learn to manifest it. However, her training is cut short by Oyakata-Sama's request that Shinobu and Kanae cooperate with Tamayo to create an anti-demon drug. Kanae willingly takes the request, and becomes quick friends with Tamayo, seeing final proof that friendship between demons and humans is possible.
Doma and the Mark:
When the attack on the Ubayashiki residence leaves the Corps members trapped within Muzan's Infinite Fortress, Kanae and Shinobu are able to stick together, and both encounter Doma within the fortress. Doma recognizes the Hashira girl who had foiled his plans all those years ago, and rather than toying with her, this time he's going straight for the kill. The fight goes poorly, and Doma is able to separate the two Hashira, cornering Shinobu. Reminded of their parents' deaths all those years ago, Kanae is filled with an intense focus, and a desperate desire to save her sister, and in that moment, she manifests the Mark, it appears as a trio of light pink petals, falling from her right eye like tears. Using the enhanced speed and strength afforded her by the Mark, along with Flower Breathing's natural speed and evasive capabilities, she is able to prevent Shinobu's death, as well as hold off Doma, until the arrival of Kanao and Inosuke, who are able to help the Hashira back Doma into a corner. Attempting to psychologically manipulate the two younger Slayers, he tells Inosuke how he ate his mother, and how the fate of the twin Hashira will be much worse. This horribly backfires, awakening Kanao's rage, and Inosuke's animalistic fury. While Shinobu and Inosuke are able to hold off the Crystalline Divine Child, Lanao and Kanae are able to corner Doma long enough to behead him. No one leaves the fight fully unscathed, however, and Shinobu retires from the fight at this point. Marked and victorious against the demon she'd failed to kill so many years ago leaves Kanae revitalized dnd determined, ready to do her part in the clash against Kibutsuji.
The Battle Before Sunrise:
No one slayer would stand a chance against Muzan alone, but Kanae manages to do her part in the group assault against the Demon King. Mitsuri's struggles inherently come from a lack of finesse. While her strength is greater than Kanae's alone, raw strength won't do much in the fight against Muzan, and Kanae's delicate finesse allows her to fare much better. Although, she's eventually forced to withdraw from combat after attaining several injuries in the fight. After this, she desperately attempts to aid in the medical treatment of other wounded combatants. She attends Mitsuri and Obanai's final moments, and impresses upon the Kakushi there that the two are to be buried together after the battle is said and done. However, working desperately and frantically, she's able to save Himejima using a tourniquet before he's killed from blood loss. Exhausted, and wounded herself, she's unable to help in the fight against a now demonic Tanjiro, but watches proudly as Kanao sacrifices much of her vision to save Tanjiro.
After the battle, the butterfly sisters make their way home together. Much has been lost, but yet much has been saved as well. Using their medical knowledge, the Kocho sisters turn the Butterfly Mansion into a public hospital, greatly enhancing the lives of the people around them. (Taisho Era Secret: I heard that Kanae and Nezuko are in a friendly competition to be the favorite aunt of Tanjiro and Kanao's children. I wonder who will spoil them more?)
So, Anon, I hope that, in a way, answers your question, despite the wild derailment.
Also to answer a question I'm rhetorically hoping you all ask:
Yes, there will be more of this AU.
Yes, I will be drawing stuff for this AU.
Yes, I would love to see it if any of y'all draw stuff for this AU.
Is this AU tooth-rottingly indulgent? Yes. Do I care? No.
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Tale of the Flower Hashira Pt.4
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This story will contain Kyojiro Rengoku x Reader, Tengen Uzui x reader and Douma x reader. All separately. (Tengen is still in a relationship with his wives.)
Y/n Shinaguzawa is 18 at the start of this story. phisical appearance is mentioned, y/n has long white hair and specific scarring. Skintone, eye color etc. are not mentioned. 
This fanfic will only follow the plotline of seasons 1&2.
If you are uncomfortable with any of the following then DNI.
(Extreme gore, Branding, Swearing, Manipulative behavior, disturbing content, Unhealthy relationships, disturbing relationship between child y/n and a demon.)
Taglist: @violet-19999​ @devilfleur​ 
“Flower breathing, first form, sakura slash.” 
The demon’s arm that held up the boar headed lad was immediately severed. Both him and the arm crashed to the ground with a sickening thud. The demon in front of you had the head of a spider. Although you had seen many disturbing demons by now, this one really turned your stomach. 
“Well, it looks like someone beat you with an ugly stick.” You mumbled. “Mind if I put you out of your misery?”
You dodged a slash from the demon’s remaining claw. Quickly, you ran up the side of a thick pine tree, flipped backwards and behind the creature before laying down the final blow.
“Sixth form, Wilting Orchid.” 
The blade twisted in your hand, cutting in a swift X motion, powered by your falling momentum. The creature collapsed to the ground, first the body, then the arms, and the head. Each part neatly divided and already beginning to disintegrate. 
“Woah…” The boar headed lad ogled while you sheathed your blade. 
“How are you still standing, kid?” You questioned. “Your injuries are really bad.”
“That sounds concerning. I think the mountain king needs to take a nap.”
“Slayers don’t fight other slayers, sweetpea.” You grabbed the boy by the pants and dragged him along behind you. 
Tanjiro took a sharp breath, looking around for the source of this new and confusing scent. 
“Giyuu, I found this boar kid in the woods. Should I take him home?” 
You entered the boy’s view and the scent became stronger. He held up what was left of his sword with his shaking hands. 
“Woah kid, you shouldn’t be-“
“Why do you have the scent of a demon?” Tanjiro asked before his vision darkened and he crumpled to the ground. 
You had made a fine recovery, although it felt slow to the demon who constantly watched over you. Douma didn’t quite know why he continued to visit you in his child form, it just seemed like the right approach. Not that he cared or even considered you had been through a traumatic experience. Being in the guise of a child seemed to put you at ease. He dare say that you were beginning to grow attached to him. 
You weren’t allowed to interact with many people at the cult that your new caretaker ran. It seemed like there was a different woman every day bringing a plate of delicacies to your room. You never saw them again in the gardens or any of the rooms you were allowed to wander through. 
The gardens were your favorite, you’d sit there for hours, memorizing plant names from a giant book you had discovered in the library. Often when his cult duties were over, Douma would come and sit with you under the moonlight. 
The walls were high and smooth in the garden and impossible for your small body. Except for one spot where a large cherry tree grew and hung over the edge of the wall. One night while you were alone, you decided to test this idea. It had been months since you first came here and you hadn’t been allowed to search for your brothers. You scaled the tree quickly and started inching down the branch. It became thinner and thinner as your balance became more and more precarious. 
“What are you doing up there?”
Immediately you wobbled and fell, crashing down into some of the garden’s hydrangea bushes. Douma folded his arms and glared down at you. 
“What are you doing?” he repeated.
“I’ve told you, it's too dangerous out there for you.”
“I just thought that-”
He huffed and grabbed your wrist to pull you to your feet. His grip was a bit too harsh and you let out a whimper of pain. “I��m sorry Douma, I didn’t want to make you mad.”
The boy loosened his grip and slipped his hand into yours instead so he could lead you along behind him. “I’m not mad, y/n. You just can’t be wandering off, especially without protection.”
He pulled you into your private room and had you sit down on your futon. Then he left for a moment and returned for a moment and returned with a steaming cup of herbal tea. 
“Drink this.” He shoved the cup into your hand. 
“What is it for?” You asked timidly, staring into the murky contents of the teacup. 
“It will help you rest, there’s something I need to do now, but I can’t have you feeling any discomfort. So just take it like the good girl you are and it will all be over in the morning.” 
You looked at him and then at the cup, unsure if you should do as he said. 
“Drink it. You trust me right?” He gave you a soft smile and patted your head. 
You drank, the tea was bitter, but you managed the whole thing. Soon you felt yourself drifting off and you crawled closer to Douma and laid your head in his lap. He stroked your long hair as you fell asleep. Only when your breathing slowed did he tug back the neck of your kimono and let his fingernails lengthen to their usual state. With light strokes, he carved a shape into your skin. The lines weren’t more than scratches but they immediately closed, leaving behind a noticeable purple scar. His dormant blood wouldn’t turn you, only keep you safe with his scent. Any demon who came across you would immediately know you were property of Upper Two.
“I don’t think I’m disliked.” Giyuu said in confusion, he turned to you. “Am I disliked, Y/n?” 
“I don’t know, I like you well enough though.”
“Well you aren’t much better, Y/n.” Shinobu giggled softly. 
Both you and Giyuu looked at each other in the same tired manor. 
“Well at least we have each other.” You sighed.
Chapter 5.
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nicriverswriting · 3 years
Fights and Forming Friendships (Oneshot)
Pairing: Hanako Fukushima [OC] x Li-Wei [@flipnegg’s KNY OC] (non-ship)
Words: 4,323
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 
Warnings: semi-graphic violence, (slight) angst
Notes: This is another oneshot from my upcoming Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba oneshot book, Beyond the Wisteria Trees. Quite honestly, this is probably my favorite oneshot that I’ve written (thus far). Li-Wei is my best friend @flipnegg ‘s OC. His storyline is that he’s the Ice Pillar, mute, and turns into a demon while trying to protect his tsuguko and boyfriend, Xiao-Li. Hanako and Li-Wei don’t exactly see eye-to-eye at first, but as the story progresses, their friendship changes...
The lively estate of Tengen Uzui was filled with laughter and the loud boom of Tengen’s voice as he recounted the tale of what occurred on his Red Light District mission to Hanako. Hanako and Tengen’s three wives, Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru chuckled as the Sound Pillar “flamboyantly” recounted defeating not one, but two Upper Moons, losing a hand and an eye in the process. Hanako thought it was sweet how the normally stuck-up and egotistical man was giving a huge amount of credit to the three Demon Slayers (and one demon) that accompanied him on the mission.
“Yeah, if it weren’t for those four,” Tengen stopped, turning to face his wives. “And these three, I’d be dead.”
“I’m glad you made it out alive, Uzui,” Hanako grinned, taking a sip of the tea that Makio had provided them with. “But are you sure about retiring? We’ll all miss you a lot.”
He quickly nodded, a lock of his loose hair falling over the eyepatch that now adorned his face. “Yep, I’m done. I’m getting too old for this shit.”
As the five continued to talk, a distant cawing noise could be heard. Hanako snapped her head up to see Arisu land on the floor, hopping towards her. In her beak was a little scroll of parchment, rolled up neatly. Hanako sighed, beckoning Arisu over with a wave of her hand. After taking the scroll and unravelling it, she read the message laid upon it:
New mission.
Meet Li-Wei at the village of Baman.
Possible Upper Moon activity. 
Proceed cautiously. 
Hanako scoffed, crumbling the paper in a clenched fist. Tengen and his wives were alarmed at her sudden mood change. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
She looked up to them. “I’ve gotta go. Thanks for the tea, Makio. I’ll see you all later.” 
The village of Baman was a small one, filled with little houses row by row and a small hotel for wary travellers at the entrance of the village. Hanako had sent Arisu off with a note to be delivered to Li-Wei, telling him she’d meet him outside of the hotel.
She was now standing here, arms crossed and back against a wall as pedestrians crossed in front of her. A soft wind blew, making the tail of Hanako’s long braid flow in the breeze. The sun was setting, lighting the sky on fire -- Hanako figured that Li-Wei would arrive at dusk, or sometime after dark. A frown came across Hanako’s face as she thought of the mission at hand. The fact that she was going to be completing it with a demon Demon Slayer made her blood boil with hot rage. Though, even begrudgingly, Hanako would do whatever Oyakata-sama wished. 
A soft pressure on her shoulders snapped her out of her trance. Arisu had landed on her shoulder. Hanako looked up at the sky, seeing that the sun was pretty much hidden. Looking back across the horizon, she was met with the sight of a single figure shuffling towards her. 
Li-Wei was wearing his straw hat, his long white hair peeking out from underneath. The skin of his forearms, neck, and hands were covered in fabric, protecting it from the harsh rays of the dying sun. His sword was sheathed at his side and Toji, his crow, was perched on his shoulder. Seeing Hanako standing there, Li-Wei gave a small wave of his hand. 
Hanako arched an eyebrow. “Took you long enough to get here.”
Rolling his eyes, Li-Wei moved his hands to sign. Yeah, whatever. Let’s just get moving. 
As Toji was about to speak for Li-Wei, Hanako nodded, pushing herself off of the wall. “Yeah, I agree. We can’t be sure where the demon will be.”
Li-Wei was shocked by the fact that Hanako seemed to have understood his signing without Toji translating for him. He pressed on as the two began to walk forward. Do you understand sign language?
Hanako, who was busy scanning the town in front of them with nimble eyes, gave a nod, glancing at him slightly. “My brother, Daisuke, was deaf.” She left it at that. 
The town didn’t hold much. Though, there was a small restaurant up ahead, and Hanako’s stomach was growling. Li-Wei heard this and nudged Hanako’s shoulder, nudging his head at the ramen house. Let’s get some food before we scout the village out. It’s only dusk.
Hanako frowned, but reluctantly replied, “Alright.”
The two Hashira entered the ramen house and waited to be seated. Upon sitting at a table and ordering food, waiting for it to arrive, an awkward silence fell between the two. Hanako didn’t know how to talk to Li-Wei without taunting or insulting him, so she thought it’d be better not to say anything at all. 
After what seemed like an eternity of avoiding eye contact and fiddling with their own hands, Li-Wei cleared his throat to get Hanako’s attention. He lifted his hands to sign. Where do you think the demon could be?
She considered him. “It could be anywhere in the town. Or, honestly, it could be at the outskirts of the town, as well. It’s hard to say. There wasn’t much information.”
He nodded. Right. But I believe the two of us can do it. Though, like you said, it’s hard to tell where it will be.
“What, do demons not have a radar sense? Like, can you not tell when one is near?” Hanako teased, trying to fight a smirk. Li-Wei only rolled his eyes. 
Thankfully, their meal arrived, breaking the tension that was slowly building between them. Li-Wei had never been more thankful for ramen -- even as a demon. He just pushed the bowl towards Hanako and watched her eat.
After leaving the ramen house, Li-Wei and Hanako began to scout the town. Even after dark, the town was bustling with travellers and stragglers. The two had already scanned the town twice over and the outside of the town once over, not finding anything the least bit suspicious. It had at least been an hour or two -- Hanako was growing frustrated.
Li-Wei noticed this and got her attention with a hand tugging on the sleeve on her haori. It’ll be okay. We just need to be calm.
“And let it continue to harm people? I want to find this demon tonight,” Hanako snapped, making Li-Wei flinch slightly. “You may not care about it as much, but I do. If you want to be left in the dust, then so be it. Just don’t get in my way.”
Hanako stormed off, her braid whipping behind her. Li-Wei had to jog to catch up with her, even though he didn’t want to. He tried to push down the sting he felt from the Flower Pillar’s harsh words. It was something he was unfortunately used to being a demon Demon Slayer; yet, it never seemed to get any easier. 
The pair walked by a building with an open door. Hanako glanced inside, only to lock eyes with a peculiar figure sitting on the floor of whatever establishment it was. An oddly shaped hat covered his pale, blonde-ish hair. A red shirt stretched over a toned body, pants flaring out at his crossed legs. The most striking were his eyes -- it seemed as if every color imaginable was present in them. He was surrounded by a few women, all who seemed to be fawning over him. At the last second, he shot a grin at Hanako, revealing something that made her gut turn in anxiousness.
The glint of fanged canines. 
Hanako quickly turned her head, wide eyes aimed at the ground. “Li-Wei,” she said slowly, getting his attention. “I think I found our demon.”
She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “Besides you, of course.”
He gave her the most annoyed look he could muster. Is now the time to be joking?
“It helps me to calm down,” Hanako replied nonchalantly. “The demon was in that building, surrounded by people. We can’t let him attack anyone. Let’s split up and corner him.”
I’ll go around to the back. You take the front, Li-Wei signed, nodding. Within a blink of an eye, Li-Wei was gone, the sound of his sword being unsheathed following him. Hanako gripped the hilt of her sword with a shaky hand, beginning to run back to the building where she had locked eyes with the demon. What if this is an Upper Moon? she thought. What if it’s the same one who killed Kyojuro?
Arriving at the entrance of the building, Hanako subtly peeked in to see it empty. The demon and the people who had once surrounded him were gone, the lanterns unlit. Had she missed him? Did the demon realize the presence of Demon Slayers? Was she too late?
“Hello there, gorgeous.”
A deep voice behind her froze her heart in uneasiness. Whipping around, Hanako was greeted with the same person she had seen earlier; except, this time, he had shed his stupid hat, revealing an odd blood-looking stain at the crown of his head. He was holding a closed fan. The worst of all had to be the change in his rainbow pupils -- kanji for upper two was etched on both of his eyes.
“I’m Doma,” he said in a flirty tone, that same grin he had shot her earlier making its way across his face. “You seem to be a Hashira. That’s unfortunate. You’re cute.”
Hanako sneered, unsheathing her sword. The purple blade glowed in the darkness, enticing the demon in front of her. “You’re disgusting.”
So, this isn’t the demon who killed Kyojuro, Hanako thought, gripping the sword hilt tighter, placing the blade in front of her body. But it’s one even more dangerous. I have to weigh my options carefully here.
Doma pursed his lips in a fake pout, considering Hanako. “Aren’t you at least going to tell me your name before I kill you?”
“You want to know my name, asshole?” she yelled. “Hanako Fukushima. The Flower Hashira. Your demise, if you prefer. Gods, you’re annoying.”
The look on Doma’s face turned from flirty to deadly in an instant. He flicked his fan open. “What a pity. I thought we would be friends.”
The speed with which Doma moved next was nothing less than disturbing; before Hanako knew it, he was coming down on her, war fan ready to strike. If she didn’t act quickly, the war fan would go straight into her skull.
“Total Concentration Breathing… First Form: Sakura!” An upward slash of Hanako’s sword met the edge of the war fan, the collision making the edge of it narrowly miss her face. The impact sent Doma stumbling back. 
Before Doma could think to make a snarky quip at her, Hanako ran at him, attacking once again. “Sixth Form: Flame Nettle!”
With a jump, Hanako slashed vertically at Doma, managing to get in a thick slice on his face. While he was distracted, she cut through his abdomen -- at least, she thought she did. Her sword got stuck on his thick skin, allowing Doma to retaliate. 
A rogue hand easily snatched the sword out of his side, the strength of his movements knocking Hanako to the ground. Her sword clattered on the ground. She watched as Doma pulled out a second war fan from seemingly nowhere and flicked it open. 
“You know, I’m really disappointed…” Doma watched as Hanako scrambled for her sword. “For someone as cute as you are, you’re a real pain in my neck.”
Finally finding her footing, Hanako stood up, sword back in her hands. “Do you ever shut up?!”
The deadly look returned to Doma’s gaze. It seemed as if a fire lit his rainbow eyes as he drew out his fans in front of him, flicking them. “Freezing Clouds.”
A gust of extremely cold air washed over Hanako, making her limbs feel heavy and useless. It felt like she couldn’t move at all. Doma used this advantage to attack, his war fan coming down in a sharp and painful slice across Hanako’s face. The Pillar fell to the ground, her sword once again clattering to the ground -- except, this time, it was out of her reach. 
Doma stood over her, enjoying the terrified look that her face held. As he was about to speak (again), Hanako gave him a swift kick to the groin, swiftly pushing herself off of the ground and going for her sword. Though, Doma noticed, and prepared himself to launch another attack. 
As Hanako grabbed her sword, she couldn’t help the thoughts racing through her head. Where the hell is Li-Wei? Did he get killed? Was there another demon? Am I going to die?
Facing each other once more, Hanako and Doma released their assault at the same time. 
“Eighth Form: Flame Azalea!”
“Wintry Icicles.”
A rampage of sharpened icicles came flying at Hanako, ready for the kill. She managed to block several of them -- though, those that hit her cut up her face, her arms, her legs. Ignoring the stinging feeling present throughout her body, Hanako went in for the kill, jumping and swinging a wide arc. Her sword was aimed directly for Doma’s neck, and she saw an opening. I can do this... I can kill him!
Hanako saw red as her sword came down on Doma’s neck, ready to make the kill-
The sword’s blade snapping in half broke her out of her hate-fueled stupor. The broken blade clattered to the ground, leaving the sword’s hilt in the hands of a baffled Hashira. Seeing her predicament, Doma gave a malevolent grin and backhanded Hanako across the face, sending her flying back due to his incredible strength. The hard ground was unforgiving on her back as it made contact. Hanako tasted copper in her mouth.
A raspy and distasteful cackle came from Doma. He picked the broken blade off of the ground and menacingly paced towards Hanako. “What a shame,” he mused. “You’re a Hashira, yet it didn’t take long for your sword to break. I didn’t even have to use my Blood Demon Art!”
Once again, Doma was looming over Hanako. With the hilt of her broken sword, a part of the blade still attached, Hanako jabbed into his calf muscle with an intense force -- yet, all he did was laugh at her futile attempts, pulling the hilt out and throwing it off to the side. The wound healed almost instantly.
Doma eyed the piece of metal in his hand, licking his lips. Hanako watched him with gut-wrenching anticipation of his next moves. “It really pains me to kill someone as cute as you are,” Doma said, the same fake pout from earlier forming on his lips. His gaze returned to her. 
Hanako caught sight of a blur in the corner of her eye. She thought she saw the same blue that colored Li-Wei’s haori. A spark of hope lit inside of Hanako. Finally.
She met Doma’s gaze, rolling her eyes. “Girls must have hated you when you were a human.”
Hanako watched as a sword was driven through Doma’s chest from the back. He gasped, obviously taken by surprise. Li-Wei stood behind him, straw hat missing from his head, the fabric once covering his skin now gone. He quickly took the sword out from where it had been plunged into Doma, delivering another slash across the back of his neck.
Doma dropped the piece of the blade he was holding, war fans materializing in his hands. He flicked them open, ready for another fight. Though, when he turned around, seeing Li-Wei, he had to do a double take. 
He cocked his head to the side. “A demon… wearing a Hashira uniform?” Doma chuckled. “Well, now I’ve seen everything! How did you manage to escape?”
Li-Wei was alarmed that Doma had picked out his true form so quickly. Though, it was harder for him to maintain his “human” appearance while in battle. It must have slipped through without him noticing. 
Hanako watched as Li-Wei and Doma relentlessly attacked each other, war fans and sword hitting against each other with vigor. She furiously searched the ground for her broken sword hilt; upon finding the floral guard, a piece of broken metal sticking out from it, she sighed. If she lived through this, she’d need to get this fixed. The swordsmiths wouldn’t be happy about this. 
When her attention turned back to the two demons, Li-Wei’s sword had been abandoned on the ground, now using his fists to defend himself. There was a huge gash across the lower part of his face that looked to be -- slowly -- healing itself. Li-Wei was defending himself with incredible strength and speed against Doma. 
“I’m really curious as to how you’ve avoided the Master for so long!” Doma yelled almost giddily, his war fans striking Li-Wei’s upper arm, ripping his haori and making him grunt. “What’s your name, traitor? At least tell me before I kill you.”
He can’t talk, dumbass, Hanako thought, watching the two. She tried to get up, wanting to help in some way, but the pain inflicted upon her by Doma’s icicles shot through her body forced her back down. 
“You should answer when someone talks to you, Hashira,” the Upper Moon taunted, the teasing tone in his voice diminished. “Especially when your superior is speaking to you.” Li-Wei had a panicked look on his face, his moves becoming sluggish and sloppy. He aimed a roundhouse kick for Doma’s face, the satisfying crunch of cartilage following. Both of Doma’s war fans dropped to the ground. 
He leaned over, hands on his knees as blood dripped from his face. A glint of silver on the ground caught his attention. In a flash, Doma grabbed the broken part of Hanako’s blade from the ground, plunging it into Li-Wei’s abdomen. Li-Wei let out a broken gasp, his eyes going wide.
“Li-Wei!” Hanako yelled, her face contorting in fear. She couldn’t see the entry wound from where she was, but the end of the blade was sticking out of Li-Wei’s back. Crimson blood formed around it, staining his light-blue haori.
Doma, who had both hands on the end of the blade, leaned in close to Li-Wei’s face. “You disgust me. You shouldn’t be alive at all, you traitor.”
The way that Doma was speaking to Li-Wei caused a fury in her that was equivalent to what she felt when thinking about the demon who killed Kyojuro. Looking to her left and seeing Li-Wei’s discarded sword, Hanako used what little strength she had left to pick herself off the ground, grabbing the sword and running over to where the two were standing, ready to strike.
“Get off him, you bitch!” Hanako yelled, gritting her teeth. “Seventh Form: Firethorn!”
While it was a bit odd using a sword that wasn’t her own with breaths that she had developed, Hanako worked with what she had. This particular form released a floral scent that distracted her opponent, allowing her to strike. It was something she had formed with the help of Kyojuro. 
Please, Kyojuro. Be with me. Guide me. 
Doma fell for the bait, his face relaxing at the scent of flowers around him. His hands let go of the blade stuck in Li-Wei, allowing him to rip it out. Hanako sliced down on the demon, managing to completely remove his left arm. Li-Wei, who was still bleeding heavily and stumbling, took the piece of metal and cut across Doma’s throat while he was distracted. 
Hanako gave Li-Wei a raised eyebrow look that asked him if he was okay. Li-Wei nodded back, but the Flower Pillar was worried for him.
Doma glared at Li-Wei, completely ignoring Hanako. “You’re a filthy, good-for-nothing traitor! I’ll make sure to take your goddamn head to the Master myself!”
As the two Hashira prepared to take down the Upper Moon, the sight of Doma looking at something behind them with wide eyes confused them. Li-Wei turned around to see the sun peeking through the clouds. He too grew panicked.
Doma sprouted a new arm in no time, the cut on his throat closing up. “Well, this was fun, but I’m going to have to go now!”
He snatched his war fans off of the ground below him and began to run off, making Hanako limp after him.
“Get the hell back here! You hurt my friend, I’m not going to let you get away! You bastard!” But Doma was long gone, his incredible speed allowing him to be gone from their sight within a few seconds. “If I ever see you again, I’m going to kill you! You hear me? I’ll kill you!”
When she was sure that Doma was gone for sure, she turned around to see Li-Wei on his knees, cringing due to the rays of the sun hitting his skin. Hanako gasped. “C’mon, Li-Wei, we need to get you inside.”
She moved over to him, putting his sword back into the sheath at his hip. Hanako then put one of his arms around her shoulders, picking him up and supporting him as they made their way to the hotel at the end of the village. 
The hotel room that they had rented was dim, protecting Li-Wei from the sun. It was mid-morning now, and Li-Wei was laying on the futon, fast asleep. Hanako sat cross-legged, watching the white-haired boy in front of her slumber. She had tended to his wounds before he fell asleep, wanting him to rest as soon as possible. 
Li-Wei had told her as she was cleaning him up that there had been another demon at the back entrance of the building that Doma was in, and that he had to take care of it. He had profusely apologized for not being there sooner, which Hanako felt bad that he even felt the need to apologize; it wasn’t his fault. Though, she couldn’t get over the fact that Li-Wei had saved her life. A wave of gratitude washed over her everytime she thought of the image of Li-Wei’s sword being driven into Doma from behind.
As she was deep in thought, eyebrows furrowed, a small noise got her attention. Hanako looked up to see Li-Wei waking up. He frantically looked around the room until he met her gaze, slightly calming down once his grey eyes met her purple ones. 
“You feeling okay?” Hanako asked.
Li-Wei sat up, wincing. He had shed his ripped up and bloody haori, leaving him in his Hashira uniform. Yes. It takes me longer to regenerate than other demons, but I’ll be okay. Thank you for your help.
“Of course.” Hanako looked down at her hands, fiddling with them in her lap. “You… you saved me.”
He gave her an incredulous look. Of course I did. He would have killed you.
“But you got hurt. I just…” she sighed. “I’m sorry. For how I’ve acted towards you up until now. You’re not a bad person just because you’re a demon, and I should’ve had that mindset from the beginning.”
I understand, Li-Wei signed, giving a small smile. I mean, you’re a Demon Slayer. It’s your job to hate demons. I do too.
Hanako couldn’t help but feel overwhelming guilt at how nonchalantly Li-Wei was taking this. She had been awful to him, but he still took the time to be kind to her, and even save her. Hanako didn’t understand it.
“Can I ask you something?”
Li-Wei considered her before answering. You want to know how I became a demon. She nodded.
He took a small breath in. Hanako could see the pain in his eyes before he even started to sign. 
I was trying to protect my boyfriend. Hanako watched as he spelled out the name Xiao-Li. From the king of demons. His blood transferred to my wounds. It was an accident. I was already a Demon Slayer at the time.
Hanako felt tears well up in her eyes. He didn’t want to be turned into a demon, and had lost someone close to him. “I’m so sorry.”
Li-Wei frowned, waving a hand. It was a long time ago. Though, she heard him sniffle after he turned his head. It made her heart ache. 
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Hanako spoke up. “My family was killed by demons.”
Li-Wei returned his gaze to her. Hanako was looking at her hands again. “We were about to go to sleep, and my dad heard something outside, so he went to go check it out. He was the first to be killed,” she said. Hands laid on her lap were clenching in and out of fists. 
“The demon came into the house, and uh… it got my mother first. My brother, Daisuke, was weak. He had a lot of issues. I tried protecting him, but one hit from the demon killed him. The demon would’ve killed me too if Kyojuro didn’t come to kill it.”
The boy in front of her frowned. Rengoku?
Hanako nodded. “Yes. He saved me, and took me in as his tsuguko. I owe my life to him.” 
Studying her, Li-Wei recognized the look on her face. He got Hanako’s attention with a grunt. You loved him, didn’t you?
Hanako’s mouth formed an o at Li-Wei figuring her out so quickly. Though, it was evident to anyone how she felt about Kyojuro Rengoku with the way she talked about him. “Yes, I did.”
Li-Wei gave a small and playful smirk. I can tell. It’s the way you talk about him.
The purple-haired girl rolled her eyes, smiling genuinely for the first time in what seemed like forever. “Alright, alright, you got me there.”
Hanako watched as Li-Wei gave a big smile. It almost made her heart ache because it was just so pure, seeing this boy who had everything taken from him smile so brightly. She returned the gesture, giggling a bit.
Li-Wei lifted his hands to sign. Can we be friends?
This time, there was no hesitation left in Hanako’s heart. “Of course, Li-Wei.”
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sazzafraz · 3 years
dropped a cup of coffee on myself at breakfast lets gooo
nodus tollens is my favourite chapter its not even close
like i actually LIKED writing it. i like writing in general but its about being someone represented with all the scary sword cards in tarot readings not actual fun. still annoyed i didn’t think of anything better than fucking HEMMINGWAY
A year and a half into working for Giri and Sasuke is sitting cross legged on top of a boulder looking out at a clear blue sky. They’re sitting by the edge of a huge cliff in Fire Country resting between assassinating some small time village leader and their next mission which promises to be heavy on full contact fighting. The sun is dipping towards the horizon, warm air ruffling their hair. Yumi is trying to throw Hiki off the cliff into the lake below, Haru is defleaing his dog and Sasuke is debating his next move in the long distance tactical game he’s playing with Juugo and Karin. It’s an Uzushio classic, like shogi but the board is made of three interlocked spirals and the movements of the pieces are based on the tides. Karin is slaughtering him. 
fun fact: literally started designing that uzushio game because i’m a psychopath. it’s also the first of three references, two in the same chapter, of sasuke and his teams, and then one at the end where everyone gets together. to make fun of sasuke. as they should. 
  There are seven graves by the edge of the sea with a bright blooming flowers planted in the centre spilling over the cliff. Tall markers stand as high as three metres in the air wreathed with ribbons in the colours of dawn and day... Sasuke spares a look back as he enters and sees those graves and flowers. The flowers have colonised the side of the cliff, growing strong and sure halfway down the rocks, slipping into crevices and tangling around each other as they race towards the ocean. Huge blooms of colour, bright reds, light pinks and creamy yellows are knocked about by the waves crashing against the cliff.      
if fuyuki even knew how much this colours sasukes opinion of her she’d beat the shit out of him. i think this was the second bit i wrote for her, after a few pieces of her and itachi. actually if she knew how much both of them are coloured by knowing her past she’d commit a crime. its pretty apparent to sasuke that these are memorials to children/those that died young and unfair. how would he know haha. i always intended the hashira and the uchiha as parallels. i think the lack of depth given to other clans sucks, especially when they have literally a thousand years of interaction. the only other one we have are the hyuuga which might have been an intended one but like. i’ve never bought it. 
anyway, back to sasuke. dude loves kids. he doesn’t figure it out until he has nine of ‘em, but he has a view of children that’s incredibly sincere. i pretty much decided that on my own cause: a) its funny, b) he was fucking SWEET as a kid and i’ll kill you before i let you tell me that kid went away, c) he’s from a huge close knit family/community and liking kids is the only way to get through that,
oh. also fuyuki does cotton on to his emotional compromise and IMMEDIATELY lies so he likes her more. morals who?
“It seems,” Fuyuki says into the silence, “that Sunagakure has decided we have a problem. I sent Mamoru as a goodwill ambassador to Wind a few months ago. It went well, and as Suna is a largely neutral player in most conflicts I did not see the problem in allowing a small ambassadorial group into Oto to further the relationship. At the fourth meeting one of the Suna delegation proved themselves to be a puppet and assassinated Mamoru. They were in the process of trying to loot us when they were killed.”
haha oh my god gaara fucks himself so hard here. we’re gonna talk about it. 
Now it’s leaving time and Sasuke is walking fast downtown, faces passing him as he’s bound for home base.
only two people ever commented on this. vip behaviour. 
Shikamaru raises a hand and waves.
Sasuke waves back.
Shikamaru looks at him expectantly across the crowd. Distantly Sasuke notes that he’s the taller of the two. Head’s bob and weave around the marketplace, someone drops an avocado which is swept up a child and her friends, the scent of cooking spices drift down from the top of one of the buildings. Sasuke and Shikamaru stare at eachother.
i never wrote the short for this but this is shikamaru’s nightmare scenario. finding sasuke when naruto is not with you is the k12′s personal hell. because konoha and giri are tentative allies it would be poaching to bring him back and thats something people still take seriously. shikamaru goes and gets FUCKED UP so no one trusts his report and he can claim that it was ONLY MAYBE THE PRETTIEST MAN IN THE FLEA MARKET. naruto finds out like a decade later and is extremely pissed even if he gets it. 
It’s a tale as old as the dust of the desert or the mountains that divide the nations. There is a boy who loses something. His honour, a cow, a sword. He has to leave his home to find it. He has to grow strong enough to do what has to be done. In the Son of Nobody the titular Son has to journey to the city to meet the princess and while he is away his family is murdered by a group of wandering bandits. Along the way he meets a beggar girl, the princess in disguise, and he allows her to tag along. There are many twists and turns, the Son becomes a noble shinobi protecting the princess and falls in love with the beggar. He finds the bandits that destroyed his home and avenges his family. But! Disaster strikes! The samurai have been told a lie about the princess and feel that their honour must be avenged. A group sneak into the princess’ room one night and defile her. One of the samurai is late to the scene and feeling so sick and ashamed of their actions kills them and ignites a real war between samurai and ninja. The disgraced samurai takes his own life in front of the princess as appeasement. When this doesn’t work the Son goes on to win the war and marry the girl.
this is just hatake sakumo. some creative liberty but its just the story of how he died embellished. i think some shinobi stories filter out and become like folk tales? like we’re gonna get to it. but there's no way they can have that kind of presence and no cultural impact. 
‘Heart, liver, eyes ’ Kabuto says when he’s done, ‘and put the rest in the garbage.’
for sensible reasons kabuto is the scary one. 
. Illuminated in the light of the lone flickering candle, bundled in odd cloth and grime, Kabuto looks faceless and formless. His skin has no color, his hair is limp, his eyes are turned completely inward searching himself for an some answer, some lodestone for the next leg of his journey. He looks like an orphaned version of himself. Sasuke has a brief moment of complete self-awareness. He stands above himself and looks down at the length of his hair, the uneven tan on his hands. His own eyes look at his boots, his non-descript travelling coat, the way he is never carrying more than enough money to carry him to the next town. He recognises nothing original, nothing remarkable. He’s as interchangeable as any soldier capable of swapping hands at a moment's notice. Many tools, many masks, many uses. He realises that that shifting formlessness is as much a part of him as his burning rage. It forms him just as fully.
i remember having a moment like this and it was so shocking it took me years to write about it. this nearly got cut, even though i now think its important. becoming ‘just a knife’ is important to sasuke’s development towards being just a guy. relating to kabuto is so personally disturbing that its sort of his turn towards leaving giri. kabuto actually disgusts him. unlike orochimaru.
“We called her the Fruit Eater after the foul seeds she planted in others which grew into giant poisonous fruit trees. When they’d plundered and destroyed the world enough for her foul tastes she’d eat the fruit from the trees and crush them to bone and blood under her feet. Her own children plucked out her organs one by one and cut them up into pieces. What they couldn’t eat they threw to the animals who turned into nine ravenous demons. They brought the demons together and sealed them into the form of a beautiful princess who was coveted by all.”
goddamn space aliens. i hate it less than most. i think i was still deciding if they’d show up at the end. either way i thought i’d just put them in in case i did. again, there SHOULD be a cultural footprint. 
The problem is that the Uchiha are predisposed to have thick hair and the main branch, the one that descends directly from Madara’s betrayed brother Izuna, comes with a tendency for...unruliness that Sasuke has gotten threefold. At this length it seems to be largely growing up and out, gravity be damned.
aww my loving rendition of his stupid duck butt. i have unruly hair so his maintenance is essentially mine. its such a distinctive thing i think people should take more advantage of. i wrote in crashing tides that he’s just an awful fashionista and i think that holds true. he tries new hair oils ALL THE TIME. 
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Tale of the Flower Hashira Pt.5
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This story will contain Kyojiro Rengoku x Reader, Tengen Uzui x reader and Douma x reader. All separately. (Tengen is still in a relationship with his wives.)
Y/n Shinaguzawa is 18 at the start of this story. physical appearance is mentioned, y/n has long white hair and specific scarring. Skintone, eye color etc. are not mentioned. 
There are some changes to Sanemi and Genya’s backstory and relationship. 
If you are uncomfortable with any of the following then DNI.
(Extreme gore, Swearing, Manipulative behavior, disturbing content, Unhealthy relationships, disturbing relationship between child y/n and a demon.)
  Chapter 5:
You jumped at the voice and opened your eyes. The flame hashira stood over you holding out his hand to help you up. You had been resting underneath a tree at the Master’s estate, waiting for the meeting of hashira to begin. The news of a young demon slayer and his demon sister had stirred up a lot of drama. 
“The master will be here soon. Are you planning on coming or will you just sit in the dirt the whole time?” Kyojiro smiled widely, still holding out his hand. 
You took it gingerly and got to your feet. “I happen to like the dirt.”
This made him laugh loudly and you followed him to the masters house where the other hashira were already gathering. You hesitated behind Kyojiro, unsure if you should stand next to him in line or not. Before you could decide, he reached out and tugged on your sleeve, pulling you gently to stand between him and Muchiro Tokito. 
The meeting became absolutely maddening. The poor Kamado boy who was already beaten to a pulp was forced to the ground while his demon sister was being stabbed through her box by your own elder brother. Sanemi dragged her box into the shade of the master’s porch and kicked the box open to reveal the tiny demon girl.
“Brother, don’t do this.” you said calmly. 
Sanemi whipped his head towards you. “She’s a demon y/n! All demons are the same, there is only one thing they want.” He slashed a cut across his arm and held the dripping wound out, taunting the girl.
“SANEMI!” You shouted harshly. “STOP THIS!”
Every hashira turned to you in shock. never even once had you raised your voice above a quiet monotone. The master only smiled slightly at your outburst. With a quick stride, you leaped up onto the shaded porch of the master’s house. You bowed quickly to Kayaga.
“Forgive me, master.” You said in your usual quiet tone before stalking over to your elder brother. A swift uppercut to the jaw sent him flying back against the wall. “I AGREE SHE SHOULD BE TESTED BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH. Stop thinking with your sword, oniichan, and consider the fact that she might be useful to us.”
“DAMN, she’s flashier than I thought. I like this new one!” Tengen Uzui grinned wildly at the new  developments. 
You suddenly felt self conscious and felt the need to return to your spot. But before you left, you looked down at the small demon who was huffing angrily in her box. You nodded to her, bowed to the master again, and took your place at Kyojiro’s side. Sanemi gave you a quick glare before returning to his own spot. 
The rest of the meeting was a blur and you kept your head down for the rest of it. All the while, being very conscious of Kyojiro stealing glances at you throughout the meeting. 
You expected to be reprimanded for your behavior, but no word of it came from the master. The Hashira all broke ranks and headed in different directions, off to their separate estates. You immediately left in the direction of the home you shared with your brothers, knowing you’d probably end up in a shouting match with Sanemi once you walked in the door.
“Will you come join me for dinner?” 
You nearly jumped out of your skin for the second time that day. 
“Only if you want to of course.” Kyojiro added.
You looked up at the flame haired man, his smiling red eyes piercing you. “I want to.”
Rain began to patter on the roof as you entered the little restaurant. It only had a few customers, so you and Kyojiro found a quiet spot in the corner of the cozy building. You ordered one of your favorite dishes while the flame hashira proceeded to order everything on the menu. Kyojiro ate every bite while yelling “TASTY!” at the top of his lungs. When he finished, he looked at you, deadly serious.
“I was never one to hide my feelings, so I’ve decided to tell you without any delay.” He shoved the last bit of chicken into his mouth before continuing. You waited tensely, unsure of what he was going to say. He swallowed and then looked you directly in your remaining eye, his own fiery ones nearly glowing with anticipation. “I quite like you, y/n. I’d like to start building a relationship with you. I wanted to make my intentions clear from the start. Plus Tengen was saying some nonsense about having you be his fourth wife, which would really annoy me. But he can’t try anything if I’m already with you.”
You sat there, mouth parted in surprise, unable to say a single sensible word. 
“If you need time to think about it then I shall wait for your answer, no matter how long it takes.” 
“Y/n, you promised me.”
“Y/n?” Kyojiro asked.
“Can I think about it?” You tripped over your words as you got to your feet. 
“Of course.” He followed your example and went to pay for the meal.
You rushed to the door and walked out into the gray evening. Rain began pouring down in heavy sheets. Your hair and clothes were already getting soaked. Suddenly you felt something drape over your head. 
“I’ll walk you home.” Kyojiro said, holding his flame patterned haori over your head. 
You stood there, dumbfounded, looking up at the flame hashira who was protecting you from a little rainfall. 
“Well? Are we going?” 
You walked beside each other, not making any real conversation. His hand brushed against yours. It was such a beautiful hand, calloused and strong from years of wielding a sword. Yet it was so gentle all the same. Your hand brushed up against it again and you slipped your hand into his. His hands were so warm, like there was really a fire burning inside him. 
He gave you a questioning look, but laced his fingers with yours. “Is this a yes?” 
You walked a bit farther, letting the question stand. You were already in view of the estate that you and your brothers shared. His thumb traced the back of your hand. 
“Y/n, you promised… You’d stay here forever with me.”
He stopped in his tracks, pulling you to a halt with him. The rain continued to soak the haori that was draped over you. 
“Do you feel the same?” He asked, much quieter than usual. He pushed a wet lock of hair out of your face. “Because I like you very much.”
You tried to meet his piercing red eyes but could barely hold eye contact for more than a second. Heart beating furiously all the while, you heard the words tumble out of your mouth before you realized you had even said them. “I like you, Kyojiro.” 
“May I?” He cupped your scarred cheek in one hand and wiped a droplet of rain from your face. 
You nodded, unable to say any real word of assent. Kyojiro leaned in slowly and kissed you. All you could sense was how warm and soft it felt, surrounded by the cold rain. He drew back, a smile coming to his lips. 
“Y/n, come inside, now.” Sanemi snapped. 
You instantly staggered back and away from Kyojiro and saw your brother several yards away at the gate to your home. He fixed Kyojiro with a glare, it was obvious he wasn’t angry, but an unusual wareyness had overcome him. Sanemi jerked his head to the side, motioning for you to get back to the house. Quickly, you handed Kyojiro his haori and rushed into the estate, sparing one last blushing glance towards your flame hashira. 
Pt. 6
Hello, tis I, the author of this tale. I hope you’re enjoying it so far. As I have stated in the description of this fic, this is gonna be Kyojiro x y/n, Tengen x Y/n, and Douma x y/n. It will be complicated. 
I’d love to know what you readers are thinking so far, so feel free to comment and such. 
Taglist: @violet-19999​ @devilfleur​
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Tale of the Flower Hashira:
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