#Talk to me emmet sweet thing
feroluce · 2 years
Dragging myself through tonight's insomnia thinking about Ingo and Emmet working on the same day, but slightly different hours. Emmet gets out a couple of hours before Ingo. Except after Emmet leaves, it drags. Ingo gets stuck with paperwork that somehow seems to multiply every time he looks at it. It's late by the time he gets out, and he drags himself home, dreaming of Emmet and dinner and a hot bath and his soft bed.
And he gets back, and the apartment is dark and empty.
At first Ingo figures Emmet went to bed. He'd had a long day, too, after all. So he heats up some leftovers, cleans up, and tries to sneak into their bedroom as quietly as possible.
Except the bed is cold and empty, too.
But Emmet never goes out without leaving a note, and he'd explicitly told Ingo earlier he wanted a night in. Did something come up? Did something happen on his way back?
Has Ingo just been sitting around their apartment eating food while Emmet is out alone and hurt somewhere?
He tries to dial Emmet's Xtransceiver, thinking that will settle things, but there's no answer and Ingo's stomach drops. So he throws his clothes back on and rushes out the door, retracing their usual route between work and home.
Ingo gets all the way to Gear Station, and even to his and Emmet's office, without a single sign of anything wrong. And it's not necessarily a bad thing, but it leaves Ingo completely in the dark, because it means Emmet possibly just disappeared without a trace-
And it's as Ingo is trying not to panic about that thought that the door to the little sleep room attached to their office slowly swings open, and out stumbles Emmet. Ingo just kind of stares at him for a minute in shock. Emmet's hat is crooked on his head, his hair all fluffed up, his coat hanging askew off his shoulders. His eyes are still mostly closed. He looks like he just woke up.
"'M sorry, di'n't mean to fall asleep..." Emmet lists to the side, jerks himself upright, then starts to list again. "Yer shift over yet...?"
"You were here the whole time?" Ingo is already right in front of him, fixing Emmet's clothes and sliding the knot of his tie back into its proper spot at his throat while Emmet yawns in his face.
"Mm. Wanted to walk home with you..."
Smash cut to Ingo doubled over on the floor and wheezing, with one hand clutching his chest and blood dripping from his mouth, angelic cherubic little Emmets flying around his head as they shoot him full of arrows. "Nii-san, are you ok?" "I'm fine...!!"
Afterwards, Ingo tells Emmet to leave a note next time. Emmet insists he did, Ingo just needs his brain checked. Ingo doubly insists Emmet needs his memory checked. They bicker about it all the while they're getting dressed the next morning.
When they get to work, Ingo finds the aforementioned note saying that Emmet would be in the sleep room; it had gotten buried under all the paperwork. He tries to sneakily throw it away to save face, but Emmet catches him red-handed, ("Ingo, you scandalous liar-") and their bickering starts anew skzjkajajziajs
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
You Know Each Other? - Paul Lahote
Paul x Fem!reader
Emmet x friend reader
Warnings: Jealously?
Word count: 934
Summary: Paul getting extremely protective over his imprint the reader. When they meet up with the Cullens and it turns out Y/n and Emmet know eachother and are really close friends.
Arthors Note: I like putting Paul with a strong reader cause I think his imprint would have to be very strong and opinionated to be able to put up with him. Everyone puts him with these shy little wallflowers and I get that it's cute and he’d be protective and sweet but no one puts him with someone who would challenge him on occasions.
Twilight Masterlist
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“That last name sounds familiar.” Y/n wondered out loud as they were talking about their plans for tomorrow. The last name sounded familiar but she couldn’t place it.
“Cullen?” Paul questioned confused on how she would know that name. She hadn’t been in Forks long enough.
Y/n nodded. “Yeah. But I can’t place where from.”
“Hmmm.” Paul hummed but Y/n could tell what he was thinking.
“No, Paul.” Y/n turned her head to him as he readjusted himself on their couch.
“What?” Paul said playing innocent but he knew she knew.
“I know that look.” Y/n stated poking Paul in the chest.
“What look? I’m not doing a look.” Paul raised his hands up in mock surrender.
“Yes, you are and I’m going.” Y/n nodded and gave him a strict look with her eyes. She was going whether he liked it or not.
“Sometimes I hate how well you know me.” Paul growled out frustrated but he knew there was no stopping her.
^ ^ ^
“Just stay close to me. Please.” Paul pleaded to Y/n as they pulled up to the clearing where the pack and the Cullens were meeting up. Just to update each other on things and hang out, have some fun. Ever since they had to team up together things had been good between the two groups.
“I’ll do what I want when I want. You don’t own me.” Y/n turned to look at him as she spoke. “I love that you're protective of me but they're not going to hurt me so, chill. Please.”
“You’re lucky your my imprint.” he grumbled pulling her into his chest and kissing her. Not many people could talk to him like that and live.
“An that you love me.” Y/n smiled up at him goofy.
“Yeah, that too.” Paul nodded mirroring her smile before they kissed again.
“y/n?” Someone said and Y/n pulled away from Paul who had decided to tickle her upon hearing her name. Even the voice sounded familiar.
“Emmett?” Y/n looked over shocked to see him there.
“Well holy shit girl!” Emmett ran towards her and Y/n meet him in the middle. He picked her up in a big tight hug, spinning her around. Y/n could see Rosalie smiling over at them.
“Long time no see Em!” Y/n laughed happily, hugging him back tight as well.
“How’ve you been girly?” Emmett asked as he put her down with a smile on his face. It had been a year or two since they had seen each other.
“I’ve been great. What about you? If I knew you were one of the Cullen’s in town I would’ve tried to contact you earlier.” Y/n answered nodding, it was great getting to see him again. Y/n had met all the Cullen’s a few years back. She knew what they were and didn’t care, she had missed them. At least now she knew some people in town.
Y/n had met Paul out of Forks and came back with him to visit and so he could explain the imprint thing better. So she didn’t really know anyone in the town she had pretty much moved into.
“Been awesome and don’t worry about it. But hey do you live in town now?” he asked smiling, Emmett couldn’t help it he missed the girl he thought of as a sister.
Y/n nodded. “Yeah, now I do. I’m Lahote’s imprint.”
“Pauls imprint?” Emmett raised his eyebrows in shock.
“Yeah, that's right.” Paul said gruffly as he approached the two. It was no secret how Paul Emmett didn’t get along. An now his imprint seemed to be good friends with his enemy.
Y/n smacked Paul's shoulder. “Cool it.”
“Nah, he’s ok Y/n/n. Just protecting his girl. Even though I’m no threat.” Emmett shrugged off Paul's aggressive nature. He’d do the same thing. Whether it was Rosalie or even Y/n.
“Hmmm.” Paul hummed with a scowl on his face.
“We’re good friends Paul. Emmett’s like a brother to me.” Y/n stated with an eye roll directed to her boyfriend.
“Yeah, man. She’s like a little sister to me. I will tell you though, your a lucky man to have her.” Emmett said, it was honestly a compliment towards Paul but even Emmett had the sense to know Paul probably wouldn’t take it as one.
“Oh, he knows.” Y/n smiled over in Paul's direction next to her. She was joking but Paul knew it was true.
Emmett laughed. “I’m sure he does. But if you ever hurt her I will come after you. Got it?”
To say Paul was shocked, about multiple things would be an understatement. But he nodded to the vampires’ statement. “Yeah.”
With that Emmett left the new couple be and headed back over to Rosalie and Alice.
Y/n turned to face Paul, stepping closer to him. “I’m yours you can cool the hostility.”
Paul looked at her and sighed shaking his head. “I’m sorry.”
“I get your mortal enemies or whatever but he’s one of my bestest most close friends. Can you please just try? For me?” Y/n asked giving him her best puppy dog eyes she could.
Paul rolled his eyes but nodded none the less. He’d do anything for her, even try and be friends or at least sivial with Emmett Cullen. “For you.”
Y/n smiled placing her hands on his shoulder, using them as leverage to lean up and kiss him. She was truly grateful that he would try for her.
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smallestapplin · 1 year
Emmet is the walking talking ‘right to the point’ type of man.
“I will be confessing to you tomorrow night after work! Don’t be late!”
With a big smile on his face, and walking off like he didn’t just say that.
You’re left dumbfounded, until you’re on the subway having just got off work, meeting him just as he is too! Just outside gear station and he just
“Go out with me.”
In such a soft voice, looking at you so tenderly with a small bit nervous smile.
Realizing, oh shit he meant it-
Just, soft Emmet.
Cause yeah he’s a little chaotic, and his forwardness can be intimidating, and his bluntness could be seen as rude.
But he’s Emmet.
Dorky Emmet, sweet Emmet who’s smile quivers trying to work up the nerve to ask you out. Who remembers all your favorite things, remembers all those things you’ve infodumped on him.
Who lets out soft squeals when you do something nice for him, or even just give him a random gift cause it reminded him of you.
Soft Emmet who takes you out on a nice but cause date, and starts fiddling with his hands, blushing and not meeting your eyes before blurting out,
“Do you want to share a milkshake?”
His face bright red.
Only for his eyes to widen and practically sparkle when you say yes.
Soft Emmet who wakes you up late a night, just so you two can sit outside wrapped up in blankets, watching the fireflies before he has to get ready for work.
Soft Emmet who sets up the backyard for you two to sleep out there without a worry, only to end up looking at you more than the clear night sky.
Soft Emmet who is so bad with words, that he just cries because he loves you so much, and doesn’t know how to properly tell you that. (~~he cries to Ingo when talking about you, so his brother has to sigh and pat his back~~)
Soft Emmet who can’t leave the house before showering your face with his kisses.
Soft Emmet who runs and hugs you whenever you visit him at work.
Soft Emmet who gets upset if he’s had to stay for overtime specifically on y’all’s date night.
Emmet who has to treat you at minimum once a week to a nice date.
Of course then there is Ingo, who’s so scary looking, a stickler for the rules, and strict.
But he just, can’t help but talk about you, he always ends up bringing you up one way or another like ‘oh! My partner does that-‘
Soft Ingo who, if he leaves before you wake up, writes you a letter about how much he loves you and wishing you a good day.
Soft Ingo who, if he wakes up from a nap and you aren’t there, pouts and goes to look for you, looking so hurt that you left him.
Soft Ingo who prefers calming date nights, and uses them as a chance to make a new dinner with you.
Soft Ingo who likes to take you out to nicer places, or picnics that he made.
Soft Ingo and Emmet who have wallet albums of you.
Soft Ingo who refuses to watch a tv you both started watching until you’re with him.
Soft Ingo he likes to buy you both matching things, matching coffee mugs, matching aprons, matching tea towels, matching accessories, etc.
Soft Emmet who rests his chin on his hand as he listens to you ramble about something you’re passionate about.
Soft Ingo who loves making breakfast for you, but *adores* it when you cook it together.
Soft Emmet who likes your cup your face in his hands, and just kiss away, before resting his forehead against yours and just bask in your presence.
Soft Ingo who always kisses the back of your hand, before kissing you.
Soft Emmet who loves giving you bunny kisses before kissing you all over.
Soft Ingo who always pauses, lips barely brushing against yours before softly pressing them together.
Soft twins who never stop talking about their beloved.
Soft Emmet who smiles and giggles when you text him.
Soft Ingo who gave you a personalized ring tone, just so he knows it’s you and answers it instantly.
Soft twins who you always leave swooning, and staring lovingly at you as you head back home.
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yanban-san · 9 months
Oh, the boys would have such a reaction to seeing their darling without their tokens! The depot agents would definitely catch darling on the way into work and try to keep them and the bosses apart, but it's only a matter of time. And of course, all this hullabaloo over the feather and scale would only spur darling's new concerns further
Lord help those cultists if the twins ever find out who planted these ideas in the first place. Not even Arceus could save them
Putting it under a cut because long, also I did no proof reading T vT [Tags: Reader x Submas, SFW]
Oh, Certainly.
You can go back to Gear Station, setting aside the lovely scale Ingo gifted you- And the feather Emmet (unwittingly) bestowed upon you- And don your work uniform, heading into the station-
If something was trying to mark you- To bless you? To do- Something-
Well, you weren't going to let it. And you certainly weren't going to let whatever this "mystery" of the Subway was manipulate your coworkers or your bosses into… doing… things… for it? Your thoughts were racing through your head. There wasn't much for you to go on- And you certainly did not want to talk to that weird "psychic group" that hung around outside Gear Station any longer-
"You've been marked, young one."
Your heart sank every time you recalled those words. A cold chill running down your spine. You wanted to deny it as mad ramblings of mad people- But-
You had… good luck. You had very strange good luck. You had impossibly good luck. Certain people acted strangely around you- And to what end? Always your benefit- And- What of everything else that had happened? You, losing your job, suddenly finding yourself working for a train company- It wasn't something you had ever seen yourself doing, and certainly not long term, right? And yet- Here you were. Everything seemed to have lead you to Gear Station.
As though they were being manipulated by something- And you wanted nothing to do with any potential ghosts- Monsters- Pokemon? Whatever it was- Whatever the "mystery" was-
Nothing. You wanted nothing to do with it.
"Miss! You're a little late today," Jackie noted as you came into one of the back offices. "Anything bothering you today?"
Oh, sweet Jackie. He was always so polite- Everyone was.
Everyone was.
Oh dear.
"I'm doing okay," You lied. "I uh- Actually, you know what? Jackie, I have a question."
Your supervisor tilted his head. "Oh? What's up?"
"I- Have you- " What were you supposed to ask? Hey, are you being manipulated by some kind of something-or-other to be excessively nice to me? Is a demon controlling you? Have you seen any monstrous, non-pokemon entities prowling the subway that demanded you treat me perfectly?
Jackie adjusted his hat. "You can always ask me anything at all, Miss. I'm here for you and the all the rest of the Depot Agents, you know." One of his pokemon approached him- A Lilligant. He pet her head,
"Well, it's a little strange," You started off. "I don't suppose you've… run into those psychics that hang around Nimbasa City, have you? The ones who're usually around Gear Station?"
Jackie's face fell, a look of annoyance as his mouth scrunched up. "I've seen them, yea. A lot of them have been flat out banned from Gear Station, though. They've harassed employees, they've harassed the bosses, they've harassed customers- " He cut himself off, turning his attention back to you. "Why? Have they been bothering you?"
"Oh no, it's not that- I mean, I did get stopped by someone yesterday when I was walking, but- Well- What do you think about- What it is they say? About the er- Mystery-thing- in the subway?"
Jackie shrugged, sighing. "Oh, it's probably a load of nonsense- And besides, if there is anything in the tunnels, it's probably just a pokemon- Nothing you need to worry about, of course."
"What if it's not a pokemon, though?"
"I'm sorry?"
"I think- I think there might really be something- Down in the tunnels."
Oh fucking hell, Jackie thought. "A-And why would that be?"
"D'you know that scale Ingo found? The one he gave to me?"
Yes, yes I know it very well. "A little bit, why?" And come to think of it, why were you not wearing it-
"…I think it might be from our resident 'mystery'."
"Oh! Perhaps? I thought it was just a scale from an oddly-colored Haxorus." Jackie's hand pat aggressively on his Lilligant's head. "Come to think of it, isn't it usually in your pocket? You didn't lose it, did you?"
You shook your head. "Nope, I just… I think it might be better to leave it at home for a little bit, you know? It was stretching out my uniform's pocket, too."
Oh dear. "Gear Station isn't so particular about their uniforms, Miss. If it did get stretched, you get new uniforms every six months anyway, so…"
And come to think of it, the feather was missing from your cap. Jackie's blood ran cold. How was he to bring that up, too-
"…So, you think the scale came from… Something in the tunnels?"
You nodded. "…I think the feather I put in my cap may've also come from… It, too." Oh, well that answered that question.
Jackie sighed. "Well, if there is anything down there, I'm sure we'll find it- But in all my- Time working here, I've never seen anything out of the ordinary down there…"
"D'you think Ingo and Emmet would have any insight?"
"Into this? I doubt-"
"Insight into what?"
You don't know how you missed the clicking of Emmet's heels- Was he intentionally being quiet-? It took one turn of your head to notice your brilliantly white-coated boss hovering over your shoulder. Smiling brighter than the sun shone- and- Ominously.
"Oh- Emmet, Sir! Good morning-" You nearly jumped, but held yourself together- Your fright coming out as excitement.
"Good morning." He answered. His eyes scanned over you. "Something's different." His hand went to his mouth, and he answered his own question before you could even open your mouth. "Ah. The feather. Did you lose it? I hope not. It was verrry cute on your cap."
"Oh, I just- Left it at home today," You explained quickly. Why? Emmet didn't need to know-
"Aw. …Hmm. You're also missing that thing you kept in your pocket."
"The scale Ingo gave me?"
"That was it."
Emmet's posture changed. Why, he wanted to ask. He did not like this change. Maybe you only forgot them. That must've been it. That had to be it.
"Yeah… I thought it was… uh, unprofessional to hold onto trinkets while I work-"
Liar. Emmet thought. Why would you lie to him? You didn't lie about leaving them at home- But you were certainly lying now.
"But uh, the other thing-"
"Emmet, Sir… Has there ever been… any… rumors… of- Strange… Pokemon, living in the subway tunnels?"
You looked up at your inscrutable boss cautiously. Emmet's eyes rolled as he thought about it for a moment- "Hmm. Someone's been reading some haunting stories, haven't they?" He smirked, eyes squinting. "There are a lot of people who like to use the subway tunnels as a backdrop for their scary stories. There's no odd pokemon down there. Just looots of verry cute joltiks!"
He patted your cap. "So don't put too much stock in those stories you hear, okay?"
"It- It wasn't a story, Sir-"
"I do miss that pretty feather in your cap though- You should put it back in."
Wait a moment. You felt your breath hitch.
"The feather?"
"Mmhmm! It is a verry pretty feather, you know?" Emmet's eyes narrowed. "I thought you liked it quite a bit too."
"Oh, I do-" And you paused.
Was Emmet- No, certainly he couldn't be-
Being… Controlled, could he? By whatever thing stalked you-
You considered your boss for a moment.
Emmet smiled. "So you'll put it back? Wonderful! It is verrry charming, is it not?"
"The feather."
You recalled it.
"…I suppose." Was Emmet being controlled by the- By the thing that plagued you? "There was something I always… found off about it, though."
And in the silence that followed, you could have heard your blood running through your veins.
"…What's wrong with it?"
The tone of Emmet's voice sent a shiver down your spine- The color drained from Jackie's face- And yet you wouldn't have noticed the latter, deciding to try and find out for yourself-
Was Emmet being manipulated? And your current feelings turned to- Well, yes, it certainly did seem that way.
"It just… feels off, you know? Like yes, it's wonderfully soft and shimmery, but… I can't help but feel like… it's not a real feather, or something. Like it's…" What to say- Something- Something to tell the thing that followed you that you wanted nothing to do with it?
The Subway Boss stared at you, cocking his head curiously. You felt nervous- Where had Jackie gone, you wondered? Your supervisor was suddenly absent from the office-
"I see. Well, I must get going."
Emmet's smile never left his face. But his heart and mind burned. You watched him turn tail and pace away, always so perfectly postured. Well, no use waiting around here, you thought, and off you went to
Emmet burned. Not with anger, no, certainly not, but something indescribable. An emotion, certainly, that was driving him madder and madder by the second, the more he thought about it. Fake? His feathers? Fake? Himself? And not only that, but you had the audacity to believe silly little rumors or stupid stories over his own words?
Liar. Liar. Liar.
Almost like a self-soothing mantra. You must be lying, surely, little mortal.
You wouldn't hurt them like this.
You're destined to love them. To be with them forever- To be theirs, forever-
Emmet would have to have a chat with his brother about this.
But the other Subway Boss was already finding you as well.
To Ingo, it was odd- You had clocked in, but-
He couldn't feel the warmth of your heart against that lonesome little scale he gave you. Surely you hadn't lost it? No matter- He could always happen upon another, saying it was from a hydreigon or similar-
"Ah, there you are, Miss."
He watched as you darted out of another hallway- Laden with blueprints and answering something on your walkie-talkie.
Ingo was not one to demand attention. He was reserved- Refined. He studied human mannerisms and etiquette- Such things were meaningless drivel, easily learned and retained- Service workers kept their arms behind their backs, or at their sides, their backs straight, feet oh-so-far apart-and-not-a-millimetre-more- Head perfectly held up but not too high- Shoulders back, and a bow to ladies as he held the door for them- Refined movements with not a step too widely taken. There were a million more rules, and subtle cues he had learned- And he would've learned a million more if he had to. Nonsense, all of it- The pompous drivel that humans inflicted on themselves, though, mannerisms and etiquette were something he and his brother were subjected to in any dealings with mortals or other things, no matter the age or era. And while Emmet was certainly the more impatient of the two-
Ingo was reserved. Nobori knew that, come what may, his desires would be his- He was never an impatient being, because, no matter what, all things came to an end, eventually. All things. No matter how many thousands of eons he must wait. And so, he knew, you would eventually end up in his arms.
And yet, for all his refinement- For all his patience-
Your mere presence tested every part of his perfectly crafted facade. If you confessed your undying affection to him at any moment, it would not be soon enough- Oh, to finally hold you in his arms- Oh, to finally revel in your embrace-
Oh, to finally receive your love and adoration, your affection, openly and freely- To be free himself to be as jealous and possessive as he desired- There was a reason he wished to cloak you in shadows, and keep you away from prying eyes- There were no eyes fit to behold you to him- No light fair enough to catch your countenance (Except, perhaps, Kudari's)- No gift too great to give you- If only, if only, you would turn your eyes up to him in love.
And you did love them, even if you didn't know it yet. Ingo was certain. You were wrapped around his fingers, and trapped within his net. He loved you dearly- And elder demons who dwell beyond time and space, moving with the ebb and flow of ancient forces so vast and unknowable and ancient and imperceptible were not used to feeling such a base emotion as love-
And it had consumed him, entirely. At first, he would've been content to steal you away- He would've been content to force your love from your heart, binding you to him until you couldn't tell where the shadows began and you ended-
But not now.
Love was a bit like a drug- A drug that didn't seem to wear off. And oh, how he became enslaved to his adoration of you- No, merely kidnapping you- That was the sort of thing a beast would do. And Nobori was far cleverer than a mere human.
No no, you would be his. You would seek him out on your own, and soon you wouldn't wish to leave him-
After all, he had watched you for so long from your shadows. You sighed and complained of your boss and your work at your old job- No more. No matter where you applied or wanted to go, the brothers knew you would be happiest by their side- Not working among strangers who would treat you like common filth, so your resumes were tattered and torn apart in shadows- Or a recruiter conveniently forgot to call you. And no matter what work you wanted-
Gear Station had need of your skills. Gear Station had dire need of your skills. Gear Station had dire need of you.
And everything seemed to be going so well- From the first nervous moment you stepped into their office for an interview, to how well you took to the training, the joy on your face from working among them- Of course you were happy. You would be nothing less among them.
So when you drew the precious scale of his out of your pocket, and placed it on some counter last night- He was not worried. You usually did that. But when he failed to feel your hand come morning, or the tender beat of your heart and the rise of your lungs as he had grown so fond of-
The elder deity was unnerved. He hadn't realized how much he had found himself yearning for the feeling- And without it, it left a hollow, ill feeling in him. He thought seeing you would fix it- But looking at your nervous face, the way you clung to yourself like a frightened minccino-
"Whatever is the matter, Agent-?" Ingo asked-
Leering down at you, a cruel look in his dark eyes- Or at least, that's how it looked to you.
"Ah, Ingo, Sir…" You trailed off. You hadn't wanted to run into him. "Nothing much, I'm… supposed to do a tunnel inspection? So, I'll get goin-"
"No no, I meant- You look rather worried. Is something bothering you? You can always come to me or Emmet if you have any concerns, you know-"
You shook your head. "No no, nothing like that- I er, uh, I'm just- I guess I'm feeling a little off today,"
*How were you to explain-
"…Your cap seems… Ah- Did you leave that feather at home today?" Ingo broached. He had noticed the lack of scale in your pocket, as well. But the scale was far more hidden in your uniform than the feather- And it was some mortal manner to not stare at someone's chest and inspect their breast pockets for any objects they may or may not contain, was it not?
Oh please no, not Ingo too- You thought, feeling more and more desperate. Why? What was the significance of that stupid feather and scale? Why? They might come from the thing- But why?
"Er, yes, I left them at home, I don't- I don't think it's good for me to wear the- it, to work, you know?"
"I saw no issue with it, and I'm certain Emmet didn't eith-"
"I saw issue with it."
And once again, silence. Ingo looked down at you, silver eyes unnaturally bright against the harsh shadows cast from the brim of his hat-
It made him look mad. Deranged.
And with trepid movement, you took a small step backwards. Perhaps it was paranoia, perhaps it was fear- Perhaps you were imagining things, yes, that had to be it-
"…There was an issue? With it?"
"Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to my work. I… I was a little late this morning."
And you brushed past him without another word, leaving him dumbfounded. A chill swept through the hallway, and Ingo watched your figure vanish down another turn towards the subway tunnels.
…Had you just rejected his gift to you? His lovely brother's gift to you? What issue was there with their scale and feather? Did that mean you took issue with them?
The elder God was certain he-they- had you ensnared. Under his claws, his gaze, wrapped in his shadows- You were bound to be his mate, bound to be his, entirely, entirely his-
Ingo turned his eyes- Emmet. Who had been watching you as well, vanish behind the tunnel door. And peaking out behind him, was Depot Agent Jackie.
"I'-I'm certain it's nothing big, Emmet, Sir! And Ingo, Sir, er- Don't worry, if you- If you leave this to us Agents, I'm certain we can figure out what changed their mind-"
"You better." Emmet snapped, not taking his eyes off where you turned. Jackie saluted, and without another word, ran away to carry out his bosses' orders. Emmet bit his lip.
"Brother, she said there was something wrong with my feather."
Ingo's brow furrowed. "Wrong? Whatever could they mean?"
"I don't know."
"And- My scale- She took that off, too."
"Yes, she did that too."
"And your feather!"
"Yes. And my feather."
Ingo grabbed at his sleeves. This didn't… make any sense. You had said you loved his scale- You fawned over and adored the feather you'd found-
So why. What had changed? Why did you now shy away, why were you so uncomfortable around them? Why did you dislike their gifts now-? Ingo scratched at his back. An unusual cold spot had manifested- A feeling he wasn't aware he could feel- Where his scale had used to be.
Emmet threw back his head, hair ruffling up like feathers- "If darling refuses us…" And began walking towards the door you disappeared down-
"They won't," Ingo reassured.
"They will not. One way or another."
Ingo glanced at his brother out of the corner of his eye, following him. "…Do you have anything in mind to remedy this situation, brother?"
Emmet pondered a moment. "Would Miss Elesa be able to get it out of them, the reason, you think?"
"I don't know. They seem… Suspicious, don't they?"
"Nonsense! Elesa can figure it out."
And Elesa would have her day quite rudely interrupted by an incessant call from her X-Transceiver- Unendingly ringing, until she threw it off in annoyance- Probably something to do with those two, she thought. The last thing she needed- More headaches, more pestering- And she'd probably have to pester you, too. Perhaps if she ignored it, she wouldn't have to deal with it, she hoped.
Until Emmet breaks into her gym, doe-eyed and asking so sweetly for her help once more. Certainly, you trust Elesa, right? You won't find her suspicious.
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cosmicmunsonwrites · 10 months
cigarette daydream
pairing(s): jasper hale x fem!oc
warnings: none
summary: the start of sydney swan and jasper hales story.
authors note: hi guys! this is a snippet from my jasper hale fic on wattpad. go check it out. you can read it here!!
not edited
do not copy my works. i do not condone rewrites, translations, or edited versions. all my content is my content that i wrote.
not my gif
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the two girls began laughing, sydney using her spork to pick at the food on the tray and bella's eyes fixated behind her twin. "who are they?" she asked finally.
the three other girls turned to look. "the cullens," angela replied.
"they're, um, dr. and mrs. cullen's foster kids," jessica said. "they moved down here from alaska, like, a few years ago."
"they kind of keep to themselves," angela said quietly.
jessica grinned and leaned in closer. "yeah, cause they're all together. like, together, together," she whispered as two of them walked in. "the blonde girl, thats rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, emmet, they're, like, a thing. i'm not even sure thats legal."
her friend chuckled. "jess, they're not actually related."
"yeah, but they live together. it's weird," she said, turning over her shoulder as another duo walked in. "and, okay, the little dark-haired girl's alice. she's really weird, and she's like, best friends with jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain. dr. cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker."
"maybe he'll adopt me," angela said as she smiled sweetly.
bella's brows furrowed as she looked to another boy walking through the door. "who's he?"
jessica smiled. "that's edward cullen. he's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him. like i care, you know?" she laughed awkwardly. "so, yeah. seriously, like, don't waste your time."
the twins looked back at the table where the five of them sat then back to their own table. "i wasn't planning on it," bella replied.
"miss swan," the woman greeted. "welcome to biochem. here is everything you'll need through the end of the month. if you need anything else, feel free to ask me or any of your classmates. my name is mrs. visak."
she gratefully took the supplies and the stack of paper then looked around. "thank you. i just had one question," she said, the woman humming in response. "where should i sit?"
"you can take a seat in the back corner desk with alice," she said with a smile before sliding her glasses back on and beginning to tend to her papers.
she recognized her. she had just seen her in lunch. the honey blonde haired boy, she remembered him as jasper, was also standing by the desk talking to her.
so she awkwardly walked through the aisle and down towards the pair. upon seeing her coming, alice grabbed jaspers forearms and pulled him in front of the desk so sydney could squeeze past.
"hi," the brunette said with a sweet smile as the other got settled in. "i'm alice." she extended her arm with an open hand.
"sydney," she replied, taking her hand and shaking it with a friendly smile.
alice looked the her friend then back to her new partner. "sydney, this is jasper. jasper, sydney," she introduced.
"pleasure to meet you," he said with a grin, outstretching his hand.
her hand grasped his lightly, shaking it as she smiled. "nice to meet you too."
"well, you better get going. class is about to start," alice warned jasper. "and i wanna talk to sydney." he bid his goodbyes then headed off to somewhere in front of the room. "so, how are you liking forks?"
cigarette daydream | jasper hale by peachytangerineee
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
What’s All The Buzz About? Pt. 7
Hello! 👋 welcome to my next part of my Beemas fic!
Unfortunately I haven’t been feeling well lately, so I apologize if this chapter feels a little off. Regardless, I still hope you all enjoy 💚
Summary: You decide to confront the Kings over what you learned, and things go a lot better than you had expected.
CW: Mentions of egg stuff, very small mention of the king’s ‘equipment’, slight sexual tension, mentions of toxic family and workplace, mostly fluff
Word count: 3914 Words!
Wanna help support me and help me get pieces for a new computer? Consider checking me out here!
First: Here
Next: ?
Staying with Jackie turned out to be a fun affair, after both of you calmed down. He was eager to feed you, play with you, and talk with you about anything and everything.
Even to answer any questions you may have still had.
What you really enjoyed, however, was snuggling him close. You already enjoyed the few bits of physical contact you had here at the hive, sexually charged or otherwise. This though? It felt a bit different. Intimate in a way you could not describe.
Sure you had been close to some of the bees, and had been carried by many of them. But holding Jackie close to your side, and letting him cuddle with you in bed? It was so sweet.
Especially with how he happily laid his head on your chest, and his wings buzzed every so often. Or how he had one set if arms just happily wrapped around you in a way a partner would.
It made you realize just how touch starved you had been, both before and after arriving here in the hive.
Of course, it was only a matter of time before you had to confront the Kings. You weren’t even sure if you would call it that. They weren’t planning on forcing you to do anything, and from what you understood, planned on telling you everything anyway.
Still, you had to tell them you knew. Had to sort everything out.
You were at least thankful that you got some time to think about it as well. Having a few hours to dwell on the pros and cons, and mentally prepare yourself had been a blessing. Had the Kings sprung this on you, even with the intent to let you think about it, you would have been even more overwhelmed than you had been earlier today.
If you were being honest with yourself…
You couldn’t help but find the offer appealing.
What did your life in Nimbasa really have anyway that made you want to stay? Not a whole lot, if you were being honest with yourself. Sure, you had your possessions, but that was an easily solved problem. No doubt the twins would help you move everything to the hive as needed.
There was your family to consider as well, but if you were being honest? You would rather stay with the bees. Your family always cared more about your younger sibling, and you were considered the black sheep. When was the last time they had called to check up on you, and ask about your day?
Months. That’s how long it’s been.
The last time your mother had called, it had been two weeks ago, just to moan and whine about how they needed you to babysit your siblings. Siblings who were more or less grown adults mooching off your parents.
Yeah, safe to say, you could care less about what they thought. If you wanted to become a Queen of a hybrid hive, that was your business, and they could deal with it.
Plus… the idea of just up and moving without saying anything brought you some sick satisfaction. It made you wonder just how long it would take for them to even notice or care.
There was another thing to consider, and that was your job. No doubt the moment you made a return to Nimbasa, regardless if you accept the Kings’ proposal or not, will cause some sort of uproar.
With the stunt your boss and coworkers pulled, they will be lucky if they survive after you are through with them. No way were you letting them get away with leaving you for dead.
Especially after Ingo and Emmet confirmed no one had come near that entrance to the tunnels since your first night here. They had a few drones in place to make sure no one else got hurt if anyone came looking.
No one came.
It made your blood boil, but you weren’t entirely surprised, given how shitty your coworkers were to begin with. Sure, the job paid the bills, but leaving you for dead was insane. You were going to tear them apart the moment you went back home, so your job wouldn’t be an issue if you took the role of Queen.
Little did you know, it would have been very easy for your Kings to take matters into their own hands had anyone returned. They were just as furious the more they got to know you.
Not that you were aware of that fact.
All in all, things that would majorly effect your decision all seemed to point towards agreeing to join the hive.
Though you would admit, the idea of carrying their eggs both made you nervous, and excited you in ways you could only dream of.
Jackie had been kind in helping explain it. How the Kings had two(two!!!) cocks, one like the drones, and one for depositing eggs.
Oh, how that little tidbit of info made you really warm, the more you thought about it. Something that no doubt would make the average person squeamish was something that was turning you on as you gave it more thought.
You were very happy Jackie had fallen asleep. He had also admitted it was incredibly easy to smell your arousal. Something that you were still horribly embarrassed about.
The last thing you needed right now was making poor Jackie hot and bothered as well.
Still, you could not deny how… appealing this was all turning out.
Even the idea of carrying eggs wasn’t so bad, especially when Jackie had explained that there would be nurses ready at your beck and call in case anything happened. You would be receiving top care your entire stay.
…You just really started to like the idea of Ingo and Emmet filling you to the brim with their eggs.
Stars, you were a bit of a pervert.
But you had a feeling you weren’t the only one, if what Jackie had confessed to you was anything to go by.
The whole hive seemed taken with you, not just the Kings, if what Jackie said was anything to go by. Now that you knew this, you were inclined to believe him, all based on how you remember both the drones and twins acting around you. Especially when the room had felt so sexually tense the past week or so.
It made you wonder of the idea of being with the whole hive, or taking the Kings eggs was as much of a turn on for them as it was becoming for you.
You couldn’t help but lick your lips. This offer of theirs was definitely becoming appealing.
There was also the idea of becoming the whole hive’s mate. Everyone had been so sweet to you, it made you wonder how sweet and caring they’d all be if the relationship was official. You’d potentially never have to have a moment without hugs or hand holding ever again.
Even if that was on the sweeter side, you liked the idea of never having to deal with becoming touch starved. Sure, this could easily turn into something more… lewd… but the idea of always being able to hug and cuddle someone who would want it? It had your heart thudding in your chest.
You didn’t even really care about being ‘royalty’ or not. You’ll take the role seriously, of course, but even if you weren’t going to possibly become a Queen, the whole deal was beginning to seem too good to pass up.
That’s why when the King’s eventually went down to see you, you had made up your mind.
If their offer was still on the table, you’d take it.
But first, you had to protect Jackie. You refused to let the bee take the heat for just telling you what you wanted to know. You didn’t think he would be punished harshly, but you weren’t going to take any chances.
So when there was a familiar knock at your door, you tensed, ready for whatever may happen next.
“Come in.” You called out. At your words, Jackie startled awake, though quickly relaxed when you gently rubbed his shoulder.
Not a moment later, Emmet pushed the door open with a smile. This time though, you noticed a slight pause in his step when he saw Jackie. It was brief, and if you hadn’t been looking at him closely, you probably would not have noticed it.
As Emmet entered the room, he clapped his hands together, and Ingo stepped into the room as he did so.
“Good evening, darling! Are doing alright?” He asked. You noticed his smile seemed a little strained when his eyes flickered to Jackie.
Even Ingo behind him seemed to be tense. You were surprised he hadn’t spoken up yet, being the more talkative of the two. He was probably just as surprised seeing Jackie in bed with you as Emmet was, if how tense his posture seemed was any indication.
Patting Jackie’s head, you gave them both a nod and a smile.
“I am doing okay, thank you. I hope you both are doing well yourselves.” You said, genuinely meaning it, and hoping for it.
You didn’t exactly want to have this conversation if they were in a tense mood, after all.
Emmet gave you a big smile, and Ingo let out a cough, looking away for a moment. You swore, he looked a little flustered just from you asking.
“We are doing well, my dear.” Ingo said after a moment, trying to straighten out his posture a little more. His voice sounded firm, and was still a little quiet, but he seemed genuinely happy to see you.
He cleared his throat, and walked over next to Emmet.
“Jackie, have you been here this whole time? You’ve been missing-“
You cut Ingo off.
“I requested Jackie stay with me. I hope that is not an issue?” You asked. Ingo’s jaw snapped shut, and Emmet’s antennae twitched.
“That is fine! He was one of the drones assigned to help you, should you need it!” Ingo eventually spoke up, as if sensing Emmet’s irritation.
Jackie shrank a bit under their gaze, clutching onto you a little tighter.
You rubbed his back soothingly. Even if they didn’t plan on doing anything to him, you could only imagine the fear from the last Queen must still stick with a lot of the bees.
There was an odd tension in the air. You could almost taste it. You wondered if they could sense your nervousness and were worried or confused.
Emmet opened his mouth to speak after a few moments, but you beat him to it.
“So you two were planning on making an offer to me about becoming a possible Queen?” You suddenly spoke, just throwing it out there. You were unsure how to breach the subject. As blunt as it was to do this, you figured getting the conversation over with would be optimal compared to stressing about it until they decided to ask you themselves.
Almost immediately at your question, both twins froze. It was almost comical, how their bodies stiffened, and wings and antennae ceased all movement. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say they both had gone pale.
Emmet’s wings twitched once. Then twice. His smile tightened, and you could see the underlaying panic on his face.
“Ah… Did Jackie tell you about that?” Ingo piped up, his voice sounding strained. Jackie flinched, more or less confirming that he indeed had told you.
“Yes, he did. He told me quite a bit.” You spoke, pulling Jackie closer. The poor drone was beginning to shake, and you could hear his breathing picking up.
If it was possible, the tense air got thicker, becoming a bit hard to breathe. It was quiet, and you could probably hear a pin drop.
It was obvious the twins were not expecting this when they came into your room like they did every evening.
They also weren’t prepared for what you said next.
“If the offer is real and on the table, I would be inclined to accept.” You spoke, nearly causing both twins, and even Jackie to jump.
You weren’t expecting Emmet to rush up to you, and grab your hand in his own, his smile bright and dazzling.
“Oh, you mean it? You’d give it a try?” He asked, his wings buzzing behind him in a frenzy of excitement. Ingo was at his side in a flash, his face flushed. His own wings twitched in excitement at your words.
“Are you sure? You would be attempting to take the mantle of a Queen. We will handle business for the most part, but it could be difficult. Especially with, well…” Ingo spoke, his face growing with color as he avoided looking into your eyes.
“You’d be attempting to carry our eggs. A verrry important task, yup!” Emmet finished for him, seeming to have no shame about the how excited he was about you trying to do so.
Ingo sheepishly tubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, what Emmet said.” He spoke, his voice a little more quiet, though the blush on his face seemed to grow a shade darker.
“Jackie informed me as such. I’ve gone over it all in my head, and, well…” you spoke, looking away. You really were agreeing to this, weren’t you?
You found you did not mind.
“I like it here. I’ve had more fun here the past two weeks or so, compared to the past few years in Nimbasa city,” you began, and fiddled with the sheets with your free hand before continuing, “You all are very kind, and I will admit, I find you all very… attractive.” You said, fighting back the blush crawling up your neck.
Emmet let out an excited giggle at your words, and seemed to shake in excitement. You swore you heard Ingo’s breathe catch. Jackie hugged you closer with one of his sets of arms, nuzzling into your chest.
“I’d like to at least try, and see if I can help. This will be a test of trial and error, I imagine. But… I’d still like to try.” You spoke, and squeezed one of Emmet’s hands that still held onto one of your own.
You ended up making a noise of surprise when you felt a weight press against you. Emmet had forgone holding your hand, and jumped forward, hugging you tightly. Jackie let out a small squawk as he was bumped a bit to your side, but still held onto you.
Ingo took Emmet’s place as you were nearly smothered from the hugs. His cool hands met your own, and gently held them while entwining a set of fingers with your own.
The older King gave you a soft look, and you swear your heart skipped a beat.
“Alright then. If this is the track you wish to depart on, we will gladly accompany you forward on it.” He spoke, and just from that sentence alone, you could tell he was excited. Even he seemed to be vibrating in place.
It was really sweet, and you couldn’t fight the blush growing on your face.
When was the last time you had felt so wanted? It was a bit sad that you couldn’t even remember…
After a few moments, you cleared your throat.
“Sorry but… would it be alright to move my stuff from my old home down here to the hive? I have some stuff that is sentimental-“ you began, and Emmet broke the hug, his face still beaming.
“Of course! We will help you move as soon as possible.” He assured you. You relaxed a bit, and gave him a soft smile. That was your main concern, getting your stuff.
“Also, I’ll need to tie up loose ends with everything in Nimbasa before I move here. Such as my job, and settling some things. I should be able to do that living here, but I’ll need to go up to the surface a few times until then.” You then explained. You didn’t want people thinking you were missing, and you had to cut ties with your job. Maybe settle some lawyer work, because you weren’t letting what they did go.
Especially since you wouldn’t need as much money now, living in the hive. Given how self sustaining it was, you doubted you would have to venture out to the city unless you were craving something specific.
Thankfully, both twins didn’t seem to mind.
“Of course! We will help make accommodations immediately! Whatever you need, we shall do our best to assist you!” Ingo spoke, his voice growing with that familiar loudness you had griwn fond of.
Emmet finally flew a ways away to give you some space, and Jackie quickly was back at your side, holding onto you tightly.
“One more thing…” you spoke, your voice having a twinge of uncertainty in it. Emmet perked up.
“Name it! Anything!”
You looked down at Jackie, and back at the twins.
“Are you sure this is fine with the hive? I… I don’t wish to upset any of the drones by becoming a Queen…”
Sure, most the drones you has met have been sweet, and have been excited to talk to you. However, you had no idea if they all felt that way. You didn’t want to start a riot or create unease by taking this position.
Ingo and Emmet shared a look, though it was one that didn’t set off alarm bells. They both gave you a pleased look.
“We can promise you, most of the hive adores you. Anyone that doesn’t will not say a word unless they feel it is absolutely necessary for the hive’s health.” Ingo told you.
You weren’t sure that made you feel entirely better, but if most the hive liked you, that put you at ease. You could at least agree to a drone putting in a complaint if they felt it was necessary. Last thing you wanted was for the bees to feel like they couldn’t talk about any problems they were having.
With a sigh, you nodded.
“That works for me.”
Emmet raised his hands with a cheer, cutely flying in a circle. Even Ingo seemed pleased, his wings buzzing ever so slightly.
Patiently, you waited for Emmet to calm down a bit, before speaking.
“So, what do I have to do?” You asked. Emmet’s grin grew widen, and you swore Ingo’s eyes sparkled.
Ingo walked up, and took your hand in his own. Bringing your knuckles to his lips, he gave them a brief kiss.
“Let us take care of you, My Queen.”
Emmet flew to your side, right next to Ingo. He lifted your chin up with a finger, having you look in his eyes.
“We will handle all the main work. While you…”
He leaned in close, and you felt like your heart was going to explode. His eyes were lidded, and his face morphed into a smirk.
“Relax and sit tight. We’ll feed you royal jelly. Make you our Queen. A perrrfect Queen to be our mate.”
His voice lowered as he spoke, and you swore it sounded like a purr. You couldn’t help but swallow thickly, and Emmet’s smirk only grew as his antennae twitched.
That’s also right. You’d become the hive’s mate, along with being their Queen. If what Jackie said was true, that would include all the things flowing through your mind.
It made you a little warm under the collar, and Emmet was clearly enjoying it. Especially now that he didn’t have to hide any interest if you were willing to be a Queen.
“Okay…” you spoke, your voice a bit small with how flustered you were becoming. If it was possible, Emmet’s grin only seemed to grow. His face leaned close to your own, but before his lips could meet yours, he was yanked away by Ingo.
“Behave.” Ingo told him, holding his twin by his collar.
Ingo tsk’d.
“They just agreed to be our Queen. Give them space and time to adjust!” He scolded, and Emmet pouted at the treatment. All it took was Ingo’s glare deepening, for Emmet to let out a sigh, smiling begrudgingly.
He crossed his arms, and looked away. The moment Ingo let him go though, he quickly flew up to you before Ingo could catch him.
Faster than the blink of an eye, Emmet leaned in, kissing your cheek with a laugh. He didn’t stay, quickly jumping out of the way of a fumbling Ingo, who was desperately trying to catch him.
The younger twin flew out of your room with a playful laugh, and left Ingo in his dust. The King sighed, rubbing his temples. Glancing at you, he gave you a warm look.
“Don’t worry, my dear. We’ll take care of everything.” He says softly, and moves over to you.
“May I…” he begins, seeming unsure. His face grows flushed as you look at him curiously.
“May you…?” You ask, wondering what he wants. He looks rather cute like this, you note.
Ingo straightens up, a more determined look on his face.
“May I… kiss you?” He asked, and you felt your face warm up. After a moment, you smiled.
“You may.”
Ingo gently grabbed your chin, tilting your face up so he had better access. Leaning down, his lips gently met your own, and you both easily melted into the kiss. Despite how rough his ‘skin’ was, his lips were incredibly soft against your own.
He didn’t stay like that for long, but even as he pulled away, you were left breathless all the same. Ingo looked incredibly pleased with himself, and gave you a smug, yet loving look.
“Just wait until Emmet learns I kissed you first.”
His words made you giggle, imagining the offended look Emmet no doubt will have when he learns of this.
Ingo then adjusted his uniform, and gave you a brisk nod.
“I need to go find him and discuss how much royal jelly to make. Worry not, we will be back in a while after coming up with a plan for you.” He explained, and began heading towards your door, a noticeable spring in his step. Before he closed the door behind him, he turned and looked back at you.
“I mean it when I say we will take care of you, my dear. Anything you need, we will take care of it for you.” He spoke, his voice soft. With another nod, he closed the door behind him.
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you brought a hand to your chest. Your heart was still beating wildly, even though everything had turned out fine.
Perhaps it was from excitement?
You were brought out of your thoughts when Jackie sat up, wings twitching as he looked over at you. He gave you a large smile, reminiscent of Emmet’s.
“Can I kiss you too?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, before leaning into to kiss him as well.
As your lips met Jackie’s, you were quite certain of a few things.
One, Jackie is a really good kisser.
And two, you were incredibly lucky.
Who knew that getting caved in the underground subway would be the best thing to happen to you?
It made you excited for the future going forward, and what you had to look forward to.
…You just hoped it would be a smooth transition, going forward.
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cursed-saphire-hart · 8 months
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[Hybrids Disease: Reader Character]
So me and a friend were talking about my Hybrid Au from last year, and we started playing around with the idea of "What if Dating Sim"
So I made a Reader/Player character XD
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I am not going to make a dating sim, bc that's a lot of work and I have too short an attention span to manage it TwT, but I still wanna put it down.
A new Disease starts appearing around the world where people develop pokemon characteristics, even to the point the infected person can turn into a pokemon at will. No one knows what causes this to happen, and so far there is no cure, the only thing they know is that it's not contagious from person to person. Regardless, the populace is unsettled by the sudden appearance of "Hybrids", and are fearful of those infected.
It comes to the point where region wide lock downs are put into effect to try and slow the spread of cases while also attempting to ensure those infected won't be attacked by those who are paranoid over it.
After 5 years of lock down, the restrictions are slowly lifted and the player is happy to finally be free to walk around without worrying about a curfew, since they're someone who enjoys walks at night. Especially after hearing rumors of a strange area in the forest where there is a constant fog that's impossible to find the other side through. Intrigued, that is the players first stop.
Unbeknownst to them, they are about to meet a pair of hybrid twins who are both extremely starved for social stimulus and affection.
A Clefable Hybrid capable of turning into a pokemon and using moves. He's also able to create a terrain of fairy mist to protect the territory him and Ingo live in. Together they can make it impossible to find the manor hidden in the forest.
Emmet is at first suspension of the player and their intentions during their first meeting. He's a little rude and short with the player, only wanting to know their intentions and wants them to leave asap, but will warm up if the player is honest with him. Emmet is traumatized by prior experiences of being harassed prior to lock down, and is slow to open up, but is very obvious that he WANTS to open up and trust the player. Being a fairy/normal type, Emmet is weak to playfulness, and prone to playing jokes, if the reader plays along, it will raise his interest for the player.
When interest rises to a certain point, Emmet will start trying to get the players attention, becoming very clingy and wanting to spend more time with them. Emmet will start sharing more of his interests, while also giving more information about events prior to lock down. You have gained his trust.
A Gengar Hybrid capable of turning into a pokemon and using moves. He's also able to create a terrain of ghost atmosphere to protect the territory him and Emmet live in. Together they can make it impossible to find the manor hidden in the forest.
Ingo is nervous around the player at first, keeping his distance from them during their first meeting. Ingo feels that because he is a ghost/poison type, he has a frightening appearance and does not want to scare the player, but only wants to help. If the Player acts friendly, unafraid of him, Ingo will start to warm up to them. Due to his insecurities and slight trauma from something that happened before lock down, Ingo keeps a physical distance. If the player is patient with offering physical affection and coaxes him with sweets to help him relax, it will rise Ingos interest for the player.
When interest rises to a certain point, Ingo will start showing more affection for the player by sharing his interests and becoming a bit more physical and clingy. Ingo will start opening up about his insecurities and the events that happened prior to lock down. You have now gained his trust.
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Purple Route:
Player will receive a purple hair clip from Ingo as a gift, signifying that you have successfully captured your romance target. From here, Ingo will be more openly affectionate and a little clingy, and if the player so chooses, the route can take a spicy turn from this point.
Good End.
Pink Route:
Player will receive a pink hair clip from Emmet as a gift, signifying that you have successfully captured your romance target. From here, Emmets antics to get the player to pay attention to him will calm down, but he will still act very clingy, and if the player so chooses, the route can take a spicy turn from this point.
Good End.
Grey Route:
The player has successfully captured both targets, however, this route is natural, leaving the player in a friendship with both Ingo and Emmet, rather than as a romantic partner.
Good End.
Blue Route:
Unlike the Grey Route, in the Blue Route, the player has unlocked a hidden route where they are able to capture and romance both Ingo and Emmet. Within this route the player can explore both sides of romance with both twins and their different love languages, whether as shows of affection or in the bedroom.
Secret Good End.
Red Route:
Unlike Blue or Grey, in the Red Route the player has unlocked a hidden route where the Player has triggered a Yandere code within the twins. As a result, the Players character is no longer allowed to leave the twins. Ingo and Emmet love the player so much, they do not EVER want to lose them.
Secret Bad End.
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raynavan · 3 months
heavy spoilers for chapter 23 of Always by your side by @ingo-ingoing-ingone!! this chapter was so fantastic i. didnt have words for it. ended up doing 6 (nearly 7) drawings for it instead. i think this is my record- it took me roughly 7 hours. a fair warning! this is both art and a comment to the fic in one. so its rather long!
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ok i had an Unreasonable amount of fun doing the background on this one. ended up looking up a lot of the celestial bodies mentioned in the fic, man are they cool! it was implied that Emmet didn't really have a body so! stars instead. the colors were fun- i dont often let myself just. color like this haha! this one was... reall amazing. a fantastic opener! i immediately latched onto the visuals and painted a picture in my mind. it was just so... astronomical?
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i actually struggled with how i was going to position these two for a while. at first it was just them coloring in a clearing- then i made them watching pokemon, and then. this! idk- there just something sweet in how Ingo turns around to look at Emmet and... lighting was funky for this one- how a forest shades the things beneath it will always hold a special place in my heart. these two interacting is always so wonderful to read. the gentle ribbing and teasing and... just them chilling and talking was so nice. the fact that it was dragons was even better! dragons are the best. i felt a very sweet and gentle moment needed an equally sweet and gentle drawing. if i could, i might have gone for line less on Ingo and Emmet here as well.
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right- this was the last one i did. i think its the only one that i didn't get specifically from what was written. i just... wanted to give Emmet cuddles alright? /lh i had another sketch exploring exactly what Emmet might look, but i think ill revisit that when i... haven't been drawing for 7 hours straight hgfireohgope. the one in this is more simplified. the horror of having your face show one emotion- not even the one your most known for... your voice is toneless and the only was you can show even a fraction of what you feel is by copying what you (supposedly) dead brother used to do. there is a quiet horror in that- and yet Emmet still goes on. he cant feel texture and yet... he deserves many nice things.
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this one!!! was originally going to be an Entire piece with a more "realistic" drawing of Ingo sitting behind a fire just like this. when i sketched this out (in the middle of reading it) that was the plan. Jedi saved me by making Emmet draw it like this. you saved me probably an hour ghirepoghpeirh. i... still might draw it how i wanted at some point. also the lighting was added last minute! i thought it would look... more messy with the light of the fire shining on it. i think it looks nice. the scene was sweet and, like Emmet mentioned he did, i put emphasis (or uh... thicker more defined lines) around peoples faces to better define their happiness. it made me happy to read them being happy and then draw them being happy <3
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them!!!!!! i do not think it is a secret at All how much i love this au. i was More than happy to draw them again. and!!! being happy!!! perfect. i remembered this was a dream, and decided to blur the background quite a bit of this one- lopsided like its not really being thought about. adored this one. them!! teasing each other!! just!! going through a day!! perfect. amazing. it was really fun the way the small details of their routine was captured. from Ingo just. turning to goop so he doesn't have to pick up his clothes to Emmet just. accepting everything that happened from the mental connection to the shared feelings.
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DRAMATIC FORESHORTENING!!!! i almost wanted to play it up More but then i might lose Ingo's expression. the background for this was fun to do- emphasis! strong colors!! looks like something broke. like something was torn away. this whole bit is just. exactly what Emmet fears and its just. ough. Ingo would never do this- we know this, Emmet knows this two- he knows how ridiculous Ingo was being here. and then the climax with Emmet just... falling off... amazing. Ingo's horrified expression is what caught my attention here, though i had a few more ideas depicting Ingo leaning over Emmet. i figured a dramatic drawing here would fit.
so! there ya go. i had. so much fun doing this and! thank you so much for writing this and sharing with us Jedi. if you keep this up, ill just have to keep making more drawings!! i don't think words are enough- not even sure if these can properly express how i felt reading it all (i actual had to get up and pace around bc i got so excited) but! i think that your art inspired my own art is a very beautiful thing.
lets all keep making art with one another forever.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
Hello!! I keep reading your ingo writing and man I love how you write him;; I am so gay for this man the closet is made of glass. Also MALE READER BLOG!!! PUNCHING THE AIR IN JOY AND GOING STIMMY MODE RN!!! AND RUN BY A TRANSMASC MOD!! JUST LIKE ME FR!!!!
I wanna request while I have the chance, I was thinking Ingo and a s/o with an overprotective Houndoom? I absolutely love Houndooms because 1: they look like my dog irl, and 2: big dogy :] ;; i just think it’d be cute and kinda funny to see Ingo try and win over his boyfriend’s big and mildly threatening dog.
Tysm!! <33
I… have nothing to say for myself for my absence. Life has been painful. I’m so so sorry my friend, your request has been the one I’ve been sitting on all this time.
But omg you’re so sweet thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad that you like my Ingo, he and Emmet are both written by me to lean unashamedly into hard autism territory so maybe that’s what it is lol.
And wow tbh I was considering not including that I was transmasc (still a bit… nervous in gay male spaces as someone who’s transmasc. I know it isn’t true, but I’m so worried of being perceived as not a man or less of a man in those spaces.) but I’m glad I did because I’ve pulled so many trans guys in to visit this blog and!! Big solidarity!! I’m giving each and every one of you a Platonic Kiss on the head
Meeting the Real Boss — Ingo x male Houndoom trainer Reader
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⚫️ — Don’t let that serious face fool you, Ingo is just as soft and sappy as his more emotive brother. When he fell for you—that mysterious stranger who shook up the Super Singles Line that fateful day, he fell hard.
⚫️ — You were seen around Nimbasa the following days, but Ingo assumed you were just visiting, as he’d never seen you in the area before. So time to talk to you was limited, at least in his eyes. That was enough of an excuse to get him to give up and write you off as a passing fancy—but it was not enough of an excuse for Emmet who, the moment he found out his brother had developed a crush on one of the challengers, would stop at nothing to get you two talking. (Because he can lack all the social skills he wants and have as little confidence as any grown man could have in his speaking ability, but if it meant getting his dear brother a boyfriend, Emmet would turn into a social savant right then and there.)
⚫️ — So yeah, your relationship with Ingo started out interacting with Emmet more, mainly because every time Emmet not at ALL subtly dragged his brother over to talk to you, Ingo genuinely couldn’t look you in the eyes.
⚫️ — But eventually you guys got together via bonding through—how else?—battling! There was a love language Ingo could get behind, and after your repeat challenges became a constant thing at the Battle Subway, sometimes multiple times a day, he finally worked up the nerve to ask you out after telling himself he’d do so if he won your battle today. He did, and one nervous coffee date later, you two actually managed to start properly talking without needing Emmet (Emmet, of all people, even HE is shocked!) as the middleman.
⚫️ — All is well. You both share a great passion for battling—of course—and you find all his little quirks from his loud voice to stone face adorable. You definitely know you’re onto something real when you actually make him happily stim in public after saying he looks so cute and excited when he talks about the subway, something Ingo has tried incredibly hard to iron out through all the masking he’s done all his life. To be honest, you absolutely have him wrapped around your finger, but it’s okay, because you’re a total fool for him as well and would do anything to make him happy.
⚫️ — But as you two begin pondering how to define your relationship, wondering if it’s time to make things official, your Houndoom starts to realize Ingo is going to be more and more of a presence in your life as much more than a casual friend. And he takes issue with that.
⚫️ — Houndoom was always fine with Ingo before. The thrill of battling on the subway and having such worthy opponents was something you could tell Houndoom savored, which made it all the stranger that he began getting worryingly aggressive around Ingo.
⚫️ — You wanted to ask him to be your boyfriend officially a few times now, only for Houndoom to intrude by putting himself between you and Ingo, growling all the while as if he could sense what you were about to ask and did not like it.
⚫️ — Houndoom means well, he really does. He knows what happens when humans get close like this and knows that if you and Ingo continue down that path, he’ll be in your life all the time. Maybe even where you live. Maybe sleeping beside you. There to see you at your best and your worst and, most concerningly, your most vulnerable. But you only met recently, and even if his Pokemon seem to indicate he’s trustworthy, that doesn’t mean anything! You’re a part of the pack to Houndoom, and he is not about this total stranger (at least, a total stranger by his standards) being a permanent fixture in your life. How on earth could he earn the right to be by your side so easily? No, you’re part of his pack, and Houndoom is hellbent to keep you safe from the encroaching outsider.
⚫️ — (Does he completely miss how happy Ingo makes you? A bit—the protectiveness fogs up his perception, okay? And even if he does make you happy, Houndoom thinks the month and a half or so you’ve known each other for is not long enough to just welcome Ingo into the family with open arms.)
⚫️ — Ingo is… troubled, to say the least. He’s worried your Pokemon disliking him will make you dislike him, which you assure him otherwise. Even still, the Houndoom line is not native to Unova and Ingo knows very little about it, therefore he has absolutely no idea how to proceed. Unova has the Growlithe and Lillipup families, but they’re much more good-natured than this. Still, he loves you, and while he’s worried about causing friction with you and your Pokemon, your assurances that he’s fine are (relatively) enough to spur him to try and make peace with Houndoom.
⚫️ — Treats were some of the first things he tried, to minimal success. The only reason Houndoom let him into the house that day at all was because you begged and pleaded for him to lay off your boyfriend, and even then he watched you two like a hawk. Treats Ingo brought and Houndoom’s favorite snacks that you already had in the home did nothing to persuade him. Attempts to play? No. And Ingo knows better than to even think about petting him.
⚫️ — Eventually Ingo just starts rather desperately trying to exist around your Houndoom’s wrath. He loves you and doesn’t want to break the news but. Your Houndoom scares him.
⚫️ — You can’t say he didn’t try, though.
⚫️ — But then! One day, you get sick. It’s a pretty nasty stomach bug that lasts for a day but wreaks havoc while it’s there. You’re practically bed-bound from the severe nausea, but Ingo is there the entire time, fretting over you and caring for you like any good boyfriend should. Houndoom’s prerogative is the same. He’s worried for you and wants you to feel better. So while Ingo is bringing you plenty of fluids, nausea medication, blankets and pillows, Houndoom is there to cuddle up and keep you warm and calm. It’s just that… it’s very hard for Ingo to care for you when Houndoom won’t leave your side and growls whenever he gets close.
⚫️ — This time, though, Ingo doesn’t shy away. He’s too worried for you and even though Houndoom is being incredibly threatening and there is a part of him a bit worried for his own safety, he brushes right past Houndoom’s huffing and puffing to keep caring for you. He brings you water and helps lift the bottle to your lips while Houndoom snarls. He sits at the bedside and dabs at your face with a damp towel while getting death glares. His need to be wary of your Pokemon is greatly outweighed by his need to take care of you. Essentially, they’re both fighting for the role of your primary caretaker.
⚫️ — Time goes on, though, and Houndoom definitely notices how his snarling and snapping isn’t stopping Ingo from aiding you. And after all these negative interactions, Houndoom is finally stifling his concerns and instead just quietly watching. Then helping. He and Ingo have a common goal here. And while Ingo is certainly surprised to find the defensive Fire-type suddenly aiding him, it’s a welcome change. In seeing his dedication to you at your most vulnerable, Houndoom has at last deemed the Subway Master as a worthy partner.
⚫️ — While you’re sick, they continue working together to care for you until their own energy is spent. You wake up in the morning, a bit sweaty and nauseous, but otherwise feeling far better. And you look over to the foot of the bed where Houndoom usually curls up to see Ingo right there with him, resting his head on Houndoom’s side—the both of them are fast asleep, knocking out together after such long and dedicated day caring for you while you were sick. The hostility Houndoom regards Ingo with seems completely gone as he lets him rest against him to sleep. You can’t remember much of what happened last night, but you know both of your boys here were caring for you with all the love in the world…
⚫️ — And though you had been thinking this about Ingo for a while now, seeing Houndoom accept him at last really solidified the fact that Ingo was “the one”.
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subwaytostardew · 8 months
▲ Subway to Stardew - Ingo 10-Heart Event ▲
This plays after getting at least 10 hearts with Ingo and entering the Railroad after 7PM.
We made a few assets for this event! You can see the uncropped abandoned junction + stargazing maps and full Jirachi visual below! There's also some commentary on the process of making this event under the read-more!
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Ingo’s 10-heart event was really fun to put together! And quite the process as well.
It really was! The idea of a stargazing date with Ingo was actually one of the first few event ideas we came up with... but it only really existed in imagery. We knew we wanted to have Ingo and the farmer stargaze atop an abandoned train car, but we weren't quite confident in how the event would play out exactly until quite recently (I actually only got the inspiration on how to finish it about 3 days ago! It sat partially done up until the Bidoof scene for a few months!).
During the idea phase, we were stumped on what to do for a 10-hearted event. Now I’m not the best when it comes to writing romance or dating scripts so when we came up with a stargazing event idea…. Let's say…. The draft sat dormant for about a week or two and I went off to write the other heart events or help with asset creating in between.
It underwent a lot of revisions after the draft was made, the original didn't even have Emmet come in at all! I didn't get the idea to make Emmet eavesdrop (super obviously intruding as per the manga) during Ingo's date until after I finished Ingo's 8-heart event. Ingo's 8-heart event was originally quite bare-bones itself, consisting of just a confession that you could either accept or reject and ends with a single line about getting teased by Emmet and Elesa (which is mostly there to write around the idea of dating both twins at the same time... it would be too hard to implement... in this mod they both have no idea how the other feels and their overall lack of communication comes into play in the 6-heart events). I wanted the idea of a library confession to be a little more interesting and specific to Ingo, so I decided to let him get blackmailed by the kids out of his sweet tooth. From there, I wanted to show exactly why Ingo would want to keep his love life a secret from Emmet for as long as possible- he's a menace. Station Stewardess Kade's area of expertise is angst so the original draft focused more on the stress of work... we ended up having more than enough events regarding that and how hard it is for the twins in the valley, so I tried my best to steer it more towards the cheesy romance that the vanilla 10 heart events tend to focus on. After everything, I thought Ingo needed some fluff and time to just enjoy himself with the person he loves while being himself at full-steam (along with Emmet... this is the first event where his engine is at full capacity for his usual antics). Ingo still does have a tendency to talk about his job, but I tried to change things to have him infodump about his interests (trains, Pokémon, and battling!) to show that- despite the challenges on the tracks ahead of him- he does truly enjoy his line of work!
Which helped spark many ideas! Especially with the telling of Jirachi! (I loved Pokémon and The Wish Maker)
Ingo is dedicated to his profession as a Battle Facility Head because he has an interest in Pokémon. We wanted to lean into how ideal he would be if he were tasked with spreading his knowledge in a land where Pokémon relations aren't commonplace. His memory would be great for kickstarting the creation of a Pokédex... Anyways! He really does appreciate the vastness of space and tends to become sidetracked. I was hoping to convey that during his infodump on Jirachi!
Jirachi itself was drawn by me (Station Stewardess Kade) while the background, clean-up, and amazing pixel shading were done by Station Steward Thylak! This is one of my favorite parts of this event! And they truly brought Jirachi to life that I would never be able to do. (Background-wise.. and pixel art-wise.)
Thank you to Station Stewardess Kade for drawing them! The drafts were really fun to see and polish up!! I've become more confident in my shading and pixel art because of this project!
So here are some early drafts of Jirachi and my poor first attempt at this pixel art. As well as a sketch draft of trying to visualize the event.
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I ended up making the farmer leaning on Ingo visual into a map! It was originally going to be a visual like Jirachi's, but a whole event with two frames for all of Ingo's infodumping wouldn't be very immersive... It would be hard to add in things like the usual 10-heart event kisses and animations. They were originally going to sit and look up at the stars but..... farmer animations are finicky. The game does not like making the farmer sit in events if not from the side... even then, I can't do anything about the shadows not being in the right place. If I try to add in any other sitting frames for the farmer, they turn into a bowling pin.
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The original Jirachi drawings were actually too big for a Stardew map so I had to resize them using the dimensions of Sebastian's mountain scene as a reference (I didn't realize that his 10-heart event has special handling that forces the camera to be zoomed out at the max setting to properly frame the entire map until it was too late... Oh well! I'm happy with the pan effect I added to counter that!). The final background/Millennium Comet takes inspiration from the comet in Maru's event!
Funny enough while Jirachi was currently being drawn, Pokémas had just recently released the Tate and Liza Sync Pair event - Twin Stars Far Apart (I got Tate and Jirachi as a Sync Pair pull!)
It was a fun coincidence! We wanted this event to be fluffy with a tinge of bittersweetness/impending doom from alluding to Ingo getting sent to Hisui in the future... Jirachi didn't relate to that much but then Pokémas decided to split another pair of twins apart!
Now we have also made a custom map! I made the area map while Thylak did any cleanup and adjustments, and also did the custom map for the actual stargazing bit. It was my first time using Tiled! Below are some of the map processes.
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Kade is really good at planning out map layouts! I was surprised at how quickly she learned how to use Tiled! The bush that the Bidoof disappears into was added on a whim. It was originally going to disappear into the bush to the right but... I got impatient waiting for it to walk all the way over there. Our events are long enough already.
We have some events in mind, that will have assets just like this - we truly want to put in the work and effort for this mod, there’s only so much story you can tell when using plain vanilla maps. This is honestly one of my favorite events I have worked on with Thylak, and I’m excited about what else is in store! (*Gives big hug to Thylak*)
I'm really happy with how this event turned out too! Thank you to Kade for coming up with the ideas and scripts for me to polish! You do so much!! The other events may take a while to finish as we need to make more maps and assets, but we hope you like seeing them! We don't quite have a script or know how Emmet's events will play out yet exactly, but they should be fun if Ingo's event process is anything to go by!
We also want everyone to know (this was brought up and mentioned in the Tumblr comments of the last Ingo Heart event we posted)
We are aware that not everyone will want to date the twins in this mod! The main focus of the mod is to rebuild the railroad but to also enjoy the characters that are Ingo and Emmet through both Canon and some Fanon interpretations! Even though we are following the basic Stardew Valley format when it comes to villagers (Bachelors and Bachelorettes) we plan to after the first initial release of the mod make a Platonic Relationship version! Many of the heart events will have to be redone during that time! (Ingo mostly… Emmet is easy to do)
Yes... I had a more clear idea of how Emmet's heart progression would go when starting to make this mod (he's slow to trust people and is iffy on the farmer until 6-hearts in but then gets verrrry attached to his best friend) but weren't quite sure what a particularly meaningful friendship with Ingo would go. Since we were referencing the vanilla Stardew Valley events/heart progressions for Ingo, his development is more romantic in nature. When we do create full-platonic routes for the twins, Ingo's progression will need a complete overhaul while Emmet will only need changes from 8-hearts onwards.
We truly want this mod to be enjoyable for those of you who don’t want to date or are uncomfortable with the notion of dating a fictional character (Myself and Thylak are okay with this since we created OCs/Self Inserts and we create and share stories with each other, during our time working on the mod)
We do know a lot of people project onto submas and would prefer there to be platonic options when playing their heart progressions! Even without that, I feel like a platonic route for Ingo is much needed since playing with the intent to romance Emmet alone is a bit awkward at the moment (I personally don't have much of a choice since I need to code and debug all of the events anyways, but I still feel bad betraying Emmet! He doesn't like sharing!).
The focus is actually the story of Ingo and Emmet being in Stardew Valley. And that can be told either through the Dating Route or the future Platonic Route.
If anyone has any ideas or input regarding how they would want a Platonic Route with Ingo to go, please feel free to share them with us! We have... no idea how that will play out just yet.
For now, though we have the basic Stardew Dating Vanilla format, and on the future track’s ahead a Platonic Relationship format.
With all that said, we look forward to sharing more about the mod. I hope you enjoy the process breakdown.
Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoy what we're conducting!
- ▷ Station Steward Thylak and ◁ Station Stewardess Kade
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lavender-at-heart · 2 months
Velvet and Lace
Part 1 : The Invitation
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Pairing: Aro Volturi × fem!OC
AN: while this is a oc series I am purposely limiting descriptive elements so it may be read as a reader insert. I don't know how long this series will be, I also haven't posted on here in so long. Please give me feedback and wish me luck! Thanks for reading/engaging!
Warnings: none for this chapter
Word count: 710
A year. I haven't been to Forks in a year. I spent my entire life thinking that it was everything, now I'm not so sure. I miss my home more than anything, but the wonders I have seen while away. I can only imagine what those quiet town folk will think of my stories. My reason for returning? An envelope that arrived to my hotel room in Bankok. Simple, off white paper with silver etchings that read the following:
Isabella Marie Swan
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen
Together with their families, request the honor of your presence at the celebration of their marriage.
Saturday the thirteenth of August, two thousand and eleven, five O'clock in the evening
420 Woodcroft Ave
Forks, WA
I could hardly believe the words as they spilled from my mouth. My sister, married? My sweet, anti-social, 18 year old sister? Yes I'm aware that she had found herself a boyfriend, our phone calls over the past year have been of nothing else, it seems. It's so unlike her, but nevertheless I am giddy. Later that evening I recive a phone call from the bride herself, bestowing upon me the title of maid of honor.
When I first met Edward Cullen, I was surprised. I never had any classes with him since he was a grade bellow me, but he always seemed off. His whole family did, which became the talk of the town for months and months. The rest of his siblings seemed relatively well rounded, with sharp minds and passionate interests. I became acquainted with Emmett and Rosalie during our shared English class. Rosalie, while much more reserved than Emmet, was always helpful and kind. We never became friends outside of school but I was shocked to find out that she had a disdain for Bella (I would later realize that this was due to me not trying to stick my nose into vampire business, although I would have if I had known that the Cullens were supernatural beings.) Emmett was very sociable, we didn't have much in common but I was glad to have such a friendly classmate.
After the shock of the wedding died down, I booked a plane ticket home as soon as possible. My father, Charlie, would pick me up from the airport. I would get to see Bella. Gosh. I haven't seen her in person since I left. Bella, one year younger than me, has always lived with our mother. That was the agreement. She went of to sunny Arizona and I started in the rain. I always liked the rain though, and I always liked Forks. Right before I started grade 12, Bella moved here. And I loved it. I had never been happier. But that only lasted so long. Bella got caught up with her vampire-like boyfriend and I started feeling a horrible longing to leave. I made the decision, much to my father's dismay, to take a gap year. Travel. I had been working at the diner after school since grade 9 and I had saved almost all of the money I made. My favorite thing about Bellas new beau was his family. They were quite lovely people, although strange, and they helped me quite a bit with my travels. Alice, the only one who I had become moderately close to, aswell as Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, had filled my mind with many inspirations for my travels. They also gave me some extra money to help make it as fulfilling as possible, despite me protesting about 100 times. By the end of grade twelve I was itching to leave. My itinerary was stacked, I planned to stay in Europe for two months and the rest in Asia. I cherished the cathedrals in Germany , the busy streets in Mumbai, the quiet ashrams in India, sights of Nepal, Vietnam, Italy, France, and now Thailand. I have come away from this trip with a bigger sense of the world, and myself. But now I've grown rather homesick from shuffling village to village, my sense of adventure has been filled and I'm ready for peace and simplicity. I think I'm ready to go home. Little did I know that returning to the middle of nowhere, Washington, would lead me on the greatest adventure of my life.
Thanks for making it to the end! <3 -CC
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leggerefiore · 10 months
Emmet talking about how proud he is of his uniform in Masters does give me a funny idea where when he first meets his crush, he tries to always be wearing it when they're around to look as cool as possible, but is surprised to run into his crush when he's doing a quick grocery run and therefore isn't in uniform and they think his fave worn-out Magnet Train t-shirt and old jeans are adorable bc HE'S adorable.
Emmet's casual clothes are really cute on him because he just looks so sweet. His hair isn't style, so it's just fluffy on his head, and he's goofy enough to tuck his t-shirt into his jeans. He looks so comfortable and less "I am Emmet, and I am a Subway Boss." He does tense up when he notices you and just tries to hide his face. He doesn't look cool or impressive right now. (Galvantula is probably wrapped around his torso, too, to make things worse.)
When you tell him he's cute, he almost enters his annoyed about being treated like a dumb kid mode before realising you meant it differently. Now he's happy and probably going to flirt in his own weird way.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Shiny Anon:
How about a badly injured!reader and concerned-and-afraid Emmet (and Ingo). I’m sure the twins have first aid training, but it’s not meant for this sort of thing. Not the best way to end a date…
Have a bit of a prompt for it:
“Hey, don’t close your eyes!” The blood is soaking through Emmet’s coat, staining the white fabric a terrifying red. You try to obey, you really do, but everything is going fuzzy and dark at the edges. A whimper of pain escapes you as Emmet presses down harder.
“Stay awake, stay with me!”
What happened, the cause, the consequences, everything else is up to you.
P.S. sorry if this got asked before, tumblr seems to like sending my messages before I’m ready to send them. That said, this is the actual ask.
I’m not very good with long prompts so I hope this is to your liking!
CW! Blood and injury!
You always knew your lovers were decently popular, so you aren’t caught off guard when on dates you three get stopped.
It doesn’t happen often, thankfully.
Ingo and Emmet are usually very good at keeping interactions brief.
But you know how much they love to battle, you can tell when they haven’t had a battle, or a good one in a while.
They love the thrill and the on spot strategies, they just find it so fun! They are truly in their element.
You three decided to take all your Pokémon to a park, to hopefully get out some energy.
But you knew they wanted a battle.
You offered, but a double would be better, yet there are only three of you.
But a fan of theirs happened to over hear your problem, such a sweet young man offered to help.
Emmet was so giddy, you alone are a strong trainer! So a battle buddy for you? This will be exciting!
Ingo perked up at the promise of a battle, Chandelure humming happily with her trainer.
And thus the battle went underway.
You can feel your blood pumping, as you stand in front of Emmet, and your companion in front of Ingo. Though a stranger, your battle buddy was kind and easy to work with.
Both of you communicating easily to land effective attacks.
Both sides are on the ropes, each person down to their last Pokémon, one last round to determine the victors.
Ingo’s Haxorus and Emmet’s Archeops, are all they have left.
You should be able to win this, if you two plan this right.
The area around the battle field is cloudy, the dust being almost thick, you can hardly see.
Ingo’s shout brings you back from your thoughts.
“Haxours! Use dragon claw!”
A loud roar echoes from the dragon, before thundering footsteps rapidly approach.
Your body moves on autopilot.
Haxorus had missed her opponent, in full charge the large Pokémon tries stopping, momentum keeping her going.
Noticing too late she missed.
The man barely on time to move.
Luckily you noticed before he did. You slam your shoulder into him, knocking him out of the way and onto the ground.
You gasp, feeling the attack hit you. Your body doesn’t touch the ground as the dragon type holds you. Your blood quickly dripping from the new gashes across stomach.
The dust slowly settling, with a pained cry from Haxours
The twins are terrified once they can see again.
Eyes widening at the sight of blood covering their beloved pokemon.
The man sparring with you quickly pulling out his phone, frantically dialing and calling help.
The brothers quickly rush over, trying to get Haxorus to let you go.
“Darling! Darling answer me!”
Emmet shouts, while Ingo talks the Pokémon into laying you down.
The both had first aid training, but not for anything like this.
You can’t respond, you feel so tired, your eye lids feel like lead.
You whimper.
It’s the only thing they hear from you.
Emmet holds you close, while Ingo yanks off his coat.
“Hey, don’t close your eyes!” The blood is soaking through Emmet’s coat, staining the once white fabric a deep red.
Ingo balls up parts of his coat, applying pressure to the gashes.
You try to stay away, you try to talk to them, to keep your eyes open, but everything is going fuzzy and dark at the edges.
Looking up, all you see at the scared expressions of your beloveds, tears streaming down their cheeks.
A whimper of pain escapes you as Emmet holds you tighter, and Ingo presses down harder.
“Dear, please! Stay awake, stay with us!”
You can’t.
You’ve never felt more exhausted.
You hope they can forgive you.
The last thing you hear are their panicked screeches.
You wake up to an awful bright light shining through the curtains.
You lazily open your eyes, groaning in agony.
It feels like you were hit by a bus.
You body feels so stiff and sore.
You try to move your arms at least, but find they feel heavy.
Looking down, you see on either side of you, Ingo on your right, and Emmet on your left.
Both twins holding and laying their heads on your arms, holding onto you like your disappear.
You don’t want to bug them, they look so tired, like they could use some extra sleep. Though you doubt these positions are comfortable.
You shift, trying to get comfortable in the hospital bed. You didn’t mean to wake them up.
Emmet shoots up at the movement, his eyes unfocused, but he’s trying.
Ingo jolts, before slowly rising, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Darling you’re awake!”
“Careful Emmet! Be mindful of their injury!”
Emmet slows his roll, he looked like he was going to lunge at you before being scolded.
His arms are still quick to wrap around you, as best he can.
Before smothering your face with tear filled kisses.
Ingo is not far behind, slowly kissing up your arms to your neck, waiting for Emmet to move so he can kiss you too.
“How do you feel, dear? Do you need anything?”
You groan a bit before laying your head completely back.
“Some water, please? I feel like I’m dying.”
“I’ll be right back!” You don’t think Emmet has moved so fast.
Which leaves you and Ingo.
He holds your hand, kissing the back of it before moving up to kiss you. His lips press against yours gently, as if you’d break.
“I’m so sorry, we were so worried that…I….I’m just so happy you’re okay.”
A few stray tears fall down, he leans his forehead against yours, taking in and basking in your presence.
“I know, but I’m okay! I love you.”
Ingo breaks, lowering his head to your shoulder and sobs.
His shoulders shaking with each cry he lets out.
It was his Pokémon that harmed you, it’s all his fault, had he and Emmet not wanted a battle you wouldn’t be in a hospital.
Had he just said no, and waited for a challenger on his line.
He’s sorry.
“I thought, I thought I’d never hear you say that again!”
You leans your head against his, still feeling so tired.
But you’re relived.
Emmet comes back, tears of his own brimming his eyes.
“Water for darling!”
You go to move, but he’s quick to help you, letting you lay back while he holds the cup for you.
You greedily drink the ice cold water, it feels so refreshing after Arceus knows how long.
“Thank you.”
Emmet quickly settles in next to you. His smile quivering.
“Anything for you, love.”
You don’t know what’ll happen after this, but you’re glad to know you’re going to be well taken care of.
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Emmet with an S/o who mimics the way he talks
Tws: Mentions of past bullying
I got hella excited and this came out a lot longer than I thought. Oops. Kinda made it more of a combo of a one shot and headcanons?? lowkey might make this a full mini fic if people like it enough lmao.
You had first met the subway boss when a Jotik scurried underneath your foot. You had almost stepped on the poor thing, stopping an inch or two above it. You then quickly scoped it up, holding it in your hands to avoid anyone else from harming the it. It snuggled into your hand, letting out a pitiful "Jol. . ." Before its eyes closed. It must have been exhausted, running around trying not to get stepped on.
You held the Joltik close to your chest as you walked over to one of the people standing by the subway car, instructing people left and right. He seemed to be some sort of boss, or at least a person in charge, based on the way he carried himself. He was rather cute, you supposed. He had kind grey eyes and a bright smile as he talked, but the more he talked, the more you noticed how he talked.
He must have noticed you staring, because he turned to look at you, giving you a smile. You noticed that he seemed tense, his smile straining as he talked to you.
"I am Emmet! You are staring. Do you need something?"
You blinked, a warm flush covering your face as you quickly sputtered out that you found a Joltik running around, and didn't want it to get hurt.
You had barely finished your sentence before the man was now in front of you, his grin relaxing. He reached his hands out and gently pet the Joltik on top of its head. He looked back at you, "I am Emmet! This is my Joltik. Thank you for finding her."
You gave him; gave Emmet a smile and happily returned his pokemon to him. He playfully teased the Joltik, and that's when you noticed another odd thing about how he spoke. When he said very, he drew out his r. It was adorable, admittedly. You had to hide your smile half behind your hand at the touching reunion.
You hesitated before holding out your hand, saying three simple words, "I am y/n."
From then on, the two of you would often times run into each other. You often took the subway to and from work, and always tried to make time to talk with Emmet. He had introduced you to his twin, Ingo shortly after, saying you were the one who reduced Jolly (Which you came to realize was one of his many, many joltiks).
The more you saw Emmet, the more you noticed you began to pick up on his mannerisms. Whenever he would greet you, saying "I am Emmet!" You would always reply back with "I am Y/n!". You even started dragging out the word very!
Mimicking people was something you had done all your life, more often with close friends and family than with people you had only known for a few months. He had never commented on the fact that you did this, and you were partly grateful for the fact. You had no idea how to tell him that you did it because you liked him, because you found how he talked endearing and sweet.
However, that eventually had to change.
The two of you were sitting on a bench. It was a rare moment where Emmet didn't currently have anything to do, and you had the afternoon off. He had been very quiet all day, and when you commented on it, he simply said, "I am Emmet. I do not like being made fun of. Are you making fun of me?"
His voice was so small, so quiet and he refused to meet your gaze. You felt your heart sink. Was he upset because of you?
When you asked him to elaborate, he took a deep breath, sparing a glance at you, "I know I talk weird. People have made fun of me for it all my life. They have always been verrrry mean. Are you making fun of me?"
You felt your heart sink into your chest. You quickly grasped his hands in your own, "I am-" You swallowed your words before letting out a shaky breath, "I like the way you talk. I think it's cute and endearing and so verrry you. I-I've always copied other people when they talk- when I like them and consider them a friend. I'm sorry Emmet, I should've told you about it. I'm verry sorry. Please forgive me."
He was very quiet for a moment before he spoke up, "Do you mean it? Do you like the way I talk?"
You nodded your head without a second thought. He brought you into a tight hug, burying his face into your shoulder as he wept softly. You held him as he cried, murming soft reassurances.
From then on the two of you became even closer. It was now custom to great each other by saying "I am Emmet" and "I am y/n"
He eventually picked up on small habits of your own, startling you one day when he said something you often said. He only gave you a cheeky smile when you stared at him.
Ingo is ecstatic when you and Emmet first go out, and is your number one supporter. He takes you to the side one day and thanks you for making his little brother happy, and that he happily considers you apart of his family as well.
When Emmet asks why you are all teary eyed, you simply say it's allergies.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Bestie I am on my knees, BEGGING, for alpha Emmet taking care of his heat ridden omega when their heat comes early in the station
- noodle (last one I swear)
More Alpha Emmet lets fucking go
Cw: mild assault ( rando grabbing the arm but nothing further)
No fucking in this one but fluff and comfort
You finally get to the station, it was a bit of a walk, but you don't mind the exercise. Gear Station was packed with people, as always. As you get to your train line, you see Emmet, your boyfriend, talking with his brother. Seriously, something about seeing your partner every day while heading to work fills your heart with love. You thought about waving to him but ultimately decided against it; you didn't want to distract him while he was at work.
As you try to squeeze your way through the crowds of rush hour you notice a faint heat pooling in your core, at first you wanted to ignore it but it became stronger than it hit you.
The smell of Alphas burned your nose your eyes watering the smell of preheat Omega fills the air making Alphas turn their heads. Their eyes flickered with a sudden animalistic drive to find the heat-stricken Omega. With the sense of all now presenting alphas your legs shake as your preheat becomes more.
" Attention all Depot agents there is a code O in place, I repeat a Code O" the announcement blared.
Immediately the depot agents follow protocol searching for the owner of the scent while you try to push through the crowd wanting to get out of here or maybe find your Alpha for protection.
You flinch when the hand grabs your arm. A strong sense you don't recognize fills your senses mingling with the others quickly overwhelming you. The random Alpha growls out your title making your skin crawl. A whimper slipped out of you everything in you wanted to pull away.He grips your arm tighter... Until-
"Excuse me sir..."
Emmet's arm wraps around your waist pulling you towards him he's comforting scent easing you.
" This Omega has to come with me,"
The alpha loosens his grip but he doesn't take the hint. in fact letting out a low growl disrespecting Emmet's authority and unknowingly pissing off your mate. He grabs his arm in an almost bone crushing grip, while still keeping his customer service smile. With enough force, to yank the alpha off you before pulling his wrist down, making the random Alpha lean closer to him. Emmet's eyes darken now face to face with the random Alpha, growls just low enough for the alpha to hear.
"I'm Emmet and don't touch things that don't belong to you "
It seemed to finally click in his head, his eyes filling with horror as Emmet threw their arm to the side. The alpha stumbled back, trying to leave quickly and not cause more of a scene than he already did. Deciding that you are not worth the trouble. But he was already in the depot agent's sights. He won't get away with this...
It took everything in him not to tear him limb from limb from even touching you. Judging by his scent his intentions were clear. Just like every other unmated Alpha he can danm smell. no matter how much wrath was bubbling inside of him you were more important. He can feel your trembling hand clenching his polo shirt, holding on for dear life, your eyes darting around, not wanting to be seen by anybody besides your Alpha. You want it to be home in a comfy nest of pillows and blankets.
He squeezes you closer to him opening his coat as if protecting you from prying eyes while he navigates you to a heat room.
Emmet looks around his surroundings before speaking into his communicator " yes Ingo I have them, I'll be in the heat room with them I'll leave the rest to you." nothing else mattered but getting you to safety protecting his Omega, making sure you're safe... Holding everything back trying to keep his professionalism.
Only to finally relax when those doors close and lock. His eyes soften as he gently laid you on the soft medical bed. When your smell sour from being overwhelmed too soft and sweet knowing that you're safe.
Your sweet voice calling out to him for Comfort now how can he say no?
"Omega?" you feel his arms wrap around you his warm body against yours. He scent,it felt so good...
Your whole body called out to him not only your slowly growing heat, but your heart. You could sense the tinge of bitter in the air. As Emmet gently rubbed the growing bruise on your wrist. His face almost unreadable.
Even as your heat called out to him he ignored the lustful Alpha inside of him. Giving you a kiss on the forehead. Taking off his Subway boss coat and wrapping it around you and giving you one last smile before turning on his heel. It physically hurt him to turn away from you; not when you're in such a vulnerable state you couldn't leave you; he couldn't. He would be less of an alpha if he did so...
"Ingo are you there?
" I'm going to stay with them-"
" Don't worry about it brother I have everything under control just relax and take the rest of the day off, they need you!"
Emmet nodded he could always count on his brother.... What would he do without him?
"Thank you...Ingo."
He wasted no time in being with his omega scooting himself on the bed, fingers in your hair and holding you close to him, his chin nuzzling on the top of your head. Light touches slowly, gliding up and down on your back. With a smile,e you nuzzled your head into his chest.
Hearing his heartbeat drum on almost made you forget about the pooling desire in your core.
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sa1808fi · 10 months
Okay, I have a Lego movie Rex Lives au (I mean it's more of him being teleported back to his timeline) that I want to know people's thoughts on because I want to see if I should expand on it and make it a whole thing. 
(Get ready for a long ass rant)
This idea kind of snowballed from a fic idea I thought up a few weeks ago. But I guess the basic summary is that when Rex wakes up back in his timeline (The Rexcelsior and Raptors come too) he at some point comes into contact with Watevra, which she figures out he's her creator? Dad? pretty quickly. After a while, they just end up talking it out and forming some kind of familial relationship. 
At some point, Watevra and Batman decide to redo their wedding because the first one was a rush, and they've now spent a couple years together, really getting their relationship going. But Watevera decides to invite Rex (Her dad?) because he wasn't there the first time round (Keep in mind at this point Lucy and the others don't know that Rex is Emmet). 
So during the whole wedding, Lucy, Sweet Mayhem, and the others notice this one really tough and broody-looking dude that's mostly sticking to himself hovering in the less crowded places, and Rex just sticks out like a sore thumb in the systarian party with his dark colors and attitude compared to all of the bright cheerful pop. 
Now everyone is getting weird vibes from Rex and he feels very familiar to them but they don't know why, it gets even weirder for them when they see Watevra constantly go up to him, acting all buddy-buddy with Rex, and he does relax to some degree whenever she shows up, mostly to provide him comfort as the only person there that he can really talk to (Lucy and the others is still a big no-no for him). 
After a few more minutes around the time the party is dying down a bit, they do go up to the two and ask about Watevra's new friend, not really noticing the tension in Rex. I'm still figuring out how but they find out he was Emmet at some point when he's leaving (Maybe i'll have Watevra say something like 'bye dad' and they figure it out from there) and the rest is still in the ideas stage. 
Now this is where the AU really kicks off
The fanfic idea up above is something thats probably going to happen maybe more later in the fic or series or however the fuck i'm going to do it.
Most of this Au that I have in mind is me fixating on the Galaxy Defender part of Rex's job list. Now because that is a reference to Chris Pratt’s role in guardians of the galaxy, and I absolutely love the idea of giving Rex a crew of people that he’s probably get up to so many shenanigans with.
I still want to keep the raptors around because I still feel like they are a big part of Rex as a person, but now they can chill out more and be like over glorified pets (Not that Rex would ever admit it). 
I don’t really want to spoil too many of my ideas, I think I mostly want to flesh out the plot line, characters, relationships and how things are gonna go before I make any real solid promises, but I will gladly answer any questions about this Au of mine that I’ve been wanting to expand on. 
I might write more on this later, but for now this is all I’ve got.
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