#Confessions of a Glamour Girl
kblackship · 10 months
Read n' Sip Recommendations: Part 4
Hello, again, darlings. Welcome back to Read n’ Sip Recommendations with Kirsten. This week, I’ve returned with Part 4 of my Cocktail/Book Pairings. While I joke that these are Cocktails to enjoy with your Cock Tales, my books aren’t as erotic as that implies. It was just too good of a pun to pass up. However, my books are on the spicy side. If that’s your thing, then please dive in, but…
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pinkgelpen444 · 11 days
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luv being a girl !! ☺️
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beatheprincess · 24 days
The mental breakdown I had earlier because of my womanhood was much needed
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poisonlove · 21 hours
You² | w.a
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams X reader
Wednesday hated Thornhill.
After that encounter in the library, she had done everything to avoid Y/N. Yet, fate seemed to take pleasure in her misfortune: a group activity paired her with the one person who made her feel the most out of place at Nevermore, making her realize just how unlucky she truly was.
After all, she was an Addams; she knew very well that luck was not on their side.
The activity involved collecting the Nightshade Bloom, better known as the Dreamshade Flower. It was an extremely rare plant found only in the Crackstone Forest. She had no idea where in the forest it grew, but she knew it preferred humid spots: probably near the waterfalls or in the Misty Glade.
"Are you sure it's this way?" Y/N asked, looking around with awe.
Wednesday stopped and turned to her partner, an eyebrow raised in disapproval. The question irritated her but when she saw the terror on the girl’s face, she decided to let it go.
"Of course, I'm sure," Wednesday replied in her characteristic monotone voice. She blinked and observed Y/N using her hand like a flashlight to navigate the darkness.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," Y/N justified, her Y/C eyes scanning the surroundings before turning back to Wednesday.
A strange flutter gripped Wednesday's stomach, forcing her to break eye contact. She didn’t like this feeling at all. Experimenting with new emotions, especially ones she didn’t understand, was not her style.
Without saying a word, Wednesday resumed walking, her right hand holding the makeshift torch while her left brushed aside branches that slowed their progress. An unsettling silence enveloped the woods, and Wednesday was oddly grateful for it.
But, of course, Y/N had to break it.
"So... I haven't seen you in the library lately," Y/N began, trying to spark a conversation, a way to distract herself and learn more about the gothic Addams. She had done some research about Wednesday, but her name didn’t appear on any social media, which honestly disappointed her.
Wednesday made a strange sound in her throat.
"I was busy," she replied coldly. It wasn't a lie. She had indeed been occupied writing her story and avoiding the person standing in front of her. She had nothing against Y/N; rather, it was the absence of disdain that bothered her.
"I understand... Enid told me you write a lot... and that you're not exactly a social person" Y/N confessed with a hint of sadness.
Wednesday stopped, noticing how Y/N hesitated to push aside a branch, suddenly halting. Enid? Why were they talking about me? Y/N looked at Wednesday, confusion evident on her face.
"Why were you talking about me?" Wednesday asked, her voice sharp.
Y/N's cheeks flushed.
"Um... I'm participating in the Poe Cup  and she mentioned you... the only member I don't know," she admitted, embarrassment creeping into her tone. The flames in her hand illuminated her Y/C eyes, and Wednesday couldn’t help but think how strikingly attractive she looked in that light.
Quickly, Wednesday averted her gaze and turned away.
Y/N let out a sigh she didn't realize she'd been holding, falling back into step behind Wednesday. Addams pondered Y/N's words, especially the fact that she would be competing in the Poe Cup with them. Honestly, she didn’t want to participate in the tournament again, but the prospect of competing alongside Y/N intrigued her.
"Have you finished reading the book?" Wednesday asked coldly.
She enjoyed the interaction they were having, and a part of her desperately wanted to keep talking to Y/N. Yes, Wednesday Addams, the most antisocial girl at Nevermore, found herself wanting to engage with Y/N.
A huge smile spread across Y/N's face.
"Yes, it was really interesting and helpful for my research," she confessed excitedly, glancing at Wednesday, who observed her from the corner of her eye. The moonlight highlighted Addams' pale skin, and her perfectly arranged braids gave her an air of authority and glamour.
Y/N had developed a small crush on Addams.
"Good," Wednesday murmured in a sharp tone, diverting her gaze from Y/N.
A strange flush crept onto her cheeks, and her heartbeat quickened at the sight of Y/N’s radiant smile. Something was definitely off within her.
She unconsciously rubbed her cheeks.
"Have we arrived?" Y/N asked nervously, her fear growing. She had heard a couple of howls during their trek that made her skin crawl, but seeing Wednesday's calm demeanor made her decide—no, force herself—that everything was under control.
"Yes." Wednesday pressed her lips together, trying to suppress a smile.
It was the third time that night that her lips had inexplicably wanted to stretch into a smile, and each time she held back. She had to maintain her reputation as the gothic weirdo of Nevermore.
The fog enveloped their path, and Wednesday felt relieved to finally reach the Misty Glade. If they were lucky, they might find the damn flower in this area; otherwise, she would have to cross to the other side of Crackstone Forest toward the waterfalls.
Wednesday took off her backpack and pulled a small basket from inside.
"Can you recognize the Nightshade Bloom?" she asked, looking at Y/N. The latter nodded decisively.
Y/N walked opposite Wednesday, scanning the ground for any signs of light, hoping to spot the flower.
Meanwhile, Wednesday delved deeper into the mist, focusing on finding the blooms.
Wednesday crouched down and carefully picked the flower, trying not to damage its luminescent petals. She placed it in the basket alongside the others and walked toward another damp area. Half an hour had passed since the search began, and Wednesday felt increasingly uncomfortable in the oppressive silence.
Where on earth were you?
"Y/N?" she called loudly.
All she received in response was a howl. What if you were in danger? Wednesday gripped the basket tightly and scanned the surroundings, determined to spot you, abandoning her task of collecting more flowers.
Her feet moved westward as she squinted, trying to extend her field of vision, but the damned fog was too thick. A strange sensation settled in her chest, something that edged on fear. But she wasn't scared; she was... uncomfortable due to your silence?
"Y/N, if this is a joke, it’s not funny!" Wednesday exclaimed loudly, looking around with heightened vigilance. Her heartbeat quickened.
The worst scenarios flashed in her mind, prompting her to quicken her pace.
"Ahhhhh!" you screamed.
Wednesday's eyes widened, and she raced toward the sound of your cry. Something had gone wrong. The brunette increased her running speed, breathing heavily, a strange light contrasting with the darkness of the forest.
"What happened?" she asked breathlessly upon arrival.
Y/N was sitting on the ground, an enormous smile plastered across her face as she held the Nightshade Bloom in her hands. Her Y/C eyes met Wednesday's, shining with pure happiness.
"I found my first flower!" she exclaimed, beaming.
Wednesday let out an exasperated sigh, and at that moment, she wanted to strangle Y/N with her bare hands. Had she run for nothing? Was it merely a scream of joy? Her expression softened as she watched you approach, curiosity written all over your face, your eyes sparkling as they scanned her basket.
"What? You’ve already found six?!" Y/N exclaimed in surprise.
Wednesday couldn't help but smile, a spontaneous and genuine smile that made Y/N's heart skip a beat. The dimples were evident as her lips curved, making Y/N wonder how something so beautiful could be so rarely seen.
Just like the Nightshade Bloom.
Wednesday felt relieved to see Y/N safe, and despite a part of her wanting to kill her for making her think the worst, another part couldn’t shake the memory of the enthusiasm radiating from her for finding the flower.
She would let this incident slide, simply because it was you.
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surielstea · 7 months
Ballroom Secrets
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x Fem!reader
Summary: Eris and reader are secretly mates and can't keep their hand to themselves
Warnings: Fluff, suggestiveness at the end
2.3k words
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I glance at the high lord of autumn from across the ballroom, my eyes locking with his as he speaks to one of his brothers— or rather the red head spoke to him while Eris just stared at me, the golden leaf crown on his head slightly tilted and my hands itched to fix it, to run my hands through those russet wavy locks. I suppress a sigh and rip my gaze away from his, crossing my arms over my chest and returning to the conversation I was having with the high lady of the night court— but I could still feel those amber eyes, trailing all over my body from head to toe and lighting me on fire.
Keeping our romance a secret wasn't going to last very long if he kept stripping me down with those golden eyes that seemed to observe my every movement. "Stop staring," I bite through the bond. We were lucky enough to have it click while we were away on a mission together, the after effects of accepting it took us full throttle, the frenzy taking us captive for over a week.
After he became high lord and that power surged through him he had this need for me. Gods, were we lucky enough that I happened to be in the summer court that week, neighboring his court. "You make it hard not to stare." He replies after a moment and I have to fight the flush on my cheeks away. "Dance with me?" He asked for what must've been the twelfth time that night. I rolled my eyes. "I already told you, we can't." I tell him, reiterating my words.
"I'm a high lord, I can dance with whomever I like, and I like you." He says, an arrogant tone coating his sly voice and my stomach does flips. "My brother will gut you." I explain, as if he doesn't already know. "The lord of bloodshed will manage." He hummed, needing me in his grasp. "No he won't, one time Helion hit on me and Cass gave him a black eye." I confess and I feel a twinge of jealousy run through the bond that connects us. "Helion hit on you?" He asks, completely missing the point of that story. "Every time I see him." I reply with a grumble.
"I want him dead." He says casually. "You're not funny." I retort. "Who said I was joking?" He huffs childishly and I allow my eyes to drift back to him, giving him a cold glare as he shamelessly pouted, his bottom lip dipping out like a child not getting what he wants. "Why don't you find another girl to dance with?" I offer to the male. "Do you really want that?" He asks and I think on it, bouncing on my heels slightly at the thought of my mate dancing with another girl, even if it was strictly platonic.
"No." I grumble in reply and look out onto the dance floor. "Exactly." He hums cockily and I shut him out, putting walls around the bond we constantly have glamoured. "I'm going to get a drink." I say to Feyre who stood beside me. "Want anything?" I offer and she shakes her head no. "I'm okay, thank you." Her soft smile relaxes me and I excuse myself, walking the length of the ballroom and avoiding the dance floor.
"What are you doing?" He asked, somehow breaking through those shields. "I need a glass of wine." I confess, the table full of select Fae liquors and ornate crystal glasses being on the table, that just so happened to be right beside him. He rose a brow as I walked closer to him, only a few feet away, the distance he quickly closed by stepping beside me, his bicep bumping my shoulder, the heat that radiated from his body made me ache I wanted to be in bed, wearing little to nothing and cuddling into him, his warm embrace that always filled that pit in my stomach.
"When can we leave?" I ask, plucking a wine glass from the row of them. He reaches around my shoulder and for a second I think he's pulling me closer to him but in reality he was only grabbing a whiskey glass, the fire that was his skin still lingering even after he removed his arm from around my bare shoulders.
"As soon as we dance, at least once." He hums and I shift on my heels. "Would it look bad if we left together?" I wonder as I look at the wine labels, I wasn't entirely interested in the vendors but I had to seem distracted somehow. "That's up to you doll, I'd fuck you on this table in front of all of these people and not care," He confesses and my cheeks go bright red. How could he say something like that aloud and expect me not to react? "You're the one with the problematic brother." He mutters and a frown forms on my lips. "My brother might be problematic but he's not being the issue." I mumble as I pour myself a glass of maroon liquid, filling it alarmingly full.
I look over my shoulder and spot the General speaking with Azriel. It'd be horrible to dance with the high lord of autumn right now but I wanted his hands on me, I need him to pull me close and this was the only way to do it without alarming everyone in the room. I can justify dancing to my brother. It's just dancing. "What're you thinking about little fox?" I whip my head back to him, looking into those eyes full of warmth, swirling like golden pools I wanted to swim in.
"Oh fuck it," I grumble aloud, abandoning my freshly poured glass and pulling him out onto the dance floor by his wrist. A cocky smile spreads across his face and I toss him a glare. "Do not even start." I mutter and wrap my arms around his neck, his hands span the width of my waist with ease, like they belonged there, perfectly slotted.
"I wasn't going to say anything," He replied mischievously, looking off to anywhere but my glowering eyes. "You're a fool." I shake my head with an amused smile. "Fool for you," He hums, sending adoration down the bond and the music begins.
The way Eris and I dance is fluid, twirling in and out as my dress moved with me, the soft fabric cascading into a skirt like a waterfall of silk. Every time he spun me out he'd pull me back in so much closer to his chest, at one point I had far too much momentum and had slammed right into his pressed suit, his hold tightened around me and he kept me there.
His warmth filled me whole, my hands ached for more, as if he was a hearth and I needed to be defrosted from the harsh bite of the winter wind. I look up at him and he was already staring down at me, I allow myself to give him a gentle smile and he returns it without caution.
"You just couldn't wait until we got home could you?" I muse and he shakes his head no, swaying us softly as the song came to a stop. I reach up to his russet locks and adjust his crown so it was even, sighing in satisfaction now that it was fixed. "Can we go home?" He asked as I push a russet wave from his forehead. "I want to," I look down to see a shadow curling around my wrist. "Let me say my goodbyes, I'll meet you at home." I back away with a gentle smile, I want to kiss him goodbye but I know better with Azriel's shadows around.
I pivot on my high heel and walk away from my mate before he can protest and winnow us into the ether. Crossing through the ballroom attempting to carve a path to the lord of bloodshed, shadows rushing after me until I reached the two finely dressed Illyrians who were staring at me like disappointed fathers.
"What?" I look between them confused as if I don't know who I was just with. "The fuck were you doing with him?" Cassian practically growls and I roll my eyes. "He's our ally Cass, it'd be rude to ignore his offer to dance." I retort and Azriel narrows his eyes at me like he can read through my select truths. "Ignore him, I don't blame you for dancing with the high lord." Nesta winks at me and I have to refrain from flushing. "Yeah I'm sure you know a lot about that." My brother casts her a glare. "He's not with me now is he?" She spits at him and I can't help but release a giggle.
"I'm going home, steal a bottle of wine for me." I say to him, a tradition between me and my brother to always steal at least one thing from events like these, sometimes the spymaster joins in occasionally he used to swipe necklaces off of wealthy women and gifted me all of them— but he was banned by Rhys after taking the game a little too seriously and stealing a chandelier right off the ceiling.
"Don't forget we have training at dawn." Cassian reminds and I groan as I back away. "Goodbye." I give them a wave. "Dawn." Cassian reminds and the other two just wave as I go.
I pass by Feyre and Morrigan, giving them both a kiss on the cheek and a quick goodbye before slipping from the ballroom with a small smile, excited for what awaits for me at my home.
I winnow back to my apartment that was on the edge of the river, Amren residing in a few complexes over. I spot Eris lounging on the couch, already comfortable with his shoes off, manspreading across the cushions. I kicked my heels off and released a long sigh. "I need to get this thing off." I mutter, referring to my heavy dress that dragged across the ground. "That, I can help with." He shoots up from the couch and follows me into our shared bedroom, not bothering to turn on the lights as he worked at the laces along my back, loosening them and allowing me to fully breathe. I take a deep inhale and a slow exhale as I walk over to my armoire and pick out a night gown.
I quickly change from the midnight blue dress and pull myself into a soft white dress that went to my thighs. I look at my dress on the ground, then to Eris. I decide I'll hang it up tomorrow, needing to be in his arms now. He stretches out his arms for a hug but I jump right into them, hooking my legs around his torso, my arms around his neck. He didn't so much as stumble back.
He walks us out of the bedroom and to the sitting area, flicking his hand and the hearth flourishes in flames, he places me down onto my feet and I look up at him cheekily. "Dance with me?" I intertwine our hands and a genuine smile pulls at his sensuous lips. "Of course." He leans down and places a kiss on my forehead.
This time when we danced and he twirled me in and out it was easy, we weren't worried about the next step, weren't following any choreography, just making it up along the way. He had me flush against his back as we swayed, then spun me around and tugged me back in so I was facing him. There was talking and laughing, simple and so comforting. To just converse and dance and do whatever we wanted without anyone's eyes on us.
His head hangs low as it nuzzles into my neck. "I love you." He whispers softly against my skin and my heart nearly melts. "I love you too Eris." I smile and he stands upright. I unclasped my hands from behind his neck and bring them up to cup his cheeks. His hands roam my body, winding down the curve of my ass, then reaching my thighs and allowing me to jump up into his arms, he cradled me with his large arms that I wanted to be constantly wrapped in.
I grin and pluck the golden crown from his head and place it atop mine, except it was far too big and fell to the bridge of my nose. He chuckled as I was temporarily blinded by the gold. "I'll get you your own crown." He said and I smile, taking the piece of nobility off and placing it back onto his head, my hands then running down the sides of his face.
"You have no idea how badly I wanted to kiss you on that dance floor." I hum, pecking his jaw. "I have some idea," He looks at me, from this angle our eyesight is aligned, golden eyes practically glowing in the dim lighting and I can't take it anymore, I place my hands on the back of his neck and pull him so much closer, his lips planting on mine and I blossom in warmth. He hums against my lips as I open my mouth slightly and allow his tongue to slip between my lips.
His movements lacked hesitance, like he was so sure that this is where he was meant to be. His finger pads press firmly into the bottom of my thighs and I arch my back so my chest was pressed against his. He takes his steps blindly with his lips still attached to mine, not daring to pull away if even to walk us back to the bedroom.
"I don't think you're making it to training tomorrow, little fox." He murmurs into my mouth. "Why?" I mutter with creased brows. "Cause you won't be able to walk." He smirks against me and my stomach does backflips.
Part II here.
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lyranova · 1 year
Hii! I love your fics!! May I please request a oneshot where yami's squad member (y/n) turns into a baby / child (whichever is better), and brings her to the captains ' meeting as he has no other choice? (y/n) calls everyone dad / mom and it makes them all super soft for her? like yami is first annoyed then softens up, nozel is straight up rude as usual but everyone glares at him for that (cause they're so protective of her already uwu) and he ends up being soft for her too. idk, this was a 2 am thought im sorry!! thank you for taking requests 😭💞
Hiya anon! No worries 2am thoughts are always fine and fun, tbh I tend to get them a lot myself 😆! Aw thank you so much I’m so glad you like my fics, and you’re welcome, I enjoy taking requests! It gives me something fun and different to do 🥰! Of course you may and I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,325
Warnings: None
Yami didn’t know how this happened, she was fine when she left on a mission with Asta and Noelle, but when they all came back she was a baby! When he asked them what the hell happened Asta and Noelle explained that it was the bad guys magic; he could make people really old, or really young!
Yami had ordered them to take her back to the mage and force him to change her back but Noelle explained that they tried, but the mage said his spell would only wear off in 24 hours. So for now…they were stuck with her being a toddler!
She was still able to walk at least, talking on the other hand…well she was only able to say a handful of words, mainly ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’. Which kind of bothered Yami since he didn’t want to be called ‘daddy’ by a member of his squad, but she wasn't really eager to learn ‘Yami’ at the moment he would have to deal with it for now.
Yami fully intended to leave her at the squad as he went to a Captain’s meeting, but when Yami began to ask who wanted to be in charge of their toddler squadmate every single Black Bull scattered like leaves in a gust of wind.
Which was how he ended up in his current situation; in the Captain’s meeting room, with his toddler squadmate sitting in his lap, as the other Captain’s ‘oohed’ and ‘awwed’ over her.
“ Aw look how adorable she is! I didn’t know you had a baby Yami!” Dorothy said as she began to use her Glamour World magic to create small toys to keep her entertained. Charlotte crossed her arms as she looked at the child.
‘Yami had a child?! Why didn’t he say anything? Does that mean he’s married or has a committed partner? Or is the child a product of a one night stand? Yami doesn’t seem to be the type to do that though, so he must have someone! Why didn’t he say anything, I’m so jealous of her, why didn’t I confess to him sooner?!’ Charlotte’s mind raced as she stared at the little girl, she didn’t look like Yami, but that could easily be explained away. The girl looked at Charlotte with wide eyes before she smiled brightly and reached her arms out towards the Briar mage.
“ Mommy?” She asked cutely before her smile widened. “ Mommy!”
Charlotte and Dorothy’s hearts quickly melted and they both couldn’t help but say ‘How Cute~!’. Yami sighed and shook his head.
“ The Prickly Princess ain’t your mom, and I’m not her dad. She’s a member of my squad who got turned into a toddler on a mission earlier. The other brats took off running when I asked them to baby sit her.” Yami explained as he held the small girl still. She looked up at him with a pout but did stop moving.
“ I see, so how long will she be like this?” Fuegoleon asked as he placed a thoughtful hand under his chin, the girl looked at him for a moment before her bright smile returned.
“ Daddy!” She shouted brightly and with a giggle, Fuegoleon’s brows raised in surprise and a small smile appeared on his face.
“ I’m sorry to say that I’m not your father little one.” Fuegoloen told her gently as he patted her on the head, the little girl pouted.
“ She seems to only be able to say ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’, which makes sense since she’s only like 1 or 2.” Yami said in an unsure tone, Rill tilted his head.
“ I think she’s closer to a year and a half! Babies are generally able to walk by the time they’re one, and can talk in short sentences by the age of two, so logically she should be somewhere in between since she can walk but not really talk!” Rill said thoughtfully as he stared at the young girl.
“ How the hell do you know that kid?” Jack asked with a frown and Rill suddenly laughed sheepishly.
“ Me and my squad sometimes volunteer at the orphanages in the city and the sisters explained it to me when I tried to have a group of kids tell me about their paintings.” Rill explained and the others nodded.
The little girls eyes moved to Nozel, who was sitting in his seat with his eyes closed and arms crossed, ignoring her effectively.
“ Daddy…?” She asked hesitantly and Nozel’s eyes shot open and he glared coldly at her.
“ I’m not your father, and I wish you would refrain from calling me that.” He told the girl, his tone as cold as ice, the little girl jumped for a moment before her eyes welled up with tears.
The girl began to cry and wail at the top of her lungs, everyone glared openly at Nozel.
“ What the hell did you do that for braid boy?!” Yami asked as he and the others tried to console the toddler and Nozel’s eyes widened a bit.
“ Geez Nozel she’s just a baby, can’t you be just a little nicer with her?” Dorothy asked as she put her hands on her hips and had a angry look on her face. Nozel’s cheeks turned a shade of pink and he looked away.
“ Don’t listen to him brat,” Yami said to the toddler as he gently patted her head. “ You can call of us ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ as much as you like. And ignore him.” Yami instructed them as his hand moved away from her head and began to wipe away her tears.
“ Yeah! Nozel’s just jealous because he doesn’t have a cool baby of his own!” Rill said as he crossed his arms, and Jack looked over at the Silver Eagles Captain.
“ Even I’m not that big of a jerk to kids bird boy.” He muttered with a shake of his head, Nozel sighed loudly before turning to look at them all.
“ I’m not jealous and I’m not angry at the child!” Nozel shouted accidentally, causing everyones eyes to widen. “ It’s just…” He glanced over at Dorothy, and she suddenly realized why he was acting the way he was.
Seeing that little girl was bringing up a lot of painful memories for him, so all he knew to do was lash out in order to hide his true emotions.
“ It’s just that a Captain’s meeting is no place for a child as young as her. Here, we talk about and see so many terrible things that it could easily traumatize someone as young as her for life. Don’t you think it would be better for her to remain innocent to the horrors of the world just a little longer?” Nozel asked with a sigh.
“ Uh, she’s already seen the horrors of the world remember? She’s actually a Magic Knight?” Yami pointed out in confusion, causing Nozel’s face to turn a brighter red.
“ Nozel does have a point. A Captain’s meeting is no place for a young child,” Fuegoloen agreed before he reached out to take her from Yami. “ So I suggest that she stay with Marx for the time being, and once the meetings over Yami can take her back. Alright?” He watched as all the others nodded and he carefully carried the child through the doors and to Marx.
The meeting ended fairly quickly and now Yami was heading back to the Black Bulls Hideout. After being full of energy all day she had finally wore herself out and was sound asleep in Yami’s arms. He chuckled a bit as he looked down at her, as much as he didn’t want to babysit her at first, he had to admit it was a nice change of pace and he was actually going to miss her being this small.
At least until she woke up and began to torment everyone again, then he wouldn’t be able to wait until she transformed back into her normal self again.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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natsgrave · 9 months
NEW YEAR'S DAY | elizabeth olsen
i want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day. please, don't ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize anywhere. ( obvi, another @taylorswift inspired. ) colored bold words will be the lyrics and play "new year's day" by taylor for for better experience lol. i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime!! masterlist
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There's glitter on the floor after the party, girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
The night was a tapestry woven with laughter, music, and the effervescent sparkle of celebration. A grand soirée had unfolded within the opulent walls of a magnificent ballroom, where the elite gathered to revel in the luxuries of life. Crystal chandeliers cast a dazzling glow over the dance floor, and the air buzzed with the merriment of the occasion.
A girl named Y/N had always been the quiet, observant type, content to linger on the edges of social gatherings and take in the energy of the room. Her world seemed to transform, however, when she received an invitation from to the grandest event of the year— a dazzling party hosted by the illustrious Scarlett Johansson, her sister. ( she always received an invitation, she just doesn't go. well, until now. )
Scarlett was the epitome of grace and sophistication, known for hosting events that left a lasting imprint on everyone fortunate enough to attend. Her parties were legendary, with an air of enchantment that lingered long after the final guest had departed.
Amidst the sea of faces, Y/N's eyes fell upon Elizabeth, her sisters' best friend, moving through the crowd like a vision. Elizabeth, the girl she had admired from afar for what felt like an eternity, was there, of course. Elizabeth's presence exuded confidence and charisma, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest as she nervously adjusted the hem of her dress, feeling a bit out of place amid the elegant crowd.
Elizabeth's presence also seemed to cast a magnetic pull, and Y/N found herself drawn toward her.
The glitter, like the residue of a magical moment, adorned the floor beneath Elizabeth's feet. Y/N's heart raced as she gathered the courage to strike up a conversation, as she approached Elizabeth.
"Hi," Y/N stammered, a nervous smile playing on her lips.
Elizabeth turned toward her, a warm smile gracing her face. "Hey there! I haven't seen you around before. Are you enjoying the party?"
Y/N nodded, her cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink, "It's incredible. I never imagined I'd be here."
Elizabeth chuckled, her laughter like a melody in the air, "Well, I'm glad you made it. These events can be a bit overwhelming, but they have their charm."
As the night unfolded, Y/N found herself drawn to Elizabeth's orbit. They exchanged polite conversations, laughter resonating in the air like a melody. The conversation flowed effortlessly, like a dance that mirrored the enchantment of the night. They shared stories, dreams, and in that moment, the glitter on the floor seemed to shimmer a bit brighter. Elizabeth's charm was undeniable, and Y/N felt a magnetic pull, as if fate had orchestrated this meeting.
"I've always admired you from afar." Y/N confessed, her words tinged with vulnerability.
Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with genuine interest, "Really? I had no idea. I'm flattered."
The night unfolded like a fairy tale, with Y/N and Elizabeth losing themselves in the magic of the party. They danced beneath the twinkling lights, and as the night wore on, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary was happening.
Elizabeth, too, seemed intrigued by the genuine nature of Y/N, a refreshing contrast to the glittering facade of the event. The glitter on the floor beneath their feet seemed to sparkle with a newfound significance. It wasn't just the remnants of a party; it was the residue of a connection that had blossomed amidst the glamour.
As the party reached its crescendo, Y/N and Elizabeth found themselves amidst a shower of confetti. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if this enchanting encounter was the beginning of something beautiful.
As the night came to a close, Elizabeth looked at Y/N with a twinkle in her eyes, "I'm glad you came tonight." she said, a genuine smile gracing her lips.
Y/N, overwhelmed with a mix of excitement and gratitude, responded, "I'm glad I did too. This has been an incredible night."
Elizabeth, seemed reluctant to part ways, "Maybe we could do this again sometime?" she suggested, her eyes holding a hint of anticipation.
Y/N nodded, a smile lighting up her face, "I'd like that."
As they bid each other goodnight, Y/N walked away from the glitter-strewn ballroom with a heart full of hope. Little did Y/N know that the glitter on the floor wasn't just a symbol of a party's aftermath; it was a metaphor for the unexpected magic that had unfolded. From that night onward, Y/N and Elizabeth's connection continued to grow, their lives intertwined in a story that began with glitter on the floor and unfolded into a beautiful, unforeseen romance.
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor, you and me from the night before
The soft glow of candlelight flickered around the room, casting dancing shadows on the hardwood floor. Y/N and Elizabeth sat amidst a scattering of Polaroids, capturing moments frozen in time— snapshots of their shared laughter, stolen kisses, and the everyday beauty that painted their love story.
As Y/N gazed at the Polaroids, a smile played on their lips. "Do you remember this one?" Y/N held up a photo, capturing a lazy Sunday morning when they had decided to make pancakes together.
Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with nostalgia as she looked at the image, "Of course, how could I forget?" Elizabeth replied, reaching for the photo. "That was the day we ended up having breakfast for dinner because your pancake-making skills needed improvement."
They both laughed, the memory resurfacing as vividly as if it had happened just yesterday. The warmth in the room wasn't just from the flickering candles; it was a reflection of the enduring love that had grown between them.
Y/N picked up another photograph, this one capturing a quiet moment shared on a rainy day.
"Our impromptu dance party in the living room." Y/N reminisced, their eyes locked with Elizabeth's.
"Ah, how could I not?" Elizabeth chuckled, "We danced like no one was watching, and for a moment, it felt like the world outside didn't exist. Just you, me, and the music."
The moments captured in those Polaroids held a special place in their hearts, a testament to the journey they had undertaken together. Yet, amidst the warmth and nostalgia, there was also a subtle acknowledgment of the challenges they had faced.
As a soft music playing softly in the background, Elizabeth's gaze met Y/N's with a depth of understanding. "You know," Elizabeth began, her voice gentle, "those moments, the ones in these pictures, they're precious to me. But what matters even more is the now. The present and the future we're creating together."
Y/N nodded, appreciating the sentiment behind Elizabeth's words. The journey of love wasn't just about reminiscing; it was about building and evolving, about facing the uncertainties of the future hand in hand.
"I love looking at these memories," Y/N admitted, "but I love the idea of making new ones even more. Our story isn't confined to the past; it's a living, breathing narrative that we're still writing every day."
Elizabeth reached out, taking Y/N's hand in hers. "Forevermore."
"Our love story continues, one Polaroid at a time, each frame capturing the beautiful journey we're on."
Don't read the last page, but I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes
Their journey began years ago, with chance encounters and stolen glances evolving into shared laughter and whispered confidences. Y/N's meticulous breathed life into Elizabeth's vivacity world, and in turn, Elizabeth's stability provided a comforting anchor for Y/N.As the seasons changed, so did the dynamics of their relationship. Together, they weathered storms and reveled in the sunny days. They celebrated victories, both big and small, and navigated the challenges that life threw their way.
And today, another challenge got thrown into their way.
The apartment echoed with the sharp tones of an argument that seemed to reverberate through the walls, leaving an uncomfortable tension in its wake. Y/N paced back and forth, frustration etched across their face, while Elizabeth stood by the window, a mixture of anger and hurt in her eyes.
"Why can't you see my point of view, Y/N?" Elizabeth's voice was raised, her frustration bubbling over, "I feel like you're not even trying to understand where I'm coming from."
Y/N stopped in their tracks, a sigh escaping their lips, "I am trying, Elizabeth, but it feels like every time we talk about this, we end up going in circles. I need you to meet me halfway, to see things from my perspective too."
The room was filled with an uneasy silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside. Elizabeth took a deep breath, her voice softening, "I just thought we were on the same page. I thought we wanted the same things."
Y/N turned to face Elizabeth, frustration giving way to a deep sadness. "We do want the same things, but we have different ways of getting there. Can't we find a middle ground without tearing each other apart?"
Elizabeth looked away, the weight of the argument settling heavily on her shoulders. "I don't know, Y/N. Sometimes it feels like we're just not meant to be together."
Those words hung in the air, a painful acknowledgment of the growing rift between them. Y/N felt a lump forming in their throat, but they refused to let the conversation end on such a somber note. "Elizabeth, look, I know we're going through a tough time. But I want to stay, even when it's hard. I want to work through this, find a way to make us stronger."
Elizabeth's gaze softened as she met Y/N's eyes, "But how, Y/N? How do we fix this when it feels like we're both pulling in opposite directions?"
Y/N took a step closer, reaching for Elizabeth's hand. "Maybe we start by acknowledging that we're both imperfect. We're going to make mistakes, say the wrong things, but that doesn't mean we give up on each other. It means we fight for what we have, even when it's difficult."
Elizabeth sighed, her shoulders sagging as the weight of the argument began to lift. "I just don't want us to end up resenting each other."
Y/N nodded, squeezing Elizabeth's hand gently, "Neither do I. That's why we need to communicate, be patient with each other, and remember that we're a team. We can navigate through the storms, but only if we face them together."
I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
The city was alive with the anticipation of a new year, the air crisp with the promise of fresh beginnings. In the heart of it all, Y/N and Elizabeth found themselves atop a rooftop overlooking the city skyline, a canvas of twinkling lights that mirrored the anticipation in their hearts. The year had been a rollercoaster, but tonight, they decided to welcome the new beginning together.
Y/N, with her contagious enthusiasm, looked at Elizabeth with sparkling eyes. "Can you believe it's another year already?" she exclaimed, a warmth spreading through her as she took in the breathtaking view.
Elizabeth, always the anchor to Y/N's free spirit, smiled gently. "Time flies when you're in love, doesn't it?" Her hand found Y/N's, fingers intertwining like a promise.
As the night unfolded, they decided to forego the traditional crowded parties and embrace a more intimate celebration. The rooftop became their private haven, adorned with fairy lights and a cozy blanket, creating a cocoon that shielded them from the world below.
Y/N produced a small Bluetooth speaker, the soft strains of their favorite songs filling the air. The lyrics of Taylor Swift's "New Year's Day" seemed to resonate with the atmosphere around them. The skyline, the city lights, and the company of each other made it a moment that felt both infinite and fleeting.
"I want your midnights," Y/N sang along softly, her gaze locked with Elizabeth's. "But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day."
Elizabeth chuckled, her eyes reflecting the love and warmth that had blossomed between them over countless midnights and New Year's Eves. "Well, I wouldn't want to be cleaning up bottles with anyone else." she replied, her thumb tracing circles on the back of Y/N's hand.
Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you
The rain gently tapped against the window pane, creating a soothing cadence that mirrored the rhythmic beating of Y/N's heart. She sat on the edge of her bed, surrounded by the warmth of soft lamplight and the subtle scent of vanilla candles. It was a quiet evening, the kind that invited introspection, and Y/N found herself drifting into a sea of memories, each one a page in the story of her long-term relationship with Elizabeth.
Y/N couldn't help but reminisce about the love story she shared with Elizabeth. The room was adorned with photographs capturing moments, a visual timeline of their journey together. Y/N reached for a framed picture on the shelf, her fingers tracing the contours of Elizabeth's smiling face. A soft sigh escaped her lips, the memories played out like a film reel in Y/N's mind.
The lazy Sunday mornings, the spontaneous road trips, the quiet nights curled up on the couch. Each moment was a treasure, and Y/N held them close to her heart. One particularly vivid memory stood out— the night they danced under a sky full of stars.
"Dance with me, just like this, forever." Elizabeth whispered.
"Forever sounds perfect." Y/N said with a soft smile on her face.
The rhythm of their hearts matched the melody of the night, creating a symphony of love that echoed in their shared laughter and whispered promises.
The room was bathed in the soft glow of memories as Y/N continued to reflect. She recalled the day they decided to take a break—a moment that tested the strength of their love.
"We need this time, but I love you, always." Her girlfriend, Elizabeth, said.
"I love you too."
Time apart allowed them to grow individually, and eventually, they found their way back to each other. Now, as Y/N held onto those memories, she felt a surge of gratitude for the love they had shared. The phone rang, interrupting her reverie.
It was Elizabeth.
"Hey, just wanted to hear your voice."
Y/N smiled, and said, "I was just thinking about us. Our memories."
"The good or the bad?" Elizabeth joked.
"All of it. Because every memory, every moment, holds a piece of you."
"And a piece of you is eternally a part of me. I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Lizzie"
"What memories are you holding onto right now?" Elizabeth asked.
Y/N's mind wandered back to the early days of their relationship, the days filled with the excitement of discovery and the sweet anticipation of shared dreams.
"Remember our first date? The nervous laughter, the awkward moments, and then that magical instant when we both realized we were exactly where we were meant to be?"
"Of course, I remember. I was so struck by your authenticity, by the genuine connection we shared. It was like finding a missing piece." Elizabeth replied happily.
"And our road trip to the mountains— the wind in our hair, the breathtaking views, and those late-night conversations under a blanket of stars. It felt like we were the only two people in the world."
"Those moments were magical. I still carry the echo of your laughter and the warmth of your hand in mine."
"Even in the tough times, we held onto each other. Like that rainy night when we danced in the living room, turning a simple evening into a celebration of us." Y/N recalled.
"That dance felt like a promise—a promise to weather the storms together and to find joy in the simple moments. I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Y/N sat by the window, the soft glow of the city lights casting a warm ambience in the room. She traced her finger along the rim of her coffee cup, lost in thought. As she sipped her coffee, memories unfolded like pages of a cherished book. Elizabeth's laughter echoed in her mind— the way it tinkled like wind chimes on a breezy day, a sound that had become synonymous with joy and comfort. Y/N couldn't imagine a world where that laughter faded, where Elizabeth became a distant echo rather than the melody that accompanied the rhythm of their lives.
Lost in her contemplation, Y/N couldn't help but think aloud. "You know, Liz," she began, turning to face her long-term girlfriend, who was immersed in a book on the other side of the room. "There's something about the idea of recognizing your laugh anywhere that's so profound. It's like a piece of home, a constant in the ever-changing symphony of life."
Elizabeth was not just a girlfriend; she was the rhythm to Y/N's melody, the familiarity that made every moment feel like home.
Elizabeth looked up from her book, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "What got you thinking about that, love?" she asked, setting her book aside and giving Y/N her full attention.
Y/N sighed, her gaze filled with a mix of nostalgia and deep affection. "It just hit me— your laughter is like a familiar melody that I never want to forget. I can close my eyes and imagine you in any room, and your laughter would stand out. It's like a part of you that's etched into my soul."
Elizabeth's eyes softened, and she walked over to Y/N, taking a seat beside her. "You know, I feel the same way about you. Your presence, your laughter, they're the constants in my life. I can't imagine ever not recognizing the sound of your joy."
"Do you ever think about us, about our future?"
Elizabeth looked thoughtful, her eyes reflecting the golden hues of the lights, "All the time," she admitted. "I can't imagine my life without you, Y/N. You're the constant melody in my world."
Y/N's heart swelled with affection. She took Elizabeth's hand, fingers entwined in a silent promise. "I wish we could freeze these moments, make them last forever. I wish for a future where we continue to recognize each other's laughter, where we remain intertwined in this beautiful symphony of 'us.' Forever doesn't seem long enough when it comes to us, Liz."
Elizabeth smiled, her gaze never leaving Y/N's. "Forever sounds perfect, doesn't it?" she leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead. "Forever sounds perfect to me, love. As long as we're together, navigating the highs and lows of life, our laughter will always be the soundtrack of our love story."
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
The city bustled with life as Y/N strolled through the vibrant streets, the echoes of laughter and snippets of conversation forming a symphony of urban living.
One day, Y/N found herself in a quaint coffee shop, seeking refuge from the midday chaos. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the soft hum of conversation enveloped her. With a steaming cup in hand, she settled into a corner seat, intending to lose herself in the anonymity of the busy café. As Y/N sipped her coffee, lost in the depths of her own thoughts, a familiar sound floated through the air— the distinct, sound cut through the ambient noise— a melodic laugh, unmistakably that belonged to none other than Elizabeth.
It was a melody etched in Y/N's memory, a sound that had once been a symphony of shared joy and love. The laughter was distant, as if carried by a gentle breeze, but it resonated deeply within Y/N. She looked around, searching for the source of the laughter. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as they turned, their eyes locking onto Elizabeth across the room, her profile framed by the soft glow of the café lights. Time seemed to pause as Y/N watched, unable to tear her gaze away. Elizabeth was engrossed in conversation with a group of friends, her laughter a harmonious blend with the chatter around her. As the laughter reached Y/N's ears, a rush of emotions flooded her. It had been so long since Y/N had heard that laugh, a sound that used to bring comfort and warmth. But now, it felt like a bittersweet melody, a reminder of what once was.
Elizabeth's laughter, once intimately familiar, now seemed like a distant echo. Y/N couldn't help but be captivated by the way her eyes crinkled at the corners, the way her joy seemed to light up the entire room. Yet, the reality struck hard— there was a gap between them now, a silence that spoke volumes. Elizabeth's laugh, once an intimate melody meant only for Y/N, now echoed in a space where they were strangers once again.
As she kept watching her used to be lover, Y/N grappled with the decision of whether to approach Elizabeth or let the moment pass like ships in the night. Summoning courage, Y/N decided to break the silence. They approached Elizabeth's table, a hesitant smile on their face.
"Hey…" Y/N greeted softly.
Elizabeth looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. "Y/N," she said, a mixture of emotions playing across her features. "It's been a while." The syllables carrying the weight of a history they once shared.
"Yeah, it has," Y/N admitted, the gap of unfamiliarity stretching between them. "I couldn't help but overhear your laugh. It's… it's still as beautiful as ever." Her voice carrying a blend of nostalgia and uncertainty.
Elizabeth's smile wavered for a moment before she replied, "Thank you. How have you been?"
Y/N's response was measured, "I've been okay. Life has its ups and downs, you know."
"Yeah, I know." Elizabeth acknowledged, their gazes momentarily locking.
The café became a witness to the delicate dance of words, the ebb and flow of a conversation that teetered on the edge of rekindling familiarity and accepting the reality of becoming strangers once more.
"I heard about your new job," Elizabeth said, her attempt at small talk. "Congratulations."
"Thanks," Y/N replied, a flicker of gratitude in their eyes. "And you? How's everything on your end?"
Elizabeth hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's been a journey. Ups and downs, like you said."
Y/N nodded, a sense of shared understanding hanging in the air. "It was good seeing you." she finally said, her gaze lingering for a moment before she turned to go her separate way.
"You too…" Elizabeth replied, a mixture of emotions bubbling beneath the surface.
As Y/N left the coffee shop, the sound of Elizabeth's laughter lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of what was lost. They walked away, each step carrying the weight of a past that had shaped them, a love that had left its indelible mark, and the bittersweet knowledge that some connections, no matter how profound, could unravel and become memories of a time when two hearts beat as one.
Y/N, caught between the past and the present, couldn't shake the feeling that some melodies, once so intimately known, might now forever remain distant echoes.
And now, Elizabeth become a stranger whose laugh she could recognize anywhere.
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hi, my sweet gravels!! angst one because i'm a sucker and live for angst. hope you'll like this, let me know what you think and enjoy!!
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scuderiadream · 11 months
in between
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reader x oscar piastri
⊹ ࣪ ˖ summary : oscar and y/n has been friends ever since their childhood but as time grew their feelings grew too but they're too afraid of losing their friendship, eventually they take a leap of faith and risks everything
⊹ ࣪ ˖ faceclaim : sabrina carpenter
⊹ ࣪ ˖ author's note : sorry for not being active these days lolol i've been busy lately anyhow, happy reading this friends to lover au! <3
ᝰ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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oscar piastri was regarded as one of the most gifted drivers on the circuit in the thrilling world of formula 1 racing, where emotion and speed meet. he lived a life of adrenaline and triumph, surrounded by the sound of roaring motors and the smell of burning rubber. but despite the fame and glamour, there was one person who saw oscar differently - y/n, an ordinary girl who had been his friend since childhood.
oscar and y/n had many adventures together while growing up in a tiny town, and their bond changed as time went on. over time, their friendship only got stronger as they helped one another through all of life's ups and downs. they encouraged one another through adversity and shared in each other's victories. they had an unshakable bond.
oscar soon had the chance to follow his goals of being an f1 driver as time passed quickly. he put in endless hours of training, giving it everything he had to become the best in motorsport. throughout the trip, y/n stood by his side throughout the journey, cheering him on from the sidelines.
as oscar's career took off, his life became a whirlwind of speed circuits, international races, and press conferences. he found himself becoming the center of attention, attracting the eyes of countless fans and the media. but amidst all the glamour, oscar always made time for y/n.
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oscar had it all, trophy after trophy, sponsorships after sponsorship, and the love of fans everywhere. nevertheless, despite the successes, he felt an unsaid yearning in his heart. he yearned for something more—a love that transcended the confines of friendship.
many fans loved oscar and y/n's friendship, but they were unaware of what was going on behind the scenes. they would often catch themselves blushing and stealing glances at each other, late-night conversations turned from laughter to lingering gazes and held secrets. the tension between them became undeniable.
they both knew they were falling in love, but they were too scared to talk about it for fear of ruining their close friendship.
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after a grueling race in monaco, as oscar stood on the podium after winning the race, he looked into the crowd, his eyes locked with y/n's as her eyes starts to glimmer admiring him. in that moment, he realized that life was too short to hold back.
when the evening came, oscar and y/n found themselves alone on a terrace overlooking the shimmering harbor after their post-race party. the gentle sea breeze carried their whispers, as if the universe itself eavesdropped on their unspoken desires.
"the world sees us as just friend, y/n" oscar confessed as he fidgets with his hand as his eyes reflecting vulnerability, "but my heart yearns for more—i cant imagine my life without you by my side"
y/n smiled, the moonlight illuminating her face with a soft glow "oscar, you've always been the one constant in my life, i've loved you for as long as i can remember, i was just afraid—afraid of losing what we have, maybe its time we take that leap of faith"
with those words, oscar pulled her into a passionate kiss with his hands around her waist, embarking on a brave new chapter of their lives. they took the leap, their hearts intertwined, as they ventured into uncharted territory. the world held its breath as the news of their blossoming romance spread like wildfire.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, mclaren and 420.443 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri i'm happier winning over you than winning the race
view all 3.243 comments
yourusername not the cringy ass caption💀
⤷ oscarpiastri shut up and appreciate it.
mclaren cutest couple! ❤️
username damn what took them so long to realize
landonorris FINALLY, after years
⤷ oscarpiastri you weren't helping mate
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their newfound love took them on a whirlwind journey. y/n began joining oscar as he traveled from one race to another, the thrill of the speedway now shared between them. with every victory, oscar's eyes searched for y/n amidst the cheers of the crowd, finding solace in her unwavering support.
credits to pinterest for the pics .
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roseistifosi · 29 days
A night in Monaco (part two)
------------------------------------- Part one here Words: 1.4K TW: None ✴ Pairing Ayrton Senna x reader
Returning to your hometown, you sought solace in the familiarity of the place you had always known. The transition from the glamour of Monaco to the quiet streets of home was jarring, but it was a necessary change. The support of your family and friends provided a comforting backdrop as you prepared for the arrival of your baby.
The Return to Your Hometown
The return to your hometown was a journey marked by both relief and trepidation. For you, the transition from the glitz and glamour of Monte Carlo to the calm, familiar streets of home was more than just a change of scenery—it was a return to the essence of your life, a step towards grounding your future in the face of uncertainty.
The plane touched down at the local airport, and as you disembarked, the cool, crisp air greeted you with a comforting familiarity. The city, with its quiet suburban streets and picturesque surroundings, seemed a world apart from the frenetic energy of Monaco. The shift was jarring, but it also provided a sense of calm that you desperately needed.
The drive from the airport to your family’s home was filled with a reflective silence. The landscape outside the window was a mix of autumnal colors, with the leaves turning shades of gold and red. It was a beautiful time of year, but you found it difficult to fully appreciate the scenery as your mind was preoccupied with the task ahead.
Upon arriving at your parents' modest home, your anxiety mounted. You had always shared a close relationship with your parents, but the news you carried was bound to be a shock. Your mom and dad were expecting your return with eager anticipation, having not seen you for several months. They greeted you with warm hugs and expressions of joy, unaware of the gravity of the situation.
After the initial excitement of your return subsided, you knew you could no longer postpone the inevitable conversation. As you all settled into the cozy living room, the familiar warmth of home offered little comfort against the weight of your confession.
“Mom, Dad, there’s something I need to tell you,” you began, your voice trembling slightly as you sat down across from them.
Your parents exchanged concerned glances, their expressions shifting from joy to curiosity. “What is it, dear?” your mom asked, her tone gentle but tinged with apprehension.
You took a deep breath, your heart racing. “I’m pregnant,” you said quietly, your gaze fixed on the floor.
The silence that followed was profound. Your mom’s hand flew to her mouth in shock, while your dad’s eyes widened in disbelief. The room, once filled with the warmth of familial affection, now felt cold and distant.
Your mom was the first to speak, her voice choked with emotion. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, tears welling in your eyes. “I went to the doctor as soon as I arrived. I’m certain.”
The news was met with a flurry of questions and concerns. Your dad’s initial shock quickly gave way to a protective concern, while your mom’s maternal instincts surged with a desire to offer comfort and support. The conversation was a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from confusion to concern, but through it all, the love and support of your parents shone through.
As the days turned into weeks, your pregnancy became a central focus of your family’s lives. Your parents were determined to support you, helping you prepare for the challenges of impending motherhood. The community, though smaller and more insular than the world you had left behind, rallied around you with empathy and support.
tag list: @nosebeers
AN: Btw guys im looking for a girl baby name idea for the fic, if you have ideas, write them in comments ;)
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impossiblesuitcase · 5 months
hey i think at the end of winter,thorne says “Tell Cress i meant it” but what i cant remember what he was refering n since i cant find my book can you please explain
In Winter, he and Cress go undercover in Artemisia Palace so they can get to the command centre to play the video exposing Levana's true appearance. While walking there, Thorne is manipulated by a Lunar who glamours her appearance to look like Cress. This girl kisses Thorne and he tells her "I think I'm in love with you," believing he is speaking to Cress. Cress--who, as a shell, cannot see the glamour--is jealous over Thorne's declaration. After an argument, the two kiss and Thorne confesses that he kissed the Lunar girl back because he thought she was Cress.
Then Cress says, "but you said you were in love with her." At the time, she thought he was just saying it carelessly, but if he thought he was saying to her, she wonders if this means that he actually loves her.
They are separated before Thorne can respond, so when Thorne tells Cinder in the throne room, "tell Cress I meant it," he is saying that if he dies, he wants Cinder to pass on the message that he was truthful and actually does love Cress.
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cametotheshowinsd · 8 months
Okay, some things about Clara. I've seen a lot of posts and tweets and stuff pointing out Clara's retirement from acting after marriage, and assuming the song might lean to that angle. I just want to say that I think there's A LOT behind the reasons of her retirement, it's not just marriage. Clara Bow was the IT girl of the roaring 20s, but she never, N E V E R , E V E R, got recognized, like, when you watch old documentaries about the flapper ladies & screen godesses of the 1920s, if that docu was made before New Hollywood era, you won't find Clara in it. They just erased her. She hailed from the poorest area of New York and had such a fucked-up childhood, yet she was so carefree and just living her life. And she was just the best actress. She was so popular at that time that media would write anything about her. She was painted by the tabloids as a "slut!", and even her maidens and assisstants were snitching to the tabloids about what men she was sleeping with at night. Being such a vivacious young woman, Clara went down with the narrative and even wrote a "confession" piece on a magazine about her flings with Victor Fleming, Gilbert Roland and Gary Cooper. Her image was badly smeared over those years. And then talking pictures era came upon Hollywood, she's an excellent silent film actress but when it comes to talking pictures she just didn't like it. She hated filming talking pictures. In the meantime she wasn't very lucky in her lovelife, her assisstants and lawyers had been skimming money from her, and her mental problems (and drinking problem, lets be honest) were getting worse. Hence the erasure. She was not pretty for the glamours Hollywood anymore. imo her retirement was mainly attributed to her mental problems (before marriage) and career downfall. The marriage is more like a tunnel exit for her. She got married in a RUSH and got the hell out. Later, she briefly made a comeback for a while, but it did not go well. Her mental illness finally got to her and led her to a tragic ending. I can see why Taylor resonates with Clara and her story, they have so many similar experiences. From Blank Space to Nothing New, from Castles Crumbling to I Did Something Bad, from dorothea to champagne problems…I see Clara in so many of her songs. I love that it's the last track on the standard album. Taylor being the "IT girl" in the 2020s is the perfect parallel of Clara was in the 1920s. I've got a feeling that Clara Bow could be a Timeless -ish song, I would like to assume that she's talking about how the society treats a female superstar and things haven't changed much. Is marriage a way out? Does she want it? Can the society endure her success for another year? Can the man endure her success? How would people remember her 100 years from now?
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
I kind of hope Elain and Lucien have kind of a platonic love yk? Instead of the relationship be forced by a bond neither wanted.
I see Elain with Tamlin, as a way to help him have a redemption arc and she IS Spring. And Lucien with someone of his choice. Elain hasn't showed any interest in Lucien. Lucien deserves someone of his picking no someone who may or may not return his affection
honestly, I see such a fantastic romantic arc for lucien and elain. like, picture this:
getting sent on some kind of assignment in the human lands. elain is thrilled to be going back, especially if she can be glamoured and fit in. less thrilled to be going with lucien, but he is the emissary, and he's vowed to look after her, from a distance, respectfully.
the first few days go well. they talk politely, the order food, they stay in rooms with two beds and lucien gives her every single ounce of privacy he can. they actually start to become friends. elain learns about lucien, and lucien about elain. she sees a new side of him. she calls him 'sassy-fox' and 'sneaky-fox' and lots of cute nicknames that make him huff and roll his eyes but smile. he calls her 'petal'.
they actually find a really happy, comfortable common ground. they laugh and tease and have inside jokes. until elain realises she's getting feelings. feelings completely independent of the mate bond, and it scares her. so she completely retreats on herself. lucien is hurt, he doesn't understand what he did, they argue.
they have a very quiet dinner in the tavern. lucien is still mad, elain is still confused and scared, but they're not gonna split up? elain is happy to sit at the table while lucien goes to get another round for them. she watches him go. he gets flirted with. he very politely turns the girl down but it bothers elain anyway. she can't stop herself from making a "oh, you're new girl didn't pay for them? shocking." kind of comment.
lucien gets it, because he's a smart-cookie. "so that's what this is about? elain, petal, why didn't you just say that?" they take it back to the room and only use that one bed. lucien assumes its all lust, and elain doesn't lead onto anything else, she lets him believe her jealousy is lust-fuelled.
they keep travelling and hooking up as they go, and elain treasures the small moments of intimacy. when asked now, their cover is no longer friends or maiden and her guardian, but husband and wife, but she never admits that to him. only when he's not within hearing range. one day, there's only one bed. they cuddle while asleep.
elain decides this isn't enough for her anymore. she wants all of him, in all the moments, not just the ones between the sheets. she wants all his kisses, the sweet ones and the soft ones and the loving ones, not just the passionate ones.
she confesses this to him, and instead of happy, he looks agonised. he's hurt. his heart broke for jesminda, his heart broke for her, and he moved on. why now? why, after he had to sit at family dinners with azriel and watch elain moon over him? why, after he couldn't sleep with anyone else without picturing her? why, when it has been so long? why now?
in the end they work it out, obviously. and then they go home with all the lil clues towards whatever big disaster is happening idk and they save the day like everyone else and yay happy ending.
imagine that.
(each to their own, of course, but this is just me 😅)
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emptykhr · 1 year
Twisted wonderland as lana del rey songs
Riddle ( Wildflower Wildfire)
im sorry but THIS SONG ITS SO HIM honestly is most because him relatioship with his mother
the part where lana sang about her mother in the hospital. SO HIM
either, all the stuff about flowers warm and things like that remind of him!!
Here's the deal My father never stepped in when his wife would rage at me So I ended up awkward, but sweet Later then, hospitals, stand still on my feet Comfortably numb, but with lithium came poetry
Trey (Chemtrails over the country club)
So, trey and cottc, the same vibe.
yknow, all the peace and normal life stuff in the lyrics reminds me trey plot
im truly can see trey playing this song with his wife in a beutiful afternoon.
Washing my hair, doing my laundry Late night TV, I want you only Like when we were kids Under chemtrails in country clubs It's never too late, baby So don't give up
Cater (beautiful people, beutiful problems)
I gonna be honest, lust for life its so cater vibes!!
i confess that was hard to think in a song who matche cater plot, cause i wanna something kinda pop bu it still about him second face
The i just came bpbp.
We get so tired and we complain 'Bout how it's hard to live It's more than just a video game
Ace (Diet mountain dew)
Ace has to be born to die and i fight with u if you disagree.
to be honestly this song is how i feel about ace
Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
Deuce (How to disappear)
well, in the lyrics lana sang abou that guy who lost in himself and fight every night
and we know that deuce is a ex deliquent
and idk, this song is sweet like deuce mas match with him a lot
just read the lyric and you will understand
Joe met me down at the training yard Got cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard I know he's in over his head But I love that man like nobody can He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again I watched the guys getting high as they fight For the things that they hold dear To forget the things they fear
Leona (Norman fucking rockwell)
guys, nfr its SO LEONA
the part where "goddam man child' yknow? period.
You guys can say "but leona is more ultraviolence" MY ASS
nfr king i said so its true.
Goddamn, man-child You fucked me so good that I almost said: I love you You're fun, and you're wild But you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through Your poetry's bad, and you blame the news But I can't change that, and I can't change your mood Ah-ah
Ruggie (god know i tried)
Now we have a honeymoon dude!!!
nothing to say, the song say itself
i even need to explain?
Sometimes, I wake up in the morning To red, blue and yellow lights On Monday, they destroyed me But by Friday, I'm revived
Jack (wild ate heart)
Jack my baby.
this song. jack. the same.
its just what how a imagine jack
I left Calabasas, escaped all the ashes Ran into the dark And it made me wild, wild, wild at heart The cameras have flashes, they cause the car crashes But I'm not a star
Azul (money power glory)
I kinda always think in azul when mpg starts to play.
could be million dollar man tho but mpg is better
the chore is him.
I want money, power and glory I want money, and all your power, all your glory Alleluia! I wanna take you for all that you got Alleluia! I'm gonna take them for all that they got
Jade (old money)
omg my ultraviolence guy is here!!!
he SO lana del rey vinyl
old money makes my cry everytime
My father's love was always strong My mother's glamour lives on and on Yet still inside, I felt alone For reasons unknown to me
flyod (doin time)
fuck even THE SAME MBTI
yeah he´s a bitch and we love it!!
Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely The tension, it's getting hotter I'd like to hold her head underwater (Summertime) (Ah, ah, ah)
so, english its not my first language so you probably will found mistakes. maybe i do a second part
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ladyantiheroine · 2 years
Hi...It's me...again. Sorry for bothering you. But I was looking through the Fables comics and noticed the similarities and differences between Snow White in The Wolf Among Us game vs the comics. So I was wondering, what is your personal opinion about the character and she is handled the different media's?
Hello! You’re not a bother at all! I love having an excuse to ramble about this franchise.
I confess, I haven’t finished reading all of the comics so this is an imperfect opinion based on incomplete information.
Short answer: Similarly to Bigby, I like Snow in the game better than in the comics. She feels like a more fleshed-out and well-rounded character in the game.
Long answer:
All the characters in the game, including Snow, feel like they have more depth than in the comics. Despite the comics being longer, the characters feel static and don’t change much. In the game, the characters feel like they’ve been impacted and changed by the story’s events.
I definitely think Snow’s personality was softened in the game compared to the comics. Bother versions are assertive, both call Bigby out on his shit, and both genuinely want to help Fabletown but are privileged in a way that limits that goal because they don’t entirely understand how to help underprivileged Fables. But Snow doesn’t have the same Ice Queen energy as she does the comics.
I don’t dislike Snow in the comics the way other fans do. I have a soft spot for unlikable female characters and I don’t think all female characters are obligated to be warm balls of sunshine (especially considering the traumatic shit Snow has gone through). But in the game we see glimpses past that strictness that give her more layers and dimensionality than she does in the comics.
Like I said in my post on Bigby, the characters in TWAU just feel like they have more depth than in the comics because the scale is smaller and the struggles more internal. Snow is not just a one-note ice queen but instead a woman whose business-like demeanor hides someone who is desperately trying to maintain order in a very chaotic situation. 
Part of this is because Bill Willingham just doesn’t seem interested in the internal lives of the characters like Telltale is. I know Fables is an ensemble story and is more interested in the bigger scope politics of the world rather than individual character journeys. But the result is that characters go through horrible things and the story weirdly just keeps going. It glosses over how these events would actually affect them and it feels so weird.
(Potential spoilers in this paragraph)
Snow goes through SO MUCH traumatic shit in the first few volumes alone. She thinks her sister is murdered, she’s ruthlessly pursued in volume two by Fables who want her blood, she’s drugged and almost assassinated by Bluebeard and Goldilocks, she has sex with a man she’s only just now warming up to while under the drugs and gets pregnant, survives the battle of Fabletown while pregnant, goes through an extremely painful birthing process delivering six werewolf children, and then had to quit her job as mayor and move away from Fabletown to raise them away from their father who has fucked off to somewhere unknown. ALL WITHIN THE FIRST FEW VOLUMES.
Like, kudos to Snow for having the strength to survive all that but I’m reading all this thinking, “Damn, girl, ARE YOU OKAY???”
But the story never pauses to really sit with Snow and consider how all this is affecting her. Which is weird given how much time we spend with her and how she’s one the closest characters that Fables has to a protagonist. She just experiences horrible things and then just carries on with business as usual. Because Willingham just doesn’t seem to care.
Compare this to the TellTale game, where we see how things affect Snow. She’s shaken when she sees Lily’s dead body glamoured to look like her and even worries Lily’s death was her fault somehow. She’s unnerved when she finds out her boss has been creeping on her and glamouring sex workers to look like her. She gives Bigby a lot of shit because she’s worried he’ll get hurt. We see moments where her professional front slips and we see someone who is rightfully terrified of this whole situation. 
The comics rarely stop to do the same. How does she feel about having to quit her job to raise her kids far away without Bigby? How does she feel after being drugged and impregnated without her consent? How does she feel about GETTING HER FUCKING HEAD BLOWN OFF by Goldilocks? All this has to be taking a psychological toll on her, right??
TellTale Snow reacts to things, comics Snow doesn’t because Willingham doesn’t seem to care all that much.
Plus, sometimes Snow’s characterization in the comics feels like a conservative man’s uncharitable idea of a “strong female character.” Like he thinks if a woman is strong and assertive, that means she’s just a mean old bitch. He can’t imagine an assertive woman would actually give a shit about anyone or be properly affected by anything. And later she becomes this weepier version of herself around Bigby, but it feels out of nowhere and contrasts with what we’ve seen of her so far. It doesn’t feel like a gradual character arc.
It feels a little Taming of the Shrew, like Willingham created this assertive female character and wanted to “take her down a peg” and domesticate her. This change feels out of nowhere because, again, because Willingham isn’t interested in looking inward at his characters enough to connect any dots.
And I won’t get into Snow’s romance with Bigby because…Willingham just can’t write romance like TellTale can. The few glimpses of romantic potential we see between them in the game is way more convincing and makes me way more invested than any of the explicitly romantic moments in Fables. I just wish the TellTale games would cut off from the comics entirely and give Bigby and Snow the better love story they deserve.
So yeah, in short: I appreciate both versions but TellTale Snow is given more depth and more time to respond to things than her comic book counterpart. TellTale simply cares more about Snow’s internal life than Willingham does.
Sorry for another long response, but I hope this makes sense. I love Snow White as a character.  When I went to read the comics after I finished the game, I was excited to see her as mayor and get a proper love story with Bigby. Unfortunately, I just don’t think Willingham is as good at character-driven storytelling as TellTale is.
Thank you for the question!
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aspl1tl1fe · 9 months
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Tatiana had a crush on Conquer, and she blurted this realization to her bestfriend between panic and apologies. As Tatiana's words stumbled over each other in a rush to escape her mouth, Glamour decided the juice was doing the girl's talking for her and just reassured her that their friendship was not on the line.
After grabbing the tray of drinks, Glamour ushered Tati outside realizing the sound of the shower wouldn't muffle her bestie's bumbled confession forever. Then she shifted activities to party mode with the hopes morning would bring clarity.
Once they'd all settled into activities, Conquer came down in loungewear and fetched the sleeping bag Lawrence insisted he'd sleep in. Then the 'adult' of the four, made his exit, leaving the others to enjoy the rest of the evening.
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sailtomarina · 1 year
Nobody can know
Hmm, does this have potential for something more? Perhaps a more extended one-shot, or short chapters? LMK.
With a giggle and a flick of her gown, they slipped inside the doorway and shut the sound of the party behind them. Eager hands clutched at the robes parted at his neck, lips reached to devour one another. Carefully pinned curls tumbled down as a hand delved into them.
Roughly half a year had passed since the start of their relationship, and no one was the wiser. Heated glances across meeting rooms preceded late nights on desktops long past everyone else headed home for the evening. Theirs was a coupling of mutual satisfaction—nothing more.
Yet the timing of their rendezvous increased in frequency, and their locations varied, ranging to riskier locales. Weekly impulses turned into daily shags at the office, in the stairwell, in an overnight room at the Leaky Cauldron, and now in the private sitting room of the Macmillan Estate during another one of the Ministry’s galas.
Draco didn’t waste a second charming the handle locked before pinning her against a lovely plum velvet chaise he thought perfectly paired Hermione’s turquoise dress.
“Silencio maxi—“
He knocked her wand down and interrupted the incantation with a searing kiss.
“I didn’t silence the room on purpose, Granger.”
She was so cute when she wrinkled her nose like that.
“But how—“ Once again, her words stuttered to a halt then transformed into whimpers as he parted the high slit of her dress and bent to kiss her thigh.
“You just…need to keep quiet. Can you be a good girl and do that?”
She nodded frantically as he inched his lips upward. Over the many weeks of their dalliance, Hermione had learned the thrill of forbidden fruit. Though she was one to usually exercise caution in every aspect of her life, somehow Draco brought out a side of Hermione she didn’t even know existed. The idea of someone catching them in the act both terrified and excited her.
Several agonizing, muffled cries later, they rearranged their outfits. As she began to cast charms on her hair and neck where prominent bruised kisses marred it, he once again interrupted her.
“Leave it. I like your hair down better.”
“Draco, it’ll be immediately obvious what we’ve been doing if I don’t at least glamour my skin.”
“What if I don’t want us to be a secret anymore?”
She froze. Us. It was one thing to privately entertain the fantasy of an open relationship, but to go so far as to suggest it, especially in such a public place? 
“What happened to this just being for fun?”
“Don’t counter my question with another question,” he shot back just as quickly.
“You never once indicated before that you wanted more. Quite the opposite, in fact. You made it explicitly clear that nobody could know, not our friends, not our family, and certainly not the entire public outside those doors.” Her voice rose in pitch along with her confusion.
“Well I’m telling you right now that I want more. I fucked up, Granger. I’m sure you noticed that I can’t go a day now without seeing you, touching you. It pisses me off that I can’t escort you to these functions, or take you home, much less bring you breakfast in bed. I went and fell for you and now like the selfish arse that I am, I want everyone to know.”
His eyes, open and unwavering, gazed into hers as his hands cradled her face, begging silently for a response to his confession. How could she deny what she had secretly craved almost from the beginning?
His face lightened in triumph.
“—but I have stipulations.”
He chuckled. “Of course you do.”
“I will agree to an equal amount of time since we started all this for you to woo me. That’s six months of no sex. You will romance the pants off of me, and I mean that literally. After that time, we will re-evaluate. And I will glamour my neck before we walk out these doors.”
He lifted her fingers up for a kiss, as soft and gentle as he wasn’t just moments earlier. “Deal. But you leave your hair down.”
A muttered spell later, her skin was as blemish-free as it was at the start of the evening. With one hand, he unlocked the door before offering her his arm, which she didn’t hesitate to take for the very first time as they stepped back into the rush of sound and lights. In his other hand, he tucked turquoise lace matching her gown into his pocket. She could get them back in six months.
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