#Terrible body imagery
rystiv · 1 year
Hand wings...
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But we can do more than that. What about spider legs growing like hair from your arms? I'm certainly not drawing that.
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yeonban · 6 months
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Honestly I think the first panel here is the one in which Soma realized he's going to die for certain. The moment Tatsuomi got his arm around him and told him that he's long since decided to die alongside him, Soma knew there'd be no way out no matter what he tried to do. So I'd like to think that instead of wasting energy in trying to heal the damage with his obsidian heart, he used his last moments to send Seiroku one final "beat" of his heart before being completely annihilated by Tatsuomi's technique, which is funnily enough also the exact moment Seiroku's door opened in the last panel
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seithr · 6 months
having a horrid nightmare that fits all my current stressors/ongoing negative events in it along with my singular greatest fear in the world... waking up emotional and with no one in my family home/in that dream to talk to for confort
i open my phone's notes app because the imagery was really good though
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orbitsaturn · 3 days
the virtues of a hero.
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─ he truly believed that the noblest of characters were the ones hailing from nature.
until he met you.
kinich x reader angst + 2.8k words TW: death + graphic imagery spoilers for kinich's character stories
Kinich always wished for freedom. It was an escape from the wars in his household, the violent voice of his father ringing through the walls, and the arguments that plagued his home every week.
He hated his father.
He hated how his family fell apart because of his violent outbursts, hated how he always yelled at his mom and hated how he chased his mom away. He longed to get away from his father, to be free from the negativity that consumed his life, he wished for freedom.
On his seventh birthday, he got what he wished for.
"Dad, do you know where mom went?"
Kinich looked up at his dad expectantly, the smell of alcohol hitting his nose. It was his birthday today, usually, he wouldn't ask for anything but the curiosity of where his mother is ran through his mind often.
But he came to regret his words for years to come, the moment he mentioned his mother, his dad was instantly enraged.
"You little brat!"
The giant figure above him looked at Kinich with stricken eyes, the sight filling the young boy with dread. That wasn't his father anymore.
That was the monster who ruined his family.
With the looming figure's hands raising to hit the boy, he fled. The figure chasing him in pursuit. It was terrifying for a boy his age. He ran through the highest cliffs in Natlan, the sight of the monster behind him pervading him with the sense to flee.
"You wretch! Come here-"
As the man yelled at him he lost his footing due to the steep terrain, plummeting down the cliff. Only when Kinich's adrenaline wore out, did the realization hit him. He stared at the body of his father down the cliff. Kinich slowly crawls down the steep terrain, his palms and knees getting abrase from the rocks.
Kinich can only yell for the prospect of his father responding. Any response, whether it'd be a movement of his hand, the utterance of a groan, anything that could show that he's still alive, but there was nothing. The only thing that in his hearing is his own voice, one that's growing wearier and wearier. Yet the only thing in his sight was his dad's lifeless body.
Kinich's father was dead.
His father, the man he lived with for years, the man who frequently yelled at him, and his mom, the man he detested was dead.
Kinich's stomach churned, and the sight of the lifeless body overwhelmed the young boy. He could only stare in a daze before tears threatened to spill out of his amber-green eyes.
The only thing he could do was squeeze his eyes shut, scrunched his nose, twisting his face to prevent any tears from spilling. His lips pressed shut, preventing the whimpers that threatened to come out.
He hated his father, but he was still his father at the end of the day.
It's absurd how you remember a person's greatest qualities, even if they were a terrible person once they're gone.
Kinich could only bury the times when his father would spoil him with sweets, how heroic he looked when he would secretly watch him use his grabbling hook, and how he would always hug him when his mother was still around.
Kinich gained his wish for freedom, yet the only thing he truly gained was solitude.
After the departure of his father, Kinich became adept at living alone. He never sought help from anyone, and he didn't trust anyone.
Thoughts of his old life often plagued his mind. He questioned why he still kept the old alcohol bottles from his dad, why images of his family frequently haunt him in his dreams, and why he would ever ask about his mother on his seventh birthday.
All of this was witnessed by Elder Leik, the individual responsible for the children's education in the Scions of Canopy.
So when Kinich visited the market he was approached by the elder. The young boy was offered education in return for courier services. Yet, Kinich refused, and he bid goodbye to the elder before returning to do business at the tribal market.
But that wasn't the last time he'd see the elder.
Every time Kinich visited the market, he'd be met with the familiar face time and time again with the offer of an education. So after months of the elder's insistent offers, he finally relented.
Curious stares permeated Kinich's figure, yet the intense looks from peers his age didn't bother him. All he needed to do right now was listen and leave after to do more substantial activities anyway.
"Kinich have a seat anywhere you like!" Elder Lief exclaims with a big smile, happy to see Kinich attending a class.
Without any word, he heads away from the circle of kids, before a hand pulls him down. Catching him off guard, he looks to the owner of the hand, a young kid his age.
"Sit next to me!" You give him a toothy smile, patting the space next to you, "okay," Kinich obliges, not wanting to bring any more attention to himself if he sat away from the other kids.
"I'm (name)! What's your name?" you whisper to him, and he turns to look at you with an inexplicable look, "Kinich."
"Hi Kinich!" you stretch your hand towards him. He hesitates for a bit before grabbing your hand and shaking it.
"Ahem, now children, settle down," Elder Leif coughs, beckoning the kids to quiet down, "Today we'll talk about our honored heroes and their stories, with each of them deserving to be remembered by their contributions and their self-sacrifice for the nation of Natlan!"
Kinich raises his hand, "Why would they want to sacrifice themselves?" he looks at the Elder inquisitively, to which he responds by gently smiling at him, "It's not a question of why, it's simply a virtue innate for heroes to do whatever they can to help those they love."
"And what did their self-sacrifice get them?" Kinich asks again,
"Virtue is a priceless trait, those with it gain the highest rewards"
"The highest rewards? Like fame or mora? "
"Haha, those are part of the rewards," the elder chuckled, "But that wasn't the reward they obtained. They gained and maintained their virtue, they stayed a hero due to their unchanging morals." The elder gave him a sincere smile.
Kinich didn't really understand how a trait could be the greatest reward for self-sacrifice. Would the forest boar be filled with virtue as they relieved his hunger? And would the river water be a hero since it relieved his thirst?
If anything, he wanted to become a hero to gain the reward of mora.
"Hah! Of course, a dirty kid like you would only think of mora!" a little boy shouted, laughing, "Just leave if you're just a money-grubbing monkey!"
"Children! Mind your words!" Elder Leif scolds them, not noticing Kinich already heading out.
"Wait!" you stood up, grabbing his wrist, "Don't take their words to heart, they're only self-projecting!" you whisper to Kinich, "In fact! I heard them talking about how they don't even need to be a hero since they're well-off already! Ugh! Selfish jerks right?" you give him a reassuring smile.
Kinich stares at you, "oh," he pulls something out of his pocket, "Here, this herb can help you heal your scrape." He looks down at your scraped knee, handing you the herb.
"Wow! Thank you so much!" you reply, waving goodbye to him as he leaves the Learning Lodge.
Although he declared that he only wanted to be a hero due to the prospect of mora. You knew deep down that wasn't the case.
Why else would he look down at your scraped knee with a slight furrow of his brows and the apologetic look he gave Elder Leif when he left without informing him?
As the years grew, so did Kinich's reputation. He was incredibly skilled, and more and more people started coming to him for dangerous commissions. Kinich also grew closer to the old man he once found annoying, Elder Lief. The old scholar guided him throughout the years, giving him invaluable lessons that would help him for years to come. Yet the only thing the Elder wanted in return for his teachings was the promise with Kinich to learn what it truly meant to be a hero during his journeys.
He also grew closer to you, the first person who gave him words of reassurance ever since his mother's departure.
You were the complete opposite of him, you had a bright personality, always helping others freely. Yet, you were his best friend, even though he was different from you like night and day, You never judged him for his demeanor, you encouraged it.
"Let the people get mad! I mean, you're only making sure they aren't scamming you right?" You exclaim to him, "Mhm, I'm simply making sure I get paid adequately," he smiles at you amused by your unrelenting support for him.
"Yeah! So keep doing what you're doing." You throw your arm around him, "Don't think about those old geezers complaining," you flash him an earnest look. "Let's buy some Saurus Crackers once you're done for today!" you give him a grin.
"I'll pay using those old geezers' money." Kinich gives you a smirk.
And when you give the smile you frequently flash, he finds himself getting dragged into your world every time.
He didn't understand what it meant to be a hero.
But if he had to pick who would be fit to be a hero,
It would be you.
Kinich was still the same old Kinich even when he gained an ancient name and a 'pet' dragon. So when he emerged victorious in the Pilgrimage and threw himself into the Night Warden Wars with no hesitation it wasn't a surprise to everyone. Yet, only one person was surprised, it was Kinich.
You were participating in the Night Warden Wars along with him.
"Worried to see your little partner participating? Heh." The dragon beside him said in an irritating voice, causing him to smack it.
"Hey!" the dragon growls.
He knew how strong you were, and that you could easily fend for yourself. But he had an inexplicable feeling in this gut, one he couldn't identify.
As Kinich's team headed into the Night Kingdom and began fighting off the abyss his gut feeling became stronger.
There was something wrong with this place.
"Kinich!" A yell from his left direction catches his attention, "T-There's something wrong with this place! The creatures they can mask as your─" yet before his comrade could relay the news, he was ambushed by a creature of the abyss.
The creatures were disguising themselves as their loved ones.
The warriors that emerged from the pilgrimage were faced with the vile tricks of the abyss. The faces of their loved ones appeared before them, which caused them to hesitate to draw their weapons.
And that hesitance proved to be deadly.
One by one, many warriors that came down to fight in the Night Kingdom were ambushed. Only a few remaining comrades prevailed through the harsh conditions.
A familiar voice called out to him, one he thought he had long forgotten. He turns around, seeing his 'mother', who he hadn't seen for years.
The figure opens her arms to hug him, yet, the instincts and reflexes he honed over the years caused him to swing his weapon.
With one swift movement of his claymore, he cut through his 'mother's' body.
"Wow. Heartless." Ajaw laughed heartily.
"Hah..." Kinich wipes the sweat off his forehead. The situation was getting dire, more and more abyssal creatures were flooding near him. Yet, he didn't relent, one by one he slayed every creature that came near him, each making his heart and body fatigued. Once he was done with all the abyssal creatures in his area he looked around, yet he could only see the wretched landscape of the abyss, with no sight of his comrades in sight.
The continuous fighting made him lethargic, but he had to prevail so his fallen comrades could come back again. He looks up, checking the crack in the sky. It was getting smaller, he needed to find his comrades soon, he needed to find you soon. As he drags his tired body to the other areas of the Night Kingdom, a deep pit of worry fills his stomach.
Is (name) okay?
As he scans his surroundings again he spots you lying on the ground, seemingly lifeless. A feeling of dread washed over him.
"(name)!" Kinich runs over to you with a worried expression. His eyes were quivering, a sense of relief washing over him once he saw you breathing.
You were still alive.
"Kinich! I'm okay, just catching my breath!" You reassure him, giving a tired smile, "No, your arm is gashed," he says breathlessly. With his hands trembling he holds your arm before taking out the gauze in his pocket.
He wraps the gauze around your injury tightly, yet the hold on your arm is gentle, careful even.
Looking at you with concern he shoves a herb in your mouth. Which you immediately spat out in response, you give him a disgusted look, "Kinich! You know I hate that herb!"
"But you gratefully accepted it back when we first met, didn't you?" Kinich laughs before stretching his hand towards you, "That's cause I didn't need to eat it!" You grab his hand and he hoists you up.
"We need to go, the opening is going to close soon." He looks up, the crack in the sky getting smaller and smaller.
"Mm. Let's hurry, you nod in response.
The two warriors run to the crack in the sky with hordes of abyssal monsters pursuing them. It was getting smaller and smaller, they needed to be quick. He made sure you were in front of him, it's okay if he didn't make it back. At least one of you needed to return the Ode of Resurrection, and he wanted it to be you.
He didn't want you to experience the feeling of death.
"Kinich!" You yell, spotting a rift hound that caught up to him. The sight of it preparing to attack Kinich made you act without thinking.
Kinich has a better chance of going back.
Without having the time to react, Kinich finds himself pushed onto the ground. You get slashed by the rift hound but you put it down with the last of your strength.
"(name)!" Kinich yells out your name in horror.
Deep gashes painted your abdomen, causing you to wince in pain. You press on your stomach, trying to stop the bleeding but it barely does anything to no avail. Kinich runs over to you, his eyes quivering, lips pursed together.
"(name). (name). (name). Please." he supports your limp body in his arms. Fumbling in his pockets for any gauze, medicine, herbs, anything to keep you alive.
He couldn't lose you.
He was fine losing everything but you.
He sets you down on the ground, hastily wrapping the scarce gauze he had left on your stomach.
"Kinich," you look up at him, giving him an apologetic smile, "Go without me." His hands stop momentarily, before going back to bandaging your abdomen.
A brief moment of anger flashes in Kinich's mind
"Are you serious?" Kinich looks at you in disbelief. He quickly finishes wrapping your abdomen. He hoists you up, the feeling of your limpening body causing panic to bubble in him.
He should've been the one who got slashed.
Why did you go out of your way to save him?
You cough, before putting a hand on his cheek, "You know you're stronger than me, if anyone was getting out alive, it'd be you." you give a weak smile.
"No, you're making it out. You're gonna be okay (name). Please," his hold on you tightened, "Please don't leave me." he looked at you in distraught, his voice trembling. "(name). Please, please don't leave me."
"I should be the one saying that." you laugh at him weakly, causing Kinich to glare at you, "Go without me Kinich. I'm quite heavy." Your hand falls down from his cheek, your eyes slowly shutting close.
"I really need a good sleep too."
Kinich's eyes quivered, his hold on your limp body weakening.
He calls out to you.
This time he shakes your shoulders.
This time he yells out your name.
He looks at your face, it looks peaceful even with the amount of wounds that littered your body. He strokes your head, fixing any stray hairs and clearing the hair from your face.
He takes in a deep breath.
He doesn't linger any longer, he stands up and starts heading to the crack again.
He squeezed his eyes shut again, he scrunched his nose again, and his face twisted to prevent any tears from falling again.
The bright light seeping from the crack created a stark contrast compared to the dark environment.
He looks back to the direction where you last stood before the light took him back.
He truly believed that the noblest of characters were the ones hailing from nature.
Until he experienced you.
a/n: guys don't worry ode of resurrection magic
ill do part 2 (?)
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erosiism · 3 months
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prompt: yandere!priest x transmigrated!male!reader
character(s): priest (anton), you
warnings(s): mention of violence, god complex, religious imagery, dub-con, not to be glorified or romanticised
note(s): male reader, second person, past and present tense, not beta read. from twisted faith on my wattpad.
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It takes a few moments for you to truly process what just happened. From the coarse sheets underneath your skin that differ greatly from the silken ones you have grown so accustomed to, to the air that smells like blood, you know something is terribly wrong.
Then you see a mural of a priest on the wall, and you remember where you are. A horror game.
Anton. It’s the name of the priest you need to find.
The first time you see the priest is the day after you transmigrate into a horror game. The said game, Spiraling into the Abyss features almost a cult like fanaticism with religion: you learn in the first few seconds of your time in the new world that they worship a priest like a God, and that they sacrifice humans to please the apparent gods of the heavens.
You’re a sacrifice. You know that. You are found to be guilty of some stupid crime you didn’t commit, and as far as you know, you are a worthless extra who will die by burning—you will do everything to prevent that.
To survive, you need to get into his good graces. You see him on the day or worship, when you come early to the Church: and his beauty astounds you. Symmetrical features—and the whole blue eyes and golden hair combination that is seen as rather cliche, in terms of beauty—but Anton doesn’t have a common kind of beauty; he is radiant. Benevolent. Ethereal. You marvel at him. His skin is without a blemish, and is fair, like he hasn’t gone out in the sun for a while...yet it has a healthy glow to it. His expression is serene. Anton's hair frames his face perfectly, and his eyes are expressive and rather captivating, with long, dark lashes that draw attention to it. His cheekbones are well-defined, his nose straight—and those only add to Anton's appeal.
He speaks to you in lilted tones, and immediately, you realize the priest isn’t just evil—he’s downright a menace.
"Sometimes I forget you are a new, naive believer. God is perfect, is he not? So his messengers, in turn, can do no wrong. He sends his messages through me. God is part of me. I'm merely ridding the world of evil."  He strides to where you are, and his hands touch the top of your head lightly. His fingers fall to your cheek, and he strokes it gently.
You can only swallow. “Yes, Father Anton.”
There’s one day where you ask him why he burns those bodies. He calls it “cleansing”, apparently.
“They donate to the church out of the kindness of their hearts,” you tell him, swallowing the bile down your throat as you hear more screams. “Is that not…a little extreme?”
“Extreme? Why, no, not at all.”
“You burn people alive.”
“That is the cleanest way to proceed. Their ashes tumble away, and it makes it much easier for the people, too. If we were to use magic, or beheading, or even hanging—it would be much messier, no? And I believe fire is such an awfully beautiful thing. It can make death look inviting; and even though the heavens might cast them away…in hell, all they will see is the fiery pits. This is their punishment. To feel sorry for them is strange, Y/n.”
Despite this, for the sake of your survival, you continue to visit him. Now, such visits are rare: Anton barely makes time for anyone. But he does, for you. 
Of course, this partial treatment doesn’t go unnoticed by you. He treats only you like this: it’s concerning, actually. His words are light and gentle, but the weight of it isn’t. In fact, he speaks of cleansing, he speaks of murdering in such a calm manner that you wonder if the devil truly resides in him.
But one thing is clear. 
To survive, you need to get into his good graces.
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You feel your sanity slip each minute you spend in the game.
Anton kills. So does the Church. And you still can’t explain the goddamn obsession he has with you. Why has he not killed you yet? Anton is no saint, not at all.
Perhaps Anton was ensnared by the promise of Godhood—ensnared by the tendrils of his own self proclaimed grandiosity. Perhaps he had been idolized so much…worshiped by the devoted believers that he had simply been led to believe in his imagined divinity. Anton was a mortal who had dared to cast a shadow that eclipsed the very stars that he had reached for. Anton was simply adorned in robes of imagined omnipotence, and smelt of the fragrance of narcissus.
Here, he was god, but Anton was completely alienated from empathy. For what was a god in isolation but a sovereign ruler over an empire of one, ruling over a realm devoid of the richness of God’s grace?
You can’t deal with him much longer. He keeps murdering: he murders those who come to you under the guise of the silly notion of cleansing, he finds it amusing to see you sob and cry…and he has no qualms about drugging you. If not for the items you have stored in your inventory, warning you of drugs, you would have succumbed long ago.
Anton is no priest. 
And now he stands before you, his lips curling into a smile when he sees the look of despair on your face. He has just killed a friend,
You have to. You have to fight Anton…you have to…
Anton leans forward. You two are a hair’s breadth away.
God. Is God real? Is the devil real—has he taken form in Anton himself, twisting, persuading, begging, tempting people to court evil, to withhold the stench of death? The crimson flames have not faltered for long, and have only seemed to welcome him with fiery contempt, only surrendering when everything has been destroyed in its wake.
You long to spit curses towards Anton. You long for your limbs to connect with his face, and leave a mottled bruise there. You long for your twitching fingers to wrap around the priest’s neck; watch as oxygen slowly slips from his lungs out of your throat. You long to see his body grow limp.
“You are so perfect,” Anton murmurs, “so, so divine. So perfect…”
You don’t get why he says this. He’s been telling you this for ages: it’s the reason why you’ve been treated well. He claims you are some savior from an oracle ready to save him, he claims you saved him.
And now in this scenario, where his fingers are grazing your cheek?
You swallow. There was no way, right? No fucking way—
“I want to kiss you.”
Your heart drops. “…If I say no, you wouldn’t listen.”
A kiss. It would just be a kiss, right? That was okay. It means simply brushing your lips against Anton’s…yeah, that was possible.
You want to cry. Anton presses his lips on yours—it’s a mixture of heat and warmth; the way Anton ravages your lips has some sort of twisted hunger to it, craving and craving and craving. There is an obscene sheen of saliva coating your lips when you part.
The kiss tastes just like the forbidden fruit, plucked from the tree of desire. It is the same way that Eve sinned—eating a fruit that had belonged to the serpent. It was as if you had forged a pact with the devil himself—that in kissing Anton, it was like sealing your fate in the molten wax of sin, staining the canvas of your soul. Had matted it black. 
It was shameful. So utterly shameful that the kiss…
Once Anton fully lets go, he smiles, and you collapse on the ground, tears running down your face.
He needs you, Anton thinks, he needs you. You are the savior who has brought him from the depths of hell. You are his miracle. You are his little pet; his little divine sacrifice, the white sheep with the white wool. You are the one who will follow him guiltlessly. Untouched, untainted, clean.
You are shaking like a newborn lamb.
He presses another kiss on your forehead.
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[ before, Anton’s pov ]
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The world was dirty.
It needed a savior. Someone to bring them out from the depths of hell—to cleanse them. After all, was that not what the texts read? Was that not what he had learnt, ever since young? Was that not what had been instilled in him since his very birth? Luke 15:11-32. The wayward son who squandered his inheritance but was welcomed back by his forgiving father—Anton had marveled at it when he was young. To think someone would have such boundless grace; such forgiveness for a foolish person…
The oracle. Anton saw the oracle as a gift—a symbol from God. It had been delivered to him when he was young, naive, and careless. 
Anton remembered very little about his childhood. Extremely little. He remembered his mother, his father. But that was it—but oh, how he hated them. Anton did not remember why he hated them, why the portrait of his family had been torn out. He regarded life then, and now, as the beginning of the end.
Something fleeting, something ephemeral. Something tragic. Life was a wonderful tragedy.
People look at me with such endless wonder; such spellbound eyes and widened mouths. They see me as God—they see me as a deity above them all.
And that was true, Anton thought. That was very true. Sinners. Wretched, dirtied, horrid sinners, all of them! Anton despised humankind; they were worthless—made of brittle bones with flesh. He did not even see them as humans. They were just mere vessels in need of salvation.
“Father Anton!”
“Father Anton, would you please help me?”
“Bring me to the path of salvation!
He was anointed by a divine purpose to purify the soiled souls of the world…
Yes, that was his purpose.
It was relieving and calming to have a purpose. To drift in the vast expanse of the world; the universe without a tethering purpose is akin to being a feather in the breath of the wind. Useless, damaging, lonely. Anton could see—it was very easy for him to see who were those who were aimless in life, compared to those who had the bright, bubbly life shining magnificently in their eyes.
Oh, Mother. Anton would stand before her grave. Again, he did not remember much of what he believed was to be a mundane, boring childhood, but his mother’s name left a bitter taste on his tongue, horrid and painful. Somehow, he did not feel a single bit of…remorse, or guilt when he gazed at her tombstone. He expected to feel guilt for something he was quite sure he didn’t do.
But his lips would always curve into a smile when he saw the words etched on the grave. She was dead, he would remember. Dead. Occasionally, snippets of memories would come to him—her shrill voice, her messy, jagged hair, her crazed, crazed eyes. The way her fingernails felt on her skin when she scratched at him wildly.
Clearly, she deserved to die. How did she die, though? What exactly transpired? What kind of person was she, and what kind of person had she tried to make Anton into?
Anton found, to his surprise, that he was bothered about this. Detachment was something he prided himself on: he would never venture too close.
To have attachment with someone would be detrimental. Annoying. Haunting.
There were times—many, many times when Anton had awoken, hollow and void. 
The oracle.
The oracle.
When is it coming? When is it coming? Have the gods lied to me?
The oracle—his lifeline since he was young—was the very proof that this world had a chance, to live on, to heal.
A savior.
There were times Anton would grow impatient. He needed to do something about the state of the world. It would be easy, wouldn’t it? Why did people falter in front of flames? What did people shun away from blood? Was the sight not wonderful, not enchanting? The heat was welcoming—a gentle caress. Those who ventured in, would have their faces bathed in mesmerizing glow. Nevermind their screams, nevermind their bleeding, rotting flesh. 
The fire illuminated the world before it dissolved like nothing. Like it hadn’t existed. 
“Horrible! Horrible! You’re fucking horrible!” Then the stinging of flesh. There was something piping hot, something burning him.
“Why won’t you even flinch, you monster?”
Anton smiled loosely. Another memory. They came into his mind occasionally and quickly. He never pondered over them—it was useless to; for he already had everything he wanted.
The day you came into the world, was the day he felt alive. Waiting had become a bore to him—it was the same routine over and over again, with the same stupid, foolish people—
Something extraordinary had graced his reality. The oracle. You were the chosen one. The chosen one. The chosen one. The one he yearned for; seeked for; the change in the world.
“Dear God,” You had said the first time he saw you. “I confess I have been impure in my holy spiritual presence…”
Anton had seen you before the mural; your head lowered, your words soft and quiet.
Anton had stepped before you, tilting his head to the side as he observed you. In fact, you seemed to be struggling.
“You have to be sincere. You can’t just read off the mural.” Anton sighed.
You seemed to look at him with flickering recognition.
“Forgive me, Father Anton, for I have sinned.” You appeared shocked for the words to even slip past your lips; and oh, you were beautiful. Lovely. Innocent. Anton gazed at you—this was the person he had been waiting for his whole life—fervently, impatiently, silently. 
“You don’t seem to be used to this,” Anton said at last, as he took off his hood. He had not meant to come to church today—he was aware the crowd was growing more stifling, more crazed by the minute. The women of the church reminded him of his mother. There were times he wished he could draw a blade to their throat, and watch the blood spill out in a wonderful crimson.
“I’m afraid it’s been long since my last confession.”
Anton couldn’t help but smile. You were lying. 
“That’s alright,” He said calmly, “you have come now. Is there something in particular that’s troubling you, perhaps? To bring you to confession?”
Anton could read human beings exceptionally well. From the way their eyes narrowed, the way their pupils widened marginally, to the gap of their fingers…you were trembling. You were thinking of what other lies you could say.
An adorable fool.
“You…?” He prompted. “You must not feel self conscious in the eyes of God. He already knows, Y/n. He is only waiting for you to confess.”
I am only waiting for you to confess. To tell me that you are from the oracle.
“I cannot even recall it.” You admitted.
You cannot recall it because it is not true.
“What do people come here for, Father Anton?”
Many things.
“The ones who have sinned so awfully they are made to be sacrifices.”
Oh. Sacrifices. Anton did not even—
There were times he would stand before dead bodies, blood in his hand, blinking slowly. When? When had he killed them? It all happened so fast, he wasn’t even aware of the blood staining his clothes, the bodies riddled on the ground.
“You tell me, Y/n.”
Anton wanted to laugh. A textbook answer. You had much to learn, didn’t you? It was alright. Anton could teach you. Teach you from ground zero, till you would become who you were supposed to be.
“Mostly, it’s their lack of faith. Rebelling against us. It is their perceived lack of loyalty, and their utter ignorance and disregard for God that leads us to take drastic measures.”
“But that’s…that’s killing isn’t it?”
So pure. So untainted, so innocent. 
The oracle. The person from the oracle. 
“But that doesn’t matter,” Anton said softly, “you show a desire to learn. And that is always very splendid, always welcomed.”
Anton would morph you and turn you into something splendid, divine.
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remember to reblog and like! comments are always appreciated
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moonmeg · 1 year
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The basket she carried in the crook of her arm dropped to the grass. She stood there. Paralyzed by the sight.
All the soil surrounding a hole in the earth where an empty coffin, marked by its years under the earth, faced her. The glass vase with a candle inside she had put up was nothing but shambles and crumbs. The flowers that had grown over the time destroyed.
The tombstone was tilted. Everything was ruined. And she couldn't do or say anything. Time had frozen.
Her body began to shiver. Every breath became heavier the longer she stared at what once was her husband's grave. Not even Robyn's worried "Mama?" could bring her to move her eyes from the chaos.
It did snap her back to the moment and she knew she couldn't keep Robyn here.
"Go back with Opal, sprout. I'll be right behind you.", she said, her voice just above a whisper.
"GO. BACK.", Catherine snapped.
Robyn flinched upon the tone his mother used. He was only a child but he was not blind. His father's dug up grave and empty coffin horrified him just as much as he could see it horrified his mother. He stared at her, hoping she'd turn her face to look at him but Catherine was like a lifeless statue. The only sign of movement was her shoulders and hands tensing and the the tears pricking at her eyes.
Opal began pulling at Robyn's loose strand of hair to get him to move away from this view of horror.
He obliged but only hesitantly. He didn't want to leave his mother's side. Not in a moment like this. He hated seeing Mama sad and in pain. Not that Catherine let Robyn see her vulnerable side often. She puts on smiles for him and hopes he will not notice how broken she actually is. But Robyn knew. He knew Mama was just playing a game of pretend but he didn't want her to continue it. He didn't want her to bury her emotions in front of him, yet he couldn't let her know that.
"Opal, wait!", he called out for the dove, "we can't go too far ahead."
Robyn turns to look at his mother, who still stood at the same place in front of the grave.
"We should wait for Mama."
Catherine's legs couldn't hold her any longer at this point. She broke down to the soil and let her emotions flow. She yelped in the agony of having lost Caleb a second time. Tears streamed down her face as her thoughts raced. She had finally learned to live with her beloved gone and she had finally moved on. The stinging pain she used to feel when thinking of Caleb and the imagery of his final moments had been something she healed from. Now that healing progress was crumbled into nothing. The terrible pain and heartache, the pictures.... everything was back.
Catherine clenched the grass beneath her in anger as she realized just who is responsible for her misery.
There was no other person who possibly would have a motive. No other person would ruin and take away a place so sacred to her AND to Robyn...
This place was the only place he felt close to his father. It was the only place where he felt a connection to Caleb.
The fact that it was taken from him, for most probably selfish reasons, only made her angrier.
She wasn't one to curse people...
She gazed up at the tilted tombstone with her husband's name on it...
She wasn't one to curse people but this was the last straw.
Philip would pay for this. Whether he could or not. He will.
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peachesofteal · 8 months
soap x cypher masterlist Soap/female reader You missed a check in / 18+ / Your Sergeant commits a war crime for you, hurt/comfort
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"It's alright, Cy. It's jus' me. Ghost is standin' watch at the door."
He smoothes the bar of soap over your shoulder, easy and slow, telegraphing his movements the same way he'd try to calm a spooked horse, pressing into their flank with gentle, reassuring pressure. I'm here, his fingers tell you. I'm right here.
"What do ye mean, they missed a check in?"
Laswell, to her credit, is very calm. Always collected in the face of danger, turmoil, and she gestures to the screen, where a blueprint has been replaced with a map.
"They were due in at this checkpoint at 1300."
"Any contact?" Price tilts his head, studying the satellite imagery.
"No. The security detail's gps is showing stationary, but the other vehicle has started to move off course, north." Johnny feels sick. The other vehicle, the one Laswell is talking about, is the one you are in. The one carrying the two analysts and some cut rate american sergeant.
His chair clatters to the floor with bang, fists clenched so tight they shake.
"We'll get 'er, Johnny." Ghost promises, and Price nods, waving them out the door.
"Let's load up."
"I- I don't want to." He doesn't need a clarifying question to understand what you're talking about. He understands you. That's all he'll ever need.
"You dinnae have to. Keep 'em closed for me then, aye? I'll take care of everything." You're still wearing your pants, and your boots, even though the shower is washing water down your body, soaking them until they stick to your skin.
You whine. There are no words spoken, but you fingers twist in the pockets, the belt loops, and he knows.
"Alright, alright. Let's get these off then. I'm going to undo your button and zipper." He murmurs softly, stripping them down your ankles, goosebumps sprouting from your skin as the water splashes against you, raining down onto his hair. His clothes are soaked, stuck to his skin like tar, each flick of his wrist or pull of his arm heavier than usual. He kneels, one knee between your feet, and begins unlacing your boots. "Gonna take yer boots off, now. Then we'll get ye out of everything." You nod. "We'll get ye washed up in no time, get ye into some comfy clothes." He glances upwards, ensuring you heard him, and then taps your calf one by one, urging you to lift a foot at a time as you hold onto his shoulder for support. "There ye go, good girl." He praises once you're nude, rising back to his full height, bar of soap still in hand.
"Johnny." Your press into him, face in his neck, fisting the front of his jacket, trying to burrow yourself beneath his skin. It’s all wrong, how you drift so aimlessly into the ether of somewhere else, lost in the present, in the incendiary magma of a memory he wishes didn’t exist.
"Shhh, wee sweet. I've got ye. I'm here."
"Ye get yer filthy fuckin' hands off her RIGHT NOW." Johnny screams, gives the command at the top of his lungs, Kyle shooting him a nervous look over his scope.
"There's no need to get upset-"
"Shut up." Ghost grunts. "Let the analyst go, an' maybe we'll keep you alive as a prisoner." The woman shakes her head, and then shoves you forward, closer, but no father away from the barrel of her gun that rests right at your temple.
"She's my only leverage now." The body of your co-worker is crumpled on the concrete, blood spilled around him like a halo. Johnny's vision dims red.
"Ye dinnae ken who ye've got in your hands." He warns, a click echoing across the room.
Someone is trying to argue with Simon, just outside the door. Johnny can hear it, the frustrated tenor of someone who's about to make a terrible mistake, the irritated grumble that gets silenced immediately by Lt's bark, more than enough persuasion for them to move on to the next floor's showers.
"Cy?" He murmurs, but you don't respond, face still tucked in his clavicle. You've stayed there, curled up against him, letting him clean you, dirt and blood all washing down the drain as you kept your eyes closed and he re-inspected you for wounds. "I'm goin' take ye back to my room." He holds your upper arms, moving you in step with him, directing you out of the shower and onto the mat, where he reaches for the first of many towels, ghosting the texture across your shoulder, then your cheek, before using it as intended, wrapping it around your body and reaching for the next. It's all he can do now; take care of you, get you clean, get you comfortable, hold you while you sleep and stare at the ceiling, recounting every second of today, fixating on the pieces that could have gone wrong, that could have ended your life and lost you to him, forever.
"Cold." Your whisper redirects his attention. Reminds him of his focus.
"I know, is a wee bit, isnae it?" He brought a sweatshirt, one of his, and once he's got you mostly dry, he taps. "Arms up, wee sweet." When your head pokes through the hole, he smiles, even though your eyes are still closed. "There she is, mo ghraidh." Your pointer finger strokes over the middle of your forehead, circling as if you're outlining a target, and then traces up his neck, over his jaw and across his cheek, patting his lips. They curve beneath your touch, eager to do your bidding, pleased by your silent request. "Of course I'll give ye a kiss, Cy, give ye whatever ye want, always."
"Time's up. What's it gonna be?" Price demands, and the gun digs into the side of your head, forcing you downward at an odd angle, panic plainly displayed across your face.
"Johnny." Your voice sings like an off key chorus, an echo of voices too twisted, too shrill.
"It's alright Cy, nothin' is goin' happen to ye." The woman with the gun laughs. It's decadent, believable, like she truly thinks she's going to get away, or take you with her. "I'm goin' to kill ye." He promises. "Whether it's now, or later. It'l be me, wringing out yer last breath."
Her hand moves to your throat and squeezes.
It's enough. More than enough.
"Guess it'l be now, then." And with no announcement, no more second chances, no more second guessing- his finger pulls the trigger.
“You killed her.” Your whisper trembles in the dark. His muscle involuntarily tenses, and relaxes just as quickly, sinking into the mattress, pulling you tighter into his arms.
“An’ I’d do it again. I’d do it a thousand times over to save ye.”
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lilacxquartz · 1 month
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angel satoru gojo x mortal fem!reader
part 2 of 2 • masterlist • ao3 link • << part 1
summary: after making an offering, you catch the attention of a six eyed angel who despite promising you the heavens, leads you into hell instead.
warnings: heavily implied dub/non-con, violent/disturbing imagery, body horror
Part 2: Answer
The next couple of days were met with a certain degree of reluctance and uncertainty combined as you couldn’t help but feel a crushing sense of guilt, wondering what the angel truly meant by ‘everything’.
Had you known what it could have entailed, you would have never prayed—you would have never even entertained the concept of love, knowing now that it would be taken away so soon.
You didn’t want to think that ‘everything’ could have been in a more literal sense; something that would force you to have a lacking say in your own existence in exchange for a taste of power.
It left you wondering more so if it was truly a blessing or if it was more of a curse.
And moments after tucking yourself into bed, you were awoken by an all too familiar presence making itself known within the confines of your very own home.
The angel reappeared; his eyes a glowing piercing blue with snowy lashes—a gaze as cold as ice.
No longer did it have a welcoming smile.
No longer did it seem as kind.
Its voice, coming out as nothing more than a threatening low droning hum, echoed throughout your body, “Remember what you have offered to me,” he spoke, the playfulness absent from his tone, “your life is mine now too.”
Somehow, these words didn’t really register properly in your mind and you looked back at him with a gnawing sense of disbelief. Your demeanour faltering for a second. You wanted for this strange deity to provide you with answers but every interaction left you with more questions than ever before, leaving you feeling confused after each and every single exchange.
“What…?” you simply asked, blurting out your words.
The angel smiled, painting an illusion of deceptive kindness across his face. His voice softened, as though trying to comfort you despite the words holding onto a sure threat, “You said everything, did you not? That should surely include both your heart and soul.”
“B-but,” you protested, tenting your knees as you backed up in bed, holding your pillow close to your chest, “I can’t even have a normal relationship?”
“Preferably not,” the angel cooed, “but if loneliness is what you’re dealing with, then I can pay you as many visits as you’d like at night.”
You didn’t like the implication of that.
“Y-you…?” you repeated his offer, “You… visit m-me…?”
“Correct,” he nodded with a tight smile, stepping closer ever so slightly forward, “it’s my job to look over humans, so let me be your everything too.”
The more you took in the sight of the angel, the more deceptive he truly seemed. Something about him screamed arrogant and even though he wasn’t playful this time, there was something unserious about the way he spoke to you.
Again, your mind had to wonder.
(Was this truly an angel?)
(Or did you pray to something else instead?)
“T-this is my only option?” you asked.
“Yes, but I’ll visit you however many times it takes,” he nodded.
The wording threw you off however, something about the way he said it and the terminology used, didn’t sit quite right with you.
‘However many times it takes.’
Until what?
The visits did indeed come to happen, he left you feeling a mixture of both wide awake as the nights had passed yet perfectly refreshed in the mornings as though nothing had happened.
Even though your energy didn’t seemingly suffer, something else within you began to drain instead.
You weren’t quite sure what, though.
Your mind spiralled as it considered the possibilities.
You were blessed, right? Not chosen. Could there have been a difference between the two?
And lying awake in your bed yet again, you anticipated the angel but weren’t quite in the mood due to a terrible feeling brewing inside of you. Your eyes, blinded by the approaching light snapped open; feeling the weight of such unimaginable power anchor right on top of you.
“Not toda—“ you began to protest, your words coming out as barely a whisper.
“—everything,” he shushed you instead, reminding you of your place within the dynamic. He was the an angel; a being close to a god and you were a mortal blessed by his touch. Silly you. You had no right to complain.
Yet the continuation felt awfully wrong.
Like something was happening that shouldn’t have been.
Just like the many sleepless nights before this one, he started by crashing his lips against your own. His touch like pillowed stone against fresh clay—his touch bordered articulate—precise and careful, just like those many times before. Your eyes once again drifted over to his roaming hands, blurring your vision whenever you’d look at them for too long.
“I know your limit,” he whispered to you, his cold breath rippling waves of shivers through you, “I can see it.”
It was as though his words were easing you into it every time. His voice was low and his tone felt hypnotic.
Slowly, as a result, you couldn’t help but grow more accepting of it even if you were unsure why.
Something internal that faded away as you slowly gave into his presences, into his continued touch and…!
(What was this feeling…?)
His touch continued to explore you; his hands brushed over your breasts underneath your clothes. Stony fingers that slipped in between your legs, guiding his digits towards your sex. A soft gasp escaping your lips as he ran tauntingly slow circles around your clit.
Next, he moved himself to hover you. His hardened length feeling just as rigid as the rest of him, if not even somehow more, hovered at your entrance. Slowly, he pushed the tip of his cock into your awaiting cunt, his length enveloped by your heat.
Slipping himself out and then plunging forth again and again—it felt like he was bruising you from the inside. His gradually quickening pace left you breathless yet somehow craving more despite the creeping exhaustion.
“My everything,” he’d mutter, his lips ghosting icy air against your own, his tongue wrestling yours. The experience felt almost jarring with how much attention you took in from a higher power, perhaps in a way that you shouldn’t. The angel continued to stalk his release regardless—appearing almost human—almost vulnerable as he pounded into you with want and need.
He grunted, though softly, as he worked his hips into yours. Despite this, your home only echoed back the sounds of your strained whining and almost relentless, breathless moaning. Your fingers clawing against the sheets—against his flesh—grabbing, almost as if desperately trying to hold onto your plummeting sanity as it somehow slipped away during your shared nights.
His rutting pursuit was by now deeper, his speed unforgiving. Your core felt as though it was going to be split apart by his plunging length. You felt exhaustion seep and settle while your insides soon felt pummelled and even sore as the angel reached an almost frenzied pace, seeking a violent release.
It was sudden as he finally met his end; his body finally spent. You felt as his cock twitched within your sex, emptying himself fully within your bruised core, leaving you a state of uncomfortable full of him and him alone.
As he relaxed and you recovered, the angel soothed you in your repeated panicked submission. His flesh that had since then merged with yours, rubbed raw against what felt like almost worn skin. His comforting touch smoothed goosebumps over you, leaving you once again feeling not quite chosen, but blessed with the essence of something else.
(Something worse?)
Whether or not it was power that he was giving you, it wasn’t something you could tell.
He soon left you in that now familiar dazed and almost high state—your hands drifting and slurring as you moved around in bed—phasing you in and out of your own fleeting consciousness.
And although the sensation faded and the skies lightened outside, for once, you were left feeling exhausted.
As though you couldn’t quite drop what the angel left behind this time.
You’d hands glowed a faint yet noticeable blue, trailing an aura behind as you moved them around in the air. Like seeping water that evaporated the second it lingered a little too long.
Whatever this was; a power, a blessing or something else.
You didn’t want it.
It hurt.
“Thou shall not lay in bed with the gods who masquerade as angels; lest you ascend.” — Ancient scriptures.
As if on clockwork, the angel would show up again and again as per the usual times. It was nighttime whenever it arrived with its heavy footsteps splintering the floorboards, icy fingertips that willed you awake, refusing to let you rest.
You couldn’t help but shudder whenever you jolted back into the conscious realm. The touch now feeling familiar, yet somehow so freshly invasive every time.
Something felt different this time though.
“Would you like to be more than just blessed?” he asked you, although the way he delivered his words felt more like a statement than an offering. The way he spoke reminding you more of how the demons spoke; so elusive and almost deceitful.
You couldn’t form a proper response this time either. Your words stifled by a pressuring change in the atmosphere. Something about his words felt once again less like a prompt.
(Maybe more like a threat?)
‘More than just blessed.’
Your mind locked onto the way he said that and he seemed to notice. His icy blue eyes settled into your own gaze in a way that felt looming, as though he was attempting to get a read on your soul rather than to catch onto your interpretation.
“Will it stop the pain?” you finally managed to ask.
Ever since the first time the pain had began to linger, was when you started to feel like something was clearly wrong. The aura that trailed in your hands never subsided, instead slowly enveloping the rest of your skin. The burning sensation that developed in your skin when the pain manifested had only gotten worse since then. It was as though your flesh was overcome with an invisible fire that crackled and whipped away at your skin.
It surely must have been in your head, though.
Yet, despite feeling the blistering pops and the flickers of bursting skin, of charring bone that crisped deep into the core of your very being.
You couldn’t help but feel that this was all too real.
As if something within you was changing and not in a good way.
Not at all.
All the angel did was continue to smile at you. His many eyes once again fluttering around his body, as though blinking in desperation in attempted warning. Yet, the two eyes on his face remained still and almost dormant.
Sitting you upright and allowed for you to lean into his frame, his lips forged a smile to help you ease into his offering.
“It will stop the pain,” he promised, “you’ll never feel anything again, my pretty mortal thing.”
“Then—“ you coughed out, your voice hostage in your throat under a chokehold.
“—it’ll stop the pain,” he continued to comfort you, his hand brushing down your back in a soothing manner, whispering out his final words so that you just about couldn’t fully hear, “and everything else.”
Just as he said that, the pain built up within your body, the blue aura almost barely contained the longer it festered within you.
“I’ll do it,” you replied, finally giving in.
He smiled once more, however as soon as you finalised his non-offer, all remaining warmth that he held onto had since swept away, almost instantly. The once thought to be imagined sensation of hellfire burning over your skin was now visible, with roaring, crackling flames that continued to eat away at your body.
His words of promised mercy hung in the air as you focused on him out of desperation, the eyes scattered on his body weeping along with yours as you surrendered towards deceitful ascension. Your body feeling as though it was almost crumbling against his rigid touch, all the while he stared at your succumbing form.
Slowly, the blue fire closed in on you fully; encasing you in a flaming cocoon that wrapped tight around your body, constricting you.
As the fire finally burned away at your last remaining shred of pain, you longed for it to finally be over, to finally be free.
Yet, when you next awoke in a surge of jolting panic, you found that despite trying to tear your body forward, despite trying to thrash and and sway around—that you couldn’t move a single inch. Even though the sensation of peace washed over your soul, you found yourself encased in the body of someone else, watching through a fleshy tomb as they walked around with your frightened gaze guiding their way.
“There, there,” you heard a familiar voice hush you, his voice vibrating against your very being, “allow me to introduce myself to you. I don’t believe I ever have. I am the six eyed god of the open sky. You may have heard of me as the fallen angel, the one who dared to mingle with the demons and with the humans alike. Turns out I have an appetite for an uncorrupted soul and you’re lucky enough to be a part of me forever.”
You wanted to reply to him, but you couldn’t.
“Now, why wouldn’t I grant this opportunity… as some would call it, to the followers of my own temple, you ask?” he laughed, “because to worship is already giving into corruption and I only respond to untainted desperation.”
You fluttered your eyes as much as you could, the sensation feeling nauseating as you couldn’t scream while entombed within his own flesh.
“You’re crying, aren’t you?” he mocked, “I saved you. A life free from pain, free from suffering. We’ll be together as one, forever united within your dreams… but only when you’re ready once more, only when you’ve finally given in.”
You attempted to scream over and over again.
Yet no sound could be heard as you were forced to watch from his appointed gaze as his adorned seventh and eighth eyes, decorating his body as a purposeful stare, condemned to experience a life that wasn’t yours together with a deity who lied to you.
Yet the six eyed god of the sky didn’t see it that way.
For at last, he finally caught onto something human.
So pure and uncorrupted.
To finally challenge the system with what defined the balance of existence; to finally redefine both pain and peace within this corrupted world.
Together, you’d see the truth.
Even if you’d suffer for eternity as a result instead.
part 1 of lilac’s bite sized yandere jjk nightmares
a/n: the idea i was going for was that you got tricked by not an angel, not even a god, but by something worse. it was a play on gojo’s technique rendering him into nothing more than a tool and the societal weight on his shoulders. the six eyes being a burden (with some creepy yan!angel elements).
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
back to church.
(incubus!coriolanus x reader)
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summary: how could he? appearing in your dreams, fucking the senses out of your body, and now appearing at your church.
c.w: religious imagery and references, church sex, dacryphilia, slight degrading, breeding, explicit sexual content, porn with plot, rough sex, throatfucking, fingering, overstimulation, a bit of praising, dom coryo, catholic reader, virginity loss
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your house was full of catholic articles. crosses, paintings, bibles decorating every single thing of your apartment.
a religious fanatic, by all means.
then, when it comes to praying, you loved doing it. especially since you knew all prayers possible, your favorite being the Holy Father. well, it didn't seem to matter now, not when he was there, cursing your dreams, eating you out, fucking you, torturing you- he was a fucking demon. an incubus. made you wake up in drenched panties and made you hide in the bathroom to aliviate yourself.
buzzcut blonde hair, blue heavenly eyes, the proper appearance of a human, but somehow, he seemed prettier than a cherubim. more precious than a diamond.
now, however, you were terribly afraid of the sight in front of your eyes, the same man who appeared in your dreams, the same fucking diabolical being that fucked you senseless was now in front of you, tasting your tears off his finger.
"w-what are you doing here- this is the lord's house! you are not allowed to be here!" you cried, holding your hanging cross in front of him. it was supposed to make demons go away, and still he was there, approaching you, making you stumble on the stairs that lead off to the altar. god's altar.
"you say that, but i can smell you. you're drenching, sopping wet. for fuck's sake, you're a mess." he laughed, kneeling down in front of you, smiling at the sight of your skirt, always hitting your ankle, hiding the curves of your thighs, of your hips, your waist.
"that's sinful, that's a lie. you're the devil. you've been appearing on my dreams, trying to take me down the wrong path- i'm not going!" he chuckled at you, hands holding on your cross in a praying action.
you looked pathetic. on your knees, your cunt drooling for him, clenching around the air and he didn’t touch you more than once, when he took that lonely tear into his mouth- the lewdest thing you have ever seen until now.
with that in mind, when he put you on your knees again after you tried to get up and pray another Holy Father, you almost salivated when the bulge between his legs seemed to be bigger than a normal man's one. not that you could've know, you never had any relationship past 12 years old, when dating was just holding hands and kissing eachother's cheeks.
however, you knew that no one was supposed to have 11 inches. normally it was 8, isn't it? so, taking the cross in your hands, holding it for your dear life, you didn't even took note to when you took his dick into your hand, he didn’t even needed to say anything- what a shame.
the heat and the lust in your body seemed to have increased more than necessary. it was probably his fault, though. you were sure of it.
or you were just a slut.
with that in mind, his hand caressed your hair too kindly for you to ignore, even looking at him while the tip of his dick was on your tongue, with you swirling your tongue around his shaft, feeling the veins, the shape, the hardness, the thickness, whatever you could.
why were you doing this? you both were in a church- next to the altar. you were praying minutes ago. stop that. stop it. was all you could think, alongside with the thoughts of ah, he tastes so good- it's so big. it's not gonna fit in me. it's not fitting in my mouth. not gonna fit inside. but it's good. that's a sin.
"fuck- i didn't even had to tell you what to do? god, you're supposed to be the most faithful woman in this church." he said. and you cried, there was some type of beauty on the christian guilt you were displaying. tears rolling down your cheeks, his dick almost not fitting your sweet throat.
then, for your surprise, you didn't seem to have a gag reflex. then again, he was fucking your throat senseless, the beautiful gagging sounds you made alongside the moans you let be muffled by his cock seemed to be the prettiest melody he could hear in his life, in his death, in his afterlife as a incubus.
it was pathetic. holding onto the cross as if you weren't aucking a incubus's dick. as if you weren't liking it. as if you weren't praying for that to end for you to stop dreaming about him- dreaming and waking up in a wet mess on your sheets.
"maybe you're just a slut, maybe i got confused between the strongest believer and the prettiest whore." he smiled, kissing your lips after taking his dick out of your mouth, for your total despair, you noticed how you wanted more, how you needes more of his taste on your mouth. you needed to taste his cum and yet he didn’t feel like cumming on your mouth.
you were taken into his arms, put up on top of the altar, legs spread so nicely to him, still covered by that long stupid skirt that he made sure to rip out of your body. fuck that fabric, he needed to fuck you.
you, with those doll teary eyes of yours. you, with those beautiful crosses with pearls and fake shining diamonds in it. you, beautiful, virgin, silly you.
maybe he could turn you into a succubus. maybe he could marry you- knot you.
with the heat of your body being something so intense, you didn't notice the Raimundo and the thunders outside- he did. he knew right there that he didn’t confused anything, he was right. you were the pretty virgin doll girl who would rather go to heaven than to fuck- until some minutes ago. but now, with his long finger trilíngue the path up and down your wet slick, you didn't want anything other than him.
"you're too wet, don't you think?" he chuckled, thrusting his middle finger slightly inside you, trying not to hurt you. "and here i was thinking you were as pure as the snow."
"your name- what's your name?" you asked, cheeks colored in heat and your mind numb with lust, one that you didn't had before.
"does it matter? are you going to try and say my name out loud trying to get me out of here?" he asked, licking your bud a bit, it was such a swift move you didn't even remember seeing him leaning in to you, tasting you on his tongue. it was so dirty. such a nasty move.
"n-no, i just need to know who to call- when you're inside." your answer made him let a surprise chuckle out of his lips, his index finger having now the company of his middle finger, both teasing you, both preparing you and making you squirm.
"coryo. call me coryo." you nodded, mouth agape as you looked in front of you, your sight was blurry, but you still saw the image of Jesus christ staring at you, a single tear falling through his eye. the guilt was soon taken over by pleasure, when he started to finger you, "look at me. not at him."
and you obeyed, dubiously dumb to his touch, melting into his fingers, coating them with your wetness. you were so pathetic right now, and still, that stupid cross didn't leave your fingers for not even a second.
he didn’t bother with you coming on his fingers. he did it again and again until his fingers and his forearm was wet with your juices, until your clit was swollen and abused by the attention it was recieving. you tried your best not to cum- he didn’t seem to mind that, he just wanted to make you cum over and over again until you were crying with the overstimulation.
"s-stop that, please, i-i need to breathe properly- need to, need to calm down- don't want to cum again. please. c-calm down." you moaned, and he smiled happily with that, slapping your clit and making you jolt and shake from surprise and a mix of pain and pleasure, god, you were sopping wet. clenching tight on his fingers.
"you taste good." he said, kissing your temple after licking your taste out of his fingers. you were such a tease. he needed to fuck you- ah, you were still a virgin.
that's honestly even better.
then, his tip was teasing you. and just then you noticed how much bigger he was than you- even in his human appearance he was still tall, small horns on his forehead, 6'11ft, buzzcut blonde hair- he was a dream. a nightmare. all at once.
you needed him.
"you're ready?" he asked, his tip getting surprisingly wet over your own juices. you wanted to kill yourself for how good you felt on his dick even if he hadn't enter you yet.
you nodded, a silent nod of humiliation and submission he made sure to burn into his brain.
smiling, he made sure to give you his hand for you in case you felt pain. with that in mind, you accepted the fact that it was going to hurt, his shaft was thick and when it entered you, you cried, tears rolling down your eyes as you stared at the way he entered you, destroying you, devouring you- best to say you were the one doing that, your cunt engulfing him into you, all you could take.
it seemed to you that, when he touched you, fingered you, it was a way to prepare you for him, because now, even with you being a virgin and the pain taking over for your virginity loss, it was incredibly pleasurable.
"you're taking it better than i expected you to." he said, kissing and tasting the lonely tear on your cheek- he was doing that a lot. tasting you, kissing, licking you. you were crying like a kitten, taking him like a whore and looking at him like a saint who has just failed at being the etereal being you were supposed to be. you couldn't bear the idea of going home, being looked over by all the saints, by Saint Mary, by God itself, by all the pictures of Jesus holding a lamb or guiding a lamb- you. the lamb was supposed to be you.
and yet, here you were, moaning on his dick with your legs spread open and all wet for him in front of an altar, in front of all the church benches in where all the saints were watching you from- in your head, this is what was going out.
he was thrusting only half of his dick inside you, never going too far, always hitting you good, but not violent. he could go rough another hour. right now, you were his saint, his angel who failed at the task given by you, not to fall into temptation. not to give into sin.
with that in mind, after the pain went always, you looked him into the eyes, your shining ones meeting his heavenly blue ones. if you looked more at him you could swear he had small clouds in his eyes.
"y-you can go faster," you said, to his surprise.
"if i go faster, i'll end up going deeper, too." he warned, and you shivered at the thought of all of his lenght inside you. it felt arousing.
"please." you pleaded, your scent filling his senses. "go on."
"it will hurt you." he warned again, trying to see if for only a minute you would change your mind. "you're a virgin."
"not while you're inside me," you said. "go on. you're a demon, you're not supposed to be that reassuring, are you?"
he growled as an answer, there was some type of sick humour in your words that he didn’t really like, but it's not like he would say anything. he wanted you to be comfortable, this much was clear. however, you didn't saw any reason for him to want that. there's had to be some motive for that- one that you couldn't think of when he's half inside you, seven inches into you, seven from the eleven inches inside you.
"if that's what you want," he started, his voice nothing but a husky grow. "don't say i didn't warn you."
his eyes seemed to shine brightly as he grabbed your hips, letting you take him by the shoulders, letting himself pound into you, you felt like you were being split in half, however, the more he did it, the more you wanted it.
you came quickly, for his surprise. he thought you would be in so much pain that you wouldn't be able to cum for at least half an hour. then again, you were too sensitive for you not to cum to the smallest move.
"pretty quick, aren't you?" he said, eyes watching as his dick showed up to be completely wet and coated by your cum, and you felt the most embarassed you have ever felt.
"s-sorry, i'm-"
"-you're sensitive." he said, licking your shoulder. you tasted like a salty droplet of heaven, he didn’t even care much about it, he hated heaven's and whatever it is that they hide between those clouds and rainbows, but something in your taste felt almost angelic to him. "it's fine. maybe it was because of my fingers."
the small smile he showed you was almost like shining pearls, you felt like he was enchanting you, hypnotizing you, you were under his spell- under his smile. maybe that's why your face was so contorted up in pleasure.
maybe that's why you didn't feel like caring about how every painting in that church was staring down at you, all of them clearly disappointed about you. the guilt was and would ever since then be ignored by the amount of pleasure you felt when he pounded into you, every single one of the eleven inches being completely inside you.
you could see, in that dirty, sinful and lewd picture how his dick inside you showed a tummy bulge, a line of his cock inside you was clearly drawn outside of you. that's such a sinful act, to be aroused by such a terrible sight.
but still, you were moaning his name, a line of drool running down your chin, your brows knitted together while he did such things to a saint like you. you weren't supposed to be liking it.
it had to be a dream. it had to-
but then again, while his cock was deep inside you, you bit his shoulder with a strenght that you didn't knew your teeth had. muffling your own moans against his skin, taste the flavour of his skin on your tongue, the way it felt bittersweet, the way it felt like a sin.
"you're taking me so well," he chuckled. "like a good girl would. and here i was thinking it would never fit."
he kissed your cheek, holding your ass, fucking you in missionary, your legs spread as he pounded into you, never slowing down- just like you asked to. you didn't seem to form any coherent phrase that wasn't "too deep" "too good" "fuck!" and etcetera.
with that in mind, it didn't took many minutes for you to be shaking on his dick, scratching his back and cumming for whatever time it was.
when he cummed inside you, however, you felt like you were going dumb. you didn't seem to make sense as his cum stuffed you.
"f-fuck- inside. you came inside- i can't be pregnant, i can't-"
"you won't." he said, kissing your temple as he pulled out of you. "but if you do, i will know."
what did that means?
you didn't knew. but you did met him again- and again, and again and again. and then, where was the sense in still be going to church when you were getting fucked relentlessly by an incubus? a being of hell? it didn't make sense. so, after leaving the church, you were with him.
you were with him. leaving with him. not taking well the information of being watched by all the saints, you decided to move with him.
now, you're his. whatever it means.
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margowritesthings · 2 months
Good Luck, Babe!
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pairing: Eloise Bridgerton x f!reader word count: 2394 words listen along authors note: I don't know what came over me with this one- I NEVER write just angst but here it is I guess🥲🥲 I just felt like Chappell is so Eloise x reader coded. I hope you enjoy! As always, big thank you to @cowboydisaster for beta-ing💙
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Dearest El,
I have departed London. As this letter will be arriving some weeks after I have departed London, and owing to your brilliant mind, I am sure you will have worked that out by now. I can only apologise for my disappearance and complete lack of correspondence, when Mama received word of Aunt Petunia’s illness, she made so much haste I barely had time to pack a quill. 
I hope with all my heart I can return to you soon. As much as the London season pains me, you bring the most incredible medicine in your company, one that I long to drink up every drop of.
As the atmosphere here in the country gets ever more mournful, the hope that I can soon be with you brightens. I feel so terribly guilty for not being as consumed by grief as the rest of my family, however I mourn every second missed by your side much more than a lifetime of a woman I never knew. 
My heart longs for more stolen moments soon,
Yours, always.
Meanwhile, at almost the exact same instant… 
My dear Miss Bridgerton,
We have been corresponding now for quite some time, and although we have never formally met, I feel as if I know you.
Forgive me if I am too bold, but I am writing to invite you to visit me. It is my hope that we might decide that we will suit, and you will consent to be my wife.
—Sir Phillip Crane
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“A… A husband? You are engaged?!”
You can’t be sure you heard right for the rushing of blood in your ears and the shattering of your heart in your chest. A broken heart always sounded so metaphorical, fantastical imagery to describe an emotion. But this pain is so very real, and it hurts so badly it takes everything you have not to let your knees buckle beneath you. 
“Perhaps… we could discuss this in private?” Eloise says, and even though you see her lips moving in time to the words you hear, it doesn’t sound like her. Not the girl you grew up with, the woman you love with all your heart. Everything has changed, in all of 4 seconds. 
The pointed tone she yields makes you remember yourself, finding half a dozen other Bridgertons looking back at the two of you. There’s tension knitted between each of their brows, the resemblance in the family so striking when they’re all gazing at you with the exact same confused expression. You can’t blame them, it is a rather intense reaction for a young lady when she finds out her best friend is betrothed.
They could never know how much more you are.
How much you thought you were.
Eloise pulls at your arm, and you comply like wet clay between her fingers. The shock is really settling in your bones now, and your lip wobbles with emotion you cannot spend in front of her family. She guides you, and you’re soon both in the library, the heavy door shut and locked behind you.
Your first instinct is to resent her for bringing you here, of all places, to talk about this. This damned library, with more memories stuffed in it than books. Of stolen kisses between chapters, nervous confessions beside the fireplace, learning each and every secret the other holds in their mind, and every single inch of their body. This library was your sanctuary only months ago, and now Eloise has brought you in here to break your heart.
The silence hangs between you, Eloise’s blush lips parting and closing. You’ve never seen her like this, with so much sadness in her eyes it scares you. 
“I… I feared we had been discovered.”
You can’t argue that. It would have been the easiest explanation to come to, with what happened. One day, you’re in London in the middle of the social season, stealing away from balls to press your lover against Lady Trowbridge’s bookshelves and make her moan your name in just the way you like. The next, you’d disappeared without a trace. How was she to know the circumstances? It makes sense now, that she never wrote you back. She wasn’t even in London to receive your correspondence.
“You quit London with all your family, not a trace of you. Not even a mention in Whistledown, for God's sake. I was so worried that perhaps your Papa had discovered that we were… our secret,”
She can’t even say it aloud. 
“And that he’d shipped you off to the country. I thought we’d both be ruined and… I was scared. Scared that I had lost you and that-” 
“Scared that you had lost me and your first instinct was to marry somebody else?!” You spit, all the hurt you had to hide when the first blow hit in the drawing room rising to the surface. “You thought I had been carted off to the country and the first thing you do is find yourself a husband to save your own skin?!”
You’re being ugly and hurtful and you know it, but you’re hurting too. There’s a palpable pain all over, and it’s affecting your ability to hold onto your composure. 
But the way Eloise flinches at your rebuttal is all the more painful. In the candlelight, you spot the tear tracks down her cheeks, and it takes everything not to close the distance between you and swipe them away with your thumb. You’d kiss each cheek softly, feeling just how soft her skin is. Oh, how you’ve missed how soft her skin is… 
Your feet seem to work of their own accord for a moment, toes icing forward, but you pull yourself back, perch yourself on the desk to anchor you down. If you go to her now, you’re not sure you could ever let her go, and she has a fiancé now. 
“It wasn’t like that.” She admits, her voice so weak now. It feels so wrong, like the Earth should be hanging upside down. Even then, your El would cling on with a smile, but this is so much worse than that because she’s crumbling too. She takes a deep, steadying breath, but it does little good.
“I had been corresponding with him for a few months… I knew his wife, Marina, her and Colin were once betrothed and she… well, it does not signify. It was just a letter of condolence, but then he replied, and one thing led to another and you were gone and I didn’t know if you were coming back and-” She’s rambling, words tumbling from her lips and each one a deeper cut than the last and you just can’t listen to all the sordid details anymore.
“Do you love him?” You interrupt, your question asked if it is the most simple in the world when, really, it is anything but. Seconds seem to stretch to hours, Eloise choking on her words and fighting with herself to finally shake her head no.
“It is a marriage of convenience. Sir Phillip is a widower. He has children who need a mother and I… they need me.”
But I need you.
You could tell her that. You could lay your heart out, tell her her place is right here, next to you, but you’re terrified. The chance you have of walking away from this night with your heart in one piece and your soulmate by your side is dwindling by the second. You’re losing her, and the fear turns to ugliness. 
“And that is what you wish to be, now? His wife, their mother?” You spit the titles out as if they are a curse, “What about-”
“What about what? Growing old together as spinsters, those strange ladies who live together in the country and see nobody? The ones who not just ruined themselves with the scandal, but their entire families?! At least I can be his wife. I can be their mother. It’s legal, and accepted, and perhaps that has never mattered to me before, but you left, and I didn’t know when you were coming back and Phillip was there and offering me a place to go and and I… I had to be realistic. Stop living in this fantasy.”
The word ricochets inside you, cracking bones, puncturing organs and leaving you bleeding out in front of her. Fantasy. 
All those long hours reading together, discovering parts of the world nobody would teach two young ladies.
A fantasy.
Your first kiss, hidden from the heavens under the covers of a thunderstorm, discovering other things they’d never teach you.
A fantasy.
That first time, and the next, and the next, and every time after that, skin to skin, bodies so connected you couldn’t tell where one of you ended and the other began. 
Moaning each others names, decorations of love and passion and lust and everything in between tying you both together for what seemed like forever. 
The plans you had to escape to the countryside together, away from anybody who could ever keep you apart.
A fantasy A fantasy A fantasy
The feeling of absolute inadequacy starts to creep in, until you realise it isn’t you Eloise is giving up on, it’s her. 
“This isn’t who you are, El…” You whisper, all the energy and fury in your own words dying off. You’re devastated, not just for yourself, but because you know who Eloise Bridgerton is, and the woman in front of you is letting her down.
She meets your eye, and you do all you can not to lose yourself in those sad, grey pools that tell you everything her words are not. 
“What if it is? It is how every other woman is, is it not? Why should I be so different? What we do- what we did- isn’t how it is supposed to be done and you know it. It could have been nothing- a blip. What if… if I’m not actually like that and I just hadn’t…” The words die in her throat, and you know it’s because she doesn’t mean them. So much so you’re not even hurt by it. She feels just as you do, that tether between you just as tense on both ends, but denial is rearing its ugly head now, and you’re powerless to it.
Eloise takes in a deep breath, sighing it back out as if it will settle her nerves. But you see the way she tugs at her own fingernails, the way her feet shift every other second. She’s nervous. She’s lying, and you don’t know who’s benefit it is for. 
“You can say that we are nothing, but you and I both know the truth, Eloise. You would have to burn the world down for what is between us to cease.
One day, you will wake up in the dead of night and you will realise you are a wife to a man you do not love, a mother to children that are not yours. You will have walked into another woman’s life, a life you do not want, because you think that whatever this is between us will cease, that whatever resides inside of you will simply disappear… Eloise, I promise you now that it will not.
You’ll still love me, all those years from now, I swear to you that you will, and even if you don’t, there will be another but you know it will not be him… Please, El, I beg of you not to do this. Not just for me, but for you. Do not rob yourself of who you truly are because you are scared, please do not do this-”
You don’t know when you started crying, nor when you allowed yourself to finally close the distance between you and Eloise and grab hold of her hands as you beg for her life. She’s too limp in your grip, the fight burning in her already extinguished.
“It… It does not signify. I have already married him.” 
A final blow knocks you back a few paces, from the one you thought you knew so well.
The one you truly didn’t know at all. 
No, you knew your El. You knew Eloise Bridgerton, who had two sugars in her tea and fought harder than anyone else in London for what she believed in. 
You do not know Eloise Crane. 
Not one bit.
“I see.” You choke on the two little repeated syllables, packing thousands more into their subtext. Weaving in the pain and betrayal, wrapping them around the confession that even after all this, you still love her. Maybe she finds those secrets in your short sentence, it’s impossible to tell with this faux composure she’s clinging onto. 
“It all moved so quickly. He asked me to visit him, and my brothers… Well, you know how they are. They believed he compromised me, so we… I… I am sorry. Truly, I never meant to hurt you… It all got away from me.” There’s a weakness in her final sentence that leads you to think perhaps Eloise didn't have much of a say in the matter at all. It makes you angry, furious that these men who claim to love her, her own family, would steal away her future like this. Would steal her away from you.
You want to scream. You want to cry. You want to storm up to Anthony Bridgerton and give him a piece of your mind, but El is right. None of it signifies anymore, because the deed is done. 
Eloise Crane will live the rest of her life within a lie.
And so, it seems, will you. 
She’s openly sobbing now, the two paces backwards you took in the aftershock feeling like miles and miles now. 
“I’m so sorry…” 
And then, so quiet you could have missed it for your own heartbeat,
“I love you.”
It feels as natural as breathing to say it back. You have done, thousands of times. From written into letters left hidden under pillows to moaned voices in each other's ears.
This time, though, the words get stuck. They mutate, catching all that pain build up inside you on their way out and becoming bitter. 
“I wish you the very best of luck with your new family, Lady Crane.”
You try not to look back, but it is awfully difficult.
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hazelfoureyes · 6 months
*very sacrilegious*
Alastor knew the best way to have a laugh on Halloween! Bother the fuck out of Lucifer. Literally. Nuns don’t wear pants, right?
For my sweetest @minkdelovely
「warnings/promises: TopLucifer x BottomNun!Alastor, hate fucking, clawing skin, wings come out, HCU (hazel cinematic universe), threats to tear Alastor apart, The Lords Prayer bastardized, anal creampie, still ace ass Alastor, rough sex」
Minors dni
Alastor wasn’t particularly excited for a Halloween party at the hotel, even if he knew watching the others could be fun.
But then he had an idea to make the evening positively entertaining.
Which led him to where he was now, pressed against Niffty’s various cleaning supplies in a hallway closet, ass pounded by his furious majesty.
Alastor had thought it would be funny to wear a nun’s habit, having hand stitched little X’s and an inverted cross in red thread to personalize the outfit. 
While heaven did exile Lucifer and systemically murder his subjects, Luci still had a soft spot for what was now religious imagery. Devoting your life and body to the Lord was something he thought to be quite admirable.
So when Alastor walked into the party dressed in holy attire, Luci saw red. And black. And white. The colors of Alastor’s sinful costume. Dressed as Dadcula, Dad Dracula, obviously (Which was just Lucifer in a black cape and bat ear headband), Luci marched up to the radio demon.
“Hallway, now.” He grabbed Alastor by the arm, the nun leaving the party as quickly as he had arrived. Charlie saw the men rush out the room and worried a fight was brewing.
“Yes, your majesty?” Alastor steepled his hands together, “what’s the matter, pray tell?”
Lucifer smacked his hands down, “Stop that! You are making a mockery of centuries of worship!” Sputtering, he gestured up and down. “Take that off right fucking now!” He stomped his foot and managed a calming breath, “Please.”
The grin should have been enough to tell Luci he’d walked into a trap, “Who am I to deny my liege?” Alastor found the zipper in the back and pulled it down, letting the smock open and fall forward off his arms. Lucifer’s eyes followed the habit down from neck, to bare chest, to toned stomach, to-
“Are you-!” Lucifer’s hands came out to hide Alastor’s exposed cock, “naked!?” He seethed.
A voice called from the ballroom entrance, “Dad? Is everything alright?” Charlie was positive her father and Alastor were already tearing into each other. 
To her credit, they would be soon enough.
Panicked and terrible under pressure, Lucifer opened the closest door and shoved both himself and the now nude Alastor into it.
It was, to his despair, a broom closet. Perhaps two people could fit comfortably had it not been occupied with a shelving system of supplies, mops, brooms, and a large outdated vacuum cleaner.
As soon as he pushed them in and closed the door, he found his body pressing into Alastor’s bare ass.
Alastor was certain there was a God now, and he a favored child. What hilarious developments. Even he couldn’t orchestrate such comedy gold.
“Oh, Father, is this confessional? I have a mighty long list.”
Lucifer smacked at Alastor’s back, “Do not call me Father!”
“Daddy?” Alastor asked, coyly looking over his shoulder to the smaller man.
“Dad?” Charlie echoed.
Lucifer’s hands shot up to cover Alastor’s mouth, “Shhh, or I will kill you once and for aAAH,” a moan breaking through his sentence as Alastor ground back into his crotch.
Alastor mumbled into Luci’s palm.
“What’s wrong?” Vaggie joined, her and Charlie now feet from the door.
“I thought Dad and Al were out here bickering…” 
Alastor began grinding himself into Luci, feeling something there for him in the King of Hell’s lap.
Lucifer couldn’t help the reaction, Alastor had been intentionally winding him up for weeks.
Reaching for the newspaper and slipping, hand coming down onto Luci’s crotch. Needing something on a high shelf and just having to press his much larger body upon Luci’s smaller frame. He even sat on Lucifer once, joking, “Oh I didn’t see you there, hmm.” A size joke and groping combo.
He was touch starved and primed, so when he looked down to see skin and curves and warmth offered to him, he simply lost it.
Angel Dust had been so kind as to teach him the word hatefuck recently. And he was going to hatefuck the sass out of Alastor.
Was he using that correctly? Unimportant, a fleeting concern as he fought to undo his belt with one hand.
“They’re probably here somewhere fucking around, don’t worry about it babe. Come back and enjoy your party.” Vaggie, a psychic of some sorts, led her love away just in time.
Luci wasn’t sure he could keep it up knowing his daughter was just outside the door. But that little obstacle was gone. When Luci didn’t immediately remove his hand Alastor snaked his tongue out and around his fingers.
“Gross,” Lucifer took back his hand, thinking for a second as he stared at the wet fingers before sliding them between Alastor’s cheeks. The taller man shivered. “Did you…” the realization he had been played hit him like a piano, oddly familiar but still quite heavy. “Why are you already lubed and stretched?”
Alastor reached down slowly, face smug as he slipped a tiny bottom from a single garter belt on his right thigh. 
“Holy water?”  Luci took it from Alastor before his face fell flat, nose curling as he sniffed the air, “Is this coconut lube oil? You’re foul.” He used his teeth to unscrew the lid and poured the contents down Alastor’s lower back, “I hope you understand. You make me regret  millennia of human free will more than I already did.”
“Your majesty I cannot get any harder, please stop the dirty talk.” Alastor shimmied his hips, elusive plush black-topped, red-bottomed tail swishing along.
Lucifer was briefly mesmerized, why was it so cute? Alastor should enter every room ass first, tail out. He’d be much more palatable. Blinking away the thought he swiped his leaking member up and down the demon’s ass as he spread lubricant on himself.
“I hate you, please don’t forget that.” Lucifer lined himself up and pressed in, groaning as he effortlessly was taken to the hilt. Alastor had prepared well. Another second to imagine Alastor in the nuns' habit, legs spread and hands busy working himself open for Lucifer. Alastor’s breath hitched as Luci’s twitched and grew slightly in him. 
Alastor hadn’t started the night planning to get fucked. Once the outfit was on and he decided pants weren’t necessary, he began to consider all the ways he could fluster Lucifer. Nothing would be funnier than making the king of hell fuck a nun.
So here he was, gripping the shelves as Lucifer’s hips snapped into him.
“Oh fuck,” Luci moaned, Alastor was so tight and hot, how could someone so horrid feel so damn good? His nails dug into Alastor’s hips, pulling him back to meet every thrust.
Lucifer was enjoying himself. It felt good, Alastor not numb to pleasure, but he wanted to rile up Luci even more.
“Our Lucifer, who art in hell,” Alastor began his bastardized prayer. It worked, Luci’s hips slowing.
“Alastor.” He warned.
“Sullied be thy name; my king shall cum,” Alastor’s grin was audible. A growl came from behind him as a faint glow of fire illuminated his face, “thy sin be done,” he choked, Luci’s hips snapping into him with a sting to his ass. The fallen angel’s wings erupting and knocking the supplies off the shelves around them, no space for them to flex. Even though he knew Lucifer couldn’t hear him over the sounds of crashing bottles and broom handles, even though he could barely speak through the painfully rough fucking he was taking, he finished his prayer. 
“On earth as it is in hell,” the sentence was squeaked out in staccato, air sucked in with every stretch of his hole by his king. Alastor gripped the metal shelf side so tightly his fingers were losing blood flow, the rage behind Luci’s punishing cock making his eyes roll back. 
Lucifer gripped onto Alastor’s tail with a silent show of force, “You will stop this sacrilege.” Words forced through clenched teeth, “Or I will rent your dirty existence,” a pause to momentarily bury himself as deep as he could reach, “body and soul, asunder.”
Alastor couldn’t respond, mind slipping into a new realm entirely. He understood a threat had been made, and nodded as best he could with his head hung low between his hunched shoulders. He was making sounds as Lucifer’s nails cut into him, but he couldn’t place from where they came, pain or pleasure, only that his chest rumbled and his mouth was going dry. 
As his hips returned to their literally bruising speed, Lucifer felt his orgasm nearing. He’d never been so angry and so determined to fuck his own seed into someone else. It felt like giving a punishment, like a humiliation. He wanted Alastor to wobble out of the fucking closet, cum dripping out much later from the previously unreached place Lucifer marked.
Alastor’s body was hit up against the shelves as his knees gave out, Lucifer’s strength too much for him to withstand. As Lucifer came his wings pulled back before coming down and in. Alastor felt a heat deep in him, pooling in his guts. On his arms and forehead the soft touch of feathers caressed sweat slick skin.
They both stayed connected, only their chests moving as they heaved in and out. Lucifer waited for himself to go soft before he pulled out, forehead resting on Alastor’s back, both men on their knees.
Sometime after Luci’s wings folded back in and disappeared, Alastor regained enough sense to speak.
Lucifer pulled him to the floor by his neck, fist cocked back when the door opened.
“Oh sir, not again*. Your jokes are really not funny.” Niffty scurried over Lucifer’s back to retrieve a roll of paper towels before flitting out the room. Before closing the door she huffed, “Please stop telling them. No one ever laughs.”
“Dad, why do you smell like a piña colada?” Charlie leaned into Lucifer, taking in the aroma. “Wait a minute…. I know that smell.” Angel brightened,’“Awww baby’s first hatefuck!!”
*Alastor’s other bad joke
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∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list):
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum ,
@ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @fizzled-phoenix , @fjorjestertealeaf , @phobophobular , @surusurusuru , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @roxxie-wolf , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 , @watereddownmilk , @raynerrold , @crazii-saber-wolf , @valkyrie-expeditions , @bontensbabygirl , @sillyb0nez , @oo0lady-mad0oo , @jazzmasternot , @pseudobun , @fraugwinska✨, @alitaar , @straows , @alastorssimp , @angelicwillows , @b-o-n-e-daddy , @one-and-only-tay , @asleeponelmstreet , @tremendoushearttaco , @mutifandomkid , @sapphirecaelis , @itzzzkiramylove  @saccharine-nectarine , @viannasthings
@looking1016 , @ultimate-duck-king-lucifer , @blakeaha , @astraechos
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan
@faeoffaith ,
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shanastoryteller · 7 months
for the lady mo full fic title i'm tilting between wing bones touching and unsex me here
thoughts? opinions?
edit: lol wing bones touching is from: “Why don’t we lie together, wing-bones touching? You look like someone I used to love, only colder.” — Kim Addonizio, from Wild Nights; New Poems; Pareidolia. the quote is excellent and also i like the imagery of shoulder blades pressed together when they're sleeping away from each other, in discord, and when they fight back to back, in accord
unsex me here is macbeth, obv, and i like how she decries her gender for "holding her back" and how the gender/body shift effects wwx, plus it has obvious ties to the premise of the fic
edit 2: just because people don't seem to get what i'm going for with this one - "unsex me here" isn't about wwx's relationship with their gender, it's about society's relationship with their gender. he's unbothered. but what's expected of him and what he's able to do in mo xuanyu's body isn't just about him being not-wwx - it's about being a woman too. unsex me here when lady macbeth says it is about give me the freedom to be as violent and terrible as any man. unsex me here for wwx is give me the freedom to be more than the violent, mass murdering villain you've painted me as - strip me of my expectations and let me live as i was meant to live (even though he thinks he's destined to die again). it's about the parallels lol
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silkscream · 6 months
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ੈ✩ gojo satoru x reader, geto suguru x reader
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Your angels do not react. They only look at you with concern, shielding you from the blazing sun with their wings. They stare as you laugh, doubling over, falling backwards into the green grass. You only remember that you’re alive when they trace the contours of your body with their fingertips.
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ੈ✩ chapter cw/tags: explicit content (18+ mdni) , unprotected sex, high sex, threesome, oral sex, fingering, graphic depictions of violence and blood, recreational drug usage, biblical imagery, angst
ੈ✩ wc: 5.5k
ੈ✩ a/n: i was barely conscious when i wrote this. sorry bout it
playlist ✸ read on ao3 ✸ series masterlist
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August, 2009
Bliss is never eternal. If it was, you’d think the world would stop turning with everyone busy with their greatest indulgences. It’s not like you were much of a hedonist anyway, not even with Satoru’s influence.
You feel intoxicated with him and Suguru, but it’s not enough to keep you from reality. Yaga-sensei proves this the moment the boys are ordained the task of protecting the star plasma vessel—a fourteen-year-old girl with more spirit than you ever had at that age. You admire her spunk, her unwillingness to take shit from either of the boys. It entertains you endlessly.
“How do you deal with them?” she mutters to you. You learn that her name is Riko Amanai. She loves the ocean and has a sweet tooth like Satoru. Her favorite flavor is anything blue.
“I keep them in check.”
“Are you my bodyguard too?”
“Not really,” you laugh. “But I’ll be around.”
Riko likes you. She clings to you more than you anticipate, considering this isn’t your mission, but you understand. She’s vulnerable despite her confidence in her fate as Tengen’s vessel. Talks a big game with blue eyes shining bright, similar to Satoru. 
She pouts at your absence. You think nothing of it, knowing that she’s in good hands between the boys and that caretaker of hers. The bounty on the girl’s head is daunting, but the boys are the strongest, and you watch them evade the enemies easily. 
It’s when they end up in Okinawa that something in your chest feels a bit empty. A bad omen, anxiety pooling in your gut. 
Satoru texts you pictures from the beach—sea creatures from the ocean and the aquarium, selfies with Suguru that are often blurry. He texts you how much he misses you, how much he craves the parts of you that you think may be too intimate to even talk about out loud, let alone through text. Suguru sends you pictures of Riko and Satoru on the beach with the creatures they pick up from the ocean, of sunsets he knows you would enjoy.
You ache for their return. 
satoru: gonna stay for another day jsyk
you: having fun?
satoru: yeaaaa
satoru: tired as fuck though
satoru: but riko likes the beach. thought we could give her one more day
you: you’re sweet
satoru: not as sweet as uuuuuuuuu
satoru: she says hi btw
satoru: shes mad ur not here
you: she likes me more than you
satoru: >:(
you: i’ll see you soon. get some sleep please
satoru: anything for u baby
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Something has gone terribly wrong. 
You have no reason to be worried—Satoru is more than capable of handling that assassin, no matter how swift his movements may be. It was whiplash to see a sword go through him, and it was whiplash to see Satoru react like it was a paper cut.
Now, in the Tombs of the Star, you feel a chill run up your spine as you escort Kuroi out. She’s still emotional, wiping tears after her goodbye to Amanai. Trepidation strikes you the same way it did in that forest all those months ago. The air has grown cold, but you can’t sense any other cursed energy but your own.
“Kuroi,” you breathe.
“Yes?” She sniffles, wiping her tears quickly.
“Go on without me,” you say cautiously. “I think I better guard the Tomb just in case. For Geto.”
“Alright. Thank you for being there for them.” Kuroi smiles at you with a warmth you aren’t sure that you deserve.
“I wasn’t the one protecting her.”
“I know, but she admired you a lot. We missed you in Okinawa.”
You pull her into a hug, one that you wish you’d given Riko moments prior. It’s a parting gift. 
When she departs, you’re left alone in a dark hallway. You expect a spirit to jump out — something monstrous, an amalgamation of your nightmares. But this is a sacred place, you suppose. One meant for sacrifices and blessings. You’ve never really believed in blessings. The world is built on too many curses for that.
Something in the air made you want to choke, swallow back bile. Nothing like your old anxiety spells. It’s something else, you’re sure of it. And yet, it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. The rustle of fabric. 
He couldn’t go undetected, not completely. Not when your intuition was on overdrive, making you sick with it. Your senses acute. 
“Haven’t seen you before.”
His voice is raspy, the sound of skinned palms on pavement. Deep the way Japanese whiskey burns down and sits in your stomach a little too heavy. There’s a split on the corner of his mouth as if he’d been nicked by a thorn. He smiles at you with lazy, bovine eyes and a snake-like smirk. 
This man is not a figment of your imagination — he’s real as can be as he towers over you, yet there’s not a lick of cursed energy you can feel, even when you’re this close to him. A human.
You think about Satoru and the sword that went through his chest. You look at the sword that the stranger in front of you wields. Within a second, you rush to touch him, but your technique doesn’t activate as soon as you want it, too. He slashes you across the stomach, crimson permeating the torn fabric of your uniform.
“Weak little girl,” he chides. “You’re too pretty to kill, though.”
You gag, nearly vomiting on the ground. 
“You their girlfriend or what? Would’ve thought they were fucking each other, to be honest.”
You shake your head weakly, your vision blurring already. You hear a bark of a laugh. Not even your bared teeth can be taken seriously, not when you’re bleeding out on the ground. He tuts as if he’s scolding you.
“He’ll kill you,” you hiss. The man laughs again. You must be referring to one of your boys. He grins wider when he realizes. 
“Which one? The one with the bangs?” he scoffs. “Because I already killed the Gojo brat, sweetheart.”
You feel your heart drop, sinking like an anchor as the feeling drags your body down with it. You look at him with wide eyes, and the sadistic stare you get back tells you he wants to humiliate you. It would hurt less if he just killed you.
Satoru would never die by the hand of a non-sorcerer. Not a fucking chance. But the notion doesn’t stop the itch behind your nose, your eyes threatening tears. The man crouches, his face looking down at you in mock sympathy, and places a rough palm to your face, swipes your quivering bottom lip. You taste blood.
You clutch his wrist immediately and he raises his hand.
Something metal whips the side of your face, something heavy. Your sight of vision narrows into black.
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When you wake, you aren’t sure if you’ve arrived in a nightmare or had just left one.
For one, Satoru is saturated in blood. The scratches on his face are brutal. He looks half feral, half shell-shocked. It’s nothing you’ve seen before.
Despondency paints Suguru’s face into a shadow of himself. There’s something off about their cursed energy.
You don’t want to ask them how the rest of the mission went — you can already tell what the answer might be. If everything went according to plan, there wouldn’t be a blank stare in each of their eyes. If everything was fine, they would return to you like themselves — animated and flirty and teasing. If everything was the way it was meant to be, maybe you wouldn’t have the slight scar of a side wound aching at the side of your gut.
Instead, they’re all business. It’s like they look through you when they speak to you.
“Is Riko…” you trail off.
“She’s dead,” they say.
They deliver the news to you, expressionless. Mirroring each other.
There’s a blankness in Satoru’s eyes. Cold. No one exactly knows how to deal with being killed only to bring yourself back again. The thought of his mangled body surrounded by flyheads makes your stomach churn. 
He had always been god-like, prodigal. After being reborn, he really was a God. Untouchable. You’d think him to be cockier or more cruel, but on the surface, he’s devoid of anything, really. He’s stony-eyed, instead, a little empty behind the face. There’s a spark of something when he sees the large bruise on your cheekbone and the ghost of a slash on your rib.
He won’t say much about the man who killed him. Only that he had no cursed energy and a son. You remember a scar bending with the curve of a mouth and sharp green eyes.
It’s quiet at Jujutsu Tech afterward. Yaga continues classes like he always does, and all of you do your best. There are fewer missions that are being demanded of you. You think it’s because of the failed mission. Despite this, Satoru takes on whatever he can, even volunteering for the tougher ones just so he can let off some steam. Suguru often tags along with him, leaving you alone to sulk.
You don’t think you have any reason to sulk. It’s not like you were killed, anyway.
You feel them both pulling away. You don’t bother to pry — they at least seem to be occupied with each other. They were best friends before you ever got close to either of them. You knew your place. You’d give them space, knowing the gravity of the trauma they’d experienced on the mission, and yet your heart ached all the same. It was a familiar hurt, the same you’d felt in high school about Satoru. It was only peculiar now because those feelings applied to both of them.
But then there are times when Satoru sneaks into your room like he always does. He likes to nip at your shoulder with teeth that feel sharper, meaner. Hand around your throat, the calluses squeezing flesh. He likes to pin you down to the mattress, likes to hear the squeak of the bedframe as he fucks into you mercilessly.
Suguru takes you, too, but not so desperately, not so obviously. He lures you in, instead. You realize that he’s different than Satoru in the way that he has the patience for games. It explains the teasing, the touching. He’ll have you wrapped around his finger just from talking to you, and within the hour, he’ll be fucking into your soaked cunt in the locker rooms after sparring.
You suppose this is the way they both let out their frustrations, how they cope with the trauma of losing Riko. They were tightlipped about her. 
Both of them had changed in ways that were beyond your comprehension.
Satoru gets colder. Similar to the way he was in high school, when he barely acknowledged you. He doesn’t like to look at you for very long, as if the mere fact of his gaze on you would hurt him, hurt you. It was stupid. He didn’t care about your fragility before, so what point was there to care about it now?
Suguru is mostly the same, just quieter. Hell, he’d always been quiet, other than the times he’d fuck you or when you’d be alone with him. His sarcastic streak was weaker. He touched you less.
You can’t stand any of it.
Satoru isn’t meant to be someone so vulnerable. It’s out of character for him. 
You soothe his nightmares when he wakes you up in the middle of the night clutching your waist with nails digging into the skin underneath your shirt. He’s always shaking, always mumbling something nonsensical.
Selfishly, you find that it feels nice to be needed. To be his only form of salvation during these times.
In his waking moments, Satoru is himself again. Belligerently so, with his recklessness. It’s up to you and Suguru to tame him, often. Satoru is almost a different version of himself – familiar and still annoying — but he is much more adamant about his power, nowadays. A God complex in the making.
Satoru gets greedier. He likes to wake you up with his nose nudging your clit, tongue already making a mess of your hole. No amount of pushing his head away with your hand would make him stop, though you blame yourself for indulging.
He likes to tease you for the semblance of control. You suspect that beyond playing with you, he finds solace in Suguru, instead. They aren’t particularly shy about it—sometimes you walk into Satoru’s dorm and find them entangled with one another, clothes off and warm to the touch. They always welcome you into their arms, forcing you in between them. 
You feel like you’re at an arm’s length from them at all times despite this. 
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November, 2009
You settle on a routine. It’s less than pleasant, but you’re used to it. Convincing yourself that it’s normal, at least.
Yaga puts you on more solo missions — you’ve improved your technique. The precision of it is tough, always a wildcard given the unpredictability of destruction beneath your fingertips. Regardless, it’s gotten better. It doesn’t traumatize you so much to be a vehicle of decay anymore. You’re numb to it.
It’s odd — you’re carrying the burden of something you didn’t experience. Satoru finds that you are a mirror for Suguru, the same temperament and all. Always leaving the party to smoke cigarettes together. It doesn’t make him pissy necessarily, but it makes him pout. Clingy to the both of you.
“Stop being antisocial,” he whines.
You and Suguru look up at him in question. He had followed you out of the party when you saw Satoru’s hand on the waist of a girl you didn’t recognize. It was nothing, probably, but it wasn’t something you had ever had to deal with. It wasn’t like he could pry anything out of you, anyway.
“We’re not,” you defend, waving a cigarette around. “It’s too hot in there.”
It was true, to be fair. You were too warm in there and the outside air was nice. That, and you figured that Suguru would follow you, and he always wanted to steal you away for kisses.
Satoru had technically intruded on that, interrupting the moment Suguru had pulled away from your mouth. He eyes you wearing Suguru’s jacket and softens.
“You wanna go home, don’t you?” he asks.
“I can stay if you want,” you shrug.
He sighs. “Can you guys at least hang out with me?”
“Needy,” Suguru teases, stomping the butt of his cigarette on the ground and ushering you in between the sliding glass doors, hand on the small of your back. He nips at Satoru’s neck on the way in. 
As if in apology, you don’t leave Satoru’s lap for the rest of the night. You don’t really get to. He even follows you to the bathroom and considers taking you over the counter for the hell of it.
It’s been difficult to touch you, lately.
In late August, the Zen’in outcast had killed him. Satoru had never thought of death as an option that was even possible. It’s why his mind was frenzied in his last moments, panicked as the two of them were surrounded by fly heads. He had not anticipated death, hadn’t anticipated the impact of it, how Suguru would have to return his corpse to Jujutsu Tech. How you would be shedding overflowing tears.
He’d like to think that your face or Suguru’s was in his mind when he took his last breath, but truthfully, he doesn’t remember. His mind was blank.
And when he had risen from the dead and shot a lethal hole through Toji Fushiguro, his mind was blank then, as well. The euphoria had faded. He had fulfilled the ordained role of a boygod, his hands were bloody, and he killed a man who would leave behind a son. He thought of his supposed immortality, his transcendence beyond something human, and then he thought of you.
You were the most human thing about him.
Your warmth, the flush in your cheeks. The way he had taken you back when you were in school, none the wiser about the world of curses. Sometimes he thinks you are one. 
It wasn’t meant to go this far, but he had taken the leap and continued to wade in the pool of it all. He does not think of love when he thinks of his family, but he thinks of love when he sees you and Suguru. Something beating, something alive.
It was why he was constantly tipping the line between overflowing completely and being numb — Satoru was no stranger to his indulgences. You, on the other hand, were something else entirely. Fragile underneath his hands. Sometimes, he didn’t even think it was worth it to keep you in the bear trap he had set for you.
And then Suguru would kiss away your tears when Satoru was too rough, too cold, and he would succumb to his desires again. Instead of being something akin to a god, he often dreamt about being ordinary. 
Maybe if his birth didn’t throw the planet off its kilter, he could truly be good to you instead of wanting to cut you open and live inside of you. Satoru would always be safe in your skin, but he had started to doubt that you would ever be safe in his.
You were the first to know him, he thinks. You had met him as a child and didn’t assume his divinity, rather, you were oblivious to it. Even as a little servant, you refused to kiss his feet. It relieved him. Satoru knew you always meant more to him than a toy, but in his emerging adulthood, he had taken you as a form of escapism and couldn’t cut you off. You had fastened yourself to him like an extra limb unknowingly. 
“I don’t get how you can be so overbearing to her yet so distant at the same time,” Suguru remarks. 
Satoru makes a face, scrunching his nose.
“Don’t play dumb.”
“I genuinely don’t know what you’re referring to,” Satoru says blankly.
“The teasing goes too far. And you get insensitive because you’re a prick, and then you barely text her back when you’re on missions.”
Satoru scoffs, fiddling with the pencil he twirls in his hands. Suguru was right, he supposed. He noticed you were a little hollow, all blank stares. Sleeping in while Satoru did not sleep at all. 
“They’ve gotten harder lately. And it’s not like I’m–”
“Not what?” Suguru snorts. “Her boyfriend?”
Satoru says nothing to this. Instead, he tackles Suguru onto his bed, slides his palms underneath his shirt and up the smooth planes of his abdomen. He sighs, setting his head on Suguru’s chest.
“It’s not like she cares.”
“She does. She loves you.”
Satoru’s face reddens as if what Suguru says isn’t fact. On Satoru’s end, however – his feelings for you were an understatement. Calling it love seemed fruitless. He’d like to be fused with you, never letting you go. Stuck in the bliss of your skin kissing his in the early mornings forever.
“Think something got knocked loose when I died,” Satoru mumbles, his eyes blank.
Suguru looks at him in question, not following.
“I’ll make it up to her.”
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January, 2010
“What are you getting Suguru for his birthday?”
“I don’t know,” Satoru shrugs, a blue raspberry lollipop filling up the hollow of his cheek. Tongue matching the blinding saturation of his eyes. “A blowjob?”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Don’t be homophobic! You like watching.”
“I’m serious,” you roll your eyes.
“We’ll take him out,” he grins, shoving his hands in his pockets. Always stupidly attractive, his beauty borderline mythological.
You knew he was lying, knew that he would be away on that Wednesday, that his calendar was always filled a month prior with what the higher-ups needed from him. You thought it was unfair, given that he was still only a second year, though you still knew better. The glaring truth of his strength ever since the failed Star Plasma Vessel mission was conspicuous, a reminder that started to become egregious to you. 
Satoru takes some of your takoyaki in unspoken amusement with you rolling your eyes, passing the tray towards him. He pouts despite the gesture, reaching over to poke you in the cheek.
“That can’t taste good with all the sugar in your mouth.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You fixate on the television. Satoru had gotten lucky recently, convincing Yaga to convert one of the common rooms with the connected bathroom into a dorm for himself. He had the Gojo money to “donate”, and he’d been on his best behavior in the past few months, which was rare. It wasn’t like Yaga really gave a fuck about their boarding situation as long as the missions went smoothly. 
The room was big enough to fulfill that dream of pushing two beds together. A TV set and dingy couch to match. He needed the TV to fall asleep at night, especially if you weren’t there to stroke his hair. It was the only light source beyond a Hello Kitty lava lamp that Suguru had gotten him as a joke gift.
Satoru had recently started an obsession with Godzilla for some reason, forcing you to watch one every few days before bedtime. You were going in order since Christmas – tonight was the one versus Hedorah.
“You never look at me anymore,” he whines.
“What are you talking about?”
You’d rather say something biting, like how it was the other way around. How he’s been shoving your face into the mattress. How you’d come back to your dorm and see Satoru in between Suguru’s legs without much acknowledgment to you until he’d finish. 
“You look at me like I’m a mosquito bite or something. What’s wrong? You don’t think I’m pretty anymore?” he grins, settling his cheek into his palm.
“Not at all. You’re hideous,” you deadpan, crossing your arms. The remark earns you a light kick to your shin under the table.
“Wow. Rude. Personally, I think you’re God-sent.”
“I thought you wanted me to watch this movie,” you mutter, trying not to let him know how much his comment affected you. You always flushed when he said things like that still, and it would always be out of the blue.
“You know I like talking during movies.”
“Right. It’s one of your worst qualities,” you sigh.
The pillows around you are discarded when he suddenly pins you down to the carpet, your face right next to an old ash stain from one of Shoko’s cigarettes. He grins as he parts your mouth with the pad of his thumb, and you’re as obedient as you always are. There’s a ribbon of saliva from his mouth stretching as he takes the lollipop from his tongue to yours. 
It wasn’t difficult to get his dick hard, really. He’d known that ever since he’d seen you sprawled on the grass next to the track field when you were fourteen, the way your chest was heaving and your underwear was just slightly visible underneath your gym shorts when you parted your legs. 
Satoru thinks you’d laugh in his face if he’d told you about all the times he thought about you when you were teenagers despite the fact that he didn’t speak to you at all. He knows that he would deserve it.
It’s funny. He used to resent you then. He knew he could have you if he’d simply tried a bit harder, if he didn’t so abruptly toss you aside in middle school. Even so, you were everywhere for him—in his dreams, in his house against your will like a chained ghost. Back then, he hated that he loved you, hated that you were weak, hated that, at least besides Suguru, nobody knew him except you.
He wonders briefly if he was high on the taste of you or if the candy is laced with something— he wouldn’t be surprised, since Shoko and Suguru were enablers for the two of you even when you tried to be responsible. It didn’t matter anyway. Your body always made him this frenetic.
It’s when his fingers graze the heat of your cunt that Suguru barges in. He blinks at the two of you entangled on the floor and merely laughs.
“You guys just started?”
“Mmmf,” Satoru grunts. His hand’s wrapped around your neck, now, and your eyes are closed. 
Suguru’s musk fills the room. White pine and sugary maple — he’d used Satoru’s deodorant before the mission. There’s still a blood splatter under his cheekbone the color of ripe plums. This was the usual weekend routine. Mindless fucking with a movie in the background. At least one of you would be too exhausted to muster up the energy to go into the city. It was easier to indulge inside, especially when the temperature kept dipping.
Your eyes flutter as Satoru bites your neck down to your collarbone. When you look toward the couch, you see Suguru with a plastic baggie of something you don’t recognize.
“What’s that?”
“How the hell did you manage that?” Satoru quips, his hand digging into your hip. 
“There are some freaks in Akihabara,” Suguru shrugs. He eats the mushrooms like they’re crumbs at the bottom of a chip bag. “Got this shit after my mission in a fucking vending machine outside a love hotel. Can you believe it?”
“What, did you get a room there or something?” Satoru snorts. “Whore.”
“Why would I, when I can home to this?” Suguru’s eyes are viper-like, serpentine as he smiles lazily. You’d eat from his palm if he asked you to. In sickness and health—it was stupid. You crawl to him and you do.
Satoru doesn’t take any. He knows full well that psychedelics fuck with his Infinity, that it would only make his insomnia worse. The last time he’d tried acid, he had nightmares for days, seeing green eyes of a hunter. Blood slashed from a blade to his neck. Flyheads swarming.
The drugs make you giddy. Another hour and the room spins in an orderly fashion, the ceiling dancing around in a kaleidoscopic pulse. Suguru had limited your dose, knew you’d freak the fuck out if your self started to disconnect. He’d been there enough times to despise it. Ego death was torture for the introspective kind.
He sucks a hickey into your neck while you’re mindless. It’s amusing how invested you are in this episode of Sailor Moon. Satoru lays his head on your thigh, playing with you lazily. You’re happy enough to take it, grinding against his hand as Suguru distracts you with a kiss. It’s tender and slow, not unusual for him, but with the two of them together, everything is usually frenzied.
He gets you in his lap, the sacrificial lamb you are. Always eager to walk into the predator’s gaping maw on your own accord because of his beautiful eyes. Suguru is no beast, but there’s something twisted about the way he plays with you sometimes.
He likes you to beg for it, but it’s not the taunting way that Satoru does. Suguru will inch his face close enough to yours to smell the artificial sweetness of your breath, then pull your hair when you lean in to kiss him. He’ll touch your thigh under the table, not unlike Satoru, but his fingers will dance around your core in a way that leaves you unable to speak to your fellow peers.
You wonder if they’ve learned their cruelty from each other. But this time, he’s sweet.
It’s the hallucinogen fogging his brain. It makes him like a teenager in love. Open-mouthed, pawing love handles. You’re wearing Satoru’s t-shirt, something monochromatic and stupidly expensive, and Suguru tears it off of you as his mouth waters.
Coughing, Satoru tilts his head, supports it with elbows on the carpet. His temperament is neutral, teasing even, but for some reason, looking at him makes you sober up to some degree of lucidity that’s sensitive to him. The part of you that wants to please him at all times.
You crawl to him and say his name. It’s child-like. The shrooms make your eyes wide, colors innocence onto your face from the bliss. It reminds him of when you were younger—bruised knees and twigs in your hair from tumbling in the forest with him. Something tugs at his chest.
“You tryin’ to seduce me?” Satoru jeers, tongue licking his teeth. His palm on your face is hot.
You smile and nod. His gaze lowers and he snaps the waistband of your sweats against your hip. Hand on your thigh again, taunting your synapses. You think he’ll take you with his usual ferocity, but he steals your breath with a kiss instead. 
The kiss never ends. Maybe they switch in between, but you don’t notice. Your eyes are shut, tight enough to see phosphenes like a galaxy. Blue and purple bleeding into your irises. You feel them pulling you apart, cock filling you up, hands everywhere.
“Fuck,” someone gasps. Something like groveling, desperate hair pulling.
“Inside,” you beg. “Please.”
Satoru watches, mesmerized. The heat of your body, sweat pooling into the divot above your clavicle—it all makes his mouth water, but he stays still on the couch as Suguru pins you to the floor. It’s the most the Six Eyes has felt in months, for some reason, and he hadn’t even taken anything. He half-wishes he could get his hands on something other than you to inject into his veins—maybe then he could learn to be calm or fall asleep at regular times. Anything to stop the odd ache in his chest whenever he looked at you.
He’s never been a man of God. He was God himself. And then he sees you moan out, bliss-wrecked and flooded with light, burning like seraphim. He’d come back to life a thousand times just to see your face. It made him sick.
Satoru kisses you before you knock out on his bed, eyes half-open and dazed. You’re refusing to go to bed, citing euphoria for your desire to run a few laps. Meanwhile, Suguru is asleep on the couch, fucked out and satisfied. 
You’re coaxed into sleep. It’s not hard once you start rambling, shut up only by the feeling of Satoru’s fingers running across your scalp. He lays awake like he often does, talking to the moon. He sighs as you nuzzle into him, your whole body curling towards him to ward off goosebumps. You’re nearly bare considering you didn’t bother to put on clothes after you and Suguru had finished. 
Satoru pulls the blanket over you, sighing. He’d had the leftover beers in the mini-fridge just to feel a buzz, even the taste of German ales made his nose wrinkle. It still wasn’t enough to put his mind at ease. He stares at the stained carpet, then Suguru’s sleeping shadow, then your face. He shuts his eyes.
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It’s been months, yet the memories still cage you. It’s like something wraps its hand around your throat in your subconscious. In each dream, you are aching for their return, and they come to you like newly-bloomed flowers.
It feels like you’ve been waiting for them for centuries, your body stuck in the grass with a bruise over your left eye that doesn’t stop aching. You don’t even know how much you’re bleeding until they return to you again, caressing your sides and pulling away at the sight of a wound. 
Your angels are not dead. It’s enough relief for you to keep going, but they still look at you with furrowed brows. Blood spills from your mouth.
“I missed you. I missed you. I missed you.”
Your angels do not react. They only look at you with concern, shielding you from the blazing sun with their wings. They stare as you laugh, doubling over, falling backwards into the green grass. You only remember that you’re alive when they trace the contours of your body with their fingertips.
Despite the pain, the vision is familiar. You’re too distracted by their beauty, how their mere presence is arcadian in itself. You don’t need anything else. You could die here.
Here, between them and their celestial bodies, in the green, green grass. Spider lilies bloom around you like kisses in blessing as the golden evening swallows you up. There’s a sinking feeling—a literal one, of you descending into the ground in a way that feels like a loose feather falling.
Your angels reach for you until they grasp the whole of you and turn you inside out. They pull apart the mess of you, reshaping you, undoing tangles and knots and bending the stem of your being so you can be reborn in their image. They love you enough to do so.
And when you look back at them with love in your eyes, you flinch. They’re eclipsed by something terrible, too far away for you to reach. It’s bloody. It has a voice like skin scraping pavement, full-bodied whiskey.
You stretch your hand out only meet a sweaty palm. When you open your eyes, a pair of blue ones stare back at you.
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seospicybin · 11 months
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Lee Know x reader. (s,a)
Chapters: Part I
Synopsis: Making a contact with an ancient object, you meet a demon who takes form of the man you desired and forces you to commit terrible acts to stop the world from ending. (13,1k words)
Author's note: I recommend listening to this track while you're reading this fic. Happy Haloween!
Based on an episode of Black Mirror. Content warnings: Violence, gore, mentions of abuse, assaults and graphic imagery. Reader’s discretion is advised!
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." Michelangelo
Save one or billions?
Minho's number one rule may be to not leave an eyewitness but your number one rule is to not kill innocent people. Clearly, the man is merely there in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and certainly not expecting to meet a sculptor who turns a murderer at night.
You turn around to run away through the front door but Minho stops you.
"No, no, no," he strongly against your plan to flee.
He fiercely looks at you and says, "No witnesses. You have to kill him!"
You shake your head and refuse to do what he told you. All you want to do is run but Minho holds his ground, not allowing you to leave.
"He's seen you. You have to kill him!" He persists and steers your body to come at the man whose face turns pale once he realizes the horror he's about to face.
The man starts throwing you with anything in his reach, a bag of bread, a pack of sliced cheese, a half-empty bottle of soda, a spoon.
"Go away! Get out of my house!" He says while keeps throwing things at you, sending a bag of chips flying around the kitchen.
"Do it! It's him or you!" Minho urges you.
With one hand steadily covering your face from objects being thrown at you, you rummage inside your bag to take out your hammer to use it once more for the night.
Getting a good grip on it, you aim it at him while he keeps maintaining a safe space from you by swaying a chopping board in front of you.
"Get out, please!" He demands.
He then kicks you quite hard on the leg and with the strength a grown man has, it's enough to send you fall onto the ground. You see the hammer is still in your hand but the bad thing is the man is trying to escape through the kitchen door.
You drag yourself and hurriedly stop him from getting to the door by catching him by the legs, sending him crash down onto the floor.
The fight continues on the floor, the two of you struggling to survive. You try to hit him with the hammer while he gently grips your hand by the wrist to not let you hurt him.
You notice that his other hand is groping the floor, reaching for the bread knife lying inches away from his fingertips.
He only needs to get it and there's a big chance that he can easily stab you with it. You decide to drop the hammer and race him to get the bread knife before him.
You can feel the wooden handle of the knife on your fingers and close to gripping it, he flips you over on the floor to get the knife.
Before he can take it from you, you use all of the strength you have left to flip over, sending him farther from the knife and you can get a hold of it.
Relentlessly, he turns over not knowing that you're holding the knife, and stabs himself right onto it. You can feel the knife piercing through the flesh and right into his chest.
With the knife going all the way in, he still manages to crawl to sit and leans his back against the wall. He's groaning as he looks down at the knife impaled his chest.
You can only watch as he holds the knife and tries to take it out of him, despite you knowing that he shouldn't do it, you do nothing to stop him.
"I'm so sorry," you sob as he finally grabs the handle and slowly pulls the knife out.
Blood is gushing from the wound, soaking his sky blue shirt with crimson red color. Painful groans are escaping his parted mouth followed by a blob of thick, sticky blood.
"I'm so–" your choked sob gets in the way.
"Sorry," you finish with a shaky voice.
You get up from the floor and take two steps back, looking at him helplessly trying to stay alive. The man looks at you and you can see in his eyes that life is slowly leaving him.
The silence that takes over is deafening and the hands on your shoulders are putting some senses back into you.
"Come on. Let's go!" Minho whispers, reminding you that it's time to leave, not wanting to risk another person finding you like this.
Taking one last look at the lifeless body sitting against the wall, you gather your senses and eye the bloodied knife, collecting it along with your hammer as you make your way out of the door like you haven't just killed two men.
No matter how long you stand under the shower, the blood is still on your hands.
You sit on the end of the bed in your bathrobe, drops of water dripping from the end of your hair as your head looks down and your hands gripping the edge of the bed frame.
You're in complete shock at what you just did. Killing Tim was the plan, there was no remorse in killing him because you know he deserved it.
But the man, you don't even know his name to begin with, he got killed just because he saw you. You did that.
You look up and Minho is standing right in front of you, "Who was he?"
He sighs before answering your question, "That would be Tim's brother, Kurt."
"What was he like?" You ask, almost inaudible.
He gets quiet and you glare at him to demand an answer, "You know stuff," you say.
You intensely look into the two orbs in his eyes and ask, "Was he a good or bad person?"
He clasped both hands in front of him, "He was... ordinary."
You feel bile rising inside you, feeling sick of yourself for killing an innocent man. You grip the bed frame tighter until your knuckles turn pale.
"I know it's not what you want to hear but..." Minho says, talking in a soft tone and takes a seat next to you on the bed.
"What's done is done and on the plus side, you scored two tonight," he shares, always has a way of looking at the brighter side of evil things you did.
"I think you've done it, look!" He shows you the talisman.
Those two lines should have disappeared since you killed two men tonight which should release you from the binding contract. You feel a little hopeful that maybe you have done it, you have stopped the world from ending.
Minho is just as confused too. He taps the glass as if that would fix it. His face turns sour, realizing that something is wrong.
He holds a finger, at you. "Wait for one– No, two seconds!"
Minho walks over to the landline phone that you only use to call the concierge or to ask for any services available in the building.
He enters 666 on the dialing numbers and presses the phone close to his ear, "It's me, Minho, yep," he speaks to the phone.
"Yeah, uh... I got a talisman circa 1925 but it failed to register one of the sacrifices," He informs while looking closely at the pocket watch.
"Two kills but only one's been recorded," he turns to look at you and flashes you an uneasy smile.
His face tells that he's receiving bad news, "I mean, yeah, but..."
He puts a hand against the wall, needing to hold on to something, "We can't just, ugh... no, I get it, I get it," he says, defeated.
He slams the phone shut and tilts his head up as he lets out a deep sigh. After a while, he turns around to face you and delivers the news, "Tim didn't count."
You feel all hope has exited your body and feel betrayed, "What? Why?"
"He's a murderer. Makes him ineligible. That's what they're saying," he explains with a strained facial expression.
Isn't that the point? You killed him because he was a murderer, he deserved it.
"But we've been picking people who deserve it," you state the only truth you know.
Minho nervously smiles, "Well, you're not supposed to do it that way. It's just..."
He leans against the wall and continues talking, "I thought you'd find it easier that way."
You drop your head and pinch the bridge of your nose, trying to asses everything. You need to process the fact that you need to kill another man.
"I'm sorry," Minho sincerely apologizes.
He then sits next to you, turning his body to face you as he explains, "Look, basically anyone who's already been directly responsible for the death of another human being, they're off limits."
He gets concerned by how you're so quiet and afraid that you would change your mind by the slight changes in the rules of the game.
"As far as my boss is concerned, they're playing for the home team," he reassures you.
Suddenly, you don't see the point of doing it anymore. Kill an innocent has certainly way out of your boundary and you can't find it in you to do another one.
"We're actually lucky, you know. His brother turned up thus made your effort didn't go to waste," he calmly concludes.
Lucky? You wouldn't call killing an innocent man lucky. Tonight, his words don't quite comfort you like they usually do. You feel played and maybe it is his trick just to make you do his evil deeds.
It's like you finally came to your senses, you don't see how it benefits you because it's going to be a win for him either way.
You shot up from the bed and sharply pointed your index finger at him.
"Fuck you!" You curse him.
"Go fuck yourself!" You curse louder.
Minho just sits there and takes it all in like you didn't just spew your thick, hot rage on his face and it pisses you off more.
"This is all right for you, huh?"
He lightly shakes his head, "No, it isn't."
He has it easy because he doesn't need to do the heavy workload, he just needs to be there and keep tabs on you.
"No blood on your hands. You're just watching," you lay out the facts with rage bubbling inside of you.
Minho seems to decide to let you finish talking, knowing that you need to get it all out.
"This is entertainment for you!"
You're the only one doomed in this contract, not to mention, that you accidentally put your blood on the talisman and he forced you to permit entry. It's one sick game that he likes to play.
"If the Apocalypse does come, you'll have one big, fun finale!"
"That would be upending the whole place—"
"Yeah, you failed your initiation and got told off," you easily resolve because you don't see why it's so frowned upon. Shouldn't they be happy that the evil won?
"If I fail my initiation..."
You cut through his sentence again, "Get kicked out of the demon school? How sad!" You mock him with a sinister laugh.
"More like cast out," Minho corrects.
You shrug his words away, "Whatever."
The silence takes over for a moment until Minho speaks and fills the air with his light, whispery voice.
"Cast out into a boundless cosmic void and doomed to spend eternity in a vacuum of infinite nothingness."
You look at him as he stares at the thing he describes in his words flashes right in front of him.
"Absence of matter, time, space, light, and sound. I would endure a profound, palpable, and ever-present lack of existence..."
Hearing that makes you feel cold inside and the way he speaks as if he's been feeling that emptiness already makes you empathize with him.
"Alone in perpetuity, forever more," he finishes with a blank stare at you.
It's something that you can easily relate to. Your whole life you've been alone, living in your head because no one cares for you except for the art you made. You can see why Minho spoke with so much sorrow in his voice.
All these times, his fear has been hiding behind his indifference.
You swallow air, then say, "That sounds like my life..."
He watches as you approach him and sit next to him. He closes his eyes as if what he's about to say next is too painful.
"To be honest, I'm scared," he honestly says.
You take his hand and let him rest his head on your chest, you caressingly cradle his head, protecting him any way you can.
Minho turns his head and looks at you, letting you see everything in his eyes. In that moment, you can see that he's afraid, lost, and lonely, feelings that are way too familiar to you and you find comfort in knowing that you find yourself in him.
You slowly lean in and kiss him, letting him know that he's not the only one living such a life.
Something flickers inside you the second your lips meet his in a kiss that feels like a long time coming, it's ever-consuming, taking over.
Minho returns the kiss passionately, allowing you to let go of the worries that chained you and hold you down.
For tonight, you let yourself free.
The sliver of sunlight shines through the cracks of the blinds and hits you right in the eyes, waking you from your deep slumber.
You're lying on your side and feel another body next to you, taking a moment before turning your head in the other direction and seeing Minho there.
Sharing the bed with him feels natural. It's as if you've been sleeping with him for years that he belongs there, lying right next to you.
He reaches for the strand of hair falling over your face and endearingly tucks it behind your ear, then places his hand there, holding the side of your face.
"Morning," he softly says.
For a split second, it feels possible to connect to another human being without feeling afraid that you'll be misjudged. He knows you, he knows the darkest thing you ever done that you don't feel the need to hide yourself anymore.
Then the truth hits.
This is not what normal people have. Normal people don't kill, they're following the rules and stay on the safe side.
You inhale air and close your eyes for a second, "So, one more victim then?"
He drags his hand down to your neck. His thumb tenderly rubs your jaw, "Yeah, the only thing for it," he answers.
There's only one thing crossed your head at that moment, "I can't kill another total innocent," you remark.
Minho takes a breath and slides his hand down to your shoulder, "It's just murderers we have to avoid," he reminds you.
"You mean people like me," you sadly say.
You roll over and lay on your back, staring at the ceiling as the truth once again sinks in: You're a murderer.
"My whole life... I never wished harm on anyone," you sigh with so much remorse and guilt.
When you think Minho would do the look-at-the-brighter-side-of-evil-things, he scoffs at your words. You look at him and he is chuckling at you.
You sit on the bed and turn at him, "I-I didn’t," you persist.
Minho also gets up and puts his hands around his knees, smirking.
"Uh..." he scratches the back of his head.
"You couldn't have summoned me for my trial if you hadn't," he says with the smirk still plastered on his face.
You look away and think it over. Were you thinking of hurting someone that night?
"Well, you had to be corruptible not beyond corruption," he further explains.
He then reaches for your hand and holds it, "You know what? You must have had some dark force inside you when you touched the talisman," he says.
That gets you shooting a death glare at him, feeling offended that he takes you as that kind of person.
"There's no shame in it," he assures you with a squeeze on your hand.
That night, you were indeed feeling so much anger and you remember channeling all of that anger on your work. You know exactly what and who happened.
"No, go on," Minho encourages.
He then leans in, not stopping until his head meets yours. With gleaming eyes and whispery voice, he asks, "Who pissed you off?"
"There she is!" Kim exclaims.
"Don't you just stand there!" She gets up from her chair and welcomes you with a hug.
It was supposed to be a celebration dinner that she promised, but you see that she invited the director of the gallery with her.
She hugs you and keeps her hand on your shoulder as she pulls away, "You look..." she pauses as she takes a look up and down at you.
Since she said it would be just her and you, you casually dressed in jeans and a blouse.
Kim leans in and quietly asks, "Did you wash your hair?"
She then peers over at Jeff, the gallery director then looks back at you, "Let's sit!"
The waiter pulls a chair for you and prepares another set of cutlery for you on the table.
"She's nice," Minho appears behind you.
He walks over to Kim's chair and looks down at her, "She's a front runner for the..." he mimics throat slitting with his hand on his neck.
He stands behind her chair and continues talking, "Do you know that she takes a bigger cut on your art sales than the one written on the contract?"
You ignore him by taking the napkin and putting it on your lap, at the same time, Jeff talks to you.
"Kim said you're already working on new sculptures?" He asks.
You nod and take a sip of water before answering. Well, you're busy stopping the apocalypse from coming.
"Yeah, I am," you shortly answer.
"Oh, she loves working. There's no way of stopping her from doing what she loves," Kim says with an extra wide smile and false compliments.
Jeff asks the waiter to refill everyone's glass with more wine even though he can do it himself with the bottle sitting not so far from his grasp.
Minho props a hand against Jeff's chair and points at both Kim and him, "These two just fucked earlier in his office," he shares.
That's not the information you needed to know. You kind of guessed why they're so overly friendly with each other, you just didn't expect that Kim would screw a married man.
You quietly sigh while watching the waiter carefully pour wine into your glass without spilling a drop.
"Thank you," you mutter in gratitude.
"Should we start by making a toast?" Jeff suggests.
Kim enthusiastically agrees to his idea, being the first person to lift her wine glass and you have to follow suit, taking your glass in your hand for the toast.
"To our talented artist," Jeff says as he glances at you, then looks the other way, "And to the hardworking art dealer!"
In which Kim smiles and blushes at his words. The second after everyone clinked the wine glasses together, you take a long gulp of your wine in the hope of washing down the sour taste in your mouth.
Once the food is served on the table, you keep yourself busy by stuffing your mouth with food, not wanting to engage in a conversation with them.
You don't mind that you're now only there as a cover for their affair yet you were wrong to think that's the worst thing that happens tonight.
A waiter comes to your table and pulls the chair next to you for someone else. You turn your head to see who else Kim invited to the dinner.
"I apologize for being late," Nick says, taking off his coat with help from the waiter.
"Oh, please! We're more than pleased to know you're still willing to come and have dinner with us," Kim says with yet another fake, bright smile.
If this is her idea of torturing you, she won big. There's nothing that agonizes you more than sitting with these people at the same table.
"You come just right on time, no worries," Jeff says, also pleased by his presence.
Nick sits on the chair next to yours and looks at you when he says, "Yeah, I came just in time for desserts."
You sip your wine to avoid talking to him but that doesn't stop him from talking to you.
"How are you?"
"Good," you shortly answer.
He nods even though looks dissatisfied by your short answer. He takes a sip of his wine as Jeff starts talking to him.
"Thank you for letting us keep the sculptures until exhibitions end," Jeff says.
He waves him off and puts down his wine glass, "No problem at all."
Kim leans on the table at you, "He's the one who bought all of your sculptures," she informs.
"Really?" You innocently ask.
Kim laughs in response but you sense the scornful in that laugh, "She's still in awe," she puts it politely for everyone to
As an artist, you would love for someone appreciative of your art as the one who bought it, not someone who solely has the power to buy it. You know which one is Nick, worse is, he bought them just to impress you.
"Must be busy campaigning, huh?" Jeff says as he digs into his dessert.
Nick lets out a low chuckle yet not denying it. You've been busy stopping the end of the world from coming and not been keeping up with the news.
"Campaigning for what?" You innocently ask again.
Kim leers at you and places a hand on yours, "Nick is running for congress, honey," she says with a strained smile.
"Ah," you swallow a piece of cake down and your throat feels like closing up.
"Young and smart, oh... anyone would be lucky to be with you, Nick," Kim praises with her eyes oozing with admiration.
She looks at you to seek your agreement, "Amazing, isn't he?"
You don't see what is amazing about that when he uses his family's wealth to back his political campaign but surely, you can't be honest about it.
"Yeah," you half-heartedly answer.
Nick seems to be delighted that you show a tad interest in him a smile rises on his face.
The waiter has taken all the plates away and everyone is draining the wine bottle with more conversation that you're not part of and you don't want to be a part of it anyway.
"Nick's brother and I went to the same private school," Jeff boasts of his connection with Nick's family.
"Oh, really?" Kim asks with her saccharine smile.
"We still play golf together now and then, right Nick?"
"Yes," Nick confirms.
"Fuck me," Minho comments as he sits on the table behind Nick.
Nick thinks that you're looking at him and asks, "I've been meaning to ask you," he says.
You gently put your coffee cup down on the saucer, "yes?"
"Our family has this villa, we're renovating it now and I'm wondering if I can personally request you to make a sculpture or two..."
It's a mystery how you manage to have not puked at this point. These subtle bragging and power moves, they're suffocating you.
"I'm not sure," you vaguely answer.
"She's busy working on her new series," Kim answers for you and you feel thankful that you don't have to reject him.
"But maybe if she manages to finish it sooner, she'll reconsider the offer," she adds, shattering the kind thought you have for her just now.
Jeff pats Nick on the shoulder and says, "I can't wait to hear your big speech at the city hall!"
"Oh, please!" Nick politely smiles and leans back in his seat, "Jeff has been kind enough to lend me his villa as our temporary office."
Jeff laughs while squeezing his shoulder, not sure who they're trying to impress beside Kim.
"Oh, fuck me some more!" Minho groans with a dramatic eye roll.
Even when it's time to leave, Nick and Jeff get into a little argument about who should be paying for dinner tonight and the fight has to happen in front of you and Kim.
You're itching to pull out your credit card just to get it over with but you don't want to make a dent on two grown men's egos.
"Thank you for dinner," Kim says to Nick as the winner of the argument.
You meekly follow suit, "Thank you!"
"It's my pleasure," he says with a smile that showcases his perfect white teeth.
Even Minho has disappeared from the scene, probably fed up with everything.
"Can I give you ladies a ride home?" Nick offers as he fixes the collar of his coat.
"I would love to!" Kim eagerly answers, "But since our homes are on the same way, I'm getting a ride home from Jeff."
She holds her purse by the other hand and pulls you close to her side, "but she'll take the lift home, right babe?"
When Kim says, it has to happen or else it's going to end badly.
Despite that he can afford a chauffeur, Nick drives his own car.
You've been meaning to ask if he knows where you live because you don't enjoy spending more time with him but how to do that without initiating a talk with him.
"You live in the Crystal Palace, right?" Nick asks.
Should you be grateful that he knows where you live or spooked? But one thing you know for sure is that Kim tells him about it.
"Yes," you answer.
"Isn't the owner just passed away a few days ago?"
"My grandfather knew him when he was still working as the company's mailman," he says.
That's news to you because what did a mailman do that led him to own one of the most luxurious apartment buildings in the city?
"Oh, I never knew that," you weakly say.
"I know, right? One day he just... turned wealthy," he says, gobsmacked by the simplest of mysteries.
He puts one hand down and places it on the space between you and him, "Guess, we'll never know," he says.
He stops the car right near the entrance of the apartment building and you quickly gather your bag, don't want to waste time to exit his car.
"Thank you for the lift home," you tell him, your hand pushing open the handle of the car door.
Nick grabs your elbow and stops you from stepping out, he catches you off guard to place a kiss on your cheek.
"I had a great night," he says, then lets you go.
You don't wait for another second to get out of his car and wipe his kiss off your cheek until your cheek is raw by the excessive rubbing you do on the elevator ride up to your floor.
"So, have you decided yet?" Minho reappears in your apartment.
You toss your bag and take off your coat, "What?"
"Are you going to kill Kim or do you have your eyes on someone else?"
Going to your bedroom, you open your laptop and type a name on the search engine. The results come in under a second and you scan every article there is about this person.
"Oh?" Minho lowly gasps from behind you.
You lean back on your chair and stare at Nick's photo on the laptop screen, "What's his future?"
Not getting an answer from Minho, you swivel your chair to face him, "Can you show me his future"
He seems to hesitate when he has no problem showing you everyone else's. After a moment of consideration, he finally answers, "Yeah, but let's not."
You lean forward on the chair and press him, "Show me right now!" You demand.
He takes a step back and puts a space in between, refusing to do what you ask.
You get up from your chair and stand in front of him, "Show me or I'll confess to everyone and then it's over," you threaten him.
Not letting him get away, you place a hand on his shoulder before continuing your words, "And then you're fucked," you enunciated the doom lingers on those words.
Minho clicks his tongue to try to diminish the threat in your words but it falls short on itself. He knows that he has to cooperate with you for this to work.
"Show me!" You pressure him with a squeeze on his shoulder.
He takes your hand away and now putting his hands on your shoulders, steers you back to your chair, then sits you down.
"Alright, I'll show you," he says, turning the chair the other way. He covers your eyes with his hand to show you what you want.
It's like a movie playing in the back of your head and each scene is taken from war, apocalyptic movies. Getting a seat at the congress is just the beginning, from there Nick will climb the power ladder and become the worst of evil.
Minho snaps you out of it and you gasp as if you've been pulled out of water.
"He's a fucking satan!" You say out of spite and that is the first thing that crosses your head.
"No, he's not one of us, not literally," Minho denies.
You turn your chair to see as he sees him sitting at the end of the bed, "They do like him, they're fans of his work, you might say."
When you thought Nick couldn't be more vile, the future Nick is far worse than you imagined. From what you saw through Minho's vision, you're assured of your decision.
"He's got to go. He's next," you remark.
You see Minho's face turns dim as if someone flipped the switch off, "Uh-oh, they're not going to like that."
Not accepting that Minho refuses to get behind your decision, you come up with your own defenses. You walk up to him and stand firm on your ground, "The only rule is to avoid murderers. You said that!"
He licks his lips which are as red as his hair and lets out an exasperated sigh, "Right. But he's responsible for an impressive number of juicy deaths—"
You cut him off with the current fact, "Not yet he isn't."
"But he–he... he likes to assault women," he argues.
You tip your head and come up with a reply, "But hasn't killed one, though, has he?"
"I mean, he killed a dog with a rock when he was 11," he shares information that he doesn't really favor him.
"Animals don't count!" You remind him of that, "That was one of the first things you said."
Minho seems to be struggling to come up with another excuse. It's the right opportunity for you to push him to the edge and give in.
"Is he qualified or not?" You corner him with the important question there is.
"Technically, yeah. But..." He meekly answers with a defeated sigh.
"He's the one. That's that," you end the conversation there.
With or without Minho's approval, you're going to kill Nicholas de Ville and stop the end of the world.
"Miss Kim is in a meeting with Director Lane," The assistant says as you're about to push into Kim's office.
You turn around with your hand still lingers on the handle of the door.
"I know," you calmly reply.
"You don't mind if I wait in her office, right?" You ask the assistant.
Knowing Kim's traits, you're not surprised that she changes her assistant every few months. Must be hard to find someone who can handle her.
She seems to hesitate to let you in. You let go of the door and hold your bag in front of you. The occasion calls to use your power.
"You know who I am, right?"
"Y-yes," she stammers.
You walk up to her table and look her right in the eyes, "Are you?"
She nervously swallows air and gets up from her chair, "I don't think Miss Kim would mind letting you wait in her office," she says.
You maintain the gaze with her then smile, "Right."
Before you push inside, you stand in the doorway and request, "And can I have a cup of coffee?"
"Sure," the assistant replies.
"With cream, no sugar," you add.
"Yes," she answers.
"Why are you still standing there?" You ask with a subtle glare.
She fumbles to get out of her desk, "Right away, Miss!"
The coffee is just an excuse to send her assistant away so you can get on Kim's desk and search for something on her computer.
To cut time, you use the search box and type in what you're looking for. It takes a few seconds until the desired result appears on the screen, and you take a picture of it with your phone.
"Playing spies, aren't we?" Minho asks as he plays with a figurine on Kim's desk.
Hearing footsteps outside, you hurriedly sit on the sofa and pretend to play with your phone.
"Your coffee, Miss!" The assistant says, serving the steaming hot coffee on the glass table.
She holds the tray close to her chest and informs, "Miss Kim is on her way back and will be here in a few minutes."
"Thank you," you mutter.
Right after the assistant left, Kim came into the office, looking like she just ran a whole yard in her exquisite, pencil skirt.
"Oh, you're here!" Kim exclaims as she steadies herself with her hand on the handle of the door.
"That's what you called sex hair!" Minho shares as he sits next to you.
It takes no genius to know that the so-called meeting means so much more than that. The tousled hair, the untucked shirt, and the folded collar of her blazer are enough to explain what happened in the meeting. You lift your coffee cup and blow on it before taking a small, careful sip.
"What's up? How's it going?" She nervously asks, putting her notebook and phone on her desk as she quietly fixes her hair.
You swallow your coffee first before answering, "I came here to return the paperwork," you answer.
You take them out of your bag and place them on the table, "And also to taste the coffee your new assistant made," you add with a smile.
You seem so calm and collected that Kim takes it as unusual. She stops fixing her appearance and leans against her desk, her eyes are scanning you.
"Are you okay, babe?"
You smile at her and coyly answer, "Never been better!"
Your words only worry her instead of the opposite, she's nodding yet her eyes remain suspicious.
"I have to go back and work on my sculpture," you get up from your sofa and take your bag with you.
You walk up to her and look at her, looking at her face that would usually make you feel the slightest bit of distress. However, as you keep looking at her, you realize that there's no need for you to fear her. With or without her, you'll manage to live because she needs you more than you need her.
Kim senses that you're analyzing her in your head and you see that her cool exterior starts to crumble.
"Is something wrong?" She stammers
You smile at her and sling the strap of your bag on your shoulder, "I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting."
She rubs her neck and chuckles, "The meeting was close to finish anyway," she says.
"Jeff must be satisfied, huh?"
She rapidly blinks her eyes, "Pardon?"
"Satisfied with your amazing work," you put a context to your words.
She dryly chuckles and flips her hair to the back, "Yeah, I guess?"
"I'll let you get back to work," you say and make your way to the door.
You stop by the doorway and look at her, you point at her lips to tell her, "You might want to fix your smudged lipstick."
Kim's hand flies to her lips, cluelessly wiping the excess lipstick on her lips. You leave the room with a triumphant smile.
"You make good coffee but I suggest you work for someone else," you tell Kim's assistant on your way out.
After spending most of the day to prepare the technicalities.
You come back to your apartment to create the perfect plan for tomorrow. You lay out the city map in the living room.
With the address of Jeff's villa you stole from Kim's computer, you can look for the right place to execute your plan.
"After Nick finishes his speech at the city hall, he's got to head for Jeff's villa which is here," you mark the place with a marker.
You look at the distance between city hall and Jeff's villa, guessing which way Nick will likely take with his car.
"So... whichever way he goes, he's heading out of the city," you mutter.
A country road means it's less crowded therefore, it's an advantage for you.
"I'm thinking... I wait outside the city hall, then I follow him from there," you look at Minho.
You expect an opinion or two since you should be working together on this but he's too busy worrying about other things, worrying Nick is more like it.
Instead of solving it for you, he asks you another question, "What if he's not alone?"
You stack your hands on the table and look at him, "Is he going to be alone? You tell me," you ask him back.
He acts like he doesn't have the power to know everything, "Well, yeah but..."
You point at the map with the marker, "All I have to do is follow him and intercept him somewhere along—"
"Didn’t you hear me?" Minho suddenly stops you midsentence.
He waits until you look at him before continuing to talk, "They're not going to like it," he says for the umpteenth time.
You have enough of him reminding you of it but you have decided therefore, you will not back out of your decision just because he told you so.
"It's within the rules so they can suck it," you dare him.
Minho runs out of things to defend himself and this will be the last time you let him try to change your mind.
"It's him or no one," you sternly tell him.
With two days left and a plan you created, you don't see why you should back down now. Nick is the perfect target, he needs to be killed.
You sit face him on the floor and urge him to pick a side with the most important question of all, "Do you want to fail your initiation or not?"
Minho knows that he doesn't have much of options, he either helps you with your plan or lets it blow and obliterate everything.
From his silence, you know what the answer is.
It feels right to kill him.
At this point, you can't tell what's right and wrong anymore. But killing Nick feels like the right decision, you'll not only save the world from ending, but you also save the world from a doomed future.
You've been waiting outside the city hall in the used car you bought yesterday and have your eyes on Nick's car that is parked not far from yours.
Your hands are steadily holding the steering wheel, knowing that Nick is going to come out of the city hall soon.
When he does, you grip the steering wheel and your hand is ready to turn the key in the ignition.
You watch as Nick talks to someone else before getting into his car. You turn your car engine a minute after him and drive, trailing not far behind him.
You look to the side, at Minho who has been so quiet sitting on the passenger's side, and give him the one last chance to say something.
"You've changed," he says and you're not sure if he is disappointed or impressed.
Minho is simply running out of things to say to change your mind. What he can do now is go along with the plan.
You wait until you're entering the quieter country road to pick up the speed, getting closer to Nick's car.
You step on the gas and align your car with his, before hitting the back of his car, almost sending his car out of the road.
Aware of what you're trying to do, Nick drives faster and you catch up to him by not letting go of the gas, pushing the car to its limit.
To get momentum, you slow down your car to give you space to hit his car harder. You brace yourself for impact and crash your car with him.
There's a loud banging sound and you hurriedly step on the brake, not risking your life until you know for sure that he's dead.
Your car swerves before the brake stopping the car from hitting the tree even though you ended up hitting your head on the steering wheel.
You look through your rearview mirror, Nick's car is turning over on the side of the road.
"Let's just go!" Minho says.
You shake your head, "I need to make sure that he's dead."
Ignoring Minho who keeps telling you to flee the scene, you get out of your car and check Nick's car. The car is upside down, you have to kneel to see if he's still showing signs of life.
There's only one way to make sure of that. You walk to your car and open the trunk, you retrieve the gallon of kerosene you bought.
"What are you doing?" Minho asks in a panicked voice.
"I'm making sure that he's dead," you answer.
You pour it all over Nick's car and stand a few meters away as you look for the lighter in your jacket pocket. The bursting flame swaying away with your shaky breath you let out through your parted mouth.
"And he doesn't deserve an easy death," you add.
You toss the lighter and the inflammable catches it fast, setting the car on blazing fire. Your eyes are filled with glowing embers, reflecting the hatred you have for him.
The last thing to do is to get rid of the car.
You drive it to the nearest junkyard and have it crushed with the machine by paying the worker there. You fetch a bus from there and throw all of the clothes you're wearing into the bin a block away from your apartment building.
Nothing feels as good as knowing that you've done the worst of things for the greater good of humankind.
You come home to see Minho is already inside, leaning against the back of the sofa with his arms crossed.
"You did it!" He says with disappointment tainted his triumphant smile.
With the adrenaline still pumping, you come up to him and not stopping until your body crashes into him. That's enough of arguing, talking, scheming, plotting, and not enough physical contact.
After everything you've done, you learn that fear is nothing to you but something that's been holding you back. You don't want to let fear dominate you anymore, you want to take back your life into your own hands.
Without hesitating, you grab the front of his shirt and pull him close, close enough that you can land your lips on his.
Something explodes inside of you the second both of your lips collide in a rapturous kiss.
The two of you stayed like that, encased in a moment that slowly set the fuse on your desire.
You gasp as you pull away from the kiss and you look at him, finding comfort in what once was a scary pair of eyes. He looks back at you with his arms locked around you.
Gosh! He's so beautiful, even more beautiful than the one you created in your head. Using your hand, you tenderly touch his face, you run your finger down his sharp nose and remember sculpting it.
And these lips, oh... you remember how hard and cold it felt under your touch but now, it feels warm and soft, like a flower under the sun.
"Just let me—" You let your desire finish your words.
You lean in and kiss him again, tasting his lips that get even sweeter with each kiss and with each kiss, your hand gets curious.
You let them explore his clothed body but that's not enough.
Minho gently pushes you away, breaking the kiss and putting a space between your bodies. For a second you thought he refused to do this and instead of that, he takes all of his clothes off right in front of you, exposing his body that is you eager to explore. It takes you a moment to take everything in.
Minho has to take your hand and put it on his body, letting you know that it's okay to touch him.
"You're beautiful," you breathlessly say, overwhelmed by what you're seeing.
You whimper at how perfect he is, smooth and warm. His muscles are firm yet you touch him with so much tenderness, afraid that you would break him.
"You're ethereal..." you dreamily sigh.
Minho puts his hand around your neck and tilts your head to kiss you. As he puts you in a spell with his kiss, his hands are swiftly removing your clothes and let them fall onto the floor.
Slowly, he draws your body close until your body meets his, skin-to-skin with nothing in between.
It's unclear what has gotten into you but you like it.
You like how confident you are, how carefree yet in control you are. Other than that, you like how Minho looks at you as you sit, straddling him on the bed.
Aligning his cock with your entrance, you slowly lower yourself down his length while letting a long, breathless moan out of your parted open mouth.
You mewl feeling his cock filling you to the hilt, keep mewling as you're adjusting yourself to his size.
Minho places his hand on your chest, right on your beating heart then slowly drags it down, then to the side to hold you by the waist.
Then out of the blue, he chuckles at you.
You open your eyes and place a hand on his chest, "What?" You ask as you look down at him.
He places his other hand on your waist, "I haven't permitted your entry yet," he says.
You break into laughter and lean in, stopping him from laughing with a kiss.
"Say yes, say yes, say yes," you say with each you plant on his face.
Minho is smirking under you, not answering your question just to annoy you.
You catch his lips in yours and bite on his lower lip before you let it go, "You're not going to say yes?"
Still not getting an answer, you place both hands on his chest and slowly, roll your hips in circular motions. You're lowly moaning feeling his whole length inside you.
You look down at Minho and he has his eyes closed, his eyelashes fanning out so beautifully along his eyelids, and his mouth is slightly parted open, you hear him lowly whimpering as you keep rolling your hips with his cock inside you.
Now moving your hips back and forth, Minho is grunting, digging his fingers into the flesh of your thighs. You keep your hips moving and keeping a steady pace.
Driven by the desire, your body is taking over and picking up the pace. You plant your foot on the bed, launching him deeper inside you and earning a groan from him.
Minho grabs you by the waist, trying to slow you down but you don't seem to be the one in control of it, you keep chasing for that high.
You throw your head to the back while keep taking his cock, in and out of you at a quick pace, getting you closer and closer...
"Oh..." you let out a broken moan.
You keep moving despite the immense pleasure that clouds your mind and dulls your senses. Your hands are grasping at nothing but clawing at his warm, smooth skin.
Minho catches you as you collapse into his arms, putting his arms around you with your head resting on his chest. He put all of your hair to the side, allowing him to place a kiss on your neck.
"Yes," he whispers into your ear.
You weakly chuckle at his late response. You look at him and say, "Too late."
Yet he tightens his hold around you and begins to buck his hips from under you, making you moan with your head buried in his neck.
Minho presses his mouth close to your ear and whispers, "I said yes nonetheless."
Today is going to be a good day.
You can just tell from the moment you open your eyes. You have to squint for a moment to adjust to the light and see the bright, beautiful day through the window.
You stay lying on the bed while looking at the morning sky and as you gather your senses, the recollections of last night come into your mind. What you touched, you tasted, you kissed... and without you intending to, your hand is wandering to places where he laid his hand on you.
It reminds you of the company you're with and you turn on the bed to see nothing but a crumpled sheet next to you.
You clutch the duvet close to your chest to shield your naked body from the cool, morning air.
There's no answer but your call that is echoing in your empty apartment. Wrapping yourself with it, you get up from the bed to look for him.
Still no answer and the first thought that runs through your head is that he's gone. The contract is finished, therefore, there's no need for him to stay.
Tears pool in your eyes as you keep looking for him from room to room, dragging your duvet across the floor wherever you go. You're getting hopeless the more you search and not finding him there.
Fear is spreading inside you, telling you to give up and stop hoping. You return to the living room and finally find him there, standing in the middle of the room.
You rush to come up to him and break into tears as you bury your head in his chest, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you!"
Minho holds you, putting his arms around you, and tangles his hand in your hair. He places a soft kiss on the top of your head.
"I have to make sure of it," he says.
With teary eyes, you look up at him, "Make sure of what?"
He takes something from the inside pocket of his black coat, it's the pocket watch and he opens it to show that the line hasn't gone yet.
Another kind of fear spreads all over your body and you feel cold all of a sudden. You slowly let go of him and take the pocket watch from him, looking at it in disbelief.
"But I–I killed him..." your voice breaks at the end of the sentence.
Minho turns his head to the side and magically turns on the TV. It's a broadcast of the morning news with the anchor in the middle of reading breaking news.
"...running for congress, Nicholas de Ville of the de Ville family got into a fatal accident on his way to a private residence where his campaign base is located. The car was on fire when the emergency service came and luckily managed to pull him out a moment before it exploded. Nicholas de Ville is now getting intensive medical care at the Unity Hospital. It is announced that he suffers from third-degree burn and a broken—"
You stop listening to the news and look at Minho, "Why—"
A moment ago, everything was so perfect, so right, and now... you're at a loss for words. You should have checked thoroughly, you should have stayed there and made sure he was dead.
"I have to finish it," you remark with your eyes still prickled with both tears and fear.
Minho sighs and puts his hands on your shoulders, "Just let it go," he says.
You take a step back, sending his hands to slide off of you and drop to his sides.
"Nick has to die," you persist.
Before Minho can try to change your mind again. You go back to your room and toss the duvet, you get dressed as quickly as you can.
Minho is trailing behind you as you make your way out of your apartment "We gave today to find someone else—"
You shut the door closed to stop him from talking. You should have taken him out with your own hands and that's what you're going to do today.
This time, you're going to do it right.
The studio looks like an abandoned place when you haven't visited it for a few days.
You came here to retrieve something. You make your way to carving tools and you remember throwing away the one you used to kill Tim into the river, along with the bread knife.
You have a selection of hammers but the sight of the sharp end of the chisel catches the light and reflects it to your eyes.
Your hand is reaching for it but before you get a hold of it, the doorbell rings.
No one visited your studio except for Kim but she wouldn't come this early, not on a Friday morning. You check through the window and see a man standing outside your gate.
"He's a police," Minho informs.
The police may catch up to something at this point but to your surprise, you don't feel scared at all. Maybe the scariest thing for you at the moment is letting Nick live and giving him the chance to rule the world to only stir it into its doom.
It's either now or later. You calm yourself down and put on your game face before opening the gate.
"I'm Detective Leon from the police department," he says, showing you his badge, "I'm just making some routine inquiries."
You keep the door open just enough to show yourself that you're unarmed.
"Do you mind if I have a word?" He asks.
"Yeah," you answer.
Then you realize that you're saying the wrong thing, "I mean, no, I don't mind," you correct yourself and put on a courteous smile.
He nods and asks, "Inside?"
You don't want to let him inside, not when he can see that you have all your carving tools on display.
"Invite him and kill him," Minho comments from the back of the door.
Not letting him in would only add suspicion, you open the door wider to let him in, "Yeah. Please, come in!"
With his salt-and-pepper hair and beer belly, Detective Leon looks too old to be a police detective, he should be retired already.
He walks around your studio and now is observing your far-from-finished sculpture.
"Would you like something to drink?" You offer as you make your way to the kitchen.
He is now standing close to the table full of your carving tools, "Oh, no. I won't keep you," he kindly refuses.
"Like I said, it's just a routine," he adds with an unsettling smile.
Yet you proceed to try to make a cup of tea as to seem you're going on about your day like normal people.
"Were you at the bar on the Monday night?" He asks.
You open your drawer and see the knife blinking at you, tempting you to pick it up.
"It'll be an easy kill. He was gonna have a heart attack next year anyway," Minho encourages you to take the chance.
You almost forget the question and retract yourself back, "Yes, I was," you honestly answer.
"Regular, are you?" He asks.
You put your hand inside the drawer and take a spoon instead, turning to face him so as to not be seen as rude.
"Nah. I wouldn't say that," you reply.
"How often are you in there?"
You lean against the kitchen counter with your hand ready at the handle of the drawer
"It's not like he has any family. No one is going to miss him," Minho whispers from behind you.
You close your eyes to remain composed, "To be honest, that night was the first time."
"First time?" He asks in disbelief.
He stands next to a block of stone and lowly chuckles, "Isn't it just around the corner?"
You don't see why it's something unbelievable? It may sound suspicious but you tell him the truth.
"Well, I don't drink. Not usually," you tell him and that is also the truth.
"But you did that night," he points out and the one corner of his mouth curls into a subtle smirk.
You quietly exhale air to maintain your composure, "I was busy working on my sculpture and I'm not meant to drink. I was... having a creative block, you might say," you're eyeing the unfinished sculpture standing close to him.
Detective Leons also looks at it, touching the rough edges of it.
"I don't have alcohol in the studio or anything, but... I needed it that night," you lie. You needed the courage that night and that's why you drank.
Detective Leon walks and stands in the middle of the room "Well, we all need to let off steam every now and then," he says.
He shows sympathy just so he can earn your trust, to allow him to dig deeper until something slips out of your mouth. You catch his eyes and hold his gaze for a moment, not long enough to see the anxiety stirring inside you.
"Thank you," you mutter.
You dare to look at him and casually ask, "What's this about anyway?"
It's been a while yet you only asked about his intention to come here just now.
"Well, you've probably heard about Tim and Kurt Shaw," he answers.
Now that you know which murder he linked you to, you get more cautious with everything you say to him.
"Who?" You play innocent.
He walks up to you and leans against the end of the kitchen counter, "Tim and Kurt Shaw."
It's no use to play dumb, detective Leon probably knows by now that you went to the same school with Tim.
"I know Tim Shaw but Kurt... I don't know him," you lie.
You're well aware he's analyzing every gesture and word you said and he gets quiet after getting an answer from you. After a moment, he talks again, "Tim Shaw was there at the bar that night, did you see him?"
"Yes," you shortly answer, stalling would only make you seem suspicious.
"I wasn't sure it was him at first and when I did, I came to greet him, you know as a friend from art school," you further explain with a thin smile at the end.
"Did you see him after that?" He asks, getting more specific with his questions as if he has decided that you're the one he's looking for.
"No," you coyly answer, "I went back here and continued working on my sculpture.
He gets closer to you yet maintains a respectful space in between, "So you didn't see him after?"
"No," you tell him without showing flinching and blinking your eyes.
This time, he looks right into your eyes and you can't avoid it, or else he knows you're hiding something.
You walk him back to the gate and open the gate for him, "So sorry, I wasn't much of a help," you tell him.
He stands in the doorway and gives you his card, "Well, if you recall anything, please let us know."
You take it from him and smile, "Have a lovely day!"
Detective Leon takes one last look at you and exits the gate, you're more than glad to slam it closed.
"Well, one good liar, aren't you?" Minho comments from the top of the stairs.
"I'm impressed," he adds as you walk past him to get back inside the studio.
"He didn't buy it though," Minho informs.
You make your way to grab a chisel and put it inside your coat pocket, "Better hurry then!"
You hail a taxi the moment you're out of the gate and get into the back while clutching your chest, feeling the cold chisel inside your coat pocket.
"The cop is following us," Minho says.
You can worry about the police later. You have an urgent task and you have to get it done as fast as you can.
You look away from Minho and tell the taxi driver where to go, "Unity Hospital, please!"
Taking a look at the map of the hospital, you guide yourself through the hallways of the hospital.
"It's not too late to find someone else," Minho urges you to change your mind.
"Oh, shut up!" You snap at him, it's his fault to talk at such a dire time.
You take a turn to the right that leads you to where you're heading and there it is. It's not hard to find where he is, a rich family like him would be staying in the VIP room.
The hardest part of it is to enter it, you have to sneak your way in.
Seeing that you hit a dead-end, Minho takes this as his last endeavor to turn it all around, "I'm just saying it'd be much easier for me if you found someone else," he explains.
Minho seems to not get it yet that it's not about stopping the end of the world anymore. It would be pointless if Nick is still alive, he has to die no matter what.
You turn your head at him and intensely stare into his eyes, "If you're not going to help, then piss off!"
He looks at you, doubting that you dismiss him.
"I mean it," you tell him, feeling fed up with everything and you don't need him to keep interrupting you.
He sees it now that you want him to go, "Fine!"
With a snap of his fingers, he disappears right in front of you, leaving a cloud of black smoke behind him.
You manage to grab a medical mask from the nurse station and put it on, pretending as a mere relative of a patient.
Looking around the hall and making sure the coast is clear, you let yourself into the room with his name written outside the door.
There he is, lying on the bed with his body wrapped in gauze. You get closer to see his face, the burned skin around his eyes that is now closed, you guess he must be heavily sedated.
You hate to give him the easy way out but this is your chance to end everything for good.
You stand close to his unconscious body and take the chisel out of your coat pocket, pressing the sharp end to his neck.
This is not the good time to hesitate but you can feel your determination shrinks in each passing second, ultimately because Minho isn't here.
You take a deep breath and press the chisel deep into his neck. All it takes is one good stab at it, poke it real hard, and make a hole in his throat.
You lift your chisel and decide to aim it at his heart, taking one long breath, you put all of your strength into—
"Stop!" Someone shouts with the door wide open.
Your head snaps to see Detective Leon aiming his gun at you and taking cautious steps toward you.
The time is closing in and if you get caught now, you won't get another chance. You make another attempt but Detective Leon takes another step toward you, taking a good aim of his gun at you.
"I said stop!" He orders you.
You put away the chisel but keep holding it, gripping it tight until your knuckles turn pale and cold.
"I have to do it," your voice is quivering as your anxiety rises inside you.
"It's not right!" Detective Leon says, taking another careful step to get close to you.
You point your chisel at Nick's body and desperately say, "If I don't do this by midnight..." A choked sob gets in the middle of your sentence.
Standing right across from you, Detective Leon pushes his gun right at your face. He stares straight into your eyes that were filled with suspicion now filled with a slight terror and repulsion.
"Put it down!" He orders you
You quickly wipe away the tears rolling down your cheek with your hand, "There'll be fire... everywhere," you continue your words.
For the umpteenth time, he urges you with his gun steadily pointed at you, "Put it down!"
Giving in means that you've given up on everything and wasted away all of your endeavors but at the same time, you just want it to end.
"I... I can't!" You resist with your heart filled with despair.
As your eyes get blurry with tears, you wipe them away only to get caught off guard. Detective Leon successfully got ahold of you.
You keep crying as you get pushed to the wall and he puts your arms together behind your back, putting you in handcuffs.
"Minho, I'm sorry..." you mutter even though you know he's not there.
After hours of being locked in the interrogation room and refusing to talk without the presence of a lawyer like Kim ordered you through the phone, they let you go.
It feels good to let go of the cold of metal handcuffs around your wrists, but it's not yet the time to let out a breath of relief.
Kim sits you down on the dining table while she sits next to the lawyer, drilling you with questions about everything you've done.
You're too busy looking at the clock, seeing that it's getting closer and closer to the end. You turn your head and realize that the lawyer asked you a question, but you're too distracted to hear him.
He fixes his sitting position and clears his throat "You have to kill three people?"
You've been holding your glass of water with both hands on the table, watching the droplets of condensation dripping down the back of your hands.
"Yes," you weakly answer.
"You're saying you were only targetting people who have done something wrong?"
"Yes," you answer, "Except for Tim's brother."
You take a moment to recall his name, "Uhm... Kurt?"
The lawyer is fiddling with the stack of papers as he further asks you more questions.
"And each time you sacrificed someone, it got registered on the talisman? Is that right?"
You nod again, "Yes, but they said Tim didn't count."
The lawyer clears his throat again, but this time, he does it while glancing at Kim. He then takes a ziploc bag of your things that got confiscated when you were at the police department.
He takes the pocket watch out of the bag and slides it across the table, "Is this the talisman?"
You let go of the glass of water to take the pocket watch, opening it to find the watch is dead and the glass cracked. It appears to people that it's just an old pocket watch and nothing more.
"Before, it had numbers on it and that sort of changed when you looked at it..." your words are trailing off the second you realize how crazy you sound.
The lawyer stacks his hands on the table, "And the demon who told you to do all this?"
"And what did he look like?"
"A monster at first, then he turned into the man of one of my sculptures," you shortly answer.
"He looked like the man you carved? Like your sculpture you made?"
You nod.
A moment passes in silence as the lawyer exchanges a look with Kim.
"So the demon..."
"His name is Minho," you keep holding the pocket watch, hoping that it'll summon him and assure you that it is all real.
You can hear the lawyer letting out a big sigh before asking the next question, "And if you don't do what he told you..."
He sighs again as he writes something on his note, "It'll be the end of the world?"
Instead of answering it verbally, you nod.
"He didn't just tell me," You say.
You hold the pocket watch inside the palm of your hand and put all of your fingers on it, "He showed me what it would be like."
The vision Minho made you see is still vivid and you can see it replaying in the back of your head, "I felt the flames. I smelled people burning..."
The lawyer seems to have given up trying to get something that would help you avoid getting sentenced to life for what you did.
He turns to Kim and quietly whispers, "Her mind's gone, that's for sure."
It's Kim's turn to draw a big sigh and sits straighter on the chair, "You may leave now. It's late, we can continue this tomorrow," she says to him.
The lawyer collects his papers and pens, putting them into his briefcase, looking impatient to get out of here.
Kim has been eerily quiet. She comes back after sending off the lawyer, she then drinks her glass of water just so she can fill the glass with liquor next.
"I tried to stop it, Kim," you tell her.
She looks at you as she drains her first drink and refills it with more liquor.
"Honest I did," you assure her, feeling like a failure that you let down everyone, billions of them.
"Enough!" Kim snaps, throwing the glass she's holding at the wall and it's breaking into pieces, glimmering under the fluorescent light.
"You have to trust me. You have—"
Kim slams her hands down on the table, "Enough with this nonsense!"
You understand that it's a lot to take in, not to mention that she's upset and tired. You try again even though you know it's going to be another fruitless effort, "I know that you think I'm crazy, Kim, listen to me..."
"No!" She cuts you off with another slam of hands on the table.
"I told you to take your medicine!" She screams at you until her voice is strained.
You admit that you haven't taken your medicine the last few days but that doesn't mean you made everything up. You remember taking them and still seeing Minho which doesn't prove that you made it all up.
Then it hits you that the reason why she always reminds you to take your meds is not because she cares, it's because she thinks you are crazy.
"You're just like everyone else..." you meekly say.
You didn't know you're crying until you touch your cheeks and they are wet with tears, "You think I'm crazy..."
Kim doesn't say anything but goes to your room and returns with your bottle of pills in her hand. She uncaps the bottle and lets the contents spill onto the table.
"If you had taken all of these pills..." she says, letting the empty bottle roll across the dining table, "All of these wouldn't have happened!"
You take the bottle and see your name written on it, seeing all the pills scattered on the table, you realize how many days you have gone without them.
This is when your reality starts to distort. You don't what's real or not anymore. Did you make it all up? And if it's real then where's Minho?
"I—" You look around for any signs of him, of his figure, or the sight of his red hair.
"I'm not..." you pause to wipe the tears pooling in your eyes, "...not lying."
The only way to prove everything is by showing Kim that you have only a few minutes left until the world is burning and comes to an end.
You look at the clock on the wall and the time shows that you only have less than two minutes to midnight, "Not long now," you mutter.
You look at Kim and tell her, "Know that I tried to stop it."
Kim grips the edge of the table and lets out a long sing, having enough of all of it, "Just... stop," she says through her gritted teeth.
"It's coming..."
You clasp your hands together in front of you and push it close to your mouth, nothing prepares you for what's coming. You close your eyes as you keep listening to the ticking of the clock that intensifies with each passing second.
Tick, tick, tick...
It's midnight and you open your eyes to look at the clock to make sure of it.
The needle has ticked past midnight and you look around to see that nothing happens. You hesitate to get up from your chair and look through the window to see that the world looks exactly how it usually looks like.
A single tear escapes the corner of your eyes and rolls down your cheek, you feel faint all of a sudden. Other than that, you feel like questioning everything you know.
Are you crazy just like everyone said you are? You ask yourself.
Your legs are wobbling, you collapse onto the chair as the answer hits you.
Maybe you are crazy.
Kim turns away, possibly holding herself back from screaming at you and telling you how right she was all along.
When she turns around to face you again, she looks frustrated by you and the whole situation, but mostly by you to the point that she can't look at your face anymore.
She walks to the sofa to retrieve her handbag and then stands at the end of the dining table, "I'll... see you tomorrow," she says.
She then heads to the door and the sound of her closing the door echoes in the big space, leaving you to process everything on your own.
A moment later, you get up from your chair and walk over to the window, looking at the world that seems so small to you from up here.
And tonight, the view makes you feel smaller than you already are.
Then you hear sirens blaring in the distance. You turn around and see him there, sitting on the chair you sat on earlier with his hands on the table.
"Hey..." Minho says with an apparent sadness in his eyes.
It doesn't matter anymore whether people think you're crazy or not, now that the world is ending, you're just glad that he's there with you.
"I failed," you can hear your heart breaking inside your chest as you said it.
He inhales air and then lets it out, "Yeah, well... me too so that's that," he says.
He turns the chair to face you and puts his leg over the other, "Just got word that they're casting me out."
Minho doesn't look like he's delivering bad news with a smirk dancing on his face, "so... eternal oblivion it is," he finishes.
To say that you're disappointed with yourself would be an understatement, you are devastated. Not only that you failed the billions of people from raging flames, but also Minho.
"I'm so sorry," you sincerely tell him.
Minho gets quiet. He then gets up from his chair and walks up to you. He looks at your face and stares deeply into your eyes, he seems to have something to say to you.
You look back at him and patiently wait for him to say whatever he wants to say to you.
"Do you want to come with me?" He asks.
"What?" You ask in utter confusion.
"That's where I've been, checking the small print," he says, placing his hands on each side of his waists, "The rules don't cover it."
He takes a step closer toward you and continues speaking, "There's another loophole, apparently."
He looks at the view outside as the world slowly stirs into chaos with the sounds of sirens blaring everywhere, exactly like he showed you that night.
"They don't say anything about a human companion," he explains, then slyly smiles before talking again, "So, I mean... you could come with."
The offer comes so sudden and you remember how he talks about this place that he tried so hard to not fail his initiation.
"To eternal oblivion?" You ask for confirmation.
He scrunches his nose, "It's much worse than that," he says.
The sheer enthusiasm you have fades away with his answer, perhaps it would be bearable when you have him with you, wherever it is.
"It's with me," Minho adds with a playful smirk.
Well, the choice is here or there, but you can't have him here. You look at the world then at him.
"I'll give it a go," you say with a smile.
A smile rises on his face too, a smile that shines brighter than the fire that is about to engulf the whole world. He takes another step, closing in the gap between your bodies.
At the same time, an explosion occurred at the end of the horizon and it's so bright it's blinding you.
Now you know that it's the end of the world from how everything falls into place and in the end, nothing matters anymore. It doesn't matter that they choose not to trust you and think you're crazy.
What matters now is the one that sticks with you to the very end.
Minho takes your hand and intertwines it with yours, "It's going to be alright now."
You look at him and hold his hand back, everywhere it is, you can't wait to spend eternity with him.
Together, you're walking hand-in-hand, leaving the world as it goes up in flames and into the oblivion you go, forever more.
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mtkay13 · 7 months
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Gonna post TWO hoboxus today because I CAN! (still desperately trying to catch up with my twitter posts LOL help I'm terrible at this)
From a meme based on art by KOTTERI, the author of Veil (among amazing other things). Find them on twitter @_K0TTERl_!
More musing below, as per usual! (Be ready it's a LONG one again)
I really hesitated with how I wanted to do this. The original had this gorgeous red poster that seemed like a perfect fit for WKX:
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Either I went for the imagery of ZZS wistfully gazing upon the mysterious and eccentric WKX, which would definitely have been more aesthetic and undeniably fitting, or I went the semi-humorous route of channelling the "WKX fell for that ugly hobo and his gorgeous shoulder blades" meme-ified side of their dynamic.
Well, clearly that's where I ended up going, but I feel like explaining a bit.
For me, this picture was three-folds:
First part is the meme; it's kind of funny, kind of ridiculous, and sets the tone of what TYK starts off as; rather absurd, with its reasonable dose of dark humor, and the (at first seemingly improbable) meeting and love story between a silly dying hobo and a strange, suspicious, hedonistic gentleman. It felt thematically appropriate for TYK to twist the original image and put the obviously uglier one on the poster since TYK relies heavily on genre subversion to begin with.
Secondly, there is WKX. So, controversial opinion (/jk) but I don't think WKX was necessarily convinced or even really thought that ZZS was "a beauty" underneath his alleged mask. It was probably a mix of various feelings and teasing/provoking which lead to this joke. First, everything he expresses throughout the book and in extra 4; the fascination for this man who seemed too hide great strength and was of no known identity--who was probably more than what he seemed.
(I'm gonna push it just a little bit ((but isn't that the fun of literary interpretation)), but the "beauty under the mask" is not only physical. It could be a way to say, I think that beneath your raunchy, ridiculous attitude, beneath your gross appearance, beneath the pretense that you're a nobody, that you're a peasant, you're probably someone of great importance and great accomplishments, someone much stronger than you pretend to be--someone like me, perhaps, even. The shoulder blades references are, besides of course WKX *actually* noticing them, the observation of how ZZS moves, of how agile his body is, etc...)
Anyway-- the entire point of this intro is to say that to me, this isn't actually referring to that whole side of their dynamic (or not entirely), but rather to that passage that I am STILL OBSESSED WITH where Wen Kexing recognizes ZZS just from the way he's sitting in a restaurant, and that makes him feel things not entirely positive:
Zhou Zishu stepped into an inn alone. He chose a seat by a window, ordered a few side dishes and a jug of mulled rice wine, and drank it slowly while soaking in the sunshine. As soon as Wen Kexing walked in, he saw Zhou Zishu from behind. He didn’t know why, but he thought that this view was quite special—he could always pick it out of a crowd. Zhou Zishu did not sit with his back straight. Most of the time, he lounged indolently at an angle that looked exceptionally comfortable. Wen Kexing thought that it seemed as though nothing weighed on him; seeing him was enough to ease the heart. Wen Kexing unconsciously halted his steps. He stared at Zhou Zishu’s relaxed silhouette for a while, with no trace of an expression in his face or eyes. His heart swelled with some strange feeling—strange, in that it was no feeling at all. He felt as though this man was mocking him with this wordless posture; he who rushed around for one thing or another, who was burdened with so many cares, yet obstinately put on a devil-may-care persona. Zhou Xu—as carefree as duckweed, he thought, with a body like willow catkins. In all the world, with its boundless perspectives, where could you find someone who walked their path alone and never allowed anything to trouble them? Yet he was not apathetic—he had his joy, his anger, his sorrow—and they came in a flash as quickly as they went. Within the blink of an eye, he had forgotten it already.
(Tian Ya Ke, chapter 18, TL by Lianzi) (have I quoted this already??? If not I should have I love this passage so much)
From the moment he'd noticed his shoulderblades, felt this rush of excitement, to when he'd started liking who Zhou Zishu was, when he'd thought——so this is the Commander of Tian Chuang. Suddenly, he'd felt as if he'd met his other self. Both of them, lone wolves caught in a hunter's trap, struggling for freedom to no avail, until they had resolved to coldly gnawing off their own legs in the end. He'd felt compelled to follow him around, watched him, until he suddenly realised—if Zhou Zishu could live like this, then surely, so could he?
(Full passage in this other post LOL)
So yes, THIS. Those two things. That's it. Need I say more? HAH OF COURSE I DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO (help)
More seriously--the way WKX is captivated by ZZS' apparent carefreeness and freedom, all the different feelings (or absence thereof, as he puts it, which I interpret as so distant from what he's used to feel that it almost feels like nothing at all) is what I was going for here.... By not showing his face at all LMAO
The envy, the frustration--the impression of being mocked, but also the longing, how it inspired him to follow along and try to be free like he was.
-cough- yes, so that was point 2 out of 3.
Now lastly, about ZZS himself and my representation of him as hoboxu. I think (?) I've written enough about him that I think I can keep this succint. I love how priest often makes a point of expliciting, in the book, how he's so often smiling, and how he's always incredibly energetic in the morning, as if the night of pain had never happened. I like to think that hoboxu is both a carricature of a ridiculous character that ZZS has fun embodying---but also a liberated expression of his deeper self.
WKX feels like he's mocking him, but ZZS is also mocking himself relentlessly, when he feels like the outside resembles the inside finally, when he feels ridiculous in these new robes, when he allows himself the most outrageous behavior---and then there's mocking life itself, mocking jianghu, mocking everything that he nonetheless deeply cherishes. It's almost... gently mocking, affectionate mocking of everything because his own life has become a joke yet he's still going to enjoy it to the fullest--drinking to his heart's content, rolling in the mud and visiting touristy sites (or so he intended).
In the end... the world is still in his own hands. He chose everything, chose the way he lived, the way he (would have) died and still has the power to dissappear at will--but he stays. Stays and endures what he pretends annoys him, because he can't help himself, because he's ridiculous and is aware of it and may as well have some fun while being so.
I can't seem to ever have enough of this, of this vibe. I wanted to have him laugh at and with WKX, at and with the people seeing him, at and with himself, at and with the narrative.
SO YEAH HAH THATS HUM THAT'S IT. You know what they say, it's only a fun meme if there's an essay behind it (noone says that help 😭😭😭😭)
I hope you had fun reading it and have a nice weeked 🤪
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Title: Holy Light.
Pairing: Biblically Accurate!Yandere!Angel x Reader.
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Spiratial Non/Con (?), Religious Imagery, Body Transformation, and Slight Blasphemy.
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At some point, it’d gotten into your head that this may be what euphoria is supposed to feel like.
It would have to be a cruel type of euphoria, if that were true – if anything could be true in a place like this. The colors were too harsh, made stark and oversaturated by a light not quite any you’d ever seen before. You couldn’t tell what you were resting on, if you were elevated or suspended or simply floating on solid air, but it was too soft, too stiff, a bed carved from glass and bone and all things joyful. Your skin seemed to pulse, to burn in the space between muscle and tissue, the source of your pain as unidentifiable as the one inflicting it onto you, as the color of the sky above your head and the depth of the fire-laden pits that plummeted below your feet, home to a world’s worth of abominations that seemed to slip into your mind and rot with so much as a glance towards their chasms. Those, at least, were grounding in their hideousness. Ugliness could be believed. Beauty to such a violent extent was not meant so comprehensible.
Beauty. Was this really beauty? It felt beautiful. You wanted it to be beautiful, as the way the open sea could be beautiful when there was no land to interrupt the endless waves. You hated it. You thought you hated it, at least, hated the way your eyes throbbed in your skull, loathed those little gaps of bliss that seemed to fester between your conscious thoughts. You couldn’t even call it righteous suffering, because you weren’t suffering, because this could never be suffering. It was ecstasy. It was perfection, sharp and terrible and agonizing.
“Divine creature. Lovely little one. Sweetest miracle of the flesh.” It wasn’t a voice, because the being speaking had no mouth, no body you could see nor any that you wanted to. It reverberated in your mind like chapel bells, piercing your consciousness like cleansing fire and burning all else away. Every word was another golden braid draped over your heart, wrapped around your lungs, strung through veins with all the delicacy of a needle penetrating cloth. You may’ve choked on it, if you’d still been able to feel your throat. You could’ve, if it would only let you. “What does my drop of sunlight desire?”
Something shifted underneath you – feathers, you realized, each vane its own perfect, snow-white arc. When you glanced down, you found that they stretched as far as your eye could see, blotting out anything beneath you into a dense coagulation of pin-straight barbs and silver shafts. They seemed to go on forever, interlocked and overlapping, no wings to keep them bound together or a body to make use of such an excessive collection. Except… Except there were wings, outstretched and arched upward, and there was a body too, only it wasn’t a body, only it was, only it couldn’t—
“Bliss? Pleasure beyond the mortal realm?” There was no body, because that voice could never belong to anything with flesh and blood. Pure, rolling heat washed over you, leaving a scorching sort of warmth searing into your body, your skin, your soul. Something deep in your chest clenched, tightening to a painful degree, and in a childish attempt to escape it, you rolled onto your side, pulling your knees into your chest and curling into yourself. Feathers danced against your bare skin, but you couldn’t begin to imagine how you would start to get away from them. “Would you like to join us, precious one?” It went on, oblivious or simply neglectful to your pleas for it to stop. “Would you like to rise into the celestial? Would you like to be of paradise?”
You didn’t answer. You couldn’t. Your mouth wouldn’t open, unwilling to give the light another place to infest, and you weren’t sure you had the strength to move your tongue. In place of anything coherent, a cracked sob bubbled up from the core of your stomach, muffled behind sealed lips and grit teeth. Your vision blurred, but you didn’t realize tears were rolling down your cheeks until two wings ascended from the flurry, forming a makeshift shell around you. It was supposed to be comforting. You knew that intrinsically, as a songbird knew when it was about to be caught and left in a cage. You knew that it was meant to be soothing, and you knew it wasn’t. “Why does my precious one anguish so?”
Why wouldn’t you? Were you not supposed to be in pain? Did the mothers left in the valleys not cry out in agony as their sons were taken to the mountaintops? Were sinners turned to salt and stone not meant as warnings most to those who once loved them? Did the virgin not shed tears when He came to her with a request she had no choice but to fulfill? Would He have loved her, if she hadn’t?  
You shut your eyes, but that didn’t help. Light played behind your eyelids like an ever-blossoming kaleidoscope, patterns of watchers and rings and blazing swords fighting past the darkness. Blindly, you clawed at your face, attempting to stave off the burning ache settling between the fibers of your creation, to take what was slowly twisting and coiling in your mind and get it away from you. There was only a hum, deep enough to leave you screaming in pain, and then, the being spoke, its wings closing tighter around you. “Of course. You aren't as one of us should be.” And then, as you began to taste blood on the back of your throat. “I will correct you, if that is what you wish.”
It was immediate, instant. Bone tearing through the skin of your hips and shoulder blades, flesh hardening and smoothing over where it was meant to be soft and textured, teeth sharpening behind lips and limbs cracking into new formations and claws sprouting from nailbeds. You coughed up blood, then viscera in writhing clumps, then when you had no more to give, something bright and golden that tasted like ash as it fell past your lips. White feathers were soon painted in shades of scarlet and ichor, but the creature didn’t seem to care, to feel remorse. How would it? What sympathy could a falcon ever feel for the insect thrown off-course by the movement of its wings?
“Drop of sunlight,” Low, deafening, as terrible as knives on glass and as lovely as wind through cattails. It was all you could do to tremble, ready to crumble under the weight of yourself, of what could not be you, anymore.
It was all you could do to smile, as you finally found to strength to open your eyes.
“Is it not beautiful?”
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