#Team Art
dropitpunk · 25 days
thinking about art donaldson
cw: art donaldson x gn!reader, suggestive content, fluff overall.
you first saw him at tennis practice at stanford, snapback on his head and a playful smile adorning his concentrated face.
strawberry blond hair dripping with sweat, staining the red college shirt.
he looked like a professional, tennis and him conjoined as one.
"who is that?" you asked your friend, suppressing a giggle. your eyes followed his racket hitting the ball with impressive strength.
"art donaldson. you don't know him? fire and ice and all that." she said as if it was obvious. you sighed, still watching his strong legs running towards the tennis ball.
you weren't that much into sports to know anyone besides the rising star tashi duncan, but after that night you couldn't help but read every article and book related to tennis.
"hey! is anyone sitting here?" your face was all red, ears burning and fingers aggressively tapping the lunch tray in your hands.
"no, she just left." art donaldson smiled kindly at you, eyes crinkling.
he looked beautiful, skin and hair shining under the sun coming from the big windows. you felt awkward, taking the seat across from him. but the cafeteria was so full and that seemed like the perfect opportunity.
"so... i heard you play tennis."
and art was so simple to talk to. he was enthusiastic to talk about any topic, putting much thought into every answer to your questions and even more effort into getting to know you. it was impossible not to become instantly friends with art when he was so likable.
you started to sit closer to him and tashi duncan at lunch and breakfast, and you came often to watch his tennis practice. you went to tashi's games with him, walked around campus with your bag on his shoulders, you drank from the same gatorade bottle after the gym.
it was too easy to create intimacy with art when he was so thoughtful to you.
you never explicitly admitted your attraction to him, and he never seemed embarrassed about the way his eyes would linger on your lips, on your chest.
how his fingers caressed your arm when you were distracted or the long kisses on your cheek when it was time to say goodbye. you two never talked about any of this, but it wasn't necessary.
"wanna come over later? my room?" you asked all in one breath, nervously scanning art's expression.
he was caught off guard, swallowing and nodding quickly. "you got snacks?"
"what do you think?" you two smiled.
and he knew just how to kiss you right from the first time.
you were sitting in your bed, one of his hands squeezing your thighs and the other lost in your hair, pulling you against him. you tasted his hunger on your tongue, lips bruising you with his passion.
your hands clinged to his shirt, trying to bring him closer and closer. his arms were strong, never letting you go.
he was reluctant to be away from you even to breathe, lips red and pouty and glossed over eyes. art almost whined, gripping your waist to put your body against his again.
"want you." he whispered against your ear, kissing your neck.
from that moment, art was devoted to you.
there wasn't anything you could ask that art wouldn't move mountains to give to you.
his first gift was a promise ring, a beautiful stone on your ring finger meaning you were only his. his lover, his priority.
he asked you to come to every game of his wearing his clothes, sweaty kisses all over your face when he wins.
art kissed every part of you, love burning in his eyes so intense it left you breathless.
"you looked so cute cheering for me." his smile was wide and happy, hugging your waist from behind as you picked a book from the shelf at the library.
"i could say i'm a fan." his energy was infectious, making a laugh bubble in your chest.
he patted your head, looking around before stealing a kiss and mumbling against your mouth "my number one fan."
and you were. you made signs with his name and took pictures of him on every game with your camera. only his best angles, smiling when he posed and sent hearts at you.
he was just as supportive of your studies, picking up different books and buying different colored pencils, writing his name on the pages of your notebooks just to annoy you.
would make you tea and buy you sweet treats after you were finished, kissing your temples and forehead if you complained about headaches.
he rested his head on your chest and lap a lot, looking up at you so you could get the hint and pet him.
art wanted to spend every second of his free time with you, so he was extremely satisfied when you asked him to teach you how to play tennis.
he went easy on you, extremely careful with his explanations so you wouldn't hurt yourself. art would stand behind you and place his hands on your fingers so he could correct the way you were holding the racket, strong chest glued to your back.
"you are already better than me." he was being kind. art smiled, he enjoyed praising the people he loved.
"you look so pretty with your hair like this."
"you smell so good, i can recognize you anywhere"
"you are so smart, i'd never have thought of this."
"wanna kiss you until you're sore and tired from my love." he said to you one night, voice calm and muffled as he had his head burried on your chest.
"m' not gonna get tired, art."
"you promise?" art looked up at you, eyes shining with emotion and face flushed.
you placed a hand on his cheek, the stone on your promise ring reflecting the moonlight. he leaned into your touch, kissing your palm with eyes closed.
"yeah, i promise."
a/n: not often into blondes but a hot man is a hot man #teamart
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jilllovesmike · 1 month
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Why am I Team Art? Exhibit A
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not-so-rosyyy · 2 months
I've had a full 48hours now to ruminate on Challengers (2024) and finally decide that if you put a gun to my head to make me choose between their three toxic asses to rally behind I'd choose the one who at least looks like he showers and/or doesn't sleep with someone who doesn't
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imgaythankyougoodbye · 2 months
Challengers (2024) Spoilers Without Context
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artiedonaldson · 1 month
every team art girlie should be issued this t-shirt as an official uniform
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jesuistrestriste · 2 months
okay im literally yearning to write a quick lil smth smth before finishing that new full art donaldson fic so
im gonna let the team art masses decide
(i’ll be checking the results later today + writing up the lil fic tn + it’ll be posted v v soon after!)
(also, all of these options will probably be written eventually, but this is just a matter of which one comes first)
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winblossomwin · 10 months
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lietomevpr · 28 days
just keep swimming - ART DONALDSON! short blurb
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description- ever since y/n moved in to a new house with a pool, the caretaking of the pool started to take a toll on their schedule and something had to change. their pool company offers to send a pool boy out for maintenance. unfortunately for y/n, he’s blonde and SUCH a charmer. a universe where art probably never went to summer tennis tournaments and instead was a gorgeous pool boy!
warnings- 18+ (vulgar language) but really just so much flirting!! i'll decide later if I want to write smut if you all like this so far :)
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Summer came around again like clockwork. I can tell by the way the sun torches the pavement and the bugs fly around you no matter where you are. I had just moved in about half a year ago, and unpacking has been slow. Usually my Saturday afternoons are for cleaning and organizing, and even clad in shorts and a tee shirt with my hair tied up, I was still sweating. On my pathway to the kitchen, I pass my sliding door window out to the backyard. All I see is my covered up, likely hideous underneath, swimming pool. Annoyance etched my features. I've been avoiding the pool because I just got a new job as well and my schedule has been busier than I ever imagined it being. The idea of chopping off the time to take care of the pool myself this summer seemed like such a hassle. Setting my laundry basket down with a plop, I look up the nearest pool service company and give them a quick call. The representative assured me they’d send out one or two “fellas” out tomorrow, as the gruff old man told me during our conversation. I’ve been swimming all my life. My parents taught me to swim really young, and I continued competitively throughout college. I am as much fish as I am human. It was only natural that when I searched for my own place at 25, I wanted a pool to continue my love for the activity. However, the relief that flew through me when the call was finished was enough to allow me to move to the next room to clean.
THE NEXT DAY was somehow even hotter, if it was possible. Once showered and dressed for the days events, I was making my lunch and watching my comfort show when there was a knock on the door.
“Oh great, those must be the pool cleaners", I thought to myself.
Giving a quick glance at my appearance, I was satisfied with opening the door. Smooth, shaved legs, blue denim shorts, and a yellow tank top with sandals seemed to be appropriate for guests in the back yard to me. Upon opening the door, there are two older aged gentleman a decade or so older than me.
“Hello Ma'am! We’re Marcus and Devin and uh…”
One turns around with eyes squinted from the sun and gestures back to the service van where there is a figure messing around in the trunk with heavy equipment or something.
“That’s Art back there in the van, new intern.” Says Marcus, who I now can see the name tag of.
“Well alrighty! Thanks so much for coming, let me show you out back and assess the damage.” I take them out through the side yard and show them the monstrosity of a chore I've been putting off.
The two gentleman eventually wrestle the pool cover off and look around to see what needs to be done. They're talking amongst themselves, and hopefully it's not too much of a big project. Having an in ground pool was a luxury and I knew it. Thats why I was so appreciative of them coming out. They told me in general how much it was gonna cost, and said they’re ready to start whenever the intern made his way on over.
“Well I will leave you guys to it, knock if you need anything! In a hour or so I might bring out some lemonade for you all, it’s so hot!” I say, shooting them a smile. They beam appreciatively and I set for inside.
Busying myself while people were making loud, machine sounds in my back yard was harder than I thought. I liked to watch it all get done. But in general, watching people out of the window was frowned upon. After I finished eating my sandwich, I decided the best use of my time would be to just veg out in the living room. After roughly three or four episodes of a show pass, I figure it's time to make my signature lemonade and bring it out to them. These gentleman won't know what hit them. I've been complimented on my lemonade recipe before, so I was excited to see the final opinion. Setting four glasses on a wooden tray, I make my way out of the front door and around the side yard, as to not walk right up into their space by using the sliding door. I don't get very far into my backyard before I almost drop the tray of lemonade because I collided abruptly with a body. A warm one. Pool company shirt drenched in sweat, I looked up at the figure obstructing my path. I was met with someone roughly around my age, maybe a year or two younger. A simply gorgeous man, one of paler complexion, but sporting a full, fluffy head of blonde hair. So bright it makes the sun look like a dying flashlight. His eyes were so breathtaking and his lips looked so soft and pink, he was a sight to be had. When he smiled at me before he opened his mouth to apologize, that was even brighter. I step back and laugh sheepishly.
"I am so sorry!" That barely gets out out my mouth because this beautiful pool man standing before me says,
"Holy shit, I am so sorry are you okay?".
He backs up, and gives me a once over. Something that was probably just him making sure I wasn't hurt or covered in ice cold lemonade. But the once over brought out some sort of stirring in me, and I questioned if my outfit was actually okay or not because now it mattered that the man in front of me liked what he saw. The genuine concern in his voice was refreshing to hear though, so I recover from the initial embarrassment.
“Yeah I’m fine, it’s alright! I'm Y/N, Y/L/N, I own the place.” My cheeks blush because now I’ve bumped into the most beautiful man and he’s here to clean my pool. It almost looks like he smirks at my coloration. But it could've been the sun's glare playing tricks on me.
“Lovely pool you got out there ma’am. And yard too while we’re at it.” He wipes the sweat from his forehead with his forearm and sticks that same arm out to shake. Watching a sweaty hardworking man was one of my favorite past times, and the fact that he used the same hand made me insanely hot in the face. His hands in mine feel firm, but respectful.
“I’m... uh, Art Donaldson, by the way. Im the…”
“The intern?” I tease.
He gives a look of panic when he whips his head around and shouts to his older crew mates.
“I told you guys to stop introducing me like that!”
I can hear deep chuckling somewhere in my backyard and I smile at the interaction between the three gentlemen. Art spins back around to me, laughs, and rolls his eyes.
“Sorry about those guys. They mean well of course. I think they’re just jealous of my amazing pool skills. What I was going to say, is that I’m the person who’s going to be doing routine checks once we clean it out completely. Every three weeks I come back without my two friends over there, and I deep clean and treat the water. Or more often, if you want to upgrade your plan. ”
These words weighed on me. This man would be in my back yard by himself and I had the option to make it more often? I would be lying if I said I wasn’t considering it. But having him around so often would be a personal distraction right?
“Well thanks for being my pool cleaner I really appreciate it. I love to swim but I’ve just been so busy lately and I haven’t had the time to maintain it.” I tell the guy, hopefully not looking as upset as I really feel. He looks at me in a way I can’t decipher.
“Don’t worry about it you did the right thing calling us.” He says, offering a stunning smile. Not sure where to go from there, his eyes shoot anywhere but mine it seems, and lands on the lemonade tray in my hand.
“Oh my god please tell me that is for us I am sweating like a dog out here.”
He leans his head over and shakes his blonde curly hair that I am already fond of and I watch as the droplets drip down on my patio brick. My throat hitches at the strange sexiness of the action and I awkwardly cough it out and hand him a glass.
“My speciality! Enjoy.”
He basically chugs it and leaves a cliche and comical "Ahh", after the sip.
"Thank you, it's amazing", he says out of breath from the gigantic sip he took and grins.
"It's just so hot out here ya know?", he spoke softly, lolling his head to the side and glancing up and down at me with a smile that punched me in the gut. Whether he's talking about me or the weather was really up to debate with the look he gave me.
Art looks down at his lemonade, and back at me. Well, back at my tits it feels like.
"Matches your tank top", he says nonchalantly
Then Art grabs the tray from my hands, something I wasn't expecting. When the exchange happens, our fingers brush over one another's. We snap our heads up at the same time and look at each other. The electric jolt of his touch and the comment about my choice in clothing made my brain spin. He smiled to himself, like I wasn't supposed to see that one.
"Let me take these to them for you. See you around Y/N." He turns around but doesn't get far before shouting,
I spin around to go back inside but not before laughing at this energetic, and playful man romping around my yard to give his coworkers my lemonade.
An hour goes by and now that I know what Art looks like, the itch to look out the window was increasingly difficult to resist. Eventually I cave and pull back the curtains slightly and look down at the back yard from my bedroom window and see them out there, standing on the perimeter of the hollow ground. They're almost finished actually, just about ready to turn the water pump on if I had any guess. I spot Art easily, and watch as he lifts up a heavy trailer cart of material away from the pool and to what I assume is the front yard to take to the van. He stops his trek and drops his cart and though I can't hear him too well from the upper floor, it seems as if he lets out an expletive.
"FUCK it's hot." It sounds like.
In a matter of milliseconds, Art's company shirt gets tore off and all that's left is a devastatingly handsome body, covered in sweat from working in the conditions. He looks like can use a dip in the pool himself he's so hot. Nothing could've prepared me for seeing him shirtless in my back yard, but yet here we were. It was bordering on ogling at this point, but the abs to blonde hair ratio nearly made me collapse. I guess I picked the right time to do this because Art looks up at the window AS IF he knew I was watching. His face brightens up at the sight of me, sees where my eyes landed and smiles to himself. Then waves to me with the shirt in hand and I wave shyly back and watch the man return to his journey with the cart of heavy things. I start to tear my eyes away from the window and retreat, pretending I wasn't checking out the man who will be cleaning my pool for the next short while. But not before noticing a boyish smirk placed on his lips as he turns out of vision. Having a beautiful pool boy in my yard was going to be a lot harder than I think I would ever anticipate.
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let me know what you guys think! i wrote it for fluffy long hair art but the gif i chose matched the hot summer day and sweat aspect of this blurb.
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pugh-bug · 29 days
im sorry to all the Patrick girlies but im an art girl till i die (plus the man did nothing wrong)
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kurofai-olympics · 10 days
KuroFai Olympics 2024 - Ancient vs Modern
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For this years Olympics we have 16 writers and 9 artists who have bravely stepped forward to enjoy the fun.
Our Teams are the following
Team Art
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Team Ancient
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Team Modern
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The schedule for the Olympics will be the following
10 June - Posting schedule release. 19 Aug - Posting begins 30 Sep - Voting Closes 3 Oct - Results announced
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feydsdarling · 2 months
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Zendaya, Mike Faist and Josh O’Connor for variety
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jilllovesmike · 1 month
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I love you too.
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burning-quesadilla · 8 months
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Doodle of one of my teams
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Some con-exclusive buttons of the cast drawn by Austinado, made to be handed out to fans at Holiday Matsuri! They're one of a kind, but you can look at them.
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luvv4teller · 15 days
Not a day has gone by since watching Challengers that I haven’t thought about it. More specifically this scene..
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whiteguardian · 1 year
Latest fanart i draw.
Commission open.
Price negotiable.
Contact me by Email.
Thank you.
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