#boozy books
kblackship · 10 months
Read n' Sip Recommendations: Part 4
Hello, again, darlings. Welcome back to Read n’ Sip Recommendations with Kirsten. This week, I’ve returned with Part 4 of my Cocktail/Book Pairings. While I joke that these are Cocktails to enjoy with your Cock Tales, my books aren’t as erotic as that implies. It was just too good of a pun to pass up. However, my books are on the spicy side. If that’s your thing, then please dive in, but…
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 months
Ahhh remember in June how I was like freaking out about applying for a promotion and I was like ‘maybe I’ll work on improving my writing instead’ and then I looked around and the only writing workshop I could find where I live was at 9AM on one of the islands so I’d have to catch a ferry at like 7:30 (crucially, again, on Saturday mornings I am not getting up that early) I was like I guess I’ll apply for that promotion…
Well as you all know I got the promotion and now it turns out they’re starting a writing workshop at a cafe like 10 minutes away from my apartment. 🫠 So now the new crisis is the sudden social anxiety/imposter syndrome about whether to RSVP or not. 🙃
Always gotta be freaking out about something
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modernmutiny · 1 year
Do I have rampant untreated PTSD? Yes. But. But! I have a cozy nest full of baileys spiked hot cocoa and lots of blankets and a body pillow and a whole bookshelf so maybe that will convince my dumb brain I'm not actually gonna be hunted down and murdered under cover of a massive thunderstorm. Maybe.
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hopbrewco · 19 days
Boozy Book Fair with the Book and Bottle Shop
Remember those school book fairs you loved as a kid? This is just like that - but with alcohol!
This pop-up book fair features books of all genres - paperbacks are $10, hardbacks are $15 - and other 'book-ish' gift items. The owners of the much-anticipated Book & Bottle Shop will also be available to answer questions about their new venture!
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krealmccoy · 3 months
Boozy Book Tour Update!
First things first – let’s all welcome Summer! Now, about that update. I’ll keep it short and say that I will not be able to attend the Boozy Book Tour in Chicago this week like I’d planned. I tried y’all, but a work thing came up and I had to take care of that before my new schedule starts. Anyhoo, The Boozy Book Tour is kicking things off in style, as all of their VIP tickets are officially…
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gdnewsam · 4 months
Hey, everybody!
The ladies of Noelle Vella are excited to announce that we've been nominated for TWO Boozy Book Tour Indie Literature Awards in the categories of BEST URBAN PARANORMAL for The Witches of Salix Pointe and BEST NEW URBAN PARANORMAL AUTHOR! First round voting ends July 24th, 2024! Your vote would be greatly appreciated! Please and thank you! 💖
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
1] PRIORITISING SLEEP. You’re sleeping with your mouth closed, because you’ve learnt how open mouth breathing affects your jaw, posture and overall health. You’ve got those little sticky mouth strips from Amazon to help support with keeping your mouth shut during the night and as a result sleeping like a baby. 
3] YOU ARE IN YOUR ‘NO’ ERA. Saying no to absolutely anything that doesn’t align with your truth. No to the boozy party because you’ve quit drinking, no to the consuming voice notes and calls with your ‘still’ friends (still broke, still complaining, still getting no where). The more you say no, the more you are creating space for what is meant for you. 
4] ENJOYING HOBBIES. You start pouring more into activities that fill you up. The yoga workshops, dance classes, painting, cycling, running, making fermented foods. You're becoming more wholesome, and its from a place of truth and love. 
5] LOOKING AND FEELING YOUR BEST. You’re not worried about dropping a little cash on some key items for your summer wardrobe, because you know looking good will only amplify your radiance. This starts at home, sleeping in your best night dresses, wearing the kimono robe around the house. Ensuring your nails toes are clean and groomed, even if this is a weekly at home job. You prioritise looking and feeling your best even if this means waking up a little earlier to get ready.
6] LISTENING TO MUSIC THAT LIFTS YOU UP. Not the songs that keep you in the trap of overthinking him. Spiritual songs, songs of praise, affirmation songs, music with soul. As result you feel more connected to God, your truth, and grounded.
7] MAKING ACTUAL PLANS FOR THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO THIS SUMMER. That means booking the flights, the train tickets, the restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. Pull out your diary and make the plans. Go live your life. Even if you do this alone, the most important thing is you don’t let this summer pass you by. You live it, you breathe it, you make it as fulfilling and exciting as possible. 
8] READING. Having a physical book to read, to travel with, to have close to your heart is the perfect way to expand your mind and take a much needed screen break…Fiction, or Non-fiction, go to the bookstore or library and enjoy the feel of the recycled paper on your finger tips as you indulge in something of interest. 
9] REDUCE SCREEN TIME. Whatever your current screen time, the goal is to reduce it by 50%, so if you’re currently on 4hrs per day, get it down to 2hrs. The less time on your phone, the more time in the real world, you’ll find you become more present, and enjoying life instead of being a slave to your device. 
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gilverrwrites · 8 months
Their Perfect Date HCs [Angel edition]
Rating: General
Human Edition | Monster Edition
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Please remember: There is strength in softness.
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Absolutely brings you flowers. 
Hear me out: fruit picking!
Something like strawberries
Spend the day outdoors in the sunny weather, chatting, walking, picking and comparing fruits. 
Maybe a picnic at the end where you can refuel, and Cas can bask in the sun. Enjoy people/nature watching together. 
Then you take him home and make your harvest into something; a pie, wine, jelly/jam.
Put him in a frilly apron and boop flour on his nose, he’s in love. 
Cas won’t partake in the consumption, but he’ll enjoy watching you, and earnestly listen to your review.
Brings you chocolates/candy.
(Obviously, he has ideas, plans, and wants of his own, to a dangerous extent but) Gabe at his core just wants to impress you, don’t give him choices because he’s very much a ‘whatever you want’ kinda guy in those scenarios. His ideal date is whatever your ideal date is. 
What do you want for dinner? ‘Whatever you fancy sugar’, your wish: my command.’  Do you prefer the red outfit, or the black? ‘I think you look smokin’ in both, pick whatever you feel good in.’ Do you want pasta or pizza? ‘I want a pizza you. Do you want pasta or pizza?’
Plus, he loves simultaneously using indecisiveness to wind you up and to force you to make decisions for yourself, to voice your own wants and needs.  
Ultimately though, I think his ideal date would be something surprisingly simple. 
Like a coffee date.
Or hot/boozy hot/chocolates and pancakes at a dessert restaurant. 
Tell him about your proudest moments, your favourite everything, your biggest adventures, your fondest dreams, so he can soak you in. 
He’ll tell you about his own escapades, drops some big names, about his early days on earth, and so on. 
Somewhere you can spend hours chitchatting, sharing stories, and getting to know each other, while getting high on sugar and playing footsie under the table. 
Isn’t sure which is most appropriate or which you would like most, so he brings you all the gifts! Chocolate, flowers, soft toys, you name it! 
But then he gets nervous and thinks it’s too much, so he only gives you the flowers.
Until you’re halfway through your date, when things are just easy and relaxed. He confesses and gives you the other stuff at the end of your date. 
As for the date itself it would be something classic but fun; bowling, mini golf, roller skating. 
If it’s score-based, he won’t be competitive, but also will not let you win. 
If the venue does food, and you’re struggling to pick he’ll order your second choice so the two of you can split and share.
Will find any excuse to try and hold your hand throughout. 
Does not bring a gift. Come on, he’s all the gift you need. 
Lucifer is not easy to take on a date. (He’s not easy in any regard really.) Especially when you take into account his distaste for all things human.
If he’s earnestly asked you on a date/agreed to a date, then the only salvageable factor is you. No pressure.   
And it's not like he can just fly you away to another galaxy or something, cause you know, human bodies don’t tend to do well in the vacuum of space. 
Plus, he’s so contraire you could spend hours listing ideas and he would bat down every single one. (Secretly loving every moment because he gets to spend time with you, making you laugh as he comes up with more and more ridiculous reasons to reject your ideas). 
Really though, just take him with you on your daily routine, or even like, your ideal day. Let him bitch about all the humans in the grocery store, let him try your favourite foods, him laugh at the kid who dropped their ice cream, and let him watch you geek out at the book/video/hobby store without embarrassment. Just let him experience your true self, while letting him be his true self. 
No policing him, just pure unadulterated freedom with the person he loves.    
Brings you chocolates, but not like fancy ones. Adam advised that gifts were customary in human dating culture, but didn’t specify which kind, so he got you a selection of candy bars, the same kind that Adam seems to enjoy. 
Something outdoorsy and active but with a view; Hiking, rock climbing, or even just a long walk on the beach. 
Something where you can find a nice place to settle and watch the clouds and/or stars together. 
If stargazing, he will teach you about the different constellations, their creation, and their stories. 
Will be absolutely enamoured if you already know some of it and are able to have a back-and-forth conversation. 
Adam also tried to teach him some other dating tricks, like fake stretching to put his arm around you, but that seems redundant. If he wants to put his arm around you, he will simply do so. 
Short circuits a little when you lean in closer and rest your head on his chest/shoulder. 
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longreads · 1 year
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Fast Times on America’s Slowest Train
In our latest feature—a buddy comedy on the rails—Harrison Scott Key delights in a slow, boozy train ride, along with a friend.
I wanted to write stories. Mark wanted to live them. I’ve never stopped seeking achievement and he’s never stopped seeking places to go, the Peter Pan to my Wendy. He even married a flight attendant, mostly for love, but also for the free plane tickets that allow him to join me for book festivals, readings, talks, and conferences across the nation. If I’ve got a king mattress booked, paid for by someone else, Mark’s there. He flies standby and always shows.
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earlycuntsets · 16 days
interviewer: um.y'know, what's going through your mind when you see all these pictures yknow people tweeting you people showing you picutures, they have the logo they have the boozey. what's going through your mind when you see that?
frank: um. it's totally rad. the boozey thing is crazy to me because, it's this character I came up with umm.... that I started [laughs] it's kinda funny. basically the story behind boozey is: oh god. so boozey he's this drunk ghost and uh basicallyI was on tour with my chem and uh. gerard ended up uh yknow he was developing his own comic which ended up becoming umbrella academy and so he had this meeting with dark horse and...
I may have gotten a little tipsy, and I may have crashed the meeting and said "i've got a comic book idea" and so I was like i've got this guy and I drew boozey it was like it was I think it was funny at the time but I was probably way too obnoxious and have apologized since. [laughs] but that's where boozey came from. like i'm gonna pitch this comic.
[laughs] you've been working for years on this thing... but wait just check this thing out real quick. and all of a sudden boozy started to be this thing and I would draw him everywhere he was like this character that i've been meaning to expand upon for the longest time
11/24/2016 blunt mag interview
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toxintouch · 2 months
I'm not sure if what I wrote is what this post had in mind but… also I meant to do this as a rb but my toxic trait is writing things in drafts/private posts so I err uhhh look I can't keep fighting with Tumblr formatting ok
Mhin receiving an unusually specific compliment. ᵕ ω ᵕ
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“You're so fascinating, Mhin. If you wrote a book, I would definitely read it.  Even if you wrote the book about something really boring.  Even if you wrote…a dictionary, full of words I already know the meanings to.  I'd still read it, just because you wrote it.  Just to feel like I got to walk beside you in the world for a little while."
Mhin looks over at you despite themself. Your voice is low, tone affectionate difficult to parse over the incessant noise permeating the Wet Wick. They find themselves staring at your lips, as if to read your words despite hearing you clearly.
“You're really the most interesting person I know...  Which is saying a lot, in this city!”  You laugh at yourself, bandaged fingers trailing around the rim of the glass placed in front of you at the bar.  Your face is flushed, pupils dilated.  The longer they look at you, brows furrowed as they try to make sense of your words, the less you seem able to look them in the eyes.
The liquid in your glass is clear.  
Tequila?  Vodka?  Gin?  A stomach wrenching combination of all three, possibly.  Who knows what Leander was willing to put in front of you, if it makes you so…
Mhin huffs, mouth wrenching into a frown. They clasp a hand around the glass in front of you. "I think you've had enough." They must have gone (miraculously) nose-blind from the boozy scent of the Wet Wick because even as they slide the heavy tankard closer to themself, the pungent tang of alcohol is no more invasive than it was prior. They expected to be able to taste the fumes coming off of whatever concoction they just took from you.
"I'm--" You start to protest, but you find yourself cut off when Leander says something that causes the crowded bar to go wild, cheers erupting. One of the Bloodhounds jostles Mhin in their mirth, causing your confiscated drink to upend, contents sloshing over the surface of the bar and soaking the sleeve of Mhin's shirt.
It's water.
You were saying those things while sober.
Mhin's eyes find yours, no attention spared for the slurring Bloodhound beside them. You're looking at them affectionately, lips quirked.
"Would you be mad at me if I told you that you're too cute?" You ask, something far too warm, too inviting in your words.
Mhin is halfway across the bar in a heartbeat, burning red ears gone deaf to the sound of Leander's voice, calling out to them that they haven't picked their pay up yet. They'll get it tomorrow, they think, racing towards the respite of the fresh night air. Away from the urge to--
Mhin doesn't let themself turn to look back at you as they leave. Though they can't stop themself from wondering: if they did, would they see you staring back at them?
Damn Mhin just take the compliment. I made Mhin's about their brains instead of their looks etc. bc while I think mentioning wanting to kiss their beauty mark would fluster them I think this is the type of thing that would absolutely infect their brain.  Have them thinking about those words over and over until it completely ruins their nightly Soulless hunting; they give up & just stargaze all night.
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drewsbuzzcut · 2 months
Deeper Than Oceans You Run, Watch As Our World Has Begun
Nick Moldenhauer x Dallas Blankenburg Moldenhauer
A so it goes blurb
Warnings: some insecurities and slight angst
Takes places during their honeymoon this summer
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The full moon reflects on the darkened waves that lap at the couple. Nick and Dallas cling to each other, limbs tangled up in a perfect mess as they float.
Today marks one week into their blissful honeymoon. They’ve been having boozy, blistering fun on the white sand beaches in Tulum. They love being in love and being happy. There have been many endless kisses and bone chilling touches. Albeit the overwhelming rapture, Dallas can tell something’s wrong with Nick. Her husband has a faint furrow between his eyebrows and the corners of his lips don’t fully rise with his smile. Any other person wouldn’t even notice, but Nick is Dallas’ favorite worn in book. She can notice the slightest difference in anything he does.
“What’s wrong? You seemed down all day,” the girl pulls herself tighter into his chest and slides a hand into his curls.
“Just thinking a little too much,” Nick whispers, not able to meet her eyes.
“About what?” She asks, tilting his head up so he can look at her.
“Um… just about my future. In the nhl. I just- I don't know,” he mumbles and turns away despite his wife trying to keep his eyes on hers.
“Nicky, it’s all going to be okay,” she tries to reassure him.
“What if it’s not? What if I fail miserably, or what if I can’t be the player that I want to be?” Nick exasperates, eyes wide and his unshed tears glimmering in the moonlight. His voice is shaky and his chest is starting to heave.
“It’s going to be okay, baby. You’re a good hockey player and you never give up. You’re so committed to bettering yourself and that’s all that matters. Even if you do fail, I will be by your side, so unbelievably proud of you. I know you’re not going to fail, though. You’re Nick Moldenhauer, someone who has gone through a lot so early in their hockey career. You’ve had a lot of odds against you, but you’re here playing hockey for umich. You’re drafted and you’re going to be amazing,” she hums and wipes away the tear on his cheek.
“I just want to be able to take care of you, us, and our future family,” Nick admits, letting out a sigh when she nuzzles her nose into his cheek. Dallas softly traced over the scar on his jaw before pressing a soft kiss onto the raised skin. The girl feels a fluttery feeling grow in her heart at the thought of their future family.
“And you will be able to. If not, then I have no problem being your sugar mommy,” the girl jokes, trying to get a smile out of her husband.
“You’re my everything and the last person I want to let down,” he chokes out with a quivering lip. His words are pained, easily making her heart crack.
“You could never. I love you so much, Nicky,” she reassures him once again.
Dallas loops her arms around his shoulders and squeezes him tightly to her body. Heat builds where their soft skin touches, consoling Nick.
“I love you, June bug. I’m happy you’re my wife. It’s you and it’ll always be you,” he affirms and leans down to capture her lips in a kiss.
Dallas cups his cheeks, her legs wrapping around his waist as she gets lost in his lips. His tongue gently prods her lips open and explores her mouth as if it’s his first time. She loves that every time they kiss, it feels like the very first time. She gets filled with excitement, and she can feel it blossom in Nick with the way his fingers press into her skin.
“Want to help me tick something off of my bucket list?” Dallas asks, lips moving over his.
Her husband pulls away, watching her facial features and seeing the smirk that she can’t bother hiding.
“What is that?”
“Sex on the beach,” she rasps in his ear.
Nick doesn’t respond, he just pulls Dallas over his shoulder and carries her to shore. He can’t wait to see her fall apart under the stars and moon.
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soulmuppet · 4 months
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Paint The Town Red: Quickstart
Paint The Town Red is a sad vampire RPG from SoulMuppet Publishing, created by Zachary Cox (Orbital Blues, Inevitable, Best Left Buried) and with art direction from Johan Nohr (MÖRK BORG, CY_BORG, Into The Odd). This is a game about depression, partying and falling in love, and explores themes of trauma, vice and loneliness. 
Your characters are vampires, afflicted with the Curse of Undeath. Being dead feels horrid, and the goal of every character is to chase the sensation of feeling alive and escape the rot they feel in their soul.  
Paint The Town Red is set in the greatest cities throughout history, where the Dead mass together to form an active nightlife. Sessions of Paint The Town Red feel more like boozy nights out on the town than heroic quests, complete with pre-drinks, loud music, smoking areas and hangovers. 
This 94 page book is a Quickstart to the full game, coming to Kickstarter in September 2024, and contains our first adventure: A MODERN BABYLON, set on the streets of Victorian London in 1862. The characters will become embroiled in London’s pulsing nightlife, facing off against a gang of werewolves, undead agents of the British Empire, and the lich who dwells in the Tower of London. None of them will take kindly to your characters spoiling their perfect immortality.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Thinking about steddie future where they're both just average guys. No rockstars, no basketball players just two Normal men living a normal life because honestly? they deserve it. They deserve soft domesticity and happiness.
They both have jobs they like but don't love and they're happy with that. Eddie maybe becomes an electrician, working for someone else's company. His coworkers are chill, he gets to get out and work with his hands and that's more than he could have asked for. Steve is a physical therapist, or a manager in some business. He likes his team and the steady hours. He's not working for his dad which is a plus.
They buy a house together, that's not a mansion but it's not a trailer either. Steve does a lot of the dishes because Eddie hates it, hates the feeling of old food on the plates and cutlery. So Eddie will kiss Steve on the cheek and does the laundry because Steve fucking hates laundry. And sitting on the floor watching TV while he folds clothes is honestly sort of relaxing?? Love is doing the chores your partner hates.
Steve and Robin go out for brunch at least once a month, where they catch up and gossip for hours and hours and Steve comes home lighter with updates on Robin and Vickie. Eddie will have nightly phone calls with Wayne, where they talk and laugh and Eddie will eventually hand the phone over to Steve so he and Wayne can talk sports together. When he's in town Dustin will come over and stay in their spare room and they laugh and joke so much it's just like old times. They go over to Jeff's house for dinner on a semi regular basis, and it's nice having normal friends.
They adopt a very annoying cat who will climb all over them in bed and meow in their faces when they don't wake up to feed it breakfast in time. Steve will go for jogs on a Saturday morning, coming home to Eddie reading in bed. Some old western book Wayne recommended to him. There's a steaming cup of coffee waiting on their bedside tables that Eddie's prepared.
They take time off of work and go on a week long vacation because they can do that now. They do dorky touristy things and Eddie buys a mug to send to Wayne. Steve takes a lot of dorky photos of the two of them.
Idk they deserve to be normal and alive and happy with no upside down anymore <3
Oh I love this! I had actually been thinking about tradesman Eddie for a little bit I am so, so glad you’ve come up with this!
I can so completely see him learning a trade and just getting employed and put through his time by a small local employer! He has to go through his exams and that part of it worries him when he first gets the job but his team end up being really supportive and Steve stays up late with him, practicing circuits and wiring and quizzing him on currents and volts. Eddie returning the favour, letting Steve mark up his muscles and be a living anatomy dummy. Sure it gets a little sexy from time to time but more often than not it’s just them testing each other as Steve identifies bones and Eddie talks about parallel circuits.
The monthly brunches mentally and physically revive Steve after working extended hours with patients that he really does want the best for but a jobs a job and it can get pretty tiring. They joke that they rebalance each others chakras but they really do feel realigned after their meet ups. Eddie can see it to, sometimes he’ll come pick them up when it’s been a boozy brunch and delights in seeing them happy and light, clambering over each other to tell Eddie something about one of the waiters or an especially good dish they ordered. When he drops Robin home Steve sits in the front and looks at peace and Eddie feels the same way.
Their weekends are for them, sometimes that means staying home and cleaning the whole place between ordering food in and sometimes that means going on a day trip and taking Wayne around all the antique spots around the county and seeing what horrors they can uncover. Top spot currently sits with Wayne’s find of a doll whose limbs had been replaced with horse legs and had the head of a fish. Of course they bought it.
Every time they go on a holiday they make sure to send postcards to everyone, including themselves, seeing if they’ll get home before the postcard does. Steve keeps them in a photo album, each with a Polaroid of them next to it. Sometimes taken by a stranger, sometimes just a close up of their faces squashed together. It’s Eddie’s favourite thing to go through on their anniversary, or any day really, just loves being reminded that this is the life they get to have.
It’s mundane, dare say even normal, but they love it. Steve comes home every night, happy to put his scrubs in the washing machine next to Eddie’s uniform, happy to be where he feels loved.
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myfallbucketlist · 1 month
Fall Bucket List 2024
Watch 30 horror movies (Hammer Horror)
Make a fall playlist
Carve pumpkins
Go to the pumpkin patch
Eat candycorn
Make spooky cocktails
Read 6 books
Go to Haunted World
Wear cool costumes
Shanghai tunnels tour
Watch Over the Garden Wall
Work in a haunted house
Make ghost pillows
Bonfire party in the woods
Bake something
Buy fall candles
Drink mulled cider
Watch Friday the 13th show
Watch Halloween Wars
New fall wardrobe
Spend the night in a graveyard
Halloween party at The Station
Watch Hammer Horror tv show
Drink a pumpkin spice latte
Finish The Walking Dead
Put McMuffin in a costume
Fall hike
3 weird pumpkin spice items
Bake something
Stay at Hot Lake hotel
Taxidermy shop
Pendleton tunnels tour
Make 3 fall themed meals
Go to The Peculiarium
Get a tattoo
Catch up on all AHS
Make spooky sugar cookie cake
Jack o lantern pizza
Fall beer
Rocky Horror live show
Fire with boozy s’more shakes
Geiser Grand ghost hunting
Gloomy beach trip
Watch Gilmore Girls
Haunted corn maze
Candle burning videos
Film photos of Halloween decorations
Go to Sure Shot
Ravens manor bar
Fall puzzles
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annie on vacation
that summer, jim got robbie a temp job at his office and it quickly was made permanent. annie hadn't quote clocked how close jim and robbie were, as friends, but she supposed both spending so much time in julia's pussy was a kind of bonding experience.
julia was shaved now too, like annie, for the warm weather. annie really loved rubbing their pussies together when they were both smooth. she always made sure to shave before their group dates. she'd often get in the shower while robbie was already in there, and he'd cum on her ass while she shaved so he'd last longer for julia.
robbie was cumming on annie a lot lately. once they'd started they'd found it hard to stop. usually on her tits, but sometimes he'd bend her over and pull her pants down so he could cum on her ass or panties. one morning before they both left for work. she'd held the front of her panties open to catch his load and then she'd gone to work like that. it was one of the several ways they were playfully escalating. robbie grabbed her ass a lot, around the house, and she grabbed his cock, particularly when he wore basketball shorts.
sometimes, robbie worked from home, and was on zoom calls when annie would drop in between sessions. she'd stand on the other side of his computer and flash her tits, or her pussy, sometimes even masturbating when she felt like it.
they made a pact to cool it in july though, when they booked a beach house with julia and jim for a long weekend, just before robbie's birthday. they had a very relaxing weekend of drinking and drugs and the beach -- julia getting wonderful tanlines and annie mostly hiding under an umbrella.
on saturday night, after a boozy dinner in the little beach town, julia announced that she wanted to watch annie and jim fuck.
it wasn't like annie and jim had been avoiding this because of their past indiscretions, it had just seemed until now, very clear that julia didn't want them to. annie wondered why she was changing course, hoping it wasn't some kind of weird test. because next thing she knew, she was sucking jim's cock while robbie and julia watched. she tried to act unfamiliar with jim's cock, even though julia knew she'd been seeing it freely for months. julia winked at annie while jim was eating her pussy, and annie gave her a thumbs up to his performance. then she rode his cock on the bed, looking at robbie's cock straining against his boxer briefs, and at the obvious wet spot on julia's gray thong. "you can cum in me," annie told jim.
"fuck yes," julia said.
jim unloaded. when he was done, julia pulled him off, kissed him, and took his place on the bed. she worked annie's pussy aggressively, making her cum twice before leaving her in a heap, pulling robbie down, and getting railed by him from behind.
"what brought that on?" annie asked, when she and julia were alone.
"i think jim is going to propose," julia said. "and i didn't feel like i could marry him if you hadn't fucked him too. he was okay, right?"
"he was great," annie said.
"ok, thank god," julia said.
"you guys are gonna get married?" annie said. "that's amazing."
"you're my backup plan," julia said. "if this marriage doesn't work out, i'm marrying you."
"you'll still fuck me when you're married right?" annie said, reaching between julia's legs and kissing her. annie loved kissing julia.
"of course," julia said.
they were already going at it pretty wildly when robbie and jim came back in with drinks, so jim got on the bed, got hard, and fucked julia while she ate annie's pussy. robbie didn't get hard again, so he just watched as annie, then julia, then jim came just a few seconds apart.
at the beach house, annie and robbie had separate rooms, and annie found herself missing his body in the bed while she slept. when they got home on monday night, exhausted, she felt guilty about sleeping next to him in shorts and a t-shirt. it was the most she'd ever slept next to him wearing.
the next morning was his birthday, and she woke up early and took a shower and then went back to the room where he slept. she crawled onto the bed, straddling his knees, and pulled down his boxers. he was mostly soft, but she took him in her hand and then into her mouth anyway. he opened his eyes and looked at her, already on his way to fully hard.
"uh," he said.
"happy birthday," annie said. it didn't take her long to make him cum. she eagerly sucked, stroked, and spit on his shaft for roughly three minutes before he began to spurt. she caught most of it in her mouth but let a little get on her face.
"do you like your present?" she asked him.
"obviously yes," he said.
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