#Taylor swift just wiped All her social media accounts and we ARE freaking out
sbnkalny · 6 months
Just as we are FREAKING out
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Folklore [song series]
mad woman
Modern Day AU! Bucky Barnes x OC!Reader; Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s relationship throughout the years.
Word count: 1803
Warnings: swearing, angst
Previous part
Series Masterlist
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Age: 17
Year: 2011
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Elizabeth had the whole weekend to prepare for what was to come when she went to school on Monday.
Word had quickly spread about what happened at her place with Bucky.
She decided that Saturday morning to block Inez's number, along with a few other students. Everyone had shifted over the villain role from Bucky to Betty, Elizabeth. She even set all her social media accounts to private, blocking those who were being nasty towards her.
To be honest she wasn't even sure if Bucky had even gotten as much crap over the last month that she was getting in just the last 48 hours.
How is she the woman he cheated on suddenly the villain?
Was she harsh to him? Maybe.
Did he deserve it? In her eyes, yes. Her reaction was a normal reaction for any person that would be in that position.
She had given him everything the last three years.
She was gone for one summer and he betrayed it all within those ten weeks. He couldn't even tell her why when she first found out a month ago. Now here he was showing up uninvited, crashing a student council meeting, not caring how it all made her look.
She could no longer hold it in. She just snapped.
Now here she was the bad guy, because Bucky decided to make his infidelity public. Because he didn't give her the respect of having this discussion in private.
She had never felt more disrespected. She had never felt more betrayed in her life.
She had never felt more alone.
Sure she had other friends besides Bucky and Steve, but once word got around about her outburst, no one really cared about her feelings but more about the gossip.
Forget student council, the secretary, Kelsea Cash texted her Sunday night saying:
"Student council doesn't need any bad press. So it's best if you just sit out until student elections. Also, if you think about running for student body president this year, it's probably best if you don't."
That text crushed Elizabeth. She had given student council that last three years of her life. The meeting that they had on Friday was partly discussing about her running for student body President, with Steve running as her Vice President. She had done an amazing job all throughout high school her classmates had praised her and wanted to help her run again. Looks like all those years were a waste. Just like her relationship with Bucky.
She'd be lying if she said she didn't cry herself to sleep that night. The anxiety and sadness seeping in. She knew she couldn't fake sick because her parents would ask what was wrong. She had already lied about why she and Bucky broke up, she couldn't lie to them about this.
She took her time getting ready that Monday morning. She didn't want to get to school until the last possible moment.
When she pulled into her assigned parking spot in the student parking lot, she waited until she heard the school bell ring.
Elizabeth made the dreaded walk up the steps that led into the hallways of her awaiting doom.
As soon as she stepped foot through the doors all eyes were on her. As if everyone was awaiting her arrival.
She slowly made her way to her homeroom, looking down at her feet to avoid eye contact. She could hear the whispers, she's pretty sure everyone wanted her to hear them.
"What a bitch."
"Bucky really dodged a bullet."
"Never knew she could be so mean."
"It's always the quiet ones."
"Bucky deserves better."
Elizabeth fought back the tears, her main focus was just to get to her homeroom. She was going to have to take today one class at a time.
As soon as she got into class she found her seat and let out a sigh of relief once she was seated. That was until a shadow loomed over her desk.
She looked up to find Alex Taylor standing over her desk, with a sly smile on his face.
"Hey Elizabeth," he gently greeted her.
His soft tone took her by surprise, but Elizabeth knew better than to let her guard down.
"Hi Alex," she said trying to ignore by pulling out her notebook.
"Listen, I'm sorry about what happened. Barnes shouldn't have done that. It wasn't cool," he sat down in the desk next her, which was not his assigned seat.
"Uh thanks."
"Barnes never did deserve you," Alex's voice got quieter, he leaned over his breath now on her face.
"Bet I can make you forget all about that jerk," he whispered in her ear, placing his hand on her upper thigh.
Elizabeth abruptly shot out of her seat.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she shrieked, alarming the whole class along with the teacher, who started making her way towards them.
"Come on Liz, let me take you out."
"How many times do I have to tell you no?"
"Do you not know what that means? I don't want to go out with you Alex. Not now, not ever," Elizabeth continued, she caught a glimpse of the class recording her outburst.
"What is going on here? Mr. Taylor. Ms. Sanchez," Ms. Marquez asked looking between the two.
"I was just trying to be a friend to Betty here," Elizabeth snapped her head towards Alex at the mention of her nickname, "When she totally freaked out on me."
Elizabeth was speechless.
"Everyone back to your original assigned seats. And put your phones away," Ms. Marquez instructed, walking back to her desk.
"No wonder Barnes cheated on you," Alex whispered to Elizabeth's face.
What happened next not only took the whole class by surprise, but Elizabeth herself as well.
The sound of the slap was heard throughout the classroom.
"Bitch," Alex sneered, clutching his face.
The sudden realization sunk in.
"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what came over me."
"Elizabeth, principal's office, now."
Elizabeth gathered her things and made her way to the principal's office. She was completely stunned. She couldn't believe she just did that.
When she arrived the secretary informed her that Principal Alvarez was waiting for her inside.
"Ms. Sanchez, please have a seat," Principal Alvarez pointed to the seat on the other side of her desk.
Elizabeth closed the door behind her and took the seat opposite the female adult.
"When Ms. Marquez called to tell me why you would be making your way up here, I was completely stunned. Never would I have thought you would be in here for a physical altercation."
Elizabeth glanced down at her hands on her lap. She was completely embarrassed by her actions and behavior.
"Now normally I would call a student's parents or suspend them."
"What?" Elizabeth's head snapped up.
"But this is a very difference circumstance. You have never gotten into any trouble. You've been a star student, and unfortunately even though the staff and I are adults, we aren't privy to school gossip," Principal Alvarez informed her.
"Oh," Elizabeth's eyes widen.
She knew. Everyone knew.
"Being a teenager isn't easy. Especially in today's modern technology world. I can't even imagine half of the things you kids have to go through. The mean, hurtful comments they follow you all home, it's not fair."
Elizabeth glanced back down at her hands, to try and hide the tears threatening to fall.
"I'm sorry you're going through all of this, and having to deal with classmates' inputs. You're first heartbreak is never easy. It's hard enough having to deal with it privately, but having to deal with it publicly while in high school. It's tough."
Elizabeth could no longer hold in her sobs. She covered her face with her hands to try and contain the sound. She could hear Principal Alvarez get up from her chair. She sat on the chair next to Elizabeth, and gently rubbed her back.
"It's not fair," Elizabeth sobs, "I didn't do anything wrong, yet everyone hates me."
"How is all of this my fault? How am I the bad guy? All I ever did was love James. I gave him everything. Everything. And now I have nothing."
"I'm sure you have some friends you can talk to through this," Principal Alvarez says.
"No. Not really. People just want the gossip. No one. Not one single person has asked how I've been," she looks up to meet Principal Alvarez's eyes, "My best friends were Steve, Bucky, and Peggy. Peggy is no longer here. And of course Steve is siding with Bucky. They've known each other their entire lives. And the way Steve looked at me on Friday night after what I told Bucky, forget it. He's never going to talk to me ever again."
"I'm sure he'll come around eventually."
"No, he won't. He's very loyal to Bucky. He isn't going to turn his back on someone who's practically his brother."
"Have you thought about telling your parents?"
"No. I don't want them to know. It's embarrassing enough that you know," Elizabeth sniffles, wiping away the last of her tears, "Thank-you though. You didn't have to let me of so easily."
"Like I've said before, you're a star student. Plus you're going through enough, I'm not about to put more on your plate," she patted Elizabeth's knee before getting up and going back to her side of the desk.
"Now do you think you'll be able to handle the rest of the day? I will let you head home early," Principal Alvarez asked, standing behind her desk.
"No," Elizabeth shakes her head, "I have to stay. I have to at least get through today. I can't let them know they're getting to me."
"Smart girl," Alvarez winked at her, smiling, "My door is always open if you need to come by again today."
"Thank-you, I'll keep that in mind," Elizabeth nodded, grabbing her backpack and heading for the door, "Bye."
As Elizabeth walked out of the office, she glanced at the clock over the secretary's desk, everyone would already be in first period. She grabbed a slip from the secretary excusing her tardiness.
She walked through the silent halls, taking her time, the only sounds coming from her boots clacking. Elizabeth knew that to get through today she is going to have to show everyone that they're not getting to her.
In order to get through today she's going to have to give them what they've been calling her.
She's going to have to be a cold bitch.
This is the new Elizabeth.
Naïve, sweet, innocent Elizabeth is gone.
This Elizabeth will no longer show people what they've done to her. She will no longer be open with herself.
This Elizabeth is going to be just like all of them.
The only person that truly cares about her is herself.
This is the Elizabeth they've created.
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cupcakemolotov · 4 years
4/? I swooned, I sighed. I completely bought into Catalina/Alessandro. Not that i wasn't already 100% fully on board. It's a little insta-love but with the deliciousness of being known. Someone who just gets you. I loved them. I have a long wish list of things/ fanservice I want to see in Book 6. a) more domesticity! b) does alessandro need a visa/green card, I hope Sabrian gets right on that. lol. c) a Baylor family dinner scene with everyone d) Catalina/ Alessandro sword sparring
I was so much happier with how they did things in this book relationship wise.
So I went back and re-read all of Nevada’s books, and the first Catalina book, and I feel they actually did a solid job of pulling threads through. I think that there were a few things that were still rough around the edges on this book about this relationship, but man. They did such a good job of making it better.
For one, they actually gave us context for Catalina’s crush. We now know that a) she actually knew who Alessandro was way before her test and that she had a superficial crush on him and b) that she learned Italian so she could read his posts and c) that her freaking about him was because of all those things. We also know a great deal more about Catalina’s thoughts and emotional state going into this series than we did start in book one. And I thank them profusely for that.
We also know a great deal more about Alessandro’s background, which, thank god for that. It makes the whole found family concept for him so much more interesting. Its not that he doesn’t love his sisters and care for his mother, but he clearly doesn’t like anyone else and then he got tossed straight into the Baylor chaos. Even Rogan, who has a wonderful relationship with his mother, seems to adore Nevada’s completely crazy family. And I think that is going to turn out to be so very important, since Alessandro is going to be part of the family and helping to keep them and all their crazy safe.
And I think showing that they both got forged in fire is so helpful. Catalina grew up sheltered,  but has spent six months in the fire that is Victoria. Alessandro died and decided his revenge wasn’t worth it anymore. At least to do it solo. I think he still has lots of decisions to make in terms of that and what is important, but they have both come such a long way.
And please, please for the love that is holy give us Alessandro and Catalina dueling. I need it like I need air.
And since there seems to be a culture of Prime’s marrying other Prime’s for breading purposes, I don’t think houses have the same travel restrictions that the rest of society does. Rogan’s mom is from Spain, and seemed to have no issue moving to the US.
5/? e) more kissing!!! very important. f) how they announce Alessandro's excision (if they do), joining of House Baylor and the social media fall out. Do they do it by official announcement? an instragram post? Alessandro pulling a Taylor Swift and just wiping his account and starting anew. Pause- speaking of this he made 60 million as an assassin and his House is still in debt. the heck. who is still letting them borrow. How do they not have a financial advisor?!
It will be interesting, won’t it. And lets be real,if you want to PR spin Alessandro giving up his house and his inheritance to be with the love of his life, I mean. The fandoms are going to think it is SO ROMANTIC. I don’t think that will be an issue. Now, will his family be happy about it. That is an entirely different questions, but grandfather doesn’t have forever to live and Catalina is very, very clever. It will be interesting to see if she talks to Tremaine about or figures it out on her own though.
And man. The whole debt thing is weird as fuck but so very old world European in a way. His grandfathers refusal to take money that was earned through honest work is very telling and the question is are they a few hundred million in debt or more than that? like, WTF is going on with that on any level.
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sbnkalny · 7 years
I guess the only benefit of repealing net neutrality is I wouldn't have to see my crush's posts on social media anymore 🤔🤔🤔#reallymakesyouthink
Taylor swift just wiped all her social media accounts and We are like the dreamer who dreams, and then lives inside the dream lives on ヽ|・з・|ゞ
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sbnkalny · 5 years
I accidentally wiped all her old code
afloorable: Taylor Swift just wiped all her Social media accounts and we are going mad! 1977 and we've seen too many of my kind
birdrobot: Taylor swift just wiped all her social media accounts and we are FREAKING out
seisouindragon: Taylor swift just wiped all her social media accounts and we are going off.
nouvelle-pauvre: Taylor Swift just wiped all her social media anymore 🤔🤔🤔#reallymakesyouthink
seisouindragon: Oh no *watching them eating my corn and Stealing my boyfriends identity on social media anymore 🤔🤔🤔#reallymakesyouthink
nouvelle-pauvre: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to the butter see my crush's posts on social media anymore 🤔🤔🤔#reallymakesyouthink
birdrobot: Scutter haiku scutter scutted TO the butter delicious butter For scutters little scuttering scuttlets Alas she scutted into soup
seisouindragon: Monkey MONKEY chew the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
birdrobot: What kind of blog is better patter- batoota, batoota, monkey monkey chew the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
nouvelle-pauvre: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to the butter DELICIOUS butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
nouvelle-pauvre: Monkey monkey chew the butter DELICIOUS butter for scutters LITTLE scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
birdrobot: Scutter haiku Scutter scutted to the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
birdrobot: Happy to see my buttocks they is better patter- batoota, batoota, monkey monkey chew the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
birdrobot: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to the butter delicious butter for scutters Little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted INTO soup
seisouindragon: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
birdrobot: Scutter haiku Scutter scutted to the butter Delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas SHE scutted into soup
seisouindragon: Spam is better patter- batoota, batoota, monkey monkey chew the butter Delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
nouvelle-pauvre: Monkey Monkey chew the butter Delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets Alas she scutted into soup
seisouindragon: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to THE butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into Soup
seisouindragon: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to the butter see my buttocks They is better patter- batoota, batoota, Monkey monkey chew the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
afloorable: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted INTO soup
afloorable: Scutter haiku Scutter scutted to the butter see my buttocks they is better patter- batoota, batoota, Monkey monkey chew the Butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
seisouindragon: Scutter haiku Scutter scutted to the butter DELICIOUS butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets alas she scutted into soup
birdrobot: Scutter haiku scutter scutted to the butter delicious butter for scutters little scuttering scuttlets Alas she scutted into soup
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sbnkalny · 7 years
Taylor Swift Just Wiped All Her Social Media Accounts And We Are Freaking Out
Dunban serves as the master of the hellish yard, Was an assassin in the use dark star Bureau's pn and the media is being loud and has be be chibi (small) sized horses
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