star--nymph · 2 years
I don't know about you guys but whenever I play Jaws of Hakkon and I run into the codex on Ameridan and Telena, I lose all composure like:
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Don't talk to me about it. Don't touch me. They loved each other and the Chantry tried to erase Telana from his story. Her very existence was branded "problematic" and banned--because god forbid Ameridan be an elven mage and much less be in love with one.
All this while Telana waited for an eternity for him to return to her. Her love for him was so damn strong that spirits preserved her memories--and the only thing to bring those pieces of her memory back together, to give her some semblance of who she used to be?
"Ameridan? Yes. Inquisitor. Beloved."
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DLC: Jaws of Hakkon - Frostback Basin, Miscellaneous
Professor Bram Kenric of the University of Orlais sent word to the Inquisition that he had found clues regarding the final resting place of the last Inquisitor, Ameridan, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the early years of the Divine Age. He believes that this discovery would be beneficial to both academic research and the Inquisition itself, and asks that the Inquisitor join him in the Frostback Basin to help him in his investigation. 
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The objective of the DLC seems to be learning a lot of lore about the last Inquisitor, a bit of the ancient Dalish of the time of the Second Blight, a lot of Avvar lore, and a strange, unique process of willingly possession of Avvar mages that changes the value of Avvar Knowledge in general.
I personally think that the most important role of this DLC is basically teaching us in a very explicit way that all the “official” History of Thedas may be a lie. It makes a parallel with any story we follow in DA series: the origin of the Qunari, the truth of the Maker, the creation of the Veil, the Truth about the Elven Gods, the Tevinter Magisters, the Golden city, etc. Every piece of History has been altered and twisted over time for political, cultural, or simply convenient reasons, and this is more than important to keep it in mind every time we appraise the value of a source.
In this post I gather some aspects that I did not know where to put in the other posts:
Kenric: The Scholar
The Icetroll
The Veil and the preservation of the Waking World
[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore ]
Kenric: The scholar
The DLC starts with a scholar looking for the last place of resting of the previous inquisitor, assuming it’s in the Frostback Basin. The gist of all this part and the whole DLC when it comes to Ameridan is that the Chantry knows little [or erased a lot] about this inquisitor because political reasons. Many of those mysteries are discovered by the end of the DLC, showing us how much the “official History” lies due to political or mass control reasons.
On the other hand, Kenric explicitly makes some comparisons with buckles and how History is told through the merging of cultures in a single place which has been inheriting the buildings of the previous ones: the resulting ruins is a combination of all the inhabitants through time. This is a nice call back to the player in basically all the series of DA; we have been seeing this since DAO, in the Ruins of Brecilian Forest where elven ruins were taken by Tevinters [or the other way around], or Kinlock Hold; a tower made by Avvar and dwarves which was taken by Tevinters first and then by Ferelden later to install the Circle of Magi of Ferelden, or Vigil’s Keep in Amaranthine which was made by Avvars and Dwarves and later taken by Ferelden. There are many examples along the series. So, basically, Kenric (and Collete) is there to teach us how to read the mess of the structures and buildings we see around.
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When we discover Telana and the bits of information about what Ameridan was meant to do in this area, and under the orders of Drakkon, we speak with Kenric again, who gives us quite an interesting detail in terms of how researchers in Thedas work: beyond his personal information [you can check wiki for that] he tells us that the University of Orlais, with its flaws, has a broader open mind to the incorporation of elves in their researchers, and, as he says, to contact spirits in order to have firsthand reports of battles. 
This two aspects mean, implicitly, that most of the information we gather in codices that belong to well established books inside this world, lack of elven point of view [nothing new under the sun] and some of them may be complete and total lies considering that any researcher can say their work has been based on an interview with spirits. It’s so unreliable. However, honest researchers such as Kenric, who will base their research on true words givien by Spirits, may have quite a unique and high-quality information of an event. 
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All over the basin we find typical Avvar statues: in particular those called The Keepers of Fear which are everywhere in these lands, used as columns with braziers to illuminate the area, as signs to guide the path to the nearby hold [Stone-bear hold], or merely as decoration in the land. We also find Eroded dragon skull and monoliths with ropes that we have seen in other parts of Ferelden.
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It’s not unusual to find fragments of ruins. Some are a combination of Avvar/Ferelden art, like these monoliths with a rope on the top, others are columns that had fallen apart from Tevinter buildings. We know it’s Tevinter because the pattern in the lower part of the columns has been seen in ancient Tevinter structures like  Coracavus or  The Still Ruins. 
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Tevinter walls that predate the First Blight can be found as well. They use the same style [angular, pointy structures plus the hexagonal designs] than the ones we found in Western Approach.
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There are several Tevinter outposts [or ruins of them] in the open of this region. Close to them we find these diapason-like devices decorated with the typical Tevinter dragon gargoyles. This diapason-like device was seen clearly in the base game during the Fade, in the quest Broken Window .  Although we could not guess its function back then, in this DLC they seem to work like transporters of “arcane” energy trough long distances.
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Close to the encampment where the Inquisition is placed in the beginning of the DLC, there is cave which has some remnants of Ameridan’s presence and his companions. Its inside displays building walls with Tevinter patterns on it.
Among other codices and notes referring to Ameridan and his companions, there is a codex in this cave which triggers Mouth of Echoes. It seems a reliable codex since it was written by a Tevinter who lived here at that time. It speaks about a Tevinter appreciation of the avvar: they consider them savages, they laughed at the avvar who screamed their questions into this cave, waiting for an answer in the last whisper [this suggests that Tevinter, for once, did not slaughter the avvar on spot in this region, but observed them and interacted with them to the point they knew how the avvar named  this cave and how it worked for them]. Now, when Tevinters felt the absence of Razikale and lost their minds, the narrator begins to implicitly wonder if the avvar were not right about this cave and tries to analyse it in terms of Tevinter arcane knowledge: they assume that, if this cave works, it’s because there is thin Veil around. It's here where this person suggests to insert foci in the walls of the shrine they will erect in the name of Razikale and cut the stone in sacred shapes [dragon like?]. This scroll seems to be around the time of the First Blight simply because the gods went silent.
We need to remember that foci are the Tevinter equivalent of elven orbs, which usually have the property of magnifying the powers of the user.
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We also find in the Basin the mysterious Ferelden Wyvern close to the astrarium.
The icetroll
In the same fashion than the saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path, we find here a similar song about the Tale of Hryngnar, Ice-Troll.
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Things that Tale of Hryngnar, Ice-Troll implies:
Trolls are disconnected from the Fade like the dwarves
Avvar warriors tried to kill Hryngnar to have a legend-mark, but they ended up killed by his icy-powers.
Hryngnar, the Ice-troll had protected the Avvar’s homes against giants.
When the warriors of Tevinter came to build their fortress here, the ice-troll also attacked them, freezing their walls to easily break them. This way, the tale explains how and why the Tevinter left which is presented as a mystery all along the DLC.
There is not much to say here. I think we didn’t see trolls in DAI so far, so this creature may be a giant [which we have seen slaved by Venatori already]
Treating this tale as I do with Dalish’s, we can only say that it claims that the Tevinter presence disappeared because this creature attacked them in their fortress. I’m not sure that’s something we can confirm in the DLC with evidence. It’s more or less clear that Tevinter came here to contact Razikale when she went silent, but it’s not clear at all why they left, specially when there is evidence that they wanted to establish a new Minrathous here.
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The last stanza of Hryngnar, the Ice-troll, is triggered at a statue we saw before in the Hissing Wastes. This statue is supposed to be a variation of the Keepers of Fear.
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What’s funny is that the devs have been placing a joke to call out players in their syndrome of the conspiracy board guy. There is a codex that updates along several locations in the region, explaining about a bunch of lunatic topics. The codex is Mysteries of the Frostback Basin. It is very funny to read and see how the lack of evidence and sources makes all conclusions end up in hunches and ideas pulled from the author's ass. I laugh with his explanations "As proof, Professor Whalen Vankin maps Lines of Power Across the Basin in his book "Ode to the Ordo Templis Royalis." He does not SAY so in the book to a Casual Reader, but certain secret signs left by the Professor to befuddle his Enemies point to it very Clearly, if one reads the text eight times." lol, they speak to each theory-crafter of DA.
The author speaks of gigantic snake-kings, that we can, more or less, consider like titans, reptilian ones, that could be the ones we found in the Descent DLC called the Scaled Ones, and the moon men, which I don't know to what relate. Blighted creatures who had resistance? In any case, this codex is _too much_.
Later in game we will learn that these notes belong to the Avvar trader Helsdim, who lives in the Stone-Bear Hold and, if recruited by Inquisition, he will continue working on conspiracy theories that make no sense. 
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In any case, this small detail about the conspiracy notes is useful because we can see once more that the presence of this drawing of many eyes means that whoever was there, was in a conspiracy board guy mode. He even used a glyph of magic.
The Veil and the preservation of the Waking World
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An important lore concept we learn in this DLC is that the Veil being thin in some parts of the world is not always detrimental: we see patches of unknown flowers growing inside areas affected by the Fade. In the isle, we will be informed that the Veil delays the passage of time, which makes a lot of sense and is coherent with what we saw in the Western Approach: The Still Ruins, or Ameridan’s own magic, who kept the dragon and himself frost in time while casting something very Fade-like green.
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When we visit the isle to see the fate of Ameridan's lover, we find her remains in a shack that still holds despite having passed 800 years. Around the body, there are many flowers.
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Solas informs us that this rift is like the one we found in Still Ruins: and ancient rift that was not made by the current events in Inquisition.
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When we open this rift, the spirit that has been keeping Telana’s memories speaks:
Telana was a dreamer Dalish
Drakkon asked Ameridan to slay the avvar dragon that was putting Orlais in danger.
Here,  we find a document that triggers the codex Ancient Document Protected in a Scroll Case which shows the deep relationship between Ameridan and the emperor of Orlais Drakkon. This confirms parts of our suspicions when exploring the Exalted Plains: Elves and Humans had a deeper relationship during the times before the Second Blight. 
Close to her remains, we find a book that triggers Unfallen Shack where we are informed that apparently time around the rifts passes slowly [or spirits of Preservation try to keep things in its original state], so ancient objects may look barely old if they were exposed to these rifts for centuries. This has an odd coincidence with Ameridan's powers: he stuck Hakkon and himself in time to keep it trapped. 
As a nice detail of how lore affects even at a small scale: there is some felandaris plants [they only grow where the Veil is thin] around this isle, since the rift has been open for several centuries.
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From Telana’s skelleton we loot a bow with a description that seems reiterative again:
This bow seems to have its own pulse and is oddly warm to the touch.
Warm things with pulse. We have been seeing those in many places by now. According to Solas in The Lost Temple of Dirthamen, it is because the object has a part of the living thing inside. Another place where we feel this is in the Western Approach,  in the cave where we find the “thing in the dark” which has a statue of the  The Strange Idol which triggers the note: “This statue is oddly warm to the touch and shivers slightly, as though it might have a pulse.”  We can assume that this is caused by some spirit being bound to the statue, as it has been shown in DA2.
Does this mean that the Dalish knew a magic similar to the Dirhtamen disciples’ even in times when their history has been half erased? Certainly this is such an odd detail.
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bronsautracks · 1 year
I played through jaws of hakkon again and EVERY TIME I finish the “where we once walked” and hear Ameriden’s Telana memory I get riled up because WHY..
did they shoehorn in a direct and translation of “tela’nadas” (nothing is inevitable) UNLESS it was to put rest to that specific, word-for-word translation being commonly attributed to solas’ response, “banal nadas” (possibly: the void/end is inevitable, an unfortunate inevitably/it must be done) to the nightmare demon in the fade.
Further support of this key difference in the meaning of the two phrases lie in:
The romanced inquisitor angry reaction to trespasser conclusion- “ma lasa banal ghilana!” (You lied to me/you led me astray, or more literally, you gave me bad/poor guidance)
Solas’ own admission, regarding his personality- “I AM grim and fatalistic” He’s not an optimist. He hears the nightmares taunts and responds with, “it is what it is,” because ya boy effed up miserably and is just doing his best with what he has.
And like I never wanted to argue this so when I last made a post about the revelation YEARS AGO someone said “it can be both” and I went with it because I’m not really big on discourse BUT IT CANTBE BOTH OKAY, they are representative of entirely opposing ideals and all I have as proof are these two points and the click of it all coming together in my brain that grinds against the thought that it’s being misinterpreted ever, even once.
So yeah, I think certainly ‘banal’ is literally translated as ‘Nothing’ but capital nothing, as in “The nothing” or “the void” which means that using it as a descriptive word or prefix would just give negative connotation to the following word or phrase, hence: “You gave me poor guidance!/you misled me!” (Ma lasa banal ghilana) “the end is inevitable/an unfortunate inevitability” (banal nadas)
Where as “tel” means ‘nothing’ as in “no thing” “not a thing” “none” so instead of negative, the connotation is nullifying, hence: “nothing is inevitable” (tela’nadas) “no apologies!/you’re not sorry!” (Tel’abelas!)
Also, Netflix, BioWare, Jesus, whoever, please, a show about inquisitor Ameridan next time you feel like doing a whole animated dragon age project. 🙏 absolution was great and after seeing it and playing jaws of hakkon I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED
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bluewren · 2 years
My fic for Arlathan Exchange 2022
Arlathan Exchange Creator reveals are finally here! I wrote a Ameridan/Telanna piece!! Thank you @arlathanxchange​ for hosting such a fun event.
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Their World Needed Unity for @noire-pandora​
Pairing: Ameridan x Telanna Rating: Explicit
As the last Inquisitor for 800 years, Ameridan was burdened with uniting Thedas against the Blight. Yet it was a time rife with political turmoil, Orlais was a nation in rising and the Dales is a nation rooted in with thousands of years of history and fear for the world outside their borders.
What struggles did one elven adventurer that was forced to walk both sides face?
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fadedapparition · 2 years
do actually like some of the shit the series does with histories as cyclical and peoples/empires/heroes as cannibalistic. elvhenan is built out of the corpses of titans, fracturing and consuming the dwarves as it is born. elvhenan devours itself before tevinter settles within and feeds on its carcass. the blight in the background is cyclical and numbered, with repeated heroes acting out the same ouroborean arc hundreds of years apart. every empire is both child and murderer of the ones that came before, heroes are the hungry ghosts of other heroes, the pc of 3 meets, kills, and becomes ameridan… yaaaay
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oathrevoke · 8 months
its very important u all know that this is 100% amariden.... that 8 intelligence is working overtime
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lillotte17 · 2 years
It's crying about Telana and Ameridan hours over here.
I know that the fact that she was a Dreamer was a big part of it, but she loved him so much and her will and desire to be reunited with him one last time was so strong it punched a hole in the Veil when she died. And the impression of her longing and her grief was still drawing spirits to the island for eight hundred years.
And she couldn't find him because he never died. Each of them were trapped in different spaces. Frozen in their moments in time- both thinking that the other must have somehow escaped and lived on without them. Waiting to be found and freed and brought together again.
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I hope that spirits of people really do cross the Fade, and that they finally found each other... ;_;
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kcwriter-blog · 3 months
Another stray thought. Inquisitor Ameridan refers to Telana as his spirit companion. Not his lover or wife or anything but spirit. We know even by Halemshiral times, the elves had lost a lot of what they knew from the time of Arlathan. What if spirit companion had a different meaning back in those times? Given the Birds of Fancy codex from the Shattered Library and Solas' comment to Blackwall that sex in the Fade is not easy, could sex be more than -well- sex to the ancient elves? I mean if there is a true joining between two spirits that could have implications for whatever happens between Solas and Lavellan. Either it was a bigger deal for Solas than we think and that's why they didn't or they are bonded for life if they did. I'm probably overthinking this - then again its fun to think about :-)
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venvellan · 9 months
i routinely think about the horrible torturous waking nightmare it would be for lavellan to find inquisitor ameridan. you've spent weeks chasing after his trail under the assumption that he's human and only just discovered that telana was elven after historians/the chantry tried to erase her existence entirely. it's only by breaking his spell over hakkon and un-freezing him out of time that you realize he's– dalish? "andaran atish'an. i am glad drakon's friendship with our people has remained strong." oh, god, no.
you can tell the world he was dalish. you can try to correct history and give him the rest he deserves, but would they even believe you? the dalish inquisitor lavellan finds the only other inquisitor in chantry history and he was also dalish? you have to try, and some will believe you, but the human lords don't care. you'll find the most resistance in "educated" circles of historians, where they'll likely be whispering that you made it all up.
you may have spent your entire career as the inquisitor questioning how you'll be remembered, and the answer lies in finding ameridan. one day you'll be lost to time, and the few who remember you will do it incorrectly. public perception of you now is that you're a tool and servant of the chantry, despite not being andrastian, despite direct opposition from the chantry, but hundreds of years from now? some of the dalish may remember who you really were, but in a future under the chantry, they'd be fighting an uphill battle trying to keep that version of you alive. your only chance is to catalog your life, your identity, as dutifully as possible. write journals and letters reminding the world of who you are. leave little pieces of you behind, in hopes that it'll make a trail through time straight to you. the real you.
that's what my lavellan does, anyway. finding ameridan awakens such dread in him that he starts recording as much of himself as possible. the weeks after have him holed up filling journals with who he is, where he's from, his beliefs, his family tree. the choices he's made and exactly why, the people he wants to fight for. he keeps up that habit in the months and years afterward, writing as much as he can fit on the page about any relevant topic. varric could write about the inquisition, and he'd do his best, but a good story — a story that sells — is about fighting the templars and the demons and defeating corypheus. being elven would take up a paragraph at most in varric's story, and it's just not enough. people could forget him regardless, no matter how hard he tries, but he'll fight it as long as he lives.
and if all else fails, mythal forbid, hopefully the name 'lavellan' sounds elven enough.
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I like Ameridan far more than Solas. I loved hearing him speak. I loved how his companions were a diverse group and he respected them all. I loved how his love for Telana never faded. And I respected how he honored both the Elven gods and the Maker by building a shrine for them. And I was sad when he died.
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sexilydrawn · 4 months
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Such a waste! Here where the old inquisitor is talking about his companion Telana, it would have been so perfect for Dorian to say something instead of Vivienne going WOW that dragon surely gave her one heck of a headache LOL
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darielivalyen · 1 year
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I'm back with a bit of a progress update. I know I've been rather quiet in the last few weeks, especially if you exclude answering asks, and there were two reasons for that. First, I didn't have any big news for you, as I'm still working on Chapter 2, and second, I had a dry week last week, and I didn't make much progress in terms of adding actual words to the game. (5k instead of 10k)
The total word count for The Elder Crystals is about 64.000 words, but you can add another 3000 if you count the journal.
When it comes to structure, Chapter 2 will be much wider than the first one, and you will get two sequences of slots that will lead you to a couple of mandatory scenes, which will then lead you to the end of the chapter. In practice, it will look like this:
You get a scene with Grandma Telana and Astra/Asteria.
You have a day and four empty slots, and you can choose what you want to do with these slots. Each slot leads to a different scene, and these are already available in the alpha build. There are ten possible scenes. This is also where you unlock crafting skills.
The day ends, and the next two days remove a certain restriction that was put in place for the previous sequence.
Another sequence takes place, and you get two days with two slots per day. These slots lead to longer scenes that might lead to side quests, which can then lead to the first romance scenes.
The first romance scenes for N, A, C, and D, happen in these slots. (If you miss the scene with your chosen LI, you will still be able to start a romance later.)
One of the side quests will let you use magic for the first time.
After these four slots, there will be a scene that will introduce a new love interest and that scene will lead to another scene that will close the chapter and set the stage for Chapter 3.
When it comes to other changes, the update will include more racial interactions. Ciriennian Elves had plenty in Chapter 1, but I recently added some for the Crystal Elves and the Unliving. Also extra bits for the Sunborn. There will be more!
Currently, the alpha build includes the first portion of Chapter 2, and that means the first scene with Grandma Telana, the first sequence, and the first slot that leads to a side quest and an optional romance scene with Darion/Daria.
The second slot with another side quest and a romance scene for N will be added next week.
There's also some extra content.
There are lore posts about dragons, love interests, magic, and winter festivals on Sekherion, there's a childhood flashback for Cerien/ina, and there's also a post about plans and goals for TEC.
I should be able to reach about 40-45% of Chapter 2 in December, and that means I might be able to finish it around the third week of January. If that's the case, the update for the demo will come near the end of the month.
Happy Holidays!
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DLC: Jaws of Hakkon - Frostback Basin, Ameridan’s memories
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This is a small post that collects these bits of memories for archive purposes. There is little additional lore to them. Still, I wanted to keep all this in one place for completion’s sake.
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore]
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By the end of the DLC we can collect some of the most important memories of Ameridan in his last days prior to the fight against Hakkon. They can be summarised as:
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Ameridan had a spirit companion. It’s not clear if the spirit companion is outside his body or it’s a willingly possession similar to the Avvar mages. 
We know that Telanna had a bow that was warm to the touch and had a pulse, similar effect is perceived when spirits are bound to objects [Read Western Approach: Old Chantry Trail Signs for more details]. This may suggest that Ancient Dalish had knowledge of powerful rift and bonding magic.
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Telana, as a Dalish mage, seemed to argue with their Templar friend about combating demons using lyrium. Since these Ancient Dalish seem to be more in contact with spirits, maybe Telana knew some bigger reason why this was a bad idea, but there is not much information to draw from this.
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The memory around the altar made with a figure of Andraste and figurines of Ghilan’nain explains why Ameridan did this combination: He spoke to them because they both “surpassed” their mortal condition to be more, as he asks them for power to be more in order to stop the dragon.
Ameridan speaks of “our creators, our Makers”. It reinforces what we have been suspecting already: he was a follower of the elven pantheon but also an andrastian. This can be interpreted, if true, as a reflection of how elves and humans were culturally and religiously mixed during this period of time. This may have a direct effect in how the Chantry grew later, taking figures from others religions and modifying them to make them its own in order to become more appealing to the population in general [which included elves].
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Ameridan was conscious of the political conflicts between the orlesians and the elves. Elves gave no aid to Orlais against the Second Blight, thinking that Orlais  was not going to be different than Tevinter. This seems to justify why Orlais turned against the elves, took the Dales in the Exalted March, and made them second-class citizens in the region. I don’t personally believe that if the elves would have helped against the Blight, things would have ended up being different. The conflict of Red Crossing most probably would have triggered hostilities anyway. Besides, this was not a mere political decision from Orlais as an Empire, but also a religious one, completely supported by The Chantry.
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Dreamers are particularly sensitive to demons [we knew this from DA2: Feynriel - Somniari and Fade]. With their mere presence, demons cause pain onto Dreamers.
Ameridan considers Hakkon as a demon [using a much more Chantry-like point of view on the matter, than an elven one].
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podraje · 6 months
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november scorpio
ex:re - too sad / halsey - many songs / fka twigs - many songs / telana - gemini / angel olsen - unfucktheworld / lauren jauregui - expectations / angel olsen - white fire / lana del rey - fuck it i love you / noah cyrus - i just want a lover / kiki rockwell - same old energy / lana del rey - hope is a dangerous thing for a women like me to have - but i have it / daughter - no care / kasia lins - many songs
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bluewren · 6 months
Favorite Line Game
thanks @theluckywizard for tagging me for your game. 🥰I love the idea.
RULES: Pick up to 10 characters and share one of your favorite lines of dialogue you have ever written for them!
Telana to Ameridan -
“Perhaps it should be romanticized. A Dreamer should be allowed to dream for a brighter world.”
Sera to Taliesen Lavellan(OC) -
"That's not a name! That's what it does. Ought to name it something nicer. Like Hedgie, or somethin' Elfie. Or Whatsit."
Solas to Sera -
“I will assure that no harm comes to you while you’re under my watch. And should you encounter any demons, remember what I’ve taught you previously. Start counting cards, they will become too distracted to enter your mind.”
Taliesen to Sera -
“This is more than me making it official. It’s a promise that whatever happens next, that it’ll always be between you and me.”
Taliesen to Solas -
“Do you think that’s fair to Sera?”
Meredith to Lex Lavellan(OC) -
“He is a mage in my city! The safety of my people demands it! Every untrained mage that we let run loose in Kirkwall is one that could one day endanger our citizens. Sword or not, skilled or unskilled, he is still susceptible to possession. The people need to know that an abomination won’t be walking among them.”
Merrill to Taliesen
“I just needed to see you. You would have been mad at yourself about Hawke, otherwise.”
@ladyofc | @ficbrish | @cleverblackcat | @musetta3 | @perlen-gold | @melisusthewee | @rotschopf-thedrow | @anneapocalypse
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snyrtch · 2 years
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my two pieces I did for the solavellan hell exchange!! absolutely loved working on this exchange!!!
art piece with mellan trying to evoke kay nielsen for the lovely @little-lightning-lavellan & a 5k fic with ameridan/telana solavellan subtext w/ terys for @siennadraws
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