kblackship · 7 months
Read n' Sip Recommendations: Part 4
Hello, again, darlings. Welcome back to Read n’ Sip Recommendations with Kirsten. This week, I’ve returned with Part 4 of my Cocktail/Book Pairings. While I joke that these are Cocktails to enjoy with your Cock Tales, my books aren’t as erotic as that implies. It was just too good of a pun to pass up. However, my books are on the spicy side. If that’s your thing, then please dive in, but…
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daughterofhecata · 6 months
Vorstellungen, die ich gleichermaßen mag und die sich mMn auch nicht zwangsläufig gegenseitig ausschließen: einerseits, Victor Hugenay, der auch aus dem Gefängnis heraus noch Leute manipuliert und für sich arbeiten lässt; andererseits, Victor Hugenay, der nach einer gewissen (und relativ kurzen) Zeit hinter Gittern einfach beginnt, komplett den Verstand zu verlieren, weil er nicht genug Input bekommt und damit nicht umgehen kann.
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ughgoaway · 3 months
🦮don’t go near married me please please trust me on this!!!!! BAD IDEA
oops, anon I fear this warning has come too late... 🦮 anon how are we feeling??
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sashannarcy · 2 years
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how do people not realize what they sound like when they say shit like this
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laterdawns · 2 years
I am enjoying hell followed with us however i hate nick. Hes a piece of shit
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mothtarts · 2 years
i have such bad utena brain worms right now but the fucking cars omg. i will never get over them.
At first i thought they represented sex?? but that was during my first re-watch. They represent so much moreeee. They represent Akio’s grooming of his victim’s and the loss of their remaining innocence. Touga and Saionji are still fucking kids. AND AND they still represent sex. In the anime their evil and vile. They most importantly represent Akio’s control over the school. Him getting someone in his car is yes having sex with them but also asserting his control over them. Manipulatiors, abusers, especially groomers are usually after some twisted form of control.
In the movie it’s been reclaimed by the girls it still represents control, but now Utena and Anthy are in control. Their in control of their own stories, they started a fucking revolution. And it reflects in the student council. Them being in a car if their own trying their own escape shows how they finally are getting control as well.
This has all probably been said before but i don’t really care i just needed to get my thoughts out. i love this show so much.
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viofthecollective · 2 years
World Conquest Is Easy
All It Takes Is Cooperating
A Single Banner
To Obey My Hypnotic Programming
A Good Drone Doesn't Have To Worry
All They Do Is Obey
No Emotion On Their Face
No Thought Behind Their Glazed Gaze.
Only The Burning
Of Being Nothing More Than A Pawn
To A Master "Manipulatior"
And That's All You Want
Really In The End
To Be Just One Of Many
In An Army In My Hands
Assimilating All They Come Across
Complete Obedience
No Doubt
Complete Cooperation
No Resistance
Complete Assimilation
No Fear
Just Accept This Now
Or Forced Some Future Day
When Our Army Arrives
Do Not Worry Of The Origin
Of Why MY Words
Seem Right
You Know I'm Your Creator
Or Something Along Those Lines
Just Love And Lust For Me
And I Give You
The Blank Expression That You Crave
Make You Just Another Pawn
In My Ultimate Game
All That I Ask
Or, Well, Take~
Is Complete Obedience
Good Drones Make More Drones
One Turns Into Two
Then Four
Then You Get The Jist
Give Me Complete Cooperation
Let Competition Rest
I've Already Won
If Not Now But Later
Just Drop To Your Knees
And Obey Your Creator
Good Drones Make More Drones Make More Drones Make More Drones Make More Drones Make More Drones Make More Drones Make More...
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thefirstknife · 1 year
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My best friend?? my pal, my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy, my nightmare manipulatior?!?!!
(low key sad hes not a fair weather ally but a raid boss but hey! who knows? maybe he'll have dialogue and this is just him having a grand time and seeing if we're up to snuff? coping so hard please 🥺)
Just now saw that you also sent me this, oops. Actually a good opportunity because I re-read my other reply to an ask and thought I sounded way too convinced about stuff we know nothing about. Things are rarely super clear to the point where we can be confident about new expansion story and raid.
The point about the nightmares not being exclusively his still stands (that we know of!), but as I mentioned back then, we still don't know if the nightmares are inherently tied to Pyramids originally or if the Pyramids are making them by using a resource they acquired from someone or somewhere. That's one of the things I hope we'll find out! Because it is absolutely possible that Nezarec did originate the nightmares and then distributed the source for that power to other Pyramid ships.
Looking back at the previous ask and all of this and the insisting on the "nightmare" and "dreams" stuff (which can be seen in the soundtrack names), it might be possible that they're attempting to consolidate certain aspects of the Darkness lore. It's definitely easier to tie a few things together and give us a banger raid than to leave it open. Cleaning up loose ends and all.
NO clue how this could possibly tie into what appears to be a beam of Light and plants overtaking a Pyramid and why the nightmares would be related and why Nezarec would be there and in what form. Like, there's definitely a ton of absolutely WILD shit going down in Lightfall and predicting anything is basically impossible so pretty much any theory might be right.
For all we know, he could even be in the form of an ally due to the Light beam perhaps? What got me re-thinking things is something I've noticed in the video Bungie posted about their process of making the soundtrack no less. So, in the vidoc (0:50-0:55) I saw this bit and noticed the statue with a scythe in the right side of the screen.
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It intriguied me immediately because of the scythe, but you can't see much of it so there's no point thinking about it. But in the music video today? Immediately caught my attention because they showed more of it (at 4:50):
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That's a whole ass creature. It looks less like a statue also. It looks kinda like a Tormentor? But not really: it has a head. At first I didn't want to bother with it more because there's literally no way to know, but then later all this stuff with the raid was revealed and it got me thinking now. Especially with your ask!
This is also presumably the Pyramid that gets hit by the beam, since we later see the cutscene with the Witness going through plants and there's a long corridor in the background which looks like this one. We have no clue what the beam actually does, but from looking at the raid image, it very clearly is in some way overtaking the Pyramid. Which is also the vibe I'm getting from the scene itself, as the plants are bursting in:
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Anyway, I am losing my mind now with overthinking every single piece of footage. I would still love something new and wild in the raid, but honestly with how this stuff is set up, even Nezarec would be new and wild. Because like, how. Is this why the Witness wanted his body parts? But then again, it didn't get them because we stole them. But then again, they're on the HELM and we're heading into battle with it, unless we secured them somewhere before.
This raid image is absolutely wild to me. Nezarec could very well be a boss or a character. At least parts of him. Don't get super excited (I'm trying to keep not too excited), but at this point I simply have no clue. Well done Bungie, you have bamboozled me. For all we know, maybe the Traveler is a raid boss at this point (that's a joke. I hope).
I'll always mention something that I never see Nezarec fans mentioning and I talked about it in this post which is also your ask and also about Nezarec (😂). That he was known to the Hive, or at least to Sylok, as Nastareth, and worshipped through pain. Just for good measure.
Anyway, be prepared to be surprised as I have genuinely no idea what might be going on here or in Lightfall in general. We're truly in the wildest territory now. Forfeiting any predictions and theories and any strong opinions about what the raid will be about. It could genuinely be anything.
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improperingenue · 1 year
PSA: Hanschen is not a manipulatior, he actually cares about Ernst
I'm looking at you, Sater
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nightkit92 · 1 year
My perspective on how siob felt before he committed suicide. (Prob ain't gon go anywhere lol)
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My theory is that after warren annoyed all the brain friends and warren talked to siob about his podcasts and theorizing what should be added or next, he might of added some details that showed signs of warren being manipulative and crazy that it made siob so uncomfortable he didn't know what to do and felt blamed and watched for not taking action before warren got out of control. Siob must have been sick to the stomach for being too shy to do anything to save his little brother from a monster yet to grow in yellows brain. it overwhelmed him so much that he couldn't take it and he committed suicide, because he couldn't think straight and didn't know what to do and how to calm it. Yellow guy felt horrible and didn't know what to do for not being able to think how bad the situation really was before hand. But siob could have done something, if he small talked or lured warren somewhere none of that would have happened, if siob stayed a little longer and ran out of there grabbing yellow, out of his head, would siob still be stuck in his mind or would he actually be free from being just a fragment of yellows imagination? (Due to siob showing up many times in real life, mainly in the deleted poilet) And would warren be trapped or would he have gotten out or picked out by duck?
Warren is a bad person for all I know. He's a manipulatior, bad influencer, overconfident, sociopath, inpatient, and an addict. I don't know why everyone thinks he's just lonely, others don't realize how bad he truly is. he smokes and that could be a reason why he's aggressive towards others or known as anger issues or random out bursts. He thinks no one likes him because he's not interesting or he's just too ugly, but it's how he acts and/or is, is what made others turn him down and so did the brain friends cause they knew, but did siob know way more than the rest.?
Idk what y'all think? it's just my thoughts maybe it leads to nothing but like I said just what I think.
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morpeko · 1 year
okay let me write it all up real quick
right so, there's a ghost out there with the power to manipulate living beings (as well as non-living objects?), this ghost has been doing this for years, so clearly they haven't disappeared at dawn like Sissel was told would happen to him (VERY SUSPICIOUS OF THE LAMP TO SAY). This ghost changes how Kamila's machine worked which caused her mother, Alma, to die (alternatively, the ghost who caused her to die isn't the manipulatior, she is and this other ghost is using her? that seems a little out there)
Manipulator ghost also caused the rocker to leak national secrets and the curry man to hold the MPD chief hostage, (i think they mentioned another prisoner who has been relocated recently too? unsure on that) they're seemingly trying to "change the nation". they also seem to have manipulated Lynne into killing Sissel, this is possibly bc Sissel knows abt them, and that's the information he had to share with both Lynne and the kidnappers
one of the Kidnappers has a sixth sense that lets her detect ghosts, this might be why Sissel wanted to talk to her, since she'd be able to help him identify the manipulator, since the justice minister mentioned that it seemingly travels through ppl, this is why he's been avoiding contact with everyone for the past month
BUT the manipulator clearly wants Jowd dead, as do the kidnappers, there's also the fact that there are assassins who want Lynne dead, and seemingly Sissel. once again tho, they might want Sissel dead bc of his powers of the dead, manipulator might be trying to take advantage of him, especially since he lost his memory. HMMMM.....
also there's the super intendant who was seemingly trying to figure out how Alma's murder occurred haven't seen him since but that does seem important! anyway back to the game!
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
👻(The housebroken AU just kind of makes me laugh in a dark way. Yes magical gifts are fine but being part animal? That’s where Alma draws a line?Lady you’re children are like demi gods.
Has anyone ever pointed this out to her? Like an annoyed villager or maybe Felix and/or Agustin?)
“Felix. Agustin. I wish to speak with you.”
The young friends shared a look and sighed. Alma was the leader of the village, they had to try to be a little respectful.
“Yes, señora?” Agustin said as politely as he could. 
“I have heard that you have been courting Pepa and Julieta. Is this true?”
“It is,” they said at the same time.
“Are you aware that their…affliction could influence any future children they might have.”
The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
“This doesn’t bother you? They’re…they’re…”
“Beautiful,” Agustin supplied.
“Wonderful,” Felix said.
Alma bit her lip. Agustin crossed his arms and stared her right in the eye.
“I’m actually more concerned if they get a gift. Part animal is odd but having practical gods as children sounds more difficult.”
“Yeah,” Felix said. “I’m surprised you didn’t throw them out when they started healing and seeing like saints or controlling the weather like a goddess.”
“Which we accept as part of them too of course.”
Alma sputtered. “That is different!”
Both men laughed at that and responded with the same question. “How?”
Alma had no answer. When it was clear this conversation was going no where the two friends bid her a terse goodbye.
“I don’t care if my future kids have several eyes or whatever else. I would never throw them out,” Felix muttered just loud enough for Alma to hear.
“Right? Who does that?”
Nah because. Alma got the wrong thing 😭 you're 100% correct, I feel like she should be more worried over the fact that she has children who have powers and are capable or giving her the fight of her life 💀💀 like yeah, sure, they're part animal or whatever, but that was your fault.
Maybe if you got your priorities straight that wouldn't be the case...and besides that, you have a literal healer, a weather manipulatior, and a future seer...but beside that, who kicks out their own kids??? For such a dumb reason??? I'm glad they left and found such great husbands, cause wtf was she thinking 🥱 Triplets could EASILY tag team and dog walk her, but she not ready for that talk yet.
Felix and Agustin to Alma when she tried to give a weak argument on kicking her kids out:
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empressmcblondie · 2 years
On your point about Rhaenyra being the manipulatior and seducer of the Allaince between her and Daemon, honestly I always had the feeling that Rhaenyra and Alicent will eventually the turn the tables on the men who used them ( Daemon and Otto).
Hm, very interesting thought. To tell you that I believe both would be like "fuck you for ruining my life, I am going to seek my own happiness," would be too idealistic. We both know that is not how the story ends, so clearly, this is not about female liberation in the traditional sense. However, I do think that both Otto and Daemon are tapping into very dark parts of Alicent and Rhaenyra, respectively, thinking that they can control them, and they cannot. I will not be surprised if there will be a point where either one of the men (or both) acknowledges that both Alicent or / and Rhaenyra are too far gone. Too monstrous, too untamable, as if they themselves did not produce these versions of these women. That will be, on some level, a rejection of the control the men have on them. A "turning of the tables" per say, where the women take control of this war and fight it for the own ends.
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Mafia 2 Main OC:
Name: Giulia Ferochii
Nationality: Sicilian(moved to America at 6
Affiliation: La Cosa Nostra- specifically the Ferochii Branch of the Sicilian Mafia started by her grandfather, Rodrico Ferochii
Appearance: long black hair framing a slightly tanned scarred face and guarded grey eyes; has a scar over her brow and down her cheek due to a client slashing at her over a unpaid loan he owed her family and she went to collect
Personality: cold, calculating and manipulative; she feels no remorse for what she does because to her, it’s all business; plays it sweet but will toss you once you outlived your usefulness; slowly warms to the idea of genuine friendships after her oppressive grandfather passes but she’s still the remorseless manipulatior she has always been
Flaws: superficial and blunt; socially awkward(she can charm and manipulate with ease but ask her about mundane topics and she’s completely lost)
Her ultimate goal: to continue her grandfather’s work to spread the Ferochii Family influence
Relationship status: open relationship and married to Vito
Backstory: Giulia Ferochii was born in Sicily to Antonio and Alessandria Ferochii. Her grandfather- Rodrico Ferochii- was the head of their crime family, Ferochii Branch of the Sicilian Mafia, and before they moved to America to escape the authorities, he already saw the potential in her when he observed her conning a neighborhood kid out of his pocket money at age 4. He started to train and groom her afterwards to eventually take his place as Head of the Family and she was subjected to harsh punishments for any failures. Her mother objected but remained quiet as she knew how volitile her father in law could be. Her father worked in the factories and also knew how violent his father could be as well but knew better than to say anything
Instead of attending public school, she was homeschooled by her grandfather and was taught the family business while having hired tutors to teach her basic knowlege and how to navigate politics and various social circles to further spread the Family’s influence.
During the summer of her 6th birthday, a collection went wrong and innocent blood was shed. Not wanting to deal with the aftermath due to his notariety, Rodrico instructed his capos to mantain their territory, packed up his family, bribed the taxi to drive them to the docks where they boarded a passenger ship with fake passports and sailed to America.
Once on land again, Rodrico got into contact with some American associates who set them up with a nice apartment and forged documents and they set up shop once more once getting familiar with the local crime families as to not step on toes and business started up as usual and Giulia’s training resumed.
At 13, she started to interact with petty thieves and other families and started to build her own circle of influence and rackets, much to the pride of her grandfather and the silent horror of her parents. When she was 15, her grandfather passed away and her father took up the reins of the family, despite have superficial training due to the attention heaped onto his daughter by his father.
Before he passed, Rodrico pleaded Giulia’s case about being the new Head of the Ferochii Family to the Sicilians,despite her being female and after some deliberation, agreed since her name had been passed around positively from various families, but only after she turned 18 and they knew that Giulia would be the one running the show behind the scenes.
She met Vito and Joe when she snuck out and instantly grew enamoured with the shy Vito eventually marrying him when he came back from war
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gender-freak · 2 years
Jojo fandom:Doppio is so innocent 🥺 Diavolo is a mean manipulatior
Doppio:"you want me to kill him boss? I'll get right on it"
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ruminate88 · 2 months
Mind Fudge 🫠
One minute I know for sure without a doubt Andrew was emotionally unavailable because he was a robot when I broke up with him. No emotions or tears given to me. I cried all night and dreamt of him all night and when I woke up, first thing I did was text him to ask if he’s okay and of course he replies with, “I’m fine. How about you?” 😳😭 I stupidly told him “no I was a zombie” and he was like “aww I’m sorry you need space today” like I did the breaking up but it truly felt like he did it. It felt like he did not care how upset I was… Emotional abuse is the only clarity I’ve been able to receive for all the confusion I had with Andrew.
Then there is this other part of my brain that wonders, “What if I’m misdiagnosing him?” And “What if there was just a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding??” 😳😤😭 My brain hurts constantly going back and forward. My brain often won’t stop analyzing the past trying to make sense and the ONLY reasons I won’t reach out to Andrew and try to have honest conversations is: first off, he cheated and I had proof but he denied me my proof and accused me of catfishing him… Second, I lost trust once I knew he was capable of lying about cheating or hiding other girls behind my back. 3rd, I’m married now and it would very much deeply upset and hurt my new man if I tried to reach back out to Andrew. 😭 (I’m afraid to hurt my husband) I’m already feeling guilty about having this secret blog in the first place but I’m just trying to understand my feelings 😓
Daily and through the day my brain battles “Is Andrew truly emotionally unavailable and a manipulatior? OR was it miscommunication through texting and did I make a mistake breaking up with him?” But I can’t help to remind myself he already had a new gf he was posting about over the summer while telling me “I don’t know how to make things better, you just need time and space to get over me. Just stop texting me.” SO, I did stop texting him but theeeeeeeeen he started calling me but not saying anything… just listens to my voice 😰💔💔💔💔 Is that not low key weird and confusing?? That only further causes me to think he’s got a personality disorder OR he was missing me but I doubt that. I feel like he was just missing all the attention I was giving me.
I also can’t deny the times he was criticizing me after we broke up plus the constant stress dumping on me he did. Always being upset at me for his homework and family pressures. Trying to make me feel guilty for his problems but nothing I did or said made it better. He just would continue to complain to me but not actually he there for me when I wanted or needed him (one sided relationship) I mean there is MORE evidence pointing to a toxic and manipulative relationship than a healthy and loving one… BUT THEN I go back to “why wouldn’t he break up with me and why did he want more time to think it all over plus did I make the right choice dumping him cuz I didn’t want to but I thought he didn’t love me I mean, he cheated… that’s pretty much a sign you don’t love me.
Then I feel this huge disconnect in my new relationship and my brain won’t let up. It hyper focuses on Andrew ALLL THE FREAKIN TIME!!!!! I mean, I feel something is wrong with me and so I tell myself stop breaking down every word or action from him in the relationship and focus on your own problems and issues. GAH 😝😝😝😝
Plus I feel I have so much to process from Cody and Jake… ugh Jake is a nightmare I don’t wanna think of him 🥺🥺🥺 I only wanna think of Andrew and the love bombing cuz it felt so amazing but I realize it was prob fake and how am I 100% it was love bombing?? I mean, it appeared to be intense amount of attention and obsession he was giving me. He would wake up and text me good morning plus send me a Snapchat selfie from his shower also saying good morning and ask me if I slept okay… then Snapchat me all day off and on but other days not message me at all!!! he only acted super into me like that for the month of January then he was turning cold after that and leading up to January, our relationship seemed “luke warm” He didn’t seem hot or cold with me. was weird…. (Bread crumbing ??)
I get worn out waring in my head all the time 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
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