iam-artist · 5 years
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Day Five of Tankana Week: Hug
Takes place in the Gakuen AU.
Bonus Kochou Kanae spying on them.
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crisperia · 5 years
Kanao wants to kiss Tanjiro 💚💜🔥🦋
Kanao knocked her Master Shinobu’s door and looked inside shyly.
“Kanao! Please come in! What do you need?”
“Master… I need to ask you something.”
“What it is, Kanao?”
“As you know… I’ve been dating Tanjiro for a while now…”
“Yes! You both have grown up so much!”
Kanao blushed and smiled at her master.
“Yes… and I want to ask him something, but I just don’t know how to… I was thinking you may help me, master… Since you and Tomioka-san got married recently.”
“Of course! What do you want to ask Tanjiro-kun, Kanao?”
“I-I want him to kiss me…” Kanao blushed. This was all so new and embarrassing to her… But she knew what she wanted.
“Aaaawww, that’s so sweet, my dear! And have you tried… you know… Just ask him?”
“I-I don’t know how to…”
“Then you just need to do what I did with Tomioka-san! Don’t ask, just hold his face and kiss him yourself! I bet he’ll love it!”
“Don’t be shy! Tanjiro-kun is so sweet! I’m sure he’ll be delighted! Now, don’t waste more time! Go find him!”
“Y-yes, master!”
Kanao wasn’t sure that was the best idea. She didn’t want to force herself on Tanjiro… She didn’t know how to kiss… She had just seen her master and Tomioka-san but never experienced it herself. What if Tanjiro didn’t like it? What if he got scared? What if it disgusted him? She just couldn’t bear the thought of his rejection.
“Maybe I should ask someone else…”
Maybe Kanroji-san… She was the Love Pillar and was also married to Serpent Pillar Iguro-san… Surely she knew about this kind of things, right?
Kanao found her in the kitchen, enjoying an abundant meal.
“Um… Hello, Kanroji-san!”
“Kanao-san! You look as pretty as ever!”
“Th-thank you! You too! May… May I ask you something?”
“Aaaww, Kanao-san is so cute! Of course!”
“As you know, I’m dating Tanjiro and...”
“Aaaaawww, yes! You both look so perfect together!!”
“Th-thank you! W-well, I-I want to ask him to kiss me, but I don’t know how to…”
“AAAAWWW, that’s SO SWEET, Kanao-san! You should totally go ask him directly! I’m sure he’ll LOVE it! I wish I could see his face!! I’m sure he’ll be in PURE BLISS!”
“You… you think so, Kanroji-san?”
“ABSOLUTELY!! You just need to go and ask him and when he says yes just smooch him!!”
“A-alright! Thank you, Kanroji-san!”
Well, both masters had told her basically the same… So it should be the right thing to do, shouldn’t it? But still so difficult… How could she ask him for something like that out of the blue?
“Kanao...” a soft voice spoke behind her. “Hi!”
She turned around so fast she got dizzy. Oh, no…He was here. What could she do? Despite her nervousness and flush on her cheeks, she couldn’t help but smile at him. Tanjiro looked as handsome as ever, with that beautiful smile and kind eyes that made her heart melt. He held her when her dizziness almost made her fall.
“Are you alright? You look a bit flustered now…”
“Y-yes… I just… I need to tell you something…” Feeling his arms around her felt so incredible. She felt safe. Warmth and joy surrounded her. Despite her shyness, she never wanted to let go.
“Is everything alright? If you feel sick, I can carry you to the infirmary.”
The thought of Tanjiro carrying her bridal style to the infirmary made her feel dizzy with shyness and happiness again and she held on him tighter, blushing furiously.
“N-no, I’m alright… I just…” Kanao looked into his worried gaze. It was difficult because it was like looking directly to such a bright light, but seeing his caring eyes, she knew there was nothing to fear. Tanjiro loved her. He would always treat her with kindness, even if she did anything that bothered him. He could never disregard or hurt her. She just needed to tell him the truth. He would surely understand.
“I just want to ask you to kiss me.” 
The truth escaped her lips before she could even think about it. There was no going back. The girl waited for his answer while looking at him in the eye. It was extremely difficult due to her bashfulness, but she needed to be brave and do her best. He loved her. She loved him. What could be wrong with a kiss?
“Kanao… I-I want the same.” Tanjiro was blushing too. Kanao relaxed in his arms and smiled. Her master and Kanjori-san were right. She was right. He wanted the same. She felt so happy.
Tanjiro’s gaze went from her eyes to her lips and approached slowly, afraid of making any kind of mistake. Kanao looked at his lips too and finally closed the gap between them, touching his lips with hers. They were soft. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling, letting herself go. Tanjiro’s eyes widened, caught a little by surprise, but he quickly recovered and reciprocated, unconsciously embracing her more tightly. Neither of them wanted that moment to stop. When they finally had to separate to catch their breaths, both were blushing but smiling.
Then Kanao realized she had kissed him first and felt a little embarrassed, her cheeks burning.
“I-I kissed you first… I’m sorry, I just didn’t realize… I hope you don’t mind…”
“No! Not at all, Kanao! It was… It was amazing. I’m so glad you did.”
“Really? Did you like it?”
“Like it? It was awesome. I-I hope you felt the same.”
She nodded. “I did. I did. It was wonderful. Can we… Can we do it again?”
Tanjiro chuckled. “I was about to ask you the same.”
Kanao beamed and this time she waited for his lips to touch hers, a wish that quickly became true.
I really wanted to write something more before TanKana week finally ended and that's what I came up with. I hope you enjoyed it! 💖
Also published on Fanfiction and Archive of Our Own.
#tankanaweek2020 @tankanaweek2020
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tankana-estate · 5 years
Official prompts for TanKana Week 2020!
Welcome again to the TanKana Week 2020′s account.
As the title says, this will be the official prompts for TanKana Week 2020, which will take place from February 25th to March 2nd.
There will be an additional page with some questions that may arise, please read it if you have any doubts.
With all that said, I leave you with the offical prompts:
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Credits: Both pages were made by https://rebka18.tumblr.com/
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tabythetable · 5 years
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Day 1: Eye contact 🎴🦋💕
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oreozfox · 5 years
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@tankanaweek2020 @tankanaweek
And last but not least, Day 7: Coin Toss/Free day! I hc that Kanao hums or sings to herself on occasion, and Tanjirou loves to listen, whether she's aware of it or not.
I had so much fun doing TanKana week this year! Thank you for making it!
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junionigiri · 5 years
[KNY] Rain
For @tankanaweek2020
Day 2: Rain
On their way back to the Butterfly Estate, the rain started to fall--not gently, but with a vengeance. Water came down in torrents from the darkening sky, drenching the flowers and trees and the softening ground underneath them in no time at all.
Tanjiro considered running, but decided against it. They’re carrying goods from the market, which they might drop in their haste. Running over mud and slippery stones isn’t safe. And above all, he wouldn’t let Kanao run in the condition that she’s in.
[Read the rest on AO3!]
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mageofspace924 · 5 years
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My entry for Tankana Week 2020! WOW I'm super late BUT I DID IT
I kinda mixed Days 5 & 6 with hug and kiss, tranquility and happiness.
I'm glad I could contribute, they make me so happy ❤️✨
@tankanaweek2020 Thank you for hosting!❤️
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Fall From Grace, Right Into Your Arms.
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Summary: An angel had fallen out of the sky, straight into his arms. Her lovely, glittering amethyst eyes met his wide, soulful, burgundy ones. She thought of how they reminded her of the sky at the blush of dawn. And at that moment, something within them sparked a brand new start on feelings they never knew existed. Oh, how she felt wonderstruck right then, marveling at how pretty his eyes were..." Or rather, this one time where Tsuyuri Kanao's 'superior motor reflexes' did not work. Set in Kimetsu Gakuen AU.
Note: This is very self-indulgent so here’s my first take on one certain sunshine lad and butterfly lass. Shoutout to @sparkleswritings​ for being so patient with me on beta-reading this work. thaaaaankkkk youuuuu so much I couldn’t have done this without your help T_T Also, thank you very much Manu of @tankanaweek2020​ for kindly giving me permission to use the prompts and motivating me to greenlit this! And I’m sooo sorry this came in verrry late and for some marginal errors! But better late than never, right?  Hope you enjoy lovelies! :D
She thought this was the end.
Time flowed around her as if in slow motion yet fast, all at once. The girl was startled by a loud ‘snap!’ from a loose tree branch that she has been holding on to guarantee her safe descent from the cherry tree. And just her luck, she suddenly lost her footing and slipped. With a startled yelp, gravity took over her body as Tsuyuri Kanao felt herself slip away from her hold. For once, her fast reflexes and nimble body were rendered useless when her anxiety suddenly kicked in.
She'll have some broken bones, a few bruises, and cuts, maybe even some blood (she hopes not) all over her body. Her Kanae nee-san would be worried sick and would fuss over her nonstop. Shinobu nee-san would still do the same but she'll give her one hell of a lecture full of poisonous quips. And oh dear, Kanao does not want that. They would skin her alive, that's for sure if she had not died here first.
Had she lived a life with no regrets? Were the last sixteen years of her existence worth it? Will she meet her biological parents in heaven? What or who would she reincarnate into, she wonders. Would the words "Cause of death: A bad fall due to a misstep from a broken branch of a cherry blossom tree" be etched forever in her death certificate? She feels ashamed, this is embarrassing compared to those who died fighting disease and war!
At least those baby sparrows didn't get hurt and were placed back safe and sound , she hoped that their mother would find her nest soon. Kanao doesn't mind if she'd die knowing that she'd rescued something or someone. What a pretty sight, the last thing that she sees on Earth is this old cherry blossom tree in full bloom.
Ah, perhaps that she might become a spirit and haunt this tree to watch over her sisters and the other students at her school. Is this one of those, "When your whole life flashes before your eyes," moments that she has often heard from movies or books?
But here she was right now, her face and skin getting scratched from tree branches and her body was slowly hurtling towards the ground from a 30-foot drop. As she braces for impact, she instinctively wraps her arms closer over her chest, scrunching her eyes shut as the ground approaches nearer and nearer.
How did she get into this mess anyway?
*20 minutes earlier*
"Kanao, I'll be going home earlier today. Mom needs me to help her at the diner because you know… today's Friday and more customers are going to pour in during suppertime. Are you sure you're gonna be okay on your own?" Kanzaki Aoi queried her friend as she adjusted the straps of her bag, slightly worried at her. Club sessions were already done several minutes ago, and the two had just finished cleaning the clubroom.
Kanao shook her head, smiling a bit. "Thank you, Aoi. Besides, I'll be fine! I'll just wait for Shinobu nee-san when she's done with her club activities. I'll lock up the clubroom for today." Aoi was about to say something when a sudden chime made the pigtailed girl flinch, fishing out her phone from her skirt pocket.
"Oh dear, Mom's already calling for me! Gotta run now, bye! And tell Shinobu-sama I said congratulations on passing her exams!" She began to dash to the door, muttering about 'orders' and 'customers'.
Kanao waved at her retreating figure, slightly amused at her friend's antics.
Shortly after Aoi left, the clubroom seemed to be quieter now. The distant holler of the students from sports clubs doing their drills outside is all she can hear at that moment.
Oh… she's now all alone. She still has a bit of time on her own.
Kanae nee-san was still at the meeting with the faculty. Shinobu nee-san, meanwhile,  was still at the Biology room where she convened with the rest of her fellow Pharmaceutical Club members, no doubt testing another poisonous chemical that they had just concocted with ingredients only-God-knows-where came from.
Gathering her things, she exited the Flower Arrangement Clubroom and locked it.
‘Perhaps I'll go to the old cherry tree at the back of the school.’ she mused.It was spring, after all, and she wanted to see what it would look like when it blooms in full swing. The sun was already setting, casting the sky in a rosy hue, basking her surroundings in a warm, golden glow.
By the time she had arrived there, she felt her breath take away at the lovely sight before her. The delicate pink petals fell to the ground like snow, their scent bringing in the fragrance of the new season. The windy breeze swayed the branches slightly, dancing along the springsong. Spring was indeed her favorite season. The flowers blooming, the sweet sakura mochi that she and her sisters would always share while celebrating Hanami, and the warm weather were the few things that she loved about spring. Kanao feels her heart swell with bliss. For her, such moments like these are the ones she cherishes the most.
She also remembered, her sisters would always fawn over spring, gushing that this season was the best time to fall in love for the first time-
"Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!"
"Eh? Birds?" A loud chirping noise interrupted her train of thoughts. A few feet away from her, a fallen nest of baby sparrows laid haphazardly on the ground, no doubt being blown away by the wind. It seems that the thick carpets of grass and cherry blossom petals had somehow cushioned the nest's fall, miraculously rendering the chicks still alive and yet.. Helpless. The girl approached the nest and picked it up gently, making sure the little birds wouldn't get hurt in the process.
"Poor little things. I'll bring you guys back up to the tree, I'm sure your mother is looking for you..."
She craned her head from left to right, checking to see if anybody was around. It would be very improper of her to climb a tree if someone saw her - she'll be damned if it was Tomioka-sensei, their P.E.teacher, and school disciplinarian. The latter had the reputation of hunting rule-breakers like a crazed shark on shallow waters. And she was still dressed in her school uniform with an above-the-knee skirt. If some poor unfortunate soul would see what's under it, she'd made sure that they would never see the light of the day again.
After making sure that no one was indeed around, she slipped off her loafers and started to climb the tree while her one hand held the nest securely. Luckily the tree's trunk had a lot of bumps so it is easier for her to climb the way up. Though she did struggle a bit along the way, she reached near the canopy of the cherry tree successfully.
"There." She spotted a nearby branch dotted with buds, thick and sturdy enough, she remarked. "That'll hold them." she thought, and she pulled her body up to the said branch, sliding the nest to the branch until the twigs held them secure. Kanao smiled, feeling accomplished that she put the baby birds back where they belong.
Now that both of her hands are free, she moved to begin her way down. But suddenly her sock-clad foot took a misstep on a knobby part of the trunk and the branch that she held on to broke. Unfortunately, it was a thin, hollow branch and it broke on her tight grip. Shoot, she should've removed her socks back then to avoid her from slipping. But it was too late - losing her balance, Kanao felt her right hand getting scraped as she slipped off the branch, her body slowly hurtling to the ground the same way the cherry blossom petals fell…
*Back to the present*
No,no,no,no,no,no,no… These words were repeated on her mind like a broken record. This is it, she's going to die, this is the end. But a part of her wished that she wouldn't die yet. She wanted to see her older sisters again, to spend more time with them. With her fellow club members, Aoi, everyone…
"WATCH OUT!" She heard a voice from somewhere down below, but what happened next was not one that she was expecting.
The sudden thud of a fallen branch, the wind picking up, and a person groaning and wincing in pain-
Instead of falling onto the hard, solid, grass-covered ground, she felt two strong arms holding her back and the back of her knees. She landed on a body, a man’s to be exact, judging by the hardiness of it. She gripped his broad shoulders a bit too strongly, her body instinctively seeking an anchor to hold on to. She still scrunched her eyes shut, adrenaline pumping in her veins wildly, her breathing ragged.
"Are you alright, Miss? That was quite the fall that you had..." the words died by his throat as Kanao snapped her eyes open. This time, she felt her breath taken away for the second time that day the moment their eyes met.
Her (unexpected) savior was a young man about her age; with messy, slicked back maroon hair, a noticeable scar on his forehead, and hanafuda earrings dangling on his ears. But one feature that stood out the most is his eyes - wide, soulful burgundy ones that reminded her of the sky in the blush of dawn that seemed to shine against the sunset's golden rays. He stared at her with his lips parted, almost in disbelief that this random beautiful girl fell right into his arms.
As if on cue the wind picked up once more, sending the petals scattering on a graceful dance on the air. Her heart thumping wildly, all she can hear is her heartbeat ringing loudly in her ears. She and this handsome stranger looked at each other, her wide amethyst eyes meeting his dawn-red ones. Their faces were only centimeters apart, noses almost touching. She was rendered wonderstruck, marveling at how lovely his eyes were, his gaze was magnetic and deep as if they saw each other's souls at that moment, beckoning-
The school's last bell snapped them out of their reverie, breaking whatever spell that was cast in that ephemeral moment. The realization hit them like a ton of bricks as she just processed what happened: she crash-landed on some random guy and fortunately caught her ungraceful fall from the tree. With a yelp, she flailed off his arms and the young man grunted with an 'oof!' but still he helped her down, albeit a bit too unceremoniously.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!!! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She flailed, oh dear spirits, she hoped that whoever caught her was alright or she has broken anything! Really, what was she thinking?!
"No, no, no, it's really alright! I'm okay!" The young man in front of her flailed his arms as he helped her up. Their eyes met again, this time a hint of crimson dusted their cheeks. The two instinctively averted their eyes, too embarrassed at the events that just happened. For her being caught by a random stranger was rather shameful and for him, he was rather flustered of the girl before him.
A few beats later, Kanao gathered herself. She slipped her loafers back on and gathered her bag from the ground. With newfound courage, she apologized to him once again. "I'm sorry! I've crash-landed on you… Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere? Did something break? I'm very, very sorry!"
To her surprise, he chuckled. "It's okay, I promise! Don't worry, I've had worse. I have a friend who loves to roughhouse with me and boy, it's like I'm fighting with a wild bear or a four-legged beast!"
"I... I see..." Kanao raised her hand but she suddenly flinched, feeling a sudden shot of pain, particularly at her right palm.
"Your palm, it's bleeding..." He noted, and she raised it. He was right - a gash was blooming on it, slightly bloodied due to the broken branch that she held on mistakenly earlier that caused her (literal) downfall. Thank goodness there were no splinters. She touched her wound gingerly, wincing at the slight pain. "Ow..."
"If you don't mind, can I tend your wound for a bit?" The red-haired lad implored. Kanao was about to refuse when he fished out a handkerchief with a forest green and black checkered design from his pocket.
"Don't worry, this one's clean! My little sister, Nezuko, made this handkerchief by herself! This should stop the bleeding in the meantime," He stepped closer to her. Then he proceeded to wrap her wounded palm gently, making sure that it's not too tight. "There we go..all done!"
"Th-thank you….” she timidly thanked him, gently prodding her newly wrapped palm.
"It's no problem at all!" He cheerily replied. She looked up to him and he gave her a radiant grin - the kind where his eyes crinkled at the corners, the dimples on his cheeks showing. Kanao felt her heart skip a beat.
'He's such a kind person… He looks adorable with that smile of his-'
Wait, what?
"By the way... what were you doing up there in the tree?" he queried with his brows raised, pointing at the canopy above them.
"Oh! I.. uh.. I was returning the baby sparrows' nest there," she said, motioning for him to follow where she pointed on a branch that's quite… high. She gulped, he wasn't kidding that she'll quite have an incident, heaven forbid. Right now, the mother sparrow was now back on the nest, feeding her chicks with the food she brought for them.
"I see! Good thing I just came by, I was just about to head to the front gate! Who knows what could've happened to you or the nest, I mean, that's quite the drop, don't you think? You should be extra careful next time!" he chided her, but with no bite. His light-hearted tone somehow reminds her of Kanae nee-san admonishing her sometimes.
"I couldn't just leave them here on the ground..." Kanao trailed off, pushing a stray strand to her ear. She looked shyly at him.
"Oh… You're very kind to animals, Miss... Ah, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Kamado Tanjirou, a first-year student! Nice to meet you! " He bowed, albeit sloppily, and took out his hand, which made the girl in front of him giggle.
"Tsuyuri Kanao. Second-year, member of the Flower Arrangement Club. Um..." she gathered herself, "Thank you! For.. um, catching me, I mean. And for treating my wound!" she frantically clarified, and took his extended hand.
"You're very welcome, Tsuyuri-senpai..." Tanjirou's crooked yet bright smile once again graced his features, directed at her only. Once their hands made contact that inexplicable tingly and fluttery sensation coursed through their veins once more.
It’s like earlier, the moment our eyes first met.  
They just stood there, his dawn-red eyes meeting her amethyst ones, both of their lips drawn into a soft smile. In that ephemeral moment, she felt something piercing her heart, perhaps the season was getting on to her. She must admit, this feels nice…. Is this what her sisters meant about spring?
He was the first one to relinquish his hand from her hold. For some reason, she's now missing the warmth in her hand.
"It's gonna get dark soon, we should head home, huh?" She heard him mutter. She silently agreed, now trailing beside him. Leaving one last glance at the blooming tree, they left the place together. Tanjirou was now enthusiastically talking about bread and the bakery that his family owns. As they approached the school gates, Kanao already spotted her two elder sisters there, waiting for her.
"Oh, Kanae nee-san and Shinobu nee-san's already there," she remarked.
"They're your sisters?!" Tanjirou exclaimed.
"That's right!" she quipped, giggling a bit at his bewildered expression.
"Yoo-hoo, Kanao! And oh my, Kamado-kun too!" Kanae cheerily waved at them. Shinobu greeted them with a smile too. But when she spotted Kanao's wrapped right hand, her eyebrows shot up. She looked at her little sister in question. Kanao pursed her lips guiltily, mouthing "Later."
"Well then, I'll be taking my leave now! I'll see you next Monday, Kochou-sensei! Shinobu-senpai! And..." Tanjirou paused to look at her, smiling crookedly at her again. "Tsuyuri-senpai!" With a wave, the red-haired lad trotted off.
Kanao waved at him, whispering, "Take care..."
Once Tanjirou was out of earshot, two pairs of hands immediately fell to her shoulders and she turned to see her two sisters smiling sweetly at her. Kanae's eyes were shining with excitement and joy. Shinobu, meanwhile, smiled at her graciously too, but her expression literally said, “Explain or I’ll extract from it to you forcibly”.
Oh no. Once intrigue swept over them, they would never stop.
"My oh my Kanao. Care to tell the story between you and Kamado-kun, hmm? And what's up with your wrapped hand?" Shinobu said sweetly but laced with a little apprehension.
"Ahh! Shinobu, spring has finally come for our cute little sister, I'm so proud of her~! Let's eat some sakura mochi for dessert later, we have lots to celebrate for tonight!" Kanae passionately declared while she grabbed Kanao in a one-armed hug.
"Nee-san! We have to treat her wound first!" Shinobu said exasperatedly, raising her little sister's hand for her to see.
"Oh my~! Kamado-kun did a great job patching her up, no? I'll give him some extra points in the next class for this! He deserves a reward for treating our cute little sister~!" Kanae ignored her younger sister's quips, too excited that her Kanao had finally found a friend of the opposite sex (and a potential little brother too!)
"Isn't that a bit too much, nee=san? And you, Kanao, I didn't know you're now canoodling with rule-breakers? I see that boy running into trouble with Tomioka-sensei all the time!" Shinobu quipped.
"N-no! It wasn't anything like that!" Kanao stammered, her cheeks and ears now fully red.
Kanae giggled. Then she wrapped her arms around their shoulders, with Shinobu on her left, and Kanao on her right. "Let's go home now shall we? We can tell each other's stories tonight! I'm also curious about what happened to you Kanao. Shinobu, take it a little easy for our little sister, she's now starting to bloom and broke out of her timid shell!"
The two butterfly girls sighed but smiled fondly at their elder sister nonetheless. "Yes, nee-san.."
"I'm home!"
"Welcome back, onii-chan!" Tanjirou's little siblings, Hanako and Shigeru, greeted their eldest brother, running up to him for a quick hug. The oldest Kamado sibling immediately hugged them both tightly.
"You're a little late than usual today Tanjirou-nii chan, did something happen at school?" Hanako questioned after he set them down.
"Well..." he averted his gaze, picking on his blazer until he found a stray small cherry blossom flower that somewhat got stuck in his breast pocket.  Ah, a small remnant of that 'little incident' a while ago… and her image suddenly flashed in his mind
"An angel from the sky fell right into my arms and she had the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen..." Tanjirou unknowingly mused, holding the small flower in his fingers with a wistful smile.
Hanako and Shigeru tilted their heads at their elder brother's mysterious words. “What are you talking about nii-chan?”
Instead of answering, he just patted their heads lovingly. "Ah, nothing. Let's help mom prepare dinner, shall we?"
~End of Prompt One~
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iam-artist · 5 years
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Day Two of Tankana Week: Rain
Tanjirou about to go out on a mission but just as he is about to depart, it starts to rain, so Kanao decides to be considerate.
Maybe I should have put more raindrops in the picture.
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iam-artist · 5 years
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Day One of Tankana Week: Eye Contact
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crisperia · 5 years
Hi, guys!! Same as ZenNezu’s playlist, since I couldn’t find a playlist about these two anywhere, I decided to create one myself!! ♥ They’re songs which I think fit them either together or individually. Feel free to suggest more songs and I’ll add them to the playlist!! ♥ I must say I did this playlist with the help of @tankanaweek2020 and @rebka18. Thank you so much, guys! You're awesome!
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crisperia · 5 years
Kanao's thoughts
I was so used to not feeling anything... Not caring about anything... Feeling numb was peaceful... Easy. Then he came and with him these feelings that are so hard to explain. I feel this rush of adrenaline. My cheeks burn and they probably turn red. It's so embarrassing. And it happens every time he looks at me. With those kind, deep eyes. Those eyes... And that smile... So beautiful. I have never seen anything like that before. Tanjiro... He made me feel so different. He made me feel that my decisions were important. Crucial. That I did not need a coin to decide. It is like he has awaken up my numb heart. And now I can't help feeling this excitement when he is near me. I never thought I would, but I like it. Even though it's embarrassing. I like it so much and I can't get enough of it. I am scared because I have never felt this before, but I do not want it to stop either. I want him near me. Closer. I want him to take my hands again. I want him to look at me with those kind and beautiful eyes of him. I want him to tell me to listen to my heart. And one day I will not be able to hold back and I will tell him that my heart wants him. And then I can only hope he feels the same about me.
#tankanaweek2020 Day 1: Eye contact.
@tankanaweek2020 @tankanaweek
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tankana-estate · 5 years
Day 5: Hug
Another chapter from yours truly, I hope you like it!
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oreozfox · 5 years
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@tankanaweek2020 @tankanaweek
Here's my submission for Day 3: cuddles!
imo Tanjirou is a big cuddler. That's just the way he is. He loves hugs and snuggles and all that good stuff. One of his favorite things to do is hug Kanao from behind.
Kanao is a bit more shy about initiating that kind of stuff, but on the occasions that she does, it surprises Tanjirou but also makes him VERY happy.
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oreozfox · 5 years
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@tankanaweek2020 @tankanaweek
Here's my submission for Day 5: Hugs!
These poor kids have been through a lot, but luckily they can find comfort in each other.
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oreozfox · 5 years
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@tankanaweek2020 @tankanaweek
If it's okay, I wanted to go ahead and post my sketch for Day 6: Kiss! (I drew it early and was excited haha)
I guess Kanao must have asked Shinobu what a good birthday gift for Tanjirou would be! Lol
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