#Tarja Halonen
torillatavataan · 5 months
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do you have any facts about finland🤔
Finland is an ancient country in the far north of Europe, known for its wilderness, cold weather, and seriously awesome prime minister (as of 2022).
The earliest mention of ancient Finland in history books dates all the way back to 1975, suggesting the region may have been settled as early as 1972. In the years since, Finland has been controlled by Sweden, Russia, and popular Conan O'Brien lookalike Tarja Halonen.
Finland is mostly subarctic, which means it produces mostly coniferous trees, hoofed fluffy animals, and symphonic metal bands. Finland is also home to the lemming, an animal with green hair that will walk in one direction until directed to build a bridge, dig a hole, block and change the direction of other lemmings, or explode.
Finland mostly makes news in modern times because its prime minister is really cool. There has been controversy because many idiots around the world think she is "too" cool. Photos of her wearing clothing that revealed nearly a square inch of her chest were widely criticized for suggesting that politicians might have breasts. Later, an infamous video of her having a normal party went viral in 2022, resulting in great anger and criticism from the right wing, who assumed she must have done drugs because that's the only thing they themselves know to do at social events. Photos then emerged of her friends kissing, which earned her condemnation from people who hate love itself (known in the USA as republicans). Much of this criticism also relates to her being very good looking, which causes extreme resentment from incels who will never get to date her, and who hate being reminded that she is human and not merely an object for them to hatesturbate over.
Finland is also famous for being famous for having saunas, which every other nation also has but Finland is famous for them being famous, and anyone talking about Finland online will inevitably mention how Finland is famous for its saunas.
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lightlyteal · 23 days
miten en tienny että tarja halonen oli joskus aikoinaan setan puheenjohtaja
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Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!
Happy (Finnish) Indepence Day! Since today is mostly marked by the president shaking hands with every guest of their Independence Day reception, I thought this would be a fine time to introduce some of our past Presidential coaches. Today we have none, but until the 2000s we operated a carriage specifically designed for the use of the President of the Republic.
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The president's coach was always the A1. Here is the 19XX-built A1, photographed in 1973 by the time it had already been replaced by a new A1 in 1970 and had been demoted to A30. Originally, first-class carriages were painted blue, but by this time the colour only survived in special carriages, with all regular passenger coaches painted brown. Photo by Tapio Keränen, vaunut.org
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The 1970-built A1 was built specifically with President Urho Kekkonen in mind, as he was a keen train traveler. The coach was based on the blue carriages, with bedrooms, a kitchen and a meeting room. It was painted in the special livery seen here, which was exclusive to this carriage. With the delivery of the new A1 in 1992, this one was rebuilt into a "President Class" sleeper and eventually scrapped in 2001 due to being so badly vandalized in the interim that preservation was deemed impossible. Photo by Pekka Viitamäki, vaunut.org
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The to-date last A1 (seen here with the "sister carriage" A2 for the Cabinet) was built in 1992, during the presidency of Mauno Koivisto. This A1 and A2 were a fascinating hybrid of single-decker Intercity coaches and the blue carriages in terms of design. It was occasionally used by Koivisto and his successsors Martti Ahtisaari and Tarja Halonen, but eventually retired in the mid-00s. Photo by Eljas Pölhö, vaunut.org
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windynebula · 2 years
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albinaurics · 7 months
fuck christmas happy birthday tarja halonen
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eurovision-facts · 2 years
Eurovision Fact #136:
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Finland was very enthusiastic about their 2006 win at the Eurovision Song Contest thanks to rock band Lordi.
People gathered in Helsinki and honked their car horns, waved flags, and sang "Hard Rock Hallelujah."
The band was congratulated via telegram by president Tarja Halonen for their win.
Finnish newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, remarked, "It's official: Hell has frozen over. Finland has won."
Members of the public were so proud of the performance, even non-rock fans were impressed and happy that Lordi proved that Finland could be successful in the contest.
Finland, Eurovision.tv.
'Finland Celebrates Eurovision Win,' BBC.co.uk.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A report by Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) details and reflects on the press conference held by Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP), Foreign Affairs Minister Pekka Haavisto (Green), Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen (Cen) and Interior Minister Krista Mikkonen (Green), late on Wednesday evening about the damaged underwater Nord Stream gas pipelines.
On Tuesday, it was discovered that the pipelines, located in Swedish and Danish waters, had been damaged and were leaking gas into the Baltic Sea. Not long after that, suspicions began to rise that the damage was deliberate.
Petja Pelli, a political journalist at HS, reports that Marin called the leaks "extremely worrying" and she stated bluntly that it appeared that they were deliberately caused. Despite Marin's observation that the breach of the pipelines might be part of a "broader scheme to undermine European security," the PM did not specify which nation she thought might be behind the suspected sabotage.
Pelli writes that the ministers' references to conversations they had with their Nordic and Baltic counterparts revealed the seriousness of the situation.
"Nato will also discuss sabotage," Kaikkonen added, no longer making any reference to "possible" sabotage. Pelli points out that "there really is no other rational explanation for the fact that massive pipes deep at the bottom of the sea break at several points at the same time."
So far, Finland, Sweden and Denmark have not called the situation a military threat, Pelli notes, adding that this is understandable, as Marin said, a possible motive for the suspected sabotage is precisely to intimidate Europe.
Pelli adds that the leaks may well be recorded as the moment when Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine extended to the Baltic Sea, at least in an ambiguous, hybrid form. Pelli further notes that there are pipelines running along the bottom of the Baltic Sea that still carry natural gas to Europe, and their importance has now increased.
On Thursday, Finland's government is expected to further restrict Russian transit through Finland and to the rest of the Schengen area.
Nord Stream "purely an economic project"
In Finland, decision-makers persisted in treating the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline as purely an economic project, Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) writes, adding that only a few individual politicians in the past have raised concerns about the pipelines' potential national security implications.
In 2007, then-president Tarja Halonen discussed the Nord Stream project with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev "in a constructive spirit". At the time, Halonen said that "for Finns, the gas pipeline issue is precisely an ecological issue. If the pipeline can be built in an ecologically safe way, then we think it is a good solution."
Matti Vanhanen (Cen), who served as Prime Minister at the time, agreed with Halonen.
Former Finnish Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen (SDP ) also wondered aloud during an interview with Yle in 2009 why a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea was considered a national security issue, saying that the discussion about their national security implications had been "loose and unjustified talk".
In 2007, the Finnish Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs ruled that "for Finland, Nord Stream is an environmental issue". The committee was chaired at the time by Pertti Salolainen (NCP).
The most outspoken critic of the Nord Stream pipeline project was MP Tuulikki Ukkola (NCP), Ilta-Sanomat reports. "The Foreign Minister's statements this evening have really made me wonder. Who in the world has scared you half to death? [...] It is strange that no minister mentions that the Baltic Sea will indeed become a military and security flashpoint," Ukkola said at the time.
Back then, Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Stubb (NCP) said that the government's view of the matter was unequivocal. "For us, this is not a security policy issue. Increasing interdependence between Russia and Europe is a good thing," Stubb stated.
Parliament did not debate the Nord Stream project.
In 2016, MP Elina Valtonen (NCP) submitted a written question on the security policy dimension of the pipeline project and asked whether the government intended to carry out a security policy analysis concerning it.
The Prime Minister at the time, Juha Sipilä (Cen), responded that Finland had largely been neutral towards the Nord Stream project, and that it considered it to be a commercial endeavour.
"Finland has no specific national interests to oppose or support the project. The project does not affect Finland's energy security and, according to the current assessment, has no other direct security implications for Finland. The key issue to be assessed in the project in Finland is the environmental impact," Sipilä said in his reply.
Sipilä's government gave its consent to the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in 2018.
Ex-PM Lipponen's Russian links
Taloussanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) writes that former Finnish PM Lipponen's lectures and advice have brought in a lot of money for his company Cosmopolis, with the latest financial statements revealing a turnover of 369,000 euros last year, with an operating profit of 282,000 euros.
This is a staggering result, according to Taloussanomat, as the operating profit margin for Lipponen's company is as high as 76.4 percent. According to financial data services firm Suomen Asiakastieto the average operating margin for companies in the same sector is much lower at 13.3 percent.
The former premier became a consultant after leaving politics in 2007, TS writes, with one of his best-known clients the Nord Stream AG gas pipeline company, a majority shareholder of which is the Russian state-owned company Gazprom.
According to the Finnish Trade Register, Lipponen's company's activities include lecture services, consultancy, investment and intellectual property management, TS reports, adding that the ex-PM sits on the company's board alongside his wife, Päivi Lipponen, likewise a former SDP parliamentarian. The company has no staff and its costs are relatively low. The financial statements do not indicate where the company's revenues come from, TS writes.
A striking feature of Lipponen's financial statements from previous years, Taloussanomat notes, is that his company's turnover was comparatively high until 2014, but collapsed the following year.
Iltalehti also reported on Cosmopolis' activities in September, noting that Lipponen's company's weakest financial year was in 2015, after the invasion of Crimea, when the company made its only loss in its history. Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.
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joonasmybeloved · 2 years
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not 🌸
Oh I got one! 😄
1. I LOVE wildflowers! My favorite ones are those that stand out in nature colorwise, like bluebell and hepatica
2. Popcorn is my guilty pleasure treat, I could eat it every day and not get tried of it
3. I've met the former president of Finland, Tarja Halonen, in Lapland when I was like seven years old. I remember that she was skiing between two bodyguards and I skied right past them 😅
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nordnews · 7 months
As she approaches her 80th birthday, the former president of Finland, Tarja Halonen, rejects claims about Finland's naivety in Russian foreign policy.
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xylophonetangerine · 9 months
President Martti Ahtisaari died on the 16th this month. He was 86. He was born in Vyborg in 1937 and grew up in Oulu. When he was young he went to school in the building now occupied by my old high school. When he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 the school put up a commemorative plaque on the building in which they misspelt prize as price.
He was Finland’s 10th president and the first elected by a direct popular vote. He served one term from 1994 to 2000. He supported Finland joining the EU and spoke against the perceived lingering effects of Finlandisation. During his presidency the parliament passed constitutional reforms that greatly curtailed the president’s powers and legislative influence. These reforms had been advocated for by his predecessor Mauno Koivisto. He chose to not seek re-election in 2000 after his successor Tarja Halonen won the Social Democratic Party primary.
Not to speak ill of the dead but his Nobel-recognised works of peace in e.g. Namibia were not quite as selfless as is widely believed—rest assured that he did secure the bag and line his pockets in the process. During his 1987–1991 tenure as UN Undersecretary General for Administration and Management fraud and corruption within the organisation were revealed in an internal investigation. He was pro-NATO and supported Dubya’s Iraq invasion calling it a “humanitarian intervention”.
As I understand some Finnish names entered into use in Namibia after being introduced there by Finnish missionaries in the late 19th century. They enjoyed some resurgence after the country became independent due to Ahtisaari’s influence during the process.
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desertificationday · 1 year
Agenda Programme of the High-level event to mark the World Day to Combat Drought and Desertification 2023.
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UNCCD’s #HerLand campaign is highlighting the importance of women’s land rights in sustainable land management.
Friday 16 JUNE 2023 - World Day to combat Desertification and Drought 2023.
10:00 Opening performance by UNCCD Goodwill Ambassadors Mr. Baaba Maal, Ms. Inna Modja and Mr. Ricky Kej. 10:05 Opening address by Mr. Csaba Kőrösi, President of the 77th session of the General Assembly and Message from Mr. António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General. 10:10 High-level statements - H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen, Former President of Finland and UNCCD Land Ambassador - H.E. Ms. Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland - H.E. Ms. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, Prime Minister of Namibia - H.E. Ms. Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, Vice-President of the Government of Spain and Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge - Ms. Jennifer Littlejohn, Acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientifc Affairs, USA - Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, President, Association des Femmes Peuples Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT)
10:25 Her Land call to action
10:30 Interactive dialogue: Policies to advance women’s land rights. Keynote address by Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Panel discussion: - H.E. Ms. Sonia Guajajara, Minister of Indigenous Peoples, Brazil Ms. Annalise Blum, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, Department of Interior, USA - Mr. Qu Dongyu, Director-General, FAO - Ms. Sima Sami Bahous, Executive Director, UN Women - Dr. Solange Bandyaki-Badji, President, Rights and Resources Group Moderator: Ms. Lukwesa Burak, BBC News Presenter. 11:15 Statements from the foor moderated by Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary, UNCCD 11:35 Interactive dialogue: Action to advance women’s land rights Keynote address by Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator, UNDP.
Panel discussion: - Mr. Alain-Richard Donwahi, UNCCD COP15 President, Côte d’Ivoire - Ms. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, UNFPA - Ms. Rex Molapo, Co-founder, Conservation Music, Lesotho - Ms. Kehkashan Basu, Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation, UNCCD Land Hero Moderator: Ms. Lukwesa Burak, BBC News Presenter
12:20 Statements from the foor moderated by Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary, UNCCD
12:40 Closing segment - Ms. Sima Sami Bahous, Executive Director, UN Women - Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary, UNCCD
More information: [email protected] www.unccd.int/herland
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suomalaistavihaa · 2 years
Kommentti int.sekt.feminismiin liittyen
Alanko on näitä maalaisjärkityyppejä.kyllä hän hyvää tekee. Intersektionaaliset feministit eivät auta kuin toisiaan. Anarkistit ovat samanlaisia. He vittuilevat vieläkin Veikka Lahtiselle joka lähtiessään kirjoitti kolumnin. Pidän kiihkeästi toisen aallon feministeistä jotka tekivät hyvää muillekin kuin itselleen, eli kaikille naisille, tai vaikka SETA ja Tarja Halonen. Int.sekt.feministi…
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pajulintu · 3 years
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Happy International Women’s Day!
Yle (Finland’s national public broadcasting company) made a survey on who Finns think is Finland’s most inspiring woman. The top three (pictured left to right) were:
1. Tarja Halonen (24 December 1943 –), Finland’s 11th president. She was the first woman to hold the position, and did so during years 2000-2012. She has also taught international politics in Harvard, held several minister positions (Minister of Social Affairs and Health from 1987 to 1990, Minister of Justice from 1990 to 1991, and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2000) and was the chairperson of the Finnish LGBT rights organization Seta in the 1980s. Well-known for her work for human rights. 2. Tove Jansson (9 August 1914 – 27 June 2001), an author and painter best known for Moomins. I honestly don’t know how to describe her in a way that does her justice. She was a talented artist, please look her up. She was LGBT, and she and her partner Tuulikki Pietilä were the first wlw couple to appear together at Finland’s Independence Day Reception. She is the second woman in Finland to have her own Flag Day, the first being Minna Canth. 3. Minna Canth (19 March 1844 – 12 May 1897), a writer and social activist known for her plays addressing women’s right issues. She was one of the first notable playwrights writing in Finnish language, and the first female Finnish journalist. The first woman in Finland to have her own Flag Day.
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ruttotohtori · 4 years
Jos Halosel ois pään pääl nuttura ni se näyttäis iha Pikku Myyltä
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hehkuvamyyhapero · 3 years
se tunne kun oppii itse valtiaista että tarja halosella ja erkki tuomiojalla on ollu sutinaa joskus miljoona vuotta sitten
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