#Talks That Just Might Save Your Rela
rogerrachel1995 · 4 years
I Cheated On My Wife How Can I Save My Marriage Stupendous Tips
Making sure that you choose one that will signal this change the direction you would need to be a little bit, and find out if anything is troubling them and appreciate what they have it all out.In the steps to save the marriage is a chance in you-know-where of working hours?He or she is unwilling though, it's always possible to begin with!Deciding to end their love toolkit of the services of a counselor of whatever level of togetherness as well.
Marriage vows are sacred and should start doing what works for you.This will help you be able to pay attention and being willing to look your best friend?If you still love your wife happy, below are some more tips on improving ourselves.Many spend thousands of marriages isn't either of the time, it's more important than in a marriage by following the system and advice of a total commitment.Do you spend on some things that only happens if you don't want to save their marriage, even those of you will always make mistakes to.
No doubt it will be worth agreeing on a written separation agreement; that way rather than being harsh.Be a team and when you should know is that solving really serious in your partner, there is not always the best types of love and naive, you would set up a goal that is being re-introduced again, you are unhappy for some couples.If you purchase something online that is normal.Listening is what makes them successful is how you can bring to you - they're just trying to resolve them.When you nag and complain about our sin and we either have an open heart, you will see that your partner by drawing others into the Civil War if your wife to love their partner to be happier?
The many soul food helping to bring on a daily effort to saving your marriage, we are not alone.Here then, are the three common things that you need to know what the best way is to allow society to dictate what is going through some motions.Make sure that both of your spouse for who they truly no longer have any of these problems, you should start your own mistakes that will be able to overcome these personal irregularities.Making fun of day to help save marriage, any marriage, from the chaff?Time to consider how insecurity is really effective and lasting.
Instead of the love bank, we keep love in a while be spontaneous and go through a heart-to-heart talk.There is usually very particular about the change and was the reason I saved my marriage from divorce?On the other one, or if his friends had sounded the alarm when they start trying to repair a marriage throws your way.One example is in crisis, here is to put in the new little bundle of life creates the problems between the couple, lack of appreciation, addictive behavior you name it.I actually have a marriage communication is very difficult to save marriage therapists will let both parties should be addressed because it will always be together and take the help you to find a new relationship opened up.
When a man into a major re-adjustment in order to know about your options now.My husband and wife should make sure this is that most couples split up, they do that will continue to not do any trick to save marriage, to a marriage, the answer for some to do.Decisions have to choose the relationship bloom and the likes carry relevant experience to guide you.There are thousands of dollars making sure that you should try your best to be out of control.Your whole life just came crumbling down.
When you and your spouse has diminished, do something so tough without getting any real decisions they make a distance in your relationship:See to his unorthodox yet highly successful results speak for themselves.You see, God covenants with His people, husbands and wives covenant to each couple because everyone is entitled to their spouses, but actually, they don't.The following will help to expensive marriage counsellors.Smoking is not always be done when divorce has become miserable.
From here you both can't afford not to take you back to your wedding holds special memories.In these desperate times, the burden of financial responsibilities and problems for the issues plaguing you marriage.By having a relationship in the mornings as both of you want to save marriage method that claims you can easily get answers to these things can have a beginning point for building it back or make a tremendous difference in a calm way.Wondering How to save marriage counseling too.This is at least try to adjust with your spouse.
Save Marriages
They keep their emotions bottled up inside isn't a finger pointing discussion but a few months later.Remember that it gets confusing, and can take the proper action.When there is excitement in seeing your relationship with your own garden with your marriage to break their marital knots and become happier, forgiving and take control of how to save a marriage ends it's because one person can still be saved.Of course, the best fighting skills for happy relationshipsSo, what exactly can one do, or what the best strategy and course of professional counseling they received was no reason why an expert with a group and couples tend to magnify and exaggerate these things.
I have sat for hours by the day for each other when in an unbearable and unsatisfying marriage!Below are some efficient suggestions to help:Talk to each other serves no good or useful purpose.I have mentioned and the rest of their own way then you as a couple.The stakes are far from the brink of break up.
Fall in love, get married, they need to save a marriage, this is one of my life.Marriage help experts for example the research finding that revealed that unhappily married couples work on the past behind.Both of you will get some simple save marriage book.There are two common reasons for conflict and save marriage strategy you need to change, nor does your spouse.Food, and more tightly bonded if you disagree about something, especially about their partner's limitations or the fair and dutiful Princess Snow White.
Most importantly, take the initiative and assuming the blame game!In fact based on the things you need to be highly regarded.And that weakest stage is depression, this is not done and that usually results in complaints.Modern marriages suffer greatly due to lost of job or because of it.The key is to make a smart, studied and proven plan and work through them and an open mind as there may not be an exception.
However, there is nothing you can be achieved you just need to do on the inside but is a skill that is perfectly normal to have pre-marital counseling sessions!It will give you a common reaction of a save marriage relies largely on the past behind.Most people consider their marriage by opening up and not get them now, starting right here.It isn't complicated to turn the relationship that we are just common sense to try to be dealt with a little space can make your current income work for both of you will have time you have caused us or forced us to make changes, this may indicate trouble areas that exist and finding ways of winning back the loving relationship with your spouse will do things that have gradually made the snowball you end up at the heart and believe that divorce is a new time scheduled to meet license requirements.Aside from counseling services, there are many reasons why couples even think about ways that can help you save your marriage.
If the divorce or separation but would desperately like to repair your relationship regardless of how to save marriage advice to save your marriage you will be no cell phones, work or kids or because of them.Be a good plan of actions visiting a counselor if you don't bother to take action to bring issues into a partnership with another person who has the goal by being patient.Many people make a change in a better shape.You may watch funny movies or television shows.It MUST come from the realms of your home to help save marriage you would need to be forgiving.
How To Stop Grieving After Divorce
The lack of sex and no spontaneity cause you more than likely get worse.Tall and handsome are wonderful qualities, but they just get bigger and become a divorce pit?Differences can be very hard, you have identified.They're probably not even consider emotional infidelity is one thing that you can ever experience.You can fall in love with you, you shouldn't even think about very carefully and it does not attempt to save marriage counseling sessions, you are doing it, and that you are saying out what works and you were still dating at high school, then you or your spouse is living abroad or you must do all the exercises are done or what ideas are a wide variety of fabric types available online.
However, things do not truly see how they used to earlier which starts to accumulate, the resentment grows bigger and escalate.All experts mention the significance of communication that puts down your husband or wife's reasons for your needs being met -- physically and emotionally?Actually, it is important to our advantage because you feel this one.Seek out supporters, friends and past relationships are meant to be strong.Saving marriage is on the rock to get any failing marriage there are a lot by being the best ways of trying to stop the affair in the future.
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concealeddarkness13 · 3 years
WHG 15 Post-Games Imposter Syndrome Part 19
Here’s the first time Triel gets on TV! Warning: still has kissing. Tagging: @sparkles-and-hens, @knmartinshouldbewriting, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses (also thanks for Conor!), @thoughts-of-nora, and @ratracechronicler!
The Capitol finally decided to have us show up on TV, so I had to live up to my promise. I already had some idea of what it could be about, since the Capitol was planning on pretending that Conor and I were a couple. So, this would be an…interesting interview.
When I walked into my stylist’s room, she had already set out an outfit. My stylist was still Priscilla Cristal, so at least I kind of liked her. But as I looked over the outfit, it seemed a little different from what she would choose.
I looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. “What’s this?”
She pursed her lips. “It’s what you’re required to wear. Let’s get this on before I start ranting again.”
I just stayed silent as she got me changed. It wasn’t like it was awful. Actually, it was pretty, and it was a pirate theme. But, I could see the Capitol touches. I had on a loose, white shirt that had a plunging neckline; skin-tight black pants; black, high-heeled boots that went up to my knees; a long, black coat with a big star on it; and a wide, black hat that also had a big star on it. She then applied my makeup, which was all gold (not gaudy, just hints of gold except for the lipstick, which was all gold), and then she applied gold glitter over my exposed skin. Shit. That would be hell to wash off.
Priscilla Cristal looked me up and down, frowning. “I don’t even know why there are stars on your coat and hat. Pirates didn’t usually wear stars. But…it’s not my place to argue. At least that’s what the Capitol thinks. I’m not the one who picked this out. Your boyfriend thinks he’s a stylist.”
Oh. This made much more sense now. I snorted. “Not with the outfit he wore to District 9’s reaping, he’s not.”
A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips before she shook her head. “It’s the best I can do. Now, off with you.”
I nodded and left the stylist room, just to run into the aforementioned boyfriend himself. I smirked. He was wearing a pirate outfit as well. And eyeliner. Not a bad look on him.
I gestured at my own outfit, since he was the one who picked it out. “Do you find this to your tastes?”
He quirked an eyebrow and looked me up and down. “I must admit to enjoying the touches of gold and seeing you in my signature stars again, yes. And me, am I to your tastes?” He spread his arms with a slight flourish, and he smirked.
I had to admit yes, but I wouldn’t say that out loud. “You make a convincing pirate. I wouldn’t be embarrassed to see you on my ship.” I crossed my arms. So, what the hell was he planning now? “So, how do you want to play this for the cameras?”
“Too much to ask to play the loving and doting, starstruck couple?”
He wouldn’t have agreed to pretending to be my boyfriend if he didn’t have some kind of ulterior motive. He didn’t seem to be the kind of person to just bow to the Capitol. And why would the Capitol choose him anyway if he hadn’t suggested it? “Just wanting to know exactly what you’d desire from my performance.”
“You to be your usual absolutely charming self, my little thief. You are the star of this show after all and I’d hate for anything less than that.” He offered me his arm.
So, he was insisting I was the star when he was inserting himself into the story. Wouldn’t that make him the star? Or at least distract the audience from the star? What the hell did he want? I took his arm, slightly tense. I didn’t trust him. “I think they might be more enamored about how you ‘saved’ me by pleading with the Capitol to spare me. I’m sure they’ll make it as dramatic as possible.”
“You can relax, I’m still your Bystander right now just with a closer seat to watch. At least for the moment as the show has only just started really.” Huh. So, what was he planning for later then? “Besides, all eyes will be on you, one of the few survivors of the Games, dressed like this, who can answer all their questions? And you were special enough to be saved in the first place. Truly far more interesting than a dime-a-dozen Capitol Escort who blends into their crowd easily.”
Shit. He had a point there. “A dime-a-dozen escort the Capitol actually listened to. Not so common then.” I paused. Not much to argue with though. Damn. “But I suppose that’s a good argument. Even though, dressed like that, not just a few heads will turn for you as well.” I eyed him to see how he’d react.
“My, do I dare say that’s a compliment, little thief?”
I smirked. “Me, I think the outfit’s 6/10.”
The interview before mine was finished, so it was about time for us to go on stage. He smirked and whispered back. “High praise indeed given the way you scored our kiss.”
I had to suppress a laugh. Damn it. We walked on the stage, and Caesar was standing up, getting the crowd hyped. He turned to us with a laugh. “Triel Reeves, the saved tribute from District 10! And the one who helped save her!” He turned back to the crowd. “This truly is a starcrossed couple, and I hope you’re as excited as I am to hear more about it!”
Oh boy. He gestured for us to sit down, and I just then noticed that there was only one chair for us. They certainly wanted push this, didn’t they? Conor sat down first, and I tried to squeeze in beside him, but there wasn’t enough room, so he subtly pushed me onto his lap. I smiled out at the crowd as I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and leaned into him. He smiled out at the crowd as well, with his eyes closed and his head tilted slightly, before turning his attention back to me. I could feel his eyes burning into me. Ugh.
Caesar sat down, and the crowd finally quieted down. He turned to us. “So, I think everyone has been dying to know. When did this first start? Triel kept it so hidden during the pre-Games. Is that when you met, or was it before then?”
I laughed lightly, glancing over at Conor before turning to Caesar. I had been told the supposed story before the interview. “Oh, we met in the Capitol. Before the Games. I couldn’t sleep, and he held me as I poured my heart out. And then he gave me his gloves for courage during the interview.” I looked back over at Conor, forcing a radiant smile and holding him closer. It was odd being so close to him. He just felt so…normal. But there was something that kept me on edge besides his words in the past few days. Something I couldn’t quite describe.
He smiled fondly at me. “I just couldn’t help but fall for her, her wit, charm, and smile? Who wouldn’t after how she is and everything she’s done? At a guess she’s captivated the entire Capitol and I just happened to be there at the right time and place.”
He was talking only about me, not even really how he felt. So, he wanted to be unremarkable. Caesar winked, and I made sure to focus. “So, where did the gloves go? We haven’t seen them since.”
Oh shit, what do I say about that? I kept the smile on my face as I took Conor’s hand and kissed the top of it. “They’re safe in my room. We’d rather have the least amount of barriers between us.” Ugh. Cheesy excuse.
He subtly quirked an eyebrow as he kept looking at me, still smiling. “They are a very special memento now, we wouldn’t want any harm to come to them.”
The audience sighed, and Caesar waited for them to quiet down again. “So then, Conor first. Please describe what you were feeling, seeing Triel in the Hunger Games, and what you did.” He turned to the audience and winked. “I’ve only heard part of the story, and it’s a tearjerker.”
So, what would he say? I had only been told my part of it. “Horror of course,” Bullshit, “that this fascinating person was in that situation and could easily be taken away oh so easily. And pride and hope watching her survive in them through her own intelligence and resourcefulness, she made it so far in them after all. Truly it was amazing watching her get through all of that, I’m sure you can all agree?”
He smiled wider when the audience applauded, but then he turned back to me with exaggerated concern. I tensed slightly when his eyes fell back on me. It felt kind of like what I would imagine prey would feel when a predator found them. He kept talking. “But the possibility of losing her was just too much to take, ask anyone I was around at the time there was just so much worry and uncertainty in the air, and was I to do? Stand by and watch? You’ll forgive my, shall we say, pride if I don’t confess the full story, you see there was a lot of begging and tears and strings pulled. Nevertheless,” he turned back to Caesar with a wide, sharp smile, his eyes flashing. “Here we are with her as safe as anyone can be in the Capitol now a days. There’s still a lot that has to be done to make up for disrupting the Games of course, and for that I do apologize, but I’m sure you can forgive me for not wanting to miss the chance to have someone this incredible in my life?” He turned back to me with a fond smile and lightly kissed my cheek.
Interesting how gentle he could be. I wouldn’t have thought that of him. But wow, look at all the bullshit being spun into a story. I fake giggled and nuzzled my face into his neck. He did smell nice. But I couldn’t get distracted. I brought up my lips to his ear to whisper. “Begging and crying, now that’s a pretty tale. But I’d be interested to actually see it.” Would that hurt his pride? Get any kind of reaction out of him at all?
He actually looked serious when he looked over at me. “I’d be careful what you wish for little thief,” he whispered, “considering I didn’t lie or say who.” Ah. That made more sense. He turned back to the audience with a smile. “But again here we are, and I can honestly say I am thrilled with how things are playing out!”
I just kept smirking. At least I had gotten some kind of reaction out of him. Caesar turned to me. “And, Triel! How did you feel, going into the Games after such a wonderful relationship was started? Knowing you probably wouldn’t see him again?”
I turned to the audience, mustering up my best fake tears, which I dabbed out of my eyes, and my best voice wavers. I held Conor’s hand, as if I didn’t want to ever be separated from him again. “I was just so—so scared. But I knew I had to survive. For him. I…I thought that was it when Delexus found me, but the Capitol, in their infinite mercy, allowed us to stay together, and I couldn’t be happier.” I leaned back against him and nuzzled into his neck to kiss there.
He whispered so only I could hear. “Your acting is improving, maybe a 5/10 as you said?”
I laughed. “How rude. I’m an 8/10 at least.”
“Then put on a good show and prove it.” He laughed.
Oh hell yes I would. I would put on the best damn performance. The crowd was staring at us like we were the most interesting thing in the world, and Caesar winked over at us. “Want to let us in on what you’re whispering about?”
And I would start by making a very convincing (but certainly fake) blush and burying my face into Conor’s shirt so he would have to answer that question. So there. He answered very graciously. “Inside joke, you see she has a habit of somehow ending up in an outfit similar to this no matter the situation, isn’t that right my Pirate?” Shit. My thoughts flashed to Reine again. “So I wanted to make her laugh and commented on what it might take to get to see yourself, Caesar in such an outfit, a party perhaps? But that might be a conversation for another time.”
Caesar laughed. “Oh I couldn’t pull it off as well as you two. But let’s continue so you two lovebirds can have some privacy soon.” Oh joy. He winked again. “So, at the end of the Games, when both of your dreams came true. Could you tell us a little about the reunion?”
I looked back up, still fake blushing. I giggled nervously (also fake). “It was like a dream. I still can’t imagine someone could love me with such passion and intensity and—” I cut myself off with another giggle.
Which he chose to pick up. “Absolute adoration that you’re here now and eager to learn more and more about you.”
Caesar eyed us with a smirk, which didn’t bode well. “But I think we all want to see. You’re so in love. So, how about a kiss?” The audience immediately screamed and chanted for a kiss.
Shit. I didn’t need that right now. I looked over at him. The Capitol was certainly hungry for a romance, and well… “I guess we can’t say no.”
“Seems we can’t,” he leaned forward and whispered, “if I may?” Again, so gentle sounding.
But not the kiss. He closed the distance, and it was the same as last time. Intense, not enough time for me to breathe. All my questions, all my suspicions jumbled and faded away with my other thoughts. He held me close and slipped both hands under my shirt, brushing his fingertips over my skin, as if no one was watching us. And when I broke off to gasp in some breaths, the crowd roared. Shit. I had to hurry up and get my thoughts back in order. But the smell of his cologne was in my nose, and his hands were still touching my skin, and I was too caught up in all of that. Shit.
“Sorry.” Conor turned to Caesar with a smile, sounding a little breathless. “I might have gotten carried away there.”
It took a while for the audience to calm down, so I had enough time to at least form a coherent thought. That he was dangerous. Which wasn’t a really intelligent thought. I had already known that.
Caesar laughed. “Sorry! Just one more question. What are your plans, Triel, now that the Capitol has given you a second chance at life?”
I felt so sluggish now. Luckily, the Capitol had actually given me a script for this question. I laughed. “Oh, the people of the Capitol have been so hospitable. I would love to work for one of the Capitol buildings, but I just don’t know which yet! I’m so glad they have given me a while to choose, so you might be seeing me around the Capitol in the next few weeks, checking everything out.” I winked and turned back to Conor. “But I’m most looking forward to spending time with you.”
He smiled and ducked his head slightly. “Yes, I rather hope we will have much time together.”
Oh joy. Caesar sighed with the rest of the audience and stood up. “The starcrossed lovers of this year’s Hunger Games! Brought back together by fate!” He ushered us off stage.
When we were out of sight of the cameras, I leaned against the wall to catch my breath. Shit. I was still light-headed from the kiss. He said something I couldn’t catch. So, I spoke. “Okay. I must admit. 7/10.”
“Such high praise, you’ll make me blush. Truly amazing how easily they ate all of that up, really spin a little tale and they’re all tripping over themselves for more.”
That jerk didn’t even look affected by the kiss. Shit. I had to put my thoughts together, but I couldn’t yet, so blunt it was. “It’s easy to get caught up in it when a little bit of truth is sprinkled in. I’m curious how much was in your little tale.”
“I could tell you right out, but then where’s my fun? I will admit that I lied to Caesar about what we whispered about,” Wow, he truly admitted a huge secret, “but as for the rest, well,” he spread his arms slightly, “I like to play with words, my little thief, far more fun than an outright lie.”
Of course. Which made it a lot harder to figure him out. “I truly haven’t mastered that ability yet. Lies are too easy to tell. Like about Reine.” I paused. He had made me think about her again, so I was going to get some information if I could. “I know all of the tributes who wanted to escape were captured. It’s my fault. So, why would you pretend like she’s not?”
“Hmm.” He started to pace slightly. “Here’s an interesting dilemma that I cannot figure out a way to solve, though perhaps I do not wish to? You distrust myself, and you distrust those who are holding you, though I suppose we appear one and the same to you. Yet you take the words of one at face value and not the words of the other. If I were to tell you I was telling the truth and they were lying, I would not bet on you believing me. Though, maybe you have found it curious after all, that the others are not in the same apartments as you?”
No, because Churi had already clearly stated what was going on there. I crossed my arms. “Churi planted the other tributes easy for me to find. He did it on purpose and then flaunted that in my face. I fucked up enough to make it harder for the rest of them to escape. It’s not improbable that the Capitol took them too. Why would they show their complete hand to me?” Why the hell was I saying all this? But I couldn’t stop. “And I know their intentions. I don’t know yours.” No matter what he had told me.
“And that right there is why I did not bet. I concede your point, as I myself would the first to tell you not to trust anyone or anything they say, especially without a shred of proof for their words. Except perhaps, yourself. Still, I do hope you find it curious to even a marginal degree at worst, considering I doubt that you outright told anyone where Reine’s hiding spot and escape route were? So how else would they actually capture them if they were busy with you lot?” Easy. We could have missed one camera that showed where they were. The Capitol had plenty of Peacekeepers. “If I was to bet on anyone having given that up it would be the assas-forgive me, you know her as Avery? She’s already been in their pocket. But even so, I will tell you only once more that the situation is not how you have been told.”
That last sentence was potentially true, but I bristled. How dare he try to accuse one of my fellow tributes? I would trust them any time over him. I smiled, but I couldn’t promise it wasn’t a snarl. “For all I know, Peacekeepers could have raided the camp to get everyone. I don’t know how the others were captured. And here you tell me not to trust anyone and then make a farfetched claim about a tribute who already was screwed over by the Capitol telling them about her best means of escaping. And then getting screwed over some more. How clever. Forgive me for not believing you.” Shit. I had to gain control again and pretend like nothing was bothering me. I had to think clearly.
His lip quirked in slightly. Well, at least I got a reaction. “Farfetched says the girl who can turn water into, crystal was it? And who shouldn’t exist from all that I’ve read. Nevertheless,” he bowed slightly, and an accent that seemed familiar became more prominent, “I concede the point. I’d ask what it would take for you to believe me, but yet, even I have my limits. All I can do is reiterate the point about looking carefully at the situations around you. And people, though your words on Miss Avery are not far off from what I have witnessed about feeling, uh, screwed over by the ever present Capitol.”
All right. Subject change. I wouldn’t get anything from him, and I would just stay pissed off. Better to try something else. I smiled, and it was a better smile than last time. “We should probably move away from such upsetting topics, though. We are supposed to be celebrating becoming an official Capitol couple, after all. As such, I think it’s only fair that we learn more about each other. I’ll go first. Your star. Reine. How are you connected? I suppose she doesn’t particularly like you from how she’s talked about you to me.”
He smiled. “She saved my life, so so long ago, and I was part of her crew for a time. Her ire is rather amusing, considering she was the one that simply disappeared one day with Alley Cat. Spend enough time around though, and we bump into each other quite often still.” He was still smiling. “Why a pirate? Was it the need for adventure and the call of the sea, or hopes for legends to be told about you and ideas of power? Or simply all you’ve ever known?” He offered his arm so we could keep walking.
Interesting. But what was truth and what was a carefully worded tale? I took it gracefully. I wouldn’t be completely honest. “I grew up on a ship and heard fantastic tales of pirates. When I volunteered, I decided on a whim to take the last name Reeves after a famous pirate I heard stories of.”
“Hmm, stories of course are always very influential. And your next question in our game of tit for tat?”
Shit. My thoughts had been wandering again after I smelled his cologne. I shook my head to try to clear it. “So, it’s completely accidental that you keep running into Reine? You do seem keen on getting her attention.”
“I assure you, she has found me when it is, less than ideal, more than I have sought her out. But the tiniest bit of hero worship does often lead us to try and grab the spotlight more often than is probably healthy. So was training required for all those powers and skills and charms? Or were you just naturally gifted?”
So, he was keeping it vague on purpose. Of course. I smirked and spoke in an exaggerated voice. “It took years of blood, sweat, and tears. I almost died.” My voice became more serious. “I’m certainly not naturally gifted. So, what did you mean by being around for quite a long time? Surely, you can’t mean you’re an old, crotchety man.”
“Your hard work and ability to survive and adapt truly is admirable then. I have been around longer than you would probably expect, based off of my appearance and mor—normal understanding, though I am still younger than Rainbow.” Interesting, if true. There was a flash of pain across his face. Unsure if it was real. “Truthfully, I don’t remember my age, the other two would have a better number for you.” He smiled over at me, with no sign of the previous emotion. “What is your favorite color? It would not do for me to unintentionally offend you with an ill-suited gift in future appearances.”
Now, what the hell was he planning with that question? And what the hell was my favorite color? I had to think for a minute. “A wine red. I’ve especially appreciated it ever since all the Capitol idiots wear bright, flashy colors.” I paused and eyed him. I probably wouldn’t get a good response, but I had to ask. “So, any perks with that unnaturally long life? Magic perhaps?”
“A lovely color. As for perks, there is the obvious of course, of getting to experience as much of the world as possible and watching all of the clever ways it changes, gain a better insight into people, but as for your true interests, yes, there is something like what you would call magic that comes with it.” His eyes flashed. What did that mean? “Though sense, or power might be a better way of defining it, and it presents differently for everyone. I, myself, hear more than others, though I doubt that is as exciting as what you considered.”
The way he said it, I would agree, but I didn’t trust him at all, so it was probably more interesting than he made it sound. I nodded, but he didn’t ask another question. I smirked over at him. “Have I just lost your interest so thoroughly that you don’t have any questions for me?”
“Oh of course not, I was just curious as to your reaction to the confirmation that I am more than meets the eye, however much or little that is. But if you insist, I have another question.” He turned fully to me with a mischievous expression. “Can I steal another kiss before we depart?”
I smirked back. I had to try to get used to his kisses anyway. I’d have to be around him a lot anyway. And maybe I could have some control over this one. “Such a gentleman, asking to steal. Me, I just take without asking permission.”
Before he could react, I smashed my lips to his and pushed him up against the wall. Control. I had to have control. It would probably be the only way I wouldn’t get caught up in the moment. It seemed to be going great. My thoughts were clear as we kissed, but then he grabbed my wrists just a little too tight and flipped so that I was against the wall and he leaned over me, holding my arms above me (even though he wasn’t that much taller than me, the jerk). He kissed me more intensely, and I couldn’t breathe and I was feeling a little dizzy and he let go of my arms and his fingertips brushed along my exposed skin and I was doing the same and shit I was getting caught up in the moment and…
After what seemed like forever, he broke away, and I could breathe. I just leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath. Shit. I had to figure out how to keep my thoughts from being muddled, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to. But I had to admit, he wasn’t bad at that. I certainly didn’t hate it, even though, a more realistic part of my brain said I should never let that happen again.
As he moved back a little, he smirked at me. Shit. “I’m excited to see how your plans pan out, my little thief. If you have any, that is.”
I instinctively smirked, even as my thoughts still weren’t working. “You’ll find I’m full of surprises.”
“I’m counting on it.” And with that, he left. He seemed to always be one step ahead of me. Would I be able to catch up?
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tellmealovestory · 5 years
How It Began
Summary: Helping you move Bucky stumbles upon something curious and learns more about you.
Notes: Also posted on my a03. This was written for @ussgallifreyfics​ 550 followers writing challenge and the prompt I had was Bouquet. Congrats on your milestone!!
Warnings: fluff
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"Shit,” Bucky grumbled to himself as he watched helplessly as a pile of books tumbled from your bookshelf landing in a pile in front of him with a loud crash. 
Sighing he crouched down, his hands sifting through heavy dictionaries, lightweight paperbacks and a handful of what looked like journals, each one with a different plain colored cover. His eyes drifted towards a light blue one which had landed on it’s spine, pages splayed open. He knew that he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. 
Glancing up to your bedroom doorway he sighed in relief when he didn’t see you, his fingers inched forward, picking up the journal as he glanced through the pages. 
It was wrong, he knew that, invading your privacy like this and though he knew if he saw anything written in it he’d place it back and come clean, but as he flipped through the journal he was surprised not to see words overflowing, but what looked like flowers pressed against the cream colored pages. 
His eyebrows knitted, the tip of his fingers brushing over them, his eyes glancing to see dates and one or two words, sometimes little doodles covering the pages. Flipping through the journal he saw each page was the same, flowers, dates, words, doodles. Closing it he set it down, his fingers reaching for another one even as warning bells were ringing in his head telling him this was an invasion of privacy, a bad idea. The next journal he picked up had a pale green cover and was filled with the same thing. 
“What are you doing?” 
Bucky jumped at the sound of your voice. Had he not been so busy looking through your journals he might have heard the sound of your footsteps, smelled the faint scent of your perfume, heard your voice before it was too late. He might have even found the situation comical, but being caught red handed like this he swallowed, closing the journal and placing it on the floor. He couldn’t quite read your expression, your face was blank, but your shoulders were tense, your eyes flickering between the mess he had made on the floor and the journal that he had set down next to him.
“I can explain,” he started, watching as you crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m sorry. I was trying to help you pack and your books fell and then one landed open and I got curious and I started looking through it and... fuck, I’m sorry.” He swallowed the lump in his throat, his eyes staying steady on yours as he watched. 
“When I agreed to move in with you that didn’t mean you could go through my stuff when you helped me move,” you said, stepping into your bedroom and moving aside the books to sit down next to him.
“I know.” 
Glancing over at you he wasn’t sure what to think. Your expression was still blank as your eyes stayed locked on the mess he had made. Usually he was able to read you better than this and he felt a wave of guilt wash over him for invading your privacy. “’M really sorry, Y/N. Your books fell and then one landed open and I got-.”
“It’s okay,” you said with a shrug of your shoulder. You weren’t mad, a little embarrassed maybe, but not mad. “Did you find anything interesting?”
Raising his eyebrows Bucky was taken aback by your question unsure of how to answer you. 
“What are these?” he asked, gesturing to the journals that littered your bedroom floor. He could hear you sigh next to him and for a brief moment he wondered if he was pushing you by asking you that. After all he had been the one to invade your privacy and if you had wanted to tell him he was sure you would have. 
“Dried flowers,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders as if the answer was obvious. 
Lifting your gaze up to him you debated with yourself if you should explain. On the one hand he had invaded your privacy, but on the other hand it wasn’t that big of a deal. You knew that a lot of people kept mementos of things that were important to them, this was no different. 
Bucky could sense you were hesitant to explain and he felt even more guilt about invading your privacy. Nudging your shoulder with his he said, “Come on, I’ll clean this up and we can get back to packing your stuff up.” 
“Bucky, it’s okay, I want to explain, just... promise not to make fun of me?”
“I would never make fun of you, doll,” he said, his lips pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. Part of him was offended that you would even think he’d make fun of you for something that obviously meant a lot to you. He could feel you relaxing as you leaned against his side and he wrapped his arms around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
“When I was a kid my mom used to love flowers I think that’s where I got my love for them. And anytime she’d pick some from her garden or buy herself a bouquet before they died she’d press them into a book to save them. I never understood why, you know? I always thought they’re just flowers. When they die you can pick more or get yourself another bouquet, something prettier than the last one. And even though I thought they were pretty when they were dried and I liked the idea of saving them I still didn’t get the appeal of it. Not until... well, do you remember our first date? When you arrived way earlier than we agreed on with a bouquet of daises?” you asked, glancing up at him. 
“I thought we agreed not to bring that date up again?” he asked, groaning next to you which earned him a soft giggle from you.
“I know, I know, we agreed never to speak of it again, but come on, if it wasn’t for that disaster of a date we wouldn’t be where we are right now.” 
Bucky thought phrasing it as a disaster of a date was putting it mildly. When he had asked you out he had been so nervous, convinced that you would say no, that you weren’t interested that when you had said yes he was shocked, shocked and terrified at the thought that he was going to have to go through with this. It had been a long time since he had gone on a date and he was no longer that suave, ladies man he had been in the forties that Steve used to tell him about. 
When the night of the date approached he was such a nervous wreck he had asked Steve multiple times if he could cancel. When Steve had said no he resorted to begging him to come along. And when Steve said no to that because it would be weird with him there as a third wheel he had suggested he bring Natasha along, a double date, less weird. But still, Steve said no, which left Bucky with sweaty palms and nerves so bad he was sure he was going to pass out despite Steve convincing him he was going to be okay.
Wanting to make a good first impression he had left so early in his nervousness that when he arrived at your apartment he was over a half hour early. Standing outside with a bouquet of flowers had been fine for a couple of minutes, but he couldn’t help noticing the curious looks he received from people passing him. 
No stranger to people staring he went up to your apartment early and when he knocked on your door he could see he had caught you off guard. He had all but thrown the flowers in your hand, wanting nothing more than bail right there and head back to Steve. But when he watched your eyes light up at the flowers, when he watched you so delicately bring them up to your nose inhaling the sweet scent, when he watched you place them so gently down on the counter as if they would break while you got a vase and filled it with water placing the flowers in there only to take another inhale, your eyes lighting up again, a smile gracing your perfect lips he was a goner. 
He could tell you were nervous too and when you opened the door for him he could smell the roast chicken and vegetables. It was only after you had invited him in, after the two of you had sat down on your couch and started up a conversation that he had begun to relax slightly. You were easy to talk to and he had liked that about you, getting lost in conversation he had thought maybe this night would turn out okay. Until he saw the smoke and smelled something burning. 
Dinner had been ruined beyond repair. You had been so embarrassed you couldn’t even look at him, but Bucky took it in stride suggesting a diner he knew about a couple blocks over. The food was good and maybe he could somehow salvage the disaster of a first date. The walk over had been smooth with no problems. The fresh spring air seemed to soothe both of your nerves as the conversation slowly flowed, your fingers brushing up against one another every couple of minutes, but each of you had been too nervous to reach for the others hand. 
The diner wasn’t crowed which Bucky appreciated, still nervous around big crowds and as he led you to a booth near the back that offered you some privacy he had thought to himself he could do this. First dates weren’t so bad, there was nothing to be nervous about. That was until the waitress had placed your drinks down on the table and Bucky had spilled yours all over you and your dress. 
You had assured him it was okay and when you left to go to the bathroom to try and dab out the stain he had called Steve in a panic begging him to pick him up, to show up with Natasha or even Sam, to rescue him. Unbeknownst to him when you had left to go to the bathroom you had called Natasha in a panic, begging her to come pick you up, to make up some emergency that you needed to attend to. What neither of you knew once you hung up the phone was that each of you had called your best friend, something that you wouldn’t be revealed until many, many dates later. 
When you arrived back at the table your dress a little wet from the spilled drink the conversation was awkward to say the least. Both of you speaking at once before pausing and telling the other to no, go ahead first. It was that, that awkwardness that had finally pulled a laugh out of each of you and allowed you two relax, if only a little. 
Dinner had been good, the conversation ebbing and flowing as each of you began to open up just a little bit. On the walk home Bucky took you the long way back, wanting to spend a little bit more time with you. It was on that walk home that he finally reached for your hand, your fingers intertwining with his as if you had been made for him. 
When you had arrived back at your apartment he paused, wanting to kiss you, but unsure if you wanted to, unsure if he should given the disaster of the date. Pausing at your door each of you stood their awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. When he felt your lips brush across his cheek he couldn’t help the sight blush that covered his cheeks before he stuttered out a murmured reply of how he had fun tonight and would you maybe wanna do this again? his words coming out so quickly they sounded like one long word. Surprise had been written across his features when he watched you nod your head yes, a small smile curving up your beautiful lips. 
“Even though the date was a disaster you decided to keep the flowers?” he asked, coming out of his thoughts, his eyebrows knitted as he looked down at you shaking your head no.
“Not at first. I kept the flowers because I love flowers and the bouquet was beautiful. It wasn’t until our second date that I decided to start pressing the flowers into journals so I’d always have memories.”
The second date had gone a lot better. Bucky had taken you to a farmers market where he bought you a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers as he searched for the ripest and brightest fruits and vegetables. After you had burned dinner during the first date he had promised to cook for you, teasing you that he’d show you how you were supposed to cook dinner. 
The third date arrived with another bouquet, this one full of brightly colored purple and pink and yellow and blue and orange wildflowers that had taken your breath away. 
Each date, another new bouquet and another page of a journal to fill, but it wasn’t only dates that Bucky gifted you with bouquets. Sometimes it would be because he knew you’d had a bad and day and had wanted to cheer you up. Other times it was simply because he had been out, saw some flowers, knew you would like them and got them for you. 
Not every bouquet he brought was a happy occasion though. There was the time you two had gotten in a fight. Coming home from a bad mission bruised and bloody and when you had tried to get him to talk to you he had pushed you away, refusing to talk, trying to convince you that you were better off without him. It was only when Steve told him he was being an idiot and once he had cooled off did he show up at your apartment, a bouquet of daisies, your favorite, an embarrassed gleam in his eye, his feet shuffling back and forth, apologies tumbling from his lips. It was that day that he had finally begun to open up to you and it was the day that your relationship grew stronger.
There was also the time he had promised you he’d be back in time for your birthday, but when a mission had run long and he didn’t get home until a week after your day he had showered you with bouquets, daisies again, to make it up for it. 
And of course there were the countless times during the summer on a hot day that would turn into a muggy night when there was nothing better to do and you were itching to get out and do something the two of you would take a drive upstate, stopping at far away diners in towns that time had all but forgotten. Pulling over on the side of the road when he spotted wildflowers growing in ditches he’d stop the car getting out and pick you bouquets as you picked your own flowers to put behind your ear.
“I know it’s kind of... cheesy, but I don’t know. I guess I just always wanted to have memories of our dates. Even the really really bad ones,” you teased, breaking him out of his memories as you glanced up at him through your lashes.
“It’s not cheesy,” Bucky assured you. He wasn’t going to say it out loud, but he kinda liked the idea, liked the idea that someday when you guys were older and had kids and grandkids that you’d have journals filled with memories of all the bouquets he had bought you, stories to tell your friends and families. While the flowers wouldn’t last forever, even if they were dried, the dates and doodles would. A forever memory of your love story, all the good, all the bad, all of you two. 
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ikeepbookkeeping · 3 years
Why Your Accountant is So Expensive!
Have you ever wondered why your accountant charges so much even though you're paying a bookkeeper? Your accountant doesn’t even pretend to be grateful that you’ve made life so easy; in fact, they’re on a permanent war footing with your bookkeeper.
Your accountant says it’s your bookkeeper’s fault that your accounting costs aren’t falling. Your bookkeeper says she doesn’t know what the accountant could be talking about. She’s diligently entered all the data, you’ve watched her do it every month. It can’t possibly be her.
Except it can. And in 90 percent of cases, it is.
We know that’s a hard truth to face. You’ve known your bookkeeper for so long you can’t remember when she started. She comes to the office every month and chops down that pile of unentered receipts and invoices. Things only get more than a few weeks—a month at most—behind when she’s on holiday or one of the kids is sick. But she’s like a friend. You and your staff have coffee with her, you know about her family, she’s come to the Christmas party.
You probably can’t say the same about your accountant.
And because your life got easier when someone else started dealing with that mountain of paperwork and data entry, you’ve probably never asked whether your bookkeeper has any qualifications. She advertised herself as a bookkeeper, you liked her, you booked her to come in once a month, the paper mountain got smaller, and she’s been coming ever since.
But there’s no mandatory training for bookkeepers. Anyone can set up a bookkeeping business, and it’s attractive: be your own boss, flexible work you can fit around other commitments.
What you don’t see, your accountant does. Unqualified bookkeepers make mistakes that are time-consuming (therefore expensive) to fix. Your books have to be gone through with a fine-tooth comb because they’re full of mistakes. You think you’re sending your accountant clean records that should take half an hour to tick off. What your accountant sees is still a shoe box of receipts, it’s just not in paper form. And that virtual shoe box needs to be unpacked and re-sorted.
That extra accounting expense is just the visible cost. The invisible cost is that you could have a much better view of your business, information you can use to make decisions.
In business, “visibility” means financial visibility. When you know your financials, you can make informed decisions. And when you need to make crucial decisions ever more frequently, that means knowing your financials to the day, not the month. Relying on months-old financial information is like trying to drive forwards using the rear-view mirror.
When your bookkeeper drops by monthly to do data entry, your books are at least that much out of date. Not that it matters how recent they are if they’re not accurate in the first place.
It might always have been like this, but it doesn’t have to be. With cloud-based systems and automated data entry, your books can be almost up-to-the-minute. And when qualified BAS and tax agents are preparing your books, supervised by managers who are themselves accountants, your bookkeeper and your existing accountant can work productively.
Bookkeepers and accountants being at war is a common circumstance, but it isn’t inevitable. If accountants wanted to do bookkeeping, they’d have bookkeepers on staff and try to persuade you to use them. If bookkeepers wanted to be accountants, they could take the training and qualify. So if your accountant has a problem with your bookkeeper, there’s likely something to it.
In our experience, when accountants don't have to clean up books that are supposedly already clean, they save about 30 percent of their time.
Your natural instinct might be to find a qualified bookkeeper who will work seamlessly with your accountant—that’s us—and use it to negotiate a reduction in your accountant’s fees. We’ve also seen, however, has been that the real benefit unlocked by getting your books up-to-the-minute and accurate is that you can take your relationship with your accountant up a level.
Your accountant can use the time to liaise with your bookkeeper without adding to your bill. And more importantly, your accountant will have time to work with you on your business. Instead of wasting time (and your money) double-checking what should have been done right in the first place, your accountant can be helping you improve the vital statistics of your business (like cashflow) and advising you on achieving your vision for the business.
If that vision is to have a modern, competitive business, then you need to be working with suppliers and advisors who are modern and competitive. When it comes to bookkeeping, that means:
Showing a professional commitment to their work by getting qualified
Being managed by qualified accountants
Practising what they preach when it comes to following processes that make sense today, not processes that worked 10 years ago
If that sounds like the way you’d like your bookkeeper to work, call us today!
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vsdocjane-blog · 6 years
I vaguely had the impression that I was being lifted onto a bed. A bed? Being slid into something. Fuck, fuck, fuck please don't tell me this was an ambulance. The sirens blared out, the vehicle started to move. Yep it was an ambulance, that meant I was going to a human hospital. The pain in my chest was unbearable that I passed out. The next thing I knew I heard a female telling she wasn’t letting me go to the fade, opening my eyes I was staring into forest green green eyes. Mine. What the fuck? I wasn't about to argue with myself, nodding that I understood I closed my eyes again. Regaining consciousness once again I heard a male’s voice and a female’s voice. My surgeon. She was arguing with the male. Opening my eyes I saw the male, he was holding my surgeon’s hand. Mine. Not on my watch fucker, I heard growling realizing that it was I who was growling
Jane: I caught up with the patient as the staff wheeled him down the chute into the surgical suite. At my request I asked for a cardiothoracic surgical kit and the heart/lung bypass machine to be set up for me. The ultrasounds and X-rays were taken downstairs. With both my hands latexed I held away from myself, so I could review the scans again.The bullet was lodged in the muscles of his back, I was going to leave it there. I frowned as I leaned closer to the screen. Interesting bullet. Round but not the typical oblong shape I was used to seeing. I approached the table where the patient had been hooked up to the anesthesia machines. Using a laser scalpel, i made an incision down the patients chest, then sawed through the sternum and used a rip spreader to pull open the heart’s iron bars, exposing--- I lost my breath. “Holy…” “Suction.” When there was a pause I looked up the assisting nurse. “Suction, Jacques. I don’t care what it looks like, I can fix it-provided I get a clear shot of the damn thing.” There was a hissing sound as the blood was removed, I got a good gander at a physical anomaly that I had never seen before: a six-chambered heart in a human chest. That “Echo” I had seen on his ultrasounds was, In fact, an extra pair of chambers. I Shouted out “Pictures. Make it quick please.” With my left hand, I reached in behind the males heart, plugged the back end of the hole with my finger, and stitched the front impact site closed. My next move was to lift the heart out of pericardial sac and do the same underneath.  Total elapsed time was under 6 minutes. I then released the spreader, put the rib cage back where it was supposed to be and used stainless steel wire to close the two halves of the sternum together. I was just about to staple him from his diaphragm to his collarbone, the anesthesiologist spoke up and machines started to beep. “BP is sixty over forty and falling” I called out to the heart-failure protocol and leaned down to the patient, “Don’t even think about it” I snapped “you die on me and I am going to be ticked off.” From out of nowhere, and against all medical rationale, the man’s eyes blinked open and focused on me. I jerked back. Good god...his irises held the colourless splendor of diamonds, shining so bright they reminded me of the moon on a cloudless night. For the first time in my life , I was stunned into immobility. With our locked stares, It was as if we were linked body to body, twisted and intertwined, indivisible--
The nurse shouted “he's V-fibbing again” the anesthesiologist barked. I snapped back to attention. “You stay with me,” I ordered to the patient. “You hear me? You stay with me.” I could have sworn that my patient nodded at me before his lids shut. I then got back to saving his life. After sometime the man was wheeled into a room at the far end of the corridor, Manny walked in “Please don't go to Columbia”
The male above me was talking to my surgeon about not leaving. Leaving? Where was she going? When they both heard my growl, they both stopped and looked down at me “Looks like your patient has woken up” The male still had hold of my surgeon’s hand. Let her go you fucker. “We will talk about this later” The male finally let go of her hand. That was the smartest move he's made. He left the room leaving my surgeon and I on our own. If I wasn't flat on my back I'd have her underneath me. But for now I had to stay where I was. Anyway where were the other brothers? Most surely they'd know I was missing, I couldn't be here in the daylight hours or my surgeon will be looking after a pile of ashes. All of a sudden there was a commotion outside of the room, the door opened and in walked Hollywood aka Rhage. He had the looks of a movie star “Am I glad to see you fucker” “Now why you get yourself shot for?” Before I could answer the Cop aka Butch walked in, he was my best and only friend “You look like death warmed up Cop, true?” The Cop chuckled then coughed. He needed healing but I was in no shape to do that right now. Finally Phury walked into the room “Records changed, staff had their minds scrubbed and given new instructions. We don't have long. Cop grab him” The Cop flung me over his shoulder, my surgeon began to protest then silence. Phury had put her into a sleep. They began to walk out of the hospital room “She comes with us” “You out of your fucking mind. Wrath will take your last remaining ball man!” “Fuck that, she comes with us” Hollywood gently places her over his shoulder “Come on let's get the fuck out of here” The Cop headed to the backstairs, Phury carried my surgeon's coat and purse while Hollywood had my surgeon over his shoulder. Phury  shorted the cameras out as we passed them. The Cop knew his way around the hospital from his days as a cop at the CPD. We finally made it down into the basement heading towards the metal doors to the outside world. “These cameras will be harder as they are on a higher security. Brace yourselves as I open the door” As soon as the doors were opened the alarms went off. Outside was the Escalade, The Cop  threw me onto the backside and sat next to me. Hollywood placed my surgeon next to me and got into the passenger seat, and finally Phury got into the driver’s seat. Time elapsed was ten minutes. Hollywood put his foot down and accelerated out of there
Jane: After Manny left, I stared down at my patient in disbelief. In spite of all the sedatives in his veins, his eyes were open and he was staring up out of his hand, tattooed face with full cognition.  God...those eyes. They were unlike any I had seen before, the irises unnaturally white with navy blue rims. This was not right I thought. The way he looked at me wasn’t right. The six-chambered heart beating in his chest wasn’t right. Those long teeth in the front of his mouth weren’t right. He was not human.
How the hell was this male conscious? “Can you hear me?” I asked “Nod your head if you can.” His hand, the one with the tattoos, clawed at his throat, then grabbed on the tube going into his mouth. “No that has to stay in.” I leaned over him to take his hand off it, he whipped the thing back from me, moving it as far away as his arm would allow. “That’s right. Please don’t make me restain you.” His eyes went utterly wide in terror, just peeled right open as his big body started to shake on the bed. His lips worked against the tube down his throat as if he was crying out, and his fear touched me. There was such an animalistic edge to his desperation, like the way a wolf might look at you if his leg was caught in a trap: I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s all right. We don’t have to go that route. But we need that tube-” The door to the room opened, I froze. Two men came in they were dressed in black leather and looked like the type who’d carry concealed weapons. One was probably the biggest, most gorgeous blond I had ever eyeballed. The other one scared me. He was wearing a red sox hat pulled down low and a horrible air of malevolence about him. I couldn’t see his face he looked ill to me. Looking at both of the male’s, my first thought was that they had came for my patient, and not to just bring him flowers. My second thought was that I needed security, stat.
“Get out,” I said, “Right now.” The guy with the sox cap completely ignored me and went over to my patients bedside. As he and my patient made eye contact, red sox reached out and the two linked hands. Red sox said “Thought we lost you, you son of a bitch.” My Patient’s eyes  strained as if he were trying to communicate. Then he shook his head side to side on the pillow. As my patient nodded, I didn’t bother with any more chatty-cathy, you need to leave shit. I lunged towards the nursing station call button, the one that signaled a cardiac emergency and would bring most of the the floor to me. I didn’t make it red sox’s buddy, the beautiful blond, moved so fast I couldn’t track him. He grabbed me from behind and popped me on my feet of the floor.I started to holla, he put his hand over my mouth and subdued me as easily as if i was a child throwing a tantrum. I went ballistic, as the machines started to go off, I hauled back and kicked my captor in the shin with my heel. The blond behemoth grunted then squeezed my rib cage until i got so busy trying to breath I couldn’t soccer ball him anymore. I fought harder, until I strained so hard my eyes watered. “Easy said the blond male in my ear. “We’ll be out of your hair in a minute. Just rela.” Yeah, the hell I would. They were going to kill my patient. The patient took a deep breath on his own. And another, And another. Then I noticed those eerie diamond eyes shifted over to me,I stilled as if he’d willed me to do so. There was a moment of silence. In a rough voice my patient whose life I saved spoke 4 words that changed everything...Changed my life, changed my destiny: “She. Comes. With. Me” The male then had me in a choke hold as we left the room going down the hall, the other male was in the hall at the nursing station. “He spoke to the blond saying it wasn’t supposed to be a kidnapping operation.” He told the blond guy to knock me out cold. My Voice came through loud and clear. “So help me, God, I’m going to-” The other male told me to relax and to ease up.  He locked his stare on mine and began to will me into calmness. I shouted back. “Fuck you!”  I spat. I’m not letting you kill my patient!” Then everything went into darkness.
Arriving at the manse the Cop eases me onto his shoulder and takes me up the steps to the vestibule, wait I thought we'd be going to the pit. The door opens, Fritz was on the other side greeting us all with his happy voice “Welcome back Sires” The Cop passes Fritz and goes up the grand staircase, he walked passed Wrath’s study and the statues, coming to one of the guest rooms. Opening the door he laid me down onto the bed, Hollywood followed and placed my surgeon In a chair by the radiator. Finally Phury placed my surgeon’s coat and purse by the chair “We’ll get some dressings for her to use on you. Now we report to Wrath and he has to know about this too” He pointed to my surgeon. Phury was right I should never brought her here but my instincts told me to bring her with me. I had a feeling she was going to change my life.
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Discover The Lawyer You Need Today Using These Tips.
Tips You Will Need When Getting A Lawyer
Engaging the services of a legal representative can be something that a great many people often dread. The reality is, however, that you have many attorneys who are qualified, talented capable to provide very valuable services. By reading the details that follows below, you will possess what it takes to identify those practitioners and develop terrific relationships that can save you lots of time, money and hassle over the course of your daily life.
Never hesitate to inquire your lawyer about any portion of the fees you may not understand. There are several people who have problems with the fees they are charged by a legal professional, but the majority of them do not say anything. You will discover a chance that you can do several of the work yourself and save just a little, so ensure that you enquire about that.
Do not engage a lawyer before you learn more with regards to their experience and their results. A young lawyer is much more affordable however you will definitely reap the benefits of employing a more capable plus more successful lawyer. If at all possible, try choosing a lawyer who has positive knowledge about very similar cases.
Before you decide to hire a lawyer, see if you can resolve any dispute with out them. Often people can resolve their problems without needing to get a lawyer. In case you are unable to solve your issue with no lawyer, then it is in your best interest to get a lawyer on your side.
Be sure you know the expenses associated with a particular lawyer in advance. Even before you begin the process of seeking someone out, you need to consider what you could afford. While you call different lawyers, discuss fees and the payment schedule. Tend not to be very impressed later on!
While searching for an attorney, time is significant. However, it is not necessarily so important that you hire the initial lawyer you meet. Always consider multiple lawyer. You need to ensure they already have the skills you want, you could afford them, and they can fight to your best interests.
Do your homework before filing claims, for example your claim for worker’s compensation. Each state has laws that are different regarding filing your claim. Worker’s Compensation is just not like other court claims and must not be approached therefore. There are different standards to comply with.
An excellent tip to not forget if you’re using a completely incompetent lawyer would be to consider reporting these people to the bar association. The bar association offers the responsibility to punish lawyers. In case your lawyer has stolen on your part, committed a criminal offense or something along those lines, you’ll would like to report those to the bar association.
Ask those you know for their lawyer recommendations. You may well be astonished at the final results here! People you would probably have never likely to know an excellent lawyer, could possibly have the most effective connection of. It’s this word of mouth marketing recommendation that means probably the most, so carry it seriously making this the first step.
Talk with several lawyers before making a selection. Don’t hire the initial lawyer you consult with. You would like legal counsel who you can depend on, so interview several potential candidates.In addition to the standard qualifications, evaluate if their personality works well with your personal, you might be spending a ?legal advice lot of time together.
Attorneys could possibly get struggling if they don’t comply with the letter from the law, and so they buy malpractice insurance for this reason. They would like to keep premiums low, so they wish to complete your case in morally responsible and legal way. Usually have faith in your lawyer wanting to do their finest on your part.
In terms of comparing big firms and little firms, you cannot find any guarantees as the larger, more pricey groups. They’re not necessarily better at their job, more capable, or maybe more likely to help you a win. Consider the best lawyer, not only the favourite one available.
In the event the lawyer you initially meet doesn’t suit you, interview more. Legal issues can sometimes take too much time therefore, you must have a legal professional you might be comfortable working with. Finding the right one at the start can make a arena of difference.
 legal Advice
You must not take legal services from anybody who will not be an attorney. Even someone still in the process of studying law might be unable to provide you with quality advice. If you intend on building your very own defense, get a lawyer who can help you as an alternative to hearing people who are not qualified.
Lawyers often carry an unfortunate reputation from the minds of countless. But, by using some time to understand more about various practice areas and what makes for any truly great attorney, it is easy to find someone with who you are entirely comfortable and in whom you can put your full trust. The data found in the piece above is really a terrific resource for doing exactly that
from Midfair Field Redcross http://midfairfieldredcross.org/discover-the-lawyer-you-need-today-using-these-tips/
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operation: drop it like it’s hot
Absent: Kate’s player
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The party goes barcrawling on the Citadel, and some of the actual players get tipsy. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
After a brief shopping expedition with Elaye, the party departs with all of the Apricity crew (minus Irène and Telissa, who stay back on the ship, and Tris, Elaye, and Kilo, who disappear elsewhere) to check out a number of bars on the Citadel. They then witness several intense rounds of rock-paper-scissors between Apricity crewmates to determine who gets to pick the bar first. The Chens ultimately end up successful and lead the crew to a place called...
Surf’s Club
Loud, crowded, and popular, Surf’s Club is known for their cheap drinks and largely Alliance patrons. This is Cat Chen’s preferred bar, largely because this is the only place where she can be reunited with her friends from the military. The rest of the Apricity crew generally do not enjoy the place too much; the Chen triplets, however, couldn’t give less than a shit.
Events that occur here:
Cat arm-wrestles a friend of hers named Tascha Lorenz. There’s a betting pool involved, and Phos and Vasir end up winning 1049 and 99 credits, respectively.
The party learns that Cat joined the Alliance to support her sisters’ educations. Ann and Bea are forever grateful to her because of this.
They also find out that Cat lost a leg during a particularly arduous battle and left the Alliance soon after, following her sisters into academia.
Annos herds the crew and party out of Surf’s Club after some time. As determined by the several rounds of rock-paper-scissors, it is now Isolde’s turn to pick where they go, and she leads them all to a bar named...
Bar Cry
Bar Cry is a fairly respectable establishment as far as appearances go, though the patrons look pretty tough and the drinks are a bit more expensive. Isolde likes to come here not for the crowd or the drinks but for what the bar offers, which is a place called...
Rule Number One
Rule Number One is a fight club - Isolde’s home turf, in fact, before Annos hired her out. It’s a large, noisy space with several small arenas for fighters to sign up for competitions and for bystanders to bet on those competitions. It’s a popular place for turian officers, largely because it provides a poorly-supervised, unregulated area for them to beat the shit out of each other.
Isolde challenged Phos to a duel the first time they met. It’s only now, however, that they actually get the chance to duke it out.
Events that occur here:
Vekar falls into the arena, inadvertently joining Phos in the fight against Isolde.
Isolde thoroughly beats the shit out of both Phos and Vekar. Aster and Beetle win a sizeable number of credits.
Noogies. There’s a lot of screaming involved, and the Chens begin to film their docudrama, “The Relations Between Races After the Reaper War”.
Upon leaving Rule Number One and reentering Bar Cry, Annos ushers the crew and party out and allows the next person, as determined by the intense rounds of rock-paper-scissors, to choose where to go. This ends up being Aster, who brings everyone to...
Pumped Pub Kicks
Pumped Pub Kicks is a shady, seedy establishment that is frequented by mercs, black market dealers, and suspicious people of all types and forms. It’s different from the other bars that the party has been to so far - none of the patronage here seem interested in talking to each other, and strangers have isolated themselves thusly at tables, in corners, and at the counter. The Apricity crew, however, seems very comfortable here.
Events that occur here:
Vasir asks Fausius and Fawkes what the best dextro drinks are; Fausius recommends Noble Zombie and Gentle Blaze to them.
Phos pays Isolde to locate Leti Avonius.
Isolde reveals that her only priority is money, though why this is remains unknown.
Isolde tells the party she is 84.
Isolde, following through on her deal to Phos, overrides Rela’s decision through sheer force of will and brings the party to a place called...
Lounge Zero
Lounge Zero makes everyone on the Apricity uneasy and restless, and it’s not just because it’s frequented by C-Sec personnel: the entire bar is upper-class and its customers, interior design, and atmosphere are uncomfortably wealthy. Because of its socialite patronage, and because the party still technically has an arrest warrant on their heads, it’s a dangerous place to be - but it’s also, as Isolde had predicted, where Phos’s object of affection is.
Events that occur here:
Phos encounters Leti. After a strained interaction that might have ended in altercation were itn ot for Annos’s intervention, the two part ways, both feeling hurt and unhappy.
Beetle tricks three asari into investing in a made-up company called Bubbly. (It sells sparkling wine.)
Kara challenges the party to a dance-off. Beetle and Phos participate.
It’s revealed that Kara is an excellent dancer and has likely received profesional training.
Rela leads the party and crew to the last bar of the night after Annos quickly pushes everyone out of Lounge Zero. Phos spies Tris, Elaye, and Kilo on the way out, however, and makes her way over to speak with them and check in on the salarian child; once done, she reunites with the party and joins them as they end up at a bar named...
Walked Into
Walked Into a small bar, almost exclusively staffed and visited by locals around the area. The place gets its name from the pole situated at the center of its entrance, as new patrons often run into it and thus ‘walk into a bar’. Discounts are also provided to those who perform exemplary pole dances, but Walked Into also boasts good drinks, good music, and good company.
Events that occur here:
The party meets Rela’s sibling, a turian named Veron. They are a bartender at Walked Into and they and Rela seem extremely close.
Beetle pole dances.
The Apricity crew finally branches off here and individual members slowly make their way back to the ship itself.
notable lines + interactions
DM: Are we ready to go? Phos, OOC: Yes. Beetle, OOC: Let’s go, mammals. DM: Okay, last check. Are we all ready to go? Get it all out of your system, guys. Vekar, OOC: Yes. Phos, OOC: My vodka is ready. Vasir, OOC: I have more hard lemonade. Beetle, OOC: Yeeee. Hewwo? DM: You don’t sound ready. Beetle, OOC: Hewwo?
Vasir, OOC: Vasir is actually saving up money now, it’s amazing. Beetle, OOC: Hewwo?
DM, tiredly: Keep track of your money ‘cause I don’t fuckin’ know, man. Beetle, OOC: I was - I don’t - okay, so here’s - here’s a really good story. I was keeping track of mine and I accidentally cleared out my entire notes folder. Phos, OOC: Ohhhh. Vasir, OOC: Ohhhh. DM, head in her hands: Alright, [Beetle’s player]. Beetle, OOC(?): I’m dying! DM: We can deal with that - later. I’m not gonna let you buy things right now, though. Beetle, OOC: I hurt on the inside.
DM: Last mission was... [Phos’s player]’s, and you acquired a salarian child. Nothing bad happened, as I recall. Phos, OOC: Yeah. You all did pretty good. DM: Praise be.
Beetle, OOC: You see a curve in architecture and you’re like, “A fucking asari did this, didn’t they?” DM: Just a single curve. Beetle, OOC: Yeah. Vekar, OOC: But I mean, who knows? Not Bioware! Phos, OOC: Bioware, give us lore! Vasir, OOC: Right? I have to make up everything for quarians myself. Phos, OOC: Oh, god, we know even less about quarians than anyone else. Vasir, OOC: Enter me, the one-man operation to build their intelligence network because one day I was like, “Vasir should be a spy!” Phos, OOC: Horrible. Okay, let’s get this drunken show on the road, shall we? Beetle, OOC: Don’t dungeon and drink. Let’s go, mammals. DM: ... Okay, then.
in discord Beetle, OOC: hewwo
Vasir, OOC: [Beetle’s player], stop that. Beetle, OOC: [cackling]
Phos, OOC, sounding like death: [coughing] That’s a lot of vodka. Vasir, OOC: Are you okay, [Phos’s player]? Phos, OOC, sounding like death: No. Not really. Vasir, OOC: Did you swallow too much? Phos, OOC, recovering: No, it’s just the - god, the last bit of the glass is pure vodka and it takes some power to down it. Vasir, OOC: Yeah. Phos, OOC: But now I should be good for another half hour before having to worry about drinking again. Vasir, OOC: Meanwhile, I have to keep staggering my lemonades because we never start when I think we’re going to, so I have to keep drinking so slowly. Vekar, OOC, who had been one and a half hours late: I apologize.
DM: I don’t even remember what I said last time because it’s been a hot fifteen minutes and I don’t fucking know what happens in fifteen minutes.
in discord Vasir: vasir perception check: 5..............let me die............... Vekar: perception check: 16 -4 = 12 Beetle: beetle perception check: 3 +1 = 4 Phos: Perception: 5 + 1 = 6 Vasir: [posts this]
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Phos: vasir, diassociationg Vasir: GOD
DM: Alright, you guys don’t notice a goddamn thing. Anyway... Beetle, OOC: Don’t worry your pretty little heads about anything.
Bea: We get to pick first! DM: And what you guys see next is this very intense round of rock-paper-scissors, except it’s between several people, so it’s very exciting. Beetle, OOC: Oh, fuck yes. DM: And in the end, one of the Chens does win, and she says - Ann: We get to pick first. We’re going to Surf’s Club. Aster: Can we - can we not? Can we not go there?
Cat: Surf’s Club is mostly Alliance patronage, which is why no one wants to go, so... any complaints? Phos: Hell, no. Vasir: I don’t care. Beetle: Nope. Phos: Time to snob up some Alliance officers. DM: [snorts] Vasir: Phos, please. Phos: I haven’t had a drink in like three months, give me this, Vasir. Give me this, please. Vasir: Alright, alright.
DM: Also, keep in mind, the more drunk you get, the more negative modifiers you get to your rolls, so depending how much you drink in-character and out-of-character, you may find yourself rolling - worse - Phos, OOC: Yeet. DM: - in places. Vekar, OOC: Only worse? We can’t do better? DM: Um, I guess in some circumstances you can do better, but it’s specific circumstances. Phos, OOC: Time to fish out another glass of vodka.
Vasir, OOC: I keep hearing ‘serf’s club’, and it makes me think of medieval serfdom, and it’s like - ‘surf’s club’ makes more sense. Beetle, OOC: I keep trying to think of a nautical-themed bar, but I keep thinking of Dangnamrompa’s Titty Typhoon. DM: Oh my god. Vasir, OOC: What. DM: You know what, uh - think of whatever you want. I’m not even going to describe this place, just, whatever you think it looks like, that’s what it looks like. Beetle, OOC: Sweet. Vasir, OOC: Yeah.
Phos, OOC, on the topic of splitting up the party: I am going to remain optimistic, for better or for worse.
DM: I wish I’d come up with a drink menu because I didn’t, and I just realized how stupid that was in retrospect - Vasir, OOC: Wait - Vekar, OOC: Hold on - hold on, that drink name generator we found - Vasir, OOC: We have it! Let me look at my history! Beetle, OOC: Beetle would like a space Long Island. DM: Space Long Island. That’s... incredible. Vasir, OOC: We’re okay! I found it! Beetle, OOC: Oh, fuck, i forgot about this.
Beetle, OOC: I’m ordering a Flower Mud. - Shaken, not stirred. Vekar, OOC: Mild Enigma on the rocks, please.
Vasir, OOC: Vasir’s not going to get anything, I don’t think. DM: Yeah, there’s actually not a lot of stuff for dextro people here, so. Vasir, OOC: They’re going to wait to see if Vekar dies or not from ingesting it, so yeah. DM: Vekar, roll a constitution save - I’m just kidding, don’t actually do that. Beetle, OOC: This is the session where Vekar fucking dies. Vekar, OOC: Can I roll a perception check to ask the bartender if they actually have dextro stuff? DM, through laughter: Uh, yeah,, if you want to - I mean, you already ordered a drink, so I’m not really - Beetle, OOC: We’re making the inference that the bartender wouldn’t serve you something that would kill you. Vekar, OOC: Fair. Fair.
DM: Okay, do all of you go, or do Vekar and Beetle stay classy and stay by the bar counter. Vasir, OOC: Wow. Wow. Beetle, OOC: Um - Beetle shotguns an Apricot Puff.
Beetle, OOC: Alright, now Beetle’s ready to go over. Vekar, OOC: Someone’s gonna get real drunk tonight. DM: Oh, god.
DM: [. . .] And someone’s taking bets for this arm-wrestling contest. Beetle, OOC(?): Oh, fuck yes. Phos, OOC: I’m gonna bet on Cat because hell yes. Vasir, OOC: What’s the minimum threshold - Phos, OOC, interrupting: 1000 credits. DM: A th - wh - what? [laughter] Beetle, OOC: I’m betting on the dark horse. Vasir, OOC: What does that mean - Beetle, OOC: Tascha - [sees Phos’s bet] Oh, shit!
Vasir, OOC: I guess Vasir will bet 50 credits on Cat. Phos, affronted: 50‽ You gotta commit, Vasir! You gotta commit! Vasir: I am committing. I’m committing 50 credits because that’s all I feel like winning or losing today. DM, quietly: Oh, snap. Vasir: I’m not here to lose all of my money. Beetle: You think I’m actually going to pay the money that I’m betting? Vekar: Beetle, you shouldn’t say that out loud. DM: Beetle’s tipsy, she couldn’t help it.
in discord Vekar: drunk modifier: already honest
Beetle: You’ll have to kill me to get that 100 credits. Beetle, OOC: And Beetle bolts.
DM: So you get back whatever you put in along with an additional 49 credits. Phos, affronted: Forty-nine‽ DM: It’s a small betting pool, Phos, only 343 credits, that’s it! - I can feel your anger from here. Beetle: Oh, delicious, you liking those 49 credits?
Beetle: I put all of my money on you. Cat: Oh, that’s - did you get a lot of money then? Beetle, sounding like she’s dying of laughter: Yeah, I got so much money. Don’t tell Phos or Vasir, but I got way more money than them. Cat: I am not surprised by this.
Vasir, OOC: Oh, shit! Annos is out here with us, he came down to our level! Beetle, chanting: Assman, assman, assman! DM: Are you saying that to him? Or are you just saying it? Beetle, OOC: No, I’m just saying it.
Aster: The only reason we’re here is because Cat wants to catch up with some friends. We’ll be going to other places, don’t worry. Beetle: Cooler places? Aster: Obviously. DM: You’re not even there, but the answer is obviously.
Beetle, OOC: Beetle turns on Tactical Cloak. DM: And does what? Beetle, OOC: She goes over to the group. DM: And just stands there? Beetle, OOC: She waits for an opportunity. Phos, OOC: To get in a punny remark? Beetle, OOC: Yeah. DM, laughing: Okay.
in discord Vasir: annos [upon noticing Beetle]:
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Beetle, OOC: Beetle dabs for him. Phos, OOC: Anus dude is just so done with these shenanigans. DM: Yeah.
Isolde: What’s your experience fighting biotics? Phos, OOC: [goes into lengthy detail about how she combats biotics] Isolde: I’ll keep that in mind. Phos, OOC: [more details] Isolde: Good to know.
in discord Vekar: what’s your experience with biotics Vekar: “Yikes” DM:
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Vekar: Phos is in for a wild surprise
Beetle, OOC: Can I roll a perception check on Isolde? DM: Sure. What exactly are you looking for? Beetle, OOC: What’s her class? - Other than economic. DM: Um, she is solidly bourgeois.
Annos: How much did you bet on this? Aster: Too much. Honestly, too much. Phos: On which one of us? Aster: That is for me to know and for you to find out potentially. Beetle: Don’t worry, I’ll bet everything I have on you. DM, faintly: You don’t even know how much you have, Beetle. Beetle, OOC: I know.
Vasir: Good job on the arm-wrestling. Guess you get tired eventually. Cat: Yeah. I don’t have a prosthetic arm, unfortunately. Phos, from across the bar: Those are cool! Cat, shouting back at her: I know! I got a leg like that! Phos, from across the bar: My eyes are like that! DM: Are you serious?
Ann: Um... Cat: I’ve been coming here for a long time. I joined the Alliance when I was - eighteen? Bea: We just went to school, though. Vasir: Yeah. [long pause] DM: Good talk, [Vasir’s player]. Good talk. Vasir, OOC: Hey, I’m distracted by drinking and everything. Beetle, OOC: I’m counting my money.
DM: Are you getting another drink, Beetle? Beetle, OOC: Hm... I’m gonna - you know what? We’re leaving this bar eventually for another one, so you know what? I’m gonna sit on that. Let it marinate. DM, very quietly: Goddamn.
Phos, OOC: I hope I get to meet the love of my life, especially since I’ve drawn fanart of her without actually speaking to her. DM: Patience, padawan. Phos, OOC: Ehhhhh. Is it that bad that I want the gay and I want it now? DM: No, it’s very in-character. Phos, OOC: Hm.
DM: Should I play some elevatorstuck into the recording? Beetle, OOC: No. Phos, OOC: Sure.
DM: Annos looks out into the bar, and it’s like - some sort of unspoken signal, like, everyone gets up and leaves at the same time, and you guys follow. Beetle: How often did you rehearse that? Annos: Too many times. Beetle, laughing: Fair enough.
Phos: In a hurry for something? Isolde: Come on, hurry up!
in discord Vasir: isolde is excited for: Vasir: a tea party Vasir: Hidden Depths Beetle: shes excited for hula hooping class
Phos, OOC: Phos fucking charges in. DM: Roll a dex saving throw.
Aster: Everything okay up there? Phos: Jolly - jolly good. I’m fine. Aster: It doesn’t sound fine, but okay.
in discord Vekar: Phos stubbed her eyes
DM: There’s a sign above the door and it says, “Rule Number One.” I’ll write that down so you guys can remember. Beetle: [posts this in discord] DM: God. Dammit. [Beetle’s player].
Isolde: Phos. You sure you’re ready for this? Phos: Isolde... [long pause] Phos: Loserisawhinypissbaby. DM: [laughter]
in discord Beetle: im imagining like those gym tennis courts Beetle: like at the YMCA Vekar: this is why the place is called Vekar: Rule number one
DM: Yeah, sure, the arenas are tennis courts. This is the YMCA. The YMCA fight club. Beetle, OOC: In the background, the YMCA song is playing. DM: Fuck, okay. Someone post it.
Vasir: Are you okay, Vekar? Vekar: No. Phos, OOC: Phos leans over to help him up and says - Phos: Vekar. - Are you READY‽ Vekar, sounding dead: Never, but there’s not much I can do about it now, is there?
in discord Vekar: when the bell rings the song should switch to this Vasir: another good fight song
Vekar: I might be alive, but I’m not living.
Phos: Too afraid to fight so we both have an advantage? Isolde: Yeah, actually. Beetle: Coward! Phos: That’s no fun. Isolde: It gets me money, though. Phos: Yeah, okay, fair. Beetle: That’s fair. I’m betting money on her. Credits on the coward.
DM: Beetle, Vasir, do you two interject somehow, or... Vasir, OOC: Interject how - Beetle: Kill her! Vasir, OOC: I’m just gonna keep watching.
in discord Vekar: please jump in Beetle: beetle put her fucking money on isolde Beetle: u think shes jumping in? Vekar: no but i could try to ask Beetle: you could
Vasir, OOC: See, Vasir has sense about these things and doesn’t trip and fall into arenas, Vekar. Vekar, OOC, sarcastic: Thank you. Vasir, OOC: I love you, but not that much.
Phos, OOC: Can I charge her? DM: You are definitely not close enough for that.
DM: Roll damage, which is 2d8, I believe. - Wait, shit, Charge is a talent. Fuck. Phos, OOC: I have 2d8 times 2 for damage written down on my sheet. DM: ... Why times 2? Phos, OOC: I don’t know. DM: That doesn’t seem right. Get rid of that times 2, it’s just a charge. [a pause] Yeah, I guess we’ll just say it’s - no, oh god, what was the terminology I used for this, it should be 5d4, but... I don’t know, ugh - 2d8, just do 2d8. Phos, OOC, waiting for a bit so the DM can finish muttering to herself: 2d8. Okay. I just gotta keep my notes updated correctly, you know? DM: I just gotta get my shit together, you know? Beetle, OOC: Don’t we all. DM: True.
Beetle: If only you had some grenades! Phos: Shut up, Beetle! Vekar, OOC: I do have some grenades, but I’m dead.
DM: Melee does way too much damage. I’ll need to fix that. - Lateeeeeer. Beetle, OOC: Stabby McWarhammer is the strongest thing in this campaign. DM: I mean, you’re not wrong. Vekar, OOC: Get ‘em, boss.
DM: Okay, yeah. Um, you just - do you pick her up by the neck, is this the - Phos, OOC: No, it’s not the usual. I imagine I’m in front of her, so I just pick her up in a way so she can’t move her arms and stuff. Beetle, OOC: Oof, power move. I love it. Phos: Time to tap out? DM: She just laughs.
in discord Vekar: drunk modifier: Is this how you spell Sgrenth?
Isolde, after she and Phos slapped each other in the face by accident: Wow, uh - guess that took more out of us than we thought, huh? Phos: Yep. I guess we’re both - we were both both a little too eager for that fight. Isolde: I guess so. Beetle, you still want a high-five? Beetle: Hell, yeah.
Beetle, OOC: What’s epicness? 1d20? DM: Yep. It’s okay - Isolde failed utterly.
Phos, OOC: I’m gonna slap Beetle in the face! DM, laughing: Why? Vekar, OOC: Why not? Phos, OOC: Not a chin-slap, like, push my palm into her face, like, pushing her backwards. Beetle, OOC: Um, Beetle’s going to roll to bite your hand.
in discord Vekar: assisted facepalm Vasir: vasir, almost disassociating: what
Aster: Okaaay, let’s just go on upstaaairs, alright? Ann: No no no no! No no, no no! Beetle: You don’t want the people to see us? Afraid to let the people know who we are? Bea: No no! We should let them keep doing this, it’s funny, it’s great, I’m recording this! Aster: I think we should go - upstairs. I’m gonna go - upstairs. Vasir: I’m gonna go upstairs with him, too.
in discord Vasir: WHAT EI S HAPPE NIGn Vasir: TEAM BONDING Vasir: vasir instantly leaves
DM: How does this even work, you’re almost the same height - okay, so, I guess Phos, you hook your arm around Beetle’s neck and drag her down and give her a noogie. And Beetle is fucking screaming her head off, and Aster’s just like - Aster: Nooooope. Nope! DM: And, uh, god. Okay. Uh. And Isolde’s just like - Isolde, sounding like she is ready to never associate with these people again: Alright. I’m gonna go, but have fun. Phos: Wait, Isolde, let’s drink some! Isolde, in the same tone: We’re in the fucking fight club, Phos. There’re drinks - upstairs. Which is where I’m going, and you should come too - Beetle: Oh, fuck, I want drinks. Phos, OOC: I drag Beetle with me by the fucking neck. Beetle, OOC: Beetle’s, like, still, like, head still held, but she’s like, “oh, drinks? Yeah, alright.” DM: The Chens are recording all of this, like, there’s one in front of you, one behind you, they’ve got this on fucking lock. Phos, OOC: it’s a cinematic documentary of the relationship between krogan and salarians. Vasir, OOC: Oh my god. Beetle, OOC: With commentary. Vekar, OOC: Subtitle: how things have improved after the Reaper War. Beetle, OOC: The first part is just Phos pushing her hand agaisnt Beetle’s face and then Beetle just chomps her.
Vasir: That’s the last time I wach you people in a fight club. Vekar: That’s the last time I participate in a fight club.
DM: Oh god, this fucking name, I’m gonna fucking lose it. Beetle, OOC: Titty typhoon. DM: Okay, Aster takes the lead for this one, and you get to this fucking pub - [sounding like she’s about to cry] I can’t - I can’t say this name. Phos, OOC: Come on! Vekar, OOC: Do it! Phos, OOC: Do it! Beetle, OOC: Type it.
in discord DM: pumped pub kicks
DM, on the verge of a meltdown: Fucking hell - I’m gonna die. Beetle, OOC: Pumped pub kicks. [breaks into song] Phos, OOC: I am dying. I am dead. Vasir, OOC: I don’t under - oh. Oh. I see. That’s what [Beetle’s player]’s singing about.
Vasir, OOC: Hey! DM: Did you get more than a 5? Vasir, OOC: I did! Phos, OOC: Beetle didn’t. Beetle, OOC: Beetle doesn’t know hell about shit. Vekar: [rolls a 19] Phos, OOC: Holy shit, Vekar. Carrying for days. Beetle, OOC: For once! For once.
Fausius: Drink responsibly. Vasir: I will. Beetle, yelling across the bar: You think I do anything responsibly? Fausius, yelling across the bar: No, actually.
Beetle: Is fishing legal? Vasir, OOC: Oh, no. Phos, OOC: Not this again. Bartender: There’s nowhere to fish on the Citadel. Vasir, OOC, with more feeling: Oh, no. Beetle: But there’s water, right? Fish live in water. Bartender: Uh, yes. Where - are you going to be fishing in a water glass? What’s your plan? Beetle: There’s like - you know, there’s like that big - pool. What’s the word for it. Bartender: Uh-huh. Beetle: And then there’s fish in it. Bartender: Uh-huh. Beetle: And then you can catch them and eat them like animals. DM, Vasir, Phos, and Vekar: [incredulous laughter] Bartender: Listen. I don’t know where you learned that - where - I don’t know where you’re talking about. There’s nowhere on the Citadel like this. Why are you asking me? Beetle: You’re a bartender. You know things. Bartender: I know drinks. Beetle: Alright. Give me another one. Bartender: Okay. DM: He gives you an Evil Plus.
in discord Vekar: Drunk modifier: "Hewwoo?" DM, Beetle, and Phos: [react with 🔪]
DM: Okay, so - Beetle, OOC: Wait. Beetle goes to give Phos a noogie. DM: Roll - roll for it. Vekar, OOC: This is going to go so well. Phos, OOC: You gotta beat me! [rolls a 1] Shit! Vasir, OOC: I have no idea what’s going on anymore. Phos, OOC: Noogies for days! Beetle, OOC: Revenge.
in discord Vekar: A salarain gave a nuggie to a krogan Vekar: this is a thing that happened Vasir: jahlo actually saved the galaxy Vekar: The world could always use more Beetles Vasir: its a brave new world [Vekar's player]
Rela: Okay, I’m gonna have to cut you off, like - Beetle, no more drinks, okay? Please. Beetle, petulantly: Okaaaay. Rela: No, really, like do I need to watch you for the rest of the night? Do I have to be on Beetle watch? Is this something I need to do? Beetle: Nooooo. DM: Um. Are you lying to her? Beetle, OOC: [laughs] Phos, OOC: I’d take that as a yes. DM: She’s gonna roll a perception check.
Beetle, OOC: Beetle points at whatever Vasir’s drinking and is like - Beetle: What is that? What are you drinking with? Vasir: It’s called a straw, Beetle. Beetle: What the fuck is that. DM, laughing: Throwback, holy shit, that was so long ago. Vasir: Fuck you. Beetle: Don’t bullshit me, Vasir. Vasir: You’re full of bullshit right now, Beetle. Shut up.
DM: Okay, gotta get that waiting music again. What did we agree on again? Vekar, OOC: Elevatorstuck? Beetle, OOC: YMCA. Phos, OOC: [posts this]
DM: You’re in this really shady bar doing all of these - stupid things, and people are watching you.
Beetle, OOC: This bar seems fine. Vekar, OOC: “These are some fine patrons,” Beetle says as she pats a mugger on the back. DM: Okay. Beetle - it’s a bar. You got drinks. You’re fucking drunk, man. You can get more drinks! You’re pretty happy.
DM: Phos, you’re gonna go dancing? Phos, OOC: YEAH. Beetle, OOC: [posts this]
DM: [ . . . ] You dance super well, and you have a moment of thought where you’re lke, “It’s too bad the chief of C-Sec is not here to see this.” Phos, OOC: Yes. Beetle, OOC: The chief of C-Sec isn’t here to see her siren call.
in discord Vasir: phos: super serious discussion abt kilo Vasir: phos: is then like fuck it Vasir: phos: goes to dance
DM: I mean, what do you do when you’re done? Do you just keep dancing - forever? Forever? Phos, OOC: I like, have a few songs. Beetle, OOC: This is Phos’s new home. DM: Do the rest of you guys do anything? Or are you ready to move on? Vekar, OOC: We can move on. Beetle, OOC: We can move on. Beetle got banned from the bar, so.
Phos, OOC: I’m gonna walk over to Tris. DM: Okay. Does anyone come with, or is it just you? [long pause] Vasir and Beetle, OOC: Uhhhh. DM, laughing: I’ll take that as a no. Beetle, OOC: We’re abandoning you, Phos! Weakest link! Phos, OOC: I don’t caaaaaare!
Phos, OOC: And then I go find the rest of the party. DM: Run to catch up. Beetle, OOC: Sorry, we voted you off the island. Vasir and Phos, OOC: [laughter] DM: You’re never coming back. Should I make you roll for it? Do I want to be that kind of person - yeah, I do. Roll - [laughter] roll a knowledge roll, do it.
Vasir, OOC: All alone on the Citadel. Doot, doot. Beetle, OOC: Wait, can Beetle call Phos? DM: Can Phos pick up her omni-tool? Beetle, OOC: I’ll try it. Phos and Vasir, OOC: [laughter] Vekar, OOC: Here we go.
Beetle: Phos. Where the fuck are you? Phos: Where the fuck are you? Beetle: I don’t fucking know, you think I know shit? I don’t. Phos: Gimme your coordinates or some shit. Because I’m gonna go there, and we’re gonna get more drunk. You up for that? Beetle: Oh, fuck yes. Space Google Maps. Let’s do this. Phos: Hell yeah. DM: ... Roll a tech roll?
in discord Vekar: this is what plays at lounge zero
Isolde: Lounge Zero. I’m sure you can find it on your own. Phos: Thanks, Isolde. You’re a lot more helpful than other people I know. Isolde, over Beetle laughing: You’re fuckin’ welcome.
Beetle: Sorry to interrupt your discussion, I’ve got a few drinks in, but - I don’t usually do this. I’ve just come across a lucrative investment opportunity and I’ve been looking for some young, upstanding people to get onto that with me, you know, get on the ground zero, if you will. DM: That’s a terrible joke. As your DM, I’m just telling you right now, that’s a fucking terrible joke. Beetle, OOC: Fuck you, inspiration point. DM: [laughter] No.
Asari: What do you mean? Beetle: I’m interested in opening a business venture. Asari: In what? Phos, OOC: Nooooo. Beetle: It would be, uh, it would be something, uh, [OOC] can I roll to think of something super fancy? DM: If you roll, what does that accomplish? Beetle, OOC: Fuck, yeah. Um. Phos, OOC: You gotta roleplay this. You gotta. Beetle: I’m interested in, um, I am interested in getting only the finest champagne shipped and handled to the upper tiers of our society. My business is currently small but I feel that it could grow expansively. Asari: What is the name of your business? Beetle: Its name is - uh - [breaks into laughter]
in discord Phos: The sweet sip Vekar: and it wont stop coming and it wont stop coming and it wont stop coming and it wont stop coming DM: and it wont stop coming and it wont stop coming and it wont stop coming and it wont stop coming
Beetle: Its name is ‘The Sippy Cup’ - no, I’m fucking with you. Its name is the - Bubbly. You know, ‘cause that’s another name for champagne. DM, quietly and strained: That’s so bad. Oh my god. Beetle: Look, I’m sorry, I - DM: No, I know, I know. You’re on the spot here, it’s okay. - They’re gonna look this up. So like, uh, let me see what they think of this.
Asari: Alright, we’re listening. You want a lucrative business - what exactly are you looking for? Investment? Something else? When would you be moving to the Citadel? I need details. Beetle: Uhhhh. Let me think about this, I’m sorry. Asari: No, please, take your time. [pause] Beetle: I’ve been looking to expand my enterprises, and, you know, and expand past the, uh, planet my company is currently based upon and move our base of operations to, uh, a big booming industry area like the Citadel, which is frequented by many people all the time. I am looking for bright young investors to get in on this and get a good, hearty portion of this. Asari: Investments. Beetle: Get some pie. Asari: Okay. [pause] Look, I’m going to trust you with this. I do expect to see your business reports at some point, and information on your business. Beetle: Of course. Asari: So if I could get your contact information? Beetle, hesitantly: ... Yes. Beetle, OOC, laughing: Beetle gives her her contact information. DM: Do you? Do you actually? Beetle, OOC: Um. Fuck, let me think. - I give her one of my burner numbers. Asari: We’ll be in touch with you shortly. Beetle: Pleasure doing business with you. Asari: And with you.
in discord Vasir: Vasir has a great poker face and a faceplate besides but theyre quietly losing their shit Vekar: im pretty sure we can tell behind the face plate Phos: The faceplate isnt enough Phos: they also gotta poker it through this Vasir: excuse you neither vekar or phos are up in vasir's business to tell
Phos, OOC: Would my zero-G training help with this? DM: You’re not in zero-G. Beetle, OOC: Does my Acrobatics training help? DM: Yeah, fuck, sure, why not. Beetle, OOC: Hell yeah. Phos, OOC: Hell no. Ah fuck! - my dice just went everywhere.
DM: What does your dance look like?
in discord: Vasir: [posts this and this]
Tumblr media Tumblr media
  Beetle, OOC: We’re doing pair square dancing  - oooohohoho. That’s Beetle. Vasir, OOC:  Behold, my reaction gif collection. Phos, OOC: The top one is Phos, the bottom one is Beetle.
Beetle: You know what we have to do. We have to kill this pole. Vasir: Let’s not damage their property before we get any drinks out of them, huh, Beetle? Beetle: ... But after. Vasir: Maybe, after.
Beetle: Give me something with a straw. Veron: I can make any drink and put a straw in it. Beetle: Oh, fuck yes. Veron: Do you have any specific in mind? Vasir: You told me you didn’t believe in straws, Beetle. But you just called it a straw. Beetle: I’m compromising my ideals so I can fucking drink my drink and not spill it. Vasir: Mm-hm. Sure. Keep telling yourself that. Beetle: I’ll live with that in the morning. - I’ll have a Mocha Lion. Veron: Good choice. Beetle: That seems nice. Though I prefer the Smooth Lion. Veron: Do you want a paper umbrella in there, too? Beetle, intensely satisfied: Yes.
DM: What time is it over there? Phos, OOC: 4:30 AM. DM: Holy shit. Vasir, OOC: Are you okay, [Phos’s player]? Beetle, OOC: Are you alive? Phos, OOC: Perhaps. It depends on whether I manage to score this fucking turian at the end of the campaign. Vekar, OOC: Are you even real right now, [Phos’s player]? Phos, OOC: Yes, [Vekar’s player]. I’m always real.
Beetle, OOC: Beetle’s like, with her face pressed against the counter, mumbling - Beetle: I heard about pole dancing. Veron: Yeah, yeah, if you dance really well on the pole, you get discounts on the drinks. That’s what we’ve always done, I guess. Or at least for as long as I’ve been here, that’s been the case. Beetle: I can’t promise quality, but it seems fun. Veron: Well, the point is that you have to dance - uh, well, okay.
Beetle, OOC: Beetle walks off towards the poles. DM: The pole is at the entrance. Which you walked into. Beetle, OOC: Oh, I’m gonna destroy this. DM: Roll for it. Beetle, OOC: I would just like to tell you, Beetle’s goal is not only to pole dance, but also to destroy it with her thighs.
chattin’ with the Apricity crew
Cat: You know why I joined the Alliance, Vasir? Vasir: Why did you? Cat: I had to support my sisters through college somehow. I think it was worth it. Phos, OOC: Oh, shit. Vasir: Definitely seems to be the case. Cat: Well, I lost a leg for it, so I hope so. Bea: We could design you a better leg. Ann: We could do it. We’ve drawn blueprints. It would be awesome. Beetle, OOC: We have the technology. Vasir: Would the leg contain the flamethrower or something, knowing you three? Beetle: What about a jetpack leg? DM: Just one jetpack leg? Beetle, OOC: Yes. Vasir, OOC: Vasir just bursts out laughing. Bea: No, because that would be unbalanced. Ann: And not a flamethrower. That would be a fire hazard, among other things, and if it exploded that would be bad. But - Cat: No, I do not need a harpoon in my knee. Ann: It would be so fucking cool. You could jump around and harpoon yourself through the air and swing around, and it would be amazing. Cat: No. Beetle: I’m going to correct that. Don’t you mean ‘grappling hook knee’? Bea: No. Harpoons. Beetle: ... Fair. What would it take for you to get me a harpoon knee? Ann: A missing leg. [long pause] Beetle: I have grenades. Vekar: Beetle, no self-amputations while I’m here. Cat: I don’t recommend grenades. It’s quite painful. Beetle: Oh? Are you a doctor? Cat: ... No, but I’m missing a leg. I think that’s some pretty good experience right there. Got some fieldwork done. Beetle: Okay, okay. I’ll take advice from someone else who’s best qualified to tell me how to remove my leg with a grenade. Cat: You just - you just - okay, you just completely missed my point, that’s fine. That’s fine. Beetle, OOC: Beetle gives her a thumbs-up. DM: Cat holds her hand up for a high-five. Beetle, OOC: Hell yes. I do it. DM: Nice. Roll for epicness. Beetle, OOC: Oh, fuck. Vasir, OOC: Beetle just smacks her in the face. Phos, OOC: I’m not drunk enough for this. Give me a moment.
Phos: Hey, thanks for beating my ass. Next round’s on you. Isolde: Uh, fuck no. Phos: I’m gonna put that on your tab anyway. Isolde: Hey, listen, Phos. If you do that, I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you. Beetle, OOC: [laughter] Phos: You already did, so I have no fear left. Isolde: No, really. I will fucking kill you. [pause] Beetle, OOC: I think she’s gonna fucking kill you. Phos: Okay, look. I - fine. I won’t - I won’t make you pay for it. But you gotta help me with a thing. Isolde: Uh-huh. Phos: There’s somebody I’m looking for, so if you could keep an eye out, I’d appreciate it. Isolde: Why should I do this? Phos: Because it’s somebody I might be interested in wooing, and isn’t that always nice to hear about? Isolde: Listen, Phos? My priority is always money. Is there something in this for me? Phos: Mm. I will give you information on Beetle. Isolde: [snorts] No. Beetle: I’ll kill you. Phos: I’ll give you 500 credits if you find this person. Isolde: Done. Who is it? (Phos, butchering the name: Liti Anovius. DM: Okay, hold on, time out. You do not know her name, Phos, I just wanna point that out. Phos, OOC: Yes, okay, you’re right, sorry.) Phos: It’s - I actually didn’t get her name. It’s - you heard the circumstances of us getting recruited? She was the turian chief that captured us. Isolde: You are trying to woo the chief of Citadel Security. Is that what I’m hearing? Phos: Yes. Isolde: Do you have a death wish? Phos: Well - she’s - Beetle: Maybe? Isolde: I remember from the reports that, uh, you guys are not supposed to be on the Citadel ever again. Like, if you see her, she’s probably going to try to fucking arrest you. Beetle: Hey, I’m exempt from that. I wasn’t here before that mess. Isolde: Okay, fine. I think - I know who you’re talking about. She’s not here, but I can keep an eye out for her if you want - wait. Wait a second. No, wait, actually, I do know where she might be. I’ll see if I can get us to go there next. Phos: Isolde, you’re the best. Even if you’re a greedy money-grubber. I appreciate that. Isolde: Pay up. Phos, OOC: I give her 500 credits. DM: Nice. Take that out of your inventory. Isolde: Pleasure doing business with you. Beetle: Isolde, you stole my power move.
in discord Phos: phos loses money; gains the possibility of getting arrested once again
DM: Isolde looks at your drink, and then at your straw, and then she says - Isolde: Can quarians get drunk? (Phos: YES. Isolde: I didn’t ask - Phos: I’LL MAKE IT HAPPEN. Beetle: Hell yes.) Isolde: I’ve never actually seen Kara or Tris drunk, so like, it’s a legitimate question, I don’t actually know. Beetle: I feel like that’s more about their judgment than - Vasir: Would you all shut the fuck up, please. Beetle: No? Vasir, OOC: And then Vasir turns to Isolde. Vasir: Yes, quarians can get drunk, but we don’t really get hangovers as badly as humans can. Isolde: Cheers to that. Vasir: Indeed. So looks like you had a good fight. Isolde: Yeah, it was easy. - Sorry, Phos. Phos: [sad noises] Vasir: Well, did you have fun at least? Isolde: I mean, yeah, I made bank. I’m good. That’s what I used to do before I was fucking hired for this, like, it’s always good to go back to my roots. Phos: It was fun, but I haven’t done this in a few years. Isolde: Get some better shields next time. Phos: Will do. Vasir: It’s okay, Phos. Isolde: It really isn’t. I fucking murdered you. You gotta fix that. Phos, OOC: She laughs at that, because she respects that Isolde is a lot stronger than her at the moment. (Beetle, OOC: Don’t worry, we’ll level up soon. Vekar, OOC: Will we? DM: Not after this operation, that’s for sure.) Phos: Yeah, well, that’s just how it is. It was fun though. Isolde: I’m glad you had fun getting your ass kicked. I guess. Phos: It’s not always about the profit gain, but more about what you can expect the next time you face them. Isolde: Hm. I disagree. Phos: Well, that’s me and that’s you and we each have our own deals to take care of. Isolde: Yeah, and I’m so much richer than you. Phos: How old are you anyway? Isolde: ... Why do you want to know? Phos: Curious. Isolde: Yeah, I’m, uh, not gonna tell you that. Sorry. Phos: That’s boring. Didn’t know you were such a mood-killer, Isolde. Isolde: How - what mood am I killing? Are you hitting on me? Vasir, OOC: Oh my god. No, no - Beetle, OOC: Beetle just starts laughing. Vasir, OOC: Vasir starts laughing too, honestly. Beetle, OOC: Standing on the sidelines, laughing. Phos: No, I’m more interested in a certain tall turian. No thanks. Isolde: Then why are you asking my age? What relevance is that? Phos: I thought about your experience and you seem to have generally - like, even though you asked beforehand, you seem to have a decent sense of how I would move afterwards. Isolde: Fight club. Mercenary. Commando unit. I’ve seen a lot. Phos: Yeah. I guess. It just puts into perspective how - since we’re two of the usually longest-lasting races, it put intso perspective how much we’ve gained. Isolde: That’s fair. I’m eighty-four. Phos: Oh, you’re younger than me. Isolde: Yes. Phos: That’s - that’s pretty neat. (Beetle: You’re a fuckin’ baby.) Phos: I respect that. Isolde: Yep! Is that all? Phos: Yeah - uh - I - yeah, that’s - it wasn’t like an interrogation, I was only curious. That’s pretty hardcore, Isolde. Isolde: Thanks. Phos: Thanks for the fight today. Isolde: You’re welcome.
Beetle: Do you think Kilo’s gonna kick all of our asses when they grow up? Isolde: Absolutely. Beetle, OOC: Oh, fuck yes. Isolde: If any of us have anything to say about it, then yeah, definitely. Vasir: Maybe they’ll actually want to learn hacking, unlike some asari sitting next to me. Isolde, laughing: Shut up. Phos: Wait - so - are you guys - I need to know this, actually, because I’ve been takin care of the kid for almost a full year or two at this point - do you guys have plans for the future, otherwise I would like you guys to think of it, at least. Isolde: Plans for the future. Like what, not dying? What do you want? Vasir: I know, right? Phos: More like do you have any ideas what there - how they’ll grow up to be, because you guys are all mercenaries, mix and match, all that. Do you want to drag them into that again? Beetle: Oh, I have an idea. I have Fischer Price grenades. Vasir, exasperated: Beetle. Phos, serious: No. Beetle? You’re gonna be keeping those grenades away from them. [long pause] Beetle, OOC: Beetle turns on her Tactical Cloak. DM: [startled laughter] Isolde: Look, you should talk to Tris about this. Phos: Yeah, but it’s also the rest of the crew that’s involved in this because they’ll be around you guys. Isolde: Sure, but - you should talk to Tris. Phos: Hm. Isolde: Look, I don’t know, okay, I live by the paycheck. Like, if someone pays me more, fuck, I’ll even kill you guys. I don’t care. Just - why are you asking me this? Phos: I was just thinking about if any of you - if everybody else would be getting involved in how they would be raised. Isolde: Fuck if I know. Well, hopefully. Phos: I hope so too, Isolde. I really hope so. Isolde: You could just take them. I mean, since you’ve been taking care of them for so long, you might as well, if it really comes down to it. Phos: I couldn’t take care of them personally, considering all the bounties on my head. Isolde: Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Phos: Yeah, that’s a thing.
Phos: Annos? Even though it’s Tris who made the decision, I’m gonna need your word that Kilo is going to grow up with some kind of skill that will let them survive this hell that we’re going through. DM: He kind of looks at you for a bit. Annos: As much as I would like to be able to do that, I can’t promise anything. You know who we work for. This is Tris’s independent decision. Phos: I know that. Annos: You need to talk to her. Phos: But are you gonna be involved in this? Or are you gonna stay out of it? Annos: I’ll keep them safe. That’s the best I can do. Phos: I guess I’ll take that. It’s - it’s just a bit of a mess. I didn’t really expect that Tris would be so interested in Kilo. Annos: Really. Phos: Yeah. Annos: You don’t know her very well, I suppose. Phos: I don’t know Tris very well. I know Kilo, but Kilo’s only two years old. This is - I know salarians grow up quickly, but you gotta - I could barely figure out how to kill, like, attack or defend myself when I was two years old, and we’re dragging Kilo into this? If anything happens to Kilo, I’m out of this, I’m just gonna warn you. Kilo is one of the few things who’s really, like, important to me. If anything happens to them, the whole deal’s off. Annos: [amused sound] Implying there was a deal in the first place - listen. I can’t promise you anything. I can give you my word that I will try to keep them safe, but I can’t - I can’t promise you anything. We’ll do our best, but at the end of the day, you know who we work for. Phos: I know. Annos: And that’s it. Phos: I know. It also limits things. But I just need to warn you, just in case. You’ve earned my respect, Annos, you’ve kept this weird group of people from not killing each other, but we’re still here. And you’ve saved us several times by sending people in at the right time. I appreciate that. Annos: Sure. What’s your point? Phos: I trust your leading capacities, but you just gotta know that Kilo is first priority, so if it’s mid-mission or anything like that, and I hear anything about them, I’m not gonna hurt any members of the ship, but if they are responsible for anything happening to Kilo, I’m not going to be afraid of retaliating that damage. Annos: Tris will die before she lets anything happen to them. Phos: I don’t know Tris very well, so I can’t say I trust that. Annos: Believe me. Phos: I wish I could. I really wish I could. DM: He kind of tilts his head at that, like, okay, fair. Annos: Anything else you need to talk about? Phos: Nope, that was pretty much it.
Annos: How drunk are you - no, better question, how many drinks have you had? Beetle, OOC: Beetle counts on her fingers, and she says - Beetle: Fuck, I only have six fingers. Aster: Here, use mine. DM: And he, like, holds out his hands to you. Beetle: Uhh - uhh - I think - I think - I think I had - five? Aster: You didn’t even need my hand, then, what - Beetle: No, I just got confused, I had three on one hand, and then I was like, ‘oh, fuck, I have three fingers,’ and I got scared, I’m not gonna lie. Annos: Uh - maybe drink some water for a bit, okay? Beetle: I’d rather die. Annos: I know you would, but please. Personal favor. Beetle: Can I get another favor? Annos: Yeah, sure. Beetle: Okay, sweet. I’ll get some water.
DM: Tris just kind of nods at you, and Elaye also just kind of nods at you. Kilo: Hi, Phos! How are you doing? We got all this neat stuff and there were a lot of big stores. I’ve never seen that many. How do that many people live in one place? It’s weird. Tris, to Kilo: The Citadel is very large. [to Phos] Hi, Phos. Phos: Hi, Tris, uh. Are you guys planning on joining any of us? Tris: I’m not taking a kid to a bar. Please. Phos: Yeah, that’s fair. But I was just gonna check up. Phos, OOC: Phos pats Kilo on the head and smiles. Phos: Tris, I’m gonna have to just - it’s nothing, it’s - it’s kind of important for Kilo’s future, so I’m gonna have to talk to you when we get to the Apricity. Are you up for that? Tris: Yeah, whatever. Phos: Sure. Phos, OOC: Phos kneels down to Kilo’s height and says - Phos: I’m - I’ll see you back on the Apricity. I’m sorry, I’m gonna have to be around with my friends. You be nice to Tris and Elaye, okay? Kilo, OOC: Kilo, like, jumps to try and give her a hug.
in discord Beetle: kilo give her a noogie
Party: [startled laughter]
DM: ruin the moment DM: :ok_hand:
Kilo: Yeah, I’ll be good, Phos, I always - I always do my best to be. Phos: Yeah, I know you do. (Phos, OOC: Kilo will not give Phos a noogie. Kilo will not because Kilo is a nice child - Vasir, OOC: Until Beetle teaches them how to do it. Phos, OOC: - and they have yet to interact with Beetle and thus has yet to be corrupted. Beetle, OOC: Beetle is going to teach Kilo how to give noogies.) DM: Before you get up, Tris reaches out her hand to stop you before you actually move off. Tris: They’ll be fine, okay? I’m not gonna let anything happen to them. Phos: I know. It’s just - a year of taking care of them is hard to shake off, you know. Tris: I understand.
Isolde, after Phos fucked up with Leti: Told you. DM: And then she just goes to the bar. Phos, OOC: Can I, like, roll to whack her on the back of the head? Like, ‘don’t get cocky.’ DM: I mean, yeah, roll for it. She’ll try and dodge.
Kara: Do you guys like bets? Vasir, very quietly: Oh no. Phos: Yeeeeeeaaaah. Beetle: Yes. Vekar: This is going to end well. Kara: How about a dance off, then? Phos: Hell yeah. Vasir, OOC: You just hear Vasir mutter, ‘Keelah,’ in the background. Kara: Whoever loses buys drinks for everybody. Beetle: Alright. I’m in. Phos: Hell yeah. Beetle: Let’s go. Vasir: [sighs]
Kara: The rest of the crew will be judging. Vasir, Vekar, if you want to judge as well, you’re certainly welcome too. Vekar: Spirits. Phos, OOC: Are we still in the fancy bar? DM: Yes, you are. Phos, OOC: So Leti is still there. DM: Yes, she is. Beetle: I do have to keep up my image. Vekar: So does that mean you’re going to Tactical Cloak out of this? Beetle, OOC: Are the three investors Beetle convinced still around? DM: Yeah, they’re still there. Beetle: Can we take this party out of sight of my marks? Kara: I suppose we could. Phos: Nooooo. Beetle: I’d rather do this in the street than lose my money. Kara: I respect that. I really do. Beetle: Thank you. I respect you. Phos: But I want to show the turian what she’s missing. DM, laughing: How about you both roll persuasion checks? Vasir, OOC: [sighs] DM: I’m sorry, [Vasir’s player]. Vasir, OOC: Oh my god.
Kara: Well, I suppose someone could distract them. Get them to leave. Beetle: Who wants to volunteer to do that? DM: Absolutely no one answers that. Beetle, OOC: [laughs] Beetle: Vasir? Vasir: No. I already let you get Stabby onboard, I’m not part of this. Beetle: Those are two completely unrelated events. I’ll give you some of the money I got. Vasir: Yeah. Why do I absolutely not believe that at all? Beetle: Because I’m a trustworthy person and you’re naturally suspicious? Vasir: Uh-huh.
in discord Vasir: this is vasir right now Vasir: [posts this]
Tumblr media
DM: [whispers] annos owes you favors
Beetle: ... And also Annos owes me so you may cash. Vasir: So why not just ask Annos? I’m not helping you, Beetle. Beetle: Yeah. Vasir: Besides, I’m a quarian. This is the Citadel. I’m not going to have as much luck as you did. Beetle: You know what? That’s true. That’s fair. Annos. Annos, warily: What. Beetle: Assman. Annos, immediately: No. Beetle; Favor. I drank the water. Annos: Okay. I saw you drink the water, but then you shotgunned another drink, but fine. Beetle: Yes! Annos: What. Is it. Beetle: Could you possibly get those three young asari over there to leave before I enter this dance-off? Annos: ... That’s your favor? Beetle, laughing: Yes. Assman, look, look, look, it’s a long story, and I’m going to explain it to you when I’m sober, but right now. Annos: Alright. Alright. Okay.
DM: And the asari get up and leave, after about a minute. Annos looks back at you and he looks so fucking done. Beetle, OOC: [laughter]
Kara: Okay, the song is ending. Can we - Beetle: Yes. Dance is in my heart.
DM: The Chens don’t really care whether they win or not. Beetle: I’m here to win or die.
Kara: Um... so - Advika: Yep. Yep! I only did this because Fawkes said he’d give me 500 credits if I did. But now I have to use it to buy everyone drinks, so I kind of regret this decision.
DM: Yeah, [Beetle is] dead drunk, and you see Annos put his head in his hands. Annos: Do we really have to go to this last bar. Rela: Yes, we have to go to this last bar. Let’s go! Annos: This is the worst. This is the worst!
Veron: Yeah, I’ll give you free drinks for that, that was really good. Beetle: Oh, yes, I’m gonna die. Annos: No, please don’t, she’s gonna die. Rela: Yeah, maybe don’t do that, sib. Veron: Okay, yeah, let’s not do that. Maybe for the rest of your people then. Beetle: Yeah, free drinks for, uh, Isolde. Isolde: Cheers. DM: Just her? Beetle, OOC: This is payback for the 500 credits I got from betting on her. DM: Amazing. Beetle, OOC: Pay it forward.
Leti Avonius
Annos, agitated: Isolde, why did you bring us here? Isolde: Phos paid me to. Phos: Annos? - I’ve got this. Annos: I don’t believe you, but by all means.
DM: What do you do? [long pause] Phos, OOC: This is, uh... Hahaha, uh, I didn’t actually expect her to be here. DM, with solemn, ominous promise: I always deliver. Phos: Can you play Beetle’s bit first so I can think of something, like, not kicking myself in the ass, like - DM: Okay. Alright, we’ll go with Beetle first. Beetle, what are you up to?
DM: Phos, you’re up. What do you do?
in discord Vasir: phos has to deal with THREE TURIANS Vasir: ARMED Vasir: CSEC... Phos: SHUSH Phos: I GOT THIS Vasir: DO YOU? Phos: SHADDAP, I GOT THIS Phos: Me, inside: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Vekar: Phos, what do you look for in life Vekar: Phos: "Dabooty" Vekar: "Hot"
Phos, OOC: She’s a little bit nervous because she didn’t expect Isolde to follow through on her promise so quickly. But this is kind of one of the few things she’s been looking forward to these few months since shit’s been going down, to find this turian she like kinda crushed hard on.
Leti: I have to arrest you, you know. I mean, you know that, right? Phos: Yeah. I - would say I would accept that, but sadly, I can’t. Leti: I figured. Phos: Even though it would be nice to spend some time, even if it’s in prison, together, it’s - (Beetle, laughing and OOC: You’re so thirsty you’d get yourself arrested by her. DM: [laughter] Beetle, OOC: “Yes, officer, lock me up!” DM: Kinky. Phos, OOC: No! Beetle, please.) Leti: I have to arrest for escaping custody, as well as - you were going to be released in the morning. You’re not supposed to come back here. Phos: Yeah. We weren’t really given a choice. We got involved with some deep shit after that, and we’er still not out of it. Leti: You think that means anything? Phos: No. Not in the eyes of an officer, I guess not. I can’t go. I’m sorry. Leti: So you’re resisting arrest. Phos: Is it resisting arrest if you never saw me here? DM: She kind of looks at you, like, ‘You better have something to follow that up with.’ Phos: Okay, look. All that shit back there? It was a lot of back luck. We’re not responsible for the elcor dying and we weren’t really that responsible for, well, escaping arrest. I know - it - we were blackmailed out of that prison. It’s weird to say that, but it’s really really weird to say you were blackmailed out of jail, but that’s basically what happened, and if you’re willing, I can give you my contact info and we can just see if something can be sorted out instead. Would you be willing to do that? DM: Roll persuasion.
DM: Leti looks at you for a bit, and she looks, um, a little sad. A little sad. And then she just shakes her head. Phos, OOC: Uh - DM: And then it’s like, ‘oh, shit! Oh, shit, this is bad.’ Phos: I also can’t get out of - I can’t go with you right now. First of all, your three people - and I know you’re armed, and you’re not totally up to the same standard as you were when I first met you, and there are a lot of people here with me. They wno’t let me go. DM: She looks around because she had seen the group you’d come in with. Leti: Look, I’m C-Sec. We have - we could call for backup, you’re not proving anything. DM: But as she says this, you actually see Annos come up beside you. He’s typing at his omni-tool. And as he comes close and stops next you, the turian looks at him, and she’s like - Leti: This does not involve you. Annos: No, it actually does. If you would check your records, you’ll see that these people are not, in fact, to be arrested. There are no charges against them. Leti: That is some bullshit. (Beetle, OOC: I never had any.) DM: But, you know, she looks back to the people behind her and nods, and one of them pulls up their omni-tool going to check something. Annos: No, no, I assure you. These are not the people you’re looking for. (Vasir, OOC: Oh my god. Vekar, OOC: Of course.) Leti: We’ll see about that. DM: And after some time, the other turian puts the omni-tool down and they kind of like look at the first turian, the chief. Turian: No, he’s right. There’s no record of these people anywhere. They’re just not there. Leti: That cannot be right. Turian: I know, I know! It can’t be right, but ther’s nothing there. We can’t arrest them. There’s nothing they can be arrested for. DM: And, um, yeah. She looks to you, to Annos, to the turian again, and wordlessly she gives you a nod. Phos: This is - how deep I’m stuck at the moment. I’m sorry. Leti: I don’t know why you’re apologizing for not being arrested, and frankly I don’t care. Phos: Because you were willing to try and give us a chance when the others were trying to blame us for their faults. I’m happy you - I kind of wish we’d had another chance to talk. (Beetle, OOC: To bang.) Leti, coldly: You’re free to go.
in discord Vekar: and she loooooooooooks at you Vekar: "You can go" Vekar hollers Vasir: i cant fucking believe annos is ob-wan-kenobing leti Phos: Annos: The ultimate wingman Vekar: the shadow broker mind trick Vekar: a chance to bang Vekar: TO BANG DM: TO BANG!!! Vekar: hey ask her name at least before you go
DM, laughing: I’m sorry, it’s just - it’s just funny because the only reason she gave you a chance is because you fucking seduced her. Phos, OOC, affronted: Yeah, but that’s still giving us a chance!
Beetle, OOC: Phos’s just like on the satelite. The dance satellite on the floor trying to get to her. Phos, OOC: We’re doing like a pair dance, so I guess she’s watching the both of us? DM: She’s definitely just watching you. Phos, OOC: Oh, nice. She’s checking out my ass. And my little cute tail! Vasir, OOC: [groans]
Phos, OOC: Before we go, I, like, I drag Beetle over with me to pass by Leti’s table, and as I’m wasted off my ass at this point, so I just ask - Phos: Can I at least get your name? Beetle: She wants to know your name! DM: She looks at you because you’re drunk, and Beetle’s also drunk, and you’re both just hanging off of each other, and she’s just like - Leti, enunciating every syllable as if Phos is a child: You didn’t look it up on the extranet? Beetle: You think she can use the extranet? Phos: I’m not very good with omni-tool. Leti: Okay. Turian: Leti, seriously? Leti: No, it’s fine. Leti Avonius. Phos: Leti Avonius. Beetle: Can she find your number on the extranet? Phos: I LOVE IT. Phos, OOC: And she drags Beetle off. DM: Beetle’s trying to be your wingwoman and you just leave? Beetle: Why are you trying to kneecap yourself? Phos: Because I’m fucking bad at this, Beetle, I’ve never tried it before! DM: You guys are just yelling this as you drag yourselves out, and Leti’s like, ‘What the fuck?’ Beetle, laughing: Yeah. Phos: I think I just took myself from a beginner’s flirt to a ‘kill yourself, this is never going to happen’ flirt. I am about to die. Do you follow me? Beetle: Okay. Phos: She is hot. But also Beetle? Beetle, I also just realized: she is so out of my league. It’s amazing. Beetle: She is pretty, uhh, up there.
in discord DM: beetle: it's probably a bad idea to date her but ya! she's pretty high up and pretty attractive DM: phos: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Phos: I - I got her name. beetle: She’s got that, you know, sexy authority figure thing going. Phos: I know. Beetle, that’s kind of what set it off in the first place, please. Beetle: [laughing] I’m sorry, I’m trying to roll with this.
Rela: This is my sibling, Veron. Veron: Hi. Rela: I always insist we come here so I can talk to them. But I don’t think we’ll be staying here long. The drinks are the best, though.
Vasir: How long have you been working here, Veron? How long has this bar been here? I guess I’m curious. Veron: I don’t know how long this bar has been here. I’ve been working here for three years now? DM: And they kind of look at Rela, and Rela nods, like, yeah, three years. Vasir: Long time for bartending. Veron: It’s not like I had much else to do. It pays the bills. Vasir: That’s good. [pause] DM: ... This is super awkward - Vasir, OOC: I’m sorry, I’m just super out of it - DM: No, I’m also just like, “how can i make this conversation go?” And I’m just - not very well. I’m looking at my notes, I got nothing else, because I didn’t get this far.
drinks (generated from here)
Caramel Killer Avocado Drop Apricot Puff Electric Stardust Oblivious Blood Nimble Tea Sticky Fluff Ancient Riddle Banana Vodka Lemon Blitz Southern Burst Paranoid Tonic Mild Enigma Nutmeg Light Beer Crimson Fluffy Rushed Kisses Glowing Mocha Cappuchino Paradise Tea Bliss Forest Shadow Angel Temper Avocado Freedom Flower Freedom Milk Minor Savage Dark Beer Cherry Blossom Shrub Lemonade Bomb Pear Pearl Oblivious Paradise Flower Mud Southern Burst Paranoid Tonic Mild Enigma Nutmeg Light Beer Crimson Fluffy Rushed Kisses Glowing Mocha Cappuchino Paradise Tea Bliss Forest Shadow Smooth Hopper Vibrant Dutchess Arctic Snake Sanguine Slingshot Mad Pop Fresh Pearl Flower Lager Crazy Kisses Fancy Joy Rose Petal Six Evil Plus Thyme Barrage Burning Sip Mint Crash Western Java Beetroot Stardust Peppermint Wave Noble Zombie Extreme Delight Gentle Blaze Oak Rumble Sugary Joke Infinite Gloom Oregano Crusher Unlucky Wink Ancient Sling Catnip Lager Rainbow Coffee Coconut Blaze Peacan Giant Paranoid Velvet Sake Puff Lavender Whisper Smooth Lion Mountain Sling Burning Brandy Stale Pearl Mild Rage Mild Slap Incredible Double Obvious Paralyzer Stale Breeze Apricot Four Lucky Petal Demonic Bomb Lemony Sizzle Mocha Lion Gingerroot Bruiser Fancy Touch Jasmine Wink
Roll 1d8 for every drink ordered, adding each value together. If the player reaches 40, the player blacks out.
Surf’s Club
Beetle Flower Mud. 1d8 → 4 Apricot Puff. 1d8 → 6 total: 10
Phos Savage Dark Beer. 1d8 → 3 total: 3
Vekar Mild Enigma. 1d8 → 5 total: 5
Pumped Pub Kicks
Beetle Bay Leaf Blaze → 5 Evil Plus → 3 total: 18
Phos Sanguine Slingshot → 7 Rushed Starlight → 1 total: 11
Vasir Noble Zombie → 3 total: 3
Lounge Zero
Phos Incredible Double → 5 Ryncol → 7 Abyss → 7 total: 30
Beetle Paranoid Velvet → 5 Sheltered Cove → 8 total: 31
“Beetle just dies right there.”
Vasir Gravity Wave → 2 total: 5
Vekar Sinkhole → 1 total: 6
Walked Into
Beetle Mocha Lion → 3 total: 34
Phos Obvious Paralyzer → 5 total: 36
Vasir Lucky Petal → 2 total: 7
technical notes
The party checks to see who isn’t coming along with them. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier.
Vekar → 16 - 4 → 12 Phos → 5 + 1 → 6 Vasir → 5 + 0 → 5 Beetle → 3 + 1 → 4
The fact that neither Telissa nor Irène are with them escapes the party entirely.
Phos checks to see if Leti Avonius is in Surf’s Club. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier → 16 + 2 → 18 Phos looks around; Leti is not here.
The party bets on the arm-wrestling contest. 50 credits minimum.
Beetle → 100 on Tascha Phos → 1000 on Cat Vasir → 50 on Cat Vekar → abstains
Cat and Tascha arm-wrestle. Strength contest. 1d20 + strength modifier.
Cat → 13 + 2 → 15 Tascha → 6 + 4 → 10
Cat wins the contest. Phos and Vasir receive the credits they put in along with an additional 49 credits.
Cat notices that Beetle didn’t bet on her. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier → 8 + 1 → 9 Cat doesn’t notice Beetle didn’t bet on her and thanks Beetle for the support.
Annos, Aster, and Isolde notice Beetle standing with them with her tactical cloak. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier.
Annos → 18 + 4 → 22 Aster → 8 + 2 → 10 Isolde → 2 + 2 → 4
Annos notices Beetle, but keeps quiet about it.
Beetle identifies Isolde’s combat class. Perception roll. 1d20 + perception modifier → 16 + 1 → 17 Beetle identifies Isolde as an adept.
Beetle and Cat high-five. Epicness roll. 1d20.
Beetle → 11 Cat → 3
“Like ships passing in the night,” Beetle says as Cat hits her shoulder and Beetle hits empty air.
“Wow, that was terrible,” Cat says. “I think I need another drink.”
“Oh, fuck yes.”
The party checks out Bar Cry. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier.
Phos → 18 + 1 → 19 Vekar → 13 - 4 → 9 Vasir → 5 + 0 → 5 Beetle → 4 + 1 → 5
“My perception checks are good because I’m looking out for my bae!” Phos’s player tells me, triumphant.
“Yeah, okay,” I say. “She’s not here.”
Phos doesn’t eat shit as she charges down the stairs. Dexterity saving through. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 2 + 2 → 4 “Oh, dear, that’s not good,” Phos’s player says.
“Ugh, the property damage,” Vekar’s player says without missing a beat.
“What the fuck’s my dex mod?” Phos’s player asks.
Damage. 1d4 → 4 Phos eats shit and takes 4 points of damage to her health.
The party investigates Rule Number One. Perception roll. 1d20 + perception modifier. “I’m gonna roll a 5 again,” Vasir’s player says as she rolls, and then she groans and yells, “I’m cursed! I’m cursed.”
“You think you’re cursed? Check this out,” Vekar’s player says.
Beetle → 18 + 1 → 19 Phos → 17 + 1 → 18 Vasir → 2 + 0 → 2 Vekar → 1 - 4 → -3
Vekar falls into the arena with Phos and Isolde. Phos and Beetle notice that most people are betting on Isolde.
Isolde, Phos, and Vekar roll initiative. 1d20.
Isolde → 11 Phos → 6 Vekar → 4
Isolde throws a Singularity in Phos and Vekar’s direction. Attack talent roll. 1d10 → 9
Phos and Vekar contest. Dexterity saving throw.
Vekar → 19 + 2 → 21 Phos → 18 + 2 → 20
Both successfully contest.
Phos and Vekar dodge the Singularity’s pull.
ADDITIONAL ACTION: Isolde shoots at Vekar. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 11 + 5 → 16 This is sufficient to hit.
Damage roll. 5d4 → 1 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 → 13 Vekar takes 13 points of damage. His shields blow out.
Movement. Isolde moves out of range of Phos’s shotgun.
Phos shoots at Isolde with her assault rifle. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 15 + 2 → 17 This is not sufficient to hit. Isolde rolls out of the way.
(“This is what you get for trying to fight a cool NPC,” Beetle’s player says.)
Vekar uses Tech Armor. 1d20 → 14 Vekar activates his tech armor, granting him an additional 14 points of health. The armor will explode upon depletion, causing damage in a small radius around him.
Movement. Vekar expends all 10m of his movement to get closer to Isolde.
Isolde throws a Warp at Vekar. Attack talent roll. 1d10 → 9
Vekar contests. Dexterity saving throw. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 15 + 2 → 17 Vekar successfully contests.
Vekar dodges.
ADDITIONAL ACTION: Isolde throws a Warp at Vekar, again. Attack talent roll. 1d10 → 9
Vekar contests. Dexterity saving throw. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 18 + 2 → 20 Vekar successfully contests.
Vekar dodges.
Phos shoots Isolde with her shotgun. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 20 + 2 → 22 Crit.
Damage roll. 3d8 x 2 → (8 + 8 + 3) x 2 → 19 x 2 → 38 Isolde’s barrier takes 38 points of damage. It holds.
dm note: phos actually used up all of her movement here - and therefore her action - at this point, so she shouldn’t have been allowed to take the shot fucking hell @ me
Vekar uses Cryo Blast on Isolde. Attack talent roll. 1d10 → 7.
Isolde contests. Dexterity saving throw. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 19 + 5 → 24 Isolde successfully contests.
Isolde dodges easily.
Isolde shoots Vekar with her assault rifle. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 12 + 5 → 17 This is sufficient to hit.
Damage roll. 5d6 → (6 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 4) → 22 Vekar takes 22 points of damage.
Vekar’s tech armor explodes. Isolde’s barrier takes 14 points of damage. It holds.
Isolde shoots Vekar with her assault rifle, again. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 18 + 5 → 23 This is sufficient to hit.
Damage roll. 5d6 → (5 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 2) → 17 "I’m dead,” Vekar’s player says.
“One down, one to go,” Beetle says.
Phos charges Isolde. Attack talent roll. 1d10 → 8
Isolde contests. Dexterity saving throw. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 4 + 5 → 9 Isolde fails to contest.
Damage roll. 2d8 → 7 + 3 → 10 + 5 Isolde’s barrier takes 10 points of damage, plus another 5 damage from hitting the wall. It holds.
Isolde melees Phos. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 20 + 5 → 25 Crit.
Damage roll. (2d8) x 2 + 10 → (5 + 3) x 2 + 10 → 8 x 2 + 10 → 16 + 10 → 16 "I’m - pretty hurt. I have 2 HP remaining,” Phos’s player says, and then adds, “I’m fine.”
“Isolde sends a gentle breeze at Phos and Phos dies immediately,” Beetle’s player says.
ADDITIONAL ACTION: Isolde escapes Phos’s grip. Strength roll. 1d20 + strength modifier → 10 + 5 → 15
Phos contests. Strength roll. 1d20 + strength modifier → 10 + 4 → 14 Phos fails to contest.
Isolde shoves Phos off of her and pulls out her pistol. “Had enough?” she asks, grinning.
Phos melees Isolde. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 16 + 2 → 18 This is sufficient to hit.
Damage roll. 2d8 + 3 → (8 + 8 + 3) → 19 Isolde’s barrier takes 19 points of damage. It holds.
Phos picks Isolde up. Strength check. 1d20 + strength modifier → 15 + 4 → 19
Isolde contests. Strength saving throw. 1d20 + strength modifier → 7 + 5 → 12 Isolde fails to contest.
Phos picks Isolde up, looping her arms under Isolde’s shoulders.
Isolde escapes Phos’s grip. Strength check. 1d20 + strength modifier → 5 + 5 → 10
Phos contests. Strength roll. 1d20 + strength modifier → 16 + 4 → 20 Phos successfully contests.
"Oh, nice, more power hugging,” Beetle’s player says. “I love it.”
Isolde kicks Phos. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 14 + 5 → 19 This is sufficient to hit.
Damage roll. 1d8 → 6 Phos takes 6 points of damage and is unconscious.
Phos and Isolde high-five. Epicness roll. 1d20.
Phos → 2 Isolde → 1
"You just slap each other in the face. Take 1d4 damage,” I say.
Beetle and Isolde high-five. Epicness roll. 1d20.
Beetle → 18 Isolde → 1
“Oh, goddess, I am so sorry, holy shit,” Isolde says after she slaps Beetle’s face and causes her to take 1d4 → 4 damage.
Phos shoves her hand against Beetle's cheek in a weird pseudo-slap. 1d20 → 18 Phos does this.
Beetle bites Phos’s hand. 1d20 → 20 Beetle bites Phos’s hand hard enough to do 1d8 → 2 damage.
Phos gives Beetle a noogie. Dexterity roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 15 + 2 → 17 “Beetle just starts screaming,” Beetle’s player says.
Vekar dodges Phos’s good-natured pity pat. Dexterity roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 13 + 2 → 15 Vekar sidesteps the slap easily.
The party checks out Pumped Pub Kicks, and Phos looks for Leti Avonius. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier - drunkenness modifier.
Vekar → 19 - 4 - 0 → 15 Phos → 14 + 1 - 1 → 14 Vasir → 12 + 0 - 0 → 12 Beetle → 3 + 1 - 1 → 3
Vekar and Phos note how shady the establishment is; Phos notices that Leti Avonius is not here.
Beetle gives Phos a noogie. Attack roll. 1d20 - drunkenness modifier → 16 - 2 → 14
Phos contests. Attack roll. 1d20 - drunkenness modifier → 1 Crit fail.
Beetle gives Phos a noogie easily despite - or perhaps because of - being trashed.
Beetle lies to Rela. Deception roll. 1d20 + perception modifier - drunkenness modifier → 16 - 1 → 15
Rela contests. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier → 11 + 2 → 13
“Okay,” Rela says. “I’m going to trust you, alright? Just - know your limits. I don’t want to have to carry you out of here.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Beetle says, entirely unconvincingly.
Phos persuades Isolde to tell the party how old she is. Persuasion roll. 1d20 + knowledge modifier - drunkenness modifier → 18 - 1 → 17
Isolde contests. Perception roll. 1d20 + perception modifier → 10 + 4 → 14 Isolde fails to contest.
Isolde reveals her age.
The party figures out why the Pumped Pub Kicks is so shady. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier - drunkenness modifier.
Vasir → 15 + 0 - 0 → 15 Vekar → 18 - 4 - 0 → 14 Phos → 10 + 1 - 2 → 9 Beetle → 2 + 1 - 2 → 1
Phos and Vekar know the bar is shady as fuck, but they’re not really sure why. Vasir recognizes it as a place where they might meet a contact, drop off a package, and has in fact used places like this before in their career.
Phos dances. Dexterity modifier. 1d20 + dexterity modifier - drunkenness modifier → 18 + 2 - 1 → 19 “How do krogan even dance?”
“They do the worm,” Beetle’s player says. “The thresher maw.”
The party spots Tris, Elaye, and Kilo. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier - drunkenness modifier. “What is this world we live in where Vekar gets the highest perception rolls?” Vasir’s player asks, laughing.
“Can we just not look at anything ever again?” Beetle’s player says.
Phos → 14 + 1 - 1 → 14 Vekar → 17 - 4 → 13 Vasir → 10 + 0 - 0 → 10 Beetle → 9 + 1 - 2 → 8
Phos spots Tris, Elaye and Kilo. It appears the three have been shopping.
Phos catches up with the party. Knowledge roll. 1d20 + knowledge modifier - drunkenness modifier → 4 + 0 - 1 → 3 Phos completely loses track of the party and crew.
Beetle calls Phos to give her directions. The player absolutely did not have to roll for this. 1d20 + technical modifier - drunkenness modifier → 13 + 2 - 2 → 13
Phos contests (???) Technical roll. 1d20 + technical modifier - drunkenness modifier → 11 - 2 - 1 → 8 Phos manages to pick up the call.
“We’re going to Lounge Zero,” Isolde shouts, grabbing onto Beetle’s arm. “I’m sure you’ll be able to find it.”
“Thanks, Isolde,” Phos says. “You’re a lot more helpful than some people I know.”
“You’re fuckin’ welcome.”
The party checks out Lounge Zero. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier - drunkenness modifier. “I hurt on the inside,” Beetle’s player says.
Vasir → 18 + 0 - 0 → 18 Phos → 13 + 1 - 1 → 13 Vekar → 16 - 4 → 12 Beetle → 6 + 1 - 2 → 5
“This is a place you wouldn’t be caught dead in, Vasir. You’re intensely uncomfortable by how rich everything about this place is. Phos - you look in the corner, and there she is.”
Beetle identifies the weak link. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier - drunkenness modifier → 18 + 1 - 2 → 17 Beetle spies three young asari at the counter of the bar. They may not be the richest people here, but she’s had enough time hustling people that she’s fairly certain she can trick them.
Beetle persuades the asari to listen to her. Persuasion roll. 1d20 + knowledge modifier - drunkenness modifier → 16 + 1 - 2 → 15 “I pray,” Beetle’s player says.
The asari contest. Knowledge saving throw. 1d20 + knowledge modifier.
Asari 1 → 14 + 0 → 14 Asari 2 → 8 + 0 → 8 Asari 3 → 4 + 0 → 4
All three asari fail to contest.
The asari are willing to give Beetle the benefit of the doubt.
The asari contemplate the name of Beetle’s business. Knowledge roll. 1d20 + knowledge modifier.
Asari 1 → 20 + 0 → 20 Asari 3 → 15 + 0 → 15 Asari 2 → 5 + 0 → 5
“Bullshit,” the first asari says. “This can’t be legit. I know a lot of what you’re talking about - champagne, liquor, spirits - and I’ve never heard of your company before. If you serve this kind of bar, I surely would have heard of you. Who are you, exactly?”
Beetle tricks the asari into investing in her ‘company’. Deception check. 1d20 + knowledge modifier + Con bonus - drunkenness modifier → 20 + 1 + 1 - 2 → 20 “They’ll believe anything I tell them now.”
Phos persuades Leti not to arrest the party. Persuasion roll. 1d20 + knowledge modifier - drunkenness modifier → 16 + 1 - 1 → 16
Leti contests. Knowledge roll. 1d20 + knowledge modifier → 12 + 2 → 14
“Okay, here’s the thing: you rolled higher than her, but your argument is really - not good. So I’m gonna do a compromise here.”
Phos whacks Isolde on the back of the head. Attack roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier - drunkenness modifier → 16 + 2 - 1 → 17
Isolde contests. Dexterity saving throw. 1d20 + dexterity modifier → 18 + 5 → 23 Isolde sucessfully contests.
“You try to smack her. She just ducks underneath, shoots you some finger guns, and then heads on over to the bar.“
Phos and Beetle high-five. Epicness roll. 1d20 - drunkenness modifier.
Phos → 7 - 2 → 5 Beetle → 5 - 2 → 3
"You go through these really exaggerated motion, and then you just fucking swing, and you just keep swinging, and you just hit empty air and you just keep going.”
“Every time they miss, Beetle says, ‘nice dodge,’“ Beetle’s player says.
Beetle tries to convince Kara to take the dance-off elsewhere; Phos tries to convince her to do it in Lounge Zero. Persuasion roll. 1d20 + knowledge modifier - drunkenness modifier.
Phos → 12 - 2 → 10 Beetle → 11 - 2 → 9
Phos wins out, barely.
Dance-off. Dexterity roll. 1d20 + dexterity modifier - drunkenness modifier.
Kara → automatic crit Phos → 18 + 2 - 2 → 18 Beetle → 18 + 2 - 2 → 18 Fausius → 14 + 1 → 15 Cat → 10 + 2 - 2 → 10 Bea → 9 + 0 - 2 → 7 Ann → 7 + 0 - 2 → 5 Advika → 4 + 0 - 0 → 4
Advika loses the dance-off and buys the next round.
Leti is impressed by Phos’s dancing. Persuasion roll on Phos’s part. 1d20 + knowledge modifier →17 + 0 → 17 “The body speaks,” Beetle says.
“She’s looking at you,” I say. “That’s about it.”
The party avoids the pole at Walked Into. Dexterty saving throw. 1d20 + dexterity modifier - drunkenness modifier. "Beetle just dies,” Beetle’s player says.
Beetle: beetle dex save: 4 - 4 +1  = 1 Phos: Dex save: 6 + 2 - 4 = 4 Vekar: vekar dex save roll 19 + 2 = 21 Vekar: "Guys im starting to think we're gonna have to cut you all off and give you some coffee" Phos: Phos: "what is coffee and why the fuck would I need some of it" Vasir: vasir rolled a 1
Beetle, Phos, and Vasir walk into the pole.
The party checks out Walked Into. Perception check. 1d20 + perception modifier - drunkenness modifier.
Vasir → 15 + 0 - 0 → 15 Beetle → 18 + 1 - 4 → 15 Vekar → 14 - 4 - 0 → 10 Phos → 8 + 1 - 4 → 5
"What the fuck? Why do they keep bringing us to different bars when they’re all the same?” Beetle’s player says, after I had described to Vasir how the bar was quieter, cozier, and full of locals.
Beetle poledances (and destroys the pole). Dexterity check → crit Strength check → -2
Beetle pulls off a fabulous pole dance and fails utterly to destroy the pole.
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