#Temptation on the Alpine Express
kblackship · 10 months
Read n' Sip Recommendations: Part 4
Hello, again, darlings. Welcome back to Read n’ Sip Recommendations with Kirsten. This week, I’ve returned with Part 4 of my Cocktail/Book Pairings. While I joke that these are Cocktails to enjoy with your Cock Tales, my books aren’t as erotic as that implies. It was just too good of a pun to pass up. However, my books are on the spicy side. If that’s your thing, then please dive in, but…
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Discord Party Round Robin
What started out as simple summary, one prompt and one sentence per person, ended up being so intriguing that we went all-out and created a fic!  Each person was given about half an hour to write up to 300 words, and the option to cross off one of their bingo squares, and this is the glorious result!
window cleaning
potato salad
cat stalker
sharing a bed
Summary: To say that Bucky had been surprised when a FREAKING DRAGON showed up at the summer BBQ at his beach house would be an understatement. How should the ex assassin have anticipated a dragon, who seemed to have followed his cat to the BBQ? It didn't seem to be dangerous as of yet seeing as the two were happily sharing potato salad.
When Tony showed up late, he nudged Bucky, "Hey Buckaroo - I brought - WHOA! I didn't know you had a... cat."
Sure, it’s the cat that surprises you, Bucky thought, but Tony was still talking a mile a minute around the cookie in his mouth, “So, anyway, I brought that- fuck, is he your window cleaner, he’s gorgeous!”
"Window cleaning is just one of the many services I offer," the dragon said swinging it's head around to stare unblinking at Tony.
Bucky jolts back and stares at the dragon as he recognises the sound of that voice, then quickly pulls his phone out to text Steve... "where exactly are you right now?"
Steve doesn't answer his phone, obviously, but a telltale notification sound pings from somewhere inside the dragon's belly, audible through the slightly open mouth of the creature, and Bucky has to rub the base of his nose, muttering, "of fucking course you do this reveal to me after we've been sharing a bed for weeks."
And you can find the rest of the fic under the cut!
Tony, another cookie in his hand, held up a finger. “Um, excuse me, I hate to be nitpicky about weird details when Steve has apparently turned into a dragon, BUT…” he pointed at the dragon.  “Did I hear a cell phone in there? How did you manage to SWALLOW A CELL PHONE?”
Steve turned his large, scaly head in Tony’s direction, and it was amazing, he actually managed to have an extremely Steve expression on that reptilian face. “Classified.”
Tony snorted and dipped a plastic spoon into the potato salad. “You’re a lying liar who lies. And you’re going to need some very intense tech support for that phone by the time it gets… out.  And oh, ew, all of the options for how it gets out are just disgusting.”
Bucky, who had been standing there fighting the temptation to call Steve (he wanted to see what happened when the swallowed cell phone started vibrating and ringing), dragged himself back to the conversation. “Steve, I think you might wanna tell us exactly what’s going on.” He glanced at the cat that was now sitting next to Steve and very daintily licking its paws. “Maybe start with the cat?”
The dragon remained stubbornly quiet, a strange fiery blush spreading across its face.
Bucky waited him out for a full minute before he threateningly pulled out his phone and began to dial... 
"Ok, OK!"  Steve caved in as the first riffs of ‘Holding Out for a Hero’ echoed around inside of him and Bucky’s eyes widened, then narrowed dangerously as he mercifully ended the call while Tony coughed up cookie crumbs from all his cackling…  great, thanks Nat!  One more thing he would be having to explain later in excruciating detail.
Raising his huge snout skyward with a big defeated sigh, Steve let out a little spurt of fire before starting on some ridiculous explanation about how he had wanted to look good for the BBQ, so Nat suggested he go to a day spa she knows, but he had nobody to leave the cat with and so he took him along since they offered pet day care services... 
He trailed off as the laughter of everyone around him burst out in a crescendo and he leveled his steely gaze back down on them, now irritated beyond embarrassment. 
Bucky was the first one to compose himself, once Tony started making hot stone massage dragon jokes and he quickly recalled what was most pertinent here. 
"Steve, can you please get to the part where you're a dragon and if this is something you've been keeping from me or a temporary mishap?"  Bucky was not exactly sure what he'd prefer, since, well, dragons are pretty magnificent and he wouldn't mind having his own. His mind began to wander into the possible perks of a dragon boyfriend and whether Steve could fly now.
Dragons can scowl - that was a thing Bucky knew now.  
Steve harrumphed and glared, trying to work through his embarrassment.  “So I never actually made it to the day spa. I went to bed last night and the cat I adopted when you got Alpine - d”
“Inky?”  Bucky asked.
“No, I called him Beetle,” Steve said with a puff of steam.
“Still say Beetle’s a dumb name for a cat,” Bucky mumbled.
Tony nodded in agreement and helped himself to another cookie. “I’m gonna start the grill, okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine Tony,” Bucky said and then tried to turn the conversation back to the dragon boyfriend issue. “So you slept with the cat and now you’re a dragon? Or were you a dragon before?”
“No. I’m not a dragon… well, I wasn’t,” Steve sighed. “So Beetle slept with me, sneezed… and turned into a guy named Loki. I freaked out, he got mad, and turned me into a dragon.”
From the grill, Tony said, “So where’s this guy now, Steeb?”
“I wish I knew,” Dragon Steve said miserably.
“Meow?” Alpine interjected himself and twined between the dragon’s toes and Bucky’s legs to situate himself at Tony’s feet. He looked up with wide blue eyes.
Steve turned his gaze to the cat. “I know, I know,” he said. “Food will be ready for you soon.”
Bucky’s eyebrow arched up. “If you tell me that you can talk to animals…”
The fiery blush somehow deepened on Steve’s dragon face. “Uh, not all animals. But cats… I think they speak a dialect of dragon, somehow, because I kinda understand them now.”
Instead of answering, Bucky decided it was a good time to stuff his mouth with two cookies at once, lest he let out a scream of excitement.
Alpine jumped on the table, and started to rub his face to Steve’s scales. He kept this up, right until Steve started to breathe heavily, and with one final tickling of his full body, Alpine threw himself off the table and ran under the cover of it.
Steve sneezed.
Several times.
With violent force.
The table turned out to be an inadequate hiding place, as it was blown away by the wind of the squeeze, along with most of the BBQ supplies, including the plates, utensils and napkins.
Tony was saved thanks to Bucky’s quick reflexes, who dragged him out of the way of a flying pitcher that was full of hot water to become Bruce’s tea later.
Steve was sniffling and scratching his snout. “Sorry,” he said nasally, then he stared at the ground. “Uh. I think the phone’s out.”
Bucky didn’t want to know. But he kind of did. “How did it get to your lung? Or is a dragon belly connected to sneezing somehow?”
Alpine slowly walked back into the scene, stepping into the dragon snot with delicate disdain, and poked the phone with his nose. He meowed a few times.
“He wants us to look at it,” Steve translated. “He says something about messages. Or notes? I’m not entirely sure. I’m not fluent in cat yet.”
My boyfriend the dragon isn’t fluent in cat yet, Bucky thought. How is this my life?
“Well, go on, then,” Tony encouraged, wafting his hand at the phone as Alpine curled into Steve’s side again, seeking warmth despite the fact that it’d been far too goddamn sunny all day.
“I would,” Steve said, raising one clawed… paw? Hand? Strangely enough, Bucky had no idea what the anatomy of a dragon is. “But there’s this whole no opposable thumbs issue at the moment.”
Tony looked at Bucky. Bucky looked back at Tony. Neither of them moved to pick up the phone.
“He’s your boyfriend.”
Tony scoffed. “And that means you get to be the one playing with the phone he ate, duh.”
“I hate you,” Bucky said. “I hate both of you. And whoever this Loki jackass is, I really fucking hate him.”
Steve made a bizarre snarly noise, maybe a draconine laugh, maybe a growl, then nudged the phone in Bucky’s direction with his nose. “You know the passcode,” he said, baring a whole load of pointy teeth at him.
Dutifully, Bucky picked the disgusting thing up, wiped the slime coating it on his jeans (well, those were being burnt now), and tapped out his own date of birth to unlock it.
“Ha!” Tony said when it unlocked, peering at the screen over Bucky’s shoulder. “Stark Tech. Can’t beat it. I’d like to see an iPhone keep working after spending time inside a dragon.”
“Do we know a Valkyrie?” Bucky asked, ignoring Tony’s bragging to look at the long string of messages Steve apparently received over the last three hours. “Because she sure seems to know you, and boy is she unhappy.”
“Never heard of her,” Steve answered. “What’s she say?”
“Rogers,” Tony read, “be careful, Thor’s brother is
on the loose and looking to cause trouble. Not sure what exactly but he is looking for mischief. Well that can't be good."
"Obviously not seeing as I'm now a dragon," Steve snorted in annoyance, a small puff of smoke escaping his nose.
"So how do we fix this," Bucky inquired as he sent back a text explaining the situation as it was before setting the phone down to not have to deal with the slimy mess for a moment. As the three discussed options and people they thought might be able to help, Alpine let out an angry yowl as he seemingly started floating away from where he'd been napping.
Steve let out a low rumbling growl, "don't touch him Loki or I'll eat you myself…"
Loki appeared, holding a fighting Alpine by the scruff to protect himself from claws and teeth. "Now is that any way to speak to an honored guest?"
“An honored guest my ass,” mumbled Bucky, pointedly ignoring the snickering coming from Tony.
“My my, so rude the company you keep, Anthony.” Loki drawled, still holding Alpine and only slightly being turned towards the three heroes. “I was just hoping my gift was well received.”
Tony sputtered at that. The assassin turned towards the other brunet, a questioning eyebrow risen. Tony, though, ignored him and started to ramble at Loki, “Serious? I hate that name. Stop calling me that, Reindeer Games! Why are you here? And what’s going on with Steve as a dragon? I mean sure, dragons are pretty cool and he’s quite a beauty like this but c’mon, Lokes, usually your mischief is directed against Thor not Steve.”
Sure, Bucky could say something about Tony obviously eyeing his dragon boyfriend up- and what a mess that was- but he was more interested in what the heck really was going on. Maybe after they figured out Loki's motive, Bucky could think about why Steve preened under Tony’s compliments.
Also, Bucky wasn’t sure what was going on at all between Loki and Tony, but by the look of it Steve had an idea. How Bucky could interpret his boyfriend’s limited facial expressions at the moment, was another mystery to be shoved in the ‘to never investigate’ box.
Before Loki could answer, the dragon rounded on him. “I told you to let him go!”
Steve’s hiss was threatening and Bucky didn’t blame Loki for gently putting Alpine back done and backing up a bit after that. “Fine. The good captain was collateral damage in my attempt at wooing.”
Everyone froze at that. 
‘Wooing? What the…?!’, Bucky thought disbelievingly. 
The first person to recover was Steve though, and cautiously the formerly blond asked, “Wooing who?”
“Isn’t it obvious? Anthony of course!”
There was stunned silence as everyone gaped at Loki, then Steve started huffing, little bursts of flame spouting from his nostrils.
"Are-are you laughing at me?" Loki demanded haughtily. 
Steve shook his head. "The look on Tony’s face!" he chortled. "It's like he doesn't know whether to be flattered, insulted, or just plain horrified."
They all looked at Tony, who made an immediate attempt to control his face.
"Flattered," he said hastily, "definitely flattered but, er, I'm not sure how Pepper's gonna react."
Loki drew himself up. "It was her suggestion," he said. 
"Pepper suggested you turn me into a dragon as a courting… gift?"
Loki nodded. "She assured me you have the ego to pull it off."
Steve began to huff again and this time, both Loki and Tony glared at him.
"What?" Steve asked.
"She's not wrong," Bucky interjected in an effort to save his boyfriend from all the attention. "Also, she may have mentioned to me last week that dragons are her favourite mythical animal," he finished.
"Indeed," Loki said, smirking. "She told me she always wanted to ride a dragon."
Bucky's laughter joined Steve's draconic huffing and Tony’s expression changed.
"Really?" he asked.
"Of course," Loki replied. "It is a most exhilarating activity."
Bucky stopped laughing as an idea slammed into his mind. He turned a speculative gaze in Steve's direction. Steve must have felt the weight of Bucky's gaze as the giant head turned to look at him.
"Something on your mind? Steve asked in a surprisingly quiet voice.
Bucky nodded. "That riding a dragon thing," he said.
Steve's eyes glittered. "You wanna try it out?"
They looked at Tony and Loki who were now standing much closer together and seemed to be deep in some sort of negotiations. 
"Climb on," Steve said. "Before Loki remembers to change me back."
Bucky scrambled up Steve's outstretched leg and settled himself in front of Steve's wings.
"Ready?" Steve rumbled, and without waiting for an answer, launched himself into the air.
Bucky whooped as they climbed. This had undoubtedly been the best BBQ ever.
Title: BBB Round Robin Fic Collaborators: Rebelmeg, Fightingforcreativity, Ladydarkphoenix, Psychiccatpanda, Dreaminglypeach, Ibelieveinturtles, Liquidlightz, Menatiera Squares filled:
Rebelmeg: Y2 - tech support
LiquidLightz (LLightz): B3 - spa day
Menatiera: U4 - hot water
Dreaminglypeach: B1 - sharing body heat
Ladydarkphoenix: U5 - "Don't touch him!"
Fightingforcreativity: B4 - Collateral Damage
Ibelieveinturtles: K2 - Whiplash
Ship: Stucky, hinted Stony or Stuckony, Pepperony, pre-FrostIron /FrostPepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: round robin fic, dragon Steve, animal transformation, Loki shenanigans, cats, multiple ships, hijinks and shenanigans Summary: To say that Bucky had been surprised when a FREAKING DRAGON showed up at the summer BBQ at his beach house would be an understatement. How should the ex assassin have anticipated a dragon, who seemed to have followed his cat to the BBQ? It didn't seem to be dangerous as of yet seeing as the two were happily sharing potato salad.
When Tony showed up late, he nudged Bucky, "Hey Buckaroo - I brought - WHOA! I didn't know you had a... cat."
Sure, it’s the cat that surprises you, Bucky thought, but Tony was still talking a mile a minute around the cookie in his mouth, “So, anyway, I brought that- fuck, is he your window cleaner, he’s gorgeous!”
"Window cleaning is just one of the many services I offer," the dragon said swinging it's head around to stare unblinking at Tony.
Bucky jolts back and stares at the dragon as he recognises the sound of that voice, then quickly pulls his phone out to text Steve... "where exactly are you right now?"
Steve doesn't answer his phone, obviously, but a telltale notification sound pings from somewhere inside the dragon's belly, audible through the slightly open mouth of the creature, and Bucky has to rub the base of his nose, muttering, "of fucking course you do this reveal to me after we've been sharing a bed for weeks." Word Count: 2300
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aymeric de Borel/Warrior of Light, Aymeric de Borel & Warrior of Light, Aymeric de Borel/Original Character(s), Aymeric de Borel/Reader Characters: Aymeric de Borel, Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Reader Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Gestures, Mutual Pining, Implied Sexual Content, Cause we know how thirsty we are Series: Part 5 of FFXIV Writing Prompts Summary:
Or lyric prompt: "Someone holds me safe and warm"
You hadn’t expected the weather to change so abruptly. In fact, you anticipated the oncoming blizzard to hold off until you managed to reach Fortemps manor. Instead, you end up pulled into the Borel estate, its head manservant seeing your figure dash across the Pillars through the window and urging you inside. How will you explain to Lord Edmont you’ll be missing for the rest of the evening?
You ruffle the frozen flakes from your hair and your clothes. The warmth bathes you like a hot spring and does wonders to your frozen fingers. As soon as you remove your coat and boots, you find yourself gravitating towards the closest source of heat - which just so happens to be coming from the den.
You curl up to a ball before a burning hearth and rub your palms together before bringing it closer. The interior walls were a dazzling shade of sapphire with gold detailing creating royal patterns across the design. It certainly reminded you of the outfit Aymeric wears as the lord commander, which only served to make you ever more curious to what he was like in casual attire.
Aymeric appeared before you in half a bell and you were mildly disappointed to find him in his alpine coat. You can tell that he had dressed himself and combed his hair, making you (almost) painfully aware that he was perhaps tucked into bed prior to your entrance and you missed the chance to sneak a peek.
No matter.
You stand to greet Aymeric and he smiles with one of his own. The lord commander notices how comfortable you seem to be by the fire and moves to sit by the closest couch. He asks you if you are alright and he praises Halone for bringing you to safety before you fell victim to the onslaught of the Fury's ire. You laugh and explain that you had finished your latest dungeon and was returning to Fortemps manor for a brief respite.
He asks you to regale him of your tale. While it would be ideal for him to have joined you, reality decided his fate was not to be. Thus would he be satisfied with a simple imagining of how your battles turned out. The sight of your muscles flexing as it weaves between attacks or takes the brunt of a blow, an expression of adrenaline contorting your face from the thrill of adventure, the beads of sweat running down the sides of your temple as you cheer in victory…
Your voice pulls Aymeric from his small fantasy, your eyes dark with concern with how lost he seemed to be. With certain bashfulness, Aymeric admits how his inner wanderlust had him carried away and he was rewarded with the sound of your giggle. How he wished to hear more of it.
The greater part of the evening was used simply talking. Speaking of day-to-day activities, asking of their health, bidding each other to rest; because both of you give so much to that which you are committed to and it takes others to serve as a reminder so that neither of you collapse from exhaustion. That’s just how both of you work. There wasn’t anything wrong with that.
Then, silence falls when your gazes meet.
Neither of you are aware of the hush in the room or the lull in the conversation. You are both quiet, you admiring how his eyes sparkle with the reflection of the flame and Aymeric adoring how your memory of the tale is brightening your own. You both stay like this, comfortable in the silence.
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Aymeric reaches out to take your hand in his. You allow him this and allow him to pull you closer to his person. Off from the ground and into his lap. You feel his body heat and when bare skin met bare skin, your heart fluttered at the sensation of his erratic beat.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
The winds outside seemed to pick up and, in the far corners of your mind, you hear the rustling against the walls and window. It goes unspoken, for your body is indulging in the feel of his hands exploring just as you are unconsciously chasing after his warmth with slight flinches and head tilts. His fingers are gentle, his caress delicate - as if you are both a porcelain figurine on the verge of shattering and an unknown deity that the Twelve kept hidden this entire time.
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory.
Aymeric leans his head towards you, closing the gap enough that your lips were an ilm away from his. You can feel his breath and it only made your heart fit to burst. Your cheeks burned, but so did his. That is, if the lighting wasn’t betraying your eyes.
“You are still chilled overmuch, my friend,” he whispered in a husky voice. “With the storm, it seems wise for you to remain here for the night…”
You gulped and nodded. From excitement, understanding or obedience...who knows?
Far away, long ago…
Aymeric released a soft hum and soon enough, he had closed the gap. His lips were soft on yours and you question for but a breath how he managed to maintain its smoothness in spite of the dry cold of winter, but the thought is pushed aside the more he pulled you to him. To him and with him, down to the lake of need and throwing the chains of restraint across the shore, the life raft being the secure embrace of the other. Both your hands were everywhere and nowhere at once - across arms, threading through hair, brushing against cheeks, sinking lower and lower.
Aymeric picks you up then, causing you to sigh as he breaks the kiss. Even when he is carrying you to his bedchambers, he peppers kisses along your forehead, to the top of your head, anywhere he could as he twirled you in his arms.
Glowing dim as an ember.
When he places you on his bed and retreats to close and lock his door, you notice that his own personal fireplace was losing strength. The candle on his nightstand was melting and a book was half-heartedly tossed across the surface in a rush. Aymeric was excited to see you and it added a certain emotion into the already overflowing melding pot that was whirling in your chest.
Even greater was the thrill when you see he had shed his coat, revealing a plain button tunic that he wore in his colors. Despite the fading light, his expression was clear as day and it was focused solely on you like a predator to its prey.
Things my heart used to know.
Your arms open to welcome Aymeric into your embrace and he collapses into it, your body a temptation that all his years of faith in the Fury could not steer him away from. He hears the muffled chuckles and smiles all the same. Smiles as his lips roam your skin to paint an array of kisses. On your neck, on your collarbone and on your bare chest once he removed your top from you. He hopes you like raspberries.
Things it yearns to remember.
When was the last time you felt like this…?
To feel so safe in someone’s hold, to feel the warmth of their love against your own, the affections evident in each and every brush of skin on skin. You have spent so many moons remaining strong for Eorzea, for the people that plead for your assistance. You’ve bitten back a remark when a merchant was rude and suppressed tears for the ones you were unable to save. 
Yet here, right now, you are being cared for. You are being loved in the way you deserve and, oh, how absolutely sublime it is to be reminded of such a sensation.
And a song someone sings…
Aymeric mutters your name like a prayer, a chant. You, in turn, call out to him as if it was the only thing you knew how to say. He was your focus, he was what your heart desired and, by the Twelve, would you level an entire nation if he was taken away from you. For when a heart loves, it knows no bounds. When a heart bleeds, it knows no end.
So, both of you sing. Sing a chorus of each other’s names in the shadowy corner of Aymeric’s bedchamber. Neither of you notice when the hearth’s light finally goes out; the moonlight was bright as it pierced through the glass panes and the warmth of each other’s bodies was enough to stave off the cold. Even more so when the fabrics that separated the intimacies between you two were peeled off.
Once upon a...
Faeries tales often have a willing hero and an eager love interest. No one really knows what occurs after ‘the end,’ only knowing the story begins with a ‘once upon a time.’ In this same notion, you don’t know what the future holds or where it will take you, but at least you know your story began with love.
With love amidst a silver storm on a cold winter night.
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/crypto-salaries-gain-regulatory-recognition-around-the-world
Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World
Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World
Salaries paid in decentralized digital coins have become a norm across the crypto industry, but there’s really no reason why cryptocurrencies can’t be used for remuneration by businesses in other sectors as well. In many jurisdictions that should be legal even in the absence of dedicated legislation. Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan and Estonia are a few examples. Companies and employees in these countries take advantage of the benefits that come with crypto payments.
Temptation to Tax Crypto Income Works in Favor of Bitcoin Wages
Switzerland has already established itself as a crypto-friendly nation and it is a role model in many respects, including the way it treats cryptocurrency remuneration. Many leading companies and projects in the crypto space have already set up offices or are headquartered in the Swiss Crypto Valley, centered in the Canton of Zug. The long list includes names such as Shapeshift, Xapo, Bitmain, the Ethereum Foundation and most recently the Libra Association.
For many decades, the Alpine federation was a good example of geopolitical neutrality and financial privacy. The latter has been somewhat degraded in the past few years under pressure from powerful players such as the U.S. and the EU. However, decentralized digital currencies are offering Switzerland a chance to redeem itself in the eyes of account holders, and the country has embraced the opportunity.
Many aspects of dealing with crypto assets have been regulated already by the Swiss authorities and that includes taxation. People who receive cryptocurrency as wage income need to declare it and pay tax, just like with fiat salaries. Crypto gains of investors and traders are treated as tax-exempt capital gains but depending on the canton, you may have to pay wealth tax which is levied on the total amount of digital coins you hold, similar to cash or precious metals.
In a confederation like Switzerland, there are multiple levels of income taxation – federal, cantonal, and municipal. Regulations vary from one administrative unit to another and income tax can be progressive or proportional. Amounts owed also depend on the marital status of the taxpayer. The scope of taxable income covers all funds accruing to a natural person from all sources. That includes remuneration received in various forms, including digital.
Cryptocurrency Remuneration Spreads in Friendly Jurisdictions
Switzerland is undoubtedly a leader in creating favorable conditions for crypto businesses, but other nations have been quickly catching up. Among those where crypto salaries are a working option are Japan, Estonia, and the United States. For example, Japanese internet giant GMO announced some time ago that its almost 5,000 employees will be able to receive part of their salaries in cryptocurrency. And this spring, U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange Kraken revealed it paid 250 salaries in bitcoin in April.
Crypto companies registered in Estonia, considered to be one of the most advanced digital societies, are often partially compensating or encouraging their employees with cryptocurrencies and tokens. The Baltic nation’s legislation provides for the taxation of such income. But even in jurisdictions where cryptocurrencies are yet to be legalized, crypto salaries are possible. In Russia, for example, half of fintech companies pay their employees with coins.
The crypto industry is not restricted by national boundaries. Cryptocurrencies significantly improve the speed and reliability of cross-border payments and the growing gig economy is taking advantage of the benefits of frictionless digital money. According to a study from 2017, freelancers will form a majority of the workforce in the United States within a decade. And a survey on payment preferences conducted in 2018 shows that a third of them would like to be paid partially or entirely in cryptocurrency.
Crypto-paid remote jobs are rapidly spreading in the global economy as well, thanks to the services offered by companies like Bitwage. It’s also getting easier to find a job paid in cryptocurrency with the help of platforms such as Workingforbitcoins.
New Zealand Tax Authority Adopts Rules for Crypto Payroll
Generally speaking, crypto salaries don’t really need dedicated legislation or special permissions by authorities to be legal. Many countries allow part of an employee’s compensation to be paid with non-monetary assets like commodities. And in jurisdictions where digital coins are not yet recognized as currencies, they have been granted a commodity status. Thus, cryptocurrencies can still be paid and received as fringe benefits.
Nevertheless, it does look like a step forward when a government agency explicitly mentions crypto wages in its official documents. And that’s what the tax authority in New Zealand recently did, deeming it legal for businesses to pay their employees in bitcoin. Companies will now be able to withhold tax on income payments under the existing pay-as-you-earn schemes like those of regular fiat salaries, as per the country’s current tax legislation.
The clarifications were made in an information bulletin issued earlier this month by New Zealand’s Inland Revenue Department (IRD). The ruling will go into effect on Sept. 1, 2019 and will be valid for the next three years. And while crypto enthusiasts have welcomed the arrangement as one that can encourage crypto adoption, doubters have expressed concerns its only goal is to ensure the collection of more taxes by the government in Wellington.
As expected from a regulator, the green light comes with multiple conditions. First of all, only employees working under official agreements can be paid with cryptocurrency. Then, the payments must be for a fixed amount, not exceeding half of the full pay, with the value of the crypto asset pegged to one or more fiat currencies. The crypto wages must be a regular part of the employee’s remuneration and be convertible into government-issued fiat money like the New Zealand Dollar.
The IRD also pointed out that salaries must be paid in a coin that can function as a currency, a substitute to fiat. This requirement aims to protect employees from being paid in an illiquid asset or small altcoin.
The tax agency listed several decentralized cryptocurrencies that meet its criteria. These are bitcoin cash (BCH), bitcoin core (BTC), bitcoin gold (BTG), ethereum (ETH), and litecoin (LTC). The revenue department also thinks stablecoins such as tether (USDT), or any of its alternatives that are easily convertible to fiat, qualify for that role as well.
If you are looking to securely acquire bitcoin cash (BCH) and other leading cryptocurrencies, you can do that at Buy.Bitcoin.com. And if you are earning a salary in bitcoin cash, you can sell or buy BCH privately using our noncustodial, peer-to-peer trading platform. The Local.Bitcoin.com marketplace already has thousands of users from all around the world.
Source: news.bitcoin
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/crypto-salaries-gain-regulatory-recognition-around-the-world
Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World
Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World
Salaries paid in decentralized digital coins have become a norm across the crypto industry, but there’s really no reason why cryptocurrencies can’t be used for remuneration by businesses in other sectors as well. In many jurisdictions that should be legal even in the absence of dedicated legislation. Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan and Estonia are a few examples. Companies and employees in these countries take advantage of the benefits that come with crypto payments.
Temptation to Tax Crypto Income Works in Favor of Bitcoin Wages
Switzerland has already established itself as a crypto-friendly nation and it is a role model in many respects, including the way it treats cryptocurrency remuneration. Many leading companies and projects in the crypto space have already set up offices or are headquartered in the Swiss Crypto Valley, centered in the Canton of Zug. The long list includes names such as Shapeshift, Xapo, Bitmain, the Ethereum Foundation and most recently the Libra Association.
For many decades, the Alpine federation was a good example of geopolitical neutrality and financial privacy. The latter has been somewhat degraded in the past few years under pressure from powerful players such as the U.S. and the EU. However, decentralized digital currencies are offering Switzerland a chance to redeem itself in the eyes of account holders, and the country has embraced the opportunity.
Many aspects of dealing with crypto assets have been regulated already by the Swiss authorities and that includes taxation. People who receive cryptocurrency as wage income need to declare it and pay tax, just like with fiat salaries. Crypto gains of investors and traders are treated as tax-exempt capital gains but depending on the canton, you may have to pay wealth tax which is levied on the total amount of digital coins you hold, similar to cash or precious metals.
In a confederation like Switzerland, there are multiple levels of income taxation – federal, cantonal, and municipal. Regulations vary from one administrative unit to another and income tax can be progressive or proportional. Amounts owed also depend on the marital status of the taxpayer. The scope of taxable income covers all funds accruing to a natural person from all sources. That includes remuneration received in various forms, including digital.
Cryptocurrency Remuneration Spreads in Friendly Jurisdictions
Switzerland is undoubtedly a leader in creating favorable conditions for crypto businesses, but other nations have been quickly catching up. Among those where crypto salaries are a working option are Japan, Estonia, and the United States. For example, Japanese internet giant GMO announced some time ago that its almost 5,000 employees will be able to receive part of their salaries in cryptocurrency. And this spring, U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange Kraken revealed it paid 250 salaries in bitcoin in April.
Crypto companies registered in Estonia, considered to be one of the most advanced digital societies, are often partially compensating or encouraging their employees with cryptocurrencies and tokens. The Baltic nation’s legislation provides for the taxation of such income. But even in jurisdictions where cryptocurrencies are yet to be legalized, crypto salaries are possible. In Russia, for example, half of fintech companies pay their employees with coins.
The crypto industry is not restricted by national boundaries. Cryptocurrencies significantly improve the speed and reliability of cross-border payments and the growing gig economy is taking advantage of the benefits of frictionless digital money. According to a study from 2017, freelancers will form a majority of the workforce in the United States within a decade. And a survey on payment preferences conducted in 2018 shows that a third of them would like to be paid partially or entirely in cryptocurrency.
Crypto-paid remote jobs are rapidly spreading in the global economy as well, thanks to the services offered by companies like Bitwage. It’s also getting easier to find a job paid in cryptocurrency with the help of platforms such as Workingforbitcoins.
New Zealand Tax Authority Adopts Rules for Crypto Payroll
Generally speaking, crypto salaries don’t really need dedicated legislation or special permissions by authorities to be legal. Many countries allow part of an employee’s compensation to be paid with non-monetary assets like commodities. And in jurisdictions where digital coins are not yet recognized as currencies, they have been granted a commodity status. Thus, cryptocurrencies can still be paid and received as fringe benefits.
Nevertheless, it does look like a step forward when a government agency explicitly mentions crypto wages in its official documents. And that’s what the tax authority in New Zealand recently did, deeming it legal for businesses to pay their employees in bitcoin. Companies will now be able to withhold tax on income payments under the existing pay-as-you-earn schemes like those of regular fiat salaries, as per the country’s current tax legislation.
The clarifications were made in an information bulletin issued earlier this month by New Zealand’s Inland Revenue Department (IRD). The ruling will go into effect on Sept. 1, 2019 and will be valid for the next three years. And while crypto enthusiasts have welcomed the arrangement as one that can encourage crypto adoption, doubters have expressed concerns its only goal is to ensure the collection of more taxes by the government in Wellington.
As expected from a regulator, the green light comes with multiple conditions. First of all, only employees working under official agreements can be paid with cryptocurrency. Then, the payments must be for a fixed amount, not exceeding half of the full pay, with the value of the crypto asset pegged to one or more fiat currencies. The crypto wages must be a regular part of the employee’s remuneration and be convertible into government-issued fiat money like the New Zealand Dollar.
The IRD also pointed out that salaries must be paid in a coin that can function as a currency, a substitute to fiat. This requirement aims to protect employees from being paid in an illiquid asset or small altcoin.
The tax agency listed several decentralized cryptocurrencies that meet its criteria. These are bitcoin cash (BCH), bitcoin core (BTC), bitcoin gold (BTG), ethereum (ETH), and litecoin (LTC). The revenue department also thinks stablecoins such as tether (USDT), or any of its alternatives that are easily convertible to fiat, qualify for that role as well.
If you are looking to securely acquire bitcoin cash (BCH) and other leading cryptocurrencies, you can do that at Buy.Bitcoin.com. And if you are earning a salary in bitcoin cash, you can sell or buy BCH privately using our noncustodial, peer-to-peer trading platform. The Local.Bitcoin.com marketplace already has thousands of users from all around the world.
Source: news.bitcoin
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