#Terrace Bay school news
dwellordream · 7 months
"The House on a Back Street."
By Mary Abbott Hand, Ladies' Home Journal, 1885, transcribed by myself, 2024
The Skittles family lived in a tidy, little box of a house, on a back street in the city. But though small, it was as pretty and pleasant as possible. There was a little parlor, dear to Mrs. Skittles' mournful heart, where funeral wreaths and hair bouquets and a portrait or two hung in the shade and never a wanton sunbeam was allowed to disturb the colors of the carpet and upholstery.
Then, there was a bright sitting-room, where geraniums smiled and fuchsias swung their crimson bells and a canary sung from morning until night. An open fire vied with the bay window for cheerfulness. There was a low bookcase filled with pleasant volumes, a lounge heaped with gay pillows, easy chairs at tempting angles, an old organ that for sweetness far exceeded the smart, new piano in the dark parlor. In fact, that pleasant sitting-room contained a wide range of delights for a contented mind.
In front of the house, a blossoming linden perfumed the air in May; and, later, spread its broad green sunshades so that Mr. and Mrs. Skittles and their little girl could sit under the pleasant arbor it made. And then, the leaves were no sooner on than they began to fall and she must keep the broom wagging till December if she would have her door-steps tidy.
The kitchen windows looked out upon what Mr. Skittles called "the garden." With Mrs. Skittles it was only "a back yard," though a grape vine trailed its graceful leaves and hung its purple pendants right before her eyes. Beds of verbenas and pansies made rich mosaics beneath the windows and the boundary fence was all overhung with morning glories that made the place look like fairyland the moment the sun was up.
But it was the prospect beyond that spoiled the garden for Mrs. Skittles. This was the beautiful home and gardens of their landlord, Charles Meliss, Esq. His mansion fronted on Main Street, but the terraced garden with its fountain, its exotics, its velvet sward and rare shrubs, reached quite to the Skittles; morning glories.
Mr. Skittles rejoiced in his neighbor's possessions was thankful, every day of his life for the sight of so much freshness and beauty. But, to Mrs. Skittle, as she expressed it "was a constant aggravation." Fortunately, the Skittles' only child was like the father. She had, to be sure, the shell-pink complexion, the dimples, the lovely blue eyes and wavy golden hair that had won for Mrs. Skittles long ago the title of belle.
But all these external beauties were made radiant by a sunny disposition. No wonder strangers would turn their heads on the street to look at the charming girl. It was the great disappointment of Mrs. Skittles' life that her child was a girl. It had been her dream to have a boy--to name him Robert Dalrymple for her father. But the best she could do was to name the baby Roberta Dalrymple and insist on having her called by the second name. But of course it became shortened to "Dallie" by her father and playmates, but Mrs. Skittles always called the child Dalrymple. She was such a beauty that Mrs. Skittles was sure she would never live to grow up and was fond of quoting--"Death loves a shining mark."
Nevertheless Dalrymple weathered all the children's diseases and at sixteen was a specimen of perfect health. And now began another worry. Mrs. Skittles did not forget that at sixteen she had a lover and in two short years from that time was married. The idea of Dalrymple and a lover! That would be a drop too much for Mrs. Skittles. So the girl was restricted like a prisoner of war. She could not go to a prayer-meeting or a party unless her father was her escort. She was forbidden to associate with her boy school-mate--was not allowed to speak to a boy on the street, or to acknowledge the bow and lifted cap of the most innocent acquaintance.
Even Tom Butterfield, their next door neighbor, never but once ventured to say "How do you do, Dallie?" when Mrs. Skittles was with her. All the boys could get by way of recognition was a deeper tint of pink in the cheeks and a conscious drooping of the eye-lids when they met the pretty girl. To do Dalrymple justice, she was as dutiful as she was modest and earnestly meant to please her fretful mother, whom she loved in spite of everything.
Dalrymple was untold comfort to both parents,--a perfect sunbeam in the home,--a model scholar, excelling in all her studies, particularly in mathematics, and by the time she was fifteen, the entire business of family accounts, marketing, settling of rent, etc., was entrusted to her. The landlord, young Squire Meliss always collected his own rents, and Mrs. Skittles had formerly met him herself, but, she declared, nothing so stirred her up as to meet that man who had everything in the world below, while she--
"But, mother!" interposed Mr. Skittles, using the name that reconciled him to his lot more than any other he could call his wife. "Just think, he is a love-lorn bachelor, and nobody to speak to in all that great house but servants. I wouldn't give our Dallie for all he is worth."
"He isn't an old bachelor," replied Mrs. Skittles. "Not over twenty-eight I am sure. Plenty of time yet for him to put the fine name of Mellis alongside some Smith or Murphy he may wish he hadn't. Moreover, it's because we have got Dalrymple that we ought to have the riches. That man has no use for half he owns. It fairly aggravates me, the very sight of him."
And so it came to pass that the unpleasant duty of paying the rent money devolved finally upon Dalrymple. If it were a trying thing for her, she never complained, but always answered promptly the ring announcing Mr. Mellis' call the first Saturday in each month, and returned from the brief interview with no other sign of disturbance than the heightened color in her cheeks.
Surely, there was never a more agreeable landlord than Mr. Mellis. He was as courteous as he was fine looking, and he was quite as neighborly as Mrs. Skittles would permit. As it was, many choice baskets of fruits or early vegetables found their way over the morning glories with "Mr. Mellis' compliments for Mrs. Skittles." The lady however did not allow herself to taste the luxuries in the presence of her family, though she might just "try what they were like" in secret. Openly, she avowed that the very sight of them made her sick.
Mrs. Skittles was one of those ladies possessed of such delicate nerves that the slightest ruffle of the waves would stir the very depths of the ocean. The wrong shade of trimming on a new dress had been known to give her a bilious headache; a trifling omission in the grocer's orders would send her in tears from the table, and it would be hard to estimate the hysterical attacks brought on by dear Mr. Skittles' blunders.
He was a man that dearly loved his home, and all through the busy day, looked forward to the bright supper time when, Dallie on his right hand and his orphan nephew, Jakey Billings, on his left, and his wife opposite him, his idea of earthly bliss was realized. That is, when she was opposite him. But he was never quite sure that he should see her. Slight causes and no causes at all were sufficient to keep her in state in her shaded room upstairs.
What was a serious matter to the elders in the family, however was great fun for the children. Dallie, dear child, was sorry for her hungry papa, no doubt, but she, as well as Jake enjoyed the freedom that Mrs. Skittles; absence afforded and they would not have been "young Folks" had they not, smiled at one another gleefully across the table, while Cressy, the girl, scolded because the stewed oysters were turning cold.
The more sharply she scolded, the more gently oblivious became the weary master of the house, till he nodded an unconscious assent to Cressy's remarks. He had a happy faculty of going to sleep when the wind blew, and had wisely learned to receive a woman's gusty temper with the same philosophic treatment.
Jake was never quite so happy as one these occasions when his aunt was absent. She viewed him with the sternest disapproval because he was a boy, and tortured herself with many a distressing vision of Dallie's falling in love with him one of these days. But I will say, here and now, before Jake has outgrown his jackets, that Dallie never did fall in love with him. He was "only cousin Jake" to her--the one boyish companion of a brotherless girlhood, remembered with a smile as she recalled his merry face across the tea-table; and thought of with a sigh in later years for poor Jake ran away to sea and was lost on the first voyage.
As for Jake, however great his admiration for his cousin Dallie, he declared he liked his uncle the best of the family, "because he was all Skittles." Jake had a wholesome disgust for the "Westcott Dalrymples,"--the "Wedgewood Chinas" he would say when speaking of Dallie's maternal ancestors. Light-hearted children they were, Jake and Dallie, and lucky for them that the pitiful spectacle of an ill-mated couple looked to them at that time only like a comedy.
But with Mrs. Skittles, life though hardly tragic, was not worth the living. The little comforts of their own humble home and the luxuries forts of their landlord alike irritated her discontented mind. What is to be done with such naughty, grown-up children? We can't stand them in a corner till they come out pleasant, and so they go on till they drive all love and comfort out of the home and fret themselves into chronic invalidism or an insane asylum.
God pity those nervous sufferers who can't behave, and pity the friends of those who can, but won't. With every year, the kindly relations between landlord and tenants increased, always excepting Mrs. Skittles. One would suppose she believed that Mr. Mellis cultivated hyacinths and sweetwater grapes for the sole purpose of tormenting her. Once, when Mr. Mellis made his usual business call, she brought a choice handful of Jacqueminot roses for "the lady of the house." "If your mother does not care for them," said the landlord pleasantly, "please keep them for yourself, Miss Dimple."
She placed the roses in her pet vase and set it, thoughtlessly perhaps, on the window-sill, not noticing that the morning sun was glaring in there and would soon wither the crimson petals. But Squire Mellis was glad to observe them there, and exclaimed, as he turned from his window to go to his office,--"I'm glad Dimple got the roses." After that, every rent bill was sweetened with a bouquet.
One Saturday morning, some months later, Dalrymple had just attended to her usual duty of receiving the landlord at the door and came in with her hands full of lilies. Perhaps it was the contrast that gave her such an unusual color her mother thought. Dalrymple drew a low stool beside her mother and said, with much hesitancy. "Do--you--suppose--mother--you--could--ever--bring--your--mind--to--such--a--thing--as--my--being--engaged?"
"Engaged! Why Robert Dalrymple Skittles! You are not acquainted with a single boy in town!"
"I know it mother. But this is a man."
The truth flashed, at once, upon Mrs. Skittles. "I told your father, years ago, when we talked of hiring this house that it never worked well to live under the landlord's eye, and now see what has come of it! To think, after all we have done for you that you should disregard our wishes at the first temptation. Ready to leave your poor papa, and no matter anything about your poor mother,--I won't mention her. Ready to leave home and school and go over and keep house for Mr. Mellis! You can sit up there in your fine drawing-room and see your mother washing dishes by the kitchen window."
"Oh mother, mother!" cried Dalrymple. "Don't go on so. I only asked about being engaged. I had not thought of all the dreadful things you are talking about."
"What ails my pet?" interrupted Mr. Skittles, coming into the room, his honest face troubled at the sight of the unusual tears in Dallie's sunny eyes. "Don't say anything about it, mother," whispered Dallie. "This is the last of it. Of course, it is all out of the question and I could not leave you."
A smile of satisfaction came over the mother's face. "Oh, Dalrymple is alright, father," said she. "She was crying, silly child, at the thought of leaving home supposing she should ever be married. I tell her soon enough to cry when the time comes."
The next morning, Mrs. Skittles and Dollie could not help noticing the unusual expression of Mr. Skittles' face after the carrier had left the morning mail. He did not look unhappy, but evidently, something serious was on his mind. At last, it came out.
"I have just had a letter from our landlord, Dallie," said her father tenderly. "You can guess what it is about, I suppose. Well, child, I'm not the one to hender ye. You've been a good child and the light of the house, and I've looked for this question to be put to me by somebody sooner or later. Your mother has tried to prevent anything or the sort, but even if she had kept you in her pocket-book--and dear knows how hard it is to get that open!--somebody would have spied my girl."
"Don't talk like a fool, Mr. Skittles," exclaimed his wife, fairly crying. "Dalrymple knows it is silly for a child like her to think of such things; and, in my state of health, how am I ever going to spare her, I would like to know? She wouldn't want to leave home herself, either, would you, Dalrymple? Wild horses wouldn't drag you, would they?"
"No, no," sobbed the girl, thoroughly humiliated. This new, sudden vision of love and marriage was as startling as it was delightful, and was naturally regarded by her as forbidden fruit when thus dragged into the dazzling light and ridiculed by her mother. Silly or not, most girls of seventeen and eighteen have their heroes. Perhaps the admiration may be at most a distant sentiment for somebody they do not know even to speak to. In this case Dallie's landlord had ever been in her estimation like a prince in an enchanted castle.
She had far too humble an opinion of herself to suppose he cared in the least for her, but she loved to look out upon his beautiful grounds and at the fine mansion she could see from her chamber windows and try to fancy how the beautiful rooms she had never seen were furnished. Secretly, she thought him the finest-looking person she had ever seen, and, though she always dreaded to answer the bell when he came for the rent, she cherished every tone of his voice and every word he spoke from one month to another.
As for Mr. Mellis, he had not lived to the age of twenty-eight without an affaire du coeur or two of his own, but those had resulted unfortunately. Both ladies in these cases proved unworthy. For a couple of years he had turned his back on society and devoted himself to business. The little time he had spent at home was generally in his own room and, from its windows he could not only see his own lovely garden but the humble home of his tenant, Mr. Skittles. It was a pretty picture that often met his eyes;--this dazzlingly beautiful girl, as modest as she was beautiful, tripping about the kitchen, carrying dishes from the sink to the pantry; or, on baking says with bib apron and sleeves rolled up, cooking as deftly as her mother.
Prettier still was it to see her helping her father in the garden, for then she seemed the happiest, and her light laugh rang out as joyously as a bird's song. Mr. Mellis' proposal however, was almost as unexpected to himself as it was to Dallie. A sudden impulse prompted him to say what he did, but it was an impulse seconded by sober afterthought. "I should have spoken to her father first," he reflected, and made the amende honorable by writing a most respectful request to Mr. Skittles that he would favorably consider him as a suitor for his daughter's hand.
As we have seen, Mr. Skittles was willing to forget his own comfort for the sake of his daughter's good, but Mrs. Skittles, though secretly flattered that their landlord admired Dalrymple could not bring her mind for an instant to think of giving up her daughter, and Dallie was in such subjection to her mother's will that she did not presume to question it. The result was that Mrs. Skittles carried the day. She persuaded her husband that Dalrymple was distressed and alarmed at the idea of marrying anybody.
Mr. Mellis received a respectful letter from Mr. Skittles conveying the reply that his daughter was yet too much of a child to know her own mind and that both she and her mother did not favor the marriage. "I kinder hated to send that letter, Dallie," he remarked, that evening after the decisive missive had been forwarded. "I don't never want to get red of you Dallie, as far as that goes, but Mr. Mellis is a fine man, and one of these days, ef you and he make it up, I am not the one to say no. You can't keep your father and mother always with you, my child."
Dallie, distressed now beyond measure, fled from the table to her own little chamber. She glanced out upon the "enchanted castle," but the sight only gave her pain. She seemed forever shut out from the right to admire and enjoy the beautiful flowers and terraced slopes again. In a few days Mr. Skittles received a brief business note from Mr. Mellis announcing that he was about to leave town to travel abroad for an indefinite absence and that Mr. Skittles could hand the rent money to his agent, giving the address. Mr. Mellis closed with a regret that his late proposal had been unwelcome and trusted that Mr. S's daughter would ultimately gain the happiness in life she deserved.
The mansion in sight of the Skittles' windows was closed within a week. Beggar boys stole the pears and grapes and trampled down the rare flowers with no one to molest unless a policeman chanced to be in sight. And no tidings of their landlord came to the family in the house on the backstreet.
Dallie's father was a painter, a house painter, I mean, not an artist. Among Mrs. Skittles numerous woes, not the slightest was this that she must always breathe an atmosphere of oil and turpentine. If she chanced to pass a freshly-painted house, the Dalrymple nose would become perceptibly elevated and she would exclaim "Dear me! Mr. Skittles! How that brings you to mind!" Poor Mr. Skittles did his best to keep his business from annoying his wife. He had established an impromptu dressing-room behind the woodshed door, where an unspotted suit hung by day and a painter's blouse and overalls by night.
He was careful not to appear in this last regalia in the presence of his wife. But he was always welcome to Dallie, whether he wore the tidy, well-kept suit of brown or was covered with as many paint samples as an artist's pallet. She had a childish fashion of talking to the familiar brown suit when her father was away. Mr. Skittles had few holidays. He was always striving to procure some luxury his wife was whining for and it was necessary to keep steadily at work to supply both luxuries and necessities.
The Westcott Dalrymples had, it is true, an aristocratic reputation, but very little money, and the fact was, though she would never own it--Matilda Dalrymple had really never been so comfortable in wordly goods as since she married the industrious painter, Hiram Skittles. There was to be a union picnic of the Sunday schools a few weeks after Mr. Mellis set forth on his travels.
"I think it is my duty to go and take Dalrymple," whined Mrs. Skittles at the breakfast table. "Though I feel such a care always when she is with me. She does get stared at so, and then some of those superintendents think it is their duty to shake hands with everybody and introduce everybody. I am afraid that a chance acquaintance made at such a time might make trouble with Dalrymple."
"Oh mother, mother!" exclaimed Dalrymple impatiently for her, "If you would only let me alone!"
"That is the way!" wailed Mrs. Skittles. "That is all the thanks we poor mothers have for our solicitude." Dallie was swift with apologies and comforting words, but there was deeper regret when she spoke to her father. "Oh, papa dear! If only you were going too I should be so glad!"
"I know it, pet, and so should I. But Mr. Bingham is in a tearing hurry to get his house painted. He just stands below and bosses us men until we are nearly crazy. I couldn't get off before afternoon, no how. I'll try to then, if it is a possible thing. Look out for me by the 1 o'clock train, dear."
"What's that?" piped Mrs. Skittles from the kitchen door. She held her handkerchief to her face, for her husband was arrayed in his working clothes and she fancied she could already detect the obnoxious odor of turpentine. "What's that?" she repeated. "You going to the picnic! Well, I only hope you'll allow time to get off all trace of paint, or the day will be spoiled for me." The long suffering husband repressed a sharp reply which might justly enough have been flung back, and with one more good-by to Dallie, he was off.
Mrs. Skittles, with a martyr air dressed for the picnic. In her heart she was glad to go and Dallie well knew it. There was little of the belle now in the face of the nervous and faded woman, but she still cherished the belief that she was uncommonly good-looking, and claimed for herself at least half the admiring glances bestowed upon her beautiful daughter.
The morning passed gaily as mornings generally do at picnics. Fresh toilets are as yet unstained, babies have not become tired and cross, children are not overloaded with lemonade and ice cream, rash boys have not tumbled out of swings nor drowned themselves in the lakes, lovers have not yet quarreled;--in fact everything is just in that perfect state where anticipation has just met realization.
There was a pleasant confusion of table spreading. Some of the party were walking to the station to meet the incoming train which would bring an accession of picnicers. Dallie was one of these. She had established her mother comfortably upon a bench under the shady trees, for Mrs. Skittles was never one of the active workers on such occasions. Her constitution would not permit it, she said.
As Dallie drew near the station, the train had arrived and laughing groups were hurrying up to the picnic grounds. Dallie looked intently for her father, but was disappointed;--the good, honest face she had hoped to see was nowhere among the passengers. She turned about and was wearily retracing her steps when a boy accosted her. He had shot from the train the first one and had already made the tour of the grove, not finding the one he sought. Now, he put a yellow enveloped message in Dallie's trembling hand.
Dallie's was one of those natures that cannot faint and burden others in awful extremities. Before she opened the envelope, she experienced that fearful strangling in the throat that accompany the hearing of shocking news. She realized that the saddest thing that could happen to her was about to happen. This swift premonition prepared her somewhat for his brief message from her family physician. "Your father fell from a staging--dangerously hurt. Come a once." A.F. THORNE, M.D.
Grief and anxiety were now at their height, and now torture added its sting, for it was simply torture to tell Mrs. Skittles what had happened and endure the selfish plaints she uttered. Strongest of Dallie's sensations was the unbroken prayer--"Oh, spare him till we get home!" That prayer was answered. The poor girl was in time,--only in time to hear his good-by. "God bless you, my little Dallie! I wouldn't a shocked your mother in this way if I could a helped it. It was the staging give way--not I. The men will tell you so. God take care of you both and He'll comfort you yet, Dallie, after many days."
"He did not address any special remarks to me," moaned the widow to a neighbor a few days later. "It was all Dallie with him, first and last."
"Lucky your husband had his life insured," observed the neighbor, changing the subject pleasantly.
"Yes--for my benefit," sighed the widow complacently. Dallie would have none of this "blood money" as she felt it to be. For once in her life, she would have her own way. She insisted upon earning her own living. She applied for a vacancy as a book-keeper, but, before engaging in the place, a position as teacher was offered her in the primary school. Dallie loved little children, and on assuming the role of teacher, she blossomed into a dignity and enthusiasm that left nothing to be desired in the opinion of both scholar and supervisor.
But though happy when busy in the school-room, her heart sank like lead when she came in sight of her own dear home. Sometimes, she would linger in the wood-shed and whisper fondly to the brown suit that still hung in its accustomed place behind the door. "Poor, blamed, banished papa!" she would cry, and put the empty sleeves around her neck and dry her hot tears against them. Then she would suppress her emotion and go in to cheer up who mother who always saved for Dalrymple a list of the domestic discomforts of the day,--all of her own unhappy moods and tenses--all the failings of long suffering Cressy, the maid-of-all-work. And then as a finale she would moan the refrain of all her grief,--"If your poor papa had only lived!"
Friends and neighbors often reiterated a part of this regret--"If Mr. Skittles had only lived," with the additional remark, "and if Mrs. Skittles had only been taken." It is a mystery indeed that generally the brightest, the best, and most useful members of a family are first allowed entrance to the Better Home.
Dallie grew only the lovelier under the trying discipline. True, the old, glad expression had gone--the pink in her cheeks was fainter and the droop of her shoulders and her languid walk showed she was overworking and lacked the inspiration of love. Months grew to years. Changes came to other homes. Many of Dallie's old school-mates went to homes of their own. It was rumored that Mr. Mellis had given up his law business entirely and would devote himself to mining interests in a distant land. Subsequently, the report came that he had lost everything. One confirmation of this report was that Mrs. Skittles was notified to pay the rent money into the hands of a new agent.
Strangers soon took possession of the neighboring mansion which held poor Dallie's vain dreams. The familiar garden was speedily transformed into a very different looking spot. Most of the old shrubs were uprooted,--the terrace graded into one velvet slope; and, on its bank, the skillful gardener, before many weeks had formed in rich mosaic of foliage plants,--a brilliant cross. It seemed to Dallie that it rested on her heart rather than on the green earth. The mansion was lively with voices, young and old, but the children were seldom permitted in the grounds where the old English gardener held sway. When they went out for an airing, they were too elaborately dressed to play, and a capped and aproned nurse walked beside them to see that their toilettes were not disarranged.
On one of the rare occasions when the little ones walked in the garden, with the nurse saying "shoo" on this side and the gardener saying "shoo" on the other, as if they were so many trespassing chickens, Mrs. Skittles sat by Dallie's chamber window, mournfully gazing out upon the scene. "Look here a minute, Dalrymple!" said she. "Don't you think Squire Mellis would have let his children play there? He liked those old-fashioned snowball bushes and lilacs and the roses--what a master hand he was for roses! Oh, Dalrymple, I'm afraid I made a mistake. But you see I wanted you all to myself. Will you forgive me, child?"
"Don't speak of it, poor mother!" said Dallie, "It can't be helped now."
"But, Dalrymple," persisted her mother. "I must say something. Did you ever have any other beau but him? Oh, Dalrymple, what if you should be an old maid!"
A look of scorn that was strange to Dallie's sweet face contracted her lips for an instant, but it gave place instantly to her usual, noble expression. "Don't worry about that, mother," she said. "There could never be but one love for me, any more than there could be more than one papa."
"As to that," said the widow, with a silly smile, "I may say that you have had more than one chance of another papa and I have not decided what answer I shall give to old Dr. Thorne on the subject. Don't be foolish, Dalrymple."
Oh, the bitterness of having a mother so unlike in every respect that there could be no sympathy! Yet before the sacred name of mother, Dallie could check an indignant reply. "It is not pleasant to speak of anything so unpleasant and unlikely, mamma," said she gently and walked out of the room, lest she should say more. From this time, Mrs. Skittles' thoughts centered upon a new worry,--"What if Dalrymple should be an old maid."
The poor girl had cause to blush more than once because of her mother's attempts at matchmaking. When the new minister, in his round of pastoral invitation, called at "the house on the back street," Mrs. Skittles astonished him with her remark,--"What do you think, Mr. Ballard! I was engaged at sixteen, and married at eighteen, and here's my daughter, still in the market at twenty-eight!" Of course, the minister was disgusted with the widow's evident angling, but he observed the closer and with increasing admiration the daughter in question.
In fact, he gave Dallie the trouble of refusing him as she had refused many suitors before. Mrs. Skittles was none the wiser, though it might have soothed her troubled soul had she known that Dallie was appreciated. By the time Dallie was thirty a new trial came to her. She was obliged to give up her congenial occupation of teaching and devote herself entirely to her mother. The nervous tendencies which Mrs. Skittles had shown for years, now developed in alarming proportions and were pronounced as insanity.
"You are wrong," urged a friendly neighbor, as Dallie declared her intention to take care of her mother herself. "You have given up your whole life to her, already. Now, she does not know one person from another. She would kill you in one minute, when her raving moods are upon her. Why will you do it?"
"She is my mother," said Dallie simply, "and she is all I have in the world to care for." And care for she did till the tortured, raving spirit slept in heavenly rest, its disease forever cured,--its sins forgiven, and, let us hope, its power of tormenting taken away by Him who of old cast the devils out of women, and men as well. The day she died, Mrs. Skittles' reason returned for one brief glimmer. "Poor Dalrymple!" she sighed. "God will make it up to you after so many days."
Shortly after her mother died, Dallie received a notification from the agent to whom she was accustomed to hand the rent, that the house she occupied had again been sold and that she must look for a new home, as the present owner wished to take possession as soon as possible. Poor Dallie! How she loved the little home where all her life had been spent. How could she give it up! She fairly broke down as she never had done before, and all her woes seemed dissolving into tears that would have their way.
As she was thus overcome with this last grief, Dr. Thorne happened to call and of course she had to explain her trouble. After a few moments' consideration, the good man said: "Don't be so down-hearted about it, Miss Dallie. I have an idea. Maybe this man that has bought the house would let you retain a room or two. I know,--he hasn't much of a family and he is kind-hearted and accommodating, I promise you. I suppose you don't feel much like meeting strangers, but I shall ask him to call round here this very evening and we will have this matter attended to without delay."
"Oh, I don't dare to hope!" smiled Dallie through her tears, but it was plain she did hope very strongly, for she had known Dr. Thorne so many years and he was not a man to offer unlikely encouragement. After tea, when Cressy had washed the dishes and gone out, Dallie went about the dear old home, from room to room, talking to each familiar spot as if it were a cognizant spirit.
"Oh, I hope I shan't have to give you up! Dr. Thorne says perhaps I may stay." The door-bell startled her. "The new owner!" she exclaimed. It chanced that Cressy had carelessly left the front door ajar, and immediately after ringing, the new owner saw this opportunity of entering which he improved and took possession at once. Took possession not only of the dear home itself but of its mistress' trembling little hands, as she was coming from the bright sitting-room into the shaded hall.
"Oh, Dimple!" he cried, glad to notice that the alarm in her face was giving place to utter joy--"After so many, many days!" We can imagine what long and interesting stories each had to tell the other--stories of over fifteen hard years. At last, they both felt that dying prayers had been answered and that God had, indeed made it up to them "After many days." They felt so truly, but the less sanctified neighbors sometimes remarked that Mrs. Skittles surely had took more than belonged to her when, without other reason than her unwillingness to part from her daughter she forced her to give up a lover, in every way desirable, so that the brightest days of youth were lost to them both.
However there is not now a happier pair in ----- than Mr. and Mrs. Mellis,--though early youth is gone and wealth is gone. They even looked serenely and without envy on the English gardener's floral abomination on the velvet slope that they can see from their kitchen windows. They are happy that they can spend their lives together in "the little house on the back street." THE END.
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debbiedeane · 1 year
Website: https://www.debbiedeane.com/
Address: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Debbie Deane hails from a musical world without boundaries, where singer-songwriters and top-tier jazz musicians breathe the same creative air. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Debbie grew up listening to Carole King, Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchell, and Steely Dan. As a teenager she explored the fertile ground of the Great American Songbook. Introduced to folk, funk and fusion by her older brother, she studied the great divas of the jazz and pop worlds developing an intense interest in jazz harmony. Music was the ultimate refuge.
After earning a degree in English Literature from Harvard, Debbie embarked on a career in music. She studied jazz intensively at Boston’s Berklee College of Music, honing the piano skills that she continues to display as a singer-songwriter. At first her songwriting and singing came as an afterthought, but then took center stage.
In her performing and recording life, Debbie had the good fortune to work with  acclaimed jazz musicians who share her interest in quality songwriting — people like drummer Brian Blade and the late, great bass player Jeff Andrews.  Moving back to Brooklyn, she lived in a ""jazz den"" with some of the city’s most promising jazz musicians, including saxophonists Seamus Blake and Terry Deane, drummer Marc Miralta and pianists John Stetch and George Colligan. ""Everyone came through our place,"" says Debbie. ""The people I’ve played with, they’re all my friends and they’ve known me, they’ve been my roommates and people I went to school with."" Their presence on Debbie’s recordings and at her live shows is a powerful endorsement.
Debbie continues to gig extensively in New York and beyond.
Piano Lessons:
Debbie Deane has been a piano teacher for over 20 years. She teaches out of her home in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn, specializing in kids ages 6 and up.  
She teaches the fundamentals and basics - scales, reading music, music theory, and playing by ear. Her students play a lot of songs. Each student is different, and she tailors lessons accordingly. As a result, she teaches all styles of music. She does have a soft spot for Bach and Beethoven, so everyone has to try classical, which is great for technique.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DebbieDeaneMusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debbiedeanemusic/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@debbiedeane8771/
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ottawarealtor · 2 years
Happy Friday ! We just listed this stunning 2 storey stacked condo on top floor which is a perfect spot and price for a first time home buyer....walking distance to parks, schools and all that Halfmoon Bay has to offer. 105 WALLEYE PVT, Ottawa K2J 6L3 Listed at $449,880  MLS#1330638 Condo Fee $278/Monthly covers Building Insurance, Management and caretaker 2 beds / 2 baths/ 2 balconies / 1 parking spot / great size Live in this almost new Mattamy built 2 bedroom upper level stacked terrace home located in Half Moon Bay in Barrhaven, close to schools, parks, walking trails, shopping and more! At 1294 sq. ft. this condo is larger than it looks and features a spacious foyer with mirrored closet leading to the main floor, which has hardwood throughout, an open concept living/dining room with access to a private balcony, a gorgeous kitchen with stainless appliances, granite counters and a breakfast bar, a powder room and storage/utility room. Upper level boasts 2 good sized bedrooms, each with their own walk-in closets and a primary with cheater access to the full bathroom and the second bedroom has a private covered balcony. This condo comes with all appliances, air conditioning and 1 parking spot just outside the door. Don't miss your chance to live in a great location, close to everything! Currently rented to great tenant who is willing to stay - Perfect for investor or first time home buyer Book your showing today! #ottawa #barrhaven #new #stackedcondo #2floors #halfmoonbay #forsale #barrhavencondo #barrhavenhomes #barrhavenrealesate #soldbysorin #ottawarealestate #ottawacondo #greatprice
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The Pre-Construction Boom: Exploring the Hottest Condos in Ajax
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Ajax is the latest hot spot in Durham Region's condo construction frenzy. This exciting east GTA suburb offers an enticing mix of affordable pricing, expanding amenities, and easy Toronto connections. It's no surprise that pre construction condos in Ajax are red-hot among investors and first-time homebuyers. Here's a closer look at some of the buzziest new developments hitting the market.
Lake Pointe Condos
Kicking things off is Lake Pointe Condos by Your Home Developments. This new low-rise condo/townhome project lies just minutes from serene Lake Ontario at 253 Lake Driveway West.
Key Details:
181 units (mix of condos and towns)
3-minute drive to lakefront trails and beaches
Anticipated pricing from mid $500s
Amenities: Outdoor pool/terrace, gym, party room 
It has amazing waterfront-adjacent location and family-sized units. Lake Pointe offers a balance of suburban space with lakeside recreation nearby. An appealing option for families or downsizers craving a peaceful yet convenient lifestyle.  
Garden on the Bay Condos
Garden on the Bay Condos brings modern urban living to Ajax's rapidly developing Rossland Rd West pocket. The project by 95 Developments Inc hits all the hot buttons for today's buyers:
Upscale amenities: Co-working spaces, games lounge, fitness center
Steps to many schools and green spaces  
Easy highway access plus future LRT/GO transit expansion
Trendy open-concept suites with chic interior appointments
This well-rounded development checks boxes for buyers looking for pre construction Condos in Ajax in a family-friendly enclave. Expect pricing details soon!
Vidal Condominiums
For sophisticated luxury, set your sights on Vidal Condominiums by Matrix Development Group. This stunning boutique 10-storey project occupies a great location at Pickering Beach Rd & Bayly St:
Striking architectural design with curved glass facades 
12,000 sq ft of indulgent indoor/outdoor amenities 
Suites with 9' ceilings, premium finishes and appliances
Steps to lakefront trails, marinas, dining and retail 
Vidal represents that perfect intersection of style, amenity and location. It is for discerning buyers willing to pay a premium for the ultimate lakeside lifestyle.  
More Sizzling Condo Options in Ajax:
27 Harwood Ave South Condos (U Developments): 131 units in downtown core 
Jax Condos by Crystal Glen Homes at 961 Ravenscroft Rd, Ajax
Victoria Tower by OHM Developments at 3 Rossland Road West, Ajax, 10 Stories / 130 units
Plus many other pre construction condos in Ajax's pipeline!
With new transit expanding, plus abundant green space and amenities - Ajax is emerging as a true bedroom community alternative to Toronto. Expect pre construction condos in Ajax to remain red-hot as buyers flock to this value-packed suburb.
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mysgprop-cstee · 6 months
Lentor Modern
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THE MOST ANTICIPATED MIXED-USE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT By A Leading Developer In Mixed-Use Development, GUOCOLAND 1BR 527sf #25-xx $1,358,000 - Last 1  3BR+ Flex (969-1130sf) from $2,211,000 - Last 11 “Located in the Thomson area that has mostly landed homes, residents will also enjoy unblocked views of the surrounding areas. Living there also means having vast amount of nature reserves and parks in proximity,” - Guocoland Singapore ✔1.7Ha Integrated Mixed-Use Development in the new Lentor Precinct. ✔ Modern homes, above a shopping mall, directly connected to Lentor MRT ✔ Three 25-storey towers with 605 units of 1 to 4 Bedrooms and a Sky Terrace in each tower. ✔ Directly Linked to Lentor MRT - TEL conveniently connects you to Orchard Road, CBD & East Coast. ✔ Above a shopping mall with over 96,000sqft of Retail and F&B options, including Cafes, Restaurants, Clinics, Childcare Centre & a 12,000sqft Supermarket ✔ Schools Within 2km such as Anderson Pri, Yio Chu Kang Sec, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls', Mayflower Pri/Sec & Nanyang Polytechnic. https://youtu.be/SRZzfvoOJHY https://youtu.be/BW5W1faEV64 "Defining Millennial Modern Living" Quick LinksFact Sheet Unique Selling Points 360 Degree View Clip Nearby MRT/ Schools/ Shopping Mall Showflat Virtual Tour Level 1 Facilities Tour Level 4 Facilities Tour Level 14 Facilities Tour Floor Plan & Virtual Tours: Download e-Brochure StarBuy FAQs Integrated with the new Lentor MRT station, Lentor Modern will be a mixed used development comprising three 25-storey towers with around 605 residential units. Lentor Modern will feature a double-volume sky terrace in each tower. The ground floor will offer  a wide range of F&B and retail options at their doorstep, including a supermarket and childcare facilities. Envisioned to redefine the Lentor Hill area as an exciting residential and lifestyle destination, residents can look forward to modern City Living in the exclusive heartland.
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The Lentor Central site, Lentor Modern is next to the Lentor MRT station, as part of the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). The TEL is being constructed in five phases, with the Lentor station being part of the Phase 2 opening, which comprises of five other stations, namely: Springleaf, Mayflower, Bright Hill, Upper Thomson and Caldecott. The Caldecott station will connect commuters to the Circle Line while the Bright Hill Station will serve as an interchange station with the Cross-Island Line. The TEL when fully operational will give residents direct access to places such as Orchard Road, Great World City, Shenton Way, Gardens by the Bay, Tanjong Katong, and Siglap.
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Lentor Modern - Public Plaza Future residents who are avid cyclists will be delighted to know that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has announced works to extend the cycling network in Ang Mo Kio – which is slated to add an additional 6.8km of cycling paths, of these, 2km will be in the form of new park connectors, set to be completed by 2023, the rest are cycling paths that will be built by 2026. The LTA has said that these cycling paths will be directly connected to Mayflower and Lentor MRT stations to improve connectivity for residents to other amenities in the greater Ang Mo Kio area. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject Name曲水伦庭 Lentor Modern @Lentor CentralDeveloper NameGLL D Pte. Ltd. (GuocoLand)LocationLentor Central, Singapore 789361 (District 26)Tenure of Land99 years lease from 26th Oct 2021Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)Q4 2025Site areaApprox 17,279.9 sqm and GFA of 60,480 sqmTotal No. of UnitsResidential: Est. 605 units in three blocks of 25-storey Commercial: 96,000 sqft, including 12,000 sq ft Supermarket and 10,000 sq ft Childcare Centre Car ParksRESIDENTIAL: 547 carpark lots + 152 Bicycles Lots at 2nd and 3rd storeys. COMMERCIAL: 122 carpark lots + 50 Bicycles Lots at Basement Updated Fact Sheet for Lentor Modern
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Premium developer - Guocoland Guocoland Since being listed in Singapore in 1978, GuocoLand Limited has quickly risen to become one of the leaders in property development across Asia. With top class operations throughout Singapore, China, Vietnam and Malaysia, the group has delivered the highest standard of property development, management, sales, investing, hotel operations and more for over 40 years. With its headquarters located in Singapore, the group is looking forward to completing yet another impeccable residential development project with The Avenir. With 35 residential projects to its name in Singapore alone, GuocoLand has seen over 10,000 apartments and homes be sold to satisfied customers that love their blend of practical and luxurious design. Some of GuocoLand’s flagship projects include the Guoco Tower, the high-class Wallich Residence luxury apartments, Leedon Residence, Sims Urban Oasis and much, much more.
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Developer
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Developer Awards Unique Selling Points 1. Integrated With 2 Levels Of Retail Space directly connected to the Lentor MRT station on the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). Solve all your basic needs, including child care, food and grocery. 2. Unblock ViewMostly low-density and landed private housing and is known for its quiet ambience.  3. Nature7 Mins Drive To Thomson Nature Park & Lower Pierce Reservoir Park 4. UniqueThe One Project That Will Spin Off To Multiple Launches (5 Confirmed Sites) Within 2022 And 2023! As the trend setter, Lentor Modern will set the benchmark for rental price in the vicinity. 5. Good Transport ConnectivityWhen Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL) is fully operational, it will offer residents direct access to places such as Orchard Road, Great World City, Shenton Way, Gardens by the Bay, Tanjong Katong, and all the way to Changi Airport. 6. Transformation of the North RegionThe North Coast Innovation Corridor (NCIC)The Woodlands Regional CentreRail Transport System (RTS)Redevelopment of Sembawang Shipyard 7. Good Exit StrategyIt offers a higher rate of capital appreciation as it is "new township"
With an integration to Lentor MRT Station, along the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL), residents will enjoy seamless connectivity to other parts of Singapore. When the Thomson-East Coast Line is fully operational, residents may only take 20 minutes of travelling time to get to Orchard Road via direct train access. Orchard MRT is just 9 stops away and Thomson Plaza is just 2 stops from Lentor Modern. This is a prime example of a co-located development in line with the Government’s Master Plan of building towns that are vibrant and self-sufficient with everything that you need being easily accessible without travelling too far. Once completed, the Thomson-East Coast Line will stretch from Woodlands North to Orchard to the Central Business District to East Coast before ending in the Eastern part of Singapore in Bedok.
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Lentor-MRT There are also a plenty of green recreation spaces that will appeal to nature buffs and fitness enthusiasts. There is the nearby Lower Pierce Reservoir which presents charming views of the secondary forests, hiking trails and the tranquil boardwalk where visitors can seek respite from the hustle and bustle of urban living. Future upcoming park connectors in the area will link residents to Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West as well as the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. The latter is one of the largest urban parks in central Singapore that is filled with lush lawns and has a 3-km meandering river. Families with school-going children will be glad to know that there are a number of established schools around the area, such as Presbyterian High School, Anderson Primary School, and CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School.
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Upper Peirce Reservoir View (SOUTH)
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Unblocked Landed View (NORTH) 360 Degree View Clip https://youtu.be/C7Z0VMHidKY Lentor Modern Surrounding Building and Views Nearby MRT/ Schools/ Shopping Mall Trains (MRT) • LENTOR MRT TE5 100m Groceries/ Shopping • Lentor Modern commercial space 0m • Broadway Plaza 1.98 km   Schools • Anderson Primary 770m • Presbyterian High 970m • Yio Chu Kang Secondary 1.15 km • Chij St. Nicholas Girls' 1.36 km • Mayflower Primary 1.41 km
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Site Plan & Unit Mixes
Lentor Modern’s landscape design centre around the concept of wellness with nature, to use nature with tailored spaces for enjoyment, relaxation and wellness. The site is once seated on a secondary forest environment with a fresh water stream meandering through the site. This forest stream landscape inspired the organic design of the landscapes that are applied in Lentor Modern. Lush greenery of tree groves surrounding Lentor Modern mimicking the native forest enhancing the development on the ground level and the use of ‘forest giant’ trees species at the public plaza preserve the memory of the lentor forest with foresty ambience comfort. Inspired by 曲水流觞, a 200m long water body is designed along the landscape deck at level 4, like the Lentor stream that is once flowing through the site. Resting terraces, pool alcoves, garden pavilions are strategically positioned to be along this ‘stream’ which is also the recreation pools and landscape ponds. These tailored spaces meandering beside the ‘stream’ offer residents with therapeutic greenery of outdoors respites for exercising, strolling, book reading, yoga/meditation, gardening, glamping and social/entertainment interaction. This relationship between water and landscape provide tranquility is a boost to the human's senses for relaxation and restorative experience.
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Site Plan Unit Types Amidst the steam landscape and wellness gardens at the 4th storey, there are 3 residential tower blocks, each with a sky terrace high up on the 14th storey. Given the nature of sky terraces are elevated from the ground, away from the hustle and bustle of the communal landscape deck, the sky terraces offer small alcoves and corners that residents must meander through to enjoy quiet ambience for solo working or small groups interaction as well as the enjoyment of the views of the surrounding Nature reserves. The façade design of the ground floor and podium takes its cue from the concept of the site as an extension of the Lentor Secondary Forest which used to occupy the area where the development is located. Nature inspired prints imprinted on the facade complements the internal finishes which features the re-creation of Lentor Streams flowing through the podium space and forms a backdrop to the forest giants landscaping the Public Plaza. The entrances into the podium are accentuated by large variable volume canopies which mimic the treetop canopy, tapering down into cozy low volume spaces as users pass from the outside into the inside space. The tower blocks which sit on the podium overlooks a lushly planted landscape deck dominated by flora native to the area and also the future Hillock Park across the development. The façade design of the towers features contrasting earth tones and linear ledges which break down the scale of the tower and provide sun shading to the units. Egg-crate screens are used on the external areas of the façade which is envisaged to draw in pixelated light to the balcony floor and living areas making reference to sunlight trickling through the thick canopy on the forest floor. Unit Mixes:  - Typical Ceiling Heights: 2.845m - 3 Lifts Per Tower - 9 or 10 units per floor - 600mm x 600mm Porcelain Tiles - Brands: SMEG/ Franke/ Hansgrohe/ Roca/ Mitsubishi  - Smart home features - lighting points to designated areas, air-conditioning.
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Lentor Modern Units Mixes
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Showflat Virtual Tour Level 1 Facilities Tour Level 4 Facilities Tour Level 14 Facilities Tour Floor Plan & Virtual Tours:
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Floor Plan 2BR Flexi (Draft)
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Floor Plan 3BR Flexi (Draft)
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Floor Plan 4BR Flexi (Draft)
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Lentor Modern by Guocoland
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Lentor Modern - Public Plaza
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Commercial Podium Shops
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Directly Connected to MRT Read the full article
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lindsaywesker · 9 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Just come in from the airport.  Fully dressed!  Well, what do you expect?  It’s bloody freezing out there! 
When I left Montego Bay yesterday evening, it was T-shirt weather.  Coming off that plane, I got an icy blast!  Oh, well.  If you go to Jamaica on New Year’s Day, that is bound to happen.
The house is the same as we left it.  A chaotic mess!  The Christmas tree is still up but, as it cost so much, and as the weather in wintery, and as I’ve still got some honey-roasted cashews left – sod it – in my house, it will remain Christmas until The Trouble comes home in a few weeks’ time.
Term has begun.  First online class tomorrow night.  First Teams meeting on Thursday, first two classes on campus on Friday.  Everything swings back in action.  My son and the kids will be home tomorrow morning.  They have to go back to school, and the adults have to go back to work.  Naturally, I’ll be back on the mean streets of Deptford on Saturday to do my radio show.
Jamaica was not a holiday.  Another funeral is NOT my idea of a holiday!  Of course, I love Jamaica and I love Jamaicans but I could never live there.  It’s not me.  I love travel but I need variety.  The next time I get on a plane, it will be to work (Ibiza Soul Week) and, the time after that, it will be to visit somewhere I’ve never been before.  The list of destinations I want to visit is not getting any shorter!
I took a photo of my father-in-law’s back garden.  Well, compared to my postage stamp in terraced Harlesden, it’s not really a garden.  In Daddy’s back yard, he grew things and ate the things he grew.  He would pull green banana off a tree, pop it in a saucepan and that would be his lunch.  That jungle needs a bit of TLC.  No one to take care of it.  Somebody else’s job now.    
At the church, on the day of the funeral, I struggled a bit.  The Trouble’s dad was a top bloke.  Everybody liked him.  One of C’s cousins – a bit worse for wear – sidled up beside me and said, “He was my mentor!”  He will be missed. 
Have a tremendous & tumultuous Tuesday.  I love you all.
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things-to-do-oaklandca · 11 months
Oakland, CA, has something for everyone
Oakland, CA, residents are known for their strong sense of community. They are passionate and involved in various activities, such as volunteering and neighborhood associations, to make a difference in their community. Oakland is also home to natural beauty, with the stunning Oakland Hills to the east and San Francisco Bay to the west, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities. Residents can explore numerous parks and trails and immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural surroundings. Overall, Oakland is a city that offers something for everyone, including food, art, culture, and nature, making it an excellent place to live for people of all ages and interests. It's no surprise that many people choose to move here.
Apartments near Oakland School for the Arts
Looking for the best apartment near Oakland School of the Arts? Look no further than the Edson House! This state-of-the-art community provides an array of luxurious amenities that will exceed your expectations. Stay in top shape with the fully equipped fitness center, where you can work out and achieve your health goals. Watch the breathtaking view from the stunning rooftop terrace. This is indeed a perfect spot to relax, unwind, and enjoy after a long day. Indulge in the ultimate luxury experience at the exclusive sky lounge, where you can socialize with friends and neighbors in a sophisticated setting. Stay connected and enjoy seamless online experiences with the high-speed internet service, allowing you to easily work, stream, and connect. For further information, please feel free to contact the dedicated team to assist you at (855) 997-6226.
Chabot Space & Science Center
The Chabot Space & Science Center is a unique destination for those looking to explore space and science. Visitors can learn about astronomy, space exploration, and biology through exhibits and special events. The center also features a planetarium and an observatory, where you can see unique artifacts such as a Tesla coil, a Foucault pendulum, and a Foucault's gyroscope. The planetarium offers an immersive experience through films about space and science. Additionally, there are special events like stargazing parties, laser light shows, and family workshops. The center is on a hilltop in Oakland, providing a stunning view of the city skyline and the San Francisco Bay. It's an ideal destination for people of all ages and interests.
New leaders elected for Oakland Police Commission 
The Oakland Police Commission has welcomed two new members, Kayel Ordaz, and Wilson Riles, Jr., appointed by a selection panel. The changes may not result in a more functional police watchdog as they face internal chaos, boycotts, canceled meetings, and lawsuits. Riles, who served on the Oakland City Council from 1979 to 1992, emphasized the commission's priority of finding a police chief. Ordaz, a former alternate on the commission, works for the Unity Council, a nonprofit organization in Fruitvale. The Friday meeting was so hastily organized that a security guard was unaware of any public meetings. Marsha Peterson was elected as chair and Ordaz as vice chair, vowing to lead the commission with integrity, transparency, and a collaborative approach.
Link to maps
Chabot Space & Science Center 10000 Skyline Blvd, Oakland, CA 94619, United States Get on CA-13 N/State Hwy 13 N 6 min (2.7 mi) Continue on CA-13 N/State Hwy 13 N. Take CA-24 W to Harrison St. Take exit 21A from I-580 E 7 min (7.2 mi) Continue on Harrison St. Drive to 29th St 2 min (0.5 mi) Edson House 295 29th St, Oakland, CA 94611, United States
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dorapuig · 1 year
📍2055 S Miami Avenue ~ Brickell, Miami
▫️8 Bedrooms + 6.5 Bathrooms
▫️5,236 Adj Gross SF Home on 17,000 SF LOT
𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 $𝟓,𝟐𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎
• Lush Tropical Landscaping on MASSIVE 17,000 SF LOT Perfectly Nestled in Nature Between Coconut Grove, Brickell & Key Biscayne
• LOT may also be Split to Develop 2 New Homes, each with 8,500 SF of Land 🏡
• Living Area Flows Seamlessly into Family Room, Florida Room, Formal Dining & Office
• Beautiful Vaulted, Wood-Beamed Ceilings & French Doors Leading to Outside from Living Areas
• Enjoy Outdoor Living with Expansive Deck Perfect for Outdoor Entertaining with Pool, Dining & Lounging Areas
• Second Floor with Split Floorplan Featuring Primary Suite with Huge Terrace Overlooking Pool + Large Walk-In Closet
• Opposite Wing with 5 Additional Bedrooms & Family Room Area
• Separate Chef’s Eat-in Kitchen Equipped with Stainless Steel Appliances & Wine Refrigerator
• Includes 800 Gallon Generator
• Located Near Highly Rated Schools, Bayfront Parks, Marinas, & the Beaches of Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, Near Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, & Short Walk to Biscayne Bay
Exclusively Listed by …
𝐃𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐏𝐮𝐢𝐠 🌸 𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲
Ranked # 𝟏 𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐌𝐈 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇, # 𝟔 𝐅𝐋, # 𝟐𝟐 𝐔𝐒𝐀 by The Real Trends in @wsj
#2055SMiamiAvenue #brickellhomes #liveinbrickell #movetomiami #miamirealestate #miamihomes #miamiluxuryhomes #miamirealestate #luxuryrealestate #dorapuig #luxelivingrealty #luxelivingmiami
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Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features hardwood floors throughout, brand new bathrooms, newer EIK, modern front-load washer/dryer, full dining room, large living area, 3 spacious bedrooms and plenty of storage. Master bedroom includes both a standard closet and custom closet wall unit. Large windows face many directions for tons of natural light. Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from the LIRR. Walking distance to the Bay Terrace Shopping Center, Baybridge Commons Shopping Center, pool clubs, movie theaters and tennis courts. 1.5 blocks away from elementary school PS 169 and Bell Academy middle school in the award-winning District 25. Don’t miss this opportunity!
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mastermover345 · 2 years
The Bounty Of The Burbs Keeps This Property Market Buoyant
At the opening of the Cape Town FestivalStephen Fay remembered that Bill Lennox launched the Drummers’ Salute into Wynberg’s repertoire. It was appropriate that the luncheon on Founders’ Day this yr had two side-drummers from the 1987 band who have been invited back by Johan van Rooyen to International Movers Wynberg a loud rendition of the Drummers’ Salute. This summonsed the invited Drum Majors into the Bill Bowden Pavilion for lunch. Long standing neighbours should have thought that they had been in a time-warp as their drumming echoed off the Wynberg Hill.
With out there land for further growth at a premium, we are seeing the emergence of boutique estates, comprising a couple of houses on prime land, says Beck. Cadogan Place and Struben of AVIEW, each positioned in the sought-after Upper Claremont/Hen and Chicken Estate, supply top-notch safety, spectacular views and a convenient location. Another new improvement is Brommaert Terrace that provides six luxurious homes in Upper Constantia. “It’s this versatility that makes any area within the Southern Suburbs a sound funding choice and has seen it ranked as one of many top three sub-regions by way of worth efficiency in the Cape metro’s housing market in latest times. House prices on this region have increased by 81% over the previous five years, however this development is slowing down according to present market developments affected by the sluggish economy. From this base we’ve grown to supply a broad vary of companies to answer all of the monetary wants of our clients.
Mid-year property market trends from FNB exhibits that liquidity in the market remains intact with exercise still above pre-pandemic ranges. After some acceleration in home prices during the latter a half of 2020, the financial institution's House Price Index reveals a slowdown in growth to three.7% year-on-year, down from 4.2% in May as the preliminary "buyer frenzy" cools barely. The buoyant purchaser activity has been great information for sellers who've additionally been able to take advantage of the market and move on to their next property story. Movement in the market additionally paves the greatest way for brand spanking new listings to come onto the market.
Someone hadn't switched his phone off and it sounded distinctly as if it emanated from the Headmaster. The Jonny Cooper Concert, with its 19 musicians, has now ensured that it has cemented an integral and particular place within the school’s annual cultural calendar. Constantia is thought for its pure beauty that features several Home Movers Wynberg greenbelts, access to wine farms and vineyards, as well as strolling trails from Constantia Nek and Cecilia Forest. It is also attracting owners with an eye fixed for revolutionary design that complements the luxurious environment.
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It made me think how a lot Wynberg as a suburb and Wynberg as a School - or as it was identified in your day, Wynberg High School for Boys - has modified within the intervening century. Later that day, one of many academics, Don Allan, who additionally lived in House Bay, took the by now exhausted gosling to the World of Birds. I even have usually wondered through the years whether or not those households of Egyptian geese which take up a messy residence annually in our faculty Corporate Office Movers Wynberg pool or on the astroturf are progeny of my goose. He taught for 5 years very happily at the college before he moved on to teach overseas. During this time, none of us talked about the gosling incident – it remained one of those unspoken reminiscences that it would be impolite to bring up. Rather like a gin-swilling maiden aunt, it was deemed higher not to point out the subject in polite company.
I would immediately consider employing a well-established, non-public security company to watch the entire area. We can not rely on the police alone to handle this space always. Again, concentrating on Main Road, the realm behind Wynberg Mall, near the Taxi Rank and Wynberg Station.
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Take a breather in your busy day with this curated assortment of relaxing reads, real-life stories, interviews, everyday tips, and skilled insights. Langenhoven claims the proprietor has taken no steps to safe his building to prevent reoccupation of his property after Friday’s operation. When the cleansing Moving Company Wynberg professionals come they bring their very own provides. Chances are you don’t just have toilet cleaner within the provide room. In order to get the deep clean your office or retail space needs, you must have the best cleansing provides.
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tweedheadsaustralia · 2 years
Private & Peaceful Feel Good Family Home
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bondibeachaustralia · 2 years
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megalony · 3 years
Your Mother, and Mine
This is a new Tom Holland series I am hopefully going to be writing, I hope you will all enjoy it and tell me what you think.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez-blog​ @jonesyaddiction​ @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​ @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @ceres27​ @thereisa8ella​ @qardasngan​
Part 2
Summary: Tom and (Y/n) are expecting their first child together and everyone is excited. But (Y/n) fears she won’t be a good mother when her own mum put her through Hell and back and the past won’t leave her alone.
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"Great-grandma, oh I can't believe it. Oh that makes me sound so old."
A fond smile formed on Tom's lips causing his eyes to crease as he tried not to laugh, he didn't want to come across as being rude. But the way Laura worded it and how she pursed her lips and pushed back on the sofa showed that the name didn't sit extremely well with her.
She was still a good-looking lady, she didn't look her age at all but Tom knew being called a great-grandma would make her feel her age just like his own mother knew grandma would make her feel old even if she wasn't.
"We'll tell them to call me grandma, you're more of a daughter to me anyway, aren't you?"
A fondness blossomed on (Y/n)'s lips when her grandma leaned their foreheads together in a way she used to do when (Y/n) was a little girl. It was true though, Laura had raised her two sons but when (Y/n) was born she became the daughter Laura never had. With everything that had happened Laura had had to bring (Y/n) up and they had a mother-daughter bond despite being a generation apart.
(Y/n) and Tom's baby would be her grandchild instead.
"Could you put this on the mantle piece for me please?" Laura held out the scan photo to Tom who smiled brightly, taking the picture from her and getting to his feet.
It had been a bit of a surprise to Tom the first time he had come to Laura's house. For some reason, he had expected her to be the same and have the same house and accessories as his grandparents. He was expecting a mid-terraced house in a quiet area, a small drive and some flowers in pots in the back garden.
Tom hadn't been expecting a grand house such as this in a small quiet area that was quiet with only a few other large houses down the street. The large drive could fit up to five cars in, there was ivory climbing up the top of the white house and a plot of roses growing beneath the bay window.
The back garden was the size of two swimming pools and had flowers everywhere with an old stone path leading to the old wooden swing at the back. The house itself had five rooms upstairs, two en-suites and a big bathroom, a set of stairs leading up to the attic which was more of a storage room and there were three main rooms downstairs and a dining room next to the kitchen.
Tom wasn't from a low income family but before his career they didn't have this kind of money. They were privileged but this house was grand in his opinion. To believe that (Y/n) grew up here was strange, especially considering from Tom's childhood, he had three brothers to play with and friends from school. From what (Y/n) had told him, she was an anxious child who didn't have many friends and she had no siblings to play with here. She had this big house to inspire her imagination and be the base of her games.
"Are you excited Tom?"
"I'm buzzing, I can't wait and I've had all the practice with my brothers." Tom had helped babysit and look after his younger brothers and that was his lead up to being a father. He was counting down the months until he could finally hold his baby and the real excitement would begin.
"It will be nice to have some youth back in this house again. Your grandad's already been looking up in the attic to see what we have in there that you might want. I told him it's far too early but it gets him out my way for a while."
Laura waved her hand behind her as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. As much as she loved her husband, both Tom and (Y/n) knew she was a dominating lady and he could get on her nerves quite a lot. George was laid back, he was always in his own world doing his own thing and it was easier when he was pottering around the garden or rummaging in the attic. It kept him busy and stopped Laura from tripping over him or arguing with him over something.
After their boys moved out, it didn't take long before (Y/n) was born and coming round to visit, then she was staying with them on and off until she eventually lived with them. And she had only moved out two years and now another generation would soon be filling the house again. It never stayed empty or quiet for long.
"Oh I'm so excited for you!"
Reaching over, Laura cupped (Y/n)'s face in her hands, brushing her thumbs over her cheeks as she grinned like the Cheshire cat. Their eyes locked for a few seconds before she moved her left hand and gently brushed (Y/n)'s hair behind her ear.
"Ma, no." (Y/n) held her breath in her lungs as she quickly moved her hair back to cover the side of her forehead again.
"Honey it's just a little mark-"
"And I don't wanna se it, Ma." (Y/n) tangled her fingers through her hair, keeping the strands where they had been for the past few years now.
(Y/n) couldn't stand those few strands of hair moving behind her ear because she didn't want to catch sight of the mark on her temple. The round, small dent in her head that had a discoloured scar rattling through it. Her hair was grown in this style to specifically cover that mark so no one saw it and (Y/n) didn't have to bear the sight of it and recall why it was there.
"What about your dad, are you telling him or do you want me to when I see him next?"
Laura's swift change of topic made Tom sigh in relief as he shuffled a bit closer to (Y/n) on the sofa when he sat back down. Wrapping his arm around her waist so he could gently lean her back into his chest. He knew it was a sensitive topic to talk about her scar and he also knew that despite how close she was to her grandma, no one would be able to talk about it with her.
The first time Tom had brought it up (Y/n) had closed off and all he knew to date was that she'd had an accident which sent her to hospital and caused her health issues he knew she had. He didn't want to probe or pry any more than that because it hurt (Y/n) a lot to think about, let alone talk about.
"I, I don't know, when will you see him?"
"George, is Bill coming by at the weekend?"
Tom shuddered against (Y/n) with how loud Laura just shouted but he knew with how vast the house was, even talking to someone who was in the kitchen meant having to shout.
Within seconds, (Y/n)'s grandad was walking through into the living room, a tea towel in hand drying his hands and his glasses almost falling from the bridge of his nose. He had a smile on his lips and he nodded his head at the young couple before he looked over to his wife.
"Yes dear, they're both coming on Sunday I think."
"Y-you're letting her come here?"
The sudden fear in (Y/n)'s voice made Tom's arm tighten around her waist and he leaned to press a kiss to her cheek. He knew they were talking about (Y/n)'s mother, there was no one else who had such a bad effect on (Y/n) nor anyone who made Laura's lips curl in such distaste like that.
A feeling of relief started to bubble through (Y/n)'s chest when her grandma reached over and took her hand, a calming look on her face.
"No honey she's not coming in, only your dad can still come here. You know I won't entertain that woman."
The way she said the word woman was like it was venom she was spitting off her tongue. If Laura could have it her own way, her son wouldn't have anything more to do with (Y/n)'s mother, he would have rid of her like the rest of them. But they were his parents and they had to abide by whatever he chose to do with his life. That didn't mean to say that Laura would let Holly into her house though.
After what (Y/n) had gone through in her childhood, Laura was determined to do everything she could to make things better for her. And for that reason, she would not let Holly into her house, whether (Y/n) was there or not.
"Laura, you know what he'll say-"
"And you know my thoughts on that vile woman, she does not step foot in this house and if she tries then Bill is no longer welcome George. He is my son but his choice is one I don't have to live with."
Laura spoke briskly before she got to her feet, shaking her head at her husband before she bypassed him and made her way to the kitchen.
She didn't want to be a cruel woman or mother but there were lines that she just could not cross. To protect (Y/n), she had taken her in and was her legal guardian, she was her mother in every aspect and would do everything right by (Y/n). Bill was her son and Laura never wanted to cut him from her life because he was her flesh and blood but when he chose to still make his marriage to Holly work, he chose her instead of his own daughter. He chose to put (Y/n) second and Laura could not have that.
Laura wouldn't have Holly in her house, she wouldn't speak to her or spare her one look. She was cut off from them all but Bill wasn't, but if he tried to push Holly back into their family they would cut Bill out because (Y/n) couldn't have any contact with her mother anymore. (Y/n) had chosen to be apart from her and Bill understood that so he couldn't try and get Holly back into any of their lives.
No one would accept her.
(Y/n)'s eyes found her grandad's and the soft look in them made her feel calm before she looked at Tom, it was probably time for them to leave.
"You know my views on her, (Y/n), and you are always put first here but we can't decide what your dad does or who he's with. We have to accept it." George held (Y/n)'s elbow in a comforting grip, making sure she knew he wasn't trying to upset her.
He had spoken his mind the moment (Y/n) came to live with them. He had lost his temper for the first time and he had told Holly she was not part of their family and she was not to be in touch with (Y/n) or he would do something very rash. But Bill was his son and they couldn't stop him from making his own choices. George didn't want to lose a son so he would accept Bill's decision.
"I know."
"I bet your gran was excited, wasn't she?" Nicki took a sip of her coffee as she leaned back against the dark grey cushions on the chair. Her eyes watched the way (Y/n) smiled and nodded but her smile didn't reach her rather nervous eyes and she wouldn't look up from the cup of hot chocolate she had been nursing for the last ten minutes.
It had been a bit of a shock and somewhat of a heartache to Nicki when Tom explained to her and Henry that they couldn't mention anything about (Y/n)'s parents when he and her first got together. Tom had given them specific instructions, telling them that (Y/n) was raised by her grandparents and had no relationship with her mother and limited contact with her dad. He explicitly told his parents that they couldn't say anything about her parents her grandparents were her carers.
Nicki couldn't imagine what it was like to be raised by her grandparents instead, nor could she imagine what it would be like for her boys if they weren't raised by her or Henry.
She was desperate for (Y/n) to be comfortable around her and see her as a motherly figure she could talk to and confide in, but things weren't that easy.
It was clear to Nicki that there had been some form of abuse between (Y/n) and her mother, whether it was physical or mental, she couldn't be sure. But the way (Y/n) was so uneasy around Nicki, how she didn't want to be alone with her and how she couldn't strike up a conversation on her own showed her discomfort and displayed some kind of trauma.
Nicki was used to being a motherly figure to all of her boys friends, she wasn't used to having to work up a relationship with someone like this. But she would do all she could to make (Y/n) comfortable around her and in her home because she was family now, especially since she was now having Nicki and Henry's grandchild.
(Y/n) finally dared to lift her eyes from her cup so she could look around the conservatory she was sat in with Nicki. When Tom had gone to the toilet and to make a drink, he had given (Y/n) a look to ensure she would be okay without him.
(Y/n) had told Tom from the beginning that she couldn't be left alone with Nicki and it was nothing against her or Tom, it was because of her past and he knew that. But he was so thrilled that (Y/n) was finally becoming more at ease around his mum, Tom was desperate for them to get along.
"I... um, c-can I ask you something?" (Y/n) couldn't hold eye contact with Nicki for more than a few seconds but she was content looking out the window behind her so she was still looking near her.
"Of course you can darling, what's on your mind?"
"What was it like when you had Tom... I mean, d-did you feel a connection straight away?"
Leaning forward, (Y/n) gently set down her cup on the glass coffee table in front of her that separated her and Nicki. There was no point holding the cup any longer when she had no intentions of drinking from it yet. It also meant that she could fiddle with the rings on her fingers to try and calm down her anxiety. She needed to talk to someone about this and she didn't feel comfortable talking to her grandma about it.
"When... when you have your baby in your arms, it's something amazing, knowing you've created that life. You'll get motherly instincts straight away, but I think you build the connection over the first few weeks, getting used to routines and caring for the baby."
Nicki could never describe what it felt like when she had each of her boys, to feel them in her arms was an amazing, euphoric feeling she always wished to feel. And there was an instant feeling of love for her, but a connection came later. It came after sleepless nights, frets about fevers or sickness and if you're rubbing the babies skin too hard when washing them. After all the panic and the routines, the connection appeared over night.
"I'm scared that I won't have that connection... my mother never had that with me."
"Some women don't, but it depends on circumstances, if you get depression after the birth or things are draining or worrying for you. It doesn't mean anything if you think you don't have that connection right away and there are people to help with that. I think you'll be fine honey."
"I don't want to be like her... she had postnatal depression and that means I might be prone to it too. I don't want to hurt my baby-"
(Y/n) cut herself off by rubbing her hand over her mouth and nose to try and calm herself down. There was no need for her to panic right now, she was only twelve weeks along. There was six months left to get everything prepared and worry before the baby came. But from the moment she knew she was pregnant these thoughts had plagued her constantly.
(Y/n) knew that since her mother had postnatal depression it meant she might be more likely to develop it. Even without her mother having it she could get it but this made her chances higher. She didn't want that, she didn't want to be depressed or feel so low like her mother had that she might put her baby in danger or just not love or care for them at all.
"Hey, I've had the baby blues after I had Paddy but it doesn't last forever and the doctors and midwives are there to help. You're not alone here and it's a low risk that you'll get that because your mum may have had it."
(Y/n) slowly began to rock back and forth on the sofa as she counted her breaths to calm herself down. She knew what Nicki was saying was right and rung true in her ears but she couldn't help but panic.
"My mum didn't want me, she always made that clear. She wasn't like you." "Do you want this baby?"
For a split second, dread surged through Nicki's stomach when (Y/n) continued to rock and she didn't look up at her. What if (Y/n) was worrying this much because she didn't want this baby or didn't feel ready for this? Nicki knew this was what Tom wanted but if it was going to impact on (Y/n)'s mental health and she didn't want this then it couldn't continue.
"I want my baby, I just don't want to be bad, I don't know how to be a mother."
Nicki's relief was evident on her features just as Tom came back around the corner. When he locked eyes with his mother, the nervousness in his brown orbs and the way his breathing was deep and tense showed he had heard more of that conversation than he was supposed to.
"We'll all just have to help you then, won't we?" Nicki smiled encouragingly with a nod of her head before she got to her feet, taking her empty cup to the kitchen to give the couple some time. She knew this conversation was now postponed for another time but she was relieved (Y/n)had said something. She would hate to think of (Y/n) bottling all of these thoughts and feelings up, debating them on her own.
"Baby, what happened between your gran and grandad earlier? Why do they have a problem with your dad?"
Tom had to ask. Even when (Y/n) tiredly slumped against his chest and wound her arms around his middle to get comfy against him, he just had to ask. He never probed too much into (Y/n)'s past or about her parents but it was different now. They were having a baby together and that was going to stir things up for all of (Y/n)'s family, Tom just wanted to be prepared and know a bit of what had happened.
"My mum went to the hospital for treatment and the court said she wasn't allowed to look after me or come into contact with me until she was deemed fit by the doctor. Dad had the choice of looking after me or looking after mum, he chose mum and gran became my legal guardian. She told him if he stayed with her then I stayed with gran."
(Y/n)'s eyes were closed as she buried her face in Tom's chest, breathing in his scent as she rubbed her cheek against his soft white shirt, already feeling her mind beginning to succumb to sleep.
Tom's arms around her were like a comforting blanket she never wanted to leave. He kissed the top of her head repeatedly, leaning further back into the sofa and spreading his legs so he could gently move (Y/n) in between them. Giving her better opportunity to lean into him and have a much needed embrace. He knew comfort was what she needed and wanted right now.
"I never understood until I met you."
"Understood what, baby?"
"Why my dad chose her over me. Staying with gran was what I needed and we all knew dad hated mum for what she did to me, but he couldn't stop himself from loving her. He took care of her, he loved her despite what happened. I don't think I could ever stop loving you, like he can't stop loving her."
(Y/n) knew when she was older that her mum had been in hospital for mental health reasons and that everything she put (Y/n) through wasn't all her fault, some of it was due to her illness. But it never explained or pardoned what she had done to (Y/n). But she never knew why her dad would stand by her after all she had done to them all.
Her grandparents didn't want anything to do with Holly but her dad did, and now she knew why.
He was incapable of ignoring his love for her in the same way that (Y/n) couldn't stop herself from loving Tom.
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mysgprop-cstee · 9 months
Lentor Modern
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THE MOST ANTICIPATED MIXED-USE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT By A Leading Developer In Mixed-Use Development, GUOCOLAND 🔥 1BR/ 2RB/ 4BR - Fully sold Aborted 1BR 527sf #25-xx $1,358,000 - Act fast before others!  3BR+ Flex (969-1130sf) from $2,170,000 “Located in the Thomson area that has mostly landed homes, residents will also enjoy unblocked views of the surrounding areas. Living there also means having vast amount of nature reserves and parks in proximity,” - Guocoland Singapore ✔1.7Ha Integrated Mixed-Use Development in the new Lentor Precinct. ✔ Modern homes, above a shopping mall, directly connected to Lentor MRT ✔ Three 25-storey towers with 605 units of 1 to 4 Bedrooms and a Sky Terrace in each tower. ✔ Directly Linked to Lentor MRT - TEL conveniently connects you to Orchard Road, CBD & East Coast. ✔ Above a shopping mall with over 96,000sqft of Retail and F&B options, including Cafes, Restaurants, Clinics, Childcare Centre & a 12,000sqft Supermarket ✔ Schools Within 2km such as Anderson Pri, Yio Chu Kang Sec, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls', Mayflower Pri/Sec & Nanyang Polytechnic. https://youtu.be/SRZzfvoOJHY https://youtu.be/BW5W1faEV64 "Defining Millennial Modern Living" Quick LinksFact Sheet Unique Selling Points 360 Degree View Clip Nearby MRT/ Schools/ Shopping Mall Showflat Virtual Tour Level 1 Facilities Tour Level 4 Facilities Tour Level 14 Facilities Tour Floor Plan & Virtual Tours: Download e-Brochure StarBuy FAQs Integrated with the new Lentor MRT station, Lentor Modern will be a mixed used development comprising three 25-storey towers with around 605 residential units. Lentor Modern will feature a double-volume sky terrace in each tower. The ground floor will offer  a wide range of F&B and retail options at their doorstep, including a supermarket and childcare facilities. Envisioned to redefine the Lentor Hill area as an exciting residential and lifestyle destination, residents can look forward to modern City Living in the exclusive heartland.
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The Lentor Central site, Lentor Modern is next to the Lentor MRT station, as part of the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). The TEL is being constructed in five phases, with the Lentor station being part of the Phase 2 opening, which comprises of five other stations, namely: Springleaf, Mayflower, Bright Hill, Upper Thomson and Caldecott. The Caldecott station will connect commuters to the Circle Line while the Bright Hill Station will serve as an interchange station with the Cross-Island Line. The TEL when fully operational will give residents direct access to places such as Orchard Road, Great World City, Shenton Way, Gardens by the Bay, Tanjong Katong, and Siglap.
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Lentor Modern - Public Plaza Future residents who are avid cyclists will be delighted to know that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has announced works to extend the cycling network in Ang Mo Kio – which is slated to add an additional 6.8km of cycling paths, of these, 2km will be in the form of new park connectors, set to be completed by 2023, the rest are cycling paths that will be built by 2026. The LTA has said that these cycling paths will be directly connected to Mayflower and Lentor MRT stations to improve connectivity for residents to other amenities in the greater Ang Mo Kio area. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject Name曲水伦庭 Lentor Modern @Lentor CentralDeveloper NameGLL D Pte. Ltd. (GuocoLand)LocationLentor Central, Singapore 789361 (District 26)Tenure of Land99 years lease from 26th Oct 2021Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)Q4 2025Site areaApprox 17,279.9 sqm and GFA of 60,480 sqmTotal No. of UnitsResidential: Est. 605 units in three blocks of 25-storey Commercial: 96,000 sqft, including 12,000 sq ft Supermarket and 10,000 sq ft Childcare Centre Car ParksRESIDENTIAL: 547 carpark lots + 152 Bicycles Lots at 2nd and 3rd storeys. COMMERCIAL: 122 carpark lots + 50 Bicycles Lots at Basement Updated Fact Sheet for Lentor Modern
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Premium developer - Guocoland Guocoland Since being listed in Singapore in 1978, GuocoLand Limited has quickly risen to become one of the leaders in property development across Asia. With top class operations throughout Singapore, China, Vietnam and Malaysia, the group has delivered the highest standard of property development, management, sales, investing, hotel operations and more for over 40 years. With its headquarters located in Singapore, the group is looking forward to completing yet another impeccable residential development project with The Avenir. With 35 residential projects to its name in Singapore alone, GuocoLand has seen over 10,000 apartments and homes be sold to satisfied customers that love their blend of practical and luxurious design. Some of GuocoLand’s flagship projects include the Guoco Tower, the high-class Wallich Residence luxury apartments, Leedon Residence, Sims Urban Oasis and much, much more.
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Developer
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Developer Awards Unique Selling Points 1. Integrated With 2 Levels Of Retail Space directly connected to the Lentor MRT station on the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). Solve all your basic needs, including child care, food and grocery. 2. Unblock ViewMostly low-density and landed private housing and is known for its quiet ambience.  3. Nature7 Mins Drive To Thomson Nature Park & Lower Pierce Reservoir Park 4. UniqueThe One Project That Will Spin Off To Multiple Launches (5 Confirmed Sites) Within 2022 And 2023! As the trend setter, Lentor Modern will set the benchmark for rental price in the vicinity. 5. Good Transport ConnectivityWhen Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL) is fully operational, it will offer residents direct access to places such as Orchard Road, Great World City, Shenton Way, Gardens by the Bay, Tanjong Katong, and all the way to Changi Airport. 6. Transformation of the North RegionThe North Coast Innovation Corridor (NCIC)The Woodlands Regional CentreRail Transport System (RTS)Redevelopment of Sembawang Shipyard 7. Good Exit StrategyIt offers a higher rate of capital appreciation as it is "new township"
With an integration to Lentor MRT Station, along the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL), residents will enjoy seamless connectivity to other parts of Singapore. When the Thomson-East Coast Line is fully operational, residents may only take 20 minutes of travelling time to get to Orchard Road via direct train access. Orchard MRT is just 9 stops away and Thomson Plaza is just 2 stops from Lentor Modern. This is a prime example of a co-located development in line with the Government’s Master Plan of building towns that are vibrant and self-sufficient with everything that you need being easily accessible without travelling too far. Once completed, the Thomson-East Coast Line will stretch from Woodlands North to Orchard to the Central Business District to East Coast before ending in the Eastern part of Singapore in Bedok.
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Lentor-MRT There are also a plenty of green recreation spaces that will appeal to nature buffs and fitness enthusiasts. There is the nearby Lower Pierce Reservoir which presents charming views of the secondary forests, hiking trails and the tranquil boardwalk where visitors can seek respite from the hustle and bustle of urban living. Future upcoming park connectors in the area will link residents to Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West as well as the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. The latter is one of the largest urban parks in central Singapore that is filled with lush lawns and has a 3-km meandering river. Families with school-going children will be glad to know that there are a number of established schools around the area, such as Presbyterian High School, Anderson Primary School, and CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School.
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Upper Peirce Reservoir View (SOUTH)
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Unblocked Landed View (NORTH) 360 Degree View Clip https://youtu.be/C7Z0VMHidKY Lentor Modern Surrounding Building and Views Nearby MRT/ Schools/ Shopping Mall Trains (MRT) • LENTOR MRT TE5 100m Groceries/ Shopping • Lentor Modern commercial space 0m • Broadway Plaza 1.98 km   Schools • Anderson Primary 770m • Presbyterian High 970m • Yio Chu Kang Secondary 1.15 km • Chij St. Nicholas Girls' 1.36 km • Mayflower Primary 1.41 km
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Site Plan & Unit Mixes
Lentor Modern’s landscape design centre around the concept of wellness with nature, to use nature with tailored spaces for enjoyment, relaxation and wellness. The site is once seated on a secondary forest environment with a fresh water stream meandering through the site. This forest stream landscape inspired the organic design of the landscapes that are applied in Lentor Modern. Lush greenery of tree groves surrounding Lentor Modern mimicking the native forest enhancing the development on the ground level and the use of ‘forest giant’ trees species at the public plaza preserve the memory of the lentor forest with foresty ambience comfort. Inspired by 曲水流觞, a 200m long water body is designed along the landscape deck at level 4, like the Lentor stream that is once flowing through the site. Resting terraces, pool alcoves, garden pavilions are strategically positioned to be along this ‘stream’ which is also the recreation pools and landscape ponds. These tailored spaces meandering beside the ‘stream’ offer residents with therapeutic greenery of outdoors respites for exercising, strolling, book reading, yoga/meditation, gardening, glamping and social/entertainment interaction. This relationship between water and landscape provide tranquility is a boost to the human's senses for relaxation and restorative experience.
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Site Plan Unit Types Amidst the steam landscape and wellness gardens at the 4th storey, there are 3 residential tower blocks, each with a sky terrace high up on the 14th storey. Given the nature of sky terraces are elevated from the ground, away from the hustle and bustle of the communal landscape deck, the sky terraces offer small alcoves and corners that residents must meander through to enjoy quiet ambience for solo working or small groups interaction as well as the enjoyment of the views of the surrounding Nature reserves. The façade design of the ground floor and podium takes its cue from the concept of the site as an extension of the Lentor Secondary Forest which used to occupy the area where the development is located. Nature inspired prints imprinted on the facade complements the internal finishes which features the re-creation of Lentor Streams flowing through the podium space and forms a backdrop to the forest giants landscaping the Public Plaza. The entrances into the podium are accentuated by large variable volume canopies which mimic the treetop canopy, tapering down into cozy low volume spaces as users pass from the outside into the inside space. The tower blocks which sit on the podium overlooks a lushly planted landscape deck dominated by flora native to the area and also the future Hillock Park across the development. The façade design of the towers features contrasting earth tones and linear ledges which break down the scale of the tower and provide sun shading to the units. Egg-crate screens are used on the external areas of the façade which is envisaged to draw in pixelated light to the balcony floor and living areas making reference to sunlight trickling through the thick canopy on the forest floor. Unit Mixes:  - Typical Ceiling Heights: 2.845m - 3 Lifts Per Tower - 9 or 10 units per floor - 600mm x 600mm Porcelain Tiles - Brands: SMEG/ Franke/ Hansgrohe/ Roca/ Mitsubishi  - Smart home features - lighting points to designated areas, air-conditioning.
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Lentor Modern Units Mixes
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Showflat Virtual Tour Level 1 Facilities Tour Level 4 Facilities Tour Level 14 Facilities Tour Floor Plan & Virtual Tours:
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Floor Plan 2BR Flexi (Draft)
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Floor Plan 3BR Flexi (Draft)
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Floor Plan 4BR Flexi (Draft)
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Lentor Modern by Guocoland
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Lentor Modern - Public Plaza
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Commercial Podium Shops
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Lentor Modern Guocoland - Directly Connected to MRT Read the full article
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dorapuig · 1 year
📍2675 S Bayshore Drive 1802S ~ Coconut Grove
5 Bedrooms + Office + Service Quarters + 6.5 Bathrooms
4,840 SF Interior + 1,251 SF Terrace
𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐭 $𝟏𝟐,𝟒𝟎𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎
• Unobstructed Views Across the Open Atlantic Waters
• 12 FT Ceilings Showcasing Interior Design by Fanny Haim @fanny_haim_associates
• Oversized Silver Travertine Stone Flooring & Custom White Oak Millwork
• New Italian Chef’s Eat-in Kitchen with Ceramic Backsplash
• Calacatta Marble Countertops + Miele Gas Range by Snaidero
• Sliding Doors Lead you to Primary Suite with Henge Chandelier
• Primary Suite Wrapped in Gray Textured Walls with Bay Views
• Huge Italian His & Hers Walk-in Closet by Poliform
• Primary Bath with Entire Corian Wall
• Marble & Stone Accents throughout & Floating Tub Overlooking the Bay
• Chandeliers by the Renowned Lindsey Adelma
• Suede-Upholstered Media Room for Acoustic Soundproofing with Blackout Shades
• Arc Lighting + Hidden Storage + Fully Automated Smart Home System + Lutron Lighting
• Private 2-Car Air Conditioned Garage
• Building Features 2 Rooftop Pools, Spa, State-of-the-Art Fitness Center, Resident’s Lounge, Private Restaurant & 24-Hr Concierge
• Close to the Grove’s Finest Restaurants, Movie Theater, Houses of Worship, Miami’s Best Schools & Parks
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ownworldresident · 3 years
We Are Our Own Heroes. Chapter Four: Tentative
Book: The Royal Romance, seven years post-TRR
Premise: Six years after a tragic loss, Liam and his adopted daughter meet Cassandra, an artist with her own troubled past, and the three find in each other the friend they never knew they needed.
Disclaimer: Setting and some characters belong to Pixelberry. I am just borrowing them and will return them when they feel better.
Themes: found family, (power of) friendship, healing
The Master Masterlist (link)  |  Our Own Heroes Masterlist (link)
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“We’ve completed the background check you asked for, Sir.” Bastien announced from the door of Liam’s study. Liam sighed, and looked up.
Bastien held up a manila folder. The guilt and uncertainty he felt mixed with relief at how thin it was.
“There is nothing to suggest Miss Rice has any harmful intentions.” He entered the study and placed the folder carefully on Liam’s desk. “She is Cordonian, originally from Portavira, studied fine arts and theatre abroad, and works as a temp and freelance ghostwriter for—”
“That’s enough, Bastien,” Liam interrupted. “I didn’t ask for this to pry into her private life. I just want to know whether I can trust her.” He winced at the double standard he was presenting; this wasn’t just curiosity, he reminded himself, it was assurance he and Emily would be safe. Blind trust wasn’t something he could afford.
“I believe so,” his bodyguard said, more conversationally. “Her only criminal records are parking tickets.”
Liam smiled. That was common enough. There were a lot of questions he would have liked answers to; where she had studied and why, what kind of art did she pursue, where was her family…
“Does she…” Liam’s brow creased as he considered the question, then mentally apologised to Cassie for the invasion. “Are there are partners or ex partners that could provide some risks?”
“None.” Bastien said, and when Liam looked up at him, his bodyguard shrugged.
Deciding not to pry further, Liam ended the discussion.
“If you believe she can be trusted, then I believe you.” Liam lifted the folder, removed the clips, and opened a cupboard to retrieve his shredder.
Cassandra screamed.
The lonely peak she stood upon absorbed it and the sky answered with a sheet of lightning and close crack of thunder. Beyond the waves below the peak there was rain coming, and not a day too soon. The electricity in the heavy air vibrated through her very bones. She stamped her foot down on the craggy outcrop, balled her fists tight, and screamed again.
When the front hit, it was with a rush of cold air that buffeted her face. White peaks of the restless ocean splayed before her. They became dotted with heavy rain; she stared hard to commit the feeling and energy to memory, to burn it into her mind. There was so much anger there, but she didn't know whether it was her or the vengeance of the skies that conspired to keep her darkness.
The rain crested the peak, and for a lightning filled moment Cassandra raised her face to the broken skies with eyes shut and arms flung wide. Then thunder cracked around her, rolling against her ears, and, heart pounding, she fled.
By the time the world was awake, Cassie was heaving long breaths in front of her easel. The echo of the storm outside resonated on the canvas, with a vast expanse of swirling masses that floated at the edge of being distinguishable things.
She grinned, stepping back from her new painting. It was a story she was trying to tell, she was sure, and this part was more darkness in form than of it.
Above the main city were lines of terraces stacked up onside a low mountain. Parting the upper and lower levels was an open space more familiar to locals than tourists, overlooking the main city and the bay. Cassie stood at the edge of the cobbled space, lost to the world as she stared over her city. It wasn’t the pier or the outcrop, but the dark swirling storm was as beautiful here as it would be there. There were several perfect views here for painting, in fact. Lifting her hands to make a rough square with her thumbs and forefingers and squeezing one eye shut, she imagined the image captured from different angles. Too perfect. This might be a real place, but even the organic, eclectic mix of buildings with colourful rooves… set on a backdrop of a low grey sky… there wasn’t enough grit or imperfection to translate.
Leaning her elbows against the half wall, she tried to imagine the view with a fire or collapsed building, something to put more conflict in the image. That dream kept her occupied while she waited.
“Cassie!” A young voice she knew called out behind her, and she turned to see Emily running to meet her. The girl stopped a few feet away and Cassie stood to attention to salute her.
“Hey, Em,” she said as Emily saluted her in return, “I like your shirt.” She nodded at the image of an open ocean and a few clouds. Emily looked down, then up again.
“Thanks.” Emily turned back as Liam reached them, smiling when she saw that he was.
“I hope we didn’t keep you waiting.” He smiled, but his posture was stiff. Cassie wondered what was going on behind it. Maybe she was reading too far into things.
“Not at all,” she replied, energy closer to that of Emily than of Liam. “I arrived early anyway.”
“Good.” Liam lifted an arm to point down the street. “There’s a really nice café down this way. I thought we could get lunch? If the weather holds, we might be able to sit outside.”
“Sounds perfect.” Cassie kept an eye on Emily as they walked. She looked back every so often at her father. Liam didn’t seem phased by the habit, instead walking with an absent half smile for the first part of their walk.
“How was your week?” Cassie asked after a time, not sure where else to start. Liam exhaled, and turned to her.
“Busy,” he said, still smiling, and didn’t give her much more than that.
At the café, which was more of a restaurant, Emily chose a table beneath an outdoor awning. She bee-lined for the tree-shaded playground adjacent with the decisiveness of a child who played on her own a lot. Liam watched her for a moment, and Cassie noted the dark crescents beneath his eyes.
“Thank you for meeting us,” Liam said after a time, looking over at her. His smile was tired but a little more relaxed. It was an interesting study to watch them, Cassie thought, seeing how they interacted in public, and she wondered if they were much less guarded behind closed doors.
“I seem to remember me asking you first.” She stretched, warm in the sun. “I should be thanking you for reaching out.”
Liam laughed, short and genuine, then nodded. “Why did you reach out?”
“I like your daughter, and you seem nice.” Cassie shrugged, then grinned. “Why did you?” Saved from having to answer by the arrival of their food, Liam thanked the server, and called Emily over. When the ball of energy arrived and they started eating, Cassie found herself plagued by questions from her about what she did and who she was and offered as many answers as she could. When Emily discovered she was an artist, she became more interested in that than her food.
“Would you like to see some of my work?” Cassie asked, already pulling the ever-present sketchbook from her bag and handing it over. Emily reached for it, nodding profusely.
“Yes please!”
“Fingers.” Liam reminded her, and Emily glanced at her hands, wiped the sauce from them with a napkin, then took the sketchbook and started flipping through.
“I wish I could draw…” she commented absentmindedly as she flipped through the pages. Liam looked surprised, and Cassie wondered whether she had expressed that wish before.
“I could teach you, if you like,” she said, and Emily looked up, grinning.
“Thank you!” She glanced at her father, who nodded, smiling, then turned back to the pages. Liam began to speak but was cut off by Emily’s laugh.
“You drew Drake?” Emily looked up again, wide-eyed. Cassie shrugged. She had written the man’s name in the corner of the sketch.
“I met him at a bar the other day.”
“His face looks exactly right.” Emily lifted the page for Liam to see. “Doesn’t he?”
“Do you know him?” Cassie frowned as Liam inspected the page.
“Very well.”
“Are you dating him?” Emily’s innocent question caught her off-guard, and both of them sent her questioning looks, though Liam’s was tinged with amusement.
“Definitely not.” She reached for her coffee, then realised how forceful her answer had been, and added, “He seems like a nice guy, but no.”
Far from relaxing, Liam seemed even more surprised, and looked away from her when she caught his eye, which confused her. Had she given the wrong impression? If he was offended he would say something, she believed him frank enough for that. Maybe not in front of Emily.
As soon as the latter had finished her food and waited the several fidgety minutes that her father requested, she raced off to the playground again, scaling the climbing frame with ease and dancing across the top as if she’d been born there.
“Dating?” Cassie asked Liam for clarification.
“She gets some… interesting information from her school friends. And movies don’t help either.” He shrugged, but there was a little unease in his manner.
“Must bring up some interesting discussions.”
“Sometimes.” He smiled, then frowned, focused on something on Cassie’s shirt. “Your necklace.”
Cassie looked down to see that the small chain had come free from her shirt, and reached up to touch the smooth diamond shaped flag: black, grey, white and purple.
“Do you know it?”
“I do.” He smiled, nodded as if with some new understanding, and sat back.
Her orientation wasn’t something she had come prepared to openly discuss, so she was glad Liam was aware of the community. She tucked the flag back beneath her shirt and let the subject end there.
Left alone with Liam, it wasn’t lost on her that barely any of their conversation centred on him as a person. She had no trouble being open about most parts of herself, and they talked about general topics, but Liam only spoke of things she could discover easily enough in a newspaper, or seemed near inconsequential to disclose.
They parted in the middle of the afternoon, when Emily returned, exhausted, to bury her face in Liam’s side. Taking that as a queue to let the girl go home and rest, they walked back to where they had met up, Emily half leaning on Liam, though Cassie half suspected it was for dramatic effect.
Cassie spent the next few days busy and inspired, her confidence bolstered by her time with Liam and Emily. The large canvas was still blank, but she had moved it behind a couple of finished pieces and was focusing on the smaller ones, less daunted by it being empty. An overcast day had cast some more drama over the beach she frequented, and she had spent some time photographing it to paint at home and letting the salty wind and light rain sink into her to remember the feeling.
She didn’t see Liam at Emily’s training, but did see him at the game, and they had agreed to meet afterwards. Her team didn’t win, which left them a little downhearted after three straight victories but didn’t curb Cassie’s optimism. They left much less dejected, and while she packed up she ran through ways to help them in their next training session. Liam and Emily met her outside.
“Ready?” asked Liam, and the lower guard in his smile heightened Cassie’s spirits as she nodded in response. Emily dragged her feet, and Cassie knelt to face her.
“You tried your best, Em, right up till the end, and that takes a lot of courage.” She ducked her head a little to Emily’s tired, downcast face. “There will always be losses. What matters most is how we come back from them.”
Emily’s frown lifted into a tiny smile. “That’s what Dad said.”
Cassie looked up to Liam, whose eyes crinkled as he watched them. “That’s because your dad is a very wise man.” She stood. “Isn’t that right?”
“Yes.” Emily turned back to Liam, smiling again.
“You too, Panda.” He turned toward the emptying car park. “Ready for that movie?”
Nodding, Emily started again toward the car.
“Wherever your mother is now, I’m sure she would be very proud.”
Cassie knew it was a mistake the moment she said it. Emily stopped, and though Cassie couldn’t see her face, she felt the shock. Liam schooled a patient expression, approached Emily and squeezed her hand. She looked up to him.
“It’s okay, Emily.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, voice low and soothing. “I’m here.”
“I’m sorry.” Cassie clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes darting between the two as her heart dropped. “I shouldn’t have said… I’m sorry…”
Liam turned to her now. “Give us a few minutes?”
Cassie nodded, staying back from the two and wringing her hands. The mask of Emily’s father broke when they made eye contact and some of the pain seeped through. Familiar pain. Liam picked up his daughter and walked away.
The official story read that Emily was Liam’s god-daughter, and he had taken her in after her parents had died in an accident. It explained the hypersensitivity to loud noises Emily had displayed in the past and perhaps her need to keep Liam within her sight.
Around the time the media excitement had been dying down, Cassie arrived back from studying abroad. She had followed the attempt on Liam’s life, the ensuing turmoil, and a bit about Emily’s sudden appearance, but hadn’t realised how much Cordonia had been obsessed with it until she landed. It had seemed disproportionate to the tragic circumstance, confirmed when Liam gave a public statement reaffirming some facts and refuting a few less accurate reports, and requesting privacy. Cassie’s friend had been disappointed, but it had been a long time since they had spoken.
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