viaphni · 21 days
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I adore ore quest dark with every fiber of my soul
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2faced-carnival · 2 months
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bugsinthebayou · 2 years
i don’t. like painkillers my brain doesnt trust them :( and I don’t know which one I have to take for this sunce I enver use tgem
ough that sucks :((((
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wizardyke · 2 years
robin & sanji both have ptsd (robin has cptsd, more specifically) and often catch eachother awake after night terrors. sanji will stress cook and robin will eat it, or they'll both have coffee/tea to mellow it out. either way, they end up sat in the kitchen in knowing silence together and understand that whether they want to talk about it or not, theyre not alone anymore
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boimgfrog · 3 years
some nagimitsu hcs for you:
when they watch stuff just the two of them nagi always has his head in mitsukis lap.
sometimes when mitsuki makes food for nagi he makes it heart shaped or cocona shaped and nagi gets Very excited about it
mitsuki indulging nagis infodumps <333
when either of them are sleepy they become Very clingy and just silently prod at the other until they give them cuddles and then they fall asleep and its nice
nagi buys mitsuki endless gifts. whether theyre practical or just decorative or just random shit he just buys and gives mitsuki so much stuff. mitsuki will always say he doesnt need it and that hes going to give it away but he can never part with them and has them all in a drawer in his dresser
They make me
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